Little Brother vs WORLD'S BIGGEST OBBY! - Roblox Challenge

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hello beautiful people in this video you are going to see myself and my little brother take on the world's biggest hobby in roblox so please enjoy speed run ladies and gentlemen josh you ready yeah we're gonna go we're going we're going we're going i'll let you catch up to me look at this easy one right here watch this easy one oh look at that look at this the jumping in this game is so funny i am actually going to squash you by the way i just won't let you know that but i think i'm going to squash you hey i mean okay i got a little i gotta get yellow cocky guys i'm sick that's that's that's that's the issue okay i'm sick see i'm sniffling i got the sniffles josh you gotta take it easy on your sick brother man come on how could you just do me dirty like that ah i don't know i don't know unforgivable guys okay okay let's just watch it let's just watch it soon your your your more handsome older brother's gonna catch up to you and i'm gonna do you i'm a domo romo you got games but okay you're not more handsome oh i am oh i'm definitely more handsome how do we win oh we just go right through okay are we in the sand level you're on the same level josh i'm on level three chief okay but chief you just did the same level correct me if i'm wrong [Music] okay i know i just now beat the level oh okay i think i'm catching up i think i'm catching up you know what i mean man sometimes i just want to give you a little bit of a head start i mean you are my little brother so i can't just come out right like this and beat you to a pulper dude i'm just kidding i'm getting starved oh what's up little brother what's up yo yeah okay are you making excuses daddy i'm catching up to you sweetie coming for that booty roblox booty stay away from my booty i gotta try not to yell dude i got that sick voice give me that stuff i don't know if i got that star but i tried to yo i feel like right now how many levels are there josh because we're kind of killing it right now do they get like a lot harder yes they get way harder oh okay i play this game like a while ago so should i be nervous right now or should i be proud proud or nervous or both i think this is my first time by the way ever guys playing speed level yeah i'm on the crystal level i think i'm a little bit ahead of you right now only oh dude they're starting to throw a lot of like really crazy loops at us though you know what i mean like it's getting oh my gosh dude i'm in this level and it's like solid white my eyeballs are literally popping out of their sockets guys it hurts wait until you get to this level okay so i think i'm on level oh okay it's hard for me to look at one of them on while i'm still playing this um i made it i'm at your level now okay what level are we on right now is this level three what level is this level four oh this level okay level four level four thank you josh see i knew i needed you here for some reason oh no dude i can't believe it but josh you might actually just have a big chance to catch up oh okay you're actually not too far you did did you die too or something yes i did okay okay it does it takes a long time to respawn but i just found something i need to avoid like i'm a speed runner if you guys have ever seen my minecraft channel shameless plug pressed in place but i like to run as fast as i oh dude josh i feel like i'm just faster than you dude like look at this neck and neck right now yeah yeah oh oh my gosh i just did like i just like a double somersault i don't know oh you almost did what i did did you just run off the edge did you just run through you oh i know what you just did i'm gonna skip this level for 25 okay fine you can you can skip the level but to be fair to be fair i also did the same thing but i didn't skip the level but you know what i'll let you skip it i'll let you skip okay you weren't like you weren't on no i was yeah i was i was what i did josh is actually i didn't run through it i did something almost i don't even know if it was as oh my gosh this one's rainbow themed preston i'm choked i'm gonna lose you're choked what does that mean dude i chose no thumbnail worthy right here boys thumbnail worthy oh this looks about you to miss max i just got to the rainbow dude yeah let me just say right now guys maybe like a low-key seashell warning this is uh this is dangerous we're in a a new land a foreign territory maybe one epilepsy no oh okay i just dude i gotta stop going so fast i'm like sonic i just can't stop on this beat yeah i might have died on the rainbow level i was going too fast this is hurting my eyes yeah you know actually it's not hurting my eyes surprisingly and i'm sick and i feel like it should hurt my eyes and should i be worried that it's not hurting my eyes maybe because i'm sick it doesn't hurt my eyes does that make any sense just just stare straight at the wall that's me no i'm not gonna stare at the wall i feel like that's bad it's like saying hey guys just stare straight in the sun it's great for your mitochondria if you guys don't know that's the powerhouse of itself josh have you learned about the mitochondria yet yes i have have you really yeah what what what grade are you going to do eighth grade go to eighth grade dude are you cereal what else did they teach you in eighth grade i feel like what else did they do today great josh did you die wait did you make it to the next level negative 20 times are you past the rainbow level oh what's up bro oh oh oh my gosh you're not even kidding this is getting old they teach me that negative two times three equals positive four yeah okay i'm good i'm glad i'm glad they're teaching about your negatives and your all your positives oh my gosh algebra yeah look at this look at this look at this you're in algebra one uh not yet i feel like soon josh you're gonna i don't feel like right now i am in eighth grade going to pass me up in academic soon i i feel like it's going to happen i'm not the smartest tool in the shed okay i'm just not oh my gosh dude i'm on like a lob it looks like the nether from minecraft it looks so it's your map dude it's your level dude it is it's my level this is where i gotta go ham i gotta turn it on here um here we go there we go there we go okay i feel like it's really easy to get too ahead of yourself and then just to pop you know what i'm saying like the pop-pop pop oh okay all right big jumps big jumps big jumps oh oh get that star and i'm in like mario oh my gosh josh we're on top of that like skyscrapers and kitties right now how do i tell what level we're on level are you sure it's level nine yeah okay oh my gosh dude some of these jumps are so far you're right you're right we are on the listen we're level 10 okay level oh i think i just saw you