LIVE Replacing motherboard on AMD Ryzen Threadripper 1950x to ASRock X399 Taichi sTR4

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[Music] hello and welcome into my latest live broadcast today is monday august the 10th 2020 my name is carrie holzman and welcome into my latest live video and before we get into things as usual i have a little bit of a monologue to talk about some items that uh well what's going on and what's new what's happening so let's start with uh saying hello to everybody that's already in the chat welcome in everybody it's good to see everyone i've got uh the cooler that i was waiting for on the previous uh build that's sitting back over there so i can't wait to get to that project which will come after we finish this next project which is the the threadripper build which i've struggled with since the day it was built i've pretty much replaced everything in this system except for the graphics card the power supply and the cpu and motherboard so i'm thinking i might have a motherboard issue and i picked up an asrock x399 tai chi and we'll see we'll see how that works i was doing a little bit of work over the weekend with uh a new 10th generation intel chip and i was blown away um because intel has upgraded the coolers on some of their new 10th gen cpus some of the higher end ones in the past these are the familiar intel coolers that come stock with the standard cpu and you'll see it doesn't even have a copper core there it's a as far as coolers go it's pretty bad then to get a step above that they've got the copper core copper helps transfer heat much more efficiently than aluminum obviously silver would do better gold would do even better platinum would even do better but that's of course getting ridiculously expensive so you can imagine my surprise when i had my 10th gen uh 10 7 this is just an i7 10 700 it's not the k version because the k versions don't come with coolers at all you have to supply your own and i was planning on supplying my own because on the i7s those coolers tend to get loud but as it turns out what i found in the box was surprising because i hadn't heard anybody talk about this yet on channels that i follow intel's coolers now look like this on some of the builds it's blacked out the fins are a little thicker it's got the copper core there's the pre-applied thermal compound much better looking to me unfortunately they still put the well do they put the label on upside down or not you know what i haven't haven't gone that far yet let's see if we're going to put this right side up on the motherboard then that cable would plug oh yeah now the logo is going to be right side up and a much better logo and it's all blacked out and that's stock and here's the interesting thing one of the improvements that intel has made on the 10th generation one of the refinements is they've made the dye a bit thinner so it can spread out more across the surface of the chip and what this does and again this is something i'm kind of surprised nobody's at least nobody that i follow has been talking about this what it results in is a chip that runs cooler if you recall my first experience when i installed the 10-700 k in here was being blown away by how good that an actual cooler was well turns out it's not an actual cooler it's that intel's manufacturing process has been refined to a point that they can make the dyes thinner and then dissipate the heat better so even though intel's drawing you know the equivalent intel is drawing more power than the equivalent verizon the ryzen runs hotter so if you're all about your temps intel's leading the way with that it's pretty impressive and again something that a lot of people are talking about for whatever reason and the go faster sticker looks a little different on this generation too intel also stopped selling the ridiculous plastic egg packaging on the core i9s so whoever whoever it was in intel that said put an end to the crappy coolers and put an end to the crappy packaging congratulations you're doing a good job whoever decided in the to begin with that they should have included that ridiculous expensive uh ecologically unfriendly packaging making distribution more expensive that person i hope is in another position in intel where they don't get to make decisions anymore i hope they get told what to do from this point forward and then the same is true with the the coolers whoever so the engineers the engineers are often at odds with the corporate's requirements regarding time schedules money budget etc and so a lot of times the engineers have to put forth a product they know isn't as good as it could have been if they'd have been allowed to to do what they wanted to do and so there's a great article online where uh um elite engineer over at intel was with intel a long time is talking about what intel needs to do to fix its problems and his opinion and it all sounds like the same thing from 20 years ago like when i was there it's all the same nonsense you have people with uh mba degrees running intel but have no technology background and don't really understand it and as a result it's it's caused intel to sort of fall a little behind but for all the great things people say about amd and amd's a fine company don't get me wrong they're nowhere near the size of intel they'll be lucky to do one-fifth of what intel does in um and in product amd has limited production compared to intel and while amd's income is good for amd intel would be 80 smaller if it was doing as good as amd is doing right now so um that's just an interesting perspective and uh i'm i'm happy to see that with the refinements of the um of the chip that they've made it cooler i mean that's massive that is a big big deal and it should be something more people are talking about these stock coolers may be adequate now i don't know i haven't you know i was already had my mind made up on this build to throw an actual on there a black noxia but it'll be worth testing to find out uh if these still ramp up and are really loud or if because the ship is running cooler they don't have to ramp up anymore so i think that'll be something for us to follow up on in the future one of the viewers said he was sending me one of the cinder cinder keyboard and mice combos that you see me use here and it arrived today so whoever that was i don't know who that was but thank you for that one of the problems is when people send stuff if you don't include a personal note and in this case it looks like it came directly from ebay i have no idea who sent it and i do know someone mentioned to me they were going to send it but i can't remember who it was but thank you these are the keyboard and mouse that i use i have one right here oh give me just a second guys i was waiting for ups before i started today and i'm telling you the guy knows he knows when i'm live he's doing it on purpose i know he is but that's okay it's computer parts that i need so in any event um getting back to the keyboard and mouse this is what i use you see me use these all the time they run about 30 31 on amazon they have a rechargeable battery you see there's no battery door on either the mouse or the keyboard there's no 10 key pad so it's really small this is metal so i can bang it around it's not a keyboard i'd want to type on all day but as a as a technician and i need something quick i don't want a separate dongle for the keyboard or the mouse and i don't want to hardwire two cables instead of one so the other thing is i couldn't find these for a while and i bought another manufacturer as close as i could find to this and instead of having the little dongle magnetically stick to the bottom they put a little access door that's going to get broken and the dongle just kind of wobbles around and rattles in there so i like that that design just magnetically holds the dongle i know where it is at all times i can grab it quickly i can put it away quickly both the mouse and the keyboard have an on and off switch and they come with a usb cable so that you can plug them in and the mouse will be there's a red light on it when the red light goes off it's charged the keyboard also has a red light when the red light turns blue or green that means it's charged the charge on this lasts me about six months but depending on how often you use it these are great for temporary use great for portable use if you're traveling you need something small lightweight you don't want to deal with batteries this is the answer you're like me you're working as a tech and you need a keyboard and mouse on your bench but everything's on the bench there's not a whole lot of room on the bench well i use the cinda wireless keyboard and mouse again one dongle no batteries to change and it's not the most comfortable keyboard but it does exactly what i needed to do and i can't speak highly enough about them and everybody like i give one to mitch when he was traveling to thailand and he loved it because he didn't want to use the track pad and uh or the touchpad and the built-in keyboard on his laptop and this enabled him to to just plug in one usb dongle and you're good with external keyboard and mouse which feels a lot better than what was built into his laptop so anyway the link for that the link for this is in the video notes below the video um what else can i tell you there's a couple other couple other news items here uh this board i picked this up it's about a 335 dollar motherboard you'll see it's a monster it's a great big board it's not that they're just charging more you are getting more and it's one of the cheapest boards i could find that's going to work with the 1950x uh what else oh this board is um a return so ideally it's going to be okay you'll see it says amazon warehouse on it that means somebody returned it and in my experience people who return motherboards are generally people who didn't know what they were buying hopefully that trend continues because it saved me almost a hundred dollars so we're gonna get this board pulled out we'll get this board put in and i'm hoping thread ripper will run the way it's supposed to um a couple of contributions have come in so let me give some shouts out to these generous folks we've got chris's channel of technologies contributed two dollars since my amd computer sucks i'm hoping to go back to intel you know i the the system i built for my friend ron in illinois he was freezing up on him randomly he ended up sending it back changed the motherboard out on it and we changed the graphic card just to upgrade them he got the computer thursday and he says the computer's running great so these amd systems can run really really well if you if you pay attention to all the little details and you can't just put it all together and flip it on and expect it to work unless you do all the proper research and finding compatible ram with a good board and an updated bios it is a hassle but if you're a hobbyist with you know all kinds of time on your hands it certainly can be a fun little challenge it it gets expensive though i mean with threadripper we're we're in this quite a bit of money probably getting close to five thousand dollars over two years in a machine that i can't rely on it's too loud it's uh behavior is a little wonky and it's always been that way always i get brief moments in time where it works well and then it just goes back to you know failing again crashing so the even if this board works and we get it installed and everything looks good it'll be time time will be the ultimate test to see how it's working out in the meantime i'm not building any for customers no threadrippers they can go buy those from somebody else i don't want to deal with them anymore it's not worth it a thank you to chris kingan contributes 10 says embarking on an amd rise and build wish me luck good luck again if if all your parts are carefully selected it should go together really super easy just don't forget to get that ryzen master software download the latest amd chipset drivers and make sure you have the latest bios it's critical kg trains with a five dollar contribution says uh carrie you know you always fail with amd you need to update those skills man yeah i i suppose part of the reason um that i'm struggling with amd is that it requires a different skill set and i'm here to teach people how to do things easy right so if you want to do something easy you definitely want to buy intel if you want to do something that requires a special education and training and research if you're up for that challenge then amd is the way to go what you have to understand is that i have more freedom with intel i don't have to worry about which ram works and which ram doesn't i have far more freedom of choice in products that are compatible and that also lowers the price so that i can be more competitive in the space as a business person i'm trying to earn a profit i'm not doing this for fun i'm doing this so i can eat and i can pay my bills i'm not doing it because i like amd or because i like intel i don't really care i just want to be able to provide a good reliable machine to my customers and here on my youtube channel i want to show people who perhaps think this is really complicated stuff is it's complicated on the amd side but on the intel side it's really simple and when you calculate the price of what people are paying for additional items on their amd systems quite often they cost more than the equivalent intel but be that as it may there are people with a mindset that one is superior to the other and i would like you all to remember that if somebody came up to you and started insulting your car right well man you you got problems with your chrysler well it's not your it's not their car right so if you didn't ask them for their opinion it doesn't really matter what they think about your car it doesn't matter what you paid it doesn't matter where you bought it and it doesn't matter what anybody thinks of it right it's your car and if somebody says well you know really you want to buy this other car don't don't let other people spend your money and furthermore i would be very concerned psychologically for a person who cares about what other people are buying which is none of their business and they weren't asked and they really need to learn to mind their own business that being said uh choose what's right for you don't let somebody else choose what's right for you all right mark stevens with a ten dollar contribution says hello hey mark how are you josiah guernsey with a two dollar contribution hey josiah squibsby is a five dollar contribution it says hello to all how you doing there squishy squishy see i need glasses rick hubbard with three pounds contribution mira aura with a five dollar contribution said i'd give more but i'm about to have a sixteen hundred dollar mechanic bill tomorrow i appreciate that um not the bill but just the fact you still contributed it's very kind of you um michael martin with a three pound contribution says hey carrie keep up the good work and great videos thank you michael and tapio tapayo kuasma has contributed five euro and says all the best to you right on thank you to piyo and michael rick hubbard squishy josiah thanks you guys as well as mark stevens kg trains chris keegan and chris's channel of technology appreciate your contributing helps keep me sponsor free so that i can remain unfiltered and say what's on my mind whether it's popular or not i don't care i'm not interested in jumping on anybody's bandwagon i have my own bandwagon and if you want to jump on it you're welcome to and if you don't want to that's fine but if you get in my way i'm going to run you over so um bearpaw with a five pound contribution says there's for all the wonderful knowledge you give us right on bearpaw thank you and dr michael ferguson with a 10 pound contribution thank you there dr michael and um just looking through the the chat here john says have you ate some mushrooms today hope it reinforces your it's funny you'd ask it's funny you'd ask that because i was like costco the other day well i didn't stumble on this my sister said you you have to try these and these are uh shiitake mushroom crisps and i'm not a fan of shiitake mushrooms but these are actually um these kind of taste like cereal if they're uh crunchy yeah so yeah i'm enjoying my mushrooms i don't know how you knew that but thanks for checking in with me i like something i can just grab and eat i don't have to prepare anything i don't have to clean any dishes which is of course leads to a very terrible diet for me but um those are good robert rock and rob radigan contributes two dollars he says i'm glad you're back missed you this weekend howdy thanks robert i was busy over at the other studio location i can't wait to show you what i've done over there it's it's nearly ready and mad power says i need to share those i had no problem there's a big bag greg says you could probably chop those up for a salad topping you know if i ate salad i suppose that's true are they spicy no they're not spicy at all no not in the least bit ah let's see what is your opinion of micro velocity raptor pcs compared to other brands i don't have an opinion on i think you should build your own computer that's what my opinion is ed i gotta pronounce your last name at ed knop now said i sent the scene to keyboard and mouse the smaller keyboard had been harder to find well thank you ed i appreciate it very much and it'll go on a shelf because what ends up happening is uh sometimes i wear them out with the buttons i've had one that i physically broke um and then other times i loan them out and i don't get them back so i like to have a couple in inventory that i can just pull off the shelf they charge uh takes about two to three hours to charge the keyboard and mouse and i usually i charge them individually because there's only one charging cable so i uh plug one you know plug the keyboard in wait till the green light comes on then i'll plug the mouse on and wait till the red light goes off and then they're good for like six months like i said four to six months anyway um just looking through the chat here i put some links in the video notes today the the mugen 5 is back in stock at amazon for 48.99 with free shipping here in the us and the samsung 970 evo plus which is uh normally 399.99 and a couple months ago i was complaining because it was selling at amazon for 449.99 and it's upsetting because it's the manufacturer's suggested retail price is 3.99 so to go to 449 is ridiculous it's fifty dollars more if if i would trade you if you're going to give me 450 dollars in an exchange i'm going to give you 400 i'll take that deal but not the other way around i'm not going to pay for 150 for 400 drive well the good news is the drive has been at 349.99 for about three weeks looks like that may be settling into that price but you never know it could go away tomorrow so for those of you thinking about getting basically the fastest nvme pcie gen 3 drive that you can get without going way over the top this is pretty much the top of the line for the customers that i built for the difference sorry it looks like we had a little little disconnect there but basically what i was saying was the the uh the evo plus two terabyte drive at 349 is a really good deal so i put a link to that for amazon here in the u.s a link to the keyboard keyboard and mouse that's 30.99 again free shipping from amazon here in the us and that keyboard is kind of unique because all the other ones i'm finding either have battery doors where you have to install batteries or they got a little door to put the dongle or they're the full keyboard i don't want the full keyboard i want the i don't want the 10 key so those are getting harder and harder to find in fact i sort of had a panic attack when i couldn't find these anymore so i'm stocking up this time i don't want to go through that anymore um let's see what else looking back in the chat room here just looking through your comments here lee wants to know if it's just red ripper if i've had problems with other ryzen builds you can just search my youtube channel here for computer repairs and you'll see mostly amd systems are what comes in for repair for whatever reason but i've had a couple of new rise and builds including the streaming computer i'm using today to broadcast this and it's also not been right and it's been the motherboard has been replaced the cpu has been replaced they've got a 3900 x in there with a mugen 5. the ram has been swapped three or four times amd's are very very particular when it comes to ram or i should say amd motherboards but because amd isn't doing anything to enforce any standardization on behalf of the motherboard manufacturers nor does amd provide a reference motherboard you have no choice but manufacturers can make up whatever they want to do on the amd side they cannot do that with intel intel doesn't allow it so on the one hand you're going to have something different but on the other hand it may be unlike the motherboard that you get may be unlike any other amd motherboard from other manufacturers and it's feature set of bios options and amd doesn't care so amd just makes the chip just like with red ripper amd doesn't offer a cooler for that and i think that's bogus i think that a company that just says well here's an engine you build a car around it i'm not a big fan of that it's still it's still more of a hobbyist chip as far as i'm concerned and i do have a couple of amd ryzen builds coming up but they won't be put in a workplace environment where uh reliability is paramount i also find that i can much i can build an intel system much faster the intel's 10 10th gen chips are far more refined than anything amd's ever made it's far more refined than intel's ever made because they had to do something right so this is what they've decided to do and it's resulted in a level of refinement in cpus that we've never seen before no companies ever had time to polish their prior work they're always looking to advance to the next level we're reaching to a point in technology where that's leveling off and now they can spend time honing and refining and they're still going to evolve into us into the next generation of chip but it those generations are going to be spaced out and eventually will reach a point where you you won't have to upgrade as often computers we build today in fact computers i've built since around 2014 have a good 8 