Colchester Castle - Q+A

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I’d like to give credit to Ryan for the whole “orb” thing. Shane makes him out to be crazy for even bringing it up, but I feel if Ryan hadn’t mentioned it “the orb” thing would have popped up as a question in the Q&A.

I believe Ryan ISN’T and “orb guy” but is just trying to be thorough and give the viewers the most to their experience in the castle. Ryan does a good job citing ridiculous theories in several other videos (most importantly the zombie theory for Roanoke) even if he doesn’t believe them.

Please tell me your thoughts if you agree or disagree, I’d love to hear someone who’s viewpoint is along the lines of “nah, Ryan’s just batshit crazy” lol

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/QuirkyQuiora 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey guys we have a special announcement for you at the end of the post mortem stick around for that it's gonna be something really exciting yeah and actually mean that I know it didn't sound very excited oh it's very exciting it's very exciting it's pretty cool so it's gonna be at the end it's gonna be a teaser for something that's coming your way soon so what was that I don't know what that was okay hello and welcome to another edition of BuzzFeed and saw post-mortem a show will reenter your most pressing questions about the most recent episode of BuzzFeed unsolved which was Colchester castle all the questions were answering today came from you guys via our BuzzFeed unsolved Facebook page and our bus video unsolved Instagram page make sure you check out the research notes at the BuzzFeed unsolved the link here you just want you got it and then um no we still got that new merch oh yeah got two guys running through the laundry list here you may have noticed that we have a new library our other one fell into a hell hole it was a Hellmouth help oh I'd call it a hell hole it was a mouth it opened up and there were I saw a uvula down there moving on to questions we're gonna start it off with a little question from Graham town hop on board here we go first question from Libby paulsen I'm interested in the spot where the two royalist leaders were killed that grass supposedly doesn't grow how is that the case plenty of people have died on a grassy area that still has grass today do either of you have a scientific or spiritual answer as to why grass supposedly doesn't grow there you know what sometimes a lot of haunted locations will have a bit of lore attached to their you know their space and some of the things been the truth a little bit I would say I think this is one of those things that's just a myth this is baloney of the highest order i baloney but we had to sort through it to find the prime Kutz you know how it is sometimes you're cutting through a thing of balloons suddenly there's some prime that's how it works right get in there yeah it was it was it was gravel this comes from Facebook this is Shay Josie that woman singing has a great pitch do you think it could be the nun or one of the witches has anyone ever reported any singing going on because that would be a great confirmation to this also Shane yeah this is her doing an impression of me so video would be great that's you send the booth go to the roof access some video would be great yes a video of a ghost singing would indeed be compelling lol in all caps he's laughing at you okay props to Ryan for getting braver in every episode you have indeed grown into a real investigator I'm a real boy now I think a lot of people were talking about the singing I think it's probably the strongest EVP we've ever gotten the only thing I've seen some people say that it could have been wind someone said it could have been a dog howling in the distance again I'm not gonna I'm not gonna [ __ ] all over it because I'm gonna let you guys have a fun little moment in the Sun okay thank you for that thank you sir I'll say it could be a lot of different things before I would think it would be a ghost but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna bother with it so you're not gonna guess you know what it's a ghost how's that feel good it didn't feel good I coated it with sarcasm you gave me a shitload popping I'm supposed to enjoy third next question from Browntown Emily Shattuck this is completely unrelated to the video but what TV shows did you watch while you were in England I'm curious if you watched anything that I watch it smiley face we watched him would you what would you lie was it would I lied what a lie would I lie to you we watched I'm always a big fan of travel man I watched it there on my phone it was on TV there was one night where I was desperately seeking Frasier I threw on Netflix and I was browsing I couldn't find it and then it dawned on me Holy Mother of God Frasier's not on Netflix here and obviously for someone like me that's rough turn on the television first thing that comes on is Richard a yachty leading people through a map yeah yeah the Crystal Maze what a show Richard Ayoade eight that guy's a national treasure yes he is moving on this one comes from Elissa edge when Ryan uses the spirit box right after the male voices I swear to you you can hear the voice of Selena saying hello help hello Elena my name is Ryan could you say Ryan back to me with each word fainted than the one before as it being quieted possibly by the spirit of the male voice perhaps he didn't want her to communicate with you it is very faint but I definitely heard it oh and quick question in the hot dog how did they take a train to Hawaii hmm yeah okay I think the hot dog is starting to crystallize for people out there in terms of how it does and doesn't make sense I think it feels good for me because I smelled this turd way back when I smelled it when it was miles away said and now that Terrance fight no no now that turds arrived in the station and now everyone starting the game oh what's that smell and you know now I'm vindicated yeah because I eat turds is that what we're positing here oh god is that I eat turds I eat turds yes that's one way to put it next question wait we didn't answer Oh what sort of rustling oh yeah some voices on the radio yeah absolutely the voices on the radio says I have to go back I haven't actually checked this oh [Applause] it sound like there's some speaking after that maybe she was trying to say something huh to me it literally sounds like you're like Lassie is barking at you lassie is barking yeah yeah like those time raters is going and you're like Richard you're there what are you trying to discern between its two rows kill you when I heard the Shh I wasn't lying and thought it was Ryan however Ryan I couldn't really see any orbs okay let's go for the first part the shush yeah is very very clear also a pretty compelling EVP it was compelling enough that I did think it was one of us wait what you know it was a dirty floor you pivot a soul on a dirty floor you're gonna get a everybody knows