Re-liVe Sunday Online Experience With Pastor Tye Tribbett

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[Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] is [Music] to break up [Music] phrase [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] my [Music] um [Music] here [Music] oh [Music] we gotta go now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] everybody know you're free when already release [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] god [Music] ah [Music] me everything [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] me [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] free [Music] [Music] the spirit of the lord is here [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] all in this room that's what it is i don't know i don't know what to do just walk around and just be free there's so much freedom in the name of jesus father we thank you for your freedom [Music] and when the darkness falls it won't breathe [Music] i'm [Music] yes [Music] belongs to your lord [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] he turned it for good [Music] foreign [Music] you take what the enemy meant for as you can see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] come on oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] it may look like i'm surrounded [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] right [Music] [Applause] everybody [Music] [Applause] [Music] your eyes [Music] is this is [Music] cause [Music] in the name of jesus [Music] is [Music] [Music] this is [Music] this is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] for you [Music] we're not that strong anyway so just give it up surrender yeah give it up surrender you'll have guaranteed victory [Music] guaranteed victory [Music] [Music] [Music] guaranteed victory guaranteed [Applause] guaranteed [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he's [Music] guaranteed [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] already [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] let your spirit hear you say that come on declare it over your own life and say you know what i've already won yes lord jesus declare it [Music] [Music] never ever ever prospered hallelujah father we thank you for guaranteed victory today thanks be to god who causes us to triumph he causes us to have victory every day of our lives so no matter what we face no matter what trials come our way we know the end guarantee it's victory you make all things beautiful in its time and the end of every test every trial every pandemic every struggle every storm every fire we go through the end is always victory if you give you victory out of the last thing we can trust and believe and have faith and celebrate the fact that he'll give us victory in this thing whatever you're in right now in all things get faith give grace put this into the wind of god pray from where you are raise him in anything he can bring you out of everything [Music] somebody give god praise today because you know that the end of this is victory this is the day to rejoice this is the day that we declare guaranteed victory over your mind over your heart over your life over your family guaranteed guaranteed i know how this is going to end up and we [Music] jesus give god praise everybody in the face of whatever you're dealing with give it to him learn to praise him learn to worship him learn to honor him you don't have to learn to be confused but you got to learn to praise and [Music] oh god i feel your presence guaranteed victory guaranteed victory wherever you are or if you're here today just tell yourself i have guaranteed victory i have guaranteed victory believe it know it when you face life tomorrow when you face life tonight when you face life tuesday don't lose this i feel like people lose the word when storms hit i feel like we forget what was said when things hit everybody's talking now like i'm over 20 20. i'm ready for 20 21 because we're narcissistic and we want things our way but if god spoke what he spoke to you nothing can stop the word of god we don't believe the word because things are favorable to us we believe the word because he said it so how people are so over 20 20 right now just because i you know pandemic or whatever is going on but we're so narcissistic but god's word is not based on our feelings so because we felt good about 20 20 is like tony we felt good about it but then life really hit pandemic hit but the word somebody say we will not be shaken say it again we will not be shaken the word does not change the word is not bound the word is not based on any circumstance is based on god's agenda for your life and the only thing that can stop the word is you unbelief doubt fear that's the only thing that can block the word but if you believe and know you have guaranteed victory say it one more time say guaranteed victory in every area of my life say it again guaranteed victory in every area of my life give god praise wherever you are thank you praise team amen you may be seated those of you that are here it's good to have you here we have some of the staff here some of the uh those have have been serving here and live it's good to have you so if you hear me addressing them that's what i'm talking about um it's honored to have you all here so honor to share the word of god with you today whoa can we can we i know everybody's not here but those that are here can we praise the lord and celebrate the praise team again please oh my goodness thank you all thank you all thank you all we got a squad we have a bonafide squad here and i'm honored to have thank you sir such great uh people serving here at live well it's a good day to have a good day so we're gonna have a good day today welcome to live church where good happens wherever you are wherever you may be viewing from thank you so much call a friend text them tag