Katana Zero - Story Summary

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released in April of 2019 katana zero is an action platformer where a Japanese swordsman slices and dices his way through goons as he hunts down targets to be assassinated assisted by a special precognition ability he has that lets him see into the future to determine the best path forward the story of the game initially centers on the swordsman its missions which are supposedly to eradicate drug trafficking but over the course of ten days the swordsman learns of details that reveal the true purpose of these contracts while at the same time learning more about himself as the mystery unravels the swordsman comes to understand his place in a dark conspiracy meant to cover up the crimes of those in power here is a summary of all of what the swordsman learns in those 10 days this story of katana zero a couple of things to note before we get started there's obviously going to be spoilers for the game here so consider this your warning also for the dialogue choices in the game I tried to include all relevant information from the dialogues as I could but may have cut some stuff out if it wasn't relevant or was stated earlier also I went with the cooperative dialogue choices with the psychologist as I feel like that's what gives out the most information but the secret that comes with the uncooperative choices will also be mentioned but I think that's everything so let's get started it all begins on the first day on a dark and stormy night with the swordsman it's infiltrating of warehouse he receives a call reminding him of his mission to rescue a scientist that's imprisoned here his swordsmanship allows him to make easy work of those he faces but his fighting ability is enhanced by an incredible precognition power the swordsman has an ability to slow down time around him giving him incredible reflexes but in addition to that he can peer into the future and see which actions he can take to give him his most desired outcome if something happens that he doesn't like he can rewind back to the point where he started and try again essentially giving him immortality with these abilities he quickly makes his way through the building reaching the scientist with ease the two begin to make their escape until suddenly the collar around the scientists neck detonates blowing up his head in a gory explosion a blue haired man appears laughing at the carnage through his Russian accent he sends men to kill the swordsman walking off to leave them to it the swordsman quickly deals that these attackers and escapes the building with his mission failed he returns home to his small messy apartment in the city's run-down third district a place full of drug addicts and junkies the familiar boom of music blasting from his neighbor's apartment greets him as he drinks herbal tea he's prepared and turns on the news which is talking about the aftermath of his mission hoping he can drown out the music he lies down on the couch and goes to sleep that night he has a dream a little boy is tossing a ball with a small shadowy figure another one storms in then charges him this scares the swordsman out of his sleep as the Sun rises every day the swordsman has a visit with a psychologist a man wearing glasses in a red suit through these meetings we learn a bit more about the protagonist namely that he suffered an injury in his past that caused him to lose his memory the only link to his past life is a service medal he received in recognition of his service and these meetings are held in an effort to rehabilitate the swordsman the nightmare could be a side effect of that trauma and during the visit today the two discussed the dream clearing up some of the murky details within it however these meetings have a dual purpose as it's the psychologist that assigns a swordsman his missions which aimed to eliminate illegal drug trafficking in the third District as he walks through his desk to get a file he also pulls a syringe walks over to the swordsman and then Jackson with the substance who feels the world warp and slow around him the swordsman is also given a dossier which has tonight's mission and is sent on his way his target tonight is a billionaire by the name of Josh rose that clandestine involvement in the movement of war drugs the swordsman makes his way to the murderer Hotel talks his way past the receptionist calls the elevator as it arrives two of Rosa's men emerge one of whom please back up the elevator radioing in the appearance of the dragon the swordsman easily makes his way through the hotel until reaching Josh Rosa's penthouse the two have a short conversation in which Josh Rose says something interesting I'm surprised there's more than one of you left the swordsman's follow-up questions don't reveal anything more in a billionaire soon hops over the railing and falls to his death completing the mission just before the swordsman gets home he's bumped into in his hallway by a little girl in their short conversation they find that they're neighbors she soon runs off and the swordsman repeats his nightly ritual drinks tea and lies down to sleep with the news on trying to drown out his noisy neighbors he has his dream again but it's a little different this time a different shadow follows after the