Non-Gamer Tries to Play Hogwarts Legacy | Part 5

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] hello hello everybody can you hear me welcome to the first ever stream on this new crazy incredible equipment where's everyone watching from foreign how's the sound we're listening to some uh Harry Potter Lo-Fi magical beat music just give me a couple more seconds [Music] [Music] hey y'all isn't this exciting I'm gonna turn the camera a little bit there we go that was maybe too much look at this look at this picture hear the audio isn't that nuts all right I'm gonna fade out the music a little bit because we've we've had our our opening chill session that was a little too fast of a fade but hey what you're gonna do we're gonna pause this and save this this is the very first stream on all this new equipment so please bear with me as I'm learning this um huge huge shout out to my friend Brad and Nick both of whom have worked really really hard to get this up and running to teach me I think I turned this the wrong way there we go so a big shout out guys please flood the chat with thanks for Nick and Brad and they're here so Baron DX that is Brad he is a mod he'll be a mod here and then Nick is also a mod in here we also have our mod Tara here and actually so we have another mod scrub work I don't know your first name I just know you a scrub work so I need to know your name we've got to find out what scrub work's name is crazy we've like chatted on Instagram and stuff but I don't know your name I feel terrible Blake all right so we have Blake Tara Nick and Brad here shout out to our mods thank you all for being here thanks for everyone who's watching how many people we have here 157 people in the live stream this is number five of Hogwarts Legacy and super excited so things are happening a few things before we start playing um here I'll show you a little preview of the start screen oh wow Isn't that cool it's like transitions I feel like uh a magician I'm a wizard you're a wizard Peter all right but a few things before we get into Hogwarts Legacy um I filmed the entire setup of today uh with Brad while Brad was here um so that I'm gonna have a video out on Thursday within that video two big announcements are coming and I'm not gonna tell you what they are but I'm gonna let you guys guess what they are so you feel free to guess what those two new things uh was not camera ready oh you were ready Brad you were just you were you were ready um so two things are coming to the Potter collector as a whole two things that you guys have been asking for and wanting that's all I'm gonna say so I'm gonna move this camera over a little bit still a few little fine-tuning things to do but we'll get it all figured out so throw out your your thoughts and that's it so throughout your thoughts I'm not going to tell you what they are you're gonna have to wait until Thursday to find out what they are but y'all are here to watch some Hogwarts Legacy and I am excited to finally be playing Hogwarts Legacy again don't worry I won't spoil all right here we go you all ready here we go uh hold on no I don't want to press that button don't press that one already pressed this so we're gonna press so all right here I'll show you guys what I'm doing so so I've got this like cool thing where I just press a button and then like magic happens when I press it so for example like right now we're on like the the break view where we just like chat after we've played the game for a little while here's the full View wow that's amazing it's just like magic all right so here we go we're playing Hogwarts Legacy oh we got a Super Chat from Tara oh Terry that's that's very sweet and your guess is memberships I'll have to wait till Thursday to find out all right here we go so where did we leave off if you're just joining for the first time um we are playing with a character that the community here created that's the wrong character that's Peter Kenneth and his name is Tom Asher and Tom Asher again was created by the community we built them together he's a Slytherin we did a vote and um you guys voted for Slytherin he's been through a lot he's battled trolls and statues and yes so here we are in the Slytherin common room uh one thing I want to do again we ended the last stream by trying to see the giant squid and we saw a gigantosaurus tentacle pop up on the window we're gonna try again because I hear if you're persistent with the spell casting at the window you just might get a shock of your life so I'm going to do the absolute best um to read comments and play at the same time first of all how's the the audio for you guys you know does it sound good the mix between music as well as um and uh the the game as well as as my my voice yes um I do have the other three parts of this excuse me four parts of this gameplay already loaded so if you go to the Potter collectors Channel and click on live then um you can see all the live streams they're also listed in the description down below game audio is a bit low um let's see let's do this then so I think I want to move desktop audio up Brad is that correct or is it game capture I want to move up Annie I'm glad you asked about the renovations because because tomorrow so I can't be like super super late tonight because tomorrow very early they're coming to finally install the fireplace so there's gonna be another vlog on its way the fireplace is almost here so excited all right here we go I'm gonna move the game capture audio up a little bit how's that is that better we've got a super chat from a happy so excited to watch you play I finished the game earlier today I'm so jealous I have not had time to play and I'm so happy to finally have a second but before we play let's let's get this uh giant squid to show his gigantic tentacle come on squid incendio oh come on he might want not want to play today so we may have to try another day um one thing I'm gonna say hey Brad there's a bit of a delay in my headphones so do you have any suggestions you can also text me if you need to all right let's try the other window while we wait for uh for Brad to tell me what to do come on you squid all right I give up for now all right might have to do with the game monitoring we will have to get mix amp setup okay so it sounds like there might be a delay with the the stream audio as well is that is that true is there so if if I cast a spell is there a delay okay it looks like there is oh yes and no all right we're gonna get this figured out so when this happened what I did was I restarted um streamlabs and it fixed it but I don't think I can restart streamlabs because we're the middle of a stream I enjoy divination three second delay that's that's pretty much what I'm receiving what I'm seeing too we've got another Super Chat hey Peter I finally caught you on live yes finally welcome can't play till July because I have a switch but I love watching you play it well I'm so glad that you're here and I'm I'm excited that that you're here to to watch me play and I'm glad that you're able to watch and don't feel like you're being spoiled um so it's not awful may have to just run it for now may just need a reset all right so I guess we're just gonna I guess in the future I could um test it and then yeah I guess we'll figure it out first stream we're just gonna go with it all right let's get ourselves outed the Slytherin common room and if I can remember how oh no oh dear oh it's over this way you can't run in the common room so you can't speed this process up oh but we could go to the map actually we do need to go to the map because I don't know what we ended on like what we've got some what what's this herbology class we have to go to herbology class and let's open up that Quest so we've got herbology class selected we got a Super Chat Super Chat Super Chat Super Chat Super Chat Super Chat from Bax if you need to go to the third floor near the history of the class uh Magic classroom you can find the third floor Corridor and Fluffy's room from Sorcerer's Stone we are absolutely gonna have to do that all right so let's open this Quest no see I don't know what I'm doing you guys this is why the title says non-gamer tries to play Hogwarts Legacy because all right let's third time's the charm so that's very exciting and I know that there here we go X track the quest that's what you want to do and we're gonna go to this and we're gonna go a little closer to the herbology classroom the library and we're gonna travel there so that's exciting I love all the little kind of Easter eggs that are in this game that they've Incorporated from the different movies as well as the books like super super cool I'm gonna get my bearings uh okay so we gotta go this way my goal if you haven't seen the other streams you didn't hear me say this but my goal is to enter the Chamber of Secrets all right we're going to cast our magical thread our golden thread and go to herbology another Super Chat thank you so much Valentina says hey Peter I love your Hogwarts Legacy videos you're one of the biggest reasons I became a Harry Potter I love that love love love love that you became a collector see this is why this is why I started the channel it all actually all started on Instagram um where I wanted to show pictures of my books and encourage people to collect translations of the Harry Potter books because there are so many out there oh we just got a flu Flame there are so many translations out there and I just wanted to encourage people to to give it a try if they wanted to and then YouTube happened and it was another way for me to in to uh show what's out there but also to encourage people to collect so the fact that you said that makes me so happy because that's why I'm here that's that's why the Potter collector Channel exists all right here we go hebology are we gonna learn mandrakes that'd be awesome wait did I oh begin I hope we report to mandrakes who is that another Super Chat from Bax they even have the death date dungeon shut up we're going to the death day dungeon after this or the dungeon where the death day party is happening That's so exciting [Music] we do look forward to Growing together she's so young she's a very pretty professor maybe she'll be my valentine The Proven oh her wand is awesome ourselves with the mellifluous tuber okay Noble collection we need some of these wands we need some of these replica wands because that thing is awesome comfortable shall we first let's protect our ears hi honey bear from Arizona every grip the Mandrake buy the tendrils and give it a firm tug pull it out and pull mandrake ah it almost killed me [Music] uh down pot that was scary that's very scary the game is based in the 1800s it's right to tease preparo I wish they had us do that I'm very first yeah we're going to chop that thing up and make a mandrake draft so I think what this is doing is it's teaching us how to table oh fun you can all get it I need to have a brief work okay so what I think that's doing is it's teaching us how to plant our own plants because in the room of requirement spoiler alert you know but I mean everyone kind of knows this already you plant your own plants and can Brew your own potions so what I think this is teaching us it's how to pull out the plants or chop it up or put it back or whatever so let's talk to the professor Professor firstly well done with your Mandrake they can be rather difficult to get a grasp of I nearly went deaf I'll say nearly went death well yes of course the cry of a mature will be planting Disney Let us find you some seeds I already have some professor pick them up in hogsmead you've visited the magic neap wonderful a prepared student is bound to bloom I've arranged for you to have your own potting table here in the classroom wasn't easy to spare one on such late notice plant the seeds there now and you can return to harvest them later even with soil sunlight and a bit of magic they will take time to grow okay made it welcome to a stream you finally made it into one that's so exciting all right let's see pot the dittany yes it does right uh what do I do select that planted ready in 10 minutes okay uh okay so I guess that's it go back Professor sharp don't know about that say we Branch out introduce you to a different sort of Flora the Chinese chomping cabbage we'll find that some plants are better suited to uses outside of a cauldron the cabbages do get testy without something to chew we'll figure this audio out guys next for the next stream that's the audio issue yes professor they're in the other Greenhouse it's just at the end of the Footbridge leading out of this room your classmate Mr Pruitt has kindly offered to accompany you come back and see me when you're finished oh and mind your fingers to bite I've said it in the past that it's so fun oh we're supposed to talk to her again oh no uh all right here um I've said it in the in the past it's so fun to hear these these magical Wizarding names like Pruitt like that's a name we know in the Harry Potter books all right let's see where are we going up here hello hello saw you on your way to hooks me the other day yes did you nice to meet you nice to meet you too hello I'm showing you the Chinese chomping cabbages there but your lead uh can you look at me it