(LIVE) AMA About My Time PLAYING Hogwarts Legacy PLUS New Footage!

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foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] check one two one two one two [Music] foreign [Music] people of the internet welcome to Retro raconteur live folks everybody's always like did you change your background no I'm just desk is raised tonight been sitting too much today reading all your comments so tonight we stand and yeah back-to-back nights I mean I don't know it's like something something happened today you guys know anything about this let me turn down the music a little bit we'll keep it going though because I just love this uh common room music it's so good so good all right but welcome guys thank you all for being here to an extra special edition we normally stream on Tuesday evenings for anyone new here welcome to Retro reckon Tour live we do this every week every Tuesday we did it last night last night though we um we had a little recap of the unbreakable vow and and that's importance in the Harry Potter series and the consequences of breaking an unbreakable vowel so we had to talk about that but today tonight this morning wherever whatever it may be for you the unbreakable vow has been fulfilled ladies and gentlemen how are you the unbreakable vowel has been fulfilled so it's time to talk Hogwarts sexy man it's time to talk gameplay it's time to talk all about the trip to La welcome first off before I even get to the comments and the chats and everything I have to thank you guys first and foremost thank you guys everybody watching right now anybody who watches this later on replay because without you guys I have I mean I have no doubt one of the reasons I was even asked to do this is because of our community that we have here it's because of you guys for making this possible man I mean and it really is I really do mean that uh last night we had we were having a lot of donations and I just I stopped to say guys look no matter what whether you some people don't have the money to donate and that's not an expectation you do not have to Super Chat you don't have to be a member you don't even have to to chat I mean literally just by you being here checking out the streams I have no doubt that WB and Avalanche notice those kinds of things so thanks to you guys without without you it wouldn't have even been possible uh then thanks to WB for inviting me out we had such a great time such a great time it was it was a very short amount of time but we accomplished a lot a lot in a very short amount of time I want to talk about all the stuff that happened like outside I mean we're gonna talk gameplay I know that's why you guys are here but I want to talk to you about all the just the conversations that we had with a lot of the creators and all a little bit of the behind the scenes stuff if you will I've got some pictures we're gonna show here in a bit that I haven't shared anywhere else yet I've got the gameplay footage you guys I I was talking to expect to go I need to start I realize I need to start saying his name or his his channel name whenever I refer to him on stream look I say James some people maybe new not know who he is a lot of people know James AKA expect to go he he and I were in the same gameplay session together and immediately after we got done we were just like I don't even know what my video is going to be I don't know what footage I'm going to use I don't even know where to start because we saw an experience so much so I hope you guys were pleased with the preview video that we put out today I also put out a second video that was just like a full uninterrupted gameplay of the story Mission so I know some people are already like okay this is way too much if you don't want to know anything about at all about the story I get it I totally get it um but yeah we were talking after like I don't know where to start so in addition to all that I've already released I still have I would say a full hour of footage a full hour I would say of stuff that I haven't I haven't shown and what maybe is blowing me away the most about watching I was watching so many videos today from these other awesome creators is we all like played the same two hours and everybody had had at least one new thing in every video which I think is a testament to to the creators out there really but also to the game that Avalanche has built like we played the same two hours we did the same stuff and yet we had in some cases completely different experiences picked up on completely different things uh hello been snow fire tornado didn't get that in mind didn't get that in mind don't know how you got that all right let's let's uh welcome and see who's here hanging out so oh my gosh before we even started before we even started we have several new subscribers to the channel so welcome thank you guys so much for subscribing and then let's see I want to make sure we didn't miss any of the members oh my gosh you guys started real wizard Harry it's like 54 50 minutes before we went live okay hold on scrolling scrolling scrolling scrolling okay there we go sit three with the five months thank you so much sithre oh wait hold on [Music] we can't forget the hammer welcome to house tracking tour welcome back to house tracking tour for Sith Ray Reuben with the six months Reuben thank you so much my friend thank you very much welcome to house wreck and tour welcome back I should say then Owen with the five tier one memberships guys I just have to pause for a second can the the mods on the channel here please like I can't think particularly Nico elwin do so much for this channel so much for this channel that goes a lot of times unnoticed so it's gonna be crazy there's gonna be a lot I mean if you guys have a comment that gets removed you know we're trying to protect people from bigger spoilers art book stuff we're not talking about any of that and the mods really do have a tough job they do a lot of stuff in the Discord as well um so Elwyn and Nico as well as Stargazer Tim Dylan Christy the mods they just they do so much so thank you to the mods for all your all your support and everything you guys do to help make the channel go and then L win of course with the five gifteds thank you very much Owen let's say we had Austin Scott becoming a member of House wrecking tour through that gift of membership from Elwyn Jaden Nicole Cooper all with gifted memberships right there so guys what happens when you get a membership you get to use the emoji in the chat and we have some pretty fun Wizarding World emojis which by the way I think I think we've unlocked some more after last night and then after this especially pretty sure we have volte multi thank you so much for the Super Chat and welcome back volte poppy is an evil retro just for today though yeah you guys watch the gameplay man if you watch that story mission I'm just saying poppy can be pretty she can be pretty fierce when she needs to be Raven quality Tyrell with the Super Chat as well a Ravenclaw Tyrell thank you so much for the Super Chat congrats on the 40K I know we did yeah we passed 40K subs today guys 40K Subs so thank you all very much for that big big milestone and then speaking of starkey's or Tim himself another moderator here starkees or Tim also gifting five memberships Tim thank you so much dude and congrats to Lando Taylor nymph and Ella Dora all getting memberships welcome all of you welcome to house tracking Tour by the power of Thor's hammer here you were officially member of House track and tour enjoy uh let's see what else do you get special Discord roll you get discounts on our merch if you want something like this retro hat and you get the cool Emoji but really memberships are just a way to kind of show some love and support to creators Draco with the Super Chat can't gift memberships so here's a Super Chat love today's videos Draco thank you my friend I I put so much thought into especially the preview video today because well like I said I was talking with expecto go just trying to even decide where do where do we even start like where do we even start I want to do this game Justice I want to talk about everything that looks amazing which there's a lot I want to show the stuff that you know might be a little bit concerning too but most of all I want to do right by you guys I tried to ask questions that I knew you guys were interested in that's why we tried to show off stuff like swimming obviously uh the little the little fountain if you guys know that was a fountain where a lot of people were saying oh that little prompt means you can sit there I had to go over and test it and so it's not a Sit button it was not a Sit button it's an interact you interact with that Fountain and then once you get that Fountain spinning there's a little spot that you can uh you get a little uh page right there a page from the oh my gosh I can't think of the name of the book right now but yeah you guys know what I'm talking about the book that the ministry gives you a couple more subscriptions coming in as well thank you guys for the subs Dr sherbet with the Super Chat as well Chandler wood is here yo is Chandler here hey we're gonna talk a little about Chandler man I almost I was so mad because it looked like I was not gonna get to meet Chandler and Eric but I'll tell I'll tell you guys about it it had a good it had a good finish here had a good finish thank you Dr Sherbert for the Super Chat fetch Quest gaming with the five dollar Super Chat let's see the extra footage yeah yeah we're gonna we're gonna get to it we're gonna get to it for sure because there's like I still have to go through all of it I've watched it all you're a wizard Harry but I want to go through all of it and try to figure out what else I can make videos on one of them I already have ready to go that's what we're going to look at tonight so if you guys know the uh and it's like a minor it's not like a big story or anything it's a little side quest sort of like a little mini puzzle it's the one with the little moth so I showed a little bit of it in my video today but I'm gonna show you guys like the the full thing for it from start to finish and then I'll show you some behind the scenes pictures as well that we got Moon Lily with a super chat as well I was laughing so much when you went straight to the water test out swimming mechanic and then Chandler swimsuit was awesome right I know I saw those tweets too it's so good so good oh my gosh guys like Hagrid's working overtime tonight welcome to all the new witches and wizards thank you guys William Sullivan with a super chat as well thank you William notice I'm popping with textures during your footage no this is the final build how noticeable is it during your time with the game so I tried to point out a couple of them in the video I like the texture pop in truthfully while I was playing it didn't notice it much at all the one that I noticed that I pointed out in the video is when the people just kind of appeared when I land on that one let's just pull it up let's just pull it up let's go ahead and let's Dive In let's just dive in folks all right so I'm gonna go to uh let's see that's the wrong wizard channel right here all right let's just pull it up here so after all this time it wands at the red yeah that's that's me that's me oh my gosh why is it doing that all right there we go okay let's go ahead and switch views here you're a wizard Harry oh my goodness Hagrid Hagrid working overtime tonight people working overtime okay so the one that I I was first of all right up front I was playing on PS5 performance mode I believe I believe I'm pretty sure that most of the footage you guys are gonna see is gonna be in the Fidelity mode from other creators I don't know that for a fact but I'm I know for a fact that the default where I played the default was the Fidelity mode which is only 30 FPS of course it's going to look better but I'm all about the frame rate and I know so many of you are it's like I get why you know when when Publishers show off the game they want to show off like the best visuals right for screenshots and stuff like that makes sense but we had to actually ask we had James I know James for sure expect to go we both asked and said hey do you mind if we play in the in the performance mode they they allowed us to do that so we both played in performance and then the other thing I will say and I know this is gonna sound like I'm I'm like Shilling for the game it's not that it is I've learned a lot about video codex this past weekend and compression that sort of thing but the footy the footage that is on YouTube I promise you guys does not look as good as what's actually like like the raw footage that I got on my SD card it looks better it look it looks better and I tried to get it as close as I possibly could with my exports and everything but it really does it looks even better now is it it's not like a huge drastic difference but yeah I can definitely tell a difference so the question there from William was about about popping and such so the only one that I really noticed big time during the gameplay itself was killed was this that we were playing on we've been told that it is not right different times to me so it's not this does not have the day one patch it's right here right here to stop at this little spot right here so see nobody over there see these students kind of just appear out of nowhere and then there they are flying in and then once I link so that was the only one I noticed when I went back and watched I noticed another weird kind of little um there's one moment in the poppy Quest where I actually don't even think it's in this one I think it's in my other one I think it's in my other one where uh you see like the main character kind of just like shift over for some reason but my first thought as soon as they put the controller in my hands we're ready is I was like this looks better than anything I've seen so far this looks better than anything I've seen so far it looks better than what you're seeing right now too YouTube compression and all that I even made sure this was 4K because the footage we had was 4K and everything's 60fps and all that but um it looked so good we were on I think there were probably about 27 inch 24 inch probably 27 inch monitors or so I believe they were Razer monitors and then it was on PS5 and they put the control on my hand and so the first thing we saw was like the character creator and it's just like oh my gosh just looking at the character model in the Character Creator and then when we actually got in game I was I was pleasantly surprised I'll be honest with you guys pleasantly surprised not perfect but it just felt I was so happy that it felt smooth man so happy that it felt smooth because I'm like if it if there's a lot of frame rate dips it gets to me but thank you William for the Super Chat thank you for all the new Subs that are that are jumping in as well uh Elwyn with the Super Chat yo thank you oh and guys shout out and show your love for Mrs raconteur without her support retro couldn't do anything this is very true very true very true shout out to Mrs ranking tour maybe someday you guys can warm her up enough to get her to maybe like let her hand appear on stream or even just her voice she's like she's a little bit camera shy so maybe one day maybe one day but thank you Elwyn fetch Quest gaming any word on if the music in Hogwarts Legacy is copyright free and thank you for the Super Chat fetch Quest so Chandler answered this on Twitter if you're um because fetch Quest I'm pretty sure you're a Creator right I'm pretty sure it's all good I'm pretty sure like don't quote me on that but um Chandler told us if you ever get like a like uh not a strike but a um a claim just to reach out to them and they can take a look and get you on like a a white list or something where they they uh can set it to where you won't get that anymore but yeah I've never had any problems Sith right with the Super Chat good to see you here Sith Ray what was one thing that shocked me while playing oh okay well there was a lot I mean I think my biggest jaw-dropping moment and if you guys don't want to know any stories spoilers here's what we're going to do it's like minor stuff but I'm gonna put my hands over my ears when I'm about to say something and then I'll I'll take it back off when I'm done okay so the thing that shocked me the most was when we opened the tent when we open the tent and found the dragon fighting ring I mean okay now we're good you can come back that part my jaw dropped my jaw because I it was just so unexpected you know we're walking along there we get to the tent and then excuse me what what yeah my jaw dropped at that part totally dropped couldn't couldn't believe it I mean because we've only seen one of those so far right and all the lead up all the build up to this game we'd only seen one of those and then right there you go in and there's two completely different ones yeah that was a big moment noisy boy with a super chat first of all Told You So said you'd be invited to something like this secondly do you think we can use the Elder one at some point okay so that one's hard to answer possible spoilers Quest not related to this event not related to this event just be clear about that oh it's hard to answer that one without spoiling people it's possible it's possible there have been there's been a couple leaks alluding to one or possibly more of the Deathly Hallows so we'll just leave it at that we'll leave it at that I will say the new shirt that I got not this one which this is a uh this is also this is my other Hogwarts Legacy shirt that I got from Amazon which by the way that is official merch if you guys didn't know Chandler was able to confirm that but people were saying the wand on my little hoodie they're like that's the Elder one I said I don't think so or unless it's like an earlier version of the Elder one it looks to me like the exact same one that's in the uh collector's edition the ancient magic wand that's the one it looks like to me but thank you for your support Noisy Boy very much appreciate it very much appreciate it Moon Lily with a super chat as well how smooth is the flying did you try it melt so we didn't get to try any mounts lines for that one first we did not get to try any mounts the very first thing we did though like after the character Creations we we got to fly on the Broom accio first and so if you remember when they first showed off the broom they talked about how they wanted it to feel like not the most advanced broom like it's not supposed to feel like you're hopping on a fireball here from Harry's day it's not supposed to feel like that so at first when you first hop on I was like this is kind of a little bit sluggish and you can move you know using the left stick and right stick like you can make it go and it just felt kind of slow and then I asked I was like there's a there's a speed boost right yeah it's R2 so you hold R2 and then that's when I actually let me go back here yeah let me go back see if we can get some so like right there I'm just kind of gliding normally that's no R2 that's no R2 right there all right then if I get to another scene here I'm pretty sure it's coming up right or it might be before that actually so that when you see the little Trail coming okay right there you see how you see how I pulled back here let's rewind that a little bit so you guys can see it better Sports Legacy and also play the game myself for a two so when you see that little Trail okay so see I'm kind of leaning forward you got the trail so I'm holding R2 right there so that may that it feels much better but it doesn't feel like it's not super precise it's not super tight tight controls right there which I think is intentional and then here we go right right about there I let go of R2 so now I'm kind of just in this little hover or a wizard position and then you can just sort of you know you can fly around really slow like that if you just want to take in the surrounding area but but they didn't talk about at this event but the other thing they've already confirmed is the fact that you can upgrade the broom so we're going to unlock broom upgrades to possibly change all that stuff all that stuff but yeah very good question very good question Elwyn with another Super oh no wait hold on hold on you're a wizard Harry Gleason cook with the five dollar super check Gleason I don't see a comment with it thank you so much buddy for the Super Chat very much appreciated and then uh vanity of Eli send a five dollar Super Chat thank you very much was anything said or did you see anything about being able to manually make it day or night like resting or something I did not and I think I even said maybe it was on Twitter where I answered somebody everything I saw was day but it might have been oh I've watched so many videos today of people of creators who put this out I don't want to get this wrong somebody's video that I was watching I want to say they had night night time footage and I wanted to ask them where did you get that be able to die I can't remember who it was though but yeah I I never no one ever mentioned that to me I think based on what they've said before I think all of that is going to be story based I could be wrong like like chapter based If You Remember When Alan was talking and the gameplay showcases about um how everything's sort of set up by the narrative right so my take and again this this is not I didn't see anything on this at the event my take is that it will be like story based so like when you cross a specific Mission then Hogwarts will turn tonight or it could even be like the old school Potter games remember where you like you could do all you all you want to do for that day and then you end the day and then it goes tonight I could I could see it being something like that fast travel points and then we had elwin with a super chat 771 people yo dude 771 that might be a record that might be a record hit that like button oh and says guys yes thank you so much for the likes helps more people find the video um and when we do 100 I'm pretty sure we already hit 100 likes but when we do a hundred we do a random Harry Potter quote trivia and then when we