Live: Delidded i9-9900K Overclocking w/ Lapped IHS

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okay we should be live I'm not sure are we live now I think we're live now I don't know YouTube's been telling me all kinds of stuff for this so I let me know if it's coming through okay I guess YouTube has has given me mixed reporting on if it's actually coming through smoothly with the audio so let me know if you can hear us and and see me and if it's you know actually like moving because that would be good alright cool so it looks like everyone everyone can see it so welcome to the stream we're gonna be overclocking a 9,900 k today I'm looking forward to it this should be a pretty fun one done I've done quite a few mods since the review and I just now seen me waving delayed of it there so it looks like it's smooth that's good alright so I'll be talking about the CPU momentarily I'm gonna let some people join in first stuff like that and you know this was a it's a pretty big launch day for Intel and I haven't had a chance Ivan had time to look through and see what colleges online think I haven't had time to see what what other reviewers think so I expect to see some some chat tonight what you think about the 99er K because I need to get I need to get caught up and of course the only way to do that is to read chat apparently all right so we've got a couple things to talk about with a CPU I'm just waiting for people to join in so I don't have to say it too many times in a row and I'll start going over the bench momentarily once already with that so as people are joining no not rip J today I'm sorry what we will be doing is just a just overclocking the CPU just then 9900 Kay and I need to see how I forget how to open up super chat from this new interface I've been using for for YouTube's live streams we're using the events page now instead of the live streams page it seems to be a bit more reliable but also completely unnavigable alright so yeah it looks like Chad's pretty much in line with what I was expecting for haha for the the take on the 9900 K okay so we should be good just to pretty much start going through everything duuude send out the tweet you know what I should do that let's send out a tweet to hide one we're live before we start really going so we are live okay okay told everyone at it I don't know why it sweets in all caps a lot of exclamation exclamation points from oh yeah all right so yeah I'm redoing I don't know a bit of a chat vote here let's you know while people are joining in let's take just kind of a quick tally so I'm gonna be overclocking just the CPU today we're not going to focus on the GPU really what I want to know is someone says I love that shirt thank you cellphone Dave it's a new limited edition sure it's on the store on store documents access net if you want to pick it up we're figuring out what sizes we need to order so we've got a pre-order period to figure out what size to bring in and then once they're sold out will cut off the orders and and and stop making them so yeah benches so we have a few options let me pitch like two or three of them do you want to see how much do you want to see Cinebench versus like times by extreme or times by I guess CPU testing that's what I want to know so times by CPU test physics test Cinebench fire strike physics test is another option just type type one of those names in chat I'm gonna take an ad hoc poll on what it seems like people want to see the modes you can type in I guess type in 3d mark or Cinebench something like that seen a bit of both right now blender I couldn't do blender cuts sit and watch it render it still image for 15 minutes this is exciting Cinebench is definitely faster we do a bit of both so we do some but we can this do a bit of both looks like Sena benches is pretty in demand time spine center pitch it's like you equal so we'll do it we'll do all right I got it we'll do high we'll do a bit of both so yeah welcome to the stream we are we walk you through the parts and stuff I'm going to tweet this out one more time or post it on Facebook or something and otherwise we're gonna walk through this new CPU see how high we can overclock I didn't try super hard for the review I pushed the 5.2 gigahertz without really any effort and just stopped there and figured we do more here today with a 540 millimeter radiators I'll show you momentarily so we are live with a 900 overclocked stream I guess okay alright okay so let's uh let's get going here chat has now updated me on what the internet thinks about this new processor so that's always helpful to know and at this point we need to see how far we can push the thing so allow oh there we go open super chat a new window nice okay cool we got two dollars from xes who says you'll need an egg to cook on the CPU yeah that's we probably get into kind of that temperature sometimes so let's go through this thing before I turn it on it's off right now because as you'll see momentarily there's a very large radiator with a lot of fans on it and uh here it is so this is the ek it's one of the ek 540's they sent in for a rip J stream which we'll get back to after this spy in the next couple days we'll visit that and maybe about a week visit that again but ek7 this this was one of ours either our GPU or our CPU radiator was in the ice bucket and now it's back with just fans you know I kind of thought for this stream I want to do something realistic that anybody could build and that that seems like it might be something you'd actually try an overclock at home so I don't want to do an ice bucket but then I used a 540 millimeter radiator so I guess I didn't really stick to that plan z well this is this kind of just miss I don't know it's it's a bit misleading this is left over I left it on there because we might end up dunking this radiator in a future stream and doing a chilled overclock on the CPU but it will not be chilled below ambient today we're just going to use ambient air for cooling the radiator and it has four Furious fans on it they're called the Vardar Furious they're very loud I can bring down the speeds later if we need to but we're gonna try and run at full speed and hopefully it won't bother everyone too much then for the loop it's actually very simple this time so despite all the stuff on the wood block the actual loop is just this one so it's it's only this pump and reservoir combo hooked up to the Supremacy block I think which is hooked up to the 540 it's a really simple loop for this and what case does that fit and I honestly am Not sure I'm not sure what you know what case you had fit it in deal it and conduct not yes that's really important so ambient temperature of the room is 22 right now so yes it is delighted it's actually not hard you can use the existing deal with tools for for existing CPUs rates 8000 series 7000 series all that stuff and we are yeah we'll do dry ice eventually yes but I don't know about for this so it is deleted and then the what else we got going on I laughed the inside of the IHS so I sanded it down and that took a long time so sanded that down last night and then after that just kind of put liquid metal on it I've got it working so so yeah it's it's gonna be cooler than in our review we're in the review I had just Hydra not on there versus solder which is a really interesting test but not what we want to do for this so yeah that's that's what we've got going on you got two more super chats Joe Susan in two dollars testing one two three four five thank you very much detune 32 dollars what I need to reinstall windows 7700 Kate's in ninety nine hundred K with Windows 10 you can kind of get away with that I would recommend to clean install for Best Performance just to make sure there's nothing sneaking the drivers left behind I did not laugh to die so I did IHS laughing and we didn't do the dot I know Roman did that I talked to him about that but we just did the IHS only so okay let's turn this thing on when I apologize now for the noise and step back a bit I don't know if we'll be able to show it but those fans actually goes so fast they push stuff around in the background it is is they're very fast fans and there are a lot of them what motherboard are using we are using the Maximus 11 so it is and we're gonna reset bios we're using the Maximus 11 hero it's an asus motherboard we've got the we've got a half kit of g.skill Triton z black on there it's the same memory that we used for the rip J and repel TT stuff but I only put two of them in there and I have not I'm done like any overclock on this so we're gonna be figuring this out all alive and let's see other parts RT X xx atti XE ultra but we're not really going to using the GPU and then an ax 1600 eye power supply which should be set in single rail moment mode but we'll find out if I trip any over over current protections or anything like that so let's start simple I'm gonna go ahead and just reset straight defaults with XMP and let's get our baseline with this will do Cinebench and we'll do like a time spy extreme or time spy physics and see how that does how are you working in the 79 80 FC is this Doctor Who 867-5309 it's this is 1080 XE no but thank you for the $2 a couple more Super chats while this is booting we got a Guido Sarducci $2 but does its crisis probably almost definitely bazinga X $5 what do you think of enter max was looking at there neo changer pump and res combo I don't know anything about that pump or reservoir or that series at all aromatics has some some actually surprisingly good products they have some surprisingly very bad products like any other company so it's I mean as a whole I have no opinion of just straight enter max but they definitely have some stuff that has has performed better than we expected and then it found we found out it was corroding so that was unfortunate all right let's just launch Cinebench and I've got like I've got stuff going in the background secondly a perfect score but let's just get a baseline today you know we should blast the brightness on this monitor and probably wipe it off too let me do that while we get this started where are the buttons for this monitor I hate navigating monitors brightness nope Oh nope don't want that oh it's got a navigational button it's nice okay cool brightness 100 okay that's not what I want that's that's good yes I'm gonna wipe that down too but can you see it okay and right now okay so we're gonna wipe that down we know they don't use this screen for streaming so it's running Cinebench single-threaded just for a baseline I'll get a hardware info running in a second and we'll take some some numbers for thermals and actually I should use a different type of cleaner than this and the good news about the single-threaded test is it takes a long time so I can walk around for a second and clean this up so this will be baseline all I've done is XMP and that's pretty much it just XMP on the on the memory which is 3600 megahertz to be fair this is a riveting stream I guess we don't need my test data notes anymore since what those are all done now so this is our live stream of cleaning a monitor welcome we're actually venturing into lifestyle videos now we've noticed that those do way better get a wider audience and gonna offer useful tips like like the clean your monitor you can use a paper towel I think that's pretty new all right better house is that like okay on screen oh cool okay so let me check out chat is this the 9900 it is the 9900 kay and no vacuum nope no vacuum we don't need a vacuum to clean a monitor all right so I did not break it yet it's just running complete stock right now we're not going to do many of these I'm only gonna do a single core tasks like when we hit a really stable clock so we're gonna take a note of this when it's done and that'll be our single core baseline and then after that we can do multi-threaded and a physics test so right now it's complete stock with XMP on 3,600 megahertz for that this is going to be a different kit of memory than we used for our fart review so if you saw the review we use the thirty two hundred megahertz kit there and it looks like chat spilling in pretty well so welcome to everybody who's just joining them now I'll walk you through the parts again in a second since you missed probably a lot of you missed the beginning but basics here the 900k came out I from what I've seen in chat it's pretty much expected really expensive but high performance just a question of is it worth it and then we deleted ours did liquid metal on it we talked about deleting it in our review but didn't show the liquid metal application and it actually worked out pretty well so our baseline here 219 for single so 219 1 T and that is with complete stock I'm gonna take notes stream notes 9900 KOC and we get to the super chats in a minute also has a note if you pick up the anything from the store today especially these new foil graph logo shirts these are going to be limited edition shirts like and the last one sold out within about two weeks I think and we have like a couple left over after that but that was it so once once they're gone we're not making any more they'll be gone they've ate they were very popular last time so I come the this time as well but if you picked something up on the store store deck everything exits net I will be sure to try and shout out as many as I can but no promises due to the high volume I can always get all of them so alright so two 19's are single core score let's do a multi-threaded baseline no overclocking just yet and see how that does how do you clean off the solder great question and I'll get some of the super chats in a second - so that was just a normal chat though so a great question how do you clean off solder here's a knife so yeah there's some footage of it in our review but so to crack it open you can use any D letter just like with v8 the previous two generations you can say use the same D letters so you can use their Bauer's you can use rocket cools if you want a cheaper option that's what I used and it'll just crack it open just like they're all pay it's not advising you do this mind you it's it's actually it's good enough with solder that I'd really recommend against the D letting unless you absolutely need the last couple of degrees for whatever competitive overclocking you're doing so it would not advise it but just for sake of curiosity if you want to know how its open do you put it in a D later you turn the screw and it cracks it open and then scrape off all the silicone adhesive just like normally the Saudis are a really soft solder so it's indium and it's very soft you can scrape it off even just with your fingernail but I used a razor blade so I used a short like box cutter razor blade that I cut in half and that was able to get in there and scrape most of it up and then the problem is it's hard to get it to be a properly smooth the surface and if you slip with that razor blade when I was talking with Roman dear Bauer we were talking about this if you slipped with that blade that CPU might be dead so really have to be careful and it's it's it's definitely not something I necessarily recommend for almost anyone but it was fun and also a huge pain because to really get the IHS to where it needs to be you kinda have to sand it so I sanded it with a 600 grit 1200 mm mm wet sand 3000 so it's really shiny on the inside of the IHS and we can do a bit more but anyway so our baseline here 2064 for baseline that's within reason I think we've seen like 2018 and our some of our other validation runs so just depending on this memories faster so that makes sense so 2060 4nt complete stock okay so are you going to file down the dyno no I'm not I mean I might sand off a little bit to smooth out the top because it is kind of uneven right now and that bothers me but I'm not really planning on doing anything serious with dyno Roman worked on that and I think that's on his channel it's going to check it out but we're just gonna restart and do some actual overclock stepping here probably just start with a 5 gigahertz all core it's pretty easy it'll definitely hold there's really take any effort and then we get a good baseline for what happens when it's all core or 5 gigahertz so that's something that you can almost certainly achieve on I would think all of these I would certainly hope all of these out-of-the-box with you 5.0 both core so that'll be a good comparison then we can do a 5 point one for some numbers there 5.2 I know is stable and 5.2 beyond beyond that I'm not sure what happens so we'll find that out together alright so we have let's let's just start going through the options here I'm gonna try and read some super chats when I can so AVX definitely zero offset for a BX sync all cores we're gonna do a 50 X multiplier or 5 gigahertz for now and that'll be our starting all core you've got a bit of glare up here and yep it's that one cool and then so let's see what else do I need to turn off here I need turned some stuff on some stuff off we need to disable SPID supports I'm gonna turn that off I'm gonna go to not touching the timings right now digit plus power that's good so load line calibration we're gonna set to level seven that's pretty much a straight line although on this CPU we do have some V group even at level eight LLC so I'm gonna have to increase the voltage input more than what I actually want which makes it kind of hard to track current capabilities we're gonna hit that so this is a really important setting if you don't know much about overclocking if you try to go into at least on this board BIOS and overclock the CPU I just did and you don't set the current limitations to max or at least higher then it will current throttle and so you actually won't get the overclock that you wanted in a disable spread spectrum and then DRAM current we're gonna max that out as well don't expect the D ran to be going over current but might as well just eliminate any issues for us early there's one more setting I think ICC max is important just max that one out actually there should be a couple more to so one of the problems in in the review that we brought up so this was in the article but not in the video got cut from the video due to time but some boards out there are are actually running with an ICC max that's higher than Intel stock specification