doesn't like to make eye contact all right nice work in defense against the dark arts by the way excuse me your jewelry all right we're gonna take a real quick pause because all right let's see I think you can slam oh sound mixer is top right corner thank you I nearly put Sebastian in his place all right we're gonna take a real quick pause be right back a dragon skull we'll be right back don't don't you worry short break [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] all right y'all so we don't have a fix just yet um we're gonna have to do that after the Stream but um we're gonna keep playing so hopefully it doesn't bug you guys too much but we'll get it fixed and worked out um let's get back to the game shall we shall we get back to Hogwarts I think we shall bam back to Hogwarts we go all right um all right so we've got to go this way we're going to this one this way this way and these are the cabbages wait did I go the wrong way wait this way oh hi wait what on oh we're going this way I see how fun they're everywhere all right so these are the chomping cabbages let's collect these guys all right now see that dummy what dummy where they'll do the rest oh okay how do I toss them like that no uh hold okay uh wait hold on hold L1 oh hold the L1 oh look at that and then oh look at that then open okay then what that no hold on I'm uh all right read Peter read hold L1 and tap the r to open up this the wheel and assign okay do I press X um oh my goodness then tap okay all right I'm doing something wrong I know trust me I know release to equip did I get him oh then I just throw l oh Chomp Chomp keep the nuns out did save her the denoming but they left the honking daffodils in tatters so do I do more vicious little bastards aren't they my kind of mind your manners and bouncing bulbs the kind of plants that have your back in a fight not saying you can't go it alone but well imagine that wasn't a dummy it's chaos out there trolls and Hog's meat and such you can't be above throwing a cruciferous vegetable if necessary a cruciferous I like that word if you're Keen other plants too good morning Sebastian regarded you get the idea anyway we uh probably ought to head back to class all right here we go so back to class okay see you back in class all right I'm just gonna oh wait I just threw another one can we take more let's take some more because I just threw one accidentally we want to collect these things all right there we are so can I pick that one back up no all right so but what I want to do is I want to get rid of right I don't want to like have them assigned anymore but I think they're just assigned I don't know how to unassign so we'll just keep working I guess okay here we go let's throw the streamer of magic magic thread go back to class and with that helpful reminder as to why we should always wear our Dragon High gloves well shall end our lesson here how are you Mr clopton I tended to the Chinese chomping cabbages Professor how plants aren't they I hope they weren't too much trouble oh don't see any bite marks or missing digits I'm good as you do seem to be quite green finger thing oh I'm eager to see your skill in the soil continue to Blossom magical they do have so much to offer to offer I mean as we know from the Harry Potter books and movies I'm glad her apology is about here wow we're at 444 viewers right now welcome everybody if this is your first time at the potter collector Channel welcome we're happy to have you here if you are a returning Potter collector Community member welcome back oh look we made it to uh number six all right so excuse me excuse me pardon me all right what's next all right let's go to the death day party how do I get there again in the dungeons someone's got to lead me to this death day party because that's pretty exciting although I have not really explored the Hogwarts grounds yet let's do a really quick exploration of the Hogwarts grounds is this the way yes this is the way look I think that's the fat fryer maybe that might be the fat fryer I love this just entrance hall with those statues that Professor McGonagall and you know 100 years it has them protect Hogwarts Castle look at this place this is just absolutely breathtaking and we haven't even like look at this look at this map we haven't scratched the surface we're nowhere near filling this map all of this is world that you can visit we've not even scratched the surface so exciting all right let's see if we can remember if we can see how to get to thanks guys for for trying to work on this audio fix again we'll get it figured out we've got the best in the biz working with the Potter collector Channel right now and it is greatly greatly appreciated you can't imagine how inconvenient travel was oh my gosh you guys I just got chills I'm I'm running up to the Quidditch pitch oh my gosh this right here this is my Valentine speaking of which Happy Valentine's Day to everybody if it's still Valentine's Day it's Valentine's Day for a half an hour longer here in Chicago oh my gosh we're going inside the Quidditch pitch oh holy moly cannoli oh my goodness wow these are my people I know what are you looking for rebellious rebellious it's revelio Rebellion that's how you say it wow this is incredible look at this oh I want to play this is absolutely incredible look at this guys look at how beautifully it's been just decorated wow wow wow wow wow what do you guys think about this thing it's crazy flying lesson yeah I'm excited about flying lesson I don't know when that happens though so I guess let's let's continue moving the game along so we can get there oh I can't wait can you go down there oh you can oh my gosh this of course is the area very famous scene and Chamber of Secrets where Harry and Draco are trying to catch the snitch this is awesome now the question is how do you get out of here there's got to be some stairs or something or an elevator a magical elevator hmm how do we get out of here all right so we're just gonna run a little faster watch there's like no way to get out and we're just going around and round and round in circles how do you get out oh here we go there's got to be some stairs here am I missing something uh okay people are saying there is uh uh can't fly out because I don't have a broom yet um okay we're not gonna hop down here again uh don't have a broom yet there's no flu Network oh yeah we can just travel no can we yeah we can just travel out right even though maybe I hope I hope so can we just travel there oh we can thank goodness oh all right we're not going back in there don't worry okay so oh we're at the dueling Club I wonder if there's a new let's see no I don't want to do oh there's another final oh there's a final round of cross ones yes let's duel hello Lucan is the final round thanks Valentina for the super chat today love the game we're so excited to play it I'm so excited for you to play it just you wait wait until dedication you get yourself into Hogwarts sorry guys I gotta wipe my nose felt something in there all right we're absolutely ready here we go fingers crossed we can uh we should get this uh let's do Sebastian this time yes Sebastian then let's get started we can make this a real victory all right here we go that's the spirit a little nervous gotta Focus okay um okay breakthrough red shields with incendio okay all right here we go here we go [Music] oops there goes my way lumos well that's embarrassing okay we're gonna try again I'm gonna say it's because there's an audio delay and I can't hear where they're casting spells so I'm gonna blame it on the audio delay so I'm ready now I'm not my lack of skill all right here we go um so red I'm also color deficient so it's like which one's red all right here we go all right oh it's that's the that's the duck wait how do you love you oh so I'm supposed to dodge not um how do you get the fire off of you all right okay I know I am I'm color deficient it's it's on colorblind mode all right hold on hold on hold on let's read the instructions one more time all right very well yes I'm ready it is a little difficult with the delay though all right lock on but how do you so you just have to dodge them otherwise you get you're on fire and it sucks your health all right okay here we go duck bam wait aren't I I'm focused on her all right something's going on like this is just vibrating maybe it's because I'm dying oh my gosh there goes this is why you don't take like a a week off a plane but this is just vibrating for no reason it's literally still vibrating so I don't know if something's going on PS5 people the the remote's just vibrating maybe oh I can still let's let's just restart the PS5 that's something we could do maybe that'll fix the audio issue too this is weird it's just vibrating okay it stopped vibrating when I got out of the game so I'm just gonna restart the PS5 we might lose our place but maybe it'll fix something thanks for your patience with this first stream you start PS5 it's very strange good night Riley I don't think it's a situation of like you know um turning the vibration down it just like it it there was a bug so it was it was weird oh you had the same issue Andy okay so there was a bug now I haven't actually updated Hogwarts Legacy I know there was like an update that went went out so maybe that's been fixed since the latest update all right let's give this another go turn on the controller and who knows maybe the audio issue will be fixed wow we're at 535 viewers right now that's awesome all right I'm gonna start the game again let's hop into game here we are thanks for the Super Chat evil live finally got my Onyx I'm jealous your hippogriff and your thestral mounts pretty sure I won't be using broom very often after today they both completely set off my character it's dark look love it absolutely love this game I cannot wait till I get my hippogriffin thestral mounts all right I think there's still an audio delay again we'll get that figured out in future for future streams oh hey we have a fixed audio it's better it's fixed audio is fixed the last cross once is very frustrating it was driving me mad says happy oh happy we're gonna get through it let's do the test dummy first someone said that in this in the chat and I agree let's let's do that first test dummy first hello Lucan but I'd like to practice yes okay so it was I think a PS5 issue with the audio very exciting all right it's gonna be a bit more of a challenge wonderful I'll set things up remember to cast all the spell combinations before the dummy lands again if you need to stop practicing before you finish all of them let me know all right all right so we want to do now what no wait bam okay all right uh lumos no not lumos that was a little too too slow I wouldn't say nicely done if I were there oh no no uh oh it didn't charge I said it has to charge up okay now we're ready to go no where'd you go all right here we go no it was I swear it wasn't charged up bam impressive wand work even that's stressful I'm not even fighting a uh couldn't have done it without you I it's not even a troll great help terrified dummy well hold up training Supreme nerd thanks for the Super Chat the color of your spells breaks the same color shield red breaks red yellow brace yellow Shields all right we're going to try this again here we go here we go thank you for that Super Chat and that advice look it all comes down this the moment that we find out if you're training and dedication is enough to win it all right uh yes I'm ready I certainly am brilliant welcome back Brad uh let's try yes naughty Natty again instead of all right okay I've got to also remember to like focus on the people all right four against two that's not fair oh dear all right here we go all right oh to change targets while locked move back and forth okay I'll try I'll try lock on Legends oh William uh this one okay all right nope oh oh oh ascendio did I get her I think I got her uh R1 no ah stupid lumos get over here [Music] incendio there we go that's what I want ah so close Okay I need to wear stupid lumos well no I really I shouldn't because I need to learn to not press lumos but what I was doing was I was when I was supposed to do incendio I was pressing levioso because those colors looked similar to me okay so now I'm seeing the color differences I think we're gonna get this yes I'm ready all right I'm getting there getting there good luck here we go here we go all right we got this uh this stupid incendio ah no son of a nutcracker all right just kill me just kill me already uh okay let's try again yes yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there this is why a non-gamer doesn't play normal mode they play easy all right bam oh all right I'm not even gonna waste my time at this point all right so the Halo that's showing up on my head that's I'm supposed to do protego right or is is that Dodge is that Dodge or is it protego because I thought blue around your head was supposed to be protego so it is protego okay for some reason I thought blue was protego yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there are you ready Mr Asher all right here we go protego there we go okay ah protagos that's what I want to do I want to do no you are seeing frustrated powder collector right now