[LIVE🔴] BEST ZOO BUILDING TYCOON EVER | Planet Zoo Tycoon Building Gameplay

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] whoo sorry I had to restart the stream for a second to get her into ultra-low latency so if you left a like before that stream is over so just leave a like on this one too I saw a lot of people liking so thank you very much I know you guys are voting to see more of Planet Zoo that way so if you'd like to see more make sure you do that and thanks for dropping a link again either Martin Pauline everybody else good to see you back I have been overwhelming myself in this game I have been building way too fast and I need to slow it on down so we're gonna try to build a zoos franchise again here today and make one that is actually successful so hopefully we do so welcome back everybody good to see you all here for some more big o crazy planet zoo I like this game for sure oh and now welcome aboard to our new member team has become a member while we were offline so welcome to you sir and let's get some Arby's Wendy's and the KFC in chat Bailey and Kenneth both had while they were both blessed last night my my Wendy's so that's good it's not the live stream ended yeah I just restarted the stream so it's all good be like a turtle stew slow and steady that's true certainly not what I'm eating Wendy's though all right everybody welcome aboard good to see you all here Peter J gene says can't wait to see you succeed at the game me too I've been failing because I get so excited want to build a big Oh soo but that's not the way to play but that's fine that's why the bait is here I'm just learning that's all got it gonna start somewhere so without further ado let's start ourselves a new franchise and actually should we just start at Arby's franchise one hundred new dollar reduce well unfortunately we got to start over so we can get the maximum conservation points let's do that able to start fresh okay new franchise see you let's wait till we get the cool logo like a lion or something like that it's random that little logo at the top I'm trying to get a cool line I want a lion I'd be lying if I said I didn't want it you're so funny and talented thank you hey from Sweden hey Emile yeah my do you have my bra text you can edit it what wait a minute what do you mean oh well now I have a lion factorial world's ooh let's see can you edit it oh oh I accidentally wrote the word stop raptorial world's app is there a way to edit that you can Wow all right we got a pro in chat it seems like Bailey might have a successful zoo before me now I'm totally jealous I am now jealous is that it is that the Biggie Smalls album I think that's the biggie smalls album right there okay that's good to me so raptorial world Zoo is now ready for business let's go back to Asia we go here we are and let's spend that money get that bread slow down Raptor don't get too excited I can't help it though it's so cool to build a zoo in this game there's I just I can't help it I can't help it okay business as usual first things first noon pausegame spend money go bankrupt right perfect I have not made a successful zoo actually I think my most successful zoo was my first one it was just ugly that's all like you wrapped her hey you behave okay I don't want to hear it definitely better builder though you suck a decoration well at least you have a profitable business Bailey that's uh it doesn't matter how pretty my knucks as long as it's not making money okay gamers I'm realistic if I had a single Park could be an animal you know honestly I don't I don't know how to start but I'm gonna start small that means Turtles and then we're gonna go from there so we're gonna we're gonna make a very cheap Zoo gonna be super cheap we go with like dirt path Oh actually let's see how cheap we can be asphalt light path is worth a dollar oh it's the same for the dirt paths daren't okay I thought I could like it really cheap really cheap you love the streams well thank you appreciate that I do appreciate you all being here and showing your your love for me I appreciate that I do have a lot of wonderful fans so warthogs seem to think they're bunnies I will looked away for two minutes and they bust out eight babies I thought ostriches were really the crazy ones what am I doing here I want a 6-meter path there we go hark is doing great you should give Raptor some pointers oh well she told me to just get good scrub so I think she was pretty much right about that and we gotten the chicken nuggets well sometimes you just you have to ask nice enough ask and you shall receive uh-uh no no no path if we have to restart guys I just I just blew eight dollars on a mistake path okay I I have to have my beautiful water entrance at least you love me thanks Nikki appreciate that can't wait for the full game I know I know you know the cool thing is is this game is not complete either like there there are definitely things that they're going to change hence though it hence the word beta so yeah alright let's start small the first thing I want to do is we'll build like a food court here and then we'll build like an attraction nearby how do you plan on approaching this one well usually when I would play for you guys before I was like I I want to build the zoo offline but now I'm now I'm building the zoo like live so my goal is to not suck this time Bailey sent me a private message and she was like hey listen these last streams been mediocre come on pick it up me and Kenneth aren't going to watch any more I was like alright man well let it slide this time but you should get some pee fouls maybe you can get a male baby with high appeal aren't I a male baby with high appeal that was actually good that's actually good that made me laugh I'm gonna super match at myself right now let me see if I can get myself a dollar yeah I don't deserve it screw it all right let's get food cord going try exotic only I see hi Raptor I hope I'm not too late oh no don't worry you're just in time to see me not do good all right the whole point of this game is to like do whatever you want like it's a whole learning process yes Raptor you are the highest appeal male baby thank you I appreciate having your like your approval that is very nice you believe I am a giant male baby I would like you all to leave a like as well I would appreciate that if we could get to a hundred male babies that would be great appreciate that everybody thank you all right uh trying to build a path this way but it's not letting me like build a square path so I can make a I'm trying to build like a square here oh there goes oh there we go perfect well it looks like a guy now it looks like tipos looks like a tipos guy oh look he's waving a chat hi chat hi mediocre youtuber here don't forget to like I'm desperate the best episode ever I'm destroying myself alright guys please okay let's see pause the game while you're building it is paused yes oh now he has a growth on his head oops baby shark dude dude to do yeah baby shark amplitude do to do to do oh look he's doing the robot now I'm having way too much fun with this game uh lots of likes thank you guys appreciate that very very nice to see everybody just dropping by it actually lets me know like how many people are like just kind of actually alive in the chat it always feels like a bunch of bots just because most people are quiet which is fine you don't have to say anything it's all good oh look now he's surrendering good or is somebody yelling at a screen why is he doing that he's doing it again Raptor I have a question okay go ahead I'm a bot oh I have no I had no idea okay let's get building some stuff here come on up get focused come on come on come on let's get going I was build a first of all I always know that people definitely want drinks like every time in this game I always don't have enough drinks or as Bailey calls the drinks these gangs don't like that you have a quite yeah if you have question just ask that's like I do just write your question you saying that you have a question I mean I can't ant I can't answer a proclamation I live from the UK buying the normal Edition for planet zoo tomorrow and can't wait for the fifth of November same James Watson with a five you are really funny Raptor love your streams thanks James your checks in the mail by the way I paid him to pay me to say I was cool now let's see there we go do you think the animals would eat Wendy's like do you think we could feed - ostrich some Wendy's okay so I'm going for drink stands here because they are always always thirsty for that good drag also if anybody could make mobs for this game could somebody please make a wendy's mod nothing now there we go yes please please let me have a wendy's in here i rap to you the most beautiful female baby yes I mean it why thank you I appreciate that I love the music in this game it's so beautiful I've made some really beautiful zoos but none of them have worked out financially it's definitely start out with a male and female oh right so like should I go with is it a good idea to go with like a super-expensive like should I just get like a tiger or like a like an elephant like a herd of elephants or something like that you guys are totally right I need to get animals to breed because by the time I'm profitable it's like 10 years have passed it takes like you know it literally takes like 10 years for the park to fill up with people like the in-game time is like ridiculous weird that word ridiculous it's ridiculous elephant bears wolves I get I guess we're also at the mercy of the market like if I can't find wolves or whatnot that I'm [Music] start with a mixed herbivore pen I would leave more Arby's for me you miss Billy Nelson bit Billy's always amongst us all [Music] right well at least let's start with a food area wolves please grizzly bear Turtles all right let me at least lay out a basic park I'll try to make this one smaller like your brain you tuber haha that's right mandrills now we'll see all right let's all we have to build a facility don't we always like doing the facility off to the side you should go with the tiger first well we got to see what we got welcome to all the new subs thanks for all the lengths today guys thank you just wanted to say thanks for all the support as always especially Bailey is the only one helping me out today have I done any custom buildings no I'm not I'm not really good at that and I shouldn't say that I'm not it's not that I'm not good I'm just not patient enough to design that stuff just put guests in your exhibit you're right yes good idea it did dude watching me helped you find your way into the green yeah my thing is that I like to design the park but I don't really care for the whole management part that's not that I don't care that's not true what's the word I'm looking for I suck yeah oh yeah all right so this will be the employee area over here we'll get to that in a moment start with your mama she's an animal right oh damn damn chance got talons out I don't have to put you in the cage you're gonna be in here with those claws okay let's start with the nope where's the trading Hut let's see what animals we can get there it is Trade Center doo doo doo doo doo also if you'd like an animal named after you if you'd like to become a new member today a great way to support the channel to remember all sorts of crazy stuff is happening in YouTube with suppression and things like that so every time you'd become a member it helps my dreams come true my dream is to one day being mediocre at best youtuber hopefully it comes to one day all right let's see so now we can get ourselves some animals oh don't tell me steam is down again what's going on how come no animals are showing up it doesn't have to be on pause does it I thought you could do this paused right paused uh-huh huh call a turtle Jeff we'll see I don't know his phone number so I don't know if I can call him the turtles have phones you're really hard for them to like dial a number it would probably do that thing where it like goes you know by the time they like press button to you know sometimes it bugs I have to save and go back because the bugs out a little oh really okay well we do have to build certain buildings no matter what so we may as well do that didn't they have shell phones all right Kieran's I think you should take over the stream you're clearly way better at jokes than me how can I use Billy Nelson Billy is in the hearts and minds of all of us there's always a little Billy Nelson and everybody how am i today good I'm really optimistic about building a park that at least makes a dollar last time I was on my way I would like our last dream I got a tiger in that it died General Mills sued me and we had to put him down because they said they were the ones who owned the rights to Tigers there we go also Tiger Electronics sued me too you know those little handheld games that suck that everyone brought on every single road trip ever when they were young well only only 90 kids only get 9 these kids will know that see there we go this is the best game ever I totally agree uh your Park is a little ugly so far well I haven't even really like started I still only put down some pathways yeah last time I was I'm getting the hang of the game I've seen some other people get up into like millions of dollars and I'm like that's I'm jealous that's cool I wish I could I feel like I need to break into a Disney musical I need to be like a Disney princess where I sing about like how I can do it one day one day my zoo won't suck one day it's not that my zoos suck I build beautiful zoos they just don't work all right or they're not financially sound I need to get government assistance I need like a big ol own am I ready for the hippies hopefully we don't have any hippies I've learned exactly how to go around doing it what is my favorite animal in this game I really want to get some elephants get some zoos yes Zuzu's would be important a wolves yeah wolves are good too alright back to building our enclosures so I think I have to I'm gonna try to be really minimal on this like let's not have any expenses at all so let's try to be really cautious about the things that we buy so I'm not even gonna build an enclosure until we have an animal apparently it's glitched let's back out and come back in we're just gonna we're just gonna hop out for a second and come back and see if it reloads it what's up Raptor and wrap pack well building a zoo so hopefully it goes good what is your least favorite animal party animal alright let's see let's get back get back in there champ come on get back in there hopefully this allows us to get some zoos now zoo zoo animals animals in the zoo what the heck is going on it won't let me buy animals now we should be able to buy an animal then hold them in storage got a possum if you buy the game now can you play it the beta yes if you buy the deluxe edition you'll be able to play the beta right now for like another week get workers Raptor I think you can buy it without workers you should be able to keep an animal in storage you just won't be able to put them in a pen the the zookeeper is the one who brings them to the do you don't I