and so those scores will be higher than than what is considered stock it's kind of like an MC e debate all over again I talked about this in the review within the first couple paragraphs so check out the review article if you want to read about that it was in the video but we cut it for time let's just I don't know what's like I don't know let's let's do like one point two eight and just step it down I'm actually not sure kind of curious what the low is stable voltage will be for this I need to max out the fans too so let me get some super chats while this is booting back in okay super chats so we have ATO cthey it's a talk 'kathy so two dollars thank you watch stream looks nice please share encoder settings it's just OBS with probably faster I think I think it's just a six for faster so all I'm doing right now is maxing out the fans if the fan noise is completely unbearable let me know but we're gonna try and I'll just try and stay away from them that way it's not too loud but we do need the cooling capability that's it's kind of the point of an overclocking live stream so all right there we go so super chats we have Mustaine's by matt $2 good to see you again is that a PCO 11 dynamic in the corner plans yes it is a PCO 11 dynamic and I'm planning to use it from my production machine in the office here so eventually I'll be building my own system we have ones for the editors now Patrick got one so I just need my own production machine at this point I plan to use that one Doctor Who 8 6 75 3 or 9 $2.00 this is a 79 80 XE got that one already no toys are for boys 666 thank you let there be no evil in your CPU not sure donating 666 is going to help but I appreciate your your reverse psychology hopefully the CPU falls for it and at the end there is no evil in it today so 5 gigahertz pretty basic here I'm going to move this over and you know we should probably just go to let's go to 1080p make it a bit easier to see and you got some more numbers in I don't even know if this is gonna be stable I'm at only one point to 8 volts input but the actual voltage is gonna droop from that I think so let's take a look at that and just see what's what's happening in that department so we care about is V core is this motherboard yet this is detected at the motherboards right 1.27 currently let's see if it even if it just freezes instantly or not it shouldn't but we'll see so we dropped to one point two three that's kind of what I'm talking about I need to take a DMM to the back of the socket your invalidate but one point t7 gets me one point two three something like that one point two eight actually is what I put in so this is something we talked to a she's about they're aware of V droop on the board and I don't know if they're they plan to do anything with it or if it's just an ICC whatever Intel thing 21:53 is our score for all Core 5 gigahertz and our original all core baseline was 20 64 was that 2153 2153 is the baseline there NT 5.0 all core ok and let's just tell it to rot we already actually don't need to run single threaded because we already know what that's going to score it's gonna squid single-threaded so let's just go ahead and do a 3d mark run while I'm catching up through some of the super chats and you know it not extreme let's just need straight times by not extreme do I have time spy on here yes the giant one time aside CPU physics only run custom all right it's gonna be a bit lower cuz I'm runnin hardware info at the same time but we do need that data so it's important to have it and let me read you to see if there are any store purchases to shout out while time supply is running here and then we'll go through the test bench a bit more in a minute so a couple store orders thank you for sending those in we have Eric from Cleveland Tennessee picked up the new limited edition foil graph logo shirt that's this one that you were picking that up Eric you are one of the first and you also got some of the cobalt blue beer glasses thankfully thank you for picking those up helps us with the stream a lot to place orders on the store because it's a different completely different type of content it's abuse compared to what we normally do so it always helps get those and Nicholas from North Carolina picked up a also the limited edition Graff logo shirt Thank You Nicholas so we got a score and we read one more one or two more of these we got a Karen from Baltimore picked up the limited edition shirt as well thank you and one more here and we'll get back to those and that we got uh here it is we gots hey sis from California picked up a limited edition shirt as well okay so our score eleven thousand eight thirty three let's just take this as a a number for all core five gigahertz we'll get a baseline later so let me just separate this out five G all core and this was eleven thousand eight thirty three so strictly for perspective let me open up a three more Hall of Fame scoreboard and look at what these straight times by CPU results are kind at the high end just to give everyone perspective of where this is falling so times pi we want times by cpu scores what I want time spy CPU they not space it out okay well anyway times by graphics score I see CPU score it's not separated out four times by standalone but it is four times by extreme which of course I'm very familiar with that benchmark so anyway let's just look at our types by extreme number for a second that was twelve thousand for thirty three and I think if we run this times by extreme we're gonna where you get hit too hard on the GPU side so I'm not going to compare so let me go back two times pi and we'll just pick the number let's pick the number twenty result that's what they sixty and seventy nine eighty XE here's a good Saturday night ADRC result with just straight x by fourteen thousand three seventy eight for that score and this person was running at an unspecified frequency I think four point seven gigahertz so they were at four point seven gigahertz on the 79-80 X E and same benchmark they got fourteen thousand 378 now I don't know how good that person's overclock is this is the nineteenth results in the scoreboard but we're at 11,000 833 just baseline and it is an eight core this time kind of to remember that so certainly better than intel's previous processors for the same thing let's see how are the temperatures during all that we didn't do a whole lot yet so we were maxing at in the sixties we're doing pretty well pretty well for temperatures part of this is the d lid with liquid metal it brings us down a couple degrees for sure and we'll have more content on that later and part of it is a 540 millimeter radiator with four really high rpm fans hot and also an open loop so we're doing okay for thermals let's see let's just get a number four v 4 51 51 X and in the meantime we got a couple more super chats and I need to catch up so I I always get through all of them just be advised that I run on a delay with super chats because of the volume of them so we have detuned $32.00 why does it infinity fabric tick at ram speed i don't have an answer for that that's something I probably used to know when we reviewed Rison 1000 series when it came out and it might be in our review I don't remember but not something I've kept in my head so sorry that I can't answer that right now I'd have to I'd have to look it up I don't memorize everything that we work on unfortunately let's see Death Comes it scrolled up there we go death calm sqk 199 I pure did the 9900 K on day one and Newegg hasn't shipped that's messed up come on new ik that's pretty messed up alright so just set 51 and we're just gonna keep it at one point to a ton till I crashes which is really like 1.2 35 which is really low so it's doing pretty well for for the Volt frequency curve I would say what a dumb so for everyone who watched Roman their power stream what did he end up did he test with the exotic coin or did he use like a liquid cooler and what did he end up hitting just curious not trying to compete with them but curious what he got on the high end if anyone knows it would be Roman someone saying Amazon hasn't shipped yet either someone says Steve overclocked more this isn't crashing so try more voltage on higher frequency no no you don't do more voltage if it's not crashing you do higher frequency yes I'm starting to the point is starting slow and working our way up don't do more voltage if it's not crashing that is the opposite of the point okay so okay despite starting low I actually do do kind of know what I'm doing here so we hit 5.2 in our review all core trivially and that's why we're back here to actually try this time so let's get a all core what is did we even did I increase it to 51 I think I did check in a second so what are they saying what y'all saying about a Romans you did seven point six or seven point seven gigahertz on helium was it liquid helium he did use liquid he'll him that's pretty cool I'll to watch that did he do any overclocking on a on ambient like just on water cooling with air I'd be curious what do you hit on that hi I'm their 7-point I'm here in 7.5 27.7 liquid healing that is pretty pretty damn high look what a helium is super expensive by the way compared to liquid nitrogen 22:12 so is that that is a bit higher so this is going to be 5 point 1 gigahertz all core and we got 22 12 from multi-threaded and then let's just go ahead and let it through a single thread just to see it shouldn't be too much higher we're at 219 before I really don't think it'd be too much higher it loves 3 volts trust me I don't don't believe definitely does not love 3 volts 4.8 it's on ambient 4.8 that can't be right well the D H 15 I guess what was he using for his software I guess if he was using prime then yeah so there's a prime is really nasty on these 900 K is it it just instantly over he's instantly even at 5.0 sometimes so prime is a pretty abusive on these and blender is an AV X workload but it didn't trigger the same response which is why we use blender in our thermal testing because it's still a realistic use case and it wasn't instantly thermal throttling it okay so super chats and get a couple of those definitely Relan five dollars would you like some 3dfx cards for the hologram to video call cards and another I don't know hold on to them for now because we're gonna do another fan mail stream I don't know I'm hoping maybe next week and we needed to see what we even have first because there's a lot of stuff in there so definitely 3dfx beauties are cool to have though but if you want on you should hang onto them because it's like piece of history at this point keV ski 802 $2 liquid metal to soften solder to remove from die liquid metal to soften solder to remove from die so oh I I don't know would that work I'm not actually not sure you have to talk to him but the materials engineer Roman about that but all I did was just scrape it off with a knife so I guess I'm barbaric I don't know it's going pretty well than me Michael Hayes $10 would you recommend going from an 8700 K to the 9900 K and should I use my azrog Z 370 extreme for motherboard I'm gonna say probably no but let me look at what that motherboard is I've not kept up with the z3 Sony boards I am not sure how the power delivery is on this board for the nine NRK I would have to look into it if build Zoids done one on this that would be a good place to look but for reference the 9900 K we were pushing like 270 watts with a 5 gigahertz 1.3 5 volts set up and the reason for that was to equate it to an 80 86 K so we used really high voltage but 200 so T watts kind of a lot of power so you keep that in mind it is certainly higher than the 8700 K at the high end like once you start pushing 5.2 gigahertz but out of the box the power delivery should be fine if you're running stock it's just when he started overclocking like all core 5.2 I don't know how how all the different board VRMs will hold up I haven't looked into them l 4 R 5 men and okay 50 thank you right should I use isopropanol to clean at my monitor or bleach could you I don't know you might as well just use a mallet at that point I guess 225 so 5.1 gigahertz goddess a single core of 225 just for reference here so that's five point one gigahertz versus 219 previously let's go ahead and get in did we already get our we did not get our time spot numbers yet for this pass so let's get a time spy number in and see how that scores I'm not gonna do extreme because it will become GPU bound almost instantly people are talking about temperatures but overheating we didn't really have too much overheating issues on the x6 TT which is what we used for everything it is a hot CPU but what's not till I was doing like prime that it was really genuinely overheating constantly and that is an important scenario to consider but it's not something that that we really needed too much to worry about because we were focusing on blender tests for our comparisons of solder versus paste when we did that in the review and you should check that out if you haven't seen the review yet all right so this is gonna run a baseline here let's go through the components for those who who missed the beginning of the stream that's gonna be very loud the fans are kind of crazy I'll head over the head over there he can see hid so I has builds are done anything - how about this evening no actually I haven't worked with him on this one other than busy 50 90 godlike thing he looked at this air is absurd so like I don't know if you're gonna be able to see it but this piece of foam with all the screws on it is moving around from the from the fans there you go it's basically invisible and then this thing this GM logo back here is moving from the fans just like spinning on its own so they're very loud let me walk you to the parts first of all this is a Patrick's in the room so I have to call out Patrick's suspension bridge engineering as Patrick you ever take any any civil engineering classes in school oh yeah Patrick says he played those flash games where you build a bridge so I think he's the most qualified to do this this is a giant zip tie tied to a rod holding 540 radiator that's very heavy because we put water in it obviously so that's our that's our suspension engineering what fans are on it we have ek VARs on there ek Vardar furious excuse me very big difference sorry about the fan noise kind of lose it was my hair hot so far dark furious for the fans there are four of these and then we have some pump reservoir combo from UK down here and we're not using this we're not using the dual D DC pump not using those today we're only using this one and the board is a Maximus 11 hero I don't know how bad this VR I'm guess I might want to put a fan on there but it actually feels pretty ok right now so that's cool it's also not doing a lot right now EK supremacy evo or whatever that box called g.skill trident see black thirty-six hundred megahertz right now it's roughly I don't have a sixteen eighteen eighteen and something will look at the timings later power supply is an ax sixteen hundred i RT x twenty atti I think that covers it I can throw a you know I'm gonna throw a current clamp on here and we can have some fun with seeing what kind of current draw is there while we're running these tests so let me grab that oh thank you so it's pretty simple this is a current clamp 0 it out that's like absurd this kiss can scare me it's the reason I have these cables hooked up these ugly extensions is because despite people saying things like ketchup and mustard cables these are the best cables 2 years so you can actually see which ones you need to clamp very easily and we have this pin out on our mod mat so it does it does show where they are but same place every time it's standardized the yellow is 12 volt this runs nearest the the like clip on the power header so that's gonna be where that is let me see if I can get this like kind of visible to camera maybe without hitting a button somewhere I don't know if I can get this visible the camera or not we can open it up on a phone if not all right it's uh not really it's that way I can clamp this I'm just gonna put it there and then if we have to we can roll in closer so let me run another test after I log this data so for that run twelve thousand twenty one points and that is at five point one gigahertz we can of course go higher and that was with just straight times by physics and then we had a twenty one fifty three previously so we've definitely gone up and we'll look at the power the current clamp in a minute and look at the power consumption that should be pretty fun let me know I spark an insult not today just a 540 so alright let's let's go through some more of these super chats got a lot of them so like I said I've run on a delay with the super chats I do get them all but because of the volume I'm always a bit behind so first one is from Shelby boost five dollars with the AC's Maximus formula what are called the RMB better for overclocking so from a vrm standpoint it's very good as far as just looking at the water-cooled part of it those VR abs once they're that good you can just blast them with air and they'll be fine so water cooling the VR M is really nice from the standpoint of you put it in a system and use it properly not like this in other words then it's much easier to make sure the vrm is cool you don't really have to worry about anything but for purposes of like what we're doing here you just put a fan over top of a VR M without a heatsink on it and you'll be fine the other problem with so it's a if it's a mono block or if it shares the same loop then you can run into a problem where you're sharing all this heat from the vrm and if it's like before the cpu that's going to heat your liquid temperature before it hits the cpu and that'll drive up the cpu temperatures as a result because it's not getting as cold of a cooling medium going through it and the VR AIIMS can take 125 C plus so second in the loop makes more sense for those since they're gonna be fine with warmer water from the CPU anyway that was our score so what do we want to do next I guess let's do it so let's wheel the camera back over and look to see if you can look at the current clamp and we're gonna try and show the power consumption during just a time spy pass that is stable so what we're gonna