yes yes I'm ready now very well I'm trying to memorize those darn buttons and then it's like I keep like going getting close to them and I don't know how to like not get so close to them I have to like run away but then the camera goes away and then I get hit with a spell and okay go far away protego get over here potato it's stupefied protego I pressed protego protego lumos oh my goodness okay I keep pressing the stupid R2 button when I'm trying to protego which isn't going to cast protego because you just press the triangle yes I'm ready to do protego good luck out oh my gosh okay what color is that potato all right break there stupid protego I levioso wait but I got hit I [Music] from like residual Flames or something again no I really care not to try again but now I'm mad yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there there are too many but hey how are we gonna defeat the world protego dang it I should do like the troll and just run away run as far as I can and oh my gosh this is so embarrassing this is so embarrassing you guys yeah guys I don't know if people are are annoyed I apologize if you're annoyed the the title says non-gamer tries to play Hogwarts Legacy I'm doing the absolute best I can yes oh my goodness gracious good luck okay thank you for the Super Chat whoever just sent to Super Chat all right protego stupefy protego uh that's this button there protego okay how am I dying I'm doing the protego like I'm doing protego so how am I dying like every time the Halo comes on my head I'm doing protego so I hold protego okay hold protego maybe I'm not holding protego okay yes I'm ready now very well good luck Emma thank you uh uh this one experience okay I think I wasn't holding for tago no no lumos this uh X ah what's happening this one oh my gosh [Music] okay let's try again no I don't but everyone's watching me and so I have to now do this here we go all right I'm gonna I'm gonna look at the chat y'all gonna be like this is getting motivated to complete exactly it's motivating me thank you Mark that you're you absolutely understand absolutely motivating me well LOL lower difficulty yeah maybe I can't heal because I don't have any potions to heal uh all right so I'm just gonna keep going I am getting better I agree I'm getting there I'm not just gonna all right here we go excuse me I haven't quite gotten down the like moving from victim to victim sort of thing potato I'm gonna Stupify you stupefied okay no no no stupid pie no no no no what I do [Music] go get where's the other person where's where's the other person nope where where are you oh so close yeah please y'all like like likes for Peter encouragements for Peter we're gonna get through this I might have to actually lower the difficulty though after this because I don't think I can like battle of a horde of bad people all right there we go we're starting with the protego protego Stupify it's getting too close to everybody again I know I need to like do the other spells and stuff but it's so hard uh okay see if I could get to that other person we got him this time oh oh dear spoke too soon didn't I I did it I did protego Focus Peter Focus protego wow I'm shocked that there are still so many viewers here so the health bar is down there all right I pressed potato and it didn't work thank you [Music] let's try again yeah just one second I heard a bunch of pings come in so you guys are sending super chats and I appreciate it let's see let's see what you guys have sent um mama says uh hello from Virginia I'm happy to actually be able to watch this live this time I'm sorry this is such a frustrating one we're gonna get through it though I'm already through the first three trials working on number four oh okay so you're through this one so there's a fourth one yikes thank you very much for the super chats the super nerd says you you attacking the shields reflects your own attack back at you Akio your purple spell breaks purple Shields you lovely yellow don't spam attacks with your spells to break their Shields okay okay um you can press the circle to dodge triangle is to use protego Super Chat from rovo Sunny thank you very much I do need to do some more dodging happy also says you can throw things with R1 R1 is this oh no R1 is this okay so throw shoot the spell another Super Chat from fancy paper cuts watching these is like playing with me your best friend I'm so glad well your best friend is doing his best all right guys we got this here we go what are y'all seeing in the chat she'll then move on to someone while you wait a circle button roll best friend wouldn't use it more okay oh when you accidentally hit the trigger when you use protego excellently casting okay yes I'm ready now oh very well we're delayed again oh no now this now now the thing is delayed again the sound that's gonna totally throw us off yeah we're I'm totally throwing up now I press the button I pressed that button I was only pressing the triangle why are we delayed again this is so weird all right hold on we're gonna restart this cool off a little bit and restart the PS5 again because this is very weird I don't know why it keeps the sound keeps getting screwed up restart all right well this gives me a chance to hang out with you guys a little bit Bob I know I should go do something else but now I feel like it's like I have to it's like now I feel like I have to defeat this people are saying please Dodge please Dodge I guys there's so many buttons I'm trying to press my brain isn't isn't working I can't like I'm doing the best I can I am improving I agree thanks guys for believing in me believing in me I will defeat this moment all right here we go where we started I'm so close thanks guys for the encouragement start this again hi caramba all right I do think I'm going to change the difficulty though after this because it's not it's it's like not fun if you if it's so hard you know what I mean and my brain just isn't my brain just isn't here yet all right here we go back to the game all right here we go we go and are we yeah we're good awesome okay so where are you Lucan here you are we're synced up again hello Lucan okay it's the final round of cross ones ready it all comes down to this the moment that we find out if you're training and dedication is enough to win it all ready for a shot at glory yes I certainly am brilliant brilliant yes Natty we can make this a real victory all right here we go all right dang it is ah [Music] I can't see anybody blue [Music] oh they made a crops breakfast out of you that round let's try again yes I'm ready now very well good luck out there I'm not doing anything until I can um there we go okay how did you get a shot at me I didn't get a protego warning stupid phone how do you get potions like I don't have any potions how does one get through this yes I'm ready now all right I'm about to give up I'm literally about to give up y'all are just gonna see the Potter collector give up [Music] I protagoed I held it down I protagoned oh shoot I missed it uh Circle no no I don't want to do that no what's what's happening what's happening foreign why isn't it going on the person why is it getting them [Music] incending what the heck I'm like trying to lock onto them but I'm not able to do anything oh R1 Maybe no like I can't I can't get them this is a glitch do we actually like beat it and then it glitched out Target Lock's not working come on Eddie to feed him cause we can't is this a glitch it's glitched out right when we were gonna win you little nasty thank you more people can't watch videos what a victory you've won the Tour the tournament guys I'm not even happy I'm not even happy right now oh my gosh okay I'm a little bit happy wow that was a bug that was totally a bug but then the bug tried to trick me the bug was trying to trick me but I squashed that bug y'all after how many attempts 20 attempts holy cow let's just take a real quick break from the game shall we okay just pause this here we got a Super Chat thank you so much for the Super Chat what did you get what'd you say oh Tara thank you give me uh what does it say uh give me a p give me an e give me a t give me an e give me or what is that spell wizard duel winner that was stress fall let me tell you that was stressful so I don't know guys should we change yeah I was just gonna say should we change the mode Mel says change the mode we're changing that mode we are changing the mode y'all we're going in we're going to change this mode oh wait uh it was an honor blah blah oh here we go we gotta get through this oh thank you guys that was so that was crazy yeah I'm I'm dropping it my great honor to present you with this thing of supreme Court what I think you indeed I don't think I deserve this I absolutely deserve this after going through that 20 times thank you it's been an honor you are I wouldn't say that but the tournament winner I suppose I should get back to back to my wonder how my herbology plants are doing I haven't tended oh that's a little clue that we need to go back to herbology to uh okay all right we are going into settings and we are changing the difficulty uh uh I think I know how to do this no no yeah here we go all right I feel a little bad doing this but I'm not quite up to normal par yet so here we go we're on to normal I mean easy all right now we can relax a little bit more ah thanks guys thanks for the encouragement pursued persistence pursue and conquer all right so let's go to our ditney yes thank you get hydrated for real like I don't know if you're saying like get hydrated as a character but I need to get hydrated as a as a Peter um tonight we're drinking Synergy pure love blood orange hibiscus and Rose kombucha pure love because today is Valentine's Day very appropriate and some water too all right um all right so let's go to herbology classroom and take a look at our dittany we're just gonna travel there yeah I'm Gonna Save all these streams um nice to see you my young friend nice to see you too all right how do we get there oh through here Greenhouse two oh no this was the wait was this it oh yeah this is our ditney what kind of guide me I mean oh and we can Harvest more in 10 more minutes that's awesome love it all right what should we do what's what what what what what quests do we have to do you can buy potions and hogsmead it helps that's going to be very helpful indeed thank you for the Super Chat and the advice Patrick that's very very kind of you and yes I gotta get money so I almost feel like maybe we should go around to those eyeball treasure chests and get all that that money what was I gonna do though I was gonna do a quest what's the next Quest I feel like oh potions class ah I think yes um all right so we can't just travel there because we don't have the one the flu flame for potions class but we do have the golden thread to lead us there so I have not played at all since we last played because oh the sound is delayed again something's up with the PS5 I think this is weird so I think it's more A PS5 thing because maybe auras or someone from the ministry guarding the school after the incident and hugs me oh look at this classroom cool awesome what's down here referio revelio can't go in there yet can't open that trunk yet oh can we oh we can wow look at that look at that school uniform Essex school uniform see we wouldn't have found that if we didn't check I have to always remember to check everywhere thank you for magical items and goodies all right here we go potions wow look at this classroom sweet this is amazing just gonna walk around real quick this is my first time being in the potions classroom what was I saying oh yeah I was saying I haven't played since we played last because I almost feel bad playing without you guys so like I don't play until we can play together because this is this is our game essentially this is our character that we built together oh you're defending hogsmeade against Trails I did there is such a thing as trying too hard who are you talking to me you're very rude is it you I was not trying hard at all I was shocked by the true detect me what am I supposed to do just let it kill me all right here we are potions yeah the classroom's awesome begin Quest Summerlin WBU are the best is one of the most challenging and hazardous subjects taught at this school you're required to reach new heights of both discipline and intellect okay in this term by Brewing potion great because we need to learn how to do that can you tell us why this particular potion might come in handy yes but yes Professor sharp the wig and weld potion can be used to sterilize and even heal a variety of injuries it can heal some injuries but not all points for Ravenclaw today oh oh that's that's that's um uh forget his name gaunt need it but I forget his first name please begin he's a gaunt okay here we go we're brewing potions I'm an escant yes use a strong even motion when catching your ingredients okay Crush please be meticulous when adding powder to your potions one errant sneeze could be disastrous uh what am I supposed to be told we'll uh Peter remember to keep gear for stats not for looks you can change the appearance of gear by hovering over the tabs and pressing Square okay I okay I think I know what you're saying a pinch of