LISA the Painful - Sticky, Cheeks, and Rick

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it was a rare thing to have people you could trust in the wastelands of a lathe where warlords ruthlessly dominated sections of the land shady salesman offered suspicious stock and thugs kidnapped sleeping citizens for ransom but in this barbaric land there were four men who were lucky enough to have each other's friendship there was cheeks gay wood whose name aptly reflected his flush faced appearance Brad Armstrong a quiet reserved tough guy that struggled with the traumas of his past Tony stinky anga Nellie a phallic headed man that had a similarly abusive past and Richard weeks a friendly level-headed man with a fondness for the bottle through the strength of their lifelong Brotherhood they dedicated to spending the rest of their days helping each other live out the rest of their lives until the doom of mankind came to claim them all that is until a seemingly chance discovery by Brad and the desert of a lathe changed everything this finding created this small crack and the foundation of friendship between the men which grew and grew eventually leading to the crumbling of the bond that had stood for so long between them the beginnings of their friendship actually stretched all the way back to their childhood where the four played amongst each other in the woods and playgrounds of their neighborhood nothing showed how deep their bond was more than the moment Brad took a beating from the neighborhood bully Christopher Colombo so that Rick didn't have to as the years went on the boys maintained their relationship sharing many happy moments together like when Rick married and bought a house or when Brad opened his martial arts studio but life wasn't always happy and the men bonded over their hardships as well an example being the nearly constant bullying of Christopher Colombo Brad and sticky especially clicked due to a sad similarity shared between them they both had abusive fathers and grew up in broken homes they found comfort in their shared pain since the other knew what it was like to be beaten down and broken the pair turned to drugs to numb the trauma away and it was common to see them use together while sticky always managed to keep his chin up despite his circumstances Brad had a much tougher time doing so due to further hardships in his life while he managed to get out of his father's abusive home his little sister Lisa wasn't as lucky feeling trapped with nowhere to go she found only one way out of her circumstances she hanged herself to finally escape the torment she experienced from her father Brad was greatly distressed at this news and felt incredibly guilty at his little sister's suicide feeling he could have done more to prevent it to save her he spiraled into a depression and turned to his familiar vice to numb away the hurt in his heart Rick seeing the hurt and his friend tried to cheer him up by inviting him over to his house for dinner which made for an awkward night as Brad saw a wife that was uninterested in Rick a son of questionable origin and a seemingly oblivious Rick after dinner the two made their way to the backyard where brick tried to keep up his facade but soon gave in to his gloom brad inquired about rick's turneth mood and he lamented about the trappings he'd found himself in in his own life he revealed he was envious of Brad's life of the freedom of having no kids or wife of him teaching martial arts he exclaimed that Brad's life was awesome which triggered something in Brad who saw his sister appear next to him and tell Rick he shouldn't forget about her this set Brad off and he quickly left Rick's home it was sticky that next saw their friend who sharply asked him for drugs something something was wrong with him stinky asked him to tell him what was up but Brad wouldn't stinky Preston Moore and Brad started getting angry but concerned with his friend stinky told him that drugs were the last thing he needed right now and held out causing Brad to leave in a huff Brad reluctance to confide in his friends could have been the beginning of the end of their friendship but that was when a shining white light burned over the land and changed everything the effects of this incident were wide reaching and disastrous the luscious landscape that covered a lathe withered and died in a desert all of the women that lived in a lathe seemingly disappeared in society as a whole devolved into anarchy eventually crumbling with no women to continue the human race grief struck the surviving men of the land and with no law governing the land most of these men became aggressively ruthless sections of the land were fought over which eventually fell under the domain of warlords that were able to exert their influence over them often at the expense of the innocent and weak transforming a lathe into a brutal war zone free of consequence and conscience despite the savagery of the setting and the cataclysm of a flash all four of Brad brick sticky and cheeks were alive soon after the outset of the disaster that swept over a