try and show the current clamp here and what you'll be looking at is the amperage so give us a second Ridge moving the camera over and that is hooked up to the EPS 12-volt cables so not super visible maybe I can I can manipulate it if I have to focus it got a focus on it there it goes okay cool okay so that's kind of legible 2.1 yes that is somewhat legible let's uh let's let me run it I'm gonna click run and you should be able to see what's going on there we go that looks better as part of the numbers cutoff but I can move it around so this is going to show the current are these both going the same direction yes so there's a showing current basically multiply that number by about 12 and that gives you watts it's not really doing anything right now I think it's launching the benchmark so it's not pulling any power oh no it's running there it goes so we're eight nine ten twelve so I'm seeing 12 amps let me just do that math quickly here thirteen point two so that's okay let's just call it a peak of thirteen point three that I've seen so far that puts us at about 160 watts really not that high compared to what we know it can it can push but that gives you an idea and I see they're super chat so I'll get to them also get some more of the store orders so yeah that's about 160 watts for that so far let's do I'm gonna run another one so that was times by owner on Cinebench in all core just to give you an idea of how the power consumption might differ between the two so here is Cinebench all core and this one's pushing about fifteen point eight maybe from what I can see from here anyway and that's 190 watt so that's definitely getting up there now this is before the vrm so this does account for VRM power a bit as well so if someone says 95 watt TDP as if they're making fun of it so first of all we're overclocked and I've over vaulted it so yeah of course 95 watt TDP doesn't apply that's not even a good a good job at Intel high secondly this motherboard as we discussed in the review that so this board is one of the few that actually does stick to Intel spec so IC c-max it stays pretty close to 100 watts and it'll lock there when it wants more power it'll still lock there on this board unless you manually override it whereas some of the MSI and gigabyte boards have that same kind of MCE debate going on I'm gonna run another one let me run single threaded while I'm talking just so you see that power consumption so those will will end up drawing more than then the Asus board does and they also hold a bit higher wattage and sorry bit higher clocks as a result of being allowed to pull more power so anyway this is just single thread in Cinebench just to give you an idea of what one thread pulls at this frequency and voltage this is not a part of the review check review for that obviously but that's about 36 watts so anyway let's uh let me launch one more I don't know if Prime's gonna be stable but I will launch it just to illustrate a point here so let's pull up prime95 I'm just gonna use what's already on here we have an on a V X and we have an AV X version let's use a V X it's gonna be very abusive might crash we'll see now I'm gonna run small FFT actually not I'm gonna do a custom run and we're just gonna do 8x8 for the FFT size it's extremely abusive it's probably gonna overheat but let me get up hardware info as well and keep an eye on that current clamp when I hit start here so if it doesn't crash we can see what the power consumption is so reminder we're at 5.1 G and starch might crash might overheat we haven't done either yet what's our power so this is 23 amps just to give you an idea compared to the previous numbers that is quite high that's two hundred and seventy-six watts so nothing's changed here so one says move camera I mean it's pointed out a current clamp look the look at the number on the clamp so yes this is is extremely different from the from the Cinebench and times by results which is why this particular workload is very abusive and we're at let's see we're at about 70 degrees so let's bring the camera back over now that we've gotten that we're at about 70 degrees for the temperatures and we're going to show the screen now that you've seen the current clamp so that gives you a pretty good idea for Y prime is just so rough on these chips a very good thermal stressor but we've been using blender a lot recently because it's realistic it's a V X and just like Prime is a V X but it's it's not quite as bad all right so here's the prime still running back here are we on all course still as if any of them looks like we dropped one thread so it's not stable which is expected Oh actually that one just seems to think we've dropped two threads there we go yeah we're dropping a few threads at this point but the other threads that stayed alive are in the 70s so we're pretty good for thermals right now which is largely thanks that massive radiator so okay enough of that let's push this higher we don't need too much voltage today for these benches so far but we will get there okay will there be another overclocking battle for this chip I don't know we're definitely gonna do one for the 9090 DXE assuming any of us get it and I still need to follow up with our Saturday night exe and put it under dice put on a dry ice now well the CPU is not using twenty three amps single core that was that was that was prime95 across all cores of course it wasn't single core it was using 36 watts single cores using like three amps um okay so what would the temps be like on the stock cooler though well see it as there is no stock cooler I would say quite high so let's just do 52 I know that was stay only for I am NOT gonna change the voltage and it's gonna crash but I'm curious so it's at 1.28 let's just see what that does while that's booting back up you should have had PT on for an overclocking collab alright then we got a couple super chats couple stories so we had some store orders as I said before one of the best ways to support us during these live streams is to buy from the store on store Nigerians access not and that super chats of course we also readin are also very appreciated the store that was one of the best ways to help us out if you do want to support what we do so Michael from California picked up the the brand new foil Graff logo shirt this one right here that is limited edition we're gonna put them out for until quantity goes through or just putting out the mouth pre-order now to figure out what the size allocation is for everyone so we can allocate our quantity to those sizes appropriately and then once they sell out they're gone just like the previous one which is back there in the middle so that one sold out within about two weeks last time maybe two and a half something like that so that way faster than we thought but do you want one it's on store like Andrews exes net and no promises but I will try to shout out the name so people who buy them as they come in we're very happy with this new graph logo foil shirt it looks pretty damn cool very reflective next one is from Ashton from Washington who also picked up the new limited graph logo shirt Thank You Ashton we got one from Evan in Alabama picked up the same shirt Thank You Evan for the foil graph logo shirt pick up and we got Andrew from Ontario and Canada picked up one as well and we go through a couple more here we had one from Stephen and Australia going a long way for that one so you've got picked up the graph logo foil shirts as well two more to read through here Christos from New York picked up one of the mod mats autograph Thank You Christos and we'll get those out shortly I might have to go signed some more soon Ian from Pennsylvania picked up the foil shirt and I have actually yep there's one more here Marco from Zurich in Switzerland picked up the limited graph short shirt as well last one Corey from Alabama picked up the GN award crystal and one of our teal logo anniversary shirts thank you very much for those orders so here we go we're at 5.2 now I have not changed the voltage it is still low and we're just gonna watch it crash I think is probably what's gonna happen so let's let's see it let's see what happens to it here is it gonna insta crash are they gonna take a minute voltage is pretty low right now although it might be enough I haven't really tested the low end of this I was just doing the quick and dirty overclock and get it done and make sure it it's a why for the test super chat from Daniel or Rose niak two dollars how do you think t 9800 X will line up against this I'm not sure extra memory channel should be interesting for some things 2265 did not crash but that's a pretty short test so let's let me create a line item for this 5.2 G all core 2265 previously we're at 20 to 12 for 5.1 and let's go ahead and just get some scaling in here so we can plot it pretty nicely we'll run a single core just to see how it increases over you know 100 megahertz at a time what the increases are we had another stupid chat from New Age culture $10 hey Steve party in a PC right now and wanting a smooth-running streaming gaming PC thinking about these D 390 with an 8700 k with an F tw3 1080i would that do or should I wait for the 900k price isn't a factor for me so first of all the 1080i I agree with as a purchasing choice if there's still about the same price as 2080s I haven't looked at in about a week but I definitely agree with the decision to go with 1080i because the the value propositions there's just so much better than r-tx right now so you're good there is e 390 with an 8700 k I feel like it's kind of overkill and you could say but I want to upgrade later but if that's what you're saying then I then I think you're doing it wrong because if your plan is by Z 319 now with an 8000 series CPU and then by a 9000 series TV which just came out later kind of wasting money so I'd say the guys III 70 with your 8000 series because e 394 the 9000 series to answer that motherboard aspect as for streaming game we have this may interest you we have screen benchmarks in our review of the 1901 up today we have a huge video section on it that has side by side and playback fortnight and dota 2 just some basic games everyone pretty much watches at this point and tested the 2700 X versus the 9900 K both stock to see how they did and just to give you an idea this stream is playing back to you I think with h.264 faster and the quality is pretty damn good so faster will run on any of those CDs or on 2700 X just fine you could save a lot of money by going with that route the 9900 K is absolutely superior in a technical sense insofar as its numbers are higher where they need to be higher and lower where they need to be lower most of the time for those streaming benchmarks power consumption thermal is not really a part of the consideration here we're just talking about the FPS and the frame encoding throughput so yes it's better the question is does that does that better 'no sacktual ii get you anything do you care because the 2700 X can deliver objectively the same experience to the viewer at similar encoding levels assuming you're below medium so if you're at like fast or faster which are both completely acceptable quality levels you're fine on a 2,700 extra fine on an 80 700 K which you've parted out here if you wanted to stick with intel on that gen some reason it's fine if you want to go medium or up then you're looking at either h EDT 9900 Cato's medium pretty damn well or you can start overclocking things or you could get a secondary system so we got a result back here to 29 last thing I want to say on that question though because it is a good one is if you are what we've learned from our streaming tests is you do drop some of the frame time consistency a bit as you start streaming so there's some concern over over your low-end frame time performance falling off as you start streaming on the same host system and to resolve that you basically need an external system so if you're like hyper-competitive csgo player and you need every frame you can get probably want a secondary system instead but for the most part the the cpu these days can handle both just fine and Vianca has been update as well so I haven't tested it yet okay so that's gonna run time spot gave us a baseline there still haven't crashed I need to check hardware info on the next run and I didn't turn on for this one because I don't want it to contaminate the results will turn on for the next run and see if we're hitting any kind of issues thermally or otherwise next question is from Adam Schumann two dollars no live notification sorry YouTube does funny things lately and it scrolled down next one Eric Hobart $10 has pre-ordered one of those shirts and Ford beer glasses I saw yours and read it out thanks very much good luck with the overclocks thank you Eric for picking those up we appreciate it I hope you enjoy it Louis two dollars how jealous are you about Linus's a hematite dragon I saw that did he stream out today I saw that that was like it's funny it wouldn't fit in our door so he can have it I guess um seems like the kind of thing - would get it's very line is it suitable for him in his office 12,000 147 versus 12,000 21 previously so we're going up for sure and let's do another one with hardware info running so this will contaminate the results a bit but I want to see where's our you know let's run it on a stress for a little bit stressed just a stress test actually I'll do a looping CPU test here so we're gonna loop the CPU test and we are going to run a windowed looping and abled run custom and then what we're gonna do is look at the hardware info readout while I go so I'm gonna let it kind of heat up for a bit and then we'll check the numbers in it and about a maybe two or three minutes and see where the core is sitting at that point for the frequency and voltage we specified also I need to make sure it's actually got all cores enabled which it does so zero to seven so that's eight cores and just playing around with that earlier do I need to overclock is the UH the uncor as well I haven't and that definitely needs to go up but that'll be pretty interesting to see how much that impacts results sure fifty two hundred for everything and V course should be pretty low I think so it says one point two seven right now let's see what it says when it runs the benchmark I probably need to run the stress test instead one point two six pretty damn low but this is through the motherboard so I don't have a better readout than that right now I'm actually gonna cancel this and run stress test instead so it doesn't have the loading screen in between because I kind of I realize that's gonna be an issue stress test go away stop it just die just die 3dmark okay turn it around a stress test I'll loop and see what our temperatures look like under a 540 rad with really loud fans deleted with liquid metal I should walk through all the respects again in a second let's just run that loop and see what that gives us so okay a couple of things to read through let me check out normal chat house normal chat doing what's normal chat say chat do you not agree we need gamers Nexus body pillows so I see chat hasn't changed at all it's the last time I checked on chat make sure it's not on game yeah yeah that was a not a great on I'm waiting for chat that say it's something waiting and I've been disappointed before don't disappoint me again okay so we got love your show thank you appreciate it hi Steve we're good good to hear good to hear the chat spokesperson has has spoken for all of you you're all good I assume you collected congregated and and came to a mutual agreement on your answer what else we're to go there was an actual question there somewhere where'd it go something about the 900k pre-orders I can't find it I found another one though so this stream made me try and get my 7700 K from 4.9 to 5.0 up and running without errors with 1.2 88 well it's nice that's always really cool to hear I'm always glad to hear that the overclocking live streams encourage people to try doing more of their own overclocking cuz it's pretty fun and if it's even on our production systems so I pushed one of our production machines to 5 gigahertz all core on an 80 86 K which is not impressive we've done 5.35 on those but it is a significant uplift from stock which is like 4.3 all core and we need it to be stable so I can only sacrifice so much stability for production but it's way faster and it's pretty fun to do so glad to hear chat is some of you are are inspired by the overclocking livestream let's check on those numbers so when I open these up and it's fine what am I looking for here I look for core temperatures there we go so there's our cores running very cool right now with time spy it's not a heavy load though what kind of current are we drawing in this benchmark I think the bench just ended so I'm gonna have to wait a second don't let goes okay so for currents it's gonna zero this meter out and get a clamp reading it's four something's weird that's not right four oh it's cuz basically GPU because the stress test doesn't have a looping physics test that's annoying you know what let's uh what some people wanted prime earlier wanted blender let's do prime and let's do a non a VX prime so we're gonna do prime twenty six point six I think it's compatible and it's not a VX so it's abusive but it's not as abusive not nearly as abusive and we're gonna do custom we're gonna do eight by eight fast Fourier transforms and we're gonna run those in place it's a let go so here's an on a V X workload this is comparable to like maybe a gaming workload or something like that kind of a stressful gaming workload if your CPU bound and there's our temperatures so we're in the 60 is 270 right now with that workload theis why wasn't enough it was only pushing so that's why the current clamps nice the only putting in three apps it wasn't really doing anything and that's because if the GPU is doing everything [Music] apparently a stream went down for a second but his back so I mean they'll check on that looks like if the stream is fine so duh should be here if you dropped out alright sex chat is spamming refresh stream is fine just refresh it's amazing how quickly people drop out without hitting at five alright so I don't know where it uh he didn't go a small F of T no