die josh okay what are we saying like what is the level that we want to reach look at the bottom right you look the bottom left you can buy a trail oh that's sick i kind of want to buy a trail located just about a white trail i just bought a white shirt it's really good josh what do you want to say like what level should we have to reach to win what are you feeling level three okay we're going all right level 30 level 30 let's do this it's like pirate ships and stuff and there's like some beaches i feel like i'm in the florida keys right now swimming with my dolphin man oh yeah josh careful watch out if you see a mermaid don't get near it it will drag you into the depths of the cauldron and drain you stay away from her yo i'm on i think i'm on level 12 now and let me just tell you it's like a full crystal ice planet oh my gosh how cool does this look since the last time i played this game have you played this game before like a year and a half hashtag maybe some unfair advantage is this why you picked this game look back at me look back at me uh why do you have a wicked trail you have a wicked i don't see you why i've been looking for a long time now and i can't find you are you trying to use this to pass me up no i don't trust you i feel like you're trying to use this don't trust you dude i don't trust you i know i know your games man technically we share the same blood so you know technically you're a part of me if that makes sense not to make it weird or anything like that okay level 13 level 13 just wait just wait up wait oh i can't tell what level i've liked the most so far i don't think there's been any level i haven't liked level 12 for me level 12 yeah wait is it this level 12 no 13. oh is this 13 are you sure click tap click tab you can see oh is it tell you dude this is kind of a hard stage though oh my gosh oh yeah and through oh my gosh just wait until the next one josh you know how he did that map where it's white yeah you're in this like black oh it's like it's like in i don't even know what to call this it's like something from tron it's like it's crazy dude it's it's flipping on oh i am speeding running like i wanted dude i already won it what do you mean you didn't even win it no you did not you're right i accidentally skipped the stage i'm going to wait wait you skipped a stage on me i'm actually on accident how do you accidentally skip a scene i'm waiting okay i'm almost done let me get like do i have to step on the star to get it yeah you do okay i'm good go go go go go go go go wait i don't see you i'll let you go to em right here i see let's just go okay oh go no we gotta go come on i'm a man of i'm a man of evenness let's get it oh i like your trail your trail looks sick oh i just ate it dude i just ate it oh look at my ring trail dude i got red rings oh i choked oh you choked again you know what i want to tell you right now josh choking is not good especially on small objects summer is almost here and in honor of my birthday month we are giving away a nintendo switch every single week including a merch box if you want to enter you just have to visit this website and if you buy a hat hoodie or any piece of fire merch from you get 10 000 extra entries okay are you on the new level yet dude yeah i am and it's like a micro circus city dude it's so cool fudge how cool is this man i love this this looks like my freaking new computer build yeah it got it does doesn't it oh my little plug right there tv in our frogs yeah uh wait did i get another one i pressed in place bro they want to press some place uh little plug right there double plug you know double little play oh my god dude things are so intense i think i might actually uh i i might die my time i do something okay never mind oh i just got to start everything okay we're back to another sand map dude i just squashed this okay i'm a level 17 dude all i gotta do is get a level 30 and then i can squash my little bro bro there's like an egyptian egyptian mop i know i know it's neato burrito on my burrito how are you doing right now like how you hold not mentally josh i feel like uh you know you might be you know i mean how you hold not mentally that's really tempting yeah are you really i don't know i feel i feel like a little bit of a you know a little bit of pain in divorce a little bit of pain a little little distraughtness in your mouth did you beat it yet did you beat the cigarette oh yeah it ended i'm on the snow level the new snow level and i'm going ham dude i'm going so here i am on the solo now oh i'm a little bit ahead of you if i can keep this pace dude i'm going to win but one little slip up guys and i think it's all ogre shrek's going to come inside my swamp and take me i don't want shrek what are you doing inside my swarm that's what he's going to say is he'll be like get out of my swamp ladder and i'll be like no shred don't do it i was innocent and then he's going to take me to his small i don't like this map dude oh this one was hard i just finished it but man okay we're on another lava level it's like it's like more combined i'm not right behind you but what do you mean you lied what do you mean you lied are you like don't lie to your older brother i'm pretty sure that's like the 11th commandment all right come on bro all right i'm just saying don't lie to your other brother that can't be good only bad things come out of lying and especially if you're older more handsome brother sorry josh you know genetics cannot be kind to everybody did you beat the lava level yet uh yup oh my gosh gosh now we're in outer flipping space i'm in space and i'm jamming right now with my guitar in my hand i got a french fry with my band i think we should call it the moon rocks what do you think oh the cheese moon the moon cheese cheesy moon star fam nine thousand stars cheesy moon stars i think that'd be great dude uh i think i should be lead vocalist um oh josh there is a stage okay josh i'm on level 21 and it's money it's money wait oh wait no these aren't binges binges are a hundred dollars josh this is mr washington no but albert einstein's josh okay you clearly have not been taking history what is going on with your history teacher i need to have a talk with them at your school they need to teach you a little bit more okay we're back on another tron level two dude i'm getting close man i'm on level 22 eight more levels to go and then i'm gonna beat it isn't it litty mccity oh my gosh gee bus i'm going so fast i feel like at any moment in time i could just die like a beaver inside of a big old beaver dam biscuits and okay beavers do not live in biscuits joshua come on they don't have any beaver dams either yes they do that they okay maybe they yeah they do they they build them and they live in them oh what is this i mean okay this map is fall it's literally autumn