LIVE: Join my birthday bash celebration! LIII

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[Music] hello and welcome into my latest live video his name is carrie holtzman his name is donkey kong yeah don't tell anybody say hello donkey kong yeah that's mitch morrison i'm carrie holzman thank you guys so much for joining us this friday june 24 25th 25th 25th 2021 it's friday yeah that it is mitch it feels like it's been a month since i've said it has been a month so yeah as as a lot of chat no i was visiting family up in eagle colorado get out of this heat and yeah it was a good time drank too much ate too much and laughed too much but that's what families are all about and you're supposed to laugh too much around me yes now you're laughing at the wrong time okay sorry all right so yes i hope everyone's doing good and uh as for you know a lot of people mentioning in the chat here two days ago was uncle carrie's birthday yes it's true they celebrate that i haven't died yeah that's that's what a birthday's all about congratulations yeah you went around the earth 365 days you made a full rotation yeah nobody expected that to happen so we're going to celebrate this occasion and people trade money i think there's like some kind of pool and chat you know kerry's old when the candles cost more than the cake that was pretty good that was pretty good i haven't heard that one before i thought you were going to go somewhere with a fire extinguisher no joke no too many candles all right do you know what i do yeah i get a smell of cake ah somebody mentioned great toto shirt i will give a fast plug that um my band toto just came out with a new live cd and dvd and blu-ray called toto with a little help from my friends it's available on amazon i get mine tomorrow in the mail i got a notice from the post office and i'm very excited to put that on in the screening room and and it's the same show that was streamed i told you about two three months back yeah that i really liked and i was glad they turned that and they didn't play blue right but they did not play africa and so yeah i uh i was excited that duran duran's got a new album coming in very nice that's that's my toto yeah apparently if you take t-o and duplicate the t-o okay you like that if you take duran and duplicate the duran i think it's an 80s thing yeah there's totals of 70s uh they came out in 78. call it ladies and gentlemen yeah yeah thank you for all the happy birthdays yes i am uh 53 years old and i i'm just getting a little personal here but when i run my hands through my hair it feels different like there's not as much there it's bosley right don't well anyway i think i'm going to make a prediction i think if we watch the videos this year there's going to be a significant raise in my like if it's it's never felt like this before it feels and nobody cares but yeah but it bothers me when there's and you know what if it starts falling out really bad i'm going to shave my head just the hell in it just shave my head yeah harry kojak hey yeah i'm not doing that whole comb over thing i'm not gonna do it like if i can just keep it long in the front and kind of pull the bang push the front down a little bit hey there are guys your age that would kill for that amount of hair no you're right i'm i'm i'm grateful that i have what i have but i think if you watch the share i think there's i'm going to start looking you're going to start seeing it anyway yeah that's just the benefit you get for getting older is you know you get pains and aches energy level goes down but you're not dead you know so oh and i gotta wear my my glasses yeah so here's what i decided to do this year for my birthday i decided to treat myself to really stupid stuff and that's part of what this is and we're going to talk about that in a minute it's my birthday so we're going to talk about me we're going to do that anyway yeah but let me give some shout outs and thank yous to people who have contributed i got a letter in the mail from a viewer that contained a check for fifty dollars and i don't know how to reach him but his name is uh jack farrell uh oh jackson sun city he's just down the road oh yeah hey jack well he can't see me thank you so much that was really nice yeah i'm glad you said hey jack and not hijack you know yeah i don't do that anymore since the incident okay and then uh uncle mitch over here yeah search hard and he found it that's nutty yeah that is a perfect card and then when you open it up i got a gift card in here which is nice i'm going to set that there and inside it says smile it's your birthday nutty [Laughter] so thank you so much mitch it was just the thought of it and just the fact that you found that card you didn't just get a generic happy birthday card blank inside went like a lot of stores you just you know you know some people do that right they just grab the laziest thing you know congratulations on your graduation like um yeah so i know you had to go through some effort thank you yeah yeah that's that's the keeper so let's give some shouts out hope everyone's doing uh great on this friday we don't have a weird build today we're just kind of hanging out we're gonna have some fun today we're gonna have some fun and we'll uh we'll figure out another another build uh next friday overall this is my birthday party today even though it was my birthday was on wednesday it's not convenient so today's the birthday party thank you for enjoying and joining me on my birthday and uh let's see what do we have here i was going to get you a nice big bottle of geritol you know give me a little pep in your step they wouldn't even know what that is that's so old i am but will i drink it down with some senka yeah and some tab so what do we have here green dragon contributes five dollars says happy birthday thank you green dragon you you want to do the next one um if i can read uh dennis doyle joyous buy biscuits yeah and you know dennis also sent a pretty sizable amazon gift card and he's done that in the past he's been a frequent contributor here super shout out for somebody that's so well extraordinarily generous thank you dennis and i've spoken to dennis on the phone a few times and he he's just a super guy so very lucky he says happy birthday carrie i'll have a drink on all of us that sounds good to me uh we've got uh some people saying hello to mitch yeah glad to be back it was nice to get out of the heat brad riddle says hello mitch stan ristof says hello mitch yeah uh hoisty from norway says welcome back mitch ed says hi mitch yeah all right let's keep going uh tina with a 10 contribution hey thank you so much tina geraldo quintana roo contributes 49.99 he says happy 53rd enjoy your special day i'm calling it a special week okay yeah for sure thank you so much um wayne d says happy belated birthday mine is in two more days right on wayne happy birthday to you jose says old dudes rock that would be you not me from my perspective you're the old dude that's true yeah yeah see if you hang around anybody older tony with uh 99 cents and tony's also been very very generous thank you tony and and uh you know continues to contribute and tony may give you a dollar one day and a hundred bucks a next you know he's a he's been uh um we'll call him the guy he can't be the man no no but michael dayne's the man michael dane is the man also contributed and he's been yeah super but yeah tony can be the guy yeah michael will be the man brandon miller with five dollars carrie don't put it off you have to eat crow windows 11 you tell the chat we're gonna get yeah we're gonna get into that as soon as we and we'll explain everything in a minute um rick lakes contributes thirty dollars thank you rick rick's another frequent contributor sherry mcfarlane said she just had her 63rd birthday i shari's got a picture of herself there and and she's friended me on facebook i would never guess in a million years that she's i thought i thought i was like 10 years older than her yeah so i'm yeah i think she's lying i don't think she's you didn't think i was 80. what do you think of that that's my iq that's my iq not my we're having too much fun hold on okay see this is the other problem i can't think of a quick comeback i used to right i'll get back to you on that with a real zinger better be ready chris mull contributes 10 pounds he says a very happy birthday i'm still 15 years ahead of you hair definitely thinner but don't care attitude maturing with me agree agreed and might mike visions with a 10 pound contributions 10 pound contribution says happy birthday carrie have several coke or a pizza on me you know grimaldi's gives me a free pizza on my birthday guess what i had yesterday pasta i had pizza my pizza free pizza you didn't go to denny's geez maybe you are 80. yeah you didn't go to denny's no you know why i didn't go to denny's you know why you can't make any substitutions oh so like if i don't want the pancakes i like extra eggs and i don't want the sausage i'd want more bacon no right you get what we give you grand slam for free yeah so you know what i do instead as i go to denny's on any other day and i get four eggs scrambled four pieces of bacon sourdough toast four pieces well because of four or four what i'm missing it's just you know what is it you have a face well everything's know everything's on tuesday when you want to build your own grand slam right it's all in twos so i'm like okay here's what i want to do i always tell the server i'm like i'm not quite sure how to explain this but i want a total like when you order eggs you get two when you order bacon you get two i said so i want four eggs scrambled you know four bacon no sausages no pancakes no hash browns with uh some then they bring you two slices of bread that are cut in half so that's four slices four piece a sourdough and then maybe i get a glass of milk and you know what that costs well they're charging you twice for the eggs and twice for the bacon well now the grand slam you get to pick any any four items okay right so two eggs and two bacon that's four so then they're charging me for the toast because that's a fifth item and then the glass it's like 15 and i'm being served they're bringing the food to me put a little salt and pepper on those eggs and i don't do this very often about three times a year i get in this hankering and i was working at the lawyer's office and it was 11 30 at night i had not eaten the whole day i was like shaky right and uh i put my order at 11 30 at night the the server walks away checking my phone and the server then shows up with the plate of food like holy cow that was quick right i don't think i could have eaten at mcdonald's and served that fast and i was scarfing it down and like slow down carry taste your food because you like this right so the server comes by she says is everything okay i said i guess i'm yeah i said i haven't eaten all day and i'm just shoveling it in and i think what i did was i had finished everything i drank the whole glass of milk the whole plate was clean i was like all right now i get to go home i'm done for the day it's maybe 11 45 and just peel off a 20 bill and go here we're good right have a nice day so she got a nice tip i got fed fast and it was good and then i'll do it again in about eight months so no i'm not going to denny's on my birthday right no substitutions maybe sometime yeah in the future i'm going to learn how to answer rhetorical questions in a much shorter length of time but all right um a couple other contributions have come in while i've been uh here let me make sure we're still broadcasting yeah everything's fine thomas back and stoke contributes 20 bucks he says happy birthday carrie hey tom thank you and yeah the man with little red that was got two computers okay he loves that little black and white yeah and it's so it makes me feel so good when when somebody receives one of my computers and they cherish it you know it just means a lot to me and patrick russo contribute ten dollars he says happy birthday uncle carrie and i i think it was patrick he sent me a couple items from amazon and one of the the both things he sent me already have okay so you know i appreciate the thought but amazon allows me to then return those items and then put it as a balance on my accounts for things i need so i know people mean well when they send me things hey i've got a surprise coming um and i and i do appreciate it but a lot of times what what's been happening more and more often is i have people sending me stuff i already have yeah like you know those lights that you wear like for your head yeah i think i have four of those now yeah and uh and so just the fact that he did it all is really really cool yeah right and so just a shout out to say thank you for that yeah and uh you know yeah go through the trouble you go down in the mines a lot are you a coal miner that's why you need no i actually use it in my auto detailing of my cars you know because i park in a garage so to to vacuum the carpets and whatever yeah i use those headlamps and it's a nice 20 year old car it looks like it just rolled off a lot yesterday yeah i got a 20 no 2003 saturn ion that looks like yeah it just came off the showroom floor and she's got uh 218 000 miles on it and i mean the interior everything's perfect yeah everything's perfect and the kelly blue book is only 750 dollars you would never find a used car you couldn't get tires fished here i mean you i open the hood that because i clean the engine bay because that's the kind of guy i am and people are like oh my gosh the inside of the wheel wells yeah so ramik72 with a five dollar contribution says happy birthday alex contributes 53. he says here's a dollar for each year you've been alive did i say was 53 i meant it was 153 thank you alex thank you romick72 i think i'm missing somebody oh there's another one blackwatch with two dollars canadian says have a hippie for your birthday a hippie that's a toonie uh robert cashnon with five five euro says happy birthday carrie mitch hello howdy irvingt watching us from france contributes five euro he says happy birthday carrie uh thank you irving irving's been a viewer a long time too mike visions did i say that one um oh everybody's so generous today and look i know that these this number's not right it says we have 79 viewers and this right up here says we have 385 okay yeah i swear to you yeah there's something going on with youtube today yeah yeah it's friday so i want to talk to you about um what got me into computers uh oh wait wait wait before we do that sorry let's talk about windows 11 yeah right okay let me let me break out the crow the crow that you're gonna eat where's my hat okay so here's the deal and here's the thing i was complaining about the whole time because microsoft was teasing us they were basically encouraging people to speculate and since everybody was speculating i'm like well i'll speculate too right i'll do it and i said i don't think they're going to call it windows 11 i think they're just going to call it windows or windows sun valley and i explained why i said uh it's just going to be like another update to microsoft windows 10 which i was right about and obviously they can't come out with an operating system that hasn't been beta tested so there's a building on top it's mostly a theme or an interface chain mostly and um and i said i don't know i'm totally guessing and that's why i'm upset at microsoft because they're encouraging people to guess so then windows 11 you know they make the announcement now then i take the video down and people go people automatically assume that i'm trying to hide something right so the reason i take the video down is it's filled with incorrect information and i get emails and texts from that text but facebook messages from people who watch a video from that i did 10 years ago like i was running a contest and they're like yeah please enter me in your contest it's like what contest are you talking about oh you had this acronis giveaway i go in 2014 yeah they don't pay attention to the date right so if windows 11 is all the rage everybody's talking about it so you google windows 11 and then my video comes up and my videos filled with speculation and so now two things happen one not everybody gets its speculation and two they're going to believe what i told them is true so the video has to come down for just the the the the whole point of not trying to get somebody misled right and what microsoft did is they encouraged this behavior and it really upset me so no i'm not a true uh uh what do they call that a soothsayer i'm not a uh i cannot see the future i don't have a crystal ball but if you ask me what do i think microsoft is going to do that's what i thought microsoft was going to do so this senior moment was brought to you by windows 11 right now there is something important about windows 11 you need to know and that is windows 11 is going to require tpm to be enabled so the trusted platform module is basically hard drive encryption now microsoft claims they're doing this because of a lot of bios uh virus issues that infect the bios infector firmware and so windows 11 is going to require tpm um toilet paper money no no that's something if it was only that easy now if you have a modern motherboard within the last i don't know four five six years there should be an option in your bios to enable tpm but it requires it may require a module that plugs into your motherboard if you look in your motherboard manual probably has a little header on the board for tpm never once in my 30 years of doing this have i ever installed a tpm module if you try and buy a tpm module at least for a gigabyte board they are completely sold out so not only is there a chip shortage but now everybody's panicking everybody who's like a computer nerd and they're buying these modules before windows 11 comes out now when windows 11 won't come out until winter time like december so it's not you don't have to buy it today but there is another possible option that won't cost you any money on the machines i build whether it's intel or amd there is a software tpm provided do you know back in the day if you wanted to install a bunch of drives in a raid you had to buy a raid cart right and then motherboards started adding a software raid in the bio so you didn't need the card now the performance isn't as good right but if you have an i3 you might notice it but with an i7 and i9 you probably it's going to run pretty quick same with the trusted platform they even sold modems that were software modems back when we used to use dial-up modems it was like 20 bucks which was like a third of a price of a regular modem and end users just bought the cheap one right and what it did is it used your cpu to emulate being a modem and all the card was was basically the interface to the phone line and your cpu did all the work so you're taxing the computer to save some money and those didn't really work all that well to be honest and software rates also are inferior to hardware raids now that being said if you go into your bios and you look when you enable the tpm there'll be a setting probably to turn on the bios's software version of tpm if you don't have that you will not be able to upgrade to windows 11. once you do this now you won't be able to take that hard drive out and put it into another machine it's all going to be encrypted to that motherboard but you can stay on windows 10 until 2025 june of 2025 yeah so when you don't have to go to windows 11 if you're running an older machine like those veteran giveaways i don't think they've got tpm right well and i know you know if you like windows 10 like i do and you're comfortable with it again that's what four years from now so yeah so this is nothing to panic about you know but for anybody who's built their own computer in the last at least the last four years probably longer if you go into the bios and you go sometimes it's under miscellaneous it depends who makes the board if it's asus or you know if it's a asrock msi gigabyte or if it's a pre-built or a laptop there should be a setting in there to enable so once you turn tpm on then you enable uh i forget what it's called i'll make a video on it and i'll show you guys and that's all you have to do you don't have to buy this little add-on card uh in the chat they're saying it requires tpm 2.0 uh yes there are different iterations the earlier tpm like any other first generation product it's not not strong enough i suspect oh no patrick says it's really requires tpm 1.2 all right whatever it is regardless um they may force you to upgrade your machine if your machine is so old that it doesn't support tpm and doesn't even have a place to plug a tpm module mike smith of the mike tech show he has to use tpm all the time he's got clients that are you know that have finra compliance requirements and so uh so mike was since i built mike's computer he's like does this thing support tpm and i'm like yeah here's the card but you shouldn't need the card you should be able to go into bios and turn on the firmware tpm now i see people arguing in the chat if it's tpm 2.0 or tpm 1.2 you edius because can you enable tpm during setup and then disable it after you install windows 11. i don't think it you can i think the whole point of tpm is to encrypt the drive and if you disable it then you have an encrypted drive you can't read but we'll have to try it i have never let me be very clear i have never in my career ever used tbm never not once never had any need for it no client