Horizon Forbidden West | Nintendo Direct | Elden Ring | Scalebound | Street Fighter 6 - WWP 311

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[Music] my weapon well name another pilot's bigger small i'm contestant and still name another spot or any section i'm king of the hill name another squad that wanna test it i'm beating them still bye no you can't die from my weapon well name another pile that's big or small i'm contestant and still name another spot or any section i'm king of the hill right i know my bro can't got me see that's a black bond that can't be broken no idris alba i'm a black mind name and a scope and all black panel you can never try playing this token yeah be playing games but now one of us playing a joke away then jack move came in with the trophies god in the lane of its own like how can you gamers approach me till kiss move to body you want halo then send your family an angel emoji you should have known dog you ain't got enough series x's blind got all the answers no you ain't gotta ask siri questions all the latest gaming news gotta be here to check it out it's 2015 and beyond i'm just here to respect it when you at the top of your tear is a blessing from the bottom so no way we appear to be desperate this for anybody doubting i'm clairing a message yeah and if you ever had a problem you could run a high but you can't dodge what's in my weapon well name another part that's big or small i'm contesting and still name another spot or any section i'm king of the hell name another squad that wanna test it i'm beating them still no you can't dodge what's in my weapon well name another pile that's big or small i'm contestant and still name another spot or any section i'm king [Music] [Music] jack move we got black bomb i mean blandro i mean what you you came off straight for us bro like the straight's too strong [Music] yo yo y'all hear me not that burp um i think i might have burped into the um burps into my mic while the intro was going and i might not have been muted i'm not sure i don't know if they heard that yo chat let me know if y'all hear me oh my god i was muted i was about to say who might call that burp oh yeah i heard that yeah block bonner yeah that's crazy i burped right into the intro that there you go i bro i thought i was muted i muted myself in the discord but i didn't mute myself in um you know in in obs so yeah i had a little cameo on that intro fire gentlemen how y'all doing man y'all excited man y'all happy what's the meaning it's a sad week because there's no football to look forward to oh man but there's a weapon wheel though hey i'll start gaming tonight though it might be right the the uh all no defense game yes sir until the fourth quarter i need my boy john to get that mvp tonight yes sir let's get it oh man uh so that we're back after one week gone because of the super bowl [ __ ] kids yeah smoove with the reverse domino powers again oh joe burrow was done before the game even started he had no idea he had no idea the powers of kids smoothies okay they should just cancel the game as soon as smooth said he was yeah he said oh by three doesn't mean the bangles would lose i'm like smoove that's that's when someone says team buy three that always means they're gonna win by three like what do you mean that's what that means and then they lost by three that boy power's getting stronger dawg that is it is that blind your game play on the stream is reversing yes sir oh fire yes sir good job bro i'm gonna be honest with you jack the game isn't very good but yeah oh no well it was like 25 years old so yeah so i i try not to be too harsh on it but it's not the i think and it's never been never been localized in america i think you're a little loud bland you're just slightly loud okay let me see if i can maybe i just don't want to hear you um yo you gotta hear me yo who's that is that the uh dark man x wow we're already uh putting down black folk come on never never that bro hey man the people the people you know more excited for you than any of us because you know not at all wow really do you think i did that you know what and i and i also heard that uh he called uh that he called me the shadow 23 23. wait wait wait wait wait wait you're really doing this during black history month my guy really bro are you going to believe rumors i literally seen the tweet what he's talking about like wow bro like i must say i'm i'm quite disappointed i'm gonna say i love my black people smooth do you love black people um don't ask him that [ __ ] again we we saw everything yo jack bro yo grizzlies oh man yes sir are you saying yes sir yes sir yes sir well uh jeremy uh you're a highly requested guest you know they we're just you know we're just features here we're optional well the people really here to see you they don't give a damn about the rest of us dog i'm just stop it keep going i think the last time i was on was i thought it wasn't it during when hard 8 had came back to the show it was definitely something last of us related because it had something to do with like the factions oh that was that was that was press start that was present oh yeah that was press star definitely wasn't here but it but it felt like it was but it felt like a weapon right right it felt like weapon wheel like podcast okay what you saying they they use the same blueprint that's what you say oh man the best memory on both shows is like uh i should have because listen i should have made kofi work harder to like actually find podcasts because i put together the team the team team right you know kofi just copied the blueprint and he copied one member i should have signed jack to the exclusive contract he's so fast he copied the blueprint but his presentation is better like no no no no no no no no no no i mean let's be real no no no no but what's that doing but what's that doing first what's that doing for the people though what's the presentation doing for them nothing but having people complain all the time i think the people like to see gameplay more than more than you know three black people and uh you know people on the crumb side don't care about no gameplay no they show game play they they even have like trailers lined up for the topic at hand oh yeah yeah it's very professional over there oh man really professional like bg i mean you've been doing this podcast for what like five or six years now this weapon will slander time what's going on it's the exact opposite of professional you and you and alex are kind of in the same yeah some people say he's the white bomb yeah what alex yeah this is a white black bun that's what they call them i thought i thought bond was white he would have i mean that's what's crazy about it alex would have to be right about more things than not which isn't the case as we know when what else jeremy good time to come back i hear a street fighter 6 announcement is coming you get me you really oh this is you yeah i know again if you stop i thought you was like eight years ago i hey hit me up on the fighters that's where i'm at uh co uh co uh freaking kofi knows all about that about what what you did i'm still waiting for bg to play coffee in dragon ball z but i'm gonna play that game you know what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna start this podcast how about that one all right no no need to keep the people waiting we got a lot of stuff to touch on since we wasn't here last week so you know a lot of a lot of stuff to cover let's get to it this is weapon wheel podcast episode this is all we we have like with the uh people normally it'd be like eight to ten people all right what once last time you watched bro most times when i go in with weapons it'll be like eight to ten people i'm like bro you can't even hear nobody bro we haven't we haven't done that in years like at max recently we we have like maybe eight but like recently we don't we don't do that no more you might be coming into the after dark and then yeah hey jeremy just say you don't watch us no more dog cause like that that's awesome for me stop it i do watch i support okay you on that patreon though next question wow you know it it's funny how he talks about black history month that's what i'm saying poor black people not supporting black businesses during black history month it'd be your own con man i told you if you come back to twitch i'll be your first supporter [ __ ] twitch which is run by the white people though jeremy do you think youtube is random is a rant it's a friend of mine it's run by less irregular white people okay all right uh weapon will podcast episode 311 make sure you hit that like button we appreciate that um we're on itunes google play spotify all your favorite uh audio streaming platforms if you want to support the patreon or become a channel member uh you can do that links in the description for everything you can get into discord by supporting one of those and uh if you want to be if you want to submit a video to be featured during the podcast use the link in the description everything you need is right there just drag and drop and uh let's do these intros start with our guest jeremy even though you don't need no introduction go ahead tell the people about yourself yes sir hope i hope you guys are having a great uh weekend so far glad to be back on the the weapon wheel podcast so thanks for having me all right smoove how you doing i hope better than last week yeah i'm good all right why you guys sad what happened last week oh no nothing nothing nothing happened last week nothing nothing just uh where he was arguing back and forth over some possum on twitter or something oh yeah what [Music] but jackie laughed about every piece of hood boogery going down to memphis people getting shot up beat down whatever right i ain't got nothing to do with all that and that just goes to show you that these uh white-nutting sims literally care more about a [ __ ] possum than they do about black people jack ain't retweeting people getting blasted in the forehead and all the types of weird stuff are you kidding me he'll like he'll talk about the crime itself or like the news article but he won't actually put the video on his thing thank you this [ __ ] was talking about a six-hour road trip who did that and posted memes and gifts about it jack tries to erase that from his past but jeremy i know you're not on twitter i i know you know you need to get back on twitter bro twitter still so it still sounds like a [ __ ] fest like just the same old same old yeah [ __ ] we on there i mean don't get it twisted white people be acting up too on there all right don't make it only about us no i know that yeah even girls are getting thrown into the mix with the foolery so oh yeah they don't they own the nut [ __ ] too all right uh blandrew how's it going everybody i recently uploaded a video about xenoblade chronicles x check out that video it's a pretty good video i'm proud of it uploaded it uh thursday no i don't know why i didn't get it yeah i must have missed that too um i'll check that out later uh bond all right everybody uh can we get out of the winter i'm tired of cold weather let's get back to world war there it's time jack how's it going everybody i recently started playing game of the year 2022 known as horizon forbidden west how are we doing this week all right do i really sound like that jack yes absolutely absolutely absolutely absolutely you do uh i thought river city girls was i thought you played his two chicks who are these were these two dudes they're their boyfriends go ahead jack okay so river city girls uh this is the first game those two uh chicks were featured in which is uh this was a japanese game kunio kun series it originally was called bg but uh this is the first game they're freaking this game is like 25 years old so they pretty much rebranded it not to confuse people because this series has over 50 games in it right so yeah that's her boyfriend's pookie and and ray-ray was getting chased by a cop just now i was like what yeah they got falsely accused of a hit and run so they have to like clear their name and this yeah it's weird because this is like the only beat-em-up where i thought the story was better than the gameplay oh yeah it's a very good story but the gameplay is kind of yeah interesting all right let's get to let's get to the topics um jack i'm gonna start out with you you uh you got to see the uncharted movie i didn't see it yet i'ma go see it tomorrow give us the rundown man what is it trash mid okay better than you expected what's going on man and no spoilers no spoilers i'm trying not to spoil it okay so i'mma be real when this movie first got announced you know the movie been in the works since like oh seven since the first game came out right um was not looking forward to it i'm hearing a cast and [ __ ] mark wahlberg is sully i'm like bro i'm not trying to watch this dog [ __ ] bro reluctantly went to go see it like i said i went in won't hate the movie and i gotta be honest bro i like the movie i'm i'm pleasantly surprised bg okay i'm pleasantly surprised now um does it do the game uh justice i'ma say it like this the story is not a story from any other games right it's not following any if you expecting this to follow any of the games one-to-one uh accuracy no it does not but it does put you in the mind of an uncharted right they do got like the puzzles in the game the booby trap elements the the combat of course it got a few set pieces from some of the games right if you've seen the trailers they got you know the auction house scene the cargo plane scene so it does feature elements of other games but as far as like characters from the game like the um the protagonists they're from the games right you know chloe sully drake audit but the villains they're not from the games but the villains do mirror characters from the game you something like they got a nadine nadine type character rafe type character but um man i'm i'm being as far as the action movie i thought the action was good you know the few fight scenes they had them um the comedy move was pretty cool you know they got some running jokes in there and [ __ ] like that uh just a good move i'm not trying to say nothing spoiler but it was a good movie man i'm surprised i if you're a fan of uncharted i think if you go in with an open mind you will like it okay i do think that okay or they liked it too yeah that's the thing i tweeted out the movie was good hard like i checked you like [ __ ] man then he went to go see i'm like when you go see it you're gonna end up liking it let me get my apology and he went and he liked it so there you go okay uh it's projected i saw to make uh 50 million this weekend um i looked looked up the budget of the movie it's a hundred it was 120 million to make um so maybe over a couple of weeks they could make their money back and and pass that you know because you don't want to just go even so i guess we'll see how it does anybody else saw it yet i'm probably going to see you uh yeah this week i'm wait till i'ma wait till it goes dvd i think y'all gonna like it you mean streaming services i thought smooth was about to stop waiting for it to go to gamepad okay okay yeah um i'm seeing it tomorrow uh wondering if it was his name saw it yet robbing gaming he had to have seen him man that dude that dude you don't even know games no more bro like after uncharted like him haven't been cared yeah he reviews anime episodes now yeah he's still playing real charlie yes yeah that's actually exciting yeah if you go to his channel it's well he has two channels and one channel he doesn't do anything on i think and then the other one he just talks about anime now you know he got ordered a video in five months on robin gaming he got the um he got the speed he got the fifth uh best speed run of uncharted 4 and crushing in the world he better he played the game like a million times yeah bro the amount of time i seen this man like live stream that whole game i'm like oh god robin come back we miss you yes sir his reaction channel's getting pretty wild views getting 10k views yeah it's not bad it's not doing bad reactions yeah i just you know even though i think attack on titan is garbage whoa man a lot of people ain't gonna like that one wait a minute the fir the first two um [Music] two or three arcs were good after that like you need a reddit or a wikia after every [ __ ] chapter you read it's just like well it get a little weird tourist i mean i still like it though um okay all right okay let's move on to the next topic so talk about platinum games okay listen listen these boys bruh these boys have been throwing their ass at phil spencer in the past just just throwing it at him dawg so bro that's what they've been doing just throwing the ass at phil spencer bro like okay so first platinum games comes out what's what's the head [ __ ] in charge camilla is that his name that guy yeah so pretty much comes out makes a statement saying that they essentially want a second chance to make scale bound right you know making it oh yeah i hear about this yeah putting it out in that in the atmosphere hey man we want a second chance we know it uh you know we effed up because you know at first people blamed xbox for the cancellation before we knew anything years later i think it was like last year we learned it was actually platinum's game's fault who like you know messed the project up they weren't managing it well um now they're asking for a second chance and then i think a day after this came out that they wanted they made it public that they still want to work on the game they also said that they would be open to being acquired just practically begging phil spencer it's it's they looking desperate bro they looking desperate so i want to go to smooth on this first do you think they should get a second chance to make scalebound and uh should xbox you think xbox should even consider acquiring them um yes and yes i think um even i'm not the biggest fan of platinum games but i am the i have interest in scale bound i thought it looked cool i still think it should see the light today so if there if you have the developer um talking about wanting to do it and they're legit about it and they put it in the public eye and ex i mean i mean why not xbox and phil spencer have been very happy and friendly and expressed how they want this and that and the third and whatnot so i think this is a good opportunity and uh and they already i mean they're in the um they have the advantage this dude saying he wants to make the game so it shouldn't cause it shouldn't cost a damn thing matter of fact for them to get it done as far as uh acquiring platinum games um they i mean they don't have any studios out um in japan outside of tango and they got that through zenimax um if they're for sale why not i mean it'll be a a cheap pickup when you consider like i don't think platinum games have any ips they really own um but they're the industry slots they just do work for everybody they don't own anything yeah nope so i think i mean i don't see um see why not but um but yeah i do want to see scalebound come back um i did a video on that um uh a few weeks back um i think now hell [ __ ] with the systems we got now could probably run at a solid frame rate but um but yeah nah i think it i i hope phil spencer he was was it phil spencer in japan this week i i don't know hopefully he um he heard that he saw it they got a call and they're working on something because the way i look at it the game got cancelled after we've seen two playable demos so the assets and stuff is all there they got they got a work in progress um why not i mean don't who i mean don't let it go what do they do with all that stuff when they cancel the game do they just hit delete to throw the [ __ ] in a recycling bin i would i mean i wouldn't let that go to waste if they want i would let them tackle it um even if you if if it's not xbox making the deal to like say okay make it it won't be give them their ip rights right back right sell them back to ip give them an opportunity to build it however you make sure you get that [ __ ] in game pass day one if it's not gonna be exclusive but reason why it can't happen because xbox right now owns the ip and xbox can give that ip to any one of his 30 plus studios that they got to make um but they said phil spencer said multiple times that there's no hard feelings between them and platinum and that they will work with them again um i say why not nobody looks up anything that you've ever said about scalebound i got i said i got a whole lot of [ __ ] that i said about platinum games and kamiyah's ball-headed skittle head ass i haven't nothing bad to say about scale bell but i've had plenty bad to say about platinum and kamaya why you saying the man was people here bro what's crazy i actually looked at the scale bound trailer not to like about a week or so ago the game doesn't look good like just from like a core game it doesn't it doesn't i don't know what i saw in it a couple years ago but i was looking at it i was like this doesn't look too fun i mean the only thing we knew was just dudes riding on dragons right that's not really there is legit like on the ground combat and then there was another one where they were fighting a giant lobster thing or something on the back of the dragon i mean in retrospect it doesn't look as good as now because it looked like you're playing uh uh musta hunter world with nair from devil may cry that's that's what it looks like but um oh nero that's what his name is um but no i feel like it's a remember the gameplay we saw was like kind of you know patchy and whatnot i think they could make it a work i feel like if they change the um the concept of who the primary character is you know open the game up maybe you know drop whatever that multiplayer idea that it was and just make it you know a standard action game with you know big ass dragons why not a dragon companion like an rpg um i don't know i i it has some intrigue there it has some intrigue there so uh i think um i mean listen i don't think i don't think you really lose anything from giving them allowing them to make the game again they can't f it up twice right i don't i don't think they could eff it up twice there's there's no way we're playing this fun games we talking about bg you sure about that you're right but i just can't see in them effing up a second chance you got more capable hardware now um yeah and i mean the only person i mean the only company i think sega should buy uh platinum games because i want you know i want vanquish too if they can make make that happen um but i i do think platinum games needs to be uh acquired and they need to be managed better because i think that studio is an absolute mess they're just taking on five projects at once they're not even that big of a studio they're just you know just i'm good at games though mostly you got a game coming out this tuesday dude that comes out too we didn't even know we didn't make it yeah soulcresta it's a it's a shoot-em-up they're charging forty dollars for never is that the one that runs like dog [ __ ] on switch that digital foundry's been complaining about uh i i don't know what you're talking about this this one is just like a little arcade shooter type thing yeah they just make shooter they just make too many games man the studios horribly ran man they