lathe they made a commitment to each other to their Brotherhood that they were going to survive through these perilous days until the dying days of their species something that was now an inevitability one day as Rick's Tiki and cheeks were lazily lounging in the heat and sunshine they watched as Brad approached holding something in small wrappings and even though they knew what it was I couldn't believe it as Brad stood clutching the small thing close to his breast Rick asked him what he held but sheiks surprise couldn't be contained and he screamed aloud the question that all three of them had in their head Brad confessed he held a baby in his arms and when asked says he just found it on the ground like it was something someone unsympathetically tossed aside a sudden realization hit cheeks someone must have given birth to this baby which meant a girl was out there somewhere in a lathe and that there was hope for Humanity he lustily commented about her appearance which sticky agreed upon which prompted Rick to shut down their conversation so they could deal with the matter in front of them looking at the ground Rick asked Brad if the baby was a boy or a girl Brad answered that he hadn't checked as his friends stared intently at him Brad uncovered the baby's wrappings and announced his findings to his four and the baby was a girl hitting them all with surprise Rick was the first to digest the news understanding the importance of what they had in front of them he said they needed to tell someone which led to cheeks concluding the war Lord Brando would be the best person to tell as he would set them up for life if they came to him with this Rick agreed commenting he and his army would be much better equipped to deal with something this important but Brad had his own ideas for the baby he held in his arms understanding the cruelty of present-day Olathe a place where sex starved men roamed with no qualms have taken advantage of others he feared that when the baby grew into a woman she wouldn't stand a chance so decided that he was keeping her Rick realizing how ridiculous that was tried talking him out of that questioning if he thought about what would happen if someone found out about her - which Brad replied that no one could know that he had her Rick questioned him again but Brad was resolute saying he didn't care if they helped her not and saying this was his second chance Rick understanding that Brad was referring to his sister whom he felt he failed was driven silent by this he listened as Brad promised his little buddy and he wouldn't let anyone hurt her and gazed upon his friend with Brad stubbornness winning out he adopted the girl becoming her father while Rick sticky and cheeks became her uncle's a room was carved out below their Hut meant to be buddy's room where the four of them raised the young girl through the years spending happy moments together as buddy grew she became more inquisitive of the world outside the walls of the hut but she was never allowed to explore do - Brad's intense paranoia surrounding her a paranoia driven not only by his worry of her discovery but by his continued drug abuse seeing how miserable the girl was driven her uncle's attempted to comfort her telling her stories of their past which often pushed sticky to tears she was especially entranced by a story they told her of a boy named dusty whom they say was Brad son when she brought it up to her father he wasn't happy that her uncle's told her of dusty and as punishment told her she was to stay away from her uncle's isolating her even further seeing the misery Brad had brought buddy Rick and sticky concluded he was unfit to be a parent and resentment grew within them this feeling was compounded by their friend's insistence of keeping buddy to himself instead of sharing her with the rest of the world prioritizing his own selfish desire over the needs of the entirety of mankind they believed buddy was the key to repopulation to the survival of the human race but since she was trapped under the care of a man that didn't have the strength to let her go because he couldn't get over the guilt of his past it seemed the world would die to give the world a chance to live to get an opportunity to save the world Rick and stinky determined they needed to find some way to get her out from under Brad's control that opportunity did come just not in an ideal way one day while Brad was out on the drug binge men came around investigating the disappearance of one of their companions they stumbled across the small hut but he called home and found her the last girl alive the possible salvation for Humanity and an outlet for their suppressed sexual urges in the basement of the hut they attempted to abduct her yet were stopped by her fierce resistance and the appearance of her uncle's who involved the brave way to protect her seeing this as their chance her uncle started to flee with her but not all of them managed to get away Cheeks was gravely hurt in the fighting and had to be left behind as his life withered away Brad arrived and cheeks managed to inform him