has ever requested it this is the i and i think microsoft's going to get a lot of lash back on this because microsoft is saying this is critical for security and people are saying i don't give a damn about my security if i want my identity to be stolen that's my choice so i think microsoft is right this is going to cause a lot of people to lose their identities and have identity theft and other forms of ransomware and viruses uh become worse as you know uh as time goes on viruses and stuff like this it's getting worse it's not getting better so if you want to ignore like if you want to go to war with a spear and your enemies are using missiles that are laser guided i think you're not going to win that war and i don't think the war is going to last really long but it's still your choice if you want to go onto the internet or the battlefield armed with nothing but a spear meaning an old operating system that doesn't support tpm that is your choice to do so there's going to be a lot of pissed off people when they find out that their perfectly good working computer will not support windows 11 and they will have to replace it if their computer's that old or you'll just have to stay on windows 10 until you know you know it'll expire and would you say june of 2025 so everything else with windows 11 they're taking away some stuff you know cortana's not going to be in your face all the time and you know they're they're changing the snipping tool a little bit and it's mostly stuff i don't even use anyway so i'm not too worried about it it's it's sort of a windows 10 service pack basically yeah i'm not i'm not in an interface yeah i'm not in a rush so you get it and again it won't release until december so there's nothing you have to worry about right now and there's nothing windows 11 is going to do that windows 10 doesn't already do as far as i can tell it just looks a little prettier or uglier depending on you know the beholder and uh looks a little more like like a mac but we didn't say what they've never done that before anyway yeah so so yeah so so those videos and i took down some other videos that no longer applied anymore i realized i still had videos up where things have changed and if you leave videos up that are no longer true or relevant then you are accidentally misleading people who don't realize that that's an old video right and then it gets really confusing and difficult so it's not about you know me hiding anything or you know i never said i knew exactly what microsoft was going to do i said here's my guess and the reason i have to guess is because microsoft will not tell us now if i was that good and i could be 100 right all the time just imagine how many lotteries i would win well i'd say that's enough crow eating for you so all right so hopefully i clear up the confusion and i hope you understand the point of the video which was just again microsoft encouraging speculation is dangerous because other people will not take their videos down they won't even think to do it and in five years someone's going to look at that video and go oh i didn't know windows 11 was gonna and of course it does anyway but here's here's something else i want to mention i would rather be wrong then do nothing in other words if you're going to sit there on the couch and and and make all these predictions but you won't commit to it like what are you worried about everybody's so afraid of failure everybody's so afraid of being wrong i love it being wrong because that means i'm learning something life gets really boring if you know everything all the time and if i could predict accurately everything in the future i don't know and if you if you do the opposite like if you refuse to take take some risk in life if you refuse to if you always have to play everything safe all the time you're not living that's not life you know you have to put yourself out there good or bad but at least you're doing something so i have no shame i've played a game when you play a game sometimes you lose you can't win all the time and if you did you probably wouldn't want to play it so in any event let me talk about my birthday unless there's anything you want to talk about um uh no let's see i already plugged toto that my trip was fun uh how was the weather in colorado um there were a few days where it was 90 you know 91 where those people were bitching oops excuse me complain i was laughing but uh the nights when the sun goes down it's just so cool we're sitting out on my brother's back patio and i'm like oh you know if this weather was down in phoenix we'd have 10 million people living here and uh yeah and of course chad i had to come home on the monday of the week what was that last week where we had consistently 115 116 we were record-breaking temperatures for that time of year a week and i don't normally get yeah so that it's not unusual to get temperatures that high it's unusual to get the temperatures that high so soon in summer yeah yeah well is it summer like what's june yeah is it june 21st that's the summer solstice yeah that's right yeah so it wasn't even june 21st right right so i saw that coming the week as i was getting ready to leave and that little little voice said don't do it don't you stay for one more week and i just didn't listen to that little voice and i've been gone and you know i missed uncle carrie that much and so uh i said don't make me blush yeah so i said i better get back home and uh yeah do you see all the work i say for you yeah so yeah no i'm i'm all caught up looks like i might have missed some contributions here okay let's talk about that what is this there's a link somebody's posted i just posted a link uh western digital oh yes yes if you have a western digital external hard drive the western digital my book or at least the my book live ars technica's got a uh article posted in fact i tweeted this article earlier today uh al has it was asking in the chat room if it's true yes it is true and uh people are complaining they've lost some data they woke up to find their hard drives erased because there's a virus taking advantage of it now look and i wrote this on facebook on one of the groups i'm in for text because that's where i learned about it i'm sick and tired of people because the article says i'm totally screwed all the data on my western digital my book backup was erased so no data should be on a backup that isn't a duplicate of the same file you have at another location and a backup needs to be unplugged you don't you don't take an external drive plug it in and leave it plugged in you're just asking for trouble all it takes is a wrong click for a virus to infect your system and it'll go across every connected drive and even attached storage and you know encrypt it or erase it so a backup is a copy of a file it's not a single copy it is a duplication of things that are important so if you have important things like your social security card or your birth certificate i hope you have more than one of those stored in two different places things that are important you need to have copies of simply moving the file from your internal drive to an external drive is not a duplicate therefore it's not a backup however if at the very least you unplugged the backup drive even though you're not necessarily doing a proper backup you would not have woken up to find you know that your data was erased so i i have been talking about making backups for 30 years yeah i'm done like if you don't get it by now there's you can't claim ignorance anymore i back up my main computer's c drive on the first of every month so i'm just in a habit that on the last day of the month before i go to bed i plug in like you said the external hard drive and i've got it set to you know on the first at 5 00 am or to do the backup so then when i wake up after a tight 12 hours it's all well it's all done so and then like you say i see that it's completed unplug you unplug it and i set it right there so but that's still not the best backup so the best backup would be like if you brought it over here and said carrie i'm gonna put this on your shelf right and then you have another one at home yeah so if your house gets burglarized or there's a fire yeah you know it just depends how important the data is right yeah so this idea that somebody says oh i'm screwed my life was ruined yes blah blah blah yeah or the cloud you know it was that important yeah use the cloud use google drive you something yeah um onedrive google drive and you know and i think i'm not sure let me be very clear because you know the internet wants to attack me let me just say i believe that with windows 11's tpm requirement that if your drive fails and you don't have a copy of it i don't think a data recovery service can get that back but i need to talk to brian cometa right over at 300 data recovery yeah because i don't know the whole point of encrypting the drive is is to secure it yeah so if your data gets accidentally erased or your hard drive fails or your storage drive whatever kind of drive you have data recovery companies are making a lot of money because people still to this day aren't backing their stuff up but i'm wondering if let's say in 2025 windows 10 is gone well it's not gone but it's just well support and sport and everybody's let's just say the vast majority of people are using windows 11 will brian have a sustainable business anymore because i realize you know there's still rate arrays and businesses that need data recovered but if everybody made their backups and in fact this was a question i asked brian in the interview i said if everybody made backups like they're supposed to you wouldn't have a job he's like yeah that's right that's right yeah okay but they don't and he's like now if you don't mind i have a lot of work yeah right so it's like wow so even telling people they don't listen right so i have no sympathy after 30 years i'm there's nothing else anything i say is now a waste of my breath because if you haven't heard it by now yeah and at your age you have so few breaths [Laughter] okay okay all right just one last dig that's true yeah that's true yeah damn it i hate it when he's funny okay i'm the funny one okay and then he's gonna say funny looking yeah let's get that out so i don't know i don't know but uh we'll talk about uh more about that in the future maybe a month or two and some time i'll talk to brian in fact you know what i'll be in california maybe i'll stop by and visit him yeah make it make a mental note of that which for you would be quite different and the hits keep coming that's how much i missed you all right the best of mitch morrison yeah it's two pages yeah no hey i'll tell you what i was on etsy and you know i really i shouldn't go on etsy i really snug it's not um i don't know what it is with me and etsy but i see stuff on etsy i've never seen before i stumble onto it and i'm like oh my god i have to have this right now there's a technology i guess it was invented in the 1950s where it's a vacuum tube essentially that has little ellie um it's like little neon i don't know how to describe it in it oh yeah mitch has got one right here so if we hold it up to the camera now this is a modern there's light there's layers in there yeah if you look very carefully you can kind of see the numbers inside of it and basically it's like a it's like a wire think of like neon and it's a number one and then in front of it's a number two and in front of it's a number three and a four and a five and then it goes back again the other way so like it's multi-layered and it lights up whichever one you know it needs to light up and you can kind of see the outline of the ones in front of it so anyway so i'm on i'm on etsy and i'm looking for a clock and the reason is mitch and i are just even me i don't realize sometimes how long i've been on like if we when mitch and i do these shows we try to wrap it up by five o'clock and there's no convenient way for me to see what time it is there's a little clock obviously on the screen but it's so tiny and far away and i've got a clock on the wall but it's kind of behind all the lights and equipment so i thought i'd like i like to get a clock that's big but not too bright so i can see exactly how long the show was running and what time it is because i lose track of time and i always like something different something unique so i go to etsy and i just type in clock and i found this now this is custom made in the ukraine the ukraine and uh well here let me just show it to you we take the cover off of it we can just turn this around the other way put it back here too but it's something to do with this here now i got to tell you i am not a fan of art in the traditional sense typical sculptures and paintings very rarely do anything for me like a museum is like torture for me but this is truly a piece of art this is a nixie clock and it looks like it comes from like the korean war it was in the 50s wasn't it well that kind of reminded me of an ammo box yeah but it kind of looks like a communication box that they would and this is a clock an alarm clock an fm radio a bluetooth speaker and uh also has a line input on the side if you want to you know old school plug something into it like an amplifier now the speakers they're little tiny rinky-dink speakers so it it sounds exactly like it looks you're not going to be like wow that's great sound it isn't great sound but this is really cool so let me plug it in so you can see what it does i love this thing i thought i see an ignition an ignition switch right here so i figured there was a key that you had there is a key just turn to turn it on about right there let me give you the keys okay and i need an outlet i don't have anywhere to plug this in do we i'll tell you what let's put mitch to work okay because the cord is too short let's just have you hold it if you don't mind i'll hold it so even that you're too tall okay you have the key oh here's the keys so i'm going to plug the key in you'll have to zoom in the camera yeah and we'll turn it on and you know what i'll use this camera over here let me switch the camera input let's go to uh camera one or two there we go now i can see here zoom in on it let me turn these lights off so people can see a little better there's one light pretty slick let's turn off the other light and the one behind me and yeah we'll turn off these lights too ooh so if i so you see right here this is lit up it says cl for clock go this way fm radio and i can turn the dial if i go back uh the other direction that's off when it's straight up and down to the right that's the bluetooth speaker you can pair it with your phone go to the right again that is the line input so you can play audio from the line input okay if we go back to the clock again not only does this turn but if i push it it does take a while when you when you push buttons on this you have to be patient because it really works like something from the 1950s yeah you see these two vacuum tubes are just here for show and they light up and then the vu meter lights up and then there's little bars right here and that's your volume now this volume doesn't just go zero to ten the volume just spins endlessly and the more you spin it the higher up the volume will go it just keeps spinning and spinning and spinning so if you wanted to sleep you know and you wanted this on the bedside table and it was too bright you just tap the function button and then the lights go out now if you want to set the alarm you just simply press and release the set button and then you then can set the alarm for what time you want and then push function watch how long it takes to move to the minutes uh push function wait then it moves the seconds push function again and it'll say what radio station do you want me to all right now the alarm is programmed and to turn the alarm on you flip that switch okay see how that lights up yeah that turns the alarm off and so as a little bedside table again i turn the lights off it's very dim this will display the hours minute seconds month day year i've never seen anything like this this is custom built in the ukraine okay it's pricey it's a little over 300 but i was like you know what it's my birthday yeah and it's so different i don't know anybody else that'll have another one of these and if you look real closely like that number three was right up let me let me zoom in on this okay that's as zoomed in as i can get and if you notice when the the three is all the way at the front let's see if we can do it maybe like you can see where the five is like more forward than the two right it is definitely the most oh and i think you can go in 24-hour remote too i like 12-hour mode that makes me so happy unfortunately fedex damaged it okay and i contacted the etsy seller and he said uh i'll send you another one and i said well before you do let me let me take it apart take a look soon when i look in there this vacuum tube had broken free and was wedged up in here okay so i had to figure out how it comes apart it's all hand built it's all custom built and i just had to reseat it back in its socket and then this nixie tube would not light up and it gives me two spare nixie tubes because these will these nixie tubes do burn out okay but you can go online and buy them but even replacing the nixie tube that one right there would not turn on so i just started pushing on all the connectors and one of them went made a click like that and then the nixie tube work and then i wrote the guy back and i said you know it looks like i fixed it i didn't want him to be upset with me that i took it apart and i made a little video of me doing it to send to him in the ukraine so he could see what i was doing and he was so thrilled he's like i'm so glad you you know we're willing and had the skill to do that and chad just to let you know it is quite heavy it is not heavy it is not heavy come on now so well we've got the lights out okay i'll tell you what let me move this over here oh and then it's got you know this is for the yeah when's the last time you saw an antenna like that fm no static at all yeah stevie dan yeah i love this nixie tube clock and they even make nixie tube watches but they're pretty thick yeah they're like tall so so that was birthday present number one okay now if you recall earlier on i found these little arcade games little tiny they're like 20 bucks on amazon and um they're exactly well not exactly they're really darn close to a real arcade game there's a switch on the back and you turn it on there's no boot up time it's ready to rock and roll you push the button yeah carrie gave me that one a pac-man one i have it sitting on my desk at home camera won't focus yeah it's pretty cute but it's really unplayable the screen is so tiny the controls are so tiny now i have a full-size galaga machine at my house at the office that was my birthday present when i was 42. you can't find one of those for under 2 000 plus nowadays it's like between the pandemic and uh in people our age you're feeling nostalgia and having a little money they're buying them up and there's a lot of knockoffs there's a lot of ones that are fake and authenticity is really really important to me it's important to my channel it's important in every aspect of my life if i want to play a video game which is what got me into computers i want to play it exactly like it was in the arcade i don't want an m um like people oh you could download maim you don't understand we didn't play games with a keyboard we had a joystick and buttons that were a certain size and distance and that's a major part of the game so um so i have a galaga machine and the galaga board in it was failing so i had them pull the galaga board out and we put this jam aboard in there which is i'm sure of questionable licensing integrity and it's it's not exact but i mean it's the i can't tell the difference like if you're a professional right galaga player like if you're at that level i think the frame rate's a little off but for for me it is exactly to the t as far as i can tell the very galaga i played and it's got 59 other games like pac-man uh dig dug galaxian gyrus a donkey kong and i was going to order another one for this place but they're 250 pounds and they sell for like 2 000 and i found a place that was selling a refurbished one for nine hundred and eighty dollars but then there's four hundred and fifty dollars freight charge yeah and then i gotta figure out how to get it in here and i already have one so i don't need two yeah so i said you know what would be cool is if i built my own but every time i have an idea i google it and somebody else has already had the idea so i went on ebay and somebody makes this let me explain what this is okay this is exactly my upright arcade game put into a different size box okay that's all it is this guy on ebay i'm sure it is of questionable legality with regards to the licensing but i don't care this is the same exact jama board that's in my arcade game at home it's the same jama board that i made a video here on youtube called how to build your own gaming machine for under 100 but it's in a package that's more portable so this is a tabletop game it's got a 19-inch monitor uh it's a it's an lcd the real arcade games were crt that's why my big arcade at home is still a glass crt but the image quality on this is very very it's sharper than it ever was in the arcade and he sells a smaller version of this that's a 17 inch monitor it's not perfect um you can see this this is already peeling off down here uh