announced that over three years ago i've only shown it once since then they they need better materials has been out of three ever come out yet no no they've only had one trailer in over three years of them announcing it and what's that playstation pc game they're making right now comes out in like a month or something like that babylon's falls that looks terrible and that's that's that's a live service game by the way you already know that game looks terrible yeah here's the real question what's coming out first bayonetta 3 or metroid prime 4. bayonetta because you know i want to put shimagami tensei 5 in that category at one point also don't buy that game it's trash damn andrew i will say of this though like uh what's his name said of blandrew i remember when they first showed scalebound i was way more kind of intrigued by it but i'm looking at i wha what is this the uh official gameplay trailer from gamescom 2015. this junk looks way more trash than i remember yeah i don't know if i was just desperate for games or something back then but now that for xbox yeah yeah 2014 was kind of a slow year for games yeah outside yeah i'm sorry what came out in 2014 on the wii u blandrew mario car 8 bayonetta 2 captain toad donkey kong country tropical freeze super smash bros hyrule warriors couple games shantae what's that game oh that came about the same year yeah it was the best like the legit best year of the wii u um the only good year of the week but yeah i mean i pers i personally think that they should get a chance i mean i am a little bit of a like i kind of do give platinum games to like i guess the the uh yes yes that's because like games like astral chain near um what else did they do that i really love like i always feel like their game play is second to none as far as like great action they did metal gear rising right yeah like platinum games when it comes to gameplay they can really like deliver in that department so i mean scale bound i mean and and again if it's going to be a xbox title i mean i feel like that could be great for them because just getting new ips of you know things that's not shooters or car games that's great for xbox or just having like diversity there i mean i think they should give them a a second chance why not platinum games is the japanese version of remedy you know what that stuff that's kind of accurate though how because they clearly need management and they just make any [ __ ] game that they get contracted to make look at a crossfire they both need management they both need funding they're both always looking for bigger companies to support them they really can't do [ __ ] on their own uh nobody is different though i just feel like they always be trying to make like these like extra complex games as far as like the story goes like i think remedy is much better than platinum i think remedy's problem is uh mainly uh budget and and funding because i don't think besides crossfire x which you know they kind of phoned that one in they wasn't even trying besides that i don't think they made a bad game but i don't think yeah i don't think they've made a bad game but i don't think none of their games are like you know amazing standout you know games either man said that a good game except the gameplay in the platinum games is horrible are you kidding me that's like the best part about this jeremy these people have a weird hatred towards platinum games mostly it isn't even justified definitely hate playing they think they think ninja theory is a better action studio than platinum games that's all you need to know first of all platinum games made games like the wonderful 101 the legend of korra transformed devastation star fox zero teenage mutant ninja turtles mutants and at least but okay but they also have great games in that mix too okay you can say the same thing about remedies so what's the difference i mean to i mean just to just to answer the question do they deserve a second chance with that i think that they should get that yeah i'm with the second chance i mean but when you look at remedy games they had max payne i mean i still people like it but i think it's the most overrated franchise ever alan wake quantum break control they're pretty much in the same realm i i still blame microsoft for that game failing by the way because we saw we saw how scale bound was running with one dragon on the screen and according to everybody microsoft told them this game needs to have four player co-op no they admitted they admitted that that they that was their original plan um yeah oh that was they playing vladimir admitted that was their yeah that was a part of their pitch to microsoft because they knew okay yeah it was completely platinum's fault man but they do deserve a second chance also if they do make the game they cannot bring it out on the previous generation of consoles that [ __ ] go run horribly don't do that yeah okay well i hope they get acquired by somebody i don't i don't really care who it is i know that they was doing that though like kind of throwing themselves out of oh yeah it was bro it was desperate it was desperate it was a few articles this week and i'm talking about oh we wouldn't mind getting acquired i mean they got talent as far as the gameplay goes so platinum games getting acquired is bad and i'll tell you why what situation can they go into that's good they go with the microsoft they're not making any more bayonettas and all those other quirky games for nintendo they go with nintendo they're forever stuck on some underpowered weak trash garbage hardware there's not a win-win situation i mean like you said yes they make they make a lot of second ips already so what are they like struggling as far as like financially like why do they need to be they wanted by somebody they went on this whole thing about they don't want to be held down by a publisher anymore they want to have their own games they're tired of the publishers having their own game so they went they went to make their own little independent thing i think their first like project was the wonderful 101 port and that to other consoles nintendo said all right we'll give you the wonderful 101 but we're not going to promote it or anything nobody really cared for it i mean it hit its kickstarter goal but it didn't really sell all that well so bro they haven't really haven't really been doing much ever since then they released that game on the day grand theft auto 5 came out ain't that right that's like suicide ain't they being funded by like tencent or some [ __ ] like that yeah i think 10 cent has like 20 percent of the company or something like that yep something weird like that yeah i mean i mean listen and stop making five games at once like why are you handling so many projects you got to keep your lights on yeah yeah but it's like it's like you know what the damn if they do damn if they don't it's like they take on all these projects and the projects suffer because of it but also they're they're getting all this funding to keep the lights on it's it's a bad cycle for them jack of all trades master of none platinum games all right um so this happened uh not this week but the week before when we weren't here xbox confirmed that call of duty and other activision blizzard games will release on playstation beyond existing agreements and this had the timeline and a tizzy okay dude did people really think that like once they did that that call that call of duty was no longer going to be on playstation like at all i had to think about being that what happened with why i wanted it because it's still money to be made if it's on playstation like my goal is to sell more but consoles and machines and beat sony you don't beat sony by putting your best games on their platform but also i feel like phil spencer like he is a fan of like the industry so i don't think he would like cut out like a huge portion of of of people that played call of duty on playstation and their policies play everything like the next yeah so i never i i never thought that let me ask you something jeremy if nintendo were to release any of their games on playstation or microsoft tomorrow how much do you think mario carter smash resulted with selling their machines on on uh on a nintendo platforms no no on a playstation or an xbox oh um i mean one nintendo would never do that because that's nintendo that's a question answer it like a man give me an answer please a man we're talking about your chest talking about mario like what how well do you think those games would sell if they were put on an xbox or a playstation if zelda was on playstation i don't think it would so nowhere near as much as it says on switch but they will probably sell very well you agree not really wait wait what's the number wait what's the number you're thinking about i don't think playstation gamers can't remember better than average games they would sell very well they'd be probably in the top echelon of games sold on these systems i disagree with that if brett definitely i think people would play yeah you guys are literally going to tell me if zelda or any of these games are on xbox or playstation they wouldn't be selling millions of copies not more than compared to nintendo no i never said that so y'all give me like give me like oh nintendo's because they know where else you all are misconstrued the conversation regardless of which the point is this nintendo could clearly make more money if they were to put their games on other platforms but they don't because they want to grow their own base i mean listen microsoft clearly doesn't seem to be interested in that and that's what people are thinking is nobody can get consoles now if they put call of duty exclusive on their thing people buying consoles people would not be buying playstation what the xbox fans tell me is and you know i'm just telling you what they tell me is xbox and microsoft aren't concerned about petty little competition between playstation and nintendo their real competition in the long run is google and amazon and uh and all these other bigger bigger you know uh companies that's what the xbox tells tell me they're thinking big not small and you don't agree with that no google now i'm done i i don't believe that microsoft is really going to compete with google and amazon no i really don't believe that are they maybe are they trying maybe is that the goal is how they see it yeah but i don't really see it that way i don't really see it that's that's what they're doing no i don't see it because like i'm thinking more in like the money realm those are probably like the only people that can compete with microsoft to take these things away from like money around amazon games have been doing very well for them so yeah and the thing is like microsoft isn't a gaming company first right that's not where they get most of their money play state the playstation gaming division is sony's number one money maker that's not like what is it fifth for microsoft so i can understand why it's not like this made this main goal and objective for them that's why i don't even think you can compare what microsoft and nintendo does they're not the same yeah um so smoove you're a little bit upset upset by this that call of duty and other activision blizzard games were going to uh you know playstation you felt like they they should have kept this exclusive i'm guessing to bolster game pass you're threatening to sell your playstation it's still it's going to bolster game pass right the issue i have with the thing is is that here's my beef with this is that because i can i prepared myself mentally that call of duty a game like call of duty will because it was going to be still on playstation until like 2023 at least right i was like you know what whatever i could i mean i i'll be fine with that but the the idea of that all right well how many other ips are you gonna keep releasing on playstation because the problem is that i keep thinking about games that aren't on xbox not sony first party games but third-party games and it's like if i'm microsoft like i have my i'm feeding my competitor who literally pays to keep games off my platform which is paying to keep games off game pass so it's like i i don't understand that concept so that's what upsets me about it at the end of the day i'm going to play these games on xbox regardless and i'm going to play them in game pass so that that's neither here or there but yeah it's just that i started to get salty about the idea because i started thinking about final fantasy i started thinking about four spoken started thinking about freaking street fighter that never uh touched xbox for some reason um you never played at one point actually i you actually played me in street fighter so when you played if i checked your your gamer time in street fighter probably like an hour and a half uh maybe but i still played it but um but yeah that's that's the thing but um we'll see how it plays out i hope the you know the deal closes because i mean i i like i said i have no issues with call of duty i just didn't like have i ain't like buying them [ __ ] like but i'll play that [ __ ] in game pass instantly and see that to me that doesn't make sense why are you excited about acquisitions for games you wouldn't even want to play to begin with here's the thing i there's a lot of games that i want to play just some games i'm just not willing to buy or i say i'll buy our weight for yourself and i did activision does a lot of games i typically either buy or sell or if i'm lucky enough i get a review code for but the easiest analogy is this why the microsoft fanboys are mad is simple they spent mad money to buy a house to buy a ring to put it on this girl's finger but she's still spreading cheeks for tyrone and poogie but why is it always tyrone who uh who we got guadalupe who else do we got oh my god smoove you know this is low-key your fault though right why is that you jinxed it with your powers what did you say just a wee not even a week before like two days before this announcement you said the bungie sony deal was the most expensive open marriage ever that's what you said i said that yes you jinxed it yeah so you know what you should be doing smoove if some of you were smart every day or every week you'd be putting out videos how much xbox sucks how trash xbox is how amazing place bg have i not been telling him to do this like the past five years you have just trash xbox every day and praise playstation watch how quickly microsoft turns things around and because i have with that that might be the thing that breaks the curse it won't smooth you're pretty much batting like 99 out of 100. as long as smoove has been repping like xbox i don't be seeing this man getting like no free gifts that people be getting like none of this stuff like he's too toxic yeah a gamer that tried to tell you man you won't listen though bro oh kofi's gonna they'd be sudden kofi's canadian [ __ ] that's because they ain't no content creators in canada it's like you thinking about relocating smoke because that would qualify me yeah there you go that's the move oh man so listen they're they're definitely going to keep some they're going to make something exclusive right we don't know what it's going to be it's going to be on a case-by-case basis you can probably guess that like the major games are still going to come to playstation like diablo might be exclusive uh star field oh we we know that is yeah um you know what i don't think star field will be exclusive because honestly it doesn't make sense to have all these other games multi-platform but then say starfield won't be on them oh multiplayer games make sense to be um multi-platform and in my and from microsoft's standpoint in terms of user users player account and then to be able to get xbox live on other platforms this is just the theme like this is the whole [ __ ] when i was in like playstation pc gaming like if you're willing to put kai the biggest third-party game of all time on other platforms there's no limits at that point so yeah anything is open at this point they did already announced this as exclusive though here's the issue though here's the thing is that about the difference between the thing about like minecraft and the activation activision has already been like we know it's like it's like equivalent to xbox buying ea would you expect those games to be exclusive well now no no no yeah no but every like because i've always thought ea was a option right but i was like in that case i know they wouldn't make anything other than the ea original stuff be exclusive but anything like nhl madden um maybe even never speed and stuff like that those were still probably remain multi-platform when we consider a deal like they're like cinemax i get right but activision is like a legit public a a publisher that is like what before that they were gonna they were in the top four top five that published for all platforms i think new ips um that come out of this are gonna be exclusive uh and you know already established big games are going to be multi-black that's what i think they're going to do yeah so all they got to do is not make call of duty anymore and maybe they like make another military shooter call it something else but the sad thing is halo's gonna halo is in very big trouble now they got call duty they got overwatch they got wolfenstein got the biggest support uh team ever i mean they they always have those bond now the problem is they got no support from plays i like that i like that i mean there's a there's a i have a top i mean i might as well throw it out now where was it bg goes that's mine yeah i think i'm nice come on dog put some respect on my name come on dog i'm nice out here bg every time i popped into one of your streams you were getting your body no you like aged up like three times in the span i've beaten the game like like areas for like hours so this is like probably this is about like eight hours of just like trying this is just the same thing no this is the this is the run where i beat the game under age 25. this this is the whole run you're going to see it it's the entire run we're like listen [ __ ] watch the first stream i won't get off topic [ __ ] watch the first stream and be like oh man bg's struggling no all i had all i had to do like everybody else was learn that this is not a game where you dodge this is a game where you bob and weave as soon as i learned that it was easy after that but you know [ __ ] just watched the first stream be like oh man you're struggling and they run tell everybody what you're doing between why don't dodging what's the deal between dodging it bobbing and weaving oh there's a big difference i don't know what it's the circle the the circle button is an actual like move out the way dodge physically move your whole body and then the l1 where you just stand in place and just move up down left right i never use i never use a circle button play in that game oh yeah that's just to move out the way yeah that's just like you know yeah that's but that's what i'm saying after i learned this is not a game where you use the circle button constantly to dodge moves i was good after that but you know they got a creative they got to create a narrative around bg or it's not fun you know so guy um but yeah uh activision blizzard um [Music] anybody else got any comments about that i mean what microsoft cares about that split that's what i've been hearing you know just the 70 30 split um it's going to be selling on playstation but they're going to get that 70 from police station you know what could impact uh call of duty and stuff going on playstation because what xbox can do i mean what they have done and this is what almost caused minecraft not to no longer release on playstation and this was all only through the decision of playstation is because xbox games obviously they're all going to have uh require cross play but because it's owned by xbox call of duty could uh require an xbox login on playstation in places she doesn't like that um oh yeah by the way jack i with sifu i remap my button so that's why circle is dodge for me um you know so yeah i heard remap by buttons originally it's r2 yeah originally it's oh my god what the hell yeah yeah my bad i forgot because those controls are trash i remapped them yeah when i got to that second boss he [ __ ] clapped my cheeks bro [ __ ] was crazy okay um so yeah man uh microsoft gets the money as jay barry would say that's what matters xbox is the money yes sir it's all that matters it's crazy they spend all that money and one i want to just keep it exclusive yeah yeah and uh you know um i i really am interested to see like you know when all these 32 studios i think it is when they actually get in the rhythm of releasing games because they're still not there right they've been acquiring studios for years and they're still not at the point yet we haven't seen a single game come from this right am i bugging yeah dustin lagarian kiss movie came out this weekend from we haven't seen it they've been in studios for like three we haven't seen a [ __ ] game yet bro i think it's been since what 2018 that's what i'm saying yeah oh well the only people that you know was pushed out games after acquisition was ninja theory but their first game was forgettable that game died in like a month and a half if that psychonauts 2 came out um and got nominated for game of the year um damn you know what this reminds me death loot you know this reminds me of jack because you know i i am a philadelphia basketball fan you know what this reminds me of your bar the process oh yeah trust the prize process y'all better y'all better hope you ain't drafted ben simmons but listen they they said 2023 2024 it's over for us that's that's when they all these studios hitting their stride is going to be game after game we ain't gonna have time to breathe that that's what's right at that point will it even matter because they're gonna be putting these shits on playstation as well [Music] the 32 studios they own is is going to be um mainly exclusive besides a few the ones people really care about are going to be on playstation no i'm saying like if they keep like i was saying bro this i don't think anyone's going to give a [ __ ] if any of these guys as long as they keep call of duty on playstation i don't think the vast majority of people care about this [ __ ] to be honest with you yeah nobody's losing sleep over crash oh yeah like oh we're not getting the next crash bandicoot or spyro read like who gives a [ __ ] like come over here and the argument of oh you'll have to pay full price something you always do while i have the game on ebt food stamps isn't an argument i mean everybody has always paid full price outside of cheap ass xbox gamers so that's not going to deter somebody to leave playstation uh i do see games like kevin garrett call of duty guaranteed in game pass every year is big along with overwatch 2 the next diablo and that's i mean it that has its perks i ain't gonna lie i ain't gonna hold you perks for broke [ __ ] like the rest of the people aren't like as a peaceful gamer i'm not like hmm maybe i should get game pass and save my like no i'm not broke uh all right we can move on um so just to follow up about sifu so it sold 500 000 copies um i think this is like what this in the first week yeah the first week first