them share this if it's on facebook or whatever let them know we living right now we're living we're living we're living and my prayer is for those that may be confused during this time the pandemic is still going on there are still mandates in every state and every country really across the whole world and people may still be confused people may still be stressed out my prayers that your heart be not troubled that's your choice that's your decision that's your management let not your heart be troubled do not receive confusion when when tests come when god allows tests right the enemy loves when we're tested he loves it when storms come trials come tests come god is trying to prove us god is trying to say see they're gonna be joyful anyway see they're gonna praise me anyway see they're going but it gives you anyway situations and the enemy gets in there with lies whoops you feel i think i'm glad you're here today brandon when he gets in there with with lies and because we're in a test we're searching for the truth so you got to seek the kingdom seek ye first the kingdom while you're seeking you're getting lies you're getting lies you're getting liars that's where stress comes from that's where confusion comes from that's where doubt comes from that's where fear comes from you were set on this year you knew what god said this year but then a test came and now we're believing the lies rather than the truth but the devil is and will always be the father of lies he's a liar i don't care how real it feels he's a liar amen so don't receive the lie always speak and declare the truth over your own life let's go into the word of god today but before that i want to say a special happy birthday to our md here at liv joe bethea happy birthday yesterday yesterday turned 25 yesterday again 25 again yesterday happy birthday i honor you so glad you're here you were breath of fresh air as soon as you came here you fit right in to the mode of living you took us to the next level man blesses be upon you your loved ones everything you put your hands to make god prosper it from your heart to your mind to your spirit to your career be blessed man of god thank you for your service and live and may god reward you exceeding abundantly above all you can ask for that we love you and live man god bless you joe y'all give it up for me if you're here give it up for we love you joe speak blessings speak blessings speak blessings you don't have to give people money bless them speak well over them good tidings good things amen we're still on i might say homeroom home school we graduated the classmates a little bit we're talking about classmates we didn't get to finish it last week uh so i'm gonna continue on the theme of classmates but the sermon today yeah out of all the things we get at school is very important how we deal with classmates very very important and if home school be the school classmates are your family friends spouses the immediate uh the the immediate uh how you say that word the immediate attention immediate people that are in your face are your family your friends and your loved ones so how you deal with them before we talk about enemies and haters we have to learn how to deal with people who we actually love or say we love so we're going to talk about that a little bit more today the subject today for a theme just to have a little fun because y'all know the subject of theme today is when in rome when in rome and i know we're not in rome we are actually in orlando florida but there's a saying that goes when in rome do as the romans do and today i'll be reading a lot of scriptures from romans so that's what i kind of got to think do as the romans do or as they were instructed to do god is very serious bless your word father we thank you i honor my wife who's also here hey tay how you doing baby good to see you you already know love you baby okay okay okay uh classmates are essential and very important uh like i said last week the disciples were basically a big study group they talked amongst themselves about what christ was teaching they talked they asked christ questions they marveled they all feared at the same time they all believed for the most part at the same time they were one big study group and they were with jesus you're with jesus but you still process with friends still processed with families just because you're saved don't mean you don't need nobody they were with jesus and had to process the things of christ with each other you need that because you don't need to be alone with your own mind too much you don't need to be alone with your own thoughts too much you need people you need friends uh classmates are essential because god is not just about you loving him but he's about you loving his okay love the lord god with all your heart mind soul and strength and love your neighbor as thyself i'm not just into you being into me i'm into you being into mine you understand what i'm saying you can't love me and hate my daughter it's just that you understand what i'm saying or there has to be some type of conversation about her or you understand because that's mine so so god is saying the same thing you can't love me and hate my children well who's his children pretty much the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof and the world and they that dwell therein they all belong to him they are his so every thing you see is his because what's yours the victory yeah peace joy that's yours but the earth is the lord's that's his and the fullness thereof everything in it the world the culture and they that dwell therein so everything belongs to the lord and god is concerned about your posture towards what's his so this is why classmates to me is essential last week we talked about uh a few things but i want to i want to go into what causes us to have friction between classmates or what's the problem we talked about a little