I went smaller FFT I did eight by eight custom f of T is so this is twenty six point six I don't I want to dropped out is it is it live or what it's still playing or is YouTube no it's still playing okay cool cool looks good so yeah we're doing prime95 twenty six point six and that is was Linus live okay I see Linus last time when we were live and we beat his score he sent like $31 donations which probably what is one Canadian to USD so he was he was basically throwing 75 cents at me over and over the period of like an hour after we beat his score I told him I'd get him back you know I haven't had a chance to do that yet I think this is a pretty good chance to do that I pull up our chat on one side and get his window on the other use alt f4 to refresh don't do that I don't know if anyone still falls for that that's kind of crazy I don't see a stream your must only be on is the only on twitch right now I guess I'm looking for it PCWorld $5 keep up the good work Steve thanks PC world so we we featured our discussion with Gordon on PC worlds channel in our 900k review where Gordon's it was actually pretty good clip Gordon said to me he was talking about the solder intel solder Tim and he said so they're giving us what we wanted you can't complain now right and I said you can always complain then Gordon just said okay so the key thing core at Gordon's with it Gordon is our Thane so this thing 26.6 prime95 non AVX workload running at 60s to 70 for the high end looking at 71 degrees Celsius for the worst case we're doing pretty damn well for temperature I am I'm happy with that result so let's drop that out and get back into BIOS and see how much more we can push it we're really not pushing voltage that much yet so looking pretty good and I need to keep an eye out for when - the stream goes live - of course and also I'm going to tweet out a link to ours let everyone know that if it went down for them it came back see stream is back up if you head down time stream is back up okay so that's rebooting that's we're gonna go into BIOS after I it's on this tweet almost missed it the monitor is a lot cleaner now okay cool so screw the backup now live overclock in AD lidded 9900 k with liquid metal we're not overclocking it with liquid metal but it has liquid metal and we're we're overclocking it alright super chats coming in I'll check those in a second - is up now okay cool so I'll send him a bunch of nickels and pennies and then Hannah - yes so we have you know that's just type in 53 and watch it crash so we can all be satisfied with that result and then start pushing the voltage up after that it's got a crash at some point here alright so super chats we got I got Lewis's murder two dollars what a i/o cooler do you recommend its stock no overclock so we were using at 280 CLC and stock it did completely fine for blender it was like I want to say in the 60s maybe but that was with a Seuss's Auto voltage so voltage on motherboards is variable it depends on how well tuned it is I think it crashed before you included by the way so we finally got our crash you wanted and the better the board with with the better pro or a BIOS the more likely you are to run lower temperatures stock because some boards will blast the voltage when stock just for no reason just because they're bad so that's something to keep an eye out for so we finally had a crash and restart amp Peter DKK 50 a donation towards a haircut by the way smash records I cheer for you well take the money for for the record smash in for ice in the future alright 53 did not work out let's just bump that voltage 1.4 which is really gonna be 1.35 with V group next one tostito bandido one of the best names $2 please shout out CPU and VRM as you go up we do that I keep an eye on it David Connelly $7 do you think the Nvidia that Nvidia should make a cheaper 20 8020 atti in 2070 without r-tx features also is it worth going as computer engineering the first half of the question feel like a cheaper 20 8020 atti in 2070 without our TX features already exist and it's called the entire 10 series Sun Fetty already made it they just even keep making it yes that was my answer and well I don't think they should I think I should keep making intensities but they're not going to is it worth going to computer engineering do you like it I guess they're plenty of fields you don't have to go to school for it but it can't help just depends on what you're trying to do and there are a lot of jobs that are worth looking into in the industry if you like this industry so people often overlook jobs like Technical Marketing that's really cool on a lot of our interfaces with different companies are in technical marketing and despite the name marketing they are often the least BS people in the whole company so they kind of are there between PR and us and they handle technical questions and almost every time give very straight answers and if you're like if you're fairly technical but you're not an electrical engineer that's a really good field to look into okay let's do Cinebench baseline or actually yeah we need to see if it's even stable we're at 5.3 now which is where it was not stable last time I tried this but I am going to try hit hard this time so let's see if 5.3 will hold I'm gonna guess no that is going to be my guess I think it's gonna crash within 15 seconds and if it doesn't then that'll be really cool but it wants to right blender so it's not really stable all right Steve it goes support Linus yes let's let's give a line us a couple of pennies and nickels just to get them back are they talking out they are talking there's there shows basic alive okay so if you missed it when we did our oh it passed twenty - ninety-two so when we did our stream where I beat Linus's team single card score accidentally like legitimately it was by accident Linus then threw a bunch of of single dollar donations at us and so I'm gonna get them back here what should I say what do i what should I say to Linus in my super chat donation let's do everybody's not even gonna notice it he's gonna take all the money okay so let's do a 1kg 75 cents cuz that's what he gave me I think it's 76 C 76 cents I won't let me so let me let me do a dollar so when Linus did this to us his Hut his credit card was frozen because he did it too much I'm just try and avoid that but let's I keep in mind I can't hear Linus the stream so open up both of them cuba side by side and see let me know if he if he even sees the donation because I have a feeling he's not going to he's gonna take all the money and and no one will have any fun okay so I'm gonna run this single thread get our new baseline or a new score of a 5.3 gee it keeps wanted me to send one dollar by and send so I'm just spamming - is stream with super chats right now it's almost definitely gonna try and freeze my card - shouldn't make sure my phone's not muted okay sorry I'm gonna do one more maybe two so that's running a this is running single threaded Cinebench 5.3 gigahertz right now and for voltage I put in at 1.4 with B drip we're probably 1.35 when I open up hardware info next and then after that we can we can push another time spy score and then see if we can get up to maybe five point four that would be pretty cool but I don't think five point three is genuinely stable even though it survived Cinebench I do not think it's stable because it crashed in blender when I did this last time so alright let me do one more to them this time I have to give can you send an actual message with one dollar no Kenya oh yeah there's a $2 only two dollars okay just getting you back actually dance - dance okay that's better dance lioness with your new dragon alright let me know if he if he acknowledges any other like pretty sure Linus is aware of years what's this alright yeah I need to like I need to call a credit card companies or something and say like hey just to let you know there's gonna be a hundred one dollar spends on my card but I it's it's just an internet trolling attempt no it's totally intentional don't worry about it okay so he said Alliance is $1.00 hope you're all happy well they noticed they just noticed someone sighs okay cool alright nice I see Luke laughing so I pretty much know what that sounds like in my head at this point do one more two more I can stop anytime I want really alright it's just so easy alright good enough okay let's get back to this so this is still rounding single threaded so for the store purchases thank you very much again for picking those up on the picking up our new limited edition foil graph logo shirt on the store it's sort of a quad foil you could say it's a it's a four-way SLI foil setup and that is limited edition we're posting it now to figure out the sizing distribution it's pretty damn reflective which is cool for camera and if you want to pick one up we will not be making them again once we saw out the last one sold out in about two weeks maybe two and a half so we'd expect these will sell out within the next I don't know it'll be pretty short term though does not take long to go through these so thank you for the support one of the best ways that support us while we're live-streaming and we need to get back to overclocking but let me read a couple of these Blake from Little Rock picked up the graph logo shirt the standard graph logo shirt and the cobalt blue tear down glass thank you very much we had an order from Levi and Florida picked up the oh yeah the zipper hoodie the the zipper hoodies back in stock the winter hoodies are back i restocked those recently for the colder weather Sean from Oklahoma picked up a limited edition foil shirt let me read one here no guarantees I'll get to yours but I will try due to volume can always get them dustin from canada picked up one as well okay so we got our result in this is 232 for single-threaded just to give you a comparison to where we were previously we started at single-threaded of 219 and we climbed to 225 at 5.1 gigahertz we then went to and that starting was complete stock I believe and then or yeah complete stock and then we went up to 229 5.2 and we got to 32 5.3 5.3 shouldn't be stable so I'm not gonna complain too much I guess but let's uh let's kind of dirty the scores a bit and run the hardware info while we're doing this just to see what kind of numbers I'm getting so it does in fact say 5.3 so that's good so just reading 5.3 we're not on anywhere close to overheating that liquid metal and the radiator are doing their work for sure and I should walk through that bench again too so we're in the seventies right now pretty damn good what's our V core think it is it thinks it's so one point three nine when it's not running sounds correct when it's running we have V Group throw one point three five ish reading from the motherboard be a soft or not the best way to do it but it's the best measurement I have right now does this report vrm temperatures it probably does I'll have to dig for them and I'm at a weird viewing angle on the screen so we have some temperature sensors in the 30s there we go no that's obviously inaccurate okay well we're not going to go by those then temp 9 not sure that is 90 see either way CP is fine that's all it really matters how is the V around though it's let's do the field test it's not hard enough to make me recoil so it's under 60 degrees Celsius that's that's how you know what temperature the vrm is okay so we're good there let's get our time spice core in and then we can we try to push it harder I guess I do uncor a bit too I'm pretty damn sure there's a not stable in a real work lat but times pi should be a decent stressor as well let's run that cpu test only so that does not take too long to do we got another store order thank you for sending that in Phillip from Alberts Leia oh really lay limited-edition foil shirt thanks for picking that up I'm gonna check on chat what's chat saying what did Linus think did they say anything or did they just laugh Linus said call I don't believe you I'm not gonna fall if it out of this time you completely disrupted Linus's stream nice okay hi Linus probably can't hear us so honey we're 5.3 running times by right now Linus thinks your card got blocked I'll prove to him that it didn't send super chat $2.00 my viewers say you think my card got blocked is this a ploy to get more money out of me convinced to prove that you're wrong I guess I have to give five dollars to send that message okay all right they're tech deals is doing it out - he just sent them one - holler on their stream all right okay so time spies score 12,000 for 19 keep me in the loop on what they're saying doing 12,000 for 19 four times by that's pretty damn good I don't know why it's surviving let's run a let's run prime it might be just surviving because the temperatures are so much lower than last time so let's just run prime no AVX and we're gonna do eight by eight okay let's see if this survives this this is not a VX it's not the worst case but will be pretty bad and we'll do a VX next I'm pretty sure that I'll crash it there so in the 80s for prime that's to be expected are all the cores alive is the question all of the cores are are in fact alive at five point three four now let's do a check on the current clamp so this over here is our current clamp and it's gonna be upside down sorry but try and zoom on that I guess maybe I should try and do Wow okay that's still accurate all right can you see that okay so 23.9 24 amps right now into the EPS 12 volt headers on our clamp so whatever 24 times 12 is gonna give you our power consumption in watts and I need to get through our own Super chats in a second but so 12 by 24 it's about 288 Watts right now it's pretty damn high hasn't crashed we've got one core at 90 the rest are doing pretty damn well and let me walk you through this setup again for those of you who has been kind of flowing a bit so we have some people not have been here earlier to see the brilliant setup that we have so first of all allow me to point out again the suspension bridge engineering we have with a tight rope hey I believe I believe the verge calls these tweezers we use the tweezer to hold the he rather wobbly pull here yikes to at the test bench that's got a 540 millimeter radiator on it's one of those thin ones I think Ek calls those s e and like I said earlier the whole point of this was originally I don't want to do ice because I felt like that was too unrealistic we do that later but I kind of wanted to do something more realistic so I start with an open loop and then I put that on it so it's not that realize the anywhere we have EK Furious fans flying really high RPM thus are allowed RTX 20 80 i the motherboard we have an ASUS Maximus 11 hero that's holding up pretty well it's not a tree coil temperature yet that fear heatsink so assuming it's sinking heat okay it's doing pretty well and then we have a g.skill Trident II black for the memory I need to start overclocking some of that as well so we're at 5.3 right now that is certainly higher than our review so that's pretty great in our review I stopped at 5.2 I was having crashing issues we're at 91 see in this test for some of the cores so this is a this is going to push the limits of what we can do if we were to use Prime but we can still keep pushing Cinebench and even we've never done sort of a Cinebench live overclocking screen before I've got time spy in there as well but Cinebench is different and kind of fun to do pretty interesting to see the scores realistic using irradiated at that no case I know of other than maybe Thermaltake could mount yeah I mean that was the that was the that was the joke so we're gonna reboot see if I can do before I start doing uncor at this point I like to keep on core about four points under and multiplier the all core multiplier but I want to see a five point four will hold as well so let's do that first let's chat saying put it in the refridgerator I'm not going to do that alright so let's see if it crash that 5.4 we do have all chords on right yes I don't know why this is so stable this time I guess it's the cooling is really beneficial oh yeah I forgot to mention again - has moved on someone's ass okay finally uh-huh so I forgot to mention for those who have just joined recently the CPU is deleted I show the delayed process in the review which is on the channel and in that process we of course encountered the solder the as Intel calls it's Tim oreste Tim and the solder is indium it's really soft it's pretty easy to remove it's pretty easy to crack I wouldn't recommend deleting this time for most of you if you're really trying to push the limit like what we're doing today then yeah liquid metal is gonna get you further removing that silicon adhesive and thus reducing the gap between the IHS and the dye significantly helps in cooling the reason the Intel stem is not as good as things like liquid metal based on their Barris testing and and some of our own coming up is because the liquid metal is a really thin sheet and the solder is pretty thick I don't know exactly what Roman said it was for thickness but I don't know if it was the adhesive or the stem the way one of those two is 0.5 millimeters pretty damn thick and that inhibits the thermal transfer efficiency so so that's why we're seeing better numbers of liquid metal even though it is a soldered chip but props to Intel for doing solder finally because it is better and that is important so we're definitely overall in a better spot than we were previously it's a I just closed hardware info I need it open all right 5.4 is is clocking in here ish and is it gonna survive let's just send a bench first I feel like that's more likely to survive so much okay so is how quickly will it crash or will it crash we're not overheating on anything and that is because it froze so as you can see the thermals are quite good right now it's not - any work I kind of like the old view so do you screen better frowny face is too stupid for me I can't take it I got to read a sort of our own stupid shots in a second give me a second to get through those people are saying they're 19 I heard caper yours didn't ship from Amazon that's very unfortunate okay so we got Ben quickly two dollars thank you please do it long-sleeve shirts we've heard the request we'll start looking into it a couple of you have asked