week oh yeah yeah yeah that's great for indy that's really good um bro i i was just saying to my chat that they should drop some dlc as soon as possible like while people are still talking about this game i believe they are i believe they mentioned it um that there's definitely going to be a difficulty patch they're adding and they're adding difficulties there is no difficulty right now the game just you know has its own scaling difficulty horrible horrible idea by the way uh yeah there's gonna i think they said there's there's gonna be like an easy mode but there's also going to be an extra hard mode harder than what we play right now but i still think they should have just you know kept it how it is but you know excessive the whole point of this game is being like difficult and overcoming like bro i'm sorry i gotta say yeah we in a casual era bro that's true and i might get cancer for this but it is what it is somebody just quote unquote disabled [ __ ] hey man sometimes you got to sit down wow look if i couldn't was going out dancing hey i'm sorry i got to sit this one out literally right like yeah everything you guys use the politically correct language of a regular you can't be calling people okay well yeah these hey man if you're physically challenged to where you can't play certain [ __ ] man fall back some [ __ ] you just got to fall back man this is why weapon will never be mainstream we would be out of here dog we would be out of here or a regular or defect or defective yo you're gonna have to come out and uh apologize on his on behalf of hey man now you know why we're not gonna apologize apologize because these people be making fun of my knees all the time that's what i'm saying like we have to have an apology after every episode um it's all i love man it's all love but yeah it's sold well they're adding accessibility options and the difficulty and i assume they're gonna follow up with some dlc like they should just come up with like you know a wave a mode where you just fight wave after wave of enemy i'm sure they're going to follow up i'm talking about like more like stages oh oh oh levels oh i mean yeah cause i only got five right yeah the game is heat right now bro people addicted to it like listen i still play it like bro you i literally just woke up in the morning like i wake up early i i started it at seven and just casually beat it by like 8 15 like just randomly like i just didn't like a slight of flex i know no flex no flex i'm humble out here i'm humble did you get the platinum yeah i got the platinum already um um i'm playing i have it on pc and ps5 and i'm playing i've never like gotten all the achievements for something on god xbox i forgot about that nope nope yeah it's not on xbox but xbox got a bunch of xbox xbox got a bunch of doofy ass games that look just like this and they don't get on the feet of golfer was like this game too same but bro this game is so good bro like it's it has this learning curve like i said so you don't really understand it at first but once you once this clicks bro it's you know this game is great like it's it's they got something with this one they need like like jeremy said any dlc they need to their next game should probably be a sequel to this right this game it's it's heat dawg hey look and also i gotta give myself a i gotta get myself two l's with this [ __ ] right because before this game came out i said firstly i said the game looked like ass and i said that people's capping for this game and they're not gonna buy and support the game i was wrong oh see this is the thing about me right i can admit when i was wrong i was wrong isn't it is it so easy to say you're wrong hey man i was wrong on both accounts man the game is doing phenomenally it almost sold more than return in less than a week and i had [ __ ] tweeted me well um it's on two platforms so it's it's less than pr less impressive are you stupid bruh this [ __ ] sold 500 000 in less than a week that [ __ ] is out selling return like crazy i actually think this is this there's a there's a steeper learning curve in this game than than return honestly i know if there is like more i don't know man i feel like returning was way more punishing than sifu is i don't see what i okay but you can you can learn how to play returnal very quickly it's it's dodge shoot and that's that's really it like one maybe one more thing in this game you have to learn the movies yeah yeah that's way more technical but yeah that's what i'm saying fighting game compared to a shooter but i feel like exactly is way more i just felt like if you died in return i i like i dying more in return than i didn't see cfo is definitely more forgiving their shortcuts and every i think it's even multiple shortcuts at some levels there are shortcuts yeah the way you can restart levels like whatever level you make it to at that age you can restart at that age or you know go back and try to get so this game is way more forgiving in my opinion anyway yeah it's it's it's more forgiving there's just a steeper learning curve is what i mean um but yeah man once you learn all the moves you you know you study the enemies like there's bro there's enemies in this game that would that would be sending me to the retirement home bro and now i'm looking at them like yo i can't believe this [ __ ] used to beat me up dog like okay i felt embarrassed like i can't believe i used to die to this man but you know that that comes with the territory of like there's certain moves you unlock that that do make certain enemies a lot easier so that's great though that uh this game sold that much in a week congrats to slow clap and you know because you know jackie was criticizing uh shuhei for because they they weren't they weren't getting playstation wasn't getting great indie games for for a while xbox was getting the better one so uh you're gonna say thank you to you're gonna you don't say my battery i will say i will say shout out to shoe man i you know playstation is still getting uh you know highly rated great and you know cana bridge experience this you know return was an indie developer game before they purchased a house mark but i will also say there's still a ton of great indie games that have not seen the light of day on playstation man where the [ __ ] is i forgot the name of the goddamn game bayless now i'd argue that playstation 5's independent choices are are better than what xbox has had um xbox has had better indies premiere first on their as far as like like was like what two three months like [ __ ] like that uh 12 minutes was like two like two months maybe that's true that's true that's true when you consider games like you know how i mean consider a game like seafood regarding i don't like i don't really care for it but but you look at kenna and did you look at um they got this game straight about to come out and stuff like that so ver you take that you look on xbox bought the gunk yeah yeah how long do you think seafood gonna be exclusive like a year the way playstation operates to this yeah 18 months 18 months hold on uh smooth how many more months do you have to wait till you get bg what's the the counter how many more months so they gotta wait to play games oh it's it's i mean i mean any until november well tunic comes out there's a game called tunic that comes out march that's that's fun yeah that's an indie game for xbox um but the next major game as far as they know what god damn that's crazy bro yeah was it crazy you know what it is they they wait the whole year then you know come no october november that they say they got all these games and playstation got nothing yeah we back talking again yep um yeah so shout out to you see them in a discord saying is netflix ebt for movies let me know when you find that movie like avengers end game on netflix right away um like that was a dumb question um show cs shout out to slow clap they they got a winner on their hands congrats to them boys all right um so yeah so a few days ago shuhei yoshida jack's you know favorite person again he tweeted this out right he said the last five games he played was horizon forbidden west gen should impact sifu an unreleased puzzle puzzle action game and an unreleased souls like game now oh god man you know what this started unreleased souls like game hold launch hold on shoe so automatically people's minds and you know mine of course goes to bloodborne because you know i'm like yo people been begging you off a bloodborne remastered pc version anything just a crumb of bloodborne for like seven eight years now it's got to be that that he's talking about right but people are also making the argument that since he's in charge of indies it could be salt and sacrifice which is the uh an indie souls game which is the um sequel to salt and sultan sanctuary i platinum that game by the way it's a great 2d 2d souls game so people are saying no it might be that game but my thing is that game has already been announced right so assault and and sacrifice is not a secret so why would he could have just said it huh that's what i'm so why would he say unreleased souls like game why why would you say that that's true right technically it's unreleased but but then then herman holds tweet him to like oh you're teasing us some dumb [ __ ] hey exactly yeah people were like is it elden ring and he was like no it's not elden ring or something like that yeah yeah yeah he said it's not elden ring and then herman holt said you're such a tease but and why would the head of place why would they create this hype over salt and and sacrifice even though i look forward to that game why would you do that over that that indie type game that doesn't make sense to get people like oh hype over something it's got to be bloodborne bruh it's got to be why would you do this what'd you think this is a remake or a remaster though uh oh uh a remastered by uh what's that studio should be it should be a sequel i agree i don't i don't know why you wouldn't why you would remake bl uh bloodborne you know i just don't see the reason like you should put out a patch um and also be working on a sequel so i mean it's possible but i think it is a slight reach i mean when they say a souls-like game that could be a brand new because they because they make you like fame's now like every other like i think it's a i mean would i love bloodborne too of course but um i think it's kind of a reach um i just don't know why they would you know put people's you know uh you know mess with people's emotions like that you know people thirsty for bloodborne that that goddamn d make got a hundred thousand downloads in a few days that's crazy the playstation lawyers and nintendo lawyers aren't built the same i guess that and you really can't d make a nintendo game no i don't know what you said that fire that was kind of that's what you set that up for okay no sony did do one not too long ago it was a game called little big planet restitched it was some type of fan mate little big planet they sent out a cease and desist for it it didn't make traction or anything because people only care to do stuff like that when it pertains to nintendo i have never heard of that nah but nintendo be putting dudes under the jail though yeah they don't be doing nintendo doesn't do cease and desist they do give me your money no they do they do cease and desist and then like if you escalate they'll do you know they'll put them under i told us why i just seen the article that they said yeah i got it right here yeah that was part of the list yeah gary bowser which i don't know if that's his real name if that's his real name that's very that's very ironic i knew him for his name too nintendo nintendo hacker gary bowser sentenced to three years in prison and what yeah yeah and he's got a fine for 14.5 million dollars for his wife [Laughter] because because like what type of game it's it's not because of a fan game though i think he was selling games it was right he's a rom hacker uh he was part of team executor um you know and they made those nintendo put out those nintendo rhymes of their games and stuff like that so yeah he's going to jail for them free god damn damn when you get out of jail he gonna be forever indebted to nintendo yeah it says bowser was part of the team that helped develop and sell mod chips and jailbreak software for the nintendo consoles including the nintendo switch he was arrested october 2020 and extradited to the you went jesus christ can you imagine that like conversation in in a prison like yo why are you in here for man you want to know what's crazy bro why are they acting like this man is part of the drug cartel or something bro you want to know there was an email that went out by doug bowser the head of nintendo of america or something where he was congratulating all the lawyers and people who were involved in this case for getting him out of here wow yeah uh he was extradited to the u.s from the dominican republic um wow that does what do you think they gonna make them do to get that money back when you get out like work at a nintendo music park or some [ __ ] [Music] in all seriousness you know what i want nintendo to do oh i want nintendo to be in charge of anti-cheat software for online multiplayer gaming they would be cold-blooded that's what i want nintendo to do to be in charge of anti-cheat software and as soon as you opt into a game it says if you [ __ ] with our game if you cheat you may be sued or taken to court hey jack you're going to be at the nintendo amusement park with a mario suit talking about [Laughter] speaking about being in the amusement park if they did have anti-cheat software and took these people to court i would definitely attend the court hey hey i would be there attending the court laughing hey blander you think they're gonna have him on the chain game breaking them uh question mark blocks this is insane bro hold his ass nintendo treating people who hack their [ __ ] like they pablo escobar or some [ __ ] though as they should i'm with it man that [ __ ] funny yeah i don't care i'm with it too i don't mind it i'm pretty sure like this dude like fall back and he was like [ __ ] y'all you know what i mean so hey the fan made games i'm kind of annoyed but as far as all these are things like i don't yeah nintendo should do what they need to do okay all right uh smoove tell us about crossfire x i don't sound like andrew i can't tell you [ __ ] about crossfire x i uninstalled it damn it was that bad bro that's a game of march though is your most anticipated game it was but here's the problem here's the problem alright so the game is very it's like it's a poor man's uh impasse fighter not really because it wasn't even gonna be in game pass honestly um and it's barely in game pass but um outside of visuals the game looks good but the multiplayer is trash it's like a broken cs go uh game and um all the achievements are tied to multiplayer they got two campaigns and um they're very generic and you can't earn any achievements from them and that's a direct turn off because i didn't buy i didn't play get the game for the uh multiplayer i got the game to enjoy the campaign because i needed a call of duty knockoff and um to get some cam achievements for that campaign and when they did that i was like i have no use for the damn game starting to start it looks good though what did you see of this game prior that made you think yeah that's what i'm looking forward to in february uh remedy first person computer i was thinking of like uh just a just a a stan like a just a campaign shooter game like like you know how you got like during the um 360 and even like the you know the ps2 generation there was like a quite a few of those games that came out that were like pretty decent and i was like you know what this could be that and it's going to look good and whatnot and it does look good it's just that it's not fun and i have no incentive to play it and i don't like the multiplayer it's not like it plays like call of duty or anything like that or like halo or anything like that it plays like this like boring slow down like one shot one drop shooter i don't i don't like that [ __ ] so and the thing you said but here's the thing and that's what i was about to say here's the thing right you you you know you've heard of some situations where okay uh developers making the main developer is making the single player and they like you know they outsource the multiplayer i've never heard of like the the the developer making the multiplayer and then they outsource the single player to another studio like that's unheard of that's how you know it was gonna be trash like it's attack it's attacked on single player which is i'd heard you here attacked on multiplayer i've never heard attacked on single player it's the first so yeah i i don't know how this happened i really don't understand how this deal you knew how it happened you said it was going to be your most anticipated game i said it's my motivation anticipation isn't it like it's speaking in the future yeah yeah but it's my most anticipated at the time so when they release that can change all right i anticipated it i'm now i'm disappointed you already heard me it can't be my horizon forbidden west if i'm playing it it can no longer be my anticipated game if i already have it you know the anticipated delayed or something by smooth saying it move if i was the developer as soon as you started speaking positively in my game i probably canceled it like we done wrapped it up wrap it up we done oh brother i would have delayed it canceled it put out something to piss you off and make you not like i would have done something but any let's move you keep thinking this [ __ ] is a joke but i'm going to vegas and junior you're coming we're playing uh we're gonna be playing roulette you're gonna bet on one color and i'll put all my money on the other cover and that's what we're gonna keep doing they're gonna they're gonna figure out the they're gonna they're gonna figure it out kick you all out of there let's move you gonna put 20 on black i'm gonna put a thousand on red and we're gonna keep going you know what's [ __ ] up and this [ __ ] probably will work i hey smoove hey man yeah moving real estate you in the wrong business my guy i mean i i like sort of get why smoove was kind of interested in though because before the game came out i was kind of looking at crossfire x2 i but i really just felt like for me it was because like the state of shooters right now between call of duty battlefield halo they're all kind of i mean outside of halo are pretty trash right now halo got some stuff going on but just any new shooter on like the scene right now kind of would interest you so that's how i was looking at crossfire x at least okay so nobody nobody played it absolutely not because it's it's not actually the single player is not actually in game pass though right you got to pay people yeah they got two campaigns right operation catalyst uh uh went into game pass and this was like a last-minute decision because the game like i said had no pre-orders no promotion of course no promotion yeah um so they put that part into uh a game pass otherwise you can buy the full game for 24 which is essentially the campaigns that you're buying and some multiplayer battle passes some which i don't know how anybody could survive a season or a battle pass of that game damn yeah smoove just be ending everybody's career yo i think i made a joke on twitter you better hope this [ __ ] don't got a death note be putting you into the grave like i think sustenance will live for two more years you won't be dead in two magic all right uh let's talk about this martha is dead censorship controversy so so there's a game called martha is dead which nobody ever heard of prior to this controversy by the way um no i actually saw it on youtube i never clicked on it but it was always on my little my timeline but yeah nobody's gonna buy it uh but you know so on playstation they censored a part of the game it's uh it's uncensored on xbox and pc and the part of the game that they censored that i saw uh that people put on twitter was pretty much you're slicing a a corpse's face off completely and i don't know what the character does with it after maybe afterwards maybe wears it but it's very realistic uh it's this very realistic um you know enact uh reenactment of just slicing you know uh yeah you know slicing somebody's face off um it's rated a for adult you know which i think right that's what it is a for adult i thought it was just m no it's not no no you can't release a ready games on the [ __ ] xbox game yeah you can because you guys are you know rated at all that changed my whole opinion then [ __ ] yeah so wait it's weird because when i go to well maybe when i go to espresrb.org it says rated m that's what i'm saying bro they're not releasing no already game on on the consoles bro i don't know everybody else everybody every report i saw it said it was rated a let me i think the game would have gotten canceled if it wasn't they said it was rated a um in their plo posts when they said they announced that they were censoring uh playstation where they said the game was rated a up yeah when i go to steam it's it's rated m also so what the hell like they said it's rated a but when you go everywhere else is rated m the thing is the x it's not on the xbox store yet to uh be pre-ordered so chances are it when it comes to when it releases that's when you can buy i don't think they'll oh the game is not out yet no no come out like in march i thought see i thought the other version was already out in the playstation versus coming later to the market that's what i'm doing no no they're all going to release at the same time the playstation physical edition is going to come at a later date i think it's an early access or they had a demo or something but i i've seen people talk about this game a couple months back yeah the only other game i remember being raided that was actually ray today was that like twin stick shooter were you like just oh shout out that hatred hatred yeah hatred i think that was actually ready today but yeah so what do y'all think about playstation censoring uh this and y'all uh because you know y'all have had star playstation censoring stuff in the past as somebody else an ao game it's gonna get censored that's back i'm somebody that was mate oh wait you're going ahead bob my bad i didn't know you were all right oh my bad me quick yeah if it's an ao game it's going to get censored that's no if answer butts about it if that was the original case yeah they're like they can't for my knowledge i don't think you can release an ao game on a console why not it's never been naming something stores won't carry it yeah can't you watch porn on the console that is strong i only need to be like 18 or something for that anyways adult is a 18 and older it's an adult true i mean yeah i guess that makes sense but i guess the same reason why halo is rated team like they don't want to put out a game that only a small amount of people can buy the thing is is here i don't understand why it's uh adjusted on playstation i seen some disturbance [ __ ] on the last of us part two like some disturbing [ __ ] so that's like that's the thing like for the i mean most of these mature raid games you have today like do they not have a whole bunch of