Live Beat Making - Maschine+ [Five Weeks Of Beats S01E02]

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hello youtube or i should say hello youtube welcome to the second episode of five weeks of beats my series where i make again that's my bed this is a series where i make beats live on a youtube stream like this different pieces of software different pieces of hardware but all the beats are going to be sample based and you know i'm glad to be able to be here glad to be able to do all this and i think it's really cool so this is the second episode last week we did the first episode believe it or not and uh you know i made the track in that live stream and i think it came out kind of kind of good to be honest i'm looking at the um the actual session from that from that video from that stream and it sounds nice and i'm sure that i'm gonna be able to finish it off in logic and just be done with it and today let's make another one but before we get that going let's first of all roll the [Music] end and that means that we're officially here we're officially in the second episode of five weeks of beats i'm really happy to be here again and i'm happy to see a bunch of people in the chat room as well i appreciate that a lot and if you would like to give it a little bit of a shout out in the stream just to say hi please do that and don't be scared to you know like the video and subscribe to the channel and all that other stuff that i'm supposed to say as a youtuber and another thing that i want to mention is that of course this video is sponsored or this live stream i should say is sponsored by district and track lab those links up there as i said last week it's of course not able to you're not able to click them up there but the same links are in the description for this video district kid dot com slash vip slash accurate gives you seven percent off your first year with distrokid and accurate gives you i believe now i know by now that it's 15 tracks uh 15 samples that you get free from tracklib if you use my affiliate link in the description so now that's done and um well you know that is sponsored the video stream is sponsored by these companies and a big shout out to them and a big thank you for district 2 district and track clip for hooking me up with some stuff for this which is cool and we have again people watching so people are saying hi and someone in the chat had an idea last last week to for people to just shout out different countries that they're from and that would be really cool to know do we have anyone from germany here do we have anyone here from america i'm sure anyone from sweden would be nice to know or you know just shout out whatever country you represent or that you come from that would be super cool so yeah cool so what i'm planning on doing here today is of course making a beat we are working on a five-track ep with instrumental beats and i'm going to release the ep on through distrokid so it ends up you know everywhere that it's supposed to end up which is spotify and apple music and google music and all that good stuff that's available everywhere we're working with let's see yes we're working with machine plus today last week i did the entire session on the mpc one and i used i think i used a little bit of korg optics and korg wave state for some extra you know synthe stuff on the track this time it's all about machine plus and i also have the jupiter xm from roland hooked up it's all going through my audio interface and everything should be able to be recorded in the machine plus standalone version it's not connected over usb to the computer it runs in standalone mode and normally that's not a problem at all cool we have some countries here we have some people from netherlands italy usa england scotland poland let's see london uk germany switzerland france so we have some people from europe and we have some people from the us and you know that's cool um two people from poland i appreciate that that's cool no one from sweden here though um i'm sure there's someone from sweden here as well i'm from sweden at least so so that's something however it's not all about countries and it's not this is not going to be about geography at all because that's one of my least favorite topics in the world it's going to be about beats it's going to be about music samples hip-hop all that good stuff on the machine plus and the jupiter xm and who knows maybe i'm gonna pull out something else and just connect it up and get it going again uh just like last week the stream became like three and a half hours long and this time around i don't know i might be live for an hour if i get something really cool going or maybe like three four five six hours who knows it all depends on how my creative out post outcome out output goes here who knows hopefully the tech works and everything the thing is up there and the videos down there and i can take it out and i can you know i can do that and i can do this which is cool hopefully that works now since last week i still have the samples that i collected from traktlib on last week's stream uh on the sd card i had it in the mpc one and i just transferred it so i have it i should have it available in here i haven't double checked on that all i have here now are some drum sounds uh i'm not even sure i'm going to use those it's just one of those preset packs i i made for machine plus however i think my first attempt here will be to just pull in a sample from the folder i created last week we spent like 35 minutes on track clips website and found a bunch of samples and they're here it would be in chemical if i don't feel anything here i will go back into track lab and dig for more samples and show that part of the process as well and just import something but you know uh that became kind of a long part of the last stream and i'm not sure if one necessarily have to show the entire process of digging for samples but if it would make more sense to just start with whatever i got in the last stream uh like that it's supposed to be like that so yeah if you guys are ready to go i feel like i'm kind of ready to go i could just jump in here and just do something um and also i'm thinking about switching my process for this one normally when i find a sample i just figure it out in my head and then i lay down the drum loop and then i you know i just squeezed the sample in there and today i'm thinking about doing the opposite and just you know using the sample first finding a few chops and you know just using the metronome stuff for putting the sample in here and then layering up with drums after the fact uh so that's what i'm thinking for today let's see if the sample is in here i'm not 100 sure because i haven't tested it in machine i just imported the files but it always works i rescan the library and stuff so everything should be here uh so we have someone from sweden here and sweden finland another one from france cool make some boom bap slow bpm yeah sure uh if you have any ideas or any like input like that i would appreciate it because last week you know i ended up at sorry what was that i ended up making a track in 92 bpm which is kind of my safe zone i like working in 92 or 94 or something like that i'm open to do something slower or something faster because we're making an ep here everything can't be 92 bpm it can be 92 bpm but i don't think i want that so if you have any ideas should i go like faster slower or you know give me some input there and i'm going to have some coffee and yeah i'm drinking my coffee kind of weirdly now because i don't want to spill all the stuff because these are you know these are kind of kind of nice things the mpc i did it again the machine plus i'd like you to create some acid house yeah in that case you're on the wrong stream i'm not gonna do that uh i don't know maybe 80 to 85 bpm 84 87 10 bpm that's a challenge um that is a challenge 101 bpm you know i'm thinking maybe i should have one of the tracks on this ep in kind of a high tempo but leaving the drums really like offset center and just having them shift around a little bit and people are saying 70 people are saying 83. so yeah we're going for what happened there huh i think we're going for some where in the in the 80 range between 80 and 89 that is and we have someone here that's totally new to machine and had some trouble today lots to learn sure i also saw mark zaffin in here and he also just bought an npc plus and he has some some things that he wants to know so yeah but but first of all let's start with with the foundation here which of course is the sample so browse um on the sound level let's go to browse let's go for and let's see here one shots in the user content and then i have a folder called uh it should be called like five beats a week five weeks a bit and it's not here so maybe i forgot about like rescanning this folder yeah let's rescan it and wait for a minute for it to to find the new content on the sd card it could take a minute or two that's fine again this is going to be kind of a long-winded stream and you know someone says trip hop style uh i can't promise that because trap hop is so especially in my mind trip hop is such a specific genre um you know it's kind of a fine line between lo-fi hip-hop and trip hop but when i think to hip-hop i just think porter's head and when i think porter's head things just feels kind of scary and it needs to be like super high quality musical melodic stuff and maybe that's not what i'm getting through i don't know and yeah we're having the uh the world's greatest dead coffee cup today which is something you know i am the world's greatest dad so sure and this one has now um rescanned the thing so let's see here again browse user content there should be one folder called random drums and another one called five bits of five weeks of beats and it's not here uh makes me kind of nervous why can't i find my stuff you know let's go through this slowly made samples snares th drums track lib man it's not here so let's restart machine and just hope for the best hopefully we're going to be able to find the files on the sd card and if not you know let's let's think about how we're doing that meanwhile someone asks about my health which i always appreciate since i had my little scare with the brain tumor and the surgery and the stroke and everything i went through my health is just fine you know i'm back to working full time at my day job and uh everything everything is good and still suffer from a little bit of extra tiredness sometimes i think but it's also kind of hard to to like compare to to whatever i was before the surgery because that was quite a while ago uh but i'm doing fine my health is super one of the healthiest people in the world um and no i can't find the stuff on the sd card um snap it's not here it's not here why isn't it here come on um i kind of made a deal out of this myself in my own mind that i didn't want to like um prepare these streams too much i don't want to cheat or anything i just want to show the entire process and when go through the the entire creative stuff on stream and then stuff like this happens i don't have my samples on the sd card um let's look one more time i rescan the content again i mean the user content and well it's still not there [Music] so let's turn the machine off again and insert my sd card in my little reader and everything should hopefully work um but sure this is not gonna be super fun to watch i guess i'm just gonna transfer the file but let's attend a little bit to the chat room under um