for those recently we do have the Raglan hoodies on the store we have the winter hoodies on the store as well of course so 5.4 no good let's bump that a bit 1.4 - how about that one point four two zero four chat we got Tom's and ok 20 thank you very much for the super chat donation what cpu is it and does it have a ray tracing it's it's not a setter yeah exe this time it does it doesn't have Ray Ray's actually the CPU has more ray tracing than RT oxidize I guess in that you cannot you can use it for production tasks that involve rendering things with ray tracing in not real-time tre waters five dollars do you think that the Maximus 10 heroes each be Sony vrm it can handle overclocking the 900k to five to five point two gigahertz giving silicon lottery for 24/7 where do you recommend the Maximus 11 I even tested this on the 10 the 10 is tied up in another test bench right now that's great question though I will make a note that we want to look into that because that is a good question so Maximus X with 9900 K okay we can you can look into that alright is it just gonna die instantly again or will it survive this time I go with die instantly or throttle next question Matt arias $2.00 what block are using ek supremacy Evo I believe is what we're using it did not seem to like this very much okay my friend oh let's see why I didn't like it I think we right we're about of the limits I'm fine threes pretty damn good oh yeah yeah okay so it is crashing but it's not as bad of a crash but it is a crash so it doesn't count let's do let's see times five times five I'll do it if not you start playing out Suncor next that's a very important number that we need to log as well so I did get numbers for 5.3 for everything let's it survived that all right we got a a been our chick two dollars you're flickering LED keyboard is driving me crazy sorry there you go I turned them off my logitech or no not even that my Microsoft keyboard over here though doesn't seem to bother anyone the one from probably fifteen years ago or more okay our car ten dollars no message thank you very much mister Fiero ten dollars I've got a sixty seven hundred a 4.5 G one point three volts gtx 980ti i play 1080p at 144 Hertz what an eighty seven hundred K or ninety seven RK benefit me in FPS and also occasional 720p streams not sure how much my CPU is limiting my GPU honestly not a whole lot like in games maybe you're gonna be more limited in your streaming than you are in your gaming for the most part 1080p 144 Hertz okay 144 hurts a bit of a different story but hey it's right so you upgrade I don't think you should upgrade to an 8700 K at this point it's good CPU but it doesn't really matter now I kind of I want to see what happens to the 8700 price in a couple weeks and I want to see what happens to the 9900 price in a few weeks you're pretty happy on your system now I'd say just wait see what happens come Black Friday stuff like that see if anything pops up we have benchmarks that can help you there with your questions so we have the 4790k which isn't too distant from your cpu in our 99 hundred k review so you can look at that number look at the 8700 k number and then kind of extrapolate a middle that's where you are and then you can look at the Niner k k compared to those midpoints and figure out if it's worthwhile for streaming 720p 60 is really not that abusive you can use envy encoder for that well you can use your 1080 Ti is on V ank for that just fine you don't need the CPU to do that so I would I met I would be pretty happy with your system the way you have it set up it does not seem like it needs an upgrade at 144 Hertz if you're like you can't hit 144 you're unhappy with it then you ask upgrade but I'll point you to our benchmarks to figure out which parts you need to upgrade because I guess it depends on what kind of games you're playing so 12,000 521 was our score for that past week is it survived it did not survive Cinebench and let me type that down so this is five point four G five point four gigahertz all Core Cinebench did not finish and times pi was 12 521 okay what was our max temperature 76 to 80 not bad definitely survivable pretty cool okay so let me uh let me check on chat let's chat up to you how's Chad doing right now so what says Lowell GPU encoding for streaming it's fine the guys talking 720p like envy encoders completely fine for that if you really want to use the CPU for it sure but if you're streaming to youtube I think you'll be hard-pressed to see any legitimate difference between them like if you did a blind test 720p really you think Envy encoder can't handle that alright so chat what's going on cinematic 15 crafted up maybe well we'll try it again see what it does I just restarted it to see if that um if that did anything different for stability and it's corrupted I can get it obviously get it easily enough Cinebench certainly possible so corrupted or unstable I haven't changed the frequency or voltage so I will have to do that if we get a blue screen I'll feel more comfortable that if we get the the Cinebench error message so what about this freeze for a second while I do check it on chat and everything [Music] someone says nothing wrong with Sandy Ridge that's definitely accurate Sandy Bridge is a damn good product still today what software to track CPU heat so we're using hardware info 64 for just everything read out hard when put 64 is by my favorite software utility for login anything these days it's very good and it's free so I can recommend that pretty well it is is very good software see when is my threader for APU coming I'm gonna say probably not soon okay so that's the normal chat this is still freezing I'm gonna I'm gonna just force to restart on it and drop the frequency down we're at 5.4 gigahertz now not really stable but passing tasks kind of I want to drop that down and and see if sentiment will pass again or if we need to override the files like if it got corrupted or something okay super chats we got $10 our card $10 thank you i game on 1440p 60 gigahertz that's that's a really high frame rate i plan to upgrade to 144 gigahertz i'm thinking rise in 2700 X or 9900 K you might need like a ninety nine thousand nine hundred and nineteen K or something you're doing 144 gigahertz streaming so in all stages is 144 Hertz versus 60 at 1440 I don't like / or I like overclocking they say I don't plan to upgrade for another five years what do you recommend if 144 is what you really want to do and you like overclocking I would say the 9900 K if price is no object keep in mind that your GPU at 144 you're asking a lot of both the GPU and the CPU so I don't know what GPU you have make sure it's well balanced if this is a scenario where you already have a really good GPU and you just need the CPU and you have the money the ninety-nine hundred K will do what you want I have no problem saying that's that would be my pick for that for your requirements if you don't have a video card and you have a budget of an amount we're buying the nine hundred K would pull away $200 or more from your video card purchase then I would say get the lower end CPU and spend more on the video card if you're pushing 1440p but there is a there is a disparity at 1440p between the 99 hundred K on the 2700 X this time we showed that in our review so I'm gonna drop this back to five point three because I know that past and events we're gonna see if it is corrupted or not and then we'll do I really want to do uncor I was just waiting for the all core to stop working so under coarse kind of soon there's no point in buying anything until seven nanometers out that is an extreme in their home video of Technology I mean look like first of all seven nanometer not all process is created equal so global foundry seven as close to Intel's 10 secondly if Intel can ever make ten secondly there are plenty of reasons to buy before seven an you like if you need a computer for example because you don't have one that's a good reason to buy instead of waiting and it for who knows what price at what time the way I look at it is if you're happy now and you don't need an upgrade and it does what you want then don't buy and that respects waiting does make sense if you need a computer just build one I mean once you've got the money together and you've done the research at some point waiting is only going to set you back especially if you use your computer for work or something where you can make money with that computer then you should just build it sooner and get that going 20:27 sort work so it wasn't stable so it's not corrupted it just wasn't stable that's good I need to get through some oh we got a $10 from PC world $10 oh hey look we're streaming watching watching the stream please turn in stee they just want me to give them $9 like I did for Linus I think it was actually 15 I gave - $15 Troxy in the stream is Gordon Bond nice he does have him Gordon has hang on hang on we're gonna do this okay I don't know if Adam is keeping tabs on these we're gonna we're gonna infinity stream list this is why the tech community is awesome all right turn that around can you see that okay so we are streaming watching Gordon watching our stream watching - a stream how how deep does the rabbit hole go Gordon we're gonna wait we're gonna wait until his catches up to here and I want to try and keep it I have to court him let's see if he has a reaction right I'm I'm with the camera now I'm watching it so this if you don't know who that is that's Gordon and Elena from PC world and we did a really fun interview with Gordon here nice this is pretty awesome so he did a really fun interview with Gordon where I was on his channel you should check it out it's on their PC world YouTube page I think it's their main video right now talking about the 900k before it came out I wish I can hear what he's saying I was to go back and watch this later all right we'll keep an eye on that or another huh another benchmark you're taking the fantex case away all right we need to film the intro and outro still but if you get it ready to pack I'll do the I'll do that after the stream and then I can finish packing it ok so haha yeah they were there there they're fun people at PC worlds we appreciate their content okay so a whole lot of YouTube community is all wah everyone's watching each other right now alright 2287 was our score and that's on five point three is that compared to our previous five point three yes twenty - ninety-two previously so I think it's time to we try and stabilize five point four because it did kind of work try and stabilize that we have a little bit of thermal Headroom maybe like 15 degrees to spare and we try and state get that going for five point four and then I need to do uncor finally and then we'll see how it goes Stream esepcially how do you like that thick new die it is pretty damn thick comparatively to the previous ones and that's why when we did all that 8086 benchmarking thermally versus this one I was so happy with that idea and deal it at it and saw that the dyes are different I knew they were different sizes but different thicknesses too so it's not a perfect comparison that's why we ended up doing deal it with they're all paste but backwards sure people I didn't tell her like I don't get it they've they've been complaining about solder for like three years and then they put their own face on it why super chats what's what's up ins in these so five dollars from Eric thanks for doing streaming tests and your reviews does resolution affect CPU usage when streaming or just moving past 1080p only stratum or GPU primarily the GPU for the streamer side as in the player for the viewer side that's a good question I would imagine that it should strain the CPU if you're doing CPU encoding and you're encoding more pixels that's my that's my intuition on that but I have not tested that I have tested different bit rates and that impacts the CPU load a bit so I would say it is it is reasonable to expect that resolution would as well but I don't know if it's linear now I haven't tested it sir I'm sorry one more time though we don't want 4 volts very bad let's see one point we were at one point for two which is in reality like one point four after droop let's try one point four three five let's try one point four four three five see if that's stable this time and Cinebench and if not then we will move on and do uncor overclocking alex west five dollars using liquid metal to soften the stem should work with a bunch of OS the indium and the liquid metal should bond with the indium and the solder and soften it might be worth of video I don't know if Rowan did that in his but that would mean I mean that sounds reasonable I'm not a materials engineer he is like I said I just used a knife but that sounds smarter I have not tried it I can't endorse it but it is something worth trying it for sure if we do another one or if there's some sorry I left on this one but I think it got it all being that I used a knife and then sandpaper it's pretty effective okay so I Cosmo five dollars how often do you condition your hair I use their own face every morning before going into the office let's try to use like 12 watt per meter Kelvin paste for that purpose okay so that that's not stable clearly we try more voltage but we're gonna hit up we're gonna hit a temperature limitation pretty soon so I think I really want five point four though let's try one let's see if see if we can do it I like 1.45 and if that's no good which 1.45 is really more like 1.4 with droop and everything let's try that Travis would $5 what is your opinion on how easy 370 maximus hero X would handle the 9900 k answer that question and the answer was I took a note on it and I will look into it because a couple of you were asking Michael Creech $20 I've been wanting the decals for a while and I just saw you have them please make a black mouse pad and maybe a couple different sizes yes to both we have submitted our designs for a black version so it's a black and blue version of this mousepad this when I was a liquid metal on it uh-hum up in the top it's got a liquid metal stain from earlier so this is a black and/or I'm sorry blue and white mouse pad on store that game is X it's net and a lot of you have asked for black where the white is this is a pretty popular design but there's a lot of demand for the black and blue and I totally get that so we submitted designs and we should get those in I don't know sometime in the next month for sampling probably and then we'll put them on the store once we do is it going to survive I need to check Gordon stream again in a second we also need to keep a wary eye out for nope Lucas paints what I was gonna say temperatures temperatures are irrelevant if it's only on for five seconds okay so let's give up on 5.4 I think if I gotta put that thing in a ice bucket I could do 5.4 Chad says I want that mousepad you want throwing with liquid metal on it because it's worth more because it's probably got like $10 of liquid metal on it okay so are the F's for the system crashing yes okay k never know if it's for the stream go ahead to see it's only for the system so that was at 5.4 it's it's almost there I can hold it in Thai spy can't get it incentive ang I think I could do it with more voltage but I want I want a a childen radiator probably for that we're not going to be a Wonderbolt don't worry 53 is what we're at okay I think I was out like 1.4 or something maybe 1.4 - let's just type in 1.4 - and cash ratio time so we're at 53 just type in 47 for now and see how that does do you RAM - probably some work in a bit let's give that a shot ice cube and the reservoir someone says the mouse pad has Steve's DNA on it grow your own hardware Jesus I'm flattered that you think my DNA is comprised of gallon Stan compounds it's PC world still watching I don't know that's a doubt it let's Jack Linus is still talking history him but it looks like just about the news PC world is still talking our BIOS is on there stream right now let's see if Gordon notices I hit a button it'll go away eventually now no I don't want night mode okay let's see if Gordon notices that we're pointing at his stream again how do I get this to go away okay all right let's this is a this is a wild Gordon Mon in his natural environment which we're streaming their chat streaming our chat oh they're chats telling that they're chad is telling them that we're we're doing it so that's a PC world stream hang on what can i I need a I need a pen I need to send a message to Gordon the archaic massive methods sharp II don't work and I need a sticky note okay we're gonna send a message to Gordon because I'm not sure if he can hear us see see see what they think let's see how about this one here and fix our be s OD okay you zoomed in on that enough that they can read it hey that reaction was pretty good it's about what I was going for it's probably a lot of gamma laws here sorry for that I'll the chance to check in with Gordon see you guys later open invite by the way Gordon if you if you can hear us there's Adam producer I have to wait for the other note to go up on the screen and then we can go back over is it up there already no no there it is [Laughter] all right okay so Windows booted in that's hi it did manage to get open all I've done is changed I swear at five point three this is where I'm really curious to see what's gonna happen because we're at five point three but I've increased the uncor to forty seven which is a pretty big job so will you keep an eye on that and as I noted before one of the best ways to support us during these streams is to pick something up on the merch store you can go to store that gamers axis starting at our new limited edition oh there they open something big Thanks neat I don't know I didn't say need grains big thanks need cratons what does that mean I had him okay hey let's survive so here's where we can get some cool data 23:07 is what that says and our previous 5.3 score was 22 92 let's run it again for a sake of variance so we might get a bit of a boost here I think x y will be more sensitive to it and and we'll see how much that uncor really matters in these different scenarios so like I said anyway stored okay vertex is done at we've got the new limited edition foil graph logo shirt this one here it's a quad color