Disney okay again and decimal instead of The Cauldron clockwise Jessica thanks for joining us I see most of you have not forgotten how to stir do we get to keep the wig and weld potion not an easy potion to brew well done thank you Professor what I hear of your recent exploits in hogsmead you'd also do well to practice Brewing the defensive endurance potions Professor Weasley had you acquire the recipe from Jay Pippins correct yes correct good for the moment you can find the ingredients you need in my office but in the future you'll be expected to provide your own ingredients some can be harvested it's much nicer than Snape herbology class unless it's perhaps because we are in Slytherin others however although I don't know if he's the head of House of Slytherin or not require you to be a bit more resourceful come and see me when you finished Brewing okay and we'll see if it was skill or luck the first time around that was a little nasty comment wasn't it all right so we have to collect the eggs the ash Winder eggs oh no I did not want to throw a cabbage right here we are which way my parents considered keeping me home from school this year after the rumors of a goblin Rebellion I hear Professor sharp say that you have permission to go into his office Gareth Weasley that's cool you heard correctly he did say that he wants me to get more ingredients to brew another potion brilliant you my friend have been presented with an extraordinary opportunity I'm Gareth by the way a bit of a prodigy with potions if I do so so myself is she gonna make us steal stuff wait are you related to Professor Weasley she's my aunt your aunt she's close an eye on me for comfort but she can't be everywhere and we've got a naughty Weasley I'm working on something that's certain to be spectacular I'm I suspect that's where I come in you're as clever as I'd hoped simply need a single super feather as you'll already be in Sharp's office with his permission grab it for me all right chat this is our character do we get the feather for him or do we let him get it himself steal don't do it why not time for bed oh man I'm seeing most people sing get the feather all right as long as your certain shop won't miss it I assure you he won't feathers aren't that valuable wait until you see what I'm brewing hurry back to me when you have the feather and the audio is off again and thanks so much for the Super Chat try to change the graphics settings to Performance it will make the game smoother and fighting more smoother okay let's just do that real quick because I think I have it on Fidelity or something I didn't know the difference I'll change oh to so what oh just a performance performance High frame rate mode they bring performance all right there we go all right here we go we're gonna go steal a fooper feather oh dear oh wait but first we're gonna collect the where's our where do we go oh this way remember precision [Music] oh here I love the spinal column candles wait we want to get rid of this okay all right oh we're stealing guys we're stealing what else we've got 55 galleons that we stole from his office too oh there there it is oh goodness gracious uh here we go stealing or do not condone stealing things guys uh okay is that him no oh here he is all right here you go here's the Flopper feather you wanted brilliant it's going to take a moment to brew you should get back to Brewing you're a Juris potion and I'll tell you when this concoction's finished I hope we get some of it Whatever It Is all right so [Music] here we go okay okay so what do we want to do we want the endurance potion what what what do I do is that it I don't do anything we just have to wait for it to brew eight seconds it's gonna blow up in my face or something thanks for the Super Chat uh rovo pick it up one bottle okay oh so we did it we got it okay so we got it putting on performance helps combat but will make game Graphics look much much worse oh oh so maybe that's why we're seeing that like weird googly look all right guys vote vote if I should bring it back to Fidelity or leave it on performance because I don't know either way so I'm gonna let the chat decide side throw in your vote now all right I think we're going back to Fidelity and now we're at the mallow suite and that music is awesome all right so do we do more can we make more does someone say what's happening wait it's not supposed to what no what what happened well done Gareth what'd he do did he get it what now Mr Weasley I didn't do it sorry professor that'll be points from Gryffindor oh good as long as it's not points from Slytherin do this on his own his accomplice will answer to me as well oh no guys we shouldn't have stole it we should never have stolen that [Music] he's gonna find out I brewed an endurance potion as you are I'm surprised you had the time [Music] Fidelity with Ray tracing is that the best option uh oh do we lie or do we just come clean [Music] I'm not sure what you're talking about Professor you will not earn favor with me by failing to take responsibility for your actions I suggest you heed my warning as for the work you did today at your own cauldron I will say you've done well I confess I was skeptical given the advanced nature of this class and the factual new student oh you guys said come clean I lied I lied I'm terrible I'm terrible quite yet in addition to have solid grasp Radiance themselves Michelle says to buy seeds and grow plants and brew potions yourself don't buy the potions you will need the galleons for the room of requirements from Melbourne you're the best you're the best Michelle welcome to the stream and it's probably morning in Melbourne right or late morning midday I think each of us has had enough excitement for one day good tip very good tip all right now what do we do is there another question here no where is it oh my robes are going to reek from Professor sharp must have learned a lot during his time as an aura oh he was in order she talked about it more all right what's next where shall we go next this cannot possibly be as difficult as it seems hello I don't believe we've met oh hello pardon me if I seem a little distracted at the moment everyone thinks I'm utterly balmy Samantha thinks I'm potty but it's this painting I never noticed it before if I know Hogwarts and I do an empty frame doesn't appear for no reason something more to this hmm shall we look into it if I have the time I may look could be intriguing I've been racking my brains long enough I hope you'll have better luck than I have oh I know what to do about this doing something Illuminating that solves the mystery or at least I think I know how to do this all right let's see revelio so we have to find the moth lumos I should look around in case it's nearby where um okay I think I know where that is actually it's down here and around the corner or like one of these corners there was like a statue this one no maybe it's on the other side so what brings a moth it's it's uh what what attracts moths it's light so aha okay so what it looks like oh there it is from the painting um so special about it um lumos lumos ah let's get you back to your frame little moth yes there's some authors get you back there maybe turn off the most Knocks there we go I knew that was that was I should tell Lenora that I solved the puzzle of that empty frame got a page too oh it vanished though where is she uh when in doubt cast a magical thread I'll probably go in Lenora [Music] it how I followed the clues I found the location depicted in the painting and then I cast definitely don't tell her how you did it very logical I suppose pity I was so close to solving it you have a knack for solving riddles Matty's good at that too so is a meat although he does tend to over explain well I'm glad someone figured it out that's it hmm incendio yeah all right we need to find so how does the story progress at this point for those who know do we have any um quests that I'm missing oh Professor oh there's an assignment a Dodge rolling did we not finish this oh we can expel your Miss yes yes please give me some Expelliarmus so how do we what do we do oh I think we can't do it until like we actually have something to duel like if if we should have done that in the should have done what you guys said and done all those dodges all right broomsticks are going out to style I think in lower Hogs field what's lower hawksfield oh there's the fryer again foreign this is cool oh we have got a flu Flame wow she's far away holy moly cannoli on another adventure are we yes be faster if we had a broomstick but look at where we are Hagrid's future Hut the bridge we're coming up on we're just seeing things that we've not seen yet parts of the castle absolutely beautiful very famous bridge that was blown up the owlry so cool defense against or excuse me Fantastic Fantastic Beasts care magical creatures classroom wow look at this place this is amazing oh the forest yeah I do want to visit the forest nope get all the moonstones we can I don't know what they're used for yet but oh we can collect those leaping Toadstool caps this is awesome so we're like collecting a lot of great things on the way um what was I talking about I forgot what I was talking about oh cool the music like changed foreign look at this this is amazing wait are we do you guys know what we're doing uh this is just Why Can't This Be Real Why Can't This Be Real why some trillionaire needs to build Hogwarts Legacy for people to visit wow going off the path oh we found another path what are those floating things balloons that looks almost more like Hagrid's side hey look hello little guy hi can I pet you no okay look at the bridge wow okay but seriously though can you imagine like living here and having Hogwarts in your backyard like that I'm sure I'm missing a lot of things I could be collecting proved dangerous if I'm not careful oh no really we are on easy mode though so that's good look at where we are we're like level at the Black Lake OH who's that scary person oh did you know you could swim let's go for a little swim shall we uh so fun get that exercise in wow sorry guys I'm just like in my own little world right now this is spectacular seriously spectacular I'll okay what are y'all saying when in doubt throw some plants like just throw a plant I'm gonna try to throw a plant when in doubt throw oh we can collect some leech juice though look at that look at all these things we're collecting we're gonna have so many potion ingredients it's not even funny hmm all right let's throw a plant uh how do you throw a plane again this way aha foreign [Laughter] Tara in battle she says in battle through a plant in battle well you live and you learn don't you throw plants during battle oh man look at this I want to live here that's ridiculous it's ridiculous it's ridiculous there she is hello Nettie it is good to see you it's good to see you too my friend hello Natty how are you I hope you've recovered from our rather eventful trip to hogsmead I am well stream awesome welcome hello after you I'm all right at the moment we did not speak about it at the time but I am hoping now you might tell me why they were looking for you I feel like we can trust her they want something that Professor fig and I found at Gringotts when were you before we came to Hogwarts in fact it's why I was late to the Sorting ceremony a portkey brought us thereafter the dragon attacked our Carriage what on Earth there's one more thing it's a bit odd if I'm honest Professor figs says I have a rare connection to a powerful form of ancient magic is that the magic you used fighting the trolls in hogsmeat I think so I'm still learning but I can see traces of it and I've cast magic I'll do that after this Brad I know that's a lot to absorb it is and I will have for now it is safe to say that rukut and Halo are a threat to both of us to all of us which is why I wanted to speak to you I realized something that Dan hugs meat you displayed such courage fighting that Troll and sirona was an intimidated one bit by Rookwood and Harlow yeah there was both of you have inspired me she was a stand of my own not intimidated men like Rookwood and Halo are the reason my mother and I left Marty billyland I am not going to sit by and watch them destroy my new home um I don't know if I can save the game at this point yet so let's just get through this dialogue glad to hear it so what the the delay is super bad right now so dangerous path we're gonna save the game well all the more reason they must be stuck and I'm gonna restart the PS5 again operations taking him down with crippled rookwood's entire Enterprise that may be true but shouldn't officer singer handle someone like Harlow as talk with her she was polite but perhaps understandably would not discuss details with a student I overheard some of Rookwood talking about a massive poaching operation that Hollow is planning I was thinking that we could investigate a bit try to get the evidence that officers singer needs all right but how I am going to watch and listen find out precisely what Hollow is up to I shall reach out when I know more in the meantime remember I am here if you need me thank you thanks nutty all right let's save the game be on your gut yes ma'am all right we're going to save