which is the season we're about to enter right now but why are we ah being speed hobbying and inside of an autumn map this is just kind of strange and peculiar right now ladies and gentlemen kind of peculiar oh okay okay this is literally all done josh i gotta say i feel like the stages aren't getting like super progressively more difficult so it's kind of making it harder for you to catch up because they're not getting like unless you took some once you fall one time you can do some really risky jumps though to get ahead it's risky like you know what i mean like you know you can kind of like you know minecraft parkour sometimes you can skip certain jumps you can do that in this one but it's it's it's risky you know bro this one is trippy what on the blue one yeah i'm on it i'm on it i'm a grip behind you pretty much oh my gosh dude that means one slip up from me and then it's game ogre oh no dude i think i just had the ogre is that game ogre there's still a few more stages okay that does not mean that you have not slipped up yet well i didn't step up once i know and that's what i was literally just talking about and then i slipped up and then i'm gonna just blame my sickness oh no see i'm sick guys i'm so stoked i don't trust you i don't trust you i don't try i think you're lying i think you're lying for the views and subs no problems i promise i don't know i don't trust you how many stars you have by the way i've been collecting all the stars oh i see you i can see your booty i'm coming i've eight how many huge oh i got 23. i've been collecting have you not been collecting the stars what i feel like that should you should be penalized why are shards like good i never know i just like i get dude it's satisfying to collect them you know what i mean like i feel like if i don't collect them i haven't really truly done okay so um instead of like let's okay let's get it right here i'll show you what i do when i don't collect the stars i just literally do this i literally go like this let's run oh dude you gotta yeah see i'm getting this dude i'm so close to catching up to you bro i'm literally behind you oh my gosh i can't believe i died right there it's like every time i get a head slightly i just end up biting the what is this gold dude look at this this flap is hard dude if you don't die again on the spot i'm going to be so proud of you i haven't died yet but this map is hard is it i don't i don't know okay you're right you're right yeah you're right you're right you're right this is kind of hard i was like ain't too hard and then i'm like yeah okay it's pretty flipping hard oh i almost fell oh dude oh no did you die oh oh oh wait does that mean i don't i can't tell if that means no or yet did you die or not the suspense is killing me okay you did that you did look i made it all the way back and now i'm almost catched up to you are you what how would you get into the candy i made it to the candy how no yo you did a skip you did a skip there is no way you got that far you've been how many times have you skipped be honest i think that's the only time no you skipped in the ice level too that would be two okay two times but okay are you doing this you've done i've two skips you have not given me a big headstone oh my gosh my little brother's been skipping dip and tripping man okay but okay i haven't skipped tons of times a likely story a likely story why is it so hard to jump i feel like you bounce on the ice cream cones i don't like it ah this is hard this is like wipeout oh my gosh i failed like three times already on here like four times i failed four times i mean i'm i feel like oh oh oh it's up there bro it's all okay i got you it's all over did you just die already oh i died too well you know what this map this level is the it's the pleb status you know what i mean it's the plug status the hardest level yet don't mean i agree i agree oh look at your white rings i got my red rings just got his white rings it's coming down to the wire who's gonna get up did you die too okay we both died yeah dude oh you got ahead of me because i had like a little pop-up on my computer hey dude maybe it's a strategy i think i might have sent that pop-up oh my gosh i thought i just died no i just fell off the ice cream okay this is by far the hardest level by far ladies and gentlemen this is why you don't eat sugar you should be in ketosis what the heck i didn't get my speed boost okay here we go it's a very weird walk i just saw you die you eat a miss maximus bye bye felicia you don't enjoy eating a cactus you ate too much maximus all right oh i'm all my flippin gobs dude anytime i see an ice cream cone i get i get nervous because i feel like okay i'm speed running at this time i'm going far this time baby all right all right well we'll see we'll see how that one pans out for you captain jones i'm like almost there all i'm saying dude oh my god i hate this stage so much dude i feel like i was right at the end i was right at the end it's so hard i feel like this is the impossible stage ladies and gentlemen sugar is not your friend if sugar was our friend we would be alive dude i'm come on did you die yes i think you died i can't tell if you died or if you did i can't tell you i was like a happy rage or like a rage rage dude i died yeah you know josh is impossible i don't think it's impossible but it's really hard i don't like it oh my gosh oh my doodles i just did it oh i'm on the cloud stage now i'm on the cloud no okay you say you're about to be there which means somebody's using the old skipper doodle huh no i'm not i'm actually about to be there it's been ages since i don't even know there's no way you did the skipper doodle don't even lie to me dude uh why are you lying josh why are you always lying if i was lying i'd be lucky yeah i don't know i think you have a pretty good poker face i kind of i kind of okay i'm not i didn't lie but i said i said i made it when regardless all right whatever i'm on level 28 i'm on level 28. so that's all that matters to me i'm on level 28 which means we have okay so we have to complete level 30 by the way we have to complete level 30. so that means you can't just get to it but you got to complete it you got it are you on like the clockwork map yeah yeah i'm on the clockwork map oh my dude oh did you die no i did not but it's so intense i feel like i'm a sweater oh my gosh dude this next one it's like rainbow mario kart level this is level 30 i'm on level 30 boys this is it this is it oh my gosh i just died i just died level 30 i died in level 30. are you frozen josh josh josh um i lost caption to the game oh my god no are you kidding me dude i just saw your friends where you're at i can just skip stage over oh that's gonna cost that's all my robux fine i will i will sit here and wait like a good boy oh people are typing