foil so you've got there if you don't know the story behind this design by the way the color is on the bars it matches our graph so go look at one of our graphs like an art review from today and you'll see the it's average one percent point one percent low that was that was Andrews design idea for the graph logo it's one of our best designs for the logo I think and this is a limited edition shirt so once once they're gone they're gone you sold out the last one about two weeks I'm gonna try and shout out orders for these while they come in the second round is 20 to 15 so let's call 23 10 something like that 23 11 soaring there and that is five point three this time five point three G all core with a 47 X uncor and that is 23 15 NT okay cool let's do a single-threaded and this is where we can learn a bit about the single thread performance if it cares about that cash ratio or not then we're going to push cash ratio some more they check on the chat chat says andrew is a great cameraman and then they also say shill ception so never change his the shirt ray-traced I mean yes is this real life there are arrays bouncing off of it how how much of your life do you want to have lived without it not have been Ben ray traced I believe is what the famous philosopher Thomas hardware calm said super Jets all right so like I said we run on a bit of delay on these but I do try I do get to them all by the end of the stream for sure single slam and $5 I just wanted to give dollars to because Jian rocks and Patrick builds great bridges yes that is in reference to our suspension bridge that's very fast it's very fast fan this you can shoot like a hair commercial here so this is our suspension bridge with the a couple of twists eyes holding up a 540 radiator a topping ek supremacy despite the insulation here it is not chilled that is from the previous one and maybe later we'll do that okay so got another one from David $2 tell Andrew he's a good cameraman and 3d designer okay Andrew is aware of this kevin Daughtery Daughtery $2 great vlog okay thank you appreciate the two bucks come answer Sam how's it going Sam five dollars can you do a PBA auto oh is he testing with B CLK on a 2700 X and a s use X for sony board I'd like to see the performance in games etc since it can yield crazy clocks I will talk to you builds write about that and see what his thoughts are because he is definitely an expert in that in in AMD overclocking and he has studied it more than I have I kind of start and stop with the review is we should do it and the Oh Steve I've seen some time but I need to I need to look into it a bit more like I know enough to get the chorus to four points you gigahertz all core if like 2700 X that's not a problem but beyond that I haven't looked into really any of the special tweaking memory we've done some of that Joseph ten dollars how badly would you expect X 2 e five to be five 2687 wv2 is to compete with a 1950 X same clocks 16 core 32 threads Ivy Bridge is pretty old I would suspect they would not hold up to great in multi-threaded I don't know I don't know I don't know what the cache is on those chips I've never paid attention to the Xeon CPUs but my suspicion would be that the 1950 X would hold the lead at the same clocks in in some applications but maybe not in gaming I don't know I'm not familiar with the Xeon sorry Michael Jane's ten dollars you need to let those rad fans blow your luxurious hair while we've already walked by them quite a few times there was a what cpu are you using one I have to go find that one what CPU of course unfortunately searching for that finds a whole lot of results so 234 cv marks for our single thread and that is with a 47 X uncor and 5.3 G all core so comparatively our previous 5.3 was to the radio it's within reasonable error it's basically no difference for this application let's so it's 2 times 5 that's 2 times pi next we can bump that that encore up for that cash ratio is what I should say times by physics only I will look at temperatures in a bit and then try some more Marc Lamont $10 would you expect the same performance using a 9900 K on his e3 Sony Board opposed to the new z3 90 boards wondering if I'd need a new board if I decided to upgrade so again the board you're talking about the max was 10 I've taken a note people are interested in it we can compare I would suspect that stock performance should be the same weird MCE quirks notwithstanding in other words if you control it to like all the same BIOS settings and everything I would expect there would be the same performance overclocking performance there's probably gonna be some differences because the good z 390 boards do have new power delivery circuitry so those will carry those with a really high overclock better than 312 387 certainly lower than our previous high but 12 3 8 7 4 times pi as opposed to 12 4 19 at 5.3 and 12 521 for 5.4 all right let's let's bend the temperatures for now and just look at some other OC options see what my options are and biased beyond what we've done so far - is talking chit again someone says oh thank you zeg thank you for pointing that out older Zeon's are locked and overclocking yes they had forgotten since the 3175 is actually unlocked my degree see can you shave off by laughing we'll be talking about that coming up soon well in one of our content pieces camera sucks why you don't stream Ian andis capture card so thank you for your really kind message it's always a good way to get an answer is is to be very non accusatory and not be a jerk so you've done well there we don't use a capture card to answer your seemingly rhetorical question because when it blue screens as this has done several times the couch cards drop out I know that epeak makes one I talked them recently that should survive those crashes but that would I haven't tested it and the couch cards we have don't survive those BSOD is very well so it's just easier to do this and not stop the stream every time we have to like plug in an HDMI cable to kick it into gear again alright any info on x5 99 not beyond what we saw at the Intel New York event I got some photos there but that's kind of it we didn't really talk about them though so that'd probably be worth bringing up again okay let's try 50 seemingly this has been fairly stable memory actually let's do one thing at a time let's make sure that stable and then play around with memory Steve what is your goal with this OC I just want to see how far it'll go let's see what's a good target so we're at 23 15 multi-threaded I would like to hit I think I'd like to hit 2400 plus in Cinebench and I'd like to maintain 12,500 and times by but that 5.4 g1 didn't count because it was unstable have we reached steady state no because it's constantly rebooting so the temperatures are never steady-state all right so let's do this with a 50 cash ratio see if it survives and I'm gonna check on store order so like I said great way to support us during the streams is from the store orders I'm gonna try and shout some of them out while we're streaming on store dock gamers Nexus net we have the new limited edition foil shirts in we've also got the mod mats in but we're running out of this round and then they'll be on backorder again for another month and a half while we get them shipped for the next round so we're running pretty low on inventory on mod mats for this round four first one here so Chad from st. cloud picked up a limited edition foil shirt Thank You jad got one from our Toro from Washington picked up the blue print shirt and some decals Thank You Arturo we have one from Stephen and Australia picked up a limited edition foil shirt so a lot a lot of Stephens in Australia buying the foil shirt today I got one from Shaun in the u.s. New York picked up the blue print shirt and the cobalt blue tear down beer glasses with the gold rim on them thank you for that for those orders and for the support so we got 23:08 not really a change I think we need to do some some memory timings and speed so this is five point three gigahertz all core 50x cash ratio okay let's let's see what a memory bump will give us I know this memory does 4,000 megahertz on our ex $2.99 platform I have not tried it on this one so for sure the memory can do it just kind of a question of what is the IMC bin for on the CPU and what is the motherboard capable of and we'll find out this system is like pretty slow to reboot right now so I'm just gonna push the 4000 megahertz and leave the timings alone for now and see if that will hold so I know the memory and everything else can take it I just don't know if the IMC can and then that'll be a good way to bump up our scores especially in times pi so okay let's do D Ram timing control I believe is where a soos buries a lot of their stuff so with Auto it's at 1636 [Applause] whatever what are other sayings so if you've been kind of tuning in and out other settings we turned off MCE of course we have SPID off it's not it's in a different menu though AVX offset is off CB correggio's currently pretty stable at 5.3 and kind of working at 5.4 and times by only and nothing else we have disabled this PID as I said we've maxed out all the current limits we have the cash ratio now at 50 and voltage is typed in as 1.42 but there's a lot of droop so it's more like 1.38 and let's just go ahead and bump up that memory frequency to 4,000 and then go for let's see the RAM voltage not for keep typing that in 1.8 1.65 something like that was doing point 65 first 1.8 should be fine I don't know if we're gonna have to bump up sa or something okay are you gonna use liquid helium no not today we do have an Ellen to pot somewhere which will be used for dry ice in our next trip J stream just been waiting to survive the 2070 and the 9900 K launches first okay those fans in the background are loud yes this is an overclocking live stream they're very loud I'm sorry I wish I could do something about it it was pretty quiet when we were doing the ice bucket though so if for no other reason then yes the the fact that they're loud and obviously we do apologize where we can't do anything about it if you want to see overclocking if for no other reason than silencing the hosts ice buckets a good idea so it's 4000 megahertz with one point six five volts the dam gonna be doable here Steve what is the best way to measure components with an IR temperature gun captain tape question mark your biggest concern is the same as thermal imaging so your concern with any kind of thermography or just an IR gun is going to be emissivity and reflect reflectivity so if you pointed at like an aluminum plate like a shiny aluminum heatsink you're more likely going to read the reflected temperature than the heat sink temperature and also it's the heat sink temperature not the component temperatures it doesn't matter that much it should be hot after all so same concerns as with any like thermal imaging devices so the best way to do it is if you have to use an IR gun and you can't use thermocouples where you just throw it directly then you want to expose the component so you'd remove the heat ideally and take a shot at a blackbody surface so like a matte black surface this is gonna give you the best measurement if you're working with something where you can't get a matte surface and you always have just a reflective object you're dealing with like a heat sink that is reflective you get a like a circular sticker on it like a matte sticker and stick that to it it's not gonna be perfect but if you allow it to reach steady state it'll be pretty damn close and you can use that to spot check it I would really advise using thermocouples instead and sandwiching them like the really thin ones that are 1/100 of an inch thick like the the Li literally laser thin ones sandwiched on between the Viren component and the heatsink scorer 2286 is that lower I think that might be a dip down reflective like the Jeon shirt yes this would probably not this reflect the room temperature if you were to take a measurement of it so that score is lower and I'm gonna rerun it just in case there's some variants going on okay you got a store purchase thank you this one is from Jackson in Washington who picked up the Raglan two-tone hoody that we have the blue black hoody and some beer glasses thank you then we got super chance to go through here so we had Rolling Rock $5 how did you obtain your encyclopedic knowledge of hardware I really don't have that do you have an engineering degree are you self-taught or mix of both I just experienced just working with all the stuff so first you have to know that you're never gonna know everything about computer hardware because it's insanely complicated and once you realize that you can focus on the areas that matter the most to you and try to make the most sense of those so X has to people like their Bauer and like engineers at different companies we work with helps a lot I have read a couple of of hardware nearing level books but most of the stuff I know is just comes from experience exposure to working with it hands-on mostly and and then access to engineers and people like that sergeant's $85 Estella Patrick he is the best case reviewer and bridge builder here that Patrick he says thank you clay otteri $10 Steve Roman focuses on temps on the night I heard KD lid down about nine degrees Celsius stock to D lid ten minutes in Prime 9595 run prime95 run okay yeah I mean that's I saw those results before he published them so yes it did look good if you feel like D living I still don't think it's really something I would encourage most people do this generation because their real pain it's not terrible like it's not hard just takes more work than previously Dixon software $10 Ice Cube and res not this time we could do that if there's enough demand for it we'll do it at the very end of the stream if I see enough demand in chat I'll do it Barton Martin Bart Todd sure with $4.99 say hey Joel game tonight question mark keep up the good work Steve but why not have these 79 ad acts in 9900 K review benchmark charts we didn't run it was in the other system for the ribcage stuff darzee five dollars I have forty seven ninety nine eighty graphics is okay is it time to get ninety nine hundred K and a twenty ATT I will I notice a difference in my web development and not just gaming or wait two more years I don't I don't know it says dude GPUs effect web development I wouldn't expect they would I would think most of that's I haven't any web development in years but it was never GPU limited in any way so I would not factor that in unless you're aware of some need that I am not in which case ignore what I'm saying and research hit because to my knowledge GP is not a huge impact or of things you would do for web development but maybe I don't know something that you do not if you're doing like 3d animations renders then yeah it would matter ninety nine hundred K same answer same answer I don't think it's really that if you're doing something that's like way more intensive than I'm aware of then I would have to point you to someone specialized in benchmarking that stuff which bowen to this is this goes back to the person who's asking how I know stuff and when I said you have to first admit that you don't know everything about computer hardware because there's too much snow and it's okay to tell people go read someone else like an attack might have some information on that with their octane benchmarks or something I don't know which one to X why not test beetle Adventure Racing on Halloween why is that a thing 22:43 this run so 23:43 i'm gonna take a note of that so yeah it's a bit better i would still like to hit 2400 we should run times by and see if that has changed at all we've done is increased the frequency we haven't tightened the timings we're gonna do that next we're gonna go down to CL 15 next and that'll bump us a lot enticed by but let's get a baseline at 4000 mega hertz first assuming it will open come on three mark you can do it there you go okay time spy physics run let's see what that is with 4,000 megahertz so this is n T and now we are at 4000 mega Hertz on the RAM so we're up from 3,600 originally we got a store purchase thank you for those like said I'm not going to get all of them but I'm going to try and get them as they come in and spot check them due to volume can't always get them all Austin vote from Boulder picked up a limited edition foil graph logo shirt Thank You Austin very much appreciated we hope you enjoy it you and everyone else finds an idea I'm on the first to take a shot at it and we do typically sell out of shirts in general pretty quickly it's just we're not gonna restock this one Chris from Texas picked up a mod Matt thank you Chris we have one from that's just finished Ian and Bozeman picked up the limited edition graph shirt you read one more and then Andrew from from Baton Rouge picked up a limited edition shirt as well ok so we're at 12,000 635 what'd I say I wanted 12,500 sustained so we we got that we hit that mark well past that mark on the CPU score now that's good we're hitting we're achieving our goals start achieving the the Cinebench goals next 12000 635 beats the goal a bit and actually we can push that a lot higher so let's do that and Cinebench I want to hit 2400 MT without going further on the core overclock because we were going to become thermally constrained so let's get this back in do some D Ram timings Gordon's not still alive is he no they are still alive are they playing they're playing a J video next to our video while they're streaming nice I still think what is what what is a yeah I'm gonna look here's what i'ma do this might not work I don't look at Gordon's chat and ask what what is Gordon and what are Gordon and Elena and Adam talking about in their stream cuz I I can't hear them so I don't look at his chat they all look at ours after that I don't see which group wise to me more assume assuming Gordon reads or repeats what I'm saying than his okay so that's stable DRAM and I'm gonna look over there in a second so in our chat they're saying nitrogen that's its direct quote that's what I was greeted with when I checked our chat nitrogen just listing off elements I guess Gordon Elena there are PC world so they're streaming right now on PC world stream and there they have our stream on their