Cutting My Sugar Baby Watermelon

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hello welcome to life with Miss D I'm in my backyard and I wanted to show you my sugar baby watermelon and I think it's ready I think that I have never grown watermelon before but um it's just experimenting and let me just inspect it really good and see knocking on it tapping on it rolling it over but it's still on the vine you see it's on the line there trying to decide if I wanna go ahead and try it now wait but I think it's ready I think I think it's ready I just don't know so uh as you can see this is the biggest one I'd have one over there in the corner there I also have so I got a little one right here and then I got one little one right there and another one right there about the size of a almost the size of a bowling ball not quite the one that I'm cutting is about the size of a bowling ball that's the size of a bowling ball so it's August today it's August the 6th and I'm just wondering I wonder if I should I wonder if I should just give it another week what should I do I just I don't want it to ride I don't but it looks it's hard it's firm it looks good I don't know what y'all think you think I should cut them sugar baby watermelon I'm trying to decide I really don't know how big they get but I don't think the sugar baby watermelon gets too big it's probably as big as it's gonna get but hmm what should I do somebody put some comments in there if you've had the sugar baby watermelon let me know is it time to cut it how big do they get what do I need to do we had rain today I think we had rain yesterday and I worry about it being in the you know just sit down here I kind of worry about it but as you can tell you see it's still on the vine it's still on the vine it's firm and hard it feels nice it feels good it's not soggy anywhere or soft anywhere so I'm just trying to decide oh yeah uh it's a little muddy out here because it rained today there's a bell pepper and I've noticed my bell peppers just they just aren't getting big like I had hoped real small there's one one they're pretty small and uh I have a few bell peppers over here and they're small too I might need to get this one before something else gets it my hands a little dirty because I've been messing with that watermelon oh I'm gonna have cantaloupe soon over here last time I did cantaloupe last year my cantaloupe wasn't sweet it had a really soft buttery texture but it just wasn't sweet so it may be the seeds that I had still got tomatoes growing still got okra I clipped okra yesterday I cut some yesterday because you know okra grows really fast there's one right there so I'm out in the backyard and trying to decide if I should cut that watermelon or not just don't really know um what else that's it that's all I really have growing just some flowers but I'm just curious about that watermelon very curious about the watermelon okay so put it in the comments if you've had sugar baby watermelon is that a sweet watermelon I started about watermelon in the grocery store and it was seven dollars at Sam's I didn't do it because I knew I had one in the backyard I wanted to wait for it so okay so make sure you like comment and subscribe to my channel welcome to life with Miss D and thank you so much for watching and let me know what fruits and vegetables you're growing in your garden and I'll see you in the next video hopefully in the next video I'll be cutting the watermelon and I really hope it's sweet because I really like watermelon thanks for watching okay you guys I think I'm gonna cut that watermelon okay today is Tuesday and we had rain I think every day Sunday Monday Tuesday and I'm afraid if I let that watermelon stay out there it's going to rot because of all the water and the rain that we've had and I don't want it sitting on in on a damp ground for too long so let's go outside and get the watermelon okay okay let's go out here and get this watermelon I got on my boots let me see if I could well okay okay I cut it all right let me get it okay I have the watermelon so we're gonna go inside and we're gonna cut it and I hope it's sweet I hope it's right I really don't know but this is the sugar baby watermelon I need to wash it really good because it's very dirty but uh be right back okay so here's the watermelon and I'm gonna clean it really good and I really hope it's ready I don't know like I said I've never grown watermelon before I've never grown watermelon before so I don't know if it's ready or not but we're gonna see together we're gonna taste it together well I'll taste it and I'll let you know okay dirt everywhere because this is a dirty watermelon right out of the backyard this is called a sugar baby watermelon okay and so I want to say the seeds came from either Lowe's or Dollar Tree I can't remember where I bought the seeds at but let me get a knife and we're gonna cut it let me get the camera pushed back so you can see and we hope that it is ripe and ready to make sure I clean it good okay all right let me get my knife hmm okay the Moment of Truth let me make sure I adjust that okay so we're gonna we're gonna cut it this is the sugar baby watermelon backyard okay this is what it looks like let's see what it tastes like [Music] okay let's see if it's sweet I'll let you know and if it's not I'll let you know okay it's sweet it's tastes like a watermelon yeah and it's got seeds as you can see it's got it's got this the white seeds and the black seeds well really they look kind of brown let me see let me taste it again this watermelon is warm because it's been out in the outside but it's sweet [Music] it's sweet I'm trying to think what I would maybe it's a six on the scale of sweetness I've had sweeter ones but I think it's ripe and I think it's it was ready to be cut from what I can taste let me taste it again [Music] yes it's good so what I I really like it when it's colder but I'm gonna cut it up and put it in the refrigerator so this is the sugar baby watermelon just to let you know I have about four more out there and they're smaller so they have to mature and get ready but yeah I think this is ripe and it was ready to be um cut if you have grown if you have grown the um the sugar baby watermelon let me know if you like it if just give me some tips on growing the sugar baby watermelon and how it's supposed to taste and how sweet is it supposed to be and when how long does it take to get right just put some comments in the comment section if you have ever grown the sugar baby watermelon all right thank you guys be sure to like comment and subscribe and thank you for watching live with Miss D ude make sure you can see foreign [Music] [Music] okay I'm gonna put this watermelon in the refrigerator and let it get cold and then I'll eat it okay thank you again for watching life with Miss D [Music]
Channel: Life with Ms Dee
Views: 202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sugar Baby Watermelon, gardening, watermelon
Id: 0ZK2kIo3FmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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