bit last week but let me take a little turn this week and talk about this the biggest problem or challenge we will have on this earth as believers period is not people and i know there are songs out saying but people is not the biggest problem you're going to you're not adam even adam wasn't good by himself he needs somebody else you need people to gauge you i won't know who i am had it not been for the context of another person my wife and i have been in some very serious deep conversations this week as it pertains to who we are in context of each other and people like babe you got to help me i don't know when i'm acting like my dad i don't know when i have my i don't know when i'm slipping into the pride i don't know when i'm you i'm accountable to you on this earth you got to let me know i don't know who i am had it not been for another person blind spots thank you so you need other people to help you with that the most thing so it's not people aren't the problem flesh is flesh flesh flesh are y'all ready for this the biggest problem jesus i say it all the time is the biggest thing if you want to follow me deny yourself because you are going to cause problems every step of our journey together your way your desire what you think your principalities we was talking about this on the way to church today how principalities and the origin of things and how i grew up very religious i'll put this down thank you babe make sure i'm straight so glad you're here all right cool how i was taught very religious and very pray about it praise about it fast about it that it was never think about it so i wasn't a thinker i was just appraiser and just a doer and an actor and so my wife why'd you do that i don't know what you mean you don't know you didn't think to think that what you thought was thinking was wrong nah i just did it so it's not like that's not just like who i am it's who i become because of principalities because of what was taught to me at a young age it's who i've become so it's not like hey y'all this is me take it no i have to challenge my own flesh and deny that and change and become new and better everybody will not humble themselves to say the problem might be it's quiet early in the first five minutes so check this out now the works of the flesh the bible says i'm not going into it but the works of the flesh are adultery lust all these things covetousness uh of fornication uncleanness lasciviousness idolatry which is putting anything before god idolatry your job because you can be in via idol awards stellars grammys these can be idols not just trophies but idols because you put them before god in your decisions you make decisions based on the award and not based on his way people boyfriend boo can be an idol because you make decisions based on him and not based on him you make decisions based on her and not based on him your job anything you put before his way is an idol not even preaching on this i'm going to go here but witchcraft i need i want to give the mic to my wife for this witchcraft is manipulation and it's not it's not it's manipulation at its highest degree it's the highest degree of manipulation witchcraft is not hearing and sorcery and potions it concludes that sometimes if you get that deep but for the most part it's oh so you ain't gonna call me i'm controlling you emotionally y'all missing it i'm controlling your mind being nice nasty you don't even know it's witchcraft i'm not even talking about this today this is just in the list of things that works in the flesh so let's keep it going so various emotions hatred we could each one of these is a sermon each one of these is a sermon you could just take for yourself i'm not going to do that to you today but from the feel of it we may have too soon so the the the the the point i like to this now the works of the flesh are these the only thing it takes for these things to work is flesh you don't need the works of the flesh if you've got flesh all these things work you don't need a movie for adultery fornication you don't need to hear a song for uncleanness and wrath and strife if you got flesh that works saved not saved pastor pew if you've got flesh this is in you this chap this verse these verses are why we need jesus the christ son of the living god somebody wherever you are scream i need jesus if this ain't on your list this might be if this ain't on your list this might be if this ain't on your list this might be and y'all know i can go all day but i'm not going to belabor the time cause i'm not even talking about this really now it says the fruit of the spirit okay but the fruit of the spirit is love joy peace longsuffering gentleness goodness faith meekness temperance against us there is no law and they that are crisis have crucified the flesh with these affections and less so love joy peace long suffering are not natural this just don't come naturally just because you like somebody they do everything you like and you're affectionate toward them does not mean you have love it is a fruit of the spirit and notice the flesh works regardless but fruit takes time fruit takes work fruit takes work flesh just works you understand what i'm saying i just got to be born to have everything carnal but i have to work to have everything spiritual put the work in put in the work and because it don't come as easily as flesh things we think we're less at to develop these things but the fruit remember the fruit of the spirit is loved or all these things are not natural but you need the spirit for these things i want you to take note of this too all of your responses all the fruit all the results i didn't slap them i smile every fruit or result is new seed every test you go through you establish a new foundation all fruit has seed in it right so when you say i'm gonna love them instead you planted a seed of love when you say i'm gonna be joyful instead you