hit 200 we do a um oh my gosh an impersonation impersonation from the Harry Potter series that chat tells me what to do Chad tells me what to do and I obey sometimes Ellen thank you for the Super Chat and guys thank you so much for the likes then we had uh Nico with a super chat James wants you to tell a story about you went into the wrong Studio oh yeah okay okay here we go that's that's good actually all right let's get was it wizard PhD was it wizard PhD okay I'm gonna have to ask her then because I I was thinking it was her and I didn't want to get it wrong Jack fraggs has nighttime footage too nightly Sinister thank you for the Super Chat yes Wizard PhD she watches a lot if she's here I'd love to know how she got that would love to know okay so here's some behind the scenes stuff for you guys so the day of the event uh James and I rode over together again James expect to go I need I want to make sure I say the name of his channel so it's just so his channel gets plugged anytime I bring him up but I just I know him as James so we went over and we went to the wrong side it was like on one side of the road was the WB Studio Tour on the other side of the road was where we're actually supposed to be and I'm terrible directions you guys know I say that on stream all the time Mrs raconteur knows this all too well so I was just like following James like yeah whatever whatever they said and we go in there and so we go in and they had all this like Wizarding World stuff and so you know James and I we just start getting like oh what's this what's that so here's one picture the tri-wizard cup so we're just walking around looking at all the stuff they have in there there's one of them right there and I think we were supposed to be on the eighth floor and so there were some security guards in there and we said where how do we get up to the uh eighth floor we're here for uh WB Games thing and they said uh there is no eighth floor here oh wait a second we're supposed to be across the road but it was fine they they waited for us we made it on time so we we went back across the road dude I know I had another picture of us being in that uh oh wait maybe it was a video yeah let's do VLC here oh come on VLC come on VLC here it is so they had like this Black Adam stuff so James and I mean we're just hanging out we're just like oh this all looks cool this stuff looks awesome in here so we're getting photos getting video it was the uh it was a WB Studio Tour though that's where we were we were in there by accident okay this might be a video let me see what this video is oh that's when we were at Universal that video right there yeah we'll talk about that too we'll talk about Universal too that was that was later everything runs in my head because I was literally there I think about hold on I got in at well let's just do let's do that let's do a chronological recap of the trip here hold on though another Super Chat from uh Gleason did I get to see how big the map was or a wizard Harry okay Gleason here's where this is where I failed you guys this is where I failed I forgot to pull up the map I forgot to pull up the mat however however even if I had pulled up the map we wouldn't have been able to show it we wouldn't be able to show it they didn't want to showing off any menus because a lot of the menus that pulled up like still had Dev code stuff in there so they had to jump us to different sections of the game so they just said no menus other than you know stuff that we'd already seen was fine or like menus like this was fine so I couldn't be I couldn't have showed it even if I had but um I think Ben I think Benjamin snow pulled up the map a couple times and I want to say there was another video I saw they they talked about opening up the uh the map as well but yeah I was kicking myself that I didn't do that kicking myself that I didn't do that Supernova with a super chat as well thank you Supernova for the sport what part of another math question part of the map are you most excited to see more of well so we were limited in our footage to like just the Hogwarts grounds and so I flew around I knew I wanted to go around the Quidditch Stadium because I knew people would be curious like can you even fly in there so I did that but I want to see all the Forbidden Forest stuff like if I had to pick one spot that we haven't seen I want to see The Forbidden Forest and be and because we don't really I mean we don't even know wait we don't know how far it extends like there's still some questions about do we actually go to Azkaban at some point we're pretty sure we go to Gringotts we see that like through the little portal in the trailer pretty and we see us kind of riding on the cart we're pretty sure we go there at some point like when do all those things happen right game and like if I had if I had to pick any location if I had to pick just one I'd say Ministry of magic but as far as like kind of in the surrounding area of Hogwarts yeah I want to see what all they're hiding in the Forbidden Forest what all are they hiding in there that's what I want to see but thank you Supernova appreciate it appreciate it okay so oh this is a good story to tell James if you're still here this uh James was talking about this earlier in history when we all started finding out like did you get an email did you get an email about this I kid you not guys I kid you not I want to say we got it around December sometime it was a Tuesday it was a Tuesday on a stream night on a stream night I had just hit the go live button and whenever I hit go live I had like a 10 minute countdown I had just hit go live uh I have a bathroom it's like right on the opposite like on the other side of this wall so it's very close I went out started my countdown went out went to the restroom came back in checked my phone I was like you know just like habit checking my email and I I thought it was a joke I thought it was a joke at first for because the email it doesn't come from the email you would think it would come from so I was kind of like what it seemed very official the way it was word and everything seemed very official but I still you know I'm just skeptical by Nature so the countdown's ticking it's like two minutes before I'm supposed to start streaming and my jaw is just kind of what so I'm like okay I just have to like take this out of my brain right now separate it put that put this into another section of my brain and I'll think about this later do go through the whole two two and a half hour stream James oh my gosh expect to go he's been up over how many hours now have you been up James how many hours I just have to force it for my brain so I force it for my brain go through the whole stream and then I like my DMs are blowing up James is like retro exclamation point retro more exclamation check your email have you checked your email and then I knew then I knew it was legit I knew it was legit so we've known we've known about this for a little bit now we had to go all through like the holidays and new year's like waiting because they said we'll have more info in the new year so we go all through that we had like two days for for the people that were in La there were I think there were two different sessions you could pick from and we were trying to coordinate a little bit so we could all be there at the same time I just picked Thursday because it was better for my work schedule but then I said I was going to talk about Chandler later Chandler and Eric so I found out later Chandler and Eric were actually wanting to meet me the night before like like a Tuesday night into Wednesday and I wasn't gonna be flying until to Wednesday like late late Wednesday and they had some other stuff they had to go take care of they were heading out well I think Chandler post I think he tweeted a picture so I think I could say it yeah they were flying out across the country somewhere else and so it didn't look like I was gonna get to meet Chandler and Eric at all I was so bummed but Chandler had said he told me kind of what time their flight was leaving my flight got in a little bit early and in their flight I think their flight got pushed back a little bit so I almost let I almost just left the airport because I was like I don't want to bug them but I didn't I didn't leave and I only took one picture I don't know what Eric Eric's lip was trying to like operate away or something my wife would my wife is gonna be so mad because she's like you always family pictures you know you got kids in the picture guys Pro tip for you Pro tip when your wife or your girlfriend your significant other partner whatever ask you to take a picture always take more than one always every single time you take more than one yo there's Chandler Chandler in the chat what's up Chandler thanks for being here and hanging out dude yeah I would so I was so glad we got to meet up and so I I yeah I DM Channel like hey I got a little early you guys want to meet up real quick if you have time you know I don't want to bother you or anything I'm in La never been to this airport so I didn't even think I could get over to where they were but I was like what's the worst that could happen I don't have to get on another flight I had to take this shuttle that like took me across the airport and then so we met up we met up we hung out for I don't know half an hour or so and I kid you not guys I kid you not like it's all you know when you you interact with people online that's one thing but when you meet people in person it's like a different ride sometimes so I'm like oh man you know is this going to be awkward is there going to be a lot of small talk no no I mean I felt like I knew these guys I I hope they felt the same way because that's that's how I felt I mean there was no awkward like small talkie conversation we were just like we just hit an enemy of course they they probably feel like they know me better than I know them I mean especially Eric Eric's very behind the scenes right so Eric those who don't know Eric's the one in the middle there Chandler of course everybody knows him so Eric marketing manager and then Chandler the community manager so Eric's a lot more behind the scenes Chandler a little bit more forward-facing he's been in the showcases and stuff so they probably felt like they knew me a lot better than I knew them but it was dude I mean we just like we hit it off we talked about we didn't just talk we talked a little bit about Hogwarts Legacy we talked about games in general and just like the hype and and the excitement of the fandom and just how how crazy this ride has been so my trip started off awesome you know got to meet meet them hang out for a bit with those guys and then the plan was to meet up with uh expecto go Benjamin snow wizard tricks wizard PhD and pink Ravenclaw and I had told them I was like hey let's meet up for dinner so here's where the trip kind of takes a little bit of a downturn a little bit of a downturn here is because I got introduced to LA traffic for the first time oh couldn't live there man could not live there could not live there LA traffic is something different so all those all the Hogwarts Legacy people they were waiting on me for dinner they didn't say this but I I'm pretty sure they were so I'm texting James like dude I'm so sorry you guys just go ahead and eat don't wait for me please do not wait for me go ahead and eat so they go ahead and it takes me it takes me over an hour to get like I think it's like 13 miles 13 14 miles over an hour oh I forgot this picture though this is so cool so I'm on the plane look what this person was watching in front of me you guys see it take a picture of that I thought that was so cool I cracked up when I saw it it's like oh I gotta take a picture this will be fun this will be a fun picture right here so yeah finally I get to the hotel I don't even remember what time it was when I got there and I wish I wish I had gotten more I I see why people have camera Crews like I wish I could have documented this whole freaking night and a half basically I wish I could have documented all of it so finally got to meet up with James and all those other creators which Let's see we got some photos here there's Benjamin snow Benjamin snow very very tall I guess I don't know I'm pretty close pretty close but yeah Ben's pretty tall Chandler's pretty tall as well and then let's see here's Lynette got to meet Lynette I thought we had a group photo too here's wizard tricks I didn't even know wizard tricks before this trip so wizard tricks has a really big Instagram this man's got 100K followers on Instagram so if you you are on Instagram check him out he does a lot of Wizarding World content and from what I understand from James covered a lot of wizards unite as well and then let's see I think we got Rita in here too yes there's Brita pink Ravenclaw got to meet up with her so this was all like in the hotel that first night we could I could have talked all night both uh Brita and Lynette had early flights the next day so they didn't get to stick around too long but uh it was just so awesome meeting them so awesome meeting them and then let's see I didn't even get a picture with James that night that was the first time James and I met was that night I think James has the one oh he sent it to me but I don't have it in this folder I'll have to pull it up later I'll have to pull it up later you like these pics Chris thank you thank you yeah all right so let's fast forward let's get to the day that we get to go play so we already talked about how James and I went to the wrong uh we went to the wrong side what's up nightly nerd how tall is Ben and Chandler that's a good question I don't know the exact exact height I'm not sure yeah there's all right let's see what else we got what else we got here so yeah we go over to the event we finally find the right building and we go in and they took us up right away and so we were at first there were a couple of avalanche people in there we were talking to a lot of the WB folks as well which by the way I got a shout out I mean everybody from I don't know if they want their names they probably don't want me broadcasting all their names here Chandler and Eric they're a little bit more forward-facing they don't care but I I mean I just have to shout out all of the uh the people who set all this up like from the people that just were emailing us from WB I'm 510 nightly nerd I'm 510. Chandler six two I was gonna I was gonna guess six two yeah I was gonna say about six two six three close close 510 for Austin as well nice yeah so all the people at WB though I mean just the people who were emailing us to set set all this up from the people who we met the day of who helped us get settled in there and helped ran the session so I don't even know I don't know if this part was intended but after we finished up our gameplay we kind of just I was like I'm just gonna stand here and talk until they ask me to leave like how long can we actually stay up here could I like could I go again could we go for another game no I didn't ask for that but I was like I'm just gonna hang out here and chat so they're like hey we got lunch you guys want to have lunch sure we'll have lunch and then one of the highlights of my trip one of the highlights this moment right here this moment right here getting to meet Boston and Allen so I met when we first got up there we went into this room where we watched a little presentation it was a video presentation from Alan here so Alan it was um a lot of if you've been following the games the last stuff we already knew but there was also some new stuff too about like there I mean as we've talked so much like about the passion of the team and how excited they are for this that really came through in the video that they shared with us there not like a ton of new gameplay footage or anything it was mostly Alan talking and sharing some stuff with us so that was pretty cool I'd gotten to meet Boston for a just like a split second right before this and I hadn't got to meet Alan yet so I was like I was probably annoying them because I was like is that is Alan here I want to meet Alan I want to say hi to Alan so Alan doesn't come in until we start our gameplay session so we're in there we're playing games and I see him he's like so if I'm I'm like playing on the monitor right here he's standing behind the monitor I just finished the combat section it was like the crossed wands and I was I was just like so into the combat I had to I had to I hadn't even actually met Alan yet I'm just like Alan the combat I just gave him like this big thumbs up big thumbs up I was like I haven't even met you yet but I just gotta I just gotta say the combat is so good so good so we had our gameplay session like I said James and I asked for the uh for the performance mode so all our footage in performance so that was cool then after like meeting all the people like all the creators and all the different people I mean you guys we met some of the people who are QA testing the game again I don't know if they want all their names out there and stuff but you guys know who you are all the people that we met from Avalanche all the people that we met from WB were just so so nice so accommodating and hearing them talk about all the different aspects of the the different parts of this game that they worked on and stuff it was it was so fun so like I said after we played the game that's when I I had a chance to talk to Alan and Boston even more because I was like I got so many questions for you guys I got so many questions and one of the highlights is when Boston told me she watches our Harry Potter Let's Plays guys Boston watch I was so I was like oh my gosh are you serious because I the question I asked I asked Alan I was like did you guys play a lot of the old games in preparation for this because for those of you who watch our Let's Plays here on the channel you know we just played through um Goblet of Fire which is a it's a rough one rough one to get through but in in the Goblet of Fire game they have this meter it's called the magickus extremus uh meter so I was like I just gotta ask Alan is that where the idea did you guys get the idea from that and he actually said they they did not play a lot of the game like the old games to do a lot of research that they wanted this to be kind of a fresh take that stood on its own which it totally is but then I think it also has so many little things that kind of hearken back to those old games which it sounds like it was almost unintentional which makes it even more I think even more epic that it was like that but yeah Boston said she watches the Let's Plays she's been watching some of them we talked about midnight Harry Potter releases going to midnight book releases and let's see did we have uh we had a couple of new subscribers come in thank you guys for subscribing Gleason with the five dollar Super Chat sorry I missed that one let me let me scroll back and make sure that I uh okay Supernova and then Gleason what were the rules we had to follow for the event did you get sorted into us no so everybody was Gryffindor worked out for me right it's Marty Gryffindor everybody was Gryffindor we did get to create our character at the beginning how are you I didn't want to spend a lot of time on that because we've already seen it you know I just wanted to get into the gameplay [Music] so we uh created the character that was you know right there at the start and we didn't do any kind of sorting or anything so it was we did get to pick the uh the attire though so as you're checking out all the other content creators footage at first I thought I saw James because in inspector goes video he had like a green cave I was like oh wait did he do Slytherin but no it was just different uh different clothing we couldn't show the clothing menu we weren't allowed to show the clothing menu but they did let us pick at the beginning there were all these different clothing options we could pick from and as you see like if you watch the if you watch just my gameplay footage I don't know how much of it is going to show in the um there's not a ton of it that shows in the in the preview video I did but if you go back and you watch the full gameplay footage you'll see is like I'm looting you just get random clothing items along the way as you're going and so full the game is full transmog they the the gentleman who was helping me from Avalanche we all had kind of like a person who was assisting us make sure we didn't go too far off the beaten path but also just to kind of help us if we ran into any trouble and so the person who was helping me was was really talking up the the ability to like you can you can wear whatever you want and keep the stats you want so you know in some games it's like you find this piece of gear that has these awesome stats on it but it looks terrible you don't have to worry about in this game you don't have to worry about it you're gonna be able to wear whatever you want even in classes which which um trying to decide how much of this I could probably share so as you go through the game like there may be times when characters comment on the stuff that you're wearing maybe but only certain things but only certain things so that's like one of those fun little Easter eggs that'll be fun to uh discover on your own I don't know I don't know what it is I don't know what like the clothing item is but we you already see a little bit of this in the footage that I shared today the preview of the game so as I walk by that Fountain and I even call it out and let you guys hear the audio the Slytherin makes a comment of there's the troll Slayer of hugs and I think there's gonna be more stuff like that yeah I think there's gonna be a lot more stuff like that so as far as like the other rules go yeah we just we did the Character Creator Gleason we did a little bit of exploration around Hogwarts we had to stay on the Hogwarts grounds so we kind of got to fly around a little bit I spent too much time looking for secrets I'd been told won't mention any names but I've been told that there were some there were some secrets that I should try to find you're a wizard oh yeah let's go I'm gonna try to find these secrets so I spent too much time looking for