The Ramsey Show (August 10, 2023)

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[Music] live from the headquarters of Ramsey Solutions broadcasting from the PODS moving in the storage Studios it's the Ramsay show where we help people build wealth do work that they love and create actual amazing relationships Dr John deloney hosted the doctor John deloney show number one best-selling author of the book own your past change your future is my co-host today as we talk about your life and your money he has a brand new book coming out called building a non-anxious life we put it on sale pre-sale it comes out technically October 3rd that's when we'll ship them but it's on pre-sale right now we're talking about it because we're giving you a bunch of extra bonus items to buy it now in other words we're going to bribe you to buy it early and it's working because thousands of people have accepted the bribe hey I will take it all all the way to the bookstore man we'll bribe them away I'm telling you building a non-anxious life you know we there were so many subtitles that are possible some of which are just humorous but yeah but building a non-anxious life in the most freaked out stressed out anxious-filled culture in the history of man that'd be a long subtitle but yeah but that's really kind of what we are right in the middle of one of the worst weird times in human history it doesn't make any sense until you back out and say oh man we've just created a world that our bodies can't live in and the world's not going to change it's going to keep going faster and the only thing I can control is me so I gotta do something different so I think the premise that we that you started talking about first was in redefining anxieties is that anxiety is not the problem it's the alarm going off saying there's a problem that's right and um I you know in that regard I love you quoting one doc who says that um I'll let you do it that that uh we saw anxiety is actually your friend in that regard yeah the the Dr Wendy Suzuki at NYU she's brilliant she she says anxiety is a friend exactly that is good it lets you know hey your house on fire house on fire which if your neighbor came and banged on your door and said your your Barn's on fire that's a good neighbor right um but man in a world where we want to have it all without any consequences and without any discomfort we all want it all right now um our body's just doing what it can to get our attention man and we're all rattling at the seams so in the six daily choices covered in the book that if you do these six daily choices that include things like human connection building relationships that that puts a deposit in the bank building your uh mental health emergency fund so that when stuff comes at you you've got a full tank and I think that's an excellent word choice when because most of us just pretend that at any moment we can't get a flat tire or that a roof will leak or you and I were just talking offline I had a sewer issue last night in the middle of the night with the rainstorm um I mean life I think I should say your your house had a sewer issue I did not I'm good the pipes are running right speaking of word choices that's right but it's not a matter of uh of of if it's it will right I like to think of it like this this is from our mutual friend will guadera if you if you look at your life like a water glass the lower you can keep that water in your glass throughout a day when life hits you and dumps a bunch of water you can hold it you can hold it but if you have a No Boundaries and a calendar that runs your life and your elementary school kids run your life and your soccer coach tells you what you're doing every weekend from here to the end of Eternity and your mother-in-law's still cooking dinner that's exactly right and you owe a bank tells you what you're going to do tomorrow and you're you have to sit with an abusive boss your marriage is a wreck and how many friends your glass is already brimming and then when that thing happens you scream at people and you hit some no amount of pharmaceuticals is going to make that go away it it can no it it turns the noise down it turns that alarm down so that I can go meet with a counselor and a pastor or say the things I need to say to my wife so there is a time for pharmaceuticals but if Pharmaceuticals are only masking the the alarm it's not actually giving you you're not taking that opportunity then to fix it yeah then it's kind of like the student loans being on pause and you don't go get them paid off while they're on pause that's a that's a I think that's a great that's a great uh analogy there yeah you had this moment for three years we have you had a chance you had a chance you had a shot the alarms are the alarms were turned down you had a chance to get after it yeah there was no uh interest so the problem that uh you and people in the uh in the field of mental health have with the pharmaceutical idea is not that all farm is bad it's not that you never need uh some drugs to get things oriented it's that when you try to use that instead of actually fixing the problem there you go that's right and so at the end of the day um uh there that we've all had that moment where you climb up and just pull the the little nine volt battery out of your smoke detector because it something's not calibrated it's just going off all the time and you can pull the battery out that's what medication does right it pulls the battery out of the alarm just stops IT the goal there is to not not have a smoke detector forever the goal is to fix the problem right now yeah so again six daily choices a spiritual relational uh Financial there's a whole series of them that's not how he's got them labeled but it will help you build a non-anxious life so when an anxiety-inducing thing comes at you you're much more prepared you've got room in your glass to use wilgaras uh now our metaphor then to do it the book is building a non-anxious life you can be done by Dr John deloney here's the thing you gotta get it it's only twenty dollars and we're gonna throw in seventy five dollars worth of items including instant access to Dr delony's newest talk smoke fire and freedom that breaks down the mythology that we believe that we believe about anxiety and will help you start to reclaim your life right now and when the book comes out in October we'll also ship you not only the book but the ebook the audiobook of building a non-anxious life again we've sold thousands of these already thank you very much for your response we appreciate you and uh so jump in there and go ahead and get it today at and by the way if you're a Dr deloni or a Ramsay fan or both I'll let you know up front this helps us because it helps the marketing all of the sales prior to October 3rd count in the October third week toward the best seller list completely above board legal everybody knows what we're doing it's all fine pre-sales count in that regard so the pre-sales help us a bunch with the marketing and so if you want to help us to go ahead and get it now and we'll rob you to do it twenty dollar book for twenty dollars and you get seventy five dollars in free bonus items going to building a non-anxious life look at that guy does he not look like he looks not anxious to me other than his sewer problem but he looks you know I think when we took his house his house I was quite anxious I think that's what I was realizing whoa I need to code I need to start following some of these things I'm teaching I need to read this book this afternoon yeah that'll do it that'll do it well redefining anxiety the uh was a little 37-page uh kind of a chapter book we call them quick reads here that we put out and it sold 150 000 copies so I predict that this uh it's one of the things that led us to say hey John yeah and you said yeah this is what we need to do people need help in this area they need guidance in this area they need hope well I thought I I really thought you know we I did redefine anxiety during the middle of covet I I thought that when the World opened backed up we'd all saw each other go bananas and we would come together and the opposite has proven true it's just we just started throwing matches at all the gasoline puddles and so it's it's a mess but I love that you said that it's a book about Hope man I am pretty optimistic about what comes next absolutely building a non-anxious life Dr John deloney at hit the store get the deal this is the Ramsay show foreign [Music] [Music] hey if you're in over your head with student loans and tired of getting calls from collection agencies if private student loan debt is taking away your financial piece and you don't see any way out you need why refi they're not a debt settlement company and they're not connected to a bank why refi refinances defaulted private student loans that other places won't touch and gives you a custom loan built for you based on your ability to pay so when you refinance your private student loan debt with why refi you'll have a payment you can afford with a low fixed interest rate you couldn't get anywhere else to help you stick to your budget and work the debt snowball and you can save thousands of dollars to learn more about this custom refinancing option and a lump sum payoff option you could qualify for after 24 months call 8442 Ramsey or go to Ramsay [Music] [Music] [Applause] Dr John baloney Ramsey personality is my co-host today Luna is in Salt Lake City Utah hi Luna welcome to the Ramsey Show Hi how are you doing better than I deserve what's up uh can you hear me all right yes okay um so I'm gonna try and make this as short as possible but I'm 29. I have a fire under my butt to go back to school and I'm currently one year through you know undergraduate it's going to be four years so I'm it's going to be really a useless degree unless I go to graduate school because it's for a Veterinary doctor degree and I'm looking at it and it looks like I'm going to be able to pay for it uh you're gonna hate this it's going to be all on loans but I don't even make over like the threshold to make you know pay taxes so I I make next to nothing my family all live paycheck to paycheck but the one Saving Grace here is like my grandparents they have a trust and they say that I have 10 of it when they die and I'm wondering like is it possible to borrow from a trust or get it early or what what can I do because I'm just looking to pay for my living expenses through college what were you doing before you went on this adventure um but it's kind of left but who's saying your husband your kids yes I don't have any kids I've got cats but um yeah I I was married for a short time divorced but um my life kind of fell apart for a while and I put it back together and I finally have like a passion and a purpose and I'm like I said I've got a fire under my butt to go back to school and make something of myself but I'm just you know there's there's not a lot of money out there for students unless you borrow and that's not a good option but can I challenge something can I challenge something real quick yeah um you don't gotta go make something of yourself you already got worth right now yeah okay and you got I think that fire under your butt honestly is how burned you are because you looked at somebody and you said I do and he said I do and then he left well I mean that's that's not something that I'm really focusing on here in the future that's kind of pass has passed but now like this pastor chip just so caught up in your throat you can hardly speak that's right there's a great quote that says you may be through the past but the past isn't through with you and if you don't heal from that where you can talk about it and think about it without your body getting overcome then it's gonna haunt you and what it's going to do it's gonna shoot you like a rocket ship into some life-altering decisions like getting 250 or 300 000 in the hole and not knowing what what what day what what direction is up or down and maybe not even finishing and getting the DVM that's right not everybody that starts vet school finishes vet school not everybody that finishes vet school passes their boards and becomes a veterinarian and so um it's harder than medical schools from what I think it is one of my friends this event says when you're in medical school you only have to learn one set of anatomy he said I have to learn a whole bunch of them so he makes fun of doctors and it's very difficult and uh intellectually difficult and uh and you love animals obviously and becomes an emotional process too so Luna the answer to your question is no you cannot borrow on a trust unless the trust has uh written into it the uh that option I'm gonna bet you that this one does not and can they release who is the trust your grandparents formed the trust for their money to leave to their grandkids if their grandkids and their children yeah okay and how much is in the trust um I think it was down a little bit right now but it was like 2.7 million dollars so your parts like 270 000 so it would fund you going to school okay so if you talk to your grandfather he could just choose to take you out of the trust and take 270 000 and pay for your school and you no longer would be in the trust okay uh he could choose to do that legally uh you want me to tell you what I think is going to happen you're not going