plant seeds of joy for the next storm so your responses to somebody irritating you is seed for the next time i wish somebody would get this so it's not just about doing the right thing it's about planting the right seeds look at your neighbor and say don't do the right thing plant the right seeds because how i respond to you is going to come back to me in a harvest how i respond to haters will come back in our harvest all fruit is new seed i feel like running are y'all understanding what i'm saying so people don't even know you planting seeds she's so nice she ain't gonna say no no i'm planting seasons when i'm successful next season and when i'm when i'm blessed in the next season don't look at me like i didn't treat you right the last one when i'm walking pretty in my next season don't act like you know what i mean i didn't do what was right we're gonna keep talking about it y'all with me look at how bearing fruit is in the same context of crucifixion that's how crazy this flesh is to really have and expose and demonstrate love you gotta die it ain't easy to love people it's easy to like we get along we get along cool right love i got a crucified yup yup and if you belong to christ you're crucified you don't have the fruit of the spirit without the death of you come on y'all you don't have long suffering come on none of it temperance patience meekness you don't have any of these things without some type of crucifixion and it didn't just say death i mean the worst type of death y'all hear this not just you have to die crucifix you have crucified the flesh you see that analogy do you remember the crucifix that's essentially what your emotions and your pride and your soul goes through just to obey god and depending on the level of self love you have a pride you have will determine how hard it is to do things god's way cause i can take the nail in one hand but come on man come on man i don't got the crown of thorns come on man we determine what's enough oh never mind man which is why when we think we made it he sent something else it happened to me this week it happened to me this week i was like i'm good i see i don't pass myself bam and i failed the next one hours later because i had one nail in the cross but i thought it was just about one oh no you got to crucify that whole y'all ain't ready for this he don't want you to crucify part of you he wants you to die so yeah man yeah man this is not something we can do without christ are y'all hearing me this is not something we can do without the mind of christ so flesh gets in the way of us dealing with each other flesh gets in the way of us having harmony with one another flesh gets in the way with peace with one another flesh gets in the way there's an agenda somewhere that clashes with harmony in the spirit so let's go to rome let's take a trip to rome real quick let's see what paul is saying we started it last week let's try to finish it this week in the matchless name of our god let's go to rome paul says because of the privilege and authority god has given me i give each of you this warning i'm a leader so it's a privilege to be a leader it's not just the gifting even though it is but it's not just that don't think you are here's the number one problem i think with with classmates don't think you are better than you really are be honest with your evaluation of yourselves measuring yourselves by the word the faith faith comes right here in the word measure yourselves by the word not by your family imagine yourselves by the word not by your block or your neighborhood now about how you came up because once you make it out of how you come up you're like man and you think more highly of yourselves than you should now god's not telling you to think low of yourselves but don't think more of yourselves don't think you are better than you really are i think that's a whole big problem thinking of yourself too highly can manifest in different ways the most obvious one is arrogance people walking around arrogant prideful all of that stuff that's the most obvious one or they think too highly of themselves but there's a slick yeah there's a there's a there's a slick thinking highly of yourselves that manifests in offense we were watching selling sunset on netflix they all know about that day you know what i wouldn't if i wasn't married to you i wouldn't know about it either these brokers are selling like million dollar homes on netflix i'm sorry baby 40 million dollar homes i mean crazy homes and they you know they're ladies and they had this they're friends too so i don't know she didn't invite me oh you were invited i wasn't invited why wasn't i invited wow offense could come from you thinking too highly of yourselves you got invited to the last thing you ain't going to be invited to everything but you think you're you should be why why wasn't i informed maybe you thinking you're better nobody told me offense could be the bed that thinking better of yourselves sleeps on unless it's been communicated hey if i make a move i got you and then they don't tell you it's like whoa you can act that's not a fence it's confusion there's no room for offense unless you think you're better is it so good right here chill they don't text you right back in 10 minutes it's what y'all can't hear them here but they said it's cool oh you ain't texting me back why that wow could mean i think i'm better you would be me that offense means i think i'm more than how i'm being treated if you can let that go you will have more peace i'm talking about you i ain't talking about your friend and who didn't tell you and they didn't invite me i ain't talking about them you'll be like okay and when you got that kind of attitude they'll chase you clarice you want to come to the next they'll chase you when you got that kind of old school you like the post comedy girl you're looking good y'all quiet that's what's up