Giant Tortoises and a Huge Sandy Welcome Ball | Planet Zoo Franchise Mode - Part 1

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hello lovely people welcome to the geek of my impinge and welcome back to the planet Zoo beta and we are just here overlooking the very very beautiful Asian grasslands because we are now in franchise mode which means that we get to build a zoo in more or less the way that we would like to so you know there's no hand holding that we saw last time it's just us out there with all the tools building and getting stuff done however we see fit so yes this could be very interesting indeed and so last time we saw these scenarios if you're like we saw the career mode which is a series of challenges and the one we did was effectively the tutorial really wasn't it was telling us how to get the animals into the habitats and how to make sure the animals are happy and how to build walls and paths and all that kind of stuff so yeah we did that it was fine it was really really good I enjoyed it a lot but now we're here in franchise mode which is not exactly sandbox Mokka sandbox mode is not available in the beta as it stands right now but um this is franchise mode which means we have an amount of money we've got just shy of forty thousand dollars which is quite nice and we get to build pretty much everything that we have access to so we don't have access to everything because we have to unlock things we have to research things because we're playing us at a franchised version we've got zoos all over the place but in the current version in the beta we've got now we're hit this is the only place we can put one of our franchise zoos it is in the Asian grasslands and let's just take a look at where we are because it's very very lovely so if we go out into the actual Asian grasslands I mean it's really pretty so this is our sort of arrival Center which has been built for us and this is just sort of a default building it just sits there so it's got a little glass roof bit there's some sort of stone pillar type things and there's an entrance bit I am a little bit befuddled as to how the people actually arrive I mean I was expected some stairs or something else but no they just sort of I don't know do they just sort of teleport in Star Trek style I don't know I don't know how they get in but whatever the case the people get in here it's fine and they're paying I'm not bothered so they can arrive here and then they're gonna walk out here and end up in the lovely Asian grassland and let's just take a look at the size of the map because it is it's big it's a whopping great big map we zoom out there we go look there's little plays that was the visitors sort of arrival area and you can see a very faint white line so that is to the edge of where we can build that is huge and it goes all the way that way and it goes all the way I think it's sort of over to that corner almost that is that's a very big space that's a huge space but it's all really pretty look at it it's really pretty lots of like nice trees dotted round we can go and look at the Sun coming up over there Hales it's all very lovely so we need to get building really good the minute this isn't this terrible zoo there's nothing for anybody to do so I've got a couple of ideas I've got I've got some stuff I want to get done today number one I would like to get a habitat in for an animal and I've got idea what I want to do for that that's gonna go just here because I like the idea of people coming in and then going oh look there's an animal thing to look at right away I think that's good over here we'll have that I want a kind of feature thing just here so something to look at when they come around this corner there is a thing to look at and I've kind of got a loose vague idea about this unknown title how to implement it but I'll give it a go and then over here I think what we need to do is we need to have a little sort of staff only section there's a number of buildings that we are required to have like we need a Trade Centre in order to get animals in when we sort of purchase an animal we then put it into the Trade Centre and they go and get it out and then deliver it to the habitat so we need one of those we do surgery we need quarantine workshops and research centers that is where research happens it happens in both places weirdly enough and so yeah there's two types of research so that's we're gonna unlock things for the animals so we unlock this with little food enrichment items and all that kind of stuff and then the workshop unlocks different themes and different sort of shops and stuff that we can have staff Center is essentially a staff room so we need all those things in so what I'm thinking is we have a little staff village if you like down here with a lot of those buildings in maybe not the keeper hood so I can go over nearer to the sort of the habitat but yeah like a staff area over there might be a good thing so wait I want to create a staff path over there right now though right now I'm gonna create a thing just here and what I would like is I want the path to come down to sort of over here and then I'm gonna create a a sort of I never us a squared off kind of kind of verb sort of pool area I'd like there to be a pool just here with watering and we can have fountains so it can look all lovely you can have like a nice round to the area so well and then we'll fill it with water and then and then it'll look pretty and then I want to put something in the middle of it we'll see if that works it might not work so well just to preface all this I'm not overly experienced with planet zoo kind of building mechanics I'm not really with planet coaster either so I'm relatively new to this so there will be some some no so there'll be lots of faffing and miss clicking and me going how do I do that hang on a minute let me go and find out and all that kind of stuff and I have watched a couple of tutorials on this from the excellent geek ISM and the excellent Paul's Legion what I will put links to the tutorial that I have watched in the video description below if you also want to go watch them but then yeah they're both very knowledgeable out this that big planet coaster player so the mechanics are more or less the same so while one to do first is let's expand this path we have a rustic path I quite like the rustic path I did look at some of these other paths but I think that one works quite well so what I want to do is I want to bring the path down here but I wanted to be in line with this so I think what we do is we go a line to grid and then you say yes align it to the grid than this bit of path is on please and if we click that and that it just snaps it to a nice grid so the path will be lovely and straight