need a trading center yeah I have one the right here the zoo trading center we should have the buildings that are required you don't need a you don't need any employees until you put them into the enclosures but now the menus not even popping up at all which leads me to believe that it's glitched is the Safari features glitched I haven't seen anyone build one yet um that'll were they're way too expensive and nobody wants to build it no you restarted well that's the trouble with this game too is that in the current franchise mode if you goof up if your zoo goes bankrupt that's it that's that's GD you got to restart because there ain't nothing you can do about that let's quit and restart the game doo-doo-doo-doo - yeah cuz it should be popping up the animals I've done it a million times before hello from Sweden hi there bomb bomb buffs Blut Lucius hi there how you doing betta problems yeah some sometimes game is you know it's early access game so there's gonna be problems actually we got there was the problem with steam being down where we weren't able to actually buy any animals at all all right now I got to go into game apparently is crashed so that is an indicator of a problem I can't quit the game so behave planet Zoo be back in there boys get in there champ can you try to get elephants absolutely I want to get some elephants some lions some tigers and bears perhaps we could take a bear and a tiger and read them to a hi bear new subscribers shout interesting I wonder if there'll be some fantasy DLC I think I bet you the first DLC is going to be water animals I guarantee it'll be a aquatic you know it'll be like dolphins and whales and things like that is you get a habitat with painted dogs what if we were to take a dog or a cat for like $30 from like a local pet store and then just paint it to look like a bear no one will know the difference now this game is not responding what is going on now steam is broken Oh planet Zoo has broken my entire my system hold on and by aviary would be cool absolutely I want there to be yeah I want there to be you know would be cool too in this game is the ability to show off exotic plants to have like a Botanical Garden it'd be really cool to be able to like grow some rare plants and things like that too Raptor drug use is illegal yeah all right steam is back up that could be an add-on yeah the game I don't know I couldn't buy animals then I tried to close out of the game and the game won close and then steam crashed so it's oh we're off to a good start not a raptor stream without problems in a horse and painted like a zebra zebras are interestingly like really cheap and not effective which sucks because they're actually really interesting to me same with zebras I mean giraffes and zebras they should like go together in the in the in the things do a lion mixed with a tiger a liger or a tie in a pause game okay we're back now animal trading go there we go now the animal markets fixed perfect okay mm-hmm now here's the question oh by the way there was a funny tweet by the way where somebody was like saying thank you to all the people who were like putting there there's people in here who were like rich Saudi prince princes who are putting like is like you know animals in here for like a dollar they're putting in like like tigers and stuff in here for a dollar you just got to be lucky and nab them I don't want any ostriches let's go for everything but the ostrich next I don't know I don't know what we should get so what okay what should be the first animal we do I suggest one big-ticket animal and one small ticket animal alright let's try that I just don't want ostriches in there or warthogs there's so many so many animals Timberwolf would those be interesting I don't think I've seen a timber wolf in this game before hmm whatever you get just make sure it's fertile yes that's true man look at the turtles there were 2000 I'll take turtle for 2000 Alex all right I need conservation points to buy these tigers mandrels and bears bears are a little out of our budget [Music] and somebody's gonna if there's a tiger or something in here for a dollar it's gonna get nabbed let's try this let's do this I'm gonna try to take conservation with a maximum of like 100 let's see if we can find somebody giving away an animal for almost free there might be somebody being really nice right now giving away an elephant for a dollar or something so let's go for like the big animals like the that's gonna bring in some well there's 20 what does that oh it's the dog Wow the Bears are worth 4,000 all females though that's not good pair of wolves we could do that and you got to start out really slow really small in this game like I want to go big watch the age - yeah good point most of these are adults though so we can't I don't think you can really buy a young animal rhinoceros Indian peafowl here we go tiger for 100 and he's six years old though what's the age of a [Music] there's one male we'd have to get lucky though [Music] and we need just like two tigers then we need them to mate fertility gene is at 50 it's like a dice roll like you just [Music] big equals expensive well expensive equals exciting like 5000 yeah start a black market like what I need to do is get a family of you know what you need to do in this game is start as like a nature reserve like you need to start specializing in one animal can you get albino animals in this game maybe not sure yet oh yeah we also want the West African lion did I select that oh yeah I did no I didn't where's the West African lion is that not on here do I have it selected West African lion oh there it is at the very bottom it Snow Leopard oh yeah that's a good one too if we can get a male and female Snow Leopard we've won the game well somebody bought that somebody bought that lion no fences you're right yeah we got to go ultra profit like no no fences no fences we don't want it we don't spend any money it seems to be all about training and research in the beginning yeah I mean I wanted to build him you know it's like an planet coaster we're like you start with a few rides I thought like well if I got some monkeys and some ostriches and some sheep nope you want to get like super cool animal and breed like you're essentially just like a you're running a puppy mill at the start like you want to start just breeding some elephants or something check the ones you have to pay cash for also okay two females also I need them to be less than 150 so I can afford two of them and we need to get a male at a female we could go for the Bears but their five point for you that's a nine-year-old I don't know if I don't think she's gonna last also I wish in this game it would tell you like what their life expense expectancy is without having to open the other menu the Bears life expectancy is 31 years okay so we could do a family of bears maybe we could train them to do tricks possibly hold our people hostage for money that'd be nice don't get anything over five years well with a bear that's nine years old that's not too bad we could get some baby bears in there bear is her pet oh I see well I'm just gonna set the I don't care about that let's just go for a minimum of how come I can't set this to 1/100 I please let me set to 100 okay I guess we'll set to two then we got a deselect ostriches cuz they suck let's go for the big ones we know lions apparently everybody keeps screeching for mandrills you guys are right about that mandrills look good they're about four thousand each Wow one lion for nine thousand I'll take a lion for nine thousand let's go for Snow Leopard - we're just gonna go for big animals now and see how that works let's see also the African elephant Bengal tiger oh there's Bengal tiger in the game these are a little expensive that's out of our price range Oh am i today oh I feel like I'm investing in stocks or something like that we have the snow leopard the lion Indian oh maybe we should go for Indian elephant so now we just got to play the waiting game to wait for the right moment oh look at that we could buy and we could buy a West African lion for 55 that's a 10 year old and then what's their life expectancy for Teen Wolf they are that is a short lifespan baby add fertility to you know that's why she was only 55 man we just gotta get we gotta get a lot like all you got to do is get lucky though this this game needs to change a little bit cuz like buying an animal it's like it's like house shopping you know it's like it's like that TV show uh what is it called Property Virgins or something like that it's like Raptors a 31 year old mediocre at best youtuber who's looking for a West African lion but unfortunately he hasn't been able to find any what do you do for work Raptor well I'm a part-time strip and I do here I I'm a part-time pencil sharpener and I capture butterflies in my free time oh that should be the other thing in this game too is bugs and stuff like that like butterflies you know I know they have like snakes and spiders but what about like uh is it called an aviary for butterflies too like where you can walk into like sometimes they have like an open butterfly oh it's a butterfly atrium oh cool oh that sounds like a suite that sounds like a sweet death metal band who's kind of afraid of death new butterfly a tree out out are there Crocs in this game there are I wonder how they're rated let's take a look at Crocs Crocs wears Crocs oh let's check out drafts they're pretty sweet there should be a filter in this game for animals that don't suck like to just get rid of the ones that are low points [Music] tiger what was what's the croc called in this game are they cool Oh snow leopard to Indian elephant and rhino where's the Rhino there it is a lapa goes turtle African Buffalo hmm what's again gemsbok um I've seen that before I can't remember what it is though african buffalo turtle ostrich warthog black bear what is the crocodile called wolves and maybe we I got to do what's like right now the way I'm gonna play this game it's like a chess move I have to like be super before I was just building stuff and would just go bankrupt so I got it I'm gonna make a chick it's like a chess move you're a hall all right welcome to all the new subs thanks everybody for the support appreciated okay so Tigers I've learned from experience have a bad life expectancy so we want to keep away from them mmm looks like we could get two crocodiles but they're not that great I need something 4,000 Plus also I should turn on the that we could turn on that too no African dogs they're not profitable and let's get rid of the crocodile too not good what else we got what else Risley bear I think we could maybe go with bears new subscriber shoutout hmm I want something at least 4,000 plus you do too alright let's see okay now we turn down price filters yep we're good okay well I don't want a minimum of I want a maximum of 200 new subscribers shout out there we go okay that's still two out of our price range have I heard about the beta files there's an extra 35 animals and more coming after oh absolutely yeah there's more than just these animals coming through Oh big big like spike thank you everybody for just jumping in looks like a lot of people just got a notice that we were alive so welcome aboard raptor please just pick an animal well gavin if you were paying attention to the stream what I was saying about many of the previous streams is that we went too fast and that buying the wrong animal and just making a decision you know just blind fire that's destroyed my zoo multiple times this is starting to get boring says Gavin oh I'm sorry I I'm sorry I didn't I didn't know what was all about you youtuber make a decision for my entertainment oh yes thank you my crown is now on thank you mother yes my goodness man we have to make the right move for our for our zoo this is a very important part of the game I'm speaking from experience not just like you know what I'm gonna do today I'm just gonna stream a menu that's what I'm gonna do today no I have I have to make the right decision for the zoo this has to be like a chess move can you organize animals by appeal points yeah but my biggest concern is just the budget all right what else can we get let's get the Indian oh we already got those camp all I got to do is turn on and off some sliders to refresh the menu oh there we go we got a giraffe oh no that's not good we just gotta wait for the menu to refresh can you refresh the marker yeah the up that seems to be the only way to do it I got to make the right move for the zoo it's it's tough I know I want I want to start like but I've started the same way every time and it hasn't gone well where I start with like ostriches and warthogs and think oh this is great nope what about Baris yeah let's actually take a look at Baris I need an animal over 4,000 I'll take animals for 4,000 Alan this is close oh we get a bunch of Himalayan bears there we go boys oh but they could have low fertility oh okay that's not too bad but we need to make sure we have a female - I want to do something more than two [Music] the problem with bears is what's the Matt if I have too many bears are they going to fight because I really need if we're gonna go for these bears I need to make sure we have multiple multiple bears two bears would be enough [Music] okay which one's the better bear so this 74 in this one ooh oh no can't can't do it the females fertility is zero so they wouldn't be able to mate that's a no-go that's not gonna go well what about the Grizzlies oh they're all female so that's not gonna work only two bears but what if they have a baby though and the baby grows up to have to like move the baby to another enclosure or something oh we have grizzly bears here all one for 65 um one for a hundred with an eight percent longevity gene well that's gonna be hell we gotta like pick the right bear we're going bear shopping today oh he's old oh yeah oof James is 13.6 oof grandad bear Raptor I saw a bear that has good genes oh like Levi's or you telling Dockers or what our Dickies just need to study mout for a year or two yeah we're oh oh wait a minute 145 and 164 8.3 damn that's a little - that's that's too risky half this dream is just basically gonna be me investing in in animal stocks I can't even bear this anymore I want to I know I totally want to play you guys are right like we got to get going but I gotta buy the right bear otherwise it's it's already over we got to buy the right right animal ostriches are easy and have lots of babies any other animals that are worth nine years know I need something like four years you know all these animals have something wrong with them this one's good three point five years oh we could do these two okay this one's good fertility gene is too low and I can't afford a one ninety one by one at a time and refresh could do that this females too expensive though gamer boy gg boring nobody wants to see you just investing in the animals just play the game well if you were paying attention to the stream gamer boy you'd know that this is the I'm not I'm not gonna destroy forget it the absolute level of narcissism Wow let me see the gameplay let's see the game