to like it grandfather loves you I think your grandfather loves you and he's going to see how fragile you are and that you're probably not in really good emotional shape right now to go take on something like the Battle of vet school it's going to take a lot more strength than you've exhibited in this call to do that and I'm not picking on you honey I think you've been hurt and you're still hurting and I want you to have some healing and be going at vet school from strength rather than from weakness and I got a feeling your grandpa might say that does that sound like something he might say and maybe but I also skipped over the part where I went to like therapy and I was in the hospital for a while doing inpatient and outpatient like and and here's the thing here's the thing sweetie I I'm pretty well balanced now I've been a I've I've been a I've taught doctoral students I've walked them through their dissertation I've worked with law students I've worked with medical students like I need you to hear what Dave's saying that probably the greatest gift you could give yourself is to get a one if not two jobs where you are working really close with animals because it's what you love um and do that hour in hour out day after day week after week month after month and make sure you love this and for two or three years and let yourself have some distance because um the lady we're talking to is having trouble going through the conversation much less through three years of vet school and this is two guys who both love our dogs and we love great vets we want you to win I want you to win I'm not trying to be a dream killer I'm trying to be a nightmare killer yeah and I got a feeling if your Grandpa loves you and if he's wise he will deny your request not because he's being mean but because he's going to hear and see what we're hearing and seeing that's my guess now again you're just a radio show we've only talked to you for two minutes honey but you sound very hurt and very fresh and very raw and talking to you and that's not a that's not saying you haven't done hard work already but you've got some more you've got some more healing to do is what it sounds like and if we're wrong we're wrong you go do what you want to do honey uh you're a grown-up you're allowed to do what you want to do you called us and we're going to tell you the truth because we love you here's a here even if it's not what you want to hear I'm going to give you this analogy um I've met with countless people over the years who are sick and tired of being overweight and they say today is the day like that I start none of those folks are going to be successful if the next day they start running a marathon that's not how that works they start walking around their neighborhood they hire a personal trainer and slowly start lifting weights it's a slow gradual process it's going to take time because you have to heal you have to change your entire way of doing life and to build your muscle tone that's right you got to build your body and so um I want you to hear me a day save say later not now yeah this is not easy not never not right now not right now and you're going to know a whole lot more about you and a whole lot more about this career path if you'll go do what John said and that's become a vet tech and just go in there and love animals every day and get paid and pay your bills and get paid and love animals and pay your bills and get paid and smile and get in the morning read your Bible and sit on the back porch with a cup of coffee and watch the sun come up and know that everything's going to be okay and you do that a little while longer and you know the past will be a little bit more in your rearview mirror and again I'm not discounting putting down all the work you've done so far the hospital the therapists all that I'm just telling you reflecting back to you what we heard in three minutes on the radio honey and I got a buddy about as gentle as I know how to be yeah yeah everyone who runs a vet clinic and he's always talking about they're trying to hire good vets and so I can even see a scenario where you are a vet tech for a couple years and some vet looks at you and says I'll help you go through school I'll pay for it if um you sign a five-year deal with me or something and so yeah man you may figure something out there ding ding and the situation might change with the trust over time if your grandparents passed the 10 could be coming to you while you're doing all of this instead of you going up to your eyeballs in debt in this situation and then maybe not able to play through this is the Ramsay show [Music] foreign [Music] hey Dr John deloney here I'm a huge fan of both meditation and prayer and good mental health includes slowing down gaining control of your thoughts and plugging into something bigger than you and Halo makes it easy to start a daily practice of meditation prayer and finding peace Hollow is the number one Bible app in the world and you can tailor content towards your faith tradition from scripture readings and prayers to meditation and journaling hallow makes it easy to practice prayer meditate and build a deeper more meaningful spiritual life and ReDiscover true peace go to Ramsay today to get three months of hallow for free that's Ramsay [Music] thank you [Music] Dr John deloney Ramsey personality is my co-host today Patrick is on the line in Charlotte North Carolina hi Patrick how are you how are you better than we deserve what's up yeah so uh just a quick question um you know I I found you guys uh pretty recently actually and and let me tell you I mean I've been going through the Rabbit Hole uh just watching videos and and uh you know really just trying to take charge of my debt well thank you I'm glad we could help yeah I mean absolutely and so my question um you know my wife and I we we already discussed our plan we did um you know all of our expenses in now our remainder everything like that um I'm at the point in my career where I'm looking to kind of jump ship and uh we're gonna get through baby step super quick and just move you know on to on to baby step two afterwards um should I be concerned at all with transferring transitioning into another job uh during that phase where we're supposed to be paying off a lot of debt or is that something that you know just kind of comes with the process well if you make more money and there's not a gap is nothing but upside to changing jobs right yeah um and and that is true now you know I work in IP um specifically doing you know like QA work um a lot of those jobs are typically contract so they might not go past you know three or six months but you don't you're doing contract now I am but this has been going on for over three and a half years why would you change you really don't see them drop how would you change from contract to contract uh just for pay increase okay can you get a pay increase becoming a full-time team member instead of contract it depends I mean it really goes I think based off of the company and their needs at the time sure what do you make now yeah right now I'm making 72.5 okay and if you took another contract it just might not be as stable a contract is that what you're saying exactly yeah so I mean you know it could could be three months six months there's always the potential let's say you run six months how hard is it to get the next gig that really all depends I haven't been in that um I haven't been in that situation uh you know the market probably not too hard that's what I'm thinking I mean we are a big Financial uh Capital so there isn't a shortage of work exactly and and also a possibility is this but would I just jump ship no I mean if you took a contract that you're 90 sure is not going to renew but it pays a little more and it's a three-month contract no I wouldn't take that if I take something that pays for double and I can lock it in for six months we think it's probably going to renew I'm taking that one right that's how I'm looking at is this making sense just kind of use some common sense analysis oh and by the way the third option is get a job that pays double and then we don't have to worry about either we got double and we got we got stability hypothetically right right right right yeah that's yeah I mean the way my company does it right now at the moment is not your company your contractor me and the say again not your company you're a contractor that kind of is their company model so it's an indian-based tech company and they we work as clients to other people yeah and they're the ones that kind of manage the contract yeah their their model is they don't have to depend on you don't you can't depend on them that's their model okay exactly what that is and hey it's it's really common dude to uh for people who are new to the gang and good on the rabbit holes that you start to see things that you've done wrong with money or that you you realize that you are contributing to the the chaos in your home and one of the un uh foreseen results of that is you lose trust in yourself and you start to wonder well should I do this and should I do this so go back and just ask yourself the question should I just quit my job would that make me worried well if you don't have any money yes that'd make me worried if like Dave said if the contract is up in three weeks yeah that made me worried if it's changing for a great job or a six-month job which is that's pretty far out there for a tech cool man I so just trust yourself even though you've made some mistakes of money trust yourself you know the beauty of where you are is you have realized something even though you don't realize you realized it is that your only security is your ability to land on your feet if something happens meaning you're in a wonderful field that is very hot and you should be able to land something and that's great security so your security is not artificially some my company is a big wonderful company that doesn't mean squat if they fire your butt tomorrow so your security is really based in you right and you've already figured that out sorta and that's where your security is so it's not in the it's not in the length of the contract but you use that to say hey it's a wonderful Market I'm in a wonderful field I could make some more money I'm going to do that in a wise way and that's where you need to go with this Stephen is with us in Knoxville hi Stephen welcome to the Ramsey Show hey Dave hey I've got a question uh regarding CDs and money markets and paying down mortgage uh me and my wife were debt free except for mortgage and we like to pay down a little bit uh every year but with the CD and money market rates at like five five and a quarter our mortgage rate is at 2.75 and I want to see if it's okay to have money in in CDs and money markets versus paying down at this time well it's not illegal it's certainly okay um what what do you how much is your mortgage uh we have about 95 000 left on it okay and so all this gyration is making you two grand yeah whoopee you're near you're not getting rich I wouldn't do all this crap for two grand you see other money in the bank to write a check and pay off your mortgage right uh close I'd do that today what are you doing man pay your house off I would do that today and if you hate having if you hate being rid of your mortgage you can go get you another one when interest rates come down here's what I promise you if you look at the money that Americans spend on sleep medications it's way more than two thousand dollars and I'd be willing to bet if you owe nobody anything at all your brain realizes that nobody can come take your house you will have a sleep that you didn't know was possible you take your shoes off walk through the backyard the grass feels different dude for two grand man all you know all day you know if you told me you were making fifty sixty thousand bucks doing this or something we'd talk about it but for two grand that's just comical no you're not exactly arbitraging something here I mean come on pay your house off man do it right away right yesterday that's why we call them certificates of depreciation CDs let me tell you the number of millionaires that we meet they became millionaires because of their CDs precisely zero precisely zero I've heard that in my life ever I mean really now my grandpa because he was a child I mean he lost everything in the Great Depression and started how to start over got a job at alcohol aluminum worked there 38 years and he would straighten the nail out when you pull it out of a board and keep it in a coffee can he was cheap as cheap as cheap good Scott's Irish man cheaper and cheap and uh you know what he wasn't putting any money in any stock market I can tell you that he wasn't putting any money in any mutual fund it was in a coffee can or it was in a CD and some of the cities were 17 back in the day well but that doesn't matter I'll guarantee you but he did have over a million dollars but it not because he earned anything on it but just because he put that much in there it didn't go away that's all it was it wasn't like like it got like the compound interest worked in his favor because there wasn't much interest in there wasn't much compound you know so it just yeah but you can't argue with the result but uh yeah you can do that if you want to do it but I wouldn't do it I would for two grand I