Live Beat Making - Maschine+ [Five Weeks Of Beats S01E03]

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yes hello youtube it's accurate again back with another episode of five weeks of beats this is the third episode so yeah season one episode three five weeks of beats so yeah that's cool now we are officially here and it's time for me to turn on that sorry that so first of all this video stream or this entire project of mine five weeks of beats is sponsored by district and track lib uh i wanna thank these guys a lot for sponsoring this little series of mine and um encourage everyone to go to these different websites the first one district if you want to release music digitally on spotify and google music and apple music and all the different services and all the extra things that's in district kids little package of things that's really cool and the other one is which is a sampling service with a bunch of different samples basically from different record companies and record labels and you know actual music to sample not samples that are pre-made to to make music with so thanks to the sponsors thanks to everyone who's here right now it seems like we have a few people in the stream even though that number doesn't seem to be correct that number seems to be correct whatever uh we are here doing the third episode of five weeks of beats but before that we do have an intro for the series so let's roll that intro right about now cool and by the way that thing also helps me to see how much latency i have on the stream and it seems to be like 10 or 15 seconds something like that so what's cool here today is that i'm going into this process today being a little bit extra motivated uh i'm i'm in good spirit i have some stuff um going on that feels good and i think i'm in a good mood and that helps everyone you know uh last week i just have to address that real quick last week's stream became over four hours long and i had a bunch of struggle with like finding the root note of the sample and getting the stuff together as well as this little guy my beloved machine plus actually failed on me a few times and just froze and i didn't save the stuff in beforehand good enough to be able to like you know everything kind of messed up a little bit so it became four and a half hours long something like that and again the point of these streams is not to just show you the like bright and sunny shine side of making music like this sometimes it's a bit tricky today though i'm in a different mood and i feel good i want revenge on this because i don't want to i don't want to make all the live streams in this five weeks of beat series that much of a struggle as last week's episode so today hopefully we're not going to do this for four and a half hours and maybe that's just jinxing it by saying that i don't know however it's cool to be here it's cool to see people here thanks a lot i recognize a lot of people as well saffin is here mark i appreciate that a lot you know that inky the cat one of the apparently one of the big music interesting interested people on youtube i find him on every single live stream that i check out that's cool so hello to inky hello to sitting moose hello to mark hello to andreas hello to everyone thanks for being here and supporting this little course of mine i've also decided to be a little bit better on asking you guys for support on patreon because i have a patreon page that says that i don't have anything to offer in terms of return you know for donating or whatever but it is what it is uh i might do some stuff on patreon later on but for now it's just if you want to show me some support by you know becoming a patreon and that stuff you're more than welcome to do so i would really appreciate that even though i know you're not getting much out of it but you're helping me to keep making videos and live streams and stuff and content and whatever so what's also new is that i have this camera which is actually my iphone connected to the thing over hdmi let's not go into that but yeah we have an extra camera that doesn't have a lot of different you know texts and layers of stuff but primarily we have machine plus if you were here for the last week's episode uh when i was digging through the machine and i looked through the different samples that i downloaded from tracklib on my first stream i found a sample that i liked a lot and i chose not to go with it for that session because i wanted to do something a bit different however i really loved that sample and i still kind of do i watched the stream back and and i heard it again and i felt again like yeah that should be flipped somehow so my plan is just to to use that sample it's from track lab the sponsor and everything should be fine it should be in here on the sd card so let's uh yeah uh in that folder i don't have like 200 samples or whatever i just downloaded five samples from tracklib and i'm gonna revisit them in the next episode i think to to take down to download more samples basically uh hey people and again now people are coming into the in into the stream so again i'm asking you guys to shout out uh where you are in the world that's just a good and cool thing to know if we have anyone from greece or from germany or from from the uk or whatever so shout out your name in your your name uh shout out your country uh in the chat and it would also be cool if if it's not just the country that you live in but also the country you're from if you're not from the same country that you're actually that you're living in right now um would just be cool to get in you know by the way you're going to see a lot of this and a lot of that and a lot of even this because summer has struck sweden where i am and it's really hot and also the video lights helps a little bit to to keep the temperature kind of high so i'm gonna be glossy i'm gonna be sweaty we're gonna make some some nasty type of music to go with that sweat so yeah i don't know what i'm saying i'm just gonna be sweaty i'm just going to you know live with that again machine samples user content and the folder is called five weeks of beats episode one because that's when i sampled it [Music] that's the one i used last week i think this is the one i used the first week or was that the one i liked [Music] it's that one i'm pretty sure it's this one sample edit the track is called i'm the one a really soulful track you know always always fits my mood [Music] let's turn this into choke group 1 and put the polyphony to legato yeah um [Music] you know one of those tracks you can already hear the chops in here remember me remember me obviously say baby cool we have someone from alaska that's cool we have norway we have germany we have slovakia we have italy uk germany uh california u.s uh more people from germany and more people from germany that's cool uh amsterdam netherlands awesome many germans sure european people is always cool to see awesome awesome awesome and just to be clear that i'm saying that this stream is not going to be four hours long i'm really gonna hold myself accountable to that uh and try to to make decisions quickly and not be too picky and not being to you know so i'm gonna try to rush through things without making it like impossible to follow is it better for me to oh that's better now you can see the entire machine yeah that's better awesome so this is the sample say baby [Music] so immediately just judging from