to 10 year usable lifespan on them not the cheap stuff from 2014 but a mid-range or upper range build from six years ago uh i just had one here the other day i showed you guys it boot it booted in like what 12 seconds the um the intel nook i built here on the channel in 2013 it boots in like 13 seconds it's still in use today it's being used every day and has never had a problem so this is the good thing people act like it's a bad thing right oh there's nothing new well it doesn't need to be anything new there's no point in coming out with something new unless it's solving a problem if it's resolving an issue but just to have something new because it's new is is weird i don't i don't go for that personally it's not important to me that something's new it's important to me that a need is being filled that wasn't being filled before and uh you know there's a limit to you know it's just very interesting to me that we were very lucky to have a computer in the 1980s there were very few and far between um people that you would know that would have them and now there are there are many people especially on the internet that have these sort of entitlements and demands that are unrealistic and don't really understand um or appreciate how far we've come and just how much power's at their fingertips it's just give me more and more and more it's almost uh gluttony it's it's practically gluttony and and so i find the people that are the most demanding are the ones that use their computers for nothing important which i find amusing like people who are working they don't have time to sit there and fuss about temperatures or or what their turbo boosts be they don't care they're able to get their job done they don't you know we talk about return on investment if i'm offering a client a new machine like let's say my clients got these machines from 2014 i go hey you know uh we can we can replace the sata ssd with an nvme and uh we can go from ddr3 to ddr4 and the client says what's that going to cost i gotta do it for about a thousand bucks 800 bucks they go what are we going to be able to do when we do that like when you pull that 2014 computer out and replace it with a 2020 computer what will we be able to do differently um it is still going to work the same this i mean we're going to be able to open more word documents are we able to be more productive with excel spreadsheets and quickbooks and quicken i mean it just depends how fast you can type i suppose so so my question to you carrie is we've got eight computers and you want to upgrade all of them because they're old that's going to cost us 6 400 and i want to know what is my return on investment on that and i have to say um you have a new warranty okay we're not having any problems nor have we had any problems with the systems you built in 2014. are we able to install things that we can't install now no can we install more things no can we install different things no so why are you recommending that we replace these perfectly good working machines that's just the way we've always done it in the business world after about three or four years we replaced the workstations that's no longer necessary we have achieved a level of evolution and hardware that has exceeded the evolution of software therefore even machines you bought six years ago seven years ago are fully adequate today if they were mid-level machines back then now if they were bottom basement stuff back in 2013 probably long overdue for replacement but if you built something mid-range or above it's just fine and i expect that trend to continue i don't see that changing anytime soon and this fascination with getting a better computer or you know better being you know faster chip or going with amd versus intel it doesn't change you so whatever you're doing with the computer whether it's an intel or an amd isn't making you better that doesn't make you better it doesn't make you a better gamer it doesn't make you more competitive it doesn't make you nicer it doesn't make you smarter it does nothing to you to benefit you or anybody you know what it does do unfortunately is it it re it emphasizes this illusion that people with money don't have to work the idea is that if you spend enough money that you'll have a computer that every game you play you're going to win or because you're going to get better frames per second you're going to tell yourself that you can play better it's this idea that and it kind of makes me sick a little bit this idea that if you spend enough money or if you buy the right cpu that that's going to change something in your life that enhances or makes it better in some way shape or form and it just the world doesn't work like that thank goodness thank goodness we don't live in a world where money outpaces skill skill will always win the game skill will always be the most productive right if you're rendering a video on the fastest computer but you're a crappy video editor i you know i'd rather see a really good video editor render a video on a slower computer that maybe it takes 20 minutes longer but the final product is right so it doesn't doesn't make the video editor a better editor and so there's this amazing delusion online about what's better and the bottom line is the only thing that can improve your computer experience is improving you and that means that you exercise that you eat well that you monitor your temperature that you demand the most from yourself every day that you uh practice practice practice when somebody goes to a job eight hours a day they do the same job why do you suppose that is why do you suppose somebody goes to a job and then the next week does something entirely different and then the next week does something entirely that's not how a job works in a job they want you to be efficient at what you do and the only way you're going to get efficient at it is by repetition you have to do it over and over and over again you want to learn to play piano you want to learn how to cook you want to be good at a game you've got to put the time in and there's no replacing that you cannot substitute the time and experience for spending money it is the world has never worked that way and if you allow yourself to think that then i don't want to live in your world because what that suggests to me is you can be born into money be dumb as a box of rocks and yet excel and beat everyone at everything because you just buy your way out that's definitely not a world i want to live in and thankfully that's not the way the world is despite the fact that many people seem convinced that if they spend enough money or if they buy the right part that they're somehow going to be better using their computer you're you're not going to level up personally because you've got a new processor whether it's intel or amd your personal leveling up comes from within and it's something money can't buy and it's something nobody can steal from you somebody could steal your computer but they can't steal your experiences and they can't steal your skill set and that is something you take with you when you go and that ultimately at the end of the day when it's all said and done separates those who can to those who think they can and there's a lot of people on the internet that think they can and they've got they've got the whole situation completely upside down and backwards in my opinion and in that they're emphasizing these parts rather than emphasizing their skill and i think that's a big generational gap between those of us that are older and those of us that are younger generally speaking there's always exceptions but it seems to me that that there's this complete disconnect from reality and what it takes to add value to who you are and it's not about what you have it's not about material things it's about who you are here and your computer doesn't make you more likeable your computer doesn't make you more lovable your computer doesn't give you more skill i'm sorry we lived as a race without computers for a long long time and those of us who live without them know the difference unfortunately we have a whole generation of of kids growing up with them and now that's their baseline of measurement which is preposterous it's completely unrealistic but just be aware that there are people out there when you're getting information and reading articles or watching youtube videos that the measurement of of what that person may be trying to achieve is done through spending money instead of through skill and if you can identify that right away then you know how to properly digest the information that's being provided it's not that the information's bad it's just that if you don't understand the foundation of the information then it may be misleading to you so uh again whether you want to buy a ford or a chevy or a nissan or a toyota or a subaru or an audi or a porsche or a bmw or a mercedes or a smart car or fiat you know why does anybody care what these brands exists and these cars exist whether it's an suv or a minivan or a pickup truck or all-wheel drive four-wheel drive hybrid electric compact car three-row seating car they all exist to meet the needs of the individual both on budget warranty reliability capability maybe you need to tow a boat i don't know right and it's nobody's business and the idea that you're going to buy a better car so that's going to make you a better driver no matter what tesla lamborghini maserati pagani ferrari none of those make you a better driver and you need only watch youtube videos of spoiled rotten rich kids wrecking uh you know the thing they didn't earn because they have no idea how to control it and the same is true with computers just because you've got 128 core threadripper doesn't mean that you can do anything with your computer that i can't do with my six-year-old computer and furthermore if am i if i'm more skilled than you are i can pretty much kick your butt at everything with an older computer based on the skill alone just knowing how to do it properly uh instead of just relying on a computer to run things quickly overclocked or whatever in many cases people that that push the systems too fast just end up crashing faster so all things to keep in mind it's all a lot about perspective and how we choose to look at the world and bottom line is we have survived without computers as a species many of us still remember what that was like and it was no big deal we didn't miss them we didn't say gee i wish i had a computer right now nobody ever said that not until about the 1990s but uh you know this idea that there's such a level of importance and urgency this paramount um ideal of power typically comes from individuals who have absolutely no use for it so it goes back to something tech deals have talked about people spending money they don't have to buy things they don't need to impress people they don't like and that's what you want to do that your business but for the rest of us who are trying to garner useful information that we can use to grow i hope my youtube channel helps to uh unmuddy the waters and make these things very clear so that you can decide what's right for you anybody who asks me what is best and it doesn't matter what it is cpu power supply case it's a preposterous question it's it's it's pretty much a stupid question honestly which cpu is better oh what do you think they make all those cpus you think they make like you think they make like 20 crappy cpus and two good ones and it's all just a big joke on the consumer every cpu exists to meet the need the budget of how the cpu is going to be used same with cars these cars exist whether whether or not you like a minivan whether or not you like a porsche who cares nobody cares buy what's right for you what's in your budget what's important to you but don't think for a minute that it makes you a better person or that it gives you any skill and just because you buy more expensive car that that doesn't automatically win you the race just the same applies with pots and pans you go to the store and buy the most expensive pots and pans they sell they can be handmade in italy exclusive in your cooking if you couldn't cook before guess what you still can't cook any better it doesn't work that way take buy the most expensive camera you can buy put the nicest lens on it if you don't know how to take a good picture it doesn't do you any good so the concept of what's best is is a horrific concept because it suggests that everything else is junk imagine a restaurant that only serves one thing do you want to eat there and how often i much rather have a menu i would like options both for financial reasons and for freedom of choice and i like to be able to mix and match different things i don't want to be the same as everybody else that's a very communistic north korean perspective right that's a very sort of like this one is the best this one is what everybody has be very very careful of what you're asking for because it leads to blandness and everybody being the same and it also means that there's no more good enough for now right it's going to be at this level you have to reach that level in order to just join the club you've got to if if there's only one cpu then you have to have enough money to buy it there's no cheaper alternative it's a very dangerous and really not a very well thought out thought process to simply think that one thing is best there's only what's best for you are you a video editor are you running a server you know there's computers are used for so many different things and they they're designed to be optimized to handle different tasks i don't need an i7 you know home theater pc you know a lightweight you know little i3 is going to do just fine so it depends on what it is you're looking to accomplish and then how much you value a dollar right some of us work really really hard to earn money and some of us get money handed to us for nothing and those people who don't earn it who aren't physically out there doing the hard work to get that tiny bit of paycheck uh i think have a disconnect with the vast majority of us who understand that a 700 cpu versus let's say uh a brand new oven in my kitchen i think i'd rather have the oven i mean it'll last a lot longer it's something i'll use every day and again it's not going to make me a better chef but it isn't going to burn my house down like the old oven for many of us it becomes that choice it's not a matter of i've got all this money and i can have anything i want and if it was that way again i would feel bad for you because if you're not working to achieve if you're not sacrificing to get to a goal then how can you ever feel any fulfillment if a video game doesn't have any challenges in it you just run through it and it was no big deal you probably never want to play that video game again and you'll probably feel ripped off that you paid for it even if the money was given to you even if the game was given to you look at the entitlement we see here on youtube with people complaining that a video wasn't good enough for them a video they got for free that they chose to watch nobody asked them to watch it and then they feel it's important that their voice be heard when we don't even know who they are why they're here and furthermore haven't done anything themselves to demonstrate how it should be done but they know everything and they want you to know how they feel about your video when they didn't pay anything for it and they weren't asked to watch it and again you don't even know who they are we have a stranger just anonymously walks up to you and criticizes you your reaction will probably be to punch him in the face so there's definitely a there's a generational shift between the way i was brought up and the way people are brought up today and the internet is giving so much away for free that people are disconnecting the value of that unfortunately there's a perceived value if mercedes sold their cars for 10 or 15 000 they would not have the perceived value if rolex were selling their watches for you know 500 bucks they just wouldn't be much more than a timex there's a reason why perceived value works in society unfortunately when you're giving away things for free those very same things for free other people could be paying hundreds of dollars for and the people typically paying the hundreds of dollars for those things are grateful for them and the people getting it for free are generally snobby elitist entitled people who think for some reason it was made for them or they deserve it or it should be held to their standard and we don't even know who they are what they've done to establish that authority that they seem to think that they have so this all ties in together with this very different way of thinking it's a very different perspective and i'm not quite sure at the end of the day what it accomplishes like if somebody criticizes a video what do they think i'm gonna do you know somebody does things to me they think i'm just gonna shut my channel down they think i'm gonna change what i do what sort of response do you think you're going to get you're probably just going to get blocked or ignored until you get bored and go away because after a while they always get bored and walk away once you keep doing the same thing over and over and over and you see it has no effect whatsoever eventually you will wake up one morning and you'll say what am i doing with my life i'm doing nothing and i could make a difference in the world a more positive thing i can build something rather than try and destroy something that somebody else has and there's a lot of destruction going on we live in a canceled culture a lot of attacking and it all comes from people who who have no authority nor are they anybody that has done anything that you should care what they think their opinions are their business they're not my business and if they want to go out and make a video about it then they should but to just think that they're entitled and have the authority to qualify me on my space in my house no it's just trespassing is all that is you're not entitled to it so in the same way this idea that one ship is superior to the other intel is superior to amd or maybe it's all a frame of mind and it's nothing wrong with somebody thinking that way what's wrong is if they try to convince you because if they're trying to convince you then that tells you that person needs to hear some affirmation because they themselves are not sure somebody who's very confident in their beliefs will not care if you agree with them or not it's the people who are the most insecure sort of the most um the the most insistive and aggravating that you must do what they see you must agree with them and when you agree with them then that reassures them but if you don't agree with them you're you're you're hitting right at their main insecurity so whether you're insecure or you're confident in my opinion it's best to not show your hand in other words it makes no difference to your life what car i drive or what food i eat nor should it matter what cpu i and if there's something about the video that you think could be done better then do it don't you're not my boss don't tell me to do it you do it and if you're not willing to do it don't insult or put down or disparage anybody who's going through the effort that you yourself can't even be bothered with all you are is a fly right so when i if there's a fly buzzing around my kitchen and i swat it you think i have a second thought about that fly gee did it feel pain i don't care does it keep me up at night do i think about how many flies i killed don't even think about it it was just an annoyance i got rid of it if that's what you want to become continue that behavior but if you want to do something positive the best thing is go out there and add to society add to your community help people be supportive be kind and allow people the same consideration that you would want in other words if if you think that your computer is the best computer ever and i tell you it's a piece of junk number one it kind of hurts your feelings in many cases two you're going to get defensive three you're going to wonder what difference does it what do you care four what changes are you now going to get rid of your computer because i said i didn't like it are you going to throw in the garbage and start over was it keeping you up at night wondering what i thought of course not and likewise the same is true when people have critical things to say back to other people i don't think anybody's ever changed anybody's mind that way and all it does is create an animosity for no reason there's nothing to be gained for those of you doing it i don't take the bait for those of you that are experiencing it don't take the bait ignore those people block those people they're worthless they're they're offering no benefit to society and um and if enough people do that to them maybe they will better themselves maybe that's the push they need to you know find their human side but in the meantime we all have to live around these people we all have to deal with them and um and we're very lucky that we have a very nice and supportive community here on this youtube channel which is so amazing given the negativity that exists you know you look through twitter and facebook it's just people moaning and complaining and whinging and whining and everybody knows everything and they want to tell you their political belief your political beliefs are none of my business that's your business your politics your religion whatever man it's whatever you want it to be and if you're confident in those things you won't need to sell up to other people just so you can be reassured so whenever you experience and i want to reiterate this whenever you experience somebody who's being very insistent about this is better than that or you've got to have this those are very insecure people so first thing that's got to come to mind oh it's one of those people somebody insecure and you can do deal with it a couple of different ways one is to just ignore them or block them the other is to go yeah you're absolutely right i agree yup you're right oh no you should have built a computer with an amd oh yeah i should have yep then they don't know what to do so it's kind of fun but uh we are going to change the world but we can certainly change how we react to it just a couple contributions here let's see we've got uh the vendor bobra