I Got Your Back | Pastor Tye Tribbett | LiVe Church Orlando

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[Music] [Music] they see to be seated we are praising all day thank you all thank you all clap your hands for jesus everybody [Music] this is what we do in the last days in this building we are praising and worshiping god period for all he has done even though things didn't go our way or as we expected it we are giving god praise period are y'all hearing what i'm saying the bible says the bless the lord at all times action neighbor what time is it oh it's time to praise it's always time to praise it's always time to praise it's always time to praise you're never out of order when you praise you're never off when you praise it's always time to praise bless the lord at all if somebody look at you weird because you praising their off time you're on time it's always the right time to lift your hands up and shout thank you jesus it's always a good time to praise him what's a good time to praise him right now i said right now right now right all folk used to say don't wait till the battle is over you can shout right somebody shouted here i said somebody shouted here you know how you feel after you won after you endure the battle you feel like ah you don't have to wait till the battle is over you can do it right now because we already know that we've already won we already know that we already got the victory we already know that we're already healed we already know that he already made a way we already know that he already brought us out we already know look at your name but say i already know i already know how this gonna end up i've been in trouble before i've been in stores before i've been in problems before and he brought me hey all right i feel good i feel good and i don't even know what the future holds my security is not in what's about to happen uh-oh my security is in who god is period if he loves me this gotta work out because he loves me it's gonna work out and once you got that posture you can praise him in the storm you can praise him in the rain you can praise him in the problem you can praise him when you're confused i wish we could hide by but coleman restrictions give your neighbor a heir high five and say i already know i don't know how but i know that i don't know how but i know that he's gonna make a way i know that he's gonna provide i know that he's gonna heal i know that [Music] i feel good y'all i'm sorry it's our last couple of sundays in this building what you think i'ma do what you think we gonna do we're gonna y'all lucky y'all lucky i didn't run around the hole i said y'all lucky i'm not running around the whole building because this is a sign of god's goodness because the lord giveth i said the lord giveth and the lord taketh away don't just be happy when stuff is given to you all the time be happy when he shifts it be happy when he moves it be happy when he changes it as long as it's him i'm gonna bless him i'm sorry joe you got me doing that whoa good god almighty all right [Music] do that one more time hey hey hey hey all right one more time joe that feel good [Music] people who don't praise don't know what praise does david found out what praise did he was like i will bless the lord at all i'm never gonna stop [Music] because when i praise him when i lift him up let god arise and the enemy scatter yes sir when you start praising god enemies enemies enemies scatter when you praise when you yay all right and i don't mean praise like we do in church like this that feels good i love it but that's culture that's not the only praise because if you only wait to praise him like that that's a sunday thing but when joe is not on the keys and pastor ain't up there saying praise him i gotta learn how to let his praises continually hear about shelton in my mouth now without music i want the real praises to oh hey hey i know what my praise does i know what i praise him the enemy backs up sickness backs up demons leave my mind ah no one praised us [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah glory to the lamb of god glory to the lamb of god thank you jesus and when i thank him uh-oh don't let me start thanking him [Applause] y'all better hope i just keep saying hallelujah because when i start thanking him that's what stuff multiplies jesus didn't pray over the fish and the bread he said god i thank you and when you thank him he makes what you have more than enough you need to thank him with two fish and five loaves and when you thank him it multiplies what you have anybody ready for multiplication in the room well [Music] your thanks i know i'm saying it in a sunday morning type way let me break it down for all the intellectuals out here who don't get emotional [Music] when you thank him you unlock supernatural jesus is standing at the tomb of lazarus who is dead and been dead for four days they told jesus don't even bother with it he stinks by now you too late i text you four days ago jesus said father i thank you give me a high five all right he didn't say oh father can you bring these bones back no father i thank you because you always hear me but i just thank you in front of them so they'll know that we are one when he said thank you it unlocks supernatural realms where he didn't have to pray for lazarus he just called him he said lazarus see when you thank him it puts you in a place of authority where you can call those things that be not as though they were you can say lord i thank you for authority now body be healed might be at peace when you thank him you unlock supernatural realms oh god let me calm down it's joe it's joe when you thank him you go to another realm jesus didn't pray he gave thanks and it multiplied what he had and it gave him authority even over dead things we don't have authority because we don't thanks we don't give thanks somebody right now say thank you jesus and you need i'm telling y'all right now we are mind body soul spirit soul and spirit are kind of intertwined because we are spirit that's what i believe and i'm taking a psychiatry we are spirit he breathe into man the breath of life that breath of life is spirit right so every man is a human a woman is a human spirit and then when he breathed into clay it became something new called a soul soul is the marriage of dirt and spirit when he breathed into men's nostrils they became a living soul so you are my you are mind body and soul you can't just praise in your mind your flesh needs to know this where we at so when you make your mouth say hallelujah your flesh like oh that's where we at cause sometimes your mind can get a message your flesh didn't get the memo you need to let oh have you ever been my mind telling me no but my yeah you sometimes your mind is saying praise him but your body's saying i'm tired you need to let your body know we will bless the lord today somebody make your body do it make your mouth do it make your arms do it make your legs make your legs make your legs make face make make good job make it make yourself do it make yourself clap make your legs tough make your mouth say hi let lou yeah you're gonna praise him today you're gonna bless them today you did what you wanted all week but right night right now right now [Music] make yourself praise him thank you jesus you've been good to me i didn't get this far on my own i am not self-made and it's he that had made us [Applause] come on don't let your flesh win the spirit is willing but the flesh is holding it down make your spirit greater than your flesh this morning i'm going to do it everybody shall thank you jesus all right let