scientist executes him and fires upon the child waking the swordsman to a new day he returns to the man in red for his daily visit where they discuss his dream for a bit until the topic turns to the swordsman's personal life the meeting of the little girl in the swordsman's building surprises the psychologist who notes that the third district is not a safe place for kids then pushes the swordsman to isolate himself from any interaction with that their time is up the psychologist pulls a new dossier another syringe for the swordsman he injects the swordsman with his medicine and sends him on his mission tonight the swordsman is tasked with killing DJ electro head who is involved in trafficking club drugs interestingly the dossier mentions that he shouldn't be spoken to and after the swordsman sneaks through the dance floor and slices his way through the club this point is reiterated to him once again but the swordsman defies his orders listening to the frightened DJ's ramblings when he charges in in his inane babble electro head mentions taking a drug has warped his perception of time how it's been slowing down or repeating for him this Peaks the swordsman's interest those symptoms sound drastically similar to his own precognition ability what kind of drug could cause that the swordsman then remembers his daily treatment administered by the psychologist which begs the question is the drug that electro head is talking about the same one that he'd injected with every day in his terror the DJ offers to give what he has to the swordsman but just as his offer it's accepted a bullet tears through his helmet killing him the club empties out the swordsman catches a glimpse of a familiar figure among those fleeing he makes his escape himself and heads home where he finds the girl he ran into last night playing with a toy named behemoth outside his door she accuses him of hiding behemoths brother Leviathan in his apartment saying she knows he's inside thanks to the red globe behemoth gives off a quick search of the apartment reveals the king of the sea under the couch and after a cue her Union scene the girl leaves Leviathan with the swordsman he places the toy on his counter drinks his tea and lies down to sleep his rest is again plagued by his dream but again things are different after the scientist is executed the large shadow throws the small one against the machine which turns them into Leviathan the ending is the same however as is the swordsman's emergence to a new day to visit with the psychologist today it's a lot more tense as details of electro heads of death leave the man in red suspicious of the circumstances of his end the swordsman soon fesses that he spoke to the musician which greatly angers the psychologist he calms himself and offers to discuss some of the things the swordsman heard from the DJ through this conversation the swordsman learns a few things first that the drug electro head was taking could be the same as his and the power it offers is the reason they need to make sure it doesn't fall into the wrong hands which is the true motive of their missions he also gets confirmation that the precognition ability does in fact come from his medicine the substance that's injected into his arm every day but his fighting ability is something that's been harnessed over a number of years these answers sate the swordsman's curiosity and he sits still as the man in red gives him his daily dose as a swordsman leaves the psychologist informs him of the moniker given to him by the media the dragon and pushes him to be more covert in the future to avoid drawing further attention to them the mission tonight is the assassination of five yuan a prisoner within mutual nil high-security prison it's a strange one as the supplementary information on him doesn't mention drugs at all but implies a more political motivation behind his end the psychologists request for a more stealthy approach is echoed in the dossier as the swordsman is asked to assassinate his target without killing anyone else with that in mind the swordsman infiltrates his prison and finds everyone already dead including his target the sudden arrival of reinforcements necessitates the swordsman's escape before he can investigate further which only brings up questions in his mind who else was targeting 5e Wan was it for the same reason that he was sent and who could have the incredible ability to slaughter all of those men to get to yuan he suddenly remembers something Josh Rose said I'm surprised there's more than one of you left he then hears a voice two homeless veteran begging on the street the swords been walked past which angers the man and a confrontation looms depending on if the swordsman followed his orders in his mission this conflict can have different outcomes if he chose to spill the blood of any of the reinforcements the two can fight over the swordsmen service medal before the swordsman leaves a veteran cowering in fear of him but if the swordsman chose to follow his orders and stay his blade and there's an itch in his arm and with the veteran hurling insults at him he chooses to scratch that itch by stabbing the man there on the street leaving his body to rot either way he's greeted once again by his child neighbor who tells him that some guy gave her a videotape