LIVE: How to use 13th Gen Intel CPUs 13600k - 13900k on 12th Gen Intel motherboards Z690

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foreign video it's the last day of October October 31st Halloween 2022. my name is Carrie Holtzman and thanks you guys so much for tuning in for today's video we're doing something a little different today and as I've promised there are benefits to membership and what I'm going to do in order to avoid some of the chaos that occurs in the chat room along with the distractions is from time to time uh starting with this video live videos of certain content will be made available without monetization and live only to members so people who are not members won't even be able to watch it while it's live however uh after the video is live and after YouTube has processed it then monetization will be turned on and then public viewing will then be available for that video indefinitely after that point so much like other things in the world if you want it first uh you know you want to go that see Black Adam at the movie theater that's playing right now the only way you can watch it is at the movie theater and you'll pay that ticket price uh likewise the new processors both from AMD and Intel that just came out are the highest price they're ever going to be and in a few months time they'll be much cheaper so we're going to follow that business model and hopefully it will establish some value to people who for whatever reason don't find Value to support the channel but find the value enough to watch every video and I appreciate those viewers but I also really appreciate the supporters and it's time I start to show that and show the difference so uh well again I appreciate all my viewers there are a small percentage of you that make many of these videos possible that otherwise I would not have the funding instead I would be making sponsorship videos for manufacturers which is essentially long commercials I don't want to do that uh either that or I drop this kind of topic because it's so expensive to make these videos to get the hardware and move over to a different subject matter that like cooking you know I can make a video with six dollars worth of ingredients that generates the same amount of Revenue as these videos however what I'm trying to do here is share over 30 years of experience with you guys and the hopes that it can inspire you encourage you and more importantly by showing it live you'll see that errors are commonly made along any build or repair or upgrade process it's part of the job the difference is a professional somebody who's had years and years of experience it's like not a big deal it's not a oh stop the press as a mistake has been made it's like oh here's a little mistake we correct it I'm very very rarely is a mistake ever made that's so drastic that it requires the build or the upgrade or the repair to stop until new parts replacement parts are ordered for damage typically they're more about embarrassment or ego or Pride than they are about the reality of you know people making a big deal out of writ is essentially nothing and I don't think other YouTube channels are doing you a service by editing out all their mistakes and they make mistakes everybody makes mistakes if you didn't make any mistakes you probably not be interested in doing it it would pose no challenge to you it would be boring you couldn't be bothered like a video game that had no challenges you just move the little character on the screen from the left to the right with no obstacles and when you're off the screen to the right You've Won does that sound like a game you want to play because an edited video is perfect it should be all the mistakes can be removed any Mis if you misspeak and you catch it you can go back and correct it when it's live it's real and for those of you who appreciate reality because it seems it's in short supply these days everything's about virtual reality everything's about being online everything is about Instagram and you know things that are uh what people want you to see versus what's really there and so I realize this may be a condition of my age I grew up as a teenager in the 80s and so these values from people today that only want to show Perfection and lie they're effectively lying to everybody about what it took to get that Instagram shot or what it took to get that video made to get that computer built they only want to show you the Highlight Reel and not watch the entire sportscast some people are just highlight real people if you are this isn't the channel for you however I will say I do have a quick tips Channel I don't upload to it very often these days but too many people can't be bothered to take the time to learn they're not interested in learning just give me the answer I want don't show me how to do the math I'm not interested in learning math all I'm interested in is the solution to this math problem and I'm not interested in enabling people to be remain ignorant I'm here to motivate you and to help you and sometimes I'm a bit tough about it because I believe in you and I know you can do it sometimes some of the questions are like I'm asking myself did you even try I hope you did I hope you try and if you try and you don't succeed so what you come here you join us in the chat you let us know what you're trying to do what you've tried so far that hasn't worked this is how we learn this is how we understand the misconceptions that can help teach people in the future because whatever mistake you've made likely has been made by others but everybody wants to be embarrassed about it everybody wants to hide their failures I'm not suggesting you should post your failures but what I am suggesting is it's it's just a part of life and to deny it or give it less value than successes uh doesn't make any sense to me we cannot have those successes without the failures many successful business people tried numerous businesses that filed for bankruptcy and failed before they got one right and this goes all the way back to Henry Ford Henry Ford had multiple attempts at starting a car company that ended in bankruptcy Elon Musk almost ended in bankruptcy with SpaceX and Tesla it was this close so there's a certain amount of risk you have to be able willing to put out on the line in order to receive a certain kind of success so I don't know why this has to be said but from what I see in the comments and sometimes from what I see from reactions from people in the chat room it does seem like we're starting up from the complete wrong you know opposite ends of a page here in understanding what my goal is and what my purpose is in making these videos I absolutely do not want to feed a man a fish I want to teach a man to fish so that man can feed himself so I hope you can appreciate why I do what I do and what it is I'm trying to accomplish and um again for this video live right now it is members and moderators only that can jump into the chat and watch this video while it's live once the video has processed when it's over then it will be made public and monetization will be turned on at that time and I will be doing this not for every video but I will be doing this far more often because membership has its benefits and this is one of them and I want to just let you know how much you guys mean to me I'm always having to defend myself and I know when I make a video open to members only for viewing and commenting I won't be defending myself because you guys don't do that to me and I appreciate it I also expect we're going to have a smaller turnout that also means that if you have a question for me I'll be more likely to see it and I want to make sure that those who give that I also give back to especially because without you guys today's video for example people wouldn't be possible I have a hundred and fifty dollar nbme drive I have a 310 dollar CPU I have uh some Ram here 16 or 32 I don't know I just grabbed it in this case I've already had the ram but somebody's paying for all of this this motherboard this is a z690 aorus elite ax ddr4 this is a z690 motherboard this is 199 plus sales tax now as a lot of people think well you're making that YouTube money that's right and with the YouTube money I can buy groceries but um what I need to be able to do is spend two to three times my YouTube money monthly just to have the hardware available to make the content and then I have to try and sell that Hardware which I typically have to take at a loss plus all of the labor I have to put into cable management the ongoing support once it's sold the packing it and the shipping of it takes hours and hours and hours out of my day and I cannot be making content ordering parts selling and talking to people on the phone for selling things I've built and then loading up the car and driving it over to FedEx and waiting in line there which is only going to get busier you know come the holiday season I am my only employee and as a result you'll see certain times of the year I get pretty frazzled I am stubbornly marching forward but lately I've been dropping the ball a lot and so I'm aware of it I need to make a correction and um the things will get I want to say back to normal ideally uh there will be a new Studio C before long and that will be a huge step forward uh in how I produce videos moving forward on a regular schedule besides Fridays I'd like to have at least three days a week where I'm doing scheduled videos which is impossible for me to do here so anyway that's what's been going on and I just realized I don't have a cooler so let me just step in the other room and I'll grab a scythemugen five that's a a 65 cooler this computer is only purchased to make this video I want you to understand that when I talk about the expenses involved it's going to be my problem after this video to try and figure out what to do with this the reason is because there's going to be a lot of people I imagine who are interested in buying the latest 13th generation Intel but don't necessarily want to buy the 700 series Intel chipset boards because they cost more money primarily I was mistaken and I was corrected that the difference between the z690 and the z790 boards are not what I thought they were the uh z790 I thought was ddr5 only in both cases in the z690 and the z790 you can get the boards supporting ddr4 Ram or ddr5 Ram the 700 series chipset is nearly identical in almost every way except if you get a ddr5 motherboard that's a 700 series it'll support higher Ram speeds which for some people that matters you get more Lanes of traffic for your pcie gen 5. since we don't really have anything that's PCI e Gen 5 it doesn't really matter but if you were to for example have a pcie Gen 5 nvme storage drive and PCI gen 5. video card they would likely be sharing the same data paths that would not be ideal right you'd want to have multiple data paths so um it for most people I don't think it's really going to affect them you can absolutely go to a z690 and really not notice it there may be a couple of other differences from one board manufacturer to another or one model of board to another but I leave that to you to do that research and if I've left anything out any any comments preferably with a link to provide evidence to what you're claiming is very helpful for me to understand um when somebody is making stuff up versus when there's actual facts I have been um so split with my time it's abnormally more on top of the ball with all the latest Hardware uh I was surprised at just how little difference there was in the 700 series but here's what happens and here's why we're making the video this motherboard came out what six or eight months ago whenever it was when the 12th gen processors came out I can't I don't even remember when that was but the 13th gen did not yet exist so how does this board know to recognize a chip that didn't exist when it was designed it's entirely possible that the the Motherboard BIOS was updated at the factory already so it will recognize the 13th gen chip we don't know but I'm going to assume that this bios is older and if so how do we update the BIOS on this motherboard so it will recognize not just the 12th gen which what it was designed to do but also the 13th Channel now this is a very similar process I've covered this with AMD ryzen chips was very common with the am4 motherboards to all have that backwards compatibility you had to upgrade a bios to get that latest ryzen chip to be recognized by the board I've also had to do this with uh we I think we did it with threadripper and I think we did it with x299 with Asus we used something called bios flashback where you don't even need Ram or a processor to flash the BIOS I don't know if Asus introduced that but Asus is commonly the one that introduces the technologies that the other manufacturers of boards start to mimic it JJ from Asus was sure to let me know that to say just pay attention Carrie watch what we