me get into this i feel a dance old school real quick excuse me y'all excuse me this is how we used to do it back in the pentecostal church you celebrate you put it you go like this so y'all know how to clap like that y'all don't even know how to do that that hand first and then that foot next boom back to back to back that's all i need that's how we used to that right there that that thing right there and when this side do it and that's how i do it and you start bouncing with it you can't help it you can't help it i can't help it i can't help it you better move oh you better move oh you better move oh you better move hey you better move [Music] watch out watch out watch out cut your hands in the building that's what we're doing we celebrate you jesus we thank you for your favor we thank you for letting us be in this building but more than the building thank you for letting us be in you for we're a new creature in christ jesus i'm not happy to be in the building i'm happy to be in christ [Music] you're not dancing you're not even clapping you're not even smiling wow [Music] i gotta get out of here ah jesus thank you for life thank you for help thank you for strength thank you for peace thank you for joy thank you for salvation thank you for healing thank you for protection thank you for provision thank you for a sound man thank you for my sound man thank you a shout out for a sound mind thank you for salvation thank you for deliverance thank you for setting me free thank you for setting me free thank you thank you everybody say thank you thank you everybody thank you thank you everybody [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you everybody thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for all thank you for all thank [Music] it could [Music] [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you i gotta say thank you thank you thank you thank thank you thank you thank you everybody clap your hat [Music] [Music] all right somebody scream thank you jesus thank you all right sit down for real y'all [Applause] [Music] just want to take the time to say thank you thank you just want to take the time to say thank you thank you just want to take the time to say thank you thank you just want to take a lot of time to say thank you thank you just want to say that here thank you just want to take a little time and say thank you i know you're busy i know you're tired but thank you thank you i know you're sleepy i know you're home thank you [Music] thank you thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank you who you talking to who you talking about thank you thank you who you talking to who you talking about thank you thank you thank you thank you all right we gotta go for real for real for real thank you thank you so people who knew god they didn't glorify him neither were they thankful y'all check this out man and because of that god turned them over to themselves we call it reprobate mind because you didn't glorify me neither were you thankful he said nothing about sin you turned to a reprobate mind when you know he been good but you don't say nothing when you know he did it for you but you don't give him the glory he like i gonna keep being ignored even sinners say ah this ain't right guy at least they're acknowledging him [Music] he said i turn you over to your own way of thinking since you think it's all you anyway not because of sin but because you didn't glorify god and you did not thank him understand this ladies and gentlemen you can't repay him anyway [Music] you can't rep if he gives you breath today what's your payment for that you can't pay him back paul just said you know what i just present my just my body i just present my whole body we can't pay god back anyway for anything he's ever done so at least we can say thank you thank you that's all this thing yeah thank you [Music] can't pay him back anything he's ever done man this we could do don't don't say thank you thank you that's all we actually can do now you move from praise which all men should do everything that has breath roaches plants you walk by the trees they're like glory hallelujah you're like that tree is nice i love palm trees i'm glad i live in florida and they just like glory to god they got oxygen and they're using their oxygen to praise god what are they using yours for let everything that have breath right or wrong righteous or ratchet living right living wrong delivered bound free messed up got your right mind got your wrong mind if you are breathing you oh god [Music] praise wherever you are in life right now give god praise you owe him that i don't care if you i don't care [Music] yeah i'm not just clapping but saying something my wife she's a decorator right she's very very creative i'll come home sometime from the studio it'll be a whole new living room hey yeah what if i was like that's crazy should be like boy if you don't stop clapping and say something two words can mean more than 200 hand claps thank you so i love that we clap but don't just clap always i know you got your mask on i ain't got to see you saying he just got to hear you just thank you jesus so let's clap and praise right now everybody too there you go we are not moving out of this building religiously we're not going to go into another place and bring religion with us hallelujah i say hallelujah be seated now you move from praise to worship you hear me preacher [Music] you hear me that's preacher right there young man he won't be a preacher not like anybody else not like anything else you see it might just be your instagram i don't know now you move to worship whoa now worship to most in church culture is a slow song so praise is an upbeat song and worship is a slow song we don't minimize praise and worship to song temples ain't that crazy when he was talking about praise and worship in the bible it had nothing to do with songs there are songs of praise there are songs of worship right so i live a life of worship so sincerely that there are songs that come out of worship i praise them all the time there are songs of praise but praise and worship are not songs oh god we're not going so praise means to speak well up did we know that all right speak well i like your shirt time well this is zara zara got the best stuff i'm telling you and they style and they fit me i like how i fit me i'm praising zara no you win you just tell him what you know i'm speaking well off don't make all this stuff all religious and praise me no praise means to speak well of they praise lebron james they praise the west they that's praise that ain't praise it is praise just because you say hallelujah lebron is still speaking well of his praise take the churchiness off of these expressions and these words like because you think you're praising god but you don't think you're praising the card that you know i'm saying other people other things and other people in other songs and other celebrities get your praise you speak well of who you like you speak well of who you love and i just love nicki minaj i love you i love don't even know her she ain't die for any one of your sins she don't know you he don't i just love future future he don't know you and will walk by you if he saw you but we speak well of them here it is a man who took nails in his hands for you oh i can't even start this and he loves you so praise me to speak well worship is a little different i gotta keep going because i'm not even talking about any of these today worship the first time we see worship is genesis 22 abraham took his son and said we're gonna go worship whoa abraham wasn't a singer he wasn't a