gore and violence and shooting and all this other stuff like i don't know why that would like why last of us is extremely violent and it's realistic especially part two yeah yeah yeah so i don't get why cutting off someone's face and wearing it is all of a sudden like oh no we can't do that you know what's crazy you bring up a good point because in the dlc of um oh is that outlast two either one of them they have depictions of a dude trying to cut somebody's dick off like that was he was just going around cutting them up because he like thought the dude was a woman yeah oh yeah that was one i think right what was it one i came from bro i just remember dude tried to cut your dick off like i'm like fam and they showing like they showing [ __ ] right so it's like where is the line really you know what i'm saying you could shoot a [ __ ] a chunk of a [ __ ] bring it out and the last ones put your finger in the blue like all type of [ __ ] zoom in on it so and blendro and i'm gonna give blind to his flowers because when they originally that censorship news came out he was against it and he told y'all it's gonna start leaking into [ __ ] that y'all play and it's gonna so blandrew it's not stuff that they play because nobody was going to be gg stop it it's not nobody's going to play this game it's getting to that point though when i was bringing this up you guys were talking about some they're not censoring violence they're centering games where you're pouring buckets of milk on anime girls i'm like it's gonna get to a point where they're gonna start going into violence going into religion going into politics and start taking things out of these lists not as of recent sony has made some of the most growth tests always they've been doing it from the original intelligence superintendent metal gear solid 3 they've always done this metal gear style 3 is a heavily censored game not one of you probably even knew that until i brought it up right now and i don't even play dick eater and i knew this excuse me not this guy uh the point is i tried to help y'all y'all villainized me you demonized me you put me on pictures with black d gamer and all these other insane individuals aren't you the one talking about god of war isn't as violent as it used to be and bg started debating about how that is that yeah jack you get some flowers here too i still don't think it's listen once again i still don't think it's an issue because you're it's not games we play it's some irrelevant off-brand you know alleyway game we've never listen nobody's heard of this game nobody was talking about this game prior to this news if anything if anything playstation censoring this game helped it you remember they censored a chick i asked cheeks and devil may cry 5 on playstation remember that they went back and repatched it but you remember that right the blinding pink light or whatever that was on it yeah so they they're flareless they're dabbling they trying to see what they can get away with right now but i will say if this game is adult only and that's why okay i understand that but if it's rated m and every other version got this uncut version and they try don't censor and i'll play i don't i don't agree with that i don't agree with it do i think playstation has double standards yes but when it benefits them right because they'll absolutely allow you know neil druckmann to put whatever type of violence um in his games because that's a playstation game that's going to benefit us but you know name studio that nobody's going to play your game anyway yeah we don't care you can't be pushing pushing the you know the boundaries that far uh you don't got that type of clout i'm sorry you want to know i remember when the last of us 2 was coming out people were talking about they were pushing it too far in that game remember when they were bashing the girl's arm with a hammer or something like that oh yeah yeah and the gleaming media came out here i was like what's going on over here at naughty dog got to take this out the game and everybody stood up for that game so the problem is the problem is this if the game is rated a they're going to sense whatever they have to get it under a yeah it wouldn't matter what it was period or what or what kind of game it is if the game is rated a they're going to attempt to tone it down to something that makes it m but my whole thing is like your game has to have some extreme like extreme stuff to be rated a like and from just cutting off someone's face and wearing it that doesn't sound like that just sounds like it's something that you would see in a mature raid game that's a mortal kombat [ __ ] right here is also the problem the game companies have no dictation on how the esrb or anybody rates their game i know they were trying to lobby to be able to get that remember they were trying to do that and people are mad saying that they should be able to lobby and do it and do anything like that but it it's like a movie how many times you see a movie that's like oh we want this movie to be rated r but like i'm gonna turn it down because it's pg-13 and we get we all get mad it's the same difference i thought they do that for like ticket sales and everything not because yes that's the point because nobody's gonna get nobody's when's the last time there's been an nc17 movie blandrew a what movie they don't they don't come out in theaters exactly they're not it's the same thing as an ao game if if that person's face being cut off and it still had an m rating i doubt they would censor it no but that's the point like microsoft and your pc and the xbox aren't censoring it it's only the playstation that game is not going to reach the xbox platform with an a rating well it has no amp right now yeah yeah they're saying to them with the face cutting so i'm trying to figure out why playstation censored it but you know japanese companies have always they're hypocrites because of the you know what happens in their culture and stuff like that but they've always been very you know great in regards to what their dismemberment you can't you can't you can't just remember people know like yeah the japanese are the last of us online you can't um oh yeah but that's their little like esrb the c-e-r-o i think what they have yeah yeah yeah so that that's taking care of it's not like any of those like playstation or nintendo intervening and then telling them to take stuff out even though it passes the cerro do you think that do you think this would pass on nintendo nintendo doesn't really seem to care these days so probably i i doubt it i don't i do not see it's nintendo i lowkey think they would pass it because look they they got doki doki lecture club on nintendo now right yeah that's a pretty crazy game too so they got some weird like hentai games on the eshop too so i don't think nintendo cares in this they have loosened up their their restrictions as a voice yeah they'll allow some freaky stuff on there but i don't think you know they're gonna allow this type how how come nobody's been complaining about japanese censoring dismemberment and decapitations we just went over this i'm just saying because it's it's their their rating system it's not so much you know it doesn't matter the result is still the same thing if i read a manga and then i go to the anime chances are it's not the same thing because they can't put that [ __ ] in the anime so like i said you all gotta pick and choose your battles with censorship no but that's a that's a countrywide law though that's not an individual you know sector of that's even worse that it's a law that means who are we to talk about japanese laws a consumer that pays for a product that's who you are they aren't censoring the games out here though but yeah oh they can okay and this is getting nowhere okay continue what i'm saying is y'all are picking and choosing when sen when to complain about censorship my argument is this [ __ ] has always been around it has always happened but y'all only pick and choose when to be offended and the most hilarious part is you're picking and choosing on a game nobody even knew about or gives a [ __ ] about if this was mortal kombat and this conversation was happening that would be one thing but i would care then i i thought this was like [ __ ] batman or superman's martha's i don't even know people were mad about mortal kombat as far as like how the women were dressing how they were covering up people are virgins yeah uh-huh it's like a cycle with you guys it only matters until it you know until it's in your little category of violence or something those weren't real those weren't real legitimate complaints though exactly there's like they're ripping people's spines out and you're complaining about censorship on how somebody's dressed like really and a lot of a lot of the reasons like the early models of uh mortal kombat were like that were just because of limitations not only that but evo and the fgc a lot of fighting games for example like better alive weren't getting placed because they don't want to be broadcasting games that have girls dressed in halfway nothing it doesn't look good for advertisers once you want people to take the fgc seriously and these fighting game tournaments seriously you gotta have it so advertisers can watch it how about this blender when it makes it to a relevant game i'll start to care then is that okay all right because we can be no because every time we've talked about this censorship thing right it's a game nobody gives a damn about true or false i mean it's not the biggest of games well devil may cry was a game people cared about that was a minor what are they just they just put some clothes on her you talking about ain't got a war too though bg no i don't i don't i don't i don't agree with the god of work case though but what do you think about doki doki literature club we talked about that and you guys acted like it was this niche game that nobody's ever heard of and it sold millions of copies on the pc yeah pc weirdos who cares what you know what i'm going to say the end of this comment does it affect me indeed it doesn't affect me either as far as the current games but like like at the end of the day it doesn't affect me yeah like at the end of the day and until like until we start seeing this in games that we actually care about because i didn't even know about this topic until y'all just bought uh bought it up until this starts uh getting in uh into the games that we actually play i don't think no one's gonna care yeah i'll be at the front lines once it starts being like games we care about listen i'll march my i'll march my ass right up to sony headquarters uh and uh you know i'll have picket signs and everything until then i don't care welp it's about nipping it in the bud while it's still here bt before it gets to that point but it's only really an issue because it gives uh xbox something over playstation that's why why it really kind of got uh uh that's why that's why i got no cause because it won't be censored on xbox that's why i got um like pushed that's because if it was censored you're saying if it was censored on everything nobody would care yeah yeah of course but it's since they're only on one platform that's why you're you're seeing this that platform is playstation so that gave ammo uh to my uh fellow bots and um grievance to the fellow ponies so yeah i've been running with it huh yeah that's all that's all you have to do because you got no games to play is grieve and find ammo online wait but bg is that scene really that bad i refuse to watch it but it's it's it's it's pretty it's it's not that it's it's like because i'm not i'm not a violence junkie that's why you ever seen uh i mean listen it's not worth it worse than anything you've seen like the human centipede you ever seen that movie not i don't the scariest movie i've ever seen in my entire life bg was scooby-doo on zombie island i'm not going i'm not going nowhere near horror movies okay human centipede is not even scary it's just disgusting and gruesome right it's not on that level but like yeah it's it's a realistic depiction somebody you know carving somebody's face off it's we've seen worse install movies yeah we've definitely seen worse than saw movies so okay and and i mean if you can't handle anything i think you'd be pro-censorship then [ __ ] yeah i mean i'm all about creativity though just leave it alone don't mess with somebody's art just because you know you're uh triggered by it or something i hate using that word too i wish whatever triggered yeah it's such a neckbeard term i don't like it [Laughter] oh man what about what about the xeno how come you ain't never talk about the xenoblade censorship what they censor oh see this is what i'm talking about bg it's always selective outrage i just asked you a question what did they say i don't i don't even need to go into it well uh people will only selectively be outraged about [ __ ] we can move on to the next topic let's talk about horizon banger of the week um so horizon forbidden west came out uh this week uh currently sitting at an 88 on metacritic one point um below the original game and i got to say listen please blasphemous blasphemy i'm sorry but playstation dudes was was acting the donkey this week over that that one point i'm sorry like no no no they weren't no they weren't come on it's it's it's not a big deal it's one point like i'm gonna tell you i'ma tell you why it's a big deal and why if this industry ever wants to be respected and looked upon highly like they claim they do they gotta start making sense right now i'm gonna say this certain outlets you're supposed if there is a reason a a rating scale exists right it's a they say all right we're going to do this on a 10 point scale you could do one through 10. we do this on a 20-point scale you can have half points the whole point is to make a uniform rating system right so if you're if your outlet gave horizon zero done a certain score and then you no matter who reviewed it and you come back and say the sequel is better in every single aspect you cannot give that game the same or a lesser rating it makes no sense it's true this is true that's not false you know it is false you know why one in the last game come out 27. five years ago five years ago standards have changed okay let me ask you a question but in your opinion have games gotten better in the past five years because i don't think so it can be better or worse that's a case-by-case basis overall i disagree but a review is not a review on the generality of games a review is not based on the generality of games so your point don't make no sense jack you're not reviewing a game comparing it to the overall things of all games so so why did you just say that the standards change if you're not reviewing it on the generality you're saying two different things you're saying have games gotten better or worse i'm saying they don't review games based on the feelings are to have games gotten better or worse another thing i will say i feel like games are rated more severely today compared to five years ago i think they're more general i think they're more generous than a lot of generous no i think they're more generous than a lot of occasions i got here jack but do you think is it here's how i look at it i think what forbidden arrest reviews proved is that horizon zero don was overrated but look though this is my thing too if you don't like the game or you don't think that's not an issue you you don't have to like the game my point is a lot of these outlets were saying the game is way better than the first one and they're giving it the equal or lower rating that's crazy and this is also crazy to me right uh outlets giving this game a so-so review and then going down and giving games like halo infinite 9.5 and the martha the martyrs of dead is of of the world's all these highest hey i see you know but you know that you you they reviewed lassos part two and all these other plays these games are dog [ __ ] to them but these games are so like get the [ __ ] out of here bro another reason your argument doesn't make sense is for your argument to make sense every review of horizon zero dawn would have to have been reviewed by somebody that also reviewed the original no no no no no this is what i'm saying this is what i'm saying outlets what's the point of having to tag ign or gaming form on yours it's all to be uniform that's why y'all all use the same ratings if it didn't matter one review could give it five stars and the other you can give it a 10 out of 10. working for the same platform it's all about having a unified vision of y'all [ __ ] reviews bro okay me and bg both work for ign right okay bg likes horizon better than i do okay he reviews the first game bg leaves ign three years later i review i review the second game your your complaint is is oh um i like the second game better than the first game but uh the score is lower one times the change two it's a whole different reviewer like okay this is what this is there's so many variables in fact this is why i disagree with that this is why i disagree with that if you if i saw you i'm gonna let you do your review but if i if you come back the first game got a uh uh uh seven and you saying this game is a six i'm gonna say you can't do that bro you just can't do it exactly and you know what else you know what else this is what i'm gonna say to refute my point first of all if you give a game a perfect 10 out of 10 at most of these review sites you have to actually talk to a panel of at least three people tell them why you feel that way and they're going to have a review discussion and approve your review that's the first thing so you're saying okay real quick real quick they re-review games they get re-released and usually they'll say here's what we said about the game when it first released such and such years ago and it be reviewed by a totally different person and a lot of times if the changes are not drastic they will give that game the exact same score they gave it years ago which i don't have a problem with so that what y'all saying don't make no sense to me so you think this is absolute nuts you think publication should have like a one voice like essentially like okay so if if even if the person last person left that reviewed the first game the the second person it's not about the reviewer it's about the outlet bro like i said that's what i'm saying you think the outlet should should voice it in a way let me go read the new game if you see what this like it's better in every way possible oh my god this shit's on the first wait a minute it got a seven huh what the [ __ ] that's your fault right there because you were one of these score morons you go by the score instead of the actual content and context of the review no what do you care about what do you care about what the score is that's my voice you're not listening that's my point they're saying the game is better than the game the other game in every aspect so how is the score lower again other games have come in between here's another example some of these were i know i was in strictly uh space of the day they gave her rods for ben west some type of weird score they gave [ __ ] def loop a perfect 10 on it like what are we doing here okay let me ask you this was it was it this you compared it being the same site right yeah was it the same exact reviewer but that that is why go ahead you have to keep the outlet image in mind before the reviewer themselves i don't know if i don't know if i agree with that i don't agree with that there's no consistency in your outlets let's say we had a zombie ign bg i know you moved on from our company three years ago but to get consistency with our review that we're doing five years later after the last one wait wait wait wait wait wait wait can i can i just say this real quick though if if bg was to be like the last of us one is a nine out of ten and then i come through on the last of us part two as the publication being wwp and then i come to and i'm like yo the last of us two is so much better in every way compared to the first game and then i talk about five out of ten it's still good it's not about the the reviewer in question at that point it's about the publication you approved this score back in 2013 and you're telling me this game is better than every way and you're telling me it's a 5 out of 10. it doesn't work that way and this is the point when has that situation but not at 10's been a 5 out of 10. but look though this is the point too what i'm saying people saying rig review i'm not saying that the score does not go with what that's why i hate ign video reviews sometimes because i've seen video reviews of games i don't even care about right and the whole they'll be like five minutes they're saying nothing but positive [ __ ] about the game and then the review coming up i'm like what the [ __ ] how did it get this right if you don't have any issues with the game you you have negatives like this i really can't believe grown-ass men care this much about reviews because it's all it's all at the end of the day bond is all about accountability and not looking like it's all about your feelings being heard no how many people were crying over two points in one point this whole week on horizon uh all over twitter so hold on let me let me get this straight you like you like jrpgs so if so if you give all the ease games such certain reviews on your channel and easy about you huh good good i'm just saying if if a new rp jrpg came out that everybody was uh clamoring over and you [ __ ] loved it and you gave it a lower review than the other games even though your review doesn't reflect your score people are going to look at you differently correct bro the whole cold steel series i think is the best ever those games get rated in the 70s and 80s i don't care you're not united well that's what i'm saying like y'all care too much about this trivial nonsense and it's not and it's not trivial because let's go deeper people's salaries directly depend on metacritic scores they're interesting there jack you don't work here but i'm just saying this is not this is not unimportant it's important to somebody metacritic exists for a reason well you know what then jack let the [ __ ] that are working complain i'm just saying but y'all acting like this [ __ ] don't matter this [ __ ] does matter bro it matters to someone no no but you're complaining it on from your end you're not coming you're complaining from my from my end of the front are about these people's salaries i don't give a [ __ ] about they say i'm just happy exactly if i go look at the horizon forbidden west review on metacritic i'm gonna assume that it's [ __ ] worse than the first game and that's not the case you assumed because people aren't bro looks like the game is better street fighter 3 third strike one of the best fighting games ever was scored in like the low 70s i hear nobody this is the thing i don't care if people don't like the game if they give it a bad review just be consistent that's all i'm saying y'all [ __ ] are hurt over one time just admit it that's not consistent that's what it is y'all heard over one point jeremy uh let me ask you a question jack do you feel like because you know going back to the review that they gave horizon zero dawn i just checked uh that yeah is that a 89 on med