you know during this process uh one cool question here comes from john bryan's that asks if i'm gonna add some vocals from yourself um that's a good question because i haven't you know i haven't written a rap in years that's not true i've written a verse like a few months ago but i haven't you know i'm not a rapper anymore i haven't done that stuff in years but if he refers to what i did on instagram the other day and i asked people to send me voice memos of saying a phrase that i'm gonna use in the first five weeks of beats episode track i asked people to say the phrase it's all good people did i got a lot of stuff sent to me and i appreciate that a lot i'm gonna use that in the beat if i'm going to add something for myself there i'm actually not sure and it doesn't feel like i really have to okay so i can see the files on the sd card so they're obviously there at least one of the folders the other one called yeah that's the other one random drums as well it's there it's right on the sd card it's even named properly let's try to change the name now let's try to eject the the sd card the way it's supposed to be ejected and let's try this again and tatro tetros in the chat i appreciate that i watch him more than i should i think when he is doing all his live stream stuff really really impressive stuff and his youtube channel is really blown up and you know it's kind of inspiring to see a fellow youtube creator in the cell same kind of realm doing stuff and uh performing really well so thanks a lot to tatro for being here and give him a shout out everyone so the sd card is back in machine and let's go through the user content or maybe i don't have to do that just go to the no of course i do i'm stupid user content and you know the folders just aren't here rescan let's do another scan and hope for the best and if this doesn't work out i guess i'm just going to have to play a sample from the computer in trak lab after downloading it of course and just sample it into machine and work with it like that but it would be cooler for me to do this and yeah a question in the chat someone asked if i can sample from vinyl to get that crack i could but these streams are sponsored by tracklib and i'm using traffic samples for for the stuff and using records is also kind of an issue when it comes to copyright claims and stuff but the cool thing is that a lot of the stuff on track lab are actually like sampled or you know recorded from vinyl so it has cracks and stuff um crackles or you know noise and all that stuff that you're looking for it's still not here come on why isn't it here sounds i'm in the one shot folder this is really not cool not cool at all and i might do something wrong it might be i might be the issue here user content i mean how many things can i how many times can i do the same thing and expecting a different result isn't that like the you know the definition of being an idiot doing the same stuff and expecting different results let's go to the settings here again and let's actually one more time instead of what happened now okay settings rescan the library unfortunately we're having some issues with machine plus right now the whole thing about importing samples doesn't seem to work oh sure i could always try to put machine into storage mode but then i need to hook up a new usb cable and i don't want to do that but of course that's probably what i'm going to have to do or sample it manually browse one shots user content rescan i'm sorry about this uh just bear with me but if you're here you know what this channel is about um some some sometimes we just have issues you know uh none of the folders that i imported on the sd card can be found am i doing it the wrong way somehow and let's go through here sounds groups projects loops one shots user user content and it's not here uh but sure mark7 is on to something cool uh let's use it in storage mode and import it like that instead so let me just go find the usb cable but when as i do that let me actually this is kind of weird but i need a minute to find a usb cable and get it hooked up and stuff so i'm gonna play you a track that i finished like a couple of days ago two days ago and this track is not released yet and it's not going to be released digitally at all i think it's actually a tiny little record company here in sweden which is actually first of all a you know a clothing store basically and they have their own clothing brand as well and they created kind of a record label right or it's a record label it's called shelter records it's a record label and they're putting together this vinyl like a collection of swedish beat makers and they asked me if i wanted to join in and i made the track and i imported my my scratch stuff that i recorded for another thing i did a few weeks back and it came out really good so i'm gonna play that track for you now probably it's just gonna be released on vinyl or maybe not digitally at all so if you hear it now it might be your only way to hear it except from buying the actual record uh but the track is done and i'm kind of happy with it so let's play it as i'm looking for a cable and sorting my stuff out you know the track is called all good but i don't know where i put it i put it on the documents folder and in beats of course shelter records good luck accurate should be that one it's that one so let me play that as i'm turning the cameras off and looking for cable and stuff hold on this track is about two minutes long so [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's accurate [Music] okay [Music] you [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] and that's the track i know it came out a little bit too loud at the beginning but i turned the volume down and i don't think it was distorting on the way out to you right and now the camera is back sure i turned the camera off because i needed to fix my cables but that's the track good luck by accurate and it's going to be released again on a vinyl with a bunch of different swedish beat makers probably going to be available for international customers as well so that's a cool thing i just have one track on it and a lot of people a lot of different really talented swedish producers are on the same album so that's that's really cool so now i have the stuff here [Music] and i can see what i did wrong i didn't put the stuff in the right folder so everything works in maschine i just messed the whole file system stuff up that's what happens when you do stuff live right um so let's again disconnect it as the storage unit to the computer and now and go back to our one shots user user content and there we are that's the folder i'm talking about five bits of weeks up there and i also have a new folder of mine called random drums and it's down there awesome so i'm sorry about that we were off to a kind of rough start but now we are here and stuff works cool so let's get going with this beat making session right i've only been live for like 36 minutes without really doing anything so yeah cool divan is here thank you diamond for the support i appreciate that a lot and uh some other people that i do recognize from this chat room since before like david robot your name has shown up before dna is also something that i recognize and you know chris head of course thanks a lot people for being here i appreciate it now let's get into this music making kind of stuff that i'm doing here right so on the user content five beats a week five weeks of beats episode one folder we have the samples that i downloaded from tracklib last week and more let's see if that's right no who cares it's samples everything's from traklip that one was from last week that one as well and that's the one i used for for the beat last week right started like this then it became a lot more you know a lot of stuff happened that could be something [Music] let's take that one let's load it up and just check out the actual sample here seems to be kind of busy judging from the from the waveform let's see there so let's skip through it and see if we find anything that sounds kind of workable just gotta remember to drink my coffee tonight because you know i just forgot about it last week so maybe we could do something with drums or maybe not because there's a lot of sounds in there maybe maybe not okay cool let's also turn it into choke [Music] oh can you hear that [Music] oh you know this feels like a sample that i would normally use for something like really like i said before something super boombappy in 92 bpm and sure i could always go there and let's keep this as you know the plan b i'm not saying that the sample is super easy to work with but it definitely sounds like a something that i would normally use know short steps like that and also like that that could easily become something that i'm come on just listen to that okay i'm really trying to not use that because it's too obvious and it's a bit you know uh are you looking for musical accents transients or small phrases i mean i'm into really choppy kind of beats so i never or very rarely chop my sample in the bpm that the sample is in from the get go because that just doesn't bring anything to the table for me instead i'm looking for like phrases or transients or just chops of small bits and pieces of audio that i feel could be something and i'm not really looking for loops or bigger chunks of audio at all because that's just not how i work so if i would use this i would probably cut it out before the snare just because and and that short cord stab could easily be used do you want to start dictation no no don't ask again so again uh let's just mute that entire group because i don't want to be that predictable in this particular stream i want to do something a bit different from what i normally do it's still going to be hip-hop and it's still going to be beat but you know [Music] let's let's let's get back here and then take another one because i don't even know why i'm not picking that one because it's obvious to me what i could do with it right now and that could mean that i'm kind of inspired to use it but i'm trying to not go the easy route here kind of you know respect me for that and and hopefully we're going to do something else that's kind of cool and and i don't want to i don't need to talk for like half an hour about why i'm not picking a beat or sample [Music] sure that that's something a bit different when i found it in the stream i talked about this one as sounding super old like it's from the 60s or something and it's it it's you know it's kind of obvious from the sample [Music] it feels a little bit mysterious and kind of cool so let's try to first of all of course we need to normalize the sample my bad now it's normalized and uh let's um choke group one polyphony legato it's easy to just pick these because they're kind of obvious but let's just take the last one because it's most it's more interesting than the rest of them [Music] let's grab that vocal the almost sounds like just an uh uh and that could be incorporated somehow [Music] maybe i could use the entire phrase here what is he saying the magics [Music] the magic's missing that's kind of a cool phrase let's try to remember that and just keep looking for chops without really caring about whether the actual words are audible or not [Music] okay that's a chord progression from two [Music] the champagne's flat also kind of a cool phrase and that's the mysterious stuff the [Music] the sparkle's gone it's a lot of like negative stuff here that could be used just like that right [Music] you