wouldn't be playing this game it's amazing the games we play and the risk we take uh without actually acknowledging it and when you actually run the nominal the actual dollar bills out not the percentages it sounds so unsophisticated when you run it out with the dollars my friends in the nutrition space um say it's stepping over a dollar to pick up a dime or major in the miners it's like man just Just Eat Right and exercise it's like yeah no but what about this special diet what about this pill I'm just gonna eat this cat food and you can take witch hazel and do a little dance just exercise and eat healthy food man yeah I know but what about yeah what about what about don't eat seven Big Macs pay your house oh there's that your house off oh darn get your house off can't take it take a pill to get out of debt called deadenol this is the Ramsay show [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a competitive home buying Market but there's a way you can get an edge Churchill Mortgage works with you to understand your budget and your goals and the Churchill Mortgage home buyer Edge offers you fast pre-approval and a secured interest rate plus Churchill has bumped up their seller guarantee to ten thousand dollars giving your offer the best chance of being accepted and helping you win in today's market go to today to learn more [Music] foreign [Music] so our producer James went through the archives and a thousand years ago when Blake Thompson was producing this show he actually did a comedy bit on detonal uh John thought I made that up just a few minutes ago and I couldn't take credit for it because actually Blake made it up and James found the old comedy bit do you have any does he have a date on it it doesn't but I I would it's got to be 20 plus years yeah it's over 20 years ago easy it was before there was color on TV all right here's from from over 20 years ago what the uh the Ramsey Show uh then called the Dave Ramsey Show might have sounded like nationally syndicated talk radio host Dave Ramsey has often said that there is no magic pill for getting out of debt well sorry Mr Ramsey but there is and it's called Dental is a 100 all-natural drug that is guaranteed to control your spending and control your desire to overspend one pill a day and you will no longer feel the need to spend money you don't have we have created this drug because we care about you dentinol the pill that cares minor side effects may include fatigue headache my head nervousness sore throat explosive diarrhea insomnia I can't sleep drowsiness I can't stay away horrible nightmares oh gastronomical trauma oh my hallucinations that rabbit just said my name chronic halitosis a slight cough and a runny nose dentinol brought to you by the credit card Association of America credit the easy way oh the show used to be so good Dave what happened well we brought on co-hosts got rid of Blake the good old days he used to walk uphill both ways in the snow yeah that was probably done on a cassette tape actually I'm trying to think I know the well the voice on the uh disclaimer is Blake the other voice what I think was Phil Hampton is Bill Hampton is it okay so yeah that's it's over 20 years then yeah it might be 25 years old yeah that's funny I don't care who you are still still works though it's Timeless Timeless all right we'll have five orders on the Ramsay hell you guys were advertising Jordan is in Los Angeles hi Jordan how are you I'm doing well Dave thank you how are you doing better than I deserve what's up uh yeah so I just have a couple questions because I'm in just like a constant Financial Panic anxiety worry a lot of is stemming from the environment outside of me um I can go into some numbers with everything from personally in a bit I'll give you a little background so I I had like a I did have a lot of early success in my late teens uh early 20s I'm now 27 um within the entertainment industry and also just working my my butt off I've always been a good saver um and then unfortunately covet hit which shut down my every my little role I had going on and then also at the same time I came down with a with a pretty severe debilitating um underlying disease of Cushing's Disease uh lupus and rheumatoid arthritis uh that has developed throughout the years so um all of that has just led me to think that what is my future going to look like because it's very hard for me to do physical labor um my work right now is pretty limited um and I've just been stuck in this rut of I don't want to I'm anxious to when I have to spend something as small as like putting 20 bucks in for gas all the way up to my rent I'm just living in this fear and panic for my future and I've been trying to think of an income stream because of my ailments it makes it very difficult and I've caused myself going so that's what's frustrating because my body is holding me back I have like that entrepreneur mindset but I just don't know what it is for me Jordan how do you think we can best help you today son um I I don't know how to manage what to do with the money I currently have okay um what how much money do you currently have so I have I'm Incorporated I Incorporated when I was younger after I got a pretty nice job um I have a uh in my business checking right now I have uh about twenty four thousand five hundred I opened up a business CD which has about 92 000 in there I have a checking account of 8 000 right now I have a savings account of fifty two thousand five hundred I have a checking CD of forty thousand six hundred um I have I I I did have I wasn't a mutual fund when I was younger and there was some issues with the the accountant who was advising it um and so those got liquidated and during my time when I was young of course I just watched a bunch of videos and of course I bought a bunch of precious metals with a lot of that how much is that I have about 40 ounces of gold and 900 ounces of silver which I believe right now is close to 100 a hundred thousand dollars total okay and you've got about 400 000 bucks are you making any money currently and I do also have I opened up a robo advisor in Schwab recently because I just felt like I was just doing nothing with my money so yeah do you have a house man where do you live I I do I live in Los Angeles I'm still renting um do you have an income yeah nobody's working yeah yeah oh yeah I would be willing to bet just just friend to friend you struggle with anxiety when you were younger right I started in my late scenes yes what's the first time you remember that that that your body kind of took off on you and it scared you uh in terms of my health or my anxiety both because they work together um the the yellow uh about 20 year 19 19 years old my anxiety took off my health ailments kicked in a couple years later yeah and that's and and and again I don't want to get over my skis here in this this we could talk for hours on it but a autoimmune body is a body that is so red lined out that it's been trying to shut you down for a long time and it will find another way to shut you down right because it's tired of it's tired of fighting and swinging and running from everything and that's what you just described right and when you struggle with anxiety as a younger kid it sometimes looks different than it does when you're an adult but then when you take that angst and then you go put it up on a stage or on a screen and all those voices telling you what how to look and what stand and what you shouldn't do and where you should go man that's just a uh that's like taking a blender and putting it inside of a you know a jet engine right and spinning that sucker up and it doesn't surprise me hey that you've been very very successful because you're clearly brilliant and you have been able to keep some of the anxiety demons at bay through achievement accomplishment in attaboys and it also doesn't surprise me that your body said I'm shutting you I'm shutting you down I caught up with you yeah does that sound familiar oh very it's very frustrating because again I I will work and do whatever I have to do and right now here's what's important I don't think you're afraid of work yeah no you were Dave's gonna talk to you about the money I want you to know that if Dave if you follow Dave's steps and clean up all your money and that's all you do you're gonna go with you on that Journey and you're gonna have cleaned up money and you're gonna have an ounce of security there and then your brain's gonna LeapFrog to the next thing and you know that right because it's been a leapfrogging on you for years yeah so what what you've you you while you've been an incredible income earner and it's apparent that you've done something that uh had incredible talent because people paid you a lot of money for it uh so uh what you'd never had in any of these situations is a sense of control you didn't feel like you're you felt like ever even though you had a big old pile of money you still didn't feel like it was all in control and it still today doesn't feel like it's in control so I think there's probably a two-pronged approach here and that would be you called on the perfect day with Dr John deloney here is um you're getting a sense of control in your life a sense of uh the chaos pushed back and you choosing to set up really firm boundaries with a whole bunch of things to say this is what I do this is what I don't do this is what I do this is what I don't do and you've got some very clear kind of a black and white type response to everything because you're a creative brain allows you to work out about 73 scenarios simultaneously instead of yes or no and you just need to get real simplified and go to yes or no and so no we don't do precious metals let's go ahead and cash those out and get those Into Cash no uh we don't walk around with no income so let's try to figure out something we can put our hand to um yes we're going to send you a book called own your past change your future from Dr John deloney read through that because there's a whole lot of what's going on in that book is going on with you we'll send a building on exercise too I think that would be a good vote for him can we get it out of here yeah okay good let's send them both of those and throw in a Total Money Makeover book we'll help you with the money part too but you it's controlling the controllables that's going to get this moving this is the Ramsay show hey it's Dr John deloney if you love The Show or dive on your we have a Weekly Newsletter that gives you trending and helpful articles and tips on following the Ramsay way just go to today to sign up for our newsletter again that's to sign up for our Weekly Newsletter [Music] [Music] live from the headquarters of Ramsay Solutions broadcasting from the PODS moving and storage Studios it's the Ramsay show where we help people build wealth do work that they love and create actual amazing relationships Dr John deloney Ramsey personality number one best-selling author of the book own your past change your future and the new book coming out building a non-anxious life he hosts the Dr John deloney show on the Ramsay network if you've not heard it you should tune in it is a highly popular podcast YouTube show that is exploding because he helps people with relationships with mental health things with boundaries with all the things that people do it's uh sometimes very serious sometimes very fun and you always will learn something the phone number here if you want life and money is easy it's triple eight eight two five five two two five Samantha is in Kansas City hi Samantha how are you I'm doing well how are you better than I deserve what's up I just lost my husband around about 146 days ago wow he took his wife oh no our home oh no and I yes how old was he uh 52. what was his name Samantha John John I'm so sorry man thank you wow you have children yes what age um my son is 23 he's an engineer and my daughter is 25 uh she's a nurse are they in the area yes we are all very close good good I'm so sorry how long were you married um 26 years together 27. what's on my man I can't I'm so sorry wow how can we help darling well I am trying to um figure out if I am worthy enough to move could carry any more if it would help me with the guilt and if I can afford it I think that I can um I just need an outside neutral person to lock me through it tell me about the word worthy what do you mean anytime that someone finds their significant other or a family member something of that nature um in that fashion that there's always guilt the eager that you carry without there's a big burden to bears and so you start to feel extremely stuck and you feel like if you leave the place that you were together that your disrespecting that person and I've tried every day to respect him I write to him I sing to him I talk to him and so I'm very isolated because my my children panic when they come here my parents don't want to come here and I have this really interesting relationship with my home but I also know that I need to leave it to move forward with my life it's just going to be I completely agree yeah can I can I be super super difficult can I be super direct with you is that okay absolutely okay um thing number one I don't ever want you to ask the question am I worthy again got it okay answer's yes okay okay answer number I'm going to tell you a quick little aside um about a year