praise leader he wasn't a choir director he wasn't a musician he said i'm gonna take my son up his son was to be sacrificed worship always includes and involves sacrifice so you're not a worshiper because you sing you're not a worshiper because you sing on the worship team and you have worship songs on title and spotify like you're not a worshiper there could be silent worshipers who bring their body under subjection every day i'm sacrificing my will because he's worth that sacrifice i want to have an attitude now but he told me to have joy so i sacrificed that attitude that's a worshiper there are very few worshipers when you narrow it down to what it really means there are a lot of people who sing but there are not a lot of worshipers you don't worship god and just do whatever you want anytime that's not a life of sacrifice true worshipers kill what you love or are willing to ki abraham was about to kill his son worship always involved sacrifices back in the day a goat a lamb sheep pigeons we go to the altar and we worship god ain't none of them singing there moses tabernacle there was no songs at all david added music but in moses tabernacle imagine the church moses built no music no songs all sacrificing killing stuff would you join that church it got quiet we should have stayed on thank you jesus because you can't just sing thank you at some point you got to live thank you at some point with certain things we're all growing from faith to faith but all of your all of our habits are still just as strong as we started them you ain't go from four packs of cigarettes to two you ain't you are you waiting for the lint season you got that ash on your forehead this is what i sacrificed but man that's culture and religion or y'all waiting for you to fast that's religious if you know you should do it do it so now we're going into sacrifice now this is where separates the men from the boys praises and worshipers are two different things everything to have breath no matter where you are you owe him praise because he's that good to you but worship shows you show him his worth ship he's worth me not yes you fill in the blank god is worth me not slapping somebody stabbing shooting cussing out somebody he's worth me not sleeping with everybody he's worked me not taking every drug he's worth me he's not worth it to you is he not worth it to you that's worshiping even if you come here and don't sing one song you can be a worshiper what a real worshiper please stand up not physically in your heart so i said lord i want to talk about worshiping praising you every sunday till we get out of this building and he said ty that's beautiful and i want you to do that but this sunday don't stop there i love the vertical attention i love that you focus on me however the first and most important commandment is duel love the lord god all your heart mind soul strength i wish it stopped there but then it said love your name you heard that rose then you got love yeah love the lord god hey thank you thank you love the lord and they love your neighbor oh man that's a little different dance [Music] truth of the matter is god supplies most of our needs through other people and if you don't learn to love them someone near you won't have what they need [Music] if we don't learn to love they will continue to be needs in the kingdom god's god meets needs through men with the armor of god helmet of salvation shield of faith breastplate of righteousness had the belt of truth she feet of peace swore of the spirit but there's nothing for the back if you look at the whole armor of god i mean it's the whole thing nothing covers the back that means one of two things yes tim that means two things hey we ain't supposed to be running from nothing and all the non-punks said amen [Applause] that's number one we ain't running from covet be wise take care of yourself mask up do everything you hey but we ain't running from it david did not run from goliath he ran to him empowered by his testimonies if god gave me victory over a bear and a lion i could and about me it's about who's in me and greater i feel the holy ghost i said greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world covet heartbreak cancer diabetes night terrors nightmares anxiety fear greater is he greater is he so don't run from anything face it with greater in you it ain't about me it's about who's in me if i was facing you myself i would run but i got back up i said oh y'all not hearing me today i said i got back up do you remember elijah was on the mountain and his servant said look at all these armies and he said there'll be more with us than there'd be of them god opened this boy's eyes the boy's eyes was open and he saw a host of angels and chariots of horses on fire i got back up yo hallelujah got back up it ain't just a word that passes with your win when you praise god it got backing so number one we imposed a run number two reason why your back is left open because you're supposed to have it you're supposed to have my back my brothers and my sisters supposed to have my back fellow christians and other believers supposed to have my back so today i want to speak quickly on i got your back got your back oh as we praise and as we worship and this is simultaneously in line with pleasing god because we can come here and ignore the person right here and just say i love you jesus and i love you and we could cry and go all in in your little seat just go in just in your seat just in person to your left and your right you could be bitter at them you can you cannot even speak to them or when you walk out you just go right to your car come on don't speak to nobody you might have what someone needs oh god [Applause] can you remember the last person to help you with anything somebody helped you with something i don't care if it was online you watching somebody's teaching oh that was if that person didn't post that he puts what others need in you but if you don't love people you won't give yourself so i want to talk about this for a second y'all with me look at your neighbor say i got your back true security don't just come from god real security comes from the fact that i know somebody got my back true security god can give you security but you understand what i'm saying perfect security is god providing someone to secure you are you understanding that so if you're not willing to be used by god in that area i'm going to continue to live this life with a void and something i need look at your neighbor say i got your back i got your back i got your back i got your back i got your back back here you see me what y'all doing y'all just sitting back here on this couch what's back here couch and what else are y'all asleep all y'all what's going on man oh now y'all woke now you're well now you talk about preach pastor now you talk about some preach some past some stuff did y'all hear what i just said praise team back there with donuts and croissants no they not i love y'all so let's go check this out y'all check this out just go through these scriptures hopefully so even if i speak you can go to the first scripture i can speak in tongues you have to tell my mama and people just back up when somebody speak and tell us like well you know i can speak in tongues with men angels but if i didn't love others it would be a noisy god you ever hear somebody speaking in times you like all right all right because they don't love others you could be the prophet from zimbabwe [Laughter] the prophet of zamunda like god told me to call out my poster and it's like dang you don't love me you see me as an opportunity you're ambitious this