right here all right here we go short break while I restart the PS5 because that's so weird I don't know why it keeps doing that so it's I don't know if it's a PS5 issue or if it's the capture card maybe there's a setting that's a little off in the PS5 true definitely the bright side oh you know why oh nice perfect okay so you guys have got it covered so for the next stream we should be good to go all right here we go restart so I hope everyone's doing good uh EJ Sports bye Peter gotta go to bed School in five hours oh yes go to sleep definitely go to sleep definitely go to sleep good morning AJ in the UK no chat showing up there either is something with chat going on there's a chat having issues too thank you Jackie Haley I'm also nocturnal all right here we go we are reset hello from the Philippines awesome love how Harry Potter is global Norway's here too all right here we go bam we're back [Music] all right so we should be good not sure how I'd fare in a little yep all right so we're back all right um what what's going on yeah what's going on there [Music] what is going on over here excuse me they must have come this way think I have no idea who it is you think I might have seen I've been busy with my research I do not have time to Victor Rook we don't give a dog she sniff back your time boy speak of the devil Mr Rookwood would like a word with you oh boy leave her alone oh no we got a duel uh do we have to though or uneasy okay turn you into chicken oh oh what's the light go out of your eyes that's a little rude uh okay what do we do okay uh the collections is a new enemy type you'll learn valuable Insight on enemies as the weakness of certain spells don't understand a word that just said but okay here we go bam gotta get this did we get them I have no idea where are you so close where are where are you I don't know where you are oh there you are can't imagine what that would be like if we were on normal mode you were right I am thanks in new small part to excellent defensive skills to tell me why two ashwinders were ready to dispatch me to get to you ass finders Victor Rookwood thieves and extortionists they seemed quite basically Death Eaters it's a long story but thank you for your help hmm well you've avoided them for the moment warned me things were getting dangerous best get moving on my research before they return yeah who is Priya you mentioned someone named Priya yeah yes my wife she's the one who piqued my interest in Merlin gave me a book when we were students at Hogwarts typical hard-working Hufflepuff brilliant potionaire has her own shop in knock Town alley she's a traveling vendor here's what's going on in the highlands before I do hmm yes what is this research you're a researcher research shredwell At Your Service historian and archaeologists specializing in Merlin's work and Rule very extraordinary Marlin of the legend of King Arthur the very thing Merlin attended Hogwarts the sound is old wonky now he left here Center a century ago fixtures dozens of them all around the area I've taken to calling them the trials of Merlin I believe he created them as a diversion for his fellow slytherins he was thanks mods for keeping the chat safe for everybody uh um very fascinating I can see why you're so interested in Merlin I'd be Keen to know more about the trials well then I'll let you in on a little secret no one has yet managed to figure out how they work but I believe I have just unlocked a crucial clue I suspect that mallow Suite is an important component in getting the trials to work mallow sweet versatile herb Merlin repeatedly mentioned it in his writings I had just arrived to test my theory when I was so rudely interrupted you see each swirl in Merlin's writing has its symbol in the center that started me thinking what if the mallow Suite is meant to be placed at the center of the symbols precisely would you care to do this yes we can see what comes of our little hypothesis this is exciting I brought a trunk chock full of mallow sweet with me it's just over there by my tent okay are we gonna get attacked this is the trick it's a trick to get attacked this trunk even if you already have oh thank you I have the Malo Suite okay lovely now notice the vines on these pillars here where's the stone swell on the ground oh each trial has these features place them aloe Suite on the swirl and we'll see what happens okay fine disappeared oh what should I do now charted territory I am curious about these papayas should we light them up and send you no maybe a little closer the Flames make the pie sink wow oh my gosh this is so fun wait where'd it go oh back where they started oh did you just go faster quick quick quick quick do we do it yes okay what what on Earth is going on back I take it we can call that a success we can yeah me too how does it does it to review my notes I may have missed something are all of the trials like this one not precisely well I think each has those Telltale Vines and the swell on the ground you should feel free to solve them as you come across them I believe I have what I need to continue my research my guess is that each will also require Malu sweet which you can find in hogsmeade should you need more I really must be off such a pleasure to meet you and do we get out here I've got what I needed I shall return to the safety of my notes and books okay oh bye I guess okay now I don't know what to do that was cool though is there like can you interact with this oh a new Quest in the courtyard okay so let's um because that's going to be like really far away unless it's a different Courtyard which Courtyard is it I think it's back in Hogwarts Okay so is it all right so we're going to flu flame ourselves look our map opened up even more Hogwarts and we want to go to the courtyard oh wait we don't have the flu flame yet for the courtyard but we can get oh we do who's good night whoever's going good night what's that back here lumos oh wait there are a bunch of them huh maybe there's something we do let's all right so let's see what we're supposed to do first that view all right let's see what we have to do first are we I think it's our first time on the bridge though mysterious note group knows of what book you found is it missing something does not believe it is safe to speak on the open note across the bridge among the circle of rocks another note across the bridge among the circle of rocks okay okay I agree who is scrope the circle of rocks here it is I think revelio no oh I see foreign Maybe no turn around ah almost there head to the pumpkins just down from the stone circle look inside one of them you may be able to help pour a broken hearted scrope all right the pumpkins ah I think under just the place oh my ah sorry video there incendio what's up the young Slytherin must be exceptionally Curious by now yeah we are I mean scrope at that water's edge by the Broken docks this is quite the water's edge yes yes better not be a trick are we gonna get the missing pages oh I'm going the wrong way this could prove dangerous if I'm not careful oh no that's what you said last time and then those men came and attacked me hold Akio down to levitate Jolly Panda thank you for the tip and the Super Chat hold down to levitate okay that's good to know so I'm just gonna like try it right now hold down Accu I don't have anything to levitate at the moment but that's I'm gonna try that next time sorry guys I know the sound is delayed again but again we've got a fix so the next stream should be much much better okay here we go whose scope scrope a house elf huh got a house oh my gosh the name scrub scrub serves the Headmaster I've been in the black family for years apologies for the abundance of notes scrub wanted to be sure he would follow but no one should leave the Headmaster can know all right I won't tell the Headmaster of course what can I do for you happy to help yeah we're happy to help if you can shed light on the books scribes like mistress Apollonia black must she rest in peace it was a student at a Hogwarts her over 50 years ago before she died she spoke with passion of pages ripped from a book she rips about suspects she took them to her private Grotto private she was delirious at the end poor thing mistook Belladonna for Elder Benny's grope tried to warn her I'm sorry to hear that but how do you benefit if I find the pages scrope believes that a treasured black family ring is also in The Grotto scrub wishes to give it to the Headmaster Apollonia for bad scrope from entering The Grotto long ago I love the brightness in just a second y'all scrub would not dare ask a student for help but when scrup learned you were looking for those pages scrope thoughts you might also find the ring okay wait the ring I think we'll just go I think we're gonna find the ring it seems this may help us both I'm Marshall do it stop it okay good job guys and place it on the pedestal there good luck okay the pet is still there okay we'll wait right here for you all right let's do this so when it gets dark out I guess it brightness can be super dark uh how do you do the brightness oh no uh no Maybe uh I don't know how to up the brightness it's probably this no oh my goodness guys I don't know how to up the brightness how do you up the brightness under the disc oh this the the disc no not this disc up one this I know Priscilla isn't the new stream setup amazing is this the one guys gameplay options the image the picture image and then brightness the picture I think that's the picture image I don't know what the heck I'm doing Mountain picture so this oh image calibration ah okay so I don't know 25 that seems low oh that's really high though we'll say like 54. that sounds good fit did it oh wait did it not save it did okay all right here we go let's see if this helps all right I think that's better is that better oh it looks better here on stream oh we're going to this Grotto thing this has like Tom Riddle Voldemort vibes okay good I'm glad it's better Stone back dung bog oh we don't want to be seen oh we've been seen I think oh dear oh no not another battle uh bam oh that's oh we just made it mean or not happy I said something about levitate it levitata by its tongue oh goodness can you dodge in the water no I don't know what to do uh levitate oh oh geez all right get out of the water I can't Dodge I don't know how okay Dodge oh we got one potion okay maybe we should move this to story mode did I do something all right levitate I've got to levitate it I I okay well hold on when I okay okay uh I need to play more all right let's get out of the water Levitate by its tongue Levitate by its tongue do we just can we just like pass them without no see they're gonna see us oh maybe we do hold on uh try to remember how to do this let's do this I think Maybe can we sneak around it no it's gonna see us I can't get out all right that's not right obviously move hello oh dear oh uh R1 oh oh when it licks you levitate it foreign can we just sneak into the bog and not have to do this oh good I think I can just Escape I hope Maybe why would I need a piece of toast okay good oh but I've got to get out too eating the toast hmm so investor all right here we go we're in The Grotto oh the pages okay could it be oh a visitor what oh the names Richard jackdaw I was a student just like you about a century ago how in the world did you find this place a house elf named scrope sent me said I might find a black family ring here ah sorry to say I sold the ring a long time ago scope still holds a candle for Apollonia I reckon can't say I blame him I stole all these Treasures just to impress her alas truster no avail I thought a secret map I pilfered from peeves would pique her interest but she simply rolled her eyes what would I want with yellow doll Pages torn from a book I want them not my finest moment may I have them I'd like to have those pages if you don't mind they're not here I thought if Apollonia wasn't interested in the map on the pages perhaps it would lead to something that would Intrigue her so I followed the map to what I can only describe as an enchanted Cave of some kind and you see what happened next here's an idea why don't you um the edge of the Forbidden Forest and I'll show you everything Forest guys but the Forbidden Forest yeah we'll see you at the forbid Forest I suppose if that's the only way for me to get those pages I'll meet you at the forest I'm sure the pages are still tucked in my waistcoat if you don't mind the sight of a well my decapitated skeleton they're yours for the taking oh this is gonna be a fun fun Quest but before we go what do we do okay uh I don't know what we're supposed to do light the candles so we're supposed to light candles by the bridge that's the forest okay light candles by the hmm a map okay it doesn't appear to be connected to the missing pages best hang on to it for now yeah I agree revelio all right here we go but instead of going through these Waters again I'm going to take the easy way uh forest forest forest forest world map here we are bye Luke I couldn't figure this out okay interesting oh you're my young friend these are my favorite flowers the little Honkers this is awesome all right so we're at the Forbidden Forest it's our first time going into the forest oh I want to