LIVE - ASRock B650 LiveMixer AM5 Evangelion $2K Build and Review - Motherboard with 23 USB Ports?

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[Music] hello everybody and welcome it's a Friday show and joining me Mitch Mor sends back for some more abuse hey hey I love love me some bills oh yeah and of course my name is Carrie Holzman a computer technician in the industry now for over 30 years and we're going to do a system build today I haven't done much with AMD I haven't had much luck with the amount of support the handholding they require but I wanted to see how they've evolved over the last year with the new socket am5 this will be my first uh socket am5 yours too mhm and we're going to go big or go home so this is the big build blowout you always remember your first time you know what I mean although we built you buil you built me an AMD in in the the white Stormtrooper and how's that been for you it great yeah how often do you use it um I do some you know but it's not your main machine but not the the black um yeah 450d Corsair what do you have four computers uh yeah and I got the little 250 D Corsair in my laundry room are you still using the little AO stick PC oh yeah in the screening room so is that five computers four uh that's five five yeah he lives alone with my evil twin all right five computers yeah you might have a problem who I to talk but wait a minute this is what I do for a living and one laptop who said that all right Apple MacBook Air and my my sister-in-law on me into it it was a lot of money I could have bought two two uh Windows PCS for the price of that listen to the excuses yeah that's all right we forgive you yeah but I only use it when I travel which is quite a bit you know uh someone broke into my house and they stole all of my fruit they're nuts I don't know but I'm peachless I had to get that out of the way before I forgot it you probably wish I forgot indubitably so how's everybody doing this Friday end of the year is it me or did 2023 go by like that so uh isn't it interesting when you're a kid it seems like the year takes forever ever and then the older you get faster go yeah you you just blink and you're like H where did the year go so how was your 2023 good I mean you know the vi uh Vietnam for five weeks and uh the motorcycle ride that I was going to go for for a month but the weather turned nasty but that was two weeks uh going to do it all kind of again you're talking about the California going the Pacific Coast Highway yeah what a shame when you get bad it gets really cloudy real foggy yeah and then you can't see anything and it's an astonishing view yeah when I had the Mini Cooper I did that drive from uh it's like up through Bakersfield I want to say and then up there big sir carel car what a beautiful little city I had the best fishing chips there at just some little Dive Bar Eastwood used to own the the bar the Bor head mayor MH yeah B's head yeah used to play the piano in there on occasion oh uh yeah just a beautiful I like the I like the Drive South because you're on the outside of course uh well that's me going home like going home I went back the same way cuz it's a beautiful day but went up to monter did the monter aquarium I love that was a long time ago that had to be 2010 I think yeah and when I did that uh is that uh this year I guess or La no last year uh that Monteray aquarium a one day pass was like 55 beans but it was well worth it I mean it was still cheaper than Disneyland and the money is going to the it's not just going to the WT dis yeah I mean I spent I mean three hours in there went by like that and I could have walked around more but I'm it's not that big but um you know I I feel differently when I'm paying for admission into place like SeaWorld than Disneyland because I know the money's going to the right right cause to feed these an you imagine what it would cost in food to feed a whale every day so whether or not it's Humane to entrap them or whatever but but say two or three seals at least yeah but I I just feel better about the entrance I would never complain it's too much cuz they're taking care of animals you go to Disneyland it's way more money yeah and what do you get nothing you still got to pay for everything I was really in the mood for fishing chips at SeaWorld and none of the concession stands at SeaWorld offered fish and chips I wonder why yeah I'm just saying it was like probably why they shouldn't take me to a dairy farm I'd probably be food for a steak and as I've researched this coming summer Australia because I want to go in the shark cage when they Chum the water and the great white comes right up to the shark cage couple of reviews said people I think it's like 600 bucks and they don't guarantee that a sharks are going to come up certain time of the year you know they now they'll give you 300 of your 600 back uh if if none of them show up but I'm like well that's maybe in the summer because our winter is their summer and I want to go in July so our summer is there winter and I think the sharks prefer cooler water than that they don't like heat that much hot water so um I well I'll let you do if I'm not there start with that me what you can do in Australia that I would love to do swimming with uh whale sharks which are very gentle right large um wh spotted um uh I think they're they just eat plankton and stuff they're not meaters and they just look gentle Giants just looks magical you know move very slowly versus you know being attacked and having a cage so you go ahead and do that and uh I wish you the best yeah it's just that uh that 17-hour flight from Los Angeles to Sydney I'm kind of like yeah and you lose a day you'll leave on Monday and arrive on Wednesday and business class chat one way would be $7,000 where I think I can get a oneway in economy for a grand so you know there's a giant difference there so I'm like maybe just pop an ambient maybe just walk yeah so welcome in everybody how's how's the chat room doing here we got Douglas Belle in there and Mark Gaines morot 1210 joining us Thomas mte lrcx Les Stevenson and John Paul bacon captain blinsky and Josh Kinder Gary Tatum there's Randy rowski and uh see missed a couple super chats there's alen lindas just had a birthday 71 years old happy birthday to Alan lindis contributes $7.77 he says Allan says hello Carri Mitch Marina and chat here is my on time fee we were on time Mike Vision says hello he says good day El H ched Bill Sony Mike Visions contributes two pounds good day gentlemen in Marina hope you're okay I'm good are you good I'm good are you good everybody's yeah hey it's Friday it's not good it's great the last Friday of the year yeah 2024 let's hope it's better than 2023 so I'd like it to slow down a little bit Yeah PSC computers Missouri with a $10 Super Chat thank you for that and Shop Persian rugs contributes $2 and says hope you guys are well looks like a fun build it's definitely going to be fun fun was wondering where you were going with that I said the end okay Y starts with an f and ends with CK fire truck yeah uh Ben L with a two pound contribution says hello from Scotland I bet it's Chile there you think it's raining Chile I need chil Kramer became a supporter Ron barnish says hello welcome in Ron Jason Willis saying hello as well as Darren gilholm and Eddie Casanova Terry Trina and David Moore welcome in guys and there's Rick Lakes joining us from speaking of cold Minnesota and Dwayne black welder her Schlegel Tomas backin Stow CF ww says we're wishing you the best in 2024 thank you you too my friend Thomas got the little one right I whenever I see his name he got the little red one right Thomas backin got the um the little one that I like yeah that I like the little black and red yeah uh Mark Gaines with a five pound contribution joining us from Northern Ireland says hello Carrie Marlene DG and Mitch also check your email all right well we'll check email here before we get started let's see what do we got TP says hello from Toronto that's a city that I've never been that's definitely you been in Toronto that's definitely on my bucket list shame on me cuz it was closer when we were living in Michigan you yeah about four hours away it's it's an expensive city of course it looks like any other downtown but but they shoot a lot of movies here because it D it doubles for New York I think and Mark gain sends a $50 Amazon gift card right on Mark well thank you for your continued support and generosity I just ordered last night I used up all my give card money and then had to default to the credit card again or two more of those 22 terab drives that are refurbished for 300 bucks a piece because terramaster is going to send us a four Drive brand new model I think will be the first ones to review it and then what I think I'm going to do after I review it is I'm going to hand it off to you because you have an older sonology a ds918 plus which means that that that's came out in 2018 in 2018 so this model I'd be curious because Mitch is not a computer nerd he's just like a regular he has a computer like most people without you know being so obsessed with it although he has his own obsessions obviously is five yeah but he's not at the level where you know he's constantly upgrading and taking him apart he more more or less wants it a certain way and then he just uses it 8ye build something be learned from that he's not just benchmarking trying to reach actually using it so in any event I would be curious what his perception his experiences when all he knows is Synology that's all he's ever used so to switch that over for terramaster to have him use teram Masters versions of apps that he's using on sonology like FX and others I'd be very curious if he thinks it's better imperceptibly the same or Worse again he's got no incentive to be positive or negative it just is what it is so that to me is the best way to review something so we'll we'll do our review here as we normally do it then when it's done you're going to have 22 44 66 terabytes of storage which uh yeah Lu if you don't like the unit I guess it won't matter how much storage you've got the good news is if you don't like the unit we'll always have another unit coming in and we can pull the drives put it into the next one and if you do like the unit yeah well then there you go I have made the space in my audio video rack right next to the sonology boom to put the teram master right there and so you can just copy everything right off the Synology right onto the teram master I don't know how just right over the network you're are you going to show me how Uncle care yeah well you basically you already have a map Drive yeah to your sonology you'll map another Drive oh to the terramaster just you'll you'll just like when you copy to a flash drive you're going to take everything on anology you say copy and you go over to the teram and you'll say paste and then depending on how much data you've got you might wait two days well that's all right because it's a gigabit Network you've got so even though the T master has 2 and a half gig networking which would right cut that time more in half but I only more than in half I only got Cox gigablast you oh it has nothing to do with that oh this is on your own just just in your building oh yeah you're right one to the other but nonetheless it's just a copy and paste it's very simple and what I would recommend you do is power this analogy off don't do anything with it just shut it down okay and then F force yourself to use only the terramaster and if you can't stand it then go back to thealogy right and then just take anything you've added and copy it back over to the sonology that way you but if you do enjoy it well then just never that'll be the last time that sonology ever gets powered on yeah yeah that's what I would do now you could leave them both on if you wanted to but I just think it's what do I in the sonology I have four four 8 tbte drives and then one's redundant right so I got I got 24 24 terab terabytes of thing and according to my storage manager I got I'm um 65% full which made me nervous but um oh no you don't have to be nervous until you're about 10% oh okay yeah there's still a lot of space Maybe 9be 15% you might start being a little worried but at 65% you're not even right so if you were not even half you probably have 10 terabytes copying 10 terabytes over the network and you're sure terramaster for my brand new iPhone 15 Pro will they've got apps just like uh sonology does so well we'll find out yeah that's that's what your job okay yeah because I like to my put you to work my music and my you're going to tell me that movies I'm not going to tell you okay in theory teras should have have um the equivalent of the of many of the apps I think calog is the king of the apps when it comes to variety but for like the ones you're using are pretty common yeah just Plex and AIO it shouldn't matter if you were using aous store terasology they should all have like Plex and you know the very commonly used apps and even even something like for backing up and for synchronizing and all that stuff which you're not using yeah Randy raski with $4.99 is Happy New Year everyone hope you all have a blessed New Year well thank you and back at you my friend oh I did I went for a motorcycle ride on Christmas day not not first thing in the morning but about maybe 1 1:30 you know the weather was sweet little little cool which was nice but uh nobody on the road oh it was Heaven you know for a big city like Phoenix you know that's a rare that's rare I mean so and did not see a single cop which made me nervous because if you were working as a police officer that meant you were low man on the totem pole because you couldn't get it off so you weren't going to be happy if you were a family man oh yeah double time on a holiday so but that was great riding Russell Stewart joins us in the chat says hello there's uh Jason ryri he says I'm interested in the sonology if you want to sell it well we're getting way ahead of ourselves we got to get the ter Master which isn't been sent to us yet got to review the Terr master and Mitch will probably need I'm going to guess at least a month if not two months before he's going to establish I mean unless he just loves it right out of the box like if it's so much faster and more responsive um and he also might find it more intuitive or less intuitive depending on you know what his feelings are with regards to what it was like to set up this analogy everybody's different in this way so yeah maybe maybe reach out to him in a couple months and see where he's at with that David Moore says Carrie come to the UK we have the best fishing chips in the world oh I know yeah I know and I'm telling you I I would go from chippy to chippy if I were there I would probably have fish and chips every day probably because that's the only thing British I'll eat nothing else looks appealing uh David Graham with $5 Super Chat says happy New Year wishing you a great one thank you David Jason ryck says I just wanted to get dibs on it first all right well reach out to him uh check in yeah around February I'll I'll certainly come back and let everybody know my feelings yeah oh we'll be talking about it yeah David Graham's been a member now for four months right on thank you David for renewing your membership and Nick Caffrey joined membership right on thanks guys again thank you for supporting the channnel I just want to go back make sure I didn't miss anybody here before we get started I think we're going to need a camera girl are you ready for this wild build all right so I think what I'm going to do these are all the parts we're using in today's build so just to quickly go through these parts I Don't Need You Yet camera girl I'm going to go over the parts yeah so let's go to window capture here the one part I didn't