it's not gonna go off at silly wonky angles that kind of stuff it is snapping to that which I believe is the world grid his world grid the individual buildings have their own grids and all this kind of stuff so yeah there's a lot of getting used to I'm sure when you play this a lot it becomes second nature but from the off it is quite there's quite a lot going on right so I put out three like that and then we'll have yeah we'll bring it back that way Jake that's quite a big area for the exhibit that I'm thinking of so we'll have that and then we'll bring it like this so how far is that one that's one two three four so one two three and four so bring that across like that and then this can be our little sort of I just liked the idea of them walking through the doors and then seeing an exciting thing like at Disneyland you walk through the doors at Disneyland and you see the the sort of get the castle that you the big pink castle that's kind of one of the things you see in front of you you look down whatever the streets called Disney Street at something I don't know and then the II see the castle so I kind of want this to be the first thing that people will see they'll go there's a nice thing so we've got this what I want to do now is I want to dig I want to dig a hole so let's dig it dig a hole so let's go through and let's make that a little bit bigger and we'll just dig dig a big old hole now one thing I have learned in deed is that it does not dig under the paths it doesn't dig under the path so the paths remain but you can dig around the hole don't not there though no that was a terrible idea don't do that so yeah let's dig into here look so we'll dig around here just to dig this out of here diggy diggy hole to level that bit out that side so bring that in on there right that's lovely that's a hole and what I want is we're going to have some water in it with fountains which is nice but also I kind of want a feature of some description I want to put in a shape so I've gone I did I mean this might be this might be nonsense it might be a terrible idea and it might not work but let's give it a go shall we so we'll have that and we want the shape to be quite high so we're gonna put in a rectangle shape now do it can we get it a little bit higher yeah there so now we need to put this in the middle so let's see if I can figure out where the middle of this hole is how about more or less sort of there ish that looks sort of like the middle coming any more above yet so what they'll do just there so it builds as a sort of terrain lump if you like and then I want to put a great big a great big sphere on the top I don't really know why I just kind of do so let's make just put a great big sphere on the top and raise it up that's a little bit too big the width is slightly too grand you like that look I got I like the idea yes when this might require some trial and error kind of stuff going on but I'm yeah well we'll give it a go so we need to bring it up I still think that's a bit big it's a little bit big bring it down yeah like that there so make that you know what it can be worn bigger can we not up 11 there we go what if we put it there is that that that's probably a bit better hang on come we can we drop down and fall from the sky yeah that's better so you walk through you walk through here you come and move out the way so you come through the doors and you go yeah I'm gonna be a lovely place incidentally this is it was called the lovely zoo this is the lovely - but the lovely zoo is a huge ball for no reason so there we go a huge ball for no reason which is fun around the edge I don't want this grass so let's just them let's change the inside to say smooth to some smooth rock here on smooth rock fm so we'll put some smooth rock on the inside because that sounds like a nice thing to do so we'll just make sure the inside looks nice so yeah lots of smooth rock on the inside and then across the top let's have some short grass are we not this long grass there's protruding through our path well have some we'll have some short grass thank you very much so we'll pop that along there like so and then what we can do is we can put some water in here so we can put water in up to a certain level let's put it up - let's put it up to the top there we goes we've got some water in there as well so that's that's nice that's certainly a thing that we've turned okay and then we need to build something around the edge now I think in notes in construction there's kind of like a wooden architecture there's a fence or a wall that's it's a it's a wall but we'll use it as a low wall there might well be a fence but I wasn't sure where it was so when yeah where is it I like there there there look a wooden plank wall that's just a meter high that'll do if we just rotate that round just better selves a little fence around the edge if I do want on the slightly higher hmm yeah maybe that one actually was thinking people are probably gonna try and jump in so that might stop people jumping in thinking annoying so well yeah we'll do this so if we just snap that if we put that right to the edge and hopefully that will fit quite nicely so if we go okay one of those right now we're in will be an editing group five okay fine so I've been fiddling around with stuff so we'll have a bit there and a bit there okay so we've got a little fence around the outside and then I want to want to copy the fence I want to grab that grab that grab that grab that and I'm trying to remember the shortcuts is it ctrl D do I stop ctrl C like everything else but there we go so ctrl D we'll copy it and then we'll put it just there yeah that'll do and then we can copy that because we know this is a square copy that rotate it round with Zed pop that into position just there and come out of that and we've got ourselves a little fence around it yeah we've got a thing marvelous okay now I want to go down to construction there is where is it is it special effects yeah okay so there are some special effects but I want to put in so we've got ourselves where I got dirt for right fountain jets can we put fountain jets in that's not a large fan teacher one of these things sprays quite high one of those is grow that's mist I wonder it's because time isn't moving that we can't see anything because these things I think do yeah there you go look fountain jet large no that's those no huge big big gigantic things spraying into the sky like from a fountain where are they that's smoke that's no exciting I've right hang on it must be one of these out there water jet large there that's what we want we want a few of these right is there a giant one so I want to put a few of these in it can we put them in the water well they still come out of the water that's