contributes five pounds what did the processor say when it was being overclocked stop it hurts so much that's bad terence patrick contributes two dollars do your customers still ask for hard disk drives no no i haven't sold a new hard drive let me think what was the last time i think the last time i built a computer for a gentleman named franklin adams who sometimes jumps in the chat room and we put a couple of drives in his computer and i got so backed up with work and he was like hey man you need to ship it you need to ship it and i rushed it out and i forgot to plug the power and data cables onto those hard drives i just i just don't do it much anymore and i was a little overwhelmed and i didn't even think about it but for the most part now people aren't using mechanical drives anymore not my customers anyway we'll have some cloud storage or network attached storage in the businesses and most home users don't have that much data because most home users aren't backing up their data typically the reason you have a mechanical drive is for capacity and that just means you're going to lose more it means your backup's going to take longer you have more to lose not just for hard drive failure but ransomware viruses accidental deletions thefts fires floods i mean the list goes on and on and on and thankfully thankfully we're seeing the decline of mechanical drives on machines that are even coming in for repair the last machine that was in for repair had a failing mechanical drive so i'm happy to see those days end thank you for the contribution thank you for the question jose and veronica lopez contribute two dollars and say hello welcome in jose veronica adam burdick with five dollar contribution says great storytelling like always carrie make sure to never change how you do you thank you adam vision thing contributes 15 canadian dollars says i couldn't watch earlier because of work just recently subscribed after after watching one of your builds great content george hearn with 2.99 canadian thanks you guys for supporting the channel it's been brought to my attention i guess um a couple of channels were doing a diagnostic video to see who was faster and i kind of looked through it it was pretty much what i thought it would be hobbyists and again nothing wrong with being a hobbyist but what they were sent to diagnose and repair is not anything like the work you will do as a computer technician and and you can almost know exactly what was going to be wrong like if somebody said i'm going to set you up with a challenge where i'm going to intentionally do things wrong on the computer and then you have to figure out what it is i can pretty much tell you exactly what the fix is going to be because there's only so many things you can see computers are so easy now you either don't plug something all the way in if thermal paste is required you fail to put it on if there's bio settings you set them wrong it's anything that the user can do themselves that's why i always tell you if you want a good reliable computer leave it alone don't try and overclock it don't try and outsmart the engineers if you leave the machine alone and machines like that are super easy to diagnose because basically you have to treat it as a new build it's not a repair if somebody were to send me a computer and they said this intentionally has problems my first step is to tear it down and rebuild it and reinstall the operating system and reset the bios that's it it's in and it's out that's all there is every part comes out every part goes back in that's that we're not hunting for things you should be in and out on that job in an hour maybe an hour and a half you shouldn't take much more than that now in the real world when somebody gives you a computer the fix it's not going to have a bunch of problems it's probably going to have one or two problems and they're often related so that when you fix one the other one by default is fixed so again these simulations do not in any way shape or form reflect reality and if you don't believe me what i'd like you to do is load up any video you want of somebody jumping out of an airplane with a parachute then i want you to go and actually jump out of an airplane with a parachute and then you tell me if that was exactly the same as what you saw i can assure you it is not anywhere near relative to reality and so well it's entertainment and it is entertainment it is not particularly uh education nor is it a representation of a typical day of repair for a computer tech technician not to mention that you're held accountable for the work that you do so you don't just have to fix the problem but when you give the system back the system has to work and it has to continue to work like old threadripper here has not worked right for over two years ever since it's been built it's not worked right and i've been very fortunate that this is not a customer's machine and i can work at it when i feel like it if it was a customer's machine it wouldn't be in this situation for this long it would have to be replaced or repaired it would have to be done very quickly and it might cost a lot of money and it might cost a lot of time but i have to make it right or i can tell the customer too bad and i can never have business from that customer again so there is a massive disconnect between what you'll see on youtube videos for entertainment and what it's like in reality to do the work and be held accountable and liable for the work that you've done if i fixed this computer for a client and i did it in an hour and 45 minutes click congratulations here's your trophy that works man for all we know this goes back to the client and tomorrow they call me and they got another problem or next week or next month maybe there's random lockups that i can't validate i don't know i don't know that's what being held accountable is and if they're not being held accountable then what they're doing is just goofing around and i don't want the goofing around there's nothing wrong with goofing around goofing around is great there's nothing wrong with it but i don't want the viewer to think wow that looks like fun that's what i want to do for a living because what they're doing for a living is making youtube videos just to be clear and as long as you understand that distinction binge watch all you want but please please don't miss misconstrue the information and how it's provided because it's very easy to completely miss out on the reality you know of having some buffering issues here it's been a while since i've had any problems with the internet here and it looks like it's acting up today in the meantime um just understand the content that you're watching so that it it doesn't uh set you up for failure right that's all making youtube videos uh can be a fun career fixing computers can be a fun career but doing some repair challenge on youtube for no customer with no accountability and liability that's entertainment that's just youtube so as long as you're aware of of the difference you can enjoy the content and understand what to take from it and uh and here we show real work real computers going to real customers that i'm held accountable to except for that one that's our computer that's the community's computer and i feel obligated to get it to work to get it to work well it's always kind of worked but it's never worked to my level of where i need it to be where i demand it to be and if it's not good enough for me it's not good enough for a customer so i want this to be good enough for me and to do that i need to change i think i'm going to change the motherboard to solve it but i i won't know till i try and um we got a couple other contributions that come in let's see uh george hearn with uh 2.99 cents canadian gerard de monte with 46 with his rupees uh he says for some coke thank you gerard big easy with four pounds 99 says thanks to your channel i built my first pc during lockdown this is a little thank you first of many right on thank you big easy and uh m taz with 20 dollar contribution that's a nice contribution and it says first time in months i've caught the live stream right on good to see you there and thank you for supporting the channel so i guess uh what we're going to do let me just take a look at the chat real quick yeah they're having there's some weird buffering stuff going on but it's just part of what goes with the live video we we worked through it 25 just came in from john wilson he goes here's a little bit for the channel uncle kerry right on john thank you for your continued support i appreciate that very much matthew says you're still accountable for that one it was your money spent on the system it's different it's different there's basically um when you're when you have bills to pay when you've got to make sure that your electricity is getting paid your cell phone's getting paid your internet's getting paid your your mortgage is getting paid your insurance is getting paid you got gas for the car you've got a car any work the car needs is being done you need to have a job whatever you do for a living whatever somebody pays you to do you're going to be held accountable and in the case of repair if you can imagine you have an ambulance and you fix the ambulance and you give it back to the ambulance company and they somebody you care about is having an emergency and that ambulance that i fixed goes to pick up your loved one and it breaks down on the way to the hospital because my repair wasn't good enough and your loved one does not get to the hospital in time and as a result uh suffers dire consequences that's some pretty serious accountability now let's say i've got an ambulance just a little toy that i'm playing with it's a it's a hobby car that i'm going to take to car shows and maybe it doesn't run right but there's nobody waiting on it i'm not held accountable to it so when i'm in the mood when i have the extra time and when i have the extra money i'll tinker with it and if in my tinkering it stalls out you know 10 miles from the house and i have to get a tow truck that's not affecting my business or my ability to pay bills that's my own personal little distraction now this build here is a community build it's intended to be used for the channel what i didn't realize is that it would make it would be this threadripper system will become responsible for making the single most amount of videos on one computer i've ever made most of my videos it's a different machine all the time it's a different build different parts different repair laptops desktops mini itx micro atx atx eatx we cover the gamut and yet i thought this would be used in editing this will be used in streaming turns out the good use for this is all the things that can possibly go wrong and how to make it work as well as changing out the cooler several times changing out the ram several times it's never had cable management done because it's never worked well enough for me to get to that point and therefore the side panels have never gone back on it since the day they were taken off so because it's a distraction i can access it whenever i want without the consequences that it would be if it were something that somebody were paying for in a production environment but it is serving its purpose which ultimately was to benefit the channel and it's done that in spades with regards to the sheer number of videos i have made as i've gone at this several different ways trying to resolve the problem and that continues today as i pull the motherboard and see if maybe just maybe that resolves the problems i'm hopeful but it's been so long now i kind of don't care anymore and again when it comes to a paying customer you don't have the option you know you don't get to say well i've worked on that enough so there's quite a big difference quite a big difference so again there's a there's a business mindset and anybody anybody who cares if you care that my experience with amd has been so unpleasant and it bothers you that i'm somehow bashing amd you're very insecure person you're somehow requiring some form of approval that must agree with your mindset you see you're allowed to think what you're allowed to think and i'm allowed to think what i'm allowed to think the only difference is between you and me i have the guts to fire up the camera and prove it to you that i'm not just deciding i woke up on the wrong side of the bed this is an ongoing problem that nobody in the chat room has been able to suggest a fix for that has worked not a single person yet has presented an opportunity that i have exercised that has not fixed the problem the problem still exists it's right here it's right in front of you this is an amd bashing this is what i'm dealing with this is real and the fact that you think it's amd bashing suggests to me that you're not allowing me you're not giving me the common consideration and respect for sharing my experience with you you have a myopic point of view we have a tunnel vision and you demand others see what you see yet you have no evidence you have no proof you have nothing to back up your feelings or your expressions other than you're somehow disturbed and it's really weird so if you don't like it if you think what i'm doing is amd bashing you don't belong here what i'm showing you were the requirements to stay in business what customers expect and what is needed in order to maintain a successful business the problems are real the builds are real and everything is live and unscripted what have you got what have you got to prove me wrong you've got nothing so you can either enjoy the content you can appreciate this is real or you can go watch other youtube channels with scripted videos that are paid for by corporate sponsorships making big commercials for products and you can go around waving their flag i don't care i really don't care and likewise neither should you the fact that you care so much about some big corporate entity and the reality of the difficulties that it's caused in a business a real business environment over and over and over again is some form of delusion or denial that is preposterous and why somebody would come in here uh you know to make themselves upset why would you do that to yourself just go go away nobody asks you to be here if you don't appreciate the reality if you refuse to accept reality this is not the right channel for you so with that thank you to jamie m for a 10 pound contribution says another live stream we're so lucky hey thanks jamie abdul azeem patel with 2.07 oh sorry 7 and 77 cents i see a little tom jackson inspired contribution there thank you abdul um hi banner he says yeah i think a lot of people would have given up on this system by now yes absolutely absolutely they would have they'd gotten frustrated um i i've i've seen that a lot in fact i've had customers bring me machines where they're so frustrated with it they just they just deal i can't deal with it here you take it carrie like they're capable but they're at their wit's end and when you reach a certain point we all get there of you know frustration you can't think straight anymore and sometimes you're too close to something to be able to fix it and you need somebody else to do and there's nothing wrong with that there's nothing there's no no shame no harm in that sometimes you just need to put something away right that's what i've done with this machine is the way i deal with that frustration is i put it away i focus on other work where i'm actually getting things accomplished and things are working that i'm a little more rejuvenated refreshed and i'll come back at it say okay let's try this you know and then if that doesn't work that level to get to frustration keeps getting shorter and shorter the tolerance is like you know we're right back at it again and it'll get set aside and it'll sit for months and then i'll think okay i'm ready to get back to it now that is been my experience as you guys have witnessed here with redripper and it is a first generation threadripper so i don't know that the third was it the second generation isn't more improved with regards to the motherboard quality or compatibility issues and i don't know that i haven't been dealing with perhaps an adequate or bad flaky motherboard this entire time is entirely possible it's entirely possible but these boards are not cheap and it's not bad enough if i sent the board to gigabyte or who is this asus if i sent the board back to asus they'd send it back they'd say there's nothing wrong with it you've got to be able to replicate the problem over and over and over again it can't just be well sometimes it does this or the fan's too loud i can't send a motherboard back because the fan is too loud they're going to say what are you crazy that's not on us that's on you i'll say within sell me a fan they say we don't make them that's somebody else's job we don't we just make the chips we don't make the fans okay but every fan i've tried is too loud so give me my money back on the board no absolutely not that's not a manufacturing defect that's not on us that's your problem with whoever makes the fan okay but i can't use your cpu without a fan right right but you don't offer a fan right and all the fans that are made are all loud well maybe you just got to buy a quieter case so just spend more it's how you if the way you fix problems is by spending money those aren't problems those aren't problems any problem that can be resolved by spending money was never a problem like if you have a bear going through your garbage can there's no money you can spend to make that stop that's a real problem okay um when you have real problems they're not solved by writing a check and this as far as i'm concerned this is a real issue here because we keep spending and spending and spending and spending and spending is if you know we had all this money in the world until we can find the right combination of parts that work properly or we skip past the first generation they're not giving us a refund on this we've had it too long and further they'll say there's nothing wrong with it so their definition of what's acceptable in mine or two entirely different value systems i would never ever sell a customer a computer that ran like this one runs or is as loud as this one is and at the very least the thing should should perform equal to or better than a simple core i7 this thing doesn't even run as well as a core i5 performance wise a core i5 will pretty much tackle it the 10th gen core i5 smoke this thing now granted that's a new chip versus you know a two year old chip but regardless price wise the core i5 is still cheaper today so i'm just my level of frustration it doesn't help when there are people in the chat room suggesting the problem is me when i've built thousands and thousands of computers so that's not to say i'm i don't make mistakes but i don't know how many computers these people talking to me have built for they hang out a lot and read it and watch a lot of youtube videos somehow that's i'm supposed to listen to them and and what they say actually i should listen to because i look up to them they have my respect it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what they think because whether they agree with me or they disagree with me it still doesn't work you understand and they didn't pay for it it's not their money it's community's money it's not their computer they're never going to have it i'm not building it for them and i'm not going to work for them i wouldn't work for somebody like that that'd be like the worst customer you could ever have somebody telling you how to do your job you need to tell that customer go somewhere else customer says i wouldn't hire you good i wouldn't work for you i'm glad we agree i have i have very high standards and quite frankly the biggest issue with this build is that it just has never met my standards apparently there are people with much lower standards abdulazim petuls's latest bios is either january 8 2020 or august 1st 2020 depending on if it's day month year or month day year but i don't know which board that's for if he's referring to the asus board or the asrock board we haven't gotten that far yet so like this person's here's an example of this insanity on the internet this person named zai just says sorry i just think amd is not as bad he's lying it's an unscripted video man it's all right here who are you you don't use a real name have you watched the history of videos since this was built and the problems that it has had or are you just jumping in you don't have all the information you're coming to a conclusion and you think for some reason i care what you think because you're somebody who is an expert who has a youtube channel and has built many of these and you've never had a problem you're just you're nobody you you come into my chat room to a video that you weren't asked to watch you paid nothing to watch it and everything you see is real how do you deny reality how do you wake up in the morning and suggest everything that i show on my channel live and unscripted is somehow fabricated what's in it for me ask yourself that what's in it for me i don't have any investment in amd or intel i could care less i just want a machine that works if you're trying to read into some conspiracy theory is that all you've got to do with your time oh you know why it's raining today because the the contrails that the planes the government made it rain today i really don't like people like that people that ask questions so they can better understand a problem before coming to a conclusion based on their imagination or their personal preferences uh they're meaningless they're just taking up space it's noise it's static it's a fly in the room it's completely unnecessary when you make a statement like that what do you think i'm going to do in response i'm either going to ignore you i'm going to ban you i'm gonna call you out in front of a thousand people live how does that benefit you any of those options what do you think i'm gonna oh you know i hadn't looked at it that way before i'm just lying because that's sustainable you want a business that's going to be in business for you want to be in business for 29 years the secret is to lie seriously what are you on lying only works for a short period of time the problem with lying is it catches up to you right i've got a history of repair videos going back since 2008 on this channel everything you see is real