set up before stream there we go okay so this is the motherboard we're using this is an outrageous graffiti inspired ASRock b650 AMD socket am5 live mixer motherboard 23 USB ports now that's just that's including the ones that are built on the board that you plug into total of 23 is that enough USB ports you need indubitably and then we're going to pair that with the ryzen 9 7950 x3d you see that's a $630 processor I said this was the big build the big blowout build and I wasn't kidding around this is uh those two parts alone we're looking after sales tack at around 900 bucks we haven't even gotten to the storage Ram case or power supply CPU speed 4.2 gigahertz yeah and we are it does say it comes with an AMD Adon radon Graphics controller I didn't think this had a graphics card yeah integrated because I asked Carrie before the show I'm like do we do it require yeah I was like yeah we're going to have to put a graphics card in this but so unfamiliar with AMD I'm accustom to the letter G being in the title of the name of the chip and this does not have that letter G so I made the false assumption that we would need to add a graphics card but now this tells us down here that it comes with uh a graphics control so that's obviously an APU so you don't know everything almost life would be very boring yeah by the way you better get that checked out but yeah okay Cowboy Ry with a $20 Super Chat thank you Cowboy Ry he says hello Marina Mitch and chat hey there's Peter L there's Buster the 10 pound contribution says good evening Carrie and marlina Mitch and everyone in the chat all the best from monnie Scotland with the temperature in Edinburgh 33 degrees Fahrenheit which is half a degree celsius sounds a little chilly yeah Douglas brelle wants me to check my email so let's check the email here real quick everybody's uh uh feeling generous Cowboy Rowdy contributed a $50 Amazon gift card hey right on thank you Cowboy Rowdy and $30 from Dan Nielson who was the one telling me to check my email Douglas brelle I don't have anything from you yet Douglas but uh thank you for reminding me to check my email and thank you guys again for your support your generosity because uh well today's project let's just say thank goodness for credit cards what other parts can you show them well we're gonna go with this crazy cooler this is based I think on some anime called evangelon which I've never heard of I think it was on like one season in the 90s or something and it's got a following I don't know okay and the it was the only redit cooler I could find I didn't even think I was going to find one right and with red and black you can always go black right yeah now this cooler is very expensive this is the most expensive all-in-one cooler I've ever seen yeah but it's also got this really cool screen on the the front of it and it's made by Asus who makes very good in my experience very effective all in one coolers go big or go home right so now we're over $1,300 on three parts that's why I say this thing's going to be expensive now you ever seen Ram that has built-in cooling fans no how crazy is this now this is very tall Ram so this is another reason we need to use a liquid cooler because I think an air cooler would have clearance issues I'm curious to see how noisy those get although Ram is Ram you know I don't think you're going to hear them at all the fans are super tiny and they probably don't spin all that fast kind of reminds me of a police car like from The Fifth Element or something don't you use a lot of ram when you're video encoding or no um depending on how you video encode what software you're using different software does it different way so something like handbrake May utilize more RAM or more CPU or more GPU or cacor then say uh CyberLink power director or adobe premere or um D Vinci resolve etc etc etc they they don't all perform the same under the same Hardware some are more GPU heavy some are more CPU heavy some may be more RAM heavy so also depends on what resolution are you doing 4K 8K they got 12K now so the fans light up as well as the logo that's that's cool yeah although I don't know how you're supposed to see the second ram stick when the first one going to be kind of blocking but then you'll see see look at the speed on this Ram 8,000 I've never even knew they made Ram that fast and another 300 bucks now we what 13 16 16 and then over here we've got four terabytes of Gen 5 gen 5 Envy me so four terabytes you can pick up for 300 bucks under 300 bucks for gen three possibly gen four as soon as you go to gen five you go from 7,000 megabytes per second to 12,400 megabytes per second now Within by by the middle or end of 2024 we should see these at around 15,000 megab per second it's not there yet but 124 is nothing to shake a stick at and four terabytes I could have gone with two but then that wouldn't be a big Bild blowout now would it so there's 500 bucks pardon me I'm drooling I think we're over not at two grand yet we're really close close yeah now for the power supply um how did you find a red one yeah cougar remember with the robot's foot oh yeah this is the same power supply I used on robot's foot and I remembered it okay and I said I wonder if it's still available and it is it's modular it's got the colors we want good to go and then I had a hard time deciding on a case so I decided to go with this gambus and it was a pretty good price there's a $20 coupon here so it was like 149 my only concern about this case is it's very wide yeah on the other hand it should allow us to put our big red cooler lengthwise on the side yeah so we can see it appreciate it right so if you look at some of these photos here you you can lay the case flat and have it as a traditional desktop or you can set it up right yeah and it should hold the length of cooler that we've got either on the top or um across the backside which is where I want toh now I don't know if we're going to get to the case today for the power supply today we really need to prep this motherboard but this is the video they have here that kind of shows the uh breakdown of you know that's where I want to put the radiator just like that that way we'll see the RGB 10 fans I won't put fans at the bottom or the top that's ridiculous and look at how that rotates so that y wow it's a lot of value for the money I think it's a good value but it's a lot of computer case definitely not something I'm going to want to ship that's probably going to be the size of the box if you take a regular computer case box and double it yeah that's about size box that that arrived in just got it this morning before the show talk about being close playing it close we got it in red and black so you'll see there's the the red and black one on the end yep and then that should match the board beautiful the cooler all of it all right let's go back over to camera one who's excited for this build me me me me me all right now now I need camera girl one of the things I have here is this CPU contact frame and the CPU contact frame I think is a big gimmick that most of you out there in my opinion will be wasting your money if you buy one of these so here's the deal this is going to you know when we close the lid and the latch the lever down to hold CPU correct in yep yeah ready yes well this replaces that you see it got it in red but once the cooler goes on top of it you're not going to see the color so this is like this one's like 10 bucks they're not that expensive but unless you're an extreme overclocker if you're someone looking to get every single degree to get every single little megahertz then it's for you but for everybody else save your money don't buy these I decided to do it because I think it looks cool I've never installed a CPU contact frame before we're not going to be doing any overclocking there's really no benefit on an AMD to even have this it's more a concern for Intel chips that are rectangular and they can they can in theory Bend in the middle when they get really really hot from overclocking over a period of time because they're rectangular the AMD chips are perfectly square and are not susceptible to that but don't let that stop a manufacturer from convincing you to spend your money to buy some unnecessary piece of Hardware so I want to emphasize if you're a hobbyist and you're looking for something for fun this is for fun you're trying to break a record with how fast you can get your computer to go and add more voltage to it and get every single degree cooler still feels a bit hobby to me this is for you if you're a practical home user computer Builder you don't need this it's just emptying your wallet for a part that won't make any noticeable difference on your and you know how to take off that retaining we're going to learn that together oh all right and it comes with some thermal compound and the wrench required the little allen wrench to take off the current uh socket cover and some screws and I mean how can you go wrong with all these directions oh yeah so there you go all right camera girl are you ready ready on over here let's see that's the closeup camera pick the wrong camera there we are Mitch doesn't have a top of a hat no this is what happens when you have a short camera person oh my hair's all messed up you look fine well thank you you look fine too you like my Bosley all right no that's a great shirt man that's a dated refence thank you Bosley for men yeah all right I'm going to move some of this out of the way CU we don't need it yet so we'll get this big power supply I'll stick it over here with the case here's our beautiful pretty sure that doesn't have a cooler I'm very unfamiliar with the AMD lineup because I've been focused on Intel throughout 2023 okay 7,000 series right and then here he showed you the beautiful I can't these little fans crack me up but I mean this is a first never seen something hey when you got an extra $100 to waste for some nonsense there you go although I suppose that 8,000 megahertz could come in handy for a overclocker been super happy with the crucial t700 that is the fastest Gen 5 Drive we've tested I want most Gen 5 drives run at 10,000 megabytes per second four terabytes sweet yeah well that won't do you any good Mitch because you don't have any uh Gen 5 motherboards sweet so it's only going to run it'll run but it'll run at the speed mother forget that all right yeah throw that in the garbage yeah well let me open up the CPU and see if we got a cooler I think we pretty sure we don't have a cooler it's too light but I was wrong about the GPU so maybe I'm wrong for one okay don't you open that up all right beautiful magnet here we go ah you got to have the go faster sticker there's got to be let's see here we go great big box just for that little tiny chip I really like the heat spreader on the amds I think that's really cool looking course we won't see it again when the Cooler's on it okay what's underneath that just all waste of space Oh yeah I can't believe it go my way no we don't want solar steady now yeah okay pretty sure if it's in there that tightly that yeah there's there's nothing in there Al Capones balls there's nothing in there either there's nothing in there either remember that show all right that was TV history not in a good way couple of old bottles yeah although it sounds when you set it down like that but I think it's glued yeah there's there's got to be nothing you just have to know don't could be a diamond ring under there could be a winning lottery ticket yeah what if I get something to wedge it out of there just shake the box and no I think it's glued oh okay yeah Oh no you're right course look at that a big we Giant empty box and all that him going for this terrible just terrible did you turn into Charles barley that's terrible this is the first time I've seen yeah that heat sink design really like that when these get to be old hat like some old model I'm going to have one of these in the background somewhere okay so I just really like that design I think this goes the other way all right here present mer Christmas you know magnets don't come cheap you know yeah they do that was $27 the price okay all right then we got our documentation and red not team red but red team okay can I open this huh can I can I would you please he sounds like you're of Fortune with some furniture from broy Hill yeah have you ever seen broy Hill furniture for sale cuz I haven't no I only see it on game shows he you sure you haven't open oh no it's hermetic hermetically sealed they they double box so you have this outer thin really annoys me you think they could have just printed this design on I didn't I didn't have my weedies turn it upside down this morning oh there you gra nuts all right ah it's been a while since the Olympics it's a boring cardboard yeah they could have you know just done it the way every other motherboard manufacturer does it could have made a red other reveal folks oh there's nothing in there but bricks yeah three two one that's going to be a real short show we do these shows live unscripted and we're unboxing these parts for the very first time like Pulp Fiction in the briefcase it's in the briefcase all right we're going to open the board up here in a minute let's see what else is in the Box oh underneath it y oh yeah we're going to leave all that cardboard out of the box we're going to put all sare Parts documentation everything in this motherboard box here we've got the board documentation we've got a go faster sticker got some velcro zip ties we have the screws for m.2 couple SATA cables and I don't know why they put this on here you just had to you couldn't help yourself all right no I can't I'm a v silently silently violent all right first okay they used to tape those all the time and now they're saving no it depends on who the manufacturer is they do now is they put all the tips ties acoss what do you think of that I'll show you the back here ooh very busy all right USB port yeah yeah might need a few more yeah well let's get these uh zip ties off if I didn't zip tie this motherboard to the F it would have gone boom right through that cardboard box beautiful plumage Norwegian red when I brought this mother B not half an hour ago the only reason I found it was sitting in its box is because it' been zip tied there why the zip tie the board or it would have gone Voom mate this board wouldn't Voom if you put a thousand bolts through it what oh he's just resting what blooming idiot he's pining for the fs better stop I'm going to drop the camera locking he was just waking up and you stunned him that here you go call me the squirrel okay you said it was red either I'm colorblind my shirt is well this is burnt orange to my these are these are red right yeah um we've had this discussion with like the Dodge Challenger right is the famous color of the Dodge Challenger orange or is it red to me it looks I can't remember now if it looks red or orange but I always see it I'm always corrected if I say it's red someone says it's orange if I say it's orange someone says it's red this is clearly orange seeing it in person I've never seen this in person I was going off the pictures that's my excuse so we have orange and we have like another orange y so compared to this orange this is red uh that's what I'm going with okay and you got graffiti on the back hey live mix all right so we'll take the uh you want to do the peel you had one job why it's live folks all right there we go all right so you see the CPU socket frame here that will come out you've never taken one off have you never don't mess it up hey yeah always a first it's it's it's my money my risk what is it a Torx star or something like that what do you call that I'd call toor yeah want to start there I guess okay so here's the uh contact frame 10 bucks I mean it's not like it's a major investment it is kind of