Secrets I could there were a couple mini games that I could have done outside the castle I know expecto go got some of this in his capture of when he's like playing doing the accio on the little board and the balls you like accio and draw them forward I didn't get any of that or a wizard I didn't get any of that because I'm just I'm just like flying around jumping in the water doing all that stuff so yeah Hogwarts grounds we had to stay on there and then when we got into the castle we had we had somewhat Freedom once we got in the castle I got to go through all of the library I got to go through the hermology greenhouse and that little fountain that Boston described as kind of like the Grand Central Station of Hogwarts that whole area that's where we spent a lot of time and then when we when we got into the mission it was basically just play the mission yeah oh and then cross once we had cross ones as well yep so as far as like um limitations yeah they had like those areas where we they needed us to stay and then on the footage really all they said was like don't show the menus and that was just because there was like there's Dev stuff that sometimes pops up in the menus like Dev code and that kind of thing yeah all right let's see more subscribers trickling in guys welcome thank you so much Dr Sherman almost 900 holy cow okay that's officially a record Dr sherbet thank you for the Super Chat and then we had Dylan gifting five tier one memberships Dylan what is up dude Dylan another moderator guys shout out to Dylan always showing love and support thank you very much Dylan and congrats to the new members of house wrecking tour congrats to the new members enjoy your emotes you get discount on merch if you want merch and a special Discord role as well feathers with the five months yo feathers good to see you here and then a couple more subscribers coming in and then L one with another Super Chat oh my gosh Owen too much love and support from elwin you guys shout out to all the creators who never forgot about us even while taking this in this amazing experience we know you tried so hard to get all our questions answered cough PC line gameplay call good point for bringing that up Ellen yeah to all the PC folks out there I did ask and Chandler if you're still watching I don't know if that's something you guys will be able to show at any point but I did ask it's like are do you know if there are any plans to show off like PC controls beforehand and they they didn't know that the people I was were talking to you know they were they were helping me out with the demo uh they did say they know that they're obviously working very hard on making sure that it's a good experience but I really do I really am curious I'm not gonna play it on with mouse and keyboard but I am curious because it seems like it's so well built for the controller right so well built for the controller I mean we're we'll talk about combat here in a second because I was the combat I was so impressed by I really was when I stopped I'm not exaggerating when I stopped in my gameplay and had to give Alan a thumbs up on that volte with a super chat there's that murder I heard he killed someone wait what is that that's from three minutes ago volte thank you for the Super Chat I don't even remember what I uh don't remember what that was in reference to Draco Chandler said you were very close was that close Chandler oh my gosh I'm so mad I felt like I was in the vicinity I felt like I had to be in the vicinity um well there you go guys there's there's a secret somewhere some a secret cave that we're gonna have to find when the game comes out a secret thank you Draco for the Super Chat appreciate it volte with another Super Chat I hope the students say stuff about us using AK I didn't think about that so yeah when we when we have access to crucio that is jumping forward a lot further in the game we don't know how much further Oh I thought this was awesome too so in our hotel I wish I'd I should have gotten a video of this this was actually the elevator so the elevator when you got in that's what it looked like so you can kind of see there's like a thin line right there that's where the elevator door opens I wish I'd gotten video of that like opening and closing but thank you volte for the Super Chat I mean I think also there's an article that we need to read at some point I think it's from game rant this morning this whole day's just been so crazy but there was an article where there I know Alan's been doing a lot of interviews I saw him pop up on IGN and a couple of other sites so there might have been a lot of stuff in that game rant interview that we need to get caught up on later pineapple cheers Productions with a super chat hope you had fun did they give any indication on if combat difficulty would be based on AI changes or damage changes good question I don't recall they I will if you check the port key game support website and also WB game support on Twitter they've been working overtime lately they are answering I mean I've I've lost count keeping up with all the questions that they've been answering from people on there about the game but that's a good question I feel like I have seen something about it but I don't I don't want to speak on it pineapple and get it wrong I don't want to speak on it and get it wrong I was playing on normal difficulty and it just as far as like how it felt it felt like a good a good challenge I think we were at level 19 when we were in that story Mission I think level 19 is what I remember so that kind of give you an idea of what it will be like uh Gleason with another Super Chat as well I'm gonna be playing on PS5 Gleason yeah PS5 and that's that's what we were playing on at the event that's what I have it pre-order for as well lowercase Logan in the house what's up Logan good to see you here my friend retro first of all you're awesome my question how did the flying feel and I thought we couldn't fly very high look like you all went High I see I remember Alan saying that lowercase Logan as well I tried to go up pretty high because I wanted to see if I could get footage of the you remember the Boost meter the little yellow meter and I'm pretty sure it was the second gameplay showcase when they showed off the flying they showed like as you get really high that meter will start to go down I did go pretty high and I never got it to happen so I don't know if I just like maybe I could have went higher and didn't know but thank you for the Super Chat and thank you for saying I'm awesome appreciate that you guys are awesome you guys are awesome but yeah we talked a little about the flying how it felt earlier so the way they I think they want it to feel a little bit sluggish it's not supposed to feel like you're on this Fireball like in Harry's day plus you're going to be able to upgrade it as well so when you first hop on it which actually lets uh we can pull that back up because I had a pretty good view of it right here so here you see you see that little trail behind so right now I'm holding R2 that's when it felt the best to me but when I let go of R2 right here coming up right there you kind of just getting like this little hover position and you can still fly like that and so when you're flying like that it's kind of like it's more like a Scenic kind of looking around type thing but when you hold R2 and and we also know you'll be able to upgrade your broom be able to upgrade the broom as well all right let me get back to my pictures here you guys are asking good questions though yeah keep the questions coming which by the way I realized we didn't even is this the Allen they're multiple Allens so there's a so here's Alan Johnson right here Alan Johnson works for WB he was there got a picture with him shout out to Alan Alan's very cool James already knew Alan from uh the Wizards unite days then I got a chance to meet Alan as well but I think that Allen you're probably referring to is uh Alan two so this is this is Alan two right here right here the game director okay and then at the event so the other thing at the event James did get a picture of all or somebody got a picture I don't even know who took this picture who took this picture right here I think it's one of the people for WB okay shout out to Miranda lorians as well so I did not know the the session that James and I went to there were there were four of us there so the other one pictured uh we didn't get a picture with her but there was another person there too Miranda we met on this trip for the first time we James and I were just having lunch again we kind of stuck around they didn't ask us to leave they said hey you want some lunch so I said uh sure yeah well why not guys why not let's sit up here and chat for a little bit longer and then Miranda was one of the other creators there so she saw James and I talking she came over sat down we started talking and just kind of hit it off talking all things Hogwarts and content creation YouTube all that stuff so we hung out for a bit and then oh this was this was a cool part so they had us this was a surprise we didn't know about this till I found this out like the morning that I was flying out we found out that they had gotten us tickets to The Wizarding World or to Universal which has the Wizarding World in it in LA so but because I wasn't getting in until a day later James had already used up his ticket so James went with a wizard PhD Potter collector was there too shout out to Peter I'm so mad I wanted to meet Peter Peter from The Potter collector you guys been covering Harry Potter the World of Harry Potter for so long on YouTube does a phenomenal job on his channel I really wanted to meet him I knew he was going to be there wanted to meet him didn't get a chance to meet him because he was there the day before but um so James had already used his ticket to Universal and so would all the others so I was like oh man I'm gonna have to I mean I'll go to Universal by myself I don't care I'll just I'll do everything I'll Vlog you know that single Rider line right so then we meet up with Miranda at the event it just so happens she she's like are you guys going to Universal after I was like actually I am so she and I went to Universal James I think went back to the hotel or he had a friend out there that he hung out with for a while so we went to Universal did a lot of vlogging eight of the three broomsticks had to have a butter beer did that so if you guys haven't seen Miranda's Channel she does a lot of Let's Plays she just Platinum God of War so plays games like God of War Red Dead obviously I think I think it's safe to say she's gonna be playing Hogwarts as well so it was great to get to meet her hang out for a while we do I do have a vlog yes TG I do have a vlog that is nowhere close to being ready nowhere close to being ready but I do have a vlog Gleason with another Super Chat thank you Gleason do you think you can customize the hogsmeade shop oh and thank you for becoming a member as well Gleason welcome to house rack and tour I don't know which are you talking about the exclusive or the uh one year timed exclusive PlayStation thing the haunted hogsmead that one I could see being able to yeah we didn't see anything about that that's just that's just a guess as far as other hogsmeade shops go I don't know I don't know David was here with a super chat David what's up dude so happy you got to experience it all also do you think we'll be able to sit down okay David I would really love to sit down on that stool from the winter ASMR okay guys all right all right I asked about sitting I asked about sitting and I I don't think you're gonna be able to I don't think we're gonna be able to we definitely could not in any of the stuff I saw anybody from Avalanche WB is watching and I'm wrong feel free to correct I don't think we can I'm not gonna say I'm 100 sure because they didn't it wasn't like a definitive no but if you remember that fountain actually let me just pull that back up too well you know what let me show you guys uh let's take a look at the new footage I just want to make sure I don't pull up something that I'm not supposed to show yet hold on um okay so let me go into this folder right here so if you guys have seen I'm sure you have seen a lot of the footage that's been shown today there is one little mini puzzle side quest kind of thing that we got to see called moth to a frame and we are allowed to show this this is one of the things we're we're allowed to show and this was just like an example of some of these kind of random Field Guide pages and things like that that you can stumble on when you're in Hogwarts all right hopefully this is not going to be too loud so it's only a couple minutes long it's about three minutes long no Major Spoilers or anything unless you guys don't even want to know about side quests or anything but let's just go ahead and watch this here hello I don't believe we've met oh The Voice a lot of a lot of people been commenting on my character's voice so I didn't spend a lot of time on the voice when you first start the game you get to customize your um like your tone and your pitch there's a little slider for it and right when I got to that point they were like we need we need to go to the next section so I literally didn't even have a chance to like listen to them I just pulled the slider picked picked one and went with it so some people have been saying my character sounds a little bit like a robot I didn't have time to tweak it did not have time to tweak it so this is in that little Fountain area so distracted at the moment everyone thinks I'm utterly balmy Samantha thinks I'm potty but it's this painting I never know so she had a little icon if I know win over talk to her empty frame doesn't appear for no reason how can you have a library there's something you can't sit in you can sit on your broom can confirm that so I'm just kind of showing the difference any insights about the dialogue options there I did discover lumos has an effect of some kind but I'm not sure what to do next dude if I have the time I may look I have to show you guys a picture of me sometime like from back in the day no beard this is shockingly close intriguing shockingly close my eight year old looked at it and said oh my gosh that looks like is that I know right I was trying to get it pretty close do come and find me if you stumble on something so there we go we cast lumos and as soon as we cast it says final location depicted in the paintings a spot must be a clue I should look around in case it's nearby and they were kind of guiding me through this because we were on a time crunch so they obviously wanted us to spend our time so I'm kind of looking at it like okay do I recognize this you guys already know me being not so great with directions you already know uh b-i-g-a thank you for the Super Chat as well did you see the full map dude I'm so mad at myself I didn't even think to pull up the map but some people did and even if I had pulled up we we couldn't show the menus or anything watch out it's the troll Slayer of hawks me right there watch out it's the troll Slayer of hogsmead so they were kind of guiding me where to go I didn't remember this you see that other field guy page just flying on vacation from the painting what could be so special about it so my first thought I was like oh maybe we're supposed to accio this so I try accio nothing it's just still sitting there lumos then we try lumos let's get you back to your starts flying around the wand and I also wish darn it dude I wish I'd went over there too and looked at that door [Music] which by the way I want to point out right here it's a moth remember how when we first started seeing footage people were saying that oh there's not like young like look this we got a really short wizard right here then a taller one here now another cool thing is I'm wondering I don't know this is me like putting back my speculation hat back on now I don't know if all the students are randomly generated or what because I was seeing someone else's footage today and the the students sitting right here they were wearing like quidditch robes so I don't know if that's all randomly generated or what I I don't know how that works I I don't know now the reason whole reason I decided to pull this up this Fountain right here to get back to David's question about sitting down there is a prompt that appears and a lot of people thought oh that means you can sit right there just like these other students you're a wizard Harry in this case no you could not I went over to it it is an interact instead you interact with the Statue right there so it was not a sip problem I dude you guys talking about everybody wants to learn the dark arts look at this Slytherin teach me everything going in fact if heckett doesn't hurry up and teach me the imperious curse I swear I shall get on that train and go home oh my goodness I knew that was a connection I should tell them and then right here you're a wizard this is one of my favorite Parts dude the sound cues the sound cues and the music oh they've they've they've nailed it listens listen this is that empty frame right it's so good and then we get another one when I complete the quest up here it's like slightly different Lenora I solved the mystery of that painting watch this I did this one for you guys I knew you all would enjoy this I'm afraid I can't tell you Lenora but then I couldn't stick with it I should have stuck with it but I couldn't do it I'm only joking we found the location depicted in the painting and then I cast lumos to guide a moth back to the frame all very logical I suppose pity hours she seems so used to solving it so upset you have a knack for solving riddles Matty's good at that too and then listen we've been pronouncing Amit wrong everybody we've been saying Amit here's the correct pronunciation so is a meat although he does tend to over explain well I'm glad someone figured it out a meat a meat guys you're a wizard Harry so good the music is so good so good also while we were there at the event while we were up there playing we um they had to Overture to the unwritten playing in the background and I think some other music too maybe that we haven't heard yet that that soundtrack is gonna be gonna be a must-have gonna be a must-have all right we'll let this play play again in the background so you guys can watch it through again oh let's see we had we answer big about the full map and then we had Moon Lily where you shocked when the animagus joined the fight yes I was before so shocked at that and do you think we might get a side quest to become an animagus like my hunch says no again nothing they said I didn't learn that's not anything that's just a guess have you gained any insights about it I don't think so but they they keep wowing they keep surprising they keep surprising so it's clearly like I mean they have the wolf animation built into the game maybe maybe the time I may look my guess would be no intriguing I wouldn't put money on it but it would be epic if they did and then we had dally boy with a super chat thank you my friend how's the flow of speed running stopping and then running again the animation whenever you stopped kind of seemed very abrupt also congrats hey Dolly boy thank you for the congrats appreciate it very much so I'm trying to think if I really had a spot where I sprinted all that much out I mean like right there all this felt very good all of it felt very good there was a time when I was on the beach like the location where oh man I'll have to see if I can find that footage I was like kind of near the water on the little uh like kind of like the shorelines get you back to your frame and it felt like my Sprint like it wasn't sprinting all the way and I don't know I need to go back and watch that and see if I can figure out what was going on there because the rest the rest of the time it felt fine so I don't know if my controller was bugging down or what but yeah I didn't uh I thought I thought it felt good like maneuvering the character I thought it all felt really good like the moment they put the control in my hand and I first took control the the immediate thing that jumped out to me like first gut reaction was this looks way better than anything they've shown so far and I'm on performance mode and it was also so smooth so smooth that was my first like just looking then once I started moving I was like oh this feels good this feels good this feels really good so yeah um I'm only joking I will say the combat you can only cast like when you cast your character will stop so unless I just wasn't president simply right I don't think you can run around and cast spells as they've described it before it is kind of like this long distance fencing which feels so good In the Heat of battle it feels so good music one more time and see right there collection updated so look at this we just unlocked this uh Cobalt regalia right there the I can't wait to see the stuff that people the attire that you unlock and all the different combinations people come up with so in the other part the second part when I'm actually doing the mission that part we didn't get to pick our it just kind of uh it was our same character but all the stuff they had on it just appeared I don't know why this is not going like all the way full screen I'm not sure let's get the music going again um let's see CJ with a super chat as well can't wait to see your let's play PS4 gang here hey thank you CJ yes you know you already know we're gonna be uh playing it here on the channel we're probably gonna be playing it live so if you guys didn't know this about YouTube now they have actually um they have separated out so if you go to my home page right here this is actually this is a good change videos shorts and live are now all separated so if if you watch my regular videos then you'll you know you'll see anytime I post a regular video but if you don't watch a lot of the lives then you probably wouldn't even see some of the stuff so you have to actually like click into the live and then you can see all the live streams we've been doing right there now if I go to home let's see I do think I have a little uh oh I have like a past live streams but I need to