this is the game wow you got so many just rude and pushy people and chat so much Netflix person yeah build a zoo that successful but have no trouble whatsoever I want the perfect conditions but I want him now well and it that is some top-tier narcissism youtuber get me this game right away for me just relax this is the way the game is played if you watch the other streams you know that I can't just like build a zoo anymore we've tried to do that but it doesn't work not the way it goes Raptor take your time I know I know it's for the best listen I've built like four or five zoos and they all kind of went to trash because we went too quickly so now we got to go slow and thank you for leaving the like apparently a lot of people like when I bash on the little kids doctor why is there a waiting room here is this for the staff to wait for my arrival why are there other people at this hospital just just work on me I I don't understand why are there roads that lead to other places that I don't live or go to I don't I don't understand why why are there airports to cities that I would never go to mom where's my hot pocket I would like it delivered yes the golden played mother yes and right now good a time as any yeah doo-doo-doo-doo all right there you go oh yeah doing things too quickly was the problem we need to make the right decision for the animal the whole game is about breeding and it's about getting conservation points everything is behind like a paywall of conservation points if you move too quickly and build too fast you're just gonna end up like dying so building a zoo and doing all that stuff we've done that before but we're taking a different approach today to see how it works differently none of these animals are perfect but we're looking we're looking for a good good animal to start with Raptor cold temperatures have expensive upkeep's okay you're right about that actually so let's get rid of the Snow Leopard although we only need one of them gene Jensen with the 20 saying you rock Dino thank you very much can we feed the stream haters to the animals uh no that's too much salt they'll die even faster I would like to buy this animal but no fertility gene we've gone down the route of you know picking just warthogs and just getting started blindly but that's that's not gonna work those same people too by the way who are pushing to say just get started you tuber those are the same people who were the first to bail when things go wrong you know it's like saying just build the bridge out of match just build it out of matchsticks and then when it bursts into flame they're nowhere to be found they're the first ones to be like why would you build it out of mastic all right actually I think we have two bears here nope zero fertility genes damn put your appeal on 4000 for maximum well at this point I can just filter through I really I want an animal I'm totally ready to get started but we're at the mercy of the game the in-game market the game works by essentially players can sell animals back into the market for conservation points and so the game has like this old whole internal economy and it works much differently than other games it's very interesting zero fertility gene doesn't mean they won't mate yeah maybe one day if they if they dream hard enough okay I kind of like this giraffe here but I need to make sure the animals are under like 150 all right let's go with these two grizzly bears here 3,000 and 4,000 okay let's do this we're making a move now yeah about time youtuber my hot pockets done oh good there's a little confirmation well they've made some changes to the game okay let's go with two grizzly bears frontier doesn't put animals in the market sometimes they also sometimes change the water in there too you suggest turtles good idea turtles are worth it we will do turtles we'll pay cash for them but first we need to make sure we make the right move with the conservation animals the most important to do yeah turtles are huge crowd pleasers will do Turtles for sure but ostriches are always like a big pain they always escape and get sassy okay so now that we got our bears let's try another animal no more bears no leopards are expensive I need something over 4000 appeal let's just do this like you guys said I could just do this if we select all and then put a peel over 4000 go 4500 now let's go for a thousand there we go what about snakes snakes will breed you do need to build a very expensive exhibit for them though I've never had any success with them wait a minute we got some mandrills here oh these are good look at these ones oh okay we're getting these ones wait this animal is being bought for cash alright give it to me give it to me baby what's the social group of mandrills oh we can't - we can't put two bros - no I'm actually a male and female might mate excellent excellent Hey we're starting to get it now learn to get it at rhinoceros is rather old also I can't afford that one brown chicken brown cow that's right they're gonna get down to it zero fertility right wait West African lion four seven well finding that one's buying it buying it some yet no no if somebody took it already see people are sitting on this market in the room they're refreshing and somebody else somebody bought it some nice person put it in here for ten and somebody bought it right away that's what you're looking for that's the dream buy that's why you've got to be patient that's the dream buy people are just sitting here refreshing this is why this game needs to change a little bit cuz it's like waiting for somebody to to put a very cheap animal in there but don't forget to research yeah absolutely yeah you got to wait for that that ten point animal that's exactly what it that's what it's for ninety select bears oh no we just have the appeal hi all right we got to make the right move boys that's how it works I've learned the hard way about five times now have I ever played Terra tech I don't think so can you mod the game and put your ass oh yeah but I bet some people will put Jurassic Park animals in here for sure alright I think we're about ready to get started I can't find an animal that's cheap but we get we just got to get lucky and find an animal for like ten some nice like Saudi oil prints we'll put in an animal in here for ten dollars that's what we need that's the Hail Mary play can you get a shout-out absolutely click or tap that join button to become a member today and you'll get that coveted top to your shoutout delivered on that silver platter okay I think we're ready boys sorry for the wait but that's just that's just the name of the game is this beta or is it released already it is beta and you can buy it right now for if you get the deluxe edition you can buy it to get access to the beta have you checked if there's an auto refresh setting no not currently there's not a lot of refresh setting okay we got to be real cheap so let's put a animal here perfect all right we'll put all of our animals in there I just don't have money okay yeah we don't want a Billy Nelson at youtuber I'm bored I need you to go well out of your way from my entertainment as if there's like some sort of meat board meter a youtuber play this different game that I want to watch I've tried to use soup searched which nobody else is playing see the Billy Nelson is real okay so first let's see what we got here oh also exhibit trading to exhibits are really important like a boa constrictor 4 mm that's good those are very important those starting animals where do we see animals in store wait your store two animals 12 what the hell how do I have a bunch of ostriches I didn't buy any ostriches did I where did all these ostriches come from it where this line come from what the hell what yeah that's that's a glitch boys from your previous zoo yeah but they don't carry over what the hell no I this couldn't be from the old Zoo cuz we didn't have a lion there's no way this could be from the old Zoo we didn't have a West African lion at all um okay well free lion then let's go see if we can find a female lion that is convenient yeah I didn't have a I didn't have a lion from before 5:15 damn how could that have happened okay now we're off to a good start maybe the developers made it so that you get some random animals or something I don't know they could have made an update make it a little easier well now what we got to do is wait for a lady lion or we could have two males battle it out for predominance you do do alright we'll come back later forget it your lion is low on fertility well that's okay like it's it's the best I can do yes you can put snakes in there are snakes in the game yes yes when you close a franchise that moves animals to your trade center but it's bugs so it might be that your animal transformed into a lion ok well that might explain that but what it doesn't explain is where are turtles then we had turtles and some other stuff so I don't know ok let's get into building first a habitat for the Bears and then we'll join Jimmy Carter and build a Habitat for Humanity alright let's get started with the Bears that bears alright finally we get started that's quite a glitch I guess so chat saying it's a glitch oh wait well they added a new thing oh nevermind no no they did that's the old thing all right well bears should probably have some red bricks so let's go with that we we reached rhinos this time mmm hell if elif rhino all right let's see with a six meter god I love your one-off Raptor what it's Jimmy Carter's birthday yeah I'm streaming he's very excited okay um where do we put bears right here we're gonna put bears right here very important and now we begin oh we're bankrupt all right guys that's today's stream thanks very much for joining me guys that'll be it for getting just kidding just kidding relax I'm just kidding let's see the zoo PD has the needed habitat sighs - so you don't need to make them too big and spend too much money Oh how does that work yeah what do you mean by appropriate size let's see Barriss we have is it grizzly bears we have Oh minimum habitats requirements 750 square meters how do I know them so if I make it like oh now I got to do math newcomer alright I know I'll just build it whatever size the game needs some more tools to like assist people who are lazy like me it doesn't tell you how big your enclosure is oh right what yeah it does if you click on it right doesn't it tell you like all the information about the about the enclosure and stuff oh that's off re alright hopefully this is our first like I'm really disappointed that I couldn't save all my other zoos that's one thing I didn't like is that I built some really beautiful zoos that I was very proud of but unfortunately if they all went bankrupt but I guess right now we're just going with the bare necessities thank you workshop has some pre-made habitats no we're going with my own another zoo no this is this is the same zoo it's just different this is uh you know yeah yeah that's a new zoo no no no [Music] no I didn't want to use that button again this game is like slow and arduous though I can't believe of all the times I played it I thought like oh great we're off to a great start and then it's like hey the bear didn't drink any water today there's 3 million protestors and they're shutting us down it's like alright well next on to the next game yeah alright alright let's put some windows in you guys think should we do Windows Vista or just [Music] pretty sure that's too small for bears I don't know it said 750 how do I like tell how big the enclosure is I guess I have to put the animal in there I don't know we can always adjust it forget it actually let's put a bear in there now yeah I'm forced to start from the beginning cuz every time we go bankrupt I can't like I can't there's no offline save so like at the start of his if I build a zoo with a bunch of empty enclosures I could save it if I wish the game would work that way but unfortunately it's an it's an online cloud save so if you build a zoo and something if you build a zoo and you build a wonderful zoo and something goes wrong and you lose all your money that's it yeah there'll be a sandbox bone yes this is the franchise mode where you have to it's like a legit the zoo you have to build like a real functioning zoo like the chat ok let's see and I think we should make this a little higher - how do I raise the Rufio [Music] now there goes let's go with like re and let's go with four I don't need any bears escaping there we go cool thing is though if I need to make this bigger it's really easy okay now let's get our animals going animal trading no no no we have to buy a staff member who the vendor wait The Shops come automatically assigned with vendors now that's new I think that must have been updated because you used to have to buy that did I check out the song valves yet no I didn't get a chance I forgot okay so now let's buy a keeper oh also I think in order to and we need electricity 208 actually I think the electricity is covered because we're close okay so long as I put the barrier over here do people come in yes when I when I finally have the zoo open people will come in when there's our animal our first animal he's now my zoo is gonna look ugly but at least it's gonna make money functionality is so gross okay let's see if this works we look for another West African lion let's see you can get a female geez because of only because of a glitch I might have a successful zoo you need to find one that's 120 for 200 nope I'll check again later okay yeah it'll take a while for us to make money it seems like the maybe the marketing campaign is fixed in this game but before it seemed death like if you took out a marketing campaign that was a bad idea and if you took out a loan that was also a bad idea bear one is on the way and Bear Grylls is on the way perfect okay alright let's start with just two animals see how it goes I just want to see if it works sell the ostriches all they're worth they're worth like 80 bucks it's not even not even worth my time the keepers are buggy they need their own works remember that what they do well first I just want this guy to drop off the Bears there can you put in the lion yes in a moment the caretaker keeps oh I thought the wait what the hell is the caretaker wait what what do you mean the janitor delivers it no way oh my he does what okay name one yogi yeah I like that idea so this is gonna be a Walmart presents budget the zoo brought to you by Sprint featuring a refreshing taste of Coca Cola this this is gonna be this park is gonna be so corporate I need to make money ridiculous this is like the opposite of Jurassic Park you remember in Jurassic Park when he said we spared no expense here it's like that's gonna be expensive so watch out there's a bear get out of there okay good crisis averted okay let's begin okay the bear first of all how's the size land area okay he wants 750 whoever said we were around 500 was totally right congratulations name one bear Smokey and the other bear yogi oh it's at you guys okay you guys have some if they have a baby then can we name it boo boo No let's go with this law look at the look at those glass windows