not where my cursor is pointing game I don't know I think the girls pointing it ain't pointing just there how about we just put them around the edge so let's just sort of maybe put one there and one on oh that's quite see where they're going one just there and one on that little corner and one on this corner so then there's a like a nice sort of found any sort of effect going on so you walk in and you see that is a ball or hang on we need to pause it because the inspectors arriving in 23 months and is gonna say hang on a minute you've had two years know you've built is a fence in a ball for no reason so he goes we've got that going on and I think there is stuff here as well there is stuff here like waterfalls and stuff can we have a look at the waterfall effect it'd be nice if we could get this but the waterfall effect from the ball I don't know what to do with the ball I mean we could cover it in a slightly different texture that would be quite nice why isn't that working waterfall effect why the waterfall effects not working but if I just put one down no there is him to do anything we'll undo that because it cost money and waterfall bottom yeah these aren't doing anything I thought there would be some slightly yeah why don't the effects actually show me what they're doing okay nevermind you know what it's fine we'll come back to that shortly but I like the fact that we do have a centerpiece I think we will just maybe change what it looks like it's like so heavy soil long grass short grass that means snow just make it snowy I made you yeah I was gonna say it's pretty quite warm here that's just going to melt ok auto-paint ok well that just makes it look craggy no don't do that I don't want it to look craggy and how about sand can we make it look a bit sandy oh that looks quite cool can we do that yeah okay yeah let's make you look a bit sandy and then it can just be a big sandy ball that's fine we'll have we'll have a big sandy ball just in the way in and people can come in and go oh that's nice and it can be I don't know maybe we'll put something on it at some point for right now actually there are there are letters on now and if we can put letters on it it looks much better like that it looks much nicer like that it looks a lot smoother and lovely there we go right we'll also get the bottom bit done and there we go so we've got that hang on a little bit that I've missed a little bit at the bottom I've missed there there we go look a slightly obscure centerpiece but I'm quite happy with it it's dropped in-hye for a little bit get the bottom there okay yeah there you go so there's a ball a ball with a sandy one there we go I don't know what to do with that right hang on there might be letters in here I swear I saw in here like letters could we put like welcome around that as you walk in let me confirm where they might be there are indeed letters we can have letters which is very exciting so what we're going to do is we're gonna make it kind of of SeatGeek cupboard theme so I think we'll have welcome written along the front of the globe of the ball now can we make this any bigger can we make the letter any bigger or are we just stuck with it being that size I mean it's okay it's fine but we can see it no I don't think we can actually adjust its size so now we just want to make sure that when we get to the front it says welcome and we have welcome written on it okay so let's have a word and then we need to go and find an e and I imagine yeah okay so it's sticking with the same colors which is good so again I'm just gonna have to kind of make sure it looks good rather than it actually snapping to any sorts of grids or anything there's an L I will admit they're quite hard to work out what letters they are looking at that so well and see where we can move these around I believe anyway if they're slightly off-center which might move them over a tiny bit that is that is not those a Q that's a no there we go that's better that's how you spell welcome that's an M like that and then get ourselves a little bit of the letter e there drop that in welcome is there an exclamation mark that would be nice if we had an exclamation mark or an exclamation point whatever I call it and no there's not do you know what that's absolutely fine right now can we just grab those items can we select them all no I don't think we can pick them but we can select them all at the same time it'd be nice if we could multi select those and I just want to move them over a tiny tiny bit and what's move em okay fine let's just move them over the tiniest bit just to shove them over just to make it ever so slightly more central so I don't think it's right in the middle there we go that's gonna look much better okay like that and do that I mean ideally ideally we'd make that into a sort of a globe of some description but I mean I'm very new to this I don't know how we'd make it blue and then put continents on it so that's your maybe a step too far but we've got a good a welcome thing this is welcome on it array right brilliant okay and now what I want to do is we're going to have a staff path going over here and the staff village can be over there so let's get ourselves a special staff perfect I like the the blue path there it's what we'll do is how about again we align that as come out this way actually we align that to the grid and it can just go swim it we'll put something just here like a bush or something we'll put something there and they can come out from here so we want to align it to the grid so we'll put it say there and then hang on so there to that hang on a minute hang on there I want a bit build just here you're now defying me game for a hang on hang on I must have done that wrong or something stupid right deselect grid select grid there there we go that's much better so the staff path can just sort of go along here and the other that all those staff buildings are gonna have to go along here somewhere so if we just draw a staff path no straight line we don't do these fancy pants right now flying platforms okay pipe flying platforms are fine we can have that and then along here let's put all of those buildings that we need let's get them all down right now so those things in here pop from the keeper hoods so let's get us off staff centres research centres workshops all that kind of stuff I want to put a little kind of little area for these I like the idea of having a little sort of staff village so let's go down into facilities okay so let's search on this so research centre so there's two types that I've discovered there is either Pawnee Zoo Research Center small which is a building that has been skinned if you like they have put all the stuff around the outside of that and themed it so it's got walls