collect those sorry to wake you dangerous Ministry of magic should we go up to them hello I created a few and Ferry myself some time ago oh no one would dare challenge me again once I have an inferior set my back and call oh fire is the best way to protect yourself against inferior for anything 700 feet what do we go way too far return to stroke wait I thought we were supposed to meet at The Forbidden Forest oh goodness all right hold on I did something wrong okay so we need to return to scrope uh uh no no that's not what we want to do uh where's the map um shoot what have I done how I thought we had a flu Flame all right so we need to get as close as we can oh right here I'm so confused I thought we had to meet him at the Forbidden Forest all right let's all right so we are supposed to see scrope all right we're gonna run for this huh foreign how self-talk hello scrope thanks to you I was able to enter apollonia's Grotto the toast was the key I met a ghost there Richard jackdaw who's agreed to lead me to the pages I've been looking for oh that boy was never good enough for Apollonia oh what of the black family ring I'm sorry to say that jackdaw sold it long ago sad news indeed scraps you'll need to think of another way to impress their Headmaster well scrope takes some consolation in knowing that the young Slytherin found what they needed I did thank you again scrope you're a credit to house elves hmm all right so now we still have to go now we go back to the Forbidden Forest I'm guessing yeah no yes because I mean they talked about the pages okay new Quest learn the disarming charm before okay oh so how do we learn the disarming charm if like so we did we do we have to find like a duel uh quests where's quests so I don't know how to do this one maybe this will take us to it yeah successfully avoid enemy attack by dodging so maybe we could go to those like how do we do this guys tell you how to so we have to dodge enemies 10 times but I don't know how to do that Dodge the frogs okay let's see if we can dodge them if that will provide us with what we need it's very foggy Let's uh pull up lumos Rebellion lumos they were this way weren't they of course now they're gone hmm anyone have any Forest time to head to the forest I guess yeah I don't know how else to find a fight all right so we're going to the forest to dodge some enemies hopefully they'll find some enemies there what's happening in the chat you will find spiders and bad guys in the forest indeed your Field Guide I'm most pleased to be included love those plants all right here we go find ourselves some enemies it's getting light out now too oh enemies ah wait did they find us already found me already no not yet okay just need to dodge them 10 times wait oh it wasn't wait it was Monsters or little yeah boom Dodge did we Dodge it not yet okay I'm gonna Dodge him haha oh they're right there three four huh five come on six seven shall we finish what we've done come and get me wait I can't attack you just yet got to dodge you a few more times there we are come on it isn't nor a Treadwell's guardian angel collect some leeches while we're at it all right now you're mine Akio get over here I need those things though come on let me up um did they go away did they go away no I need the magic I need the magic oh the magic went away oh but where are we okay but we did what we have to do oh so now we can defend we can go to the defense against the dark arts classroom but before we do that let's see what we might find we get a couple galleons a deer oh dear looks like it's peen Akio nope all right all right I guess let's go to the defense against the dark arts classroom so that we can go see the ghost and go on that Journey all right uh this flu powdered yes we're going to fluke out it Hogwarts map uh where's the defense against the dark arts classroom I forget oh it's right here so I said nope astronomy fix classroom here we are all right we're not tracking anything what uh just considered his classroom I forget where it is all right so what we're gonna do is we're going to go to quests [Music] ah a magical golden thread wasn't there a flu flame like right there yeah oh we we did Tower knots to defense against the starters classroom [Music] Peter there are there's a trophy you can get by using flippendo on 10 cows wow oh that's fun [Music] okay we're gonna need to chat breaks break soon I think sorry you're bored Robbie all right yeah I I'm catching your drift so let's uh do a quick save before we do this because we are going through some major delays again hello I'm going to be very curious to see what this fix is that everybody came up with all right restart again I caught your drift all right let's see what everyone is saying I'm glad you all aren't bored the cow tipping trophy it's called spilled milk seriously is that is that a joke or is that real because that's hysterical if it's true I love myself a peanut butter cup I understood all you have to say is Buttercup and I understand Peanut Butter Cup um what are you most most excited for about this game I'm definitely having fun playing um it's a little stressful at times because I mean I know I keep saying this because I'm not a gamer so I don't really get things as quickly as people who are used to playing games are used to getting things um but I'm having fun but this makes it more fun like yeah I would probably play by myself but this just makes it more fun the whole interaction and US essentially playing the game together and deciding what direction our character is going to go right we are back in business but I do want to just hang out here for a little while oh thank you so much Dinan Diaz you're not a bad gamer well I appreciate that I am trying I'm definitely trying Joshua try the dark cards I just have to but that's that's gonna be a decision that I make if you all vote no I'm gonna vote Yes and then I'm gonna try the dark cards hard to cast Avada cadaver for the first time that's gonna be weird this is kind of ASMR yeah what unforgivable curse are you guys most excited to watch me cast in awkwards Legacy oh I like cookies Sebastian is gonna be your bestie I know we know from the dark Earth trailer that Sebastian is not a good person okay Lillian she's like crucio not gonna lie lots of crucios wow you guys want me to cause pain pain and suffering to those who are at my Mercy Johnny John Johnny it good night see you in episode six thank you for being here thank you for that Super Chat very kind of you I am very excited for episode six as well I don't know what it will be but now that the stream is set up it's going to be pretty soon the giant squid yeah that's gonna be fun to see so I hear that you can see the giant squid jump out of the lake like if you're like by the lake there's so much to explore and figure out so honey bear I'm trying to stream okay so let's talk so we've got the stream equipment good to go right so everything's good to go um I have two big announcements I'll be making on Thursday in a video um a kind of a behind the scenes of creating this stream setup um so two big announcements are coming two big things are coming to the Potter collector Channel I'm not going to tell you what they are yet but um so I am in a play The 39 steps and it is a very line heavy role so I'm still memorizing lines and we open in less than a month so that's why I haven't been streaming as often as I wanted to um for one because it's like I have to I have to learn these lines because other people are relying on me to learn these lines you know so they're almost there almost almost there which is going to allow me to um looking at Brad says glad glad I didn't do it Brad was going to be in the show with me um but decided to to not do it um he didn't like just drop out um he he was you know offered the role and then he's like no I I'm just too busy at this at the moment and um based on what you're doing Brad and it was a good decision because it's it's a lot of work and a lot of times so that's what's been taking all of my time um and that's why I haven't been able to stream as often as I want to but the lines are almost there which means I'll be able to do some day streams as well that's what I really want to do it's like it's like almost 2 A.M so and really I should go to bed soon because I've got my contractors coming to if you if you missed the earliest stream earlier stream the fireplace has been installed if you have no idea what that's what I'm saying the fireplace is being installed um check out my renovation Vlogs I've been renovating the main level of my house so the fireplace is being installed so I really should go to sleep actually but we have to go through the Forbidden Forest Quest then we're gonna go to bed um so yeah so so back long-winded answer I'm starting to get tired um how often more often soon because again those lines are almost memorized so uh I left the 39 steps says Marley it's it's a really fun show to be part of it's just stressful with the amount of lines I have to learn so it's awesome just for since you know it I'm playing Richard hanae so very excited to play this character and yes Tara fireplace for the win Brad says 24-hour uh stream oh that would be so hard to do there would be lots of these no lots of these no okay see wait it's on so okay so Brad I pressed the thing I need to like re-press the stream or re do the stream deck because I press the be right back but it goes to when I press it on the stream deck it it goes to starting soon so I have to like press it on there anyway um uh uh okay so let's get back into this [Music] very easy yeah I think I can fix it myself too which is I'm proud of myself I changed some things around already on it okay here we go let's learn Expelliarmus I hope you're right yes ma'am I completed all of you ointments well done then you're ready to learn Expelliarmus perfect pay close attention the disarming charm May often be all you need to defeat the most powerful dark witches and wizards you might encounter spell casting requires a focused mind and a steady wand Expelliarmus thank you [Music] Professor do you have a moment oh I do what is it um did you attend Hogwarts why are we asking her this let's find out I wondered did you attend Hogwarts I did I am a proud member of Ravenclaw house why do you ask I was curious as to how Hogwarts has changed over the years I see well the castle itself as I'm sure you have surmised is full of surprises I dare say more than the staircases change around here as for the students well they seem to get more capable every year although we got up to just as much Mischief in my day as you seem to now I used to look the other way at all sorts of rotary when I was head girl okay girl I can tell you however that I did once admonish a certain Phineas nigellous flag for enjoying a sugar quill during a lecture I I hadn't realized that you and Professor black were students here together okay so we're gonna learn a lot be deceiving you see from Professor heckett I think by time probably all the professors but uh how awful that you were wounded I'm not sure what that means but it sounds horrible oh well it was the risk I took with my prior position you may oh yeah she was in unspeakable I forgot unspeakable at the ministry for years so they work in the department of mysteries oh she's going to tell you as you might I cannot speak oh what we did say the job was not without its I'm satisfied your curiosity for the moment you have interesting thank you for speaking with me time harmed her she worked with time Turners both in the department of time I forget what the Department's called but that's where she worked whoa that's cool so yeah unspeakables they are you know Ministry workers who work in the department of mysteries it's very secretive but that little time comment I'm I'm sure she worked in the time room that's awesome that's cool I wonder what else we'll learn all right so let's do the test dummy but first we must go to where's this no yes replace lumos we don't really need incendio I think it's spellyarmus is probably more um important then sendio at this moment s stick but keep practicing experience May save your life one day okay how do we I don't think we'd like to be the dummy do we oh now he has his wand looks okay spell yamas got it so I think that's it is that it okay so the to the Forbidden Forest we go right so this Quest should be unlocked uh quests quests I'm so excited it's unlocked let's go [Music] um forbidden Force right yeah so to the Fitbit enforest we go world map s it's gonna be fun this is gonna be so fun I just know it I know it's gonna be fun the map is so cool and it's so cool okay here we are again okay wait but how are we gonna see a ghost in the light all right so we've got a ways to walk let's just take the path because when we go off the path we seem to to find ourselves in some trouble oh good this is a way we haven't gone yet uh back says still planning individual translation videos yeah there's so much I would love to do and I've done a few but there are so many more I mean this whole room is full of translations um I've got to got to got to get back into a better kind of mix of content because that's one of the things I don't love about where the channel is right now like it's