screen while they're streaming 15 15 28 actually 31 and then we're gonna need to work on these to refresh interval 30 2007 67 is that the max probably is nope goes up higher this time what's the max on this 65,000 there we go refresh interval so our efi you want hi and RFC you want low it's cuz you want to retain the data in memory as long as you can for benchmarks and then RFC is the refresh cycle time and that wow that was super high holy crap let's bring that down that should be way lower than it's at 700 Auto it's so high let's start there see what to see if that even boots I might need more voltage on there does PC world ever talk about pcs yes it sounded like it crashed but we're gonna let it try and reboot itself it might cycle times a bit that's gonna that's gonna cycle for sure anymore a voltage in there - all right do you RAM at 4,000 that is correct yes we're there chat say so there chat says hi Steve and are they answering my question this is cycling right now this is trying to do memory training we're gonna let it do it see we see if it kicks in oh yeah it's oh do they not have super chat on that's unfortunate turn super chat on Gordon I want to give you money so that didn't work as a 390 I think behaves a bit differently for max - 99 let the memory bump that later okay let's start here let's start with just that y is zero cattle there we go let's see if fifteen holds for sure that holds on our X 299 with the same kid so all right 300 is not too low on X 299 it like it holds on this kit but it might be on this platform or with this I'm see you're definitely right although I do suspect I do question your intentions when you say 302 low a try it for 20 I have to question that's the question your addendums there what cpu is it 99 I heard K New Age culture $5 I'll wait for the night I heard k2 come back in stock yeah we'll see when it when it ships Alex $5 would you guys be willing to review and compare the live gamer 4k capture card internal and external I would love to see these reviewed no current plans - we have worked we reviewed that Elgato on that was kind of interesting with the heatsink on it that wasn't actually connected to anything that was a fun one review it did okay just weird design very weird I saw one yes okay Jordan's chat is saying hey Steve says turn on super chat okay so super chats then grow again I have a 3770k running at 4.5 gigahertz I have a strict 1080i how much am i losing performance wise and how modern the chip do I need to let it run free so we tested the 1080 Ti I think with a G 45 60 and a couple of other devices - I think we started to see throttling around 1066 a white clasp on the G 45 60 but to answer your question you can look at our results from that review here's a good good way to do it actually go back to our previous CPE reviews we use the 1080 TI pretty similar to yours so if you go back to our 2700 extra here's the most recent with our old methodology look at our 2700 x review numbers 4i we might have a 37 70 in there if we don't we have really similar ones like maybe a 47 90 something like that look at those numbers or find an end all CPU at 4.5 gigahertz because if we're honest the the IPC hasn't changed all that much so look at one of those numbers from our 2200 X review it uses a 1080 Ti and then what you do you look at that number and then you look at the number for the highest ncb we tested for that benchmark and the Delta illustrates where you your potential maximum the headroom if your GPU will permit it to go that high but that will be CPU bound because it's a CP review so the best way to use a review it's a bit of work on the user's end but you look at those numbers like I just said to figure out where's your maximum potential CPU side and then you go look at one of our GP reviews and you can look at the maximum potential in similar games for different GPUs and hopefully the two sets of data together will help you come to a conclusion as to how limited you are the 3770k is going to limit the 1080i abit yes there are very good CPUs out there these days so you've got upgrade options if you really want it but the question I would ask again is do you feel like you're actually limited or do you just want to spend money to upgrade both are valid I guess but it's being aware of why you might want to upgrade it is helpful so this is not happy with 15 which is unfortunate because it's no problem on the other platform and I'm not we might need to bump like si or something - okay let's try that all right so we got a super chat from crack on PC on cotton 25 thoughts on soldering quality between Andy and Intel that's really hard to compare because we can't do a like-for-like so I don't know I genuinely don't know yeah my Roman has deleted both I haven't dealer today and the soldered CPUs so you might want to check with him $10 from keratin noctua D 15 with 9900 K yea or nay seems fine to me that that would I mean yeah that's a big cooler magnitude de max $2 love watching Holly and me pick between t r2 and 9900 K we haven't done the didn't DTR to you for these benchmarks not really gaming oriented so but hopefully hopefully find what you need pick me tween out in Charles John $5 just change my radiator airflow to push instead of pull and drops four degrees Celsius facepalm thanks for the stream alright that's that's pretty cool to drop for see that easily it depends of course entirely on your fans it depends on your case setup so that's not gonna work for everyone out there but I do prefer push when I was part I need to probably consult with build Zoey because I am more familiar with X 299 overclocking at this point then with actors III 9 years II 370 even as far as memory goes so I'm not sure where kind of my limits should be for some of these voltages what do we do for our 8086 k overclock what did we do then be 6k gamers and XS we did 5.35 don't matter what we did for anything else so I was 5 25 that was on to fewer cores though so we're doing better than that regard we could do some BC ok stuff I guess we did have memory tuned decently so we're at tier ass 28 we were at RFC of 240 we were at our efi of 165 we had IO and si to 1.3 with v dim at 1.85 for maximum n of course so that we don't recommend that for long term I don't know how this silicon responds to like so when does it turn red okay it's at 1.30 let's just do it who cares on a and not sure where the safeties are for this silicon versus previous but it's review sample and this is part of the process which board are you using reusing the Maximus 11 Maximus 11 hero I should say time for the Ice Cube so on - barks from we got $10 from I'm Way behind where did it go okay found it very work unexpected sensation $10 great content Thank You P - 32 bucks hey what CPU is this okay they have it Jeff average two dollars no masses thank you kinetic conundrum $5 memory part two and when memory part two and will it cover voltages in addition to secondary times yes it is covering secondary timings for sure I don't think we're talking voltages I'm only really versed in x2 99 memory tuning here kind of hitting some of my my experience limits on this off to consult with builds I'd later oh you know we were supposed to update the BIOS for this board - I forgot about that they count with the BIOS a couple hours before the stream started and it improved the memory support go figure but also improve performance overall so that is something I should do for the next one okay let's do kind of out of ideas much like lionesses Kirk says about him there you go refresh cycle is much more reasonable now it's amazing how Auto timings work when it retrains a few times trials from seven so this is let me just make this point really quickly when I was talking about memory timings being kind of all over the place and impacting results this is one of the things we were talking about we're going from 700 to 374 can impact like a time spy extreme score something really sensitive to memory by couple percentage points so so that's a that's a big jump but anyway we were stable here at 240 on this memory previously I think with 8080 6k I would see I think I want to apply that new bios because it does stabilize a lot of stuff yes I'm gonna say we do that but maybe maybe for the next livestream with an ice bucket or something - I need to catch up on chats Linus has a dragon now yes I saw that I saw it yeah we have some we have some small ones we don't have a door big enough like Linus we don't have a he's got like that's bringing up a door and move everything around catching up on chat for a second don't get your hair stuck in the fan yes there's a very very large fans and a lot of them on a 540 radiator okay let me blast through a bunch of these super chats I really need to catch up on these let's do that we had drunk food reviews $10 hasty but what does it mean if you have an overclock that makes it through gaming and all the normal benchmarks stress is just fine but you have the watchdog error randomly while sitting at desktop we've had that we have that recently on our production machine it can happen randomly seemingly it can happen with one of the have most recently for us when we were rendering something so typically things like increasing the voltage can help stabilize their memory memory timings have been a problem as well that have triggered that for us but gives the voltage a bit of a bump see if it goes away and then play around from their PC world we read that one key with a good work Steve thank you very much we're that ages ago at this point about an hour behind on these let me get through all these Jeff Evers $2 can you talk about pre-order delays thanks yeah so a couple of you have reported that you pre-ordered this CPU and the 28 ET is and you haven't gotten them yet and that's kind of crazy to me I mean the 900k it makes sense but they should have at least shipped it today so I don't know I don't know what there is to talk about like it's a I don't know it's here's what I'll talk about this the problem I have with it is like the 8700 K where the product launches and there's enough available that people can kind of buy it and you can justify the reviews and the presence of the reviews and then it just vanishes for months like it's a paper launch basically I find those two very annoying and it's I feel like they're typically used to steal the Thunder away from a competitor more so than they are to actually drive the product to launch and success Michael else in Chile $5 G no we're calling greater than wine show and lioness eating beef jerky well thank you we appreciate your opinion Sevilla say two dollars any info on Amazon pre-order my 900k hasn't shipped yet no info I'm sorry I do not know anything about them about the pre-orders Joey Goodwin $5.00 lovely content I was 60 600 K and have been looking at the 87 RK or 2700 X and now a 9700 K I'd love to hear your opinion I play games and multitask okay so you've got a 6600 K which I remember correctly correctly is an i5 and quite an aging one at this point so you're looking out in eighty seven hundred twenty seven hundred X 497 hundred K I'm gonna say I haven't tested it yet but I would say pass on the knives I'm a hurricane let's just let's just do that now it's an odd part eight cores eight threads I would you say you play games and multitask I don't know what multitask means to you a lot of people think that multitasking means they have discord open and YouTube and they listen to music and they play a game that's not really multitasking that's trivial for a CPU to handle so if you do some more serious multitasking like maybe you're using maybe you have a turn-based game open kind on one monitor and then you have like giant excel sheets on another one that are running crunching formulas or some kind of database management on one monitor you know some kind of game on the other if you play EVE Online that's basically a giant spreadsheet simulator anyway so stuff like that live streaming that's the more serious types of multitasking where the thread benefit will matter and in that regard an ad start my heart K is a big jump for you from a 6600 K in terms of gaming performance but a 2700 X actually a 2700 and then spend an hour overclocking it if you don't know what you're doing it should take about an hour 2700 is what $250 so you save like a little over 100 bucks and if that money is better spent to you elsewhere and you don't have high refresh rate requirements the 2700 or overclocked X is the same is sufficient for gaming without super high refresh requirements and you still get your multitasking needs accomplished the 8700 K is a great chip we can recommend it firmly for people who need that class of IPC need that frequency I would say be aware of your applications and what they prefer between frequency and threads things like Adobe Premiere you can throw a lot of threads at it like with the 790 DX e but we have better rendering performance with an IG P and a consumer desktop CPU so be aware of the applications you use and what they want so Miccio doe $2 test the IMC you want to see forty one thirty three to forty two hundred twelve twelve twelve one T this memory wall t12 we do need to test the IMC let me check with builds right on that will do another stream with a nice bucket or something - and after I consult with builds write a bit maybe their Bower and learn more about what I need to do on this platform for memory will come back to it with a bigger stream with crazy or cooling data file five dollars tell him nice that was about lioness tell him nice dinosaur bro it'll trigger him because of an argument about the dragon with his wife I think I did catch that in the stream and talk SEK fifty already thinking about lapping the chip in a future video I'm sure you saw Romans no we're not planning to but I might sand it a bit because it's got some some I don't know it's not perfectly smooth that bothers me so I guess that is kind of laughing it I don't know we'll see it'll stick with iodized for now Rolling Rock $2.00 plus one on time Linus nice dinosaur man I guess I missed that one $5.00 rrj vr6 if I decided over card my 4790k after years of owning it thank you for the inspiration glad to hear hope you have fun doing that the 4790k was a good overclocker and had that upgraded thermal paste on the 4770 are you okay five dollars with the average person with an on delay to 900k and a 240 or 360 cnat number five gigahertz yes we did 5.2 all core on a 280 CLC Kraken X 62 so yes absolutely Steve with three e's walton 999 if you had the bandwidth and budget to live stream in 4k what setup would you run also what are you using the stream right now the problem I have with streaming in 4k is more on what happens for the viewer like I don't know I think YouTube actually does process it down to 1080 and there were bit rates I note which has problems with streaming at too high of a bit rate but we could stream in 4k and we do have the bandwidth and we do have the parts we just don't cuz this seems to work well and I'm hesitant to push it if it's unnecessary because I don't know what happens on the viewer side what are using a stream that we're using at 1950 X right now a stream and OBS $10 Eric Jackson to help with the LTTE expenses David Connelly $5 I'm very interested in computer engineering if I go into it I would get a masters I'd love to work at Andy Intel or Nvidia making new products I think this is referring to earlier when I was talking about answering that other question I mean yeah I'll say I'll say this I guess try to figure out if there's some area you would like to specialize in if is computer engineering is a very broad term it's like we talking electrical are you talking like electromagnetic signal integrity engineering or something like that and the in town on video are certainly high targets there are lots of other good company too that you could start at and I would also say you know I know I guess go into it with with some research on what aspects of computer engineering do you like because I hear Computer Engineering and it doesn't mean a whole lot to me in this industry because it's so broad of course still very valuable but uh yeah look do some looking around on the options there's a lot of really cool fields within computer engineering here the black buy five dollars are you going to read you the PT test the proper methodology we did our own review and I would refer you to that I don't need to redo their testing because we trust our own GA K T on sixty four seven dollars if it's crashing but not overheating it probably needs footage yes I don't not sure what the point of that comment was he serves a while ago maybe I missed something eight zero eight eight one seven four fifty Deborah got negative wait what and they're gonna force c4 do - as I'm like a reduction of four degrees Celsius on rise and what was your Delta on risin we didn't deal it Rison and we'll talk about the Delta with liquid metal on the nine or K and an upcoming video town $5 I'm just trying to get through all the super chats here we're almost done almost through all of them I think there's more coming in but we're getting through them pretty quickly here where did that one go there we go five dollars from town give them that the 900 kg is now thicker we try to direct I cool I would love to if I can get a kit from Roman then yes sweet cubed five dollars much love from Miami Steve I wanted to ask do you have a delayed video an overclocking tutorial yes we do have delayed videos do you have 5 XL shirts as well I'm a big dude lol yes I think we do we should for the cotton designs of maybe like the anniversary to the line we might have a 5 X we do try to stock a couple of them every print when we do so keep an eye out Alexander the greatest $5 do you think I can get stable 5 gigahertz with a 9zx EXO d2 and msi galaxy through 90 yes with a 900k I'm assuming yes definitely that's should be trivial Adam Schumann senior 5 dollars are ordered and received my large teardown crystal how do I make it rotate like yours so on the on the order page it says rotate it is a stationary base because the rotation thing is just for display on the set it's a separate he we bought it separately carlos pizarro jr. $20 steve content is great favorite channel thank you very much Carlos lien lie on a lion hearts $2 seat 