do watch how we're the only ones who are doing it right now and in a few months watch how well our competitors start doing this so he's not wrong and I think bio splashback was originally an Asus thing so how do we do it on gigabyte and how do we do it with um with without a processor that will be acknowledged in the AMD ryzen days well we're still in the AMD ryzen days but in the am4 socket days for AMD the solution was get an older AMD chip just borrow it whatever you have to do so the machine will recognize that chip then Flash the BIOS then take that chip out and put your newer chip in and it'll work and we can still do that today you can buy a low end Intel socket 1700 uh what is it a Pentium G chip relatively cheap but if you're going to do that why not just buy the 700 series presumably you want to save some money and you're not going to see any benefit from the 700 series anytime soon so this is really done for financial savings that's why people do it now the BIOS flashback on a gigabyte board and especially a 12th gen board never done it before I've done similar things it's not like it's a foreign concept to me but I want to tell you right out of the gate I've not done any research I've done no rehearsal I've done nothing to prepare myself for this as a field service technician when I'm called to go on site to a customer's location I never know what I'm going to encounter a customer could have an aggressive dog a customer could have a 10 year old computer a customer may have built something themselves which has four video cards in it and only one of them actually is working you never know what you're going to run into I might run into uh dell or an HP or an Acer pre-built that I've never seen before and can't even find the power switch right but I'm on the clock and I'm paid by the hour and it's very expensive for the clients to pay that and the clients don't want to see you know bumbling around so I have to get in there I have to sort of reverse engineer using my past experience and find what's familiar for example I know it's going to have a power button somewhere I know it will and so all of that parlays into what we're going to do today which is just as though a customer were to call me say I've got the z690 board and a brand new 13th gen chip I've got my ram my solid state drive this thing will not fire up the fans spin the lights light up but I get nothing on the screen can you help me not all motherboards support bios flashback I will tell you bios flashback was what Asus called it I don't know what gigabytes calling it but it's the ability to update a bios without a working processor installed on the board or a recognized processor installed on the board it's really really cool however it's very very specific the BIOS must have a very specific name the flash drive must be like an old school quite often USB 2 fat 16 or or just fat foul allocation table no NTFS no expat system won't read it the BIOS has to have a specific name you're going to have to change the name of the BIOS and it'll tell you what you need to change the name to if you've ever watched a video here on YouTube where somebody is downloaded an Asus bios and there's this little batch file to rename that bios they're wasting their time the only reason you would ever have to rename the BIOS is if the system won't boot and you're trying to use the BIOS flashback so it drives me crazy when I watch YouTube content creators following an unnecessary step it's not hurting anything nor is it helping anything in those instances so be aware of what you're watching and ask yourself why why did the person like if you have to download and rename the BIOS why didn't they just name the biostat from the beginning it's a very simple question so the BIOS name will never change for the for the BIOS flashback it is looking for something specific but the BIOS names change every version you understand so normally if you can just update your BIOS with a bootable computer you do that going into the BIOS or through a Windows utility you don't have to rename that bios and that's going to be universally true I've never seen a manufacturer that did it any other way so I have no idea what the current process is on this gigabyte board but I will tell you there are some things in common that we should expect there's only going to be one USB port we can use despite the fact there's many USB ports one will likely be a different color or have some kind of a box or draw attention around it for the BIOS flashback if needed again we want to use a small older USB 2 flash drive no NTFS if you don't follow the instructions exactly it likely isn't going to work now I'm not going to say it's going to damage anything but it might take you far longer to accomplish what you're trying to do if you rush through it or you make assumptions this is an uncommon activity especially with Intel as a result making sure you do it right will likely get you done sooner rather than later and it's relatively the same as I mentioned across all motherboard manufacturers that support the ability to update a bios without a working CPU it's absolutely incredible that it's even possible but again not all boards support this feature typically only more expensive higher end boards like the Z series boards for Intel and and even then only recently within the last few years 10 years ago I don't think such a thing was even a I don't know if it was a thing 10 years ago time flies when you're having fun so I don't remember the first time I had to do this on a lot of the discounted or cheaper less expensive am4 socketed AMD boards there's no such feature it would add cost to the board therefore you have no choice but to use an older CPU for compatibility to be able to update the BIOS in a traditional manner okay so uh welcome to all my friends in blue joining us on the video and I see Patrick Manny Patrick Russo Mark Baggett Elijah Dickens Joseph Winterhalter joining us and uh it's nice I like we have a nice little intimate crowd here and it's much less chaotic all right so the first thing is this video is going to end real quick if I pop that chip in and it just works I'm hopeful um that this is an older bios the longer you wait if I wait six months and then I buy a z690 assuming they're still available for sale likely it will already have the BIOS on it that we need to recognize 13th gen chips except newer 13th gen chips models that aren't out right now will be coming out I think eight or nine more models are coming out uh sometime in the first quarter of next year so even the BIOS we update to today won't know those chips coming out I think so even if you do get the latest bios it depends on how new your chip is compared to how new your board is that will determine the likelihood of you need to follow this process all right I think I've got all the caveats down now this board looks nearly identical to the board that Mitch and I used on Friday's show and at a casual glance it looks like all the same specs this is an Aurorus Elite ax ddr4 it has built-in Wi-Fi just like the other board it takes ddr4 just like the other board it is a z690 full-size ATX motherboard just like the board from Friday and it sells for 199 dollars at Amazon just like the board on Friday I haven't really taken the time to compare the two boards I think the Wi-Fi on this one's a little faster but again that requires you have a compatible router otherwise you know if you're if you don't have a router that supports ax then whatever your router does support will be the limit to how fast this wi-fi can go to today's standards so whether or not that's important to you as far as I can tell the boards are nearly identical I'm not quite sure how gigabyte justifies two models at the same price point that are identical in almost every way but again I have not done the research on it however the process should be the same regardless let's find out what happens here so we've got our brand new board and bring this down here actually I should go ahead and get my m.2 screws out of here well it gave us more cardboard on this one they gave us this one flying you know what look maybe we get the uh the handheld camera out here we get you guys some close-ups from this point forward since I've got all the disclaimers and heads up of what to expect out of the way here I think I can actually get to work we've got our antenna m.2 screw ah this board only has two m.2s The Other Board had three there's a difference oh wait a minute no wait there's a third one there's a fourth one oh well in that case let's go the other way this board has more than the other board head I'm not quite sure I haven't even looked at the board yet I'm making some guesses here but we have four bags with these little m.2 screws and in the Friday's build we had three bags same price for the motherboard z690 both ways after the show I'll put a link to both boards and you guys can compare them decide which one's right for you if you're in the market for it and before I open this up let's get switched over to camera number three here camera three is our close-up camera put the cam girl to work there we go you're you're good come on in all right so these are our bags of course this drives me crazy for the garbage that it creates you know not like they couldn't put the one screw there for these screws in one bag this is somehow they they do inventory I bet you it costs more to package these screws individually than the screws themselves cost so that's to prevent them from losing money God forbid they gave everybody four screws whether you needed it or not they'll spend more to give you less and create more waste you gotta love corporations all right we've got the board in an anti-static bag here so let me grab some scissors gigabyte likes to tape the bags closed I don't know other manufacturers that do that I'm not quite sure what taping the bag closed accomplishes because once it's in the box if the bag is folded there's no way for the bag to open and I just find it bizarre more unnecessary waste now this board is significantly significantly heavier than the board from Friday's show this thing weighs I don't know what it weighs but it feels a good three or four pounds nearly twice the weight of uh Friday's build and we have a much larger heatsink here on the voltage regulator model uh modules around the CPU we have these little pull tabs you see the blue they want you to remove this plastic you see there's some blue here this is designed to keep surface areas of the board particularly that have a brand name on them from getting scratched and shipping by leaving these plastic pieces or these plastic sheets on it's interfering with the efficacy of the ability for this heatsink to dissipate heat passively right so we've got some plastic hair on the side and again this really doesn't affect anything other than it looks the plastic if you don't remove it it will start to bubble and turn yellow over time and it just looks terrible and given today's desire common desire for people to want an attractive system I'm just noticing something that JJ pointed out to me JJ said Asus was the first to introduce these metal supported pcie slot for the weight of the graphics card also you'll see metal supported dim sockets what's interesting to me is the only support to there's metal supports on two of these dim sockets here you see this metal and you see the metal around the pcie now I've never seen a pcie crack I don't know what problem this is solving it seems a bit over engineered and I'm okay with over engineered but again I'm always asking why why do they do this and there's some psychological impact of quality by reinforcing uh this area where there's typically going to be a graphics card which will be very heavy especially if that's a 4000 series graphics card the ram you know Ram can be pretty tall and you're in a little socket that's you know maybe a quarter of an inch deep if that so you can see the leverage of that thing tipping over and splitting or cracking the socket is is potentially there however I've never seen it happen in my life these heat shields we've got likely there's two m.2s under here and another m.2 under here if you were to buy an nvme drive you would likely not want to use an nvme drive that already comes with its own heat shield because it'll interfere either in this socket or this socket with seating your graphics card down also aesthetically these heat sinks these are much more visually appealing and you will save money by buying an nvme drive that does not come with a heatsink if your board already provides it there's not a whole lot of cooling difference between one and another generally speaking and of course there's always exceptions if we look on the board what are we getting on this board I see we have a USB 3.2 oh don't worry the usp4 standard has been ratified and will be coming out soon as will Thunderbolt 4 and everything is backwards