stupid though you should have you should have ordered burnt orange not well you'll never see it anyways with the with the allinone I don't know I think it kind of matter yeah but again again once the CPU the cool going to see it anyway but the fact that you'll know it and I'll know it Chad Chad will know it so they include for the 10 bucks you get a tu with thermal paste which I don't know if it's assume so and then you also get the Allen wrench you want to be able to get three CPUs off of that well I don't know how full it is oh okay right it could be deed there may only be that that there I don't know maybe now there is a company that makes the the company that created this idea they thermal Grizzly I think they want four 40 bucks for their contact frame and it is machined nicer than these are okay but I that's pretty nice for 10 biscuits bananas Bongos how much do you think the metal cost just to do that yeah so the first thing okay Mitch first thing we want to do is Don't Panic is we're going to open up bring peanuts in a blanket yeah yeah we're going to open the CPU socket up and we're going to put the CPU in it because when this Frame goes over it it's going to hold the CPU down we will not be able to put the CPU in if we put this on first glad you thought of that one of us had to this has to open look like it opens this way by way over that's what you think okay woo that's how how many pins is that no but those are pins those are those are PS m uh I don't know how many pins I'm sure someone in the chat room can tell us what the uh the pin count is Greg M says debauer created the original one out of aluminum and has better installation instructions debauer is an a German content creator he's very very good I think he has some affiliation if it's not even his company with thermal grizzly in and Jim kj3 in says there are 1718 pin they had to do Intel Intel 1700 said we'll do 1718 yeah just to be odd so do it muscles oh these are loose these are all loose look at this you go to loosen this oh it's barely yeah good boy look how loose that is that all that all happened in transport so as soon as no I um when I was watching a video they they showed it was loose but you want to be careful in fact we should put the CPU in right now so if anything slips we're not going to hit those pins so here we've got our Ryon should do this in the right order just to be safe why is AMD making this hard to get out of the package steady now it's a little pricey CPU okay so is there a little arrow okay the arrow is right up here yep and then the arrow is right there yep ni so the two arrows go together also notice there's a notch right here yep one right there but none on these sides and that prevents you from no no using your sub up I'll take a chance uh no this Chip's a bit heavier be afraid of using the suction on it but at least that'll protect the pins and that was seated that's seated yeah see it won't yep gotta and when we set that on there gently we don't want to push down on it because it's resting just over the pins of course when we tighten the contact frame back down we do want to be conscientious of uh tighten it down as evenly as we can on so we don't have any warpage we don't want to tighten down one side more than another do it evenly well that was pretty easy wow but does it go this way does there a little arrow on there or oh yeah yes you're right so so show the camera the arrow so obviously that's going to go yeah correct sir yes can I yes please you did it sweety I like it it's to bad it's cover covered up I like it these screws here these are all uh they're sort of captured so they're going to stay with this um original frame and we will um put this in the Box just to have as a spare oh this won't even close anymore what the heck is it so wow I thought these were hard to close when they were on the board that's even more difficult all right let's grab my skizzers in my drawer here Mitch is always wondering how can you take a picture of that please take a picture of that right there this contact before we cover it up let me pull out my brand new Ste my iPhone 15 Pro is that an is that a 15 15 Pro yes it is thank you sir no plug to Apple all right we don't do Apple in this house never never break up that word can I can I eat an apple that you can very healthy for you all right hey the amount of money we spent on this it might as well be an apple did you want the picture further up or did you want a closeup uh take take one more from higher and then she can crop it if she wants to which is that's oh there you go nice perfect yes yeah that way she can crop around it thank you sir Artist Artist you're all the same you hear the clanging of metal on metal there so we're keeping the back plate in obviously okay and what I do with my allen wrench to you take it yeah oh yeah I put it in there I thought those were regular Phillips I something 10 bucks huh 10 bucks for Intel or AMD both basically the same price or you can spend 40 bucks if you want to get the uh well Machine yeah machined but yeah yeah it's a little finer but looks nice great and I feel like we're going back in time doing this it's very old school method now there was a tip about winding these backwards until they click share that and then Wind It Forward a couple turns wind it backwards it'll click and then wind it forward that way you ensure you're not putting it in crooked now I've seen people like go quarter turn quarter turns in my opinion you don't need to worry about it until you're getting to where it starts tightening yep that's where the warpage can occur so as soon as I start feeling resistance the least bit of resistance that's when I want to start making sure that everything's straight that one it's a little tighter than the rest and you can always back them off I just want to feel right where now I went around in a circle you shouldn't be doing that we should be going opposite Corners okay but it's still loose yeah now if I back these off once again you can you can Undo It Go here and then I'm just going to spin that as far as my two fingers will spin it and it stops now to me that was about the strength that it was put on by the factory okay so I don't know how much further we'd want to put this down well I wouldn't wrench it but uh a bit more there take it till it stops and I'm not going to push it any further okay okay that feels good to me now what's interesting is you do see if you can get the camera down low there is a ridge they don't sit completely flush I wonder if the more expensive one sit flush yeah maybe if I put my hand here oh yeah you can see it the ridge yeah yeah raise it up a little bit there just focused so we do have a bit of a about a millimeter Bill Sony T says good job camera girl thank you Andy Kane says hello hi Andy Elco says I recently bought the same contact frame for my 7950 X going full custom water cooling come January all right we got a plumber in the chat room all all right well Mara's going to be wanting this awesome build when it's done she will love it says Scott every build I do every single time Jason Willis says generally was orange yes that I agree with the generally definitely was orange but I'm talking about uh the stock Challenger color this the famous color RAR man with $10 in Super Chat says I missed several of your last shows this is my welcome back fee thank you for that royar man whoops and I just lost my chat did you see that yeah what the heck God Andy Kane is calling you Auntie Mora I know he always does auntie all right what do we wanna what do we want to put in next here I guess the um we need to use see this giant heat sink here M that's specifically to handle Gen 5 okay let's take their the old frame and do me a favor just lift this up like that this in the Box on with the documentation it gets it off our counter set that back down all right so um yeah we got to remove that so when I order the envyme drive I order it without the heat sink because I'd just be paying more and having to take the heat sink off okay you definitely want to use the heat sink that comes with the motherboard it's way more robust this doesn't look like it's in Focus if you uh touch the screen does it put a does it put a circle around it no is it set to autofocus it was before you oops hold on let me go full screen over here because I'm oh I guess it's focused okay so here we go so this giant eight sync there we have two more nbms on uh sockets underneath this and wheer a will near will there or won't there be thermal tape this should should have thermal tape or both of these y but if you're wondering should I use the motherboard's heat sink or the one that comes with the SSD you want to use the motherboards the motherboard heat sinks are going to be way better they're going to perform better and they're going to look way better especially on a board like this see how thick that is so if you're going to use a Gen 5 envyme you're going to they're very very hot so this is critical and the the other thing we set that aside over here we'll take this heat sink off while we're at it LIF that off and what we can do right now see we've got thermal tape there we've got two more M do2s here we've got an m.2 Wii socket here and I want to put the little screws in these little um standoff so that we don't have to go looking for them later if and when we want to add drives or anything to these so back in the Box yeah back in the Box we've got little screws and we'll pull out one two I think we need three of them frustrates me that they use a plastic bag for one tiny minuscule little screw but I just want to seat these so that they they're there we don't have to go looking for them two years from now when we can't remember where we put them and I don't want to tighten them all the way down but I also don't want them so loose they fall out so just write when it's snug one here then these two standoffs are what secure the heat sink down and we should have one more and I believe the Heat sink's going to hold the m.2 down because I I don't see another standoff Point here so I think when we put our m.2 in the screw that holds the heat sink down holds the M too I don't like that design I'd much prefer because what ends up happening when you pull a heat sink off is is it can lift with thermal tape sticking to the end and if you're not careful you can damage the socket so I'd much prefer if the m.2 was screwed down that way when you remove the heat sink the tape will give not that we'll be doing that anytime soon so we're going to leave that free we're going to go over here to the M2 Wi-Fi and put that last screw right there I like to keep these little baggies because whenever I get some cases they don't give us reeal bags these come in handy um thought they only use these for drugs what did I know all right we'll save those all right this want to do the honors oh yeah uh let's go to the other side where the tape isn't as oh yeah when you're opening up one of these boxes for um CPU or um storage you'll notice one side will often have a big like barcode piece of tape on it and the other side will just have a little tiny piece of tape two reasons you don't want to cut this one you this may be what you need for warranty purposes it's got your serial number and product number on it and when you cut through it it could tear and then you can't read it anymore two it's a long piece to cut versus just a simple little right there much easier and well Mitch figures out how to get that out of the box we'll put this big heat seat back must have four beautiful terabytes on that little thick of gum crunchy too that's hilarious that actually fits very well remember those old sticks of gum that came in those bubble gum packages uhhuh no that's interesting that they've got looks like a little heat SN on here yeah come on Focus there it goes this only goes in one direction right there put it in on a bit of an angle now there's a little pushing KNE pad right there and because this has chips on both sides it's going to hit that but that's okay it squishes down then we can take the heat sink remove the thermal tape or the protection on the thermal tape this goes in see how difficult this is going to be really wish I could secure before putting the well there goes 500 bucks it be fast is this screw just going to turn forever or what okay likely we need to take these off of here I suspect that our cooler is going to have its own I don't know I'm guessing but usually its own brackets yeah and then what I'll do these are things to save because they're Universal for all the am5 sockets yeah perfect we already have a plastic bag we can use but keep the back plate in because that will yep that we're going to that link perfect and then we'll put that in the motherboard box okay cpu's in Ram is in in order for us to test fire this we're going to need to put a cooler on it Ram's not in uh storage I meant storage and CPU we still have to do the ram but I'm wondering if the ram will get in the way of us putting the cooler on the cooler on but then I'm wondering how we're going to do this cooler if we don't have a case for it it's a lot of wondering yeah what should I do should I get the case out because once I attach the water block and the fans I can run it without the case but imagine trying to then hold those both pieces as you try and get the motherboard mounted yeah you should probably Mount the see what I can do for getting we'll give camera girl a break here let's go back over to camera one there we go thank you you're welcome I give I give camera girl a break will I unbox the mass of case will Mitch regales us with Tales of time P the corny joke of the day do you have one ready for us always I already used mine okay let me think here um well that's thought I smelled something why did the baseball catcher spend the night on the field why did the baseball catcher spend the night on the field because he wanted to be close to home sorry but they have to be corny the teacher asked me to name a country with no r in it I said easy no way no way give the man the hook all right this is a big case I wonder I wonder if the Lazy Susan will be big enough I don't uh I don't think so what have I gotten myself into into what have I done well chat while he's figuring that out have has anybody got big plans for New Year's Eve and remember folks don't drink and drrive there's a public service an announ Uber and lift and everything else there's no excuse for it no no Uber and lft yeah yeah and then a lot of people uh not necessarily me but uh people I know they do a uh they do a dry January where they go the whole month of January without drinking they they like to do that in January and July and when I read about that I'm like I can't go 30 days without my blue moon you do like yeah but you you only have a couple B like one or two well that's cuz I force myself to drive to the bar so I never had that third beer because I just figured you're a lightweight are you kidding I don't know yeah when I was in when I was in high school wait a minute football players used to I was a tiny little guy and these big football players would say I'll bet I can out drink you and I'm like I'll take that bet what high school did you go to where they're drinking six six beers in they they couldn't handle that seventh and I'm like I just wetted my whistle now when do we start drink if I joined you I would have wetted my pants yeah you need your you need your hernia belt to lift that I'll do it's it's empty right now so it doesn't weigh very much what do you guys think of this yeah now that's red folks yeah we're so glad we have our yeah our panone red red red red red red it's very red over here yes I think I'm going to try to see if it'll fit on the Lazy Susan so let me move this out of the way temporarily here yeah might that's a big Lazy Susan it looks like