is for selfish gang you look so good in front of the whole crowd prophesying to me you don't care nothing about me miss me on them leaders a noisy goggle client clanging symbol if i had to give the prophecy if i said it already and if i understood all of god's secrets we will think that's you know oh you know what god's about to do next you know what's after the pandemic you know you know if i don't love people though if i can move mountains but i don't love others i would be nothing throw your tongues in the trash throw your prophecies in the trash he said if you got art against your brother leave your prophetic tongues i don't want that god told me to tell you i don't want that you playing under the anointing and you singing i don't want that guy to say you can throw that keyboard in the trash and hug somebody i'd rather that it's quiet it's cool [Applause] it would be nothing if i gave everything to the poor and sacrificed my body i can boast about it but if i love others i don't gain nothing oh tell somebody else i got your back tell them on the other side i love you i love you i love you i love you i i really do love you last week i kind of ruffled some feathers saying that the bible never says that god said i love you jesus never said i love you the bible never records god saying i love you the other scripture in jeremiah says the lord has said in the past i have loved you with an everlasting love i have loved you is not saying i love you it said he don't have to say it because he showed it you should love somebody to the point where you ain't got us the reason why you got to say it so much is cause you don't show it at all enough you got to oversay it to continue to keep the manipulation going you should love somebody so good you ain't got to say it god loved us in 66 books he ain't got to say it i saw the nails in his hand i see the crowd of thorns on his head i see that in his side he don't have to say it but the culture if you love me say it and if he don't hold your hand and if he's not romantic he don't love you that's a lie and i'm not saying don't hold your girl's hand or your wife or whoever that's just a conversation y'all got a hat i know you love me baby you proven it i like to hold hands where are we on the whole why are we on the hand-holding thing that's a conversation y'all have but it don't mean they love or not love you because they're not affectionate oh god where am i with this whole scripture we say we love so many people but next but love is patient we say we love people and the people we say we love we got no patience for how you love me but as soon as i mess up as soon as i do something you dislike you're ready to just pounce like a si baby symbol in lion king [Music] you ain't got no patience for me but you love me miss me on the words be patient with me um uh-oh oh i'm so glad we shouted i don't know what to do it doesn't end me you can't love somebody and want their stuff at the same time all right it doesn't boast if you lost somebody else got a new car and a promotional brother would you yo i just i just yo and we normally boast around people who have less than us you feel me that's not love don't say you love me and brag about everything that's going on okay congratulations he put a ring on it that's cool if i if i invited to the wedding why are we even talking about it as much i said congrats six days ago you still oh yeah okay love is not proud now this culture i'm not judging none of y'all hearts this is just a challenge i do with myself right this is what i do i don't say i am something that god hates right god hates pride he hates a proud look so i don't ever say i am proud of you i don't say that i will never again say that i am something that god hates culture made it cool you pastor you know what i mean when i said what do you mean i mean i'm happy before i celebrate well say you have before and you celebrate it be saying you're proud takes the shine off them a little bit it's about you now like you got invested like i'm the one that practiced with you venus and serena so i get to be proud at wembley [Music] why take that moment from them i'm the proud uncle at the graduation he graduated proud auntie post she graduated i'm so happy for my niece she's been through so much that i celebrate her today it's your day girl congrats thank god for what happened to that this is just personal let me get off this subject with the hot and we made the highest compliment in this culture i'm proud of you that's like the and when my dad finally said he was proud of me that's like the highest words of affirmation includes a character that god hates just think about it i ain't trying to be all deep pastor you know what we're saying don't say what you're saying why you gotta say that and when you say these slangs people don't really know what you're saying i'm so happy for you i celebrate you you did it god was with you the whole time celebrate them go in on there never mind all right love ain't proud love doesn't dishonor others i ain't going into everyone oh it's not self-seeking it's not easily angered i could i ain't gonna preach all this because it's preaching to y'all ain't it self-seeking you love hanging around people that you're the star of you know what i'm saying if you're the star of that squad that's my squad right here cause they all you self seeker you use them for your own affirmation you use them to pat you back and clap for you you you use you don't serve them you know who you love about who you serve uh oh [Applause] you know you lie about who you serve not who you take from oh jesus oh that's a good point right there but y'all lucky i gotta go oh this next one it's the last couple sundays i'm gonna walk around a little bit what's up bro love keeps no records of wrong d [Applause] they don't keep no records we get in one disagreement you got a whole list of things i did the last 10 years at some point i'm not saying don't learn from it like something hurts you and learn from it what's up mother good to see you baby girl i love you tiny learn from it don't let it happen to you again you feel what i'm saying but don't keep a record to the point where if another offense happened you ready to arrest him because of their record certain people get more harsh penalties when they have a criminal record you already did wrong but they look at your record to see how harsh the penalty will be let them be wrong without the record for the are y'all hearing what i'm saying if they were wrong in a moment just let that situation be individually wrong but don't pull out all this how many no that's it you're the you the same courtney from 2012 you're the same courtney from 2012. love keeps no record of wrong in other words i'm not living every day trying to get you see i knew i'm not living every day to see why i shouldn't trust you you know what i'm saying so in order to look out for yourself you're looking out for things not to trust as soon as something happened you ah see i knew it because last thursday at cbs and then you went to walgreens and then you did the same thing at target then you decided at walmart but yo i know you was watching me like that love keeps no records of wrong i'm so interested in loving you i'm almost blinded by all your mistakes now i'm not gonna let you abuse me and take i got you oh god i got you i got you stay in the sermon don't leave don't leave i'm gonna cover all the bases in the name of jesus lord give me the wisdom so i won't miss nobody there's too many people in here don't get abused and don't take it because the bible said love and no no no no no no be wise but