Live: AMD RX 5700 XT Liquid Nitrogen Overclocking

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It's unfortunate that not everyone can speak German, Igor's video on WC 5700XT is pretty good.

This guy is part of the old guard, he knows what he's doing.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

I see he's still banging that same ole drum.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/q_thulu 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies


Lackluster overclocking potential even with overvolting and SPPT mod. Went from 9450'ish stock up to 10650'ish with max stable overclock. 12.5%'ish total.

Don't expect "Igor type" miracles without LN2. As usual YMMV, silicon lottery and all that jazz.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Whatever070__ 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Hmm, did he say the max they reached on mem was 915mhz? I'm probs missing something, but reviewers have gotten the Pulse to 950mhz without breaking a sweat

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/mainguy 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

It's hard to follow what's going on without a focus on the bench monitor. The stream could benefit from multi source display.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Old_Miner_Jack 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
okay okay I think we should be live so this is just gonna be a 5,700 XT OC stream I think it should be live at this point and I think we left the yes this is still set up correctly so let me know if you can hear me okay and yeah today we're just gonna overclock the 5700 XT I haven't done much with liquid nitrogen on this card yet I pre tested it for about an hour last night and it works but I don't know what kind of clocks we're gonna get I don't really know how well the software works with this setup so we'll try all that today not gonna go super hard with this one but we'll spend a couple hours on it and see where we get so yeah that's the it's the 5700 XT as people kind of fill in to chat I guess I'll tweet out the link and tell you about the setup we're using if we are live with 5700 XT ln2 overclocking ok so the setup is really simple basically we're just using an hour our GPU test bench so I'm not doing anything crazy I mean if we wanted to do like records we'd use that 3175 X over there but where she isn't in a DAT 6k focusing solely on GPU today no CPU scores at all and we're just gonna see how this thing clocks once I get a better feel for that the next step will be maybe a stream with something different so we could do like 31 75 X plus 57 or XT or maybe a better combo because we're not to capped on CPU here would be to grab our 3900 X and run that at like five point two or something with the 5700 XT I didn't get the 3900 X to five point two and some applications with actually Jo's help and jozin chat right now your did hardware so I that's probably next up first we're gonna see how this thing does though and learn how it works and it looks like people are filling in so what switches on the keyboard I don't know brown cherry I think I don't know I don't remember who makes the switches for these so yeah welcome to chat and welcome Joe of course Joe was supposed to come up here at some point in the next couple weeks I think so we can do a stream with him when that happens maybe Joe maybe if you're still in chat what we can do is the 5700 XT here or a kingpin card with the 3900 X and and just Ellen to overclock both of them for that once you pod on this I just have it's an ek critical point it's an old Allen teapot that they made I didn't know they made them until they sent it just with some other stuff they sent and I'm really glad they sent it because the only one I have that fits this thing the other one I have is the kingpin Ellen teapot and that fits not this mounting hole placement at least not with the brackets I have so yes so it's the critical point by ek I don't think they even sell it anymore but it works well enough for this the Thanos the die is kind of small and the power is not that high compared to something like a 20 atti so even though the Ellen teapot is not the best we've worked with it's kind of like lower mass there's not a lot of surface area in there in spite of those things it still works fine because the die is not pulling that much power down comparatively to other ones so it actually does cool down really fast still so yeah that's the Ellen teapot to answer that question and then we had some questions of is an anniversary edition no this is actually just the straight reference 5700 XT I really wanted to use the Sapphire card for this because the the problem with this one the specific unit that we have is the memory just wasn't that good and that's luck of the draw whereas our 5700 not XT has memory that can do like I think it was 925 or 9:30 and then our sapphire card can do 950 sometimes 940 pretty much all the time so yeah unfortunately we can't use the staff card because it's got these two capacitors on it that right up here that onto pot will not will not clear those so if I wanted to clear those we'd have to do a hard mod and relocate them which is not in my wheelhouse so it's something Joe or builds or I could easily do it's not something like I really know how to do so that's why we're not using that card even though I really want to they're just in the way of the mounting but this one is actually completely clear which is awesome so let's see anything in chat well I keep overclocking to 110 degrees Celsius if you keep cooling it perpetually probably not that's so we'll see so yeah anyway we can kind of get started here it's an ad 86 K I think type 5.0 or 5.1 and yeah that's all we're gonna do for the host platform pretty simple bill one chavo five dollars thank you said love your stuff what cpu just answer that but not a seven-night exe it's an ad 86 K X 47 $4 70 cents good luck to hood yes we'll probably need it so I don't have a lot of experience with this card okay and then I'll also mention for today this is we're actually gonna close the sales for this shirt today so last chance is during the stream once the stream is over it's gone it won't be for sale anymore so the wireframe shirt the foil one is on store documents X has done that if you want to pick it up I'll try and shout it out during the stream no guarantees on that depend on how much I'm doing at once but I'll try it too and after the stream you won't be able to buy it anymore so that'll be it for the wireframe shirt alright it's kind of cool that I can I can see when you're zooming in or not because I can see the the lens like moving ok let's get started on this so I'm going to be using a walk through the bench I guess of course are a X 1600 I I positioned the fan of it specifically on this side because I don't want it to suck in a bunch of ln2 vapor and you get condensation and the power supply so that was intentional and the board is a Maximus ten CPUs and 8086 K cards 5700 XT reference design from AMD we've got a just an NZXT air fan I think it's a 140 positioned in a way that it can just kind of I have a twist tied here to a clamp you can see it's very good engineering and that's just designs or placed it's not really designed its place to blow that air that Ellen to vapor away from the CPU because I haven't insulated this board at all so there's no Vaseline or anything on it we're trying not to kill the board today if the card dies that's fine it's easy to replace relatively but I'd rather not have that happen either the biggest concern we're gonna have is with the memory freezing so I don't have a memory heater for this thing like I do for the KP card and that's that's going to cause a problem as we get cold so I can't really bring this down below like minus 100 and that's because I think the memory starts getting too cold so I'll need only Joey's help on that when he comes up to visit probably so that's the basics of it for the insulation I just have some blue shop towel here and on the back of it in case I miss when I'm pouring and for a allant for condensation drip as the Ellen teapot freezes over and again that's an ek critical point one I don't think they sell it anymore but yeah that is the that's a bench for salt or we're gonna use this more power tool that I found on igor's website you are formerly Tom's Hardware de now igor labs stop media so i found this on his site and it allows us to change some of the limits i think we're still gonna be voltage limited this kind of maxes out at like 1350 or something but we'll play around with this later and then got the temperature reading here so we're at 26 currently i guess we might as well open gpu-z and just kind of show what that correlates to once we go below zero GPZ will no longer work for this so gbz is reading 28 for the GPU temperature and the Ellen teapots reading 26 it's actually really good but that Delta will widen as we cool it down so that's uh that's the setup any questions in chat right now just join did we get to infinity yet not yet and then let me check if there's any short is on pre-order why because we have a limited allocation of these and we need to figure out what sizes everyone wants because the first time we did these we end up with a good amount of extra smalls left over and I don't want that to happen oh yes so we take the orders and then we take the allocation we divide it into the sizes that everyone buys that way we can accommodate everyone's size up to I think we can do 4x with these and down to XS extra small without ending up with a bunch of extras or without like having the biggest problem big is pain in the ass the shirts is you always end up with something left over in some size and I feel like if I over buy large because I think everyone's gonna buy a medium large and extra large then we end up still selling out of those and we have a bunch of other sizes left over so that's why it's on a on a pre-order that way we can actually allocate the sizes to fit everyone's needs within our sizing capabilities all right so I need to pour some liquid nitrogen into the containers thermoses Steve isn't Ellen to a heavier than Oh tears replacing the power supply below the bench doesn't make any sense well doesn't really matter cuz I'm not important the liquid nitrogen on the the power supply but yeah the the nitrogen gas will kind of sink down a bit but this is blowing it up and away and then whatever spills over the side for the most part it's not gonna get sucked in here I mean it's um yes but there's also a plastic shield in there between the fan and the grill so we'll be fine I've done this before it's it's not not an issue and I also can't really place the power supply above the bench so that's what we're doing so yeah this is the Dewar it's got maybe 20 liters of Allen 2 in it and to my left is a 180 I'm gonna talk while I do this because otherwise it's really loud on the mic my left is a 180 liter cylinder that we can maybe show off got another one next to that they are pretty full one of them is maybe 150 liters left the other ones should be about 170 with the leakage and for people who haven't seen these streams before where did I oh we have a few tools so Dewar 30 litre Dewar the Allens who gets into if you've heard this sorry but I'll be quick Allen's he gets into here through the transfer hose which is this thing so that's transfer hose these are actually really expensive it's like 400 bucks but you hook this up to the cylinder and then you like close this really hard loosen the valve if you can Joe taught me you hold on to it while doing so so that it doesn't fly up and hit you in the face I think they actually actually gave us a high-pressure tank for this one and that's a 22 psi tank which is what I want but higher pressure tanks kind of annoying sorry it's gonna be loud for a second so it'll quiet down though so that's the balance he eventually stabilizes and comes out at a more even pace Durer it quiets down after a bit there's your Allen - and that hose will get very cold in a seconds a bit of a delay on that but yes that's how it comes out and then how much does the nitrogen cost you really good and common questions so I think those are 177 dollars each before like before delivery in taxes they're 177 each delivery cost a bit too and then we rent the tanks till we give them back which there's I don't know what that costs either right now but yeah so we're in 77 th someone Chad said better to use it as fast as possible which is true as well you really don't want these around like we've had these for maybe two weeks now and we've you lose some through leakage that one's slowly leaking off you can hear it and that's because they're pressurized and if the pressure is detected as too high by the sensor then the valve will open and it'll leak the nitrogen gas so that it doesn't explode so it's expected but it doesn't mean that you lose some of your your alan to which is obviously unfortunate okay so that's answered and then let's pour a couple more of these these thermoses I'm using these are just Stanley Cups on Amazon they're nothing special it's not like it's advertised as an Ln two container or anything like that but it is good at it these were Joe's recommendation I just copied him and bought what he has here did hardware if you don't know who he is as for a another common question and I know a lot of you have heard this spiel before but when it comes to you know safety questions I guess like does it does it hurt when it gets on your skin the demo that we give a lot is this if it just kind of hits you it will evaporate right away or fall off its when it soaks that it hurts so if you were to pour that into your shoe and soak your sock in it then that would be suboptimal but up until that point it's it doesn't really hurt so you'll feel like stain a little bit but not a painful way just like oh that was really cold for a split second and then if you do soak in it like if you use put your hand down in a pool of it or something it'll burn so you end up with burns like if you put your hand on a stove same idea it's minus 196 degrees Celsius for the temperature I probably we're only at 30 so it's actually not that hot right now I just might know Alan to being in there well just that fan is blowing that too all over the mousepad put a bit in there so anyway GN waste more liquid nitrogen proving the chat that you don't need gloves to handle it yes that is what we're doing as I've said before the gloves the cryo gloves for this are really thick you don't want to use like leather gloves for it so you use cryo gloves for it and then you have no more dexterity like it's impossible to handle anything without spilling it all over yourself so it's safer to not use that alright what drivers you using for the card I think the ones from like they're fairly recent I don't know July 31st or August early August or something okay let's let's start messing around with it does the mod mat work has a mousepad you can use it as one we don't necessarily