it'll fit you should see that case in person it's it's uh spectacular I don't know what a chat I'm do on New Year's Eve that's normally a couples's night and since I'm stag I don't know uh have to go back into the bowels of Studio having U dueling pios that night not real pianos but dueling kind of organs that sounds kind of fun but let me lift this you ready yep lift with your back yeah I mean don't lift with your yeah oh it'll fit sorry I didn't mean to talk on top of you I was in the back room and I was still talking oh you're in here talking yeah we should have done a left ear right ear split 150 bucks that's going to look great yeah yeah now that that fits perfectly now that I see it not the the the widness doesn't bother me now that I see it that much wider no than a regular no that's but would you still call that a mid Tower uh compared to a full I fos are like you know huge but uh you know what do you think mid um it'll fit a full ATX it's just that it's wide rough wide yeah I wonder why it's got these little rubber pieces in the corners well to lay flat oh if you want to lay flat huh brains okay and then you got our USB ports and buttons down here at the bottom yeah here comes Mara with the camera she's like a tourist trying to get all the good stuffff kind a look look sincere all right how do I do that okay Craig Gabon it with a $20 Super Chat he says nice to see you and Mitch live again building a computer together yeah that's a value for money Patrick says it's thick that'd be a good yeah can you turn it would I turn it how far you want me to go right there thank you will will match any core what's this button do oh releases the glass the temp the tempered glass interesting there's a button right here barely releases it well no yeah but see it's on hinges oh so it goes out all right let's try it's an Audi oh there's got tape got got tape on so never mind let me step around so because otherwise the camera won't see so this is the second gamest case that we built hinges here oh there is a pull tab here and here so it must go like that but is there another button down here that's power button I guess they don't want that opening during storage uh shipping shipping you want the knife no no no I don't want to potentially scratch the case or the glass oh but apparently I'm going to have to do a peel okay it was very appealing you get it here you want to peel this one yeah everybody loves to peel let me find a spot here would be easier to do this now there we go saw you ah now that's a proper Christmas unwrapping right there oh I can use this to seal a bowl of salad that I want it ain't Tupperware all right now will it open yeah yeah with the hinges yeah try it with the button so see this Mara we have a little button up here and I push it and the door opens up and it's on hinges so we should be able to should be able to just or not or not uh W wb40 yeah set this with the other 75 panels we have over here okay remember that one goes to this case now we've got our U box of parts and our documentation here let's open that up and see what's in there somebody in chat I'm getting that for my Spider-Man build I like it hey yeah I can see that as a Spider-Man all right here's all the goodies we have feet feet show them oh okay uh you've got feet if you want to lay it on its side feet more feet black feet red feet oh red feet and black feet and black feet nice touch um uh zip ties and screws what's that oh that's a PCI that's going to be a video graphics uh that's a graphics card support oh yeah so it keeps it from warping sag sagging Paul Cy with $14.99 Australian says Happy new year thank you Paul Happy New Year to you Paul where can I go to to be in the shark cage what part of Australia and spend my 700 bucks and keep my fingers crossed at this sharks will come up to the cage that is that 700 Australian or 700 I got a feeling uh the review I read it was 700 us because it 700 Australian to go into shark cage it' be like 400 so I don't know you know is that the east side of Australia Australia is a big place so you probably want to figure that part out or west side west side the ice cream man yeah I'm heing the ice crece cream man so you'll see we've got our slot for our power supply which is behind the motherboard trke you know I'm getting flashbacks to the big beast build because that's how that one yeah that's the only other time I've seen that and it does look like we've got plenty of room there for the cooler so with that being done we want to mount the board huh in there to should we put the board in first I'd do the power supply what are you thinking uh no I don't want to take the back off just yet actually yeah maybe I should no it's meant to lay down on this I was thinking if we laid it down it might scratch it up but it's but it's meant but they you know their feet in the box but I think this come off the yeah just being so we'll take this thumb screw out right here pull this there we go pull that away Paul says don't go anywhere near Tim but South Australia is a good place for great white sharks okay well I shall research that whoever Tim is yeah that's a that's a town I'm going to assume Tim yeah is it next to Todd or Tiny Tiny Tim wow look at all the space we have Management in here hallelujah that's a that's ni Sor eyes all right let's see what happens if we bring this down and we already have pre-installed standoffs but are they all in the right place let me just check and see no we're going to be missing a standof azrock likes to use this extra one over here there so it should be in the Box let me see um in the box with our screws oh they just slammed them all together in one bag lovely see that's why I kept those other little ones Ziploc bags because if exactly this so I wouldn't even see they just jammed everything in one bag that's your fan screws your motherboard mounting screws power supply screws all of it and I would separate them into separate bags cuz you know you getting kind of Trapped in there aren't you right sides thanes do me a favor grabb me one of those little Ziplock bags you think you can jam those all those in here I'm not going to I'm going to separate them oh gotta so like I know I don't need these really long ones yeah those are for some fans we're not going to use I just want to not overwhelm myself with the number of options here so these are these really long screws with a shoulder they're typically used for mounting fans do we have any fans on this case doesn't look like it comes with any oh well that's disappointing we got no fans I would only add a rear fan anyway but nonetheless so we're done with that bag we're going to keep those items separate we have a little socket for the standoff but I have my own standoff 5mm socket another little and they give us two spare standof uh three standoffs okay so we'll put two in there along with the socket and that's all I want in that bag and then this standoff is going to go right by our PCI slots here so we're going to have four along that side need to be your height so I can see this get you a box there you go I need the don't they do that surgery in China they add to the leg bone yeah then and then like they cut it and they put like a sh a brace and then they wait for that the bone to grow back and then they you come back they cut it again and they brace it then they wait for that and they can just keep doing that I guess until eventually you're mostly all legs because obviously your torso's not Paul Garrett how's the bike going Mitch bike's doing well uh I'm at um 3,000 miles so it's it's time for an oil change so I've got the how many miles are around the bike uh 24 24,000 and it's a and it's a 2014 Suzuki Mr 109 you drive it 1,000 miles a year that's been customized 2,000 mil a year well that trip I took last June um that was uh 2,000 miles well if it wasn't for that trip you'd have barely any miles on it yeah in two weeks but I want to get a change because then the the little the little of that I do in January February March and April and then uh I'm going to take another trip uh in June chat and and attempt to finish the ride that I attempted last year and then the weather turned lousy where I'll go oh Phoenix to Vegas Vegas to San Francisco San Francisco go to Portland Portland to Seattle Seattle to Vancouver and then I'll come home down the Pacific Coast Highway so I'm thinking a month something like that nice get out of this terrible Arizona heat these motherboard standoffs are going to use those fine thread screws with the rounded heads on top uh some cases we'll use the hex head screws with the with the corser thread so I always have to check that before I put the motherboard in otherwise I start cursing myself out when I can't get the screw started or it goes in sideways depending on if it's too big or too small and then we want to count the number of holes we have on the board right so for mounting holes I've got uh one two three at this far end one two three across the middle and one 2 3 4 across the side the bottom side here so if I look in here I want to count one two three standoffs on this far side 1 2 3 across the middle and 1 2 3 4 that was the fourth one I added just now set that down room we have to work there we go and that locks it in let's move this is per okay think for this I want to grab my electric driver cuz we got to put in uh what 10 screws you think that motherboard's going to be secure or what oh yeah now be careful there's two screws in here that look identical but one has Fine threads one has coarse threads so do pay attention really gets under my skin when I get a machine in for repair and they're using two different kinds of screws to hold the motherboard in why would you do that it only takes a second just pay attention to what you're doing you'll notice I don't want to tighten these down because um we may need to shift the board a little bit sideways could be that we've seated it but that it's it may be that the corner of the board ears up against the case and the corner up here is not and that's where we kind of Wiggle the board as needed to get the screws to line up with the mounting holes because you might have to Shi shift it on the vertizontal so it's a technical work so far though it's been pretty painless so I will say getting into this side here kind of have a lip that's in the way this case has giv me lip go back to exactly okay one last one last screw here oh no there's one more in the middle I forgot it's pretty well hidden from my perspective here will hear the driver's clutch kick in when it hits my predefined torque setting which is pretty low I have it on three now it's not critical that these screws are all torqued to the same spec it's just something I do to keep everything consistent sure that don't forget any throw those back in the bag you want a little bag here's what this is looking like it's getting a little bit heavier so what I would do I wouldn't put those in that bag let's get another one of these little zip locks here we have two diff there's actually three different screw types and I think I want to separate them so to do that easiest way is I grab my magnetic driver and I can just grab a whole handful here and just quickly kick out horse thread screws here I sort of had a wax on wax off moment with uh somebody I was training where I dumped a massive bundle of screws onto the counter and I said okay your job is to separate all these and I had little plastic trays I was like with the fine threads with the fine threads the coarse threads with the coar threads and the fan screws with the fan screws and you should have seen the look he gave me like really but they're still organized to this day the power you must have felt it just needed to be done boss some well now I can do that for you yeah see now I get bossed around Mara comes in here and says doing this wrong so Chop Chop so who's what's going on in the chat room there Mitch uh let's see this is riveting video just want to put these away before I knock them on the floor David Graham with a $5 contribution did you hear about the Snowman that got upset when the sun came out he had a total meltdown you know the difference between snowmen and snow women no snowballs oh okay hey anybody in chat uh is anybody going to go see the Ferrari movie directed by Michael man very good director what about U Aquaman uh oh yeah in the lost kingdom or something like that hey did you ever watch the Creator uh the first half hour well you haven't gone any further yeah I also watched Rebel Moon um they told you it was terrible I was wrong it actually uh don't you get about 40 minutes into it right although it's not original as far as the story goes it's visually though I mean oh my gosh they're so yeah the trailer looked awesome I'll give you that yeah they got like this uh lady spider lady and they have a this contraption that like bols puts people into like a like locks them upright where they can't move bringing in a hostage bringing in a a bounty got some and uh I was very disappointed because the special effects look terrible but after 40 minutes all of a sudden the special effects budget got better anybody here in the chat see Rebel moon and the new Zack Snyder film on Netflix what' you think then I watched a trailer this morning before I came over um an actor Aaron eart is doing a movie called the brick layer that looks that looks very good so and um and of course the Jason Stratham movie that comes out here mid January The Beekeeper that looks like that looks pretty inter solid action now I wonder how I'm going to be able to get behind that looks like this piece will have to come out this is your 2 and 1 half in uh 3 and a half inch Drive tra here that are right behind the cutout we're getting behind the CPU for mounting the well maybe we won't need to maybe we use the existing back plate now to we'll know when you open it yeah so let's put this aside for now fact I'll F this uh is it shouldn't need any more screws from that okay now it's time for me to break out this giant liquid cooler ever seen a $400 liquid cooler I have not now granted you can easily go over $1,000 if you want to do a custom cooler let let me curl that okay that's all in one now that's that's dark red red red truth you again with the red Let It Go all right deep cleansing breath okay what's House of company evang I think it's evangelon evangelon okay could be mispronouncing it but I think that sounds right to me and you already opened it and Evangelion Evangelion and you already opened it shell um no there's a surprise when you open it oh that is okay when you open it you still have to open it oh gotcha so this outer box here just like on the motherboard how we had that outer box I was kind of interested to see what this looked like right so I went to open this and then lo and behold I found there was another box that had to be open so I didn't take it any further then I just closed it back up so this is all just show yeah we definitely need a bigger workpace here let me get this up here get it out of the way give me that just move this somewhere else Evangel logo Evangel you can in the lights evangelia all right that is this is open now looks like looks like it opens and another box right they get smaller like brushing nacho lib all right so there's more boxes in here what the heck oh here we go there's the good stuff okay so that's the two boxes that's one of them you're blocking me all right yeah how's that possible you're a giant oh we got a box of goodies that's yeah yeah yeah this is just going to be our what's holding this in like it's being held in somehow that is a giant water block holy cow look at the size of that I'm still trying to figure out oh we have some more goodies in the middle here nothing under there get stickers that makes it go faster so I'll bet the bracket's in here oh nothing was