compatible we have a USB 3.0 Port here I'm assuming that's 3.0 but maybe that supports a higher USB range I'm not sure uh we've got six SATA ports which we're not going to use any of right along the edge here if you look we've got six of them that's our CMOS battery there we got a lot of fan hitters all over the place here one two three four fan hitters across the bottom of the board one two no that's not a fan header one glasses carry glasses two fan hitters one two and then these are for LEDs if you're gonna hook up external RGB lighting and you want to be able to control that through the manufacturer's app that you can download we have a screw to mount this motherboard and I don't know how well you can pick that up it's right there this is going to be in the way of that that's disappointing I don't like it when I have to remove something to get to something as basic as the motherboard mounting screws this has to come off anyway for our nvme drive and I just need to remember to keep it off until we Mount the board or I'm not going to be able to uh to get access to that because what I'm doing today I'm going to do outside of the case I guess I'm going to have to put this back on anyway but that means I'm gonna have to take it back off when it comes time to putting this in a case we've got two additional pcie slots right down here we have built-in Wi-Fi if we take a look at the back now if this supports upgrading the BIOS without a working chip which USB Port do you suspect we would need to use do any of those ports stand out boy will I be embarrassed if this board doesn't support it again I am making an assumption here that all these e690 boards from gigabyte and Asus will support that but they might not yeah go ahead and get a close-up of that because I'm not seeing but I can't read the little words there let me see if I get a little closer oh bios USB 3.2 you see that red so she's right on the you'll see the Wi-Fi antennas on your left you'll see four USB 2.0 ports at your far left in the exact middle of the screen you see two red USB 3.2 ports the very bottom one if you look closely he says bios to the right of that you'll see an HDMI output and a display port output you'll see a USB 3.2 type c and a 3.2 type A the type A is the one you you're most familiar with the type A that's the wide rectangular one and to the right of that two more USB 3.2s in blue and the red 2.5 gig Lan network card and then we have surprisingly very little audio out typically a board of this level supports surround sound do we even have a speaker out we have spdif that's Optical we have a microphone input we have a line output we don't have a speaker output typically on Boards of this caliber I'm accustomed to seeing six circular holes for audio for rear audio front audio subwoofer Center Channel 7.1 surround sound this on the other hand looks like it's taking a completely different approach I'd have to look at the specs of the board to see what level of audio it's supporting but apparently we're just going to be using the line output and you'll see the i o Shields already put on for us that's one less step we have to deal with when we're installing this into the case which we won't do during today's video and yeah those are great shots thank you for doing that so the first thing I want to do is I want to get these little m.2 screws out of these bags they're so easily lost misplaced most of the time people only take what they need when they're building and they put the rest somewhere thoughtlessly and then months or years later they need to find it they don't know where it is so what I like to do is what I wish gigabyte did which is just go ahead and put these on the board where they go and leave them empty foreign you know what's troubling do you see the recycling symbol on that that's a number seven that says other what that likely means is this just goes into the garbage if you look up um every Google what these numbers mean inside of the Little Triangle of arrows on Recycle you'd be surprised how much stuff that is claimed to be recyclable may not be recycled by your municipality and it worries me that it says other that it's not specific about what the material is so that's why I say you know put all these screws in these little bags seems quite wasteful and you know it is adding to the cost of the board it's not like it's not like it's free so I've got the four screws out and I got to figure out where they're all going to go so we're going to take these heat sinks out these heat sinks they use a very small screw similar to the m.2 screw in that the heads on the screw are not exactly American standard phillips these are Japanese industrial standard JIS and I've got a couple of JIS drivers here this is a hose and 550 I bought one I bought one on eBay screwdrivers you know I'm always cautioning people about buying Electronics off eBay because of you you don't know what's fraudulent or returned or damaged screwdriver is pretty safe I get some pretty good deals I found this one this is a JIS it's a little I was gonna say it's a little larger but the head actually looks the same size and far more comfortable this handle is very squishy I've never seen it for sale anywhere so I saw it on eBay I said oh I'm gonna buy that because if anything happens to this one I like to have a backup so we'll go ahead and just start taking the heat sinks off of these m.2 slots that should be underneath sometimes these screws are what we call captive meaning they don't come out they stay with the device which I like you don't have to worry about them falling onto the floor and you're searching around trying to find them are wondering which screw went where we take this off let's keep in mind the straight edge of it goes towards the back of the board and the angled part is going to go towards me no it's not a captive screw it just fell right out all right sometimes they're captive sometimes they're not and then if I lift it straight up whether they're captive or not keep them all in the same place some motherboard manufacturers will use all the same screws and sometimes they use two sizes you know one size of screw on one side and one size of screw on the other depends on the make and model of the board but this does expose a total of four m.2 slots these are your standoffs that your m.2 drives are going to screw down too this is what's going to secure your m.2 and then we've got one up here so this is usually using a channel directly to the CPU and then these are using pcie Lanes I much prefer this Channel first and again it can vary based on model this is not a universal truth so what I'm going to do is take the three little m.2 screws I've got here and I just want to set them oops it's not magnetized let me this one should be magnetized much better I want to put these screws right in here and they don't have to be tight I just want to be able to find them in a couple years time or months time when and if I want to add more m.2 drives and if gigabyte would have sold it to me this way I would have appreciated that so that's all I'm doing with that and you'll see these standoffs here these are what hold the heat shield down these two and then these holes here these are all for holding the heat shield in place so I'm going to just cover that back up because it looks prettier with it on and we don't need to do any more in there foreign once again don't over tighten these just bring it till it's snug all it's meant to do is to mostly be aesthetic if you have m.2 drives under it you definitely don't want to squish them underneath this but you do want it to make content so it can dissipate the the heat generated off the m.2s now for the m.2 on today's build these were on sale these are from a company called a data and I've been using a data stuff off and on for well over a decade mostly flash drives and this is their f s like Sam 7 Series S7 series for like 139 dollars this is a two terabyte two terabytes for 140 it's generation three so it's only going to move data about 3500 megabytes per second on your reads about 3 000 megabytes per second on your rights this board is capable of doing twice that but it would cost us about twice the amount of money thereabouts for a generation four two terabyte drive if it's worth it to you to spend twice as much to get the same capacity that's twice the speed uh that's for you to decide I'm not going to waste my money on it because in reality my customers can't see the difference windows will still boot in approximately the same amount of time it might be a few milliseconds faster if you're doing a lot of input output if the way you use your computer you would see that difference then by all means spend the extra money but in this case these are very very affordable and if we were talking a couple years ago when Gen 3 was still a thing these are right up there when performance with the performance models so I'm going to go ahead and open this up I've got a link to all these parts in the video notes below the video they take you to Amazon if you make a purchase at Amazon using my link I make a small commission I don't know who you are I don't know where you are but I can see what was sold and when it was sold and you don't pay any different nothing's any different from your perspective but it's a nice Anonymous way to support the channel and you don't have to go searching for the part inside of this box you'll notice we have a little heat sink on top of this and I don't know if it's stuck on there or not let's take a look we have no documentation all we have is this little stick of gum sized Drive this little thin piece of metal very very thin is glued to the top and because it's so thin I think we're okay to leave it on my preference would be to take it off however there's no way I can take this off without bending it and potentially ripping the chips right off the circuit board they use something these days called surface mount technology you might hear the term smt remember the days if you've been in electronics for a while the components had little legs and you shove the legs through holes in the circuit board you solder the legs and then you cut the ends of the legs off not anymore today the parts sit on top of the circuit board and then the solder just solders it right to the top they no longer go through the motherboard for the most part a few exceptions depending on the component so I'm not quite sure that this is going to fit with this heatsink I think it's so thin it won't make a difference and we're just going to go ahead and set that in it goes in on a bit of an angle right there we want to see those gold fingers disappear so you'll see I'm holding it at about a 45 degree angle I'll give it a slight wiggle and push it and it just sits down and it will act like a little bit like a an inverse diving board all this little m.2 screw does it just holds this end of it down so be very careful not to over tighten it because it's not like it's going to come loose um because you because you didn't tighten the screw enough there's no vibration or anything happening here this is a very simple function which is simply to hold that little Drive and keep it from coming out so that's all you have to do then this heatsink can go back on we want to make sure we remove the tape there's some thermal tape here and we remove it when we're ready to install that keeps it clean of any dust debris or any contamination we want to avoid touching it if you do touch it it really probably doesn't make any difference but I would suggest avoiding that just so you get the best thermal transfer from the top of that Envy me through this big piece of metal to again passively cool it this is the little screw that came out and working with a magnetic screwdriver is highly recommended back in the 80s and 90s when we were still using floppy disks and zip disks those were all magnetic based media and if you got a magnet too close to them you would erase them just like a VHS tape you can put magnets all around DVDs and Blu-rays it doesn't affect them so there are people that still say not to use magnetic screwdrivers because they're still stuck in 1992 and I just want you guys to know that unless you're are working with Magnetic based media which I don't know what's magnetic is there any magnetic based media anymore tape drives I guess I'm having a hard time seeing where this is lined up there is a bit more resistance even though that heat shield on the m.2 drive is thin it's still not quite as flush as it would be so what I'm trying to do I'm trying to locate the drilled hole here for this screw and the heatsink's covering it right so I can't really see so what I do is I turn the screw and I kind of move this around a little bit until I feel it sink in to something and I'm getting like nothing so when that happens I have to take it off and Visually try to line it up and of course now it wants to stick to that nvme drive because