homie congrats now i didn't know nothing about the part you think you're better [Music] just chill [Applause] give people the freedom to have other options i like you it's been proven we went out last week this week i'm staying on this too long don't think more highly than you are here's the bible says it says live together the next verse thank you let me move it quickly live together in peace with each other don't be proud but make friends with those who seem unimportant that's just a good challenge when in rome we don't want to do as a romans dude this is going to be a hard not going to be a hard one but don't think how smart you are so somebody seems less important we already have a view of them as if you're the most important see jesus gave you you understand what i'm saying we be we've become not i'm gonna give it to you how god gave it to me i'm gonna keep it moving we have become judgmental in that we're becoming dismissive through culture you feel me i hear y'all backstage so we're becoming judgmental in that we're becoming dismissive through culture we quickly swipe if we're not interested at first glance we skip ads etc and yes it's convenient and no we don't feel like sitting through the unnecessary but it cultivates selfishness impatience quick judgments and dismissiveness y'all he woke me up today to tell me that that's where cancer culture comes from we're quick to judge because we're so dismissive because of the convenience of technology you had to sit through the commercial for the cosby's to come back on you couldn't wait because martin martin left you with a cliffhanger you can't wait to see how gina gonna respond you gotta wait till them commercials is over but it taught you a level of patience it taught you a level of you ain't in control tv talks you a level that's why people like smart tv now because you can do netflix or whatever you want to watch but regular direct tv is a it's a lesson in that but to cultivate the culture has cultivated dismissiveness selfishness impatience and quick judgments so we judge things quicker dismiss it quickly and we never develop good relationships jesus says if somebody invites you to the wedding take the lowest seat if you take the highest seat someone more important than you might have been invited y'all got to read this it's in luke but we're in rome today but i'm i'm talking to luke in rome someone more important than you might be invited and the host may come to you and say uh this is his seat and then you the bible says with shame you'll go to the lower seat jesus said don't do that don't do that don't do that when you're invited somewhere take the lowest seat and let the host come to you and say what are you doing here come take the take a higher seat and when you live like that the bible says now all those that see you will respect you and honor you instead of you being embarrassed and shameful trying to have the highest seed come on he's teaching you how to have honor humility breeds honor i take the lowest seat i get promoted in front of everybody they honor me you think to have the highest seat you'll be honored no you'll be embarrassed because he the the scripture ends on that it says he that exalts himself will be a base but he that humbles himself will be exalted good god almighty ain't this good hallelujah somebody say hallelujah since you're here here we go in his grace we have different gifts let me move it quickly because i did this last week we got different gifts if you can if you if your gift is prophesied prophesy well if it's teaching teach well if it's uh i love this if you give you the ability to serve others serve them well serving is a gift you don't have a mic for that all the time but serving is a gift don't think you are insignificant because you are not seen it says if you got the gift of the next verse look at this if you have the gift of encouragement that is a gift that is a gift then use it to encourage others if you got the gift of meeting the needs of others that's not playing the piano the drums poetry or dance but if you had the compassion to meet the needs of others god gave you that gift it's a gift it might not go viral but you'll have some stones on your crown okay we said it last week it ain't about the award yes sir it's about the come on somebody say reward hallelujah it says don't just i'm gonna take a turn here i'm gonna end it it says don't just pretend to love others that's why we left off a little bit last week don't just pretend to love others really love them hate what is wrong hold tight to what is good love each other with genuine affection and take the light and honoring each other this part of the sermon i'm gonna tell y'all right now is not the most fun for me it's not the most fun for me because it's essentially saying don't just bear fruit be fruitful don't don't don't just be don't don't just have the right response have the right heart because church and religion i've been taught to look like i got all the fruit of the spirit i thought it was good to have a war going on on the inside but just respond with joy i thought it was good that i hate her guts god bless you religion taught me the mask it's not enough just to have good fruit you got to have good roots because y'all saying if you don't sleep with her it ain't adultery i say if you look at her y'all if you look at her lustfully it's you got to change that here we go yeah i told y'all it's not the most fun part so so so your emotions your perspective and your feelings matter to god not just your responses or how you look to people you don't mean you're loving yeah the meditation of your heart thank you let the words of my mouth my responses my fruit and the meditation of my heart my root my feelings be acceptable thank you love keep helping me preach be acceptable in thy sight because he sees them both people see your actions god sees your motives