holding it in I was just taking it out an angle and I didn't like that so hopefully without me crushing this hey that's pretty neat like has a little plastic cover cover in the fins me bring this up to the camera and show everybody nice closeup here I guess that's where my other 100 bucks went was for the packaging this thing is massive it's a 360 degree or 360 mm rather but it's got this plastic covers protecting the fins of course you've got to remove that or air won't flow through them remove the hex protection caps before start up and then there's little arrows pointing down interesting and then there's a screen on the end here now would you say that's red or that's red is that matching and on the bottom we have pre-applied thermal paste so we won't need to use the thermal paste that came with the contact frame hey Mar look at a size of this water B and here are the fans these are 1s I want to know how it performs hey when it looks this good what do we got in oh that's our fans we're probably going to need those so what I'm thinking is we put this right Al here and drw something here put that in there like so it's like a glove now some people will say you should have the hoses coming out of the bottom but anytime you run the hoses from the bottom you know because these are coming straight out they don't have much Flex you run into the potential of pinching the hoses which would be worse than having some little air bubbles there is this front door open that probably going to make my life a lot easier yeah yeah so for me to fit that in I guess we have to turn turn The yeah turn that towards the camera for me to force that in there it's going to really put a lot of pressure on those hoses so for that reason we're going to go top this direction here and then in order to see the RGB on the fans we want the fans on the outside obviously right in this case I got to put the bottom in first and then this should reach oh we close we need a big case for oh it's not close I mean we have several inches but I could just imagine on a lot of other cases this water block would be too tall y wow that is definitely a wow moment okay so straighten this out move it over and I guess we can start by putting the fans on so when we install this it's going to go with the hoses up so we want the fans to go on this side to push out push yeah going to bring air from the inside push it through the radiator and out through to the back of course that back panels all vented oh that's that's glass that temper glass back there no that's a big metal remember it was all red red ah and look at these CH that's what I'm talking about red fans okay doing this the hard way while he's doing that red fans Focus does that say top secret oh top secret top secret they're going to come out with fans now that have little LCD screens in the SP Center oh these are the fans that no cables so oh they connect yeah each fan connects to the other fan with this little connector and then the last fan has the cables that controls the r you want to go up and show them show them the little yeah cuz that I like that no cables yeah this is the future of fans right here so so on this connector that's going to contain our power and our RGB and it needs one and it gives one to the next thing I'll give you another one and then do they do they magnet do they magnet oh wow they're magnetic okay and it's a strong magnet look at this coming up another one it's clean clean look so none of these have cables there must be a way to attach a cable to them now the spindles on these are all different this one has the Asus r logo this one says top secret and this one oops watch this yikes so those magnets aren't as strong as I you said so I wonder what what order you're supposed to put these in or we do have a little bit of um plastic covering the centers here you got to look at an angle find it there's the P there's the pull tab there then we need then those are the long screws to mount them right through onto the radiator yeah um there well we'll have to look in the box look how these fans connect yeah I love that yeah we yeah we've seen that yeah that's awesome not magnetic uh the Corsair fans we use they locked in like you set it up and then slide it down and it would lock in but once these are secure down I guess it doesn't matter how strong the fans are do you think we should have a do you have a preference for which logo goes where um let's take a look at the uh Amazon page and see how it's displayed I didn't pay attention to that didn't realize it was a thing so they're showing the two in the middle yeah which one's closest to the hoses the exact opposite way that I did it this doesn't matter this is purely aesthetic but I want to mimic with the manufact is done here and apart from the magnet there is also a um like a little tab that fits into a slot so you ensure that the drive uh the fans are aligned exactly right so just to show people at home here with the they're showing it with the hoses that logo then the number two and then the Rog logo at the bottom so that's how I'm going to put it in it doesn't matter okay this is just a reference for aesthetic since I don't have a good sense for aesthetic just follow what they're doing and and I'll turn that right 381 people watching around the world hey guys hope you're having a great Friday water see what they say in the chat room Eugene o Dogo says hello and Starshine says it looks like a cool build what should be cool with this cooler on it Richard paler says wow cool cooler Patrick says he started to watch Rebel moon was not impressed neither was I I once you get 40 minutes in it's in my opinion it actually made me want to finish it but yeah the first 40 minutes I had to sit down twice and watch it in two 20 minute pieces and then once I was in an hour in the next hour flew by it was much more interesting John struther says hey Carrie Mitch camera girl in chat happy New Year well thank you Happy New Year to you John here's a nice 20 24 Richard palmenter says he's been a member for four months and 11 days well that's pretty precise thank you Richard Dan Reed said won't the front glass come off as well yes it's on hinges and it'll lift off hopefully I got everybody's contribution let's see what's been going on with the phone I've not been paying attention uh I don't think I missed anything right on very good so in this bag here so the other box only had the fans in it that explains it and this bag here should should be some screws um you could say that and a backing plate now this backing plate should be for intel only oh CU I think think with AMD you use the one that motherboard comes with this says it's an AMD adapter bracket so I suspect we're going to need that amd4 Intel 1700 thumb screw caps so is AMD 5 different they don't these are Intel standoff screws and these are for sockets uh 115x 12700 so I'm so used to putting the AMD Hardware away oh oh These are magnetized together you see how they're meeting in the middle oh yeah okay all right did we get any documentation maybe this right here Rog ryuen 3 a RGB series quick start guide if you can read this you're too close Intel back plate Intel install my water's making noise my water yeah they they heat of the room remove the pre-installed heat sink mount that those were the plastic pieces we took off install the AMD mounting bracket so even though this doesn't specify socket am5 it did did say that it was compatible with socket am5 and it does show this came out in March of 2023 and certainly am5 was out then it just disturbs me to just see socket am amd4 that's what they're calling it okay but nothing with regards to AMD 5 so I have to assume that the um these brackets right here compatible say AMD let's see if they line up take a chance oh that's interesting I guess these go on this see to fit oh it's got a this is interesting and I appreciate this by the way the uh on the bottom of this bracket it shows you which direction to put it on ah so obviously when you have screws that are that are jutting up like this those are what the water blocks going to attach to so you wouldn't put these towards your motherboard so these circles these little holes these are going to go over the uh the the Nubs that are sticking up from the back plate through the board and what I was mentioning is it mentions what I was admiring is how it says CPU etched onto this connect um a little bracket and it shows us which direction this bracket goes on right because you could put it on in theory it will line up and screw down this way or this way and obviously they should be symmetrical and opposed so they're going to face each other did I put this one on instinctively correct I did not see I put it on it's the way of the carry put it on 180 degrees wrong direction so that go on like this now I am curious if in fact that's lining up properly so I think what I want to do hey there's Colin Hunt joining us and Colin contributes five pounds thank you Colin think what we're going to need to do is lay this flat your back well it's not that heavy yet you get that radiator right what I'm curious about what I do with those little plastic FS okay so this says CPU is going to go up that okay that seems right that one will go that way and then what holds those down there should be thumb screws right fand screw radiator screw and washer well know the thumb screws Will Go On to the the block traditionally so power what's this we definitely shouldn't need well this says am5 thumb screws here so they did acknowledge am5 here why would am5 and amd4 two different thumb screws if it's the same bracket or do they show a different am34 am35 what are they showing for am5 if it's the same bracket why would the thumb screws be different um turn back a page are we supposed to have a different bracket install the AMD mounting bracket huh okay go ahead and go forward a page here that just says for AMD it doesn't specify AMD 5 or amd4 but the thumb screws are different amd4 thumb screws are are are taller I wonder if it's just controlling how much pressure gets pushed down turn the page one more yikes we recommend installing the pump so that the pipes so that the water pipes of the pump face towards or away from you for Optimal Performance motherboard positioned with rear IO ports on your left no um I mean unless I'm missing something somebody in the chat knows something I don't we have two different sets of thumb screws here let me bring it up to the camera and show you guys but apparently we're using the same bracket so this is our thumb screws for Intel socket 1700 and am4 socket these are our thumb screws for uh the Intel 1200 in am5 they look awfully similar okay I have no idea so let's take the amd4 parts and the Intel parts let's get those out of my face I'll put them over here I don't want them to confuse me any more than they already have uh these are the fans to hold uh the screws to hold down the fans these are the radiators to hold on the Block we're not going to put in the block till we put in radiator first and then to put in the radiator [Music] um get a secure I'm trying try think how we're going to do this we're going to secure the fans from this side and then secure the radiator from the other side so let's do that now you're going to use the Milwaukee for all those screws yeah yeah I need the scissors out of there the scissors you know what let me move all this too because we are really really tight on Space here be knocking everything over including you Mitch knock you over I'm so tall if I fell over I'd be halfway home you know [Laughter] what how's the weather up there yeah muggy it's going to be muggy if followed by Wang and thiry all right so the long screws I'm always curious where they want where they recommend the washer usage I don't know how required it is but let's just see what they say here well if they give them use them you mean on the head um there's washers in here and I'm not sure if the washers go on the fan side or on the other side connect the fans yeah yeah yeah install the fan screws okay it shows no water ERS then connect the fan cables after you do that download the Control software what did I got myself into here yeah going to be one heck of a build though they might be going an hour long on this show just to get this thing booted up they don't show how the radiator mounts into the C what the heck shows putting the fans on but not putting the radiator on so I assume washers are used on the radiator side for extra support because it just yeah vibration says install the fan screws it never tells you to put the radiator in the case it goes right to the fan cabling oh there it is installing the radiator um no wash there either so oh wait the wa oh look they're putting the washers why would they do that no those aren't washers those are just the holes phew so what are the washers for no I've never seen a USB port with yellow I'm always used to blue or white what does yellow mean twice as fast well it might be like um a port that you can plug your cell phone in and charge when the computer's off maybe because it's white then I want the blue blue for USB 3 and now it's yellow hey John Gardner Pops in the chat room welcome into John I don't know why you would have the wash a because you've got a rubber well yeah on the on the fan side it wouldn't be necessary but maybe if the holes are too big on the case for the heads of the screws well let's go ahead and get these fans secured because that's easy enough to do now I'm not a big fan when they thread the entire screw I wish that was mostly all just a shoulder because only about 3 or 4 mm of that screw is going to poke through and then what I'm going to do is go right to the opposite corner and that should align all the other holes for us once we get these two started that and we don't want to overtighten these because you'll start squishing down this rubber dampener and that's going to defeat the purpose of a vibration noise why those pieces are there so these fans don't have to be please don't tighten them down super tight just get them where you get a little resistance on the screw and that's good enough very interesting John Paul bacon said the gigabyte board I had the yellow ports were for audio oh yeah yeah yeah a mixer yeah right exactly so what that's probably for is it doesn't have any voltage so you don't get any electrical noise in your audio thank you John I I totally forgot about that and this this is a live mixer board so it's very audio Centric it's the red USB port that'll typically be your always always on sort of just for voltage when the machine's off and you want to charge a phone or something but while K's doing that chat I'm very excited to see my band here my Bo Toto I think on um March 19th in Tucson um where you know they're Toto's touring uh next year with journey where they're the opening act but then they're doing shows where they're alone where they're the sole headliner hey look at this look at that the little screen comes off and there's a little fan out there wow look at how intricate that is sorry go ahead no and then um literally the very next day I think on March 20th they're playing here in Scottdale Arizona at the casino with uh with journey no just by themselves and there I got myself a front row ticket I wish they were still doing the meet and greets but yeah they've seen enough of me you know what before I tilt this up yeah I never did secure these adapters screws do they want us to use for that so when is that I think it's uh March 20th down at the Talking Stick the weather should be really March 19th they're both indoors yeah in Tucson and in Scottdale tuon I think I got a fifth row seat fifth row Center was the closest and then uh next day in Scottdale front row logged right on right at the 10: a.m. when the tickets went on sale and snag myself a not exactly