recommend it I mean I use them because we have them everywhere but it's a grippy surface so it's meant for like you know gripping the screws and stuff you put down and if you like more friction when you're moving the mouse it's fine if you want a smoother surface then we have mouse pads instead for that so I think we should do a baseline run here and we're gonna go ahead and I guess just close GPZ will run I think we'll just do tiredness by a non extreme today and times by graphics only I'm not gonna get this super cold we're just gonna get cold enough to run and make sure everything's reset and wat man and everything and then we'll run a baseline and see what kind of numbers we're starting with and then we can plot as they go up is your angle okay on the screen Andrew okay cool d.smith I treat my patients skin cancers with Ellen - it is certainly capable of doing that scrolled up significant harm not to be treated as harmless yes that's definitely true it is used in in medical so there's actually medical grade Alan - they ask us if we want to buy every time but it's also not as if quite as dangerous as a lot of people think for this kind of stuff I mean I don't know anything about the medical ease so we're just gonna put a bit in there I think that fan might be a little too fast for this because it just spraying the hunt to you like before I can get it into the pot but we're just bring that down to like maybe zero and that's it and we'll run it I've got a torch as well a common thing that Joe likes the demo is is there oxygen still in the room because the nitrogen gas does displace oxygen first of all this is a giant room so that's not an issue there's active air conditioning running so not an issue but if you were concerned your benchmark in like a really small room or something then the question is can you still light a torch and if you can't then there's no oxygen in there although we didn't was that in the EVGA one where we did that like he explained all that and then I went to light the torch and nothing happened because it was locked that was like good get out of the room alright so yeah we're just I'm just running it at like five degrees right now and that's that's gonna be it we're not trying to actually do any overclocking I haven't changed any settings it's running basically stock at the moment so we're gonna let that complete and that'll give us a baseline number okay so yeah that's our Alan teapot temperature right there it's about eight degrees right now I will be using more power but I'm not currently it is it is currently just 0% power offset no changes to the frequency anything like that we have not hit infinite frequency yet but I'm sure we can no beardo hardware he was in chat for a bit but he I don't know if he's still hanging out or not but he'll he'll he'll come by in the next couple weeks he's gonna be driving up through here so we'll be able to accommodate another hopefully with CPU and GPU simultaneously both AMD ideally for his visit so as far as installation you can see the blue shop towel which is catching some of the overspray when the fans blowing it past that on to pot and then the Vaseline is on the card so I've got that on the MOSFETs on the memory on the back of the card and ice will actually build up like crystal ice on the back of the GPU direct the opposite of it and that's why we have the Vaseline on there to prevent it from shorting out as that turns into water and the best thing with Allan tubers is when we were doing chilled water is that it does turn into ice and so the condensation concerns are minimized greatly compared to chilled water it just freezes and stays in place alright oh bearded hardware is still here see some super chats Juan Vargus hol up hol up we dem boys I think is what that says manjushri $5 I just got my reference with the 700 C I've heard the G 12 crack and bracket doesn't work any info on that I'm actually not sure I haven't tried that one that's kind of a bit of a higher baseline than I thought but not bad I know that the Arctic coolers do those old Arctic they called them hybrids and there's a hybrid 140 that we use in our mod and the there's a hybrid 120 there's two 40s they have air coolers that's like what is it called like Exelero dual accelerate or something so you can use those they have the same hole spacing if the g12 isn't working and I haven't tested that that the Arctic stuff does it's just it's a bit harder to find these days so I'm gonna write down our baseline this was just at like maybe 20 degrees Celsius or so between 5 and 20 it's kind of sloppy on that currently at 2:00 but and score was 94 61 and then no changes so that's our baseline and 57 xt notes let's see another super chat bill on chalo $4.20 stocks benchmarking and gaming $5 good luck overclocking may your times be low and scores bhai we'll see hopefully they are Daniel Silva $5 thank you for your authentic reporting I love your videos great work thank you for supporting it ok so let's do some basic stuff here will do I think I have a Power Plate table mod on here right now we can do more though but we'll start with whatever's on here and power yeah there you go so we can bring it oh I actually have it a modified at the moment so we're up to 99 90s kind of the highest default one you can push it up a bit more than that but let's just set that to 90 and leave the memory alone at the moment the memories gonna be the most important for score unfortunately this card's really limited the memory on here kind of stops around 900 but we'll try it later and I'm actually going to leave score alone and see if only increasing the power allowance and decreasing the temperature does anything for us so let's pull the card down - I don't know maybe - 70 - 80 somewhere in that range and then we'll start the next run so it's a pretty small Allen teapot as you can see and the fan is pretty fast that's it's blowing a bit of it over but later on me we can do a top-down shot of the soup pot on a torch it at some point after it gets cooled down a bit we'll torch it try and create some ice crystal ink infant Tommy create some ice crystals in the pot by torching it after it's maybe - 40 - 60 range and bring it back up and then that'll give us a more reactive Allen teapot so as we pour in there it'll evaporate quicker some more surface area from ice crystals is how he explained it to me I don't know the exact science behind it but but it does help increase the rate the Fallon's you soak because right now it kind of like starts bubbling there in the top and what we want is it to evaporate as fast as possible to bring the temperature down so we'll torch it to help with that you've got a super chat from wishbone good to see you here two dollars if smk can make next-gen why can't sega i don't know i think you asked about that last time and patrick and i were unaware of this even being a thin I have no idea it may be licensing is probably to deal with it I'm not sure who owns all those licenses these days or maybe cycle just doesn't care and they make more off the licensing them I do off making first party Hardware here did hardware 199 have to run slacker KP comes Monday 3900 X came now he already had a kingpin card so I guess Jo is your first one officially dead is it is that it it's done that poor mod Knight has taken so much abuse yes it certainly has that's holding up great that's the purpose of it Steve stop being lazy and saw a better memory on it all right whatever we're at minus 53 now so I'll bring it down a little more and then torch it and then we'll get going Patrick 2e do we have any of those fan resistor cables or can you grab one for me if we have it on a slow this fan down without going into BIOS oh I'm being told Jo did kill his CCO saying it's dunsky so Jose KP is is dunsky I guess that's unfortunate the first ever KP dunsky no so we don't use them thank you I only need one for this so these are like knocked was low-noise fan cables or whatever they call them they just have resistors in them and we taped over them so we don't accidentally use them for testing when we need a hundred percent speeds but now that's causing problems okay there we go so my plan is to plug this into that NZXT fans loving to screw with BIOS all right so it's at minus eighty and this is almost off let's torch the hell onto pot a bit magical lets you finish pulling that tape off it's pretty close if you don't mind so we're gonna bring this to like minus forty that'll just give us some unplug the fan for this that'll give us some extra room for or some some faster soak time for the liquid nitrogen so we're just gonna torch this down under Bernadotte let's call it minus fifty we'll split the difference of the two numbers I said minus fifty heat it up a bit but it is there's minus 50 let's go a little lower actually getting some crystals forming in there which is what we want for some we're Ellen to and now we can start running this thing and I filled it up that time yes do not try at home I reckon that statement oh good bearded hardware says a new kingpin card came so I'm not sure if he paid for it or not but I'm guessing now in which case it pays to pays to know events if you're a Joe because from what I've what I've been told Joe is notorious for killing Hardware there Bowers said it Vince has said it I said Vince what's your favorite thing about Joe and he said oh I don't know he kills motherboards and Roman says that he kills CPUs thank you you just will tape over this again later yeah do we know how much this lowers the noise no okay we just plugged it in and decided to never use it again so it's a Knox what calls them low noise cables it's a cable with a resistor in it so it slowed down the fan of it which will help with the pouring all right yeah so let's bring it down or actually we're pretty close to ready let's just hit run and get this there's no overclocking all I've done is increase the power target and I said it I think that's all I did increase the power target so we're just gonna see if the power target increase alone gets us anything here for frequency just based on the boosting behavior of the card it will boost pursuant to power thermal and other parameters like VF silicon Fitness stuff like that but thermal and power the first two that we hit that is actually I brought it down a bit too cold it might crash if the memory freezes super chat bearded hardware $1.99 I kill everything he says faff about $5 IKEA says to infinity and beyond mister me $5 you should put a buzz light your sticker on the reference shroud so we've got two related comments did it freeze maybe I brought it to cold two related comments I agree though we should get a buzz let your sticker for the shroud and then Disney can do a copyright strike on us I hear that if they're very litigious I think it crashed I think I've brought it too cold I don't know okay it's just just just times by beam times by alright let's run that again good news is we didn't crash the system okay it's alive kind of oh there you go so right there it's got a shot of that just remember the the GPU well opportunistically and aggressively continue to boost until it hits sixty-five thousand four hundred eighty seven degrees Celsius so that is her our current temperature might be an accurate it's a bit sluggish right now I think it is too cold this current Senate kind of sensitive I've noticed some fire let's try that try that it's it back it is back okay cool so I brought it to cold will stay above minus 100 degrees then and also try not to torch the towel my son okay so I'll keep it up minus 84 this one maybe sixty-five thousand degrees Celsius is this real live no it's not it's pre-recorded so RTL asking and chat is this really live it's not but we didn't know you did post that comment that's literally the temperature of a blue hypergiant so it's 65 thousand four hundred eighty seven degrees Celsius is fine and within spec okay so we're just gonna wrap -70 let's keep it no lower than minus 84 now I was able to get it to about minus 100 last night but it does start doing some of that like freezing up in Windows because I'm thinking because the memory any like a memory heater on here to help with that the memory gets too cold and I can't can't do it okay haha see super chats we got $2 message retracted Mustaine's by Matt five dollars good to see you my sins my map says the 10 terabyte Seagate iron wolf is quote more bulletproof than the 1 terabyte WD blue I sent you do you want it for this set also LTX 2020 question mark I will be there and if you're there make sure you tell me who you are so I can thank you for I'm guessing it was you Mustangs bye Matt I think you sent this over so this said WD blue that if you were sent in it's quite sharp actually and we weren't sure if it was a threat or just a demonstration but there's a bullet hole in it if you I mean if you really shot a 10 terabyte iron wolf I'd be happy to have you to put it in the set background this one's been on the set background since we got it is that is that just a data destruction technique I guess tent-like a fun way to destroy the platters on the drive message from Dan law a $5 stream and game on a budget would you recommend there are five thirty six hundred and fifty seven hundred T or the B 450 tomahawk thirty six hundred RAM or go with Intel Nvidia stream and game on a budget I'm like in the thirty six hundred and the fifty seven hundred XTS the beam 450 tomahawk we have Noah she's recommending has been a good board but I have been told by a few people some people recommended I checked that whatever I guess MSI's subreddit maybe I've been told by a few people that the be 450 tomahawk has some kind of BIOS issues right now we haven't had those issues but we haven't done a ton of 3000 series on B Series boards so maybe do some research on those see if they might affect you but I'm fine with that recommendation definitely and then 36 hundreds I mean that's that's more than enough for the memory speedy come down if you want alright so no real changes here I I didn't just as a reminder didn't change anything in the clock setting so right like minus 81 during that run 9470 for the first score is 94 61 so no real changes other than all we did was increase power target which didn't do anything without the other changes the other actual overclocking so we need to do that and someone says the WD blue Drive looks like it was shot by a 45 I think Steve it's the approved it method to destroy data on platters I believe it shooting fish is probably a good idea for just trying to eat it I'm I'm quite positive it works well yes okay so let's leave that at 90 you still want no fan attached that's pointless well it's just should we just go to watt Manor out I guess why not it's bump that curve up a bit more aggressively and let's do like a 2200 maybe let's see how that runs at 1240 millivolts and we'll increase the voltage allowance later as a reminder the number you type in is not necessarily the number you get so actually it's not the number you get so if we type in 2200 