uh uh uh on a met the critical right now compared to wes that had a a uh at a ada do you feel like though over time reviews like can change like whatever the guy that reviewed horizon back then do you you feel like if he reviewed it today he would like feel the same way about it because something like this is an ongoing joke on my channel when i gave the first watchdogs a 9 out of 10. people will never let me live live that down but today i would never give watch dogs that's funny a 9 out of 10. i do feel like reviews that you might have done back then today you wouldn't think the same way about it i agree with that you know what's crazy and a lot of these publications now in the past couple years they've got it to where you can amend review scores right now of course they're probably not going to go back and change the review for but even if that's the case jeremy check this out this is how i feel if they reviewed the first game and they they say that they should let that be known in review i reviewed the game very highly when it first dropped looking back on it i might have overrated it a tad bit but this is how i feel about the second let that be no i don't have no issue with that these dudes are hopping up bro the reviews are not because they gotta go through ten times more work to do the review than the actual play of the game and do this that's like no you need to you need to put uh like when people review games that they don't care nothing about the genre and the review might not be appealing to people let that be known i don't really play games in this genre but i was uh you know i'm reviewing it i'm gonna end this argument right now let it be bland what is your favorite what is the best zelda game of all time my favorite don't matter bro brought to the wild breath of the wild the best would probably be ocarina of time or linked to the past depending on who you talk to or breath of the wild too breath of the wild right okay okay of time has a 99 meta score yes but breath of the wild is the better game and everybody can say that it got a lower score it can't it can't be better well i can't wait wait but that's a drastically different time period though five years ago isn't that long ago that bruh according to bond and bg when people are paid to promote [ __ ] they shouldn't uh disclaim if that the fcc listen i don't even get to say my thoughts on this yet listen here's the thing right so i don't know reviews actually depend on the person watching it to actually look because they put it in reviews now who it's reviewed by right so they let that's the reason why they do it but nobody is gonna go do the the work and check okay you were you're reviewing this the sequel okay let me go check who reviewed the first game nobody's gonna do that right and i get i get what jack is saying like okay the unified front we need to essentially be we have different reviewers but we need to be one voice that's that's what you're saying for you need to follow a standard you need the phone yeah i don't but i don't know if i agree with like everybody at this publication having to hero that's no individuality yeah live up to the standard of consistency because of somebody else i don't know if if they if they have to do that so and by the way i i am i am uh interviewing the guy who gave uh horizon a 6.5 from survivor i'm actually interviewing him this this tuesday right not to like debate him or anything this is this is literally just let me tell him tell him he an idiot of the dick eater because people were so upset about this i'm like listen you want to come talk about it and everything like that and he said and you said sure so i'm actually going to be talking about it he's going to explain you know his review and everything like that so i'm interested to see what what he has to say right and i don't this might piss jack off he gave he gave so he gave the first horizon a a 9.6 okay all right hey all right bro this is the [ __ ] i'm talking about this is the [ __ ] i'm [ __ ] talking that don't make no [ __ ] sense bro how do [ __ ] do you play this game and say it's that much worse than this is the [ __ ] where is the consistency bruh and and that's that's one of the questions i'm really like looking forward to just asking him to so he can explain so in his review of forbidden west did say that you know it it matched his score essentially you know i pers from playing horizon forbidden west and obviously playing horizon zero dawn i don't know how you think that this game is a a 9.6 to a 6.5 worse of a game like i i don't i'm not gonna debate him on it but i'ma i'm gonna ask him to elaborate but i don't see it you know like so he said part two is better in every way no he no that's why he he didn't say that his review actually matches up with his score right but but anybody who plays for ben and west is gonna be is gonna be like i don't know how the game is that much worse you know like three three points worse than than the original there's no way like just just and we're gonna get into like you know our impressions of verizon forbidden west but like all the things that they've added to forbidden west quality of life stuff actual improvements that make it an rpg because people aren't lying the reviews are like they've improved horizon forbidden west in like every possible way you can possibly think of so i don't know exactly with that fact how you go from a 9.6 to eight a six point five but you know like i said i mean it doesn't matter it's his opinion let me ask you something though bg do you think breath of the wild two gets a 97 like breath of the wild one uh it'd probably get like a 94 93 i don't know if you get 97. because it's definitely in the 90s yeah because i feel like they're probably gonna improve on basically all aspects of the first game a lot of the complaints that people had in regards to the first game but it's not gonna have the same well it i won't say it won't but it probably won't have the same impact as breath of the wild when it first came out in 2017. so maybe maybe it's an impact thing when hurricane i do believe time is gorilla games first horizon did not have a big impact when it first came out because people kept comparing it to breath of the wild and saying well you can't claim everything you can't do this and and you can't burn the grass come on and this game is experiencing the same thing with [ __ ] like elden ring well elder rings coming out i'm not touching no [ __ ] horizon but i felt like when the first horizon came out even though we saw the flaws you know the game like a lot of us still like the game i feel like it wasn't after until like a year or two years later then people started to really like pick apart like pick apart the game and say oh it's just a you know exactly that's a ubisoft title when i clearly remember when the first horizon came out like people like people um appreciated the game for what it was but exactly and after a while i'm gonna just say horizon it would probably had his flowers for like a month but then the second breath of the wild hit the scene it was over for that it wasn't like a year but here's what i here's what i do agree with jack i like i said i don't care about you know the whole point and you know the whole point or you know two points whatever it is but i do what this does show me is listen playstation is held to a different standard and to a point i i understand they have to do a lot more than everybody else in in the in the industry to like get that high score right they have to they have to have the best visuals they have to have you know amazing gameplay they have to have you know uh bro if anything is wrong with a playstation story that's all [ __ ] remember right meanwhile honest let's be honest nintendo games don't have to have a story still easily get a 90. they don't have to get have the best visuals still easily get a 90. as long as that game play okay bro it's a 90. playstation if anything is wrong with any of those categories bro you're you're you're that's all people talking about it's been it's been two years and we still got [ __ ] screaming joel would have never announced his name to those people don't do this like what and it's and it's the same thing listen i'm sorry with like with xbox because xbox had such a bad generation last gen that anything decent they put out now is is is is you know given way more flowers than it deserves because i'm gonna be honest with you bro that that halo infinite open world bro if place if if playstation put out an open world that looked like that they would be kicked the [ __ ] out of here bro well like let's be real xbox reviewers in general are just way more generous with xbox games yeah that's why i always tell smoove if you're gonna be but on the xbox version because you look at look at hale and they come up with all these reasons why you know halo infinite's world looks like that and everything like that but like halo infinite were like you listen you can max that thing out on pc it still doesn't look great there's there's literally last gen open world games that look better than halo infinite maxed out on pc that's a fact that's not opinion right but how you like a playstation open world game people are analyzing every little visual detail about every little thing that like the playstation honestly has the highest standards you know why bg because jack actually agreed to me when i made this comment in this video a while ago when a bench player has a bad game what do people say uh you know he's a bench player you did okay not bad your bench player scores 20 who right right yeah but absolutely lebron scores 20 in a game exactly watch king washington greater the light the more great you are the harsher you're going to be critiquing exactly and yeah and i understand that right i playstation definitely has you know held to a higher standard and that's because that's partially because i mean the the fan base hypes them up to be the best so it goes both ways you know i'm going to say y'all start here talking about some quality you want to pertain to police creation so naturally territory and here's and here's another thing well let's be real reviews have never been fair because for as long as we've gone on in reviews why are the console versions getting the same scores as the pc version they should never get to say unless the pc version is busted they should never get the same score performance i mean if you have a machine that can play the game at such superior settings universal controls would use any input all the features and customization and everything why shouldn't that version as long as it's not busted universally get the higher score every time maybe it's just not a a factor for something i wouldn't have a problem with that well i'm saying it blended you're going to say if it's not a factor then the point i'm making is this there are way too many variables and considerations in this whole process to be spending this much energy complaining about it for something in the end doesn't really even matter like jack said unless you're the one making the game and it's affecting your pockets and i'm also not sure if i agree that it doesn't make sense because i i think it is possible somehow possible that a game could be better and you also give the sequel a lower score i think it's possible in certain scenarios like look at every zelda game there's yeah because all the games better than ocarina of time but they're not all rated 99. yeah like because because like yeah like it's just based on because some people you know don't review games based against the other game it's just judging the game uh as a game as as the game in the time period and the standards of the industry at the time and that may work against it i understand how it may sound nuts but i think in certain scenarios it is possible another thing is to consider is the age and the gender of the person if you have me reviewing a game compared to a born in 3d gamer we have two different perspectives of gaming completely it's a lot of factors blandrew for example doesn't even like god of war cool you won't see me trashing him that's his opinion he i mean i'm sure he thinks it's a decent game but he's not into it as much as i would say bg or jack would be yeah well let's let's talk about uh horizon forbidden west and how it's better in every way than horizon zero dawn i need one of y'all to pull a blandrew and sell me this zoids rip off of the game barry hold on did you play horizon forbidden west um no that's i'm trying them so i'm just telling them to sell me on it let me get let me get this straight pokemon legends arceus i don't play pokemon sifu dying light to horizon forbidden west aka horizon a buggy mess what else did we get girls zero dawn you already know the game plan dawg so so what is the next relevant your game that's coming out that you're going to be able to talk to on assist bro have you it's time to talk about that game right now you didn't even put blandrew you are behind the curve on nine out of ten nintendo games we normally had to bring in other people for the nintendo topics did you pick up king of fighters it came out this week as well i know it came out this week but i gotta finish horizon zero dawn and forbidden west i only play one game at a time blandrew uh-huh a 2017 game let that happen to me jack let this happen didn't you beat dread and say oh i'll go back and play return of samus on 3ds let this happen me jack it could just be the most random yeah answer the question i'll answer them you did not even beat return of samus before dread came out return of samus was never a topic at hand on the podcast metroid was which i reviewed with you and answered you never had beaten return to samus until draco came out what does that have to do with anything oh my god the [ __ ] are you mad but i'm trying to do that thank you no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no zero dog before the other game are you going to pick up eldon ring comes out this week i'm probably not going to get elven ring what are you going to get on these modern day games so that you can contribute to the topic at hand on a sunday oh so did you contribute did you contribute to halo did you contribute to smt no no i'm saying you always i contributed well i'll tell you what me and shoki we're definitely talking about which version is the best to buy and play so we're going to be going into april without you contributing to a main game in tokyo where that means we're definitely talking about we're going to be going into are you a man i don't have my list right now oh if it's only six you should be able to name we're only two months in enabling no none of what you're about to say has anything to do with the game now the year name the six games you've beaten huh xenoblade eagle oh steel assault river city grow zero clino and clinoa too you happy a bunch of old [ __ ] so shut the [ __ ] up later no no i i s no no way i still play it's not we're not giving a review we're giving our impressions anybody look anybody can go around and dip their toes in the water and try out 20 games i specifically asked what games have you beaten and you haven't beaten [ __ ] hold on wait wait wait wait bon oh see me bg jack did you guys beat horizon yet no no sir and you're still contributing to the topic at hand correct yeah yes have a nice day yeah have you have you played horizon landrieu we already know i wasn't brought on this topic to talk about this podcast to talk about playstation games okay you're brought all the nintendo games he's the nintendo correspondent of the everlasting summer known as the nintendo switch have you have you beaten shimagami tennessee five yet that's a november game is he right have you beaten it yet it's irrelevant it's not november haven't you beaten it yet no i haven't beaten it yet but what does that happen and you still haven't beaten it shut the [ __ ] up i wasn't here i wasn't even honest and second of all no i'm not letting you go you hyped that game up for four years and you haven't beaten it yet blandrew you weren't going anywhere you were hyping that no game goes anywhere thanks for prove my point but you were hyping that game up when it was revealed with the switch and you still haven't beaten it yet there's a lot of games horizon celebration time how are you going to hype the game for 40 years but you wouldn't beat it tell me explain to me because i was hyping games and not beating them that would be one thing blandrew but blandra you hype games and don't finish them no yeah i'm gonna get around to i'm gonna get around to [ __ ] trust me it'll be i don't get it'll get beat this year yep just like it's taking you five years to beat horizon right all right all right forbidden west time exactly break it to up i can't wait to see you talk about a game in september this year oh my god we're playing a 20. keep hyping games we never will beat that's all you got to do uh oh did you just start if you're being god award they still going i play god award but i don't yeah oh man you've ever heard that's good bro crazy would you like to give us mr didn't even buy king of fighters 15. i wanted you to sell me on that game this weekend you didn't even play it you you don't play fighting games with andrew no you don't know that you don't even play smash brothers according to shokyo i don't play smash like a thousand hours like him but i play smash no you don't play at all you didn't see me put put the ground pound on kofi's discord when that game came out um all right jack jack okay jack uh horizon uh impressions give us the run down give us the quick run down dog what do you think what are you feeling i took some quick notes uh i played for 12 and a half hours uh i just did the embassy mission uh where you get the shield wing and i'm level 11 on very hard mode now horizon forbidden west takes place roughly six months after the events of horizon zero dawn um the main character a loy she catches when that there is an exclamation i'll give the whole damn story she catches wayne that yes i am she's that she catches winter there's an eclipse threat you know the main uh faction she was fighting in the first game uh in the forbidden west so she must travel to the forbidden west uh she must travel there during a a peace treaty uh between uh tanakh and the um the karja so that's pretty much the um the synopsis of the game so far that's what i've gotten so far um positives with this game a quick couple of positives got new combat abilities in the game uh [ __ ] like the resonator um you know the glowing uh [ __ ] on the body they get weak points to human enemies now you can deal extra damage to valor system you get special moves uh depending on which skill tree you max out new weapons such as the rope caster the grapple hook new machine types the first game had roughly 20 in the pull caster i think pull pull capture exactly it does use but yes yeah um new machine types the first game had roughly 21 machines this new game added 22 new machines to a total of 43 machines in this game compared to the first games 21. um i'm on very hard mode so i do like the challenge there are more they've added combo moves to the combat the human combat um what else we there's more things to do in the settlements the game is more lively you could play many games such as um machine strike which is like a tactical strategy board game uh monster hunter fans would appreciate this you can trade with the cook and cook big meals before you go out hunting for rare boost just like monster hunter right um they've changed up the side missions and i feel that the side missions and the main missions the the leveling uh requirements or suggestions for these missions make more sense uh in comparison to the first game they really didn't make too much sense um so that's that's what i got uh typed down right now is the pause i do got some negatives about the game but i'm gonna let y'all get y'all opinions off first and uh yeah great game so far i'm digging it um yeah so real quick what i wanted to highlight is like the quality of life stuff because they've had a lot of quality of life things that uh made the first game a little bit of an of an you know an annoyance i'm running down like for example the um when you use halo's focus on enemies now like you could just switch through it like a menu system it's real easy to navigate before like it was like very annoying to like to keep the focus on the enemies and like just read the information now it's a lot easier to track yeah um she's kept most of her uh you know upgrades from the last game not all of them but most of them like there's still i guess i guess it's somewhere in the skill tree where you can do her long roll uh you know that's because she's still though she's doing this short roll now which is you know a big deal because it's easier to get away from enemies with the long roll um re uh resource pac when it comes to upgrading the resource pouches and stuff like that quivers and all that stuff uh like when you try to upgrade it it tells you the like the the place the environment where you'll find animals the the right animals to upgrade before the original game didn't tell you that it told you what you what item you needed but it didn't tell you like you know where they are located you know it was you could figure it out but you know this game tells you that uh there's more weapons you can put more weapons in the weapon wheel uh and there's a stash now oh quick question bg i heard from a doctor that what modern games use weapon wheels yeah he did say i remember when he said that i couldn't believe it yeah he's looking very washed right now by the way he's been hit well he's been hit in the gym he put up a shirtless picture of himself i don't know why but oh daddy oh let me figure out this doctor getting sad okay he seemed very confident in that picture jack i gotta go see this now god damn it there's a there's a stash now um in the first game if your inventory was full then you were just full you couldn't carry no more [ __ ] now stuff goes automatically to your stash so that's that's great and then you could just go to the stash and automatically replenish stuff uh the layout they change the layout of the menu the main the lent the menu is much more uh organized now um selling stuff you know selling valuables is easier before you know in the first game like when you went to sell stuff everything all your items were just mixed up together and now they've like sectioned it off so anything anything you want to sell to a merchant for money it's just in one section now so you don't got to go you know sifting through stuff uh enemies are way more aggressive in my opinion absolutely and and bro i think they've scaled enemies to actually bro i'm like i'm doing no damage to these [ __ ] i'm a keeper like i'm like hold on dog like why are my arrows i saw you get trampled one shot by something what difficult um i'm all very hard right but like yes sir but i played i played on i remember playing on oh yeah i remember playing on hard and very hard in the first game and and still i was like taking down a thunder a thunder uh jaw no problem like you know as soon as i as soon as the first time you could do it i ran into a thunder jaw bro this [ __ ] put me in my place real quick just instant death yeah these new machines are crazy bro