like getting Taylor Swift tickets front uh no yeah my sister-in-law waited um was online 7 hours get tickets kept hitting refresh refresh refresh Taylor Swift for Taylor Swift in Denver yeah because she wanted to take her two daughters I'm a little confused here I I show 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even 8 if these are 16 screws to hold the radiator in then where are the four screws in those in the bag with the brackets where where did that bag go um did I put it in the little black I wonder if it had screws in it we would have taken them out right in the cuz I think those are just for the radiator the the little black box that you said that's where I put all the the bags of screws in well but this should be just for the case not for the cooler you shouldn't have any no cooler parts in here yeah these are just for the case star sign Mitch what's your favorite Toto song I have to believe their their hit hold the line from their debut album that's a great song and uh that came out October 30th 1978 was in college and when I heard that my head exploded I've been a fan ever since and these two times that I'm seeing them in March will be show number 47 and 48 I guess you know the the the screws we took out when we took the original brackets off I think it wants us to reuse those oh boy got them in the motherboard y but while car's looking at that chat I think I told you there's a in bars they have a a juke box called Touch Tunes where you can um you can play songs you know for money of course but you can you know go on your phone and play songs to the Jukebox and then it plays in the bar so of course it's a little like cheers for me because my Local Tavern has the Touch Tunes and I kind of wait outside and I put on I always put on Toto Africa so then right when the song starts I come through the door wearing one of my 52 Toto shirts and everyone screams Mitch so it's it's a little like cheer they're like Mitch is coming then when I was in Vietnam over the summer you know somebody always kept playing that and you know as a goof and then people were looking around where's Mitch and they're like that's not him playing it he's over in Vietnam so psych you you got to have entrance music when you go to the bar and I've had several people strangers yeah the song comes on I come in wearing a Toto shirt and the guy looks at the shirt here's a song and says I think I'm in the Twilight Zone what are the odds I'm like oh yeah what are the odds of that that he's like you did that yourself I'm like you think you know I know you guys aren't getting much of a view and I apologize for that but this really needs to be done with this down or it's going to make my life very difficult and nowhere in the documentation did it say that hang on to those bracket screws or whatever well the documentation figured pretty weak but it makes sense you know logically when you look at the picture they look like the same screws MH it just says remove the pre-installed heat sink and then it says install the AMD mounting bracket everything it says underneath that is in multiple languages so I'm guessing it's just repeating those same things yeah so the instructions are a little vague but I guess if you have a quarter of a brain you'll figure it out that's my own self-deprecating human little weak like yesterday's coffee all right so there's what we got so we got the AMD mounting brackets around the CPUs uh contact frame put the contact frame on okay and then what the heck is this Thing 2 and a half inch Drive pages these pieces here see these pieces yeah these come off for fans [Music] um no they're not for fans it they might hold two and a half inch drives because I'm seeing yeah hes yeah s yeah maybe won't we use these screws let me grab another ziplock bag here one of the little ones than I'm going to hand these to you I'm going to turn this around so the audience can see what I'm doing here I need to take these um there's like three square plates here and if you look they have holes which looks like it would hold a 2 and a half drive now I could read the directions but that's just not my style would you grab that plate for me and then hold on to this point here it comes there we go and then give you those wow those are in tight let me give you those all right and then hold this one you ready last one there we go screw and that way our radiator can breathe that's a unique design I'll give them credit for uh originality on that one and we're going to take we'll take these plates here and you know what they do say bring this up to the camera I love it when manufacturers do this so you don't have to rely on any documentation it says etched into this bracket or this plate if it will focus come on camera says SSD and it says up so you get your proper orientation on that I appreciate that so remember all the spare parts spare screws all that goes into the motherboard box so that you know the next time we do a motherboard upgrade if we want to switch to an air cooler and put these back and I don't know go back to drives I suppose an option Forks didn't a website say this can take up to 10 fans I could have sworn you know on the little uh video that you ran at the like it hold three on the top three on the bottom three on the back and one in three on the side rather and one on the back so that's 369 10 you are correct sir look at me go with simple Edition huh didn't even know I was so such a smart fella so now we set this in we've got to put the bottom in first but here's a problem I can already see I guess we can run the cables off the top because we won't be able to get to the bottom fan to hook the magnetic cable up just set that down I'll hold it it doesn't come let me just spin this around so everybody can see what we're about to do here it's going to look so much red they're reminding me to take the um this plastic off of the radiator thank you for that reminder I suppose we can open this door here and again this is on a hinge if we want to remove it but this can also help with the alignment yeah we definitely want to take this up now you're going to have overheating problems you're going to say uncle Carrie something's wrong with my build I'll take that you know what I want to put it special place for this I'll hold it yeah I I almost forgot to take that off I'm so anxious I want to fire this thing up now all right so now oh you need the Milwaukee I need these little screws didn't we have wasn't there another bag like this didn't I just have one CU we're not going to use these other fans and washers this is going to be for a uh Push Pull configuration which I don't want to add that many fans quite frankly and all this could easily accommodate it if we wanted to do that just trying to keep my counter clear folks as clear as I can yeah I don't see them using these um washers at all I imagine when you're going to want these washers as if the head of the screw when you're putting it through your case if the cutouts in the case are a bit wide and the screw is not sitting flush it might dip down a bit then the washer is going to basically give you a wider surface area for that screw to be flush so we'll find out if we need them here in a minute I think we need them all right so think what we need to do how high up can we get this do me a favor go around well actually you know what let's just do it this way let's go sideways I can lift it up you're right yeah lift it up the whole yeah the whole thing straight up and I think High well the problem is we need to attach the cables to the top here so we need some breathing room oh okay so I think we're going to stay in this range anyway let me try this go ahead and lift it up now keep going that'll be tough to get the the cable for the fan yeah but it has to go like the very bottom that I can put this screw in it's at that altitude right there okay got you so if I tighten that one down I tighten this one down you can let go screw um see oh we're okay okay because we got to to go on the top of the fan right yeah yep I can close this I think so so the audience can see and I'll step around here now in the everything should be aligned but I'll still play it cautious and not tighten these screws all the way down it might have to loosen the two opposite Corners here somebody earlier asked who um what model of this this is gam gam dasas yeah all the parts are listed in the video notes below the video and you'll see links to everything g m d gambas there you go you want to hold that up yes we' worked with gambas we used a case from them back at Studio A that was a computer that originally went tomorrow a time ago really we we built it you buil uh I don't know if you were there have been that long ago might have been um before Mitch like BC BM BM Oh that's not quite aligned oh boy so do me a favor grab the radiator and see if you can just move it that way yeah see if it'll move might if the screw is too tight nope let's loosen this one because that should be the only tight one oh I saw move that time oh okay it's better the radiators are made of a soft material so you don't want to cross the see now the top can you try again move it to to my left yes on this side here just to be sure it goes that's why you don't tighten them I want to know what's going to show up on this little TV screen on the water on the water two four five hey there's Planet Cyro with a$ five contribution just popped in to say hi great looking build love the colors and tons of room 10 11 12 there she is nice how much did I spend for all this too much it's over 2,000 oh yeah just checking in on the chat room there all right let's take a look now with regards to putting the block on as I mentioned the little screen here comes off I guess to make installation easier but it's still wired in not exactly sure why that would be a benefit unless you had to change that fan is facing down H is phasing to the right well when I wait a minute if this is on here which way is right side up it's true so if this goes on this way by default and that would imply our fan um our hoses would be faing down I got to say I think that looks pretty good if we go back to the AMD product page I'm wondering if they show it installed again I don't know that there's really a wrong way to do this but I want to go with the manufacturer marketing company is aesthetic if that's what they chose for the best possible photo okay then I want the best possible looks right like they did so let me go back over to here they don't show it installed but the picture does you know when it's when it's showing the SE the cooler like by itself they do have the hoses on the bottom because obviously that's how the screen is right side up and I'm sure on the software you can rotate the screen but we're going to put it in that that way so let me go back over here just in case you want to see that that's what I'm looking just shows the hoses facing down so that's how we're going to do it now because we already have thermal compound applied this part should be really easy all we have to do is take the little plastic cover off the bottom of the heat sink uh the Water block and secure it down with these thumb screws that I will I'll be brave yeah live dangerously it Brave or stupid sure's out back let me have you come over here and you can help me out with this looks like that we don't have any cables to attach to it it's already got the cables coming out take the cover off that exposes our thermal Conta we align this over and hold it yeah and push it in as you're holding it yep I understand now why that top comes off um you got it yeah go ahead and let it go take this off does seem to be blocking the screwdriver got you oh you're not on the now go ahead and push that in and hold it now I understand why that comes off yep I need to get to the bottom left corner that you are blocking let's trade places nice there we go no I'm off am I am I on yeah yeah can you um now wait a minute no no I'm off off go ahead and let it go for a second on the bottom here there yep yep yep but I need your hand up above like where M okay no yep no not using enough muscles you're all right on the bottom right so normally you'd lay the case down flat to do this which I probably should have done now you should be able to let it go perfect watch your step there lots of cables on the floor of course I'm just starting these I am not tightening them down this one's going to be a fun one to get to Paul Connelly my 5-year-old grandson says this computer is faster than my Mac Studio because it's red yeah that's how that works red hot it's going to be screaming fast I guarantee you that you need some light no it's just not quite a l getting in its own way yeah this should have been a Christmas build don't I kind of is yeah at least the holiday build peel that off should be another peel here hey hey hey you ought to be able to get Buck Rogers on that TV screen come in come in biggy biggy biggy Bigg I'm Dr theopolis is his name Dr the oh power supply can't turn it on without power well no but we're not done yet because we have to hook the fans up and RAM and we have to put the ram in what do you think Mara sleeping yeah I probably you know it's your voice much more exciting to do it than it is to watch haven't you always wanted to be a hypnotist AR you're getting sleepy sleepy all right I'm in the back office oh what do you think oh is amazing that is the perfect Cas perfect about and that cooler is awesome once you get once you get that Ram in there with the lights if I can figure out how to get this cable out of the bag you're going to look for Studio cat no no okay well you'd know what if you was there yeah that's for you just see his stalking eyes back at you I've never had such a hard time getting a cable out of a bag before what did they do melt it to it where's your blade well I don't I don't want to use a blade next to these cables yeah scissors but it's like it's oh yeah somehow oh I see the magnet kind of pinched and the the fans light up as well they're RGB yeah for this price yeah better and this motherboard has that the case supports the USB type-c so I can get my 2,000 megabytes per second because the board has one USB 3.2 Gen 2 by2 and it's that front Port only so we both of these the same isn't that fascinating so one is an argb header and the other is a four pin fan header and this is same exact thing so one of these goes up here onto the how do you know this way or the matter oh that's opposing it's it's pushing back like have an opposite okay is that because it's it's like nope I'm not on this one this one be that's interesting is it yeah that one's going right to there but what's what aligns it that's what I'm concerned about see couple of pin sticking up but the B appears completely smooth probably should have looked at this before it's that's okay but not doing it the hard way we're not doing it the carry way oh there's a little nub there's a hole ah so I was putting in it's got to go in horiz vertically I was trying to put it in horizontally that locks right in and that keeps us um from installing it wrong will that run all three fans yeah it should mag what's this other one for right on the bottom that you well no because we shouldn't be it should all the fans are connected to one another other so so yeah we'll see the other connector for oh I guess if you're going to do a push pull oh that's right Push Pull so we shouldn't need this cable so then the argb header see what do we have coming out here we have a USB port and a fan header also these don't connect together okay so be it let's bring this around so this is a regular USB header which we can plug into any USB port down here we've got a couple either one will work other table this is a typical four port fan header which right up here on the top right of the motherboard it says CPU fan WP that