move that up so I can control this I'll move that up but yeah thank you for your support glad you enjoyed the uh glad you enjoyed the videos all right I'm gonna pull this one up now too so this is the uh so this is the story mission that we got to see so if you don't want to see I'm gonna have it muted so if you don't want to know about any of the dialogue you know just uh you just don't have to look at the at the words or anything I don't personally think it spoils too much but I've already heard from some people who are like I'm I'm tap I don't want to see any of it so I'll keep it on mute that way you don't hear it but this is a pretty cool this so this is what I was talking about like see my character's wearing blue gloves here then we got the little hat and then the the scarf is different to still Gryffindor and still my the character model that I picked though yeah and then SS Vita with the Super Chat yo thank you SS Vita appreciate it appreciate it how far does the relationship system go we didn't get to see anything anything about like relationships and how that system would work like this quest with poppy was really extent of it we did have the choice in the uh crossed wands dueling area we got to pick if we won a natsai or Sebastian as a as a uh oh what do you call it like the duo partner companion companion if we will I'm trying to think if there was anything else like that the Hufflepuff student Lenora she like talks about other students but we didn't know yeah we didn't really see like how the relationship system works and if it like builds if you do more activities with the character or not we didn't get really didn't get to see anything on that thank you for all the new Subs guys welcome welcome you're a wizard did you get to see the common rooms no I think they're safe well we've seen all the common room tours I guess in the videos they've released but I think they don't want to spoil that they want you to have that experience yourself for the first time oh but yeah man Gleason what's up need help in the Discord uh exclamation point Discord will get you to it if you need help like actually in the Discord a lot of the mods are probably here right now so they're they're probably not gonna be able to help out much but I'm sure one of them will be able to help after the Stream so unrated the attire for us in this section was random but it is not random in the game you get to you get to set that you're a wizard Harry you get to set it yourself it's like make sure this is the 4K I'm telling you guys I'm telling you YouTube doesn't do it justice the YouTube compression and here's another talking about little technical quirks watch this one right here and again I think this is just like not being the final version because everything I mean it was running very smooth but watch this like my character it's gonna jerk over here I'll watch it just like letting it play right there it's almost like it like I stepped on something in the world or there was an area there that I wasn't supposed to and it just kind of pulled me over hahaha oh it won't give you the roll okay you might have to um you have to make sure your YouTube and Discord are linked and then it might I don't know it might take like a refresh period I don't know I don't know how long that uh how long it takes Elwyn I think Gleason's talking about the special role the prefect role for channel members is my is my guess does our character have a name good one good question you get to name your character you get to name your character that is on the character select screen it's like one of the very first things you do yep when you make your character you'll get to name them so I chose retro reckon tour for my name and you can actually like you'll see it if you have subtitles on you'll see it down there at the bottom potion consumption so the only potion I use Moon Lily the only potion I used was wig and weld that one is mapped to I'm pretty sure where's my PlayStation controller I'm pretty sure it was down on the d-pad and it was like instant in battle it's very very quick the other potions that they're gonna put on L1 I didn't use any of those I don't even know if I had any I guess I should have looked the thing about the combat guys I can't stress enough how like frantic is the word I keep coming back to but I mean that in a positive way like usually frantic you might think of that as a bad thing I mean that in a positive way all the footage that we have seen Chandler talked about he said it in the Reddit post where he explained like guys I'm it's like I'm telling you Andrew's really good at the game he's really good at this game so all the footage like the gameplay showcase stuff the trailers like we're seeing the best combat can look now today you guys are gonna get to see some of the stuff where it doesn't look so great so this was one thing I was like it was kind of disappointing I was hoping you'd be able to use accio to pick these up so like I tried on the little leech right there and it didn't work so I just had to push square and then I tried it on the uh so I don't know maybe that's something you'll be able to unlock later but my guess is you're just gonna have to walk up and pick them up so there's probably only certain things that accio will interact with or maybe I needed to I don't think you could lock onto objects like that though I don't think so and then uh or division with the Super Chat what is up or division fellow Hogwarts Place Legacy creator if you haven't checked them out check out his videos see if see if enjoy them if you do consider subscribing or division thank you for the support my friend you should you should have seen my jaw body and mind completely drop while watching you today on my life oh did you watch it live that's great live reaction to it oh that's great amazing robes and facial expressions were weird but game is fire yeah somebody was asking about the facial expressions on Twitter and like the mocap I think I think it looks better than what we had seen I feel like it's about it's about 90 there 90 there I feel like and again even if that was as far as it ever made it I'm still gonna I'm still this game man I'm telling you I saw somebody in the chat asking like biggest concerns so we talked about that in the video like at this point at this point let's think about this hold on I'm gonna take a bite of a cookie you're a wizard Harry take a bite of a cookie here chat grab it grab a snack settle in settle in there's another um item right there you see lavender patch scarf it said foreign my biggest thing as I feel like it should be with most people for any game is how does it actually feel do you guys like if for those of you who are here last night we teased this last night on our stream Johnny that is I completely forgot about that Johnny they talked about that in the Autodesk though you're right you're right they had to get creative and do it totally different than they normally normally do for the mocap because of the uh the whole thing that happened in 2020. Chris so stoked to be here with everyone thanks mods for all you do in retro for literally everything all the bugs and issues seem so minor to me hyped hashtag hyped yeah yeah so back to the question though yeah Chris's comment kind of gets at that so for me I when I was uh Luke Stevens asked me to be on and we had kind of a conversation about hype and expectations and why I was so excited for this game he asked me about my hype level and I said nine out of ten that was before that video if anybody's seen that video that was all done before this this was just this just literally last week when we got to play and I said nine out of ten the only reason I didn't say 10 out of 10 is I was like because until you get the controller until you get it in your hands and you actually play the game for yourself it can look like the greatest thing in the world but until you play it now that I've played it I'm at a 10 out of 10. I'm at a 10 out of 10. even with even with the issues that we pointed out I'm trying to think so the videos seem like it seemed like a lot of the creators pointed out almost exactly the same issues believe it or not almost exactly the same which is I mean if you're Avalanche like that's kind of a I feel like that's a good thing because if you want to like prioritize oh we're going to work on this or that or oh the sorry you're that's not happening that's not going to be fixed I mean basically at this point whatever they're not working on right now it's not gonna make it but seeing this feedback now it could very well make it into patches you know those first couple weeks but I'm I'm like totally ignorant to game development I don't I don't know how long stuff takes I guarantee it all takes much longer than we we think that's for sure but um but when I got the controller in my hands I just I can't stress enough man like I knew I knew right away I knew right away just from the way the character moved just from the frame rate that it moved how smooth it was and then when I started casting spells I was like yep yep it's that feel it's just that feel that you you can't you can't judge you can't say until you play it for yourself and that that was the moment I had that was the moment I had and I was like yep all the concerns hopefully they can be fixed but I'll enjoy that I'll enjoy this game even if literally every concert we pointed out I'll still enjoy the game now just because I'm saying my hype is at a 10 out of 10 now that's not I'm not saying it's gonna be like a perfect game no game's perfect no no no game is perfect there are some that come close but no game is perfect oh I want to talk about this spot right here because here's another thing that I think is so amazing about watching all the different creators footage from today is just how different we like I learned something new something different that I didn't pick up on or something that I didn't see in just about every person's video that's Testament to create the creators first of all I think the majority of people covering this game have done a spectacular job with the videos today they've been awesome I've really enjoyed watching them um but it's also a testament to Avalanche and a testament to this game that we talked about and pointed out such such different things and in this I was talking to Ben afterwards Benjamin snow and he kept talking about repairing a bridge and I was like what is he talking about I never got a chance to repair a bridge don't know what he's talking about in his footage and I'm pretty sure Professor Lynette was her phds as well they did something maybe it was a barrel or something they did something that destroyed this bridge destroyed it it never happened to me never happened so all I did in this section I wanted to try out stealth so I did stealth on literally every enemy which it's it's Square petrificus totalus boom he locks up Falls over I did it on every enemy except the last one so poppy does the same thing she goes into the disillusionment as well and then this one I wanted to test I was like okay nobody's been alerted yet how close to this dude can I get so he was looking right at me so he sees this guy fall over I've heard Centos quieter than you he shouts poacher Ranger but then I sort of Dash away and I don't think he's I still don't think he sees me but then he did kind of turn my no he's now he's just panicking and then I have the ancient magic I'm like all right I'm not even dealing with this guy just ancient magic lightning bolts on him he's gone and my bridge isn't destroyed did I see what happened to Miranda right there no I saw uh I know in Wizard tricks is me wizard tricks has one of the best clips of this spot right here he just gets launched he just gets straight up launched in this little section right here he starts fighting these guys I don't know if he got discovered or what but he starts fighting these guys just gets absolutely launched off the cliff right there watched all the cliff oh my goodness but I did I haven't watched all Miranda's footage yet I haven't watched it what happened what happened in hers all right so we answer moonly using potions in combat smooth yet so I only use the Wigan Weld and it was just like it was instant it was instant I don't know about the others because I didn't get a chance to do those Christy what's up Christy here as well another fellow moderator thank you Christy for hanging out good to see you congratulations on getting to play meet everyone definitely deserve it but you sneaky I mean unbreakable vows Christy they're very you know you gotta keep your unbreakable vows but thank you Christy for the Super Chat and thank you for all you do on the moderator team as well SS Vita oh that's a good question I don't know the answer but I think I have an idea for you SS Vita asks do you know anything about the collector's edition coming out again no I don't like zero inside information haven't heard anything here's what I will say from my experience with the God of War collectors edition right here the hammer was included in that one that's pretty awesome um in in past with past games a lot of times like the week of launch even the day of launch the day after you will see stock start to come in people think it's new I just think it's like either people don't pick it up or they decide to cancel it like Amazon for example I didn't know if Amazon ever put them up I have no idea but I think they did but they just went out really quickly but usually they'll start getting some stock that opens back up whether from people canceling or whatever and then uh Jake with another Super Chat hi retro hi Jake how's it going good to see you good to see you thank you guys for the Super Chat it's very much appreciated Amazon gets a lot of restock Gabe said yeah you usually see that happen Nathan how did you guys capture the footage so oh this was awesome shout out to WB for this so we didn't have to bring anything they had so the plate that we had the PS5 we had the computer monitor and then we had this Elgato 4K 60 I should have looked I think James looked at exactly which one it was and you just popped the SD card in you hit the little button to start recording and that was it it was awesome then they gave us the SD card actually you're a wizard here it is right here here it is dude you want to know how like preciously I treated this thing through the airport and on my way back it's like oh my gosh I'm gonna put this I feel like I feel like I should put this in a more secure place than just my pocket you're a wizard Harry um but yeah so it was it was a very nice very nice setup Cloud Roth 216 with the 25 Super Chat Cloud Rock what is up thank you so much for your support of the stream with the Super Chat there do you think we'll be able to use all the unforgivable curses but still make the Light Side choices when it matters congrats on getting to play thank you for the congrats appreciate it it's all it's it's a dream come true man wouldn't have happened without people like you either would not have happened oh okay so I feel like I need to say this before every question now so we did we didn't see anything about this there was nothing that would give me any indication but let me think so we did have we had crucio in this in this section here but we're like level 19 or something so here's the question again if you guys miss it do you think we'll be able to use all of the unforgivable curses but still make the Light Side choices when it matters I think so Cloud Roth I'm gonna say yes and I think that's what they mean by when they say there's no morality system I think they know that an awful lot of people want to use AKA crucio and imperio and still try to be a Good Witch and Wizard you know I think they know that so I don't think they're gonna have it like oh you just cast crucio you're locked into the dark path I don't think so I think that's what they mean when they say they have no morality system there's nothing that like tracks it I think what really determines the sort of path however many there are which we don't know if it's if it's two endings if it's like three endings five innings if there's different ways that different stories can like like can Sebastian's questline end what is this music get Sebastian's questline in in two different ways three different ways we don't know but if it can I feel like it will be tied to the like the dot like there will be a dialogue choice or or a point you come to in the story where you decide that's my guess but it's just it is just a guess Sharon good night thank you for being here Sharon let's see what did uh foreign not very Mr Moe other than so that's also a good topic too because I feel like people are kind of handling this differently we've always been very overly cautious on spoilers here and I mean we still are um our our kind of motto that the mods we've talked about is we've just said unless it comes officially from Avalanche then we're considering it a spoiler so like art book stuff it's official but it wasn't released in an official way that Avalanche wants so we like don't discuss it trophy leak same thing yeah it's official but we're not going to discuss it on stream this one's like in this little bit of a gray area where it's not directly from Avalanche but I mean we did we got all the footage from Avalanche this is what they provided to us so I guess yeah it is kind of official however and I was actually talking to some some of the folks at Avalanche about this um I was talking to them about what dealing with like spoilers and because fans have so many different expectations and and as a marketing team like it's a challenge right they have to decide every trailer they put out you guys they have to sit and look at like is that too much do we want to save that should we not include that should we include this do people need to see more of that so that I all I can tell you is they're always thinking about that so everything you see is stuff that they have decided is they feel comfortable showing me personally like I don't feel like this the footage that I have has any Major Spoilers are their story reveals yeah yeah there are like what you're seeing right now this over here we got it on mute just in case people don't wanna know anything about it but it is it is one of the game's story missions which you know there are rumors floating around about how long the game is but I I don't think it's a major spoiler but if you know only you can decide like what's a major spoiler for you I was talking to uh Dustin one of our one of our loyal members here who um got spoiled earlier today and saw something they didn't want to see and and Dustin was just last night telling us like I'm out for a while I don't want to know anything else and then got spoiled today by this footage which is something that Dustin just didn't want to see I don't even know what it was actually but so yeah everybody has a different level like if if you if if you know your spoiler level and you feel like hey see in a story mission which is not I don't think it's like the game's uh you're a wizard name plot it's not like the end or anything but if you're like I don't even want to know a single Story Mission then then yeah I mean it's probably uh probably time to to go dark on videos you watch related to it and that kind of thing but also I think you gotta trust and that's why I brought up the conversations I had with some of the folks that Avalanche I mean I think you just have to trust that and and the folks at WB like they they know they know the the Harry Potter IP has been under WB for a long time they they know the fans very well so everything they release is very strategic and they it's chosen deliberately so yeah hope hope that hope that clarifies a little bit for you zutara Bay what is up zutara welcome thank you for the Super Chat I have a dumb question no no dumb questions zutara you said you played this in performance mode what does that mean also so happy for you to experiences for saying congratulations a thank you zutara thank you for all your support over the over these past few months very much appreciated but no that's not a dumb question at all that's a that's a console thing it's console lingo for people who um are very familiar with consoles so basically what a lot of game companies have started doing is they give players the option this is only on Console because PC it's just PC have always had these controls so if you have a PC you already know that when PC games come out you basically can control you can control things like Shadows draw distance like you have little sliders for all these settings and you tailor it to your your computer system and what it can handle consoles have never had that they're like kind of a one size fits all and that's it's like a blessing and a curse right it's what makes them great because they're really easy to develop for and all that sort of thing but it also you know everybody gets kind of the same experience well as games and these con as the consoles have gotten more powerful it really started when Microsoft and Sony did like the PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X because for years console makers were all like they want we'll just make the game look as good as we can and then we'll have a low frame rate because for many years console Gamers were fine with 30 frame games at 30 FPS in recent years though they've started to realize that players want better frame rates and so if you don't if you aren't familiar with the frame rate and that sort of thing it's just like a smoother experience so when people say games run at 60 FPS that's a relatively smooth experience if the game runs at 30 FPS it's kind of like especially if you're really used to PC and like higher frame rate games and you go to 30 FPS it's almost jarring it's jarring because it almost looks like it's it's stuttering or something so there's a really long answer to say that performance prioritizes frame rate whereas the Fidelity modes that's the other mode Hogwarts Legacy will have Fidelity mode prioritizes the image quality so if you want it to absolutely look as good as it possibly can you'll choose Fidelity if you want the best possible frame rate you'll want to choose the