and he wants both of those to be pleasing in his sight you don't get rewarded for uh responses only you get rewarded for posture that's why he says why are you fearful it's not that they did anything out of fear but i'm checking why you even have that attitude are y'all hear what i'm saying so god is taking it a little bit deeper hey let not your heart be troubled not that you were not that you were uh did something hateful out of a troubled heart so it's not about your responses it's about your pot why are you even like that so it's not just yeah don't just pretend really let's dig a little bit deeper really love them why do you have fear in your heart let not your heart be troubled the goal uh what's another one what's another one what's another one fear not i said that oh it's almost like the the question kind of the angel asks why are you weeping you understand what i'm saying even though that was a result he said why are you weeping jesus is risen but he said why are you weak because he told you that and you should if you believe something for real then you won't have certain fruit being confused in a pandemic means you don't believe something for real being stressed out because you furloughed or lost your job means there's something we don't believe yeah so god is sick of us pretending we believe because we shout and run around churches speak in tongues fast and pray but when something hit us we don't really believe we're stressed out we confuse we run into everybody trying to get answers god is checking both the goal of the fruit is not to just use it it's to become it the goal of love joy peace is not just to use it it's to become it it's not just learning a new way it's becoming new because you can learn something new and not really it not really be you you got to learn different systems at your job you got to learn different standard operating procedures you can learn it and function it but it don't mean that you have changed or y'all hear what i'm saying so let me end it my second closing it says bless here we go bless those who persecute you right persecutors like talk about slander lie on all of that slick stuff all that stuff bless them are you all ready when in rome bless those who persecute you don't curse them don't speak evil don't curse at them or them don't curse them pray oh my goodness you see the principality in the hood in us and i hope y'all hearing us not y'all the hood and i was like what man i held grudges for years and didn't know i was making my heart sick i thought too much of myself and i didn't pray for people that offended me or i didn't pray for people that persecuted me enough so i lived with something beneath what god had for me me so bless them that person get you blessed means to speak well of i said that to wish them well good tidings right and on earth peace and good will towards men wish them well i pray that they good i hope his family as well yo such as i said first of all check those who keep bringing you what somebody said about you never mind you shouldn't even have that avenue of bad news well job they kept telling job they worked for him honey they were responsible for part of his livestock and they worked for him so they had to be accountable for what was lost they weren't like giving him bad news and gossip so you need to check the streams of gossip in your life bless them that curse you pray that god will bless them and they know amen's in here like we've all done it we'll do that yeah i'm gonna wait for a second see y'all not here but they hear y'all probably saying amen at home but i can't hear y'all pray that god will bless them whoa that's a lot to ask thank you because y'all quiet like i should move to the next point hold on that that's that's a lot i i should oh that's why you're quiet i got you tim i'm sorry pastor you sat with this all week not us bless those that persecute you it's a big deal to me y'all because the principality of my personality is mocked bullied talked about we all know this so i don't want nobody to see me like that so hey i tried to dress tonight i tried to die i tried because i don't want nobody to see me a certain way so people talking about me negatively it's like when my wife or anybody has to be like okay and and and what do you mean and what can i do to change how they see me it don't matter how they see you it only matters how god good god almighty i'm screaming it only matter how god sees you and if he sees you fearfully and wonderfully made who cares that's how you can pray for him because i know who i am in god see you can't do this in your own you got to come with spiritual security i know that i can bless you and won't lose nothing that you talking about me it don't seem fair in the earth realm but the just don't live by fair the just shall live by faith fill each other man that's all this is saying be happy with those who are happy cry with them who cry feel me you might be happy you just got a promotion but i might just lost a loved one so at some point you can celebrate with me that's good baby and then i can weep with you feel me this is how you live peaceably the the verse started live peaceably with each other now another verse translation says live in harmony with one another you can only have harmony if you feel me be happy when i'm happy weep when i weep that's all of our charge here we go let me keep moving when in rome don't repay anyone oh my gosh oh gosh joe vita did you hear that word it says don't repay anyone that covers everybody thank you evil for evil be careful in other words think about it be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone good god almighty so that means don't let your good be evil smoke enough don't do things that could be evil smoke enough do what is right in the eyes of everybody well he just walked away she was cussing about but he walked away that's right to everybody you can't