would be water pump okay so water pump is where we're going to plug this in so it gets full Voltage normally fans speed up and slow down they do that by increasing in and and lowering the voltage but you want your pump running at full speed at all head in here then as far as the fans go we have an AR argb header which this motherboard could support a argb somewhere need some white oh I see addressable LED 2 up here where is addressable looks like it's all the way down at the bottom so this one's going to be I'm going to worry about making it look pretty later oh and there's an addressable LED fre so I'll put this on three which is way up at the top okay like like I said we'll clean up the the cabling later and then we have fan power so that's the RGB lighting fan power needs to go have any fan headers on this side of the board so normally what we would do and I can just take care of this now is we would run this little grommet take that more more you're missing one there we go y go ahead and pull that through Y and then feed it up here for the [Music] be have any fan headers up here except for CPU that's okay we'll use the CPU F it's not going I mean technically it is our CPU fan and again I might likely will rearrange cable just want to see this thing run you going through all this and it won't boot have faith I don't rely on faith I rely on skill that cocky enough okay so for the people watching at home Wonder what the heck I was doing that whole time we got our cables hooked up and then what I'm going to do with this probably should read the documentation just to make sure but I'm pretty sure pretty sure this is for the push pull config can't imagine we've got everything hooked up so I believe now we can put the ram in followed by the uh Power spine got 383 people watching all all over the world feel nervous uh no being judged I'm used to people staring at me on film cassetts what about just walking would they hire that bone hit act De John L actor G to just tie this up and get just just temporarily we're not going to keep it this way now I know what you're all waiting to see this really bizarre Ram with a I never seen Ram with the fans that R Ram with a fans fans Ram with fans when you when you want to spend an extra $100 ow need a knife well that nail will come [Laughter] off I got to see this oo you want to see one yeah hold it up show the folks at home here I like it are Ram are you sure those are fan yeah I see little fins yeah what else would they be I don't know oh yeah they're fans if you look in the in an angle they're like little cage style fans yeah I of course can't get mine I give up all right oh you're supposed to hold the tab well I don't know how supposed to do it and if I been somebody who does things the way you're supposed to how tall that so how the heck see this is ddr5 and we got to go to the second one poses TR to get in the way a bit you want to set it flat think you can do it like would could use a light would you grab that light behind you there for me and then just shine it in there we go now I can see which way do these fans aiz yeah aiz missed my opportunity I got to rewatch that in my screening room on a big screen you know a great movie with all those weird looking I mean Chris Tucker steals a he really he was so annoying he was so annoying of course Gary Gary man with those big fake tee Gary's the best yeah I can't tell if I'm lined up there or can't you can't see the notch no can you see it no does look like it's led up okay there's one oh Conelly wants to know if this will make coffee we do have one that looks like a coffee maker that one's going to our friend Gregory Howard oh look little fan spinning oh yeah yeah nice won't those make a buzzing song when they ramp up uh they should be completely silent see how much they took to the cleaners huh yeah no okay Ram is installed now a red power supply that I've never never seen in my entire life well you don't get out much do you no not when you have a screening room 2,000 Blu-ray I don't blame you actually I probably didn't say 1500 DVD DVDs aren't HD though that's not good enough for my yeah snobby video he's all about the 4K well no I I don't really see any difference between 4K and 1080 it must be my old eyes but but I definitely definitely 1080 yeah is my world well chat your Uncle Mitch here in April is thinking about getting what they call rle I am so sick of glasses and I don't I only wear contact lenses when I'm acting so RL refractive lens exchange where they will give me two new lenses and fix my stigmatism and give me 2020 Vision I'll never need I'll never have any cataract ax and um when I found out the price it certainly opened my so I will go for a consultation but you should only have it done once though right that's true yeah I mean it's not like he got an extra set of eyeballs no now stuff like that they usually just do one I at a time right uh yeah I think and then you come back the next day for the second one so it's you don't have to wait that long PA says we going use the exhaust heat to heat the swimming pool yeah yeah the Arizona Sun does a pretty good job at that okay so in the Box not too fancy from cougar here pretty pretty simple packaging power cable this is semi modular so we've got the motherboard power cable permanently connected to the power supply and we have a velcro tie with The boogar Branding on it this thing might be old inventory it's pretty beat up this has a three-year warranty but I might have eaten up two years of that just having it in stock not using it I like opening Ah that's not red that's burnt orange all right well you know close enough Uncle Carrie might might be a little bit color blind and a little bit deaf that's deep and one one foot in the grave M I don't think there's a the other on a banana peel all right so in theory now we have have our four screws see prot time screw move this over here with the rest of our SP Parts really working hard to keep this counter clear uh you know what let me step around and see we definitely don't want the fan blowing towards the motherboard sorry this is the Fan's going to be drawing air in so we want this to be able to get fresh air so for that we're going to mount it this way yeah you're right it is burnt orange but it's still not Black start there that one didn't feel like it went in straight so I don't want to that's why I got my torque setting so low at three not one not four yeah see they're like it's bizarre they're not going straight or the threads aren't yeah none of these are going in um smoothly so when that happens just double check this one they I can do one of two things I can turn it manually or I can brute force it yeah cuz you've got quite a bit of yeah I just think because they're new right it did look red on the page on the Amazon page it did look red to no I knew it was burnt because we've got the same one in the robot's foot there we got a nice big chunky onoff switch here he and the black matches the back no one's going to see this part anyway honestly unless you're working on it we're going to have that big cover on the back let me hand that back to you and then we're going to hook up uh motherboard and CPU power here now I don't know if this ryzen processor requires both of those power connectors for the CPU oh know what it gives us Graphics power too but they gave us two anyway so even better we've got two EPS power connectors which I'm going to give to you right here MH pull that through so and then let me step around would you grab that light for me again please [Music] one two this hold slap I mean the power supply is kind of close in colored what do you think Mar right answer good better be for too large all right so this is our USB audio where's my panel switch are you going to feed those oh is that all I get I just get power switch so this case doesn't have a hard drive LED power LED or a reset switch apparently all I see is that right there's no LEDs on this that's crazy you think the switch would light up or something yeah you would think okay well so power power switch's got to be hooked up be able to turn it on without that that should go in theory right there and then I'm not going to hook up any of the USB because I'm too anxious to get started on this uh I just want to make sure there's no other front panel oh I don't see it and then finally we have the uh 24 pin yeah the big motherboard power connector to go on should be right around here nailed it by having this open open is so handy I tell you he like you what's for dinner did she want wings I'm thinking about it you it's come January 1st I'm going on the Gandhi diet again Gandhi diet yeah are you waiting on peace no doctor said I got to lose 10 pounds oh cut off your arm you got two of them yeah I just got to cut out the blue moons well do they have blue moon light uh I maybe you I'm so glad that I don't you like find that stuff you like wine no no not wine at all I'll Drink a Beer from time to time maybe socially yeah but uh yeah I'm not no I took I took a sip of wine I don't like it all now again maybe it was Boon's F you can take rub Annie Green Springs does that date me I was proba one Buck Chuck was it Bartles and J oh no those were wi yeah barles and James I could do those really you like them when they're icy cold I was a young 20s something maybe when those came out did you yeah love the flavor yeah was wasn't so harsh hey what do you right smoke test folks coming up you need an HDMI out HDMI power what do you that keyboard and mouse that's behind you keyboard and mouse that's behind me MH two Grunts and a groan to bend over all right yeah going to hit the gym a USB port should I use yeah hit going to hit the gym a lot more in January so just back here we've got four 8 12 13 14 USB ports just on the back plate then we got three USB ports up front that's 16 then we have four more USB ports up front so that's 20 we get to 23 where's the other three somebody said 23 you did was it me no I thought I thought it was yeah on the advertising all right this is the big moment and we're going to be 10 minutes shy of being a 3-hour broadcast instead of a 2hour then we're going to have to turn the lights down and really see I want to see what comes up on that little TV screen to well we're going to have to download the software oh yeah that's right let's do [Music] um I'll let you HDMI input I'll let you do the honors on this one okay we ready because if it blows up it's all on you not based on where you're standing it'll be on you yeah that's true literally all over let's make sure the power supply switch is in the on position good that's an 850 wat power supply I don't know if I mentioned now I'll give you a sound effect and uh oh RGB on the motherboard started up and on the CPU block nice Mara you're missing it in the yeah I heard my name now that's the bomb I'll give you that awesome look at the little fans turning on the right yeah whoa I got a breeze coming through here wow that's got some poll report wait a minute I'm not getting a post here so oh here we go here we go Mr impatient right awesome why don't she grab the close-up camera let's take a closeup look at what these okay put her to work she's had enough time off uh oh there's three four well there's your oh right look at that bios oh my gosh red again it says live mixer across the side of it look at that awesome closeup CER come on turn the lights down and get a good look see oo nice huh folks fancy take a look at the ram the little spinning fans yeah on them you know it's it's not silent but it's for for all all those fans going it's quiet you put the panels on and yeah I was going to say what way did we put the panels on so Scott says that'll look good on Marina's desk so true wow I think I have a bios update already downloaded on flash see [Music] that now's that for a big blowout build Perfect all right we're going to go back to camera one now we need our fireworks so he can update the BIOS and we'll turn off closeup camera back to HD yeah you're good let me turn these lights back back on and then um turn off camera one for a second thank you see tool RGB LED instant yeah I found it doing a bios update no touching hey first time we turn it on yeah fired right up now I put this Gatorade here and it's been getting warm I haven't even what I took two sips it's already gone warm on me swap it out all right we're just going to wrap up the video here as soon as we um tell you what we're going to do we'll let this bios update complete we'll throw Windows 11 on here and then we're going to say goodbye for the day so that's going to put us just a little bit after 4 o'clock Phoenix time long show for us but it is it is the big bill so we'll have the show run a little bit longer than normal just to make sure that we wrap up in a nice closed chapter space because what will remain I can do off cam you know just plugging in the USB plugs uh Cable Management putting the panels back on and we're done but what's great is you do have room for the three and 1 half inch dries if you want to throw a couple 22 terabytes in there we have room for two more m.2 drives yeah heck of a build yeah and the m.2 drive we got in there's 4 terabytes that runs 12,400 megabytes per second of course we have to remember to download the AMD adrenaline software want to get all the performance out of this chip Dan Nelson says I'm not usually a fan of RGB but this time I think it's nice with RGB David Graham says no graphics card we might add a graphics card later but given the limited time we have in today's show and I'm not quite sure uh what purpose this computer is going to serve we for now we will likely end up putting a pretty nice uh RTX in there but what a shame to not use the graphics that's built under that chip because it's fairly [Music] decent Mark bagett says very nice peter VZ with a one Euro contribution thank you Peter Bill Sony T says I wish I could afford it but maybe someday hey Amazon has layaway Andy Crabtree says the light looks like a laser welder Doug Belle says no smoke Frank Jimmy says you can't see me but I am giving this build a standing ovation Patrick gusa says it's a beautiful build Paul Connelly says absolute Beast Garfield rupe says that computer is neat Uncle Carrie Andy crry mentioned Mad Dog 2020 that's the stuff yeah God we do have another show schedule for tomorrow we're going to go over um Universal restore with acronis I don't know but I've demonstrated it before and that'll be our last video for the year and our thanks to the folks at acronis for sponsoring us and for making sure you guys will have a discount all year round 30% off of aonis we'll talk more about that tomorrow I've got mine set up to to back up the first uh first day of every month at 5:30 in the morning which I'm I'm never up because I always get a tight 10 hours tight 10 tight 10 hours so usually get up well I don't like you I'm a night owl I don't go to bed till 1 130 but that's nothing just one or 130 oh not are you are you a three yeah no I used to be nowadays yeah you're older right nowadays it's midnight and I'm like yeah start start the jatal is we there's a reference at 80 80 85 year old man goes to the doctor and he says uh how you feeling he says I'm good goes uh how's your your BMS yeah he goes I go like clockwork every day at 700 a.m. the doctor says that's great he goes no it's not great I don't get up till eight okay our bios is all sh I don't i' have to check the website again just to see if I have the latest bios but we definitely have a newer one newer I'm kind of curious since this Ram runs at 8,000 megahertz potentially it goes that high how high it will see this board go to uh I really shouldn't turn on XMP at this point doc or whatever they're calling it should be some profiles here profile performance mode Dam performance mode okay you don't see where