it's all real and apparently some people just cannot accept reality and those people shouldn't be here if you cannot accept reality go away this isn't made for you this is made for everyone else so again you got to ask yourself what's the motivation what's the motivation to bash amd what do i have against amd the fact that i can't pay my bills the fact that i've sunk 4 thousand almost five thousand dollars into a machine it doesn't work that's not a good enough reason then write me a check write me a tell you what you write me a check for forty eight hundred dollars and i'll sell you the computer and then you can show me how great it is you can make a video showing it working beautifully and and how wrong i was we'll both be happier if you're not willing to write that check then i don't really care you should say whatever you want you're probably just going to get banned so it's very insulting and very disrespectful saying you're nobody that's kind of mean i'm a mirror you know if you're going to disrespect me i'm going to disrespect you back right if you don't like how that feels then don't do it if you can't take it don't dish it out become somebody become somebody in my industry that i admire and then tell me what your thoughts are but you come into a chat room getting free content that you were not asked to watch and then you suggest i'm a liar and you don't think that's mean no they're both equally mean that's why mean doesn't work out very well for people because it just all it results is in more meanness you know violence begets violence hatred gets hatred so if you call them out on it make them feel what they're causing let them feel it too maybe that will motivate them to think a little bit more about what it's like to be on the receiving end of their accusatory um negative uninvited unsolicited offered opinions on subjects that is of no concern to them and uh if they don't want to be called out if you don't like it don't do that it's real simple it's action and reaction so people being kind and supportive obviously i'm not going to be mean to somebody like that but if somebody comes at me i have no problem taking care of that i don't need anybody to defend me i don't need anybody to stand up for me we don't need to gang up against anybody it's super easy i people like that they're a dime a dozen they're everywhere and i'm i've been it's it's an effortless um it's so easy for me to just you know push them away to just ignore them that i want to make it really clear to them how insignificant they are when they're mean so again if uh if somebody that i looked up to let's say there's a fellow youtube content creator here who has a lot of subscribers and they say hey carrie you know you should do this you should do that be like okay at least i know who that's coming from but some stranger with a fake name and they're being critical of me who are they to be critical of me who do they think they are i'll tell you who they are they're nobody that's truth they're nobody they're nobody that matters not in my world if you want a matter in my world let me respect you you and i respect you because you're kind i respect you because you're courteous i'll respect you because you're generous i'll respect you because you're friendly i will respect you because you also do what i do and you can appreciate the information i'm conveying since there's a very large gap in the internet of showing the reality of computer repair there's also a large gap on the internet of people being called out for inhumane behavior towards one another that are complete strangers that is essentially psychological warfare and it is not welcome here i've done nothing to deserve being attacked criticized or accused and unless you have evidence otherwise if you don't like what you're watching and you want to call me out on it don't do it publicly because i will return it publicly and if you don't like that well don't do that rocket science clearly clearly somebody who exercises that kind of judgment doesn't really know the benefit of amd versus intel because if they can't understand basic human communication they don't really understand computers even though they think they do stephen clark says uh wow i am blue here's a donation for you thanks for all you do hey steven thank you is a 10 pound contribution tech canucks with five canadian dollars says kerry i really need more advice to open my own tech service i want to use my garage and open a shop like yours you know i get a lot of questions well first of all thank you for the contribution from stephen and tech canucks i get a lot of the questions of how do i start my own business i think the greatest resource is a website called i've had bryce witty on the show a couple times i've interviewed him and it's really the best single resource online that you can go for assistance and getting your business started how to get more business where to go to get advice from other business owners uh if you're already in business how to grow that business how to find customers they cover all of it there and most of the information is free but their subscription for the real good information is very very inexpensive and if you're serious about business it's an investment in yourself at the end of the day the one piece of advice i give people is don't worry about where you're going to be working from don't worry about what tools you have what chair you're sitting in what table you're going to use or that's all way too far ahead what you've got to do is find a computer to fix that's your first job and then fix it and whatever tools you need to fix it go get those tools and whatever space you need figure it out as you need it you're trying to anticipate what you need when you don't yet have the work go and get the work and that will dictate will that will resolve itself where you're going to work what tools you're going to use is the garage going to work is it not going to work it depends on the kind of work you end up doing you might for example do some work for somebody at their home and they go hey i really like the work you did i own a business and we have 15 or 20 computer whatever business and we're looking for a computer person are you interested and before you know it you don't have time to do anything but help that one client now suddenly you don't need the garage now you're going to be working over there they might even say hey we've got a space for you here you can use right we'll just we have a big office you can use that corner office and put whatever tools you need and projects in there and you know come here during business hours when we're here and that'll be your space and we've got plenty of work for you here you can fall into that and hopefully you do and that defines your whole business maybe they do a lot of work with quickbooks maybe they're just asking at quickbooks questions all day long and suddenly you're really good at quickbooks you didn't set out to be good at quickbooks but that's what the customer needed then you think hey i wonder how many other people need help with quickbooks now before you know it you're a quickbooks expert that makes you worth more money it doesn't require any special tools maybe software tools but it's mostly all up in here in experience so when you become you know when you have this niche you become more valuable now you're not just generic computer repair guy now you're a very specific kind of repair consider like a car repair shop that only works on volkswagens or a car repair shop that only works on maseratis you know what i'm saying when you're a specialist think of a doctor a general practitioner versus a neurologist when you compare the pay scale to a specialized to a specialist versus you know a general specialist generally gets more respect and is paid much better and the only way you get there is by taking the same first two steps which is you've got to go and get the work thinking about where you're going to work or what tools you're going to it's a waste of time it's like it's like you're spending all this time designing the cover of a book but you've not yet started writing the book designing the cover is the very last thing you do so for people that are sincere about wanting to get into business my advice is very clear go find some work go find a computer to fix and when you do that you'll find that everything falls into place you'll get the tools you need you'll get the experience that you get and uh and when you get your first one down find the second one yeah and then over time it starts to build momentum and eventually you will run into somebody or an opportunity which you may choose to seize upon or to walk away from which can alter the entire course of your business that you did not foresee and you would never have foreseen it but the only way you would have gotten the opportunity is by putting yourself out there not by talking about it but by actually doing it tech canucks has contributed five dollars again he says thank you for the website and information much appreciated i cannot say enough good things about tech nibble as a resource for self-employed texts there's also a number of podcasts like pod nuts tech vets that mike smith and i do where we share trials and tribulations and frustrations and challenges of being self-employed in the repair business also um there's a couple other good resources out there i can't think of what it is i just had it but but i will say oh oh uh msp unplugged uh jeff hallis and paco lebron uh all great resources but your one-stop shop that has everything contracts advice all of it in one that's technical and then if you want to listen to some podcasts uh pod nuts msp unplugged tech vets yeah you're gonna hear a lot of stories from a lot of people some people brand new just starting out some people have been in business for years um pod nets will interview anybody that has a computer repair business including yourself like everything is starting out and you just now started you want to go on the show they'll talk to you about it you know what are you thinking of doing what kind of business are you looking to do what's your plans how are you planning to achieve that and so they've brought on other people and you can benefit from listening to you can tell when somebody's driven you can tell just in the podcast you can you can hear that beginner you can hear the uncertainty and the misdirection not misdirection lack of direction that some some people will bring to the table because they like the idea of doing it but the the reality of it apparently they didn't get a whole lot of thought too does mike have his own channel like you do mike smith has the mike tech show at and he plans to retire i don't think of so to me when i hear the word retire i hear the word giving up i don't see the point in breathing if i'm not doing something to benefit my community if i'm not helping other people then i don't know why i'm here like to just sit around and consume the planet's resources until i get old and die that doesn't sound like fun to me it's not fulfilling well i would enjoy some time off i would hate to to retire because again to me saying i've retired is me saying i gave up i'm done and at that point i'm just waiting for death i would prefer to be working when death comes yeah i want to burn the car out i want to do donuts in it and i want to burn the engine up i don't just want it to sit in the garage and rot so retirement doesn't sound appealing to me whatsoever there's you've got to remember i'm doing what i choose to do i'm not working at some corporation at a job i hate waiting for that day i can retire and get a check um i have to work to keep the money coming in there's no big corporation that's going to be paying me a severance check but more importantly i do what i love doing will there come a day where i don't love doing it anymore i don't think so if you don't work for a living if you do what you love then there's no such thing as retiring it's like asking me if i'll ever stop loving what i do i don't think so it's a good question though and dom says and you're still young you know all you gotta do is hang around older people and to make you feel young well i appreciate everybody in in blue is uh taking care of those trolls today it's probably the same person just coming back with separate accounts so feel free to hide them today i'm feeling a little fast and loose with that hide button today so i'm not going to get on um on you guys on blue if you're being a little more aggressive than normal because it seems like the trolls are being a little more aggressive and they need to know their place they are guests here and um if they're not going to behave as a guest if they're going to come into my house and be disrespectful then they're going to get kicked out of my house so i appreciate you guys keeping an eye on my house thank you you have my permission everybody in blue if you even get a hint of somebody being troll like today just for today hide them immediately no more timeouts just get rid of them they're not benefiting us in any way they're not bringing us any value they're not doing anything for us other than being an unnecessary distraction so the sooner we snuff them out uh the better and i appreciate that you guys are staying on top of that because i haven't really seen any i've seen it maybe two or three so you guys are doing a great job i appreciate that unleash the ban hammer exactly yeah yes please do the sooner that they make themselves once we identify who they are the sooner we identify them better so they're doing it to themselves if they were smart they'd lay low abdulaziz patel with 14.44 cents i guess he doubled the 777. thank you abdul pc dr two's contributing five dollars he says are you using the computer you were working on in your last live stream to stream this broadcast no the streaming computer is the ryzen 3900x that you saw mitch and i build a couple months ago and it's my goal to replace it because it's acting up on me and it's really annoying so i'm looking forward to replacing it i would even i'm even considering momentarily if i get threadripper up and running using it as the streaming computer because even though it's a bit loud i feel like it needs to do some work it it's it owes me but not right not right now not yet ian mcloyd with two dollars says slancha slancha ian thank you red sheep patel with 2.99 says thanks to your videos i'm building a pc i love it i love to see people doing instead of talking about doing there's a lot of people talking about what they're going to do good for them then there's other people who are actually doing it and to those people i'm the most proud those are the folks the folks that actually do something that drive me that's my reward that's the greatest reward i get from doing this channel is when somebody says hey i just built a computer i just fixed a computer i just started a computer repair business because of you i changed my life and now i'm doing xyz but the key word is doing right the key word is they're doing something that is productive it is helpful to the community and they are feeling rewarded and fulfilled from doing the work that they enjoy doing and feel like they found something meaningful in their life and if i can help guide people to something meaningful there's no greater reward and then when somebody comes in here and they want to just kind of crap on everything just be glad you're not them as much as they might upset you just think for a moment aren't you glad you're not them aren't you glad that you don't wake up every day with this idea of what am i going to go and destroy today what am i going to be outraged at that has nothing to do with me let me stick my nose into somebody else's business on something that has no effect on me whatsoever and let me get upset by it so upset that i feel the need to intervene in something that's none of my business that's costing me no money that has no impact on my aren't you glad you don't have such a miserable existence that that's what your life amounts to because that's what you're seeing in the chat room from these trolls these people are miserable people they're just sad lonely miserable people so even though we're banning them and we feel like yeah you get what you deserve there's got to be a little part of you that recognizes it's so sad that is so sad but just take a moment the next time you ban a troll and just take a moment to feel bad that and feel feel good that you're not that you know understand no matter how bad you feel at least you're not that bad nothing makes me feel better than watching somebody who has uh nothing makes me feel more gratitude than watching somebody struggle with something that i take for granted every day right somebody who can't walk they have to deal with it right um i walk i don't think about it and when i see somebody who can't walk i think oh you know i was complaining about my legs hurting but now right so when you see those trolls and then they try to upset you just take a moment and think wow at least i'm not that right no matter how bad i might feel i can go lower because i just saw lower and just take a minute to just realize have a little self-gratitude and feel bad that those people are going through whatever the psychological issue is they're having and hopefully one day they'll come out of it but that's not your responsibility or my responsibility and if that's their form of entertainment and that's how they get some form of enjoyment that's even sadder like just when you think it can't get any worse so there's a great sense there it's a great service that those trolls can offer to help us be self-aware of just how lucky we are andrew says hello america from the uk welcome in andrew good to see you my friend robert says i've been building my own computers for years but i've learned so much from watching carrie for the past year or so right on robert thank you for the for the kind words i appreciate that so i will tell you this when you first start a youtube channel and this will give you an idea of gratitude when you first start a youtube channel you say well how am i going to get any viewers and it might be like well i'm not going to make a youtube video because i'm not going to have any viewers but then what happens if you do get viewers well what you're seeing in the chat room happens if you reach a certain level of success then you reach an equal level of people who don't know you who've decided they don't like you that you don't know who they are you've never met them in real life they only know what you choose to show them on your camera and that they feel they have the right and the authority to interfere with what you're doing and to try to act as an obstacle to your further success when all they're really doing is building you up more by talking about you and by uh whether it's one person creating a bunch of accounts all it's doing is adding to my views every view is more money they're putting money in my pocket they're making my view numbers go up and everything they're trying to do that they think is destroying me is building me up higher some of the worst things people can try to do to me with regards to popularity on youtube ends up making me more popular on youtube so you've got to be very careful what you ask for if you want to hit a million subscribers you've got to know what's going to come along with that there's going to be some abuse there's going to be some psychological warfare and for no reason just because of somebody's idea of fun and you can say wow that's great that means i'm making progress i've achieved that level of progress because before nobody was watching my videos which would you prefer gratitude i'm very lucky that so many trolls or one very stubborn slow person uh thinks it's so important it's a priority in their life that they have to keep interjecting in the chat that means i'm making it in fact i would think the more trolls there are the more popular i am so if there were no trolls at all i guess there wouldn't be many as many people watching more people watching is all that youtube cares about whether or not those people are watching out of anger or watching out of entertainment still pays the same if they didn't watch it all then that would cost me money but the very fact that they're interacting is paying me so even though it's not the interaction that i want in my chat room and you guys are snuffing them out real quick and i appreciate that i want you to understand that you've got to be careful what you ask for in this world because it may come with some [Music] items you you know there may be some tag along items that come along with it there's sort of uh what's the word i want the side effects right you take a pill to cure a thing but it says but it may cause diarrhea and abdominal cramps you know so you might get popular and you have some people that show up that try and tear you down but at least they know who i am at least it's my channel they're coming to i'm not going to their channel they know my name i don't know their name that's why they're nobody that's all the point i'm trying to make because if they were actually doing something like making a video for their own youtube channel they wouldn't have time to jump in here and and and try and mess about but the fact that they are is increasing my popularity it's increasing my paycheck and the bigger the channel gets the more of that i'm going to get which means the more views i'm going to get which means the more money i'm going to get so that's some punishment but again what's the alternative the alternative is that nobody watches the videos you know i mean if if a troll can figure out how to make everybody stop watching my videos uh they'll have my greatest respect but until a troll can actually do that they're nobody a couple of contributions come in let me give a couple shots out aaron werner with a dollar ninety-nine says carrie you're doing a great job love the channel tom jackson there he is seven dollars and seventy seven cents he says here's for some coke and crisps right now tom mike schmelzer's contributed 25 dollars he says hey thank you for all you do your videos are helpful and inspirational well thank you thank you mike uh susan harris with two dollars said i'm using your amazon page on every purchase now thank you susan and there's uh reverend john o'toole says which is faster a samsung m.2 