performance mode instead that's that's the breakdown me personally I couldn't I thought it looked great in the performance mode all my stuff was performance mode I know expecto goes was in performance mode I think a lot of the others were in the Fidelity mode and when it comes out probably not a breakdown on this channel but they're very technical channels that break this kind of stuff down because there are trade-offs to each one their trade-offs to each one so you like you can compare and see like oh wow I don't feel like the visuals are all that different in performance mode so I'm gonna go in performance mode or you may say like geez if I don't even care about frame rate it doesn't bother me at all I want the best picture so you can go with the the Fidelity mode but yeah not a dumb question at all good question and thank you for thank you for your support pineapple cheers with another Super Chat totally agree the day night cycle will likely be narrative based and that's okay I think they should rip the Band-Aid off if so some are expecting Skyrim like days I don't I mean I feel like they've kind of already said in one of the showcases it was where um oh gosh Alan was saying something of like how I guess people were asking about classes too like are we just gonna be able to go to class every day how does that work and Alan said it's all it's narrative based it's like based on the story so you may have like you go to this class to kind of kick off with that Professor it's like a one-time thing you get a cut scene and then you don't have to you don't have to go and do that every single day then you can do like other little things like like the little mini game like the the mini game where you have the the ball that we've seen in some people's footage stuff like that so I mean maybe if they wanted to be a little bit more clear about it like exactly how this is how you transition which that's why I so if uh was your PhD ever I'll ask was your PhD after this stream Alex exactly exactly yeah wizard PhD was one of them and there was there was somebody else too they got to see night but I don't know how they did it it'd be really interesting if it just kind of happened automatically I want to raise a baby dragon oh I hope so moonly I hope so we didn't get to see any room of requirement stuff or like the vivarium stuff I didn't get to see any of that oh maybe pineapple Maybe but yeah somebody earlier was asking so like biggest concerns now based off what we've seen so we pointed out like the technical stuff that who knows maybe some of it'll be fixed maybe some of it won't I can tell you if literally all of it is still present in the final game I will still enjoy the game then the question becomes how is the game as a whole right so we've seen a couple of different vertical slices now some specific sections that they wanted us to see then what is it like when it all comes together what's the story like how does that how do all the different story lines interweave together are the how's the mission variety so this Mission the mission that we have with poppy similar structure to a lot of games you see have this first little kind of cutscene where they talk kind of describe what's going on then they have a um kind of like this little investigative investigative I think that's how you say that word investigative section where you're having to use revelia which by the way revelio guys you're gonna you're gonna use that a lot it's like um remember in the Batman Arkham game so it has like the special Vision Vision same thing for Joel and the last of us this is like one that actually makes sense within the within the world right revelio you can be using that a lot a lot because you can see enemies you can see like the treasure I don't know if you I mean we had access to it in this so I don't know how early you'll unlock it in the actual game but revelio dude it's gonna be your bread and butter it's gonna be your bread and butter gonna use that a lot you can see that I am if you watch this this video I have pulled up right now I was constantly casting revelio when we get down there where the dragons are I'm just like revelio revealing I don't want to miss anything and it also helps you kind of plan out your stealth if you're gonna try to play stealth instead of going in like crazy gotta have a photo mode Dr sherbet I I had like a list of questions that I wanted to ask that was one of them and I just didn't get to it I didn't get around to it our conversation started leading Us in so many different directions with all of the uh the folks that we got a chance to talk to afterward that was one that I was I was mad at myself for not asking but I don't know if they could have answered it anyway the good thing about photo modes though guys is a lot of times you'll see them at it after the game comes out like I know God of War did that God of War just did that and games do that all the time here's what I'll here's what I'll say they they're listening they're listening you guys they are absolutely listening so I guarantee they they've listened to all the concerns that creators brought up in the videos they've listened to all the things that we were excited about so they hear us and I feel like Photo mode is one of those things that again I'm ignorant on game development I don't want to say how hard or easy it is it could be very incredibly difficult to do could be really difficult to do but to me is like someone on the outside it's like oh you know that should be that should be something should be something that you can uh add in Fairly easily later on that might be a good question to ask though at some point if I ever get a chance to meet or talk with any of them again I'd love to ask that I'd love to ask like how how difficult is it to implement something like a photo mode which it really is kind of becoming like a standard in-game like I feel people it's almost just something people expect now in the really good like AAA games it's like like God of War if they didn't add that in oh my goodness people would have been so upset if they didn't add that in I don't know why tonight like my whole like this little whatever whatever don't know why it's staying up there Chris with a super chat thank you Chris for your support swimming confirmed makes me think water Beast uh yeah you're a wizard Harry don't I mean I don't know if you guys want to be spoiled on that but um yeah I think so or a wizard Harry how many how many is the question here I'm gonna turn sound on for a second this guy this got some people you're a wizard Harry all right if you don't want to know creatures put your earmuffs on for a second put your earmuffs on for just a second but this this jump scare got some people you're a wizard Harry here we go that's the third time I've seen a dug bug behave that violently it seems to be more aggressive than usual lately I've noticed that too it's almost like there's something in the water I know right Poppy all right so remember guys like a few weeks ago on stream when we were looking at the second gameplay showcase and you guys are like there's a red marker in the water there's a red marker in the water dug Boggs dude Doug bugs Russian now that we know we could swim if you can get attacked by those things I didn't I didn't see if you could cast a spell while you're in the water but I know you can you can uh get on and off the broom in water like you could be flying hop off the broom land in the water and then you can like kind of pop up out of the water right back onto the broom you totally missed it Chris uh yeah it's uh shout out to the person who was uh assisting me with my gameplay because they were like they sort of prompted me they said uh take a look at this sweet little deer over here because I I was just looking all around you guys noticed I was I was just spinning the camera I was trying to get as much as I possibly could show off as many different sections of the game had that little moment at the beginning with the centaurs there but yeah then this right here so they're like yeah just look at this little uh Little Deer over here it's like Oh okay that's cool why do you want me to look over there and then I heard the music say what I know Dylan should I have should I have tried to jump in and swim right there oh somebody was asking about the uh why did it say why did it say Don't Turn back or something why does why does the game say turn back at the start good question Okay so where does it happen right so the way this session was set up we had headphones but they were also trying to talk to us at the same time so I had my I was doing like this number with my headphones so I had one side on and the other side I was I had off listening to them and then James was right behind me James was sitting directly behind me so I would hear him react to something cool and so I'm turning around like what are you looking at dude what are you seeing right now right um so I had my headphones kind of like this oh no OBS disconnected hold up hold up are we still here an entire Castle oh no oh no hold on hold on I'm a little I'm a little scared my computer just said OBS disconnected hopefully we're still here okay good everybody's still here whoo whoo 787 viewers could you imagine the stream dying could you imagine I've never seen that message in my life it said OBS Disconnected by the way hold on we had we had some super chats super chats come in here Dawes 19 with the Super Chat thank you so much dude I got a question is the lock-on system automatic or manual really excited for the game so it's uh it's R3 R3 so you can kind of look if you ever see me actually I think I do it right here I think it's right before this where we get to the centaurs if you hold L2 it's kind of like a uh I'm pretty sure it's right up here right when we get up here fully right there so that I'm holding L2 kind of Zooms in a little bit so it gives you like a little bit of a of an aim there wait hold on hold on oh that was Dawes okay I was like wait did I read the right yeah is the lock-on system automatic or manual yeah yeah so it's R3 when you're when you're in battle it's it's R3 so one day here but that little that's L2 is just like a little bit of a zoom and I have some or some more footage I'm trying to remember if it made it into my preview we have so much footage you guys so much there's there's so much stuff I'm still gonna be able to release and show over the next few days and weeks so much but um I was trying to when I was in the library I was testing out that little L2 I was like so is this is this L2 purely for zooming in and looking around I think it is because I was trying to use it to like aim at a field guide page which now that you bring it up the lock on only I don't think I could walk on to a field guide page I'm pretty sure you could only lock on to enemies when you're fighting in the battlefield because the um yeah I'll have to double check on that I will have to double check on that MX but I'm almost positive that with the field guide Pages it was almost just like a general aim kind of like not an auto lock-on but like I just had to sort of have it in the center of my view and then do accio and it would do it was I didn't log it definitely didn't lock on for those when you're in battle though it's R3 like you click R3 in that's how you lock on you can kind of switch between like that and then we had um AJ draws AJ draws what is up my friend shout out to AJ draws an incredible artist still my Twitter picture is a from a very awesome illustration that AJ draws did featuring a lot of uh Wizarding World creators still one of my favorite things AJ said just want to thank you for always being so upbeat retro love all your HP all you HP content creators appreciate the work you put into keeping us hype and entertained AJ thank you dude thank you for all you do ajoma thank you for all you do as well AJ draws but yeah man this whole Community like like uh James was saying today on his stream guys this is a place where it's it's okay to be hyped it's okay to be excited you know I understand people want to talk about cyberpunk and how you you've been burned by games in the past sometimes but you know what it's okay it's okay and if this came out and was terrible then we still we still made a lot of good memories right still made a lot of good memories and had fun along the way and thank you to the new Subs coming in there as well we're keeping Hagrid very busy tonight guys very very busy fall damage I never got any fall damage I know you can fall to your death though I know you can fall to your death I should have thought to do it but I never did there's a lot of beasts have been more aggressive than usual lately I know wizard PhD did so you can see what it looks like just jumping off and falling to your death yes yes yes we have a Discord there you go Dylan's on it thank you Dylan wait hold on is nightbot taking the night off there you go nightbot you better show up wizard PhD said there is fall damage there you go thank you feathers thank you what what is it yep good to know good to know and good question too good question what do NPCs refer to you as uh Trace yes order Merlin merch so I think that is a command as well summation Point merch let's see let's see or maybe it's yes it is good it's it's it's awesome when technology actually works the way it's supposed to yeah all all the stuff we've ever put out is still available on the merch on the merch store and if you're a member make sure you get uh get the discount you can go to our community page on YouTube if you're a channel member you get a discount on the merch so yeah then the other question was welcome to Gryffindor oh where did it go what do NPCs refer to you as I I don't think it was anything specific other than that section where they we heard the one say the troll Slayer of hogsmeade but yeah I I never heard any of them say like a special name or anything just just like generic you and stuff like that yeah Joe Machado in the house Joe Mack what is up my friend becoming a member of House racket tour we got to get out the hammer Joe we got to get out the hammer and officially welcome you my friend you guys if you don't know Joe I guarantee you've seen one of his Hogwarts Legacy memes guarantee thank you Joe good to see you here did I did we see anything after this poppy Quest no that was the last thing and then we all cried because we had to quit playing I'm not exaggerating man fast two hours of my life fastest two hours of my life it's like you're joking right that has not been two hours it's been like 30 minutes maybe oh right here but here was the question somebody asked why does it say return because Poppy got too far away from me this is when I was I mentioned how we were set up so I had my headphones like this so I was talking to the guy from Avalanche who was assisting me with the demo then James is behind me so I'm like you know James is going to get excited I'm hearing James behind me so I'm hearing all this other stuff around me and so I was I actually think it was the guy from Avalanche I was talking to I don't know and if you get too far away from her you'll get like this little uh we'll get this pop-up right here that says return to the quest area which feels a little bit tight to me like that feels a little bit tight I don't know if it needed to pop up that quick like why couldn't I have just stood there for a while and waited so it would count down I don't know what would happen if I let it go all the way down maybe it resets the quest but as you see me quickly start moving forward then I get close enough and it goes back to normal yeah yeah I think so modern gamer I think so vrr yes Jonathan VR has been confirmed on uh both PS5 and Xbox series s and X yes yes yes it has possible to save yourself using a Resto momentum good question dogs good question we didn't have access to that spell right here we did not have access to it but that is a great question the ultimate game Boss gravity right wondering if we go to the Hogwarts uh like the rooftops I tried and I know Lynette tried in her footage too so they said there will be areas you can you can land on I think it was just either turned off for this or I I couldn't I didn't find the correct spot I guess because I tried I was looking all around to see if uh see if we could imagine how fast time will feel post launch I know but then we get to start begging them for like DLC and sequels well first it's like okay I feel like first thing we beg for is like any we want anything fixed hopefully it comes out dude I cracked up at this part back to the question about the morality system stuff like this are the reason I think there's no morality system there's I mean there's a little bit of suspension of disbelief that you're gonna have to do here it's kind of like Nathan Drake right I mean the guy's really a mass murderer but he comes off as this you know Indiana Jones Action Hero Nathan Drake I think we're gonna have to suspend our our uh suspend belief a little bit because stuff like this is gonna happen and the dude falls off he's just gone and I I tell the guy I'm like what no I'm trying to play as a light wizard trying to play on the side of the good yeah what no we can't have this you're a wizard and he kind of just laughed like well good luck is basically the the reaction I got and then the other thing is the enemies they do kind of uh I don't think you get to see it right here but they just they vanish after a while so the bodies don't stay which I actually I think that's a rated T for teams this guy I was checking I was like okay good he's still alive but then see I should have I should have kept the camera over there he kind of just Fades away I actually think that's a ESRB thing I'm almost positive like if you leave bodies sounds awful to say like if the body stayed laying I think that starts to push the game into m m territory at least in the US I don't know how it is in other other countries but I'm pretty sure I'm right out so there you go you get a nice reveillo and then the the yellow is going to highlight your any uh treasure and then the red of course is highlighting enemies CAD Bane Bounty Hunter with a super chat thank you my friend if she gets too far away why would she stop yeah she should come back they stop in a lot of other games I thought or am I wrong yeah no you're right they do and and this was like maybe this this was a special thing for our build I don't know I don't know but yeah like I just I was literally just talking to the guy beside me and that that popped up and he was like oh go go so then I just quickly sped up and and it corrected I saw somebody else who tried to uh dude that spell is so awesome I'm gonna let you guys hear that I'm gonna let you guys hear the sound a little bit for this right here let me back it up because again I was kind of testing I wanted to see how far they could detect me I did cut right there because I stood here forever I was talking to the Avalanche guy like how close can I get if I do this right here are they going to see me and so he was kind of explaining it but then even then like they still don't know where I'm at Minister for magic himself what is going on here only one way to find out and again I can't get over how a lot of other people had this bridge destroyed then Ben was able to repero the bridge and it didn't it didn't prompt him for that it didn't like didn't say like here's what you do he just tried it and it worked so right now we've got Expelliarmus and then crucio and then the top one is repero and then we have revelia or not revelio um disillusionment disillusionment charm that's what we have right there Rebellion Jay I don't think so I don't think we can I didn't encounter it anywhere and I I specifically looked uh logs yeah PS5 PS5 oh that's a good question Apollo any extra information you can share that wasn't in your video we've already talked about it some if you guys go back and watch the replay I'm trying to think of anything related specifically to Hogwarts that we could share talked about how Boston watches our Let's Plays that was pretty exciting I love that um we talked about how Alan we talked a little bit about their inspiration from the old games and how they how they didn't really play a lot of the old games so to be excuse me to base anything from this game off of I don't know I'll see if I can think of anything else and then we had uh I cast knife oh my goodness that came in earlier with CAD Bane I'm so sorry I cast knife I hope you're still here you sent in a Super Chat thank you very much for your support when you were flying through the quidditch field did you get a sense of a Vibe this might be a thing in the future like a DLC I wish I could say yes but I I didn't I didn't I don't even think there were Hoops actually when I flew through there and I know that's like one of the big things people want to is like quidditch DLC please but I mean that again I'm not basing that on anything we saw or did it's just I I shouldn't say I should say I didn't hear anything about that one way or another just my take from flying through there it didn't feel like oh this is they can make this a game right here but who knows man like I said they they absolutely 100 listen to the community they really do quiddish you have its own full game I'm kind of in the same boat Jenny kind of in the same boat can you go to prison ask a man I don't know don't know we didn't see anything about that have a good one Christy thank you for being here hanging out no we did not get to try that little little pavado the uh no we didn't for the PS that gyro controls for the PS5 controller nope any major loading screens in Hogwarts castles that all seamless great question no major loading screens my wife pops in she's like trying to take I still have like a piece of a cookie here now she's dying laughing trying to not be heard on stream oh my you could say hi they think you don't even exist oh there we we got a hand we got a hand let's go Mrs racket tour dude I still had like a bite of a cookie left right here she's trying to take take away this try to take away the cookie come on now all right now we're done oh man that was funny thank you too funny you're a wizard Harry love the