we've got the uh that thermal tape nose get a little adhesion to it and I'm going to grab a little flashlight here so I can look down in there and I know there's not much here for you guys to see and I apologize for that but it appears I'm way way off for some reason um that I don't understand this is too far out so I need to start at the other side foreign look here from what I'm seeing this whole piece needs to come back I mean if you look here these should be in line with each other so this has to come back more towards me significantly like I'd say a good quarter of an inch which is a lot quite sure it wants to participate now if you notice in very fine lettering it will say M2 slot engraved on the heatsink so you know what's under it and you'll see the other one as well we'll say m.2 slot so again it's not a everything will be in your documentation you can always go to the motherboard manufacturer's website and download the PDF file and see it online well that's really super sticky so that needs to go more or less right there so I'm going to start with this side yeah that's better now I'll come over to this side oh much less effort when you do it the right way if you're struggling with something you're likely Doing It Wrong there's something you're doing wrong so if you've got a lot of money invested in your computer and you're struggling with something you need you to take a breath and think about your approach now we'll give this a full spin around and you can see that you know even if this heatsink was thicker these screws are designed that this little heat shield can go up or down but it might interfere with the installation of a graphics card if you raise it too high and then that's sort of the downside of these heatsinks it depends on your GPU but some gpus may have a difficult time uh getting fully seated into the socket because this is a quite quite a distance over the the end of that I don't know you can really see just a height difference between those two areas but that's designed that way by the manufacturer and if we get something level and just place it across the top like I don't know a level we can see if we're still centered you can see that bubble what happens when we go this way see the way the bubble goes in the middle this bubble right here you can see it's slightly elevated because of that little heat shield so it would have been better for me to use an nvme drive that did not have that little heat shield despite how thin it was it just makes the slightest little difference which likely will not interfere with the installation of a graphics card but it's certainly not making it any easier so that again that's two terabytes generation three I'm trying to do this on a budget I'm trying to keep my costs down if I were actually building this for myself I would likely put a Gen 4 in there if I could get a good price so a good price on a Gen 4 2 terabyte drive would be under 200 this is well under this is like 140. I'm not going to get close to that on a Gen 4 Drive of two terabytes certainly not one that's going to perform um to make it worth your while just because it's Gen 4 doesn't automatically mean you're going to get the maximum speed out of it so I want you to keep that in mind that would be a wrong assumption there are budget Gen 4 drives so you might end up with a Gen 4 drive that cost a little more but then it only runs just a little tiny bit faster you do get what you pay for in this you know in this industry so you know you might be thinking to yourself wow I scored a bargain when in fact it was a wash one way or the other in some cases now I'm gonna go ahead and put the CPU and the heatsink on next we'll slap the ram in it we're just going to see if it boots I'm hopeful it will not boot that it will need the BIOS update but these are live videos they are unscripted everything is shot in one take one of the advantages we have with the pandemic and the part shortages that we've been dealing with is there's not a lot of old inventory sitting on shelves so the build Mitch and I did last Friday that motherboard has been sitting around here for about five or six months so I guarantee that one would need a bios update this board I recently purchased and it may have just been restocked from the place I purchased it from Amazon with the latest bios coming off the line of manufacturing I don't know what the odds are only one way to know Now by now I'm sure you've seen me install the Mugen 5 countless times before the I5 CPU I this arrived while we were live on Friday and it was shipped in a padded envelope instead of a box usually Amazon put stuff in a box and this was crushed pretty badly in that padded envelope the good news is it's a CPU it's really it's very difficult to break a CPU there's our instructions the Box goes into the trash anyway so don't be worried if you get a damaged box like that with the CPU or any solid state you know motherboard uh RAM it's it's likely not going to damage it as you can see we've got a 13 well that better say it's a 13 600k uh CPU there and that is the latest 13th gen I think that's what it says 11 600k now if this had an f on it that would mean there's no built-in video and we would have to provide our own graphics card so you will see that the F versions of the chips are a little bit cheaper in most cases because what they have essentially done is disabled the Onboard video on the die it's not like they're making them any different but there's no way for you to re-enable it so be aware of what you're buying and know what to expect I always like to have built-in video even if I were going to put a discrete graphics card in it it's good to have for Diagnostic purposes if we're trying to figure out a problem later on so let me go ahead and put this in there's a little corner here that's cut out so you can get a finger underneath that just lift that straight up and then there's two cutouts on each side of this plastic so you can reach your fingers in and take that out then here on the socket the socket on 1700 is a little more um robust than prior Intel sockets on the consumer side so you'll see it it kind of reminds me of a way a Corvette Hood opens up the opposite way I don't know if you've ever noticed that on a Corvette but that's what is reminiscent of course people always tell you about looking for the microscopic Golden Triangle I'm going to Simply tell you look at The Notches every Intel CPU in their core line have little teeny tiny notches in this case we've got two notches on this side and two notches on that side and then if you look in the socket you can see the little plastic notches here and here and they're not exactly across from each other they're offset that way you can't put the CPU in 180 degrees backwards I also know that the writing always faces down top to bottom if this if you could picture this in a tower case then this would be the top this will be the back of the case and all the writing then flows top to bottom and when we set this down we want to just kind of pick and find the edge bring it down as far as you can bring it now you can see I'm pretty far off on that socket but now just gently without pushing down all I want to do is slide this CPU and it starts to fall into what is a tiny ledge there and we're hovering above 1700 little delicate pins underneath it that's why we don't want to press down and I've just noticed we've got a goal we have a triangle etched into the heat shield there pretty strong light reflection maybe I can tilt the mother it is very difficult to see but it is there just in case you went that reassurance when you're installing the chip then we can lower this lid back down and we're going to have a lot a lot of resistance and this lid you can see it's not even letting us get this down far enough so we have to pull this off my hand see the difference that made because we need this little metal how it how this is bowed out that's going to push down now it's going to put Force across all four edges of the CPU and you're going to use a little strength here push down and then hook the latch underneath that catch but it's critical absolutely critical you make sure this is in the socket straight before you attempt to put that much force in pushing it down or you could bend the pins underneath that would be user cause damage not covered by warranty and you're out a 200 motherboard so take your time be patient be certain that you are fully in the socket without pushing down on the chip to avoid damaging those small pins this is a much a much better way to secure a CPU in my opinion than the old pin method that AMD was using and thankfully amd's let that go because you know you try to take one of those CPUs off and you've got a heat sink on top of it and you're prying that heatsink and what happens it pulls the whole CPU right out and it can damage or even break off the pins on the bottom of the CPU and there's not a whole lot you can do about it to prevent it it's um nerve-wracking using a socket like this the CPU is locked in and no matter how tightly a heat sink sits on top of it we can get like a flight flatbread flat blade screwdriver kind of get another and twist it as long as we're on the frame here and it'll break free that CPU heatsink without the CPU moving at all the CPU is not going anywhere so as a technician much better design in my opinion with that I can put the heatsink on and I'm just wondering should I put they want to put the Mugen 5 on there yeah heck let's put the moving five on there I like the Mugen five it's the Black Edition is a few dollars more it's 65.99 at Amazon it goes on super easy you get a free screwdriver that's magnetized I'm gonna make the installation even easier we've got our cooling fan we'll set there and then of course we have the heatsink itself right here pull that open and such as that and we'll just set this aside keep it out of your way you don't want to damage it but do keep your work area free of uh things you can knock over or knock into the board so that you'll be more likely to be successful and less frustrated and when you're trying to work this all out I don't know why it's so important to me to put this all black the way it was it's all just gonna go to the recycle bin but I don't just watch the detail when I'm building computers I watch the detail for the most part with everything I do so when I'm emphasizing to you to watch the details on some of these specific things that are easy to screw up like damaging that socket I hope that you would always watch the detail across the entire build take your time enjoy it foreign we have all the mounting necessary for all different kinds of AMD and Intel chips going back for years years and years and years as a result because they don't know which chip you you are going to need this for it comes out of the box ready to go for an Intel socket 1700 with this back plate you will not use this back plate on any AMD or in any x-series intel chip the x-series chips are typically high-end workstation chips used in business so if you're following along you've got a socket 1700 board this is ready to just plug and play just slide it in you'll see there's holes and cutouts so that even if we reverse this the other turn it around this way it doesn't make a difference it fits exactly the same so you cannot get it wrong and we're going to set that down you'll see I'm working on top of the motherboard box that's because this is a non-conductory cardboard is non-conductive and I don't want to scratch up my workstation you know my lazy Susan or my desk the bottom of the board has got pointy solder points all over it and they'll actually cut right into your hands so you'll notice I handle all parts by the edges or you know I'll grab it by a heat sink or I'll grab it here by this heatsink because I don't want to cut myself but it's also a very easy way to dissipate electrostatic discharge since I would only dissipate in electrostatic discharge through the heat sinks I don't have to wear a grounding strap because wouldn't cause any damage to anything in this bag right here there's a bunch of stuff in here we're not going to need so I'll start out with these long screws these are for use on AMD chips so we're not using AMD chips today so those are not going to be used by US today these little standoffs these are for Intel X Series chips we're not doing that today and all that leaves us with are four thumb screws and four plastic spacers the four plastic spacers one side is rubberized and one side is hard plastic hard plastic side goes up rubberized side goes down to cushion against the top of your motherboard there is some resistance when we push down that's good if you put it on there and it just slides on it's upside down should immediately have resistance that's also going to hold that back plate in for us so if I were to pick this motherboard up right now it's not falling out anymore it's one thing