don't be so easily angered and offended if you quickly anger angered at someone you don't love them you love a certain version of them that you want to control as soon as they outside it out when you blow off on somebody that quick it's like yo you don't love me you love a version of me are y'all feeling me i wanted to praise all to the end of the month but god said don't keep praising me and these people don't really love each other yo we getting real loved before we move somebody say real love i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry don't say that get saved today everybody get saved today is your day to receive him i want that type of love for real the bible says faithful are the wounds of a friend your friend will never try to hurt you but they're the first ones to get hurt because they're closest to you so if i'm changing and i'm making some mistakes and i'm mature the first person that's going to get my mistake is the closest people to me faithful are the wounds of the friend they're going to let you down they're going to disappoint you they're going to do something that's so stupid to you because we're that close or they're gonna correct you you know you shouldn't do that you still do faithful are the wounds of a friend but that don't mean don't have no friends where's the patience especially if your friend is your spouse the moon's gonna be more faithful than co-workers they don't want this i'm so glad we shouted oh check this out love does not delight and evil don't go back go back i'm not done at all oh no but i want to finish this today because i want to do something else next week hopefully that's my plan but whatever the lord says love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth that's self-explanatory but i could but i'm not here it is it always protects always trusts always hopes always preserves always persevere excuse me always perseveres always perseveres always hopes always hopes always trust us and always protects another version of this always protects is the king james says oh love beareth all things i can cry right now it protects it beareth all things love always covers or defends oh god the bible says love covers the multitude of sin now i'm not saying enable but rather protect from enemies who don't love the way you do so when when you're bearing all things when you're protecting somebody it's not like i'm an ableism so what they wrongly it's not like that but i'm protecting you from people who don't love you like i do and their words can really hurt you you understand what i'm saying love beareth all things whose mess can you take whose mistakes can you bear whose character flaws can you carry and i'm not telling you to carry everybody's whosoever you can carry you really love them it bears or it protects it covers it i love that so much because everybody just exposes everybody do you know what quincy did to me hold on do you know what he did to me we quick to expose but not quick to cover who do you cover who do you protect or whose stuff do you bear look at your neighbor say i got your back you can't get nobody back and can't take none of these stuff don't keep coming to me with problems or every time i talk you got problems whose can you bear though now again don't be abusing don't be the sound board for everybody's issues cause you're gonna go home like man i'm just trying to bear all things balance y'all please let the spirit speak to you as i'm speaking okay next one let me move quickly a new command i give you jesus is about to die he's going to the cross before i go i know you've got the ten commandments everybody study the law i'm gonna give you a new one sin not and don't do evil no he didn't say a new command i'm jesus christ i'm dying for your sins and my command is don't sin again oh i don't see that up there and he's not saying sin but what's priority to him it's not sin i can handle that i'm greater than sin but i'm not greater than your choice to not love someone i command you to love one another oh we're going in in a minute y'all as i have loved you you see that he didn't say i love you but as i've shown you as i have loved you love others i'm patient with you i'm love is patient love is kind you say you love people you're not even nice to them love is kind i know your kids get on your nerves sometimes i get that y'all the temperature right temperature rising i get the temperatures rising but your love is kind not that love is untruthful i can tell you the truth in the best way possible never mind love one another like i love you so you must love one another by the by this not speaking in tongues not going to church not paying your tithes not being faithful to the house of the lord but the whole world is going to know you belong to me by if you [Music] love one another and i'm like god why this is like the hardest sermon of the whole bible and it's so simple like yeah i got it we just oh i'm about to get into that love one another let's keep going jesus said to simon peter after he rose from the dead and peter denied him three times i don't know i don't know him you look just like the one the boys i was following jesus i don't know the man he came over here you look just like i don't know him he went somewhere else he started heating his hand by the fire yo you are you you you one of the ones your speech betrays you you talk like a believer i love when i don't fit in certain places that just lets me know i'm the light in the midst stop taking rejection as rejection start celebrating rejection if you don't fit certain places that's dark you're light peter chuck oh my speech gave me away well mother father and sister and brother he started cussing oh my speech gave me away i got some speech for you he started cussing like i don't know that man i ain't gonna do no examples after all that and cussing it out and saying i don't know him and all that they having dinner oh breakfast first of all i love that after breakfast they had breakfast with jesus what do you have eggs what'd you think he had to smoke salmon what do you have for bread what did he have he said heaven's eggs okay only a few know that joke after breakfast jesus asked peter do you love me more than these yes lord peter replied you know i love you jesus said then praise me oh no then take care of my people okay let me ask you again peter do you love me yes you know i love you you know you know you know that i love you then take care of my sheep not then worship me then live right no then treat my people right you want to prove you love me treat that one right that one to the left and right behind you in front of you that one look at your neighbor and say i'm that one tell the other one on the other side and behind i'm that one i'm that one if you love jesus treat this one right i love servants like this i love it he asked him a third time do you do you love me peter was hurt like because he's like three different loves i'm not going to go into the different loves he said right now he said lord you know everything you know that i love you well love is not something said is something done do something about it if you love me take care of what i love take care of who i love your friend is in your life because god is trusting you to take care of them and while you're getting mad thinking about i always think they're supposed to take care of you too it's supposed to be reciprocated god puts you in my life so you can take care of me and i could take care of you god put you in my path so i could have your back and you could have mine and on the way we can help each other build empires that's going to