here I guess I'll run one with gpu-z just to kind of demonstrate this if we type in 2100 or 2200 it's not the number it will run at score is not gonna be comparable this time moves come on windows someone in chat definitely just learned that you can do that and now they're gonna shake windows around on their desktop to emulate it so this score won't be comparable running it in windowed but it will allow us to see what gbz thinks the frequency is during this run so we're gonna boost it should run higher than what I type in on average because of running below ambient but yeah so actually it's not it's twenty one thirty let's call that and I typed in twenty two hundred so there's your demo now it is a curve here we could use afterburner but it does roughly the same thing just just for your information I know people are probably gonna ask about it so afterburner does do about the same thing even though you only have one number you can type in and the end result is that our overclock is not to point to you it's whatever this number average is out to be but the set is 2.2 so we'll go by that for use for now 2148 is roughly where it's running and this is chapatti monitoring the temperature this is at minus 50 we do need to be colder later but there's quick demo of that lets yeah the temperatures are are not accurate that's asking let's kill that let's kill this and set it to us to 2250 I think is one of the higher set numbers people have gotten for chilled water we're at 1240 millivolts so might need to bring that up let's run this and we'll drop it - it's just a minus 80 I need more Allen - one of the things you have to be careful of here is as the lip of the thermos freezes over you'll start getting water on there and you can actually end up going and pouring like a bunch of water into the Helen teapot which is bad because then you have a layer of water separating the copper from the liquid nitrogen point and above it and so you have to break it down at that point so we try not to allow that to happen alright so it is running I just said at the 2250 we're going to keep it out like - 70 80 range like I said at the beginning of the stream if you want to pick up the wireframe shirt that I'm wearing not literally this one but the same design this is the last time we're selling them we're gonna close sales after the stream and then we'll get them made to the sizes that people have ordered and send them all out to you as soon as those are done so you can pick it up on store dock here in Texas net its foil silver and blue and it's a wireframe logo and on the back we've got some polygon shards as well if you you want some kind of technical design that is a bit that you could you could wear in public and no one would know that it's a nerdy design hey Steve ms:i of 57 Ardex seam echo C is out you should review it we are working on more 5,700 X T's yes we are we are working on those okay some store purchases let me read a few of these I'm not gonna get all of them but if you buy something on the store I will try to shout it out depending on how much is going on won't always be able to do it but build go on from are you from Belgium louder voucher purchased a foil wireframe shirt I'm sorry for how I pronounced your name thank you for the support and then see we're at minus 78 next one is from Brandon and Colorado picked up a wireframe shirt as well thank you I get some the normal chat and super chat in a bit we had an order from Daniel who picked up from Las Vegas picked up a video card components poster thanks for picking that up we have one I don't know if that might be glared out we have one over there too but that's got all the video card components labelled on it kind of cool semi educational poster with the layout let's get one from the start of the stream how about this one Michael from Ohio you were the first one to buy during the stream picked up a wireframe trade as well thank you Michael for being the first order during the stream and then last one I'll read for now Brandon from Massachusetts picked up a wireframe shirt thank you all right what's chat saying I'm looking at the normal chat now 99 23 for the score than that so what was that caught ro dark one row dark one I guess if I buy a shirt can I comma to get an autographed one if you come to any of the places where we meet up with people so like LTX i autographed a lot of the shirts there any of the trade shows and then we're probably doing locally at some point I don't know when but keep an eye out for that and then the answer is yes but we don't have any way to to sort of individually personalize them as they're shipping but if you buy one and then meet up with me somewhere if you're local we do a local meetup at some point come come get it signed then will there be another run of the shirt asked by Bobby bear no just one so this is it once it's closed we're not we're not doing any more just because of the the size of our operation it's easier to kind of do one run and close it out see so we're at minus eighty for that ninety nine twenty three is the score which is an uplift but we didn't really do a whole lot I'm gonna tie it I'm gonna record the set number which is not the get number what we set twenty to fifty four o'clock we're at plus ninety percent and so some quick math here is let's see where are we ninety four the original original original number ninety four sixty one that was at 20 degrees Celsius pot temperatures pipe 40s maybe 50 for the GPU 94618 hour at ninety nine twenty three am i signing two four nine nine nine four six one nine four six one so it's 4.8% uplift so far which is obviously not great but we need to do some more so let's just type in 2300 let's see if we can get away with still running at 1240 millivolts so that's set to yes and as bump the back end up a bit if it will please respond okay all right never mind forget that idea let's run this with a set to 2,300 click apply yes okay cool all right just make everything set so we're just doing entire spy today no extreme let's run that again graphics 1 & 2 2 is gonna be more memory bound we'll do that in a bit one of the AIB 5700 series cards coming out I don't know they're supposed to be out this week so I'm not sure I was told available Wednesday and then I don't think that happened I think the some of them went up on Amazon and Newegg as like out of stock or maybe backorder but I actually that might be too cold no it's gonna be okay all right but yeah unfortunately I don't know what I was told is what you all probably read online because everyone was told the same thing so yeah unfortunately I have no idea when the partner models are actually coming out all right and reviews yet for the XFX thick boy I like that we have freaking painted to the hat um I am keeping my eye open for that one as soon as it's available online I'm buying it I am pretty positive they're not going to send one to me but we will buy it I'm curious to see how it does the cooler is fat so it's not like not like r-tx fat but it's pretty fat for a relatively low power card comparatively so I do want to test it and we'll buy one as soon as it's available publicly or if one of you already has one email us and we'll borrow it from you and send you some merchants and return it to you in like a week or so but I don't know that anyone can even get it right now maybe if you're near Micro Center something testicle it's gonna it's gonna freeze if I let it run at that temperature so we're trying to keep this out like - 82 - 85 at this point going below minus 90 concerns me that the memory white frees up which is what we saw earlier saw last night when I was pre testing it I did get it down to minus 100 for a bit but it didn't last very long hahaha the power supply fans not working no the power supply is not this is why ask Corsair what's your most common RMA and they said there's two one is the user thinks it's broken cuz the fans not spitting and that's the most common RMA the other one is a roach crawled in it God zapped and died and killed the power spike which is you got to feel bad for the RMA tax for that they also told me once that they found basically a colony of dead ants inside of a power supply so if your get our RMA or your components be aware of what may be power wash them first but yeah so the fan is not spinning because it's not under any load this is a 1600 watt power supply and this CPU is not doing a ton right now it's mostly a GPU load and the GPU is not super high in power a couple hundred watts maybe maybe 300 something in that range any comments on the existence of a twenty atti super nd a question mark I have no NDA on that and I don't know if I've not been informed that one exists so I don't know if there's rumors about it I don't haven't really followed them okay so here's our first real scores we're breaking 10k now that's good I kept that at like - it's called - 85 that run we're at 10:07 one to 10,000 points and I typed in 2300 one for the frequency and we're at plus ninety for the power target yes power wash your power supply regularly don't actually do that but that is kind of funny and that gives us a an improvement of I should be writing down both scores actually of 6.4 percent let me start writing down both scores 68.9 - if it's 5.4 - okay all right let's do let's see how far we can push core frequency first and then we'll worry about the memory after that let me get some super chats before moving along so we don't get too far behind today all right where did we stop Bob Flanders 777 thank you hi Steve that temperature is going to drop faster than who downhill bike hope you're doing well daddy ready to deal it'd and cryo not a 4790k 4790k i think is patrick is that what he is I think that's what Patrick use is and that's I mean it's still good CPU deleting that's absolutely worth it bearded hardware $1.99 it's done ski talking about his kingpin card got a new card picked up a 5700 also nice snake man forty-nine five dollars no message thank you my pet fish did you don't know if I'm hearing like a crackling that was your headphones okay it's like I wasn't sure if something was exploding over here my pet fish reacts five dollars me and Steve both have a large bottle of Vaseline on our desks and only one of us is overclocking Leviathan preamp five dollars did you mod the BIOS to increase the power also the ceramic mugs coming back in stock really not I will check right now [Music] so did I mod the BIOS sort of but not really the the thing we do with this is a power it's a software mod so it's a it's a it's a registry mod Igor from formerly Tom's Hardware Germany does really good reporting has he's not split off I think he's completely severed that time not sure and he Ron's Igor's lab dot media now and you've got a his site and he's got the soft power play tables so I think he's priek he I think one of his he pulled it from a forum you I think it's from a helm and those are pre-configured to go a bit below this so you can see our range here I've set it over in it to go to 2600 I think the highest power play table that Igor distributes via his download section stop set here at 2300 and so you can push further here I'll actually show that next with a separate software tool and that should answer that question as far as the mug it looks like we have a stock of three but what are they though they're all set to the double quantity so let me I'll change it to one stock with double quantity which reduces by two by two so four okay so I just I move that we don't have a good system for it so I split it up so you can buy one of the single ceramic mugs now if you want okay let me do one more super chat here where is it where did I stop eight he easy tricky five dollars hey Steve I love you guys and your work but dude it's Saturday and I go home and have a beer a beer a beard and you guys earned it well this is the cool thing about the Internet is that and having all of your viewers on the Internet is that days and time stopped mattering because I mean people are gonna be gonna be watching pretty much any hour for the most part maybe smaller audiences that night but we'll we'll take a break at some point soon though my pet fish Rex oh I got yours I think Leviathan prim got yours okay so let's do the next step here I keep an eye on the normal chat for a bit so we are at minus 62 I pull that down some - it's that should probably bring us to minus 70 already this is very reactive as as you can see jumps super fast I splashed it and did that let's type in 20 through 50 we're gonna crash at some point I'm leaving the voltage the same so 12:41 well maybe it's actually not and it's just bugged it's this one move okay all right so I'm trying to leave the voltage at 12:41 it's 2350 see if that runs and we're gonna once we start crashing well increase the voltage actually no I said I would show this tool so this is really cool this is called more power tool it's also on Igor site I'm sure it's on overclocking forums you can check or uncheck the various things you want to change really useful so originally if you didn't follow the whole story and he had told us that the power play table overclocked can be broken we were really sad about that fortunately looks like that wasn't true and it does in fact work so there's a drop down and shows your cards if you have multiple this has been really helpful and then stock all these will be grayed out all this stuff will be grayed out and you load a power play table to start with you can download one like one of the just a registry file and once you load the registry file you restart these on lock and you can start writing to that our soft power play table that's what ask PVD means I think so this has typed in 2300 I've obviously already overridden it we're at like 26 and I don't know how high that number will allow you to go but memory max overclocks 1000 power limit max doesn't go higher than 99 for this tool and stuff like that so this is really useful I like it a lot and will probably play with that a bit later but let's do so typed in 2350 and let's just run that get our I'm trying to get some score scaling while we go so that we can do some some math on it later and look at things like memory versus core frequency scaling maybe do a separate content piece on that so that's why I'm doing these baby steps all the way up cuz I'm typing down all the numbers and I maybe we can do something with that data later all right what CPU is at eighty eighty six K shout out the tear mater how to pronounce I'm guessing you watched pro high text video where I appeared and set it in rush and they did a - course for me and how to say it in Russian and ask me to ensure shout of the Tomb Raider I don't remember how to say it at all they call it la Rica they call it la Rica I don't remember what they call ARCA because I think their host had trouble saying shadow of the Tomb Raider in English and so became a meme and now they just changed the name of the game so keeping this I'm actually letting it get a bit too warm now I'm trying to keep it at like minus 80 85 