Lisa the First - Tricky Rick

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lissa the first has a small cast of characters the protagonist Lisa the antagonist Marty and a strange third character who seemingly has little to do with Lisa in Marty's conflict during her explorations Lisa finds his man not only as a fully embodied person but also as a head sticking out of the ground and her interactions with him are much more violent than any action she takes towards Marty given that the game takes place in her mind everything Lisa encounters is her perception of something she's encountered in the real world so who or what does this man represent a clue may be in the man's identity named tricky Rick by one of the game's collectible VHS tapes Lisa can watch the tape and find Rick at the edge of a cliff when she talks to him he described himself as a sensitive guy that likes caves and friction and that's pretty much it not much to go on just a compassionate spelunker that likes to touch things so why would that cause Lisa to be so aggressive towards him while the key indicators in his name his name rick is assumingly short from Richard which has a few other possible nicknames one of which is dick which shares the moniker of a specific male body part one that is sensitive and likes friction suddenly Ricky merges as a phallic symbol and the seemingly innocent spelunking he previously mentioned is much more vulgar now standing as a euphemism for the act of sex this isn't the only time rick is associated with a sexual implication there's a seemingly innocuous path at least it takes to one of the submerged heads that is curiously shaped and even his own head resembles the glans of a penis tricky Rick is consistently associated with phallic imagery and is likely Lisa's internal representation of Marty's member that could explain why she's so violent towards him it's her acting out her hate for Marty getting revenged the only way she knows how by mutilating the source of his power the source of her fear and giving her the feeling that she is seizing back control of her life bricks dialogue at these moments where he taunts her into rides her could be how Lisa imagines Marty would react if she was ever to take these steps against him yet remember the game takes place in Lisa's head so when Rick is talking to Lisa it could also be an internal voice of Lisa talking to herself brick could be indicative of the way Lisa feels about herself a dirty harlot unworthy of sympathy or pity even though she's sickened by Marty she's disgusted with herself even more symbolized by the internal rebuking of herself by the most revolting thing she can think of that changes the meaning behind the violence towards Rick it isn't Lisa lashing out against Marty it's Lisa lashing out against herself the dialogue of the Rick heads all allude to the way they're killed I will always cut through your mind cut down with a razor blade you have to swallow me force-fed pills until an overdose I will take your breath away suffocated by a plastic bag placed over his head maybe these are ways that Lisa mutilated herself maybe they were done in an effort to make Marty disinterested in her to make him leave her alone but when that failed they could have been ways she attempted to take her own life in an effort to escape the torture she experienced on a daily basis yet was never successful at it until she was whether a phallic symbol of dominance or a symbol of Lisa's contempt towards herself the seemingly innocuous Rick certainly carries some powerful implications he tortured Lisa's mind but once she killed him she was finally able to take the steps she needed to start healing it's just a shame that the story doesn't end with Lisa's catharsis and that's it for Rick I know it's a really short one but I hope you enjoyed the time you spent watching the video and if you have any questions or thoughts feel free to share them I'd be happy to hear from you but that's it so thank you watching and see you later [Music]
Channel: Squatch Gaming Official
Views: 56,233
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: Lisa the First, Rick, symbolism, symbolized, symbolizes, metaphor, analogy, biography, explanation, guide, summary, explained, Internal conflict, struggle, penis, wanger, Marty Armstrong, Lisa the Painful, Lisa the Joyful, Brad, Buddy, Olathe, Joy, Dr. Yado, Buzzo, abused
Id: 6Snnh96LFjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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