when you've got another person helping you can hold the back plate in for you or you can set the board on something to hold the back plate up nothing's better than that in my opinion in this bag right here we've got a number of brackets once again there's different brackets for different CPU types these giant brackets that look like parentheses that's for an AMD build we're not doing AMD these straight brackets that have a bunch of holes in them that's for all the other Intel consumer chips like one one five zero one one five one one five five one one five six and then finally these brackets that look awfully similar but they have a lot fewer holes that is our socket 1700. brackets and they're going to go in the same direction they do not go this way they you see that lever right there they're going to go over the lever and you see how that's lifted right there it's lifted to get over these capacitors so it doesn't squish them I'm going to take the exact matching one and put it on just like it's a mirror to face each other and then we're going to grab the thumb screws and we're just going to tighten those down I recommend starting these by hand foreign and then we can use the enclosed side screwdriver to tighten them up look how easy that is to put on I don't know why anybody would choose a different air cooler at the 65 price point I'm not aware of a cooler that cools as effectively as this cooler does that has a heat sink the size that it is that's as easy to install as it is at a 65 price point it just doesn't make any sense to me why you would spend 65 on a different air cooler because they can only be more difficult to install none of them will be as easy as this and if you know of one that is this easy you let me know because as far as I can tell none of them are that easy unless they're a smaller heatsink and they're still at that 65 price point I think this is unmatched in value I am not paid by side I don't even think they know who I am but I've been using the heck out of these coolers and many of you have written into me to say that you've utilized them and you love it some people have written it and said they got rid of their liquid cooler and replaced it with one of these and they're not going back to the liquid cooler uh clearly not the best overclocking cooler but if you saw Friday's video we were cooling a 12 900k and the thing never got over 80 degrees uh Celsius after 20 minutes of prime 95 which I was not expecting that result um that's really surprising that cooler works that well and also that Intel's doing such a good job of keeping that chip cool because what I read online they had me believe in that chip was going to be hard to cool so I don't know what they're doing differently than me but you can go back and watch that video if you missed it on Friday based on what I read online I was prepared to have a heat related issue and I was just kind of curious how long it was going to take to happen it never happened so that's a 12 900k being cool just fine on the 65 move in five that's this easy to install now I'm kind of curious about the 3900k and the Mugen 5 cool it right now the 13900k is about 160 dollars more than a 12 900k 12 900k you can pick those up about 500 right now in late October of 2022. here in the U.S and I saw Amazon had the 13900k for 740 which is messed up it's got to be a third party seller gouging but if you go to B H Photo or Newegg you should see it around 650 right in that range that 150 difference between a 12 900k and a 3900k with everything else being the same you're not getting 150 worth of benefit out of that so I'm reluctant to spend that kind of money for just a 10 increase but I really want to know if the Mugen 5 can cool it um I I'm just surprised that the Mugen 5 cools the 12900k as well as it does and now you know I wasn't expecting that so now I'm like well would it do the same on a 13 900 gang so once again for me to conduct that experiment there's another 200 motherboard there's a 650 dollar processor Ram solid state drive you know we're looking at almost a thousand dollars just to do the test and then I have to figure out what to do with it when I'm done and uh that's the only thing holding me back if you're if you're wondering why I haven't done certain videos in most cases it's because the funding isn't there that I can afford to do it um you'd be surprised the amount of content that I have been able to make that I didn't think I would be able to make as quickly one after the other uh given that almost every video contains different parts and unless it's customers provided parts you know or I have to sell my soul to the corporation and be their spokes puppet and then they give me the parts for free as long as I say what I do it the way they tell me to on the release the video on the day they tell me to release it and I say everything that they want me to say and nothing that they don't want me to say I don't think it's worth it for me to sacrifice my Integrity for I don't want to hold back or omit information from you my viewers no differently than I wouldn't want to hold back or omit information from my customers in my real business and if you were a customer I don't think you'd want any business you deal with holding back or omitting information I would think but if a company is paying for you to make their content you better make it the way they want it because that's what they're paying you for now we have a small tube of thermal compound here which I will apply I just kind of eyeball A little dab of it here there's a lot of debate and argument over how thermal compound should be applied you should apply it however you want to whatever makes you comfortable when I build computers I have to support them it's not like it's just going to go in my bedroom and if there's a problem only I deal with it these are being sold quite often to customers this one isn't but it hopefully will be and if there was a heating or cooling issue with it I'm the one who's going to get the call so I want you to understand what my motivation is like I don't really care how you want to apply your thermal compound but I'm also not going to argue with people the actual thermal material itself doesn't much matter in reality whether you want to spend a whole ton of money for what is considered to be a superior thermal compound or just use what's included for free if you actually run your own test and try applying the thermal compound in different ways and use different thermal compounds you will see the truth the truth is out there in the internet but it's very difficult to Spot It it's just the truth is mixed in with people's emotional feelings and so the only way you can be certain of what the truth is if you're curious is to run the test yourself at most thermal compound and how you apply it makes about a three degree difference in temps for most people um and you have to allow for the temperature room change it just changes throughout the day you have to allow for a Three Degree variance at least meaning any difference would would be subject to room conditions and negligible not enough to say that there's absolutely a difference X Rod 666 contributes five dollars he says hey Carrie what all-in-one cooler do you recommend for a 3900x I got a side the movement five and it's not cooling it very well the 3900x from AMD and 3950x are pretty hot chips uh I'm using a liquid cooler what am I using so when remember remember Marvin he brought that system in and he had that liquid cooler that was junk we took that liquid cooler threw it away and Marvin's old system which was a 3900 or 3950x is now sitting in a system right over there I don't know if you want to turn the camera people can see straight down there yeah and I just haven't gotten back to it but we have the liquid cooler on there and um I think really any name brand manufacturer well you're just disconnected us there's a uh there we go now we're back on the um any name brand manufacturer NZXT Corsair Asus I stay away from manufacturers I haven't mentioned I was on a fence with her to mention names but generally speaking stick with the name brand manufacturer and it really shouldn't matter who the manufacturer is if it's a 240 millimeter cooler or a 280 millimeter cooler they should all pretty much work the same and have the same or similar warranty whether or not you want RGB or you want you know USB ability to control the pump that's going to impact the price and the big manufacturers offer them in many different sizes with and without RGB RGB does add significant cost but at the end of the day I would be putting on a two fan radiator in other words a 240 or a 280 assuming your case can accommodate for that if the Mugen 5 isn't working and you absolutely want to stick with an air cooler the noctua dh15 can be beat if I ship a computer with an actual dh15 it always arrives bent in half it's heavy and if you want to see your motherboard you won't see it all you're going to see is a giant heat sink you could also try adding another fan onto the other side of your Mugen 5 if you haven't done that so you have an intake fan and an output fan both moving in the same direction moving the airflow out depends just how much heat you're trying to Stave off there and you could try removing the heat sink wipe off your thermal compound reapply it again use my method try using a nitrile powder free non-sterile glove finger paint that on and be a little more generous with it if you're too stingy with your thermal compound it may not effectively be pulling the heat off so don't put so much that it's going to ooze but maybe you haven't put quite enough on maybe just adding a little bit more if you close in close in on that you can see the little Peaks and valleys and I'm on the fence of whether or not I should be putting a little bit more on there but I think it'll be fine because it's an i5 If This Were an I9 I probably would put just a little bit more especially it's a little thin around the edges there the majority of our Heats coming mostly uh from from within those edges but it does spread out so it's really something you sort of you have to gauge it yourself but too little thermal compound is worse than too much in most cases now I can put the heatsink on so we have to remove this little plastic cover right here once again we want these anytime we're transferring heat and we're using a material here to help in that transition we want to make sure we're getting the best thermal transfer possible and making sure the surfaces are completely clean dust debris oils from your skin all of that one side of this heat stink you'll see the screw sticks out the other side of the heat sink the screw is underneath where the screw sticks out that goes towards your RAM I'm going to set it in just like this and we're using the enclosed Screwdriver from Mugen you just want to get one screw started and then I want to get the other side started here if you tighten one side too much a whole lot of tension on the opposite side and then you have to push down really hard to get it started so once we start them we're going to go back and forth and try and tighten them up evenly we don't want to tighten one side by itself I want to keep going back and forth so that we have complete level contact across the entire surface of the CPU and the entire bottom of the heat sink that one's come to a dead stop so we don't turn it any further than that what do you got 25 all right well that's good we're just about ready I guess 25 of the battery is All That Remains on our close-up camera I'm going to quickly slap this fan on I've discussed this numerous times so I'm going to just get on with it and thank you for the contribution hex rod and thank you for your question okay there's one side another side you can bring this down as far as it'll go it hits that screw and then just Center it pull back on these little wire hangers and they go into the grooves of the heatsink and I do need to wire tie this but just to get on with her zip tie just to keep things moving now I want to put the ram in now I've got this Ram laying around here whatever this is our oh it's eight gig pc4 19 200. all right now it's fine for now I definitely won't be leaving this Ram in here it'll be a total of 16 gigs which I consider to be minimum for Windows 10 or Windows 11. if you have anything less than 16 gigs of RAM on your desktop or laptop running Windows 10 or Windows 11 you will see likely an improvement of performance by doubling that now you'll see I'm using the metal reinforced socket only the ram only goes in One Direction foreign I always make sure it fits into the track easily without force or frustration then I can use my thumbs push down one corner then the other corner and that locks the ram that's 16 gigs of RAM two terabytes of storage our new I5 13th gen our side cooler all on our z690 sesame seed bun all right you ready for your test all right I think we'll