and a roof and a sigh and all that kind of stuff so you can put that down if you like but you could also just put down a plain Research Center so it's just got kind of like prefab walls and you just sort of you just decorate it how you like you make it look how you wish so what we do is we'll put the Research Center in I think in fact you know what let's go back to path for a second nope as I line it to a grid please oh it's okay it's not it's not aligning to agreed as much as they thought it would do hang on a minute line to grid there I want a bit going out like that and then we'll put a bit there like that and then on this corner here come out of that then we're gonna get ourselves in facilities we'll put the research centre in so it can sort of fit quite nicely just say there so it can fit in the edge so it has to make you have to link to the path so I think if we put it there that is fine so let's just drop that in there maybe and then we can work on that so drop that in so that's a research centre and then next to that let's get ourselves a workshop cuz workshops do more or less the same sort of thing they do different types of research so we'll have a workshop and we'll put that next door if we can if we can figure that out so yeah be nice if that snapped with it wouldn't it be nice if that actually went in the same editing thing as that'd be lovely I don't if it will don't know if it will I kind of want it in the same place as this one if there's a way you can do that I wonder if there's a way that we can somehow snap the other building whatever it was snap the workshop which now no longer present the list even though it's not built again to the same grid as this I wouldn't right hang on there might be a way to do it select group hang on a minute so is blue for an edit group mode so now I wonder if we can go down to facilities and build bad there oh yes indeed I just did a thing everybody okay so put that in and that means if we add it to these two buildings then we can put the same kind of building items around the same buildings so we can put walls and moves and all that kind of stuff and it will all fit quite nicely okay so two of those are in that's marvelous how about over this side we put ourselves the staff center because they probably want to get to that quite urgently so yes staff room it cause it on here so let's put that in us what do you want to put that in a different thing do you want to put that into that editing group sure what way it all make sense it'll fit so let's put that just there so we've got one of those and then when your Trade Center which is very important so a Trade Center I think that can go right opposite put it on with those three things I think we put it opposite I think we put it on this other side just here because that again is gonna be quite important that's an important building for us to have so trade center just there and then I think let's put the vet and the quarantine next to the Trade Center so it's nearby so a vet spell it right so a vet oh this looks big Oh the vets is quite a huge structure okay fine right the vet is big let's try and go through the trees rustle it round swivel it round okay vet and what was the last one we need a quarantine okay quarantine oh also looks big even though it claims to be small but it fits perfectly into that gap that we've got just there oh that's excellent okay so do that anything is that there clearly is a tree sticking out of the quarantine area we might need to move the tree so come out of that for now let's pick up the tree let's move the big old tree let's dig the tree put that at the end cuz that does look pretty the trees look really nice we'll pick you up as well think which move you over a tiny bit they go so go so it's not yeah the trees aren't encroaching into any of our buildings okay so come out of that so now we've got a little staff area we might then want to hide that away from people but we're gonna need some staff so we've to hire some people so let's go down here go and grab a saw some people so we want probably a caretakers gonna be quite useful probably only one of those will get a keeper for now because at the moment we're gonna have one exhibit right we might get ourselves two mechanics because the mechanics gonna fix things but also you do work in one of the research things so I think what happens is if you only have one they get a mechanic's job and they leave the workshop and go and do whatever needs to do and they don't carry on the research so we'll give ourselves a couple of these again money is relatively a material at the moment so a couple of mechanics and then a couple of vets as well because the vets do wander off and do other stuff but no let's get one vet for now let's get one vet ok good so we've got that in so now what we can do is now we need to decorate these at some point because clearly these are not very well themed buildings it's sort of waiting to have deck or put around them but we can start work on some stuff so if we look in there into workshop number two the facility has power which is a good thing and so what we gonna do is we can view the workshop and then these are the things that we can research so we've got two mechanics that can do all these lovely things so I think what we might do is let's go for the New World theme let's get ourselves a brand new theme oh there's the India theme new world theme or the classic theme I don't know if the classic theme would work here not entirely sure the new world theme seems to be the most logical thing so I think we just drag you on there and say go and do some work please um maybe we will research something else as well maybe staff facilities would be a good thing all but we could research some food and drinks jobs or even some better power facilities or some souvenir shops so what souvenir shows now let's go for drink drink might be sensible we're in the we're in the brinda sort of the plains the Asian plate it's quite warm so that's that outlined we've got that done and we'll deck all that up at some other point here's all our staff so now I think we need an actual ago habitat for some animals to go into at the moment we've got nothing going on nothing is happening so let's get ourselves another path and there are like natural paths is really nice it's just sort of just sort of like mud paths you can have but we will continue with our rustic path and we might have it coming straight from here so let's have been going from there and it can just come straight round this way so we'll have it come into sort of here and then it can then I want it sort of curved round that way and then we'll have it come into just here maybe could have two two exhibits maybe two habitats so one here and one there