we see profile one or profile two this is like manually oh wow look how goes up to 16 I thought 8,000 was b l wants to know the total cost we're not sure yet over two two over $2,000 yeah so we've got all the parts listed in the video notes if you click on each of those parts and add them to your cart and then see what your cart total is don't have to check out you know save changes and exit and where's my windows 11 let's plug that in now so that when it reboots start our Windows 11 install there we go and when I hook up that USB type c in the front and I use my external SSD SanDisk Extreme Pro that's 4 tabt that should trans transfer data at 2,000 megabytes per second through the USB which prior to that I was getting a th000 through USB 3 so this doubles it to 2,000 now this build was made possible through your contributions and your membership so some people are saying well it's expensive and it's more money than mine but I want you to be aware that without your contributions and without your support this would have been a completely different build I initially try to keep the builds around or under $1,000 but as you guys kept contributing there was a lot of generosity around Christmas time um you know special shout out to folks like Buster our good friend Frankie B um moront and there have been a few others um Gregory Howard that have been very generous so that allowed me to keep increasing the budget I increased the budget on it twice as a result I'm going to have an extra case that I definitely made the right decision by getting this case you want Windows 11 Pro let's see how fast this installs Off to the Races oh this this won't take 60 seconds dougas Bell said if this build is still around by June or July of next year I want it well do follow up with me uh I may not want to part with it yeah I might just become an AMD fan before this is all over I'd like to stream with it just to see you know to live with it for a while and that's if Mar doesn't take it from me and of course you guys have the parts list so you can buy all these parts the same way I bought them watch the video I don't really have anything here that's exclusive or hard to find so my only advice to you is I wouldn't buy any parts in advance other than the case of power supply because the motherboard is subject to change in price uh as the CPU is subject to change in price unfortunately if you hold off on the motherboard it may not be available in the future so maybe you could buy that in advance if you really were fixated on this board but if you do all that by the time you finish buying all your parts might just be building an obsolute computer because the 8000 series but I'm glad to see that so many of you like it and again when when contributions come in I use them all to the Channel all keeps uh financing different equipment for different builds and we have a really really cool Mini PC coming up I can't wait to sh you next year hopefully the first week of next year it is the coolest thing Mitch has seen it yep and everybody that's seen this little mini PC falls in love with it and it runs uh about $1,500 this Mini PC so it's a little over the top gaming Mini PC with like a 3080 laptop mobile GPU in it it is really cool oh and then I have another Mini PC coming uh that I ordered from AliExpress that's this really cool looking Mini PC it's nothing special internally but the externals on it are is spectacular also we've got many PCs sent being sent to us from Min Forum they have a couple new models coming out and um gecom I think that's it put Mar to work on basically pestering the Mini PC manufacturers to send this units I don't have time to do everything so it's nice to have her be able to uh rate reach out to the manufacturers and see if they'll cooperate and send us items for review shop Persian rugs with a $2 Super Chat says I wish you all as well as chat a happy New Year well thank you shop Persian rugs back at you my friend right our man says we need a video card yeah uh we will likely put a video card in here we have plenty of room be ashamed to kind of not use one it looks like we've got a little space down here uh-oh why is there water on the bottom of my case there's water down here it's not good did that come from the pump right below the pump uh oh nothing's wet well here let me give you the light see the water here yeah hm it's directly under can you look under there or you can't yeah that's dry so where's it coming from check this hose feel feel that hose all over it's dry yeah well we'll just have to wait and see if that it's a little teeny tiny puddle here and it has little splatters like it's fallen from what happens if I pull this top up weird we're going have to keep an eye on that all right now who wants to buy it price just went down but that's clear wouldn't wouldn't there the fluid be a color isn't um isn't that running that's not running clear water distilled water through there does feel like water oh okay uh let's see on $400 cooler that's not acceptable let me switch over [Music] to camera one here obviously that's that's good yeah there's something yeah it's not just water no and it's obviously coming from the pump we didn't spill any water but it's not pouring out so I don't know what that's all about let me grab the close-up camera and I'll show the audience at home turn this on which one do I click on uh let me see that Mouse I'll take care of let's go to uh to no closeup camera even I get it wrong and if they can't see it yeah go ahead and Shine the Light in there for me it's right behind these cables waterly pipes and splatter yeah yeah there's a little bit of splatter around it um odd not much no I don't know just the pressure of the startup that's what I'm hoping that's all it is we got to keep an eye on that because um that could be a serious problem oh yeah that lets go but do they fill them pretty full so then on Startup well I would hope so I wouldn't yeah what am I on the oh there's our views 346 yeah it's not much but there shouldn't be any at all that's a sealed Factory sealed cooler yep um it's not getting bigger no very strange all right so let's just take a look at our specification just to make sure we're seeing our components correctly Let Me Go full screen here ontop me right click device manager so we got some drivers to load and I just want to make sure it sees our CPU correctly processor think we have enough cores yeah and then Ram guess I should have done it this way just go to system this will show us our CPU 32 gigs of RAM wow I spent that much money for 32 gigs of RAM sucker born every day yep Windows 11 Pro 23 H2 and if I grab my utilities just to see where we're idling temperature- wise I'm seeing more well that's coming from over here though how did it get over there I don't know I mean there were Speckles now I got a puddle or a little pool the hoses aren't wet hoses aren't wet at all we have a mystery yes keep an eye on it oh yeah I just drag out the typical things I install here that out of the way see where attempts are I mean we're nice and chilly look at that 25 degrees Centigrade I mean that's that's chilly so I will say I've been very impressed with the effectiveness of the assus cooler since I worked on on that server from uh serve the home y they had that vasus cooler on it which is why I was like hey I got to that's keeping that thread Ripper nice and cool and that's a special cooler it's got a bigger plate on it for thread Ripper and one thing I want to do before we wrap it up is just make sure we're getting our 12,400 or Le somewhere near that in our Gen 5 SSD speed see what happens here we'll go ahead and run this full test and then we'll end up uh leaving it on that note here and we'll just keep an eye on that it doesn't yeah let's do this let me grab a little paper towel we'll wipe that up and then if we see anything new right leave it yeah because I think that part you're seeing was already there okay 12419 it's even better than what they say it can [Music] do or is it when I turned it on you had a mouthful of water and you spit it out you were so impressed yeah spit take uh no uh thank you guys so much for hanging out with us today and for all of your support all of your contributions while we're waiting I'm going to go ahead and give a shout out to everybody who has uh given us a contribution today in fact let me go back to my phone and start there gotta get my GLE [Applause] let's turn this around there's not much to look at on that angle $10 from our good friend Michael Dayne thank you Michael the man and again to Dan Nelson with his $30 PayPal contribution thank you to Cowboy Rowdy once again for the 50 Amazon gift card and a $50 Amazon gift card from Mike sorry Mark gains thank you Mark and then for our super chats don't mind me as I go from picking one the wrong Mouse to the other wrong Mouse start at the beginning with uh retap gun rig becoming a brand new member as did Jeremy Kramer welcome new members and speaking of memberships through this list here to see Nick caffry is also a new member David Graham renews memberships now a member for four months and then as far as the super chats I thank you goes out to Ben lard with two pounds joining us from Scotland Mike Visions in the UK Alan lindas right here in Arizona PSC computers Missouri Shar Persian rugs our friend Mar Gaines with a super chat contribution along with that Amazon gift card Randy Roski and David Graham Cowboy rdy not only gave a $50 Amazon gift $20 Super Chat contribution thanks guys here's our friend Buster Peter Lok with 10 pound contribution early our friend Douglas Belle and royar man hey with these kind of contributions maybe we can afford a video card that'll cost as much as the whole computer Craig cavona and Paul Connelly thank you for your Super Chat contributions as well as David Graham Colin Hunt in Planet Kos Peter VZ and Shop Persian rugs once again with final contributions there computer went to sleep because I didn't adjust the power settings wiggle the mouse to wake it up it's going to be a little delayed because it's busy doing that hard drive test there it is 11,695 on the rights 12,400 on the read yeah and good stuff I'm not seeing any more water down here what do you think Mara I absolutely love it so the case was a we we we hemmed and hot over the case for three days at least and was very hesitant and I picked it out first I found the cooler and I wanted a case where I could put this cooler in vertically where you could see it and the height case which is initially the height has one that looks just like this says it only supported a 280 there or 260 otherwise it have to go on the top and I just think that'd be a shame to hide this now when we load the assus software up for this we'll be able to control that screen there on the water block and the system's nice and quiet so it not only has the looks but it has the power to match again we've got to put the AMD adrenaline software on there to get the best performance out of this and that's going to take some time to get all the windows updates and such so we'll do that off camera and then likely when I show you this again it should be all cable managed with the panels on it and uh finished up and and I will use this my plan is to do a couple of streams maybe this will become the new streaming computer so we're off to a good start amds come a long way last few times I built amds had some struggle getting them going Ram compatibility bios updates etc etc etc as AMD continues to refine their CPUs and come out with do models things should be getting easier and it certainly has so I'm glad to say that and see that Frankie B with $4.99 said here's my late fee and good job another shout out and thank you to Frankie B he's been very very generous recently and uh without Frankie B without uh luster our friend Peter Lok our friend John Jack Wilson Morant um we've had a few infrequent but large contrib contributions from other viewers like Jefferson creel also our good friend Gregory Howard who I owe a computer to maybe two he's been very generous and it's through your super chats even those uh super chats of smaller amounts they add up quickly in your Amazon gift cards in your memberships all help to fund this so that I'm not here you know on behalf of gambus telling you you know twisting your arm about how amazing the case is I genuinely like this case I bought this case of my own free will every single part you see on this build was bought and paid for it nothing was sent from any manufacturers so if you ask what would carry by know to build an AMD build what case would I use what power supply you now have the answers to all that all the links in the video notes below the video Patrick Manny contributes $2 here in Super Chat he says another late fee uh we are back again tomorrow so I'm not going to say happy New Year no I'll say it tomorrow no I'll say it to you yeah yeah and I hope everybody joins us tomorrow if not well then Happy New Year but I hope you'll join us tomorrow as we cover the acronis universal restore process and how that enables you to move your complete operating system and programs to an entirely different system even going from Intel to AMD AMD to Intel it allows that it's not necessarily a good idea sometimes you get stability issues but do know that it's possible and I'm demonstrate how to do that tomorrow and other than that chat at the end of next month the end of January I will have a new acting clip for you I go to La Friday January 19th where I play an undercover cop sitting in a car with a very young partner who's a little green I'm of course the the guy with a month left Till I Retire so I'm I'm that grizzled although I don't look grizzled but I'm a sounds like Lethal Weapon going on there yeah little Lethal Weapon but uh yeah we shoot Saturday uh January 20th in Los Angeles this s wanted me to tell you he thinks you're nuts oh okay yay thanks everybody for hanging out joining us for today's big build blowout for the end of the year I'm very happy with it and uh yeah I hope you guys like it too we'll follow up with this once it's all buttoned up and run some benchmarks on it and who knows maybe even uh maybe I'll get a GP on there that's right very expensive thanks for watching happy New Year everybody hopefully you'll be back tomorrow same time 1:00 Arizona time that's 12:00 P p.m. Pacific 3 p.m. Eastern as our last show of the year and then of course we hope you'll join us in 2024 where we've got a great lineup already scheduled for the first week so thank you so much for watching thank you for joining me thank you camera girl also she did a great bang up job on that thumbnail didn't she yep and let me go full screen on camera one proper uh wrong keyboard that should be my name wrong keyboard carry there we are one final good last look here system before all the panels go on and uh let me find an outro yeah I think we'll do that all right thanks for watching and we'll see you soon that's not what I say oh uh thanks for watching and bye for now he's got it a
Channel: CareyHolzman
Views: 9,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: careyholzman, careyholzmanlive, computerbuilding, ASRockB650LiveMixerMotherboardReview, ASRockB650LiveMixerMotherboardunboxing, ASRockB650LiveMixer, B650, livemixer, livemixerbuild, AMDRyzen97950X3D, Ryzen97950X3D, AMDRyzen9, USB32Gen2, USB32, 80211axWiFi6EModule, 80211axwifi, DDR5, AMDRadeonGraphics, SocketAM5, motherboardwithlotsofUSB, AMDSocketAM5, motherboardprep, howtobuildapc, pcbuildguide, 23USBports, b650livemixer, GeIL, GeILEVO, RGBram, Gen5SSD, CrucialT700, 4TBGen5SSD, BgearsbBlackWidowRGB, ASUSROGRYUJIN3, Evangelion
Id: 1m4hMJUwl2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 1sec (12061 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 29 2023
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