the actual waveform i can already tell that there's not a like a proper drum break in here [Music] because normally then you have a little bit more air in the in the waveform so this is kind of the same sort of energy [Music] i can already hear those slices i don't know if i'm just [Applause] come on i haven't even begun to chop this yet but i just feel like [Applause] i can't miss that one so i'm gonna put it over there cool you know what let's just get going let's start with the with the sample and do something okay let's jump back to oh i like that one come on yes you are cool uh so i could just fire up a bunch of drum sounds and and make drums first but you know i like the sample too much to just think about anything else so let's do this that thing bugs me on the video though i can't have that one ocd so let's keep that and let's duplicate the sample and get back to the start and look for slices the proper way you know [Music] and by the way you might have noticed that i've kind of stopped asking you guys about the quality of the video on audio because i'm kind of i'm kind of confident now that this looks and sounds alright if it doesn't tell me but you don't have to grade how good it is just tell me if it if it's really bad or if the volume is off of something you know you know [Music] i don't know if you follow uh tracklib on instagram but if you don't you should they post these like small videos sometimes where they show a sample and how it's used and something something we all know and you know the lil wayne track amelie they showed that sample today and i just figured hey you don't need to slice the sample too much you can just use one chop you know how many a million you can just do that over and over which is kind of a cool idea i'm not gonna do that for this but you know it's yeah just struck a nerve that it doesn't have to be too complicated [Music] someone said something about the snare [Music] and it sounds kind of cool it does but it also has a bunch of different sounds here seems to be [Music] let's keep that over there that's an extra slice of snare if i need one [Music] can you hear that that's that's cool [Music] stuff like that is what makes me excited about a sample you know [Music] i'm not going to use it like that but you know the point [Music] and i don't care about the words here i mean the wording is [Music] no something else i'm just gonna use the vowel [Music] the e [Music] maybe the way i work with samples sometimes when i find something that i feel a little bit iffy about i put them on the on the row up here because you know these are my main jobs and if i need something different or if i find something a bit odd or strange or that i don't exactly know how to use normally i just put it on the on the row up here if it becomes problematic i just move them to another group but yeah that's why i chop it like this like this crazy but yeah steve butcher are you from north korea seriously mark saffin asks which is kind of a remember you know a reasonable question remember [Music] you know these things uh i'm a big fan of things like this i love you with all my heart so but by today's standards it feels a little bit cheesy don't you think [Music] [Applause] oh we have to [Applause] i don't know how i feel about that [Applause] [Music] that one matches the entire feel a bit better i think even though it's from the same track but you know [Music] why not small chops like that [Music] where's the snare [Music] [Applause] there's a lot of love in this track [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh we're already at the end of the track let's let's back this up uh let's track it back and see if we can find [Music] okay that's another you know i'm just cheating my way through this because i mean i'm not cheating this is what i do but but you know sounds like an ah but it's actually can't tell the words in this one i don't know [Music] and if we zoom in here we can see that the waveform that high-pitched can i get rid of that by just maybe that's much but you know not know i have oh that's kind of cool i'm not sure about all the chops but let's just keep at it let's go back to the beginning here again and just see i know this is kind of hard to listen to but frankly this is a part of my process and just finding chops that that's the same finding jobs that kind of works in some sort of like context that's what this whole process is all about [Music] remember let's pick another one here [Music] oh another one on that bass note and you get the choir in the background that's kind of cool honestly i think that's really cool [Music] okay i need that one too that's something [Music] i don't know now all my slices is full now all my slices are fully all the pads have sounds on them that's what i'm trying to to say um we have some people here cool that number is way higher than this one i'm gonna count that one [Music] that's the same chop [Music] okay let's go to the absolute beginning and see if the drums became usable here sure [Music] maybe let's replace that snare [Music] that's better [Music] okay so we have 16 different slices that's cool so let's see i'm trying to remember what i had in the last track i did i had it became kind of a sentence somewhere in the track it wasn't love me it was missing love wasn't it so i don't want to have love me in this one because it feels kind of you know i can't have two tracks with similar stuff like that so maybe let's try to replace this one [Music] um yeah it's just that little guitar hit oh those two [Music] all right so who need to to calm down and rest my ears a bit it becomes kind of you know kind of much when you're chopping in this um this aggressively but come on um van jackson just joined uh what song is he doing i'm using a sample from tracklib the sponsor oh okay that doesn't work anymore the sponsor up here the sample is called normally i don't say that but this sample is called i'm the one by someone uh i'm the one it's the name of the truck you should be able to just search for that in traklip and find the same sample and you know become a membership and get 15 tracks off by using my link in the description below sponsor plug ok let's switch gears and look for drums one shots user and sure let's take the first hi-hat i can find [Music] that's kind of a noisy kick but sure and oh that's really loud yep it's loud to you guys as well [Music] ah come on that's better [Music] that's that could definitely be used oh thank you for the super chat stone faced genius that's also that's an username stone-faced genius thank you for the nine bucks i appreciate that huh let's do that and let's see if the samples needs to be yeah i kind of felt that from playing them that the whole thing needed a bit of work [Music] sure let's also get rid of some of the nasty stuff here at the end uh by just you know fade out fade out again and again [Music] let's get rid of that and adjust the start point now we have a snare and you know i want to do this um i have this hi-hat but i also want to take the snare duplicate it to a new pad to a new pad and then check this out this is just a quick way that works sometimes for making an hi-hat out of a snare so the snare sounds like that but if i take the attack off i just you know trim a little bit of the first initial attack on it that's what i get if i do even more you know kind of a you know a ghetto type of technique but and if i put a fade