that might be quite nice or do we want one big oh we could have one big long one big long thing just hit you what that might work quite well actually that might work quite well let's not have quite as many bits there so I mean yeah we just bring that round so that could come across like that and that can come across to there and then I just quite like it just curve around the back if that's at all doable I think they're in the same line yeah so now don't do the grid and then what we can do is we'll just make that bit longer we'll bring that round to say can we snap that to an angle two there and two oh it's a little bit wobbly there isn't it it's a little bit wobbly hang on do we need to just have a tiny section like that and then a five five metre bit yeah looks like it's tapering at the end there it's like it's tapered ah because this is wider okay right no Eddy undo that what width is this oh I don't know what I don't know what width the path is over there hang on well it must be smaller than five it must be four metres yeah that looks about right so if we go there like that that can't quite meet up with there because it doesn't like it rise a length of not very much was it to that we did before it's a length of two and they a length of five to snap it still a bit wobbly it's still a little bit wobbly round the back there hang on length of one pop that on I think the five yeah there we go that looks much nicer there we go also a thing that I did see on them on a tutorial was if we do this because I quite like the idea of the rounded corners so I think rounded corners is this gonna work is this gonna work so if we do that just there and then we delete the path we then get a nice rounded corner to it so if we say you know just do that that puts a path in and then you go a July one the path by just right oh no that that's gone hold on there we go it makes it sort of a nice smooth edge rather than being this sort of angular kind of thing which I like the smooth edge more I think it looks nice I don't know why it doesn't do that by default but whatever the case they go look nice smooth corners and we'll have that up here as well because that looks nice so that says drop in a little smooth corner just there there we go marvellous okay so now this is space for our very first habitat for our first animal so you might be wondering what the first animal is that we're going to put into our zoo what is it going to be is it gonna be something exciting and dramatic like a tiger or a lion or an elephant or wolves or something like that no no no we're not gonna go for anything show me off you like that we're gonna go for something it's more majestic I would say more slow and majestic and powerful because we're gonna go for giant tortoises oh yes indeed so the first thing we're gonna put in a three joint tort Isis which is marvelous we're gonna have Bala Neill who is elated tor toys and a Johnny who is it was a man tortoise and were leader who is a lady tor toys so we're gonna have those three and also these have been crapped as well there's some tape ears and some ostriches we'll put those in later but right now I just like the idea of having these in it's a nice introductory animal you walk through the doors and you've got some tor toys is there to look out yeah they're not being over-the-top you're not going to crowd the entrance so we're just gonna get these guys in so they're in our little sort of animal storage thing right now so we need to get them and habitats sorted so let's get a habitat I know any barriers first that's what we need and I think we could probably go with wooden logs I don't think we're there at risk of escaping through wooden logs so we're walled is we'll get some wooden logs sorted we'll put them over in fact know what we need to do is now because there's curves all hello there's that there's the sandy ball hello and what we need we need something they can follow the curves of this really so what I'm gonna do is I think the wooden logs and the wooden logs can't bend for some reason like glass you can have curved sections but the wooden logs for some reason you can't identify beta I don't that's by design or whatever so what we'll do is if I let's put red brick down because it's 175 and what we'll do is we'll put some red brick down it can be curved and what we'll do is we'll just curve it around the edge of this thing around the edge of the path and then we'll turn it into wood so I think we can do that at a later point so bright so start it coming down here so I went to be right near the edge which is marvelous Oh put that there right curve it round okay right make a slightly shorter section to just there and then can we have that a bit longer can we now bring it round or slightly too long maybe a five-meter section still a bit too long for me four meters yeah maybe we need that to come down to say three then so I have a three metre section to it it's two or four okay fine no no there's three three is in the middle okay so we'll have a three meter section now this isn't this isn't working how I'd planned it maybe ah I wonder if we need to build this thing and then build the path around the edge maybe that's what we need to do build this because the paths are a snap to snap to habitat option so we could snap it to the walls of the habitats we could build the habitat how we like and then have the path following the habitat okay right that makes more sense right okay now I think can we just compared we do we just right-click stuff and it goes away okay that's fine so can we right click some of these paths let's just get rid all the work we put in to make those passwords never mind right get rid of the paths now we build the habitat so that's but the barriers in so we'll have it like this we'll start just hearsay and that makes a bit more sense and then we'll build the we'll build this around the edge so let's go for whoa that is some big sections right there where we okay so walls that have merged that bring that in short on that a little bit what if there's a keyboard shortcut for that I do not know yeah we need to bring that down of tiny bits of bring it to say there that'll do and again and again and then of them you can make this a bit longer so we can make that slightly longer we can see roughly where the path dared to go which is quite useful so we can see sort of where the path went in order for us to build roughly along those lines which is quite useful so we'll do that build this in brick and I'm fairly certain that what we can do is turn this into into wood I think that's what we can do so let's just sort of curve that round coming through say their hand into them oh that's a bit long let's bring that down let's pop that there bend it round Bend that