ago I was cleaning out a closet upstairs and I do this every couple of years and there was a tweed jacket that my granddad gave me one of the greatest men I've ever met and it has never fit and he passed away a couple years ago and I remembered him I laughed a little bit because he had a funny thing he always did and then I put it in the keep pile and as I set it down I immediately picked it back up and I held it then I put my fist in my chest God all mine I'm getting choked up again and I said out loud by myself my granddad is not in this jacket he's right here in my chest I need you to hear me say your husband is not in that home he is in your heart and that's where he's going to be and did that man love you I hope so I'm gonna tell you right now he loved you to the end of the Moon and he probably got sideways in his own mind and thought he was doing everybody a favor right I agree and so what I want you to hear me say is the greatest way to honor him is that you go be well and being in that home where you can't I don't have access to your family where you don't have access to yourself you don't have access to your your kids is not helping you be whole every time you walk down the hall and you you see it all again you've seen stuff that nobody should see I've been in those homes in the middle of the night yeah you saw it and it stamped itself on your heart yeah I suggest if you're my sister I would tell you to move out of the house if you're my mom I would tell you move out of that house move out of that house okay what will that sell for um 420 14 or more okay um and what what do you own what do you own what do you owe on it nothing nothing okay and you live in Kansas followed your plan okay so Samantha you have 420 000 to go buy a house okay okay or if you want to rent for six months and cry and then buy a house oh I think I've done enough of that well you got 100 you only have 146 days of it so far but yeah you're not you're not done and when you sell this house quote the lady I'm talking to it'll be hard right yeah if I'm you um emotionally spiritually financially everything your best shot at healing and putting this horrible tragedy in the rear view mirror not forgetting him but putting the thing in the rearview mirror and living into your future not living into your past is to not have to walk down that Hall again and see that image in your mind every time you walk down the hall am I wrong right no no I would put a call uh go to get a real estate ELP tell them what happened tell them what's going on and tell them put the house on the market by Saturday I want you out of there okay and I want you to tell you how's that feel yeah when I said that yeah and um I'm debt free you are you are that's now I'm calling you are and you're about to have a whole different level of Freedom right now and it's not going to be um dishonoring yeah and life is not to run a museum that's not your call it feels like a museum it's both it is it is all of the above and it's time for you to go turn the lights on somewhere else and live I want you to call your kids and say hey I'm about to go through it we're going to have some joy and we're gonna have some help and I want y'all with me y'all come over here and get what you want because I'm getting ready to shovel this stuff into the dumpster in the back and we're leaving yeah that's you know get a construction dumpster out there and fill it up but I want you to look in the mirror and I want you to put your hand on your chest I want you to say out loud John is here he's not in this house he's not in this hallway he's not in these walls he's here in your heart and it's time for me to go good [Music] hey guys being free to make your own medical decisions is a big deal these days Christian Healthcare Ministries gives members the freedom to choose the doctors and providers they want without the frustration of worrying about networks and with no waiting period to join it's a membership-based non-profit Ministry where hundreds of thousands of Christians share funds to pay for and pray for each other's medical bills for over 40 years chm has helped families living across all 50 states so cfchm could be right for your family check out more today at budget [Music] thank you [Music] Dr chandeloni Ramsey personality opened phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five thank you for joining us he's my co-host today [Applause] I don't I don't think you can walk away from that last call without kind of unpacking a little bit and just keep going and talk to somebody about their 401k or something so I'm not going to um and I don't know exactly what to do with it other than it's just a heavy thing a heavy call for her to start this hour out with to her to call and say 146 days ago my husband took his own life in this home do I sell this home uh there's so many different elements of that um one of the things we dealt with during the the uh the fauci quarantine was non-essential workers essential workers the the the uh the uh the suicide rate during the covid craziness um that's being kind um the suicide rate was great what was out of control just the lack of I don't have any worth I don't have any purpose no value you tell people they're not essential you send them home you trap them without contact other humans and then you watch the suicide rate go up and uh that wasn't his case obviously because this was just 146 days ago but the you that got us on this show and on your show talking a lot about uh people considering uh taking their own lives and and just reminding people don't yeah that was an important talk to somebody for God's sakes that was an important thing this I that I ran across years ago in grad school was this idea that how many people end up taking their life because they think they're helping other people out this side this it's called perceived they'll be better off everyone which is the world will be better off yeah and it becomes this altruistic um thing Dave and I can't tell you the number of of suicide scenes I showed up to there was so much thought and Care put into the act of taking your life so that those coming after won't be bothered by it and I thought if you the amount of love and care you're putting into this if you could just see that that's how they feel about you right and so man it's uh if you do feel that please please please please call somebody and on the other side I think with that last call or something that you called out Dave those moments get baked into our nervous system and often a change of environment however hard that is it's really important because your body puts a GPS pin in this place in those images and that night and um as painful as it can be sometimes a change of scenery is really critical you know I hadn't thought about that but you know I was had this experience last night Sharon I went to dinner in downtown Nashville which is about a 30 minute drive for a 40-minute drive from here and um but I grew up in Nashville my whole life I've been here so 60 years I've been in this town so I drive past certain intersections exits um go down a certain stretch of a certain Road and I completely remember joyful things sorrowful things that there's a GPS stamped in those things that's right I never thought about that and did what happened last night we're driving past this exit and I went I remember that guy used to live up there he was a good old guy more fun but you probably was awesome memory in that case sometimes I remember that guy's up there and he's a twerp and I remember that too but yeah what I what I remember is driving past the intersection where I had a wreck yeah oh I find myself gripping the steering wheel a little bit tighter without even thinking about it oh and uh it's this extra level of control and it's it's it's beautiful how the body works I didn't even think about it but my body remembered that one I was 16 years old driving to Green Hills on Harding Place to pay off my car going to the bank and I hit a guy and tore the front out of my car he slammed on his brakes in front of me it was raining I slammed on my brakes I was driving too fast I was 16. and I hit the back bumper of this truck and tore the whole front off my car getting ready to go pay for it I can definitely show you where that was yeah and I that was I was 16 I'm 62. but if you and I were just driving on your rafter just chit chatting I'm trying to see you and I don't drive past that without you right your body keeps the score it remembers that's 50 or 40 years ago yeah that's wild that's that's I never thought of that and listening to her talk about her kids like kids saying I can't go into that house yeah absolutely and of course they can they're tied into that that body and that guilt when somebody that you love um dies by Suicide that you have that yeah yeah not you yeah so much pain and tragedy around that particular type of loss yeah yeah so for God's sakes if you we've talked about this during covet a lot if you're struggling with those kinds of thoughts the a the world's not better off without you B talk to someone now and let me say a c and this is counterintuitive what I'm about to say um there's a great researcher who studied folks who jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge which is one of the epicenters of of geographical locations jump who talk to people who jumped and lived and when they did because because I would think if I intervene if I say something if I get in somebody's business when I find out they're considering taking their their lifetime by Suicide um they're just going to find another way to do it and what they found is those that jumped and lived a vast High 90 percent went on to live a long life yeah and so it would not try again it was this moment like if you will intervene it can be different from here on out yeah right so if you know of some don't my friends and family know deloney will get in your business right yeah there's no no holds barred once you say that game on baby I'll call him well you can't tell anybody tough I will I'm telling you yeah I'd rather you be alive five years from now and hate me than not be here I'm definitely going to let you be pissed I can handle that all day long I'm gonna all day long count on me telling somebody yep yeah just count on it count on me throwing flares up calling 9-1-1 whatever it is because we're going to make sure that because we care about you and other people do too so that that's the thing open phones here at triple eight eight two five five two two five Evan is in Boston hi Evan how are you I'm good how are you doing today Mr Ramsey better than I deserve how can I help well currently um at my stance in life I'd like to diversify my portfolio a bit better because I feel like I probably have the ratio is a bit wrong and as I tread leaving my um college degree probably be my best interest to get the foundation started before I end up continuing my career okay so what's your investments in uh currently I have 30 000 in stock uh just in The Brokerage and then I have another 15 000 in a Roth IRA and I started a few years back that's why the contributions aren't as high and then I just have five grand sitting in a checking account okay I don't think anything to worry about uh much except your stock and obviously single stocks are less Diversified uh than a good growth stock mutual fund that's why I don't buy them I buy good growth stock mutual funds and that same thirty thousand instead of being in five or six seven stocks will be in 290 to 200 um which will give you a lot more safety so I would definitely do that and make sure that your Roth IRA is in a good growth stock mutual fund as well spread out but um that's your foundation and then do you have any debt no good I don't have any and so you said you graduating from school right yeah what's your degree my degree is currently financing corporate Investments okay when you start your new job well the job I'm still not done I'm just now starting my senior year I'm still debating on whether or not I want to go for my masters okay and what's nice is Walmart uh covers all that uh fees so I'm sorry you're working for Walmart so they're paying for your masters yeah one thing with Walmart that's kind of uninteresting is you don't have to be there for a certain amount of time you can walk in on day one and as long as your major is supported your books and your tuition are fully covered by them as long as you work okay and uh why do you want to get a masters I'm I assume you mean an MBA yeah um I'm the only reason would be to just extend my knowledge even further I'm a very analytical guy and I wouldn't want to leave anything on the table that would help me in a deer situation oh you're definitely gonna leave some things on the table 100 dude and sometimes the most analytical guys what they really need is real life um on the floor trading experience yeah so I I'm okay with getting an MBA uh getting one just because you want to collect knowledge probably not um it's okay but um getting one because you've been in some street fights and some business deals and then you want to learn some more that makes more sense yeah I I if you if Walmart's paying for it you want to go do it that's fine but you don't have to have that to be complete I'll tell you that working at Walmart will give you some lessons there it is probably that's