to me hi guys sorry i am 1v1 my little brother in a race battle josh are you ready yes three two one go one go all right you must maximus i'm holding shift even though i'm pretty sure i'm not supposed to be but i know like it's just the minecraft but the thing is in minecraft i don't even hold shift like i use r in minecraft we both ace this oh if i win this before you no it's not gonna happen this does not determine who wins first there's a bonus level after this that we have to do what we set okay wait wait how many times are the rules gonna change i thought we said whoever finished level 31st i did you died okay well i think i think it's safe to say who's gonna win little brother this is what you get i fell and then i didn't die oh my gosh what yeah i hit my head you don't even want to know flipping dipping tipping ripping tim rings this is crazy oh no okay you don't even understand my potato tomato right now josh things are crazy in the world of roblox speed hobby all right oh my doodles okay i got this oh i just did some zooming out and that was the biggest club okay there we go i'm not even done yet oh my doodle strudels oh i just finished i'm there oh is this way is this a bonus level the moon wait is level 30 the last level in the game no how many levels are there oh i think we completed the normal stages right like i feel like we did yeah i'm about to beat level 30. yeah well i just finished i'm on the bonus stage now my dude you should wait for me okay what no no you said whoever finished the bonus stage win so i'm doing the bonuses like 10 seconds what the rainbow i finished the rainbow stage i'm about halfway done with his bonus stage okay i'm on the bonus stage i see you down there i see you played master how are you doing dude sometimes you run so fast your character model like falls over i know he's like sonic dude he's like i'm too fast wait which one did you go the pink way or the blue way wait i just think i found out oh i'm so i'm so dumb i just real i went blue i went blue i'm really dumb i just realized i went past how to beat the level but i'm gonna fix that here in a sec [Music] oh come on preston here it is it says do not enter final destiny guys i'm going in let's do it to it boys wait do i want to buy it for a thousand robux i just bought it i have no idea what it does but i bought it for a thousand robots but i can't because i had to skip 30 levels well how much robux do you have left 950. what do you think about my uh my new outfit you digging it i mean i wouldn't necessarily say i'm digging it but it's better than the season i think it looks amazing and speaking of amazing josh i'm gonna take you down today in this roblox hobby are you ready bro let's go three two one go um what yeah dude i was letting you get a head start because i know you need it [Applause] all right all right let's see let's see i don't know if we can walk through that oh we can oh no i'm having oh no i'm being attacked by my own hiccups okay i'm here i'm here oh oh okay okay that was not fun all right come on captain oh come on captain oh look at that wait what oh my there's a bouncy pad yo josh i told you buddy i told you i was coming for you oh i just pushed this um oh okay i just pushed some kind of a rainbow cube off the map and i have no idea if i was supposed to do that but guys by the way if you're watching this video right now make sure you slap that like button down below and subscribe for more videos of my setup in my head joshua i can't make it past okay josh you want me to tell you the secret yes jump on the gray squares the red squares will kill you okay you must jump on the great squares wait were you jumping on the gray squares the red squares oh you made it hey we made it i just started now i don't even know what i'm doing i'm literally just jumping on the shame thing over and over again okay here we go what does this do um oh checkpoint okay gotta climb this rainbow i almost wanna wait for you josh what are you doing down there okay fine i'll wait for you to be fair it's almost not fair in a way because i've got these spider tentacles obviously they help me climb super fast i'm just like i have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten i got ten arms eight spot arms i guess eight spotted legs and two arms two slenderman i'm just gonna take a selfie because i look so cute right now oh yeah look at that oh feeling cute i'm gonna get tell me i look cute in this photo i look amazing in this photo look how cute i look i'm such a cute man oh hey you caught up what you what you doing you trying to get ahead of me little bro bro no you hoofed as well we both mega oof my dude oh oh oh we gotta start all the way back down here wait you're coming faster than i am what i thought dude i've got spider legs bro i told you about this right now oh wait where did it go from here money is this it what i'm so confused there's no way this is the end no way this is the end hold on guys we're gonna there's there's there's an end here somewhere and we're gonna find it we found the rest of the obby guys let's go josh you ain't gonna beat me little bro look at that look at that oh wait i don't know why i don't like that red thing i don't like that red thing it looks dangerous oh this is this bacon um josh does this look like bacon to you that's some very red bacon there it is like really red bacon i can't tell is it turkey bacon or is it pork bacon or is it beth bacon i'm gonna keep it real with you it looks like legos i can't so it's lego bacon is what you're trying to tell me right now oh oh dude i don't know what it is but i have just gotten so great at abi and i'm trying to be humble right now but i am a beast oh what is this oh no there's invisible blocks oh no i'm gonna die oh jk i just nailed it okay what is this another spawn point oh and another all these spawn points okay what is that okay that i didn't even touch that that is some gu i'm on uh stage nine josh i need you to do some of that to catch up real fast you know what i mean okay now i'm jumping off the edge of the map that's not uh that's unacceptable oh wait oh you get are you kidding me oh my god whoa dude this is so fast now oh my gosh yo uh josh you are a magician and a wizard for fight you should have you should you should have just like not said anything and i would have been like how are you so fast little brother i'm singing in the rain okay let's see if you catch up let's see if you can stay up with me how do i do that one i don't know how to do that one maybe it's oh maybe it's because i am sprinting that i can't do that okay i got an idea it's gonna be a risky night it's gonna be really risky okay you won't be you won't be in front of me for long you won't be in front of me for long just wait up fam wait up all right i hate oh that was the issue the