be judged for that if someone does eat pure we we were saying that there's no such not no such thing but the word abuse is not like in the bible in the cultural context verbal abuse emotional abuse these are all terms we have come up with to define evil it's all it is it's evil for you to know you're hurting my feelings and keep doing it y'all not here but they are this for them verbal abuse emotion it's just evil you know you hurting my feelings you know i can't fight bad you know and you just keep i don't care you don't know whoa we know physical abuse that's you know but all these terms mean evil that's why the bible says deliver us from evil because i have known i hurt people's feelings and i kept doing it i'm talking about ty y'all ain't got to say nothing about yourself i know i was picking on something that they and i kept doing it because of what they did to me that's evil lord deliver me from wanting to do that double coach thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus deliver me from evil i never thought that scripture applied to me i'm like man i ain't evil oh but you are you feel me when you justify your actions based on the evil they did to you and you know it's just as low as that was but you don't care that's evil to be consciously abusive even if that happens to you wow so you go you know i don't like public stuff you can embarrass me for okay yes sir my apologies sir even if evil is done to you still be careful to do what's right in the eyes of everyone this is how you succeed in a pandemic doing things god's way that's what i'm trying to tell you let me keep moving if it's possible as far as it depends on you man live at peace with everyone trump supporters biden supporters black white asian latino caribbean as much as it depends on you live at peace with everybody the one that compliments you the one that talks about you the one that praises you the one that hates you everybody the one that knows you the one that don't be at peace not road rage oh we got yeah even down to that wrong range is a matter of the heart and posture i know this for a fact do not oh god don't take revenge because pride steps in oh you gonna do that to me you're gonna learn today you just want to teach them something about how bad you really are don't take revenge of that you got that i'm not trying to in no way raise spiritual punks because we will beat down devils and demons all day long we ain't talking about spiritual stuff i'm talking about classmates don't take revenge oh they posted that i'm gonna get my post together no school hold on let me get it vijay me too no yes we we both in the prayer line today so i don't know who praying for us don't take revenge because when you do you don't leave room you don't leave room for god's wrath in other words god is trying to get him but you're getting them so much you block him get out the way let him get him when he doesn't oh god y'all got me messing up holy land furniture leave room space it might be quiet for months and god didn't get them they might be quiet for years and god and they they not failing yet you know we wait for them to fail when they do what's wrong they didn't break a finger they ain't lose their car that ain't nothing but room cause god loves who hates you so he prays they changes they change before he gets them too because if god was quick to get people back we wouldn't okay y'all come on now we wouldn't be where we are today aren't you glad god left room for you somebody praise him for room in the building don't do that don't do that i'm glad god left room for me to repent for me to surrender wrong for me to humble myself thank you peru all right that key too high anyway let me keep essentially god is saying it's either you or me that's going to get them either you won't handle it or i'm a handler so you got to step back so i could step forth don't take revenge but leave room for god's wrath for it's written it's documented it's a spiritual law and contract all y'all hear what i'm saying it cannot be revoked it is written vengeance is mine saith the lord i will repay you now or later i'ma do it so you not fighting back is your demonstration of trust people who fight back don't trust god i'ma say it one more time people who fight back don't trust god they don't think he can or will so you don't believe he loves you because if my father loves me he ain't gonna let just anything happen to me so you gotta believe he loves you and you gotta trust that vengeance is his to keep your mouth shut ty i'm looking in the camera cause i'm gonna look back at this and be like y'all feeling me even in marriage my wife was telling me last week i'm telling her about the world i'm like man it was she was like man this is this is marriage counseling because marriage is nothing but the result of two individuals establishing a contract to walk through life in agreement so marriage is not a thing individuals make a marriage so if the wife does this and the husband does this that's a good marriage marriage happens when there's agreement there's a marriage between myself and the praise team they agree they're gonna open i'm gonna do that's agreement is the marriage that's how your soul can be tied to people who are not your spouse not just through sex david and jonathan they agree it's an agreement i'm not saying you're married to your homies i'm just saying let me get this last scripture out of here so y'all can go home it may not seem fair y'all but it's his way go back one more time i'm sorry thank you so much for being on point don't do this y'all let god repay but you can play joe thank you birthday boy don't do that next verse but on the contrary this is all romans y'all really romans 12. it starts with i beseech you therefore brother and i think by the mercies of god that you present your body as a living sacrifice holy acceptable to god which is your reasonable