to give to him she asks if she can watch it with him which is bluffed up to the swordsman's it's discretion but either way he takes time to watch the tape while two stoners sit on their couch talking about trains there's a knock on their door the game charges the blue haired Russian who has come to party with them but his idea of a party differs slightly from theirs he eventually ties up the other man and gives him a gift an injection of a substance he says is a work in progress as he pulls a pair of wire cutters he describes its effects which catches the swordsman's attention it sounds just like his medicine the Russian then proceeds to torture the man cutting his fingers punching him in the face screaming at him while enjoying it he soon reveals why he's torturing him he's doing it as a favor to their neighbor who doesn't like their partying and can't get any sleep because of it as the Russian gushes over the accomplishments of their neighbor the swordsman turns off the TV he then realizes who the men were as the eerie unfamiliar silence fills his apartment as a dream again tonight and it's changed yet again the boy is playing alone with Leviathan and when the shadow comes in he hides under the bed after the scientist is executed the shadow walks to the machine and as it comes to life the swordsman wakes from his nightmare today he finds his psychologist offices strangely closed he makes his way back home getting caught in the rain a passerby stops and offers him a ride it's the blue haired Russian as the swordsman sits down the Russian reveals his admiration for him and seeks validation from him which he doesn't get he turns the conversation to drugs mentioning a wartime combat drug that he's involved with remaking the swordsman wonders if that could be what he injected into the man last night if that could be what his medicine is the Russian asks for the swordsman to come with him to studio 51 so they could work together in return for the Russian dealing with his noisy neighbors the swordsman's refusal anger soon perhaps worsened by the drugs he took and he kicks the swordsman out of the limo however the swordsman is curiosity to find out more about that drug pulls him to give chase and he eventually arrives at Studio 51 where he overhears the Russian talking to someone on the phone someone named snow the swordsman dramatically reveals himself in the stream of the street light to the surprise of the Russian still angry he pulls a gun levels that at the swordsman's head and fires but it's reflected back too confused he runs off and the swordsman chases him into studio 51 he finds him on the top floor of the building again on the phone he hangs up and the two soon get into a fight just as it looks like the swordsman is about to win someone else cuts their way in the swordsmen then sees a woman in a kimono standing behind the Russian and when she takes a moment to size him up sees she also wields a katana this is snow the person the Russian has been speaking to on the phone and she soon turns to the swordsman giving him a chance to leave with his life as long as he forgets all that he saw here the two vanished in a cloud of pink petals with some parting words from snow leaving the swordsman free to leave once he reached his home he starts his nightly ritual but it's interrupted by a knock on his door when he opens the door the girl appears and screams trick or treat it's Halloween and in an adorable gesture she dressed up as him for her costume the swordsman grabs some choco sticks he has in his cupboard and sends the girl on his way with the news attributing the deaths of those that died in the mutual nil prison to the dragon the swordsman drifts off to sleep he isn't visited by his familiar nightmare tonight but by two men in lab coats wearing masks one of silver with a look of sadness upon it and another of gold wearing a gleeful grin having been drugged the swordsman is forced to lie and listen as one extravagantly waxes poetic about the story of his fate the other simplifies his meaning and translates it for him in three days he's going to have to choose life or death at the cost of the other with their message delivered the men vanish as the swordsman wakes up and has one of the strangest morning's ever he appears in a psychologist office apparently in the middle of a conversation but confused as to how he arrived as the conversation proceeds it seems like the man in red isn't even listening that is until he insults him the man walks over to him orders him to stand and then morphs into the Russian and punches him the swordsman is thrown to the floor of a mansion where he bust through a door the swordsman bust through a door and killed those and a ninja swordsmen bust through a door he killed those that stand in his way men bust through a door and killed those horsemen bust through this he's then walking the length of an extremely long Cathedral remembering his past shrugging off the killing of soldiers but expressing regret over the death of the peasants he talks about how time is repeating slowing down agonizingly stretching everything out thanks to the drug he asked for a favor but it's then sitting on the ground in the rain repeating the words of the homeless veteran from a few days ago tragedy and comedy stand close by commenting