and goodness there's a pause of course there's pause youtuber it's a bear yeah well name the baby boo-boo what are you doing game I'm trying to make it straight what the the bear is injured what already no it's not what the what somebody didn't wrap him up properly in packing peanuts when they shipped him over here I'm gonna call Amazon Prime good chef bae's how does he get injured when he's just literally all he's doing is standing he literally just got here you got to be kidding me damn bubble wrap I never trust the stuff why does it keep trying to make this half circular there goes elevation what did he para droppin dangerous animal has escaped all right the game is paused there's no possible way an animal can escape game is giving me all sorts of false flags bear is injured for no reason apparently is he's escaped but the game is paused these old conservation point refund if you're not fully satisfied yeah next day delivery and we definitely need to make some big window space too there we go [Music] okay it's a bear number two should be on the way how could the bear be injured is that why it was on discount [Music] okay a little better now time to call the vet yeah well this I'm tired of being you know losing losing the game quote-unquote losing the game apparently the apparently the bear has escaped welcome to all the new subs thank you very much for being here thanks again to gene Jensen and Roy and James for clicking a tap of the join button or becoming members that's great good support I need all the money I can get in the zoo so please please help me I need I need it and thanks again guys for liking the stream lots of lots of viewers make sure you hit the like button too if you'd like to see more planets zoo if you'd like this zoo to succeed please I'm desperate please please I beg you yeah nothing's for freeing out in this game did I start over again yes but this time I'm extremely confident we actually found some bears and some really rare animals and the game seems to have glitched out in my favor so there's that alright let's see naima Bear Valley we got we got yogi and what's the other name of our bear new members awesome great Don Brown has become a member apparently welcome aboard oh yeah smokey is the other one Smokey the Bear okay let's work on a habit habitats now what do you mean emergency capture animal no he's in the cage he's that sucks the game was paused so me editing the habitat shouldn't there we go game recognised that he's in there okay alright let's work on the habitat first of all the size is good now let's work on grass he wants more short grass soil and rock oh because I broke the I see I understand Thank You Jane for a little food yes I'm gonna need some Arby's I need an emergency airdrop now I'd like some Wendy's tonight doo doo doo doo [Music] come on guys nearly 500 people watching and only hundred and seventy-six likes yeah 90% that people don't don't like it's I don't know it's a I don't even know why the like thing is there but it's night it's just nice to see people participating I don't know it's like viewer participation it's it's like a round of applause really it's your way to clap I guess so thanks thanks for the support did I restart no we're we're on a new zoo today I guess okay let's add some soil and actually put a bear cave in here I want to put a cave you really want a Snow Leopard yeah me too but I can't can't afford them not yet anyway I need a little bit more rock there we go [Music] alright gonna build my bear cave right there okay that's good now plants temperate or Tundra let's go with tundra y'all new Toyota Tundra give me a player these trees diamond leaf take me that give me the fir tree wait is that not oh he wants the North America continent boobs there we go oh he wants some he wants some berry bush I see him bears can climb trees that's very interesting all right bear how you feeling nope he's still not happy well can i FaceTime you I mean I'm right here aren't you like 9 listen if I give you my phone number I'm gonna be facing time that's for sure that seems like a bad idea okay let's see the young bears can come oh really can the kin the Cubs climb trees and stuff good joke I Sammy it's true it's true I do I do appreciate my fans though I do I do like that but I can't invite you guys over like personal meet-and-greets you want to meet me I don't know if I never go to a public thing because I think I'd be too weird for you guys you guys aren't weird as me I'm the problem and these bears really want a lot of like stuff new subscriber shoutout you should grab some trees from other biomes oh yeah I guess you're right but I want to just do North America Tundra alright I guess would be temperate that is a too big of a tree dang he just pulled it it's not you it's me card that's true though well some of you guys would be fine but I haven't yet had somebody recognize me in the wild oh here we go Cypress now that's now that's weird Oh what is this a GU down oh I've never heard of that before why these Bears are so needy with the amount of trees that's ridiculous we don't need Freddy Krueger in here a holly tree okay sugar maple Sycamore okay looks like all the trees are correct we just need a few more like bushes or something like that yeah yeah grant read the description of my man it's amazing when people have questions that they just spam it until they get an answer perfect Moss should put some walk and I'll have to put a water dish in here that the habitat has to be small to start with because I'm today we're on like super ultra money can i'm concert deserving money not animals so i should get a bunch of conservation credits for being super cheap you love my vids thanks osteen appreciate that I appreciate everybody hanging out today [Music] there we go alright plants are looking good okay so now the only thing we got to do is build a shelter for the bear so let's try to build like a cave we'll call it the bat cave but it'll be for a bear now if I put the Bears bed down actually we need two beds for the Bears yeah bear what is what is this bear called the Grizzly is this grizzly bear oh yeah it it's okay really the grizzly bear can sleep in a small one do I ever go on discord and chat with my fans not really this is usually the best place to chat with me aha excellent now there's Shelly how you doing again welcome to all the new members today thank you guys for dropping a like or dropping by or saying hi nice to see everybody hanging out chat with my sponsors yeah usually poorly I usually ignore cold but mostly because I read his message late and then it's like oh he wanted to stream today oops never personal cult I'm just a busy man he's lying hey alright so now let's build a whole look guys I'm like silver rot now now that's not true he's good at games and I smooth this out to like make a thing there I don't know if the Bears can get in there let me also get rid of this sand here there we go dude that's looking decent let's go back to terrain oh my goodness boys after 17 attempts I may have finally learned how to play planet Zoo while this music playing right now I feel like this is like a farm commercial or something like that you're a Johnsonville meets we stop we have only family old dude I think they'll be able to get in there I'm priceless yeah yeah this is the music that plays when it's like choosy moms choose jiff give our corporation money [Music] there we go right everything seems to be happy happy and good okay so let's go let's add the second bear oh wait actually no the bear should already be on its way holy crap I may have actually this actually is decent Wow okay what's our second animal now that we have oh let's go let's go with lion shopping again how do we do that let's go West African lion if I could get some two lions and be perfect we need a lion on the cheap I need a discount lion sounds like a story you'd find unlike a like the highway it's dealing days down here at discount lions come on in [Music] feel not lucky however we apparently have seven people who've walked through the front gate so that's good all right let's add some more stuff for the Bears we're not done yet we need a water and food tray there we go and then the second one needs to be delivered and then I need to start researching William Loudoun if you're gonna continue to spam things like that we're going to go ahead and say goodbye to you so either you can act like a well-mannered adults or won't go ahead and have you get out the door my man [Music] all right so it looks like this one is good any water yeah um I don't I don't want to spend too much money on the enclosure I'm gonna be Chi I'm gonna be super cheap this time around [Music] we need a vet for the wounded bear you are correct about that we need to finish building our facility buildings so we will need a let's see so far we have the trading depot the food center and the maintenance base we need what's the other thing [Music] well we'll need a Research Center I guess we'll put that down to do to do to do well the game is paused so that's why there's only seven people but I'm I'm gosh guys I'm really hoping that this zoo works out because I really want to show you guys elephants and stuff too but at least I've figured out all the things not to do so you know it serves as a good example to kind of make sure that we only do certain things in the game so when I when I start a new you know when we when we go to a new biome then we'll know what to do if Saudis quarantine no I think we'll just go with a veterinarian surgery thing do I read chat and answer all comments well it's hard to because people like people are spamming high right now and it makes it hard to answer everybody's questions what I visited animal-like they well unfortunately in this game I have to play within the games rules I've tried to build zoos before that are like nice and big and happy and open and they just go bankrupt because I had a lion and a snow leopard die before but now we need to focus on mating animals so that's one thing we know about now that we need to make sure that they mate appropriately [Music] every girl put a lot of donation boxes around yeah but that only happens with guests but every time I've made a mistake and done wrong in this game I have learned so that's all part of the part of the game I guess why is every youtuber playing this because it's new and it's fun and all good yes thank you again for subscribing I know a few you're just saying that you just subs so thank you very much for that you guys are great thanks for clicking the tab the sub button for those who did I missed you I apologize but thank you [Music] there we go your wife's excited for the game yeah this is a good game for everybody it's certainly a unique challenge and if you're not if you're afraid of planet coaster because you can't build rides and stuff like me this is definitely uh definitely a good thing is youtube sub announcement still down so the problem with that is anytime somebody subscribes it says anonymous so it's a problem it's not that it's down it's that YouTube changed the algorithm and so things kind of haven't changed is there waterfall in the game you can kind of make one you can kind of fake a waterfall off steam gamer he's not a famous youtuber no offense I don't well I don't know what famous means famous for being mediocre at best for sure see that's why somebody subscribe they like mediocre entertainer did I take a loan this time or not no ice I've only started with the starting money okay let's build a habitat for who's next the what's the other animal we have the monkeys yeah we got two monkeys here but let's just check one more time on those West African lions the game does not have to does not cover does not count that as hardcover mm-hmm I've seen other people do it and it worked well oh I just see an animal for like 50 let's no no max of 2 [Music] crap alright we'll check back later do I like this game this game frustrates me and gets me all thruster dand flustered and but I love it because like that's why I'm playing it again I can't put it down I want to learn okay let's put down the monkeys now what should we do should we do corrugate and now we'll do the wood logs that's good uh yeah Lions we're trying to get Lions but I need to get a male and a female so they mate so I can like essentially them a bit being able to mate is like an insurance policy so if one of them dies I use their child's for entertainment I love that you read my comments it makes me feel so cool well everybody in chat is cool I just sometimes can't get to everybody so if you really want my attention and I don't say something to you I kind of still know that you're here I'm just busy playing a game it's best I can hopefully that's big enough will extend that if it's not the will start out cheap as possible and then when we start to make some money I'll redesign these a little bit shoot put the fence lower you know we should probably put it higher no jokes with these monkeys let's make it five meters tall let's round the tops and let's make a climb proof up I'll do that there we go [Music] there we go that'll stop him what do I think the best way to get viewers on YouTube for beginners how did I do it uh I just played a bunch of stuff and tried to be entertaining I suppose just like now guys if you want to play planet Zoo check out my workshop submission oh that's fine Romano if you want to advertise stuff related to the game I'm totally cool with that if you're advertising like something that people can download and play in this game that's totally relative that's totally fine yeah be consistent put up videos every day at the same time every every every day if you can especially if you're going for gaming Gaming is a little easier to get into but YouTube has definitely made the game a lot harder with all this extra stuff you've got to do and all the viewer suppression and things it's still fun though when you find a group of people who like you and it's a lot more fun I gotta say though like strip playing this game and having you guys watch is way more entertaining than just playing this game like if I was the best player in the world at planets zoo but nobody was watching it wouldn't be as fun all right looks like the somehow the barrier got rotated [Music] how did this how do this how do I rotate this [Music] I want to rotate the enclosure are there any mods I don't know I don't know if they work for it yet it was like this when I laid it down I thought I made it parallel to this I can't rotate it though the rotate icon is appearing but it's not rotating z works but it's you see that little circle there it's it's trying to rotate but I think it's trying to do one item at a time well we can always do this oops okay oh actually let's try this well you're right it wasn't like that when I put it down huh that's weird we're gonna get rid of the whole thing then we'll do it again ah you were talking about being a youtuber and it to be honest everybody's a youtuber like if you have a channel I think you're you're a youtuber but you a lot of people don't consider you nobody considers themselves to be an official youtuber until