go ahead and give the camera a break we'll go back to our main camera here boom here we go you're free and clear thank you you're welcome all right now let me just look here in the chat see if I mix missed anything uh Elijah says hello Carrie from DC Joseph Winterhalter saying hello from Aurora Colorado foreign says maybe they taped the motherboard bag because it has to travel through the warehouse to the boxing station but nobody else does that like ASRock and MSI I don't think Jesus I don't think they do that so I don't know why that would be different but yeah that's possible I don't know I just think it's odd Ronald Roberson says I love your stuff and the way you present it but I'm not going to be a member I will still watch your stuff but seeing as you can help me build my PC I might as well be a fan it'll be very difficult for me to help you build your PC and you know look if if you could get someone to give you personal Hands-On tutoring for ten dollars a month but I'll tell you that'd be a good deal for you though I don't know that it's a sustainable person process for the other person and I do appreciate that you are a supporter and if that's not working out for you if you don't feel you're getting your money's worth out of that um by all means you know you do what you have to do and and we I try to give people as much personal attention as it's humanly possible I'm averaging about 10 000 views per day so as you can imagine in a month's time that's what 300 000 views some of those probably 70 or more are first time viewers they may never come back again I don't know they might decide they like what they see and become a subscriber they might become a supporter unfortunately um I can't meet everybody's set expectations but what I do attempt to do is not mislead people into thinking I ever offered that to begin with so that if someone comes up with this idea of expectation that I never offered I certainly understand why you may not you know it may be disappointing right for you that you didn't meet your expectations I try my best to always set expectations not to make decisions for you but to just let you know if you choose this expect these consequences and if you choose that expect these consequences expect these benefits on this site and these benefits on that side so that you can make an informed decision that's right for you once again I want to teach a man to fish I don't want to feed a man a fish so I encourage you to build your own system I have enough videos here on YouTube that it should eventually become so repetitive that you don't want to watch them anymore because if you go all the way back to 2008 I'm still doing exactly the same thing and I am mostly apart from some parts Evolutions like the CPU socket or DDR3 to ddr4 or going from a mechanical drive to a solid state drive to an nvme Drive the concepts are all basically the same in much the same way that an engine built in 1940 isn't really all that different from an engine built today minus some Electronics the fuel delivery system a little different but the engine itself and the uh what we're setting out to accomplish hasn't changed internal engine combustion theory is the same today we've made it more efficient but if you knew how to work on an engine in 1948 you likely know how to work on an engine today so again I appreciate the support and do understand that it's because of the support the videos you're watching are available all you have to do is look back at this channel prior to when it started to get monetized and you'll see in 2008 2009 2010 2011 very few videos posted maybe one a month Maybe um in 2008 maybe two videos well the videos could only be 15 minutes in length so to do a computer build would take about 90 minutes break that up into 15 minute pieces but to me it's one video and then do an Intel build do an AMD build that's all I did in 2008. in 2009 there were a couple more in 2010 a couple more and then I reached a point where I didn't have the time or the money to do any more than that with the support not YouTube monetization YouTube monetization is painful I have a hundred thousand subscribers more than I had a year ago just to make the same amount of money from YouTube monetization so just to stay flat I have to keep increasing my volume if I don't then if I'm still producing the same amount of content as I was last year and I'm not growing viewers then I'll be making a good 66 percent of what I was making it's a good third anyway I'm not complaining about it and letting you know what my challenges are and what prevents me from providing more content and if people want to support that that's great and if people want to watch what I do for free that's great too it's it's there for the benefit of everybody and I would love the opportunity to have a full-time schedule Monday through Friday to make videos there's no way that will cost at the end of the month it'll cost somewhere around I'm going to estimate 25 to 35 000 dollars and may generate maybe three grand of Revenue so you can see that's not a sustainable business model but uh that I have to figure it this figure this out to be able to make videos that are less expensive to make and to be able to generate enough Revenue that I can make more videos I have no shortage of content I could make videos every day for the this year and next year every single day I would never run out of ideas at least for a year at least but I will run out of money very quickly so if you are ever seeing a time when the videos aren't coming out as often or I'm not doing as many uh reviews of products it's because the money isn't there to support it that's all it is so just trying to set your expectations so you know what to expect and why that happens it's not a punishment I'm not trying to goad people into contributing what I am trying to have you adjust your expectations for what you should expect based on what the challenges are so with that I do hope you build your computer and enjoy your build and I hope it lasts a really good long time and it is the best computer you'll ever own and likely you'll want to build another one and you'll start understanding the money problems real quick uh it gets expensive now again I'm expecting this not to boot up not to post well here's what I expect to happen when I put the power supply on this and I hook up my power switch I expect to see the light come on the motherboard there's probably some diagnostic light I expect to see this fan up here on the heatsink begin to spin and I expect no video to come out if we get video that means that we don't have to go through the BIOS flashback process okay I'm going to grab my power supply this is just a 500 watt EVGA power supply last Friday show I set this power supply down and I told you guys don't do that I've said it so much I don't even think about it anymore see the fan on the bottom of this power supply it's actually drawing air in to the power supply it's not blowing air out it's drawing air in and that air comes out the back here so when you hear people talking about how hot their cases are or how their thermal temperatures of their CPU or their video cards are you know by adding more fans or they're going to these extravagant efforts the power supply isn't being monitored for temps and the power supply isn't affected by the heat of your system the idea is that it's going to bring air in from the outside and then bring it into the power supply and then blow it out the back of the power supply it never enters the computer and so you could have a power supply that's overheating that's not cooling well that's suffocated because I had the fan down so it's having a hard time breathing if you put your computer tower on carpeting you want to make sure that you have a little space above the carpet for the air to get up under there it's so often ignored it's maddening that people act as though they're so intelligent by how they've masterfully cooled their CPU or their graphics card and never ever mention their power supply so I guess if you don't talk about it it's not a problem so I give you this information because I don't want you to be like them and I want you to notice it when you see it all right so now I'm just going to put the big 24 pin power connector on the motherboard and probably need glasses one of the frustrations I think many beginners are going to find is is that everything's black so it's black on black and it can be very difficult to see details black on black if I wrote you a letter in Black Ink on a black piece of paper you probably have a hard time reading that letter so this is what happens with electronics a lot of times is people can't see it very well and I'm standing right in front of it and I'm sure the camera is probably even difficult for you to pick up the space between these two you know the plug in the socket and I'm going to kind of wiggle and push down and that little clip is going to lock it in then right up here we have two more connectors we only need to use the larger of the two the secondary one is for additional voltage when or if you're overclocking I think overclocking is dead I think it's been dead for some time what you have to spend and the trouble you have to go through for what little tiny gains you're gonna get and only temporarily because in another eight months there's going to be a newer CPU out that'll likely run that fast without any special cooling or difficulty in configuring the BIOS to find where it's you know how far you can push it before it breaks so I'm not going to use that secondary smaller connector now if I hook it up anyway if my motherboard had it which uh my power supply had a secondary motherboard connector which it does not and I hooked it up it doesn't cause me any harm to have it hooked up even if I'm not overclocking but nor does it do me any good and it's one more cable I have to manage so that comes along with this hobbyist activity which mostly hobbyist activity trying to eat out you know seven percent maybe ten percent more performance which is nothing when we initially overclocked back in the day you could take a processor and double or potentially triple its speed when you can take a Celeron 300 socket the slot a processor and you could overclock that slot a processor to 900 megahertz you made it three times faster worth it 300 Improvement 10 Improvement okay me you'll get that generation to generation just wait for the next chip in a few months if that's important to you uh let's see I need a power button power button I'll use this little dealy bopper I buy these little power buttons off Amazon this one has a little power switch a little reset switch little power led a little hard drive LED and then what I did is I took one of those G connectors which similar to what was included in this motherboard box and I drill out the little holes on the bottom that are blocked so it'll work on other manufacturers motherboards and this way the power switch the reset switch the power LED and the hard drive LED they always go in the same location on all ATX and Micro ATX motherboards regardless of the manufacturer unless it's a pre-built or if it's a mini ITX so all I have to do is take this connector and with the cables going to the left just seat it down and then I don't have to mess with the four pairs of cables positive and negative and all that it's already done and finally I just need to give it power keyboard mouse no internet and video output so we can get it onto the capture card and see what happens all right so power make sure the switch is off on the power supply we'll plug that in right there keyboard and mouse I have right over here so this is my wireless keyboard and mouse they have rechargeable batteries that are sealed so I just plug this into a USB port to charge them up they last with as frequently as I really use these uh three or four sometimes five months between when I have to charge them but there's no actual battery that you replace it's all sealed like a cell phone modern day smartphone they have a little power switch I turn them off to save the battery but they do auto power off on their own anyway that's just my OCD I might be getting a few extra days of Life by turning it off manually it just makes me feel better all right so there's a wireless dongle because these two wireless devices are paired together I don't have a separate dongle for the mouse in a separate dongle for the keyboard all you have to do is plug one in and that connects both our keyboard and mouse and then finally the HDMI cable and that's going to go to our capture card so you guys can see the direct output of this motherboard that's it no internet no flash drives no unneeded materials or peripherals are plugged in like RGB lighting and stuff like that if it's you know something that can be unplugged leave it for right now because we want to make sure that this works if we put a bunch of other stuff on there we don't