wrong this is the Ramsay show [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey if you're in over your head with student loans and tired of getting calls from collection agencies if private student loan debt is taking away your financial piece and you don't see any way out you need why refi they're not a debt settlement company and they're not connected to a bank why refi refinances defaulted private student loans that other places won't touch and gives you a custom loan built for you based on your ability to pay so when you refinance your private student loan debt with why refi you'll have a payment you can afford with a low fixed interest rate you couldn't get anywhere else to help you stick to your budget and work the debt snowball and you can save thousands of dollars to learn more about this custom refinancing option and a lump sum payoff option you could qualify for after 24 months call 8442 Ramsey or go to Ramsay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thanks for joining us America we're glad you're here if you like the show you can help us by subscribing click follow click like click subscribe whatever the particular platform or format you're listening or watching the show on tell people about where you're hearing the show talk radio or watching on TBN whatever it is you're doing thank you so share click the share button some of these things have a share button and you can just send it to your buddy that's cool that's all that stuff helps us immensely because you're basically our marketing budget that's how much we think of you so there you go oh and by the way leave a five star review we'd love that too thank you all right Max is with us in Detroit hey Max what's up better than I deserve how can I help okay and my mother I had last year my dad caught um he got sicko he had got lung cancer so I live in Michigan so I had been traveling back and forth taking care of my mom and my dad through the chemo and just passed of last January he just passed away um she didn't really oh thank you she did really good in the stock market but when he got sick we didn't realize till after the death that so much money had been lost through the Investments okay so I put her back with my aunties and then back in Chicago that's where originally were from Once has you know kind of passed you know the healing time a little bit it's kind of easy but she's been really on me about moving her back to Florida and just quitting my job and just taking care of her okay so you talked about a series of Investments sir is there a lot of money that your parents had well you know what we when we started when my dad was talking to me we was at about 7 25 but now we're down to 400. wow they do have a because no one took care of the stock market when he got sick the stock market hadn't gone in half well whatever Investments he had it went down no one took care of it he was the owner who's taking care of it now my cousin's been took place of it because he's the only one that really kind of was investing in the family why is your cousin taking care of your and your mother's money yeah Max this is money's gonna be gone overnight in a vapor the stuff in investing and kind of how old is your mother uh 86 yeah we still have the house in Florida but the thing was I mean you live in Detroit what do you do for a living oh I was I want see now do you want to live in Florida actually go to Texas where my children I have all grown children and grandbabies and my ultimate goal was getting back to Texas and then this had happened to my dad and now my mom is by herself I'm an only child so here's what your mom used to do she used to call Nick and get her money and she needs to sit down with you and a good investment broker and put her money to work the money that the 400 000 will earn for an 86 year old can hire her someone to help her to help take care of her I could that's what she needs to do and that's not you that's no then that's what I feel sometimes but then the whole family is like the only person I don't care what the whole family they don't get us facts doesn't want to go they don't get a vote Max now if your mom wants to move with you to Texas then you can lay that out and say I'm happy to have you come move in with me in Texas and we'll hire some skilled nursing or whatever we need it at the house I don't know what taking care of her means but Max this all these people telling you what to do living their life getting to use you like like a Nintendo joystick they don't get to do that it's not their life they don't get a vote I feel bad why 'd you do what you're doing wrong child what'd you do wrong but if you invite your mom to Michigan you've been taking care of your mom you've been taking care of your dad your appearance of dreams they didn't want to just right they didn't want to go to Michigan when I said let's go to Michigan but that's where their dog lives their choice if they want me to take care of them they have to come where I am yeah she's a grown-up she gets to make adult decisions she does not get to dictate to you anymore with her mother voice you are like a grown person and she's an 86 year old old woman right and she is trust me Dave and I talk to enough people she is beyond the Moon that she has raised a daughter with Integrity who cares about her family and loves her mom enough to have walked alongside her as she lost her husband and you lost your dad that's amazing yeah but so I want to give you a line okay my mother your mother tells you what to do by throwing out guilt trips she's a travel agent for guilt trips isn't she yes it works all right I want you to do this why I'm taking the plane with it when she drops it on me I take the plane with it and I'm like oh why don't you why don't you just why don't you say it's not gonna work anymore I have to get over that part all right Max I'm gonna give you a line and I want you to tattoo it on your heart okay okay this is not my line it I don't remember who came up with it but here's what it is I want you to choose guilt over resentment every time because if you don't choose guilt over resentment you are going to end up hating your mom that she took away moments with your grandbabies from you and that's not fair to her that's not fair to you right and so I'd rather feel guilty that hey I want to be with my kids and my grandbabies and I want their great grandma with them but she's a grown woman if she chooses Florida over all that then she chooses afford over all that yeah she gets to choose okay as long as long as she's of her right mind otherwise the court will choose for her I think she's of her right mind she's used to getting her way she's been bossing people around for about 86 years and getting away with it and she's probably also um wading through that grief and she's put a leash on you and said you drag me through this grief in whichever way I want to go that's not how that works how that works yeah so Mom I love you and I'll be happy to help you we're going to get your money if I'm going to help you here's the terms you're going to live in Texas where I'm moving to to be near the grandbabies and you'll see your great-grandbabies and we're going to get your money from Nick and we're going to put it with a professional money manager that will help us and teach us how to create an income so we can hire some help to take care of you while I'm at work but you can live in my home and I will love you and take care of you I am not coming to Florida if you don't want to do that those two things it's okay Mom you're it's your choice the law says that you are allowed to make your own decisions and it says I am too and so I'm going to Texas love to have you otherwise I'll come see you in Florida uh when I got some days off and if you want me to help you set up some care over there I will but I love you but I'm sorry I get to choose and I want if let's say she does choose Florida I want your heartbreak to not be that um you finally decided that your life had value too I want your heartbreak to be my mom chose a retirement village in another state over me and her grandkids and her great-grandkids that's heartbreaking oh break my heart but that's a total of like 180 to it's your job to completely cancel out your life and live wherever she tells you to live and do whatever she tells you to do um it flip that thing around man flip that thing around yeah she does not have a vote unless you give her one so take her vote from her on where Max lives don't get a vote anymore mom and you have to say it out loud but you just say it in your mind just smile and go you know you don't you don't get to the side that now and Dave uh just the added complexity sometimes that parent says well then you may just not have access to this money then whatever and you have to decide is your soul for sale right yeah yeah that's that's perfectly okay because apparently I didn't have access to start with it Nick has it yeah Nick's got it the cousin Nick the cousin don't let your cousin sell your house or manage your money those are randoms or new Ramsay rules I just made up you just made them up on the spot deloney Rams are deloni rams rooms well that's probably pretty good rules this is the Ramsay show foreign [Music] well you've all played the telephone game the first person Whispers a message to the second person who Whispers it to the third and so on around the table until the original message has completely changed multiply that confusion by a hundred if you run a business with different software systems that don't talk to each other that's why there's netsuite by Oracle in the early days of Ramsey we were using different systems for all of our business units we needed one single source for accurate data netsuite was the software we used to optimize and take us to the next level netsuite gave us the visibility into all of our numbers so that we could communicate across departments and plan ahead better and as we grew it scaled with us next week worked for Ramsey and it will make a difference for your business too join the more than 34 000 customers who trust netsuite to help make them smarter and make better decisions and level up up their operations to learn more get a free product tour at Ramsay that's Ramsey [Music] [Music] Dr John deloney Ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five Larry is with us in Missouri hi Larry welcome to the Ramsey Show Dave Ramsey how are you sir better than I deserve sir how are you I'd like to meet you in Chicago in September in person oh come on we're going to be there doing a smart conference we'd love to have you well I'd like to come and I hope you're going to talk on a topic that's very close to my life right now number one I'm old enough to be your grandfather oh wow I was born in the beginning of the 40s okay old enough to be my father but anyway yeah okay yeah Larry Dave is real oh man well I know his age I've heard him say it on the on the radio I'm 20 years older than date okay anyway I can give you a real quick uh I'd like to put you in my shoes if I could about 11 years old back in 1950 I watched a movie on black and white TV and was called a millionaire and that green has stayed with me all my lifetime I want to be a millionaire now that I am and my monthly income would scare the devil out of you and my retirement and I'm trying to set up my estate because I have no living relatives anymore my wife died of cancer nine ten years ago and I've never remarried we never had kids she was a teacher I was a teacher for only 10 years of my life on the high school level I carry a master's degree a bachelor's uh now I've got more money then I know what to do with any suggestions okay and so there's no nieces nephews none none that I've complained wow okay and we're talking seven eight figures we're not talking we're not talking twenty five thousand dollars yeah so if this has got to be a new one for you um it's not what I get every week that's for sure but I don't know if I don't know but anyway it's it's new to it's I've never talked to Larry about it so that's new um the um you know we at Ramsey in our Ramsey Family Foundation While I'm Alive give to things that we have personal connection to uh there are a bazillion things out there that do Ministries and Charities that do really good work and do it efficiently there's a lot of them but there's more of them than there is money and so uh instead we pick out something that we personally one of us in the Ramsey family has a connection to the people that are doing the ministry and what it does and so uh uh you know if there's something about the way you grew up or something about you admire uh this or that you're you're huge on edging your wife is a teacher you're here's on education you want to set up some scholarships uh you uh uh you know you've spent some time in foster care so you want to take care of foster kids I don't know what Larry's whole story is but there's something that uh tweaks your heart and that's where I would suggest you start uh investigating uh those particular Ministries or Charities and uh uh you know we want to leave them a good amount but we don't leave them so much we ruin them uh but on the other hand uh and we want to make sure they're well operated and that they actually if their thing is feeding hungry children that they're actually feeding hungry children if