service verse 2 says and be not conformed to this world but be renovated or transformed by the renewing y'all know that's my wife's book that's about to come out renovate be transformed by the renewing of your mind proving what is good and acceptable and then he goes on to this list trying to renew their minds this is the less than wrong whoa you got to renew your mind don't do evil for evil but on the contrary here's the other extreme if your enemy is hungry it's not your responsibility but you can exercise god's way in feeding him if he's thirsty give him something to dream that's in context of an enemy how much more your spouse how much more a friend how much more business partner how much more let's talk about enemies how come your wife don't get this treatment how come your husband don't get this treatment you don't even feed him when you man here hey thank you when you do this you will keep burning calls on their head they can't understand why you're so nice to them because the point of hate is to breed hate i'm trying to get you as riled up as i am i'm trying to get you as low level thinking as i am and when you stay here and i'm trying to pull you down close a fire on their head if they're evil if they're not they'll humble themselves and come with you you don't lose by doing the right thing or planting the right seeds you can't lose you cannot lose it's guaranteed victory hallelujah don't overcome evil don't overcome by evil oh don't be overcome i love it by evil but overcome evil with good everybody standing if you're here man when in rome let's do as the romans were instructed i love you my classmates i love you my prayer is that we can live in harmony live in peace and i love that this subject seems not not irrelevant but we're in a pandemic bro and this is the point this is still god's point in his expectation because it seems like during the pandemic is when we started treating each other the worst is when the social tension grew the biggest so maybe the storm came to expose what was in the corn and cavities of this world let the fruit that come out of you be also the the reflection of the root while god is working on the roots still present good fruit be kind be nice you know you know what i mean while you're trying to work on the root but understand that god is concerned about the root and not just what you do he's concerned about who you are and not what you do amen let's pray praise team come out here and sing something please class is dismissed live we love you so much my prayer is that we ask the spirit for his help because the flesh works man but it takes work to bear fruit so god give us strength today in the name of jesus to do things your way all we see in the world is the world's way but thank god we don't follow the world we follow the word and we thank you we bless our enemies we just need to go on a blessing streak just go down your list of who we should bless so father we thank you and we trust you today in the name of jesus be strengthened be encouraged take peace embrace the spirit the fruit of the spirit in the name of jesus if you're not saved today man open your heart right now and say lord jesus i surrender my flesh has been in a way my whole life but today i deny myself i receive your way in jesus name i believe i'm saved if you prayed that prayer for the first time or if you believe that and you're convicted in your heart it is your responsibility to seek the kingdom of god and his righteousness pray read the word keep tuning in to live or whatever that will feed your soul because in these times we need the spirit though you slay me i will trust you though you slay me i will trust you though you slay me you say i will try [Music] [Music] it [Music] will you save me everybody raise your voice and say lord i will trust you say i will trust you come on say it one more time let the lord know i will i will trust you so father we thank you for your word that's what we can trust and depend on and we'll do it to the day we die in the name of jesus liv we love you so much everybody that's viewing thank you so much for viewing today and listen you have an opportunity to give it is better to give than to receive when in rome do as the romans do in other words when you obey what god says you're blessed and you have guaranteed victory regardless of what you're in one of his ways is giving you when you give you receive when you give you receive when you give you receive when you give you receive when you give you receive so thank you for your giving today the information should be on the screen we appreciate you and trust god what your finances you are everybody people are still giving 40 because they believe the word of the lord give your 220s it's 20 20 this year today give your 220s in the face of the pentagon let the lord know ain't nothing changed about your word nothing has changed about your promises so nothing changes about my accountability and responsibility so give today freely and cheerfully and we thank you in jesus name all right liv god bless you we love you we'll see you next week love somebody bless somebody pray for somebody live that peace with all men amen in jesus name somebody say amen amen live the lord is with us therefore we will [Music] god
Channel: LiVe Church
Views: 2,921
Rating: 4.9080458 out of 5
Keywords: When in rome, Classmates, Kingdom Mathematics, Homeschool, Live Church Orlando, Tye Tribbett, Orlando Florida, Live, Elevation, Relentless, Transformation, Lakewood, Bethel, Hillsong, Deeper, Stephen Furtick, John Gray, Michael Todd, Joel Osteen, TD Jakes, Jesus, Christ, Music, Gospel, Christian, TBN, Covid19, NASA, Football, MLB, NBA, Counter Culture, GWE, 1045 The Beat, Tim Bush, Jovita Sheppard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 24sec (5364 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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