7 heart cavers is 87 ok worth upgrading apparently I need to do this content we tested the 4790k take a look at those results take a look at the 8700 k it's the same kind of idea a little bit of a difference with the 67 RK but not too much well it's by Matt I have that same case the dynamic waiting on my a 9900 K to ship before I builds very interested to see what fan and cooling setup you go with your negative or positive pressure a IO I'm probably gonna do an open loop for my production machine just for fun because it's I don't know I'm gonna need to rebuild the system in a year anyway to drain the loop and I'm gonna want replace the CPU so it seems like it'll be fun to do we got Remy Andre $10 hello Steve how much would I have to donate to patreon in order to pay for a video tutorial on how to apply liquid metal to a Vegas 64 liquid I will advise that you keep the money and don't apply liquid metal to graphics cards it's not worth it it's ready direct eye contact just put good paste on there you'll be fine it's a lot of extra work to do liquid metal there's some risk involved it's already direct eye contact it's honestly just really not worth it one dollar for Matteo thank you and a message Moodie 13 $49.99 wow thank you mini I wish I had seen your video asking for someone to send the Evolve X before I built mine are you still planning on testing on I love your videos and work ethic thank you your no BS approach much love and good luck thank you so yes we the review was shot today we need to do the intro now for right after the stream and then it'll be done and we'll go up shortly jack Reitman ten dollars I think Intel engineers are on suicide watch today they told us they wanted solder why can't we win I'm sure I'm pretty sure someone at Intel is probably going why can't we win I think you're probably right the solder is definitely a massive improvement so we're giving them credit their massive improvement arctic nerd $20 almost is super chats I enjoyed your chiller overclock in your last stream what would happen if you ran the same principle and freezing temperatures outdoors your name arctic nerd is very fitting such as in a place where you get to minus 60 degrees even submerging into a nice lake so same idea same exact idea actually yeah I mean who did it Joker I think Joker did a video I liked outside when it was snowing once yes so GPU boost will increase the frequency as its as the core temperature decreases so it will boost higher we observed that in our testing with the ice bucket if you do it in negative 60 outside like negative 60 C or something I'm assuming you're saying negative 60 F but whatever if you do it same thing outside it's same idea it's just I guess ambient slower so condensation is less for concern so it probably makes it easier in that regard yes going to the literal arctic would make overclocking a lot easier in that regard Jay I'm $20 maximize 10 hero AC deleted 87 okay 1080i until m2 600p 512 gigabyte SSD mostly used as a toy and some homework SolidWorks autocad C++ coding for the next upgrade should I go at 99 K or Samsung 970 Evo m2 1 terabyte SSD was your CPU 8700 cabe yeah I always wish I could give a really firm answer these questions but there are too many variables so I'll give you a few answers are you running into issues we're opening accessing files saving files is slowing you down because if you're seeing issues where you're getting file access delays then an SSD upgrade is probably where you want to go if you're spending like 10 minutes opening a giant project file or something with a lot of parts in it inside work if that's not a problem and you have no access time limitations you don't feel like storage like the latency of opening things up saving things are slowing you down then I guess spend the budget elsewhere like a CPU because you'll always get more improvement there most time you will in this case jeff gilbert $5 finally found a live stream shoutout from new zealand question when are you going to upgrade your personal PC and what would you upgrade to I'm not gonna upgrade my system at home any time soon it's garbage but it works I'm gonna build a production system here so what I'm going to do is pull us 6,800 K does we're not going to use it again sorry Nepal 6100 K are in Nepal next 99 deluxe ACS motherboard and whatever Ram I can find and I think that's probably call it a day there do some overclocking put under it open-loop should be a lot of fun I'm really looking forward to working with a dynamic case for that from Leanne Lee swing life away 92 $5.00 random question where did the 10 xx modded BIOS come from the one that acts similar to a shunt mod I wish there is one for the newer Titan XP you can find them on to overclock dotnet that is a great resource for finding modded V bios's with higher power limits cebiche odo $5 let's see ddr4 4200 the 1211 11:28 220 CR one that's a really specific request not on this kid of memory Joe suit and then shout out to the Gen staff you all do an amazing job and I speak for the loyal gen fan base when I say you do awesome work and we love you thank you very much Joe sitt and then Brandon and $10 take my money because Intel clue he doesn't want it ooh ouch ah which Intel videos are awesome thank you very much I think we're almost through these super chats stop suddenly super chat try to get through them all um try to get through them all so we can close out and we got some store orders too I should shout one or two of these out but Andrew from New York purchased one of the foil Graff logo shirts this one that I'm wearing today not literally this one but you get the idea those are selling through pretty quickly actually these will probably sell out in a similar amount of times of the last ones within two weeks I would suspect next next Super chat was night center how tight do you screw down water cooler pump screws onto the CPU and zft crack on X 62 not that tight if you tighten the coolers too much on the socket you might trip a pressure sensor and it will fail to boot hand tight is the answer like just tighten it's a it's a giant thumb screw just use your fingers to tighten it until you can't anymore it should be fine unless you have like massive finger muscles in which case be careful I guess they probably have a torque spec but you just go hand tight you'll be okay it does not need to be that tight Punkie zero $10 any recommendations for open test benches I love the content yes so we are working we will be working with soon open bench table pretty soon they make a good one it's expensive it's small it's pretty portable so that's got some upsides the thermal take Corp III is a good cheap one for like a hundred bucks and you could turn it into a test bench by removing the feet or standing it up if you want vertical Gordon clarifies a lot or Steve if you turn up the switching frequency on the chokes it should help a lot thank you for the information I'll talk the builds right about that and all the other ideas a we're gonna check one dollar thank you it burns when Internet Protocol I have Tyler's I will say I laugh when I hear someone reads this name out well worth the five dollars so that is from it burns when I pee it burns when Internet Protocol sent that end Thank You president IP at a geek Koya five dollars I always do for your man locks love the channel thank you James W $5 would it be acceptable for an NC local it's come join you for your Friday OC sorry no no visitors thank you for the donation though coolest see people are local maybe we'll do a meet-up someday instead chef William is $20 I have a 99 heart K arriving on Wednesday currently running as III not D 370 godlike would you bother upgrading the motherboard or stick with this see how it works first if you already have it coming in just see how it goes and if you really don't like it if it's limiting you then upgrade but you can probably save some money - don't pho be argh what's cheap H heatsink that can cool a 5.0 OC 900k what was that be quiet one we the dark rock pro for the dark rock for dark rock for it's not too expensive if that could handle it I don't know about 5.0 yeah that 5.0 it should be able to do that should be able to do that for sure Martin $5 thanks for answering I thought you missed my chat from an hour ago yes sorry what the size of the 20 X cards do you think we will see a mini card from ZOTAC they like to make them maybe a mini 2070 first veeram take space on the higher end ones Jason Kristoff we're almost to these super chests $9.99 hey Steve bought a I'm going to cut off the super Chad's here to 10:10 p.m. bought a an X 370 a C's crosshair six hero 4 first gen rising planning on upgrading to gentie risin but keeping this board but keeping the board is this a good idea yeah that's fine that's a good board I've no problem with that thar feve 2 dies any chance you'll make a collared shirt so there's a chance no current plans though d'artagnan steal five dollars will be 9 RK have enough PCIe lanes for dual GPU setup yeah by 8 by 8 ideal you get a peel ax chip but most important don't have that you don't buy it by iSAGEN 2 dollars can you review swift tech drive x3 ao no current plans I'm not actually sure what that one is Dixon Salter please tell Andrew he is an ice cube in a reservoir and what CPU is this you heard him andrew says haha hehe $4.99 I had a dream I pitched you my favorite topic consumers ability to believe their superhuman being things al are res I can see 8k it requires size and distance yes 8k is tell me that will matter with very large screens at certain distances Jonathan oh nice we're almost to the bottom of these thank you though for telling the minute we're gonna end with Kenton motley jonathan rozelle yeah $2.00 what's your favorite 27-inch monitor and why I don't have a favorite because I just use whatever we have I'm not a lot of good person for monitors this one's pretty good it's a 144 Hertz AC Swann I think it's old by today's standards what is it called mg279q so we've liked it it's reliable I don't know how it seems fine I don't really have serious monitor preferences thought fix 1337 thank you for keeping the leet alive still want to buy your skull Kenyan water block from you moonlight mods contact them they'll make one for you probably contact moon light lodge they're the former danger done guys that way you said skull Canyon not Hades skull Canyon it's that I don't even remember what skull Canyon is I was thinking oh it is yeah I got it right okay yeah yeah I mean like mods contact them they made the one that we have elite truck repairs $10 hey Steve over 1070 TI and 7700 K but I'm still experiencing some shopping as choppiness in my gaming I have a cheap gigabyte be 250 M will upgrading the motherboard help yes yes and maybe the OS while you're at it just in case Riley Kier five dollars so I asked a question last ask Gaea an LLC as temperature control on skylake non k 6400 OC what is the question so I LLC as temperature control I think is the question LLC seven runs up to one point three eight under load used load line calibration to hold the voltages steady at the places you want them to be and you can undershirt if you're not overclocking I guess I don't know if that answers your question can you explain what artifact it is yeah if I had I don't we may be demo it let me see if I can just demo it that'd be pretty easy if I can get this let's just set this up to boot it should be pretty easy to demo so let's just reset to optimise defaults as so much quieter and I'm just gonna push the memory frequency on the video card until it artifacts artifacting you'll see like a lot of multicolored flickering like a lot of purple and red and yellow in time spy extreme is gt2 that's a really good way to test it it'll flicker like crazy because HP I'm intensive they're not H BAM it's memory intensive excuse me and so as you push the memory frequency to places where it is no longer stable you'll see that artifacting which is that multicolored flickering sometimes you'll get like a crosshatch like black bars shown through sometimes you'll get a lot of really aggressive flickering of the colors so it just it doesn't mean necessarily that there's any physical damage to the hardware you not to worry it can indicate physical damage but typically what it means that you've just pushed the memory frequency to a point where it's not stable it's not necessarily hurting it she's not stable and that's GPU memory frequency to be clear I don't know if I I don't have any video overclocking softer on here you know what let's let's just open it up times by extreme artifact in yeah here we go very this is a really good example this is from Asian Stevens on YouTube here's your example so this is a good example can you see that screen okay it seems kind of dark I pasted it in chat I'll paste it in chat this is an example of artifacting though I'm just gonna paste that in chat and it is from memory frequency often being too high so one side of what is a teardown cube earlier we have one on the desk here let me just paste that again there you go okay someone talk about no envy link 16 by 16 on the godlike that is correct you'd be 8 by 8 for those asking what's the teardown cube that's what it is it's the GN logo with a 3d laser engraved design in it and it has different components so you see like screws there's fake BRM component stuff like that pretty pretty damn cool that's on our store store duck earrings X dot net for the person asking about it so it's got like PCIe slots and chokes and doctor or a wallet same thing but MOSFETs all that stuff in there anyway so yeah the that answers the artifacting question we have a couple more I said we'd stop at where kin motley we're almost there a couple away Fragger 56 $5 what do you think of other reviewers maxing out at 5 gigahertz on their 99 arcade samples on water Intel bending strikes again 5 gigahertz is nothing so if that's the best Intel can send as golden samples that's really bad because like it does 5g on one core out of the box if you can't do a 5 gigahertz all core without any effort you're doing something wrong no it should 9900 k's should for sure do 5 I don't know maybe it depends on the software testing but we did 5.2 no problem we did 5.3 here today sort of 5.4 but it wasn't stable so at 5 gigahertz is not and that was on an X 62 by the way so 5.3 was on this big cooler but 5.2 was on a 280 CLC unless you mean bad binning maybe that was it Raiden 54 $2 thanks for the streams thank you for watching PC world said it was fun but Pizza calls good luck hitting six kickers we are definitely not gonna hit six kicks stanley Rennes $10 hey Steve I have 650 watt PSU and I run a 1080i with 240 a i/o GPU cooler although our GBI can handle is 650 watts enough for an 8700 K and a 1080 TI yes if they're not severely overclocked yes B no salucci $2.00 did you say it send more super chats no kin motley $20.00 thanks for all your excellent work have a pizza on me thank you Ken motley there are four more I am stopping after these four I said I'd stop with the last one Frank litter go $2 what tastes better liquid metal or thrown paste okay I see how it is I wanted to do a couple more to be nice I would not advise tasting either of them especially liquid metal the guerrillas $10 hey Steve I have somebody 700k c-27 formula do you think I should upgrade to a 9900 K or I'll clear my 1080i to a 23 I wouldn't recommend upgrading to a 28 ETI unless you like absolutely need to have the best and that's all that matters to you if you're happy with it just keep it it's fine 1080i is a good card there's nothing wrong with still using that card we would recommend buying it over most the modern card so like I said to more Jonathan Rosalia 1050 TI overclocking battle of the bottom that would be kind of fun also it'd be very limited very fast you're like a five-minute stream Ben Grogan $10 posted this in patreon with a related link dare to go wow this wow is finally updating to use multi core using chunking what black magic ways besides this are used and how do they work I'm not sure I understand the question how is a world of warcraft wow ii w wasn't capitalized it threw me off wow it's finally updating to use multi core i don't know i don't know anything about how World of Warcraft is programs unfortunately anyway so that's over the super chats thank you like I said one of the best ways to support us has been through the store thank you to all of you who purchased up on the store we really appreciate it these will still be there for a little while once we saw they're gone the new graph logo foil sure but they stuck around for about two weeks last time two and a half so hopefully it sticks around again but pick him up early if you definitely want one because they will sell out and we're not restocking them as for the overclocking I got two five point three so we did five point three pretty stable and sent a bench in times by we hit our time spike goal actually beat it by quite a bit and Cinebench I still have to go back for that one I need to consult with build Zoid and maybe Roman to update my knowledge on overclocking with this platform because they've trained to me pretty well as husbands ie kingpin they've trained me well on X 299 but this is a bit different so I need to learn the voltages for this one and then we'll revisit it and maybe a week or so and talk about putting this thing under an ice bucket as well or something like that I don't know well we'll have some fun with it so stay tuned as always subscribe for more thank you for watching and I will see you all next time
Channel: Gamers Nexus
Views: 369,204
Rating: 4.5834684 out of 5
Keywords: intel i9-9900k cpu review, intel i9-9900k benchmark, intel i9-9900k vs r7 2700x, intel 9900k vs ryzen, 9900k vs 8700k, 9900k delid, intel i9-9900k solder delid, intel i9-9900k solder vs liquid metal, intel i9-9900k streaming benchmarks, best cpu for game streaming, gamersnexus, gamers nexus, computer hardware, intel i9-9900k solder temperature, intel 9900k liquid metal worth it, intel 9900k overclocking, intel 9900k overclock, best gaming cpu, best cpu for gaming
Id: wpSMW27gzzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 179min 5sec (10745 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 19 2018
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