and a second slot at half speed or a samsung ssd connected with a sata cable well an m2 connected at half speed should run at nearly twice the speed of a sata connection so the sata cable is going to be your slowest you're going to reach about 550 megabytes a second uh a half speed m.2 meaning uh a buy two instead of a um instead of a by four because we're pcie gen three by four on the intel boards and most of the amd boards except for the x570 so your pcie gen 3x4 is going to move about 3 600 megabytes per second half of that at by two you'd be sitting anywhere from 18 i'd say 1200 1800 depending on there's some variables that play there which is still more than double uh what a static connection can do so thank you for the contribution john and thank you for the question uh susan and mike and tom and aaron and rex sheet thank you guys uh for supporting the channel dayday says hey carrie i'm a big fan from germany may i ask you what could it be causing all sorts of blue screens of death and total random moments it's usually bad ram usually if you have more than one ram module turn the computer off remove all but one and then run the computer i've got a video here showing how to test your memory with a program called mem test and i would suggest you watch that and also put all your bio settings back to default if you're doing any overclocking just reset the bios back to default settings or optimized default settings and then think about when the problem started what did you change could you install anything remove anything put any new drivers on get any updates it's important to know when the problem started because that can help you identify with the cause of the problem much faster but in general random blue screens of death are more often than not caused by bad or incompatible memory all right we've got about 1300 people watching from around the world if you want to give a shout out where you're watching from i always love to see where people are watching these videos in what country are are you in where are you located give us a shout out i don't want your address but if you're in the united states what state are you in if you're in another country what country are you in shout out glenn's music with five australian dollars that i just arrived do i dare rewind the video to see what i missed or should i enjoy everything from this point forward uh you missed nothing it's just me going off on a rant it'll all be cut out and editing everything i've done up into this point just snip it right out of there michael dain with 20 bucks says i just want to say thank you for being you and your channel the great help when needed here's twenty dollars to go get some coke and pizza michael you're the man thank you and arvid belarus has contributed 100 norwegian corona he says put some money on carrie you're on fire tonight he just got home from work thank you arvid thanks for the contribution look at people watching from louisiana vermont and australia we've got folks watching from lewiston maine st lucia in the west indies fife scotland liverpool in the uk idaho and switzerland in the house as well as cumbria in the uk there's italy ohio austria scotland wyoming wisconsin georgia dallas el salvador st louis missouri and uh again the buckeye state ohio federal way washington pittsburgh pennsylvania more from sweden and algeria portugal exeter in the uk texas idaho oregon the country of trovania salina kansas syracuse new york toronto canada chicago [Music] massachusetts florida new york city wiltshire in the uk dundalk ireland virginia charlotte north carolina romania troy illinois right on look at it's all over the world it's so freaking amazing travel diary says hello from greece welcome in thank you old man 55's in arkansas paul joins us from london matt is in charlotte north carolina walters watching us from chile chile wayne watches us from new jersey and more from arkansas and ohio mitch hammond's joining us from hanover pennsylvania hey mitch good to see you i remember mitch watching uh used to hang out in the old radio show days right mitch and you had your your podcast what's going on you kind of disappeared for a while it's good to see you back west bloomfield michigan all right that's close to home that is really close to home scott hallinan joins us from new zealand brendan joins us from swansea and wales in the uk right on edgar says he's watching from my backyard well that explains all the blood around the dog's lips bob shoemaker's contributed ten dollars he says hey carrie thanks for the help today i just finished the build it's all working great making a powerpoint of the build i will send to you that's great bob i'd like to see it thank you you know for uh bob followed one of the videos here on making a video um making a computer making a video and he had a little problem with it got it sorted and he was just ready to let me know juan lopez joins us from paraguay joining us from croatia mitch says i'm retired now i'm just staying home playing guitars not mitch morrison it's mitch hammond it's a different different mitch donald says he's in southern sunny northern california good to see you carrie hey donald thank you good glad that you're joining us thanks for shouting out where you're watching from poco says they're watching from manitoulin island in ontario canada correct sheep hotels is in lumberton north carolina terrell's in cadillac michigan bullet tubes in rochester new york you know who's from rochester new york mitch morrison no he's from rochester michigan rochester new york that's lou graham the lead singer of foreigner look at me i'm just a walking bowl of useless trivia it was a recent article i'm going to share with you and then we'll get some work done maximum pc magazine i'm going to read this word for word this is a review on intel's core i5 10600 k and the article states uh undoubtedly the i5s of this world are the most popular of intel cpus the most sought after these mid-range chips have often provided an astonishingly good value proposition for those not looking to render anything at lightning speed they have been and still are by far the go-to chip of choice for the gamer why is that well it all comes down to impressive single core performance balanced perfectly with power draw thermals and cost get all the gaming prowess of a core i7 or an i9 but with 50 percent off the ladder's retail price tag for the longest time in intel's world of quad core dominance the main difference between the core i5 and the core i7 product lines was one simple addition hyper threading the logic at the time as far as recommendations were concerned was simple if you use your machine as part of your workday and multi-threaded applications were key to that then the core i7 was the processor to pick if you didn't and it was used solely for gaming the core i5 was the best solution for everything else there was the core i3 now nothing really changed from its first to its 9th generation architectures until now yep we finally crossed that sacred threshold intel's latest core i5 10600 k comes with hyper threading giving you access to six cores and 12 threads in fact mimicking its amd rivals every single processor bar the very low end acceleron parts in comic like features in comic lake features hyper threading as standard so whatever the core account you can effectively double it for better performance in applications that benefit from more threads so what does that mean well this core i5 10600k is almost equivalent to the core i7 8700k launched back at the end of october in 2017. in single core performance it clocks up to 4.8 gigahertz turbo 200 megahertz faster than its three-year-old predecessor and it doesn't stop there either with a new wider chip design thus the new socket and better solder thermal interface material between the die and the integrated heat spreader the core i5 10 600k is about 10 degrees cooler too and cheaper at 262 dollars instead of the core i7 8700 k's 359 dollars but this isn't 2017 and the landscape has evolved dramatically intel's biggest competition for this generation of core i5 is amd's ryzen 5 3600x and that's no slouch either right off the bat support for pcie 4.0 gives amd the edge certainly in terms of future proofing and its refined architecture and 7 nanometer manufacturing process has helped sharpen up the low single core ipc figures we saw when ryzen first launched in our testing things perhaps fell where you might expect amd ryzens amd's ryzen 5 3600x held the high ground when it came to any multi-threaded task only losing out in single core performance this is in part down to amd leaning heavily into pbo to keep the turbo speeds up across all of its cores for longer and in part due to a better optimization and multi-threaded applications the precision boost overdrive pvo although game changing at the time hyper threading just isn't quite as efficient as amd's multi-threading and in areas where we typically see intel shore up victories thanks to its impressive single core performance amd starts clawing back some results with it being only five percent slower it's only five percent slower amd in applications such as fry render and tech arps x264 in games however the pure grunt of intel single core performance and extensive optimization shines through with a solid six to seven percent performance bump noticeable in both of our testing titles we're also seeing lower temperatures on our core i5 10 600k than the competition and yet lower power draw on ryzen it's a whole mixed bag the two chips are very impressive and very similar but there's one caveat and that's the price right now amd's readjusted its processors to capitalize on intel's new launch and we're seeing the ryzen 5 3600x available for just 200 down from the 250 it originally debuted at it's not a huge drop but if you combine that with the included cooler and the peace of mind knowing you have pcie 4.0 compatibility and it certainly delivers a blow to the i5 but if you're dead set on intel and if you're after a new gaming processor that you can dabble in multi-threaded apps then intel's core i5 still represents good value however the reality is that amd's ryzen 5 3600x is just better for the money and the better recommendation if you care at all about future proofing that's from zach's story zack is the editor of maximum pc magazine and i think uh i've been talking to zach and i want to bring him on and interview him because he's only been in the industry for five years five years and he's already the editor i mean that's an incredible accomplishment and i can't wait to interview and learn more about him he's in the uk and uh he's not visiting he's that's where he lives uh it's where he's born and imagine where you could be five years from today could you be editing a computer magazine well zach has done it he started writing doing tech journalism and it has led him to that position just woke up one day and said that's what i want to do and five years later look at how much he's accomplished look at what he has achieved in just five years time if that's not inspirational i don't know what is and what a great well-rounded article we're not really pairing sides here we're not saying this one is absolutely better than this one we're saying you know depending on your mindset your value system you may you know helping define those differences so you can align your value system to make the purchase that's right for you but neither chip is better i i love the way that article is written it's very very well done frankie b's contributed 50 dollars thank you frankie he says hello from brooklyn new york there's a little something something for the channel keep up the good job bro hey thank you frankie reverend john o'toole again with a five dollar contribution says is a pure sine wave inverter better to run computer equipment than a modified sine wave off the utility grid well the important thing really is that you understand you're using consumer-grade equipment that was designed to run off the power grid this isn't specialty laboratory equipment and so i don't think the average business or home user is going to see a difference in either case we reach a certain point of technical minutia that really only matters when you're dealing with experimental or research type designs once something has been released for consumer use it's pretty well bulletproof with regards to that you know whether it's uh because they do sell power inverters and ups that can it's all marketing at this point right they're trying trying to instill in you uh a reason to spend more money when it's power supplies don't require it motherboard doesn't require it your power supply is doing all the work your power supply is not going to last any longer because of a you're running off of a a pure sine wave versus you know a modified it's not going to make a difference no it's just not a requirement and when it's engineered designed and built it's built to be plugged into the wall by the average joe it's not built to be plugged in by professor scientist rocketship guy who's you know creating a quantum computing nano computer it's just that's for them you know what i mean so that's really sort of overthinking it i'd save your money for what that would cost you you could probably buy another power supply if that's ultimately the end of the day and we're not keeping computers that long anyway right i mean it's not like i've had this computer for 50 years we'll pass it on to my kids most people don't have computers or technology long enough that that would ever become an issue but thank you for the contribution thank you for the question of course frankie and bob arvid michael glenn's music thank you guys again for supporting the channel so what i need to do is um is tear this thing down i have to say i really like i like how this cooler installs i like that the screws are right here on the outside i like that it can only be installed in in one direction it's a benefit finally a benefit to amd socket design at least on threadripper although it's similar you know these two screws are wider these two screws are closer together uh same on am4 sockets with the ryzen chips the regular you know non-thread ribber chips this is a much larger heatsink because the threadripper chip in and of itself is a big chip well i'll just show it to you tearing this down is relatively simple because this nzxd case was really well thought out when they made it at the time i'd never used an nzxt case like this before and i was blown away if you go back and watch the original build video of this which is linked in the video notes below you'll see my reaction to just how easy everything was above and beyond what i was anticipating and and just taking this off you know super easy now it is going to be heavy and normally you would want to do this with the computer laying completely flat so it doesn't fall when i take this last screw out this is a big heavy heat sink i don't want it to fall it could damage not only itself but anything that hits on the way down so ideally you work with the system completely flat what's holding me up something is oh we got a cable up here that's pretty so you have a power cable there i mean behind the graphics card looks like we've got a power cable you'll see that big area there that's our cpu it's gigantic and i guess i'm gonna have to take the video card out which i was gonna do first but i didn't realize because this has rgb it's got another power connector plugged in over here and now it's going to be a trick for me to hold this in one hand and take the graphics card out with the other and this just kind of comes along you know it's a big chip it's going to need a big cooler and i don't have any complaints about this cooler other than it's you know it's kind of loud but it does seem to be doing a pretty good job at cooling and it is the quietest as loud as it is it's still the quietest one i put on thready and if we remove there's three screws that hold this graphics card and this takes up three slots this monstrosity i'm pretty sure when i turn this thing on and this pop the this video card powers up i think my neighbor's lights dim a little bit i don't think it's the most power friendly graphics card and the performance on it i'm only hitting about 7 000 a little over 7 000 on the time spy benchmark and to give you some perspective i can hit over 6 000 with a uh a 1660 ti graphics card which sold sells currently for about 25 percent of what i paid for that card but again when this card was available the 1660 didn't exist now should we just pop this bad boy out so this is the sapphire nitro vega 64. it's a beast as far as weight in size so much in performance but it's a hungry beast so in the back here we've just got a regular sata power cable that powers the rgb on the back of this cooler and i want to wipe all that thermal compound down now with a paper towel just because it gets messy moving parts around and if i don't clean it up now it's probably going to end up on me so i just take a moment and this isn't prepping it for a new installation because i'll use rubbing alcohol and a q-tip to clean it but what this what this does is it gets the bulk of it off of there from getting on my hands and my counter etc you see that's a pretty large surface area when you compare to a normal desktop cpu and as i mentioned amd does not make a cooler they don't make a reference cooler so you're kind of stuck with whatever the third-party manufacturers that have designed for amd uh decide that they want to manufacture right well that's up to their imagination or their manufacturing capabilities and as such you have very limited choices when it comes to cooling when compared with you know a standard desktop processor from you know a standard core processor from intel or even the regular ryzen series of chips that are non-redriver chips and it's such a large chip i'm having to use two paper towels just to get all of the thermal compound off of this chip it's just it's a lot it requires a lot now remember this is a first generation ship and they've supposedly been significantly improved and i don't doubt that one bit first generation is generally um going to be problematic that's just it's true of anything i don't i when the camaro was introduced reintroduced in 2010 i knew i wasn't going to buy one that was a 2010 model i just knew it was going to have problems and i didn't want to be a pioneer and it wasn't like they were offering the car at a discount because it was a new model it's quite the opposite there's a waiting list you've got to put a deposit down and then when it's your turn you can come get your bucket of bolts that you can then work with the manufacturer on resolving all the different issues now that's not to say that you know a camaro you buy today wouldn't have a problem it's just that the teething that occurs on anything new generally it's it's for people that want to be first it's for people that want to be different i want to have something other people don't have and that means you know if it's a new a new car as at the time in 2010 the camaro was brand new you didn't see too many of them on the road and so it drew a lot of attention if you like to draw attention to yourself then you know you pay for that as you would with lamborghini or any any other sort of exclusive car now to get this chip out i guess i'm gonna have to move this camera because you guys can't see very well to get this chip out it uses a torque screwdriver torx screwdriver and there's screws two screws on the bottom one screw on the top and then the whole chip is gonna slide out of there and that requires a tool and when you buy the cpu it comes with this tool and if i did everything right i should have put the tool in the original motherboard box because it's the only time you'll ever use it no other computer hardware on the market uses this tool and it's an important tool so back here in my office i've got the motherboard box and i'm hoping if i stay organized that i put the tool in here i don't know that i did to be honest i always emphasize to you guys that anytime i'm building a machine that has parts left over and every machine has parts left over whether it's spare screws or brackets for the case uh the cover for the socket whatever it is i keep it in the original motherboard box for most people even if you only have one computer the problem becomes finding the box so i have a system because i work with so many computers it would be very easy for me to disassociate which parts go where if i didn't have ocd so we're going to test my ocd right now i hope it's in here i can do i can just use any torx bit that's that size but ideally if you want to make sure you're doing it right you want to use the one that's included because it'll it's already set to a special a certain torque specification which again i could emulate that i could look up what the torque spec is and emulate it but if i use the tool i don't have to do any of that i just use the tool so looking in the box we've got the documentation for this cooler that's the the lick tech that we took out of there don't use that anymore and that's a bracket for that too we got a bridge to hook up a couple of video cards together i've got the big power cable in here look at that monster of a power cable i hope the tool's in here we've got some kind of a allen wrench doohickey thing majig we've got let's see case instructions cpu slot cover oh oh got it so this is the tool it says red ripper right on it and it comes in the box with the processor and it will click when you hit a certain torque setting not sure what size bit that is i can't remember but all those specifications and stuff are all online it's not a secret and let me put this away this is the board we've got now which is the i thought this was asus this is a gigabyte x399 ars gaming 7. was i thinking that was asus i don't remember it doesn't matter that's what it is and uh then what i think i'll do is it'll just take all the m.2 drives and ram out of this because obviously i don't have any use for this board and i need to use the ram and m.2 drives on the new board so we're just going to pull all the cables so our front port umbilicals our front usb the front port audio that's all these cables down here on the bottom we're just going to pull those for right now and then they'll be reattached wherever they go with the oh i see my confusion i'm trying