of the dire news then died in the hands of his friend after mourning his friend's death for a moment Brad gave chase and found that news of buddy's discovery swept over seemingly the entire land Rick sticky and buddy we're trying to get away as fast as they could from a mob of men that was close on their tail they crossed a broke bridge and to thwart further pursuit cut it out behind them leaving a chasm between them and their pursuers giving them a moment of peace but it would only be a moment as nearly everybody was looking for any trace of the girl luckily one of the three of them thought to grab a mask made by Brad to conceal buddy's identity and put this on her to buy them some time but the disguise wouldn't last long Rick and stinky deliberated and finally decided it would be best to get buddy to Rando the idea that they had so many years ago there was a cave not far from where they were that they could hide buddy until randos men could come and get them and protect them on the way to Randall and so they began their Trek eastwards towards the cave but were forced to fight again when other men saw through buddy's disguise they were able to fight off their attackers and begin to flee but this time Rick sustained injuries that forced him to be left behind while stinky raced to get buddy to the cave as quick as possible as Rick sat there clutching his wound trying to gain his strength back someone called his name as they approached him from behind Rick turned and in wide-eyed dismay saw Brad the man they were attempting to steal buddy from standing there questioning him as to the whereabouts of his daughter Rick ran from Brad who chased after him in confusion when he caught up to him Rick turned and punched him knocking him from his feet Brad got up and again gave chase tackling Rick to the ground and tying him up to a nearby pole he demanded an explanation from Rick and the location of his daughter Rick scoffed in contempt then informed Brad that she was gone Rick revealed the plan that he believed would save the world but he was going to be used for repopulation Brad thought that plan was idiotic since he believed it would lead to buddy getting taken advantage of bullying Rick shouted back asking if they should just die off Brad couldn't answer him the realization of the betrayal still fresh in his head he tried to understand why Rick would take his girl away from him which caused all the suppressed emotion that simmered within Rick to boil over and he screamed at brad revealing all the contempt that had grown inside him over the years he screamed about how there are more important things affecting everybody in the world he screamed about how selfish Brad was being by being willing to doom them all so he didn't need to feel guilty anymore he screamed about how Brad struggles with drug addiction make him a washed-up druggie and he screamed how unfit he was to be a parent especially to the most important child in the world Brad his mind on one thing turned back to Rick and asked him where his daughter was warning that he didn't want to hurt him but Rick invited Brad to do his worst Brad punched Rick in the face drunk blood from his mouth but Rick didn't reveal anything Brad struck again and again but still Rick persevered and even began taunting Brad getting nowhere with this Brad picked up a spiked Club on the ground close by and threatened that Rick had one last opportunity to divulge information but he still refused to give up anything Brad walked over to his childhood friend and bashed him in the face with the club brutally tearing it up Rick finally relented but Brad didn't stop Rick told him of the cave at stake he had taken her to where they were waiting for randos men but he was interrupted by more punishment blood pouring down his face the pain nearly unbearable he begged Brad to stop that he was killing him but Brad kept going and going and going meanwhile sticky and buddy were still being chased but reached the cave mentioned earlier and as they slipped into it an explosion rocked the mountain causing a landslide which resulted in rocks blocking the cave entrance saving them from further pursuit they climbed to the highest chamber of the cave system where a sticky order buddy to stay while he went to get reinforcements from Rando who was seen in the nearby area stinky was able to meet the warlord and managed to get him to agree to help while Rando set off back towards Randall and in the far east to prepare for buddy's arrival he gave sticky some men to protect them on their Trek towards his home with randos protection assured stinky returned to the mountaintop chamber to retrieve buddy but found that men in pink masks had her in their clutches and it looked like their leader was interrogating someone a balding bearded man sticky recognized the figure as Brad who had come through the mountains to collect buddy himself not wanting her to fall into either one of these men's hands sticky launched an attack on the masked men attempting to save buddy from them men from both sides fell in the fighting but eventually stinky