this control board sits up on an angle and i can't see the little bottom part of the screen like it says credit 0 down there you probably can't see it i would have you tilt it forward but it's very heavy so if you're looking down at it you can see it but looking straight on this control board's too tall also when he 3d when he printed the um i almost said 3d printer when he printed the graphic here the right side of the graphic slightly appears on the left side and there's a little bit of a jaggedness to this left side and a lot of people say well that's really nitpicky and it's like well yeah it is because this is seven hundred dollars yeah but you got you know what's the cost of a 19-inch lcd the cost of the jamba board the harness the power supply the controller the joysticks and then you've got you know you got to make the cap it's custom made so when i turn on my arcade at home this is the screen i get and look there's even if you notice there's a little spot on that monitor and i think i'm going to have to take it apart to clean it you can't see it when the screen is black so let's give it a shot there's obviously no way to put a a coin in it so it's free play so the way you start this is you hit the player one button and now you can select what game you want to play so the fact that the game says donkey kong those are just stickers and a theme it doesn't change anything since i already have one that says galaga i wanted one that said something else so we start with miss pac-man galaga frogger donkey kong donkey kong jr donkey kong 3 galaxian dig dug crush roller mr do space invaders um just pac-man there's something called galaga 3 gyrus oh i love you iris uh tank battalion i don't know i never played that 1942 is a fun game ladybug i don't know what that is burger time and the fact that you know all of these by memory i'm quite impressed no no i'm reading right up here oh okay right up here okay mappy i don't know what map is centipede millipede junior pac-man pengo phoenix time pilot i forgot all about time pilot super cobra for sure that was a fun game pool or hustler yeah i'd never play that space panic i don't know if that is there's super breakout good old school breakout that's based on the game developed by steve wozniak and steve jobs when they they did that breakout game for atari back before they became apple by the way that's not the game they create but it's a it's um evolved from that inspired by that rally x or new rally x arkanoid kicks or quicks that was a really simple game it's very frustrating and fun juno first xevious mr deuce castle mooncresta i forgot all about mooncresta pinball action uh okay whatever there's scramble there's uh super pac-man bomb jack shaolin's road king and balloon i don't know what these are 1943 van van carr i don't know what that is pac-man plus dig dug two i don't know what that is amadar again i don't know how about zaxon puyon lee pliods gunsmoke something called the end 1943 kai knight uh there's congo bongo jumping jack miss pac-man 2 that's like a sped up version of the game galaga 2 is like a sped up version of the game um that's all these are so basically duplicates with the settings cranked up now the the circuit boards for these arcade games used to have dip switches so you can d the arcade operator could decide how many tokens required to play um how many lives you get typically three or five how many points you need to get a bonus life if any at all like sometimes you won't get any bonus life sometimes rapid fire is enabled so you can hold the fire button down you don't have to keep smacking on it in each game you can individually set the dip switches i wish this had a light up marquee this does not light up the very first game i played the very first arcade game was called astro blaster it wasn't my favorite but that was the one i wasn't really interested in space invaders and missile command these things were already out and i didn't really i thought they were dumb but eventually i started playing other games and i found this gallagher machine and the thing about gallagher is it's like riding a bicycle it doesn't matter how long it's been since the last time i played how far what level you think i can get to like if i do it right now too what level was the maximum level you think i could get to um i would imagine it would go up to 10. yeah let's see so we hit once so you hit the player button player one button the first time to go through your selection once you've made your selection hit it one more time and this is exactly exactly the arcade i'll try and play can they see me if i stand here or not yeah when can they see the game no it's probably muting the sound i should probably turn the filter off do me a favor actually you know what let me let me turn the filter off for a minute so that people can hear it because i'm sure it's muting it and that means we have to go to the speaker options proper filters and we'll just turn off noise suppression okay now they should be able to hear this along with the air conditioner all right all right and if i stand here and play it yeah they can well i can't really move this a little bit all right let's try that one more time i think that'll work [Music] that's the guy i want right there [Music] i gotta be careful not to shoot my own ship here [Music] [Music] [Music] oops whoops hey i see mighty oils in the chat hello marty is that music copyrighted you think you're gonna get i think you're gonna get no there's no problem with that [Music] ah [Music] [Music] uh no i missed one [Music] [Music] turn it no no that's not good [Music] [Music] gosh darn it have any idea how many hours of my youth i've spent playing this quite a misspent youth yeah are you starting to believe me yeah don't let them trap you in the corners don't let them do it two excuse me blessing right are you allergic to galaga yeah could be fatal [Music] ah oh he's booking oh of course i got to get to a challenging stage with one guy no [Music] i did pretty good with one guy it's not too shabby that was close that's going to get a little hairy no no wow [Music] careful don't shoot my own guy [Music] marty says welcome back welcome back it's good to be back marty oh [Music] okay things are gonna get serious now [Music] [Music] no well i killed both of them you can't get trapped in those corners they will come at you [Music] [Music] oh careful [Music] let's come down quick ah nope nope out of [Music] one more guy one more guy i keep getting free guys you don't normally get that many players but every time you heard that little doo doo doo that was a enough no see now if he captures me i don't have another guy so i can't do that anymore okay so i mean i haven't played in a while 192 000 level what 22 was it i don't know so anyway i think the highest ever been was like level 50. 1980s 1980 and what's great is you know when the game's over you go back to the main menu and you know if you want to play miss pac-man you want to give it a shot uh no thanks so there's nothing i hate worse than a game that claims to be let's say miss pac-man and it's not right authentic yeah then it's not like it's like um a version like the atari 2600 version of pac-man it was horrible it was nothing like the arcade let me just kill this off real quick and i'll load up i mean you got to see donkey kong right because it is a donkey kong cabinet then i'll move on to the next thing i want to show you okay oh wait let's give me five guys five gals that's miss pack so again with all the games i won't go obviously we'll be here all day but i do want to show you the donkey kong because it is after all the theme of the cabinet [Music] so i'm not very good at donkey kong ah [Music] [Laughter] oh [Music] oh [Music] last guy okay see if i can leaf get through level one jeez no come on [Music] all right i had fun with that anyway let's bring the lights back on happy birthday to me that makes me so happy i'm so happy it's exactly as my childhood well my teenage years it is precise the way it feels the way it looks the way it sounds everything is perfect let's go back to the main camera all right now oh got some other lights to bring on over here in this other room i have shown in the past this is a quarter arcade which is uh double entendre in that these games all took a quarter to play and this is a precision replica one quarter the size of the original upright arcade game okay it is precise the curvature of the panel it's got a coin door on it even though it doesn't do anything on the back even these little where am i these little cutouts are in the original box okay it loads just like the original machine where it initializes the screen and when you play it well we can simulate putting a quarter in and then [Music] it's got a rechargeable battery in it [Music] that's one that is precise tomato paste robert mitch drinks wine never never had a sip of wine once and uh didn't like it i'm a blue moon blue moon beer that's my quarter arcades these are limited these are all limited edition games so they when they stop making them it becomes a collector's item at a very high price this is exactly replicated you'll see in the back is different than the back of galaga because in real life that's how it was once again we can hit player one [Music] the graphics even the instructions and the bezel around the screen it is authentic to the original in every tiny detail but wait there's more i knew i picked a wrong day to quit drinking [Laughter] this is one-third no it's a little smaller this is made these are made by a company called numskull this is a little smaller but again true to everything but this one the coin door actually opens and um the marquee lights up the little player one player two buttons light up just like the original so we can simulate putting a quarter in oops hold on there's more i'm having audio overload uncle now this is it exactly centipede okay with the rollerball and everything right here and unlike those little keychain ones this is actually playable right i mean it's it's a screen is big enough okay so it powers on and then we can hit player one well as soon as it powers on here it takes a minute to load though okay but wait there's more hold on can we push this well now it's going to fall off i'll just that's fine right there once again i want you to notice the design of the cabinets are they don't they're not all the same box each box is custom designed to exactly the way the machine was in the arcade right like this is cut out here this one's on an angle here this one haha once again we've got a coin door that opens these are made by a company called replicate and they're a bit smaller that you know the quarter arcades are a little easier to play they don't make this anymore good luck finding one player one here you you want to know who the real numbskull hey yeah at your age you got to have a hobby so it is exactly like the arcade yeah now there's one last one one last one i want you to imagine it's the 1980s this is what you do all day as a teenager you go to the arcade you couldn't afford one of these at home you bring five bucks if you can you get 20 quarters sometimes you get tokens instead of quarters but they're worth 25 cents and games typically cost 25 cents per play you typically get three lives for each quarter and as you can see the quality of the graphics gets better in this guy who by the way lives here in scottsdale he's a cartoonist okay and he comes out with the kind of video game we've never seen before never seen it before let me show you because this one is the piece of resistance i'm having audio overload i think i mean this is easier my favorite piece of the collection yeah i will admit chat that yeah that one i did spend quite a few quarters at the not the arcade it was some store no it was an arcade yeah that had games and that one there was always a line notice all the digital scoreboard because it's a cartoon yeah there's got to be a different way because they didn't do graphic overlays back then so there's a digital scoreboard speakers on each side the way the machine is cut out and carved out in graphics 100 identical dragon's lair the fantasy adventure where you become a valiant night on a quest to rescue the fair princess from the clutches of an evil dragon [Music] you control the actions of a daring adventurer finding his way through the castle of a dark wizard who has installed it with treacherous monsters and obstacles [Music] let me take a tranquilizer i'll be right back what's that let me take a tranquilizer i'll be right back you're gonna you're gonna miss the most cool thing ever mitch okay on the back there's an hdmi port so you can plug this into your tv and two usb ports so you can plug in a controller or joystick if you want to just set the game to the side and play it on your big screen tv it's gonna look a little fuzzy on a 1080 tv because these games weren't in 1080 right but you don't have to do it you just plug in the hdmi you remember i mentioned how the back of the machine is 100 identical check this out if you open this drawer inside in the actual arcade game if you worked on these there's a laserdisc player this is an exact replica of the very laserdisc player that was in that machine which you wouldn't have seen if you've never seen the inside one and i'm so old i still have a laser disc player with movies in my screening room so it comes with a little remote control okay that's that would sit on top of a laser display or inside of the arcade for the for the person that works on it the laserdisc player opens up and there's supposed to be a little laser disc in here oh you lost it all right well you know what it may still be in the box but there comes a little miniature laser no it doesn't work it's just for looks and it sits down in there get some plastic on there we'll take that off it is exactly see that's where the remote goes right right in that this little cutout right here where the remote morton says time for a blue moon you got that right this is exactly what was inside of the machine yeah i mean this level of detail is crazy i did get i will admit i did get that was my game of choice and i did get pretty good at that game but i wonder where the laserdisc is there's supposed to be a laserdisc in here mitch if i don't have it i'm going to be really upset i hope it's still in the box because um it's not like you're just going to go online and buy one right no one would ever know what was there like you got to be a nerd to really appreciate that if this wasn't part of the game who cares right it's inside the box but that's exactly the way the game went together and how somebody would service it this is my when these were new they were 120 now 400 bucks on ebay up to 600 if you can find one they're all running off an internal battery this even comes with little tiny tokens okay all the replicates are all kind of the same and then all the quarter arcades are kind of the same so happy birthday to me i bought some of the dumbest crap that i absolutely don't need but this is so nostalgic and so accurate to the time period um it brings back your youth i have to get misspent as it was i have to get galaxy they have a galaxian okay i have a miss pac-man a dig dug and they're coming out with a space invaders you can order now space invaders was a cabinet that was kind of it was like this wide and it was deeper and the screen was set back well it looks like that's exactly how they're making it okay but just at this size i am blown away by the level of detail i want to get these guys on and interview them because even the coin door lights up like the little insert 25 cents and i've turned this off because it'll just chatter you know it'll keep going in the demo mode this makes me so happy i'm so sick and tired of fake you know nes versions of galaga or not galaga and um i hope to see a donkey kong in this size i hope maybe they'll even do space ace i better set this down because if these fall i'm gonna cry i i don't know if you can tell this is so amazing the fact that they have a tempest now granted the original tempest had like a little metal um controller and you could spin it it had like weight to it you could spin it and this they give you this plastic knob and they give you several of them because i guess through their testing they must break or something but just the fact that the player one player two lights up just like they did on asteroids and centipede centipedes got a little tiny trackball they don't make this anymore they don't make this anymore they don't make this anymore they don't make dragon's lair anymore they're limited edition runs and when they're sold they're sold so if you don't know about it you miss out if you want to buy one now you're going to pay three to four times the original cost but if you get them when they come out they're like 120 to 150 and you know if they were if they weren't so damn accurate i'd say it's a waste of money but i spent thousands of hours in the arcade easily hundreds of dollars maybe thousands of dollars mostly on this machine but i played all of them and um this just i mean even the instructions and all the detail on the boards i've checked it for typographical errors or missing words i cannot find a flaw even the instructions here it is exactly precisely the way the game was designed and displayed in the arcade from the side art you know the 80s had some of the coolest um graphical art on these arcade games just very unique very different and everything i've seen for the most part has left me disappointed because it's like now that's not really what tempest was or that's not really what pac-man was it's kind like they have these one-up machines they keep selling i hate those one-up machines they're horrible because they're not the way i remember the game these are precise i can't express that enough and they're collectors items and i imagine they're just going to keep going up in value because they only made one batch and when the batch is sold they're gone but i'm really worried about where that laser disc is now that does nothing but i have to have it you'll find it but i'll do it later i won't stop the broadcast for that okay watch your step down here mitch they have a little volume control on the back so you can raise and lower the volume here on the replicates these smaller ones are made by a company called replicate they charge through usb get four hours on a charge i think it's four hours and um if this will turn off there's a brightness control you can decide if you want the marquee light on or off so you still have function controls just like the real arcade machine had but instead of physical hardware switches i don't know how to get out of the menu though i think you hold the power button down if i'm not mistaken there it goes and then you'll see it says powering off and then the whole thing shuts off okay so a complete waste of money absolutely numbskull but i have to tell you he like hey mikey he likes it what's the price of happiness right you know and i love how small they are that it's not going to take up a lot of room if i wanna like what i'm what i'm thinking of doing is putting a shelf behind us and i'll put these on display along with maybe some of the previous builds and stuff we've done on the channel and if they keep coming out with more of them i'm going to keep buying them and keep building the collection but i'll get them when they're 120 bucks that dragon's lair was 400 and it was a bargain like i'm telling you the fact that that dragon's lair sold for 120 was a steal if i had known if i had known i would have bought it so complete waste of money but it does bring me some happiness and um and maybe you don't know they existed they're still out there and i'm going to do a video with this with this other youtube channel called gen x grown up and there's george and i can't get everybody's name john george paul ringo but these guys are really cool guys they they do a lot of retro game reviews they talk a little bit about um what life was like in the 80s and the things you dealt with as a kid latch key kids and stuff that with cartoons that were on tv and so so i'm gonna work with them on a collaborative video and we're gonna do something together so if you haven't checked out gen x grown up it's a fun youtube channel if that's something that's of interest to you be sure and check them out so okay i'm sweating and you see the mini ones i've got miss pac-man and you'll see these don't have control bolt labels they all have the same button layout they're not accurate to the real game except the artwork is similar let's see we have dig dug galaxian galaga then i have a pac-man and frog and you've got one of these little pac-man at home at my desk and you can get these on amazon they're like 20 bucks but they're really not very playable they're just kind of show pieces or tchotchkes the fact that they're playable think about it these machines were six feet tall weigh 250 pounds and that was the latest technology in the 1980s and we can more or less emulate that now and hang it on a keychain that's that is evidence of evolution in technology i can't believe that they can cram the game and the controller and everything when it was a six foot tall machine and like dragosler that was probably a three 350-pound machine and then the sit-down ones remember the sit-down arcades those are like 500 pounds they're just not easy to move those around [Music] and i'm also going to follow up with a local arcade here called star fighters arcade