whole time if you sprint jump i think you just don't jump as high you know what i mean okay okay okay okay this is getting really intense why do i feel like i'm gonna die here it's exploded into a million pieces my guy where are you at josh stage ten okay okay stage ten stage stage ten i'll repeat my little brother's on stage ten all right okay dude i am like just going berserk oh tell me this isn't oh thank god that doesn't kill me oh oh oh no it's floating in visible pieces i didn't even realize it hmm okay so i gotta jump oh what in the heck is that josh i don't even know what in tarnation going on right here we need to get the walton tarnation meme okay what an actual tarnation is going on though i don't think that we are supposed to do what we think we're supposed to do like i don't know exactly what i need to do on this one but i'm trying to pay very close attention now do we have to jump on the red i feel like the red yeah the red kills you okay don't jump on the red the red is bad how do we do this do we just jump this way no okay i'm actually really wait wait i just had a jimmy neutron brain blast okay maybe i didn't chief i need your help wait i know what you have to do now oh my gosh i totally understood it now okay josh wait what you have to do it while you have spawn protection you got to jump on them like now no no no you have spawn protection you see the little the circle no you gotta like do it okay while you've got the circle on you josh you gotta do it okay you know what i'm saying because like while you have that blue circle on you that means you have spawn protection it's not working no it works it works i promise you just gotta go like you gotta go no literally as soon as i spawn i'm going on the red ones i don't but dude it worked for me i promise i promise oh my gosh chief it works i promise you chief chief i know lie to you oh my gosh yeah i think you have to wait no as soon as you respawn try to jump that's what worked for me like sprint jump like go ham like try to do it in like three jumps two jumps you know what i mean okay okay oh oh i always get a little bit of antsy at these ones chief i'm telling you it works you got to do it josh i can't be here by myself without my little brother like it actually doesn't work it's fine i don't know i don't know what to tell you it's gotta work my dude it's free josh i'm missing you right now i'm sad i need my little brother i need i need my little brother and my head just flew into the abbess well okay josh i don't know what else to tell you but that's how i did it so i'm trying to like i think i don't know no it did not glitch dude i'm telling you i just like started sprinting afterwards i was like here oh mirror oh yeah and it worked okay here [Music] [Applause] i just ran into this red wall this one's hard dude okay okay no no no no hey take it gate yay oh those are actually not hard at all i'm just really really dumb and really bad at the game josh i miss you where are you little brother your strategy does not work at all well i don't know what i did to do it but i swear that's how i did it like you know i ain't lying fam i i ain't afib i ain't fibbin i'm a dibben okay invisible blocks i got really can we just get a little bit more original here okay gotta do blocks all right well okay which one's not okay okay oh goodness gravy beans come on nella how am i supposed to know how to do these eh dude i can't get past this josh i promise that's how you get back what do you mean you're just gonna sit back and observe i need my little brother i need your i need your motivation i need my little brother i can't do this without you i'm just gonna this are you telling me to go on without your little brother that's exactly what i'm telling you this is just depressing now it's like go on without me jon jon snow now i'm feeling kind of depressed right now they're saying it though chief i wanted to be together brother together forever oh goodness gravy boats i don't know how i didn't die there but i'm a man of myth and i'm a legend and i'm going all right josh here we go okay which one do we choose okay which one red okay don't choose red is it okay it's not yellow it's uh green or blue josh green or blue i'm gonna try green come on oh my gosh of course it's blue i knew it okay this is hard dude dude which one did you choose one yet yeah i choose yellow yellow is not it uh red that covet okay so maybe it's blue blue or it's blue green it's gotta be blue green no way it's blue blue no way no way it's blue blue oh my gosh okay it's blue blue but don't use blue again so far it's blue and blue so go blue and then we go blue again let's try red dead no josh i told you i already tried okay maybe it's blue blue green or blue blue yellow i'm gonna try blue blue green come on and it's blue blue yellow okay so now i gotta go blue and then we're gonna go blue i made it past without getting the last door wait which one was it which one was it i didn't go through the door i just made it past what do you mean i shaved around oh oh my gosh are you kidding me why didn't we just do that from the beginning it's like this is literally how to cheat i love it hold on let me see if i can do it for some reason i'm not a great straight jumper no checkpoints okay i think i'm better off not even trying to strafe and just actually choosing the correct doors i'm not even gonna lie here folks this map creator who have what is that have you have you seen this emoji or josh it's terrifying it's terribly terrifying i knew it was gonna be blue i chose the correct path oh oh whoa okay um it's not green it's not green it's not green okay chief i'm scared is there like a pattern how do we know okay and it's not red huh um okay it's it's blue it's blue it's blue and then it's uh red yes it's blue then red okay yellow ah yes it's blue red yellow josh blue red yellow oh we did it dude we did it i mean we're not done but we did something kind of dude what the heck is going on wait is this it what what wait there's no checkpoints through the entire hobby it's just one course bro i am vivid and triggered i'm triggeredly livered right now i don't think i just made any sense right there but i'm livered and triggered this is just like a one stage course like literally one stage what i say is blue and i think it was yellow okay i am mad right now what was the path again it was blue and then what was it was it blue red yellow yeah yeah blue red yellow blue yellow are you sure are you sure yes you sure yes yes okay chief okay okay okay all right all right um okay please please please please skate blue and then red and then yellow oh okay please please please yes you're right josh okay dude this is hard no way you made it past the spikes yeah nanny how you do this little brother is there like a oh my god did you just did you just