or so very reactive because it's a small die I'm not not insane power compared to the bigger stuff so small splashes do a lot alright anything in chat we have a message from snake man ten dollars thank you can't wait for the Lian Li P Co 11 XL we have it and we've tested it but that one is embargoed and I don't know if I can say when the embargo lifts but we have tested I actually don't know the numbers I don't like the gun Patrick did that so I don't I actually I don't know its performance it's a bigger Oh 11 dynamic which has been widely requested and we will have a review of it but it's under embargo so you keep an eye out for that bearded hardware 199 I kill everything for poor Jo Jo j1 33.7 I think I think that's Russian currency no message thank you Big Al 268 I think that was $10 and said been watching for the last few months love what you all do sign up as a patreon today keep up the great work thank you for your support really appreciate it and that's cool that you started watching in the last couple months that means that you've got to hit kind of the really really heavy content period with all the rise and stuff and with Navi coming out that was super so oh and you got some of our content from China the the back end of it so that's that's a good cross-section of what we do here I need to make this porchetta kind of fast I made it through hurry call that was a lot of waste on so 10 one ten thousand one hundred nine and a bit of a burn and that was - like like I kind of warm at the end but - let's call - 85 again - 10 109 score break up is 69 point oh nine fifty five point six nine and we were set to 23:51 and then 90% was our set up for that one so it's still scaling and we actually as expected more scaling on gt1 and gt2 GT one is a core test more heavily GT T's memory test you want to get fancy with Nvidia especially I don't know how you deal with AMD I guess you could with afterburner actually but if you want to get fancy you can hotkey different frequency settings so if you wanted to run like more aggressive memory in GT one where it's less memory intensive you could do that and then hit the hotkey and switch it to be more less memory overclock in gt2 or memory matters more but it's more stressed so it's less stable at a higher end so those are some of the tips you can do to push it a bit further let's try 2400 we're still at 1240 millivolts so we have not increased voltage yet and we haven't crashed either wrong okay temperature is still good see bearded hardware $1.99 can i stream me a streaming you copyright strike question mark just kidding he says yeah you really want to make sure we know that don't cheat jail Paul the bearded one downing two dollars gonna see here fall interesting about the memory why won't it work hello so I don't I don't know the tech I should ask some people I don't know the technical details behind that I can tell you oh there we go that crashed I can tell you about it pragmatically but I don't know the technical details I will ask around now so basically one of the best things you can do is put a like a socket heater on the back of the GPUs to keep the memory warm you can get memory heaters for CPU for motherboards too and for whatever reason GTD R and D Ram doesn't like going to cold the silicon on the GPU it'll pretty much keep scaling until you hit a certain point like some stuff you can run full pot some stuff you have to run a bit warmer than that but the memory I don't know I guess it just it just gets too cold it bugs out you get a black screen or a shutdown or something like that so having a heater on the back of it will prevent that because it keeps the memory warm while still allowing the GPU to get cold so good question though as for the technical details of why it happens I will I'll ask some people at Intel and NVIDIA or something and see if any of them know the specific technical details of that so anyway we obviously had a crash and the driver does not does not cope well with instability so we're just gonna have to shut the restart at this point fortunately the GPU doesn't freak out when it starts cold so we can kind of leave it where it is just hit restart and we'll be good to go so I'll make a note that we crashed at 24:01 so we probably need more voltage is the takeaway from that all right so what is the what's chat saying are you cooling the entire card or just the diet so technically the entire card but the Alan teapot is just on the die it is it's only contacting the thigh that said this whole card is actually really cold right now even at the edges because I guess if you kind of think about it ultimately the the die is connected through a substrate some copper layers to the - a BGA to a ball grid array to the PCB PCBs comprised of a lot of copper traces and fiberglass things like that so it'll conduct and so that the whole card ends up cooling and the memory is really close to the GPU on this so it it gets very cold and that's also why we don't need direct cooling on the memory or on the VRM so I don't have a heatsink on there and I'll have a fan on there it's so cold just from the proximity of the Ellen to pouring that it's all good to go okay so I'm thinking more voltage now okay the Stig 287 five sorry 827 five dot times by is great and all but what's the user benchmark on this I don't know useless probably global settings what man why not and tell it ninety percent can do 99 oh no ok it's taken well now see before the stream I tried to restrict some of the overclocking so that I could do with demo but it actually didn't restrict it and now it's restricted it after that review so now you have to do is that money way so this is the more power tool I talked about earlier we're gonna reach Ange this so 2600 is what I'm setting as the GP max clock right to the table and we might as well tell this to write 99% power and start using that extra nine percent allowance none of this stuff matters power limits maximum voltage I think this stops at 1350 let's try right in 1400 and power limit just like 800 watts or something whatever it allows us to do okay close that see if any of those numbers have changed yeah so 1350 is the max core voltage through this tool that I can set 20600 applied everything I'll supplied let's restart now to make sure those numbers work and then we can try increasing the voltage over what we did last time creepy Jana five dollars I haven't seen any gigabytes it's 700 COC reviews yet would you recommend it or have you had your hands on one I am Not sure because I haven't I did ask them for one and they don't have them to ship to me yet so I'm not sure what the ETA is on those for market availability but I did ask I think we're on the list I'm thinking maybe a week or two we might get one maybe a week for a lot keep so you'll have to check back for the recommendation because I've been actually used it yet I don't know that anyone has I'm sure there's maybe there's a review out there somewhere but okay we don't want Steam don't want any of this stuff to see if our settings applied so that tool yes this now is up to 99% and then we don't care about fans isn't one let's set this to 2,400 again and this time we'll increase the voltage we're at 12:40 last time millivolts so let's drag this up to like ste 1270 and it's waiting to detect the internet so unfortunately unfortunately 3dmark no longer helis this version doesn't work without internet connected it's got to relaunch it ok benchmarks times by no CPU and run I'm going to pull it down to minus 80 again I'll check some of the chat so if you're just tuning in this is liquid-nitrogen point it into a copper liquid nitrogen pot they're called Allen teapot and it's actually very reactive right now it's pretty much evaporated instantly which is what we want so we can control the temperature more easily it's not sitting there fizzling in the in the pot and we're at minus eighty right now which I'm going to leave it there - 85 even joj 400 rubles I think plus one for user benchmark crack on PC - 72 crack on PC we've seen a lot so thank you for coming back 50 HKD the infinite 110 C overclocking good luck yes that's what we're going for infinity as the frequency infinity megahertz Peter the hardware $1.99 save me a shirt to excel so very Joey you know you can text me right you don't have to spend two dollars just I mean I'll take it but that's funny I will do I'll save one for you speaking of that though they are on the store we're gonna close out those sales after this distribute the sizes you know to get them made so we can ship those out as fast as we can so store documents access done that if you want to pick one up okay we're on gt2 now okay it's coming back up I was gonna torch it if I cooled it down too much but we're gone back up that GTT is more memory i speaking of a store a couple of orders to read out there's actually there's a lot of super chats orders and a normal chat combined so i can't get everything but I do my best to balance it store order from Andrew and Australia we have a most surprised we have actually a lot of Australian viewers or store purchasers which means a lot of stuff has a long track to get there for just a wireframe shirt thank you for picking that up and for for shipping it all that way out there dan from California bought a ceramic mug thank you Dan I might've been the same person who asked about it earlier it - 88 right now we're getting close to the end of the benchmark so I'm try not to pour too much more it's gonna go around this corner and then closing on that ball in the middle at which point we don't want to track the temperature down we had an order from Gregory and Georgia picked up a wireframe shirt as well thank you okay I think that's last pour so it's going in on the closing shot there and then it looks like tonight type of the same toys have been 2,400 yes okay so it was actually stable this time so the last time was not stable at 1240 millivolts but 1.27 seem to help volts that is that brought our score up actually significantly 1035 7 from let's see that was 2400 and we did 10 3 5 7 from 10 109 before what was the temperature because it like - 80ish and then individual scores we're what 70 point nine - so GT one coming up that makes sense 56 point nine six actually a lot higher on GT - last one was fifty five point six and nine and every FPS is kind of a big jump in this benchmark and that was that ninety-nine percent power target as well so that was another increase we had okay I don't know when we're gonna hit stability limits but let's try 2450 at twelve seven d millivolts twelve okay fine 1273 see if that works just trying to see ideally keep the voltage as reasonably I don't know what safe voltages are on this thing I'm sure up to one point three is probably fine for overclocking but yeah on that I don't know so I'm trying to keep it as low as I can like giving frequency and then we'll just increase it once it becomes unstable okay does GG jr6 go higher with Ellen - actually we have kind of a problem with it which is the memory can't be too cold so it's like I might be crashing does not like 2450 so if the memory is too cold it'll kind of black screen I don't think that's what this nice I don't that's not what this was this was just instability from the settings I chose but little black screen freeze get kind of a shutdown so you don't want the memory to be too cold okay do you guys trip to India I'd really like to wear the same t-shirt Aztec Jesus we do we ship internationally actually so we do have international shipping options India included let's see under vault and push it while hi I think we need more voltage if anything all right so Zeta moderator in chat Thank You Xena for helping out is answering questions saying we are currently at 1/100 of infinity that's correct we are trying to hit infinity for our frequency but we are only 1/100 of the way there so we were 1% towards infinity but we're closing in on it fast so it did not like 2450 at 12 70 millivolts let's go ahead and bump that will do memory eventually I just I want to find the limits of the core clock first kind of basic troubleshooting do one thing at a time all right so let's do that and then drag this up to like 12 you know let's just do one point three so 1296 closed on the background tasks Corsair steam all right okay and run I'll pull that down too - I did actually didn't wear Elin - again pull down the - 85 or so that should be enough all right so quick run-through of the Allen - stuff if you missed the very beginning of the stream sorry of a three-peat information but this thing's a doer trying to kind of talk right now because it's loud on the mic otherwise 30 liter doer these cost brand new like 600 bucks they're not cheap the thermos is I fill the crash are are cheap these are just these are just standard thermoses but these are Stanley Cups I buy them on Amazon I think that's maybe like 20 bucks for each one or something I mean it's expensive for a cup but it works really well for Alan to storage for benchmarking we don't leave them in these overnight we only leave the Alan - and containers that are rated for storage of it like the Dewar or the cylinders to my left and those cylinders are 180 liters they do slowly week which is intentional so that is because they are pressurized and if the pressure gets too high the sensor will open a valve sometimes the valve stays open and you have to kind of hit it with a hammer to break the ice and let it close again but those are $177 each before the delivery fees and stuff and that's with the LM - obviously we don't these aren't ours we return them once it's empty okay so if three start again need I don't know maybe more voltage or something oh I'll see what chat has to say the other Stanley Cup yes not that one not the hockey one all right highest yet I think was 2,400 is where we kind of stopped and that's the set frequency I don't know what get was bit lower so I guess try more voltage with it yeah the screen was freaking out TR 233 Lowell at that angle and the sound it looks like Steve just pissed into it maybe I did hey that's where the L on T comes from it's actually free alright it's so I guess more voltage [Music] all right let's do more voltage I guess I can't stand steams pop-ups global settings SWAT man 99% for the power that's done through the power play tables we were trying 2450 were not successful I don't know should we try just like 1.35 let's just do the max voltage allows strike this end up so we get to that max faster time spy no CPU and run we need to pull that down a bit might try and run colder that would probably help so for reference the 2080 T is the kingpin cards tend to run the ones we were working on were like minus 120 or so - 125 and this thing we keep it out like minus 90 but just partially cuz the memory freezing up the K P cards we had the memory heaters on but I'm gonna try running this colder now it's Brandon downs like - 95 instead of 85 and there's minus 100 minus 95 be a bit more patient on the paw right now see if we can keep it stable I'm gonna