it's in mesa by falcon field airport and it's in an industrial park and it's this gigantic arcade they must have hundreds of both stand-up arcades and pinball machines and the one of the co-owners agreed to let me interview them but i've been waiting for the pandemic to end and so right uh i hope to be able to uh do that soon i got my my shot my my my moderna that's why i'm i'm on my way that's why you're sweating yeah i'm on my way to being fully vaccinated i'm still 28 days away i still want everybody to stay six feet away from me regardless from now on well do you want us do you want to start putting those away so that they're back to where you had them i probably should before something happens because i'll tell you where you can put one man's trash is another man's treasure i don't you know it's going to bother me now if i don't find that laserdisc it'll be around these are my favorites though i i it's just big enough to play it yeah screen and the bezel on the screen i just oh it's so perfect it's perfect so while he's doing that chat it's time for a little segment we call joke of the day let me think oh why did the whale cross the ocean to get to the other tide oh and while i'm thinking about it uncle carrie don't forget to um you got to turn the suppression back on you know how you flicked it off yeah otherwise they're going to hear the ac pretty good what is it today in phoenix chad anybody know can't be more than 114. um it's hot it's hot it's africa yeah been a good birthday mitch yeah yeah i'm so happy well that's good because at your age i've got my childhood friends stay with me forever now you take that you take that second shot and you know you're gonna start howling at the moon so it was a full moon the other day did you notice uh yeah did do somebody oh ron says it's 110 in sun city that's what would you say carrie is that about um 20 25 miles away from us here in scottsdale scottsdale so um yeah oh would you ask me something yeah i will tell you chat this is kind of exciting news i um sometime in september probably mid-september i oh no there you go you've got to find it lasers okay let's move these up and you're certain you saw the disc or you don't know that's what i'm concerned about well who told you that there was the disc in there i saw a video review on youtube oh and the guy had the little disc so i might have been so anxious that i took it out of the box that's a cool box okay but i might have been so anxious that i didn't look for it oh they give you this really cool keychain i'm okay that is too stale if you push on it it lights up can't wait on that it's like made of cast iron or something oh yeah oh wait okay so there's this bag and the bag has little tiny tokens you see the token okay there's like a couple tokens in there yeah there's a sticker of the girl and then there's instructions and maybe maybe there's a laser distance okay all right yeah here is my mic oh sorry i had my mic up all right thanks guys thanks for letting me know i had switched it up all right let's see take that disc and shove it in the appropriate orifice slot no slop pretty sweet it's a tiny desk okay how do you get it out don't break it now yeah i still have a laser disc player isn't that amazing still works too there it is what is it what if i got pioneer cdl this laser cld 1090 i think yeah i can know okay now you're happy now here's the little again everything is to the right scale of uh quarter size so it's a quarter size quarter okay wait i gotta you know that needs to go in the laserdisc player now because i don't want to lose it and while he's doing that chat what i will tell you here in september i have the opportunity to stay in an apartment for free in new york city right on manhattan and kind of one of my life's on my bucket list was to run around at night to some of the comedy clubs and do open mic nights um the comedy clubs and so i am in the process of writing seven new minutes of material and oh yeah and i will kind of polish it by performing it here before i go and then about mid-september i'll go to manhattan for two weeks in my cousin's apartment and she won't be there and uh and run around that night uh doing comedy and then of course all the touristy things uh during the day the big library and statue of liberty i've been to new york a couple of times already but never for that great length of time you dropped it a laserdisc player and my little remote yeah let's get the laserdisc in it the the newer of the laserdisc players you put the disc in and then the thing used to go to the end and flip around so you didn't have to take the disc out and flip it i still have one of the older ones where you had to play one side the side ended then you ejected it flip the big silver disc over and put it in and so yeah amazing that the mine still works i guess these are spare rubber feet in case they come off usb charging cable you want to keep the box though don't you of course i mean it's a collector's item yep and it is a extremely limited production it's not like they made a million of them so you know a lot of people when they're collecting things like beanie babies there's so many of them yeah you know the only ones that are worth any money are ones they didn't make very many of and you never know which ones those are until it's already done right it's a gamble it's a risk but they all come in nice boxes okay and i love that this is now complete and you know what let's try something here mitch let's grab an hdmi cable and let's plug it in to the back now you said you played this one before right i did as a kid yeah let's see how well you can do i don't even know it's probably been 40 years oh he's already making it oh and chat i will before i go there in september i certainly will get um a lot of your suggestions yeah as to the you know the best pizza best italian where to go where to go you control the actions of a daring adventurer finding his way through the castle of a dark wizard who has inspected it with treacherous monsters and obstacles in the mysterious caverns below the castle your odyssey continues against the awesome forces that oppose your efforts to reach the dragon [Music] your stairs awaits okay are you ready uh i i guess what are the buttons i know what the joystick does but so you got to put a quarter in so you push the coin button select one or two players so the top button is one okay well you think you have to hit it twice i think it's two coins no not that player button the coin button oh it's two coins there you go now give that a shot [Music] how many lives do i get five oh drink how about if i go in here that was no good one more okay how about if i go this way okay [Music] so this game is all about timing yeah well let me give it a shot i was never good at this game [Music] [Music] whoops [Music] oh i had to hit the fire button oops well i'm not better than you wait i gotta do it again one more time one more time boy the timing has got to be here we go oops i knew i did the wrong thing there i don't know why i did that forward fire oh come on i hit fire come on [Music] okay if i can't do this and i'm just gonna quit [Music] oh i forgot i had to jump darn it i think that's it okay that was fun i just had to do it we need to work on that dirt the night dirk who's the dork flame dirk the door plane me and you smedly i worked up a sweat on that one so all right let's see what we've missed in the in the chat here let's take a look the drugs are finally kicking in so let's i'm gonna look through the chat here see what we got what we miss scott says happy birthday a lot of happy birthdays out there thanks to all of you i'm going to name everybody because there's a lot of you in there but thank you to all of you is your mic offer no that was probably previously check one two yeah yeah i'm good good um you want to put the uh ac's drafting of twenty contributes says happy birthday carrie yeah put the filter back on yeah yeah put no suppression back on so you don't have to hear that air conditioner running there we go yeah hoisting 150 norwegian corona says happy birthday carrie thank you so much oysteen thanks for your continued support and i and and the happy birthday appreciate that very much bob shoemaker's in there this is happy birthday oh i will tell you chad after three weeks i would i was a bit nervous when i got home that my uh my motorcycle wouldn't start up and um well sure sure enough i mean she fired right up i had to get up get up at 5 30 in the morning as with sun up because it was the coolest part of the day and fired it up probably drove the neighbors insane because it's a loud bike but went for a ride for about uh an hour and a half and um was impressed that it fired right up after three weeks not that i thought that the battery would be dead but um that was good good news because that's the only time you're going to catch me riding it's probably every two weeks to fire it up and get up at six and out the door by 6 15 which will be the coolest part of the day and you know just go for a nice little ride until october i thought you said it didn't start up oh no it did oh it did i thought you said it yeah yeah turn your hearing aid up old man all right turn my what time is it yeah what kind is it what kind is it i got a new hearing aid what kind is it about 12 30. what flavor is it lime all right let's see oh mort mott sent the gift card for 53. thank you more month and uh luke greenia contributes his usual twenty dollars he's probably tapping his foot going remember you said you were going to send me that computer i haven't had any time but uh more about that later and then uh fred sent 25 amazon gift cards says happy birthday i still have 15 years on you love your shows and keep up the good work well thanks you guys thank you very much uh yeah you know these arcade games don't grow on trees yeah no i i uh i have two more systems like that lawyer's office you know we i did the four builds yep i upgraded which i just did the video about upgrading the one okay now they want to upgrade two more of those old ones okay and i found a used from amazon warehouse h 370 hd 3 gigabyte motherboard which is in the other ones yeah so they're all going to be the same part and i was like all right i'm going to have to find another one but they don't need it right away okay but i checked today and there was another used hd3 and remember i'm getting it from amazon prime so if there's any problems i can send it back but times have changed i would never sell used parts never but i'm having such good luck with these amazon warehouse returns yeah yeah that i am more than happy to honor the warranty the same as a new build i do tell the customers you know this is the only if you want them all the same this is the only way i can do it yeah and it was only 70 so i ordered that today and what i do is my little tip for your uncle carrie when there's something i want on amazon i add it to my wish list and every day as part of my routine i log into amazon i click on my name in the top right corner and i click wishlist and it brings up everything i'm watching okay and i check the price and availability yeah and underneath the price it'll say use the new available from if there's anything there and so i just looked there yesterday uh there was amazon prime right from june 21st to the 23rd i think amazon prime day where they have a bunch of sales on stuff okay and you know i'm a big fan of these sandisk one terabyte flash drives yep and they were 180 bucks and now they're 208 the price went up about a month ago but amazon prime day had them on sale for like 140 or 130 i can't remember and you can only buy two so i bought two and they also had numerous processors on sale for amazon prime day so they had i i got a 9700k to go with the h370 okay but it would only let me get one so i called a friend of mine i said would you order one of these for me and then i'll just pay you back and and in fact i just sent them the amazon i took the amazon gift cards that i had i said tell me what the total amount is and then sent that total amount as an amazon gift card to them okay and then when they get it i'll just go over there and pick it up and that takes care of the lawyer's office right so now they're getting a discounted price uh all the machines are going to be the same somebody wants to know where you can buy this like i said the legality of of the roms the licensing is questionable this is clearly a small-time operation and it's not perfect but it's pretty damn cool and they make a smaller version that's a 17-inch lcd this is a 19-inch lcd go to ebay and type in tabletop donkey kong okay that's how you can find them they're depending on the size of the screen you're looking somewhere between four to six hundred dollars then their sales tax and about 50 60 bucks in shipping this is heavy um but it works well it works well enough i wish that they paid a little more attention to the detail but maybe gen x grown up and i can do something like that where they have they have some skills and 3d printing and woodworking i have electronic skills and together maybe we'll build a better version of this more contributions came in mitch all right there's gl oh wait here stan wristoff one pound ninety-nine says circus music please and glenn's music with eleven dollars and eleven cents australian says windows 11 return of the holtzman coming to pc's this winter happy birthday made the forced updates to be with you and john jack wilson says happy birthday uncle carey and welcome back mr toto thank you right on thanks jack robert malovich with or malavik is it melodic or melo contributes ten dollars and says happy birthday carrie rick wants to know what kind of motorcycle it is a um 2014 tonka uh yeah suzuki fisher price mr109 boulevard and so boulevard people call it kind of the bumblebee yeah google google yeah suzuki zazuki boulevard emma look at the images yeah mr109 it looks like someone took a crotch rocket and a hog and they put them together yeah that's a really cool looking bike let's see here i still don't have my tesla though my friend is getting his tesla tomorrow he wants me to take him to go get his model y i'm not sure he's going to be my friend anymore ah he's not allowed to get a tesla before me i don't even need the damn thing oh he's got a picture um how can i here let me give you the right screen there mitch hold on here we go now you can see there there she is yeah beautiful yeah only had 10. you really can't see how nice that bike is because you got to look at it from right and the guy the owner uh kind of special did a lot of stuff to it so it's not yeah it's it looks a lot meaner and um he wants me to go with him carrie in november 7th and 8th down to um rocky point there's going to be a big motorcycle kind of rally down there for the weekend and so that's about a i think he said that's a five-hour drive down there something like that so are you sweating is it just me it's just you yeah yeah is your left arm tangling do i need to call 9-1-1 because i certainly am not giving you mouth-to-mouth i'll just what do i do yeah you got to give them out tonight yeah okay say mitch doctor said you're gonna die what else yeah i wouldn't be going to mexico i've heard too many stories especially if there's a traffic accident yeah um yeah i would have rallies you know yeah i would have to get uh special interests and the pandemic it's just special insurance but you enjoy that without me okay and yeah yeah you you just make sure you let me know where the will is mitch is that a shaft drive i'm pretty sure yeah that uh it doesn't have a belt does it is no no but she is loud oh you know what you say no i i listen to music uh and i can take phone calls and stuff through my helmet so uh yeah david martinez says carrie i just sent you a 50 amazon gift card man it's my birth is it my birthday holy cow look at that that was on wednesday the ingredient says 20 via paypal would have been more but you're holding my computer hostage and i need to save up for the ransom so i guess luke didn't hear me say that a minute ago but thank you luke i did read it out loud thank you so much and as soon as i can get to it i i promise uh i want it out of here as badly as you want to have it in there yeah luke i'll i'll crack the whip on uncle kerry we'll uh we'll get that we'll get that to you it needs cable management basically and i just i just haven't had time i've had so much work pile in because everybody's going back to the office office now yeah so once i finish like to your to your left mitch there's a couple of computers down there those are ones that are similar to the build the upgrade i just did last week that are the leon lee cases and um i'm going to replace those again with the h370 hd3 so all those computers will be identical and then there's one more over there so that's a total of nine computers i've done for them okay and they'll be good for the next four or five years yeah we're also upgrading the nas which is why there's a rack mounted synology here i need to make a video about that later and my then there's another business i'm they're also upgrading and i'm helping them they're all happening at the same time okay and then once those two are done i never hear from these folks aside from maybe a question now and again so this is major major upgrade time once it's done they're good like i said for at least four or five years yep so then i have the the next that opens up my schedule to go back to doing what i was doing and i'm still not taking on any new work from anybody unless they're a pre-existing customer right i'll take care of my existing but i'm not taking on any new customers i am still buried and it's damn near impossible to get parts right i mean thank goodness these people are sending these motherboards back to amazon because these motherboards should be like if they're available instead of being a hundred and twenty dollar motherboard it's like 272 dollars they're starting to gouge now because of the limited supply so the fact that somebody sent something so valuable back and they reduced the price on it to like 70 it's a steal but you've got parts to where we could do one of those little bills i always get those confused or those mini mini itx but the problem i was going to do the mini itx and realize they didn't have a small form factor power supply oh but i do have one back at studio a so i pick that up and i have it here now yeah and then we still have a couple more um of those liam lee uh not really i have a couple more of the silverstone cases that we were building the giveaways in for like mortmont and tony wallow and luke greenia and of course we've got that leon lee case for ryan in las vegas to finish up yeah and you've got all the parts for those yeah yeah in fact both ryan and luke's are done i have to do the cable management it's going to take two or three hours on each one for that and then i can fedex them out and get them out of here and then um we start to do the cable management on xenos and we have to do cable management on oh you know what since you're here okay let's do this let me turn this off you can't lift that alone oh yeah yeah it's it's maybe 50 60 pounds got your you're wearing your hernia belt i'm trying to think where i'm going to put it though i could put it on the counter over here let me see if i can move some items out of the way seriously how much is this weight do you think 50 pounds uh i think it's between 50 and 60 pounds it's not too bad it's again if i had to do this again i think i'd get the smaller 17 inch screen okay here let me take this off so when you all right you get the heavy stuff yeah okay steady now yeah it's like it's probably 50. yeah don't triple the camera one all right okay oh it's from funtime classic arcade well there you go dear stupid congratulations on your purses you truly are one of the few numbskulls dumb enough to go back to your youth did they spell it correctly there you go if you guys want to call and order one shazam oh i got hiccups now you're just falling apart you're sweating you got the you got the you got the hiccups probably because i got that vaccination i think i'm autistic now yeah moderna i went with visor well you know i looked that up i i said which one's better pfizer or moderna and the cdc said whichever one is available to you first is the best one for you so this isn't going to be big enough so i need to move this out of the way now i'm not putting robocop's foot on there huh oh yeah steady now now wait a minute i went to the gym yesterday but i didn't do squats all right you didn't do squat at the gym no i didn't do the squats i i did shoulders i'll be back all right all right all right i'll get back here because because i'm small and i can get back here you said it i didn't all right well sorry it's not secret just please don't step on no no well can't we like move that and roll it out out you're so well i mean i want to see you work it's it's so heavy i don't want to sweat all right do with the yeah easy try and get free labor out of somebody and they can be excuses let's just slide these out okay yeah yeah i'm with you sound effects chat what am i hung up on here i don't know i'll hold the stack and you yeah there you go okay yeah that's like a power of motherboards all right all right one robocop's foot coming up all right probably yeah be easier from this side computer where that we bring it inside and then we all jump out of it and attack you go around the other side let me move this stuff back