they get to like a hundred thousand subscribers that kind of thing we wrapped are you full-time on youtuber do you like other websites more I like twitch there's a few streamers on Twitch that I really enjoy dansgaming for one is a really he's a really cool funny guy very inspiring calebhart42 for my final fantasy 7 really really funny guy usually I watch a lot of other people when I'm like editing videos but I don't I don't really watch like a lot of youtubers often the people I watch are usually they make like one video a month and that's about it and then I forget about them until they release again I wrapped her a tip if you wanted one little dotted square next to the right of the terrain button is to highlight multiple items and it's copy or move the selection let me check that out down tit button and forget it I think I'm okay for now you'll regret that youtuber I certainly will okay let's get this going so it this time I'm taking away longer time to build this Zoo it is what about all the of all the zoos I made this is the one that I'm making with the most thought process let's round those tops to make it look cool yay adds a little variety to it okay let's throw those monkeys in there let me are you crazy monkeys get in there you crazy our mandrels monkeys are they considered Apes or what's the technical term I love what you do here amazing not like most youtubers who are focused on gaming than their viewers well I certainly am focused on gaming a lot but usually games like these are a little bit more this is a more relaxed game like if I'm playing fortnight I'd have to ignore you guys cuz I had to be fully focused on the game they're Apes not monkeys I don't know what why is this one got an exclamation mark next to it okay are they both being moved into the enclosure [Music] hopefully do I play transport fever yeah I'll be playing that when it comes out any sort of tycoon game and most simulators I'd like to play oh good both bears are now they're very cool I think well never mind all right we better start increasing that ticket price Ellen Davidson all if you have something to say just just type it out if I miss it just wait a few minutes I'm profitable yeah for now it's not about now it's about it's about later I am starting to realize though that more and more people kind of care about me paying attention to them and me responding to you guys is more important than I think it to me it's just like let's just hang out and play some games but a lot of people want like want attention and stuff so I know I know we need restrooms and stuff I'm more focused on just getting the animals finished we do have monitors yeah okay so finally we got our first monkey perfect or what it whatever it is moneymaker that's what it's gonna be okay I'm focused now in habitats then we'll worry about the humans habitat later currently they need bathrooms and stuff weird looks like the habitat is the right size and now we just need trees from the tropical world and what continent Africa okay the tropical Africa nope custard apple tree that sounds absolutely delicious we need to notice me oh yeah I know there's a lot of people who want shoutouts and personal stuff but if I do it for one then the stream just becomes like a autograph signing session and then I'm not playing the game and that's kind of kinda boring Boop oh alright I'll steam you have yourself a good evening there we go yeah and what is this problem oh Klima buleria yeah we're gonna put that in now let's do a prefab climbing stuff not be under blueprints or construction I know there's a prefab Klima buleria there it is [Music] all right what do you think about that monkey man is that cool why I won't blow area zero maybe it's got a register there it goes I don't need a little bit more boys were starting to make it I don't need a shout-out I just need you to do a good job on this habitat our habitats our habitat everything's been great our zoos just haven't been profitable but I've been enjoying the game like despite my failures I'm enjoying the game if I paid money for this game in order to play it and I'm you know enjoying it that's mission accomplished like oh this looks like the monkeys are training for the army like I should put down some tires and all sorts of stuff they need 40 40 meters of climbing area wow they're needy [Music] [Music] yeah this is like literally a jungle gym what I've seen the most people start with one or two animals max research to maximize happiness yep that seems to be the way to do it you must complete research on animals to increase happiness otherwise you get hippies and one hippy basically throws off everything one hippy will destroy the entire your entire setup is this well that's different from that let's build this here yeah these monkeys have a lot of places to hang out literally nice very good perfect we got just enough okay now we need food and water so let's see a mandrill water bowl there we go perfect not only that but I noticed something research on one of the animal unlocks something for a different animal how does that work so you're saying if you do research for like the monkeys it'll unlock something for the buffalo or how does that work alright let's make sure both of these monkeys get delivered now [Music] there we go yeah this is if you guys don't know already this is what it's like when I streamed you know I'm this crazy eight and this is like this is what it's like when you guys drop by occasionally someone will drop a donation to the most part people kind of just point and laugh and then leave and then I'm just kind of in here all alone every once in a while somebody refills my water dish yep that's about right yep there's me working my keyboard mm-hmm see this is what it's like to be a live streamer I think I see osteen gaming and I think I see Ellen Davidson definitely cult out there I see Shelley holding out there and Vince it's all the state gaming I see JP and I see JP there too Maddox he'll I think I see him standing in the audience Gavin is definitely there too you won't if you look closely you might be able to see yourself oh yeah the injured bear thanks for the reminder okay back to back to zoo did I hire a keeper and we have a keeper a caretaker apparently we have to have two keepers and then put them on zones so let's do that and then let's do a maintenance man I heard some security and then better hire a vet wonder if the vet can just heal from here if they have to go also with the Bears he's like he's hanging out watching TV hold on a second yeah he's watching the stream TV's broken though that's because the it's not connected to power but whatever still funny what Oh the vet is here good just disappeared okay uh we're the other bear go maybe it just didn't get delivered yet well what the no what happened what do you mean dangerous animal escaped where dangerous animal escaped he's literally right there I'll watch it he's loose watch it everyone he's crazy get out of here Raptor screaming holy crap Oh are you kidding me these animals have been in here for 21 seconds those protestors need some chill the game needs a buffer where it's like if it's your first year of operation there shouldn't be any there shouldn't be any protestors because you can't you can't do any research or anything until like the game it takes time it takes time okay so that that is wrong an animal did not escape it's it's literally right there sir is there any reason as to why the game would trigger that both apes are inside the enclosure emergency capture $4000 and look at this everybody's fleeing now that's great except for the protesters they're hell-bent on ruining everybody's time [Applause] calm down folks it's not okay look all right none of you get any uh if you don't get the hand stamp you're gonna have to pay on the way back no free reentry okay raptor is it an idea to name the animals after people that donate uh sure new members or anybody over ten will name an animal after you because these are kind of rare in this game well that's clearly a glitch shouldn't trees be lowered so the roots are not above the ground maybe maybe these trees grow this way I think actually these trees are those types of trees that grow in water is he higher than the walls well no I mean one of them was just like right here damn these protestors okay where's bear number two I hate the protestors in this game yeah what's wrong with the bear temperature he's not happy about the temperature it looks like he has hard shelter look at insufficient shelter space okay so we just need to have a little bigger cave and he is totally anti-social all right now the hippies ruin this game there needs to be a look just just needs to be a little bit chill on the hippies for like the first year just so you can get things operational sometimes you do have to unpause to make things work okay so the bear needs a little bit of cooling we put a cooler in the cave and then I'll need to extend the power out here with like a transformer a robot in disguise can you cage the protesters everybody asked that I think that'd be a good idea I'll have to talk to the devs don't worry guys I'll make a call you can close the zoo until basic research is done in habitats already so no hippies come yeah buts same with no money so you may as well just leave it paused because if you have the zoo running with nobody in it it's just gonna be a giant expense but it looks like people are coming back okay so next thing what do we need next more shade near the entrance of the cave I don't know if I don't think shade effects heat in this game doesn't oh it does there's a little change to there's a little change to that yeah but so much shade and I think maybe it would excuse eaters view and they wouldn't be able to see the animal alright let's continue on here so we have two animals now in the exhibits so they should be taken care of hopefully nobody else freaks out about quote-unquote escaped animals that are just like chillin and these are male and female right female oh wait a minute oh she's an alpha female and the male yes give the bear of sombrero okay let's work on animal welfare now okay bear how you doing what's your problem just enrichment okay so the bear wants like a toy to play with oh and also a better shelter bears need more space no I think the habitat was big enough yep the habitat is correct space they need 750 we have 781 so the game just wants us to build a bigger hard shelter kind of cool how it actually the caves actually work it does detect the cave so I guess we'll extend that a little bit we're adding a adding a guest bedroom on to the under the cave but we'll keep an eye on it we'll make improvements based off the games recommendations if we need more of something then we'll get to it alright the bear is happy a little bit more long grass though or a little less now it's on top the cave there we go okay bear seems happy for now come we'll check on them we'll keep making improvements based off of how things are all right welfare is low here what's the problem animal plants as a social social is a problem and we need to get some more monkeys then damn bears love water true but I also like profits so I need to keep their enclosure small because money is everything in this game I've tried it like four or five times lady bear I think she is actually don't know if you may have been at the vet I don't know hopefully she makes her way there soon uh mandrels okay we need more of them [Music] okay so now we need can we spare 22 likes - 300 says trows - yeah we might we might be able to do it it's nice to see us cross those thresholds well let's do it you do so whoa five thousand for this that is not even worth five thousand I mean it's certainly a really good lion that jeez no thanks 5k is a scam for that line it could be that is expensive now today yeah today is a day to take my time and do everything correctly oh wait why was I looking for lions we wanted a monkey Rolly cos fertility is at 100 percent that's a promiscuous lion she's still she's still Jenny from the block I guess mandrill some spendy monkeys oh good we can get some cheap ease let's get another let's get another lady up in there I do like how the delivery is right away imagine if you had to wait girl okay dude dude dude dude dude it in alright so let's take a look I'm just gonna make sure I do this again apparently glitch glitch on move there okay it looks like the animals are where they need to be they've disappeared from the trade menu I don't hear hippies I don't hear hippies and yay we got another line I mean monkey dudududu too good the hippies are packing it in there heading home they got nothing to complain about now good be funny if like I delete one of the coolers and then they just turn right back around and be hilarious while let's take a look at profits oh my goodness we're actually making money alright both bears are here oh that bear is happy go bear both bears are happy with the size of the enclosure good still need to work on that hard shelter a little bit but that's fine all right let's name the second bear smokey all right any new members will be named after one of the monkeys so if you'd like to be named after one of the monkeys click or tap that join button all right let's start our research now that's the next step is research oh I should hire another veterinarian then just in case I'll have one dedicated to research do I have a research center I should write my grizzly bear go good ok let's pause the game again and start setting up educational boards do the merge ships generate decent income oh do you mean like t-shirts and things that I have yeah wag about 20 people or so oh you mean in the game sorry merchandise shops apparently some people said it was bugged and I haven't used them yet no I don't know let's do education I want there to be more educational items in the game there's like billboards and there's speakers be cool if there was like an interactive thing or something like that somebody put a workshop building that has all the starting buildings you need to open the zoo yeah that's a good idea like one big one big thing for all the buildings for sure very expensive to start the zoo you need a lot of buildings at the beginning okay let's go back to facilities tour guides oh yeah that'd be cool for like a curator or something I guess technically the the Train is kind of like a guard the safari it's kind of like a tour guide a little bit so what I want to do is make a bunch of money from our Park and then redesign it to be beautiful so but I've always wanted to do is just have a beautiful park but this one's just got to be fugly because you know it's got to make money essentially we're making the Walmart of zoos [Music] - yep educational speakers are important we do need some of those cheese beef it's not ugly I've seen worse ah you know what I made beautiful pie I just it's just not it's just it doesn't feel pretty yet you should sing to my other streams my other streams the parks were beautiful but they didn't work and now it seems like it's the opposite here but at least it works yeah yeah we made picnic table food courts before but again I'm being I'm