LISA the Painful - The Flash

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one of the most mystifying elements of the Lisa game series is the event that is referred to as the flash before its occurrence a lathe was not unlike many other picturesque suburban neighborhoods cookie cutter houses lined the streets in uniformity where their immaculate lawns were meticulously cared for by obsessive owners as children played all day in the yards and playgrounds of the town yet afterwards the survivors of the flash live in a world with an abnormal day/night cycle strange clouds and weather sparse plant life and no women the actual cause of the event is never explained in the Lisa game series which pushes the flash to the background as the story is focused on those that must now live in the wasteland after its occurrence but let's try to pull the matter of the flash to the forefront and see if we can use what we know of its effects to see if we can determine its cause let's get the crazy as possible cause out of the way first as described by ol ace greatest historian nuran Gwon as he's explaining the specifics of the flash in great detail he awoke one morning to a big flash of light and now the day/night cycle is abnormal and the weather is strange now this statement was absolutely just thrown in to explain the absence of the passage of time in the game but let's have some fun and roll with it now for the days to become longer than normal that would require the rotation of the earth to have been altered in some way slowed or even stopped if this was something that happened suddenly great winds would have blown across the entire world as the atmosphere kept moving past that drastically slowed or stopped earth blowing most of if not everything away seeing as there's ruins predating the flash in a lathe and just survivors in general a sudden stoppage is unlikely but perhaps instead of an abrupt halt the earth was slowed down over the course of many years gradually losing speed coming to a slower rotation while not as violently sudden there would still be great effects that would changed the world as this occurred the oceans and atmosphere would drift towards the poles since the centrifugal force of Earth's rotation was weaker and the Sun would hang in the sky from longer and longer this would cause changes in climate for many of the areas and the life that lived in those areas plants especially that are dependent on that weather cycle would likely be ill-equipped to deal with the changes that in the grand scheme of things would be rather sudden and would most likely perished as a result so if the Earth's rotation was slowed the question is what could have caused this well anything that could would require a massive amount of energy nothing that humans can conceivably do or make could generate enough energy to cause this so maybe it wasn't something on earth that did it what if I know this is crazy sounding an object from outer space was large enough and came close enough to earth that it managed to pull enough energy a way to slow down the planets rotation but didn't actually impact its surface it was just a flyby depending on if the object came close enough to the atmosphere maybe a part of it burned up as well and as it burned it created a blinding white light that seemed to cover the whole land that would explain the bright light the abnormal day/night cycle the strange weather and the death of the plant life of a lathe now of course there would be many more complications caused by a flyby of a SLAR space object and the slowing of the Earth's rotation so this is incredibly unlikely and it doesn't deal with the most mysterious aspect of the flash the disappearance of all the women in a lathe so putting aside the abnormal day/night cycle part of nerds description which again was likely just thrown in to explain why time doesn't seem to pass while the game is played we can describe the flash as a big flash of light that shined over the whole land that caused the environmental lathe to turn into a barren wasteland and all of its women to disappear now his description of a big flash of light could describe an explosion of some kind and given the arid nature of a lathe perhaps a nuclear bomb of some kind went off nearby which resulted in an extensive radiation to cover the land contaminated in ground and killing the wildlife leading to the creation of the wasteland that is now present-day owe lathe that marks off two of the three things we know about the flash but that doesn't explain why men would survive the radiation maybe the bomb had some sort of agent that caused the previous effects but also had a biological or chemical aspect that only affected people that didn't have a y-chromosome meaning only women would be targeted by the weapon now for someone to develop a weapon like that they would need to have extensive scientific knowledge and the ability to develop that weapon in secret as well as having the militaristic means to get a weapon like that created and set off all things that could be applied to the megalomaniacal dr. yato perhaps his plan to take over a lathe had more layers than initially thought Gaucho's ultimate plan was to craft a world of his own something he could rule as a higher power which he nearly completed by capitalizing on the lust of the men in the aftermath of the flash by releasing his daughter into the wasteland where men killed each other over her while this was occurring those that were addicted to his joy drug mutated into powerful monsters and they were close to death and he controlled these mutants with his golden horn with both of these things occurring the remaining population of all eight could be wiped out and yato could finally rule all eighth but that seems out of character for yato being an arrogant megalomaniac why would he want to rule a land with no one in it no one to revere and praise Him and stoke that narcissistic ego and likewise what good would a world be if it eventually ended with no one to remember him and his accomplishments yato seems like the type that would want to be worshipped as a god which makes a throwaway comment muttered by Buzzo to be particularly interesting there's a point where brad approaches buzz' who doesn't seem to notice him as he talks to himself about buddy escaping his grasp he then mutters that she would have made a real asset with the women brad asks what he means by this and buzzer replies that it's not for his kind this vague statement could imply that not all of the women of Olathe barish after the flash and Buzzo knows about them this additional knowledge could have been bestowed upon him by the man he was assisting in his and to take over the land who had an additional step to his scheme knowing the fate of women that were exposed to his bomb yato kidnapped or hid away a small number of women to keep them safe while the extinction of their gender raged through the land once old Laith was deprived of women he bided his time while the lust of men grew to a fever pitch and then loosed his daughter to them whereupon a war rage that wiped out the rest of the men while he gained his super soldiers as a result of their addiction to joy once everyone was dead he would fetch those women he sheltered for years and using them would repopulate a lathe and rule over his new world that would make Janos plan make more sense but unfortunately this is only speculation driven by conclusions and or assumptions made on things that we can never really know were true ultimately the flash is destined to remain an unexplained phenomena meant to serve as the backdrop to the story and not the focus for it and that's okay retaining a bit of mystery in the world just makes it that much more captivating as we all wonder about what could have happened during that time in which the world changed forever these are only some of the ideas that surround the flash and may not reflect what you think if you've got an idea of what happened feel free to share I'd be happy to hear it and likewise if you have any questions about the things I talked about feel free to ask I'll do my best to clarify I know this video is pretty different from what is usually made since it's all speculation but let me know if you enjoyed it I've got one more idea that I think could be fun to speculate on but no one's interested and there wouldn't be a point but yeah that's pretty much it thank you for watching and see you later
Channel: Squatch Gaming Official
Views: 61,094
Rating: 4.9534521 out of 5
Keywords: The Flash, explained, what, story, how, who, when, where, why, Dr Yado, Buzzo, Brad, LISA the Painful, LISA the Joyful, synopsis, Olathe, wasteland, desert, Joy, Joyless, drug addiction, plan, revealed, secret, Armstrong, theory, speculation, idea, space, meteor, Nern Guan
Id: X4UI9zhdo8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 33sec (513 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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