little bit of scrap a lot of work

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man i hope we get some rain we really need it we need it bad all right let's see if we can find anything on the street oh it looks like it kind of spit a little bit that ain't enough we need a lot more rain than that that's for sure looks like i got hit with a sprinkler for like two passes well i guess the hot summer days everybody's out doing stuff not cleaning up i degraded a grill and some other random tidbits what is this an exhaust fan it's in there not really much out here today oh don't make a mess it's like old tissues or something did see a skimmer pole down down the street maybe i'll stop and get that broken there's a weird one [Music] doesn't look broken i guess we'll try it you really find much anything out here so one of them days well not a very eventful day that's for sure but we did go out last night i did find a couple a couple things we got this it's just a sheet metal tub but there was a few things out there we did get a couple nice nice chunkers of brass and some copper look at this old one just solid solid brass couple little pieces so that was cool but hopefully we get some rain it's looking like it i don't really see it on the radar but the skies are looking pretty crazy but it's supposed to be really nice out today start getting some more of the plants planted i did get this uh black seeded simpson in here and got this wicking bed going pick strawberries because they're going crazy too there's a good one oh yeah i need to pick these these uh cucumbers are really going good i'm gonna put a trellis up here on for them to grow them [Music] potatoes look good so far starting to get blossoms on them i don't see any potato bugs so that's a plus still got these volunteer uh romaine lettuce we haven't picked yet need to do that for a salad i put these uh best boy tomatoes in here too and got this wicking bed full did that the other day but i got a lot more stuff to plant so i probably should just do that today since it's nice out here oh there's the plant we found in the trash the leaves are starting some of the big leaves are dying off but there's a lot of young ones coming in so it should make it these little flowers oh strawberries are good and this one's gone as you can see they're coming in coming in like crazy on this thing too there's a ripe one look at them all it's loaded also got some pepper plants california wonders in here they've already doubled in size since i put them in the wicking bed so that's good i got a spot for one more i got to get in there so i guess that's what i'm going to do today since it's nice out get these watered these uh i don't remember which ones we planted here i don't know i have to see when they come up completely these ones look awesome this is a cool color on these guys all right let's get to work while it's nice out here still got a few things over here i've been slacking on planting too i gotta get around a couple flowers and these cool things i forget what they're called or something geez we need to trim this bush hashtag code enforcement well i got these flowers put in this thing leftover flowers and whatever we had from the other day see if most most of them look alright just one in the middle is kind of kind of dry hopefully they'll come back got some uh some pots filled up and some vegetables put in them i'll show you guys that in a minute i guess still need to do the main garden i got a lot of tomato plants gotta come out a whole bunch of tomato plants maybe i can give some of them away but we'll see i'll probably end up doing at least a row maybe at least a middle row out there maybe one side against the fence because i got some climbers i think i got some kentucky pole bean seeds still too maybe we'll try them see if they take off [Music] got some spinach in this guy and we got a couple little spinach stragglers in here and a best boy and that's also a best boy tomato and a cucumber i think that's a pickle pickle cucumber and a little spinach a cucumber i'm probably just going to try to train out here on the rocks if it gets too crazy i'll just cut it off but i got these pots out of i don't know if i made a video on it i was helping fred clean out a greenhouse and uh taking all the exhaust fans down and uh all the stuff there was tons of pots in there like i think that's where these came from too these big square planters came from in the back woods behind the place along with like this one they're really nice all aluminum so i got a another one of these from out front put it in that pot i don't know what i'm going to put in here maybe i'll do another cucumber and then like train it up the up the arm i did that one year with a um what do you call it morning glories but might as well put the cucumbers up there i guess see what happens see what else we can get planted today i got to still pick these strawberries too maybe i should do that now [Music] so [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] if you set aside like three or four hours one day once a week and do everything it's not too bad you just do a little bit here and there it's like it's like never ending right there's always a spot you can go cut doesn't matter all right let's get back to work [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so so so oh finally dried up enough to get over here and get these tilled up one time it was actually really dry and super dusty look what i did i had so much dust in my head totally forgot to pull the rototiller out oh well i'll fix it with a rake a little bit less grass to cut right i got down some of these twice but it's just too dusty man open cab you know open tractor it's nuts at least i'm not all sweaty and it's sticking to me but [Music] we took pretty good advantage of the cool weather today got a lot of grass cut so spare grass is going like crazy i guess we'll go check the blue crop field see how that one's doing still got to cut this this field here only cut a quarter away for allstate all right this field's hard to keep away from the deer because it's the back corner of the property but look at these they're going to be on the ground me my grandmother and my grandfather planted this field these blue crop one fall little tiny sticks that was a long time ago look at this thing loaded it's got some dead wood on it too but all right y'all thanks for watching hit that thumbs up subscribe all that good stuff these are looking really good there's quite a bit on here true truthfully on these guys we'll definitely have some for the flea market oh i missed a couple rows and i'm not going to till these because it's easier to walk out here and get to these bushes in the grass but we can jump over a couple rows in the dirt it won't be that big of a deal look at this one loaded these are looking real good i need to go check the ones in the other field too all right well hopefully we can get some if we can keep the deer out of here problem is they like to grab the branches and just snap them off let's go check this field i know we're supposed to be signing off but i don't want to go too deep in here i still got to come cut this i want to get no ticks on me yeah that's actually probably mummy berry see how they fell off real easy and this is all mommy berry what it does tom it wasn't super wet out here this year but these these bushes need to be pruned big time this is the ones i've been mowing down see mommy berry it really gets them but we'll get some of them off of there oh that one might be an actual oh man that one looks like it's an actual blue one yep it is they're coming fast this thing is sad look at this bush all right that blue one wasn't exactly ready yet still a little sour kind of tasted like a green one all right we'll see you guys on the next one i do have to get out here inverter till these we did end up getting these pretty mulched i need to come out here and do a little maybe another round of weed whacking and a little bit of weed killer for the grass give them some time these ones we cut down last year pretty big already considering no clue where that came from close in on the trade winds right pandemic trash bags probably worth 50 cents
Channel: Scrap Farm
Views: 6,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scrap, copper, BRASS, aluminum, steel
Id: ARqvCsO1Wmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Tue May 25 2021
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