whole side quest feels very different from a Wizarding World story in a good way it did Joe when we open that tent that was probably my biggest jaw-dropping moment I mean I didn't I don't know what we were gonna find in there you know had no idea no idea Chris with the Super Chat oh wave I know we got a wave you guys who knows maybe one day she'll join me for a live stream maybe one day we can get her to join and then Elwyn with another Super Chat as well for 500 likes we get away she already she gave the wave I owe you a dollar 49 oh oh that's too funny trying to keep it relatively low so it doesn't uh let's see if we get a thousand light are we close to a thousand likes what if we get a thousand light oh my gosh I just oh we're four over 500. if we get a thousand likes I mean oh my goodness yeah we could do Luna is in here tonight and she's not asleep yet so yeah we'll we'll bring Luna on maybe if we get maybe if we get 700 see if we can get 700. oh and you did have to donate again to say that one with another Super Chat no I mean we have 500 likes and got away oh my gosh okay I want to know what you guys think about this because every I don't know if I've ever it's hard to get people to agree on the internet with just about anything but almost every Creator I heard that talked about this not that we did not that we disliked this mini game it was just a little unclear and I'm not gonna say it was broken but it just felt very I have longer footage of this too because I I added to this to speed it up a little bit um so it's it's a low Amora and then this is what happens you get this little lock picking game which you know we've seen a lot of games with with lock picking so the idea is like you have these these green and red Sparks and so the best way to do it is like you just want to just do one at a time at first I was just spinning them all like crazy you really just want to do one at a time so I I pushed the left one and then I start just rotating around but finding like the sweet spot so basically I'm moving this around and I want this gear over here to start spinning and so you see it kind of twitched there for just a second so I'm like what why does it keep and so I'm like okay maybe it's in this area and then then I get it but then I also you have to keep holding the left one and then do the red one at the same time you have to do that one too and so then I started seeing that other one Spin and so I'm like okay I think I'm I'm kind of close wait but then my left one started then the green one stopped and then right there I was like oh they're both they're both spinning they're both working I'm just gonna keep holding it and then it went it worked then it worked so I think if they maybe if they just like clarify a little bit on the instructions exactly or if they again this is where I'm like my ignorance of Game Dev is coming into play here if they like increase the the window of like Precision of like where you have to have it held I feel like that might make it make it better they did tell me they said that it's randomized so you won't get the same exact positioning every time and I don't think it will increase or decrease in difficulty either I think it's just like a set like that's how it is and every time it's just a randomized position dragon Dan how's it going Dan we couldn't show any menus could not show any menus therefore I didn't even I didn't really pull it up at all I think the spell should just unlock it yeah like I don't I don't hate the idea of doing some sort of minigame with it but it could it could use a few tweaks that'd be interesting Chris if they gave you the option to just like disable just have it the spell Auto this was it's hard to say favorite part because I just I loved the whole thing I loved everything we did but this was fun because things just went crazy right here and this is the fight where I really started to get better at the combat as I mentioned in my preview I've been playing so much God of War so just about any time you see me jump like right here I get the nice Parry right there that's protego with triangle I mean that jump is meant to be a roll so in God of War you know it's like X to do your role I gotta get you suppressed Circle so it's Circle for the roll I would have rolled forward and I just go right in man I was like okay they gave me crucio I'm just gonna use it the thing that I think will take people the most getting used to is when you get multiple ones unlocked and you have to like switch with a d-pad however and they stress this to us is that look we're jumping you the way you guys will experience this organically and we'll all experience it organically when the game comes out is it will be a progression so I don't know if we're going to start with four spells or one spell or whatever but I can I can guarantee We're not gonna start with like eight you're not gonna start with those multiple slots so it will be a gradual build up to this point right so somebody was asking about potions earlier there was wig and weld right there like you see how quick it was so I do the little that's an ancient magic attack right there boom boom boom the little slam on him and then right here I miss I should have done uh protego there but I'm really low so down on the d-pad we get the Wigan weld I was a little late let's see does that one damage me it does okay so I get back to full health so that protego was late and the button that you have to press when they when they do this little spell right right here I think that's levioso no no what is that one because it's purple or I did I heard her shout levioso though you see I'm kind of hovering there The Prompt that you have to press to get out of it it changes so I thought the first time I was like okay it's going to be this every time but it switches up it's a different button each time oh I'm finding new stuff too I'm gonna have to break down my own footage you guys what the heck is this he says you after the golden snitch what why would he be asking that you after the golden snitch poppy though Poppy's holding her own over there so then we get some combat going accio and then you see the little leaves that kind of fly around that is when uh poppy has some sort of plant on the battlefield that's helping us out I didn't use that enough the R1 oh did you guys catch this I haven't seen anybody comment on this I have not seen anybody comment on this did you guys catch that if you can't read it you could probably you could probably see it if you pull it up on the main video oh my gosh Dr sherbet and moon Lily I'm so I think you guys are being sarcastic that has been one of the biggest comments on my video today LOL it's Leviosa I'm like I get the joke everybody's trying to make but it actually is a different spell in this game it's levios oh levioso levioso o at the end it's a different spell we've talked about this before on stream it is not Wingardium Leviosa it's not so Wingardium Leviosa guys you can like you lift the object and you move it around levioso you can see the text you could see the text in the game it is a spell that it's basically love a corpus without like holding them by the ankle which Snape would invent this some of my favorite dialogue right here this loyalist Warrior I'm gonna rewind it so you guys can hear him I refuse to be defeated by a vegetable my gosh [Music] I think that's my favorite line of dialogue for the whole thing I refuse to be eat to beat not eaten I was gonna say I refuse to be defeated by a vegetable ah vegetables on the battlefield oh salt right oh he was not happy I know eaten by a vegetable all right so here's where I finally start getting pretty decent I'm like okay I'm feeling it now Dodge red one you always have to dodge the red one so we dodged the red accio confringo right in your face okay focusing on you now oh trying to hit me from behind that's all right I got protego you know what ancient magic throw on this guy boom right there now I got a little bit too close and so watch this is I actually like this I like a wizard if you see it's like hitting there because the way the targeting is it's like targeting I guess um if there was a way to like do a little Precision targeting on it I just need to back up I even tried another R1 but it hits right in front of him so I'm like okay I gotta just let him be for a second let me try to reposition there we go get a different position then we uh accio him and then that you see the little leaves the first couple times I watched the footage I could not figure out what happened here I was like poppy is is being held up right now how did this dude just fall over and then I found Poppy's little plant that has been deployed on the battlefield poppy has been deployed on the battlefield or Poppy's plan watch this boom it just launches oh wait what did what did they say about herbology that makes it even better she's literally making fun of the plant is this what they teach in apology these days hold on let me make it so you guys can hear it and I want to turn it up to Max because that was pretty loud listen she doesn't even get to finish do we already get the animagus oh we did I was totally talking over that part wasn't I I was totally talking over that part all right we'll rewind a bit uh also Let's see we had let's see uh Trent six minutes ago Trent oh my goodness I'm sorry Trent I missed that one uh with the Super Chat thank you Trent very much appreciate it scale of one to ten how would you rate your gameplay let's see let's see so just like game like just what I experienced not basing it off what I guess or hope I would say a nine I'd say a solid nine yeah I would say a nine and the potential for the 10 just because there's there's a lot of I know that's there that we didn't get to see and do didn't get to see and do yeah I would say nine like the concerns that I have are a potentially could be fixed B even if they were in the final game wouldn't bother me too much would not bother me too much now I'm to the point where I'm like I just want I want good mission for I want Mission variety I want um a nice feeling of progression throughout the game as you learn these new spells because again this section here they were putting us further into the game we don't know how far I think we were like level 19 or something and we had a lot more Spells at this point we had access to eight rather than just four so yeah that's that's sort of where I'm at now Apollo with another Super Chat as well did you try to open the map of argelshire oh dude people keep asking about them I'm so annoyed that I I didn't I didn't do anything with the map how are you don't come to Gryffindor so the morning the morning of our session I couldn't sleep the whole night I couldn't sleep the whole night I had flown in across three time zones I'm eastern time so I was already like thrown off by the time and just like the excitement of getting to meet a lot of these creators that I've been following for the past year or so here it was just like already excited from all that and then getting to play the game so I got up early he couldn't sleep so I was like I'm just I'm just getting up I'm just gonna go on get ready and so I went down to the lobby and I was just like taking notes like all the things I wanted to just like handwriting it out all the things I wanted to make sure I tried to do and see and ask about so I planned Apollo I planned and I I didn't the map thing totally slipped my mind just totally slipped my mind if it's if anyone did it though and it's out there a wizard Harry they probably can't show it then again I've already seen some uh videos that include things they asked us not to show just certain menus and stuff that we were we basically weren't supposed to show any menus other than like the uh you were allowed to show the menu when you hop on the Broom which I think I even took it out of my video just to be safe but that was just because some of the menus had like Dev Dev stuff in there but yeah I didn't think I didn't think to open it I wish I had I wish I had Apollo you saw one Creator try but it was cut off oh interesting interesting now I know for sure I'm going to spend easily five hours gawking at everything before touching any Mission once at Hogwarts right I kept getting you know what I loved and it wasn't I don't know that really anticipated this but just like the little Field Guide pages that are flying around those were so fun they were so fun because it's like there was a little bit of a challenge one time I went into the library so the footage that you I have way more footage of the library way more footage of that and the greenhouse so stay tuned to the channel this week I also have a vlog so I I focus so much on getting this video out I don't even know what what's next but I have a lot of footage of the library a lot of footage of the greenhouse a lot of footage of me flying around exploring Hogwarts and what's the other one what's the other one oh I can't remember oh the one I showed you guys tonight of of inside Hogwarts the uh The little moth Quest actually I do have that one ready I could probably post that tomorrow you after the golden snitch why are why are they asking you after the golden snitch no sorting ceremony Dan we did not see that we did not see that can enemies cast Avada cadaver on the player Panda asked we didn't see anything about that I think so I would assume so but we didn't see anything about that in the gameplay Jeremiah with a super chat yo thank you Jeremiah and Brad choosing to become a channel member yo thank you Brad welcome to house wrecking tour enjoy the emotes and enjoy the uh special Discord role let's see make sure I didn't miss any other channel members coming in there guys thank you for the likes by the well man crazy number of likes crazy number of people here hanging out to almost like something big happened today almost like something big happened but we do this thing every week guys and we're gonna be streaming even more once the game comes out so in the past we've our normal stream is on Tuesday we just did one last night that you know what that would be fun if tonight is your first time watching it would be fun if you went back and watched last night's stream when we couldn't talk about any of this stuff it'll be funny to go back and watch that now yeah we normally stream on Tuesdays we'll definitely be doing another stream next Tuesday and then next week the next the next week we'll be doing a big uh massive like Monday Monday countdown stream to when it releases presumably at midnight hopefully we'll get some info on that soon exactly like when it's unlocking in each region um yeah right now I'm assuming it's gonna be midnight Eastern Time Jeremiah with a super chat thank you Jeremiah change that nine ranking to nine and three quarters nine and three coaches you're a wizard what is it he says to him he's like 93 quarters playing a joke something like that I can't remember thank you Jeremiah Raven with the Super Chat as well Raven thank you I don't see a comment with yours Raven but thank you for the support appreciate it yeah Bean towns I'm uh I'm gonna be playing it when it comes out on the seventh the the deluxe the early one 600 yo let's go thank you guys yeah it helps more people find the video and then all of you who end up watching this later in the replay Squad thank you guys for watching as well make sure you leave a comment let me know uh what was your favorite part of all the gameplay we've seen here somebody asked about wife wants a wizard I don't think so and I I think that is on behalf of white one's a wizard wife wants a wizard is uh I don't know that that he's ever showed his face or anything on stream I think he prefers to be anonymous which is you know that's fine so I feel I don't know this for a fact but I feel I feel pretty confident they would have tried to reach out to wife once a wizard I do maybe dude imagine if he actually was there and just nobody knew that would be hilarious he was actually there but nobody knew it was him orders from Victor I do know for a fact that a lot of people at Avalanche love wife once Wizards videos though yeah Ultra Blue what's up you did great at least you didn't jump off a cliff I may have should have jumped off just to show it off Jay good question Jake can you cast attack spells anywhere you can cast them anywhere why I cast a couple of them in the library let me go back to my other video now let me go back to this video here uh let's see it's toward the end oh yeah and somebody oh my gosh I remember somebody asking the question a while back about loading screens there is no loading screens we did run into a door a few times where we would get a spinning white symbol from the door usually it was just like a second there was one time where I walked up to the door and it took an extra I had to back up and then go back through and then it then it went away one it's this lock picking where is the uh what did you ask about oh my gosh oh yeah the Spells make it so it doesn't happen here it is it's when I'm in the library I was I this is one thing I wish I'd had more time to do to just go around and see like what can interact and what can't that little picture frame not that one hold on you'll see me turn around here in a second because I was just kind of like oh that stack of books looks like it could be knocked over also giving see like look how close I am to chairs guys no prompt no prompt to sit down in any of these chairs so I don't think you can like right I was right by it right by it okay now right here is where I just start so this one R2 this is just like the basic shot so I'm just kind of trying to cast around see if it'll knock over anything to kind of pull that leech to me instead I had to walk over and press the square prompt to pick it up and then some things in the library would interact when I cast a spell right here picture frame right here so see that one did respond here and then others were not just for the heck of it I had to cast incendios and I do incendio I also so it does kind of leave this like charred look to the books couldn't get over just how immersive and cinematic this whole experience fell I told some of the folks there I said This truly felt I I mean that that last part I did I went up some other people after some of the WB people there I'm just like I I felt like I was back in like I was sitting down to watch a new movie in The Wizarding World Dan have a question about those pages like fragments a page that you need to collect World fans have dreamed two of three pages collected I think that the two or three pages I think those are just like little Milestones maybe they're part of an overall collection or something like that but I think it I think like the page you get I think it is a full page I think and then let's see we had uh Sean with the Super Chat what was your favorite thing about your playthrough oh that's so hard it's it's a good it's a good question a question I should have expected and having to answer I'm gonna say combat pretty surprised what I'm most looking forward to is exploring the castle but for this particular demo I'm going to say combat because we really didn't get to do a ton of exploring didn't get to do a ton of exploring for this it was the combat because I was just so impressed with how how it came across I mean it was it was just it was genuinely fun genuinely fun and I was I didn't want it to feel just like button mashing I didn't want it to feel like you were just spamming so that's why I was a little bit worried going in like these oh they've got this basic shots you know like what about all the talk about some of that all your regular spells and yeah so the combat really really blew me away with how good it is and how it's going to be very difficult to master a wizard so that's why I'm so curious to see the actual progression like because I think if we progress through the game normally again they jumped us to a further point in the game but progressing normally like let's say you just start off with one spell it's going to be a lot more of a gradual so you're going to get used to I will say you're going to really need to decide on what your kind of go-to spells are and how you want to have them mapped like on your controller like what you want on X what you want on Circle what you want on Square that sort of thing blue Powder fast travel I did get a couple of the Fast Travel prompts and I kind of stood right beside it to try and see but it didn't let me actually fast travel by it they probably had it turned off for this I don't know no room of requirement Cole we didn't get to see anything with room of requirement um and then we had uh let's see Elwyn with another Super Chat 600 likes convenient oh my gosh you guys are crazy you guys are awesome I'm pretty sure that's a record for Deering alive pretty sure that's a record and then we had dream and plays games with another Super Chat thank you so much dreaming pre-ordered Deluxe today on Playstation it said I could play on the seventh at midnight gotcha good deal good deal yeah I think I think that's how it's going to be like for us it'll be midnight like Eastern Time musical cue that plays right here see that's where a lot of people thought you'd be able to sit we saw this little prompt in a previous footage that they showed detail but yeah it's a it's it's use when you walk up to that use is the prompt that you get and then we had let's see dreaming and we had pineapple cheers again with another Super Chat Hogwarts looks big of flying around how do you feel about the sense of scale okay thank you for the chat I love this question and this is part of the reason I've Loved getting to watch all the different footage today from all the different creators I truly mean when I when I found something new in every ones that I watched like James expect to go in his footage he went a different way around the top of Hogwarts I went the other way so when you when you see his footage you see like the other side of Hogwarts he went like to the left and I went to the right like I went toward The Boathouse and all that welcome and then he went the other way like the little like Main Court the iconic Courtyard in that area I don't even think I went around there