on it that's a bit much [Music] fade out you know so in that case the hi-hat it's not a hi-hat but you know it serves the purpose the same the same purpose as a hi-hat and it totally goes with the snare because it's the same sample but i also had this brighter one let's try to make this one brighter as i go let's add let's add an eq let's take out some of the low frequencies boost some of the high [Music] compared to the hi-hat i found and the one i made [Music] you know why not use both of them [Music] i might want to do some i mean this is going to be like a straight up accurate beats type of beat talking like 92 94 bpm something like that heavy swing a chopped up soul sample and make something like you know the stuff that i'm doing most of the time and for this i think i want an open hi-hat as well i know it's a little bit loud it's too loud i can see that i'm sorry and let's turn down the volume like so [Music] help me out with the volume if it becomes crazy oh it becomes even higher yeah louder since i'm in the browser a lot of different really cool drum sounds here [Music] that's an open hi-hat it doesn't really match up so let's fix that real quick first of all it's too pitchy so let's push it down something like that then let's go into the sound and add again an equalizer a lot of stuff can be done with an equalizer you know that [Music] sure i wanted less bright [Music] yeah we're not going to do any detail work here what am i doing and i guess i don't have the chat open right now now i do sounds fine cool i guess everyone in the chat is screaming right now less talk more beats so let's do a little bit of less talking and more beat making so where are we tempo and he immediately starts to talk again but of course i'm talking i just don't want to want the talking to like take me out of the process uh let's do 93 bpm that's always a nice tempo and um you know let's just fill the [Music] metronome [Music] i don't love this hi-hat as much anymore so let's duplicate the kick over here on a lower volume maybe another pitch as well and sometimes i can do the same thing for this knife [Music] pitch wise kinda works i've gone up two semitones let's take one [Music] yeah the hi-hat is way too loud [Music] sounds kind of cool to me i mean this is just a bunch of drum samples right [Music] so maybe i can do let's try that sure ah keep this one let's add a little bit of a metaverb which is a reverb but [Music] metaverb [Music] sure drums that angle works cool focus on what's important machine drums [Music] got a double hit on one of the hi-hats let's see if that matters [Music] yeah that's not good once again [Music] with the metronome always [Music] i forgot about the open hi-hat [Music] nope [Music] focus come on [Music] okay gotta get a sense of rhythm here and a sense of swing i kinda know what i'm trying to go for and now i'm done that's better so we have a simple but yet kind of effective drum loop and we have a sloppy chopped up sample and let's give it a shot let's just [Music] i left the snare right come on we talked about the snare let's try to use that in the drum group i have here uh no let's add that later i have a feeling for the sample so let's do that first but i don't want [Music] that [Music] oh [Music] the sample is a bit loud [Music] let's do that that didn't look good did it that's better again it's hot it's hot ah that's a better start maybe a bit expected but i don't care [Music] okay [Music] so let's try the pitch pitch it up how much five semitones sure [Music] okay [Music] uh take part take pad 9 after pad 1 so [Music] ah sorry pad nine after pad one take pad nine yeah so i'm playing one first one um we are getting there lens one thanks a lot we are getting there um [Music] okay that's good maybe let's try to pitch it down whoops pitch it down [Music] also sounds really promising [Music] that's part nine after pad one that's minus two prior to this we were at plus five so i think plus three plus two plus two that vibrato that comes out that's the secret stuff about pitching samples and just not caring too much you know about time stretching and having stuff to be like 100 accurate it's just cool sometimes you feel [Music] you know it just feels like hip-hop [Music] somehow yes so excited so excited and by the way oh by the way sponsored by district and track clip i'm really excited to like make stuff like this happen like making music like this and then releasing it to to you guys normally it just ends up in a video and that's it but now thanks to distrokid um i would have released it on district no matter what because it's a cool service but you know so that snare [Music] can i get rid of that uh there are a bunch of different techniques here to to do stuff like adding filters and doing automation on really short stuff like this but you know i just want to go for it that's the main part of the snare that's that becomes too much in the sample let's just go here and cut okay save backspace this is uh this is gonna be five weeks of beats uh space oh three enter cool so we cut the we took the actual slice of the sample and just cut out the part where the snare you know it's not perfect but it works [Music] can we use can we use remember remember remember remember remember we need the re in the member to be remember you know uh if i pitch it up more remember we have this i don't know i like the the stuff at two two semitones [Music] that's the same oh okay i did that [Music] okay we are getting somewhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm just hitting all the wrong pads now uh you know that's a common thing for me when i make beats that i always go back to the same thing at every single i do what and then i do something back do something back [Music] back change it up so i'll make a pattern of one one one two i don't like that that's always the first thing i go to but it becomes too repetitive you know so i'm thinking [Music] i don't know about remember remember again pitched up [Music] no don't like that oh just like just that simple [Music] but then i want to that snare is kind of the same deal can i do [Music] okay that's a nice feeler so [Music] remember [Music] that's some sort of sweatship as well so i'm working on my first pattern and i still haven't i already got an idea for the second one i just need to to find the melodic stuff [Music] here someone said remember ah would be cool remember remember remember remember it's a big snare in there remember starting to smell smoke that's cool that's good for you that's good for you [Music] okay this can't become too choppy but listen to this okay that's it [Music] um let's actually try to record a loop just to see i don't even have to explain myself i'm just going to record a loop all right [Music] that went like so-so okay forget it [Music] again i'm going back to this one i want to do okay so [Music] stop me from going back to this pad [Music] okay i'm gonna delete remember for now because it kind of just annoys me to always hit the pad and being disappointed with the stuff that i hear okay [Music] [Music] did anyone hear all these choirs in the sample from the beginning or is it just like [Music] sounds cool [Music] i'm almost in goosebumps mode now because i really like where this is going davin is in the chat hello diamond d i d y v n check out his youtube channel one of those really talented um lo-fi beat makers that also has a youtube channel