know it's not the worst idea in the world and maybe that could also be like this as i mentioned before since i don't have anything planned here i'm open to do something slow or something fast or something mid-rangey but as i said before like having something in kind of a high bpm but still having the drums being really off-center and doing like [Music] you know not like i don't want to say della type of drums because you know i'm not able to do dilla type of drums but you know having that really offset swing to it and kind of what is this come on [Music] so the temple is like [Music] so that's 95. and i guess i could push that up to someone said 101 bpm so let's try 101. now that camera died again no it's it's that can that camera die 101 would sound like kinda works if we would pitch the sample up [Music] let's try to grab this let's try to chop up the the vocals to make a phrase [Music] this is not gonna work let's do [Music] let's you know i'm not recording this for real i'm just trying something out so let's let's see how this feels let's punch it down [Music] right so we have to put them in another bear with me i'm just trying to [Music] could work could definitely work somehow it's obvious that it has gone there so maybe that's not gonna work [Music] that's the same as that [Music] works as a chop mysterious again someone told me to take one shot off and that's definitely an option but for now it's easy to work with one shot mode when i'm chopping then when i'm deciding to like really sequence it i might turn that into you know adsr or whatever [Music] that became a major thing instead something lost the flame is frost honestly what kind of track is this switching from minor to major like that and the like lyric being depressive as hell and it's still kind of an upbeat thing you know maybe i should use that as well [Music] someone said just use the n part of gone [Music] that's also an option uh now let's let's think about the feel for this you know i'm already going towards this 94 96 um oh can you turn up the volume zone oh the volume of machine is actually not especially so that's my bed the the mic seems to be loud and machine isn't that loud at least for now and when i'm adding drums and stuff it might be different but now i yeah okay that's better thanks for telling me i i appreciate that [Music] uh so again a lot of people were saying like 80 in the 80 range so let's pitch the sample down and let's go down to 80 82 bpm and see how that feels two between this is slow i don't know [Music] hello and i don't like the sound of the pitch down sample so let's go [Music] [Music] i rarely use slow temples like this you know [Music] hmm so i'm trying to to not use that pattern because i kind of locked my mind into that because i like it but the chops could be used in way more ways than that [Music] them [Music] oh that sounds like it's been you know pitch shifted and like time stretched but it hasn't [Music] that's a really short one because before that one comes [Music] that's a good question divan how do you pitch multiple samples at once on the am one there's multiple ways but what i do is just holding the group button and setting this one to tempo and pitch of course then i'm just holding the entire group and i just pitch it up [Music] or pitch it down affects the entire group all the audio in the group and it works okay that's a nice one [Music] maybe he would okay that's cool and now we're up to seven semitones because i did that crazy pitch thing and it made me realize that it sounds kind of cool so let's go down to five semitones plus [Music] [Music] [Music] loves [Music] [Music] now i'm getting kind of used to the tempo of ad2 it feels cool but this definitely needs you know a lot of processing from the drums to the sample i mean side chain compressing basically like making something not you know lo-fi but but still slow and like really heavy and having a kick side chaining the sample to duck [Music] [Music] [Music] um sure that works let's record that just just to have something in the sequencer uh it can't be that repetitive though that's the same chop that's just me being sloppy [Music] that's an easy [Music] just missed the pad [Music] now [Music] we can do something cool there by not having all the pads chop each other off and just put this one somewhere else [Music] oh my god what am i doing [Music] let's put this one you know that could be that could be done in a cool way [Music] but for now let's leave everything in the same choker now we have uh you know i gotta get going here so i have some sort of loop here [Music] it's kind of repetitive but it's something and now let's do some drums you know [Music] always changes things up quite a bit so let's do some one shots let's go through you know what let's not use the same folder as we did last week let's use whatever dive in in the chat room showed me in one of his youtube videos shameless plug right create cuts actually a really good expansion for machine has a lot of really cool stuff especially in terms of drums so let's go through the one shots and let's go into the drums the drums that's what we're doing the drums claps crash cymbals hi hats first of all kicks [Music] yeah that works let's do another one like [Music] no that has a lot of body to it like that one more so let's move them around [Music] cool and a snare uh let's stay in the drums of course maybe a clap yeah but also snap now let's actually make put a snare instead of just claps and of course all the the snares are really clappy as well i don't want to go too crazy here and pick samples and like pick drum samples forever that's something [Music] i don't like the edit of that what's what's up with it it's like [Music] oh that's one of those that's that needs to be edited to to be tight you know could just use the end part of that [Music] and i had credit cards hi hat closed sure hi-hat open [Music] a dirty one yeah i could match them up but you know i don't care pad mode choke one joke one [Music] now i'm back to my old tempo again which i don't want to be you know we are at 82 80 where am i 82. let's listen to the metronome just [Music] [Music] 10. [Music] [Music] i don't hate that i don't love it either but you know we can do a lot of cool stuff here with some delay or reverb and of course sidechaining on the sample and um i hear you and we're going to stay in 82 bpm but i want to try something different you know let's do something let's do something kind of fun here let's uh open up the timer on my phone let's set it to four minutes you can't obviously you can't see that because i'm stupid whatever that says four minutes and let's go right there four minutes gonna make some sort of idea here in a way higher tempo let's go over a hundred let's go 103 just because we can another scene so let's move quickly and let's not use the camera angles let's just do one like so and one two almost ah [Music] [Music] um [Music] um and group level heavy heavy heavy heavy sound um compressor side chain uh input source where's that a come on a3 s1 right no c3 c1 s1 which is the kick [Music] what doesn't work didn't i record that stuff come on [Music] not gonna be able to do this in four minutes [Music] i need the metronome to be on [Music] uh lower the volume um sidechaining come on gain threshold amount [Music] and that's supposed to be four bars what's up what's up [Music] am i doing something wrong machine seems kind of unresponsive i don't know what that is all about okay i'm able to save the project at least um let's call this [Music] timer ended so the timer rounded that means um my time is over for that idea now um five w oh five weeks of beats zero two let's save that real quick and just hope that machine didn't really crash but i'm afraid it did so i'm not sure if this works out or what happens you know um greg thank you for being here and i'll see you another time i guess just a guy in the chat saying that he had to go so you know i'm a big fan of native instruments stuff and i'm a big fan of machine plus but sometimes just sometimes it just crashes and it seems like that's what happened now stuff made noise you know uh but things just locked up and when i tried to save the project this happens and this isn't my bad and the last thing about the samples on the sd card that's my bad i take full responsibility of that but with this this is not me this is just machine plus acting up um hasn't happened a lot but this is really disappointing and because i'm i i guess the machine isn't doing anything right now i guess i could sit here and wait for half an hour and just lose everything but now it seems to have crashed you know so let's hold down the power button until it dies give it a few seconds and fire it back up that's unfortunate no max often has to go to bed thanks for hanging out and you know this stresses me out i've already been live for 1 hour and 15 minutes but you know we're not here to make beats quickly that's not the job that's not the the assignment that i'm trying to do here instead i'm trying to have some fun spending some time with you guys and making music the way i normally make music sometimes the process just takes a lot of time so let's see browse projects user five weeks of beats z02 the project is in here [Music] and even the compressor setting is in here that's cool but come on this thing about working in 103 bpm that's not what we agreed on you said 82 and i'm doing 82. ideas back in 82 let's chill out and drink a bit of coffee uh drink a little bit of super cold coffee and just eat into the temple [Music] you know that's the temp we agreed on [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] jim shannon is here he's always in these streams i appreciate that a lot and he has to go to lunch but he'll be back soon so you know one of my missions here could be to actually try to make something out of this until jim comes back we've had a slow start but i think we're on to something 82 bpm even though i'm not comfortable in that tempo i think it's cool to do something a bit slower sometimes and this sample kind of holds up when it comes to this [Music] um uh something is super untight with this sequence let's go to the events and just check it out real quick on the grid whoops uh the first one sounds really off and it is really off so let's just select that event just the first one of them let's move it that's not how it's done oh my bad like that and then [Music] [Music] two yeah let's record like one drum at a time here [Music] [Music] oh my bad four bars and some high hats let's get a looser feel [Music] lower the volume of that one increasing the volume of that one [Music] um [Music] i know it's repetitive i know it's a lot of the same uh stuff but i think i'm gonna be able to work around that somehow uh right now it's very unbalanced in terms of mix so let's try to lower the volume of the sample and maybe try another pitch now it's pitched my bad let's do that okay that's let's do that now the pitch is set to plus five plus seven kinda cool [Music] this is a little bit easier to listen to [Music] right [Music] let me get another shot here with the sample [Music] almost [Music] [Music] this is a better vibe right chris head [Music] okay let's figure out uh what kind of sound to use on this one um and i have another camera for that so let's try that real quick of course the battery you know what um the sample is cool and all and it's going to be sample driven in a lot of ways but i think it's time for me to find something to go with the sample and the