that okay speaking of orbs let's go into another question that kind of asked about the or oh we got an orb question from Cameron Wallace post-mortem so you guys are great and it's really cool that you came to the UK but please stop pronouncing places wrong s X is pronounced Essex also like I believe in ghosts to an extent but orbs really Ryan I said this in the video I am NOT an orb you are and I ever see an orb man it's like someone saying I'm not racist well I'm not warp guy hundred percent I'm not a warp guy but come check out these orbs bro oh my god okay here's that you gotta admit that's a pretty no no no no no no there's only you show me two orbs camera catches an orb similar to the one seen in Shane's lockdown moving towards my body there's a large contingent of people who believe in paranormal things and believe in ghosts that bleep orbs are proof of that they believe that it is sitting right next oh no no no no but so to appease them and to offer evidence that they may find compelling this these two orbs were different than most the dust I had seen so I thought if orbs are indeed real then these two may be orbs are orbs actually real I don't know oh no who's paying you Ryan yeah I mean you're in the pocket of big orbit a pocket of big order yeah yeah what is he just a giant orb shaped person yeah just can you just go to bat cash last question Katie Nelson have you guys considered setting up cameras or microphones around the locations you go to you could set them up in hotspots and refer to the footage afterwards maybe you'll catch something when Shane isn't there to scare the ghosts off also if you come back to the UK make sure you go to the Jamaican in you won't regret it love you guys yeah that's definitely something we're gonna do next season we've talked about it yeah we finally will have the ability to sort through all that footage and to actually perform these kinds of uh I guess tests yeah so we're definitely gonna set up cameras and hotspots go skewers very expensive you got a you got to build out your kid little by little yeah we're just collecting trinkets this season we were blessed to get the spirit box it sounds like good night yeah it really does and our energy laser grid pen drop a deuce or get off the pot buddy yeah that's pretty fun and then a motion detector lights yeah I think we're definitely gonna try some new things I'll say this though when it comes to ghost gear I don't I like analog devices so you're saying you don't want one of those dumb apps that's like the ghost just said toast I don't want to ever do something like that no Sara well that's respectable it is okay I'm being serious okay sure take a compliment I don't and everything you with you as a backhanded compliment so I feel like once I take it ghost hunter you have some integrity here's what's gonna happen thing it's gonna have I'm gonna take the compliment put it in my pocket feel good about myself I'm gonna turn my back you're gonna be like oh I thought it was gonna be Jesus okay Jesus Christ said that's even worse cool Ryan what's uh what's this week what we got coming up it's the season finale of the season finale this one's very fun he's got a cool graphic for that oh yeah that's what you were doing yeah okay Fetty or just like a single ghost flashing cool yeah I would say other than the Sally house this was probably the most scared I've ever been yeah there's some pretty cool stuff in this episode well that does it for this episode of BuzzFeed and saw post-mortem make sure you watch the new episode of BuzzFeed unsolved this Friday the season finale and then send your questions into the BuzzFeed install Facebook page and the BuzzFeed unsolved Instagram page and now comes the part of the show where he ruins your brain and turns it into mush here we go are we sleep our weekly Q&A concluded I now welcome you to the part of the show we call the hot dog a hot dog saga commissioned by Ryan Vergara written by me and adored by every single viewer a beach in Hawaii there's actually people in this room and they look like they're the opposite of everything he says described we just got a thumbs up he did that because he wanted to appeal B he was acting on a sloth beach in Hawaii a wedding has been gripped by terror at the appearance of a maniacal hot dog which and a possessed raccoon prepare to die hey flash to white a hall of shadows a large hooded figure sits on a throne greetings master explained the raccoon I am Brandon master son of the hot dog clan eaten by my future self now possessing the raccoon makes sense and what has become of the hot dog the joust did not go as planned we were nearly fed two crabs it was a mess but it was hugely it was a hugely satisfying finale season but it was a huge leap it was a hugely satisfying season to Daddy I am displeased but that does sound narratively rich that loves they must be destroyed we have one last idea master spirit bath well you know that prophesy that every hot dog child hears on their eighth birthday about the hot dog who survives a crab just and is then tossed into a fiery pit of a Hawaiian volcano where their soul is forged by lava into the gauntlet of ultimate power or GUP pretty major for them and Lopez want to see how much longer we got on this ah got a lot more horse hmm yes I can see how that prophecy seems to partially align with the narrative thus far how could it possibly move very convenient so your plan then is to drop Dan the hot dog into a volcano then procure the GUP for me that's right and we'll drop the rest of the hot dog family to because [ __ ] them very well the time I suggest you use your witch hallucinations to guide gene to Hawaii wherever he goes they will follow he is a born leader extremely charismatic true understand this is your last chance Pam if you fail me again you will know a fate worse than death but if you succeed we will rule the world laugh with me okay that's let's let's end it look get out of the library I hope you fall into the hell hole we should ask them to name our horse oh yeah you got a name for the horse try and chime off in the comments of time in oh [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey Ryan I like your shirt thanks a lot yours - thanks buy it here
Channel: BuzzFeed Unsolved Network
Views: 933,329
Rating: 4.9729085 out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed, Buzzfeed unsolved, EVP, England, Post Mortem, Q+A, SffZ, buzzfeed blue, buzzfeedblue, case, castle, cold case, cold-case, creepy, creepypasta, crime, criminal, demon, detective, detectives, eerie, ghost, haunted, hot dog, investigate, investigation, investigative, monster, murder, mysteries, mysterious, mystery, paranormal, questions, ryan bergara, scary, scary stories, singing, spooky, strange, supernatural, theories, theory, true crime, unexplained, unsolved, unsolved mysteries, unsolved mystery, weird
Id: 3wljhKpzYbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2017
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