try and read chat while doing this well it's gonna be kind of a challenge where is the last Super chat super chat from Sam Robinson 499 Thank You first PC build in a long time insect planning on doing some mild overclocking what a IO would you suggest on a budget depends on the budget but and I haven't looked at the prices for a little while so keep that in mind but if budget budget so subjective if you can afford it a lot of the 280s are really like in my opinion the best mix of compatibility with a lot of cases and cooling performance and noise because you can actually you can keep the noise bit lower on a 280 a lot lower so the EVGA CLC 280 has been pretty cheap just because it's really no-frills if you want something that looks better to crack your neck 62 but that gets expensive now you're at like 200 or 200 you're 280 mm your cooler is now at 140 $50 something like that so that is kind of a high-end I wouldn't call that budget but CLC 280 the H 115 I non-pro if it's still out there should be pretty cheap these days I don't think they make it anymore when they were when they were phasing it out it was available for like a hundred bucks which is a really good deal otherwise there's a lot of to 40s CLC 240 the EVGA one has been pretty cheap I don't particularly like the fans on the H 100 I hopefully that gives you some starting points of course also a giant air cooler is another solution you could use trying to keep this colder I keep forgetting all right what's the next one next question was Bobby baron oh I got yours toasty two dollars submerge scrolled up submerged I'll Intuit 57 XT overclocking one never let's leave it alone see if we can just finish with that anymore so we did round a bit colder on average it's cold let's call it average - 87 maybe it's kind of all over the place but that's good enough 10501 so it did pass this time that's excellent 71 point eight three for the quarter result I'm gonna give you some numbers on these changes the moment that was 24:51 for set 99% power okay so some basic numbers we were at 94 61 originally for this and I didn't log I should have we could do it at the end maybe I didn't log the individual scores but 94612 10501 - 94 61 but so we're at an 11% uplift from the original score pretty good I'd like to see more than that but not bad for reference the KP 28 et eyes we saw something like maybe 20% uplift for best talent to result versus baseline so that gives you an example of scale on different architecture for individual results when we were overclocking we had a 2300 score or set frequency at one point and that scored sixty eight point nine to four core which if we do the new result percent increase that would be four point two percent increased with this 2450 set versus 2300 set pretty good for gt2 which again is more memory intensive but does these core fifty seven point eight one is the new result fifty five point four two is the 2300 result and so that increase is also about four point three percent so we're I'm very happy to see that we actually did manage to get this stable and that was at the max of one point three five volts I don't know if there's a way they set more I guess I could maybe not use that that tool unlike right the BIOS myself or something registering myself but okay so answering some questions in the normal chat here why isn't the power supply fan spinning because it's not under a high enough load and it's pretty cool so I don't remember the exact temperature but a lot of the quartz hair power supply fans they won't spin until either it's at a some internal thermistor is at a certain temperature I think it's like 60 C for the ones I'm thinking of or until the load percentage is at a certain percentage call it sixty percent if we're gonna go with easy numbers but I don't know what the exact like the the fan response to power output curve is on this thing but it's not drawing a lot CPUs not doing anything the GPU is relatively low power so that's why it's not spinning as for what's the Vaseline for that's for the video card so it's pretty slimy and gross but putting Vaseline all over the board will insulate it so as this this is all ice obviously as this ice is over if we let it get too warm or it's you know there's maybe condensation forming kind of on the other side of the LM teapot against the like over the memory we don't want that to short out the memory and kill the card so you put vaseline all over it you get a heat gun and heat it up to kind of melt it into the cracks on the board this is all stuff that Joe taught me and with that done the cards pretty protected from water so that's what that's what all that is for all right so I'm pretty happy with that scores see if we can get this clock any higher let's try 2500 we're still at the max that the software allows of 1.35 volts let's see if it runs we'll try running at minus ninety five again it's probably already there no not yet but good a minute to launch which bored maximus 10 it's just an eighty eighty six k nothing special for this one are you gonna test the dragon cooler i'd like to so yes at some point probably all right sir i - 97 okay max 95 were kid there nope I don't think it was too cold so I think that's just stability which we might be at the limits of stability with this voltage in which case we could step it down and then do memory which would give us another pretty big gain I think so let's hit reset on this get an F and chat for that I guess 20 2500 did not run unfortunately alright anything in at what point is a warranty voided Wow quite a while ago I would I would say okay so I guess we'll I'll try that one more time maybe we can go colder and see if it works and if it doesn't then well we'll have to just go with memory next okay Rho Dark One $5 new challenge laptop Ellen 2 ovk I have 9 ATM SLI 10 80 20 80 and can bring it we just need compatible on two pots I'm local is it the 90 MSL I don't think we can even do anything at that yeah compatible Allen teapots might be a problem let me know when you have like that Alienware one with the swappable cpu and and i custom by us from them and then we can definitely do something when I worked on with Linus on his channel that would be fun to do again with better cooling okay it's just set that to 99 we're doing pretty well here actually I didn't expect it to go this smoothly we are gonna start getting the point where it does not go smoothly anymore though because we're at Genest ability limits so even though that says almost 1.4 it's it's 1.35 drag that up and level out that curve a bit apply okay I'm gonna bring this down I'll wait till it launches and I'll bring it down to like minus 100 this time hopefully the memory doesn't freeze up now we're starting to change more than one variable so it gets a bit harder to know if we're crashing from the memory freezing or from the clock so it's probably under the clocks Cooper five dollars have you listened to King gizzards a new thrash album if so what do you think if not check it out I'm going to be in the latter camp and being the if not check it out I do have a small list of bands that's that some people were talking about in the last room we did a few days ago so I shall add that to the list King gizzards new through hash it held them daniel sterling $2 how do the zip hoodies fit so if you mean the need to be doing this if you mean the 2-tone ones the Raglan hoodies it's gonna crash the Raglan hoodies I would say are like slightly tighter than your average sizing for like an average I don't know Bella in canvas shirt or something some standard u.s. shirt the thicker hoodies are on the bigger side they're winter but yeah if you're talking about the two-tone Raglan one and you're kind of like borderline on your size like borderline M&L Kevin Francis in chat says what a waste of time joke's on you man you're in chat posting comments about it I'm getting paid to do this yeah you're the one in chat talking trash all right let's try this again so last last I'm going to try on this we could do like 24 75 and start splitting the difference but last I'm gonna try is just actually properly pay attention to the temperature this time and try and keep it started colder at the beginning and see if that doesn't anything for us clothes background stuff I should just kill those and ms config okay times by no cpu run custom let's pull temperature down so come down to minus a hundred or so spilling it everywhere at this point that is what the paper towels are for No it's gonna be it it's gonna work or not oh okay temperature matters okay let's that gives me some hope that's much better than last time so maybe we can try running this at minus 120 I haven't got brought it down that low yet but let's try that see if it survives let's see Steve can you talk about temperature rise and what actually happens in the GPU when you pour Alan to you a little bit so the basics really super basics are that there's a I guess not overclocking anything you talk about boosting behavior there's a there's a VF curve and then there's a temperature frequency response so like Nvidia is an easy example because they've been doing it a long time and these started doing this as well but lower your temperature is the higher frequency is to an extent so typically until you hit power limits so with the I think it's too hot so it's having trouble booting sorry too cold so if you were to drag the temperature down to a point maybe let's say down to 90 Junction instead of a hundred ten then in theory there's more frequency boosting Headroom there may be a couple megahertz like 12 or something but it'll depend on your power limits too as for what happens when you pour Alan two on it while you pour so the pot we torched it a bit at the beginning form some ice crystals in there and there's a really fast reaction as well as I pour the Ellen 2 and what we want is it to evaporate instantly what we don't want is it to bubble in the pot that typically means that it's not really evaporating quickly if it's doing that so reasons for that would be a lot of water buildup in the bottom or something so like if there's a bunch of water in the bottom of the pot from the ice up here melting fine in then that would create a barrier between the liquid-nitrogen we pour in and the copper which is also a barrier between the heat source the GPU and the Allen - and it's not it's just kind of bubbles and doesn't do anything but I guess I don't know if that answers your question is it's pretty wide okay the UN - ghetto Han with unbox therapy I've never met unbox therapy those from tech is amazing $2 never met him not really the same side of the industry or the same industry okay what did I say we're gonna try and minus 120 I think let's do that see if we it kind of ran last time better than previously so up here up there strike that up there for like a straight curve is it really a curve if it's straight it is a wine I guess the line segment is what we have now yeah see if that runs minus 120 I think I never want to give up on this stuff I'm thinking this is gonna be the last kind of push before we have to go up on core and start doing memory instead but I see that a lot cuz I don't really want to walk away from it okay well down I'll start with minus 100 and then once that loading bar is up we'll go to minus 120 [Music] okay there's -104 connoisseur $2.00 is there a disadvantage to DDC versus I bring this temperature down deal it I think that said 9700 K it might just freeze up now so we might be limited to a 2450 therefore the core which is not bad yeah I think that's it for that attempt yeah okay DDC versus a deal it by DDC do you mean direct dye what do you mean did you see pump direct dye maybe what CPU is at 9,700 K oh we shouldn't eat this isn't even worth talking about I wouldn't bother do you let him buy you something okay it's just not it's not worth it the solder is already so good that you're just kind of just kind of fighting over such small gains yeah the voltage limit is a is a big big limitation for us mean more that many more voltage okay the track tie cooler thank you that's what I thought I meant yeah so direct divers is just D letting on I guess liquid metal you'll get an improvement we did that task the 900 K and the problem is so we didn't completely clean off the die if you do rocket cool has a solution that didn't exist when I was doing it but it's it just kind of eats the indium which is really nice eats the solder then you can wipe it off as opposed to what I did which was jab it with a knife that's not a great way to do it so yeah you're fighting over kind of single digit gains versus the solder solder 's easier to work with for Alan to if you're not doing Alan to you which most people aren't temperatures are a bit better with the deal it yes direct I I have not tested so we had a direct i frame for $2.99 but it didn't quite fit the tolerances weren't there because it was a pre-production sample so I have not tested direct I Vocaloid five dollars one time I flipped a PC duster over and blew it into a laptop so basically a professional L&T overclocker yes that would that would spray very cold whatever it is does it just I don't know just compressed air I guess that with that would that that would do it a super inefficient way to bring your laptop temperatures down so let's just stop at 2450 and call it there for that let's get it run working with it and then we'll do then we'll do the memory finally but I've been saying will do for a while oops that's ice 2450 bring it all the way up okay apply 99% supplied and make sure it works and then once it works we will do the memory and we'll be pretty close to the end of the stream once we do the memory I can go over the numbers again - for people who've joined in late okay so let's bring that down and Joe's gonna be here I think in a couple weeks so once he's here we can do this again with the rise in CPU as well like 3900 X and see what a real pro can do Craig Newcomb $5 just bought a toolkit I see your mod Matt is on backorder maybe next time ice what you do yes yeah it feels like it's always on backorder because we get a minute we buy as many as we can afford get them in and then they sell pretty quickly the mediums we still have a decent amount in right now I want to bring this back up to a warmer temperature I think that's going to too cold at this point mediums we still have the large ones we did just order but or actually they're shipping too but no worries on that thank you for buying the toolkit nor ESS $2 why do you have snowflake under embargo PS 110 C yeah so I need to get her in the b-roll for like maybe it's some of the partner model 5700 were reviewing I warm this up we're gonna keep it to the original temperatures I was running like - 90 or so and we'll turn that fan back on - we haven't really even been pouring much lately and hopefully that will that will resolve the the green screening issues we're getting okay Richard P or Zach $5 what drivers are using I bought one Thursday and it was pretty much unusable because of all the drivers