drums in terms of musicalness you know so let's use the jupiter that's not what i was aiming for let's go for a nicer angle on the roland jupiter xm which is connected and i should be able to sample this audio into machine so here we are that's the jupiter xm that's what i want you to see now i guess you kind of already know this at least a few of you that watches that have seen a few streams before i have um an apollo x8 from universal audio as my main like audio interface which means that all the audio runs through that one and i'm able to insert different universal audio plugins in my different inputs and on the input from here that one goes into analog five and here i have a tuner so this is a cheaters trick oh that's my bad and i'm talking about machine [Music] analog six still has a tuner on it so when i play the sample it goes through the tuner and from that tuner i can kind of roughly estimate the the pitch the sample so the first chop is that one doesn't register anything on the tuner so let's just try to listen instead that's the one right [Music] maybe not though [Music] and i messed up one of the feet on this one this little rubber thing that's under the jupiter exam has gotten lost by some reason so it wobbles when i play it i don't like that so let's see if i can just grab the other one and you know take that off as well to have it balanced worked i'm gonna try to fix that later on and find the other one but now it doesn't wobble nope that's a d sorry for thinking it was an f obviously a d [Music] [Music] [Music] so i don't know about this sound though oh a super chat from jim shannon i appreciate that thanks uh 10 canadian dollars i guess that is thanks that's very much appreciated for the rest of you i think i would appreciate if you took the time to like you know put a thumbs up on the video i know this is kind of a weird live stream but still it's it's fun for me and i think it's fun i hope it's fine for you guys as well and let's see if i even have any viewers i don't know about that i can't keep track of it and yeah we do we have some people in here i appreciate that so um we had a d right yeah that's obviously d let's try d minor chord [Music] you know just because let me show you a d my major that's not gonna work [Music] kinda works [Music] [Music] i want to find something more than just a d minor [Music] [Music] [Music] so you know using chords isn't always the solution sometimes playing like a melody thing on top of a sample can be just as good in its own little world doesn't have to be [Music] can we do an a minor [Music] [Music] an a minor works but now is that what i'm going for is that what i'm looking for um maybe it is not quite right i feel a bit tempted to change the the pitch of the sample just to get something else going uh but i think i'm going to stay in d minor now and just you know not second guess myself [Music] i kind of feel that i mean it's kind of this really noisy like saw wave synthesizer but [Music] something happened with the resonance of the filter [Music] give me some guidance here we have a 130 people in the in the stream give me some a little bit of assistance is am i on something cool here or am i just like totally flipping out and just doing something crazy uh that's not good uh let's redirect that camera again i need some help here i need some assistance um you know uh sample is g minor it is and i'm i keep playing d minor [Music] g minor [Music] that's right [Music] [Music] yeah it's the same key but that bass chord kind of works better in terms of [Music] then that's also not [Music] everything works everything works and so people are saying that it sounds a little too high-pitched the sample [Music] the sample is too high let's pitch it down a few semitones [Music] sure i could do that as well [Music] he might be on to something right [Music] sounds cool when i cut the drums off at the last part um this is minus one i was as high as plus three i think i was uh [Music] yeah that sounds cooler it does uh so come on give me some proper feedback now plus three semitones or minus one semitone which one did you prefer again this is plus three semitones [Music] i'm totally fooling you this is plus three semitones was that what i was saying plus three [Music] all right minus one sounds like so [Music] [Music] okay come on i need more opinions here you can't just be like two people okay now it's coming in um plus three plus three okay we have a few votes on plus three plus two uh did the tempo slow down to no not the tempo of the sequence but the temp of the sample because i'm not doing any time stretching stuff i'm just pitching it straight down so i'm playing the sample slower it's depressing at minus one yeah but could this ep of mine need a depressing track yeah a lot of people are saying minus one a lot of people are saying plus three okay let's let's try plus two plus two [Music] to me plus two feels a little bit like it's not honest it's a little bit uncertain where it's going um plus three uh i think i'm gonna go with dive in here he has plus three and a lot of other people are saying plus three manu john foss mcl and taffy plus two better a lot of people seem to like plus two oh i don't like plus two yeah i agree with with [Music] the one called 73 in the chat that's saying that the sample that the vocal in the time sample fits better at plus three so we're doing plus three for now and uh you know we were still in that g minor d minor territory [Music] or [Music] um you know what i'm not gonna think more about this i'm just gonna do plus three and we still have that if you remember that whole the magics i'm not going to be able to incorporate that however now that we know a thing or two let's make this situation a bit easier on me and step away from the jupiter xm for a minute and working machine that camera died boom change the battery pack so if you've been here before okay what's this all about if you've been to this stream before you know that i take breaks every now and then it's not just to have a rest it's just to change the batteries of the cameras so that's going to happen right now and yeah give me a minute and then we are doing more stuff with the sample i want to be able to mute the mic i can do yeah well you know what let's play that beat again uh let's play the same track that i played before just to have something playing whenever i'm not here a few of you heard this track in the beginning of the stream but i'm just gonna play it again because i just finished it then it's gonna end up on a piece of vinyl with swedish beat makers so give me two minutes to change the batteries [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] it's accurate [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] it's accurate oh that's my bad that's not the entirely edited finished version that you heard there uh it's not supposed to cut off like that but it did now i'm back with new angles and new batteries so now i have that one again you know that's the track that you heard before and now we're back here in a slower tempo oh this is actually kind of cool [Music] [Music] [Music] um okay so more stuff to this track more stuff on this beat you know let's do some more stuff let's um i'm working really slow today i don't know what's wrong with me i just have the sample and some drums we have to get going here and do something more [Music] so [Music] maybe you checked the side chain first of all [Music] um [Music] my [Music] so i mean what i have [Music] maybe i like that more the release it's you know a subtle change but still a change so um should i grab my like my base and play a bass line on the bass that's gonna take a lot of time but it could turn out kind of cool uh or should i just do like this whole you know yeah let's do that let's do the whole um for a beat like this i want things to be kind of heavy and deep playing an acoustic or like an electric bass for that i'm not sure maybe it could be cool to use just use my normal um subby synth bass in here i'm not looking for project not looking for an instrument i'm not looking for a one shot i'm looking for a sound [Music] so [Music] ah i don't know how i feel about that i kinda dig it a lot you know i kinda dig it a lot just having this really [Music] really like stupid baseline you know doesn't have to be that it could just be really long dragged out notes especially with this kind of subby [Music] sound [Music] yeah let's let's get that into the [Music] sequencer doesn't have to be that stupid though come on [Music] something lost [Music] yeah i know the bass is too loud [Music] so [Music] you know what i want to try something let's save the project i want to try something here that i you know that i do sometimes uh and i don't know for this because we have kind of you know been become accustomed to how this sounds uh but i feel like the drums could be a little bit more interesting even if it's just a kick and a snare and you know the normal stuff oh my bad so let's duplicate this pattern over to the next one go back to the first one and go in here and actually take a look at our sequence uh i'm thinking about moving stuff around uh you've seen me do that before and i think it's a good way to get stuff moving around so first of all let's make some type of change with the snares let's select those let's go back here let's turn the grid off and let's start moving the position in this case to the left [Music] can i do more i can do more yeah the base is still a bit much [Music] the sample is too loud as well let's try to push this put my snares even earlier sure something happens here [Music] so we have a discussion going on in the chat about bass sounds in the machine and you know massive has a lot of really cool bass presets and they're all like really deep and cool what i normally use on machine especially now in standalone mode is just sorry one of the sounds which is just a one note sample that gets pitched around by machine if you go to the browser and you go to the different sounds not the instruments not the one shots but the sounds and i guess it's it it's because it's early in the list as well it's easy to grab it's called adrenaline and it's to my ears it's just normal like sine wave scent thing if you play it up here [Music] that's what it sounds like and if you go down in pitch [Music] it becomes kind of a deep bass sound and you know what guys we just we have to talk about this real quick because i did this thing on instagram and i asked people to send in like voice memos voice messages to me over instagram saying the phrase it's all good and i'm gonna and i've already like imported all this these recordings on my computer inside of logic and i'm gonna export them and use it as samples on my tractor setup and and scratch the samples on the track and i want to do something similar here i'm not sure that i'm going to incorporate a lot of scratching on this one but still i need some vocal samples some spoken words that i can just paste in here i don't want anyone to like you read an entire poem or something but it would be cool to just be able to incorporate something from you guys onto this track and i'm realizing now that i put some text about this in the description for this video referring to my email which is wrong i don't want those samples on my normal email i created another email called five beats of weeks five weeks of beats at where you can send in samples for this particular instance i don't want notes i don't want any like musical instruments or stuff or i just want vocal