so yeah the sense of scale was great like flying up to that stained glass window which I show in this video that might be one of my favorite just single pieces of imagery that they've released about this game is that you guys if you guys were here last night man that was I was dropping hints you obviously you didn't know it was a hint but we talked about that that picture with the stained glass windows because we were watching the winter ASMR and there's a shot of it in there and I was telling you guys I was like I love this I love these windows so much such a good spot here's what I can't wait to do I can't wait to see them at night I can't wait to see them at night flying outside Hogwarts at night oh I can't wait cannot wait and then we had CAD Bane Bounty Hunter wait is that another one I think that's another one are you gonna at least finish order the feeds before hog looks like this comes out really like the throwback of it if not no big deal a cad Bane Bounty Hunter thank you for your support on the live on the uh the let's plays let me let me think about before I answer this I want to I want to I will say that I don't know if I'm gonna have the time I don't know who knows I just don't know I am um these next two weeks guys they're gonna be insane they're gonna be insane I'm hoping like this weekend I'm really gonna try to just take it easy catch up a little bit and just uh just try to get some rest dude I uh like I said I got there on a Wednesday evening hung out with some creators that night didn't we didn't stay up too late because we knew we had to to be up the next day for the gameplay did the game play and then after the gameplay we we had lunch up there we talked to Boston and Allen talk to some of the WB folks met some of the other creators there then Miranda and I went over to Universal we spent like the whole afternoon at Universal already like checking out the Wizarding World couldn't get into the Mario park though I was so mad it's not officially open yet so I couldn't get into the Mario park we spent the afternoon there had dinner three Broomsticks then we all like James Miranda and and I we all had late flights that night we were all like East Coast time so we were all having to take red eye flights back and so we get to the airport and it was already pretty late and then we just we just sat there and talked we just talked the whole time I filmed one of my Vlogs that I filmed is in the airport with Miranda and James after after everything's done we're just there in the airport like that any good about to fall over so I couldn't sleep on the airplane could not sleep on the airplane so we I got on so Pacific time it was like 11 something 11 40 or so I landed at like 6 40 my time wizard 6 40 A.M and then I had to drive about an hour to get to my house where I live so I just I got some breakfast got some caffeine drove home and then just immediately went to sleep slept four or five hours or so but I'm still catching up I'm still catching up because then when we got back like that's when the hard work began right that's when we had to get all these videos ready and here in the bottom right dude I tell you when you have an opportunity like this man I knew this had to be good this had to be a good video like it had had to be one of my best videos here's a fun little behind the scenes for you guys I wrote the video I scripted this one out recorded it and I I rarely ever do this rarely ever the wizard I scrapped I scrapped the whole intro rewrote the intro and recorded it all again I hardly ever re-recording I just hardly ever do it hardly ever do it usually it's now I'll do multiple takes like I'll be like people at the internet retro record tour here's what we're showing today I don't like how that sounds here's what we were doing today I'll do that a lot but doing the whole thing again never but I listened to it and I was like no no it's not it's not hitting it's missing something so I read it the whole thing um and so just getting all this stuff ready it's been a lot it's been a lot but it's been exciting so I need to catch up on sleep however CAD Bane's like oh my gosh I didn't expect I just wanted to get I wanted a simple yes or no dude you didn't have to go relax relax no Kevin it was a good question I want to I want to but I don't know if I'm gonna have any time we'll see though we'll see I definitely do re even after Hogwarts comes out I mean I want to replay through them all at some point although after playing Hogwarts Legacy let me tell you guys it's gonna be hard to go back to those old games It's gotta be hard to go back man all right let's see we had a couple of other things jumping in there looks like oh man like five six new Seven Subs then we had elwin gifting another five memberships five more members of house rack and tour exclamation point Discord guys you get a special role there whenever you're a channel member you also get access to special Emoji here in the chat which I almost guarantee we've unlocked some more emotes now that I need to and cadbane who just asked one of the questions in the Super Chat cadbane was gifted one of those memberships invisible Guardian Coco nutmeg the poet congrats on those gifted memberships guys make sure if you got anybody tonight if you got a gifted membership make sure you thank the person who gifted you and then a bunch of other subscribers just just came in as well thank you guys thank you guys so much for all the love and support jet lag is real right Draven hydrate Harry Potter from the Goblet of Fire only this time I haven't even I haven't even opened it man I haven't even opened it I did have a I had like a some milk with my cookie though earlier that's right oh my goodness all right what do you guys uh your video is doing so well thank you David yeah it's both it's uh it is it's doing very well it's doing very well let's see what are we at 241 000 views in a day right here maybe I stepped a little bit yeah dude and he overheard me that's that's unreal that's unreal I uh like the invisibility I'll never forget when I knew when I first had a video kind of go not even I'm not even gonna use the word viral but when it started to like gain some traction it was a video about it was about um when Nintendo was making the Mario oh whatever that Mario 30th Anniversary pack or something was and it uh it was it got like a thousand views or something when right when I posted it and I was just like for us oh my gosh you know oh my gosh what is this and I remember watching the counter it's like Oh I'm a tooth it's a 2000 now what all right and now let's have a video I mean yeah it's it's crazy it's crazy but it's all thanks to you guys man it's all thanks to you guys 800 plus people watching oh my gosh you ever like it's one thing to like see a number but then you actually think like if we had a room full of 800 people like imagine if we were all just in a room together right now such a different vibe you're all like probably cozied up you know some of you are on the couch some of you may be in bed some of you may be like having your lunch having your dinner watching on your iPad watch it on your phone some of you may Elwyn oh my gosh I hope Ellen doesn't mind me sharing this I don't think Owen will I don't think so so Ellen when I said I was it was before a stream a few weeks ago Elwyn sends me a picture was like all ready for the stream and it's just a shot of I guess I think this was elwyn's like bedroom wall and she has a projector a massive projector magic attack massive projector and I just I'm like okay my that my face I don't need to see my face that big that is way too big my face is way too big on a freaking projector but it goes to show elwyn's dedication it does somebody said watching it work a nice channel members oh let's that's actually a good question I don't know if you type if YouTube has a real-time counter on that but let me I can check it has it's had the opposite effect let us take a look at how many channel members how many are officially part of that Dragon tour my two hours we go here we go here oh I don't think that's updated I don't think it's updated from tonight it says 2 30. I think that was from last night I don't think it's added tonight's end least for me I don't think 2 30. even 2 30. insane insane oh wait what what Bob watching on a projector too are you serious how you guys like the projectors do you do you game on them too or do you just use them for movies I mean they've got to be great space saving for space saving right occasionally as long as you have a good solid wall one where you have to kind of back up and wait all in I remember back in the day though like when people first like the quality just wasn't that great like but now they're probably so so much more advanced the animagus animation looks so clean I wish I'd focused a little bit more right when the transformation happened I wish I had focused more on that invisible Guardian in bed Spud can't wait to play without the hood I know I can't wait to see what all we can tweak from the hood like the whole thing that I showed off with the um the little Golden Trail this little screen I showed that off because I think there's a lot of new players who are maybe playing video game for the first time or maybe the first time in a long time who are just Harry Potter fans it's fine the game itself I don't know if I'll use that Golden Trail or not I don't know I probably will I feel like when you're out in the open world it'd be really useful but navigating Hogwarts maybe there'll be a way to turn that off too like if you eventually just want to have that off L1 is a pro Elwyn is L one is totally a pro the moon Lily right right so it's like I had to hold did you not see that Nico did you not see that I see Nico with the S with the SMH as well uh-oh uh oh Nico exactly where you have them just movies for the projector gotcha yeah I feel like for a movie experience they'd be really really solid increase and we can't really see the window but just make it so it doesn't have to be so precise and true yeah Nico's like I'm seeing who my true friends are I'm seeing my actual footage to see how long did it take me here to actually get through this it's still only which is not how was the experience mahatu it was awesome exactly it was awesome so I don't wanna I mean like like game aside game aside even if the game had been bad which it wasn't but even if the game had been bad just for meeting the creators and making I'll just say it lifelong friendships I can't wait to do it to do it again going even if it's not with WB like whatever you know if just the group of us organizing a trip to Wizarding World or something you know I can't wait to do it again I mean James said it today on his channel and I've said it before too like some people I said it last night like there's some people in your life you just you just Vibe with you know and when you find those people you gotta stick close to them stick close to them I I didn't talk about the fact that I met James for the first time uh ghost man yes I'm definitely gonna stream and post Hogwarts Legacy stuff when the game comes out in a way that works best for you I need to talk about James for a second you guys around the castle and so that was the first time James and I had ever met and first for literally first thing I did was I gave him a big hug had to give him a big hug right away that's where I say I wish I'd had like a camera camera crew with me I told my wife I was like next time you got it you gotta come with me for something like this so then you can I want you to just just film like everything please which she's good at that like anytime we're out with a family any of the books she's always like picture picture let's take pictures let's take pictures we need to take pictures take pictures take pictures experience and I just don't think that I just don't think that way so I wish I'd had footage of James and I meeting for the first time I mean just like how he is on stream man I told him one of the first things that like when you watch his stream it's just like his jovial nature right you just love hanging out with the guy and I told him right away I was like you're a wizard some people can fake that kind of stuff and it's like you can you could tell you could tell like oh they're putting on the hello guys I'm happy today I'm I'm being happy for everybody James like just the enthusiasm you can't fake you can't fake that so I already knew like I knew I've talked to him enough off stream offline I knew I was like I know exactly how he's going to be in person so the first thing I do is like have I have to go give him a big hug and he just has this huge smile on his face I hope I had I'm sure I was smiling too huge smile on his face and then wizard PhD was like so James was sitting like right here so I give James a hug then uh wizard tricks was here Brita was there wizard PhD and then um Benjamin snells on the other side so I was like I gotta give you a hug James gotta give you a hug and it's just like it's like I've known in my whole life it's like I've known in my whole life like just one of the game's main missions as I've gotten older as I've gotten older in life you guys like I hate small talk I hate it should be really all for a minute I hate it I hate it it's so it's so weird and awkward and yes sometimes you have to do it actually get into the gameplay I'm actually pretty surprised and so it was kind of like apprehensive a little bit apprehensive to be honest about an event like this and I don't think I had any small talk with anybody wanted to jump right in any small talk it was all like real conversation and I guess that's like the beauty of the internet like the fact that we already like yeah we we haven't met physically but we already kind of know each other from interacting in in Discord groups and on streams and in Twitter DMS and even you know I've had James on the live stream and um I've talked with Ben before on Twitter um we did a big live stream with Alex podcast now and Andy reloads and all those guys and and wizard PhD and even like nightly nerd and last Marauder and Hogwarts I can see explain like we talked with all these people before so you never know like when you actually meet them in person like how's it going to be right how's it are we gonna have that like yeah hey how's it going you can swim no nope not at all not at all and I really wish particularly with um like I barely got to spend any time with with Lynette and Brita and wizard tricks uh Kellen is is his name and then even even Ben snow I didn't get really a chance to spend as much time with them we talked and hung out a little bit that night but then James and I we had the whole morning and the whole gameplay session and then we had the whole time at the airport while we were waiting for our red eye flights to just to just talk and I talked about how the two-hour gameplay session flew by the whole the whole two days flew by and Miranda Lauren as well like didn't even hadn't he never even met her had never even met Miranda and as soon as she was in the uh she was in the um the gameplay session with us and so I was like I was like what's your channel and she told me the name and I was like I've heard of this and I instantly remember I was like I've seen your thumbnail right when she said it it clicked I was like you've been on my recommended page before I have seen your thumbnail so I pulled her up and shirt off I was like oh yeah you've played you've played God of War you did a video where you reacted to one of the Hogwarts Legacy trailers and so even with her like we hadn't interacted at all but just we like hit it off man we just we all just we just Vibe together it was just such a just good vibes Good Vibes all around man Good Vibes all around and like all I can keep thinking about is like when it just wasn't long enough that's that's my one complaint wish we could have stayed like a week like they had absolutely nailed them staying like a week would have been awesome only did they get the music right but also all of them extra people sound us that are going to happen here and there Lauren D I'm begging for no one to talk to me oh goodness going downhill uh whatever they what's what's chat done Dr sherbet jealous hobo I mean I can't lie it was it was a it was a super fun experience oh no is that what's getting uh oh Nico and elwin oh my gosh maybe we're just gonna have to have a big gathering in real life where we all meet and we can mend the fences stumped by an empty painting we can mend the what is it we can mend the wounds that have been formed here tonight I'm very disappointed oh my gosh Jay Felix with a super chat like eight minutes ago Jay I hope you're still here dude I'm so sorry I'm so sorry that I didn't see it until now my friend's husband helped design Super Mario World Orlando he too has an unbreakable vow unfortunately it looks awesome though love today's vids AJ thank you so much so glad you enjoyed the videos that was like the one disappointment of my trip we had been told that they were letting some people in on kind of like a trial to like test some things out so the the one in I think the one in Orlando doesn't open for a bit but the one in La opens next month it opens in February that was like my one disappointment because I wanted to see that I did get to go in the Mario store though which is pretty cool I didn't buy anything though because I was thinking oh they don't have to carry it all back on the plane still here nice Jay sorry it took me so long to get to it dude let me make sure I didn't miss anybody else lots of new subscribers coming in guys thank you all for subscribing we hit 40K today by the way 40K subscribers thank you all for the the crazy love and support and we're we're on our way to 41k on our way to 41k thank you all for subscribing and then let's see back at the top now we've got beanie bird with a sewer chat beanie bird what magical Beast are you excited to see oh so like one we haven't seen yet oh this is a good question so we have seen let's try to think of what we've seen we've seen Moon calves we've seen grab horns we've seen dragons we saw Doug bugs a Doug bog going crazy what else what else no art book spoilers by the way guys yes I know they've they're in there but we're not gonna talk about that here like so my favorite one that I always say we don't know hey again we're not no spoilers guys the Phoenix I'd love to see a phoenix in game I think that'd be awesome and then another one that would be awesome we've seen hippogriffs too already and we've seen the spiders I think the Thunderbird would be cool too I just love the visual look of that thing but I know that one's not um I don't think they live according to the lore I don't think they live in the area so we might have to go somewhere else use my inventory oh Kelpie would be a good one we leave Orlando's opening February what I didn't think the Orlando one was like I didn't think they'd even started on the Orlando one yet no way if they are I'm gonna I'm gonna have to make a trip there we did go we did get to go through the Harry Potter The Wizarding World though out there so they don't have the um they don't have Diagon Alley at that one yet which I don't know if they even have plans to add it because the spacing there is so different from the one in Orlando which I haven't even been to Orlando since they've added Diagon Alley honestly after being there after being in La it makes me want to go back to Orlando again to do the Diagon Alley stuff so I I rode the main ride is the uh it's called Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey and I'd forgot I remember parts of the rut oh my gosh I've got to bring this home it's at my my office at work we have the picture you know how a lot of the rides at amusement parks they take pictures of you we bought this picture because it was so good actually if I show that picture we'll probably never get my wife on stream because she'll be very mad at me she's like she's very she doesn't like crazy thrill rides okay I mean anything like she doesn't want to do any upside down which this doesn't go upside down it comes pretty close but she's like I don't want to be scared going fast you know like a nice little fast roller coaster no upside down she's good with that we get her on this Forbidden Journey ride which is not a roller coaster it's more like kind of like a Thrill Ride if you've never been there or ridden it it's sort of like what do you call a Thrill Ride it uses a combination of like physical actual animatronics and also like a really giant screens like you don't feel like it's a screen because it completely kind of wraps around you hey dude the picture that we got from that it was in the row it was me my wife my cousin who's a huge Potter fan and then my sister on the other side the picture it's like I have this huge grin on my face exactly my cousin has this huge grin on his face my sister huge grin on her face and then my wife is just like enough ancient this look of pure Terror pure Terror and the part when they take this the picture it's like where the the acromantula or they're like dropping in it was an insta buy it was an insta buy I just had to buy it right away we had to buy it right away so I still have it but it's in my office at work I need to bring it home so I can show it to you guys sometime oh Elle wouldn't that be awesome maybe one day maybe one day look at that it's like the Weasley family tent right in Harry Potter but yeah the ride is it's really fun it's basically just like a uh every scary creature in Hogwarts they're gonna throw at you like back to back to back Jenny Jenny talk about motion sickness Jenny I think I think I might start to be the same way I think it might be a sign of my old age and I'm very sad by it so Miranda and I I was like Miranda and I went to the park together I was like what are you remember what do you like to ride how how crazy do you uh want to go she's like oh I I'll write anything okay good I'll write anything too so we want to do that one twice first time great skills didn't feel anything then we came back later and we wrote it again and something about that second time I think it was when I stepped off the ride because this ride the way