be great but other than business is the father's business and i must be about my father's business so my first thing with you is not building a corporation but building trust building compassion and building love um go to church if you really love jesus you really love his look at your name and say be glad i love jesus you better be glad you better be oh you better be glad i love me some jesus this is the greatest commandment and the newest all right y'all got that let me keep it moving y'all ready for some more y'all got it all right keep going keep going you were cleansed from your sins when you obeyed the truth not when you heard it you were cleansed from your sins when you obeyed the truth not when you came to church you were cleansed from your sins when you obeyed the truth not when you did the sinner's prayer so now you must show sincere you will cleanse from your sins when you obey the truth now don't sin again no you will cleanse from your sins when you obey the truth now show love proof of purification is love i know i'm saved when i love people not when i learn church people come to church and learn church and they're right with people in the church you're right by us because you do like us that's religion us thank you tim for that now that you're free from sin you're free to love somebody say i'm free to love to love each other as brothers and sisters oh god love each other deeply with all your heart how am i gonna do that you have been born again you can only love like this when you're born again derek princess you can only show this kind of love lord you got to help me with this one you can only show this kind of love when you're born again i want to skip i don't want to go to the next slide what what is it uh [Music] yeah matter of fact let's do the next one are y'all with me all these scriptures are confirming the same thing y'all let me say yeah i'm almost done beloved see you're already loved you're gonna be loving your love is already locked in god already loves you so i don't need to use you to love me when i'm saved i'm not looking to be loved i'm looking to love when i'm saying my i'm already locked in i'm loved i can love you and i lose mine you can turn your back on me i'm just giving out love for free because i'm already freely loved i'm not looking for you to love me i'm looking to love you i'm looking to serve you i'm looking to help you i'm looking to encourage you i'm looking to uplift you because i'm still uplifted i'm so loved i'm so secure i'm so taken care of i'm so provided for my overflow blesses you my overflow encourages you my overflow is a blessing to you beloved i'm not asking you to love somebody and not be loved yourself you already love let us love one another for love is of god and everyone hallelujah that loveth is born of god i know you're born again when you love it babe i need a high five real quick i'm sorry you know i was gonna do you got me you got my back i already know i got yours i know you're born again not could you prophesy preach singing god worship playing in your car i'm changed listen to this music i listen to that i know you're of god when you love it eth means what continually when the love don't stop i said when the love don't stop and they disappoint you you just shift your love to somebody else you don't withhold it because you've been hurt here i got too much love to give i gotta give it to somebody somebody about to get encouraged today somebody about to be blessed today i'm about to say something nice to somebody today somebody shout hallelujah in this place i said shout hallelujah in this place hey y'all both shot excuse me you're born of god and you know god when you loveth he that loveth not knoweth not god for god is love now i want to talk about something there's a love [Music] uh let's uh how can i do this lord there's so much to share um here we go go to the next one but to you who are willing to listen i say love oh this got deeper now i gotta sit down here with you guys oh and my daughter what's up baby oh now if you're willing to listen i know this ain't everybody that's what jesus said i know this ain't everybody this ain't everybody but whoever's willing to listen love your enemies oh gosh gosh oh gosh and if they haters if they racist do good to them that uh oh oh oh oh oh if they republican to you dominican i mean what is it democrat democratic that was an honest mistake i love all my dominican i love y'all so how you let me mess that up how you let me listen don't text me later and talk about that do good to them that hate you that you know hate you that means you clear on the fact that they've established hate against you my response if i'm born again if you're gonna listen you don't have to do this but there's levels to favor there's levels to authority and there's levels to power this is the way you tap into supernatural power this is a level here do good to them that hate you you'll never be nothing she's corny she's that's cursing you bless them that curse you bless speak well about people who are speaking evil about you ty you're never going to be done that church is going to go down and well i pray that they be all right lord bless their family in jesus name they're going to be good it don't take from you to do this pray for those that hurt you if they slap you on one cheek off you miss one look at y'all i'm glad this ain't my words because y'all like ty is crazy you know that's jesus that's jesus blame god and if they want your coke give me your coat my fault you can take my coat and my shirt bro give me your shirt too what's it to you what's it to you you can have it you can have it you can nail my hands you can down my feet you can pluck my beard forgive them father they have no clue that's all if they take your little dignity they have no here take my shoes you have no you don't you know what you're doing bro you don't even know you don't mess up now give to anyone who asks and when things are taken away don't try to get them back do unto others oh god all right they call this the the ultimate in my second closing they call this the i believe forgive me for not saying derek prince causes the ultimate law of liberty that when you choose to love no one can take that from you it's a powerful thing you ever see somebody whose kids is just ratchet and you and their parents are just like this that's my baby that's your baby boy you better get that but nobody can take that foolish love from them jesus getting nailed on the cross i love you forgive them nobody could take that love from him and they call that ultimate liberty the most free person is the one that loves now nobody can take your decision to hate either but you're not free in your heart when you hate but when you freely love and they slap you it's okay and they i'm not saying be a punk anyway y'all know what i'm let the spirit speak to you they slapped me they took my they stole my money they did me wrong in this business transaction they did oh they finessed me it's okay god you're going to provide them make me wiser next time jesus they can't take your power to love and you're the most free person when you just love love love love when you hate get offended you you add the tetris blocks but when you love and leave alone when you love and leave alone you're free they don't want this today tim they don't tim tim they don't want it tim here we go i'm almost done here we go if you only love those who love you why should you get credit for that even sinners love people who love him i just love my cousin because she always cause she loves you love somebody who can't pay it back and if