um you know if you wanted to uh find uh some Ministry or teaching that was helping people like that TV show helped you uh you brought that up you know that kind of a thing you could help them I don't know but I try to find something that it it is not it is not necessarily more valid or more efficient the need isn't necessarily more holy or less holy than uh than one but it it the Difference Maker is is that it does have some kind of connection to my life or one of my kids lives or something like that like my son-in-law uh played football D1 quarterback and very involved in sports was a coach for a long time and so anything around helping athletes and uh helping coaches is always going to get his attention it's always something he's got a connection to as an example so that's what I want you to look for some things like that and spend some of your time investigating them and you can start giving to them now yeah there's something powerful about giving especially on the front end where you get to see it you get to see the results you get to see the smiles you get to see we started making videos um in in higher education world I wanted a donor to see the 18 year old that they were helping and the students started making videos to say Hey you helped me get through and that was a powerful connection right so I I think that'd be great another thing I like to do is like when I get to complaining about something like man the world just needs to I like to find some somebody I can lean into a little bit that is already working on that problem right it's just a dime in the bucket but man it feels it feels good to say okay I'm contributing to doing more than just complaining you know I think the other guy that I think of is was his first name was Larry too Larry Stewart was um uh he was secret Santa from uh Kansas City I think their first name was Larry and um we had him on the air before he passed away but he was at a diner in north Alabama and was hungry he was broke and he went into the diner and said I've got to have some food to himself and so he said I'm just going to order and then act like I lost my wallet and so he ordered and he's eating this hamburger and the guy that on the diner kind of figured out what was going on and uh walked around and reached under his chair and said hey I think you dropped this and handed him a 20 bill so that started Larry Larry became a multi-millionaire like 100 million or so and he became secret Santa and during Christmas he would dress up like Santa Claus and go out in the streets and hand out a thousand dollars to somebody and a thousand dollars somebody just randomly just be walking down and just whatever God would just speak to him say that guy over there and he woke up there and just hand that guy or knock on somebody's front door and just hand him a thousand bucks sure and he gave away tens of thousands of dollars a secret santa it became such a thing that the the cops he had cops got in on it and they would go with him to protect him and um and he like after 9-1-1 he walked the streets of New York you know after Katrina he walked the streets of uh New Orleans and uh he was an incredible incredible giver but ever since that one guy gave him he said they've got twenty dollars under that seat it cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars I said I've given tried to give that back a thousand times and uh ten thousand times and he but that was his story that's not this Larry story that was that guy's story and uh but that guy was just random giving it was just you know walk up somebody Gas Pump Pump and Gas look like they need a little help and you know just little kids in the car look a little ratty or something give them a couple thousand bucks and walk off and and um and it was uh for about a decade nobody could figure out who he was and when he got cancer and they told him he wasn't gonna live he came out and said who secret Santa was and he let the reporter at the Kansas City Star who had been trying to figure it out for years he let him break the story as to who it was but it's a great it's a great story I mean it was incredible we had him on the air and he actually started a uh a secret santa school and you can go and I don't know if it's still up or not I think it was like secret or something and you could go learn how to do what he was doing and be randomly generous like that so but that's fun if you live like no one else you get to live and give like no one else and uh so it's pretty cool there's a lot of fun stuff you could do with it it doesn't have to be some stodgy trust to some dusty University right I mean it can be it can be really flamboyant and crazy and wild and fun and and it should be yeah Malcolm gladwell's got some really remarkable writings about uh giving your nine or ten million dollars to uh a school that has a school that has eight billion right versus I don't notice yeah with that five thousand dollars would do for that family yeah right exactly change it could change everything for them right yeah if I were in your shoes and you're that you know so he's got to be he says in his 80s right um I'd be about the business of doing that right now I would do something and figure out a way that become the new that become the new Saturday crossword puzzle I'm gonna sit here on my front porch I'm gonna get out there and change them live I'm gonna figure out somewhere give away five thousand dollars in the next six hours I'm gonna get it a couple of my knucklehead buddies we're going to the waffle house and we're gonna start tipping waitresses and waiters and Cooks like you have never seen like a thousand bucks each that's right man go out and sit in the car and watch them dance oh yeah I love it works for me it's better than any movie you're gonna watch I'll guarantee you and uh yeah that could be really fun I think that'd be a great way to spend a Saturday that puts us out of the Ramsay show in the books foreign [Music] Dave here you can find all of our shows with the Ramsay Network app on your smartphone it's the only place to listen to the entire back catalog of episodes download the Ramsay Network app in your favorite app store today [Music] [Music] live from the headquarters of Ramsay Solutions broadcasting from the PODS of moving and storage Studios it's the Ramsay show where we help people build wealth do work that they actually love and create real amazing relationships Dr John deloney host of the Dr John deloney Show podcast and YouTube on the Ramsey network is my co-host today he's also the author of the number one bestselling book own your past change your future and the brand new book we just launched pre-sale on uh and you can get a deal on it right now at that's called building a non-anxious life Genie is in New Jersey hi Jeannie how are you hi Dave and John how are you better than we deserve what's up okay so um I think it's a nervous when I call oh okay I have a an Audi um Q5 2018. I just paid it off in my dead Squall in um February something happened in April and I found out that I had a three thousand dollar problem and I was out of warranty um that was fixed fast forward to today and like every time I go um to my side house so I have to drive up a mountain and lately I've been smelling um this burning smell and it kind of scares me and someone told me it could be like oil burning in the transmission or something like that and so um so then I started thinking like you know do I really need this car I did pay it off but um I just thought maybe I should be a little bit more proactive for once in my life because um it would crush me if I had to use like you know um my emergency fund again when I'm trying to build it up so I was thinking should I look into extended warranties that would protect some of those big items should I sell it um you know I did attempt to do that and they offered me something really low um I went to a place called We Buy Any Car yeah you know why they buy them it's because they buy them cheap so no that's probably not the point but I also tried to sell it privately and um and then you know people are just offering me saying it's not worth um what you're asking I all I really wanted was about 21 for it but it you know what's the car worth actually I think it's worth 19. why why do you think that I think it because somebody told me that I think um this is incredible Gina you're you're um your sources of information on all this whole story sucks so all right um what I want you to do is hey I want you to go to the website for Kelly and click on private sale and enter the statistics accurately on your car the mileage and so on and that will tell you about what the car is worth um and if that says 19 then you would sell it try to sell it for around 19. it is paid off and you make what kind of money um well with the side hustle I make about um I said I just started it three months ago I would say about 150 or 160 000 a year yes okay good very good what do you do for a living well I'm a school psychologist in my day job which is you know the bulk of the money and so into my side hustle I work at a psychiatric hospital very good good very good good use of uh good use of your knowledge base you're you're calling and so on very good so um Well here here's what I'm gonna do if I'm in your shoes all right I'm gonna fix the car take it to a reputable mechanic and tell him it smells when you go up a hill and get it fixed because you don't dislike the car you're just afraid something's going to happen to it oh see I heard gee tell me if I'm wrong because I heard that you are just looking for ways to get out of this car because you don't like it no I do like the car but I just but you don't even you don't even know if there's a problem yet like you have it I mean there could be a dead rat under the hood could be the smell yeah it could be something you stepped in but I would smell it all the time I wouldn't smell it just going up the hill well it depends on the size of the road yeah I I would or it could be somebody is like cooking oil into their house on that Hill like who know like you're making a lot you're doing a lines at work yeah we need we need to find out what's really going on with the car okay yeah and by the way if it has a five thousand dollar problem it's not worth twenty one thousand dollars yeah yeah that's the other thing wait wait what if it has a five thousand dollar repair due and Kelly Blue Book says it's worth 21. it's not worth 21. because you have a five thousand dollar repair due so you need to go find out what's wrong with your car hon and then that'll give you peace and help you make the decision about what you want to do with the car but um we're not going to have vague smells dictate twenty thousand dollar decisions that's just that's and we're not gonna not get the car checked out so we can sell it and say we didn't know anything was wrong with it we're not going to do that either no let's go ahead and have some integrity and just find out what's going on with it fix the car and decide if you want to keep it or not okay you make good money you got a paid for car if you don't like the car I'm okay with you selling it but let's go find out what's wrong with it because you know the motivation in this whole conversation is this is the breakdown issue and um no you never buy an extended warranty let me remind folks how extended warranties work okay 80 or 12 is easy easiest way to 12 of what you pay for an extended warranty on a car or on electronic Appliance at Best Buy which is not the Best Buy if you get an extended warranty um a 12 covers the statistical probability of the cost of the breakdown 88 percent is additional profit marketing fees and commissions this is why car dealers sell extended warranties they make more on the sale of the extended warranty in some cases than they do on the actual profit of the car so extended warranties are absolutely horrible mathematics never buy an extended warranty pretty my breakdown no it's going to break down but the statistical probability of the breakdown and the cost of the the the parts that are covered by the extended warranty represent 12 of what you paid so if you pay two thousand dollars for a dead gum extended warranty on a car which people do all the time and finance it into the car that tells us then that 240 dollars is what you actually covered you got two hundred and forty dollars worth of actual probability in the rest of it when in their pocket to make them smile I didn't think about also you pay it off over seven years so they're making a whole bunch more money on top of that yeah on top of that you financed it so you didn't think anything about it and um got some great stories on extended warranty over the years but number one they half the time don't cover the stuff you thought you were getting them covered because you have to look at it when you're doing it and so you made assumptions about it when you're buying it don't ever buy extended warranties but they're almost pure profit and marketing cost one more important thing when you call somebody to talk about challenges with a car don't lead with I got an Audi because I thought we were talking about her belly button in front oh my God I drive an Audi that's the way you enter into that conversation just saying oh I can't take you anywhere this is the Ramsey chef [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you're like most people your home is your most valuable asset and when you want to make improvements it can feel like everything costs too much or takes too long but something as simple as custom window coverings from can completely change your space and add value to your home we've recommended for over a decade so you know you can trust them from blinds drapes and shutters to motorized Shades they make it easy and affordable to upgrade your entire home and their team is ready to help with everything from design consultation to measuring and installation plus there are never any misleading quotes or hidden fees ever everything's backed by their 100 percent satisfaction guarantee and shipping is always free see why is the number one online retailer of custom window coverings go to now and save 45 off selected products visit today for more info [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] thanks for joining us America we are so glad you're with us we appreciate you I'm Dave Ramsey your host Dr John deloney Ramsey personality is my co-host our question of the day is brought to you by neighborly your hub for Home Services neighborhood he's got 19 service Brands Nationwide and a network of local service pros Molly made Mr Rooter plumbing and Lawn Pride to name just a few visit to find available service providers near you all right today's question comes from Amanda in Oregon Amanda writes my husband and I got married last May at the time I did not realize he had over 25 thousand dollars in credit card debt plus a personal loan I also didn't directly ask him if he had a bunch of credit card debt but we did have a conversation where it made where he made it seem that we were on the same page I have a little debt the five thousand dollar credit card and eight thousand dollar remaining on my car and I've been working to get this debt paid off when I found out about his at this point do I keep snowballing my debt or now reconfigure everything and put my money towards his debt as well oh Dave this marriage is in trouble already in trouble already um my friend Amanda number one you got to deal with the trust issue here um sounds like you all had a conversation and he heard what you had to say about it and he was dishonest by his silence and second yes now that you know it's here this idea that you're going to pay off your quote unquote little debt and he needs to pay off his big debt and you got to take your money and put it on his debt y'all are married this is y'all's money paying off y'all's debt this is something y'all do together and that tells me that y'all are married and y'all are probably doing a decent job so far being roommates that y'all are not all in together on this deal at all yeah it's very very important that you combine your incomes and combine your debts and change your change your uh pronouns it's you're now French we we us our not his mine and um that's your best route out and that's going to involve a commitment uh from him to extreme honesty from this point forward and by you to clearly ask questions um and the two of you need to be on a written detailed budget together where every dollar of your household income the whole income come into the house is going to be spent on the every dollar app and both of you see where every dollar is going before the month begins and both of you are in agreement and both of you stick to that no secrets no side jobs no side issues they're side jobs the money goes right in the top of the budget just like everything else but there's no little deal where you've got this secret Target Fund or he has a secret gun fund or whatever it is right I might have had a secret gun fund one time but I didn't have that in Oregon they'd have to have a high high five that's fun yeah that's there's that okay but so here's and we're going to be doing the marriage and are the money and marriage getaway events in Nashville it's October 19th and 21st um and guys if you guys want to come to that there's a few tickets left Rachel and John are going to be doing a three day long event with some other outside speakers coming in a very interesting lineup and a lot of stuff covered on the money issue and on the marriage issues uh and it's a whole Nashville weekend it's going to be a blast yeah it's gonna be everything from lessons on uh money and how to deal with conflict and sex and intimacy the whole thing we're not leaving any stone unturned and we've done some some preliminary calls with folks who've already bought their tickets and we're part of the Platinum purchase and that sold out but um people aren't interested in having as much of a Kumbaya experience as they want to get in and do some hard work and we also have a we have a lot of cool fun Nashville things planned for the weekend so it's gonna be a blast yeah there's some good Nashville participation event for the money and marriage event and in your case um Amanda you guys are going to have to work really hard to get on the same page and that's trust that's true and that trust is built by cooperation and spending together and lots and lots and lots of clear no deception communication and no uh no deceiving by silence either that's I think that's the most the worst kind so I mean I almost rather you'll just lie to my face with your mouth then just sneakers let me feel like in my heart we're on the same page yeah then just sneaky just sneaky like you know yeah passive aggressive so in this kind of situation I think the smartest thing to do would be both of y'all go pull your credit reports put them on the table and let's go let's go top to bottom and I think uh make Amanda feel better about what's actually out there because now she's got that little bit of doubt that would make him if he's just kind of a clueless I don't know then everybody can be on the same page yeah you can't loaf your way through this yeah you're gonna have to deal with it every dime of it yeah that's that that's the only shot you got because if you guys continue to half butt do this relationship and half butt do this money and either one of them is going to work and that's what you've been doing all right Elizabeth is with us in Cincinnati hi Elizabeth how are you I'm fine how are you guys better than we deserve what's up uh well I love the book and I'll wait till a couple of years ago well thank you and our oldest son is the one who introduced us to Dave Ramsey and after we seen Rachel we went home and we got busy okay and we are me and my husband both will be turning 60 next month and we have seven children who are now all out the door yay and yeah and we have really worked really hard and we were very late in starting 401k once we started doing all of our savings we had a couple of catastrophes in our house which we had to Do complete remodels guts bathroom and kitchen because of black mold so it wasn't beautification this was health issues so goodbye savings and at this point we only have a house payment one car payment with sixteen hundred dollars left on it and after covid my husband took a 10 cut and pay lost his bonuses and with the remodels that we had to do we I budget everything I use spreadsheets I we use cash allowances but I'm to the point now I'm my husband has turned over the finances to me so I don't want to disappoint him I want to keep him on the same track so my question is we are late getting our 401K but we have a hundred thousand we owe 73 000 on our health her house will not be paid for until we're 72. and we have a eight thousand dollar credit card bill because it's a medical because our savings was gone do you have any savings that's not in the 401K we have six thousand okay okay which book did you read The Total Money Makeover and I've had to start over yeah you needed both of you get the book out because number one he turned the money over to me no well I know no no no no no don't don't well me no just know no the two of you need to sit down and make these decisions together you don't get to carry this by yourself superhero you don't get that privilege the two of you need to make these decisions and carry this weight and he doesn't get to bow out like a coward and say oh whatever I'll just he didn't get to do that either no so what does he make he makes 113. what do you make that's your nice our son passed away I kind of are you still Mike yes I am are they paying you none one of them does good okay so you get the book back out and start working back through the dead snowball leave your 401k alone get the stupid credit card paid off the stupid car paid off and then let's build an emergency fund and then let's put 15 of our income away and then let's start working on paying off the house and both of you need to do everything you can to maximize your income and I want your debt free house and everything in five years you can do that foreign [Music] [Music] personality is my co-host today thank you for joining us all month long we're giving away cash you can win one of our 500 weekly prizes or the grand prize of three thousand dollars entered daily at giveaway while you're there you can pre-order Dr John deloney's brand new book building a non-anxious life you'll learn the six daily choices to break free from a life spinning out of control plus when you pre-order today for just twenty dollars you get 75 worth of free bonus items helps John helps you everybody gets a deal I think everybody's winning building a non-anxious life store Ryan is in birming ham hey Ryan welcome to the Ramsay show what's going on hey what's up hey man so I just had a couple of questions for you uh uh I recently have a quit gambling and uh I'm kind of in the hole right now and I just need some advice what kind of gambling were you doing uh specifically uh double deck Blackjack um and a fair amount of Poker Texas Hold'em online uh no sir um no sir how much have you lost uh I'd say about a year ago I had like a four day stretch where I won and lost about six figures okay so you recently quit gambling tell me about that what's that mean and my dad's income is great I just keep putting myself in the same uh the same hole yeah you've had a gambling problem and you just decided I quit and that's it that that's all you've done so would you backfill that hole with um man I I am behind on Grant uh three Corvette three car payments uh I owe probably about twenty five hundred dollars to friends of mine and uh right now I'm just kind of living check to check but you quit gambling 60 days ago so what six months ago six months ago what have you done in the meantime that has continued to make your your life problems so challenging too a loan from a friend for about 10 grand and then I was paying him back payments after I'd lost that uh large sump of money and uh so I've been kind of paying him back when I can um and then my student loans just said I've got about eighty four thousand dollars worth of student loan debt what do you mean that's about uh probably around I'd say I'm in sales so I'd say this year I'm on track to make about 150. okay and you're single yes sir okay how old are you I'm 22. what have you been going to Gamblers Anonymous or are you seeing a therapist or anything uh I just I had my first uh meeting with a counselor a Christian counselor on Wednesday Good Friday another meeting next week oh okay good I appreciate it that's what that's what I was worried about okay good yeah my dad he's a pastor and uh man he acts like he doesn't have two dimes to rub together but I mean he'll he'll definitely retire a millionaire for sure uh and it's it's hard to talk about my finances with him uh because he'd be so so angry with me uh you know and so you know I kind of just accepted the fact that I needed help and good um I'm upset with myself so time to make some changes for sure an important part to get an important part of getting well is finding um this word gets thrown around culturally so um I don't mean in the uh never tells me the truth kind of way um it doesn't hold me accountable kind of way but part of getting well is finding a safe person or safe people that you can actually say hey I'm not all right and I've dug myself a mask and um sometimes our dads aren't that sometimes our moms aren't that sometimes our spouses aren't that it doesn't it doesn't relieve us to the fact that we gotta go find people and I'm proud of you for doing that man yeah that's very important part of this conversation Ryan now now that you've done that what you're trying to do is you're trying to move from chaos which this out of control feeling that an addiction gives you and the chaos that results in your finances and the chaos that results in your career and the chaos that results in your relationships you're trying to move wisely from chaos to order you're trying to bring order to these different areas of your life that's at least what you should be doing but it sounds like that's what you're asking to do and I'm proud of you for that as well so the thing we're going to do with your money is we're going to put you on a very strict budget where you don't get to do anything except pay off debt and I want you to list your debts smallest to largest and start paying them in that order and I don't want you going out to eat I don't want you in a bar and I don't want you doing anything except working and uh getting these debts cleaned up did you say your three