that's unfortunately ours haven't made it unusable they've made it annoying but not unusable I've heard a lot of mixed stories on it there so I guess it's really gonna depend on like the games and platform and stuff which is unfortunate I am using let's see we can just pull it up I want to say it's like the July 31 19 point 7.5 is what we're using if that helps you out okay all right so when I 450 was like barely worked last time but it did work and we had that for it let's try that and if that doesn't work we'll bring it down a little more although I don't want to because we already have a 2450 score and and start doing the memory I'm gonna keep this this time to like minus 85 because I think we're going to cold otherwise maybe for the memory all right fowleri costs cost the kid 100 rubles would you show us the vrm temperature to power stages have any acts of cleaning this setup no they did not they are it's actually you can't see it from that angle but they're starting to frost over so they're cold it's getting cold by proxy by the islands you pot and I'm not sure the temperature is I don't have anything hucked up to it we can check gpu-z for a rough estimate but if it's below zero won't give us one I'll open it up after this and see if we're above zero on them it seems to be working better at this temperature so let's stick to around minus 90 that's how he's somewhat reassuring and once we get through this run will boost the memory let's see what we get to Tim Dahl $5 people are claiming to have the kingpin ecstasy by us on the reference cards does this sound plausible to you on AMD no uh-huh and video reference I don't think so I don't know they have the ecstasy BIOS publicly available on axe devs butt but I don't know if I really wouldn't want to try and install that on reference different PCB all right let's keep it to minus 90 this is GT 2 this is that more memory intensive bench a little too cold Rockland Pillai $2.00 rocked - GTX 292 ten months ago 27 TLC now that's a big upgrade 2070 overclocks reasonably well it's all torian's pretty similar but it's definitely worth doing if you want to spend it's only like ten minutes to get a stable overclock on those big upgrade though for sure 5150 paintballer are you going to review the x57 the asrock xt challenger sorry ex-wives only 5700 XD zone I meant to say I am Gordon's review as many as I can get so i'll ask them for their cards as well but we're supposed to have a couple more partner cards coming in we just got one in today reviewing all those so I don't know if we'll get that exact time we are working on more of them alright so 10 5 or 6 last time is 10501 that's within variance let's go ahead and do that memory - 900 the memory and run also as a note like I said the shirt we're closing orders on it today so if you want the wireframe foil shirt go to store documents XS net to pick one up it's primarily a great way to support us be like what we do but also it looks really cool and it's foil and then the backs got the polygon shards on it which I'll show after I do this poor polygon shards Andrew threw on there so you can pick that up on the store orders close the day like I said and then we're not making any more of them just keep this at minus 90 to 95 the memory is overclocked now so that will hopefully affect our score pretty noticeably well big order and from Ronnie in Norway Thank You Ronnie Ronnie and Norway picked up a mod map the raglan hoodie the one of the foil wireframe shirts like when I'm wearing a 2-tone shirt and a cobalt blue your glass from us Massa thank you it's Ronnie from Norway like I said I'm not going to see all these orders during the stream but I will try to shout some out and Ronnie if you have any questions about that that big order or you give me any help with it at all and same for anyone else who has questions about the store needs help just email support at Gimmerton Texas net and and we'll we'll make sure everything's sorted if you get you run into questions Kevin also Norway cool picked up a foil shirt we had an order earlier I need to pay attention to this to William and Pennsylvania picked up one of the shirts to you thank you William hand for our liquid nitrogen today probably gonna go through like 20 liters maybe 15 not too bad actually this card doesn't pull down as much to some of the other stuff we've done that's a little - okay cool almost too cold just had in order to come in - from chat and I think that was said California picks up one of the shirts thank you all right what's chat saying the I'm looking at the normal chat right now Steve do you plan to study the heat curve when you overclock yes I am planning to do this will be done off camera because it'll be kind of really slow and painful but just like we did with rising the plan is to kind of walk it through controlled New Zealand - as a tool rather than just getting cold and step it in like ten degree increments or five degree increments and see if there's any clock behavior that's worth reporting make sure it's not getting okay cool just trying to reverse it before it runs away and run away cold scenario so at ten 563 not as big of a jump as I expected honestly but we did only increase it twenty five megahertz alright so - 90 or so and 10563 scores our 72.4 58.0 five and that was 2451 99% one point three five volts and 900 megahertz okay [Music] can the card get cold yes but the memory can't get too cold let's I don't think this is 9,000 something like don't worry I don't think this is gonna work well let's just try a 9:15 and I've had a lot of issues with the memory on this card but I don't know how it's gonna behave now that it's cold it might work better for us all right yeah so memory brought our gt2 score up a bit every stock in the chalkboard shirt yes I do need to order some I just took out a notice from a distributor that we're out or low on those so I'm aware of it I think on Monday our printer will start the next production run of that along with the blueprints is there the same design just different color than type of shirt any questions in chat can it run crisis no next question no it can't because this because that meme needs to die are using a heater no I really want to someone's asking if we're using the heater on the back of the card I would love to I have a I have something that could work I have some small like heater strips they kind of make me nervous because they're not the cheap and also they catch fire sometimes but we could put those on the back of the card it's not like a proper socket heater like the kingpin one that we used for the 20 80s but it would heat the memory it's just I don't it's cheap and I have seen them catch fire and I really don't want it to I mean it's not like it's gonna burn down the studio but it would destroy the card and I they make me kind of nervous so we should use some kind of heating solution though can you try to print out some quality polo shirts I've had a few requests on those if there's enough of an interest we could do it I'm positive we can make a either source a high quality one that's already out there or just have one custom made like we custom make these shirts it's our our sizing and everything our material choice so I'm sure we can do it if there's interest any update on the fantastic sort of so I have some help from on our EVGA CLC 360 review if you're really paying attention you might have noticed that there was another name at the bottom that was Jake assisted with testing they should be in there if not I'll go check but so it's the first time he's assisted with testing where we've been training him up on the coolers and with him helping take over some of the liquid cooler testing that's freeing up time where I'm also gonna put him on air cooler testing and we're working towards the fans with that looks like it might actually pass which is surprising me but I guess being cold helps a lot okay I take some super chats so we don't fall too far behind Big Al - 68 $10 I think you're really interested in the asus strix review builders excited about the vrm on it if we get one I'll look at it I have some more coming in from sapphire wow that's a big jump I'm thinking the last score was a botched a bit it's right like - 95 ish for that one 10 6 5 8 that is a big jump we'll go through the numbers in a second here to give people a percent scaling comparison 24:51 99% 1.35 915 so yeah if we get this one I'll review it but I don't know about that one let me do another super check here party cat plays so I thought I've stuck with an RX 580 for now but needs upgrade my CPU streaming on high 3 is painful yes I'm surprised he can do it unless it's a separate system maybe yes so what was I gonna talk about scaling scaling so we were at originally very very first run 94 61.65 8 now if that doesn't really mean much to you that's completely fair 1065 8 to a percent increase my first one is 12 point 7 percent better that's actually a lot better than I was getting when I pre-tested last night so that's awesome so 12.7% / baseline score that was no overclocks or anything it did have an Ellen to pot on it but I was keeping the car - probably 50 to 80 degrees Celsius for the GPU so that's a pretty proper baseline and then look at the individual scores GT 1 is more of a core thing we were at seventy two point eight nine now and at let's see twenty three hundred megahertz set again that's not the same as what we're getting but 2,300 set we were at sixty eight point nine two so if you think of it from a game perspective you kind of like for FPS doesn't even noticeable but for benchmark you know something like this it actually is as you've seen in a pretty big fight to get here so that was a five point eight percent increase pretty good memory we're at fifty eight point six eight we were at fifty five point four two with no overclock with other than the twenty three hundred and that is an increase 5.9 percent pretty damn good we're pretty happy with that ten around fortnight probably but I can't make myself do it do you plan to review this he has to be 81 I actually just put in a request to get one that's Silverstone case it's really cool I really want to have a personal interest in that because it's just interesting to me so yes we will be looking at that don't worry TJ backs can be over a hundred see you're all good yes I would say so okay we get a couple super chats and then we'll do another run with higher memory so we had Beowulf 790 thank you is it okay to use the GN moderato as a mousepad I think I answered this earlier but like technically you can use it is it okay I'm it's not like it hurts my feelings or anything no it's not okay we will we'll find you and tell you not to use it like that it's just it's not made to be a mousepad it is actually it's properly an anti-static service so it uses a rubberized surface and it's got a gritty texture to it so it's meant to be a work mat like to protect tables like in this instance it's got that grit to it it's there's some like anti-static mats on the market that are actually just literal mouse pads which this is not so it's not meant to be a mousepad if you want to use it that way I mean like you can I'm doing it right now you can move the mouse but it's not a smooth smooth surface so if you want to smooth the surface I put a mouse pad on top of it or buy something else we've got mouse pads on the store if you're okay with a grittier surface then it would work Luiz Gustavo Olivier era $10 thank you Steve how far from infinite megahertz we're pretty close actually we were at set frequency of 24 50 megahertz which as you all know is actually about 40% of the way to infinity so we're closing in on it HBO matte $2 I don't you cool DisplayPort cable to rock 4k 120 fps 10 bit well oh there's a lot of water forming on that yeah there's a it's definitely alan t cool j i'm t that hires task manager kill radeon and reopened only 3 star pc i can try that Rufus Munroe a $2.00 found it used 1080 for 300 should I buy it I don't know 300 maybe like it depends on which model it was I guess for me let's do two more here Gio $2.00 thank you consider making your own Ellen 2 with a cryo pump no we have not considered making our own liquid nitrogen bearded hardware 199 what's the update slack up update is 10,000 658 score up from 9000 461 pretty damn good that message was actually only 20-30 minutes ago we're pretty on schedule today with super chasis been trying to read them as I've been pouring okay so let's bring this up to 925 this memory has not been stable at these frequencies before so it's one kind of baby stepping it but it also hasn't been this cold before water this is why we have the paper towels on there there's water forming now on the just because they've been sitting here so that's obviously not desirable let's get a new one of these actually let's do the this is from Joe gave me these let's just do a transfer I'm Way too hot for this yep should have done that before I hit Ron but I also didn't know it was dripping water that's why the paper towels are on the board because the board's not insulated so they catch the water that comes off the lip of the cup but we can just transfer it all over here and then stop using this cup for now okay let's try that again all right can I want to make RGB brighter yes no I don't think so that Navy reading it as Navi too much IMD Navy $20.00 thank you I really want to buy the 200 XE buttstock here in Brazil is very low and there are no custom models available there's to be fair there's not really any available in the US either so you're not alone I will probably be a while be like this for a while only if a miracle happened and you sent me one love your content if I sent one it would be this that'll be after I kill it so it might not help you I don't know when stock is expected to arrive especially in Brazil but I mean for the US I was told it would be here basically this past week and that didn't happen so don't know what's going on they're more like that okay so tried 2450 again I think it just crashed because I didn't have it cold enough so we're gonna retry that at 9:25 all right everything looks good let's kill these background tasks 3dmark and went down before starting this time we're gonna do minus 90 or so temperature times by those cpu run tests up all right that is minus 95 let it sit there for a bit row dark wine $2.00 that's one I have with 2080 I was referring to something that earlier I missed it sorry Tech is amazing two dies now I got yours bearded hardware $2 Steve can you please waste my time for me yeah come visit him we don't waste your time for like three days and do to livestreams I'm sure I'm sure chat will love it get bearded hardware up here again that'll be fun keep this about minus 90 I immediately bring it to minus 102 it was not intentional all right okay so we might actually run through with this 925 setting that would be pleasantly unexpected it's gonna stop here so we'll stop pouring make sure doesn't okay we're not getting any colder that's good now it goes to GT to the