samples so send it to me on five weeks of beats at spelled out f i v e beats of weeks as one word at send me whatever like stuff you have or send voice my most just from your iphone on to my instagram at accuratebeats now i don't know what you should record for this one or what you want to say so please if you could any one of you just have an idea and drop it in the chat and just talk talk about this together in the chat room and just come up with an idea for something that could be incorporated here just some words just a sentence or or maybe just you know we could also like call this track ah and then have everyone record a single uh send it my way and i can just put them into the timeline after the fact i don't know i don't have any ideas here but if you have any just to think about this and talk amongst yourself and and just come up with some sort of idea here if i see something in the chat that i really like i'm gonna point that out otherwise send me stuff i don't know what um maybe i'm gonna have an idea in like 15 minutes i don't know i'm just telling you to do that if you feel like you want to [Music] so just the fact that i moved the snares to be kind of a lot earlier on the track made the whole swing of it different i still feel like i need to like bump up some of the higher frequencies of this to make it you know punch through [Music] let's do the same thing for that one i could like saturate it or whatever but but it's easier to just crank up the equalizer a little bit [Music] [Music] ah okay so let's move over to another scene and duplicate the pattern for the sample let's take it out and let's try to think about something else in terms of chops of this sample can i do that i could [Music] maybe the love the first idea i had was like can that be [Music] [Music] kinda doesn't work let's try it one more time [Music] is [Music] [Music] maybe i could just chop [Music] i'm trying to grab the the sentence magic missing missing magic could that be cool [Music] no it doesn't seem [Music] is [Music] can we do something about missing love i know it kind of doesn't work in terms of like tonality but [Music] is [Music] i don't know about this [Music] okay that's cool [Music] one more time and i just forgot to press another pad [Music] and now i fail to record [Music] [Music] that's kind of cool [Music] okay so for now that's the base let's mute the base and let's pitch the sample up i know we settled at plus three but let's put it up to plus five semitones just to see if this love missing love stuff works no nowhere yeah but in that case plus three also works and then we have the base then we gotta do something how come the pitch doesn't work [Music] because i'm not on the same scene you [Music] idiot [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you know normally the transition between one scene and another normally just works for me this time around not so much um going from the first one already feels kind of glued together right switching to the other one first [Music] it's a little bit of a difference there and i don't know if i like that but the second scene here with the missing love um works uh so i think um [Music] i think um ready to go with that idea and just keep it like that but if i for the first one could play [Music] what can i play for this [Music] is [Music] i mean i'm still using the same bass line but it feels like it doesn't work so let's go for number two [Music] easy [Music] [Music] i can't really find that note [Music] hmm [Music] and then back to [Music] okay let's see if i can find some some help from a tumor here [Music] okay that's supposed to be a really off c note i've already determined that so [Music] is yeah i'm just being quiet uh thinking [Music] first of all these two patterns doesn't really feel like they belong together secondly i can't really find the pitch of the second one because it doesn't match up with the first again so maybe this whole idea of magic missing maybe i'm just scrapping that idea [Music] is [Music] um [Music] yeah it's [Music] ah come on and then back to the g minor oh but i think it's cool actually i'm kind of thankful that this happens because you know uh the point of showing the entire struggle of making a beat like this is to show you guys the the issues and the problems that i'm experiencing and this is something that happens sometimes as i said normally i get my first and my secondary pattern to kind of sound decent together in this case decent is kind of a stretch but it works not good but it works but in terms of notes on a keyboard or the bass or or whatever this is not sounding amazing i could do like [Music] but on this one [Music] i can't get it to to be good you know someone has an idea about pitch bend and the bend and bend sure i could find the right note like that but okay uh let me you know this is just an idea of mine right now that this pattern right here that kind of sounds did i got totally crazy with that also i'm not using the same i am well what i'm saying is that i'm thinking about using this you know the main pattern we had and for for like the base of the track and then whenever i go to this pattern [Music] maybe i don't need a bass or a keyboard sound i get a lot of people saying that this keyboard sound isn't the right one to use for this and sure i agree uh when it comes to the first pattern i think it works to be a bit synthy like that it's kind of cool to have the the difference between the organic sample stuff and this but let's try something different [Music] [Music] [Music] works but again pattern two what happens [Music] that kind of works [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] i don't know this is still really difficult really difficult [Music] so [Music] so [Music] easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay my confidence is raised you know growing a bit [Music] let's try the base [Music] [Music] okay sure wait ah my god that wasn't you know we we gotta we gotta keep on struggling here we gotta do something so for this uh let's make an even easier simpler baseline [Music] you know let's try to glue and squeeze this together even though the pitch you couldn't hear the bears can you hear the rest here sure you can't hit the bass that makes a lot of sense because in this case it's just a sine wave is just like sub frequencies really really low stuff [Music] you know let's try oh that feels so out of pitch [Music] maybe that high [Music] okay that's [Music] and you know [Music] [Music] is [Music] okay i don't know what to do about this adding keys on the first one feels kinda simple enough uh [Music] put on on the second pattern you know what let's let's just not care about anything like that on the second scene uh let's just use the first one as the main one because it's kind of you know it already holds up and [Music] [Music] and again we have to move on we have to do something more [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's better [Music] so something like that is going to be incorporated in here but someone says in the chat room keep it simple less is more which is true definitely one of my big like things that i take with me um what kind of keyboard is that if we're talking about this one this is the jupiter x m roland jupiter xm a really nice sound and if we were talking about this one it's the native instruments m32 m132 i almost said because i have the same one computer you know what uh [Music] i don't have any snooze in here okay robin kosh says i really don't want to spam sure i might have to read it but it's really b minor in the new pattern i mean sometimes off key with the bass can give it something uh b minor for real am i just that bad at music b minor which is [Music] you might really be helping me out a lot here let's see yeah i'm going to bed now because someone just totally should have taken the stream over a while ago uh [Music] thanks a lot thanks for spamming thanks for making me noticing that robin kosh koch i don't know how to say it thank you thank you thank you oh damn that felt good you know normally oh sure i have a little bit of luck when i do these things but also i normally don't suck this hard [Music] loves you so what i'm thinking now is that i should be able to go from [Music] and then down to [Music] i still want to make i still want to get the g in there to keep that mysterious vibe and also to make it easy to uh yes of course this is more in tune this is what it is if i wasn't live i'm sure i would have nailed this myself but you know a little bit of nerves and a little bit of stress this is really good thanks a lot david robin thanks a lot robin i really appreciate this makes it much much easier to to keep at it now the baseline i recorded here was obviously in the wrong key but maybe we don't have to care about that you know robin koch [Music] so let's redo the base [Music] again i am still gonna incorporate the g in here just to you know make it more cohesive cohesive to make it more understandable you know [Music] is yeah i chickened out sure let's do it [Music] again [Music] [Music] is [Music] thank you a lot and again someone said that this thing was pointed out to me three times in the chat and i just missed it i'm sorry about that i don't know why you follow me on youtube or why you're watching this when i'm obviously really bad well it is what it is and everyone can make mistake and i just happen to make a lot of them so we have two different base lines now one here now when everything is more glued together let's have a listen and see if these two patterns sound better together now with the bass [Music] is [Music] i don't like the shift but you know it's okay um anyone have anything to send me in terms of voice memos on instagram or samples on email that would be cool um i've gotten a few things on ig but i doubt that it's for this and i don't think it is no doesn't seem like it let me check that email i just did yeah i've got a sample here from daivan um just named ah okay cool uh people any opinions any thoughts about what the track is supposed to be named or whatever vocal samples i can incorporate i mean the musical sample here is from up there one of the sponsors for this stream and also district is the service that i'm going to use to release all this music as an ep on spotify apple music all that stuff using the hyper follow functionality and everything else district is a cool service track libras as well so that's it but i'm also looking for samples from you guys vocal samples just anything that you can say into a mic that i can use to sample uh sometimes to scratch and sometimes you just incorporate in in the beat as it is if you have any opinions any thoughts about anything just drop it here someone said something about play it again or run it again or whatever someone said uh [Music] maybe that's a an an an idea uh someone tells me to ditch the juno you're talking about the the jupiter no i'm gonna try to use it [Music] somehow [Music] i mean just something simple like that works right martini missing love that's a good idea [Music] um [Music] [Music] you know let's start layering stuff from the scent and let's use this and use that sample the in the external mono input [Music] which is this one so first of all let's do a bunch of chords uh let's show that one so we're sampling in mono in the left input sync mode for four bars so just some basic chords in this octave right here so let's uh let's can i do can i do can i do that cool start the sample as well [Music] so let's turn that one into an audio track [Music] let's increase the volume [Music] and of course let's set it to four bars in length [Music] you know [Music] you're talking about low pass filter and stuff i moved the chord parts of this an octave down i think that's good enough for me uh let's do the same thing for pattern two here [Music] with this stuff let's move it here let's record the sync mode and let's check the chord again let's do it on the back beat like that come again sure and let's go nope start [Music] i managed to squeeze the g in there let's have a listen without the sample and that needs to be set to 4 bars [Music] doesn't work why because i didn't make it an audio track [Music] does that make sense [Music] ace music has a strong opinion about the sustain [Music] like like that make it even more 80s let's just [Music] i don't know uh maybe for for the next part because what i'm thinking oh i got an email from the guy i'm talking a lot in the chat ace ace music melody loop let's play this and see what it's okay let's see what it's sent over and it was super loud let's just download it onto the computer my mac mini isn't the best tripod uh so he sent me a file and now since i'm working in standalone mode incorporating files that you send over isn't you know it's not as straightforward as using a daw or something let's see downloads and now i can't find the file of course let me open up the mail again he sent me something oh i didn't download it into downloads boom there we are and here we have an mp3 let's try to sync it up manually just start for the first one obviously not the second one [Music] [Music] okay i'm playing that wrong but i think i'm good i get how you [Music] think not a bad idea let's see if i can incorporate that in the final track when i'm working on it in logic and i have the timeline and everything up i appreciate that thanks for sending it over i'm not going to be able to incorporate it in the standalone version because that just takes a lot of time or just sample it in but you were thinking like you know i'm sorry ace i appreciate that and i guess i'm gonna take a deeper look into it and do something cool but right now i need to get back to think about what i'm doing here [Music] plus [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so [Music] could it be for some reason machine pitches up the base one semitone in the second pattern on the base instrument no this is also coming from the guy that gave me the right chord for the second part so i'm listening to you is it wrong again or what are you trying to tell me [Music] easy [Music] [Music] well i think it's okay let's go into jupiter again [Music] yeah that music box thing [Music] you know i'm gonna i'm gonna make another thing here and i have some chords there and then i want some sort of melody stuff um and i want to play something like um [Music] you know some half kind of spooky melody like that [Music] i don't like that noise generator stuff that's on for that one [Music] uh oh something no you know i want this really thin kind of synth for the melody and i got just the perfect thing for that the jupiter xm is cool and all but now i want to grab something else as long as it has batteries boom op1 and now i had a cable yesterday that i used for this give me a minute to find a cable so i had like a normal line cable like an aux cable but now i um well hold on and of course i found it on the floor uh right underneath my desk so let's turn [Music] this one up turn this one on i should say start you silly bastard hmm and of course when i decide to bring out the op-1 the battery is just totally dead i swear i had it running yesterday without any issues at all now the battery is totally out just my luck right now we got another email from ace uh so maybe we should invest a little bit more time into this dude [Music] so ace what is this uh [Music] yes [Music] it feels like a lot of notes like this complete piano thing i get it bridge like thing for entering and exit or exit uh are we talking about in between the two different patterns or like an intro and an outro for the track huh i don't know maybe i could use that somehow in between stuff um somehow uh but you know what i'm i'm really getting um i'm realizing that this live stream is going to be available to watch after the fact on youtube and it's already one o'clock in the morning here and i've been at this for hours and i haven't made a lot of process progress uh thanks for all the nice words and all the nice comments and all the help in the chat and as well thanks to ace for sending some stuff over i'm gonna have to look at those later on in logic where i can see stuff clearly and be able to you know uh for now i think let's just fix some some quick things here first of all the sample needs to be mixed mixed it needs to be changed a little bit i need to um add an eq just cut out some of the lower stuff these things doesn't need to be there let's cut them out let's brighten it up a little bit as well and on the entire thing i want you know i don't always do this but let's put a little bit of a metaverb on the entire sample group let's move that to be ahead of the compressor which is sidechained to the kick you know i could just ground it in reverb like that [Music] okay ace i get it in between the different stuff thanks that could be really really useful to have some sort of transition uh i just couldn't hear it in any of the patterns but i see what you're saying in between the ones i'm sure i'm going to use that because i don't like how the two different patterns fits or not fits together so having something in between seems awesome now the metaverb let's crank it down a little bit and still having it kind of loud because it's before the compressor it should be able to glue everything [Music] together thank you ace i appreciate you a lot [Music] so he's leaving and 73 is leaving as well thanks for hanging out with me tonight guys uh i appreciate it thanks for being here and i'm gonna keep working on this for a little bit of time because you know i still i am kind of crazy like that i can work on an idea for hours and hours and hours and in this case i've decided that all the stuff that i make in these live streams are going to be finished and released on the ep later on so i can't just leave this as it is or maybe i can i don't need to add a lot to this but maybe i need to come up with at least another little version of the the pattern um i mean honestly i am putting the stuff into logic and arranging and adding like nice scratches and stuff after the fact but i don't want to you know replace the entire baseline or add a lot of stuff like that i don't want to sheet too much i want the i want like 100 of what i do for the beat making part in this video or in the stream that's what i'm going to use in logic i'm not going to add too much and i'm definitely not going to take anything out so that's that's the process behind this that's the thought process [Music] but sure [Music] what i was talking about was making a longer pattern uh and playing more notes like uh like a melody and obviously not on the op-1 because i thought it was working but [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] so [Music] stop it [Music] oh wrong putter [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] it becomes a bit too weird [Music] um [Music] [Music] you know you know i'm gonna try to record something here with the audio straight into machine let's go to the sound level here let's go to the sample let's sample four eight bars just for the fun of it in sync mode let's start [Music] let's go [Music] yep again i'm just being a coward and i don't want that i want to do something a bit more fun [Music] [Music] maybe an octave up [Music] sure something like that start and go [Music] convert that stuff into audio eight bars i mean it's not wonderful but i think i want to keep it somehow and just use it for eight bars some where and at the end of the track but i wanted to be a little bit rougher than this so let's try to on this entire group let's try to put a little distortion it really sounds horrific can't use that at all saturated [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] sure that works let's do another thing here let's go here let's sample that for four bars [Music] and [Music] you know again let's transfer that yeah okay that's not how you do it let's transfer it into audio [Music] it doesn't work why why doesn't that work i didn't really look at what i did but i i guess i guess i'm gonna do it again [Music] okay let's be here let's let's start let's do sync 4 bars [Music] and again start [Music] cool audio four bars [Music] [Music] easy [Music] love you there's something lost okay we are getting somewhere i mean i always think about beats like what happens if i mute the sample you know because the sample is always kind of important but what happens if i mute it then it sounds like this and i'm getting a lot of cool ideas from the chat room right now [Music] you know the sample is cool and it's necessary there but i also kind of wanted to be able to stand by itself without the sample [Music] someone said something about like motown type of strings which would be really cool so let's see if we can do something about strings let's use the built-in machine library for that and just see if i can get anything to work quick quick and easy so we have instruments let's go for the bowed strings or bold strings i guess i mean if i would want to go for like real strings i would have to load up you know some proper instruments in contact but i'm not doing that right now instead machine is loading and it might just die heavy bass something with a bit of slappy funk to it would hit nice on that yeah that's good idea like layering the bass this really heavy sub bass together with a more slappy type of bass that could be cool um hollywood strings yeah that's what i'm thinking as well but to be able to get that going i think i would need more like high quality sample instruments which i have a lot of access to inside of my you know the contact setup that i have access to in in the computer i'm gonna do that for one of these live streams just making a beat in logic instead of just using hardware like this but for now i think this is more fun however this is not fun though because maschine has obviously frozen on me again and i haven't been able to save this project for a while so you know now it's rebooted so let's see what we get i don't know maybe we get where i was like one and a half hour ago or maybe we get like a recent version of the beat machine opened up back up and it has nothing so that doesn't feel that doesn't feel good projects user now let's go here what did i call this one project user 5 wot something yeah 5w ob now we open it and i don't have all the groups that i had before this doesn't feel good so the base is in there [Music] now the second pattern the first pattern the drums the sample the bass second scene there's not a pattern there okay that means i gotta do some of these things again [Music] so we had the pattern with the samples and let's do it again [Music] i don't even know [Music] [Music] [Music] that's kind of similar to what i had before save so the adjustment i did on um on the snare feels like it's not it's not the same anymore so yes i am kind of frustrated um so events select these turn the grid off and move them [Music] i don't know am i [Music] [Music] save yeah yeah i know in the chat room i i i need to see this as a new chance to get better but you know i kind of knew now what