yellow it or how did you make it okay josh uh how are you stuck what the heck is going on about little brother um i'm really scared i'm so dead i'm so dare oh yes what is wrong with you what happened dude what did you do dude josh i'm worried for you i don't know what you did i'm on the swing set what happened to you what did you do my god i can't help you josh or something that's gone i don't okay i just got super run oh i regret i regret getting super run i'm way too fast now and now i've got this and i think i just glitched myself yeah okay okay uh okay you like how i look i don't know no dude no i it's a default skin from fortnite you got to tell me it looks pretty good [Music] wow really really look just look hear me out i got the bathing suit okay you hear me now right now if you lose this you have to go buy my merchandise and join my roblox group okay exactly that is the one chief all right yeah okay sounds good okay you ready to start all right three two one let's go and let's the little brother get slapped he's going to get slapper tappered why are we holding a good i'm a good hobby player yeah are you really though josh because like i'm hearing that but one thousand level lobby the other day wait the other day have you been playing roblox without me what the heck oh my gosh [Applause] dude you just said you won a 1000 roblox hobby thing and then you get toasted and roasted on brother you freaking ran up while i was yo i just rko'd you so hard you mad bro how long is this uh it's as long as you want it to be i don't know what the different car oh my gosh i just realized something bad oh i forgot this hat wait what are you doing what are you doing how you doing you know it's safe dad coming joshua you got up to me ah not on my watch oh you're gonna die i'm gonna jump on your head hey hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa bro bro yo that was uncalled for i'm called oh my gosh you can't see anything okay oh no oh my gosh dude i forgot about this one oh all right that's the dagger you're just gonna copy me aren't you you're such a sucker i hate you so much why are you copying me little brother 200 iq okay that's like one iq that means i have the 200 iq and you're just copying me because my accused 200. i can't walk on that dick oh yes happens every time man little brother i didn't realize you were this stupid i can't walk on this one what do you mean little brother yo dude i literally i'm not even going to stay all the way back here for some reason i feel like i'm about to finish the obby already and that you're about to get slapperdoodled dude i for some reason i like when i fell off i spawned like four stages back damn it hey where you at little brother oh that's right i don't even know i can't even see you i can't even hear you oh there he is how you doing over there little bro bro somebody's gonna be wearing his older brother's merch here soon not too much longer and you're gonna be wearing all my fire merch josh i'm trying to decide what would look good on you rainbow hoodie maybe rainbow t-shirt bro i don't know i really can't think about which one i want on you more than the other so to be honest i think you're just gonna get absolutely pleb down here oh man josh maybe i'll put you in the classic blackfyre hoodie you know i think you'd look good in that little brother all right i'm a cutie pie you know what what if this whole time josh you're not actually my little brother and i just hired you to film videos with me well that's the gigi in the chat all right we should we do like a two out of three things since this is sure yeah we could do a two out of three thing since obviously i know you want another chance josh yes sir i don't know josh i barely even hear you talking or even playing the game yeah i'm sweating bro are you sweating why would you be sweating i'm already gonna win there's no point in sweating if you know your older brother's gonna dominate you might not want really you think so josh i literally could see you all the way back there on that type rope like don't even don't even don't even try to talk about my potato tomato and your tomato potato is weaker than 7 000 potato tomatoes in the potato farm row grammar folks and egg remember uh i don't even know what the grammar is okay i graduated from the uh etching ecology of high school california ut southwestern america that's a lot of facts that's not real how do you know how do you know it brother i'm double your age dude this is breaking i literally can't walk up this oh or you're bad or you're bad all right let's let's just think about it i think you're the bad one really i don't know hey editor uh aka mr kevin beautiful kevin mann who's editing this video who do you think's better just give us a sound effect you know maybe a little maybe some text [Music] oh that's right see kevin thinks i'm the best he just said i'm handsome mm-hmm yeah he did you want to watch this video but i'm a cutie pie well why would you want to be a cutie pie when you can be a handsome pie that don't make no sense huh oh my gosh dude i think about i'm about to finish the level oh preston's going on a road up and up he goes down the road he knows preston's solimo's oh wait i'm amazed never mind i lied oh my goodness oh oh okay well preston i automatically lose now because i just started literally all the way back are you kidding me what do you mean you started all the way back literally like i clicked him what did you do what did you do little brother wait no no it says you're on stage 10 you're not all the way back no i start not all the way back for like two to three stages back oh yeah yeah yeah yeah why are you all the way back but dude i knew you were a pleb but i just did not know you were this much of a blessing this is a practical scenario no no no this is not i know it counts it counts it counts but i'm just saying it's a practice okay fine we can keep this as a practice round but yeah all right all right i'm glad you understand why i'm going oh my goodness gracious i might have just did a big goof and i don't know if i can reset my character bro there's a giant maze when you get up here at fyi and it's not the easiest potato tomato frotato to get toreano it's literally like hey hey it's possible that i can still win ah oh my gosh how did you catch up what in tomato potato earth did you do to me how did you get up here little brother i had two robux robux left and i used to skip c i knew you didn't skip stage you squirrely man you what do you think you're going where do you think you're going oh freak at the dead end you just went into it that was a dead end little brother come on i don't know where to go right now i'm actually kind of chief um okay i could go this way that way this way and that leads to bad way or i could go it's hard dude because it's a