being mega cheap today Raptor is super cheap like chat with those likes this youtubers begging for likes on sub okay let's see and now we got some signs down good [Music] oh we're not profitable well oh that's because we bought all the monkeys and stuff you don't forget the restaurant yes we need we need a potty break area oh wait I need a staff building too oh no no we have all right I'll put it over here I love this music this game needs more sound effect though how much do the monitors cost like 40 bucks yeah Wow imagine that $40 for a big-screen TV and also $60 for an ostrich butt oh what's that you want a lion I'm going to need currency dollars yeah I'll put down speakers and stuff too did you know that if your zoo is failing you can move your best animals to the Trade Center and use them in your next zoo to restart yeah but the problem there is that you lose all your conservation points and also you lose your zoo which is what I'm in love with wait till I see elephants I know alright let's wait a bit to see if we become profitable so we are two hours into the stream and we finally have like a basically a very very basic operational Zoo I think we made the right moves and slowing down you wouldn't it's really surprising though how many people will come in to chat and be like this is not up to my standard and it's like they're like the YouTube Regulatory Commission or something I can't believe that yeah we have one lion I don't know how we got it because my other zoo I never had a lion and it died so I don't I don't know how I got it I guess I just inherited it from my rich uncle I don't know at least people are happy yeah Oh are we doing research [Music] okay wow this music is awesome did I raise the price the outset five bucks now but I rare six should I raise it more [Music] you're loving the stream me too this is a good stream I've made more progress in understanding the game than ever I'm good at building a zoo not good at building a functional Zoo I can make it look pretty I can make it look pretty 50 bucks no way you make more of your money from donations like the stream ticket prices bugged as soon as you leave it goes back to the original no it's set to 7 and 9 like it wasn't a second ago oh wait a minute I see people wait let's watch these folks see if they turn around nope they're down there totally cool to see monkeys and bears all right cool money's going up yeah but we're gonna make sure the zoo is profitable let's take a look at that budget income and expenses okay holy crap wait where's donations $8,000 holy crap boys we did it yeah the guest number of guests is always going up once people have seen everything they leave it's not like they don't ever leave people will come in and go it's actually good that they leave because then it triggers the game to send in more guests so it's all good don't periods attract bears that is a known fact that the human female menstrual cycle has been known to attract bears and such as they could smell blood and such like other animals it's a it's a fact yeah it's the thing that could happen know the entrance fee doesn't affect guests it doesn't make people leave because you you increased it people are leaving because they you know you have your initial inflow of the park it'll it'll go back up it's mostly going down because of the happiness of the animals and hunger and thirst that's how I've seen it go every time Roland thank you very much for the to appreciate that very nice you oh look at that okay we got people coming in I think I'll lower the price a little bit more I'd rather get money from the donations but go for seven and five and that'll be that okay now on to the next thing we need to do more animals let's keep an eye on the bearish actually let's get some lions I wonder if somebody if a rich kind person has dropped a lion into here no more than like two thirty but nope you gotta get lucky with them lions great channel keeping up Thank You Roland very nice you thank you very much bah bah bah bah Oh what do we have issue with oh I need quarantine I've never had an issue where I've had to quarantine an animal yet totally tempted to landscape don't do it don't landscape you need all the money you really have to go slow in this game I can't believe it it's at a painfully slow pace too like everybody was saying at the beginning get it done youtuber rome wasn't built in a day was built in ten minutes let's go come on my macaroni and cheese is almost done alright let's get another male and female mandrill that should take care of their social group and make them happier let's see yep perfect let's get a few more delivered [Music] Timberwolves are cheap yeah but cheap also means like not not a good return in this game it's best to like the big investment I'm finally profitable because they got bears and monkeys that people really want to see yeah all right back to research looks like we're about halfway on that grizzly keep it coming I love the music in this game I really want there to be more more music more soundtrack if the yeah if we need to we can put the animals on birth control and they won't have any more babies so if we get too many L and another thing too is that I can actually sell them or crossbreed them with the bears to make monk bears and those are dangerous school up Elvis you're doing good keep it up thank you I for the lot for the last few streams I've been really enjoying building a park so I should have probably been in sandbox mode where I could just build whatever I want but this time I'm really focused on like making sure we have the correct animals so that's really important when we're actually making some money holy crap we're doing it how much of these things making $1,800 zero seven hundred and three yeah boo three thousand yeah baby oh yeah that tastiness alright good we've finished the research for the bears no bears good now we can get them a toy let's do man drills next all right let's get to Baris something to play with what do they like what do you guys like a fire hose ball thank you all welcome to all the new subs if you are watching and you haven't yet subscribed make sure you do click or tap that subscribe button we would really appreciate having you as a new sub and would welcome you aboard how do the Bears actually eat are they an omnivore a kidney is that a liver mmm tasty well this place really feels cramped but we went for the cheap option what the heck whoa nothing levels the entire holy crap there that shouldn't make the Bears happier oh that bear is just napping they'll need to work on the hard shelter but overall they're fine where's the enrichment marker yep perfect okay good to go all right now we just got to work on conservation points it'd be nice if the if there were more ways to earn conservation points like if you if you passed an inspection with no things you know a couple of years left on yogi I don't worry they'll mate also what's a fire hose ball apparently the bear is using its well-known telekinesis powers to move the object over here oh it's just like woven okay should it really work this time this is going to be the best suit eh listen uh this is the longest I've gone without being bankrupt oh my goodness I'm actually making money holy crap it was all about starting super small my ambitions and my parks were way too well they were just over budget I built way too too big of a park and not enough animals and I also learned my lesson too and made like eight meter wide paths which is good also nobody's going for the drinks nobody's thirsty yet probably put down some thingies you can't bear to watch this drama shouldn't you be in bed young man yeah this is a staff path right here so no no guests will go over there it's stopping them you're in bed oh good they're romantic to think our guests not I guess that's the border we're not allowed in that area I don't know all right finally after all this time we are actually making money I can't believe it are the shops open yes oh wait a minute that's weird these two came with staff members but this one didn't oh maybe the pre-build still come with staff okay that's strange oh wait we finished the research excellent now let's go back to go back to the bursh some reason people aren't going there is this game where you can visualize Zootopia fanfiction I think so yeah I want to be able to breed animals to make like a whale shark that'd be cool actually I think that might be a real thing Raptor the path to the shop is a staph past so people can't get there this isn't a staph path is it a staph path looks like this a staph only path has this hexagonal shape the staff path here is made of a brick of some sort for light is tomorrow oh there they go I guess they were finally thirsty enough I guess they just need to be thirsty enough to step over this large barrier how's it going great I finally have a functional Zoo though I'm really disappointed that a lot of my other zoos that I put a lot of effort into are lost however my ideas and aspirations and learn the things that I've learned are here so we're good which game do you think is better Jurassic world evolution of planets ooh planets ooh because I really want to build like a park more like this they don't a bit by my inflated prices these prices are just standard I haven't adjusted them at all do-do-do-do-do-do-do okay doesn't they have water fountains to drink from the animals all should have everything they need our animals are being really well cared for well also we need to put the enrichment stuff over here next let's take a look monkeys how you doing how they do it with the social group is good they just want some more Klima buleria now and submit enrichment toys so we'll work on work on that later rich - wait did level 1 research not give them okay new animals and I kind of want to do more animals but I don't want to do like zebras and stuff and I want to go for the animals that are actually that actually matter I can actually give us some payback smokey bear has low welfare well he probably walked into a hot spot that'll disappear in like two seconds as soon as he leaves it here comes the protesters the bear is a little hot what do we want air-conditioning when do we want it now do a snake yes we should get snakes and things like that you're right they're very easy to take care of doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo-doo let's work on let's see yeah what's going on here in the higher to new vendors oh there is they were clearly on break Turtles yeah turtles would be very good I'll hire some more vendors as well always good to have a few more vendors than shops as well backseat gaming enclosure the maps not big enough for that and you know ever every time there's like it's like pop-up video from vh1 it's like oh we need Oh looks like this store is closed youtuber did you know that you need 82% more workers than you do buildings that type of thing doo-doo-doo-doo but I learned a lot better by just making mistakes and not doing things and then learning the hard way yeah I don't just it's just the way it works I guess for me wow we got a lot of people here finally it's so nice to actually see our money going up this is great ok so I think we should do more animals but I want to do animals that are like rare or possibly medium rare your dry humor is on par at this point I'm not afraid to like lash out at my enemy my enemy my enemies my audience oh my god Freudian slip my audience I'm not afraid to like pick on you guys and you're not afraid to let me have it sometimes too besides all in all we're just here to like play a game we're just here to have some fun ana means how dare you yeah no no not like I said earlier I would I enjoy streaming for you guys and I wouldn't want to play this alone new subscriber shoutout we're just a little bit short on cash I think what we need to do now is start breeding like dogs or something or ostrich my biggest complaint about this game though is that when you've got an animal that's like finally worth like you can have it worth a million conservation points but the problem is once you've got the animal in storage you still have to like do the trade and it takes like an hour and like count it counts down so you can't build what you want right away who looks like Shelley and everyone else are going on some heists exclamation point heist and chat in order to join that one you guys can get some more down at Dallas in that way yeah nothing like making a fire in the backyard watching streams with the dog and some wine oh that's good Patrick I'm glad you're like that's really nice that I got an email today from somebody that was just like a whole hey I appreciate what you do thanks for like making a million videos and stuff it's like that's good that's the type of support I really like it's just people saying hey thanks for like enriching my life like I'm like the firehose ball like you know here's you guys you know like here's Bayley and Kenneth and here's me over here oh not that not that but this thing there you go well you pick take your pick but here's me I'm enriching their lives there you go I'm worth five fire hose balls isn't even a fire hose ball it's a fire hose cube we need to come in there for it to be cannon you what you guys are working on it I mean you know I can only put what you guys are apparently not happy with your habitat apparently you guys are still mad at me about the hard shelter but at least Kenneth apparently is a five-star animal rating here that Kenneth we're after you're down a man series is great well thank you Frederick that's very nice assigned work zones yeah I don't wanna I don't wanna I don't want to do the things I have to do is now I just want to wait for money to come in so I have fiscal security so that way I can just build whatever I want put a honey pot in there is there catnip for bears like what would it be a salmon hello from the Netherlands my yarn how you doing thank you very much for tuning in when is no man's sky coming back when it comes back no Cubs yet yeah we're trying to work on it right now Bailey is too busy eating a a beef salad just like yeah she seems to be enjoying a beef salad right now I don't know why that guy didn't put it over here oh oh she's going crazy look at her go oh there's food in there oh okay yeah hopefully you know does it is it like The Sims like you know remember in The Sims when somebody showers does it like get all pixelated when a bear cub comes out or how does that work also it seems like animals get pregnant and just have the baby like there's no it's like immediate it's like baby it's like there's no there's no you know like what do you call it in gestation period or something whatever that's called there's no baby time there's no baby timer so there you go you got no man sky to fatigue I've been playing a lead dangerous recently so that's been good alright listen while we're waiting let's work on actually making a thing now let's make a little water thing here now and we'll wait for money to come in for a while Rami are you still here are you enjoying your your time in the stream have any of the devs watched your streams maybe I've had many deaths tune in