add some more book related things too because I mean that's where Harry Potter started with books all right so we just wait here yeah there's so many amazing translations to show here I am as good as my word okay oh it's night time now then we can see you we meet again I need incendio good to know okay I suppose I shouldn't be surprised to see you it took the cunning of a Slytherin to track down these Pages well said oh thanks you're excited to find these Pages then we can bring them back as far as I can Professor I fear I may remain a tad reluctant to revisit the scene of My Demise can you understand that that's open for a bird bath when you fight okay intramuros I think it's Latin and tremuros or Greek as you can imagine I never paid much attention in school shall we yes we shall but first before we go the Potter collector Community are saying I need incendio so we're going to do incendio let I think we can do levioso uh do that all right so I think we're good anything else I should look for indeed a few landmarks a stone bridge a waterfall and if I recall a lake you'll see you've been very helpful thank you surprising how much of this is rather unfortunate oh my goodness where are we going what the heck okay we got a flu flame at least oh no spiders yes the more I'm remembering uh probably best I leave you to it really stick to the path can't you just sharp eye out for that bird bath can you just stay with me you just stay well I've Got The Power clutch Community with me we're all together nothing to do now but keep going uh-huh well we'll grab some of those to help our nerves there's a couple more to grab [Music] all those little chickas are here so we're um pheasants or whatever they are the waterfall for a thief jackdaws surprisingly as good as his word all right seeing those little things means there's not a lot of well maybe there is oh this way what's that nine galleons you said stay under the path so we need to stay on the pad you know what I love about everyone in here is most of you have either like finished the game already or like know what's going on and I have no idea what's going on so like it's nice to have people that ask little like when I get lost I can ask um like what to do look at those Stags beautiful okay um here we go so anyway what I'm saying is thanks for your your help and thanks for being here there's the bird bath okay but let's get the food claim handy resource indeed your Field Guide included all right so oh look owl okay here we go so do we have to drop like those things on it whisper the password oh I forgot the password uh in something intramuros intramuros uh what oh no far from home Ren Rock new you'd eventually lead us to whatever it is you'll hide you little nasty I'm getting you aren't I kind of get the magic get the magic thank you just go away bam bam I risk those loyalists will report back to Round Rock now true let's see where Jack doors led me what is this gonna be uh oh this is a very difficult quest for me go go go go Peter thank you for the encouragement moonlace I'm gonna need it now if they say it's too easy oh no let's get through this Quest and then we'll see how we're feeling I'm not against upping the difficulty like in a in a stream or two um Tara says the lake with the Stags is an Easter egg for us oh really I'm gonna just go back and look at that that's awesome I didn't realize that was the lake all right here we go Brad that is true I mean I am in for the story all right here we go let's go let's go let's go let's guess I do too let's look up gorgeous if I had a cave like this I would never leave sorry guys you'd never see me you would have to like come and try to find me oh I don't know if we can collect those oh we can okay like you would have to go on quests to find me all right I think that might have something whoa look at all these things that's that's Merlin's symbol or the Hogwarts Legacy symbol these friends must have something to do with opening this door whoa that must be where all this leads that's cool all right um hold on we've got a quick Super Chat everyone didn't want casual visitors down here oh wait never mind we saw the Super Chat did I miss a Super Chat no I don't I didn't okay so um oh oh thank oh thank you um Tara so we had a super chat but I guess there was a spoiler in it so I thought I saw it I did not see some I did not see it um okay so we're our sound is delayed again so should we just keep going or should I do a quick restart I'm gonna do a quick restart because I don't wanna I don't want this yeah we're gonna do a quick restart because um I want to go through this Quest let's make sure I save it though without this this weird delay and again we've we've as far as I know we have a fix for future streams so I appreciate everyone for your patience all right we're saved so I'm gonna do a quick restart because we want to go through this Quest like it's gonna be amazing yeah I agree chat time okay I'm glad you guys are saying restart my day was great thanks Brad how was your day I got to see you that's why it was great because you were here at the potter collector Library and we set up this amazing stream guys I send your thanks again to Brad and to Nick who have been so helpful in creating this this stream this new stream setup I mean the sound quality like I went back and listened to our test um video the sound is so much better I mean you guys were saying like oh Peter get an external mic and you were absolutely right um makes such a big difference and this camera it's so clear it's crazy Crazy Town just crazy town oh thank you Juniper I appreciate that yeah I'm so stoked about what like not only just plain Hogwarts Legacy but streaming just chats like now that we've got this set up and it's easy and I understand it I'm very excited actually what I should do is um while I have you guys and while this is rebooting I'm gonna go into stream deck and I'm going to edit this chat break BRB okay so BRB so we're starting to be right back so now when I press the BRB button on this fancy little doodad it should say be right back but I'm still going to be here be right back look at me aren't you guys so proud I'm so proud of myself this is crazy so cool okay we're back let's go into Mr Tom Asha and go on this Quest okay get those pages we've got to get those pages all right so our sound should be good dicey digital foulad yes this is a dicey little food lad fancy little doodad all right so okay oh wait the door opened wait do we have to go this way no oh no oh wow look at this cave okay this is the Cave of Wonders this must be where that's where Aladdin took the magic carpet down I know it was Agrabah but it was really here that's awesome we're gonna find the lamp not really look at that flame though that's awesome what do we what do we collect oh some galleons oh oh no I wonder if any of my spells were probably incendio yeah ah don't go away go away get away get away from Pete no oh no why did we have to go in here all right there we go we need irania eggsame foreign see how easy like easy is so great because like they slow down like to give you time to react don't collect them in the middle of a battle oh turn oh dude uh spiders I hate spiders to go this way or the other way this way oh dear oh my gosh uh oh they're behind me too where's the Ronnie xma when we need it wait but I saw something over here wait we don't collect that oh a spider Fang that's cool there's something oh there's something else over here another spider Fang consider changing your spells lumos not helpful yeah you are probably very right well I know you're right because you actually know what's happening oh wait okay so we want to do this I'm guessing levioso oh wait but I know Levy also is like this one so let's do this no actually I know this is this and I know since this is a new one would be bad okay but what's that I know we're supposed to go the other way but I wonder if I can move that platform yeah I think I can okay how do I get up there though what's that bright light oh fire uh how do I get up and just oh just like that um move that towards me oh look at this Rebellion track uh gold oh fun anything else said it so I think that we can do the same oh no it's on that side so we can probably go like that right wait are we back where we started no ah there we go I've got to get this um lock on your target thing figured out I'm glad Richard Jack do left a little something behind for me but where could he be okay so I think that's it so now we have to go this way thanks guys thanks for the encouragement good night Brianne Bree Brianne yeah Brienne another above this so can I I have a friend named Brianna and and I always get confused so I want to make sure I said your name correctly anymore do we get it door open no okay hold on what's the next symbol is hidden somewhere ah duh rebellio is it that yeah oh thank you for the question uh the uh bam that is remarkable Andre thank you for the Super Chat finally got to catch a stream one of your fans from Australia thank you for hours of enjoyment while playing the game thank you for being here I'm so glad that you finally made it to one of these and there are many more to come for you to be able to join so thank you for being here my question for you though is have you started playing and are you going to be playing moonlace DC says you can also update your gear will help with your stats oh I haven't actually done that yet let's let's take a quick little um gear break uh gear and we can see what new cloaks we have so our offense drops so we don't want to do that so this would be better I think right or is that where we are oh that's what we are already okay so we need some better gear I don't think this will help us oh defense up by nine just by switching this okay and our neckwear oh we're already on here okay so we're already good okay so I I think that was all that we needed to do thank you for that tip I always forget rebellio oh look at that it reveals spiders so I okay so we know we're about to be attacked by these monstrous beasts but what's around here okay so can we do this can we like trick them incendio all right we're just gonna have to go through oh dear just run just just run run run run run run run run okay we made it's a good thing Jack Doyle didn't fall down there oh this is a different way wait back here sir oh too late on too soon so they were protecting some something we've got another Super Chat let me grab this real real quick what's inside that's odd I'd have thought Jackal would have been interested in this Loop but there's no sign of him oh we're supposed to find his skeleton I forgot yeah sent Peter you need the uh to equip some more gear faceware Etc uh you know you have new gear if there's an exclamation park by your oh okay so we've got some face wear let's see I thought I had Merlin's coat or what you call it I'm pretty sure I got it from the why did it show up I got it from the live stream but it's not showing up is anyone else having that issue oh we've got headwear too and face wear all the new dragon things or no yeah the Gold Dragon spectacles wow that brought the defense up a lot thank you for that tip nope go back to the Hat oh it's just for looks okay no stats defense 18. whoa but then right you can press like change appearance but like you still have your same it's like we could go no hat but we still have the same but we're gonna keep those glasses thank you very much for that tip but did I miss a Super Chat no okay just want to make sure all right so where were we all right we got that oh our stream is delayed again but we're just gonna play through it all right let's get back to finding Jack's skeleton although we've got lots of things to collect Rebellion hmm what's up there and how does one get up there okay here we go what's that noise oh dear don't like the sound of whatever that noise is all right so we want to do this and that ah quiz gloves yes quidditch gloves and two galleons hey that was worth it for the Quidditch gloves I wonder if there was something over yeah there was oh I get it okay so you can like oh wait we learned this when we learned the spell we learned this how you can um control prefix school uniform um control the uh it's an insight inside Pacquiao yeah because but I may as well help myself to this oh that sounds just like a Slytherin thing to say back here all right here we go we're finding a lot of loot here untouched chest character wasn't very thorough in his search of this cave oh Wicked World potion we need that all right so let's continue on our search oh we can't trace it okay but we have to all right let's figure out how to get back so we need to cross that bridge that's where the skeleton is going to be I bet ya I bet my bottom dollar I bet my bottom galleon it's almost complete oh oh dear no spiders these can't be what the hell die you spider oh same you're so foul oh no boss spiders uh okay that was a Dodge I think I was supposed to dodge that one that's for tago almost almost dodged no no no no no no no no no away with you thank you oh you left I can deal with you accio in this way I must admit easy is a lot more enjoyable less frustrating uh where's the other one uh where are you I need to look around for the symbol yes uh