to figure out why this bracket came off you see the graphics card the graphics card is three slots wide it's kind of hard to tell but it only uses two of the screws but you see this part here this covers that's where this one this one's gonna go like that so this card even though it's only two screws i took out three because it's three slots wide it only two screws secure it which i think is a terrible terrible thing because it's a big heavy card and i think it if it's going to take up three slots anyway they should have given me the extra securing point batting the extra screw just for keeping the card stable okay so let me take the ram out this is the corsair vengeance ram i put in recently in an attempt to fix this this is good ram and the specifications on this ram are right there if the computer will if the camera will focus there we go and we've got four sticks of that so we can have a quad channel running and for right now we'll just stack it over here out of the way and that's brand new memory i don't think i've had this memory a month yet and again another attempt to trying to get this machine to work it's about the fourth set of memory i put in here we got our big 24 pin power cable to the board which we'll just move aside like so and then finally oh i've got to get the m.2 drives out of there and for that i'll use my jis driver now these are all 500 gigs which are small but two years ago they were about all i could afford to do and it was really for an experiment for running raid 0 with uh you know as fast as m.2s were and it's not the lesson was it's not worth it it's not m.2 drives are already so fast especially you know if you focus on pcie generation 4 that it just makes this very impractical though there's a point of diminishing returns that's reached and even though you could see some really nice benchmark numbers the reality is for most of us in the way that we use computers it's difference is milliseconds it's literally just milliseconds faster so for what it costs and for the complicated nature of setting up the rate array and all the difference four different settings in the bios that have to be set and you have to restart the computer after you enable one of the settings in order for the other settings to even become available to change and every time you update the bios you have to repeat that it just sort of like well why bother for milliseconds now that's not to say that nobody will benefit from it but most most end users won't notice a significant difference because it's again a point of diminishing returns so we've got one of the m.2s there and then we've got another m.2 under here and you can only do this with redripper or you know x299 because if you have a regular desktop mdot like an am4 or socket 1151 you don't have enough channels to the cpu to benefit from a raid zero it'll only make it go slower so there's two of our m.2s right there and then our last one is right up here there we go and you can see just breaking this down it's pretty quick no big deal there's our third one right there okay i've got the antenna screwed on and i guess i could leave it but i'm going to go ahead and pull this off this antenna really threw me because it doesn't have any any um bolts or nuts on the end of it to screw it down it just pushes in and it locks in and i thought that was defective i thought well they sent me one without the i've never before or since seen wi-fi connectors that don't have the screw-on ability this looks like it was just manufactured incorrectly but it does snap in which is weird and it does work so i'm guessing i haven't really had time to look into it but i'm guessing that's by design now as for taking out the cpu well first i'll show you the drives it's not too often i get to hold three m.2s like this it's kind of unusual you know that one build would have these um these three if i can hold it right side up 960 evos 500 gigs apiece and honestly an a data 2 terabyte xpg 8100 will run faster than these will and be 25 larger all in one drive but this was two years ago and this was i think those were three or four hundred dollars a piece back then now as far as getting the cpu out they generally want you to remove or rather unscrew or tighten the screws in a specific order which is generally and again i want to keep emphasizing the word generally generally emphasized in both tightening and loosening in the documentation for the motherboard now we can look that up online or you can just go to our motherboard box and find the manual for the board because you think well what difference does it make i'm just unscrewing it well it can make a difference in that one screw may not turn or may not it may turn but it may never you may be stuck it'll just sit there and spin and it won't loosen and that's when you go oh i guess that's why they wanted me to do that in a certain order so if you look i mean i'm only on right in the beginning of the manual and they've already highlighted it says screw number one and then two and then three and it's important it is critically important that you tighten in that order and so it makes sense then we would also remove in that order so based on this it wants me to start on the left on the lower left loosen that one then loosen this one and then loosen the top one last we do it exactly the opposite of how we put it in so we start on the one on the left i'm going to just break it free break that one free and then i'll break that one free now i can go ahead and remove or completely unscrew this this one you hear it click that's because it's the screw is hitting the end of the socket and it has nowhere to back any further out so it's getting pushed back against it and these aren't very deep screws you don't have to turn them very long and we take that last one out and the whole bracket just opens like this it's almost like any other bracket on any other cpu but just a lot larger and then this whole piece should swing out there's these little blue i know how well the camera can pick it up but there's these blue tabs and it's a the delicate socket is underneath the socket by the way mimics intel's design i think that's pretty interesting that when in when amd wanted to make serious high-end processors they put the pins in the socket they saw the they saw the benefit of intel's design there and obviously borrowed from that which they don't do on their desktop systems but intel does and you know there's pros and cons to each way you can see there's still quite a bit of thermal compound around those edges that i couldn't get to while it was in the socket and this orange frame is a part of the cpu you don't do not take that off that is a part of the cpu it is a part of form and function it is not to be removed and i want to just take another paper towel at that and try and wipe up some of that excess thermal compound knowing full well that when i put it into the new board it's just going to have two thermal thermal compound go right back there but this stuff is probably two years old right because when i changed the coolers i never took the um i never took the cpu out and there's quite a bit of thermal material because it's a big cpu so if we look at the you see how much is coming off on this and then of course i will use a q-tip and some denatured alcohol to give it a good thorough cleaning before i go or reapply any thermal compound to it but i want to get these edges real good right now before i put it back in socket not a whole lot of heat's being dissipated off the edges so that's not important that we get that with you know rubbing alcohol on a q-tip but i would like to get the old thermal material off of there this stuff just gets everywhere yeah just it just i mean a lot there's a lot of thermal material just off the edges of that chip but that's our chip that's our 1950x a couple years old now and you can see it's pretty big it's pretty big if you're curious about that underside i was talking about the mimicked intel there you can see it looks just like the bottom of an intel processor same exact design and it should tell you something the message to get from that is clearly that's the way of the future when when ryzen is threadripper is supposed to be the advancement of the chip this is the feature of the chip then you know amd is heading in that direction with their consumer stuff you watch you'll see but their commitment to the am4 socket means that they cannot do that yet but that's where they're going and there's nothing good or bad about it it's just an interesting observation and nothing more i still can't believe how much thermal material is coming up on this crazy all right so with this removed now and i'll keep it upside down i can put this back in here like so why is it not closing it's kind of spring loaded i guess huh and did i keep the little socket protector i should have it should be in here somewhere let's see i guess i can put the antenna in here since we're not going to be using that on this build anymore um i've got a g connector in um there this is the support bracket for the video card yeah because that's a thing um sata cables pci slot covers there should be somewhere in here a protective cover for that socket hmm i thought i thought i saw it when i first opened this up these are all the spare screws and stuff for the case and it's important when i if this new motherboard works well then i need to take everything out of this box that stays with the case so like this pci slot covers this is an old cooler bracket we're not going to need that anymore because that's from the all-in-one that we had at one point there's power supply cables in here that'll get moved over if the new motherboard works ah here it is so this is the little slot cover that i was talking about and this just replicates the cpu okay so you've got the cpu and then you've got basically a dummy cpu you'll see they're both very similar this just fills the hole if you will that the cpu goes in so we would take this bracket down again put it up too soon and then slide the cover in just like you would the cpu with the the bulge facing outwards and this is spring loaded and it's not inserted correctly because you could see the side is coming out so i must have done that wrong there it goes okay much better i think and it goes all the way down and then when we push this up it should lock in and then we can bring this back up and then tighten it again it'll tighten and and this point it isn't that important except that you can strip the screws out so we're going to keep it to the spec which is the top one hear that click that's your torque setting then two and then three you see i don't know that this board is bad so i don't want to abuse it or toss it or be careless with it simply because i'm having a bad experience with the computer for all i know there's something else wrong i don't know that it's the motherboard this board may be fine so you'll see i'm still going to treat it respectfully and carefully because it's an expensive motherboard and if it's possible there's nothing wrong with it then it can be reused or resold or you know assuming that you've handled it with care throughout the process of installation and removal now i'm going to close the retention levers down on the ram and we've got our standard fairly standard mounting screws on the board it looks like we've got one mounting point here we've got a mounting point over here we've got one over here we've got one over here actually i'm gonna leave that one in and i'm gonna take the two out from the top there we go and the reason i did that is so the board doesn't just fall out so if i just left like that screw in down there then the top of the board could come down and it could crack if i'm not careful so by keeping the one in the middle attached then i can kind of look to see if i'm missing any it looks like there's no screws down the center of this board it looks like it's only being mounted on the edges the left edge in the right edge i don't see anything in the middle there's a post here that centers it it's the only one in the middle i can see it's been such a long time since i built it i just don't remember so now when i take out the last screw in theory the board can just fall straight out and when you do this you should be laying the case flat so that you don't have those concerns right because gravity will keep it in place because i'm trying to show you what i'm doing i'm leaving the case up right but this is not how you should be working on it but you notice i kept my hand on the heat sink i don't have to worry about any electrostatic discharge because it's just a big heat sink here and i'm holding the board up just in case it were to fall and now i can test it test its removal because if there's a screw i'm missing it won't come out very easily but if i've gotten if i've removed all the screws it should just come right out but i'm hitting a part right here it seems like it's still stuck so that suggests to me that i've missed a screw somewhere in the middle i don't see it it's got to be oh i see it now it is right underneath the heatsink right here so again i want to make sure especially now that i've loosened the board hold on to one of the heatsinks so that that board doesn't fall out it's heavy and if it falls and i don't catch it it's probably going to damage itself and again you shouldn't be working with the tower upright you should be laying it down so you won't have that issue now that should just come so here's our old board and one of the things you'll see when i was uh the other day when i was working on it the little plastic clip came off right here you see down here you see there's a clip you see these clips retention levers whatever you want to call them that one came out and it's not a required part however i couldn't be bothered to put it back in and here's the thing when those come off they usually don't break they usually just they snap in and out of place i'll demonstrate that for you this is the part and you'll see i've kept it i know exactly where it is this is what it looks like and if you look at the motherboard and you look at the orientation of the way that those clips face if you were to do this to your motherboard and you want to put the clip back then all you have to do and it's easy with the motherboard out is rotate it so that it looks like i can show you on the camera that's the top right so if we align that with the slot which is right there it should it's a little difficult for me to do this on camera but if you align it right you'll feel it it just locks right see it's in there now just like that it didn't break it's just that the little snaps it snaps in place and it just unsnapped and we were pulling the graphics card out and i just left it out but it didn't break just goes right back on so anyway just fyi you don't have to freak out you don't have to panic if something like that were to happen and it is not a necessary component i i wouldn't be comfortable shipping a computer without that part in because it helps secure the graphics card but unless you're moving the computer around it's not like the card's just going to come out on its own you have to jostle it in some way shape or form to get that loose so that's all it takes to pulling it all apart we've got the cpu the ram and the m.2 drives everything's been disconnected and it's not a big deal uh let's see what we got here going on in the chat well i've had my back to you a couple of contributions have come in maddie ul contributes 20 bucks says hello hey marty and it contributes another five dollars says best chat in the world right on monty thank you michael hiriko contributes two dollars thank you michael and hugh wong with a 99 cent contribution all contributions big and smaller all appreciated it all adds up and i appreciate just the kindness of people in the chat we've got about 1400 people watching live around the world right now and it's it's really great to see a community of like-minded folks from all over the world who are all getting along and making friends is uh it's just a cool thing to uh what's the word i want to sort of i can't think of the word to just be able to to see it you know to be a part of it to allow the opportunity for this to exist to care take it to uh ah there's a word for it [Laughter] carrie go get mitch yeah i could have used his help for sure uh thanks you guys for the support thanks for the for sharing kindness in the chat room with each other i think that's just really awesome now with that um the new motherboard should be interesting this as i mentioned was a return to board and so it was nearly a hundred dollars off retail price and i have to say i would normally be a little nervous about using some some component that's as important as a motherboard if it was used but my experience on amazon is that most of every not most every return motherboard that i have purchased has been perfect it's just apparently whoever bought it didn't know what they were doing or they bought the wrong part i mean who knows why the part was returned but it's cheaper now the only part because amazon will tell you if we don't guarantee that everything will be in the box and i'm like well i need the motherboard i need the i o shield anything else i could care less about on these high-end boards the i o shield is a part of the motherboard so that's not even a concern and on top of that i have never gotten a motherboard used off amazon that didn't have the i o shield despite the disclaimer that it might it doesn't say the i o shield may not be included says that we're only selling you the board basically and that any you know instructions may be missing or other little parts may be missing but there's no other part you should need other than the i o shield and they wouldn't sell the motherboard if the motherboard wasn't included so anything else is you know you're going to get the screws you need from your case manufacturer sata cables who you know who even uses sata anymore everything's m.2 and if you wanted to buy sata cables you could it's not the end of the line and again every used motherboard i've purchased from amazon so far has had all of that stuff i can't determine anything that's been missing now i've heard a lot of good things about the tai chi boards from asrock but they've been priced out of my league until now here's what the box looks like got some fancy packaging because you know that's important jason baum contributes five dollars says love the tai chi line good quality and a cool steampunk look i'm all about steampunk i'll take it more importantly does it work that's my main concern so as you're witnessing again live and unscripted on youtube i'm going to pet the tape on this box and i want to emphasize that while i have never opened the box clearly somebody at amazon did and the customer did so here's hoping everything's in there but you can see again live and unscripted i'm experiencing what you should expect to experience if you were to do the things i'm doing right if you were to order this board the way i did from amazon warehouse to save some money is that an ideal thing to do well if you're a technical person yes if you're doing your first build no why would you do that to yourself now somebody who's a technical person can probably work around whatever challenges they would know for example if something were missing right away versus a first-time builder might reach a point of the build where the instructions say to get this part and plug it in you'll say i don't have that so you don't want to buy used products or refurbished products if you're a first time builder and you probably wouldn't want to go super high-end on your first build maybe take it down a notch set yourself a nice build that's not too complicated get that experience under your belt boost your confidence and then if you feel like you're ready to take on you know level two then take it up a notch and do a little more complex of a build or maybe even you know take it up to level three and go for something like this but starting out at level three and especially starting out with any used component at all is going to confuse you potentially as to whether or not you did something wrong or you lost a part or the part was bad see i don't know why this was returned i don't know maybe it's bad i don't know what amazon does to test it quite frankly i don't know how good their testing is i know i can return it real easy so that's where my confidence comes from and i don't have a customer waiting for it customer was waiting for it i wouldn't have this luxury likewise if you're building for yourself those same considerations apply there's two boxes in here there's the main motherboard box and then there's another box of uh some parts in there so let me set this somewhere put it where put it running out of room we'll just set it here for you okay here's our board bioshield is not built in look at that look at that no built-in i o shield that's interesting so hopefully there's an io shield in the box um i don't see any m.2 heatsinks like the gigabyte board had we've got m.2 here and here and here so this also has three m.2 slots just like gigabytes but they don't have heat sinks the only point of the heatsink on an m.2 drive ultimately is for looks aesthetics it doesn't really do much as far as cooling goes it just makes it look cooler but that's our board it's a it's heavy too but the other board was heavy so they seem pretty identical come to think come to mention it now the i o shield's not built into this one either we've got to pop that one out and that's going to go you know that's the gigabyte one there and these are not interchangeable you can't take the i o shield from one board and put it onto another board it's nowhere near going to it's just not going to align so that's why the io shield is important the machine will run without it like this case here it doesn't even have a space for you to put an i o shield the whole back is open it's an open design case but that means children's hands can can get in there peanut butter sandwiches can get in there more small animals can get in there bugs cockroaches spiders dog hair cat hair human hair can all go into this case which is you know in some environments the exact opposite of what you need and as a result not having a rear i o shield doesn't make much difference but on a regular computer case which would normally be sealed without