on his drug use deciding to ignore his pleas for help he's then sitting before the corpse of the psychologist blood in his hands with his neighbor's skewered into the wall of his sword there's a familiar pinch in his arm a warping of the world around him and then suddenly the vision stopped they were apparently a side effect of going without his medicine for some time he's been handed a new dossier and so exits the office the target tonight is a man named Al Kasim and again the dossier doesn't mention anything explicitly about drugs but does mention that the man was involved with military R&D it seemed strange but with the new knowledge he gained from the Russian the swordsman realizes things may be more connected than they seem he infiltrates the mansion and is surprised to see that the Russian is actually here he crashes in attempting to take him down but the Russian escapes the swordsman proceeds through the mansion and after passing a hallway that seems familiar he finds a body suspended in a vat of bright blue liquid it's a really strange thing to have in the mansion but he wasn't sent here to investigate this he was sent to assassinate someone so he proceeds until an unexpected explosion knocks him out a voice pulls him to consciousness where he finds he's tied up at the mercy of the Russian he gives a swordsman a chance at final words then orders his associate mr. kissy face to get rid of his body mr. kissy face acknowledges the Russian calling him be in the swordsman's life is ended by a shot to the head a voice pulls him to consciousness where he finds he's tied up at the mercy of B V is unsettled by the swordsman's knowledge of his name but he's got a date coming up so he finishes things up by killing the swordsman a voice pulls into consciousness where he finds he's tied up at the mercy of V he taunts V by reminding him of his date V stands in silence for a moment then realizes what's going on the fact that the swordsman knows information that he's never said means the swordsman is on Kronos that's the name of the drug that gives a swordsman his precognition ability and she's been using throughout this interaction to try and find a way out of it there are muffled groans from the other side of the room and has revealed that al Kassim is actually V's prisoner as well he's being interrogated by the Russian who is trying to find out how to make the substance from him but his reluctance to talk angrily who soon starts pounding him into the ground running out of time for playing games B turns his attention to the swordsman and tries to get information out of him but the swords been knowing how quick B is to anger uses that against it and starts trash-talking him to make him lose his cool the tactic works like a charm after ruining his own play by killing Alka seaman coming up with a flimsy lie V leaves the swordsman to mr. kissy face it's the opportunity the swordsman needs to quickly escape his bonds retrieve his sword and start a battle with mr. kissy-face first wife outside as the Sun rises on a new day V and snow are talking about their mission well more accurately about the failure of their mission the only saving grace being the elimination of the swordsmen snow takes a moment to describe his lifeless eyes ruthless handiwork then makes it a point to commend V stating the swordsman was no ordinary Noll a call from their boss pulls her away and B lights up a cigarette to celebrate a job well done just then the body of one of his men crashes through the window and the swordsman kicks open the front door he survived his fight with mr. kissy-face and now chases after B to finish the job the pursuit becomes a highly visible action-packed confrontation on the first district highway complete with a motorcycle vs. helicopter showdown between the two which ends in the fiery crash of the helicopter as v lies bloody on the ground he bragged about killing Noll before and that the swordsman the dragon isn't going to stop him but you then hear a voice say that the swordsman is not the dragon as red fills the screen the same voice says I am and the figure slices their way in cutting off B's hand as a swordsman flees he catches a glimpse of a tall blond haired man who picks me up and cuts off his other arm the events of the morning caused him to miss his visit with the psychologist so he takes the night for himself and visits the bar in the 3rd district there are only two other men in the bar veterans of a war lamenting its end they're skeptical of the swordsman's veteran status even when he shows them his service medal but things are smoothed over when he joins them in a prejudiced toast throughout the night the swordsman comes to learn of some things in conversations with the vets like new mecha losing a war seven years ago despite being on the verge of victory thanks to first district protests about child killings one of the vets also shares a story with the swordsman about a government combat drug program that apparently made psychic super soldiers that were ruthless killers he goes on to tell the story describing their powers but the swords Ben already knows all about it after all it's the same as his precognition ability the swordsman finally makes his way home after a long night of drinking the girl comes up to him but he can't