before we trip on it can i take the cover off not yet not yet oh it's hot matt says have a beer and a smile i'll have two beers and two smiles that's later all right here we go now wait a minute i gotta bend by the knees you know yeah yeah i'm an old man i don't know where to grab um if you do you feel this up here right there yeah and then if you feel the bottom of the foot ready yeah together just set it down yeah nice and gentle yeah don't slide my push my hand okay yeah yeah perfect we're on right yeah yeah now let me move this dolly out of the way so you can trip on it what is this on the ground it's a washer to something now folks you don't get this kind of entertainment on other channels okay you don't get this kind of entertainment on this channel on this channel all right okay steady all right okay you're crushing your keyboard here oh am i yeah i'll take care of that in a second how did i do that i don't know here let me lift it and you get it there you go and it went bad but there you go yeah okay okay all right so i'll work on that tonight um it's all done i just have to cable it up isn't she a beauty i'm talking about me now you you call yourself a sheep yeah all right well save that discussion for another day yeah all right ladies and gentlemen what mitch refers to is robo's cop is a cougar branded conquer case this is all rgb lighting that lights up and moves and there's an rgb fan that previous and then i got g skill trident z ram just like what's in here and then i've got the giant uh cougar branded 360 millimeter liquid cooler it's a 10 900 k with uh 64 gigs of ram and no graphics card at the time i think i'm gonna put a 30 70 in here okay so all in including the case what are you thinking five g's uh well the video card unfortunately is is i got lucky and you know i paid 580 for it now trying to get that card is probably 1300 or more and uh you know this has onboard video so i really could just use onboard video i don't have to put a graphics card in it but again if you're but i've got it and i don't want to sell it the reason i don't want to sell the graphics card is i'm going to have to sell it at market price because if i don't what's the stop the person i sell it to from reselling it after doubling or tripling the money so i don't want to play the game bounce it in there um and i've got the current 3070 in that be quiet build you and i did i stopped to find a buyer for that if anybody's interested and that uh what is that an amd 50 5950x i think unfortunately that doesn't have built-in video so i'm going to have to put some kind of gpu in that but this one i don't have to but they can anybody interested can go back and look at the be quiet build right that we did and see what motherboard yeah just search my channel for be quiet you'll see it's um it's a really nice build with a be quiet liquid cooler in there and it's an amd i want to say 5950x um i've been so busy i will go back like the old streamer i need to clean it out that's uh what is it an amd ryzen [Music] 30 39.50 i need to clean it up get all the dust out of it take the capture card out of it um reinstall windows fresh and clean and then i'll offer that on sale because i'm never going to use it again like this this streamer right here is doing so well right this one i built as a spare streamer the xenos is built as another spare streamer yeah so you and then i still have the tube computer and the spaceship computer yeah and those are ones that i'm not looking to sell but as for the be quiet there's a couple other um corsair 200 hours i think i still have about eight corsair 200 and then there's one set one that we did before i left matusek mouzak uh music music nus or something like that yeah i've got three of those but i'm giving those away to my most generous contributors yeah and those are a real pleasure to work on i i'm very impressed with what those costs and then there's the cadizers case which is to your right on the floor that thing is a hot dog it is just looks really nice but you don't want to see how i watched the video yeah where's nutty is he back there nutty yay hey there's nutty i was sleeping did you just match nutty i was sleeping because you bore me to tears uncle karen i'm sorry did somebody say i can't where's that coming from do we have pest control i'm sorry did you say something nutty no all right i thought there he is all right do i still have the new amd threadripper computer yeah that threadripper 3ds revenge is completely finished cable management's done it's 100 perfect so i took it out of studio b i brought it back to studio a i draped a towel over it because studio a is very dusty and it sits and that's different from the original thready with all the names on it is that's what you call that's using it that's ready one right that's the original thread yeah that's in a uh nzxth 710 case is the 710 and then the threadies revenge is in an antec torque 2 which is a case this size kind of looks like a motorcycle it works perfectly it is 100 percent done nothing remains to be done on it but i have no use for it and that's got an rtx 3090 you know how much that is worth that's about a six thousand dollar computer and because i'm so busy i don't have any time to do anything with it there's nothing else to do to it but i don't need it for anything so it's sitting basically in storage the one i like chat that kerry built was uh the mini helicopter that one i really thought oh we have that one to finish too it was pretty sweet that was somebody you you know would be proud to set that on your desk you wouldn't want to put that on the floor because i mean people would come in and go whoa so these do you have a graphic card in that i forget whether you put one in there or not uh i can go look i don't think i did i think i'm using all intel so i can use on board on board yeah um but that one graphics card in it yeah that just no i'm not a big fan of rgb but the the look of the the little case and uh was yeah i did not predict graphics card okay let me do you have lemonade in the refrigerant i don't know i don't drink that crap all right so on that note okay if anybody's got any questions for me i'll do my best to provide answers with you and then we'll probably wrap it up making an early one today just a fun little hangout birthday session here and and we'll go off and do some day drinking just kidding i've got some graphics cards i could put in it but it's it's the whole point of it you know wasn't to build a gaming machine and and if graphics cards if i could just buy them whenever i wanted one of course it would have one um the graphics cards i've got the gpus i've got i've got about six of them here like gold yeah and that's you know yeah but a couple of like 1660s 1650s couple 20 80s couple 30 70s uh that's pretty much it that's all i have i think there's a 1080 around here somewhere but i don't really build gaming machines i don't nobody really calls me and says can you build me a gaming computer i'm dealing with lawyers offices you know people that actually work for a living that need something reliable this is how i make a living and um a lot of gamers want to build their own machines or they buy pre-built or buy consoles and parts are so hard to get right now like i said i have to sell gpus at market price so i'd rather not sell them that's my again not that i'm a gamer but i because of my screening room i uh i had my eye on that new playstation but like you said they the second they came out they're they're gone i mean they just get trying to get one trying to get one you can still get one like if you know if you want to get up early in the morning as soon as the store like best buy opens you could probably get in there and get one right away but like i don't have time there's just no time and chad what you know i'm on the fence my buddies you don't want the playstation you want the xbox one and i'm like i i don't know i mean i just everyone that who's a gamer seems to have a playstation and so i i don't know about the xbox one but i'm like you know i saw the new trailer for halo 5 because the e3 convention was just exposed it's got nathan fillion in it and that makes me want to buy an xbox one okay is that an xbox one anyway i don't know but for gaming rewind this video about 45 minutes ago these aren't games like call of duty that you play them you get to the end and you're done these are games you will play your whole life and probably never master them and there's a real serious i mean there's plenty of lawsuits going on right now for people claiming to have the high score on donkey kong and stuff like that they're ongoing lawsuits to this day if you search for the king of kong there's a great documentary and there's another documentary called the history of video games you know games like galaga you're just you're never probably going to win it getting to the end level of donkey kong is probably something you'll never do these games like call of duty and and uh you know they're you play it for about three hours you're good at it you get through it and you're done with it you move to the next one matt power says he's got both and guys and gales i'm not that i'm a type a like chuckles over here but it's just i'm afraid that i once i start where i'm just they're they're addicting the fact that you got the headset and you can play with you know people all over the world if you have nothing else to do it's a great way and i'm honoring your time and i'm like when the weather's nice here october through say end of april i you know i want to be outdoors and riding a motorcycle or pedaling a bike and and so it's now june july august and september these four months when it's 112 okay then you want to be inside play the video games but uh what are they the games are 75 dollars a pop aren't they 60 to 80 bucks a pop per game and i'm like but that's what they cost in the 80s when you and atari 2600 those atari 2600 carts were like 50 bucks and that 50 bucks was 1980s 50 bucks yeah so and in a way games are cheaper now yeah and far more complex but you know i'm let me let me put it to you this way especially for the kids watching i'm still playing galaga to this day i don't think you're going to be playing call of duty in 30 40 years i really doubt it like i can continue to play galaga over and over and over i can play donkey kong all these old school arcade games they have there's a reason why games like call of duty don't exist in an arcade they just don't have the long term what's the word for it they don't have any stability to them they're very fickle they're very of the moment i will tell you that flight simulator stuff though i mean they've come a long way yeah but they're so complex so complicated like you literally have to know how to fly a plane yeah to do them uh but hey if that's your thing that's cool but but you don't have to know how to do anything to play gallagher donkey kong very simple games right some are pattern-based games it's about memory if you know the patterns on pac-man yeah you don't have to have any skill a dragon's lair it's a pattern based game once you recognize the level you're on you just have to remember which motions and get the timing right and sometimes they flip the level the other way like they flip the frame so everything's backwards and then you have to do everything the same pattern the opposite way yeah so i don't know for me those are real that's a man's game well these other games i don't care well fun for a while and the fact that um either both of them i i still have a um oppo blu-ray player i don't have a 4k player in the fact that the playstation it's its drive was 4k and i'm like well i got to buy either a standalone one why that's this much watches blu-rays anymore sorry should have known the answer to that yeah all right let's take a look at uh let's see if anybody asks me any technical questions that i can answer here and if not we'll end early because it's his birthday where do you even see arcades i just mentioned there's an arcade yeah in fact i'm going to go get a tour there's a couple here in phoenix we have a bar in downtown phoenix called the cobra arcade bar google it it's really cool there's also i don't there's got to be a dozen of them over here in phoenix but the biggest one the one that's the most authentic to the way i remember it because of the scale of it the size of it is starfighters arcade you can go on facebook or just google it it's huge well if you if you enter the interview that guy down to mesa i want to go i'll work the camera while oh yeah well you um well you two guys walk oh i am definitely going to take because i want to challenge him on a game again yeah yeah and i'll camera and you guys can walk and talk and he can is he willing to take you through the warehouse and show you all those pinwheels well we will go to the warehouse we'll go to the arcade right right yeah and we'll go before it opens they're only open okay it's like eleven dollars a person uh friday and saturday is when they're open okay from 7 p.m to 11 p.m and all the games are on free play so you pay your 11 bucks you do pinball or whatever you want air hockey sweep i don't know if they have air hockey either because i am because that's a that takes up a lot of room because i am the king of them no no i am no that's the other thing i'm really good at yeah you would not even be in my league that's what i spent my misspen is air hockey those angles both you're an old man or hand kick your ass well the channel the godlessman lady you know what you know what uh your movie that's from do you ever see weird science yeah you're old and out of shape and i'll kick your ass yeah all right um challenge accepted okay james duffy contributes 10 australian dollars hi carrie happy birthday and good to see you mitch i missed you great donkey kong where have the 80s gone carrie you could do a raspberry pi build for under 15 already did one dom yeah already done one yeah uh let's see what else come on i thought i saw some questions in here will you have to make a new optimization tool for windows 11. ask me in december there's no point in trying to do anything for a product that does not exist yet you'll cross that bridge when it comes to it carrie holzman i have one gigabit internet with one gigabit network built into the motherboard and was a constant speed of just under 700 megabits per second i installed a 2.5 gigabit network adapter and got an instant speed jump to over 900 megabits per second so that doesn't make any sense yeah if the when you're plugging into your internet what speed is your modem you need a three point one right that's a doc says i'm saying on the back of your modem there's an ethernet plug okay right it's like saying what he just said basically and i'm gonna rephrase this for everybody who's not technical is i bought a brand new ferrari and now i can drive faster in rush hour traffic you can't go faster than rush hour traffic if you're plugging into a gigabit ethernet port on the back of your modem then it's only going to go gigabit it can't go any faster so what people are doing at least in this case what he's doing is he's associating a configuration problem with a hardware problem in other words instead of fixing the problem he had he bought an adapter which has a different configuration and in his mind he fixed his problem by buying the adapter you could have fixed the problem for free by adjusting the configuration of the adapter you had a one gigabit internet adapter plugged into a one gigabit internet plug on the back of a modem with one gigabit internet service should result in one gigabit internet speeds and tell them if you have any problems like that who can they call and sign up with what computer you know that's a good point but i don't really want to talk about it on friday oh because they're closed on weekends but my computer works guys if you guys need technical support for 39 a month with no contracts and money back guarantee they're open monday well they're open on weekends but monday through friday yeah they're like i don't know is it 8 a.m to 8 p.m or 9 00 i'm not sure but i've gotten feedback from those of you who have used it it's all north american based it's all american no script readers they're actually knowledgeable technicians in the business 16 they're patient they'll even tutor you if we need to be and again the no contracts and for 39 bucks a month they will answer any technical gadget problem you have pretty much whether it's a an apple product a windows product an android product if you've got a chromebook if you've got a tablet if you've got a smart tv they will help you over the phone and you can call them as often as you want for the month i just remember kerry that when i upgraded to our cox gigablast i had the old 3.0 boxes modem and they said sir you're going to have to get a new one and i'm like is that very expensive and she's like 130 bucks they're about 150 but she's like you need that in order to get your 1 000 down and your 36 up and so i said well all right i'll she's like don't rent one from us go buy one i bought one i think it was 175 bucks and then you have to make sure you have a router that can support gigantic yeah and my switch because i've got a 16 plug gigabit switch so yeah your switch chibi says what do you think about windows 11 chibi rewind the video and watch what you missed let's see [Music] uh russell stewart says i built the eight-year computer with a gen 10 700k cpu 16 gigs of ram will i be able to run affinity photo with the integrated graphics yes i can tell you in two two two letters what i think of windows 11. 1-1 p.u i haven't seen it oh okay how can i have an opinion on something that doesn't it's not released right it's it's like it's like hey i'm cooking something right now it's not done yet it's not done cooking but what do you well let me write a review on yelp of what i think about it well would you give me the benefit of letting me finish it first before you jump to conclusion why is everybody so damn impatient why does everybody always want to know the future today yeah it doesn't matter it's not done any opinion that that i have on it just like the video that i took down is speculatory it is completely a waste of time and we will all see what it is when it comes out i think it'll be interesting if microsoft keeps that tpm requirement because i think people are going to have a fit oh and just it just popped into my mind chad if anyone has just finished building their first computer or their 50th and they're thinking to themselves i really need a copy of windows 10 pro where can i get one inexpensive uncle kerry tell them what i'm glad you brought that up yeah i've had so many people ask me you know and i was putting links to amazon and stuff and it turns out you know there'd be some amazon would run out of inventory and then start recommending third-party sellers and then you find out the third-party sellers are selling rip-off copies of windows and then people were accusing me of promoting rip-off copies of windows so i said okay i'm not going to promote it anywhere because i can't trust anybody anymore even the the oem seller i was buying from turns out was likely ripping me off i mean i'm not sure but it's really suspicious so i had to do a lot of research like i spent i don't know six or eight weeks and uh dealt with a few companies and turned you know after i reviewed them and analyzed them and researched them i didn't want to be associated with them but then i found this company and everything with them is legit and i've reached a point right now where i am now using that for my clients like i said things have changed this is not three years ago my attitude about this microsoft's attitude about this has changed but microsoft has not been upfront about it i've been testing the waters and um this is 100 legit in fact i'm going to reverse the accusations back to the people and say prove to me that these license keys are not 100 legit and the reason i can say that is because i know for a fact these are 100 legit license keys you get them for about 16 17 there's a link in all my video notes below all my recent videos take you right to cdk deals you're supporting the channel you can save money on windows 10 pro as well as office 2016 in office 2019 so for people that don't want the hundred dollars a year for office 365 i just want they just want the straight windows 2019 office yeah or office i want to keep that on i'm like then get a key i had to get a key for the lawyer's office i went to cdk deals office 2019 was 49 and um you know they say you've got to log into microsoft to download the iso image but you can also just use the hei dock that i made a video about and download the official iso that way without signing into anything you install it and once it's installed you run it says what's your activation key you put your cdk deals key in there boom you don't have to call microsoft none of the questionable stuff it just works don't buy a key and hold it for six months no because that's just stupid yeah when people do that you're not gonna get any customer service if you buy something and you don't use it for six months and you have a problem with it anything in the world that you buy anything and you don't like you buy a tv and you don't take it out of the box for six months then when you do the screen is correct that's too suspicious so the problem is we have so many scam artists out there that are trying to pull a stunt at this point here's what i have to say