having this then you've got this open area where it opens invitation to fingers and bugs and spiders and their undesirable effects that pretty much want to keep away generally speaking from your tech now here's hoping i have an io shield in here let's see what they've included they've given us a couple of m.2 screws it really seems like amazon is including these screws even from other boards that don't have m.2 drives it's almost like it's become such a popular missing item that they're just making sure that any return board gets these tapes to this to the lid then in here look at this we have an io shield and look it's completely sealed it's never been opened now it's not like amazon's got these laying around this suggests to me whoever bought this board never installed it because that's it's this is this i o shield is specific to this motherboard only it's not like amazon that sells hundreds of different models of motherboards has these labeled in such a way that they can have just these pieces no way so that tells me that the whoever ordered this board it looks like they never used it and then in this side of it we've got our documentation we've got a bridge to bridge two graphics cards together and once again the manual which should identify again the tightening order remember the wrench comes with the cpu not with the motherboard so everything appears to be there we've got antennas for the wi-fi and if i look right here in the beginning of the manual we should see the same recommended tightening sequence for the cpu there's our directions showing how to slot the thread ripper chip in and there's a tutorial video with a qr code it's a nice touch for people that want to do that and as far as tightening goes it shows here a b and c which follows the exact this is not coincidence that is the exact order that they want that cpu installed per amd you always tighten the top one first then the bottom right then the bottom left until the torque wrench clicks and you've hit your torque specification so that's a heck of a manual i mean that is of course it's in what appears to be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 different languages so really that's our manual right there in english and then it goes to to dutch and then french and then italian and then spanish and then what appears to be russian is that russian i don't know what language that is but then there's portuguese turk and then it appears to be perhaps mandarin and cantonese i would guess i don't know oh there's all the languages right on the front that's why the book is so thick don't let the don't let the thickness of the instruction manual intimidate you because the actual part that's in the language you can read is just about one tenth that's all it is now whether or not i want to install the board first or put the chip in i kind of feel like this would be a good time to put the chip in and i noticed on the motherboard just now it even numbers those screws around the socket see the first one says one and then the lower right one says two with an arrow pointing down and the lower left says three that's how critically important i cannot underscore this enough and i've had people write in to me seriously and they said uh you know those instructions that say you should tighten those things in a certain order well they're not kidding i stripped mine out and i'm telling you in the hopes that you'll tell your viewers that's not something advisable it's absolutely critical that you follow that tightening order because it costs them a lot of money because the manufacturer says hey that's not our fault you broke it so i'm going to start i think what do i want to do let's flip this box over in the hopes that you might be able to see a little better and i'm going to loosen in the exact opposite order right so we're going to go three and then two and again when you hear that the clacking sound that's because the bolt can't go any further out and it looks like amazon only tightened number one because two and three were loose and you probably can't see anything there it goes that's spring loaded see that and this one will also be spring-loaded when i pull these blue tabs you see that the socket looks like it's in great shape we'll slide the protective cover out and then we can slide the cpu in this gets to be a little bit tricky in that you want to orient the orange frame around the cpu into this very thin effectively it's a frame itself but there's little catches that you want to make sure that it's resting on to ensure that it's seated correctly and it looks like i nailed it on the first try but what i'm looking at are the grooves if you see the black frame of where i've just installed the cpu and what can happen is it'll slide out like through the sides and this is where people can have seating issues with their thread rippers is over that you want to watch this black well in this motherboard this part is black and it needs to sit on that ridge and then there's two little tabs which you probably can't see very well right at the very bottom that seat down and um trying to give you a view of this this is this is definitely a job for mitch get over here with camera and all you have to do once this is seated correctly you'll know because um when it's not seated probably like when i was putting that little plastic piece in the bottom part of it was swinging out that means that i didn't have the ridges um into the the slots on the side of this this metal frame here with these these blue tabs on it so now i should be able to push this straight down and lock it down and then put the cover on and we're going to tighten the cover by starting with the top one first it says number one and we will wait to hear that click there it is look there's still plastic on the heatsink that's good then we'll go to number two rotate that till it clicks there it is then we'll go over to number three and remember when you want to open it and take it out you go in the exact opposite you go three two one instead of one two three and that's the same for every threadripper chip that's not good okay so that gets our chip installed and it looks good that's why it's important that you hold on to all the spare parts i did not know two years ago when i built this that i was going to need this again well i figured i'd need it one day but good luck finding it i mean how many systems have i built since then right about a hundred so uh oh i got plastic here too look at this this i don't know why amazon said this is a used board it's pretty obvious to me nobody used this board this is brand new now before i install the motherboard i stopped to put the i o shield in which i was getting to i was so fascinated looking at all the uh i was expecting you know missing stuff i've been on sort of alert when i noticed that the io shield had never been out of its package before so we'll do that now let's get it out of there and get it installed in the case and we can install the motherboard now i'm only going to put one m.2 drive in the system and i'll keep it as the 500 gig drive for now until thready here proves himself to be reliable and worth me putting in a more expensive solid-state drive i'm just going to keep it simple for now until i can regain some confidence which i may not you know if we're right back to square one with an unreliable system then then i'll have to decide at what point i just want to make it at intel and be done with it but here's me giving it every opportunity and then a little bit more to work the way you think it should work and to be justifiable of forty five hundred dollars forty eight hundred 4800 whatever it's become it's it's gotten very expensive it's one of the most expensive paperweights i think i've ever purchased and one of the loudest paperweights i've ever purchased now the best way to install the board uh is again with the case laying flat we should have all the same mounting points and we don't this is interesting on the gigabyte board we had only two screws across the top this one's got one in the traditional atx position so i'm gonna have to put a standoff in there we should have three across the middle one two three got one two three and three across the bottom one two three one two three so for whatever reason gigabyte did not include the center mounting post that goes in the um the top of the board right up here right there the gigabyte board doesn't have that hole which is a standard uh atx mounting point that's interesting yeah gigabyte board simply doesn't have it instead they put a giant heatsink up there and you can tell by looking at the back of the board we've got a mounting point here in here but there should be one typically right in the middle see there's one here one here there should be one right there but that giant heatsink has limited that design which explains why that mounting point isn't there despite the fact that they have their heatsink it's not as long it's taller but it's not as long and it affords us that extra mounting point so in this motherboard box i should have remember all the spare parts from the case and and here's exactly why i need that standoff not any standoff will work it needs to be a standoff that's the same height and ideally for aesthetics reasons the same color and that can change from one case to another case from one manufacturer of case even within the same manufacturer different case designs may require taller or shorter standoffs and since you don't know what you're going to need in the future it's important you keep all the spare parts unless you plan to replace the whole case because you're missing a standoff and you don't know where you put them so with everything being in a box and even though the box is a big mess they should be in here somewhere so this is the bag of screws that come with the nzxt case and within this bag there should be a bag that contains the standoff that i need which i'm imagining was probably there by default and i had to remove it i'd have to go back at the build video and watch if that would be my guess yep and there it is right there's two extras has to be the last bag i take out of course it does look at this i even have a spare standoff and screw for the motherboard i wonder what that went to that needs to stay with the motherboard though so this is what i'm talking about these will go with the new board in the case that stays with the old board it's stuff like that that'll get you in trouble years from now or months from now when you want to add or change something and you can't find that one little part and it turns out you took everything from one box put in another one and now you've interchanged or or mingled intermingled two different parts from two different boards and now you don't know which is which so it's best to get it organized now so that months from now you don't have to think about it's all just right there um so in this bag they've given us there's a standoff and there's a thumb screw i wonder where the standoff went that i removed but there were two that's weird i should have i would think i would have two spare standoffs those are fan screws motherboard mounting screws these are like m.2 these are the finer thread screws i was just looking to see if maybe i would have put it in the wrong bag because i should have two standoffs not just one i bet you if i go back and watch the original build video i could find out if i took one out and what i did with it but i don't it doesn't matter i just need the one and that's going to go right up here in this middle position and then it's a five millimeter which i keep just a socket just for that that's gonna go right there and now the fun part is i got to get the board installed so i'm going to lay the case flat you guys aren't going to really be able to see much at this point but just for a moment just take me a minute hang tight i'm going to put this other io shield in this motherboard box where it belongs so again try and keep things organized before i have to figure it out months from now and i can't remember and we'll take the board pick it up by the i o shield or use the heat sink in the edges and we don't have to worry about any electrostatic potential causing any harm to anything lower that in well that's unusual the the eight pin cpu power connectors on the opposite side of the board there's an optional four pin additional power connector here as well which i don't think this power supply supports but that is optional but i should look for a power supply just because i'm having problems i want to make sure that that's not going to be the cause of it one of the difficulties in getting the board installed with all the cables is that the cables are all getting trapped under the board and it's important before i secure the board down that i free up any cables that are trapped under the board because once the board gets secured down it's going to pinch those cables it's also going to make the board harder to install oh we have yet another standoff that i didn't realize i didn't see that one so i do need another standoff i'm looking on the board i don't know why i didn't see that before uh okay on this board there are four screws usually there's three this one takes four and it's this one that threw me i didn't notice that so there's one two three and then four all on that one side that is very unusual and now i'm a little concerned because well i should have had two standoffs in that bag i only had one and well i could just put a little plastic standoff spacer my preference is to have the standoff installed the way it should be because this is an expensive build i don't want to cut corners now it just so happens that i have another one of these nzxt cases so i can steal or borrow depending on how you want to look at it the standoff but it should be in here i should have it this is exactly what i'm trying to avoid when i stress putting everything back that you're not using because you don't know when you might need it again and you don't want to have to go hunting for it you know what would really suck what if i didn't have a spare nz xt case i would have to go online and just buy the right standoff do you know what that would be like trying to find the right standoff contacting the manufacturer saying can you mail me one two cent standoff the envelope and the postage will cost 10 times you know 20 times more than the than the part you need but i do have uh let me see where do i have it somewhere in here i have the standoffs to an nzxt what am i doing well wait a minute oh i don't want to have to pull that all the way out where is it there's got to be another option here no it's not that one it's probably that box that has a bunch of stuff on it i'd have to dig into i'd rather not get into that right now see if i have anything else i could use okay let's see if i can get lucky i have a standoff here but i don't think it's from nzxt this looks completely different it still may work see the problem may be that the standoff actually takes a different screw type it may not be a coarse threaded screw maybe a fine threaded screw i don't know but i'm going to find out i can already see this standoff is different it's glossy black instead of flat black so it looks different than all the other ones nobody's going to see it when the motherboard is put in my only concern is whether or not these screws that i've removed from the other standoffs will fit in the one if it fits i'm good to go if it's a different thread type i'll take it back out and i have to find another one it works you got lucky don't get me wrong i got about a thousand standoffs i'm sure i've got one i got lucky in the sense that i found it you know right away so it wasn't i know i've got another nzxt case with the motherboard box for that nuka-cola build it's got a bunch of parts stacked on top of a bunch of ssds and ram and it's all stacked up and i don't want to have to like move all that stuff and get anyway i know whoa is me huh and then we've got some screws here which i'm going to put back because we're not going to use those we're going to use all the same screws that go with that case once again there are shortcuts we can take different screws we can use and it's very hodgepodgey and if this was a 100 computer build who would care on a 4 000 computer build you're damn right i want to use everything correctly in the way that it's intended because to me um a machine like this deserves that level of detail you feeling okay there boy really did you get it out okay now let me see if i can put the board in and secure it this time so once again with the cables all being in the way that's always fun typically on a new build these cables are all tied up in the back so it's a little bit different on a motherboard replacement because you've got to work around what was already there and it does offer a slightly different challenge in getting the board seated properly but it's not a big deal just be aware of it or you'll be taking the board back out to untrap the wires that you got snagged underneath it so something is still holding us up here amazing how much easier the board fits in there when there's no cables trapped underneath of it it just slides right in all right now i should be able to put the motherboard screws back in and tighten it down and i'll be one screw short because of the added standoff but that'll be back in the box with screws that's no big deal so let's use the ones we've got first just grab all those thank you there's no particular order i would suggest you don't tighten the screws all the way down as you may need to shift the board a little bit for the other mounting holes to line up always check your i o shield in the back to make sure all the ports are lined up correctly because if they're not lined up then the holes for mounting the board won't be lined up and in this case you'll hear that screwdriver comes to a stop and that's telling you that i'm screwing these all the way in despite the fact that i just told you you shouldn't and that's because i'm feeling very confident that's usually what happens just before a fall it's true three four so now just one screw remaining and so for that i'm going to go back to the motherboard box where i have all the spare case screws and we'll pull out another one of those short case uh coarse threaded motherboard screws that we're using here i know there's plenty of those in here in fact that's the first bag i pulled out that's what i'm talking about lots and lots and lots of these oh i guess i'm gonna be too short aren't i right because i had two standoffs so there's one and then i just need that bottom corner perfect that went as good as can be expected if this case was brand new i probably would have had all the standoffs required for the motherboard i'm sure it came with it i don't know where the extra standoff went like i said i i'd have to go back at the original build video because it's i probably talked about it and the importance of knowing where to put okay so for now that'll work and we can bring this back up on its feet like so that's our new board installed and we can hook up all those front port umbilicals that'll go real quick because they're already pretty well routed to where we need them we have a usb 3 cable that's going to go right down here this is our front panel connector which on nzxt on this case it's all one connector for power switch reset switch power led and a hard drive led you don't need the q connector or the asus the asus q connector or the g connector from gigabyte with the nzxt case which is the way all cases should be in my opinion it's one connector this is a usb 2.0 which is going to go right here except on this motherboard it's backwards so we have to turn it we have another usb what is this for something who cares just plug it in there's another usb connector there's our front audio connector that's going to go oddly enough it's backwards and it faces up and down instead of plugging into the board this way it plugs in from the bottom and the nzxt case has this beautiful cutout which was almost like they were made to go together it's a good pairing i've seen some cases that don't give you a cutout here they're not wide enough you hit the back of the power supply and you're just stuck and then you'd have to route the cable and somehow get it under so kind of a downside of this motherboard not sure where they did that the missing pin is on the top instead of the bottom so they've reversed a lot of these connectors compared to what gigabyte did so the usb or 180 degrees rotated and not only is this audio cable rotated 180 degrees but they put it on vertically which is weird however perfect for this case so that hooks up all the switches and front port umbilicals everything this is our power for a video card this is our motherboard power right here that's going to snap on just like that we've got our 8 pin cpu power which is typically over here now it's over here and we can reroute this cpu power cable to this side simply plug it on just like that next we can put the ram in so if we open all these up and we can refer to the motherboard manual to determine which since we're using four memory modules which are the four modules we should be using this piece has to go back in the motherboard box remember that so put that over there and if we look oh when i'm done with this so that'll go in the new motherboard box go back to our instruction manual and take a look at where the recommended modules go okay so it's saying if we have ford if you look here it says if you have two dim modules if you have two memory modules plug it into a2 and b2 if you have four then plug it into a2 b2 well it starts with b you got to love asus asrock does the same thing asus does um so we're going to go b2 a2 c2 basically a2 b2 c2 d2 all right so on the board if we look those should be um should be written on the board otherwise we can just take a look at the diagram looking at the board straight up and down all right if you see this diagram right right over here there it is a2 b2 are on the right and d2 and c2 all you need to remember an easy way to remember this is we want a ram module plugged on each edge right so we're gonna take a ram module go right to the edge align it plug it in then skip a track and do the next one and then do the same thing on the other side you go right to the edge then skip a track and go to the next one now there's 64 gigs of memory installed