know if it's the other stuff that's causing this not to work so we need to make sure with the bare minimums that are required that that operates so let's see it's getting exciting put the switch to on on power supply leave the power supply vertical so the fan can breathe and I will uh take one more look in the chat here before we start X Rod 666 says Carrie thank you again for the Windows 10 product key I don't know of any other YouTube channels that would do that I want to get once again for those of you that don't know what he's referring to that's X Rod 666 in the chat I've told and just in case you missed it if you're a member of my channel it's 9.99 a month and you say okay well what am I going to get for that well apart from the ability of me creating more content which benefits everybody regardless if they contribute or not um if you've been a contributor for three months a supporter of this channel that means you've spent 9.99 in three months in a row that's thirty dollars now YouTube's going to take 30 percent of that right off the bat government takes about 30 percent of what's remaining is about 50 percent is what I get so I'm going to pocket fifteen dollars what I will do for you if you want a Windows 10 product key Windows 10 Pro product key I will purchase one for you and send it to you from our good friends at VIP cdk deals I actually buy VIP cdk deals is not giving them to me I will buy it and I will send it to you now I'm not going to make any money but I hope it builds Goodwill and loyalty if you say I don't need a Windows 10 product key okay well look at how much Microsoft Office costs over it VIP cdk deals with my discount code carry if you've contributed that much in membership so in other words have you been paying 9.99 a month for six months you've spent 60 dollars right YouTube let's just cut it in half when we subtract YouTube's fees and we subtract the taxes cut that in half I will pocket let's say thirty dollars I can buy an office 2016 product key for under thirty dollars and send that to you instead of the Windows 10 key or if you've been a member for nine months right and so you've been paying 9.99 for nine months you say all right after three months I want my free Windows 10 key and then six months after that you want an office 2016 key and assuming they're still available fine with me or after three more months you say I want another product key so it's all based on how much you're contributing to how much you can expect back but you have to email me and ask me for it and I need to confirm your name and look at your membership history to make sure I'm not being swindled and of course I do absolutely expect you to use the product key the reason is I have a million things going on and once you go beyond 30 days getting any support if there are any problems you're not going to get any support same is true if you buy something at the store and you come back after 30 days wanting to return it you know Amazon is an exception but places like Best Buy or heck wherever you shop generally have a 30-day return policy so please don't ask me for keys that you're not going to use for a long time and then email me back after a certain period of time you know after let's say two or three weeks and the key's not working you know at two or three weeks we still have time but I'd rather not stress me out with that when you intend to use the key if you've built up that credit with me just send me an email that you're ready for the key I'll purchase it and I'll send it to you and then if you have any problem well it's still fresh on my mind I know who you are and what we just did I don't have to go back and research who you are with 10 000 new viewers every day things are crazy and everybody thinks they know me right because you're watching me very few people think that take a minute to introduce themselves to me before they engage in conversation so do keep that in mind that you know don't take it personally if I don't remember who you are you should assume I don't remember who you are unless we have established a much closer relationship which I have with some of you most YouTube content creators that I know at this scale and higher simply don't even respond to um emails and things because it's just it's very very time consuming um but I'm you know even as the channel grows I'm still making sure that I'm communicating with the people who are supporting me that's critical to me and then um if time is available for me to answer other people's questions who you know just randos online I certainly don't have any problem with it it's just it's just time so yeah nothing personal but uh yeah X Rod 666 had hit me up and said hey were you serious he'd send me a Windows 10 product key if I've been a member for three months I said yeah I said well I've been a member for like five or six months would you send me the key I said are you ready to use the key is it yeah I went online I purchased the key I sent it to him he confirmed it worked I always loved getting those confirmations so I don't have to worry and uh we're good so it's real folks it's real it's just a way for me to show my appreciation to go above and beyond for the people who go above and beyond for me so here we go we're going to fire this thing up and see if it boots I'm hopeful as odd as this sounds that this does not boot post that's what we mean to say power on self-test so let me turn on HDMI input one and let me get my camera a little smaller so we can both see together what's about to happen okay you guys uh you think it's going to work here we go I don't know which of the two buttons is the power button one's a reset button one's a power button apparently this button on the left okay as predicted fan is spinning there's an LED on the motherboard everything so far is exactly what I expected now the question is will we get the power on self-test will we see the gigabyte logo I hope not the reason we're not going to see it if we don't see it is it doesn't recognize this chip it says hey this isn't a 12th gen chip I don't know what it is but it's not a 12th gen chip only through a bios update can we give it the tell it how to recognize a 13th gen chip now it can take up to 90 seconds for your first boot to occur so because it hasn't happened yet it still could so we want to make sure to give that a full 90 seconds I'm seeing the light blinking here there's a little diagnostic LED doing something and uh I'm gonna just bide my time here for for about a minute give it every opportunity every benefit of the doubt to boot because I want to know for sure if I'm fixing it or not so we have to absolutely be certain it's not working before we can know if we can fix it so far it's looking pretty good this is what I was hoping for now the whole system just shut off and it started back up again well that's interesting normally it does that after it trains the memory and it says okay now that I see what memory you've got and I see what chip you've got I'll make those changes to the BIOS and reboot the system sometimes however when it's trying to boot and it times out it starts again it resets itself and starts again so in other words it's not frozen it's just saying something's not right let me reset so it literally just reset itself and likely this will continue I'm seeing the diagnostic LED on the board moving it's got a couple of segments on it it's just moved again so we know the board is trying it's not frozen and it certainly should have given us something by now I just want to wait and see if the system resets if the fan on the CPU heatsink stops again because that would indicate a reset is happening I'm seeing that red LED diagnostic move around like I say there's about three or four of them here I don't know what it's telling me nor do I care I fix computers before they were such diagnostic tools and for the most part repairs are the same diagnostic process there the machine just shut off again and it's reset again I am really convinced this is exactly what I was hoping for that it just doesn't recognize that chip now we can't just use any chip we can't put anything other than a 12th or a 13th generation Intel chip on this board and expect it to work so I don't want to have you misled in any way that you could just take an older chip or you know whatever make it work it's got to be compatible with the socket so the socket 1700 is strictly until 12th and 13th generation only likely 14th generation will yet again be another socket that's how we keep advancing and moving forward so what I'm going to do since we're not booting and this is exactly what I was hoping for so I'm going to cut power off with the power supply now I have a bootable oh sorry I have a a blank rather USB flash drive here Let Me Go full screen full screen on camera one there it is right there this is a blank two gig a very tiny little flash drive with regular fat format file allocation table fat no NTFS no xfat and I'm going to plug it right here into my streaming computer you will need another computer borrow a friend's computer whatever you got to do so that you can acquire the BIOS it does require a working computer to do what I'm about to do now what I'll do is I'm going to open another tab and well you know what let's just use um just so I don't confuse myself I'll open Microsoft Edge since this is the computer was live streaming from thank you and then I can share the screen so you guys can see what I'm seeing right here off of this computer so that'll be turning on window capture in obs for Microsoft Edge turn that on and turn camera one off okay good good good sure that I am full screen yep now I go over to this screen and in Google search I'm going to type in the name of the board it's a z690 aorus Elite ax ddr4 enter I like Google because usually the first recommendation is the page I want so z690 aorus Elite and that's where I wanted to go we'll click that to bring up the product page at gigabytes website for this motherboard and we'll go over here to support not the support up here that's generic support this is support specific to the product page that you're on and every motherboard manufacturer does this Asus as rock MSI gigabyte all the big manufacturers have a support up here and a support link on the product page itself so that's why I'm selecting that support and then we're going to go to where it downloads already here we're going to scroll to bioses you'll see there have been seven bios releases with the latest one being f8 that came out in August hopefully that's going to add 13th gen support it says include support for the 12900ks uh oh well I'm gonna go ahead and hit the download button on that and while it's downloading I'm going to go up here to CPU support and see if the 13th gen CPUs are even in here likely you would have done this before you purchased the board so we're seeing support on 13 900 oh and that's they didn't group all the 13s together so what do we have a 13 600k yeah it's in the list and we probably tells us what bios we have to have this is saying F20 since BIOS version F20 I didn't recall seeing a BIOS version F20 look again am I missing something f8 F7 hmm well I'm a little concerned about the age of that because the 13th gen chips were released in August where does one find F20 I wonder if we go back to the CPUs CPU support socket 1700 then it says since BIOS version you know there's not even an f8 listed here so I wonder c698 aorus Elite ax ddr4 that is our board but why is the BIOS version not aligning I don't know very interesting so what I'm going to do is I'm going to bring up the file I just downloaded you guys probably won't be able to see this part of it and I want to extract its contents and take a look at the readme document inside of it see if it talks about how to do the BIOS flashback or I'll have to find another support area to explore that so let's see that is BIOS version f8 I see there's a ATI flash PDF file bios flash sop standard operating procedure download the BIOS use the USB flash drive to boot the system into EFI mode okay the system doesn't boot so do we have instructions for flashback not there and then that's all EFI well so this is what I like about doing this live is there's information here that we need to find they they've not made it easy so let me go back to camera one there we go and let me search around a little bit and see what I'm missing at times like this we can always go to Google cheat a little bit because we didn't we didn't have this option in the 90s at least not in the early 90s or mid 90s let's type in how to flash z690 gigabyte what's the word I want with Asus they call it flashback I'll just type 13th gen need help for biosflash that's first link there is a separate section for the different bios directly below all of the different drivers the latest of which is from October 7th the latest one is necessary to support 13th gen a different section for the BIOS files