understand her so goes into his apartment where he collapses into an uninterrupted sleep it's the knock on his door that finally wakes him up and of course it's the girl he listens to how distressed she was last night and to make it up to her throws together a quick not too great breakfast he lets her stay here for the day and sets out for his daily visit the psychologist is upset over recent events and he begins a long rant chastising the swordsman but he soon glitched away and the swordsman is again looking at a mutilated V the Russian tells him his pain is nothing like what the swordsman has to go through he then tells him of the withdrawal of how win Kronos leaves the system he'll field times slow down until it stops completely he'll be stuck in his mind constantly dying over and over again reversing time will need to die again and again and again an eternity of torture that will never end it's something he'll have to deal with later as a psychologist gives him another hit and pulls him from his hallucination his condescending mocking of the dragon causes the swordsman to reveal what he learned that morning on the highway after the swordsman describes who we saw the psychologist changes the swordsman's mission for the day giving him a new dossier and sending him to kill the dragon the swordsman is led to a casino in Chinatown were upstairs the dragon is talking to a woman revealing what he learned from Vee and trying to get her to help him but she refuses his offer their conversation ends when the swordsman enters the room and the woman sends the dragon on his way a fight breaks out between her and a swordsman ending in her defeat or it seemed that way but she fights off the swordsman and escaped alone in the office the swordsman searches the desk for anything that could offer him more information and he finds a security tape from mutual nil prison the sudden arrival of police prevents him from searching further and although he flees they tarry him the entire way across Chinatown they eventually managed to surround the swordsman and order him to give himself up then time slows and a voice sounds out tragedy appears before the swordsman and suddenly the sky turns to a starry night and silhouetted against it our comedy and tragedy who tell him now is the time that he must make the decision they told him of three nights ago now is the time where he must choose the golden mask of life for the silver mask of death they offer him one final warning for he chooses that his decision is going to affect more than just himself it will affect those around him as well with that final warning ringing in his head the swordsman sees what could happen if he wears the golden mask of life and chooses to die a death at the hands of the firing squad surrounding him and an end to his story but this is not the end he is envisioned for himself he tells the dramatic duo that he wants to live that he will Don the silver mask of death and bear the consequences of his decision with that the two turns of the police that surround them all simultaneously crumble before them they vanish the swordsman flees the scene having failed in his mission and knowing there will be severe consequences when he makes it home he finds the girl has cleaned up his apartment and since she's bored the two rents samurai movies to wash together after she dozes off the swordsman takes the opportunity to watch the tape he found in the casino office the guards conversation leads to the swordsman to realize it's from the same night that he was sent to kill fight Wan and suddenly the dragon erupts wall as he slices his way through the prison the swordsman realizes it was he that left all the bodies that littered the building when he arrived he watches as the dragon gets all the way to yuan cell and interrogate the man also had a connection to Chronos you want gives a dragon some helpful information that is not the government trying to bring Chronos back but whoever it is it must have some pretty deep pockets he also gives him the name of the creator of Chronos a man named Leon Vaughn Alvin's Leben satisfied with what he's gotten the dragon kills yuan leaving his body for the swordsmen to find it moments later that ends the swordsman's night in the next morning when he's going to talk to the psychologist he gets a phone call the voice on the other end mentions Leon and points the swordsman to a slaughterhouse in the third district with a promise that his questions will be answered the swordsman ditches his appointment and heads into the slaughterhouse we're not far in a TV screen sparks to life with the face of Leon he takes this moment to explain what this building used to be a facility where soldiers were tested to ascertain their suitability for the null project wanting to know more the swordsman proceeds further and further inside being subjected to these tests and at its conclusion he's ranked as a gamma null Leon explains what gamma null were people who were given Chronos as children and trained to become super soldiers but since the war was lost Noll and Chronos were failures and the project has ended after destroying the Chronos he has left he tells the swordsman he should no longer exist the swordsman's curiosity pulls him deeper into the facility despite Leon's protests eventually coming