and the Rando soldiers were unable to pry buddy from the grasp of the masked men and sticky himself was grievously wounded by the leader but the man left him alive choosing to spare him for some reason as stick you lied there in a puddle of his own blood you heard the steps of someone approaching and as he looked up he saw the face of Brad staring down at him seeing him nearly on death's door Brad looked at Tony his former friend and told him it was all over hearing his birthday reminded sticky of his father which put him on a path of recollection of his and Brad shared past of how similar they used to be abused kids with only one friend that understood what the other was going through but stinky also remembered the key difference between them that he never gave in to his despair while Brad fell deeper into his stinky asked what happened to forsake everything they stood for to the vow they made to survive to their Brotherhood and Brad told him that none of that mattered to him anymore now it was only buddy his second chance sticky scoffed of that notion and told Brad but he wasn't his daughter or some chance of redemption for him she was a gift to the world an opportunity to save it and he wasn't strong enough to let go of his guilt to let go of buddy and let her into the world to give it and everyone in it a chance to be saved but he assured Brad that now the world would be safe because sticky made that decision for him Brad charged up a fireball but as he did so someone came running in and threw himself between bread and sticky it was Rick who although mutilated survived the beating Brad laid upon him and he now begged Brad to spare stickey's life if Brad were feeling merciless at that moment then he would unleash his fireball ending the lives of his former friends their corpses a symbol of the end of the bond they'd all shared since childhood however the significance of that bond still held some sway within Brad and with his teeth bared he ordered his former friends to leave and never show their faces again Rick thinked Brad for the mercy shown him and he pulled sticky to come with him but for sticky Brad's threat seemingly fell on deaf ears as he warned Brad that things weren't over between them sure enough after leaving sticky regathered his strength and set out to stop Brad before he could ruin everything as Brad headed to a nearby shoreline with materials he was going to use to build a boat to sail after his daughter sticky stood in his path Brad ordered him to stand aside but stinky refused believing Brad was going to destroy the world stinky apologized to his former friend then started a fight to end Brad's journey however Brad's strength was too much for him and despite begging his one-time brother not to do this he was killed by Brad ending the Brotherhood that was meant to stand the test of time and survive all the way until the end cheeks Brad sticky and Rick these four men shared a powerful bandha had withstood so much tragedy and heartache grief and unhappiness and even the end of society they were dedicated to see their lives through to the end of everything but they had no idea that it wouldn't be the extinction of the human race that would lead them to their demise instead the discovery of the last girl alive led to a rift emerging between them putting them at odds with each other and ultimately breaking the bonds of friendship that tied them together without their brotherhood the men merely saw each other as obstacles in the way of their own desires obstacles that needed to be overcome by any means necessary resulting in the deaths of all of them and that's the story of Rik sticky in cheeks I know this one's kind of weird since it focused mainly on the friendship between all four of them and by all means I don't think these characters are defined by that friendship but it was hard to tell their story outside of that friendship since that's the only way we get to see these characters I also left out Rick's appearance in Lisa the pointless if you're wondering why it's because I only wanted to include information from the main games in this video and yes that's despite to the creator of Lisa saying the fan games are canon I hope those things didn't take too much away from the video and it was still enjoyable nonetheless if you have any questions or anything feel free to ask and I'll do my best to answer them but that's it so thank you for watching and see you later you
Channel: Squatch Gaming Official
Views: 75,223
Rating: 4.9659386 out of 5
Keywords: LISA the Painful, LISA the Joyful, Richard Weeks, Cheeks Gaywood, Sticky Angonelli, Tony, Antonio, Anthony, Mr. Angonelli, Brad Armstrong, Martin Armstrong, Marty, Buddy, Drug use, Drug addiction, parenting, last hope, Joy, Joyless, story, who, what, when, where, why, synopsis, explanation, Side Characters, Minor, brothers, brotherhood, nothing wrong, phallic, Buzzo, Joy Boys
Id: 6Que6Y3iFqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 24sec (1284 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2019
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