round and then meet up can you meet up just there please is that is that doable yay marvellous okay so now we've got that they doesn't look very it doesn't look very good does it there well we need to move some of these points around as well so I think we can so to just drive we press that hang on a minute hang on can we move you can we move that point around yeah so you can move the sort of the pillars around which is quite nice so we can make it a little bit more rounded so if we drag that out like that because it looks a little bit that side looks a little bit sort of squished there Joe what I'm quite happy with that so now if we do if we do this thing there's a little sort of grabby tool that we can do where is that Oh game just there I think so yeah we want a kind of kind of swoosh around the edge with that so grab all of those bits and now of that size terrible oh that's a no-no right that's really one collides we can't have that hang on let me move this oh no you I'm now moving the whole thing no abandon that idea here can we move can we just move that one pillar about because that's really not very good at all is it that's all sorts of wonky hang on these trees are sort of in the way you know what that's probably fine that'll do so now I think yeah we need to do the Selective thing again so I think if we do that then we can just go wee all the way around the edge like that and then can we do that with wood yes okay so you can't build curved wood but you can't build something else and turn it into curved wood okay and I think we can have a one meter thing I don't think we need to make sure that the they're not going to escape I think the tortoises are not going to break free and now we can put the path around the edge so if we go to here there is a snap alongside barriers option which is quite encouraging so also let's put it to a line to grid will have that grid so yeah so it can come around mmm okay that's not yeah align it to the grid but then snaps the berries as well can I that's not gonna work like that is it right hang on so that can go like that and then if we take that off ah oh oh that's that's that's beautiful yes and a long slightly too long it was a slightly too long like that and then me up here yeah yeah oh yeah like that so what I'm happy with that that will do I'm pretty content with that that post needs to move back a little tiny bit doesn't it can we double click that and get that post why is the plus yeah I'd like it if that was a little bit more flexible cuz I can't do that from up in the sky which is unfortunate right I just moved that over a little bit move that to say there okay so now we've got that run they need a gate to get in I think we can just have a wooden gate and what we do is we'll put the little um the house thing the keeper her over there so the gate can maybe go there that works I'm allowed to put a gate just there and then we need to get ourselves in terms of facilities we need a keeper hurt so we could again pick the the themed one we won't we'll go for our own one we'll go for our own little version molders we'll put it maybe we'll put it here and then is that even is that straight yes okay so we're pretty here we'll connect up with a path momentarily and then yeah what I'd like to do is then theme that as well but we'll put some stuff around it but yeah well theme this up so it looks all pretty so people might come by and think it looks rubbish but oh yeah we'll sort that out and put in the future and then we just need to connect that up to a path a bit like that that will do quite happy with that it's connected to a path it's all marvellous okay so now we need to actually put the animals in here are are so we want to go to animal trading and in here and I think we can select all three of them I believe can we do all three of them can you select them all no go do it one by one that's another fiddly isn't it and right okay so we'll have you and we'll put you into habitat one thank you and then we'll have you I will move you into habitat one and we will have we moved Trade Center you right and then and then you as Johnny you can go into just there okay right marvellous news now we need to actually let the game play because this has all been paused what are they whinging about oh they were complaining but now they are not complaining okay marvellous but also a people coming in cuz this is now going to be Tenley be open how do people arrive I'm intrigued to watch how this happens because nobody here just yet because there is nothing for people to see cuz there are no animals and but I think you've got them they've got them they've got they've got them they're gonna put their me and it's gonna be glorious again we're gonna need to work on this habitat and then I think will be odd that'd be good that'll be a good starting point so we've got our crazy like crazy whatever that is we've got a thing just there which is fun and there we go look yes we've got ourselves out first things yeah yellow animals so let's pause time again and let's have a little look at what we need to do for these guys cuz their habitat is not gonna be right at all so need some hard shelter a shared space is critically insufficient the terrain is also not right so there's too much long grass too much long and not enough sand okay we can absolutely sort that out and let's give you some fine sand let's just give you some fine sand down that end I love the way that you can control all this is it changed it's really really clever how it does it right so that down I will also sand over there as well so that's lovely right in terms of terrain they're quite happy with that what I might do is put some short grass in cuz there's just about the right amount of long grass and this is the top of long grass and the minimum of shore grass if we switch that round that might redress that balance ever so slightly so yeah well we'll change that round just remove some of that longer grass lovely okay so I think that's okay and then yet we need some hard shelter so we need some of that stuff also plants Oh however the plants are fine are they there's no plants in there you could have fooled me I suppose that counts as being in there I guess that's absolutely fine so what do we want we want African biomes of temperate or grassland okay so let's go into let's go into nature and we can filter this so continent Africa even though we're in Asia right now that's fine and yeah grassland absolutely let's go for that then so biome grassland cuz that's where we are let's put a few of these trees in our Bab tree oh they could be fun oh that's what okay that's the biggest tree ever okay maybe we won't put one of those in back there they're quite big a candelabra tree they're not quite as