flipping maze that's why it's hard i i want to say i'm like in the right area but i know i'm not like i know i'm how do i get why can i not track okay we've got to get over here wait wait how does one get oh no i think i know how to do it i think i know how to do it now have you figured it out josh no yeah okay good good good good so i think to get over to my mr potato tomato for lato i gotta go this way right hey preston hey little brother okay i'm not gonna lie i still don't think i'm going the right way so don't get too excited now because we are lost little brother oh we are so lost wait wait a second wait a second hold on hold on i think i just figured it out i think i just figured i might be the smartest man in the entire world that ever existed yo josh oh wait no no i don't think this is actually the right way i'm not even kidding no clickbait oh i found a smiley face what does the smiley face do hello smiley face how are you today wait maybe this is the way maybe this is this actually i don't wait wait josh i think this actually might be the way i don't even know where the freaking heck you're at dude you got to zoom out a whole bunch oh my gosh dude i think i'm losing that speed like what do you mean that's cheating that's not cheating that's a part of the game thought of doing that for some reason that just means i have the bigger brain josh i'm sorry hate uh you know you hate to see it ladies and gentlemen but uh older brother does have the bigger brain compared to the little brother and as i should as i should you know i really should have a bigger not gonna compare to you and ladies and gentlemen that is the completion of the maze oh bro feels good brother the rules are for this one me and preston have agreed you're not allowed to skip stages if you if you beat like two levels let's make this a rule if you beat two levels and then you die and somehow go back two levels then the other person has to wait for you what what no i don't like that second rule how about that yeah yeah yeah okay what was the first roll again i forgot i forgot you you know okay let's just go oh my gosh i'm already dead yo dude this obvious not easy bo reese oh it's actually way easy never mind josh you made me think this obby was like really harder okay it's kind of hard yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i remember your first roll your first roll was no skipping stages right yes what in god's green earth is this how did you get away did you skip stages there's no way you did this legit no it's easy uh okay i don't have any more books oh okay you're right it's kind of easy but it's kind of one of those ones where it requires a lot of focus oh my gosh these balls are hard the balls are really really tiny dude ah oh say can you see buddy oh my gosh josh i feel like i'm jumping on the infinite gumballs the infinite gumballs oh what's up there little brother i'm catching up to you what the heck i just got thrown did you get thrown down like that no no i just got i just got tossed how do you wait how do you make that can you double jump holy crap these jumps are hard oh oh okay oh you can jump through the ground oh my gosh that makes so much more potato sense now okay i'm coming for you josh don't think you're going to outsmart your brother he's going to catch up so far this is like a forward good can you climb the tree how do you do this you can jump through it you can't climb it though i know but the jumps like oh no dude yeah it was over halfway oh i'm coming for you josh dude this is hot i'm coming for you what is this one what is this one the mate it's like a it's one of those tie ropes where you have the oh this is easy slow dude [Laughter] oh brother oh dude if one of us dies on this though it's like a huge setback oh my gosh it's like it's not that they're hard it's just there's i know it's suspenseful there's just so many one more yes oh my gosh amaze i'm flipping maze of course you're gonna follow me i knew it you're such a little brother you know that i was going you're such a little brother you just followed me twice me you're following me okay okay that's because i literally exhausted every other option first all right all right you know what oh dude i actually have no idea like oh hey look who's following you now brother this isn't even the right way dude you didn't want to go this way hey there brother oh you're slow bro you're slow look how fast i am dude i'm like you saying boat lane dude i'm not sweating in a roblox game okay dude that sounds like you're mad oh my gosh i just did it yes eat my potato tomato fritos josh you just got dumbo lamborghini are you not in the maze i'm in the maze oh i thought you finished the maze josh you were following me and it was the right way i was lying to you when i said this wasn't the right way are you kidding me dude i didn't think you believed me oh my god and josh there's a fan in the lobby he's like i love you [Laughter] dude no you were lying that's not the right way to go no well dude okay we were literally right next to each other dude you're so much higher than me what the frick dude i thought you knew the weight again oh bro sorry i'm dying right now bro you know i love you right little brother no what do you mean no don't say no that makes you feel bad come on show me some love show your older brother some love dude i think i just saw you die and respawn i'm about to get to the end get it oh my god you're not at the end of the lot the freaking oh yeah yeah i'm i'm not even kidding yeah i wait uh unless you're right i might not actually be oh you're right i'm not oh i thought this was the end what i didn't josh you should not have bought your skip stage little brother oh my god i feel like you low-key skip the stage i promise i did not you can watch the video you're more than wait oh my gosh oh no my check okay i'm skipping stage because it my checkpoint didn't say no that happened to me that happened to me you come on you cannot you cannot what do you mean you cannot do that what happened last game that happened to me last game and remember we remember we made the role in the beginning i was gonna say yeah yeah but i actually check pointed i actually checkpointed that's really unlucky fine i'll do it all over again and i'll still beat you i can't believe you're still stuck on that dude i'm not at the maze i'm on the look at the one after the amazing i know that was so easy i did it so fast i didn't even die once dead twice well i mean look dude it's i don't want to say it but let's just say it let's just say it stinks to stink and now i'm back on the roblox you should die again you did look at you go dude i'm looking at you from above your older brother singing to the angels he's saying what you're doing with your face come on down here you big disgrace i'm about put some mace