if you're looking for official legal windows 10 pro licenses official legal office 2016 or 2019 the links are in my video i personally guarantee these keys work if you have any problems you reach out to their customer service and they will help you or they will refund your money and if all of that doesn't happen then you reach out to me and i will personally take care of it so far the only complaints i've had are from people who don't understand how the whole process works they're upset because they act like they just paid 35 000 and they're not getting their butt kick kissed it's like that's not how this works this is a discounted key can i activate it again in the future sure i'll tell you what we'll do if you want a key that you can activate again in the future pay me 200 and i'll provide you with a new key every time you need one because this is a ridiculous question when when the key is sixteen dollars it varies it's fifteen to seventeen dollars and the retail version of the same key is two hundred dollars you could buy 10 of those keys every time you wanted to renew it you could buy 10 of them and still be 50 ahead of the game no i'm not going to make any personal guarantees with regards to how often you can reactivate the same key maybe you can maybe you can't it's 15 you know like give me a break what do you think you're buying here 200 pounds of gold this is very inexpensive and it's legit and it's real and i wouldn't suggest you go and buy bananas and then save them for three months before you go try and eat them then take them back to the grocery store and complain that they're bad it's preposterous behavior and it's inexcusable to have such unreasonable requirements and if you're that person do us both a favor and don't buy anything that i am promoting because it is unreasonable and unjustifiable i have done all this work and i've done all this research and to have somebody accuse me without any evidence uh to be unable to prove any of their claims and to make up nonsense over wanting their butt kissed for spending sixteen dollars and i keep changing the price i know it's between 15 and 17 they run different discounts um it's not worth it it's not worth 17 which i'm not even making 17 right but it's not worth it to put up with it so if you're one of those people do us both a favor go spend 200 at best buy you can be their problem but for the rest of us looking for a real legitimate product with peace of mind and no anxiety yes can you go on ebay and find a cheaper key yes will it work will ebay give you your money back nope so nutty says don't delay get your key today well i'm just telling you i'm just telling you you can find cheaper keys and roll the dice and what happens happens if you buy the keys from cdk deals i guarantee it it's legit it's real and you have to provide me proof that it's not if you cannot provide me proof that it's not i am not going to walk you through educating you on how to tell the difference i'm telling you as a business owner that these are real and if that's not good enough for you then don't buy it i'm not making much money on it so the fact that i've gone through all this trouble and effort only to have people make false accusations that they can't back up is unacceptable on the other hand 99.7 of you who have taken advantage of the deal so far have written me this well not that many people have read me but many of you have written me to say thank you and you can read the comments of how many people have said thank you so it's not just coming for me i'm going to make sure that these deals are available from cdk deals at least for the next 12 months at least minimum so you don't have to buy a key now just in case you need it later you wait until you need it now you don't have to use it right away right i use it within let's say two weeks you want to be able to understand what it's like to be customer service and how many times they're trying to get ripped off and for you to complain about something you did months ago like i bought this a few months ago and i just tried to use it doesn't work they're going to go man good you know nice try nice try buddy right you're going to say you ripped me off and they're going to say bye although in their mind they're thinking you're trying to scam us and you're thinking they're trying to scam me if you're one of those people don't involve me in your little psychological games this is real this is a real business they're a company that's done 17 million dollars in sales they've got 72 employees they've been around many many years if it was illegal microsoft would have shut them down with the keys wouldn't work so if you can get somebody from microsoft or any official statement that says that these are not legit and real present it to me because it doesn't exist but if you want to go looking please do so cdk deals please use the links in the video notes it'll save you some money it supports the channel build your machine and if you want windows and office together there's some combo deals save you a little bit more money money if you're looking for that technical support forty dollars it's like 39 a month they'll waive the activation fee if you tell them hey i watch carrie holzman they waive the activation fee money back guarantee no foreign accents are going to be answering the phone they're all north america they're based right here in phoenix yeah right and look i have a friend of mine's mother-in-law who's always having problems with her computer and she's like oh she's calling me again about computer mode i have her call my computer works go to so i'm endorsing something i'm not just taking any endorsement deals i'm endorsing three things right now right in 12 years or whatever well in 12 years i've endorsed four things right acronis roboform i'm now officially you know i was skeptical about my computer works but i've had enough feedback from you guys i am 100 confident that not only are they good patient and helpful easy to understand but they give you a money-back guarantee so what i'm trying to tell you is everything that i'm endorsing you don't have to worry about getting ripped off this stuff is legit you have peace of mind if you buy from anywhere else like amazon's got good customer service noex customer service sometimes is better than other time but this stuff at least you know it's real and it's risk free so that's true of a cronus roboform my computer works in cdk deals as far as the windows and office keys somebody emailed me and said i accidentally bought office student and home i said i don't have any links to office student at home there's no way you could have purchased that using my links because i don't have it cdk deal sells all kinds of software games i don't know anything about it is it legit is it knowledge i don't know and i don't care that's not what i'm promoting will my coupon code work at those probably but if you don't use my link i don't get the uh the same commission amount so uh you know that's all i can do it's all i can do i don't know what else i don't know what else people want but um like i said i just had to buy an office 2019 key uh earlier in the week so you install office just like we install windows you don't install the product key first you install the product first this is universal of all product keys you install the product after the products installed then you put your key in that's the process and if you have any situation that their customer service doesn't resolve then you reach out to me and i guarantee you will make it right if it's a refund you want whatever it's going to take but i'm telling you the likelihood of that happening is trust me i'm not getting myself in involved in any fishy deals so if i'm personally backing it up you have to understand i've been in business for 30 years there's a lot of tests and qualifiers for me to make such a bold statement so i don't care if you buy it or not but you don't have to worry that it's a ripoff there is no risk that's all i want to say now a few more questions let's get out of here yeah agreed i'm hungry are you hungry i'm a bit peckish yeah you're peckish yeah uh what are we in the mood for chicken wings um yeah i haven't i haven't had chicken wings forever yeah then you know the price of chickens going on since didn't we have that right before i left so you haven't probably had them since i left that was a month ago we gotta have them the price of chickens gone up and uh now they want people to start liking chicken thighs the dark meat because that's cheaper and it's like well just pay the couple extra bucks why you gotta anyway it's all part of the pandemic shortages kerry likes the part of the chicken that jumps over the fence last you know what i'm talking about slow chicken the ones i can catch yeah um a few contributions came in let's take a look and by the way before we go thanks for everyone in chat that has stuck around uh good to be back here in phoenix with uncle kerry and we'll have a build with any luck here unless he uh drops dead from the stress from the uh from the vaccine um uh next friday hopefully so you know blackwatch contributes five canadian dollars he says i'm running windows version carry 53 smooth running so far make sure you get those updates yeah planet grouse contributes 20 bucks hey there he is yeah happy birthday carrie he says and hi mitch welcome back yeah winston lou says here's five bucks canadian happy birthday carrie bon anniversary i don't i don't speak french i don't know how you say stuff yeah thank you winston alvarado contributes of 4.99 do you say croissant yeah croissant yeah or is it no i made myself a bad guy would you like a console yeah kerry that's politically incorrect and culturally insensitive to question what it sounds like to you science what it sounds like it's a cool song okay do you say something yeah your dentures are and there goes all my pressure yeah uh william says would you use the birthday build or the amd bill what amd build what's he talking about yeah i don't know what he's saying maybe he's talking about my birthday bill that you did that was amd in the little case yeah how's that i use it yeah well you haven't been using it for a while but when i left i left them all on i was very nervous being gone for three and a half weeks leaving all my machines i turned the like you said i turned the monitors off uh i left that but i left all the machines on and it's perfect set the ac to 112 so i don't think they heat it up would you seriously no brian burns contributes ten dollars happy birthday carrie he says um still talking about windows 11 in there um dan said they had problems with the license from cdk deals so if you have a problem any problem at all they have excellent customer service and they will help you with it or they will refund your money now if you're obviously you're paying with a credit card um there's usually a three-day processing period for refunds that's normal everybody does that but um you know before you contact me give them a chance because either a mistake was made by you or by them one of you made a mistake because if everything's done right these keys work perfectly every single time and they will assist you but you've got to let them know don't just come running to me if you let them know and they still don't help you then tell me i promise you we will make it right one way or the other but i am not going to personally give you an hour of my time because you spent 17 on a key there's no way i can't afford that but you should never have to because if you give them the opportunity they will either make it work or they will give you your money back it's that simple and if neither of those two things occur from them then you tell me and i will make sure that i will fire an email off to them with your you need to give me your transaction number and your name and i promise you my contacts are higher up in the company and if they want me to continue endorsing their product i assure you they're not going to give up thousands of dollars in sales over giving you back 17 so you can relax take it easy give them a chance to correct it because everybody that i've talked to that's given them a chance to correct it on the rare occasion then something needed to be corrected in most cases it's them the the person buying it doesn't know what they're doing and even though that's not their fault they still help you so um and i don't know what's going on i'm just telling you so far um there's been four or five people that have had a problem and four of those five people don't know what they're doing so that that's not their fault you don't that they didn't know it's not my fault but we still want to help you and specifically they want to help you because they want you to come back they want you to buy more product they want you to be a happy customer but if you don't tell them that they don't know then how can they help you if you don't ask for it so start there and then i will need you to forward me your correspondence and your order number so i can see if you're being reasonable there's a lot of unreasonable people who complain and if everything's you know if you're trying to do everything and it's all legit and it's just not working i promise you it's going to be made right even if it's a refund even if i pay you out of my own pocket that's how much i believe in this this is real so um that's how that that's the process let's see um i'm just looking through the comments for any other technical questions is a good time to ask if you have any technical questions samuel ramos contributes ten dollars says happy birthday carrie hello mitch in chat hey samuel samuel also sent a nice little gift to me um it was a paypal or it was an amazon gift card he sent uh thank you so much i appreciate that very much alex says he bought three keys from them and all of them have worked instantly and have been reactivated see sweet but i'm just not making any guarantees about reactivation i'm not going down that road you know for 15 bucks you can buy another one you know when it's 200 retail you could buy you know a dozen of them and still be ahead of the game so it's ridiculous just demand so much for so little stan says love wings yeah just thinking about him i'm salivating john eloy senior says hello mitch and happy birthday carrie from virginia yeah you were talking about new york and you were talking about pizza there's so in tempe i was driving through tempe this week and there's an artichoke pizza i never saw it before i don't know how long it's been there and i just haven't been paying attention okay artichoke pizza is a famous new york pizza place okay and i said that's weird that they would steal that name from that famous new york pizza place right so i went online when i got home and i looked it up it is the new york pizza place they opened up a location in tempe if you want to take a ride to tempe i desperately want to try it for those college kids yeah so yeah i desperately want to try it yeah uh let's see stan says i'm a croissant racist okay would that be a croissant croissant last i checked that's not illegal okay let's see linda hudson says happy birthday carrie i hope it's wonderful and enjoy thank you linda and patrick says knife is pronounced conife just like canuckle had brian henry says happy birthday hey thank you bro randolph slavin contributes five pounds happy birthday carrie and welcome back mitch tomato paste says you need to grill some cheeseburgers oh that's gross i hate mixing cheese and meat i like cheese and i like meat i like pizza and i like chocolate chips i ain't putting chocolate chips on my pizza and i'm not putting cheese on my meat just saying you can have the cheeseburger you can have mine gary did you get the gpu removal tool finished no i haven't done anything with it i've been so swamped with all these customers calling me going back going back to the office it's all i can do to set aside all the work i was doing to make work for them and they're almost done and then when i'm finished with them then i can go back to doing what i was doing and then get back to both the t-shirts i still haven't finished and that gpu removal tool so there's a lot to do lots of happy birthdays in the chat to me thank you all thank you all so much he looks pretty good for an old man doesn't he chat you're damn right yeah not as good as me but he still looks pretty let's see just looking through the chat once again last opportunity if you have any questions we're just about four o'clock in the evening in the afternoon over here here just just off over here yeah just about ready for happy hour is it happy hour blue moon beer my favorite would you like a blue moon right a slice of orange not right now i gotta let the drugs get out of my system that i took wait a minute did you bring enough for everybody no have i taught you nothing i could use a sedative keep me talking about all this unreasonable expectations and people spend 10 bucks and they think that somebody's going to come over their house and mop their floors do their laundry and paint their house all right yeah i'm totally i so i had pizza the other night there's this restaurant i really like it's a little bit fancy it's called houston's it's in scottsdale and i got and i'm i just i don't normally it's been a long time since i've ordered a baby back pork ribs because when i get them they they tend to be like fatty they just don't like them anymore it's like i used to like it when i was younger i was like you know what i haven't had them in a while and they're cooking them on a proper like wood-fired grill they were so good oh they were so good and when i went back to studio a yesterday i brought the bones back for the dogs they were so happy nice so i mean talk about getting your money's worth yeah so i had the baby back ribs with french fries okay and for dessert creme brulee yeah with a spoon sorry am i saying it right yeah no creme brul sorry that's being racist again carrie have you found a suitable replacement computer case that you like for the corsair 200r that's what prank jimmy wants to know some people have been asking me this question like the stop being made the fact of the matter is we're having parts shortages for everything yeah you can still find 200rs available for sale the same as motherboards and graphics cards you have to look harder but they haven't gone away when we had the first scare that you know there was rumors that the 200 was cancelled i ordered like 20 of them and i still have about eight of them left and of those eight none of those are pre-sold so they're just empty they're they're brand new in a box that that is the tape has never been cut on the box so like if i open up the box and there's a dent in the case remember when i talked about if you wait too long before you open something yep nobody's going to help me with that right right i'm just going to have to eat it however i doubt that's going to be a problem and and until those eight 200rs are sold i have no need for anything else so by the time i sell them i expect they'll be back in stock again right i think by this time next year probably before that maybe even by april of of next year they should be in abundance i i don't know why people are making this assumption i'm not buried in 200 hours and i'm looking for a replacement it's sort of like for a while gas prices went up well i had just filled the tank in the car and you know i limited where i went for about two or three weeks and then the gas prices came back down right about the same time i needed gas didn't affect me so whatever these shortages are i've got graphics cards i've got cases i've got power supplies i've got cpus i've got solid state drives i've got enough to last me through the rest of this year so until i run out i have no reason to look for replacements because where would i put them right and i may not need them by the time i need them they might be back in stock eric crump contributes 1.99 thank you eric eric says mitch now that concerts are coming back what about toto are you geared up to seeing them live again um yes i do have front row seats for my second favorite allen parsons in phoenix uh end of august here at the celebrity theater uh still no meet and greets because of the pandemic but at least i got a front row seat to see allen and um then there is a band that's the best led zeppelin tribute band a bunch of boys that i know from new jersey called get the let out and they're playing in um down in chandler at a at a place um i think in september beginning of september and i got two front row seats to see that and uh i've seen the real led zeppelin at least three times in my life and i'm telling you i close my eyes and i would bet my life that led zeppelin is there right in front of me playing they're that good and the singer sounds that close to robert plant toto i'm not sure of uh steve lukather the guitarist talked about uh july in europe um he had some dates i'm not gonna go all the way to europe but again tomorrow night uh courtesy of the post office my brand new total live cd with a little help from my friends plus the blu-ray so i will be uh in the screening room with a crank to 11 tomorrow driving people around me crazy but uh yeah you know those speakers i like those klipsch speakers right remember how excited i was they were like 89.99 through costco yeah do you know they're 69.99 at costco costco members only those same clip speakers are 69.99 right now the fact that you just mentioned turning up your speakers it