so they've actually made these machines a threat now and like they're these are like monsters and dinosaurs now they're they're not just robots that you're targeting like this game is overall harder um great so far though um jeremy your thoughts um i'm only like three hours in so i'm pretty sure most of y'all are like ahead like i just got out of the intro part so um but yeah from the little of the game that i played first off that ost is busting love the ost in uh this game the game looks gorgeous one of my viewers though was saying and i and i want to know your thoughts on this that the perform that the perform that the performance mode looks uh bad in this game it does it does i disagree uh maybe because i'm coming off of a dying light too the performance mode don't look bad in this game i mean does it look as good as the resolution mode of course not but it's it it's it's playable i mean this is the performance mode you're seeing on the screen right now the 60 frames look nice but if you just stand still like there's like blurry yeah clearly halo's over everything like this [ __ ] look weird yeah and he was playing on his uh uh oled lg cx whatever so you so he was so he was saying that it looked bad but i don't know i'm playing on a perform on a performance mode of course uh and it looks great um i do be switching back and forth uh sometimes just to see how it looks like on like its best graphics mode um but yeah so the game looks great going back to what bg said the game just feels more alive with like the human npcs like just everyone is doing their own thing like they actually have personality in this game and like you see people like interacting with each other i love how when you're out in the world like you see other npcs like fighting the machines they didn't have that you know the first horizon uh the black people in this game like actually look like black people like yes sir it's a lot it's a lot of like characters too listen there's a lot of [ __ ] walking around in this game that's crazy that's right a lot of [ __ ] walking around like they they just look like good representation like black folk of this game jeremy do you do game reviews sometimes not as much as i used to why i i think you should you're making this game sound pretty cool this is just bland you're slater he's actually been very informative about the game from the npcs to the environments to the gameplay and everything yeah so like that like going back to what bg said how like the world just feels more alive with like the humans i definitely agree with him on that and i also agree the machines i'm playing on hard not very hard but the machines are definitely more aggressive you know this game what's those uh base machines called the little scrounge something yo dim suckers when they be like when there's three or four of them bro they can take you out yeah yeah and i haven't even got into like the freaking jaws or like any of the new ones i didn't fight and and this isn't really a spoiler it's like like early until the game that's a snake i really like the design of the machines in this game and like when they roar sometimes like it'll shake the controller so like the haptics is going crazy and all that different stuff um so yeah the machines compared to how they felt because i played the first horizon on hard mode as well going into the game but in this game they actually feel like a threat and like dangerous and you have to approach the situation based on what you know you're about to go against so yeah i mean just from the three hours i'm in right now i could say like i will say though i felt like the intro to the first horizon maybe might have been a tad bit better than the intro in this game better you got to play with a little toddler aloy i'll see what i see what jeremy said you know as far as like the way the story going yeah yeah yeah yeah so i thought the intro end of the first game was a little bit better than this but i feel like just overall while you're playing this game compared to the first horizon you're way more engaged with just everything going on so that's great yeah um i think i played about maybe like 17 hours now and bro you know right now every time i got on every single time i got on discord i seen you playing the game i'm like jesus yeah this man must be like 30 hours we 17 hours in and we've done like almost nothing bro because you know it's all side missions and stuff bro it took me 12 hours to get to the [ __ ] at the gate like bro and and the game is like bro yeah like y'all said bro these machines like they got me feeling the type of way i'm i feel a little bit insulted like the like i got up to the leap lashers they're i think they're like kangaroo machines i think they're bruh these these [ __ ] are electrical kangaroos and i'm like yo do you use the way they just like be violated me like i got one hit killed by a projectile from one of these mobiles i was like wait wait wait hold on like how did that kill me i'd be having like 80 health and getting one shot rocks and tree lambs and [ __ ] yeah and that's the thing like the first said that she likes kangaroos oh i don't know um but yeah they they gave these enemies because they gave these enemies a lot more range options right because in the first one a lot of these uh enemies were uh melee based and it was like easy i could just keep away from you play keep away and just continue to shoot you these dudes chasing you they're they're fast and they can they can snipe you from like mad far away so it's like yeah this is not this is not the same difficulty we played um in the first one this is definitely definitely more hey y'all spoiling machines in a chat man let me look away i ain't trying to find out that is not a spoiler that i haven't went against yet i don't know i don't know i'm gonna talk about in a chat they're spoiling machines yeah okay they better not be saying i'm spoiling because the the leap lasher is literally literally right out the gate soon as you get out the gate that that dude's right there um but yeah it's a man it's the i love the quality of life improvements they they added a compare button which you know the first one should have had to compare you know for you to compare weapons and stuff like that um i will say that this game early on like it gives you a bunch of weapons right but it's i i realized like listen why do i have all these weapons there's no reason they give you all these weapons for for choice for you to play you know the way you want but i realized like listen i do not i ended up selling a lot of stuff because a lot of this isn't needed it's just taking up my weapon inventory and like just select what weapons you really want to play with and like just get rid of those other ones yeah i'm like let me just say oh one of the last things sorry uh that like just going back to the world being like more alive thing like it it it kind of gives me like kind of red dead redemption to vibes where just like ever just just at just everyone is doing their own thing and there's always like something going on and you could go and you could find like just random like talks between the uh npcs and stuff so yeah it's just way more alive compared to the first game um now i think that um the game is um definitely much improved um you can see all the improvements pretty much from right out the gate visuals i mean there is obviously a difference in performance mode and um the resolution mode i did toggle between the two but i think i just kind of just settled on the performance mode as i got into like more combat um but believe it or not um because i've actually i haven't even broken through the gate yet i've been trying to do the all the side missions um bg inspired me to uh try to do all the side missions first before continuing all the campaigns so i got to the gate and i i don't i'm not sure what happens after you kind of like forced your way through i was like you know i still got some question marks and stuff here but the side missions are like legit i forgot i was on a side mission on some of these side quests that i was doing yeah they're that good i haven't i mean they pretty much like the main mission to be honest yeah they're really good yeah but i do i do got to say about this game this game is not perfect um going back to something jeremy said uh just like the first horizon this game does have a mission that pretty much kick starts to like you know we really get into the [ __ ] i feel like if you don't reach that mission early on like a lot of the [ __ ] before you get out the gate is going to be kind of confusing like just the way they telling a story you're like what the [ __ ] are they even talking about right now especially i played the other game in a while um and they introduced a lot of mechanics early on a lot of new mechanics early on a lot of weapons like bg says so i feel like this game could be a little bit more intuitive on certain points or like if when you even played a machine strike game just the woman describing the machine strike game you'd be like bro what the [ __ ] yeah like that you got to play you really got to like you really got to pay attention i was like i still don't really know how to you know i've been playing them i'm like damn i ain't no you could do the double moves and [ __ ] but so yeah some of that [ __ ] is kind of overwhelming yeah i i understand only because like i've played like many uh mini board games and other rpgs that's the honestly that's that's this is it's simple compared to board games and other rpgs this is it's pretty simple but yeah you just gotta play it a little bit i beat enemies gotta make it load out too yeah i've beaten like three of the players oh but that's the beginner that's beginner uh level players i've been like three of the players in in that game in in that machine strike game it's okay it's not like you know it's not like final fantasy mini board games or probably not even gwen i never played gwent but it's probably not as good as that either it's okay i don't i don't get that [ __ ] with the witcher was awesome yeah i never i never liked the witcher though so that's why i never even got up to where you could play gwent did you do any of the hunting grounds of any of that stuff yeah uh yeah i did the i did the hunting ground no because he said he never got to the part where you would play quit but they played gwent in the first settlement like exactly so i don't remember that jesus i don't remember that uh some some issues i had um so there's cl there's definitely some clipping there's some bugs but you know people trying to make it seem like it's a bethesda game that's not the case you know but there's definitely and guerrillas really is usually really good at uh addressing bugs really fast so there are some instances of that i've had like you know small ones um i don't know how y'all are playing at that 30 fp i turned on the 30 fps for five seconds that's not a problem bro and i was like hell no um it looks like 24. it doesn't mean it's a bad 30 frames it's a bad 30 frames it's not good it's a bad all 30 frames are not made equal let me make that i agree with that i agree with that you said i don't like them bald people in australia like insomniac games at 30 frames some shit's like 30 is 30. no [Music] to me it's not bad but when you're in that mode like when you turn the camera like quickly you'll be like this weird that's really the main thing for me because i was playing in you know the third uh uh in the 4k uh third the fps mode for like maybe 10 minutes and it wasn't bad but it was just like one you got to take off motion blur and then like if you move the camera too like quickly you'll see like i don't know this is i can't even describe it but yeah i'm definitely yeah like like what alex once said in the chat that's what i was about to say ratchet and clank 2016 was 30 frames bro i thought it was running a i didn't think it was 60 but i thought it was running above 30 frames when i played it bro like dude it's different this looks like it's it's not 30 it looks like it's 24 and it and it looks like a choppy slideshow i was like i don't i don't know you of course you know if that's the ideal way to play is it that visual difference bro like this probably one of the most drastic between performance and resolution this might be one of the most drastic examples we've seen of a visual difference bro this is it you're telling me it runs like an n64 game bro it's to me it was bad but i so i haven't played a 30 frames game in a while though it's it's been oh i can't tell you the last game that was 30 frames that i played it's been a long time what was the last game wasn't it last of us 2 30 30 yeah that might have been the last one though that and that was like what a year and a half ago more than that gossip how you played that game either of those games in 30. i had to apply the weight from being 60. and the thing is like i the the most recent time i played these games was after the you know it got a 60 frames update so i that's what i'm saying like i can't see i i beat horizon again right before this game came out at the 60s so i can't see this game at you know 30 no more it just doesn't look right and once again i i i still believe third to 30 frames on horizon zero dawn looks better than the 30 frames on this so 30 frames on this looks bad it might be the pacing or the frames matching up properly it just doesn't look right how's that possible i i don't believe you this game i don't think it happens an issue not not all 30 frames are the same bro i'm telling you yeah you just said the 30 frames on zero dom looks better than the 30 frames on forbidden west and that's just the flat out lie no it's not right i'm telling you dawg it's not that oh my god when i turn the camera if i don't know if you you i don't even think you can play horizon zero dawn at 30 no more they took away the option right but i don't know i i know when i turned the camera when i moved in zero dawn i didn't get this like this for one this choppiness this slowdown the camera panning is horrible you gotta turn down the camera uh sensitivity or something like that to get rid of that halo glare effect it look like the screen is [ __ ] trying to react to like the graphics but um yeah so but that happens in actually both modes it's just more aggressive in the um uh what you're gonna call it in the um resolution mode but the m i'm thinking of like looks i'm like the 60 frames mode like it looks nice but it's it's a stark difference and that's bad like to the point where for example we all play guardians of the galaxy right and the performance mode was 1080p but it was a compelling looking freaking image right whereas forbidden west it still has that like that fit but that look but it's just see things seems like out of place like the lining you look at a tree you literally have to keep the game in motion and moving to ignore it because you are looking at the grass in the water and it just looked like things it's like you're it's like your tv and stuff is going out of focus or some [ __ ] like smooth is right on this one bro well i i didn't play enough in 30 frames to to like compare i just turned it on i moved around and you know i almost died that that 60 frames per second mode is great if you're gonna constantly be in motion but if you ever want to slow down and just look when are you not in motion it's a video a lot of [ __ ] a lot of times i'll be trying to do other [ __ ] i'm just saying bro if you slow down and just look at the screen you're like what the [ __ ] like damn is my is my tv breaking [ __ ] like what's going on i agree with smith bro yeah i ain't doing crazy here's console gamers talk like this shut up how are you doing though they saying your gameplay got spoilers in it too man i don't know these are not spoilers they're they're machines i mean i don't really considerably no i don't know bro oh see no no no no listen listen i was just talking to kofi about this right so so s so you better spoiler just let it let it no it's not a sp no it's not a spoiler any other spoiler that [ __ ] herman who's tweeted out that so it is a spoiler yes see this is why it was in no promotional images or videos so this is why i hate the spoiler talk because you got half these [ __ ] telling me that's a spoiler then half the nigga's telling me that's not a spoiler it's a spoiler but i heard that sony told people according to greg miller uh sony and gorilla told the reviewers to tell people about this even though they never announced or showed this so do what you do you guys were questioning that question in that all the way up till launch and then they just threw it out there so i'm saying like uh jeff keeley tweeted out some [ __ ] and herman holt so i i mean if they had a place that should tweet it out go ahead bro listen i i don't think i don't think every little machine you haven't seen yet is a spoiler like you're not learning about the story in this gameplay you knew there's going to be new machines because you see one new flying machine that's a spoiler come on man y'all got y'all i can't call what are you expecting for that like that's what i'm saying like god you show me a bigger bird like you cannot you cannot like call everything you did not know a spoiler that's not how spoilers work just because you didn't know about it doesn't automatically make it a spoiler that would be like calling armored brute types in halo a spoiler exactly like roots and halo yeah like you know there was going to be new machines like what did you want me to do like come on man come on man i mean like even people are talking about the lat i'm like the only spoiler enemy type in the last of us would have been the brooklyn king yeah that's a grand reveal so i would understand if like people were upset about this but like regular machines just come on now i was talking about a certain mechanic i mean people in the weapon wheelchair saying they ain't a spoiler so i don't know man what the shield wing no [ __ ] what you doing oh you talking about the other one oh good the other one um at this point that people are worried about spoilers they should just get the game on day one and stop being broke yeah that's true oh brother bro if you're really that worried about everything and anything it's gonna be a spoiler this is why i see every marvel movie on a thursday as soon as it comes out and even then like they they tell like with marvel movies they they pretty much tell people what the um grace period is it'd be like a week sometimes shorter you know so uh what else uh yeah the games the games uh the combat's better melee of course is better there's six uh you know pretty deep skill trees um based on you know whatever play style you want to unlock to unlock them in and there's two valor surges which is like a special move everybody saw in the trailer uh you know i still haven't used one of those i unlock one of my users yet though i well that's i can't even say that they're gonna say that's a spoiler but yeah i i unlocked two of them are two of the valor surges already um and uh what else um yeah i think the the npcs in this game are great they they're way they act so they improve the visuals on the npc now like claymation figures no more they actually like real people yeah you know that's an do um y'all think that this game has a legit shot at being a game of the year contender because the first horizon won zero awards like it was a great game but it was nominated for game of the year though it didn't win any awards but it was nominated for a game of the year so just because that by that alone this game is gonna get nominated for sure it's going to be nominated i can tell you right now it's not a war oh yeah god of war coming out it's going to be hard it's it's not going to win it's going to be it's because i really feel like it's going to be between this game uh god of the war and elden ring when that drops to the wild i don't think that's coming out this year yeah yeah yeah just yeah yeah that too i think the problem with breath of the wild is is like whatever it is at the end of the day it's running on switch that's just the unfortunate truth yeah what does that mean the switch is trash here we go it can't be game of the year or something like i'm trying to understand why does that disqualify the game playing games on the switch is very rough breath of the wild was game of the year in 2017 yeah at 20 something frames yeah the competition the switch is now five years older what does that mean what do you mean what does that mean what does it mean old ancient hardware it was old ancient hardware when it launched and now it's older oh my goodness uh okay um does everybody get what i'm trying to say or is black no like most of these games on the switch now are complete slideshows like they're like it's unbearable to play i think that that was the thing when they showed off a bait a freaking bayonet to three like they showed it off and it was a good thing but if you actually saw the gameplay it didn't look great at all but i mean zelda's death is definitely going to be a game of the year it's going to be in that conversation and also breath of the wild was a was a wii u game it's not a switch game the the only thing that i think is whenever breath of the wild 2 comes out the only thing i think that's going to stop it from getting being game of the year is like if that amaze factor no it's just the the amaze factor of the first one you know if it kind of wears off and people are like it you know like we we had this experience already this one this game is just as good but we're not as amazed because we've already experienced it breath of the wild oh that's not going to happen bro [ __ ] gliding in breath of the wild one and thought like they nutted for the first time in a [ __ ] game when we saw link falling from the sky with his hair in the wind we was going yeah y'all did it that was the first time it happened in the game yeah what's going on hey man i i don't know uh anyway but let me ask you is this horizon game really as buggy as people have been making it out to see him because i've seen her falling through the map i've seen her running i've had two little uh little bugs i've won was when i was doing a mission and i had to kill one more of the uh ground or the burrowers whatever but one had like disappeared and i was looking for them but i couldn't find them so i had to restart that that emission and sometimes it has like this little flickering but it will happen like randomly that's the only two things that i've come across so far biggest glitch i've seen is in actually the opening cut scene um like it all the textures like everything was just gone it was like a clear brown screen and then like some [ __ ] was popping up i don't know it was weird but um that's really nothing i've experienced so far yeah the only uh i had the flickering which they which gorilla said they um well the shimmering and they said they hotfixed hotfix that day one um and then i just had some uh clipping some you know a machine's head going into a rock and you know that was that was all i had i didn't have no major bugs people are i'm not like the bugs are definitely you know happening like but people are making a scene once again like it's like a bethesda game where it's every 10 minutes the game is just bugging it's it's