revelio rebellio got one two all right behind me wait is it around here oh look at all those spider fangs I think that's stuff that can't you like sell stuff so like I think the more fangs we I feel like spider fangs are gonna be valuable all right let's see maybe around here we didn't go this way aha all right so we got to be quick about this all right bam got it cool whoa that is Magic this is quite the quest to find a skeleton must be getting closer to Jack Doyle's remains and those pages ah revelio we meet again Richard jackdaw thank you for keeping these Pages safe all these years elf made Ivory gloves wow look at that reflection like little details like that that the game makers put in the reflection on the wall brilliant absolutely brilliant so there's little details that just make something spectacular oh here it is okay ah always killed by one of these little doodad things check your gear okay checking gear checking gear the gloves the elf gloves or the Quidditch ones 21 offense nice okay so I'm not level 10 yet so I can't do that that's huge that's everything new oh wait we've got a new outfit too defense 15. huh what would I do without you guys thank you all right so as soon as I press search I know that those see I'm tempted to switch to a harder mode but we'll stay oh here it is and the pages okay okay um this room okay here we go we've got to get Beyond this room oops foreign runaway Dodge oh I keep forgetting to dodge those things those jumps Dodge I know I have a potion I need I'm taking it uh what uh [Music] I need to lock onto him give me your Magic uh lock on no no no no no why do I do that every time get far away you must defeat the enemy nope I gotta lock onto him lock on oh shoot I protagoed I got this Circle button not triangle oh we're gonna do them all again okay all right bring it on oh I should have saved my ancient Magic stupid I should have saved my ancient magic I could have gotten rid of one of these no oh you can't go up there okay okay okay uh this way that I'm dodging I'm dodging I'm dodging where why isn't locking on to it yourself whoa he came out of nowhere uh this is incendio put that die where is it where is he oh nothing oh what's happening I don't know what's happening I was like I was like still in battle all right here we go I don't know what's going on now yeah wait ancient Magic wait what do we do hold on investigate choices of ancient magic oh revelio maybe oh this oh where are we going now I love this game foreign thank you Tara yeah it's Zeke ziki hey Peter me and my mom are huge fans we're excited I need to unlock the variums yes me too and the room of requirement uh we think that you would love the magical Beast I can't wait for the room of requirement and the vivariums thank you for the Super Chat I'm so glad you got you you and your mom can like share share Harry Potter and loving Harry Potter all right here we go is there anything in here to oh no no rooms thoughts into flood uh okay oh did you kiss this I have don't know cool whatever it is I can only hurt this magic protects me until I'm able to make my way out of it oh look at that what is this place your guess is as good as mine it's just a giant pensive Peter need to equip with some more gear face words Etc oh wait with more do I oh portraits it's those four okay I need to gear up again I don't have any new gear okay so that's good so I'm totally geared up at least what is this magic we're talking to Percival it's you as someone finally found our map chamber I recognize you from the pensives you're Professor Rackham I am indeed I must confess that I am surprised to see someone so young standing before me I'm the same age that you and Isadora Morgan Arc were when you started sell the unused gear okay paid attention I'll be out of spaces and I presume you share good to know ability to see traces of ancient magic we're in the master room I do as you have likely realized by now our ability gives us a unique relationship with all forms of magic we can access expressions of Magic the few others can opportunities will arise that allow you to sharpen this rare Talent do not squander them I won't Professor thank you we have much to discuss but first a map found in a certain book LED you here place the book on the pedestal I don't have the book with you oh no that is unfortunate I'm afraid we must pause our conversation until you return with the book why is this room called the map chamber I assure you that all will be clear once the book has been placed on the pedestal the statues and carvings in the house on the Cliffside those who review are you a seer I am did you know I cannot say more at present except to say that your presence here does not entirely surprise me hmm okay very well I'll retrieve the book right away good we shall speak again once the book is in place hmm okay uh uh your connection to ancient magic has unlocked talents plus one you will receive one Talent Point each time you increase your Wizarding level if new Talent points to spend and the talents menu in your Field Guide alright so let's see what this is all about I've earned a talent starting at level five you may spend the talent points to enhance your spells increase your combat power stealth and more Choose Wisely telling points may only be used once so the number of talents you acquire will be limited I see okay return return here to see okay interesting Okay so okay so I don't I'm not gonna spend anything yet because I don't know it I have five available right now I can just get stealth do I want to spend them on stealth or do I want to wait room of requirement is that how you unlock room of requirement or dark arts oh man core first open more spell Wheels okay there are two so don't want to spend them on stealth okay all right so I'm gonna want to put it on core okay so I'm gonna put these in core uh acquire Talent basic cast okay okay oh oh shoot wait I'm spending all wait hold on hold on wait wait I gotta read these different things successful blocks will contribute to the ancient magic meter oh nice that's huge holding down Dodge allows you to vanish ooh cool new spell sets added oh that's big I like that too look at all these great things can I only buy five new spell sets oh oh man okay guys what do I do okay so I'll unlock more as I level up so spell knowledge wait I already oh wait this one spell knowledge okay acquired the Dodge one oh spell knowledge one and two oh here okay the dash so Swift and then it was the healing one right I mean that seems huge though like protego blocks like increases ancient Magic but I'm gonna do the wig and weld one all right here we go thank you guys thank you thank you thank you all right foreign oh we got a trophy is there a um a uh blue flame in here by chance don't believe so look at this beautiful room though holy moly cannoli so stunning all right we're gonna exit don't need one okay the pages and the map chamber now where are we I don't know exit the map chamber oh there it is [Music] where is the map chamber where are we where are we gonna be led are we in Hogwarts Castle what oh hold on uh hold on let's do this no revelio uh let's do this one oh wait but we have another another doodad don't we don't we have like another spell thing so we can like put more spells in or something I don't know I'll figure that in one second when I get the I want to get these galleons 500 galleons please thank you so um back all right I'll figure that out in a second let's exit the chamber we're at Hogwarts Castle the map room is at Hogwarts whoa mind blown we were in the forest and then we were transported to Hogwarts where is this gonna spit us out I'm so intrigued right now okay uh I'm back at Hogwarts yes we are I remember when Professor fig will be back I did promise him I won't neglect my study as well I was halfway suppose I have enough to distract myself with till he returns with the book where are we Rebellion [Music] oh look at that Tara you're correct slots fall we'll come back to that one after we sell some stuff okay but where are we that's what I'm most curious about we're in the potions classroom or no oh that's locked oh no now what revelio all right I know the game will tell me like go this way to the map room but I want to like try to remember how to get to the map room I haven't a clue where we are is this that wait is this the Transfiguration Courtyard no I better keep an eye on high places around the school for zenobia's gobsters yeah it is isn't it okay so it's through there interesting okay all right guys I have to go to sleep now I'm gonna wake up and I've got a vlog numbers six or seven of the home rentals fireplace is starting at 8 A.M so five hours five hours from now but what we're gonna do is we're gonna go to our dormitory this game is just it's getting better and better oh wait what did that say something about equipment so for stream number six you all are gonna have to remind me the first thing we have to do oh how self sorry the first the first thing we have to do is um go to hogsmeade and sell our extra equipment wait this is the way the dormitories is it wait oh no it is this way but kind of like around the bend we took the long way um so what I was what I was saying was you're gonna have to remind me to go to hogsmead to sell our extra stuff so we can collect more things number three yeah full ndf5 talk to me sell gear thanks guys thanks for the reminder I wish like at night time you would see like other students sleeping I seems to be like more realistic like where are all the fifthias what do we get oh look at all these letters all right let's not open letters yet let's just stay right here we're gonna save the game just like this in front of read mail so that we know we've got to read some mail foreign wow that was a fun game play and stream like that was intense most a lot of the parts were intense do you guys remember that that um the cross ones duel that was crazy but we did it we got through it backs thank you so Lex basilisk and Slytherin common room found yesterday that's cool okay I'm excited to find that too yeah I can't believe I got through that that was persistence persistence one and I got through it fun game intense quests seriously Bob I'm so glad you got some some of this um once my schedule opens up a little bit more I'm I'm going to be doing some more daytime streams yes we'll definitely have some Lo-Fi music while we're closing out to the Stream killed the stream well done thank you so much Mark thank you guys for being here welcome to the new stream-ness on the powder collector Channel like so excited about this microphone this camera this like little button thing I can press it's awesome I'm so excited this whole setup like look at how fun like hey now it's a full view hello everyone um let's see there's the game I've got to go to the bathroom so I'm going to be right back all this fun stuff oh we're starting soon this is so much fun and there's like more stuff that I can add to this stream deck to like create other commands and stuff and just make it more fun and interactive for you guys so it's not just some born like the little stream I mean not that the boarding streams are bad but I want to make it as fun and interactive as possible for you guys too so thank you for joining and yes glorious foray into gaming all right guys thank you to my mods thank you for being here thank you for keeping the chat safe and family friendly so excited many more streams to come all right y'all I hope you have a wonderful night or a day wherever you are watching from and I'm gonna add a little bit of music thank you Robbie for the Super Chat fun game and fun stream I appreciate you being here yes thanks Brad for the reminder big announcements on Thursday things that you guys have been asking for and saying I needed to do two big things are coming and I'll be announcing it on Monday in a video which is going to show the behind the scenes of all of this stream equipment and the setup of a process of it and you'll you'll get to meet Brad so yeah you'll see Brad in the Stream thank you Nick again for being here thank you Tara I think Blake went to sleep but thank you and of course Brad thank you for being here this music good night all foreign I just realized I did not say keep collecting keep collecting see you in the next stream very creepy yeah guys I'm still here I don't want to go to sleep I want to just stay up all night but I can't okay now I'm going goodbye keep collecting good night foreign
Channel: The Potter Collector
Views: 78,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harry potter, the potter collector, wizarding world, wizarding world of harry potter, harry potter world, harry potter books, j.k. rowling, warner bros, harry potter collecting, harry potter collector, hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy reaction, hogwarts game, playstation 5, ps5, ps4, harry potter video game, gamer, first look, xbox, nintendo, playing hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy event, playing, video game, magic, non-gamer, livestream, live
Id: MqAqt-ZyCQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 29sec (14309 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2023
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