to a lab here he finds pre-recorded messages of all of what Leon has said to him indicating he was never speaking to him this entire time there are other messages that are rather interesting one name's John Rose the billionaire the swordsman assassinated and another mentions payment being in a storage unit in the second district which might be where electro had stumbled upon his supply of Cronos the final one is an order to leave the cryo tank at the end of the lab alone curious the swordsman wanders over to the tank opens it and out was Leon who then rapidly Ages in front of the swordsman until he dissolves away into dust an alarm starts blaring so the swordsman flees the lab and heads home when he gets home he's created by the little girl who pulls him to come and see a cool thing she found today she pulls him to the roof where the two look out over a beautiful Vista of the city shining brightly in the valley below the swordsman pulls his service medal now explaining that to him it's a reminder that he did something good once he tosses the medal from the edge of the building to be lost in the trash below when asked why he did that he explains he has another reminder now the serenity of the scene is tainted by ominous darkness when the little girl expresses a fear of hers the reappearance of men in masks but her fears are put to rest from the swordsman who promises to protect the friend he's come to care so much for the following morning is one of cheer and the little girl gives behemoth to the swordsman so that Leviathan could have a friend just like how she has one in him the two say their goodbyes as a swordsman sets out to visit the psychologist who was not at all pleased with his recent actions as he begins to weigh in to about the importance of their mission the swordsman confronts the man in red and orders him to tell him the truth and the swordsman finally gets confirmation of all he's uncovered and an explanation of who he is no we're secret super soldiers that were created with experimental combat drugs by new Mecca during the war the swordsman was placed in the project thanks to the psychopathic behavior observed in his youth eventually attaining the rank of gamma was reserved from the most elite of the unit while the null unit itself was a secret during the war they were used for morally dubious missions the results of which were known to the public and received criticism protests of these missions eventually led to the end of the war and once it ended Chronos production ceased which had an unintended side effect on the null soldiers who died of Chronos withdrawal that is the eventual fate of the swordsman one he's actively marching towards by complying in these missions to eliminate anyone that knows of Chronos once he's done killing all of his targets he'll be left to die or be eliminated it's a fate that the psychologist admits is out of his hands but the cold reality sinking in he sits still as the man and rest gives him another dose of the substance that's keeping him alive and leaves to complete his next mission tonight it's not one target but to complete elimination of all sensitive material within alkis Eames bunker after making his way pass a familiar receptionist the swordsman fights his way down into the depths of the bunker it eventually finds another one of those strange vats he found in halqa seems mansion and then another and another he passes a half dozen of these oddities in his descent wondering if there are part of the sensitive information he's meant to eliminate then an explosion from a suicide bomber throws him to the ground he falls unconscious the darkness fades into his nightmare but this time with one new detail added the word Noll is spoken by the scientist and the shadowy figure takes shape as the uniformed Nowell soldier he quickly wakes up and continues his descent until coming face to face with a woman that was in the casino office talking to the dragon the woman is wearing similar attire to the figure in his dream they have a short fight resulting in the floor being blown out under them where they end up in front of Alka seams fault they have a short conversation whereupon the woman reveals that she too is Noll and used to be used by al Kassim as a contract killer she was paid in Chronos which is how she's been able to live since the end of war it's a situation that sounds really familiar to the swordsman zone except now that her supplier is dead the woman doesn't have a way to get more Chronos and since there's none here she isn't withdrawal as the woman explains what their battle is going to be like explaining the mental duel that's taking place between the two of them in this moment she's cut down by the swordsman as she crawls towards him she begs him to get back at those that made them these monsters then dies before the door of the vault the door can only be unlocked the retinal scan so the swordsman decapitates the woman and uses her head to get inside the vault inside he doesn't find treasure or secrets he finds a cowering family as he pulls his sword he finds himself standing in front of the boy from his dreams his duty pulling him to complete his task but something within him holding him back then the hallucination glitches away and he spares the family as he realizes the truth behind