grandiose okay so let's just put a couple of those in maybe over this side they probably like that so that's good so a couple of though actually no I don't like that one being there let's move you I also rotate you around a bit you don't look exactly the same and will lower your height a little tiny bit just to make it look a bit more oh we not do that there we go so you're slightly different so you saw through the floor what else can we have a marula tree oh they're quite nice let's put one of those over that side another day of there being some nice trees over there and then own Eccles lovely that's nice um maybe an acacia tree over there might be quite nice right and then I want to put some rocks and stuff in as well oh that thing is huge oh my word and that's a little bit overpowering it's also a little bit overpowering oh these are quite nice can we have some of those let's pop some of those in maybe a just around the edges look just to make it maybe around the bottom of the trees to make a lot of they're growing around the base of the tree coz there another one of them what are we on well think of we selected oh it's this oh they go papyrus ths or some sorta smaller ones pop that round sort of here oh yeah like that that looks quite nice and then where are we for a stage one two or three as in the ones are the ones you're sort of individual little little things so we'll put maybe a couple of them around the bottom of that tree as well so now the only thing they need then is some hard cover and also some food stuff of course we've not actually got anything for them to drink or eat from food bowls and it's not suitable for a tour toys what about a species and old opera joint tour toys okay right that makes sense a small water bowl or a water pipe will have a water bowl what we'll do is we'll put a thing just here so we'll have some stuff over in this corner and then we'll have something over here so people can go and view them sort of eating a stuff on different and then a trough medium food trough because there is three of them so maybe they'll need that so we'll put a trough just there and then a food trough say on this side they're very nice if you're going to look over and watch them eating and stuff if you so wish so that's that done we do need some shelter so all right for food so gonna be good for that we do need to give them some shelter so that's the only thing we're lacking that's good in Richmond we can't do that yet another tutor was just like yeah put some things in we can't do that we have to unlock that we have to research that kind of thing and you know why actually let's do that right now before we build ourselves a little sort of stone cave for them to live in let's actually go and sort that out let's go to vet research and put Lupe Schaffer researching the Aldabra giant tortoise so they would do research and they unlock sort of fun things food and Richmond items some other stuff I don't know what they are I'm not a touch of what those things mean that might be sort of Zhu pedia kind of entry a fact and that some extra food items I'm not sure but the vet will run off to research center and do that which is marvelous so now I need to find some rocks in order to build them a kind of a little rocky shelter thing which I might put in the middle oh yes another thing I need to put down first let's put this down they've got this sort of habitat bedding extra large let's put that down maybe we'll put that this end actually yeah let's put that there we'll build the sort of their their rocky structure over here around this bedding so that's that dude right I need to go and find where great big stones might be okay conveniently rocks are in their own little bit so in nature there is a rocks and tab thing on the left so they're in here I think what we might do is we might go for some savanna rocks that looks quite nice because it goes on grassland look and that's quite nice that's where we are these things are quite big they are certainly not little rocks okay right so we need to build a kind of overhang for these now we can sink things into the ground if we so wish so let's have a look then so what do we want to do let's try to swivel that round that could be quite good for the this of the rock at back so put that in there and then we just kind of want to build this up these are all huge we've got any slight out there that's a bit better I'm a puff miss it's gone to the wrong hang on how do we make it go to the right axis not that one that's what was it round swear there was a thing to turn that round maybe that's just have that one looks it's just like that right case we've got into there these are medium sized rocks now are they oh and I favorited that one yay I love that rock okay let's go to here look let's see if we can build around this and then we'll put some sort of hanging kind of vine things on is what which might look quite nice so let's drop that down a bit more so pop one of those they're swivel that round I put another one of those there might be quite nice that could come in sink that down a tiny bit like that get another one of those let's bring that up a beer swivel it round to put that there can we get one of the big bear they're very big they're very very big how about one of those so bring that into there and the swivel that round and pop that there and then we just don't need to build over the top of these with different types of rocks so let's what about that one raise that up so put that say they're sort of that round put another one on top like that get another different rock maybe I can fill in perhaps that gap just there can we get a slightly bigger rock that's a bit too big it's a bit too big yeah that's good take that rock that's a good Rock swivel it drop it down a little bit also do the same on that side to put that there and then yeah we need two more rocks going across the front I would say so do that bring that down so that can still sit in there like that will swivel that round and bring that down just to give us a little bit of extra stuff for the front and then yeah then we just need to cover this up we need to sort of cover that up because that's what they're gonna want oh look at that that's perfect that is a big flat rock that is absolutely well the doctor ordered yeah okay right so we'll put that there perhaps and then maybe get some smaller ones just to sort of yeah go one there maybe get another littler one to swivel around a beer can go or how's that gonna look if I put that in your that might be all right that might be okay I won't mind another little bit of cover coming in now look at that now and now I find all the flat rocks that have been useful just a little while ago okay bright hang on these are big and flat