that's um that deserves way more appreciation and love also a really nice guy by the way i'm soon at the point where i'm ready to record my first plan and i'm just looking for you know what i was just about to say i am soon about to record this first pattern but i'm looking for the perfect way to play it i shouldn't think like that now should i that's what i said this is not gonna be four hours long i'm not gonna think about every single decision like that i'm not gonna look for perfection i'm just gonna do stuff that feels cool so with that mindset let's do this um let me just have like two or three rounds of practicing and then i'm gonna nail something you know whoo gotta slow down but still i really don't have to slow [Music] down [Music] uh [Music] also gonna mute love because it takes too much space i don't love that together with this pattern i'm gonna use it for the next one though [Music] me [Music] we can't have began [Music] so i don't want to do this 1 1 3 thing so let's go i immediately did it again okay [Music] okay i normally don't do this but let's go over to scene 2 and pattern 2 for this with the metronome just to remember this idea so that's something for my next pattern um here [Music] something like that uh on this on the ah okay come on stupid camera on the first run i'm going [Music] something like that and then i'm landing on [Music] for the next part so it's one two one [Music] three ah come on [Music] sure [Music] so that's a pattern i'm not happy with but it's a pattern i can just do something simple like that huh [Music] sure [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] so that's a nice one let's keep that and let's make a quick adjustment to to this pad because i think it needs similar to what i did in the first stream in the series i'm putting some sort of beat delay [Music] uh something like so [Music] yeah that guitar thing in the background really comes out [Music] um [Music] that's so much better listen to this relax sit back let me uh yeah i'm good [Music] and of course i missed the first one [Music] no i took everything out come on don't don't don't okay [Music] you know what i'm gonna save the project we've learned that we need to save the project i did save the project now the project is saved so we've learned that together thank you now i'm you know i'm intentionally talking right now to just rest my ear a little bit from from the music to to be able to view it with a bright idea somehow uh mark swing says fade over which means put a little bit of a fade out on the chop as well which could be a nice idea and thank you and obviously a guy from sweden so [Music] tuxedo [Music] yeah i'm almost kind of almost happy with this let me do one more round and then you know do something different [Music] can i go [Music] no i can't [Music] thank me [Music] i don't like [Music] why am i hitting that pad twice the fact that i hit it twice is something i don't like and then i do it again [Music] uh [Music] that feels like a nice and simple one uh let's hear this one [Music] again [Music] it's not perfect but i think it's good enough right cool we are here it's turning out i've been live for an hour and i have this stuff already that feels kind of good compared to what i had the last time so um that's something and for my secondary pattern here i already recorded [Music] let's put the drums so we need to incorporate that and that can we do [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] almost on the backbeat sounds cool but we have a lot of issues with [Music] the snare on that one so again let's do the same lousy technique of just cutting cutting it out [Music] that's a snare let's zoom in let's isolate it like that let's cut it and give a machine a couple of seconds to do that process because it's apparently a heavy process to do and then we are back we're zooming out and we're looking for the start point again oh let's listen to it again [Music] you know it's better [Music] [Applause] so let's try to do something a bit different with this one because it rings out too long sorry so let's cut it at the snare [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] maybe even shorter let's add a beat delay i always do the same tricks [Music] [Applause] maybe like [Music] [Applause] no but like so less feedback more crossover less mix hmm i do not like the fact that we hear that clip at the end [Applause] [Music] better [Music] [Applause] feels kind of abrupt you know but it's cool let's lower the volume of the sample a little bit and just go from the first pattern took the second one you know if we also duplicate this pattern of drums which i totally failed to do and duplicate like so and at the end of this one let's switch to that again on the end of the drum dope here for the secondary pattern [Music] just take everything out so just like that i have two different patterns now uh let's get into the thing about doubting myself in my creative choices of pitching the sample up so let's pitch it down now it's going to sound completely different and we are not immediately gonna like this more just because it's different you know [Music] the good thing is that i totally hated that which is nice [Music] almost at the point and that's plus three semitones so i'm thinking i think i'm working with two semitones up now the next thing here is what became a struggle last week that is finding the root note um shouldn't be too difficult and um will this even work sorry about that can we have a dedicated op1 cam oh is that upside down for you guys uh i don't know maybe that's if you become nauseous of this tell me in the chat room because this is upside down in a way that maybe doesn't work for everyone but my plan is to fire up the op-1 and play that as an external synthesizer inside into the to the machine plus um sampling monitor [Music] external mono [Music] that comes that comes through right and sure you can see the open wine on that cam as well [Music] whatever [Music] so [Music] ah [Music] [Music] so a minor seems to work right [Music] uh [Music] so the a minor [Music] and the f major then we could have i'm just trying to figure this out bear with me for a second here um if we have the a is that glitter so if we have the a minor [Music] we have the f we could also have an e minor [Music] okay okay again kind of predictable i guess but i get it to my bad a minor f major and d minor can i be right on that [Music] just straight to thee we're going straight to the d sorry [Music] just joining up on the keyboard octa keyboard in triads yeah i'm only playing triads i'm not a good like keyboard player so it's just [Music] [Applause] you know but i think the a minor sorry the a minor and the d major sorry d minor that feels like the basis of it all uh [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] playing in the opinions key bed isn't the best experience in the world but yeah so let's let's actually run with that and um let's look for a sound [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i don't know again let's just do this that's the one sink four bars and uh let's just do this remember one more try playing that inverted d chord seems to be kind of tricky for me now that's it [Music] that works for now let's convert this junk into audio and let's make that pattern four bars [Music] you know and now since it's recorded in audio i should does it no it's not distorting or anything so i should