car payments behind or you have three cars oh no on three car payments behind uh I I my next check hits tomorrow uh can you bring it current with that check um um so my rent I I spent about 1500 a month and bills uh and you know now that I'm behind how much are the car payments uh it's 259. okay so you need 750 what's your check gonna be uh it's gonna be about after it's actually about 987 it's my draw so I'm on a two thousand dollar draw and then I get my commission at the end of the month um okay you have any money in your account now much I have about a hundred bucks to my name right now okay I want you to take care and you haven't paid the rent yet no sir how much is your rent uh it's about a thousand bucks okay I want you to call your landlord and tell him that you're going to pay him two rent payments at the end of the month that you can't pay him right now because you got to keep your car from being repoed okay sir and you call him before when you get off the phone and tell him that and he's not going to do anything he's not gonna like it but you're gonna pay him two payments at the first of the month because you got enough coming in to do that because you're making good money you're just not made but it all comes in at the end of the month right yes sir okay and you only can do two things right now with this with this check eat and get the car caught up because at 90 days they're gonna pick the car up man you're at the repo point they are not gonna screw around you're gonna look up there's not gonna be no car in the driveway and a wrecker running down your street that's right where you are yeah who do you owe this money to uh you talking about the gambling no the uh the car payment oh uh uh Federal Credit Union okay uh so that's a local credit union in your area oh yes sir uh I think they're based out of Biloxi call them and see if you can give them two payments out of this check tomorrow and give you a little bit of money to cut is your is your electric bill behind too uh wait what was that is your electricity and water behind as well um so I have a roommate and he's taking care of that and I was kind of filtering in where I'm at and uh he's taking care of some of the utilities I might have to pay him back uh okay but uh all right because here's the here's the rule you're looking for okay the food shelter clothing which you probably don't need any of transportation and utilities everyone else Waits until those are current food you eat not out to eat groceries baloney hot dogs beans and rice okay food utilities shelter which is rent and transportation so you get this car straightened up you get your landlord straightened up you get your roommate straightened up on the utilities before we talk about paying anybody I don't care who they are you got to take care of your four walls of survival before you move on to the next thing does that make sense to you it does absolutely it is the fastest way for you to get to these other people now once your car is current what will you owe on it uh my balance is about 12 goods and what do you owe you had ten thousand dollars on a gambling debt and what else um I own I owe 900 to a friend of mine uh who wanted me some cash what else 1500 uh 1500 to a firm okay and your and your check at the end of the month is going to be what 10 grand five eight grand roughly it fluctuates between about 8 500 yeah so you're gonna be able to clear up almost everyone but the big one and your car and by Christmas the big one and the car are going to be cleared up no debt you feel the chaos leaving your life feel the order happening this is what we're doing very precise follow this exactly hold on we're gonna get you with a counselor in your area a financial coach we're going to furnish it free we want to be part of you changing your life young man hold on foreign [Music] 12 25 anxiety weighs down the heart but a kind word cheers it up Cory ten Boom said God takes our sins the past present and future and dumps them in the sea and puts up a sign that says no fishing allowed oh you gotta love Corey open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five Elise is in Phoenix hi Elise welcome to the Ramsay show hi gentlemen thank you for taking my call today sure how can we help so my husband and I are currently on baby step two um we have roughly paid off about 40 Grand since 2020. well also cash flowing a wedding a bachelor's degree and a high-risk pregnancy and we have about eighteen thousand dollars left y'all been busy yeah uh since having our son in November we have had a whirlwind of the year um we lost my mother-in-law to cancer in March we lost my grandfather in June and we lost my husband's grandmother on Monday oh my goodness wow yeah so um we've been handling my mother-in-law's estate there was no will or trust so we've been hunting down individual accounts with my husband and his brother listed as beneficiaries and we're starting to receive some of that money um we've been treating our situation as a combination of storm mode along with baby step two um because you never know as like her medical bills and things are going to come in so we're trying to make sure that we have a stash set aside you're not you're not liable for her medical bills okay good um her estate is yeah about the money that's in her name has to be used for those before you get to take it as heirs but um but you can't Europe not personally liable for her medical bills no we're just the ones that are handling that yeah so you don't need a storm mode because your personal finances aren't affected by her situation beautiful so that was my first question because we have we received an annuity from her and currently a 30 thousand dollars in the bank and that would take that was a benefit you were the beneficiary of the annuity yes okay that's your money that's clear of the estate you don't have to worry about it so we can go ahead and use that for baby step two and you can use that for anything you want to personally awesome um so we'll probably handle that today uh the second step we just transferred about seventy seven thousand dollars in single stocks into our names and then we have an inherited IRA and an inherited 401K that will be split between my husband and his brother once we're ready for it um with losing everyone we're just trying to cling to stability and so what we were wondering is if it was a wise decision to liquidate some of those single stocks for a good down payment on a house next year um I think you're too much in the middle of the fire to worry about a house right now don't do anything I think right now you just can't clean up and get to calm clean up and get to get to sit and then just sit in this a little while probably next year if you have extra money above your emergency fund and you're 100 debt free we'll talk about a house yeah that's probably exactly but please please please please please don't spend money that you don't have yet and even these inherited whatevers if she's got bills to pay you're gonna have to go to pay off the off the estate and you're going to feel like these companies stole from you they didn't they just need their payments let me let me stop you a second okay there's two categories of money in her estate okay there's stuff that named you a beneficiary if there's life insurance and you're a beneficiary your husband that comes straight to you that is not in her estate that annuity comes straight to you as a beneficiary it's not in her estate those stocks are not yours that checking account even if your husband's name on it is not yours that money has to be used to pay her medical bills okay before you clear up anything okay perfect so unless it came to you and it caused it was in or your husband because it was in a named beneficiary it has to be used to pay the bills of the estate now an inherited IRA did it have a name to beneficiary on it yes okay same thing then that is outside of the estate it is not subject to her other bills but that stock you're talking about those checking accounts those are you got to keep that separate over to the side until the bills are cleared okay you see the difference yes because those weren't in your name the other the other stuff was named directly not you your husband named directly to him so um I think it's going to be worth your all's while to spend 500 or a thousand dollars with a with a probate attorney to help you sort through this and do this properly because you're gonna have to file some of this stuff with the judge okay and uh you're gonna you shouldn't be a huge attorney's fee I wouldn't pay much more than that but 500 a thousand bucks should get that probated and you know get the stuff transfer was there a car as an example yes yeah so you can't transfer that title without without a court order okay so because you can't sign her name she's dead right you have to sign you have to sign on behalf of her and the court has to give you permission to do that so yeah you guys need to get an attorney and that'll help you separate the things we're talking about but When the Smoke Clears on this if the medical bills aren't too high it sounds like you're going to be debt free with a nice Nest Egg above your emergency fund and yes maybe this time next year I'm going to be thinking about uh or after the first of the year I'm going to be thinking about getting a car or getting a house rather and being debt free and having the emergency fund in place before you do any of that good question did God help any listener who doesn't have a will yes gosh get a will get a will get a will get a will it does not increase your probability of death no but it is not gonna make it you're not gonna make it you're gonna die you need a will go to mama bear legal forms and get a will go to a local state planning attorney get a will but somewhere get you a will you're not that expensive it's not that complicated um yes it's weird talking about dying but guess what you're gonna die I'll help you with it you're not gonna make it get a will please save all this problem listen to that sweet girl lost three family members in the period of just a short few weeks and now has to deal with this with and doesn't they're out like a treasure hunt looking for accounts when they should be sitting on the front porch hugging each other telling stories about how much they loved you yeah instead yeah they're combing through your stuff detector in the backyard looking for the coffee can where you hid the money get a will get a will wow that's bad and right before you get a will get a budget that was a bad segue but yeah maybe one of the worst Segways ever ever ever ever ever ever hey we're doing a free every dollar budgeting webinar with Rachel Cruz August 15th next week if you want to watch this webinar with Rachel teaching you how to run the every dollar software the every dollar app properly with an irregular income working the baby steps in great detail she's going to do that it's completely free Jay did one yesterday with ten thousand people in attendance it was pretty amazing so Rachel's is next uh Tuesday I guess it is August 15th whatever that is it's two that's that's right Tuesday I think anyway August 15th next week uh for most of you listening go to budgeting and you can sign up for this free webinar and uh get get get the every dollar app start working because every dollar is by far the best budgeting app out there not there's not even close second I know people think about this or that let me just tell you then we've got tens of millions of people doing this so be sure to check this out and if you need help like I said ten thousand were with Jade yesterday we can handle it August 15th we're gonna have some more scheduled over the next 60 days with George and Rachel and Jade but this coming week is Rachel August 15th budgeting and um that'll get you going for sure without a doubt so uh Dr John deloney good show today thank you so the I guess the the key takeaways are pre-buy my book get a will get every dollar app foreign people think John deloney that's the next word they think that's what that guy Austin Ben James Zack and Andrew are in the booth the booth dudes did a great job today I'm Dave Ramsey your host will be back with you before you know it in the meantime remember there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace Christ Jesus [Music] hey it's Dr John deloney if you like what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the Ramsay baby steps go to and click on the get started button we'll help you figure out the best next step for you based on your specific situation that's and click get started [Music]
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Views: 70,397
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Keywords: dave ramsay live, dave ramsey, dave ramsey channel, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey live show, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey podcast, dave ramsey radio show, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show full show, dave ramsey show live, ramsey, ramsey solutions, the dave ramsey show, the dave ramsey show live, the ramsey show full episodes, the ramsey show
Id: 0FutHpCvamE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 45sec (7545 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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