Ellen to pour which based on the earlier conversation I guess we need a censor bar and for this all right it's okay that cooled down very fast because the memory is getting hammered more than the core this is way more accurate pouring with this one definitely good good call by Joe a bartender [Music] [Music] okay that's pretty stable temperature-wise huh that's good too much okay all right I think it's gonna pass trying trying for that's high scores we can get today vasudeva's sankaranna Ron Ian five dollars thank you thanks Steve your video helped identify that my AZ 270 gigabyte was over vaulting stuck 77 K so much I got a 95 C under stress test even with a 240 yes that will happen I think that scores lowered that will happen for sure if you some of those boards that is a lower score some of those boards well mm-hmm run a very aggressive stock voltage curve and I would encourage pretty much everybody to to look at the voltages your auto settings are applying and maybe consider overriding on with something manual and better tuned probably run it cooler is it can only really guess so much all right next question oh bearded hardware I got 199 chicken clocking at its finest this was real this was an intentional chicken clocking this was I didn't know how it would perform so we're being we're stepping up through it otherwise the stream is basically at crashing every 5 seconds which to be fair has has happened today as well but I'm running at colder this time and that was not a good idea so it really doesn't like - 100 - 100 okay Dan Pellegrino good to see you back $5 Steve thanks for wasting your time with me good to see you again doing another great stream thank you for watching good to see you in chat again tuna recognize a lot of the avatars and names after a while replicant 199 building a new rig tomorrow 3100 X and 2070 super from what I was reading from Silicon Lottery the 3800 acts on average has a better volt frequency curve so might be worth playing around with that and seeing if he can drag down the voltage below like I just said below what your motherboard is trying to autoset because the CPU might be able to do it if you get a good Bend right there so I think I brought it to cold and that's probably why it crash but we might be limited by memory at this point - let's try 935 on the memory it was not not stable past 904 for actual review when we did it on this card but it did just work at 9:15 and we had a big uplift 9:25 we had degradation could be partly variance it could be that we kind of missed the I don't know there's kingpin was explaining to me how these marks with memory where if you just applied CPU if you kind of hit a landing where it's just it doesn't really work well you can try overshooting past that mark and even though it's increasing and it seems counterintuitive that stability would improve our scores would improve I guess with memory you can hit different landings where it's either stable or unstable so we'll try that commuter the hardware 199 have a new compressor to spray out onto Potts so badass and then says Steve has become a real overclock so proud that was at the timestamp when we had our first green screen yeah air compressor would be great we just use the hand dryer in the bathroom we have an air compressor but it's it's way too loud or stream nail it $5.00 thank you says greenstick gamers access team also bearded hardware enjoy your getting shoutouts and my super chats that's how famous you've become pro fection games $5 I had the RMA my twenty somebody super recently for the Space Invader memory failure second have many people complained about that issue on the new super cards I haven't heard it nearly as much as I heard with the originals like I haven't heard it actually at all directly I did see one person on reddit or Twitter talking about it so I guess it's still out there but to answer the question is no I have not personally gotten that many complaints pedro Moreira Moreira $2 why is 3,600 stock cool or no OC at 92 and prime95 well it's the stock cooler it's prime95 I don't know if it's running AVX like as a person 26.6 if you're running a newer prime that certainly doesn't help stock coolers not great getting some memory artifacting but as long as it passes it doesn't matter you might want to again look into the vault the auto voltage on the board it's not an important part fortunately borderline stability remember J making fun of me when I was saying it doesn't matter how many parts come off the car as long as it crosses the finish line and J said well wouldn't she rather have the whole car cross the finish line but we don't care artifact he doesn't matter she's just trying to get a score it's higher than the last one finally some adequate cooling for 700 XT dykes it's not that hot as a GPU I mean the reference car it is but the partner models have been pretty good alright it survived that's cool I was 935 and that's a massive reduction in score so in this instance the parts that fell off the car were points that make it go yes we are I don't know let's give 950 a shot and just see that it works any better for us massive reduction does this tool have any like memory voltage stuff SOC voltage graphics voltage hmm maybe to increase this thing let's see let's see if that actually does anything mark cannot change the soc voltages until I consult build Zoid or someone so I don't know what the safe numbers are for that getting the whole car across the finish line is nice but not a necessity yes that is true okay I'm giving it all she's got captain I don't know how much worse she could take someone says parts fell off the car didn't know we're talking about parts falling off a car like in a race the card has not had parts randomly fall off that would be suboptimal Michael March $2.00 is 850 sufficient for a 20 atti CPU with a 2700 X yes bearded Hardware 199 what should we bench in our next stream I think of 3900 X on this thing or 3900 acts on a KP card okay we can exit this she's flying apart what results have you gotten so far so the most recent this score is 10000 658 for point of reference I freaked out I'm not gonna do the math right now but it's like 12 percent a better something than 94 61 that would jot originally a vet should more or less get you up the results dammit Jim I'm a doctor not an overclocker a lot of Star Trek references okay 3d mark didn't detect the internet so now we have to restart 3d mark I have increased the memory here so I'm not thinking this is gonna work but we go with it anyway okay super chat of $5 from Drake Simmons thank you just throwing money at you because you guys are awesome well thank you much appreciated really enjoyed those factory tours from while back I really like making those it's fun to do that kind of content it's so different and we obviously don't get that many opportunities to do that kind of stuff we learn a lot because the whole thing is we go tour with number a few hours learn from them and then have to distill it down into a video which is always a great opportunity to actually imprint the information to your brain because otherwise it just kind of goes in and out so trying to teach other people is always a great way to to really learn something see ya there we'll do more of those once we're back in Asia technically there's a few factories for water cooling in Germany and Slovenia and stuff also so that's a possibility Paul the bearded one downing $5 says have you used the x1 update yet you can now lock clocks not used it myself but you really should with the KP card so I haven't used that update but we use a different tool that does the same thing but the insider information for you is that that update happened because of me so I asked for some help with some stuff from EVGA and in the process of helping answer my questions they realized that Oh actually we're allowed to implement this feature for public years so you're welcome but yes I do plan on using that well I don't think it's gonna come back from that one unless we restart no okay did their heard me yeah so 950 maybe not stable maybe in the hot I'm sure what we can really do about that let's go down to 9:15 and see if we can get I just pushed the core frequency higher to twenty four seventy as well as see if we can get kind of like a final score in here while I go through her super chats zdg great to see is EDG two dollars can it run minecraft ray-traced well probably I'm gonna go with probably on that yes the artifacting is almost certainly from the memory overclock can be not stable trying to keep up with chat and super chat at the same time I don't like to pay while people out of interacting but also it is really hard to keep up with everything so doing my best we've got a lot of apps when it died and then people saying I came back mountains he seems like overkill just ask Andrew to lend his Nintendo switch cooler to pull those temps down it's still here he forgot to bring it home can you believe that after patch can I try it so hard have you ever accidentally frozen your hair no but when I was in Boston for PAX East and I walked to the Convention Center after taking a shower my hair did actually frost over and someone thought I was cosplaying as Jon Snow but actually it was genuinely very uncomfortable and not cosplay this one's going pretty well so far what do you use for your personal rig in the office I use like 6,800 K or something I don't remember half the memory channels and a 1080 Ti at home I use an 83 70 under clocked and under vaulted I don't know what video cards are there I want to say a 1080 maybe probably 1080i trying to read the other messages Oh someone's heading that not you're a real influencer in response to me saying that that x1 update was indirectly am i doing what's more fun benching CBS or GPS on - I prefer GPUs there's so many more knobs with CPUs I think they take a lot more skill and patience and training and so I do enjoy it but it's it's easy to get frustrated with CP is because it's just like there's always something there's some other voltage you didn't know exists or you need to start doing memory at some point and that's never really fun because for me it's a lot of guessing and checking it's definitely GPU preferred for me alright so that was a score 10 6 7 4 is actually improved they kept that like - 95 or so and it's 73 point / - 58.7 624 71 99 % 1.35 volts 915 mm okay yes 83-70 has in an FX 83-70 that is correct actually no I think it is in a 370 it wasn't 93 whatever 95 the same generation with the 9000 series but the vrm and that board was just incinerating so I replaced it of that under bolted it and under clocked it okay I should change something let's try my 480 and let's try a 925 again ok how many years have you been using that bulldozer chip now then pretty much since it came out I built it wasn't 9370 I think that's the name of the CPU correct me if it's not but it was like the the second there was a mate wizard a 95 90 was the other there's the second most expensive 9000 series AMD FX chip I specifically built that system because at that point I Jian was really starting to do a lot more with hardware and there's a professional decision rather than a personal one because I had been using only Intel up until that point all my builds and I said I want some personal experience building with AMD and living with an AMD system this is the bulldozer era and and I think that would be good for my knowledge of how this platform behaves so that's what I built I never particularly liked the system it did ok it still does oh it's fine but it had so many issues with vrm temperatures and that's a mix of the CPU and don't need that anymore mix the CPU and the motherboard choice but the case and the cooling is plenty it's just that it's too much too much beer I'm he ok Harold McEntire $10 says I just really wanted RX with the 700 xt damn it yes sorry we're waiting for more of those coming stock oh no he actually said 5900 xt well yes we all want that that's for sure Thomas Mara Nick $5 says would you buy the 57 XT to replace 980ti no I don't think I would we do have numbers for both of those in our charts for the 57 or XC review I think the 980 I should be in there but I feel like I'd want a bigger jump than that so I'd either way to generation and buy mid-range or mid range mid-range in the quotes kind of subjective way to generation and buying this price class then or do a bigger jump up but that's just uh that's how I would do it Tyler Hawkins two dollars can it keep my beer cold if you mean the Ellen - then yes William that's good two dollars how much do you pay for that one - in my area is nine dollars per liter Wow uh like a dollar a liter less so there are 180 liters and I pay one hundred seventy seven dollars before delivery charges so yeah you might want to renegotiate on that they did originally originally two of these they were charging me hundred eighty dollars which if you're quick on your feet you might notice this two times the cost but I basically said so that numbers really high and then she was like oh yeah how about 440 I was like it for two right yes yes for - okay like don't know where the first number came from but margins were very good on it a thousand two percent let's try this killer ad on tap but someone mentioned earlier nice thank you for the suggestion it's a bit faster should write a bad script to make it really fast okay cool that's a good suggestion from chat so yeah I think that's pretty much where we're stable probably gonna cut it off around there it seems to be much higher and I think nine fifteen is about the limit on our memory so we already have scores for this what we'll do one more if it lives and start winding down through the Super chats and stuff got a lot of the normal chats in here today too which is always nice it seems like keeping the bench here normally I have it over here keeping it here is really good because I'm able to read while doing some of the pores for the bench roms try and do that more big owl five dollars thank you you bearded hardware Jay King penalty live charity stream make it happen I would be down I'm sure Joe would be down the hardest would be KP just cuz he's in Taiwan but I'm sure we could we just hit a charity stream we just did a charity stream with Jay you know what let's just-okay killed it before it ended up crashing the system at that EVGA like 20th anniversary or whatever it was for them it was an eight hour stream for us there was 20 hours for you VGA and kingpin was there that was really fun actually we didn't do a recap video I mean you could watch the archive if you wanted but it is eight hours long Jay did a recap video I'd recommend watching it if you you missed it that was pretty fun it was Alan to master class from kingpin mixed with Jay and I just kind of battling for scores with KP 20 atti cards best okay that's I get enough for Iran that stuff really freezes in my hair back Kevin why is technology Steve I purchased a mini ITX case and motherboard within 8700 it doesn't have much space for a large heatsink can