i had um but the second pattern of course doesn't have a base or does it [Music] no [Music] and the cord was right so and i wanted the g in there so you know [Music] let's just see if the changes i made no you know i did some tweaks with the equalizer on the snares and right now it feels kind of flat i need a little bit more punch in them so let's do that again and let's increase the gain of the two higher frequencies on that one and on this one yeah feels more like it so yeah now i mean some okay so that's all i have that's all i got so [Music] i had some type of like some organ or something going on the let's see in the jupiter right [Music] and we were talking about strings so let's move into strings instead pattern one [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and you know let's add some strings right let's sample okay let's first of all save and sample and external mono that's the one four bars and sync start [Music] once again [Music] uh you are totally right chris head that's common sense and good practice to just save your product but since i have been working with mk3 so much and nate and the machine software you know saving has never ever never never ever been an issue and it just hasn't been something i've done when i work in in you know photoshop or whatever i save all the time i'm one of those guys but on machine just never had it's never been necessary and i've never had two crashes in one single night that i had today crazy but it but it's a fact sure let's keep that string thing in there and let's on this sound level let's add can we do a beatles [Music] and david i think you're totally right this device is too expensive and too premium to die like that totally it's not supposed to happen i don't think it's right but it did what can i say i don't work for native instruments i don't know [Music] sure let's keep that string thing and that part there let's make another one for this part [Music] sure say no sample save sample in sync four bars that's the one let's go [Music] doing it way too much another go [Music] last try [Music] that's better [Music] [Music] is [Music] and while we're at it let's just go for some sort of keyboard sound [Music] [Music] again a backbeat type of thing sample sync four bars start one two three [Music] it's again not perfect but we need to do something so let's hope that it gets better with time [Music] sure i see people talking about uh arpeggios so let's try that in just a second and before that i need to make another one here for the second one with this piano thing [Music] it might be a bit hard to hear but you know [Music] that wasn't hard to hear was it [Music] that's the octave my god delete start go something like that and save and again let's listen to this thing without the sample and see if it's something at all [Music] [Music] so on this one i should have you know [Music] maybe i just failed to change that into [Music] audio [Music] okay something went wrong that one needs to be four bars which it is but it's not never mind let's do this entire piano thing again i'm messing something up [Music] pattern one supposed to be g minor start four bars let's go [Music] so let's double check this let's go to audio let's set it to four and have a listen sure together with the rest seems to work pattern two scene two here another one aha record [Music] is no good let's do it again and the last note was totally off so let's do it one more time this is the last way i lied this is the last try [Music] huh [Music] it's not great but it's okay [Music] okay something starts to happen here we are kind of back to where i stopped but now we have strings instead of an organ or whatever it was and we have the piano thing going on oh jesus christ this has been kind of in a frustrating episode of five greeks of beats sponsored by district and tracklib check that out cool should we try to let just feel i think scratching i think this beat might be a bit too slow for me to scratch on [Music] um [Music] [Music] save so uh this is not a masterpiece um but you know this is also a track like i could definitely see myself walking around listening to this um if you've followed me and watched me before you know that i make a lot of like boom bappy type of stuff and um yeah thanks to the district kit and track clip thanks a lot uh you know i make stuff in 95 bpm or whatever and with scratch and stuff but it's kind of cool to have something like this that feels laid back and it's a bit wobbly like this i want it to be even more like wobbly and crazy and weird but i don't know this might be good enough um i also think i need to [Music] check the sample yeah there's no equalizing on the sample and i know i did that before the crash so let's turn some of the base frequencies let's just you know lower the base increase the higher frequencies was that what i was doing i want that yeah and just to have it a bit more and i also sure that also makes it a bit more whatever metaverb on the entire group move it in front of the compressor [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so i think i want another part of this track and i kind of think that i know what that could be so let's duplicate this pattern or the scene over here let's mute that entire group of samples and let's duplicate the sample over here and let's turn it on and let's do something a bit funny here let's take uh let's see here what do i want to do i wanna i want to select all the different pads so let's select all the pads i want to change them in the sampler from one shot to adsr right then i want to go into the group level and i want to apply a beat delay sounds like so [Music] i mean the pitch here seems crazy it's just a crazy track crazy sample that's what it is [Music] oh [Music] [Music] blah blah blah [Music] blah [Music] blah blah blah you hear this it's a lot of delay going on but you know in terms of being like a two minute track having some stuff here that you know that adds a bit of dynamic to it i think it makes sense so let's try [Music] once again [Music] uh [Music] that doesn't sound good let's try that again right [Music] that's better [Music] oh right so you know small changes like that can make a big difference in the track it's based on this and now sounds like no it doesn't sound like that it sounds like this [Music] i like this so much makes so much sense and the rough part [Music] you know what's crazy i kind of kind of like this i kind of enjoy this i i i really do uh i mean it's it's a bit different from what i normally do but even on my last album i had a track with a similar feel like this choir thing in a low tempo side chain to the kick and stuff i think it no i think it's nice i i do [Music] i mean obviously i could add more stuff [Music] do [Music] but i don't want to hide anything more you know save it thanks saved [Music] no more sense nothing like that um you know i'm not hating this [Music] let's try to you know i'm not promising anything here okay i shouldn't even have to load up tractor uh the usb thing isn't connected maybe i should be able to let's try this back what finished [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] loves yes [Music] is [Music] is [Music] and the other scene of course [Music] me [Music] so [Music] [Music] and the third pattern [Music] and i don't know maybe i should start thinking about of course letting this entire session go that's that's a big thing that's what we're gonna do really soon [Music] yeah maybe we could start the whole beat off with again with the notes and stuff doesn't make sense [Music] oh okay something uh okay i just got a new patreon that doesn't happen every day uh thanks a lot for that patreon you know i should i should talk and push my patreon page way more but i just haven't figured out figured out what to give back to the patrons right now all the tiers on patreon says that it's nothing special you don't get anything for your donation i want to change that i want to give my patreon something but when i don't have any patreons it doesn't feel you know it's an evil yeah we call that a hamster wheel in sweden when things just go round and round and round so if i don't have any patreons i can't give you anything special and i can't give you anything special if i don't have patreons i just got a new patreon thanks a lot for the support i do really do really appreciate that a lot so thanks uh again let's play the three different patterns and just see if this is good enough or you know if we have to make this into six weeks of beats who knows [Music] is [Music] [Music] on this track maybe we should apply a stutter just to play with it and see what happens [Music] [Music] okay this is cool [Music] [Music] [Music] something like that save sure you know what i think i'm actually going to call this session done right now it's two in the morning here and i started at ten eleven twelve one two so this is four hours uh normally when i work with machine especially i am a lot quicker than i was today i had some issues with the notes and the stuff and i still haven't figured out how to you know transition between the two different patterns but i think something like this um [Music] just a little break makes sense that that kind of works uh it doesn't have to be more difficult than that and you know i still have you know right now this is also a part of the creative process right now i feel kind of beat be beat down um or beaten or whatever you want to say um call the beat the bug that's cool thanks mark the bug let's immediately save this as a project with up okay save ass ah change the battery pack again that's me that means that it's time to go um so let's do this five weeks of beats sorry i don't know if you need to see this but yeah five weeks of beats space zero two space the bug thank you that's a that's a perfect name the uh b u g the bug thanks so this one is going to be called the bug and if i sit and like i said previously in the stream i would like you guys to help me out a little bit when it comes to adding something more on this track you know adding a scratch might not be right for this one might not be what i end up doing um so for the track i made last week i asked people to send me voice memos on instagram basically saying it's all good i got a lot of different things sent my way and i'm gonna incorporate them all in the track and scratch some of them and just leave some of them in there it's just gonna be this big collage of people saying it's all good all over the track and that's gonna work really beautifully for that beat for this one called the bug i would like to have some samples from you guys to incorporate here as well maybe not scratch them but maybe just putting them in there you know if i play this beat and i just add some some speech in here um i mean if i just sit and talk about stuff and it doesn't really matter what i say but there is something about beats like this that i feel kind of works with the spoken voice like a spoken voice saying words makes a lot of sense and if it's someone with like a deep voice explaining something kind of cool you know makes sense so i mean just talk say something a few words about a bug make up a little story like a little like a short story about a bug not like a computer bug or a bug like this let's make it more fun and let's talk about an actual bug let's do something about that or do you want me to to yeah yeah play it again and again uh more hi-hat can we sample track and add to it um well uh i don't know drone x beats um the thing is that i've already had my