oh yeah well that's where we were looking that is it says bios it shows all the bioses but it doesn't tell us how to flash it when the CPU isn't um isn't recognized how to flash without CPU maybe that will pull up documentation I'm looking for steps to updating the C the BIOS without a CPU go to your motherboard driver's page download the latest bios extract the download and rename the BIOS format a USB flash drive is about 32. probably found 16. we're just fat these are generic instructions from [Music] and it's Supply it says it's applying to all manufacturers on gigabyte motherboards the feature is named Q flash Plus not to be confused with Q flash which is for updating the firmware from within the BIOS itself on Asus boards it's called USB bios flashback on MSI boards the BIOS The Flash the BIOS this way is referred to as flash bios button not to be confused with M Flash and on ASRock boards specifically referred to as bios flashback button so you see they all follow the same more or less procedure but they give it different names and the procedure's got some minor little steps that are different um steps to updating the BIOS without a CPU so let's say we download the latest bios update which we've done you need to extract and rename the BIOS for gigabyte motherboards the file has to be renamed to gigabyte dot bin I have a clean FAT32 formatted flash drive or fat regular fat should be fine hook up your power supply insert the USB drive and push the flash bios button so is there a Flash BIOS button on the back of this board let me take another look it could be a button on the board itself it varies from manufacturer to manufacturer I don't see any buttons back here I see Q flash Plus with a surface mounted button right there so here's what we'll do we extract the files that we just downloaded into their own folder here on the streaming computer so I'll just type let's see did I extract them already looks like I extracted them I'm going to copy the BIOS file so the BIOS file ends with DOT f8 you know the version of the BIOS and I'm going to copy that dot f8 file over to my flash drive here which is already just formatted with plain fat I'm going to click once on it and then it makes it so I can rename it and I'll type in gigabyte and sometimes punctuation matters but I don't think it does in this instance gigabyte dot b i n and push enter it says hey you're changing the file name extension and I'm like yeah yeah so I click yes to approve that and then I can eject the flash drive from the streaming computer so now this should have the right bios for this board with the right name plug it in let's see try and get you a close-up of this I'm going to plug this in to the USB port the red one here on the bottom okay a little nerve-wracking let me get the close-up camera out and we will switch over two oh you're gonna hold the camera for me camera three there we go so here's what I wanted to show everybody we've got the flash drive now plugged into this very specific USB port here now we need to hit the power switch on this power supply we'll flip this back to on now if you look closely right here you see the writing it says Q flash Plus so we're going to hold this button down and you'll see see this light just came on and you'll see the BIOS the flash flash drive is flashing now this will take longer to flash the BIOS this way so when we Flash the BIOS through windows or when we're in the Bios itself it's takes maybe three minutes if you look you'll see also a flashing light next to the button that I pressed and that's telling us that it's doing its thing and of course if we're curious what's going on once again assuming you have a flash drive with an LED on it so you can see reader write activity one of the benefits of the older flash drives is that was pretty standard back in the day these days it's pretty rare to find that anymore but that's what that led is flashing and it's just telling you I'm working right now leave me alone don't mess with the keyboard or the mouse don't play with the system it's doing something very important and interrupting this process has the potential to make a situation where you have to send the motherboard back so we'll keep watching this area right here and we should get some indication when it's done and I do expect this to take three to four times longer than a normal bios Flash oh now look at that it slows down but a flash drive is still blinking on and off so it's still reading or writing I'm sure somewhere in some documentation it tells us what the fast blink it means versus the slow blink but that's the only indication of communication the board has with you to let you know it is working so so far everything as far as I can tell looks very familiar to other bios flashback procedures and I I'm confused why the CPU supports since BIOS version F20 since we only have version f8 and the only two bios versions that it listed was F4 and F20 and the support side of things so I don't know if gigabyte dropped the ball there but we're going to find out here in just a minute don't worry if you think this is taking a long time it absolutely takes longer to flash a bios this way that is universal across the board of all manufacturers this is a slower process so patience is key it could take well there was one system I think we went just shy of 10 minutes now I've never done a z690 before like this so I have no idea I'm learning it just as you are still blinking very good flash drive is also still blinking on and off I don't know how well the camera's picking that up but uh you kind of see it there my main focus is on this led right here that's what I'm really watching and I would imagine when it's done the system will reset itself and I imagine that light will just go completely off this amber light over here down by the button I don't know if you can tilt the camera and put it straight over that button there you go and you can really see that led blinking now that's where our Focus needs to be so we have an idea of what's Happening without a screen telling us anything this is how the computer is communicating with us right now that's a nail buyer in it once again the flash drive is still blinking on and off the data transfer is going to be slow the BIOS contains a lot of data in it we sort of take for advantage or take take for granted rather just how much data we're moving on a regular basis with all our drivers and nvme drives and whatnot so we go back to something really old school and basic like this um it's it's old school for me it's memories for me but for you this may be novel this may be something completely new I'm here to tell you this is normal nothing's wrong yet Patrick says is that Morse code well no it's not Morse code it's it's just basically saying um I'm Not Dead you will be soon you're very ill I'm feeling better no it's it's just letting you know it's breathing okay every time that light breathe blinks think of it as the system breathing and it's recuperating it's trying to recover that's the best metaphor I can make for it and that is our indication that it is in process flash drive is also still blinking having that light on the flash drive is you know for somebody like me that likes to know what's going on at all times really important for me to uh to see that now it does say that you can do this without a CPU we clearly have a CPU in there but it shouldn't impact it one way or the other there's no power light on my my little external power switch over here because we never powered the board on what we did is we hit the BIOS flashback button or the BIOS what do they call that the uh Q flash plus button which brought power to the board but didn't actually power the board on and that's why the power LED is not on on the switch here so it's it's in this weird kind of on State kind of threw me for a minute when I looked down and I noticed the power light wasn't on but that makes sense okay the light went off flash drive did a little bleep little blink and let me switch over to the HDMI input now or we can at least minimize this a little bit more and this should just Auto boot itself here it should Auto reset now the power light came on over here all the LEDs down underneath the board have lit up and now when we look on the screen we should see the power on self-tests succeed as it recognizes the 13th gen chip the board just made those settings changes where it trains the RAM and the CPU it applies those changes and resets just like a normal first time boot only Now with an updated bios hopefully it now recognizes the CPU with no other changes made and we will get I hope the gigabyte logo here within about 90 seconds there it is there it is ladies and gentlemen we'll go ahead and turn off the portable camera thank you for that and that is how that's done very very straightforward but you must follow the directions precisely now from this point forward the build would be just like any other build I would put my Windows 10 or Windows 11 flash drive in restart the machine and install Windows as normal everything else is the same as it always is on any other build from this point forward we just have that little difference right there and a critical one disappointed that the information was not so obvious to find not conspicuous a gigabyte site but very easy to do a quick Google search and to see that the instructions were generic for all four of the big motherboard manufacturers with this differences highlighted such as the name of the BIOS is different on each manufacturer you obviously aren't going to name an Asus board gigabyte or whatever the requirement is in this case it was gigabyte.bin I didn't need any of the other files in the zip file that I downloaded that contain the flash the updated flash memory or uh updated bios Flash update wordy too wordy all I needed was the BIOS file just like you always see me do and I had to rename it which I never have to do had to put it into a specific USB port and I had to use the button to activate that as you can see with or without a CPU with or without Ram this process will still work our results are more instantaneous by having the RAM and CPU in because it reboots itself and we're in that's all there is to it now when another generation or other models of the 13th Generation ship come out after the first of the year I don't know if they're already programmed in here or if there will yet be another bios we'd have to update too if I had an older CPU I could have just simply put that on temporarily it did the BIOS update in the same way you've seen me do it a million times before just go into the BIOS and choose Q Flash and load it up then swap the CPU out and then it would work most of you won't have that option though and so if you don't have the option make sure you're buying a board that has the ability to update the BIOS if you're planning to use a 12th gen board with a 13th gen chip or plan on having a spare CPU handy just to get that done or wait a few months so that whatever inventory exists will already be updated because where they manufacture these boards at the time of manufacture they put the latest bios on that day So eventually the boards will just roll off the line with the latest bios that recognizes the 13th gen chips this is just because of how new everything is if you wanna you know be one of the early adopters and mix it with older Hardware this is the process you should expect to go under uh to endure if the board supports that all right so that's really what I wanted to cover today and uh I appreciate everybody hanging out with me it's a nice much calmer less chaotic live stream today which I appreciate and of course all the viewers will be able to enjoy this video uh starting tomorrow it'll be made available Halloween has started I see the trick-or-treaters are starting to go up and down the street so I suppose I better say good night now before we get a ton of interruptions thanks you guys so much for hanging out with me thanks for your support I appreciate all of you very much I'll see you all again very very soon just under the wire X Rod 666 with a one dollar Super Chat thank you axrod I look forward to seeing you all very very soon thank you to cam girl for our close-ups today and until next time bye for now oh I should find my creepy outro where's my creepy outro I have a creepy outro I'm still trying to find it um it's in here somewhere I told you these are live hmm you know what I don't know where it is but this one's this one's pretty good so one more time bye for now [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 26,957
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: live stream, video, difference, fix, repair, diagnose, how-to, storage, network, networking, red, cloud
Id: fp7BqWb3WV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 23sec (8123 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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