be able to make this even more like spacious and let's see here on the i don't know i have a lot of groups let's do it on the group level and let's add ice now let's do something let's do the grain grain delay i use that quite a lot and i just pitch it up an octave and then it sounds like [Music] but let's try to pitch it down 12 semitones instead [Music] and [Music] so florian doesn't think the op-1 fits i think it does it's not going to be mixed like this i pull down the volume quite heavily now [Music] and [Music] but you know what let's delete it and let's try to sample that stuff again and playing a little bit with the knobs on the op-1 because i forgot about that basically [Music] start [Music] that didn't became any better one octave down [Music] [Music] sure let's use that and let's turn okay that's not right let's turn it into audio [Music] sure and for my secondary thing so let's hear it first [Music] maybe i can [Music] uh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's do the same thing here but instead of going from a minor up to d minor let's go from a minor down to d minor yeah and then we are revisiting the piano as florian says we're doing both i think and just because we can and on here i want to do sync for four bars again and record the same stuff and yeah cool [Music] that's not the right bass note only for the last one [Music] [Applause] [Music] so tell me florian what what's the stuff do you like about the piano is it the chords is it the fast chords the eighth notes [Music] or is it like [Music] [Applause] [Music] is it the melody stuff or what's what's the stuff that you like about the piano which is the jupiter xm playing a digital piano sound [Music] or is it this [Music] [Applause] uh the melody and maybe a wawa guitar yeah i'm not going to add a wawa guitar on this just because i am like that but it's not a bad idea by any means i am messing stuff up [Music] maybe [Music] um [Music] this whole piano playing stuff on top of this do you guys like that i mean for for a section at the end of the track for like eight bars or something makes sense um i mean we're gonna have some scratch on this one and it's gonna be instrumental for a while and then sure i can add a piano thing like this but yeah i don't know [Music] uh yes mark7 thanks smash that like and i don't want to be a youtuber that tells or or asks people to smash the like button that's just below my my sense of integrity i think so please don't smash the like button just click it like like a grown up just you know nice and relaxed just click it and the video is liked don't smash anything we don't do that we're too cool for that right uh sure this is some sort of solo and i don't play the piano well enough to do like proper soloing um but sure we can add another group here we can sample in sync mode for i don't want to do 16 bars let's do eight bars and um the jupiter isn't assigned let me just connect the cable so [Music] now we need to set it up inside of the universal audio thing send that one out to line three which is obviously taken why is that taken let's see uh monitor monitor monitor [Music] output line one two and not three is this one assigned to number three yeah it doesn't have to be [Music] sorry just doing a little bit of tech work that's it now it's routed into machine and back to the chat what are you guys saying uh christopher lund mark is in the house that's a while ago hello chris welcome to the stream i appreciate having you here no jupiter isn't here come on because it's in right instead of left there we are cool can i show you that i can can i also show you that i can so you know let's just i don't know i'm getting nervous now because like playing a solo like this i do that for fun but actually record it i don't know adding a lot of small strings here a lot of decay just to just to hide what i'm doing uh okay sink have eight bars let's go you see what you did [Music] you see this is all your fault [Music] that almost became something but not quite so let's do it again [Music] i'm way too anxious way too anxious come on [Music] come on relax [Music] um [Music] that will have to do you know oh as we say in sweden the assad launching basically means that came from that i don't know why i even tried to convert that into audio and then make that pattern eight bars long put the camera over there and be happy with this [Music] and best form best forms built yeah the decay is crazy it doesn't sound good at all like this it just rings out forever but in the grand scheme of things i mean in the mix i think it works it's not wonderful but it works um so for now uh let's not let's just mute ah save save save jesus uh i'm just i'm not gonna let that little solo pattern thing ring out forever or yeah i'm not going to have it play every single time we hear the pattern because it gets repetitive i'm just going to mute the group for now but it's there and so far we have drums we have sample and we have sure the op1 just to support things a little bit [Music] doing stuff like that kind of always helps i mean even if the pitch weren't 100 correct just adding stuff like that guides the listeners heir to okay that's the pitch that's where we're at it always helps a little bit to have something like that uh i'm getting crazy now i've been streaming for two hours so now i could like make a little bass line and then do some scratching and then be done with it a part of me kind of wants to play the bass you know i suck at playing the bass um but it's a fun thing to do and it could work for a beat like this or maybe i want this like low subby bass you know what let's not think too much about it let's just grab it so what's funny here is that if you would have told me like a few months ago that i would play an electric bass on a live stream on a beat making session on youtube i would say what are you talking about of course i'm not doing that i'm not crazy like that now i don't know it's happening track one output that to line sure i need to reroute the jupiter and route this one into line out to line three give it a lot of gain cool you know why not i haven't made a fool out of me yet so why not just do it now and first of all let's tune it up literally up right now thinking to myself what am i doing i have people watching this people are trying to enjoy themselves [Music] what's up oh i can't hear [Music] obviously a really poor instrument doesn't hold tuning too well [Music] so what are we trying to play [Music] [Music] uh [Music] okay let me think for a minute no judgement here cool uh i like that um so what am i doing i want to play like the simplest bass line i can imagine so can i do this cool i'm thinking something in the terms of of course that's not connected anymore i'm just stupid uh i'm thinking something like could that work as a baseline [Music] so a f and d [Music] a c sure [Music] d [Music] isn't that d as well it is so [Music] that's an a right that's g [Music] [Laughter] that's the g so [Music] so i could imagine a simple bass line like [Music] come on i don't want the g that's my bad okay so [Music] what's up with the a at the end [Laughter] i can't play an a there i have to go back to to the d [Music] and d the next octave [Music] no that can't be right it's right but i can't play that um why am i doing this what am i doing on this one sample sink four bars let's just give it a shot and see what happens so i kind of have to hit the