struggles with this track so making it even more complicated by adding more stuff i don't know how i feel about that and i think the more i listen to this it grows on me i kind of like it for what it is it's not my best work ever but on a five track ep having a beat like this i think i could live with that samples from nature program talking about bugs yeah exactly exactly and that's not and that's what i don't want to do i don't want to sample anything else you know i already have a sample for the track and you know it would be cool if anyone out there wanted to participate somehow by just recording something i have this gmail account signed up five weeks of beats in one word written out at feel free to send me whatever you want on that email like uh audio of course not it not anything you want um audio samples for me to put in here like speech whatever just a snappy piano rhythm sure if you have the time to record it and send it my way i would i would love that but i can't promise that i'm going to use it let's listen to this again i'm not going to release it before it's released so like you know listen to this in the stream after the fact and and try to what the bpm of the track is 82 bpm and so yeah and if i i don't if you don't send anything called my way i'm just going to be you know scratching a few samples just adding a few and a few years and be done with it this is not going to be a track that's like five minutes long anyways [Music] is the sparkles [Music] so greg asks what's your workflow going forward do you master well the workflow from here is basically just to take all the individual in some cases sounds uh and in some cases groups and scenes from machine put it into logic on a timeline i could do much more on machine as well but you know when adding like scratches and longer samples it makes a lot of sense to do it in logic oh so importing all that stuff into logic and then arranging and taking out a few drums here and there and make a you know adding some delays and stuff just some ass and some oohs and some and some some some of that uh arranging the track maybe making it like two minutes long or something and mixing it i think it it sounds decent as it is now so i'm not mixing it like you know applying like amplifiers or like pre-amps or doing a lot of crazy stuff with the eq's or or whatever i'm kind of happy with what i got here and the whole concept about this project is not to overthink anything just to make stuff happen just to release it um because i've had some issues with that before like releasing music has always been this hard thing to overcome for me and i want to get over that just as i've done here on youtube so to answer the question basically a rough mix insider logic and then i just to be honest i just slap on ozone and i got the update to ozone 9 from ozone 8 and also 9 now works on the m1 mac so i'm using ozone 9 from isotope and you know i don't do much i just apply the limiter and the equalizer the maximizer and whatever basically they're their own little mastering system and normally it takes me like 90 percent of the way and then i have to just tweak a few parameters in a few settings to be to be good and then then it's done i don't want to overwork it and a part of running this youtube channel is to show you guys that it doesn't have to be impossible to make music it doesn't have to be like really difficult or you know simple is good and as everyone saying here in the chat room like keep it simple and that goes for everything because whenever i feel like the beat sounds decent in here it's good enough you know so a quick mastering process inside of also 9 helps me to get ninety percent of the way and then i tweak it a little bit more and then i'm happy so so that's it um [Music] he hasn't done any chances uh yes machine audio is pretty amazing if you just watch levels yeah exactly that's what i do i keep track on the levels a lot i never ever go to the mixer page in a machine and i just don't i don't i don't even know where it is it's over there i don't use the mixer at all i just turn the main the main volume knob on the group level or on the individual pad that i want to change then i just make sure that everything flies as it is you know um you see me working here recently i felt like the snare wasn't loud enough in the mix and instead of just adjusting the volume i added an equalizer and i boosted the higher frequencies to me that's basically mixing sure i could go in there further and you know take out some of the lower frequencies and do the opposite for the kick drum and this and that but i don't want to get too granular or crazy with it so no um and thanks a lot greg uh the truth is that i don't have amazing ears one of my ears is completely gone i'm deaf on on the right ear i only have one ear that works so i have an amazing year if that's if that's something so now i've just talked about stuff for a bit so let's listen again to our patterns and yeah i pretty much decided to not add anything more here i have this little melody thingy no i don't that was before the crash wasn't it [Music] i don't have a melody thing [Music] i don't so maybe i should add another track here [Music] so or maybe i'm adding it out another day uh you have amazing hair uh makes it twice as good as everyone else yeah thanks uh david but i mean of course i'm not the most talented musician in the world or the most talented scratch dj or keyboard player or anything i just think like having having the talent to put stuff together and knowing what you're going for and understanding the tech and being able to like hear whatever works together i think that's a skill and i think i have that skill or that i have developed that skill [Music] so yeah and in terms of this track or this mix so far if i just if i should just say something good about myself the base here is to me like one of the strong stuff about this track that i went with a really simplistic like stupidly simple baseline let's hear the sample and the baseline for this pattern i mean just judging by the sample it's it's even kind of hard to to hear the the rhythm playing the sample without anything else the bass really helped with that you know what um after all this time um working with us having all the struggles i must say that i really like this one as well it's not similar to the the last one i did or the one i played you twice for that vinyl project i'm on but i like it a lot for what it is and for being something a bit different and special i'm proud of this you know i don't have anything to not be proud of here um one of you guys really helped me out with uh finding that uh that chord and i really appreciate that if anyone has an idea for anything to add to this in terms of vocals i don't want rap i don't want singing just someone's saying something feel free to send it my way to five beats five weeks of beats at if not that's totally fine as well or on ig and also it would be cool for to have people say five weeks of beats like a sound thing for for one of the tracks or maybe for the intro or i don't know i'm just talking feel free to send me some stuff like that if you want to and feel free feel more than free to check out these sponsors these are some excellent companies that are kind enough to help me to make these live streams and this entire five weeks of beats ep project possible and go check them out the links are in the description as well i'm gonna make five live streams five beats and i'm also gonna post uh one bonus video after everything is done maybe touching a little bit on uh what i did off camera in terms of music and also going through the entire process of using district to have your music released on spotify and google play and it's really cool one way to get everything put out on a bunch of different streaming services it's cool uh but yeah what i'm thinking right now is that the next next week we i might be working with a sample i can already hear i mean how i played it now is not rep representative of what i'm doing next week with this sample [Music] it's really cool so i'm going to use that for the next one but let's hear the the different patterns again on the one that we did today [Music] is [Music] [Music] so one last question one last answer wise man hip-hop as says great production accurate what's the secret that keeps you so motivated two things one i don't need to be motivated to make music okay that sounded that came out wrong i don't need extra motivation to make music or to do this i just have so much fun and i just need it enough to just not be able to stop you know the second thing is that um i don't know why i'm saying this but i'm really having a tough time at my day job now um and if staying motivated doing this helps me going youtube full-time or even part-time that would change the life for me and that would be awesome so that's also something that you know bumps my motivation level up a notch but basically for just making music and that these kinds of things i don't need any extra motivation i just do it because i love it and i just have to do it because i need it in terms of finances though um sure if i'm able to put a little bit more work into this thing and being then being able to to not work at my day job as much that would be would be awesome um so that's an extra piece of motivation however thanks a lot everyone for being here i think we did a great job together even though we had some rough patches here with like me putting the files on the wrong folder in on the sd card to a machine just crashing twice to me having issues with the notes and stuff you know that's just what it is that's the life of a home studio beat maker youtuber type of person check out the sponsors up here the links are in the description below check out my patreon page if you want to support me like that um subscribe to the channel and be here next week for another episode episode three of five weeks of beats uh i mean it goes by really fast this is just number two but it feels like we've done this a lot so the first episode is done the second episode is now down and we have three more episodes to go of actual beat making three more fridays it's gonna be a lot of fun you know what thanks a lot for being here thanks a lot for all the support and thanks for believing in what i do and supporting my channel like you always do gotta run right right now i think this track is as done as it's gonna be tonight and next step here is to important logic and mix it and all that but i'm signing out had a lot of fun tonight thanks a lot for everyone for being here i can't say that enough it means the world to me to have an audience and to be able to do this um in front of people to not just sit here and just keep all the beats on my hard drive actually doing something with them and it's all because of you and i appreciate that a lot yada yada keep saying the same thing five times and being emotional and stuff you know again thanks to the sponsors for sponsoring this live stream and this entire project of five weeks of beats the ep i'm working on today it's friday and i'll i'm gonna see you guys again next friday so again thanks a lot for being here and goodbye no my bad i'm not playing the beat again i'm playing the intro that's also an outro peace
Channel: Accurate Beats
Views: 5,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vOP34fd-WpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 256min 40sec (15400 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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