only has enough space for 120 AAA oh it's the best 120 a or you recommend they're all so similar it's the fan like a lot of those are ace attack and so ultimately the difference is gonna be like LEDs and stuff but let's just ignore those and then the fan at which point you can kind of buy any ace attack closed-loop liquid cooler which are made by NZXT corsair EVGA everybody and just buy an aftermarket fan like some higher rpm knock to a 1 or something and throw that on there 120 s we don't really like because a lot of the time they're in territory where a good air cooler would be better eat pretty easily and the pricing is not that great on 120 s but if it's a really specific use case like you're talking about and you just can't fit much else than a 120 that is kind of where they they actually do well is in a scenario like that so to answer the question I the one I would stay away from is that NZXT m22 they think rather than recommending a specific 120 CLC since they are all mostly the same I would recommend against the m22 it's a terrible cooler and and say just grab like maybe kind of run-of-the-mill A's attack whoever's cheapest ebj CLC 120 is there a crack in X 22 I don't know that there is for X 32 there isn't China of course there's got some small one I forgot what that's called and then just buy a better fan that'd be my easy recommendation Liam Fitzpatrick how much of your floor is Ellen - you can make a lot of the floor Ellen - we can I don't know we can answer that question how much of the floor is Ellen - about maybe maybe a liter or so it does a kick up for a little while after it's kind of cool just evaporates I think I have enough left for this run so we've been running at minus 100 for almost this whole run and it has been alive that's gonna be runaway cold because the bench is ending 10 6 87 that's her best score so far let's chat saying everybody likes the big clouds on the carpet all right so yeah that was like minus 100 this time and ever accidentally drink from the wrong bottle no not ideal so that is 10 6 8 7 which is over our 10 6 7 4 before and let's see what else what other numbers do we have here 7 3.15 so once is good all the bacteria just dotted 58.8 and that was going to be 24 69 9% close background tasks like explore it's not worth it 1.35 and I'm 15 that's what we ran through running your own Allan teapot this is an ek critical point I didn't know this existed until they sent us to with some other stuff a while ago and I was like wow I'm never going to have use for this and here it is so they had a ton of mounting brackets with it the reason I didn't think I'd have a use for it was because it was kind of old and so the hole spacing didn't really fit anything modern but fortunately it just so happened to have one the only bracket we had that would fit 5,700 ex T's so really happy to have it it's working I have talked to some Allen T overclockers all of them said it's not really good and that's they didn't make a lot of them or sell many I believe that based on what I you know looking at it's not a lot of surface area it's not that much mass not very tall but it is great for a relatively low powered GPU like this one compared to a higher higher-end one and yeah no issues at all really ok so I think that's gonna be our score we'll stop it there let me give you some numbers on the improvements of that to put it all in perspective ten six eight seven is our score - 94612 with a twelve point nine six nine improvement so 13 percent really damn good is there still enough oxygen in the air yes big room ventilation all that stuff so thirteen percent improvement on total score that's awesome and then we had a what's max clock you know what we can do that that's a good question it's on this windowed so like I've been saying set is not the same as get for the clocks oh it should be logged in here what was it 20 386 of another 24 and there 2400 so our set was like 24 70 and the actual number that came out was between 20 386 and 24 13s the highest I've seen there's a 24:05 seems to average like call it 2,400 is the the memory and then the I'm sorry the GPU in the memory was 915 so if that answered that question what card it is the reference card I wanted to use sapphire but it wouldn't fit why are you using the blow torch to show that there's oxygen in the room it wouldn't light otherwise okay yes and also a lot of the atmosphere is already nitrogen so 73 15.15 for the gt1 score let's I never did do this let's do a default run again and get that baseline school or I'm just gonna let it run doesn't need to be cold for this get a baseline score so we know what gt1 to work I did it yeah I did baseline originally but I never recorded GT 1 & 2 so 73 1 5 is our GT 1 final score and for the 8.8 was the GT 2 final score it's an 82 6k why are your junction temperature is the Sun yes it does not seem to understand cold so we're gonna let it run I don't need to pour Alain to on it I don't think at this point record GT 1 & 2 and then that'll be our top to bottom comparison we'll close it out let me go through all the super chats let's see sick brain $2 Steve you ever had Alan to LH to hit your skin while important it mean like liquid helium we I've never used it lnto yes all the time so as long as it doesn't soak it doesn't hurt like I mean I wouldn't recommend it don't go you know try and do circus tricks or anything like Joe does but there's something called the Leidenfrost effect if you want to look it up and it's basically evaporating or rolling off so the problem would be if you cupped your hand and I poured it there that would hurt that would be like putting your hand on a stove but because it can just evaporate and roll off it's fine when I pour from here sometimes my hand will be touching like the metal screw on these stanley cups if it's touching that it does it burns a little bit it doesn't leave marks or anything but it'll burn a little bit so you have to be careful of stuff like that it is I find it safer to not use gloves though it's pretty rare for it to actually hit my skin in a way that hurts using gloves just makes you lose all the dexterity because they're the cryo gloves they're not like leather gloves so they're fat and you might as well be wearing a spacesuit like you can't really I can't even pick this thing up like it's yeah it's not great so you pick it up this way and now like I can't really maneuver so yeah I don't like the gloves -25 it's warmed up quite a bit can I put your logo on my personal credit card Penguin fan said five dollars I don't know I think your company probably won't let you do it I can't do anything about it Luis Flores 99 cents no assets thank you Retta lessons ten dollars keep with a great informative content it's such a help glad to hear that thank you for watching I'm sure you watch for the information not contained in the lm-2 overclocking unless you're an Alan to overclocker in which case cool Luis Flores 90 cents on cue Drake's Evans five dollars would you expect a noticeable gaming gains with D letting an eighty six hundred K I'm looking for random tweaks for my CPU and GPU now they're on water gaming gains yes if you're overclocking know if you're not it's not like a GPU or rise on three thousand where it'll boost based on temperature so if it gives you more overclocking Headroom than yes it does I would say do it like first of all my recommendation is deal with the 8000 series and the liquid metal get rid of one layer of silicone adhesive keep the other get rid of the one on the IHS and don't reseal it just put the IHS back on there hold it tight clamp it in the ilm on the board and if you don't overclock just reduce your fan speeds because now your temperatures gonna be so much lower from getting rid of that adhesive and going on liquid metal nitrogen you can run a lower fan speed and get quieter okay so this was a bit higher than our original baseline because it is colder so it's boosting a bit but not that much original base mine is 94 61 this was ninety four ninety nine from point of reference GT one is sixty four point eight four and gt2 is fifty two point three eight and our final scores were seventy three point one five and fifty eight point eight which is actually a pretty big uplift it's a sixty four point eight four oh sorry thirty-three point one five six four point eight four four sets of 12.8% uplifting gt1 from baseline and then a twelve point three percent uplift and GTT from baseline let me get as many super chats I'm gonna cut super chats off here so 9:50 p.m. don't send anymore I won't read them but let me get through the ones that are here 9:50 p.m. our time how'd you say which is now okay oh we're actually at the bottom I think nice that's pretty rare did I miss anyone no I think we got everyone up to now okay so let me get through though there's only like ten here Aly Robertson's $3.00 thank you it has anyone been even to want to do look more like yes Mongolian t7 two dollars Ali needs Ellen to ally ally ally needs on two they had a stroke I don't know a reference the Bowen $20 thank you for the very generous donation order to foil shirt the other day thanks for streaming it's great watch during my own PC bill right now that's awesome good luck with it I don't forget to plug in the EPS 12-volt cables that's that's probably most common mistake last time I built the PC that's what I did Dixon software solutions $10 any update on the Steve simulator game the he teased in the year-end review video the disappointment build he got it Andrew the disappoint Andrew is currently covertly plugging in the power for the camera while keeping us live only a pro can do it actually when we were at EVGA at my screen for eight hours I didn't bring the charger cuz I didn't think there'd be a reason we'd need it we just bought batteries and someone had II don't know his name and I wish I did someone at EVGA knew we were low battery and we asked him if he could find a charger for us but there were no charges that were the right spec and could fit and so he actually took a charger that had the right barrel connector and spliced it into another charger which was awesome and we really appreciate that that was a to keep us live during that stream anyway so are any updates to the Steve sent me about your game well we we didn't turn it into a game but maybe one day for some special event we could make some small Unreal Engine game or something okay oh we didn't have that our tx1 we won't we need to do more with that Mike Stockmar two dollars what cpu is that 8086 hey not the Saudi ninety DXE Adam Schumann senior five dollars when will we see Captain the overclocked hurts I don't know we could do it I guess I got a maid Patrick Leonard five dollars just 75 euros because I forgot the street number on the shipping height rest of my shirt order so now someone has to edit it manually I'm sorry don't worry about it it happens all the time if you notice that kind of thing typically we catch it well we always catch it because the software doesn't let a ship but if you notice it first email support Akira's X has done that and he'll sort it out for you he's great at that stuff don't even worry about it Tyler Tyler he'll $5 recycle the Ellen to question mark like in a closed-loop refrigeration circuit or cascade cooling system so yes go to our channel page and type in Robo clocker ro b o clock or one word and there's a cool video we did with Vince two of them King ten and one shows that exact solution you're talking about it's only a few more of these zdg two dollars yeah am three VRMs that sucked dirt they were so bad yes $2 message retracted thank you anyway and Raphael or $2 Keith you 40db a noise normalize test on the wraith prism well I said earlier we're starting to work on air coolers finally with our new assistance so yes we will be getting to those those are on the list okay so I think that's that's all the super chaps to cut off don't send anymore what do they do if an event in normal chat no current plans but I do want to do it at some point you can catch me at LTX which will happen again next year other events or we'll do some kind of fan of that locally at some point okay so let me read off like three or four stories there's one from Joseph and Utah thank you for picking up the wireframe shirt that I this one right here there's one from a big order from RIE near and the Netherlands picked up a foil shirt a Raglan two-tone hoodie the teal logo anniversary edition shirt which is the teal version of this that was the original foil shirt we did and then also a two-tone shirt thank you for the big order right here we had one from Maxime from Canada picked up some Raglan hoodies two-tone hoodies James from Colorado picked up the wireframe shirt thank you James chance and Tim moines picked up this is what I like about the u.s. addresses is if I look at the abbreviation for the state and I can't remember what it is I can just read the city and prevent pretend like it was intentional picks up a tear down crystal and a mob Matt thank you and Indiana me and Stephen in Ontario and Toronto Ontario picks up a foil wireframes shirt as well so yeah like I said I can't read them all there's too much stuff going on during the stream but thank you for your patience I try to split it between we get all the super chats try to read a lot of the normal chats so we don't pay well the interaction because that kind of sucks but it is also difficult to keep up and some of the store orders as soon as this I'm gonna give it I'll give it an extra like 15 minutes but when the stream ends plus 15 minutes this shirts not going to be available anymore taking it offline we're basically through our allocation at this point so just have to get them printed in the sizes that we want and so on and all that stuff so if you want one store document sexist on that and that it's gone it's done thank you for watching hopefully you got some entertainment or information about the 5700 XT I need to shut this down at this point because it is starting to melt and we don't want water on the board around the card but everything did survive so that's really good all right anything in chat for me thanks for the chillaxed stream take care well thank you for watching alright guys next one hopefully we'll be with Joe if I'll probably do one before then but Joe's gonna come up here I'll do the 3900 accent maybe a 57 I can see together in the same system so we can have some more chaos going on with the pores and that's going to be it subscribe for more thanks for watching I'll see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 235,217
Rating: 4.8354592 out of 5
Keywords: gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, amd rx 5700 xt overclocking, amd rx 5700 xt liquid nitrogen, amd rx 5700 xt ln2 benchmark, amd rx 5700 xt extreme overclocking, amd 5700 xt vs rtx 2070 super
Id: JS9in-RHbjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 163min 10sec (9790 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 17 2019
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