you do good to only those who do good to you wow why should you get credit even sinners do that much and if you give money only to those who compare you back why should you get credit even centers will lend to people who won't give it back you know you really love when the receiver can't reciprocate what if they can't give you the same level of love back is it about what you get back or it's about what you give out if you give love it's god's responsibility to provide love so god will put other if it ain't your cousin who you love so much it'll probably be your niece i don't know your spouse i don't know you your supervisor it's god's responsibility to put somebody in place that'll love you back you don't have to get it from the same we don't pay ties and offers to the gas station we just get the gas and leave we don't fill up the gas station and expect to be full from it we don't bring gas to 7-eleven and expect to get why do we give love and expect the same gas from the same place now if there's an agreement we talked about it you know i'm saying like hey i'm gonna love you you're gonna love me all right for the rest of i do like you know i mean marriage or whatever you made an agreement now you're responsible now you don't say it you're gonna love me i said i love you now but if you can't give it back i got enough to give you never mind let me get off this subject babe i knew it was gonna be tight oh [Music] there's a type of love and it's my last closing there's a type of love david mentions in psalm 18 verse 1. he said i will love you with my whole like that word love there derek prince says comes from the etymology of the word that means the womb or the soul or what we call an western civilization a gut feeling real spiritual supernatural movements take place here fear you feel it here stretch you you you feel the excitement you feel in your belly butterflies or whatever this type of love god is talking about for others is wrapped up in a word we call compassion that there's a stirring in you towards something or someone go to the last two scriptures and we're going home check this out y'all later simon and his friends was looking or the disciples searched for jesus and when they finally tracked them down they said hey everyone is looking for you man they they want you everybody wants jesus this is like why he came he said let's go let's go somewhere else he didn't respond to none of them he said let's go into the next town so i can preach there also now i don't know exactly why he did it but i could have in my brain today because it might be so the word is alive so it might grow next month but today i believe i got them right where i want them cool they believe on me to a certain degree degree they at least believe i'm a healer and a miracle worker cool let me go stir up this other town i just want to get the search going over here i want that apprehension for me i don't have to solve all your problems i'm not here to solve all your problems i'm here so you can want me thank you for coming please come next week so he left check this out y'all he went oh man look at this shock i'm setting something up go ahead wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait go back everyone is looking for you they want you everyone you got that last scripture of the day thank you all for coming thank god for listening we're going to love before we leave here a man with leprosy two verses down in the city he went to next he came and knelt in front of jesus begging to be healed if you are willing you can heal me and make me clean move with compassion jesus reached out and touched him and said i'm willing be healed instantly the leprosy disappeared and and the man was healed king james also refers to this as bowels of compassion being moved from the inside not the outside now while we're loving everybody and serve everybody and do good to do not everybody you see obviously jesus left everybody that wanted and needed help when i'm stirred that means i have the supply you can't just serve everybody you see in the name of love you're gonna be empty so don't be foolish leaving here pastor said love and forget don't be foolish wait for the stirring i see i see homeless people on the street sometimes sometime i give them money sometime i don't sometimes i encourage them something it depends on the story that's why you got to have a real relationship with jesus you got to have the holy ghost for real because you're going to be all religious get to the point get to the point your bills are due lord pastor say love pastor say love you and you go home and you ain't got no love for your kids sit down you don't give it to the supervisor and everybody wait for the stirring wait for your soul to be troubled wait for your bowels to be moved it's literally a moving of the bounds like whoa i have compassion for you don't just do everything for everybody love people pleasing and all that stuff is out the window i'm not religiously doing it because the bible says when i'm stirred i serve most people joe you can you can shut me up most most people gain compassion through suffering you could just love because i say love but love ain't here in here the real love it comes through suffering when you go through something real in your life and god heals you from cancer you coming back out that hospital like hey i got compassion through suffering do not come out of tragedy storms fire and trouble arrogant you miss the purpose of going through struggles suffering cultivates compassion suffering cultivates humility and love for your brother and your sister i was so dogmatic i was a pentecostal preacher i was are y'all going to hell for listening to r b music you could that's what i was saying like if that stays on your mind you start doing that and then you anyway i was so dogmatic because i grew up pinnacle i was taught that man i went through one of the toughest seasons of my life i lost my wife i was on the west coast in l.a she was on the east coast in jersey we were not talking to each other it was over our marriage was done but he turned it [Applause] this december we 24 years old married we 24 years married this december but my point is being dragged through that suffering and public humiliation cultivated i can still preach holiness a different way my soul was stirred differently god allowed the suffering to cultivate compassion and they say you can ask any army veteran or military when you go through tragic and crazy things together it builds a bond it builds a bond with those who are in it with you you even got to go through a soldier or a war you can go through a car accident together and y'all all make it out there's a bond when you go through tragedy together when you come out together there's a bond that no one really can break because you have an experience of victory that no one else has so it seals you on a different level so god's plan is to go through suffering with you [Music] so that when you and him come out y'all got a bond i got a bond with jesus that ain't nobody else can take from me he was there with me when i went in he was there with me through it and he was there when i came out that's why he got in the lion's den that's why he got in the fiery furnace god gets in the suffering with you to form a bond with you that nobody can take once you're out it's to cultivate compassion let the storm do its work let's suffer and do its work you're going through something you stop being irritated and just start loving in it if you've been going through something a long time i'm so sick start loving in it because the lesson might be compassion