string right that's how a bass guitar works [Music] worked oh i have to work with machine as well [Music] cool [Music] and it became [Music] you know what that's going to have to do you know that's going to have to do now we are running into issues with the second one because i really don't know what to play i guess it's kind of the same stuff right or what do you think can we put that one on cool uh here we are [Music] [Applause] i'm just gonna do something stupidly simple here laugh at me all you want [Music] so i'm [Music] the thinking doesn't have to be a bass line [Music] it can also just be bass notes right [Music] [Music] walk up the base a b d [Music] no [Music] a cd right [Music] me [Music] [Applause] okay i can do something a bit more fun right [Music] i don't know about that slide at the end [Music] but let's give it a shot and i can you see that my hand can't reach i want to press shift and browse at the same time and it doesn't work i'm sorry about that noise i can't remember that you hear it just as well as i do [Music] again how long is this pattern four that sounded off that's the d [Music] okay we're gonna go for the second string [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's better let's do it again [Music] that note doesn't fit in there this is my last attempt i lied this is my last one [Music] [Music] also i need a sense of rhythm [Music] last note was a bit too loud but i think that's fine i'm not going to play bass anymore who do i think i am some sort of musician come on who am i kidding psych of course i'm a musician this came out pretty ugly [Music] uh for [Music] also audio let's do this it's right there it's supposed to be audio it's muted okay [Music] oh no it's not even there i messed up undo undo undo that's karma that's karma right there um not that i believe in karma for real but so guess what i lied [Music] that's a nice noise right [Music] sorry i'm not even gonna check the tuning i'm just gonna record here into this one again this pad sample record sync 4 bars start with the sample [Music] didn't i play anything for that [Music] why did i just lower the volume of the base that's fine start go [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] back to the first [Music] me sure doesn't sound perfect but it's something right so uh on this base group let's just deal with the entire group as a group this is something i need a bit more practice in um applying compression to a bass guitar like this [Music] and yeah i know that camera the battery died it is what it is i'm gonna change that real soon i'm gonna do a little bit of a i'm going to take a break fix that [Music] compression base again i'm not an expert on this especially not on the hardware machine or on the machine hardware but i think that makes a difference just like so we don't want to hear that in completely solo mode [Music] sure there's a bunch of wrong notes and stuff but that also has a charm to it right let's just trick ourselves into believing that and of course i want to equalize this base let's do it heavily like so [Music] huh you still remember still here [Music] you're talking about this one [Music] the one we took out was this one remember a little too strong what does that mean did i over do do the compression on the bass [Music] too much compression sure if you tell if you're telling me [Music] [Applause] [Music] remember [Music] you know i kind of dig this a lot but i think a part of me wants to add something more that makes the whole thing now you know what i'm gonna start looking into some other stuff in just a minute or so um that camera died and i know that the battery on that one needs to be changed or replaced as well uh in the meantime i'm just gonna do a white screen or a black screen um thinking i think on a black screen uh give me a minute i'm just gonna change replace the the batteries on the cameras and we are back that one works and that oh my god sorry about that well well this is what one of my live streams seems to be nowadays always some sort of issue now i just messed up the settings on the camera scratch yo scratch your tone table yes cool yeah we are going to do some turntable i almost said turntablism and i do have a big problem with that term because you know it's not me i'm not i'm not good enough to call myself a turntablist and i know that and i'm totally fine with that too so what did i do to my camera the iso seems to be alright the shutter speed needs to be that what did i do oh the lens kinda came off my bad let's listen to the first and second pattern with the bass and everything as i do this [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] me [Music] remember so we have two patterns and i think that's fine and now i mean sure the bass isn't great but i don't think i don't think the bass sucks either [Music] you know what i'm just going to keep this one super simple it doesn't need any like ambient strings or anything on top of this the sample is in the forefront together with the drums and sure we have a little bit of a bass line and a little bit of op1 but i think this is fine i can work with this this is not going to be like a track that's like three minutes long anyways and i think that's fine um but i think i want to duplicate my secondary pattern over here work with another pattern of the chops [Music] that's right and on this one i want my first pattern that's the base and on the open one as well [Music] so what i'm thinking now is um to do a pattern here pattern three with the drums duplicate okay and then let's see what you can see like that here let's go into my events let's select all the hi-hats and all the open ones let's delete them and then we have just kick and snare and everything else end with a sample here [Music] sure let's make another little thing [Music] here adding a base sample on top of a base thing but i think that's fine so let's do [Music] you know let's go again [Music] that's cool [Music] almost [Music] it sounds kind of strange but i promise you it's gonna sound okay after this one [Music] i mean kinda cool i guess and you know that's good enough for now kinda cool yeah my studio is kind of dark judging by that iso number and the setting for the whatever whatever that's fine [Music] cool [Music] right thank you troy franklin for reminding me save now it's saved now one thing that i used to do a lot on the mk3 that i haven't done since then i think um let's go into the sampler here that's the main sample for the main part of the track or i mean the main loop the the the best loop of them and on the group level here for this one let's add oh i haven't added anything to the sample that's crazy um that's really crazy come on i can't okay compressor input source chain [Music] that's b one b one s one do it come on why didn't i do that before of course i need a side chain from the kick drum to the sample [Music] we don't have to do it like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] there seems to be something up with the base here [Music] sounds all right maybe i just need to cut a little bit of base out from my sample so let's do that real quick equalize and just roughly like that let's not boost the higher frequencies on the on the equalizer let's instead jump over to a new instance of an effect and put some saturated tape mode is my favorite one [Music] just becomes clearer and it's not tape it's the tube version of the saturator here [Music] makes it sound like [Music] a little bit thinner but also a little bit more like crunchy [Music] [Applause] [Music] sure and then just because i kind of have the option i want to go here and add just as i normally do a little bit of metaverb i don't use reverb on my drums ever but on my sample i tend to use a little bit of reverb listen not that much [Music] too many hi-hats [Music] i don't know what that means [Music] oh it's the highest on the sample [Music] right the hi-hats in the sample really popped out from the saturator here [Music] maybe that's a problem [Music] yeah it kind of is thanks for noticing that so let's try to do the same thing but with the equalizer and a little bit less [Music] yeah thanks for pointing that out let's not use this exaggerator it does the job really well but sometimes a little bit too much and this was a good example of that so um here i have three different patterns so four bars four bars and four bars that's 12 bars uh so 12 bars of music and we've been at it for two and a half hours still 10 11 12 yeah two and a half hours a little bit much but i also recorded a live base you got to give me some credit for that so the next step is of course to fire up native instruments tractor and i mean i talked in the beginning of the stream about that i wanted a revenge on machine plus because i had a lot of issues the last time and now i think everything came out just as i wanted to when i haven't had any crashes nothing have has been and i find found the root note i'd never second guessed that i just went with the a minor and d minor it seems to work and i told myself not to be too overly you know criticize myself too much here and looking for files and talking to the camera at the same time is hard and making beats and talking to camera is hard so please bear with me and now i'm looking for my scratch samples on the hard drive and i don't even know what folders to go into samples maybe scratch samples maybe some of these aren't super great but you know let's just try some stuff and by the way did you notice that i didn't use any midi at all for this set for this thing i mean this is midi in a way uh but then with the op1 and the jupiter and the bass you know it's just audio no instruments at all besides from the drums and the sample that's cool now let me try to fix my cameras here and see if i can show okay that's not a good look two of me my bad let me try to switch over to here and yeah i know that you don't care as much about this as i do but come on it's my stream and i care all right the music so let's start off with some of my like normal stuff that i always do for scratching uh just to get started and started and get going this is typical me i'm sorry but i just have to do this you know i talked about like i said stuff like one thing that i did a lot before but that i haven't done now and then just totally forgot about it because i had a lot of effects too to do one thing that's sometimes really cool on track like this can help out with the scratching as well is here in the actual sample let's open up a new effect called gate and this is the opposite of what i did with the side chain so this can turn out super cool or like just terrible so i'm sending the kick into the gate and the gate opens and closes whenever the sample heads [Music] so [Music] ah [Music] ah [Music] and this was one of the cases where it didn't work at all that's fine maybe i could open it up again and instead of having it react to the kick react to the snare [Music] yeah doesn't work with the metaverb which is fine just a cool and a fun thing to try turned out not good at all so scratch [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] real quick real quick real quick [Music] real real quick real quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] remember me [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] y'all know the name well yeah uh i think that's kind of it but i know i think i want to keep doing this for a little bit longer and since i changed my computer i do have a bit of issues with like my different uh tractor samples all the different um cue points weren't loaded up apparently but i am still live and we do still have a chat room cool thanks guys boombap don's bond kermit npc yeah next week's episode is going to be done on the mpc live 2. i'm pretty sure pretty sure i might also just feel like you know chopping up a sample and making the whole thing in the open one who knows i'm gonna scratch away for a few more minutes downward signing out and going to bed thanks a lot for being here and i think this track came out you know really good i am still a little bit self-conscious about the bass but you know let's just leave it at citiz and see if i can save it somehow in the mix i know that you can't save stuff in the mix but ah who knows what i'm trying to say who knows [Music] uh [Music] [Music] um so without further ado let's go all right let's go without further ado [Music] further [Music] so without further ado let's go let's go [Music] so without further ado let's go let's go [Music] [Music] all right okay [Music] [Music] [Music] accurate [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] all right okay all right all right all right all right all right okay okay [Music] there's a lesson here something i learned myself [Music] there was a period of time [Music] there was a period of time where there was so there was a period of time where there was so much activity there was different weird sightings turntables i'm the boss [Music] i'm [Music] i mean business [Music] i mean business [Music] [Music] entirety of my life dead inside that's why i've been so highly functioning [Music] take [Music] [Applause] [Music] take control [Music] [Applause] [Music] think about it [Music] this is [Music] this is the payback from the past [Music] okay i am gonna stop right there you know what it's like when you are like totally totally totally in the zone of something oh that camera oh that's my bad i'm not supposed to you know what it's like when you're totally in in the you know in the moment in the feeling and and and whatever and you just all of a sudden kind of forget that you're live streaming on youtube that's what just happened me just scratching away without caring too much switching camera back and forth so i can edit this down into another type of video later on however i am here you're here you know what guys thanks a lot for being here i said the stream was going to be shorter and i don't even know i started at 10 11 12 almost three hours today i think that's fine that's a part of this this series to to show you guys how how much of an issue it might be sometimes to make beats and i haven't you know i just want to say that at this late point in the stream that i haven't i haven't talked to the sponsors about how many times i should like mention them in the stream or whatever i just do it because i find it reasonable you know so again this stream is sponsored by district and tracklib you know that by now we appreciate them a lot for sponsoring this stuff and i would appreciate any type of support that you guys could give me on patreon because i'm trying to make this youtube beat making stuff into a job and you know sponsorships and stuff helps a lot but also patreon would be really cool to be able to step up there and do something in the future but more on that later i'm gonna talk about that