just triggered that i may yeah i may i don't need i don't need them now but i may at that price you can't yeah i can't turn something like that on so so yeah it's and they do uh the get the let out there they're on youtube you can see um i've seen him four times i know the drummer of the band and so no as soon as toto comes to back to america whether it's this year or next i'll i'm always good for phoenix los angeles and vegas so i usually try to see the boys in those three uh those three cities and they're like there goes they say call oh it's mitch from phoenix our biggest fan photo mixed media says what what convinced and changed your view about those cheap windows 10 keys from those shady websites you went after viewers that asked about the topic so first of all i'm not offering it from a shady website that's what i don't know why people aren't understanding me like i'm getting a little frustrated at this i didn't just pick any shady website i picked a legitimate website i also did research to microsoft and the business software alliance combined with having legitimate license keys that weren't working and so i decided it was time after being very patient and waiting for responses from microsoft and waiting for responses for the business software alliance they won't talk about it they absolutely will not talk about it the only thing microsoft will tell you is if your key activates it's legit that's it that's microsoft's end of story and they won't discuss it so given that i was spending uh sixty dollars for a windows 10 pro key and those keys weren't working and the guys the guy would have a new excuse for me every time all those keys got leaked oh those were volume keys that we should have never sent those to you oh and it was just and i'm a pretty i i always assume positive intent that i give people the benefit of the doubt and after the third or fourth batch now i've spent what three hundred dollars i'm getting ten keys at a time it's costing me about five to six hundred dollars and they stop they work for about a week well let me react so once once they activate they're good forever but if you don't use it to activate it the first time it stops working and this guy had a different excuse every single time and i'm like this is happening too often and i get all these companies reaching out saying hey you know we see you've got all these viewers we want to sell you we want you to sell our software and i'm like i'm not participating in this nonsense but now when my legit keys don't work and i was ordering from amazon and then amazon started selling me keys that didn't work you imagine how angry i was that i'm buying from a legitimate retailer who's selling me fake product the fact that microsoft won't talk about it in the business software alliance that use that has threatened one of my customers threaten them a business software license one after one of my clients about 10 years let's say it was 10 years ago and said we're auditing your office to make sure that all the software you have is properly licensed and my client hit the roof there was talk of me getting sued and i said you know bring it bring it because i know i deal with legitimate license yep bring them on the business software alliance and microsoft used to publish to all of us in the business we used to get these newsletters that would say here's all the lawsuits we filed against these corporations and how much we find them for using pirated the keyword is pirated copies of software so a few companies that asked me about the selling their cd keys didn't pass my requirements there's only one company that has passed my requirements and that's cdk deals they are not shady they are a legitimate company uh they're owned by a bigger company that's very large multi-million dollar company and if you do the research um well here's here's my final say on this i'm no longer talking about it i am so upset at the ignorance of people making false accusations and they're so lazy that they can't be bothered if you don't trust me then that's offensive to me i've already told you i've done the research i've told you this is legit and i told you i'm personally backing it if that's not good enough for you and you need more explanation i'm no longer addressing these questions anymore do us both a favor don't buy it yeah someone in chat said mitch do you remember a band called zebra and i happen to because i would say one of my favorite songs by them is who's behind the door and that would be one of my top 10 probably all-time favorite songs tomato paste mentioned cobo hall because carrie and i are both from michigan yes i did see kiss in 1976 when they recorded kiss alive uh at kobo hall and for years the back cover of the album had two guys holding a sign a kiss sign and for years people thought i was the guy holding that they they're holding the sign they're like i know that and i'm like as much i said no i had i brought a sign but that's not me but no i was there at cobo hall when they recorded that and um i bet the ticket couldn't have been more than you know 15 bucks even back then and it was i'd never seen anything like it and yeah they just knocked me out blew me away chrissy b contributes 10 pounds says i always try to put something in can i ask if you could do a budget home server build like looking at fx builds or something so servers are generally a a an enterprise corporate paid full-time it department job that's not a hobbyist or an enthusiast activity the vast majority of people that i am trying to attract to my channel are regular everyday computer folks moms and dads and you know people who need and require the computer to pay bills to stay in communication with friends and family who moved away or you know being socially distant and things like that and it's a critical tool it's not a toy i'm not interested like if somebody's using their computer as a toy it doesn't bother me but don't waste my time like if you have time to waste don't let me get in your way but don't drag me into your time wasting so i'm not interested in doing corporate i t work on a youtube channel that's what corporations hire people for and if they don't know how to do their job that's not my problem the idea of having a home server is preposterous to me and it's something for sort of the well let me let me put it to you this way what what do you think you need a home server for what is it that you're trying to do because i bet you i have an easier solution that's cheaper and doesn't re you don't have to worry about the viruses and the updates of of a server of a windows server and i'm very curious why you would think you need one because i think a lot of people who build home servers do so either because they're trying to accomplish something in the most difficult way possible because they don't know any better or they're just bored and they're just you know wanting to challenge themselves but that's not i'm trying to make videos that appeal to the widest audience possible which is just on you know basic stuff that everybody could take advantage of right upgrading your ram or replacing your hard drive with a solid state drive or replacing your hard drive with an nvme and explaining what that looks like and how it works and what the difference is and what you should pay and you know about the process and you know this whether or not you choose to do it is up to you but at least you're part of the target audience right the home server audience is such a tiny little audience to spend the amount of money and time it takes to make these videos to appeal to a small little handful of people the only solution i have for that is you produce the video a video costs about i would say on youtube on a channel my size you're looking at around three thousand dollars now if you wanted to make a professional video you're looking somewhere between sixty and eighty thousand dollars i'm not professional video maker i'm just the one guy in the kitchen but you have to understand the size of the audience and the amount of camera equipment and microphones all added together there's a website called uh social blue book uh social and they'll tell you the average cost value rather of a video of any particular channel based on the number of subscribers there's a few other variables and uh and mine's right around three thousand dollars so yes if somebody wants to pay me three thousand dollars to make a video for them uh i'm certainly open for business but if you're asking me to make that investment because that's something you want i need to know if i'm going to do that that i'm doing something that's going to appeal to more than just a few people because not only does it irritate people that aren't interested it can cost me subscribers so at least um uh there are other youtube channels you can go to for that it's not like i'm the only guy making youtube videos and so rather than trying to change what a youtuber is doing to me what you want find a different youtuber on that subject matter because we all have our own speciality i have never installed a home server no customer has ever asked for it and i'm a real tech i'm not an enthusiast so uh and again in business there are people that are paid to do that and they're supposed to be educated otherwise they shouldn't have the job they should have never been hired that's not my place and it's not what i do so i appreciate your contribution and i appreciate your question but i'd like i just want you to understand what i'm trying to do here which is there's so many enthusiasts talking over people's heads that are regular computer users there's like very few channels similar to mine where we can sort of appeal to the ordinary average folks who don't want to be computer techs and they don't want all the technical jargon and gobbledygook just i want to do this thing and it's something a lot of people want to do how do i set up my email or how do i change my password like roboform roboform applies to everybody universally whether or not you choose to use it is up to you but i guarantee if you're not using it it would benefit you so stuff like that and i fought i fought you for years on roboform and i had two passwords for all 200 sites and then i'm like yeah someone's gonna figure these out and i'm like i'll do the roboform and again signed up for the special the five year it took a little the learning curve for a guy like me was a little but once i kind of got it carrie helped okay i now i know yeah how to work it i don't know how i lived without it and uh yeah i'm yeah password manager is absolutely the way to go chrissy b says okay it's not what i i'm a cloud network engineer and maybe the best way for me to word it is it possible to teach people to do it yourself well that's what i do here i teach people i teach people how to empower themselves to be self-reliant but i'm not going to teach them about things that that are are so what's the word i want uncommon in other words as a business as a business owner and an i.t tech for 30 years i have my finger on the pulse of what the public is asking because things go in trends right and so a lot of requests might be like how do i network my computers together or how do i get wi-fi to work better or how can i make my internet faster or i deleted a file how can i get it back that kind of stuff right it's it's sort of the universal information so what it takes for me to make a video is it takes the trends that are occurring in my business to translate into me saying i better make a video about this a lot of people are asking so when one person asks one specific question that nobody else is asking that doesn't justify a reason for me to make that investment you have to understand these videos are costing me money to make i could be working at a client's office for 125 an hour right now from eight to five but instead i'm here doing this at my expense in other words not only do i have the investment of the cameras and the streaming computer and the internet and the lighting and the there's thousands and thousands of dollars in equipment so not only did i make that investment but i'm also not generating any revenue outside of what you guys contribute and i don't charge anything for my videos and that's the business model i'm choosing for now and it might have to change but and for some people that mentioned in chat i will tell you there are hundreds if not thousands of videos on that i watched on network attached storage yeah and you know study those which one this synology or this or that and picked one followed step by step how to load the hard drives how to install download the software that belongs to that and this and that and and was able to do that but i had a small niche i had 400 cds that i wanted to put my music in one spot i had 1500 dvds movies that i wanted to put on that thing uh 400 blu-rays that i wanted to put on that and for a guy like me who travels internationally it's nice to be able to be someplace and tap into my home nas and watch listen to my own music whether i was in thailand movies if i was you know didn't want to go out that night and for me but it's a niche not everyone needs one of those things but i i was as a movie collector hip deep in dvd cases to where i was totally running out of closet space and i'm like this is and that's traditionally not something you're going to pay somebody for yeah right so it's sort of like a doctor you might have a heart specialist and you say to the heart specialist i i think i've got a planner's work or something on my foot and the heart specialist is like why are you telling me you're a doctor maybe you could take a look at it no no you need to go to a podiatrist right so you go to the podiatrist you go by the way you know kind of kind of a scratchy throat you go you need to go to ear nose and throat doctor you know we don't do that here yeah there's a reason why there these doctors are specialists i am a specialist and i specialize um in the area of i.t that i specialize in and no differently than a doctor sometimes mechanics are spiked it might be a porsche mechanic for example or something like that and so there are other specialists on youtube and that's the great thing about youtube yeah i like to watch first amendment auditors i shouldn't it makes my blood boil the way i see some of these police officers acting in an unprofessional manner but i'm glad they're being exposed and every once in a while you see a cop actually be polite and courteous to a law-abiding citizen and i'm like oh thank god there's a good one you know and then i also i enjoy watching um greg salazar he does these deep cleaning on the pcs yep and it's so nasty and it's so time consuming and i just i'm like geez greg you know you spent three days cleaning this computer that's completely obsolete for 150 bucks you could have bought an off-lease dell 7010 threw a 50 ssd on it upgraded the customer and got him in and out the door in an hour instead of three days and how much did you spend on cleaning and q-tips and all this other stuff but i admire the quality of his work he's amazing but i'm not doing it there's that's not my speciality so so the good news is well i appreciate your question and i appreciate your support trying to ask a heart surgeon to do something not related to their speciality is going to result in them telling you go see the doctor that does that um i'm probably more like the foot they're all noble professions but uh all i'm trying to say is like mike smith i was talking to mike smith about a problem i had with one of my customers that has unbeknownst to me installed a managed switch and a firebox t35 i don't work with managed switches i never have it's not what i do i don't know what's going to happen i want to replace it with an unmanaged switch and mike's like you mike's warning me he's like there's poe on that switch i said yeah but i don't think he's got anything boy he's like nobody buys a poe switch no one pays that extra money if they don't need it and i said well mike that's not in my experience i've seen other i.t folks tell clients they need it the client doesn't know what it means and the client pays the bill and it works whatever the problem was they solved they solved it and then a couple years goes by and then i get the call and then the client doesn't tell me they changed anything and i'm scratching my head trying to figure out like could you take a picture and it's like completely different from the last time i saw it i'm like who did all that well this company why i can't remember we had a problem you weren't available okay you should have like included me in that now i can't step into that because i could take your whole company down because i don't know how to do that and i don't want to learn it just for you now if there's like a bunch of other companies that all have managed switches and vlans then it would be advantageous for me to take the time to learn that but since i'm already so busy with the work i have it's not like i'm trying to find any work so don't be afraid to go on youtube and search that out i bet you so so a couple of texts that i really really like on youtube greg salazar timmy joe timmy joe was fantastic uh take a look at uh tim's computer repair these are real it people these are actual real it people sharing their job on youtube they're not just enthusiasts enthusiasts are great there's nothing wrong with it it's just that if you want to talk to people that are working in business that have liability the approach they take is is much more practical and they can speak over something they've done a million times versus somebody who's done it two or three times right but um those are the the technical people that come to mind there's a few others i can't think of right now for some reason oh i know um the net guy he's another one check out the net guy and there's a there's a networking guy called um oh man carrie what's his name he's he i think he's called like the cheap something about the cheap network guy or the bargain basement hold on let me see if i can find it on youtube um you know what let me go to my subscription list because there's a few in here that i'm sure i'll find that i forgot about uh chris titus tech is is good very good um budget nerd okay budget nerd does some budget networking stuff check out budget nerd he's very good in my opinion um still looking there's a really good one for education where they do like animations with narration on top very professionally done and they are called um come on gary it's in here somewhere i'm trying to you know gamers nexus is really good if you want like news they do a little bit of how-to but it's mostly news testing tech deals those guys are very good they're mostly news and testing um tech source is is good um well there's one in here i'm trying to find the educational one oh that's not it i thought that was it i'll have to get back to you on it they do these fantastic animations that wait a minute is that it power cert animated videos yeah check out power cert animated videos which are great if you want to study to be a tech and you don't understand what ap ipa or netstat or ipconfig or ssd versus hdd versus hybrid you know trace route explain networking tools explain proxy servers explained comptia a plus certification and network plus power cert animated videos subscribe to that channel there they should have way more subscribers so their video quality is outstanding very professional the explanations are 100 accurate and understandable and all my other subscriptions are like stuff i just like to watch regarding investments you know cryptocurrencies stock trading music reaction videos i enjoy those as well as oh doug betts has a channel called uh windows live windows tech support and doug has been in the business very long time we're real working i t tech and he might also be a resource for that kind of information he might have experience there i'm not sure what his speciality was but we all have certain areas that were especially some people might be web designers database programmers network architects um marvin b over at pod nuts can can diagnose a networking job like that like he's an expert in that and he's got tools that are worth more than my car so you know it wouldn't make sense for me to invest in those kind of tools unless i would be making money at it so yeah let's take a look here if there's any last questions we're running at 4 30 here because dr feelgood i feel this rumbling in my stomach and i can't quite understand why is it because i've got the hangries you're missing some chicken wings jay powers contributes five bucks hey thank you let's see charles says carlisle from south africa carrie happy birthday may you have a terrific day i really enjoy your videos hey thank you carlisle get too many viewers from south africa it's kind of exciting we get people from places that we don't see a lot of people from here in the chat room thank you so much chrissy says i might add a nas so i'm going to do a video with regards to the synology nas that's why i've got one out here and i'll talk about um how i configure them and why and that'll be a video coming up as soon as i have time i'll get to that i use these synology nas a lot i really like him a lot let's see who else jason willis with five dollars says hillary clinton wants a home tell bill what hey you know what i don't feel like will it ever so uh she you can i'm sure somebody else can help her luke greenia says i'm not giving up my cronus and roboform i don't know how i went so long