his dream he returns to a psychologist office to confront him with what he's learned about his dream yet the man isn't listening to him in all panicking about the swordsman's abandonment of his mission yet again scared that their employers are gonna be coming for him when he finally notices the swordsman he orders him to leave but the swordsman steps forward knocks him to the ground and brutally murders the man in red by smashing his head in however this isn't how it plays out the swordsman Ted as a psychologist noted he's in withdrawal and in his mind the psychologist throws into the ground mentioning other combat drugs developed by the government he injects himself with syringes the swordsman has never seen before and floats into the air he then launches an attack on the swordsman that's wild cerebral incomprehensible and utterly impossible as he mentally battles with this grotesque monster the swordsman collects the crow knows that the psychologist hadn't left and injects himself with it resulting in the hallucination fading away to the quiet office where the lifeless body of his attacker lies before him checking the desk he gets a lead on where he can find more Chronos now that his supplier has died and also notices a dossier it's one on him and gives him the name subject to zero it orders his elimination if he ever began questioning his role or learned of the manufacturer of Chronos confirming his suspicions that he was just a tool to be thrown out when he'd outlived his usefulness he heads home where he finds there's been an incident at his apartment building according to the police his neighbor had been burglarized and was murdered in the break in the swordsman's apartment was another casualty of the robbery when he enters his apartment he finds it a total mess Leviathan and behemoth are torn apart on the ground and there's also a note on the wall it reads one life for another he exits and asks the police where the little girl is and when no one has any answers and actually say that there's no little girl living here he turns frantic angry the police get defensive and tried to apprehend him but the swordsman escapes their grasp as to a radio in his description one offers the possibility that he could be the guy perhaps the one responsible for killing all those men in Chinatown while running through the streets of the city he remembers his dream which was indeed a memory from his past the little boy plays with Leviathan until the scientist runs in and gets executed by the arrival of a null soldier the Knoll calmly walks over to the computer and inputs some commands while it fries itself he picks up the blue toy Stowe's it in their uniform and exits the building radioing in as zero they announced the success of their mission blowing off the headgear has revealed a figure is the swordsman also known as zero and he regroups with his ally 15 who is known as the dragon the two then make their way back to base leaving the smoldering ruins of the village to burn away the credits begin to roll signifying the approaching conclusion but got it throughout our follow up scenes snow arrives in a large office to report these death to someone presumably her employer who ominously alludes to a bloody conflict that looms in the future snow this scene still clutching bees necklace 15 is seen standing before a large board covered in notes presumably all the data he's gathered while completing his Vendetta these lifeless bodies sits in a dark room off to the side the credits end promising that a continuation of the story will be coming but as soon glitched away cowering in a single stream of light the little girl sits in fear of the monsters of her dreams their words hinting at her tragic future likely the consequence of the swordsman's decision to wear the silver mask of death darkness takes the trio signifying the end of katana zero puzzling psychedelic and thrilling the story of katana zero pulls us through its mystery in such a way that it's hard not to get engrossed and trying to solve it and there are still so many burning questions left unanswered hopefully the follow up can help answer these questions and give us a fitting end to our favourite katana wielding swordsman now I'm not perfect there's probably some errors in there and considering this is made before the follow up came out I'm sure some of it will eventually be wrong or explained later but I try to explain all the relevant parts of the game that I could and I certainly hope you enjoyed if there's still something you're unsure about or maybe you still have some questions about something else feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer them but that's all for this one thank you for watching and see you later
Channel: Squatch Gaming Official
Views: 306,302
Rating: 4.9522877 out of 5
Keywords: Katana Zero, first game, Askisoft, explanation, guide, help, understand, 2019, Indie, Game, Award, Best, Year, Hotline Miami, 80s, retro, synthwave, music, awesome, Synopsis, Narration, Full Story, who, what, when, where, why, Fifteen, The Dragon, Secret Boss, achievement, trophy, platformer, action, Chronos, NULL, New Mecca, War, drug, happy, ending, explained
Id: bJhbaaex4VA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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