all we have to do is put our heatsink on now this 4-pin cpu connector should be optional it should be optional and i'll have to look in the cable mod kit to see if this power supply there's a sea sonic power supply in here if it offers that optional connector if it does i'm going to use it just to see if it settles things down i also want to get one of the m.2 drives installed so let's just do that right quick any of the two drives they're all the same and we have three locations and it shouldn't matter which location we use but if we want to check the manual um the screws are not pre-installed here so we're going to have to go to the screws in the bag and typically the top one is the one we want to start with but i think these are all equal on this design so i don't think it really matters but let's just take a look at the manual and verify installing the m.2 ssd ngff next generation form factor doesn't really tell us anything if i look at a layout of the board sometimes they label them as one two three like if you look at the main layout here and that can identify if you know you want to like my ocd wants to use number one i'm pretty sure we can use any of them equally but i just hate the idea of you know having my main drive in port two not that there's anything technically wrong with that the documentation doesn't seem to specify there's an m2-1 and m2-2 and there's an m2-3 so i want to use m2-1 but there's really no writing on the board that tells me that i can see anyway which one's which so that's going to take me back to the diagram and the diagram should specify the location of m2-1 and m2-2 yeah so it's exactly as i thought the one up here on the top on the connector right on the diagram but not on the physical board it says m2-1 this one over here says m2-2 and that one over there says m2-3 so we're going to go and appear and to do that i need one of the screws which was in the lid of one of the boxes what do i do with the box i know it came in a box okay that's an empty box that's one of the boxes oh that's it okay so what amazon has done is they've taped a very small this is a really shallow uh standoff so the screw's only gonna it's a very very i don't know how how well you can see that but it's really super super shallow so only a few threads on that screw most m.2 screws at least on the gigabyte boards are two to three times longer than that i'd say at least twice as long it's very very small super easy to lose and i definitely want to use my gis driver to get into that small head of that screw look how tiny that is super super easy to lose that i don't think i turn that driver three full rotations that locks that drive in we still have space again i can put another one here if i want to and another one could go here and those will all run at full speed unlike you know your socket 1151 or am4 where you might have one running at half speed and you certainly won't have three really pretty unusual if you did because there's a limit to how many lanes the cpus those kind of cpus can handle now as far as putting the heatsink back on uh we have to clean this so that's now the time for us to get the rubbing alcohol and q-tip so for this i have completely denatured alcohol you want the highest alcohol content possible i know when i was at walmart they had like two different rubbing alcohols and i'm not exactly sure why but one had a lower alcohol content you want the highest alcohol content possible and on these thread rippers you're going to use a lot more of it because it's just a big surface area here that we've got to cover it's about three times larger than a standard cpu so you're going to use three times more thermal compound and three times more cleaning and it's going to take about three times longer to get it clean at least than what i'm accustomed to doing now it doesn't have to be perfect however i do suggest you take your time because if you do it right the first time you shouldn't have to go back and redo it so i'd rather spend five more minutes now than having to spend 20 minutes later having to take it back apart and do it again i'm also getting those edges remember i talked about those edges and this rubbing alcohol is going to evaporate so don't be in a big hurry throwing that heat sink on right away give that a moment to to evaporate now i need to clean the bottom of the cooler and again it looks pretty clean because i used the paper towel on it earlier but there's still quite a bit on there you can't see and so by using the rubbing alcohol we'll be able to remove any sort of oils from the from my skin or in my case blood this thing's drawing blood from me the vampire build i do i do like this cooler i like the simplicity of it i like the size of it it's got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 heat pipes which is insane once again get the edges of this as well and even though it looked pretty clean you can see quite a bit's coming off of there on both sides it's quite a bit now for thermal material i'm just going to use the noctua nh1 that's just a really good value i don't think it's particularly the best thermal compound you can buy but i don't think the best thermal compound you can buy will make more than about a two or three degrees celsius difference from the cheapest to the best now even doing this a second time there's still quite a bit coming up and because so much is still coming up i'm going to do it again you may never get to a point where it comes out perfectly clean because there's little tiny scratches little nooks little crannies and and if it you know depending on what angles you go at you may get some stuff and it's not really that important that it's that perfect in fact the design of this heatsink appears that it's scored intentionally or it's just a really bad manufacturing process because if you look at the bottom of this heatsink you'll see lines all moving in one direction see that and that's from the manufacturer that way and that represents little grooves right that's what the thermal compound is for it's to fill in all the little grooves so that we have the best heat transfer possible and you'll notice on the noxua cooler it was completely like a mirror it was totally smooth but regardless when we talk about the efficacy of the cooling those little tiny scratches and things like that are exactly what the thermal compound is designed to take care of for you it's not that you go well that's inferior it's not it's the whole point of thermal compound a lot of these kind of scratches and stuff you can't see on other coolers unless you have a microscope just because you can't see it with your naked eye doesn't mean it's not there i can't see oxygen with my eyes but clearly there must be some it must be here somewhere alright so i'm going to lay this flat well first no i'll show you how i apply the thermal compound and then we'll fill it flat let me grab i guess i've got to grab thermal compound and i need to grab a glove so my issue right now is i have an open bottle of noxious thermal compound but i don't know that there's enough in it to cover this entire cpu this is a big cpu so i'm going to grab a brand new package that i've not opened yet and i have this i get this at amazon it's like 10 bucks and you get a lot of thermal compound for the money you wouldn't think of noxua as a bargain but in this case when it comes to thermal compound it's like arctic silver 5 or this and the arctic silver 5 i will use practically an entire bottle versus whatever you want to call this syringe there's enough in this syringe for probably two thread rippers and it's going to use a lot of it we go right down the line like so oh yeah there's still plenty in that tube which is good then i'm going to put on my glove so i can spread that out now some people prefer to to squish the thermal compound out with the weight of the heatsink my concern is that it doesn't spread evenly and i can't check it there's no way for me to look and see how evenly or how much coverage the thermal compound has actually covered if i'm gonna rely on faith in the squish method so i'm not a big fan of faith so what i do is i just finger paint thermal compound on here so that it's got 100 coverage across the entire surface of this internal heat spreader and then once i've painted it the next thing i do is i tap on it and by tapping on it i'm creating this little hills and valleys so that when i do crush it with the heat sink it will um prevent those air bubbles and things that people worry about still gives us that that ability to compress down and now i can visually see that i have enough thermal material on here that no part of my heat sink is not covered now back in the old days you'd say well you only care about the middle of the heat sink that's that's where your heat is that's where your dye is but these days and especially with the red ripper you've got to worry about that entire surface and you can see it's quite a bit on that glove take that off fold it inside out we're good there and i'm gonna again i apologize you're not gonna be able to see this part but i've gotta work with gravity on this this heatsink only goes in one way i've already talked about that i'm gonna guess cpu power is to the right i've got two power connectors here and i have to guess because i can't grab the manual right now but i think the cpu power connector is the one to the left edge at the top there's also one on the right edge that's typically used for a rear case fan and i will double check this but i have to do something with it right now so i'm going to just plug it in right now to where i think it goes okay with that motherboard power connector right there it's a little bit of a challenge there it goes okay now it's gotta go where are my power cables coming out of that side when they did that that means i have to wrap the cables around it's kind of stupid i don't like that at all it must have been how it was before i would have thought these power cables would come out the top right because this can only go on one way so to tighten this down you should use a manual screwdriver i'm in a hurry so i'm going to just start with one corner go to the other corner [Music] don't tighten them down too much until you get them all started okay that's how easy that heatsink is to put on one of the easiest heat sinks i've ever put on ever why the cables are coming out of the bottom i think they did it just to just to piss me off i had a meeting say hey you know that youtube guy you know what would drive him nuts let's do it it'll be hilarious wow somehow the cable got it's like stuck between the ram okay all i have to do right now is plug uh cpu um not cp power but uh sata power to light up the leds on the heatsink that's all that's for so we'll do that and now we can put the video card in and test fire this bad boy and see if it works so here we go thready 2.0 i don't know what are we at 3.0 make sure that the slot is open god that's just terrible i'll deal with this cable management stuff later but that that's upsetting all they had to do was run these cables out the other side they know the cpu power connector is above it's always above so why did they run it from the bottom although there is a big heatsink back here maybe that's why this is also a lot easier to do with the system laying down again i i hold it up or i keep the case upright so you can see what i'm doing so if you're following along at home i strongly recommend you lay the case flat when you're working on power to the graphics card one and two i don't know if i ever hooked up this rear fan or not but let's i mean at this point right now we should be able to see if it's alive we should be able to test it and see if it has a pulse so i need a keyboard and a mouse and i need a power cable turn that on turn this one on grab the dongle we'll plug that in anywhere back here and i need an hdmi cable which i've got down here make sure we plug that into the graphics card and not into the motherboard this motherboard doesn't have onboard video no threat ripper does that's just old habits and then power switches in the off position power switches in the on position this is it folks we're already there it's pretty quick process expensive but quick and then my keyboard and mouse for the streaming computer i have a keyboard over here where's my mouse over here okay this is it here we go here we go ladies and gentlemen this is it we'll go over to uh camera input 2. i'll just put myself over here here we go it's lit up yeah rear fan is spinning three fans on the front are spinning coolers uh lit up it's running we've got some diagnostic leds happening on the motherboard down below so far we've got no video signal but that's to be expected as it initializes and recognizes the ram cpu we've installed diagnostic codes continue to happen down here on the bottom corner well it's kind of the bottom middle and we have a post screen exactly what i want to see reboot and select proper boot device this is a windows 10 usb flash drive i'm going to plug it in to a blue usb port i'm gonna try to plug it in do i have a reset button let's just hit power shut it off hit power again turn it back on this time when it starts the only bootable device will be that usb flash drive it should boot to that all on its own i'm not touching anything in the bios although i should i should at least reset the bios and apparently i have to because it's still saying no boot device so something's not right so for me to do this i need to first of all i have to go full screen on my side it won't make any difference to you guys oh it did start what did i do i don't know what i did i didn't do anything before i do anything i'm going to shut it off because i do want to reset the bios because this is a used board i don't know what somebody did to it so we'll shut this off turn it back on again i'll start hitting i don't know delete or f2 whatever it is it'll get me in the bios we can also see the version of the bio see if there's a newer bios although this is a first gen chip the newer bios could help with any sort of ram compatibility f2 f2 to run fvis uefi setup okay we're version 3.90 it recognizes the processor we are quadruple channel memory mode everything's running exactly like it should we'll head over to the exit where we can find uh loading the uefi defaults yes and the boot override we want to be the sandisk extreme to boot for well actually it's fine um let's save let's do this we're going to save changes and exit and then we're going to go back into it one more time when it comes back up just to ensure i boot in uefi mode i'm going to force it just because i'm so done with having any faith in this machine i just want to manually control where it's booting from so we'll do f2 again f11 would have given me the boot menu we'll go over to exit and it says boot override and i'm going to select uefi sandisk extreme that's the flash drive with the windows 10 installation on it and now that's going to start the windows 10 installation media and this should happen quick if this machine's running like it should this should be impressive with the other board the way it was set up it was not impressing me with its performance i expect it to jump excitedly and here we go we're installing oops i hit a wrong button there i meant to use the other keyboard up here and that's that we got 376 people watching live around the world thanks you guys for hanging in there with me today malcolm fogarty's contributed five australian dollars michael dain has contributed five dollars says carrie is the bob ross of thermal pace that's right happy little accidents joseph hawkins with five new zealand dollars said it's good to see the man my fix for the day look forward to these bull these builds right on joseph thank you stephen welch with five dollars john yasuda has contributed fifteen dollars he says let's hope that thready version two will work as intended have some coke on me right on john thank you aren't you glad this isn't yours john would be like no more i can't take it i can't take it wayne trexler has contributed a dollar 49. steven schumacher contributes two bucks he goes here's one coke anyway i think we got everybody else there thanks you guys thanks for supporting the channel hard drive leds blinking on and off and we're getting ready for our first reboot that's the way it's supposed to work it's it's feeling better we're off to a good start come on i don't have a power led oh i guess the hard drive led is the power led i guess that's how that works and we have our led strip right here as you can see there's an led strip right there all right here we go here we go it's still loud but i mean i just wanted to work now this delay here is weird not sure what's going on but i'll be patient with it and uh in theory um it should get past this on its own so it's best to not overreact it's best to be patient you'll see it says no signal right now so it was doing something and it's restarted itself so just allow it especially on that first install and especially on your first boot don't over react because you're impatient because you could be creating a problem where one does not exist there's a lot of initialization that's happening where it's self analyzing and loading drivers and whatnot that could cause these delays for these things to take effect for the full scan to be done of the hardware and while i'm not a big fan of that if it does it once and then we're quick after that i'm okay with it so the only way to know is to just give it a little bit of time you saw how much time that took and this is a fast computer so um this should give you an idea what to expect because this is all being done in real time now you'll see it does have the wi-fi driver loaded i'm going to say i don't have internet right now so that i can create a local account and we'll call this uh thready again there he is he's back baby i do like to keep location on that'll set my time zone for me automatically and there we are so here's what i've got to do now i've got to put all these things away and i've got to get this area cleaned up because i have to wrap it up i'm out of time today but we do see that it boots the only question now is how hot does it get and can i install everything without any crashing without any issues and i'd like to turn xmp on i would like to be able to do that amd seems to run better but i need to make sure the system's functioning before i try pushing it and i'm going to save all that for another video i won't i won't do that off camera i'll let you share that with me um even the windows updates i'm literally going to just hit pause on this clean this kitchen up a little bit get the old board put away so that when i start again to follow this video up we can continue exactly where we left off but i didn't want to leave you hanging and wonder is this thing even going to boot did we waste a bunch of time and i got caught up in a couple hours of just chatting with you guys because i enjoy that and as a result um you know i lost two hours of work time but the good news is we got what was needed we got the hard part out of the way and so far it's running exactly like it should run windows 10 is fully installed and uh we have to put the updates on it we'll put the amd chipset drivers on it the amd ryzen master software on it we'll throw the samsung magician the samsung nvme driver on there we'll check for the latest bios if there's a newer one we'll do it at that time and then we'll run time spy and prime95 you know let that run and monitor our attempts hear how loud it gets see what temps we get and um we're off to a good start it does seem that this used motherboard from amazon was not used at all and it was almost a hundred dollars less i'm looking at about 265 dollars versus 340 dollars somewhere around there and if this makes a difference then it's money we're worth spending if we're back to the same chaotic unreliable nature that thready has been since day one then i wasted my money so we've yet to determine what that is going to be so a quick final shout out to everybody who has contributed during today's live video let me take you back to my screen here oops my bad let me keep hitting the wrong keyboard let me go back to camera one there i am okay and i'm trying to keep it under four hours that gives me three minutes so my thanks uh a couple contributions just came in jhp hawaii contributed five dollars says keep up the great work that is a big monster next to you thanks jhp hawaii marty with uh five dollars thank you maddie malcolm fogarty michael dane joseph hawkins stephen welch john yasuda wayne trexler steven schumacher jason baum hugh wong michael ricco uh marty again with a couple more contributions reverend john o'toole frankie b with that generous 50 contribution thank you frankie for all your generosity bob shoemaker arvid belarus michael dain again glenn's music ghost shadow reverend john o'toole again susan harris mike schmelzer tom jackson aaron warner rex sheep patel ian mccloyd pc doctor tool abdul azim patel tech canucks thank you for your contributions and your questions stephen clark abdulaziz patel a couple more times there jamie m john wilson m taz big easy gerard de monte george hearn vision thing adam burdick jose and veronica lopez terrence fitzpatrick davinder barbara rock robin raw rock and rob radigan bearpaw dr michael ferguson topaio kuasma michael martin miraora rick hubbard squishy josiah guernsey mark stevens kg trains chris king and the first contribution today nearly four hours ago chris's channel of technology thank you guys couldn't do it without you i appreciate your friendship more than anything and your kindness and your support i will see you all again very very soon thanks to all my friends in blue i know we had a lot of trolls in there you guys worked hard today i appreciate it more than you can know so those of you not yet blue although i turned a bunch of you blue today it's my goal to make everybody blue just don't be a jerk over time you'll be turned blue thank you so much for watching i will see you all again very very soon until then bye for now [Music] you
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 41,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hg4pZVHjAcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 28sec (14308 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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