in other videos i think uh yeah thanks for being here and what do you think guys think about okay i'm not gonna ask what you guys think about this track it's a really dope track i like it a lot and it sounds like something i would do in a normal scenario so that's exactly what i wanted to do here and it feels like i got some sort of revenge on machine plus everything worked just fine now i didn't have any issues at all and that's fine but it's time for me to go to bed here in sweden it's a quarter to one in the morning right now and i'm starting to get a little bit tired but thanks for being here if anyone has anything to like important to say or whatever in the chat some sort of feedback or or anything uh i'm here to listen for a few minutes more and if you don't have anything that we all should like take into consideration or whatever we're just gonna say good night and sign off and call this a successful third episode of the five week weeks of in that case we're just gonna sign out and go to bed and call this a successful attempt or you know just a successful third episode of five weeks of beats next time the mpc sure the first one was on the mpc one and then i did one with machine and then i just needed to do another one with machine to get everything good next one mpc sure i have the akai force i have the mpc live 2 and i have the mpc 1 and the mpc2000xl so which mpc are we talking about the archive force isn't in the mpc range but it still runs the mpc software so um force live 2 1 or 2 000 xl what do you guys think some type of feedback on that would be nice so i know what to set up for next week and i guess i opened up for you guys to say mpc2000xl and that would be a struggle a fun one but a challenge nonetheless so here's someone schizo i recently got an mpc one and i'm loving it so far yeah me too the mpc one is a great great device love that one uh and by the way i am after this five weeks of beat series uh and there's the summer vacation and stuff but i am gonna make a proper uh mpc live two or one versus machine plus video i haven't done that comparison video yet and i really want to get it out so that that's gonna come oh we have more people saying uh akai forest than i was expecting actually my akai force is behind that door right now on a shelf uh chopping on akai force will be a challenge no that's not a challenge i mean chopping samples on the force is kind of exactly the same process as on the mpc live just the fact that you have more pads my workflow is normally a bit different when it comes to the mpc or the archive force because i tend to whatever i sample or whatever i pull into acai force i tend to just let the force do you know chops by itself manually or i mean either judging by the transform transients of the wav files or just but in in a grid with equal lengths of stuff and then i have 64 samples and i can just look manually with my playing abilities for sounds that i kind of like and then edit them from there so it's a different type of process but it's cool and it's a lot of fun so maybe the force and sure some people are saying the 2000 xl as well and i don't know if i felt self-conscious about playing the bass for like eight bars in here imagine my added anxiety of using the mpc 2000 xl which i haven't worked with too much and i'm gonna mess things up and lose things it could be fun but you're gonna have to prepare to be patient because that's that's gonna be a challenge [Music] uh yeah i love watching you sample vinyl thanks man i i know sampling vinyl is definitely one of my passions i love that but you know when it comes to running a youtube channel with nearly 90 000 subscribers and then having videos demonetized because i can't use the samples legally it's not really worth it you know so uh the the the best thing that i've found that's not really a that's not really vinyl but it still feels kind of like a record store is by using track lab for finding samples it's a really cool process um vinyl is always a bit more fun but the legality of it is is not always super easy to handle so sure i would love to to sample vinyl for for a future project you know what we could do like for the next episode this is not a promise is i'm just bouncing ideas of of myself and we could go back into track lab and then just you know have a random number generator just picking a few samples and then i have to work with those samples that could be fun um challenging but but kind of fun uh or maybe just having you guys saying you know a random word search in interactive search engine uh type caterpillar and see what you can find and then you know just grab something randomly like that could be something fun kind of a rhythm roulette thing but digitally kind of like that idea but who knows i'm not ready to do something that advanced on the mpc 2000 xl because you know i need a bit more time um the force or the live 2 could be something but yeah point taken thanks a lot for all the feedback on that uh i'm gonna have to think about this for a little bit and then set up my place with one of the npcs or the force akai force is kind of an empathy in my mind so i'm when i talk about npcs i'm always including the akai force uh but yeah random samples would be a challenge i mean a challenge that i get a lot for in these streams is that i can't find the root note though i just don't know how to musically you know come to the place where i kind of think that i want like the sample for instance it felt like it needed to be chopped exactly like this so it took me a while if i have a random sample that i don't like that much i have to work more with the sample and less with the chops so to speak um but that's an idea you know what guys thanks a lot for being here we have done a third episode of five weeks of beats this beat came out really good just have to add a little bit of scratching and just arrange it a little bit in logic and then it's ready to be released this is i'm proud of this one this one came out cool but again i'm going to bed i'm saying goodbye and thanks this video is going to be available as the other ones on the channel again sponsors again patreon and i am working on a sample pack as well i haven't talked much about that because it's a lot of work um i just found out by the way when i'm like doing this sample pack that if i take my drums and particularly my my kick drums and i record them into that reel-to-reel tape machine and i crank the the input a little bit i get a really nice sound on the tape and then i just record that back into my door that sounds really cool uh so i'm going to release stuff like that as well and the audio out i don't need to talk about this anymore thanks a lot people and thanks for supporting this and let's have a quick listen again [Music] i am totally gonna hate myself tomorrow if i don't do anything at all about this crazy metaverb it's way too much [Music] just like that so much better well that's it now we are gonna roll the intro outro and say goodnight and again thanks a lot for being here i had a lot of fun tonight and it became a little bit quicker than the last one so that's cool thanks a lot again bye five weeks
Channel: Accurate Beats
Views: 6,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JjfJcDbi1gA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 15sec (10395 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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