you get on this ride it's really interesting they have like these uh almost like those little ramps that go back and forth at airports and such but this ramp continuously moves and same thing for when you get on like you gotta you gotta get on and it keep it will keep moving it's pretty long so it's like you got there's there's a margin for error if somebody like Falls or something and of course they could stop it at any time if they wanted to but then it's the same thing when you when you're getting off exactly nymph exactly the moving platform so then after we wrote it the second time we're getting off and I just like I stepped and I wasn't prepared for the movement yet and I didn't completely fall I regained you know I regain my balance quickly but then when we got out I was kind of like that made me a little bit dizzy that time what was that what was that is this an age thing oh I hope not but I know what you're talking about Jenny I know I know what you're talking about now Nico 25 and get motion sickness at the most basic of rides oh man it's funny I went on a really like when I was young I was terrified and then I hit this period where fun it was actually at Universal in Orlando Islands of Adventure Incredible Hulk coaster my uncle and my my younger cousins were riding that roller coaster and that that one goes fast upside down lots of turns and I was just like they were telling me like you could do it you could do it you could do it you'll love it you'll love it it's like all right I'm doing it nymph I loved it dude and that was it I was I was like I'll write anything now I'll write anything I mentioned that anything I'll do it all right and ever since then I've been the same I've been this I've been exactly like that I'll write anything don't care but now I'm I'm hoping that I'm not starting to hit that point where now the other part is we hadn't eaten yet so I'm I'm thinking I was just like drained from the day that's what I'm gonna tell myself I was just drained didn't have enough didn't have enough protein didn't have fluids in me I was drained needed to stop and eat that's that's what I'm gonna tell myself was the problem yeah the Hulk coaster dude it's it's still my favorite roller coaster ever you if I did the beginning is unlike anything it's just it's just awesome you're just so used to I mean the traditional roller coaster right it's like click click click click click click click click okay we're up now we're gonna have the fun with Hulk it it launches you launches you and just the sound effects he's like this time I think it's going to work and then you just hear warning warning no no and then you just feel that launch the beginning of Hulk is like the greatest start to a roller coaster it's so good one of those three times you can see that he used to be scared of roller coasters close your eyes I know it doesn't make sense it's easier when you open your eyes yeah yeah that's right Shiloh yes I was thinking Thunderbirds were U.S yeah that's when we saw them in Fantastic Beasts getting the new wand what's the new wand Jake I've heard a lot about Kingda Ka yes never ridden it but I've heard a lot about it you're Dismount the broom you'll see these students kind of just appear out of nowhere they're not here when I'm flying in velocity coaster is way better than where's uh where's velocity coaster at least Thiago would you recommend pre-ordering Deluxe or standard edition Okay so here's what it really comes down to it's a 10 difference if you want any game like this I mean here's here's the things if you want Early Access three days that's kind of a fading benefit that's going to go away but if you really want to play it three days early that's one thing if it was just that I'd say no then the other things you get you get the dark arts battle arena which they showed off in the second gameplay showcase so you get to know exactly what that is and then you get like a dark arts cosmetic set and I think that's it right guys I think that's it so that I mean that's like you decide is that work is that worth ten dollars or not that were ten dollars a night if it is then yeah go for it now if you're on like PS4 or Xbox you also if you do the digital Deluxe you get a free upgrade so you could also get like ps4 version and a PS5 version so maybe increase so that's what it comes down to one roller coaster in a Warner Brothers theme park in Madrid that's unbelievable stunt show I haven't heard of that one coaster oh it must be a new thing see it's been so long since I've been to Islands Islands of Adventure is one of my favorite Parks though absolutely love to go there I was particularly impressed honestly the thestral mount wait the thestral not have that D1 yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the thestral amount it's the Onyx hippogriff that's with any pre-order yep yep good catch good catch no Professor Baxter the haunted hogsmeade shop is any PlayStation as far as how it feels to move around the world uh version any PlayStation version for one year then it will come to everything timed exclusive yep Dr sherbet got it convince your boss get a console to play Hogwarts Legacy oh nice yeah right Lorena it's like the dark uh the black hippogriff that you also get yep giving players options for different places Cloud Roth have always wanted to go to Cedar Point never never been able to all right guys we have hit just ridiculous number of likes oh wait what the heck I just now saw this comment from uh along right here was a little bit surprising that accio didn't work to kind of pull that oh no oh no Stargazer Tim we got a fan I won't read this on right here YouTube's like uh trying to like I had to cast wait I saw Tim's uh I saw Stargazer Tim's super chat or no I think star keys are Tim gifted I'm gonna have to check into that so Mew store dark arts Garrison hat with the digital Deluxe only not standard Deluxe weird I know I know all right so let's do our random bit of Harry Potter quote trivia because you guys were so awesome with the likes tonight so whenever we hit a hundred watch we might we might need to raise this we might need to raise we might need to raise this uh wands at the ready witches yeah whenever we hit 100 we we uh do um ran a bit of Harry Potter cool trivia so let's do it and then when we hit 200 we do a I feel like we got so many people tonight guys I feel like we're gonna have to go to I feel like we're gonna have to go to Old Faithful for the Harry Potter impression tonight I feel like I'm gonna have to dust off the OG show off my best I think we gotta go olivander I think we gotta go olivander tonight guys so here's how we play the the quote game though I pick a random quote from the US versions of Harry Potter you don't know which book grounds as well as parts of the castle itself and then you are tasked with naming the character who said it and which book which book so I thought last night's was going to be difficult and of course of course Brittany I haven't seen brit Brittany I was like I haven't seen Brittany comment all night I bet Brittany is going to jump in Brittany gets it every time right in and the first thing Brittany how about this you could still answer just give them give everybody else like give them like a good 15 seconds give them a good 15 seconds and then Brittany can tell you all what the answer is imagine if one day Britney's like actually I was uh I was an editor for the first for all the books well but by and large all right let's see I'm super excited I'm gonna skip it super excited all right I've got okay we've got the book gorgeous window you may recall seeing this image back when the game's release date was confirmed they used it in a screenshot here but now actually getting to see oh oh oh see I feel like there's a balance when it comes to quotes because if you give if I don't give you any context within the quote then it's just almost impossible okay fine we'll go difficult we got a lot of people here let's go difficult tonight it's very short I warn you I warn you but we've we've went easier we've went easier the past couple times of the castle this is the ultimate test if Britney gets this then Britney's like officially she was an editor on the books or something you guys got to be mad because it's so short are you serious professor that's it that's your quote are you serious professor let's see if anybody gets that could light literally be anybody all right let's see we got a Ron hapla Prince Draco book two Harry book five Draco book four Dr sherbet really this is like the ultimate test for Brittany right here that's what this is that's what this is the ultimate test for Brittany Ron book six Hermione book six Harry Potter haploid Prince Hermione to Umbridge Draco book one one feathers nailed it there we go one of the books said by one of the students a few more seconds Draco book one see this one is so generic like I wouldn't be surprised if that said multiple times wouldn't be surprised if it said multiple times I think somebody looked it up I think somebody looked it up Brittany doesn't know oh we finally stumped her absolutely we finally stumped her somebody just said it somebody just said it hold on let me see if two said oh two people said it two people said it you guys looked it up didn't you you Googled it you Googled it they're like oh is he actually gonna give something away for this I'm looking up no it's just for fun guys sorry it's it's literally just just a little fun game we do anyone who said I think it's in the book Jake said no I'll read you guys the full thing here anybody who said Oliver wood in book one congratulations congratulations because you are correct here's the full line here's the full line Potter this is Oliver wood would I've found you a Seeker Woods expression changed from puzzlement to Delight are you serious professor absolutely said Professor McGonagall crisply the boy's unnatural I've never seen anything like it was that your first time on a broomstick putter the original book one there you go there you go the poacher spoke of this area we finally stumped Britney we finally did it I would but quiet yeah yeah yes indeed hey Leah thank you for being here have a good one have a good one for what in book one he was there all along next time yeah next time the quote is the foreign who understood that reference to here we'll see we'll see who understood that one oh man McGonagall impression we should do McGonagall sometime all right so here's the the impression we're going with one of the ogs tonight this is this is my I want to set the bar high for all the new people hanging out in the chat tonight whenever we hit 200 likes we do it do an impression from the Harry Potter series uh we've done Malfoy we've done Bellatrix we've done umbrage people were pleasantly surprised by the umbrage I will that was last night it's fresh in my memory let's see we've done Snape was probably my worst because Alan Rickman dude he's just so so tough to do now and Rickman you may have done Hagrid one time but my best my best my best is Ollivander Ollivander dude so here it is I'll make it I'll make it a nice here we go let's let's mute the let's mute all the the sound so you don't have any sound coming from that there we go there we go already got already got the lines already got the lines it's gonna be a good one I'm gonna have a lengthy lengthy line for you guys all right here we go I wondered when I'd be seeing you Mr Potter it seems only yesterday that's your mother and father we're in here buying their first ones we'll give it a wave no definitely not and then a little bit of time curious very curious I'm sorry sir but what's curious I remember every wand I've ever sold Mr Potter and it just so happens the Phoenix whose Tailfeather resides in your wand gave another feather just one other it is curious that you should be destined for this wand when it's brother gave you that scar um then you get the music the music comes in oh see you guys you guys got two in one I did like a young Harry too I'm sorry sir but what's curious oh I love doing the Ollivander I love doing all of it thank you guys thank you thank you thank you as I bashed my head into the uh John Hurt yeah yeah I think I think it's John Hurt right John hurts the name of the guy who did who played Ollivander oh wait somebody said Potter Puppet Pals I probably could do that Snape what's the Mysterious Ticking Noise some dude that's like early days of YouTube Right early days of YouTube Elwood with another elwin Owen save your money another Super Chat 700 likes no way let's go 700 and then maestrix just with a random Super Chat don't even see a comment with that one thank you so much maestrix appreciate your support and then we had Jay Felix again with the supersets super Set Super Chat solid 12 out of 10 impression thank you Jay thank you yeah I had had to dust out dust out one of the old one of my go-to's one of my go-to's for you guys see chat won't always let me get away with that they want new they want to hear new stuff you gotta gotta keep the material fresh so we try to do that and you know what is she oh Luna got up okay hold on I'll let I'll bring Luna over too okay for people who haven't got to see Luna before you're a wizard Harry don't worry she wasn't asleep you're a wizard actually I don't I don't need the headphones hold on she's she's camera shy too I think she actually knows it's like she actually knows she's not normally over here no you're not normally over here are you not normally over here everyone wanted to see you I know it sounds weird but there's like I don't know how many you've got several hundred people I said they're up there they're up there watching don't you know dogs think we're like the weirdest creatures they think we're the weirdest creatures all right thank you thank you she's like okay I'm done but I'm done all right goodbye I found Goblin armor let's keep searching but and yes if you guys are new here she is named Luna for the reasons you for reasons you would expect you guys like the Harry Potter 2 the young Harry the young Harry last night they wanted me they got me doing the not me no Hermione you Phillip hey Phillip what's up dude good to see you here Phillip let's take a closer look they won't be happy thanks for thanks for stopping by Philip game looks great special performance I know dude I was so safe I was so glad they let us switch to Performance I told them to I was like I was like people want to see performance mode the times are changing the time like I know people want to show off Fidelity mode because when you get screenshots and stuff that's when the game looks great and all but like like Gamers like actually playing it through they wanna they wanna see how smooth it can be thank you yeah yeah guys she uh I'm happy to break I'll bring her up anytime but except when she's just like totally passed out in her bed I'm not gonna bother and tonight she wasn't in the bed she was just laying a little bit over here beside me honey at Bane another Super Luda OMG so freaking cute I have to get her some new treats with that oh with that uh Super Chat CAD Bean have to get some new new treats wonder if story mode gets rid of the quest area limit I don't think so I wouldn't think so I wouldn't think so okay guys this has been a crazy few days a crazy few days um again I started off the stream thanking all of you guys and I will end the stream the same way because I have no doubt we would have not you know if if we didn't have this type of community that we have then we wouldn't have had an opportunity like this so it's all thanks to you guys and the support you have I know people still have a ton of questions I still have a lot of questions but and and I still have there's probably many questions that I could answer that I've they just haven't came to me yet people haven't asked I've got so much more footage that I'm gonna have to get through and I've got more videos planned but we're officially hitting that point now where it's like I mean less than two weeks so we've we pick and choose now right we pick and choose we got to decide what are the big things that we're gonna hit on before launch I'm sure that they're gonna have some more stuff um I thought I thought today was really cool though it was really cool you know they the Hogwarts Legacy accounts they they were highlighting the creators man like they were retweeting and sharing stuff from creators and they kind of took a back seat today and let you know got to got to sit back and see see what people thought you know all these all these creators who had a chance to play the game so I don't know I don't know if they're gonna keep the Daily Posts going now maybe they picked that back up tomorrow or they might just let things they might just like then things settle for for a couple days or so but you can guarantee there's going to be more stuff leading up to launch um I'm trying to think of like any other big things maybe if they uh if they want to put I feel like we'll get something about release times because I feel like that's been a big question is people are like when's it releasing in my territory even though I mean it's you can pretty much check by looking on the PlayStation store and all that the WB game support account is answering a ton of questions the port key game support website has been answering a ton of questions as well and then Jay had another Super Chat hey thank you Jay put this toward the toys for Luna fun thank you Jay thank you dude gotta head out have a great night thank you for being here Jay good to see you but yeah so I mean I'm gonna have to decide you know what are gonna be the the final couple videos that we make in in the lead up to the game's release what are the final couple videos gonna be I am in a race I'm for sure gonna release a couple more of the footage that I have if you guys weren't here early in the Stream if you rewind you can see a I showed off the um what was it called like the moth Quest moth to a flame Quest is very short it's like a little three minute side puzzle thing that you do I'm probably gonna post that to the channel at some point maybe something from her biology maybe something from library and just like General exploring Hogwarts but it's not going to be like a big heavily produced commentary kind of video and then so that'll probably be this week we'll see if they release anything else big and then next week we'll probably have like two two or so more videos before before the release and then we'll be back for next week's Tuesday stream so everybody who stopped by tonight hope to see you there again Moon Lily with another Super chat bye retro thank you for such an amazing content-filled day and again congratulations well thank you moonly thank you for all the support and for watching the videos um man like I've been so excited for this day like just so excited to be able to talk about this trip and to be able to not I mean the game talk about the game is great but being able to talk to you guys about meeting James and meeting people like Miranda and wizard PhD and and Boston and Alan and all the people that WB who again I don't know if they want their names out there so that's why I'm not gonna say their names but running into Chandler and Eric in the airport like all that stuff I hope I'm I I know it trust me I know not a lot of people get opportunities like this I get it it is not flossed on me um which is why I'm I'm so very thankful to have to have this chance and again like you guys you guys make that possible you really do you really do um and then just it just in general like it was just such a fun event just such a fun event I wish it would have been like three days longer wish I would have had more time to spend with all these folks um but it was a great man it was great I'm on Twitter as well at retro wrecking tour we have a Discord exclamation point Discord in the chat right now and it'll give you the link for it so I'm around it's not like uh you guys can't reach out and ask questions so if you think of anything else and these week and a half two weeks that we have left um I could try to answer things on Twitter try to answer things in uh in future videos as well so yeah I'll be around I'll be around and Chris with another Super Chat to close us out here Chris thank you so much take care everyone be sure to hydrate that's the first thing I'm gonna do when I hop off I had this Cherry Coke Zero as you guys know my go-to drink I had it over here this whole time and I just never opened it because we just got rolling like I still feel like there's so many stories that I didn't even it was such a short amount of time but so many stories I didn't get a chance to tell I want to do don't lock this in don't lock this in I'm I have no idea there's only two weeks we can have left I don't know if we'll be able to pull this off but I want to do a stream with at least a few of us I know we wouldn't be able to get everybody but at least a few of us who went just that's like more like a hangout kind of talk about our general experience I hope we might be able to do something like that but we'll see we'll see so guys thank you all so much enjoy the videos go back re-watch them let you know let me know what what stuff you find we found like it's quite literally my footage and we found stuff tonight that I hadn't even caught yet when I've I've edited the video watched it I don't know how many times and we found stuff that I didn't see before so let me know any things any things you spot that you think are cool we'll try to highlight them next week on the uh on the Tuesday live stream but um hope you guys have a fantastic rest of your week certainly been an amazing day and again thank you all so much I'll talk to you again very soon guys very soon not much longer to go now not much longer to go now bye guys foreign foreign
Channel: RetroRaconteur
Views: 83,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter video games, hogwarts legacy news, retroraconteur, retro raconteur, harry potter game, wizarding world, hogwrats legacy, harry potter rpg
Id: dFP_N2iTZfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 34sec (12874 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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