he's trying to stir up your heart i don't want to sing tim and not love the people i'm singing to if he blessed me with a stage and all these people why just use it to swag out where's that stirring at that compassion and love for people even in starbucks forget the stage remember tarjay disney i don't know where y'all go the club wherever you are let your soul let your bowels be messed up because you care so much for the people of god around you i don't force it to stare but when it's thirst be alert to what god will have you to say do or give when you're when you stir it be be open to what god will have you to say give or how he wants you to serve father i thank you for thinking but not letting me continue to be in the presence of those who need me and not serve them you give me spidey senses like spiderman i'm a something's gonna go off when it's time for me to give love or serve somebody let me not ignore that man let me not just you know drink a soda or try to naturally take care of it no man you're stirring my soul to have compassion and love for people if i could serve him in any way how if i could love him in any way how my sufferings taught me the value of life and who i went through suffering with is teaching me the value of love so help me to love my sister my brother you should not be uncovered bro you should not be insecure you should be safe with your brothers and your sisters and i don't want to stop until we see that type of coverage coverage i got you covered i got your back god is saying that to you so we can say it to our brothers and our sisters father i thank you oh i feel you troubling us now [Music] he's staring some of us right now man i could be nicer to this person i could i could tell this person i appreciate him i could he's stirring you right now don't hold that gift from people just thank you man i appreciate you could be a gift to somebody that works hard love you could be just i mean don't hold it back whether it's words service or a gift god i thank you for everyone in here we are humbled by your love because if we sit here and act like certain people don't deserve our love who are we [Music] because we don't deserve yours so with that in mind we humble ourselves and we're open to whoever you want us to love to whatever degree in jesus name if you agree with that prayer say amen clap your hands everybody [Music] [Music] you are too precious and valuable not to be loved by somebody man and not just god he set it up that you could be loved by family friends and even strangers we entertain angels unaware you're supposed to be covered in jesus name everybody say i am covered i am loved therefore i can cover and i can love freely clap your hands y'all oh god let nothing need my love and me refuse it from a child to the elderly from white to black from republican to dominican none in my immediate area needs love from me and me refusing because i'm so selfish thinking of me and what i need if you stir me that means you're giving me supply so that when i do it i don't regret it i'm not mad it don't matter what their response is you gave me supply to love let me shut up the lord wants to save you today if you're not saved man i don't know what it's going to take you're about to start seeing robots preaching you're about to start saying robots do everything ai's taking over everything you need to be saved you need to make sure you are secure if you're not saving you want to be saved today meaning i'm a sinner i never say lord just take my life by faith i never surrendered to him if that's you you want to be saved today you want to be sure that this is all over you're going to heaven if that's you let us pray with you man lift your hand we're going to pray with you right now you're going to be part of the family of god in this moment right now by faith you're not saved i see you homie i see you you're not saving you want to be saved lift your hand we got you i see you not saved not saved but want to be saved i see you i saw it too heaven rejoices over one i saw two yo three i see you sis let's rejoice live let's rejoice lives all right everybody stand to your feet we're gonna pray with them and we're gonna go home i'll see you all tonight at five if you're coming back i see you all across the street if you're getting the food hallelujah my daughter's dance company got sign ups out there they be on b-e-t with me when i perform so sign up with my uh taylor's dance company after this oh but those that raise your hand i got you now i got you he got you he got you father i thank you for those who raised their hand they said i want to be saved i want to give my ways up for yours that is a supernatural decision god we celebrate you for having all power in the name of jesus if your hand was raised repeat after me matter of fact i always do this everybody repeat after me lord jesus i make you lord of my life i believe you died for my sins and rose with all power today i surrender i give up myself and i receive you thank you for health thank you for provision thank you for protection say this i believe right now i'm changed i'm free i'm delivered and i am saved say it again i am saved one more time for the people in the back say i am saved clap your hands everybody in the name of jesus all right that's just the beginning that's the lightest thing you can do is confess salvation that's the first step my bro my sis my sis that's the first step i confess that my sins are gone and jesus is my lord and savior the next step is keep coming keep living with us and we got your back y'all clapping let them know we got their back y'all come here my love we love y'all hold on hold on i'm gonna pray [Laughter] thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you i know i want to get to your car lord jesus we love you lord jesus we thank you we thank you for the stirring in our bowels the compassion that we have let it overflow every day this week monday let us love somebody tuesday let us do the same because we trust that as we love we will be loved as we cover we are covered and we thank you for the system of reciprocity in jesus name we will love freely because we are freely loved in jesus name everybody say all is well say it is so all right lynn we love you we'll see you next week or later the night the lord is with us therefore we will not fail god bless y'all see y'all thank y'all for tuning in online you are our extended family we love you permanently we look to see you in person soon but if not keep living with us and keep loving god bless you we'll see you all next time [Music] [Music] the cross before [Music] behind me [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] no turning [Music] no [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] so goodbye [Music] the rest of my life [Music] is [Music] [Music] i made a conscious decision [Music] to follow jesus no turning bang no no no turning back the cross before me [Music] let's all say that real big because you first love me one more time say i have decided [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you anybody thank you for the love of jesus i can't turn back it's nothing to turn back to no time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he makes all things [Music] [Applause] no turning back [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] across [Music] you
Channel: LiVe Church
Views: 1,956
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Q3fp-zn6Xs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 1sec (5761 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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