from minigames so I definitely had devs tune in before maybe not from this game I get along really well with developers they're very I really respect all the hard work in the the community aspect a lot of people are really just mean and like about everything and it's like developers more than ever require us to give them good feedback on what we like and what we don't like it's the same with my videos too like that's why I asked you guys to click or tap the like button because it helps me to plan out you know the next thing I'm doing on the channel so if you guys like something or if you don't like something I can kind of tell just based off of people's interaction with it it's really helpful that way oh you're oh a compliment no I was just wondering if you still watch it it means a lot when you tune in sometimes you don't always have to be here but I like to know sometimes that you're just watching hanging out just she Lindy I thought you wanted to make money I know I'm going crazy now by spending 23 dollars on this okay that like takes 24 cents to lower a giant area but I also want to decorate now while we're waiting for money to come in we'll do some decorations do to do to do to do to it needs more music you don't want to sleep just watch the vid strum it my time over in America oh yeah come back any time you know the rules you can come on over any time I bought six games just from watching you play them oh that's good that's very good I'm glad everybody enjoys what I would I play oh wait we got some issues yogi and Oakland leanness is low let's get a another zookeeper here oh wait he's on his way oh wait there is okay taken care of yeah I'm gonna put water jets in here Matthew I've done that before and that always looks pretty cutie new subscriber shoutout happy I caught the stream got the notification at work yeah a lot of notifications don't go out the system is super broken but I do like when you guys tune in when you can usually why I have to spam notifications and everything because you know YouTube doesn't do it so I've always got to say like you know don't forget to subscribe click it's annoying like as a youtuber you got to do all these things now like you got to tell people subscribe and like and comment because you know YouTube ain't gonna do it alright um water jets weight facilities or weight I bet here now there we go water jet effects hey welcome to all the new subscribers you look you're Park looks great keep it up and we're doing it Bailey just texted me saying you're naming bears after us yeah I thought you were here weren't you watching Kenneth this is like your your solemn duty just you two are supposed to keep an eye on me well that's kind of nice that too much oh wait well the Bears are named yogi and smokey but oh you have no no cell service into West Texas oh I don't like that water jet I'm getting everybody wet take that let's try the Oh what is this water rapids foam oh there you go you can make a waterfall that way if you just put it on it if you put it on an angle you can make a waterfall that way all right uh let's see oh yeah waterfall midsection oh good they got waterfall effects in here now perfect wha rain effects in this game I don't think I've ever seen it rain oh it's because I always have it set to like High Noon so I can actually see what I'm doing there are different water effects Jets water rapids I want like the foamy one ah there we go that's the one I want no not that one oh my god what am i doing make a waterfall on the lake of mine and Abby pretty cool we got to get the turtles around here now I think I'm totally cool to have some turtles now how do I tell if this thing's like well there we go yeah that's good we're good what game are you looking forward to streaming next looking forward to morally dangerous but today I wanted to build some more of this can you spare a like for 350 likes says Chad Wow well we'll get there eventually let's put a jet on either side yeah we will we will get to 350 likes no problem I'm sure all right well this park has definitely got the bare necessities we've barely got anything going in the park but oh well they've returned the monkey cool all right I think that's good alert animal about in lockdown mmm ain't a lockdown for a long time if they help yeah why aren't they been in the boxes not my birthday they should be automatic another glitch okay so this is gonna tell me that I need a quarantine office but we'll leave that for now I still want to make sure we're profitable we got some big profits what if the monkeys evolved to humans and just walk out well they can't because they don't know the password okay Wow they actually have the keypad numbers here 8 6 7-5 309 all right oh we better not get no protestors what we got an alert [Music] [Music] yeah we're good all right trash cans now all right let's add some more stuff well now that we're profitable I can start working on all the other stuff oh there we go dude where should we put trash cans get more animals Joseph I think you're all the animal that this chat needs wow there's a queue at the info booth damn right a lot of people are wondering why the hell I built the zoo out in the middle of nowhere some of you peeing you're gonna literally hear someone ping all right yeah so what we need to do is start breeding some animals to get conservation points but I don't know what we could do maybe we get the tortoises to breed now let's take a look at tortoises or the Swedish word for turtle I think is is it Scola pata I can't I can't remember what it is let's see turtles turtles turtles there's two types of turtles right now there's the giant tortoise and the malapa goes there it is oh it's all patter then oh no turtles at all yeah all right we have no no turtles at the moment we'll have to come back and check the market in a moment wow you asked you asked the Swedish word for turtle and three million Swedes come out of nowhere the trees are speaking lingonberry all right I want to do some decoration now well I have I have one turtle in storage but I want to make sure I have a few we have one or no we don't have one never mind let me add one well why is that guy booking it what the hell the hell's he going what the hell we're everywhere yeah apparently he stole something oh it's a pickpocket er oh okay we do have security well won't worry about that later for now I'm gonna just focus on decorations now that I've got a park that actually isn't bankrupt for the first time I'm gonna I'm decorating baby what's the weird duck noising coming from the guests oh that's the actual workers there groaning because they can't find a staff break room but I don't care about that right now right now I just want to put down some benches I also need to get on eBay so I can find a bus Oh jeez everybody just thrown their crap out right there any babies yet well certainly not from the Bears I believe yogi is protesting by leaving his toy at the top of the cave reminding me that he wants an extension de cave to which I say good day good good day sir good day all right let's do some more research put a soda machine every 12 feet yeah you're right the game could use I don't know why that didn't finish the game could definitely use some vending machines that'd be cool I'm sure they'll add some more stuff work zones too cleaners add this area is so small it doesn't matter yet we'll get all that stuff done soon right now I mean I'm feeling uh I'm I wanted to start channeling Bob Ross here in a moment I'm actually gonna start decorating with some trees why put this over here whatever what's the last real-life zoo you went to in Japan I went to a water park Orwell aquarium and I went and saw a bunch of monkeys at the top of a mountain so that was pretty cool it stirred whenever I watched from now on when when I see in chat that somebody made a comment on something that I just commented on I'm gonna start making a noise let's try this one all right good we're gonna start a tally of every time that I've mentioned something the one in Okinawa yes called something world Okinawa camp can't remember the name of it something world Okinawa it's beautiful huge giant big Oh crazy aquarium wait a minute there was there was two things I went to in Okinawa one was an aquarium and the other one was like called but I can't can't remember what was the most odd thing you saw in Japan odd nothing really odd all right oh yeah we're making some good money now all right it's time for the you think some viewers are lagging behind when watching the stream it could be hey did the research get finished yet for that no still got to finish that one myself in the mirror well joke's on you I don't actually appear in mirrors all right let's decorate totally not this park is not not nice at all this is not not pretty oh I need to put down some we need to do an area for exhibitions the mere house at Lisa Barry did we actually go into one of those they remember now what matters most though is getting the right animals and then just throwing them into storage wonder what animal we should get next I wonder if we should do oh oh yeah tortoises alright let's do it let's do some turtles doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo what there goes there we go all right to be fair a lot of these turtles are like 30 years old but they do live like 300 million years so I think we should probably get them there so they're so affordable I'm just gonna gotta buy them all or it is doo doo doo now we're going with turtles now all right we're going for turtle enclosure but I'm not gonna spend points on that one thirty years young they're only babies yeah these turtles last like 300 million years okay last time I put a turtle enclosure like here don't do turtles they take too much time to breed that's right it's it's a cheap way to bring in like a bunch more guests now I need money could make our entrance a turtle pond oh yeah unfortunately with enclosures you can't have open paths if I would have extended this a little further I could have made something here but we're okay so far new subscriber shoutout have to actually move this back this way that's alright we can put turtles over hold on let's start let's start adding on to the past new subscriber shoutout all right there we go use rocks for a barrier you can't necessarily do that is the the barrier problem with the barrier is that the like people can't pass through they have to pass over it or the hippos in storage where they should be crazy hippos crazy and we use this area here for an exhibit for the or something those anybody pre-ordered this game by the way is everyone ready to go yes you guys all get in this game tortoise are not keen on water so the pond is not ideal for them what do you mean they don't they love the water they actually go swimming quite often in this game you're playing the beta right now good pretty fun I mean there are some things that are frustrating because it's a beta and it's not complete but it is pretty enjoyable except for this path that won't straighten out you're about to buy PC just for this game awesome dude well I appreciate everybody helping to push us over three hundred and fifty three likes today thank you very much and thanks everybody for clicking and tapping the join button becoming members all that sort of stuff it's a very great way to support the stream and everything that we do here so thanks everybody for all the crazy big o support it's very nice you tortoise and turtle are different sometimes summer teenage mutant and ninjas ah there we go do I have a first-aid station I don't think that's a thing in the game at the moment I think that's from planet coaster because people will get ill from the rides as we're here the fastest ride literally moves and like the speed of smell is the monitor the wrong way for what looks like they're all right okay so I'm gonna put an exhibit there and then we'll put another area for the turtles over over me on actually we'll do it this way perfect I'm not buying it I have no PC so you're just gonna watch it on the channel that's good that's my job is sometimes to play games that people either can't afford or they're not sure if they want to get or sometimes they just can't find or whatever certain games are like a little old and sometimes you only need this CD for it that type of thing all right let's go for a turtle enclosure that seems big enough for me well that'll be just fine why the turtles actually get more damn room than the Bears I have no loan repayments right now we are a lone free establishment I took the policy of leave me alone does the Nile monitor need an enclosure or exhibit I think that's an exhibit at I think it requires a habitat that's right Riley Turtles yay welcome to all the new subs welcome aboard everybody our next member gets an animal named after them so remember if you'd like to support that's a good way to do it Romney made you cry from laughter yeah Strom he's pretty funny and is I still believe single no he is going out on dates so if you ladies gonna be in in or around the lab area went do him a call I do have his number if you want to know I'm pretty sure you do not use steam anymore I do that's how I'm playing the game in fact it was down the other day so I couldn't I had to wait like an hour to play the game because the games in game market for animals is linked to steam so it was down and it was it was a big goof okay well for the most part we just in case this entire thing in glass this is gonna be like a 7-eleven in Los Angeles with the turtles they'll be able to dish out some candy and put cigarettes through the slot it'll be perfect we'll put them to work to they'll be selling things from inside okay so Turtles are next have you played theme park from 1999 I sure did robbery was on a day two to two weeks ago when horrible got drunk on the rest is history cuz you don't remember anything he said well well oh you can't oh that's why he responded that way did you lie to us you said it went well we're basically your brothers and I can't even believe it Strom be let's get these Turtles in here so we can assess the situation oh wait can this door open how do we take a look at power oh okay we're gonna need to put a transformer there we go does anybody else having crazy plugs with barriers what's your problem what's the issue Wow 381 people we're making money the profit is that Plus thousand oh it's a new month I think oh and it's the end of the month okay you got to go to sleep it's late oh it's okay oh good turtles are here good both of them are here excellent I'm glad you're both here perfect all right now let's slow things down and make that habitat mana Poppa habitat all right let's see here let's go to terrain anthing move it all out perfect the monkeys sleep outside I guess they don't need a house water near barriers are actual enclosures animals ghosting through them I have not seen that be a problem now that we have each turtle here I can make sure their needs are met cater to my needs you don't appreciate how they threw those boxes down yeah that's okay it's just a digital turtle not a real one I love how the turtles are loners they don't they don't really