that's big and Square and flat marvelous yes put I don't know one of those in like that I just have to finish that off quite nicely right okay is that is that good enough for you to toys --is is that okay you're happy with this hard shelter shelter space is critically insufficient to cover all animals giving you a shelter it's a big covered thing it's just here I've got a big rock cover for you what more do you need I mean you're not gonna get any harder than that let's be honest it's made of massive stones maybe I need to move the the game on for it to register that that is what they want they don't really know hard shelter critically insufficient is only 22% oh my goodness me and no preference for water no preference for climber ball okay do we use need to put more rocks in maybe we just do that then maybe we'll just chuck some more rocks in just see what happens I would have thought that would have been enough we put that rock in does that increase the shelter valley hang on hang on hang on right move that to there does that help with the shelter in any way shape or form don't know if it does but that there okay now I'm really confused well now it's gone down to 14 why is the shelter gone down to 14 percent the excitingly our animals are in hello animals how are you oh this is very good hi yeah they're in low can there's people there's people coming to actually look so yeah they can see I grotty sort of staff buildings will sort that out next time but at the moment they can look in and see the lovely tortoises the giant tortoise is no less my goodness me there's a lot of people around I came one final thing we need to do let's just pause it very quickly at the minute we're making no money apart from sort of no making nothing because people come in for free it seems so what we need to do is we need to go to facilities and we clear that down and we'll put these so some donation boxes I says pop them around the edge so one on each side would be quite a sort of prudent thing I think sort of one there one there one over near this viewing area just as here and we'll have one over on this side as well so there we go so we've got ourselves some tipps boxes um yeah it confuses - what's going on with that there why what's hard shelter then what constitutes a hard shelter right hang on let me look into it there's a special view look there's an actual special shelter view that you can actually look at so we've only got a bit of shelter just here and that's it so that is not enough so I think what we need to do is we just need to put more rocks in and then more roof bits come back to that and see if that makes any difference their shelter I shall do that now I'll just Chuck some more rocks in and see if that does the job there we go if I did a big rock across the front so it's a great big rock hanging over the front now and the front has been narrowed a little bit you know add to the privacy and make it a little bit more dark and Cavey in there so hopefully that should be okay although the numbers are confusing me now so you here in this habitat you've got a value of naught percent for hard shelter but you have got 24 as have you at the bank so yep all three of your in the same habitat but you've got different values for hard shelter which I don't really understand I don't fully understand what's going on there so maybe that we'll look at that next time we'll see what happens maybe when they go inside nothing hey this place is actually pretty good I like it yes hard shelter can go up please I also threw in some reeds and stuff as well just to make it look a little bit greener cuz that's a lot of rock there's a lot of rock right there there's an awful lot of stone going on so yeah I put some greenery in just to make it look slightly less rocky so hopefully they will be happy with that but that is it that is our first besides in the giant tortoises or tortoises however you want to pronounce it are in hopefully they will be happy they seem to be relatively popular there's quite a lot of people around the place we've got some tips boxes as well as if it could cook some money at us if they so wish which is marvelous and I think what we'll do is we'll finish things up for now and next time I think what we do is we'll sort out the staff area so we'll sort out the staff area will put some nice sort of stuff around those because they're a bit oaky right now so we'll sort that out and we'll put another habitat in over here we got a few of those and we'll have a bit here for the guests so you might have like a little sort of food court type area thingamabob sopes and so things around here some tables and chairs and trees and planters and make this bit look sort of all pretty and nice because that's quite a good thing to have on the way in and out so you know you might go to grab a drink on your way in grab something to eat or on the way out and it's the loo or whatever so we'll put that over here as well but I think I'm quite happy with that I like the way this looks I mean yet compared to other people under the Internet this is probably not the best because it's all flat this is a lot of rocks but I'm quite happy with that I like that I think it looks very nice so yeah there's still quite a bit to do but but there we go so one thing is in that is Marvis we'll come back we'll add some more but we'll finish up for now hopefully you have enjoyed this if you have then please do leave a like that would be splendid indeed and also if you're not already then please do subscribe to keep up to date with all the other stuff that we are going to get up to in Planet Zoo beta but for now thank you very much for joining me in the geek covered and I will see you next time flying rhinos are not allowed pink hippos are fine but no flying rhinos doing that for that length of time is making me feel very uncomfortable you look violating me with your weird zebra eyes get on Miss stick okay this is just an acid trip if we can crash into a rainbow then something is fundamentally wrong with the world whoa you cheating giraffe get
Channel: The Geek Cupboard
Views: 3,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geek cupboard, the geek cupboard, british lets play, planet zoo, planet zoo game, planet zoo gameplay, planet zoo lets play, planet zoo beta, planet zoo review, zoo builder, zoo tycoon, zoo management, zoo simulator, planet zoo ep 1, planet zoo part 1, planet zoo franchise, planet zoo franchise mode, planet zoo new zoo, planet zoo getting started, planet zoo giant tortoise, planet zoo tortoise, planet zoo terrain tool
Id: vtIrEzHRFlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 50sec (3290 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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