not that's not i like i like feel like because the fact play uh uh playstation dudes are like actually really enjoying this game like p like people are trying to find like oh but it's bucky it's glitchy but he's really not even like that let me ask you all a question too how y'all feel about this new climbing they get uh it's consistent yeah you know what i'm saying like some of the platform like i didn't really i went to find the platform in the first game which was like a lot of people's major gripe with the first game this new platforming i actually think the climbing in the first might have been the climbing in the first is better in in the way that it's direct and a little bit smoother yeah i feel that this one is more accessible like it's more convenient but it's kind of like especially okay you see in all these climb points on the wall some are horizontal some are vertical some of them are reaching distance but they won't let you interact with them it's like bro why is that right there like what the hell yeah they're it's just awkwardly placed on the wall and it's like it just feels very strange but it's it makes it better and easier to access you know access spots but it's like yeah um so yeah uh game's great i'm enjoying it not much to say other than that like i like the little you know quick setup they did at the beginning for the story you know we know uh pretty much what this is about already and uh the npcs are you know these npcs are very lifelike you know their designs the way you know their mannerisms how they act oh side missions fire yeah any um like human combat yet is that better like when you're fighting like actual humans they got com they got combos now i feel like it's terrible but yeah it's it ain't amazing it's not amazing it's better but you have to unlock more of that warrior skill tree is what i realized because because if you don't like that warrior skill tree it's like this the fir pretty much the same thing as the first game um and the warrior skill tree i that's i've unlocked one thing in that and everything else i've done hunter and survivor so i'm i probably won't really be enjoying the the melee combat that much until i unlock lock that skill tree yeah you see i don't i kind of like how they did the data points in this game either like it's a lot of like long ass text documents again it's like we could have i don't know bro i feel like there's less voice ones right yeah a lot a lot of the lore like yeah i would rather like uh how like bioshock did like somebody reading [ __ ] out to you like i don't want to read all this [ __ ] bro but people complain i think that's because people complained about like all the the the voice logs in the first one like yeah cause that was because she would overtalk them if you like walking a couple of yeah she would overtalk the [ __ ] voice logs but now it's i don't know i feel like they they could have fixed that and one thing um i think eloy repeats herself you know when it's like the game is trying to help the player or tell you something she repeats it either too soon or too often you know like like oh i need to do this i'm like i i know i know oh yeah alpha i i also forgot to mention i i liked how they kind of added the um what do they call them the rooms it's like i guess i guess it's kind of like when you're playing tomb raider yeah and like you go in those tunes and like do like puzzles and stuff i like how they uh did those runes in the horizons that's something that wasn't in the first one that i kind of find it enjoyable oh yeah the game is very stingy on weapon mods by the way like bro still lock my weapon still locked bro you have to go searching and upgrading bro like i think i think i got like maybe six weapon mods and the first one just by randomly killing i would probably have like 30 by now dog it's they sting i got i got a lot of weapon mods i just can't equip them to anything how do you get them unlocked you have to upgrade the weapon and at the workbench like what really yeah and the thing is i think with i'm not sure if it's all the weapons but like some of the weapons you have to fully equip them to unlock the weapon mod it'll be like the third or fourth unlock to equip it to get i'm not trying to upgrade i got some of these upgraded but i'm not fully upgrading as a green weapon and that's that's what's tough about it is like listen i know i'm going to get better weapons do i really want to spend time upgrading these purple ain't [ __ ] with it you already know i see you oh question for you for you guys and a chat too do you do you guys feel like they improved uh a lloyd as like a character you know this game because i don't know no at all i feel like i feel like she got more personality i think she's an [ __ ] in that yeah she's sad she's mad sassy and she's an [ __ ] [ __ ] though she ain't she come off as like a like a real like staunch feminist almost like she comes off as lesbianist she don't be giving no dudes no play she'd be like get the [ __ ] away from around me i'm trying to hunt these you know you don't think she's feeling the sun king no i don't know aaron hell no no i don't think but this ain't too though you can sometimes they give you an option where like you could do like the the tough response or the heartfelt response or the smart response yeah is she really like another kid i think i think she would throw the box at the sun king i think she would based on based on based on one of the text dialogues um you know she said she would consider it you know after she's done or something like that but aaron he ain't getting no that [ __ ] ain't getting no play at all my man down bad i was like i feel sorry for my guy fam oh man enjoyable though overall so far at least pg you said she was a boxing king not a king he's a [ __ ] king you right that is true she needs she need that uh she need that security of that 401 oh yeah the ostrom in that game the drip negative they got negative drip what the [ __ ] are they wearing my guy oh man you gonna roast them like that i'm just saying but the mouth is crazy why do they have the all-star game in cleveland of all places i don't know brother okay oh my god we got to get to some nintendo stuff okay do it right we really yes we do now the podcast finally begins oh man tell me one thing when is nintendo doing astral chain sequel i need that yo i've been waiting too that's the only thing i would really get hyped for nintendo doesn't make astral shane do they yeah they do it's their ip well platinum develops it but nintendo owns it so they gotta wait on platinum who's trying to make scale bound they can make an actual chain game themselves okay uh nintendo direct uh happened uh about two weeks ago okay let's get to what they showed okay uh blandry i'm gonna need your uh commentary on on these and uh i don't have the list but i got the list okay um there's a bunch we're gonna try to get through this uh swiftly so fire emblem warriors three hopes trash at 20 frames per second it's a muso game i'll probably buy it play it for like five minutes turn it off and then never touch it again like i do all muso games but nice yeah waste of money but okay coming out june 24th all right next the game we already knew about but they showed it again advance warriors one and two reboot camp coming out april 8th advanced wars but yes it's coming out uh april 8th it's got online multiplayer now so i'm really excited for that and yeah developed my way forward the makers of shantae developed by way forward voice acting in the game yes the problem with this game bg is advanced wars is by far the best handheld game of all time but i don't feel like i want to buy a game i already own but at the same time like if you don't buy you know they're not going to give you a sequel but they should have definitely put advanced wars 1-2 and dual strike in the package instead of instead two games i mean they definitely weren't going to put days of ruin but it is what it is they have some cut scenes and [ __ ] like that yeah i don't like that they had it like animations and voice acting and stuff but all right you said you're picking that up right bg advanced i am i am oh we might have to do some online multiplayer for once oh yeah because you know nintendo got way better online multiplayer games and blazes big facts and there's something i want you to uh notice about this this nintendo direct everything is coming out in just a couple months here and i'm not waiting eons to yeah the everlasting summer bj they're all coming out in a couple months so we won't be waiting eons like metroid bayonetta shimagami tensei everything here more or less got a release date or a release month yes sir uh okay uh no man's sky nobody really cares about that but it's you know it's coming to switch and and they're giving it a sentinel update yeah they said they were actually pretty good they were actually they said they were just tinkering around with the switch and they were like oh it can actually run on the switch so why not just put it on the switch so that's why that's coming over okay mario striker's battle league absolutely right i made a video on mario strikers an amazing sports game not my favorite mario sports games but it is very good i prefer to sag a soccer slam though uh mario strikers that's june 10th another summer game mm-hmm you picking it up yeah i'm buying that um you know i gotta i gotta i gotta dust my wife in that oh bg coming over to the everlasting summer with the drewster okay andrew if it's a multiplayer game and he says he's dusting somebody he's not picking it up i'm picking it up shut up are you gonna be okay spending 20 bucks for the nintendo switch online or will that be your little scapegoat for not playing me in these games you know i've actually paid i paid like four months for that um in total so far so i have paid for it uh splatoon 3 also in the summer no official release date but uh in the summer yeah they're already on three yeah they have to they have more games now that's the jeremy yeah they have the wii u game 2015 splatoon 2 2017. this one in 2022. all right um front mission one and two i don't know much yes so square square enix said that they were going into a little partnership with forever entertainment the developers of panzer dragoon remake and the guys that are also working on house of the dead remake and apparently this is the game they had them work on so nintendo said they're going into partnership with them as well and they gave them a sizeable budget to make a game what that is i have no idea it could be a little arcade game like panzer dragoon or a little blast from the past smaller game like ice climber or something stupid i don't know but this is a cool announcement you all know what kind of game front mission is right yeah it's a tactical mech game from the screen it's fire emblem x i have front mission three i would front mission one and two i believe were super nintendo games they never came over so i would definitely be down yeah right uh chrono cross the radical dreamers edition yep coming out i think it's in like a week or two it's coming out april 7th yeah i'm gonna wait a little bit on that game i never beat chrono cross back in the day but i'm praying they do a physical release of that game why are you hearing this guy so you never beat chrono cross back in the day man what's wrong with you dude nah he take the bait height blind you safe try to start something you take the bait please you're good bro 8 30 blind it's 8 30 um jack you got to hit me with those things at like 6 37. all right all right i got you guys uh kirby in the forgotten land march 25th and there is a throat goat mode what was it called mouth full mode yeah yo kirby can possess the physical you know like little products out in the world like vending machines and like buses and cars and everything take it over and start doing some little platforming looks cool yeah he swallows it whole and uh he doesn't he doesn't swallow it whole he kind of is like you know he kind of uses his body as like a little cover for the car or something which is weird because he swallowed things bigger than cars and vending machines before i thought yeah all right uh nintendo really know how to you know get people to uh get hyped about that that's a family game huh that's crazy yeah okay uh we know mob the show 22 is going there um what the hell is this kingdom hearts instagram masterpiece for cloud the hell is that yeah they showed that they showed that months ago i'm surprised they brought it back that [ __ ] looks so ass they were saying it's probably like the worst running game on the switch of all time my friend actually dm me he said it ran pretty well but i'm still not picking it up they had that game video was running i don't know they said that game like 90 bucks or something for the full experience yeah damn yeah it's loud only yeah it's like that on pc too like you have to pay like yeah live alive july 22nd live alive yes oh what else that's definitely that's definitely a game i want to play because i played the um rom translated version on the super nintendo way back when from what i've been from what i've heard it's basically the octopath before octopath so it's broken down into multiple characters they all have their own stories all set in different time periods all with on their own different types of gameplay so yup pretty much it never came out in the u.s correct yep never came to the stage i think it came out no everybody i've talked to said this game never came out so no no i'm sorry it's initial release i think it came out in like japan like mid 90s never came over but like that was like the time where people were translating everything yeah if i open up my emulator right now i probably have it all and this is a game for people that buy like buy and play on the nintendo switch that you definitely want to pick up they're actually releasing a physical copy of this game for 50 bucks it's gonna be rare so if you're interested in this game even slightly just pick it up bro why are they releasing super nintendo case for fifty dollars they did the hd 2d thing it's got that octopath doesn't matter 50 jesus christ well to be fair the physical release is 50 bucks the digital release is only 39.99 i believe how much how much you want to bet this chrono cross for switches um no i don't think that's any more than 20 bucks and that's my point how's this game 20 but a [ __ ] oh my goodness is 50. next uh nintendo switch sports april 29th oh they look heat that looks fine i got into the beta on friday nintendo doesn't really want us talking about the beta or sharing screenshots or anything of that nature the game's fire everything that i've done in this game was like wii sports but cranked through a million the the motion controls in this game are even better than they were on the wii so what's it called like um not sensitivity but um how much force you use like if you're playing bowling or something is crucial here you can't just slightly flick your wrist and then do a full shot you got to use your full strength to get that thing all the way down the all the way down the lane so really fun boxing though why they take boxing yeah boxing was the lamest one out of wii sports are you kidding me it was you weren't in the comments was my favorite bowling in basketball i mean bowling in baseball bowling it yo baseball was fun it just took too long but i like bowling uh and uh golf the most yeah not nothing more hilarious than watching drunk chicks in the dorm box each other and [ __ ] each other up and the cool the cool thing was that this game also had like an online mode so we were doing like 16 player bowling matches so uh i came in like seventh place but mario kart eight deluxe which is 40 new tracks for 48. 48 pg 4848 excuse me you see i'm trying to undersell mario kart 8 like that oh my bad by eight tracks so these are legacy tracks that are uh you know being updated for mario kart 8. i would i you know was a little disappointed i wanted mario kart 2014 right 2014 long time ago um low-key um listen i'm excited for the 48 tracks like me and my wife play mario kart a lot right but i still wanted mario kart 9 because you know i want to see like you know if they introduce a new any nude racing mechanics or whatever but i'm i'm here for this of course how much is it like 40 dollars or something like it's only it's 24.99 it's 25. okay yeah ain't it included in the uh nintendo uh what's called the past the nintendo switch online expansion pack yeah if you have that 50 bucks you get that and the animal crossing as well as sega genesis and nintendo 64 games that's march 18th okay and the game that blends you told me one of the most imp impressive best looking things he's ever seen xenoblade history you were drunk i was definitely you know drunk off nintendo hype when i said that but i i do think that game does look visually impressive and it seems like monolithsoft got their their performance down from xenoblade 2. i mean to be fair they had their performance down ever since torna back in 2018 and it looks great here so i can't wait to see what they're doing it looks like they're combining the worlds of both xenoblade 1 and 2 into this game so we were told those were supposed to be separate games but for those of us that have played xenoblade 2 we know what's going on i am super excited about this game it's going to be my game of the year 2022 unless zelda breath of the wild gives it a run for its money if it even comes out this year i'm interested to see what they do with the combat though it looks like that little flute thing is supposed to be pretty important i'll buy the game but i'm not playing a xenoblade game on a switch or a nintendo console ever again i need that they need some new hardware this is trash i understand um just a few that i you know just to skim over well you missed some stuff bg okay well let me let me run them down because some of these are definitely not important star wars the force unleashed uh assassin's creed ezio collection i will say about star wars with the star wars game they based it off the wii version of star wars unleashed and from what i've heard that is the objective best version of that game so go ahead all right uh where was uh uh sd gundam battle alliance let's see um cuphead the delicious last course that's coming out with everything else uh triangle strategy uh that's march 4th tako no tatsujin rhythmic festival okay uh clenoa fantasy rev uh reverie series uh yes that will be my next video on the channel everybody why you should play and support clinoa be excited okay uh lego lego brawls um demon slayer getsu fuma getsu fumadan yeah it's a little konami remake and metroid dread free update that's april that's well yeah yes in the metroid update they're gonna add a a david jaffee modis the community has been calling it they're gonna add a little easy mode for that game for people that have been struggling and then in the second update they're finally adding boss rush so a lot of us have been asking for that ever since the game came out they're finally bringing it to the game oh and they also added a one hit like a one hit mode or something if you get hit once it's game over nice and disney speed storm i think that's the last one on my list oh and earthbound yeah uh mother one and two coming to the switch nintendo online thing bonnie you're going to try to do that one hit thing when it pertains to a metroid or not i'm good on that yeah some people have already did it yeah okay no no i mean i've beaten the game three times already so okay now landrieu need you to answer for this news um nintendo shutting down in uh the nintendo 3ds and wii u i got three so okay regarding this how do you feel about this um i don't really you know pay attention to like news of shops being shut down but people said playstation was going to do this and they got backlash so is nintendo going to get the same energy and can they be bullied into reversing this decision um wait i'll answer your three questions will nintendo be bullied into changing their decision absolutely not the wii u and the 3ds themselves were two of nintendo's arguably well the wii u it was their most unsupported console in the 3ds that console has been hacked to hell and back for years now you could people are still like selling 3ds with like thousands of games just illegally downloaded on it for on ebay for like 300 bucks people have been stealing off the 3ds for eons now so and i i thought they were making money even with like the last like two waves of 3ds games most of those games were like massive flops the ever oasis luigi's man i don't know about luigi's mansion but uh kirby's epic yarn uh persona 5 q2 we lost like two studios during that time alpha dreams the developers of mario and luigi so sales probably just aren't there nintendo's getting ready to shut it down do i care personally probably not because i didn't really buy 3ds digital games like that in the first place unlike the playstation e shop in it's unfortunate for the the people that do use it but for me personally i don't really care what you're saying is physically what you're saying is it doesn't affect you yeah i mean i still get like they're like grievances with your 3ds but for me personally i don't i've never really been in the eshop like that i mean i'm playing my 3ds right now i'm playing smt4 apocalypse did you buy it on the e-shop i remember you were like shopping for that game on this podcast did you buy it physically or on the e-shop well my ex got it for me on the e-shopper physically physically she spent 80 bucks for it did she cut it for you nah she ain't cut it jack you can say she ain't make the cut oh man you hate to see it yeah don't worry man the the raster is being rebuilt as we speak where the process is begin re-beginning gm bond i see you though you got a lot of draft picks you know we just got to work out the salary cap adjustments you know my good stuff you like to say i'm presti a [ __ ] i see your dog well i'm not the rob polenka [Laughter] and uh retro studios updated their banner that got some people hyped uh because metroid prime 404 i guess another another jpeg jpeg number two let's get it they're making progress yeah they're getting there all right probably so i think we'll probably get it and got fired no i think we'll probably see what year did they announce hold up did the was the jpeg a part of the direct no no okay good that was just something they revealed like on saturday or something blandry said everything being shown is coming out this year i mean blander you can always try to get your money back on metroid prime 4. i'm good oh [ __ ] hold up this might be to save that hold up smooth we haven't made a bet yet this week i'm about to break my streak no bets we've been averaging a bet a week in 2022. yeah i got nothing i got nothing i got nothing for you this week i should have bet on that crossfire game beforehand uh what were you going to say jeremy no i was saying for uh uh metroid for i would i have no interest in seeing that on switch i hope that they would say but they're not but i i would want to see that on their new machine right thank you the same for breath of the wild too to be honest thank you exactly so jeremy you understand what i'm saying that the switch hardware is trash yeah but at the same time i mean it's