need anything to be happy and the zoo small shelter is huge subscribers shout out like a hippo could sleep in here but up up up up up but up up up I've ever played GTA 3 yes what happened to the Dino dinner Dino has not had dinner yet it is still pending okay so we're gonna have how many turtles in here well let's see we've got four okay wait really one of each or wait oh this one doesn't have a friend the Alberta Canada giant tortoise okay and we'll need another one of them there we go and whatever good enough all right now next things are a food dish we'll need a water filter here too but also put some water over there hi there Miller P how you doing there we go and how you guys on plants I think these turtles are pretty cool with plants they don't really you know they don't really need much they're used to living on Islands oh we got a sprinkler cool they don't make them happy yeah you'll enjoy that crap okay um now let's put the other two in here oh my I'm really happy I finally built a zoo that's worth it I was always too fast when I was building my zoo but it's because I wanted to build big O's ooh and then have everyone fill it Jule do thank you very much for becoming a member you'll let me know if you want a turtle named after you or whatnot let me know thank you very much for the support we got $50,000 in the bank man this is great finally my first time welcome so let me I forget to put glass down dude dude dude dude is it possible to sink the shelter into the ground it is I can't believe I didn't think of that before [Music] that's great I don't know if the animals can get in there if it's too low we'll see we'll keep an eye on them how do the guests see the Turtles well you just got to be Superman that's all no we're gonna put in glass just gonna put in glass walls like this also you can certain enclosure so you can actually build like a bridge over it so if you want to you can dig like a pit and put elephants in it and then the guests can walk over the top and a cool to be able to see down at certain animals all right now our nonchalant begging for money there we go why I'm sure somebody will donate with all these lovely Turtles how could they not there we go we also have to do educate oh there's so much to do in this game there's so much to do donation bin yeah that's right it's the same as if somebody was to become a member you like turtles me too these are tortoises though a little different did I put these in here I think we're all good to go alright now we just need common ostriches next but oh and also need to do our little exhibit area over here too but stores around to extract money from the guests oh yeah we'll do that soon enough my child soon good magic does anyone know if I can give subs here like you can on twitch no unfortunately you can't but I did speak to YouTube and they will be doing that soon so that way people who can't afford it or whatnot can you know to become a member it only costs like $0.99 like literally less than going out for a cup of coffee even at a diner so if you want access to those emotes like it's it's so small amount of money that I don't even see much of it but it doesn't matter you guys can get access that way plus more members means that we owe a lot to do heroes as well Michael thank you very much very much appreciated yeah everybody can become a member today a lot of people drop like a super chat $0.99 it's the lowest tier so if you want that if you want your name highlighted in green and get it next little shiny badge next to your name that's a great way to support and of course with all this crazy D monetization on YouTube essentially it's like patreon so welcome to all the new members it's good to see ya it's 999 cents so it's like it's the lowest I could make it out so there you go enjoy Michael thank you for new members this stream that's great thanks guys wonderful why did they do monetize nobody really knows there's words that you could use that triggers the system political affiliations gun use etc etc so it's always nice to just have your audience supporting you even if the ads are not I make enough money though so that's why I put the tier down to 99 cents so that way it's like it's literally nothing to be able to use emotes and stuff it just makes it more fun in chat that's all that's why I if I could make it a penny I would but that's the lowest it goes but hopefully in the future that means I can give you guys subscription or memberships for free too on twitch twitch streamers have the ability to like pay for their audience so for you guys to be cool every once in a while to take like a hundred dollars and give it to a hundred viewers that'd be cool sorry your you love Pringles too much what we love you too strong be alright how much of the turtles bring it in 31 Dallas come on turtle skit come on do something interesting Scottie Stillman is a member today as well Scottie welcome aboard dude thank you very much for the support that is awesome is anyone else triggered by how this habitat is slightly off OCD alert you see the alert don't worry we'll put a bunch of trees around it you'll never you'll never know the difference yeah Strom B is epic he's so epic that he's actually clicking and tapping the joint button right now to become a member for only 99 cents a month early our friendship is worth that right Simon oh boy yep how's the turtle's welfare a good question enrichment is low they've only got the one sprinkler I guess I got to put another one in there huh also we need toys for the monkeys too I finally finished that Robbie has become a member how interesting they like the sprinkler too expected Wow yet another member why does the game make me do that where it tells me to unbox the Animus that's really weird like the veterinarian will come and pick up the monkey and then it'll just sit there in the box what the hell yeah I know it's a coincidence well may the Arby's and the wendy's be with you all in the KFC astronomy and during that KFC emote by the way well there you go yeah perfect yeah now yeah that's actually it's actually Strom B's face I deliver Raptor literally charges his friends to use their face that's it that's awesome so like a copyright violation I'm lit I'm literally literally using my own friends face as an emo but it's perfect put Strom B's face next to the KFC emote that's how he looks when he that's his natural habitat if we were to make a habitat for Strom be here it'd be like a box with a bunch of Metallica CDs and records couple of posters a bunch of black clothing some beer and then a bunch of chicken it's the way it works your face hurts again just use Strom B's face that's how I got do why there's 600 people in this park now and most of them are standing watching the Bears the Bears have not made love come on beerus get to it yeah there you go see Iram bees love for the colonel is eternal all right Wow this is incredible Tim Johansen thank you very much for becoming a member that is awesome yet another member here so cool thank you very much that is member number seven today I'll see if we can get her up to ten boys second tray has four turrets oh you think I should build more trays are you right cuz don't any different food or so remember yeah new members well so I need a filtration system too but we'll get to that eventually you've been following me for a few years since assault squad two awesome very nice yeah I'm glad so many people are I I'm assuming a lot of people are taking the 99-cent plunge at the very least so thank you it I think it's a lot to really you know to like have people trust you to in this current climate of the state of YouTube it's it's nice that people are actually kind of trustworthy of of the system at least Oh guys monkey business has some news we have to him I'm not supposed to be watching cuz it's night I work on the game I'm making what I Love You Man O'War is the best keep up the good work alright monkey business I won't I won't tell anybody so ok nobody in chat tell nobody in chat tell on them Oh someone told sorry I'm from Idaho bring me potatoes please oh we got oh we got alert happiness alert we've got an upset monkey what's the problem this is a big problem we can't we can't let happiness dip down let's go for uh what are the monkeys want and Richmond is only a 50% oh they want food enrichment alright research alright level three gotta get to that level four do we have wolves yet no I'm holding off I'm kind of irritated the fact that I've set this up unevenly but it's okay that's the sound the game makes when animals are trying to escape yeah a bunch of crazy animals here it's like you guys crazy okay we could do an exhibit let's see what we got for animals for exhibits also there's no sort options for this just give me the animal that cost the most oh here we go 2,300 let's go with that 124 I think we'll end up building a few exhibits anyway so it's fine Lyoness oh yeah let's check for that time we check the Lions again hopefully we get a rich Saudi prince to give us a lion or two gotta get lucky I guarantee there's like a hundred people right now just refreshing the market to try to get a cheap cheap lion ain't gonna happen hello from England hi there look at the damn drink lions everytime so many required drinks okay note to self we got to like square this up and fix the turtle enclosure or we'll just hide it with trees and you'll never know about it and I got to build a pathway here we'll build another enclosure here and here exhibits are good for earning conservation points release offspring to wild oh no we don't have a wolves yet but we'll get to it eventually I just this time I've been really cautious in that way it actually built this this is probably the worst looking Park I've ever made which is why it's making a ton of money it's like I knew it was gonna come down to that where the uglier it is the the more money it makes that's that's why I'm so successful on YouTube guys that's just that's my secret cats out of the bag and the bags in the river what what this is trying to snap to the enclosure but it's not actually there girls that's real you described the support level throughout the years huh of you - what do you timeout oh you mean of my viewers [Music] that what you mean YouTube viewers so as the years have gone on and I've gotten bigger and so more and more people are more vocal about things that they don't like or Beck's eating that type of thing oh it's just yeah there you go see this right there max eating right there but if people know something that you don't they'll be really vocal about it and a lot of people who use the same words all the time like yelling at my screen frustrating to watch you know whatever a lot of stuff is just meat memes have really made people kind of just most interactions now on the Internet kind of fall into like a hierarchy where like you could literally there's like a path where you could see where somebody's thing goes but yeah that yeah the live stream chat is a lot of spamming and shoutouts the first hour of a stream is usually when are you playing this when you playing that but overall viewer support has been like phenomenal but as you as you guys know the bigger a channel gets or the bigger business gets the more you know like the more things that come up but I think there are more and more people who don't say a word whose support then there are people who like her you know it's like the vocal minority but I love it I like I so long as I get to pick on you guys it's frustrating for me you know to be told what to do so so long as I get to pick on you guys and then not do it and then regret it later it works out in the end what kind of computer do I have check down below in the description there is a link to all of the stuff that I have very good all right well thanks again everybody for clicking and tapping that like button before we go let's see if we can get up to 400 likes that'll be pretty close to the amount of people we have right now so if you haven't yet liked let me know you want to see more planet zoo finally we have a zoo that's functional finally we're making tons of money so as we go on now we'll finally be able to build onto this zoo so no more restarting for us let's try to keep this zoo going and we'll make changes to it and fix it as time goes on we finally have a zoo that works fantastic and we've got some really good rare animals so now we got to work on getting conservation points so we're gonna start farming conservation points by probably breeding maybe we can breed some monkeys or something like that looks like a little baby it's not a big one I don't know well we'll figure it out we'll try to get some more animals but this is all good oh there you go Wow already well over 400 likes there you go that's very nice awesome guys alright well that is it for today's stream I'm gonna go have myself some dinner so thank you everybody for dropping by and we will continue on with planets zoo and we'll continue on with this same zoo now for a long time I've incorporated a lot of my designs and things that I've earned and learned over the over the last few playthroughs so finally we get to kind of keep everything as is let's get a bunch of straw bees and chant if we could from all of our wonderful wonderful viewers if you want to copy and paste wrong bees face and chat go right for it members let's see we can get a wall let's get a strong B wall let's get it we don't need an enclosure wall we need a strong B wall right now so thank you everybody for being here I hope you all are having a great week so far and I will be back tomorrow maybe with more planet zoo but yeah probably more planet zoo but maybe similarly dangerous so I will see you all very soon strom B's dream has come true the channel that he joined when it was like thirty thousand members now half a million people are spamming his face a dream truly come true he could have never imagined it honestly you know his face to me it looks like it looks like chicken breast when you're at the grocery store and you're walking by the aisle and you just see like a bunch of chicken breast and chicken thigh it just looks like there's each little square as a vacuum packed sealed thing of chicken it they want to see that okay anyway I'm out of here you guys all have a fantastic good afternoon good evening good night and I'll see you soon welcome to all the new members thank you everybody especially astronomy for being here you all take care I'll see you soon hi everyone finally we got a working zoo I'm so proud yeah all right let's go out with a cool sound ooh and dollar 23 from anonymous anonymous anonymous anonymous thank you alright guys I'll see you soon let's go out with this one now that's too much let's go with this one no this one no this one there we go alright goodbye everybody have a good night it'll tax to make it silver but I'll see lon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Raptor
Views: 28,160
Rating: 4.888 out of 5
Id: tRbvvdUm9dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 193min 22sec (11602 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 01 2019
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