on your face and leave it there oh oh did you make it did you make it did you make it oh my gosh did you make it i'm sweaty you made it you made it didn't you yo i know you're sweating joshua when you be quiet like you literally don't say anything for like 20 minutes and i'm just like oh there's my little brother are you out person i'm at the top i'm at the checkpoint again for the second time hoping that it gives it to me i'm gonna like walk around and jump on it 700 times and just please give me the checkpoint i think i did get the checkpoint this time though which is good talk about it if i okay if oh yeah now i get the checkpoint that's so dumb dude so dumb how you don't get the checkpoint sometimes it doesn't give me the freaking checkpoint yeah well if it doesn't you know you got to do it all over again you made me do it what yo get the joke it's a joke is it all gooch i don't even know where to go to be honest oh gosh bro this next one is really hard because they randomly turn black and kill you what do you mean oh now i understand oh preston i'm right behind i'm right behind you remember it's two out of three so if i win this it's one to one i know i know i won't lose aha these lobbies i mean hobbies are so hard ah holy guacamole put a tomaloli in my shmamanoli how do you do this wait how do you do this person can you tell me how uh you just literally like if they turn black they'll kill you teleported at the very back yeah it did it to me too you're welcome potato tomato boy not necessarily josh okay so whenever you do get back up here to the red the red kills you and if they start turning black they also kill you okay josh josh oh what's up i'm sorry bam paul was talking to me well tell our grand vampire's our grandfather that's what we call him tell your grandfather you're an intense game of abi with your eldest most handsomest amazingest brother okay i'm pretty sure you're supposed to like spawn away back there yeah i think i think it is like one of those things where it's just like low i'm pretty sure it just trolls you it's like yeah get clapped kid bro all i'm seeing is blue and red and my eyes are hurting and your brother just did it okay how do you do that blue and i think please tell me please tell me what that what do you mean you just you have to jump on the blue jump on the blue all you do is jump on the blue yeah you have to get to the end so look straight ahead of you you want to go to the one that's like there's like a bunch of exits there's one straight ahead of you and that's one you want to go towards anything that's red will kill you so just avoid red and the black things will also kill you it's really not an easy hobby like i thought this is going to be a lot easier than what the heck i just slid off and i died okay okay dad flipping gummy oh yeah person why do you star next to your name oh i have a star next to my name yeah youtuber rank no i know dope oh uh no no the black will kill you i know dude it's hard dude it's not an ease like this obvi i thought like it kind of sounded easy didn't it no i know it was gonna be really how did you know it's called adventure all right i saw it at the beginning of the game dude like that that wow okay don't be don't get fresh with your older brother i saw the beginning of the game dude don't begin fresh with yeah yeah that's right it's right take your freshness out of here i'm fresh to death anyway which window do i go to the one that like it looks like it has nothing because the red will kill you so if you're at a window and you jump on red stuff you will die holy moly guacamole patoli bro this is the hardest rainbow obby i've ever done in my entire life i was right flipping there at the end okay i'm going first person mode super try hard super try hard oh gosh oh my god why am i sliding off of this freaking i know me too oh did you make it to the end i'm about to die yeah you're gonna die it happens ah oh my gosh oh this might have been like the most difficult hobby i've ever signed up for i made it to a giant checkpoint do you see the giant checkpoint out here wait you won the whole thing no i don't think i won the whole thing but i'm on this giant check i don't know i literally i think there might be a little bit more for me left i can't tell dude it's so big like check this out it's hard i don't like it what is this wait i think i might have finished it have a break have a kitkat i did i don't think you won technically because like we've made it at the same time oh what do you mean i've been here i've literally been here don't you dare try to take this away from me you gotta go put my i'm shooting you little brother take that get out of my face okay how about this joshua so you technically have to put my merchandise on do you have the robux for it or no no robux are you freaking kidding me okay here's what i'm gonna do i am going to deposit are you in my roblox group no sir you're not in my roblox group i hold on okay leave the game josh leave the game can't believe you're not in your older brother's roblox group okay that's unlucky so what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to go to groups joshua hashtag fire nation okay here's what i'm going to do i'm going to have to give you some robux i don't want to give you robux but i'm gonna do it all right josh i paid you out 150 robux i feel like because i won i shouldn't have to be paying you robux 150 dude that's 150 so that means you gotta buy at least three pieces of my gear okay like and then i'll just let you keep that's not enough for three pieces yeah it is bro my pieces are 30 30 robux go to the store look at it some of it's even cheaper all right i want to see it i want to see it you got it you got to equip it i'm refreshing my web page bro i'm excited to see you put one a piece on hey you even think it looks good bro it looks amazing see little brother i told you your older brother's going to the golden pants ooh ooh wait did you put the golden pants on three oh those like swaggy well ladies and gentlemen that is gonna be it for today's video we hope you guys did enjoy if you did as always hit that like button down below subscribe karate chop your face actually don't do that that's bad for your face we will see you guys in our next video thank you for watching have a great day everybody take care and i'll see you guys next time karate chop that like button preston's going on a road up and up he goes down the road he knows preston solimo's
Channel: PrestonGamez
Views: 5,464,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: challenge, funny, comedy, roblox, family friendly, preston, prestonplayz, minecraft
Id: YDiQAlokt5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 49sec (3469 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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