not like people that really are switch fans care about you know how the games look they know what to expect they expect like a low quality low rate dumpster than fire alarm characters with no legs things like that yep okay landry you got something to say about that like bond said it's well like 640 over here i've exhausted on my energy we're wrapping it up i'm trying to get through the last bit um cyberpunk next-gen patch uh performance mode 4k 60 um quality mode hell i uh got started yeah i'm not uh i got the game for 10 bucks and i'm still like eh it's good on this game it's got various visual improvements improved customization new weapons rebalance gameplay improved ai and crowd system uh 3d audio and dual shot dual sense support reworked perk tree new apartments fully customizable change change appearance any time improve driving a bunch of stuff didn't when this game dropped they they had like a side by side of the ps4 and the end of the next gen versions so that was like a lie like remember when yeah cyberpunk first dropped and they had those side-by-side comparisons but now it seems like this is like an actual next-gen patch yeah this this is pretty much how the game should have launched at least hate to see it yeah and uh a former um psi uh a former cd projekt red dev a few of them formed a new studio called rebel wolves and they're working on a triple a dark fantasy rpg so cyberpunk 2070 maybe netflix is also working on a bioshock movie uh it's very early in you know about there's no like director and barely a script but they're working on an uh bioshock movie might be interesting yeah i look forward to that actually you're going to netflix oh here's a good bet we can bet on mvp of this game uh yeah i watched a couple of show yeah i got um damn i got to see who what's the stats right now it's too late we'll do another time we'll do two bets next week smoove okay jack tell me about uh what you think about the cuphead show so far and then smoove tell me what you think about uh halo um well master chief's helmet is apparently going to be going to be taking his helmet off in the tv series um well i've been watching the cuphead shows 12 episodes each episode was like 14 minutes um i've only watched four episodes so far pretty good show man pretty good show now it does not follow the exact layout of the game i gotta put that out there they don't go to the casino and you know gamble away their souls or whatever but it does he does end up losing soul to the devil that was like in the first episode they really really touch back on that but it does of course has characters from the game um they made them kind of like they pretty much like cuphead his brother mug man they're pretty like mischievous kids kind of like dumb kids uh i was talking to some other people they don't like how annoying cuphead is as a character but uh i mean [ __ ] he was dumb in the game you should eat gambling his life away to the [ __ ] satan so he wasn't too smart to begin with um i like the show i like the animation animation is clean the theme song is absolutely [ __ ] garbage okay the theme song is garbage i don't know why they went with that um i think they should have got like wayne brady because he do dice head king dice he do his voice i think they should get him to sing it but um good shot so far man cuphead voiced by a black actor as well shout out to that but um if you like if you like the game i i should say i will say uh check out the shows on netflix okay is the series done or like are they uploading episodes weekly or what um the whole the whole first season is on netflix right now it's pretty much the equivalent of six full like 30 minute episodes okay yeah okay wait wait wait wait wait wait because i'm because i'm watching the all-star game wait they got a cuphead netflix show yeah dog where you been that's why you need to get back on twitter you know what i'm saying yes sir and uh you know there's a halo tv show right right yeah yeah yeah yeah i know that okay smoove is hey is master chief taking off his helmet in the tv series a big deal or not uh it's it's a huge deal it is a big deal because uh like as a fan of the game anybody who's a fan of the game don't really want to see it because it just breaks down it literally breaks it doesn't matter really yeah that's why i i don't think i'm going to like really is it him taking his helmet off like mando or is it him taking his helmet off and showing his face and just walking around with no hair that's the thing i think they're going to they're going to show his [ __ ] his face because they showed clips of him taking his uh helmet off but they didn't show his face in any of the previews or trailers or anything like that it was just like obviously he's going to take it off as for something you know what i mean but from what i'm seeing is like they expect him to to show his face dude what if it's a woman do we know if he's like a white guy a black guy he's a white guy he's a white guy white guy is that just something we assume or like no it's not he's white [Laughter] halo purists aren't going to be okay with this but people casually probably watching the show yeah it probably won't matter yet but i mean okay i'm i gotta i gotta see if any of my friends got paramount plus i don't know if i'm ready to buy i get another yeah i'm more concerned about master chief getting washed by two female spartans yeah i'm like is that is there any truth sex i think that that would be kind of stupid if you're gonna do it like that don't put master chief on the game make this yeah i don't think i don't think master chief needs to be in a show they should just do like random spartans we've never heard of the world of halo with no master chief yeah i mean we have changes i mean they could do something like reach reach is a great name do a reach show or odsc don't be you know putting chief in the game and then he's gonna get his ass beat by some sort of uh female spartan and or some like my thing is is that is there in the universe right now is there a sp any other spartan that has top chief yeah in the books there's like one or two who i don't remember i'm not really into the books like that but i know there's been like a couple he's not like the absolute strongest he's just the luckiest remember all right um so anything i just don't want him getting clapped by two chicks uh so jack get them super chats ready and in the interest of getting out of here i'm just gonna read over these real quick uh there's a rumor of a mad max 2. um yeah there's a rumor of a of a mat mad max 2 there's also a rumor of uh until dawn being remade for some odd reason that's that's a weird announcement yeah i don't believe i don't believe that one um the game contraband that xbox game apparently it's a it's a tactical vehicular combat game i don't know i thought it was like a shooter first person shooter that's the i saw that report i thought it was like a first person shooter for some reason um ea blamed covet and halo for battlefield 2020 2042 completely flopping um they said you know that yeah they said like uh battlefield 2042 being compared and uh you know uh to halo and halo was overall more polished you know that that made it worse for them and they said you know of course they blamed kovid that's that's the go-to you know cop out for anybody these days but no they just made a trash a trash game on polish game release it too early uh ubisoft has said they're open to a buyout um yeah um focus home interact they said well they said they're they would review any buyout offerings they would they any that came they they already damn sure you know what's going on yeah they said they would review any focus home acquired the metal slug tactics creator uh like here studio x and what else okay uh [Music] gca trilogy remastered those sold 10 million copies yeah uh let's see what else we got um oh halo infinite is no longer a top five most played xbox game on consoles um you gotta bring that one up bg i'm just i'm just running down everything uh yeah i remember american art america's army it was like you know that that that's a pc game mainly i think it's only on pc actually i used to play it back in the day uh i didn't know they actually used that game to train soldiers why did you think it was called america's army [ __ ] i just [ __ ] i just i just thought it was a video game it was just the name of the game yeah like i thought it was just the name of the game bro like that we played like that's like saying battlefield so i'm supposed to take every game literally bond every game every game title literally all the advertisements and everything about the game tells you that i've actually never seen advertisements for this game i just remember playing it as a kid and it was it was realistic wait so what what are they doing with this game you said uh it's it's shutting they're shutting it down now it's been like going for like 20 years and they used it to train soldiers they're shutting it down now i'm gonna start taking every game title literally russia they might need to keep that [ __ ] running america's army is a series of first-person shooter games published by the uh [ __ ] published by i never knew who i never knew who was published listen is is america's army a game that's in that's in constant conversation right now like like i said the last time i heard about it till you brought it up exactly like inform educate recruit and recruit perspective i don't think anybody's ever read the description of an america's army game like nobody's like tracking it like that like i said i played it as a kid and to me as a kid it was just a video game that was meant to be somewhat realistic i never knew that i never knew the government actually developed it or used it like i said um oh snap you made me a moderator moderator oh uh okay two more things uh assassin's creed valhalla expansion featuring bassim it's gonna be a standalone game and playstation playstation 5 was the top selling console in uh january and wow you can't even find them yeah it was sold out well i'm thinking like it's so hard to find when i don't even know how they're still selling stuff yeah everybody um the order was playstation 5 xbox and nintendo came in last place it's due to uh lack of uh anybody whoever's gonna have the freaking stock there they're gonna win for that particular month um okay playstation and the playstation 5's most downloaded games for january 2022 was spider-man number one among us number two nba 2k uh three madden four five night at freddy's five uh s uh rainbow six extraction six call of duty vanguard seven star wars jedi fall in order eight fifa nine and mortal kombat 11 10. oh and demon souls is number 11 still selling very well and uh i think that's it um i think there was like something where they said an avatar the last airbender rpg and an mmo was in development too for people that care about that type of thing i didn't see it oh yeah cod 2022 is going to be a sequel to modern warfare 2019 there's going to be a new engine uh for for this and war zone 2. uh the game is built from the ground up they always love to say that uh war zone will be a massive evolution of battle uh of uh battle royale so they claim and there's going to be a new sandbox mode um yeah a resident evil 3 sells 6 million copies i think it was and horizon zero dawn has sold 20 million copies officially uh oh and capcom is teasing something that's supposed to be shown tomorrow i think people probably think it's street fighter most people assume that's rope yeah people and you you you jeremy and smooth ready to get mopped again because you beat me one time you really think like you're like the funny thing is between bg jeremy and kids move on 30-0 street fighter play like that it's a crazy stat isn't it jack oh absolutely just to update on the whole master chief question that i got somebody hit me up in a dm they said uh master uh chief um was beat by kelly and linda a few times and then fred and sam were more powerful than master chief but they died and that's what it is yeah fred and sam ellie and linda yeah what are these names i mean i don't think many spartans have more than one syllable names like john uh that tmnt game also added master splinter so that's yes sir we need that case oh marvel vs capcom is dead if you want to play a team fighter all that stuff happened like they were teasing that it was probably going going going to be marvel the time for marvel is over i'd rather that been said as street fighter 6 i know that time for street fighter 6 and dudley better be in that game too [Music] okay uh jack you could read the super chats all right super chats we got a king of gamers 405. he says since today is the seven year anniversary of the order 1886 do you don't think there will ever be a sequel or is it permanently done it's it's permanently done probably unfortunately they would have to get a new dev because uh their current day it works for meta facebook doing absolutely nothing good um we got uh sip protane i think that's how you pronounce that name it says platinum allegedly was talking about microsoft money and putting it to near oh taking microsoft's money and putting it to near and other games i don't trust them there you go um we got rocks to nobody he said jeremy said that near automotive was his best game of last year there you go yeah we got um andrew wilkins xbox fans gaming skills can't handle sifu almost all of them said eternal and souls games are too hard there you go um we got ab uh women hbs brodo support on black history month by hitting that like button yes sir appreciate you my guy get andrew wilkins why do xbox fans care about achievements when they're all bad at games name one xbox youtuber you seem good at challenging the multiplayer games only rand well some ransom he don't like multiplayer games he's good well yeah not but hard games yeah yeah uh we got ruffle mud he says martha is dead it was never a rated a to begin with that's the thing the game pad uh the game passed the esrb but sony still censored it well i don't agree with that then we got game inspection he said mortal kombat actually isn't sold in japan because of censorship netherram literally loses an entire market because of japan's rating system yeah that's true also in australia either uh we got to wreck our med he says bg is vince mcmahon he's setting that reviewer up i hope so no sir shot shot red five five five i hope to see bond and kid smoove play stalker too um i'll definitely play stalker i don't think kids who will like stalker we got a tony esquire he said all this time i thought the xbox is the best box was just for fun he had no idea kids move was seriously charged over companies he has no stock in sad emoji and then we have jay he says here to remind y'all halo's been around 15k on steam all week x dots were proud as hell when it launched to bring up the numbers now that it's looking like a ghost town they say steam doesn't matter with a smiling emoji and i think that may be it bg might have the refreshing to see bg remember when people like mld said that steam is good for game pass because they can still get game pass but make money off of people buying games on steam mm-hmm trying to reload the real you reloaded bg is that all of them uh hold on why the score go back down to zero doing the same thing that they did last year where yeah starts off and then i think at the end they take the difference and then whatever team scored that amount of points in the fourth quarter wins some [ __ ] like that yeah i think that's it i think yeah that's it that's it that's it i just can't talk about uh i mean in the title you got horizon nintendo direct uh elden ring did we talk about that uh no you know sometimes i just put stuff in the title you can talk about it because it comes out and okay well the only thing i was going to do was predictions but sometimes you know i put stuff in the in the title just because it's relevant i ain't going to lie to you okay predictions real quick smooth you got a prediction for what alvin ring out of uh score yep i'm gonna give it a 92. i was yeah i was gonna give it a 92 or a 93. i'm gonna say i'm gonna say 89. 89. if you guys move i got it i got i'm gonna go and i'm too close i'm gonna put 87 87. i'll take that 83. oh you don't think it's going to be [ __ ] yo i don't think this game is scoring low i don't think this game is scoring lower than a 90. i don't think so go ahead you said you said 87s move yeah i want to go above or below that wait but like all souls games from from software like 90 rated games right no i'm saying they always get up upper eight like the hero demons all 90s movies you think it's going to be 87 or above or 87 below i got a free super chat 87 and above so i'd have to bet below 87. you'd lose that yeah that's not happening yeah i don't know about i i'd better i'd better get above an 80s maybe you could bets move like it'll get a 91 or above and he could bet below that maybe he'll take that that might be the call i'm gonna put that in the dress you guys feel like this game is going to be worth all of the hype that are the souls fans are good are giving it probably probably not it'll be good but probably not the hype it's going to be an evolution of souls games it's not going to be revolutionary it's just going to be really good i mean it's because let's if we're honest with you on the gameplay like it just look it kind of looks and i like breath of the wild for what like for what it does but a lot but a lot of it just looks like vast nothingness with just enemies spread out and just things going on i mean listen i wasn't really all that okay there's no dungeons or anything in this game i think there is i'm pretty sure this i've talked to somebody who who played it early listen it has the souls formula the f the souls formula just doesn't miss like that's that's the thing it just doesn't miss and you know it's it's just evergreen bro it doesn't matter it's evergreen so if you follow the souls formula that that gameplay the the lowest you you're probably gonna get is in the 80s bro and nobody's ever gonna and people people we're not at the point where people are criticizing a lot of these souls games for essentially being extremely similar they because there's some souls games that change like uh maybe one or two major mechanics and and you know it doesn't get criticized for being the same thing and and that's some coming from somebody who who loves it i i'll tell you like a lot of them are very samey but i still love it so uh let's do the outros real quick i still think neo and serge are probably two of the better souls games okay um outros jeremy thanks for coming on bro oh pleasure uh to be on the podcast i had a great time uh talking games with y'all and yeah i hope you guys have a great rest of y'all weekend slash night all right jack uh hey man good podcast bro support the patreon support the the guest and uh we out peace am i the only one that plugs the patreon in every video i rarely do videos so because i because i never see y'all doing it or i don't i do it at the end of my videos my videos just be long um you you will need to start getting back to and i see you be doing it like sometimes but you need to get back to like doing those like vlog style went vids when you're on a camera what would you be doing that would be g's out in like the city like buy like the bodega or whatever no not that but like remember for like a while you just used to post like like just clips from the podcast or just the weapon wheel and you had stopped doing it for a while you just like restarted doing it like recently yes i told them to yeah you need to thank thank you stay on that you're welcome i'll go next uh good podcast i just want to thank um you know jeremy bg and smoove if you want to get mopped again when street fighter 6 comes out we can go 60 no we can all right i don't i don't uh act like bg tell people i'm a pokemon master or a dragon ball fighter guy i'll take people to the cleaners and yu-gi-oh and then never show up bj you be talking the most [ __ ] about these multiplayer games and then never show up bland you're the violence silence good good podcast everybody again please subscribe to the channel i'm trying to make videos more consistently just put up a xenoblade x video i'm really proud of it so give it a watch if you're interested see you guys next week all right nice everybody no it wasn't me all right uh yeah thanks guys for watching um shout out to thegamer2323 um good to hear from you again um bron have you committed to your videos yet because i feel like you've been late i've been to this week this week okay oh i'm trying to see which one i miss yeah tomorrow's tomorrow's a holiday so you know it doesn't okay hey what's tomorrow oh okay [ __ ] we don't care about day yeah well i don't i get paid and don't have to work today yeah but uh yeah please check out the video i dropped a video um on uh xbox and their game releases in 2022. uh check out bg's video which is on the channel i shared his video he didn't share mine but um i like all your videos though i i watch all of smoove's videos by the way i i hit the like button i just hate that youtube remove that feature to like when you like something that goes straight to twitter i hate that they remove that feature yeah that that's lame that's facts yeah what was my last video bj i watch all the smooth videos wasn't yours like the nintendo direct or something oh my gosh i appreciate that andrew oh yeah it was like average at your content but trust me i'm watching the videos listen i'm gonna be real the last video i i couldn't believe this man bond told this woman to cut his sandwich right that after that i was like fire fire i was like what like what's going on bro i i i was so stunned after that i was like i gotta take a i gotta take a break i can't believe i understand how this guy is stunned when he be bragging about his wife's cooking all the time i listen i would never be like my superkick mga i would never tell my wife hey cut that like what's wrong come on do better i didn't say what's wrong with you or do better i just cut it you like cut that for me come on [ __ ] you definitely said come on like you were disappointed like come on i was disappointed like this isn't good and the sandwich was cut too that was the weird part no it was not some people have said the sandwich we did it was not cut all the way i like mine cut not no halfway cut it got to be cut clean through and anyway you know we'll talk about this after that we got a lot of time yeah let's let's uh we'll catch y'all next week
Channel: BrokenGamezHDR
Views: 279,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ps5, xbox series x, xbox game pass, Horizon Forbidden West, Platinum Games, Scalebound, Nintendo 3ds eshop, Nintendo Wii U Eshop, Nintendo Direct, Babylons Fall, Uncharted Movie, Cyberpunk 2077 Next Gen Patch, Elden Ring, Sifu, Until Dawn Remake, playstation 5, Crossfirex, Lost ark, Call Of Duty On PlayStation, Halo TV Series, Netflix Bioshock Movie, Mad Max 2, Street Fighter 6, Marvel Vs Capcom 4, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe DLC, Warzone 2, Battlefield 2042
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 201min 7sec (12067 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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