without them amen brother ignorance is bliss if you don't know what you're missing right how can you miss it but then once you have it you're like how am i gone so long without this yeah um and wickler whitgaller contributes five euro he says for another drink thank you han james dubby says carrie would a naz work better using wireless or cable using power line ethernet adapter you'll just have to try it and see it just depends on the environment it's in craig casabona contributes five dollars thank you craig make sure craig is blue in here silver werewolf says it's my birthday too well happy birthday silver werewolf malcolm says there are more good cops than bad ones i like to think so yes i agree that's why blake makes my blood boil when i see these first amendment auditors being spoken to in a dispresent disrespectful and unprofessional manner from a public servant who doesn't seem to exercise judgment from telling good guys from bad guys like if you can't tell a good guy from a bad guy maybe that's not the right line of work for you it angers me but you're you're right i think the vast majority of police officers are good people doing things for the right reason and they do show the good ones too you know i always say we can't make a cop look good or bad you're on camera you're doing it to yourself and uh usually what i find interesting mitch is the cops who don't like the cameras those are the bad cops right and the cops who don't mind the cameras those i mean it's that easy to tell yeah you already know how the video is going to go based on the reaction to the camera yep but i like i like good cops i mean i'm not anti-cop i'm anti-bad cop and i really shouldn't watch those videos because it gets you worked up see i'm getting worked up just talking about yeah we better go all right let's see what else hold on um james duffy says thanks for your answers this channel is awesome thank you james mort mott said all those channels you just mentioned carrie i already watched them alright great minds think of like let's see people mentioned explaining computers is a youtube channel i've never heard of it but they're speaking positively about that which is good daniel says happy birthday carrie thanks you guys there's maddie yoel hey marty contributes five bucks thanks monty see you later i guess he's taking on we're about to take off as well yep and let's see some more happy birthdays thanks you guys still looking for any technical questions in here colin says happy 21st yeah i think you're a little late on that one but thank you there's a squirrel on my head that's what uh marty says enjoy your food yeah maybe if i'm not starving i'll chew it this time yeah uh mira or i haven't seen mirror or in a while says hi all welcome in chris wants to know is there a filter for a modem slash router to stop interference on fm radio this is a modem router from at t disabling wi-fi does nothing sometimes as a tech one of the most frustrating situations i deal with is customers asking me very specific questions about how to accomplish something right and it's a it's usually a dead end road that's rife with frustrations and misinterpretation so if you want technical help from me or anybody the quickest way to get it is not to ask for the answer in other words don't say how can i rewire my thermostat that's not the right question the question should be this is what the problem is that i'm having what do you think i can do to solve it don't when people ask me the solution and this drives me crazy there you go how do i change the proxy server on my computer why do you want to change the proxy server on your computer well because my browser's not working well let's talk about that forget the whole proxy take that out of your brain forget we have to start again what's the problem you have my brothers that weren't okay take that out of your brain let's start again what is the problem you're having and then you're usually a little hesitant because they don't know what to say i go look this is real easy you're expecting the computer to do something when you you do something you're expecting a reaction so what i need you to tell me is what is it that you're doing and what is it the computer's responding with then let me use my experience to help guide you to the solution instead of asking me how to change your proxy server there's a really good chance it has nothing to do with the proxy server and what you're doing is wasting both your time and my time and you're going to cause your frustration and my frustration because if i honor that question and we go through all these steps and we change it and it doesn't change anything we're going to go right back to what i just said which is why didn't we start there to begin with if i would have known that i would have never entertained this question so so please let the technician understand what your problem is and afford them the opportunity to tell you what the answer is rather than you assuming the answer because clearly if you knew what it was you wouldn't be asking for help and so one of the key tips i can give you if you ever want to do technical support for a customer is don't let the customers guide you to the answer keep because it's really easy to get caught up in that it's okay to ask for help and i want to encourage you to ask for help but i don't want you to guess the answer that's my job so you don't go to the doctor and go hey i need you to prescribe me some vicodin let me know how that works out if you try that with your doctor especially a new doctor you've never seen before just show up and go yeah i'm going to need some bike in it the doctor is going to say um i determine if you need vicodin not you so let's talk about why are you here what is the problem explain it to me when did it start how long does it happen how often does it happen i might have another a different solution for you that's more effective to getting you to where you want to go and so in that way if you explain to me what the problem is in the way that i explained it i i can probably be much more helpful to you and much much faster so this whole interference fm i don't know what he's talking about everybody's got fm radios and wi-fi and nobody's ever asked me that question in 30 years doesn't make any sense fm radio and wi-fi don't interfere with each other so let's not even bring that up let's talk about what your problem is when it started and then i can help you to resolve okay so and again that's for all technical support not just me james presley with five dollars says um happy birthday carrie oh i lost it there it is happy birthday thanks for sharing all your knowledge with us stay safe and have a wonderful weekend thank you james chris wants to know if you have a metallica t-shirt uh no michael mcfarland says i always enjoy watching your channel thank you thank you but the lead singer of metallica lives above oh lars 10 miles from my brother's they're in the eagle oh he's in colorado he's in colorado with his wife and kids so yep let's see um joseph hawkins and mira hora saying happy birthday thanks guys bikeman says if i knocked accidentally an external enclosure with a drive inside off a desk a night ago would the drive inside be fine it's i had a western digital one terabyte drive inside depends on the height if i walk across the street without looking will the car hit me well it depends what time of day it is is it a residential street or a freeway nobody can answer your question however chances are i'm going to talk statistics if the drive was powered on and in use when you knocked it over it is highly likely it is forever damaged beyond repair if the drive was powered off when you knocked it over if you knocked it over how far did it fall did it fall on something hard like tile or wood floor could it fall on something soft like carpeting the only way you can answer this question is you have to plug the drive in and you have to test it nobody else can tell you that i don't know why like the amount of time it took you to write that question you could have just plugged it in so instead of asking about anticipating a problem the other thing that helps technicians help their customers is to actually talk about a real problem you actually have because if you're going to speculate if you have a problem then the tech can speculate if you have an answer it's it's sort of like let me be really vague with you but then i want you to be really specific with me not possible if you're vague with your question then you're going to get a vague answer and if you're specific with your question you're going to get a specific answer so and again universal doesn't matter if you're talking a mechanic a doctor a tech that's how that works so just plug it in and see it is what it is stephen jones contributes five dollars happy birthday carrie i've really enjoyed your wisdom and your knack for explaining things enjoy yourself hey steven thank you thanks for your kind words and for supporting the channel we'll make sure steven is blue in here he says bumping an ssd will accessing data ruins it no we're talking about mechanical drives like mechanical external drives sorry if that wasn't clear if it's a solid-state drive there's no moving parts so there's no issue with that so we're assuming so remember the person asking the question did not specify if they had a hard drive an hdd or an ssd so if you don't specify it this is the kind of misinterpretation that can happen in other words if if the person that asked the question said it was an ssd then obviously my answer would be different because they didn't specify that i have to assume it's a hard drive otherwise why would you ask because it's not possible to damage an ssd by knocking it over i thought everybody knew that so that's a great example of exactly what i was talking about so thank you for pointing that out tomato paste says let's make the longest live stream you've ever made what do you think of that mitch no my feet i'm old my feet are killing me what's the longest live stream you've seen me make i've got us oh i'm thinking six to maybe seven out eight not a nine hour well more than that ten ten and a half that was just what two months ago well as long as people kept asking me questions i was here alone right yeah i didn't eat or use a bathroom for ten and a half hours just straight on live video lucky you all right you want to join me uh no we'll try and break it no no thank you eleven no what if we tag rick hubbard with five pounds says happy birthday carrie thanks for all you hey rick thank you so much you know rick is the one that sent that corsair 200r case with all the chips with the crisp yeah bacon yeah that smoky base spooky bacon glenn's music said carrie are you 54 yet not yet close yeah i may not make it to 54. that's true yeah don't count your chickens before they hatch kind of thing i'm gambling no five bucks what do you put some money down the death pool uh i have no opinions on a product that doesn't exist so when microsoft releases their product officially to the public you can ask me my opinion on it until then there's a lot of things that may change and speculation is a waste of time it's not fact based so again that's a point i talked about earlier in the video i cannot help people with problems they don't have and i can't have opinions on products that are not released to the public yet it's just the silliest weirdest thing what do you think the lottery numbers are going to be not yours when do you think the price of chicken is going to come back down when do you think the fad of fidget spinners is going to oh that already happened that's not happening anymore when do you think beanie babies are going to come back that's not happening when do you think nike's going to start making boots i don't know the answers to these i don't know i don't care once again if you have an actual technical problem or you want my opinion on something that actually exists in the public i'd be happy to address it we've got maybe 14 minutes left here and we definitely are wrapping it up for sure so if you don't get your question in in the next let's call it 10 minutes then i guess we'll just have to catch each other next time matt power says in a 10-hour video mitch will fade away does he mean like in back to the future he's fading in just like now yeah carrie is it possible to convert a mbr partition to a gpt partition without data loss yeah what you do is you take all the data and you copy it to another drive then you reformat and convert that drive to gpt and then you copy all the data back on it again and you have no data loss todd says happy birthday kerry my mom shares this birthday today as well i hope you have many many more well my birthday was wednesday right but it wasn't a good day to celebrate it so i decided i'd celebrate it on friday mitch would be back and we'd have numerous reasons to celebrate but thank you like chicken wings you really hooked on those chicken when you planted a seed now yeah it's probably worse you know when you're hungry and you think of food or you think of like a dripping faucet when you have to use the bathroom and it's not available it's self-torture what's carrie's view on crypto i love crypto bitcoin is plummeted to it's still more than it was in january but it's less than half of what it was six weeks ago i'm buying as much of it as i can right now because it's gonna take back off i'm sure of it so i'm i love it when bitcoin goes up and i love it when bitcoin goes down when it goes up i'm smiling because my investment gets bigger and when it goes down i'm smiling because i can buy it cheap and i know it's going to go back up again i love crypto the problem is there's like over a thousand different cryptos you know dogecoin went up and then just fell again right so it's not like two cents or something or ridiculous i don't know if dogecoin is going to make a comeback or not but the people that are behind it are really enthusiastic shiba enocoin was another one that kind of went up and and then there's you know a thousand others that nobody talks about so i stick with the big ones ethereum bitcoin cash bitcoin and litecoin those are the big four and um yeah it's definitely the future i don't know when but in the future at some point there's no stopping it it'll never go away the bitcoin will never there's no way to shut it down as long as there's an internet for the rest of eternity there will be bitcoin now what its value will be i don't know but it'll have some value it could be pennies could be millions i don't know glenn's music says carrie i like this you ready i have a product that i haven't finished inventing yet that i haven't plugged in but i want you to tell me what you think of the outcome just in case it doesn't work it's blue okay see that guy gets it yeah thanks noob noob no that's great dorado system says i have a client that has a video to render so at one point it freezes now i changed the kingston 240 gig sata 3 with a samsung nvme 512 and he says it still freezes at one point yeah i don't think a freezing has anything to do with your storage subsystem it's probably more related to the software product itself of whatever render software he's using or to the ram um or video card driver but i would start checking the ram with memtest86 it'd take about an hour or two to test it it's free i've got a video showing you how to do that and if the ram is fine my next thing would be uh there may be a video card problem or incompatibility with that software and i would just use google to google whatever that software and version of that software is to see if anybody else has that same kind of problem gambit says ubiquity or ingenious uh they're both good whatever one you like the the reason these choices exist is to meet the individual needs of the person buying it there is not one product that is universally better than another product chicken or fish chicken steak or chicken steak steak or tofu sirloin or ribeye ribeye or filet mignon filet or tomahawk are you talking about the haircut no what i'm trying to say is each of choice is right depends on the individual right that's you have your choice of sides you're not forced right what sides you look on the menu and there's like 12 sides and you get to pick two do you want the creamed corn the mashed potatoes the sweet potato would you like broccoli or asparagus would you like french fries or mashed potato like the whole point of these choices is to offer you freedom why in the world would you want to live where there's only one answer to everything always that would suck oh it's called apple sorry apple computers that's what you would like because that's what they do this is what you get it's the same as everybody else and then we're going to overcharge you for it that's not a world i want to live in mirror aura says i have a radeon gpu and sometimes the driver randomly crashes is it the hardware or the driver just kidding i already figured out it's the drive it's always the driver it's always yeah rick lake said someone gave me tofu and i've never spit it out so fast in my life i mean i've had it but it doesn't you know knock me out i prefer tobu yeah it's made entirely of beef and cheese all right guys that's going to wrap it up for us uh thanks for hanging out yeah sorry i didn't put you to work more but at least i got you to get this up on the bench for me because this thing is a monster and now that it's up here maybe later tonight i'll put some music on turn the air conditioning way way down ice cold it's all working the problem is i had this i had to take the uh the internal chassis slides out right and i had to change i can't remember what it was and then i slid it back in and i got to hook like you know the front panels back up and i got a looks like the power supply is is the power supply plugged in i think it is i don't think the power switch is on um yeah there's a bunch of cables laying on the bottom because i was going to fire it up to show everybody since the power supply is plugged in but i don't have the power switch on top but once i do that then i get the cable tie it make it nice and neat and then i have no idea what i'm going to do right i i really like this case though this rgb is different i just like that it's on the outside instead of on well there is some on the inside but the vast majority of it is you know on the outside yep um so i'll try and get that done and then i'll have to have you back over to help me get back up so for everybody who uh has contributed and who's been kind and supportive in the chat room and all my friends in blue thank you guys so much thank you for all the birthday wishes uh good to have you back we're gonna continue back to normal next week we've got a fourth of july coming up maybe some time to barbecue and um stay out of the heat in phoenix arizona yeah yeah and uh all my friends thank you guys so much and and for the contributions and the paypal and amazon gift cards it's all going to go to good use you'll start seeing it on the channel in the form of more computer builds repairs and upgrades and for people i said i'm sending computers to please continue to be patient doing what i can and uh what else what am i forgetting uh for technical support 39 a month it's like 39.95 i don't remember money back guarantee not for everybody but it might even be for somebody you know they're amazing the windows keys all the links in the video notes roboform always 30 off i'm going to keep roboform my computer works and the windows and office keys as a permanent part of this channel for a minimum of 12 months so don't feel any pressure that you have to get anything right away and then i'll try to see what else you guys have been asking me about vpns they're asking me about um other backup software cloud storage cold storage um so the more these questions come in like i'm getting a lot of the same questions then i'll do the research as i've done with the my computer works and the windows keys and roblox i'll do the research to find a good answer for you and to again offer that because that's what you guys want clearly and uh i'll make sure that the company again meets all of my requirements and it's a good value and has good customer service so that there's no risk for you guys no risk and if if there is risk i won't take it on because i won't do that to you and um yeah i think that'll wrap it up for today let me step back over here so we can get things buttoned up nice and neat i'm looking at squirrel butt yeah let me just move that over here no wings for you all right so i will bring up some shorter video reviews on those arcade games again the collab with gen x grown up check out gen x grown up if that's your era and you want to be you know feel nostalgic with birds of a feather they're here on youtube their videos are all free of course and um yeah yeah enjoy the weekend thanks for tuning in thanks you guys so much i'll see you all again very very soon on behalf of mitch morrison and myself bye for now you
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 15,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Holzman, motherboard, cooler, small, how-to, DIY, build a computer, build a pc, build, assemble, create, computers, windows, microsoft, samsung, ssd, storage, install, roboform, etsy, feeder, hand-crafted, amazon, used
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 232min 43sec (13963 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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