LISA the RIPOFF (Escape from Detroit) - Nitro Rad

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I'm fairly certain at this point, not only does everybody here know of EFD and NitroRad separately, but have already watched this video.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Ambiticus 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

Interesting thing about this video. When I was inspired to start making my game after playing LISA, I found this video and had the thought, "at no point development should my game remotely look, feel, play, sound, or be anything like this atrocity."

I'm fairly confident the creator was not really trying when they made it.

On a side note, when I started my game, all the sprites were so insanely ripoffs of LISA's style and I realized I seriously needed to rework the graphics. So I did :)

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/The_Fifth_Born_King 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2017 🗫︎ replies

You are really late with this video.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/JANORASSOULFAN69 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] I draw Brad it's amazing what the fans can do these days it's not uncommon to see high production value in fan-made sequels or spin-offs especially when it comes to RPG Maker games games like dot flow and Lisa the pointless demonstrate just exactly how passionate and talented fans can be but there is a fine line between creating a work that pays tribute to and respectful source material of a well-established game and straight-up ripping something off these days it's not unheard of the see ripoffs of indie games popping up around the place a notable example being that hotline miami knockoff that somehow wormed its way into steam but this isn't something for sale it's a small fan made project that claims the transpiration from Pokemon Final Fantasy and Lisa after playing it I have to say I don't really see the similarities between it and Final Fantasy or Pokemon but the similarities between it and Lisa it's a little bit too similar the gaming question is called escape from Detroit it's been available on gamejolt comm since January of this year releasing even after the brilliant fan game Lisa the pointless RPG but the thing about escape from Detroit is it's not claiming to be a fan game but rather an original game that's simply inspired by Lisa now there's a difference in being inspired and then copying something I mean for example Lisa was inspired by earthbound and those are two totally different games so when you don't state that it's a fan game the intention comes off that it's supposedly original and if that's the case you're likely going to get some sort of backlash about how you're ripping something off I've gotten requests for this one from many people all of which share the unanimous opinion that it's a blatant release or ripoff now I'm not the one to trash the work of a single dude that means a lot different ones the commercial product made for a profit but when it's a single guy making a game for free purely out of expressing himself there's boundaries there that I'm a little more hesitant to cross because I don't want to come off as mean or in sensitive you know but hey it's something Lisa related so it's something I've got to cover so let's frickin head on over to gamejolt back home and get this thing downloaded oh my lord even Lisa the pointless didn't have this many warnings I mean cartoon violence mild fantasy violence realist how do you have cartoon fantasy and realistic violence realistic bloodshed sexual violence alcohol use drug use tobacco use nudity sexual themes strong language but your humor and simulated gambling buddy this games got it all sign me up [Music] makes you download an exe file simply called it be exp uh didn't this can only go well okay so I get the game extracted and I'm going to boot it up and yeah what am I looking at get happiness getting met Christ okay so the game begins with the flashback sequence the main characters youth you know like Lisa did Lisa the point listed to Matt you know I hate you I don't care move you're not going to talk to me like that go to hell alright got some great a writing here so we've got a first fight and uh oh that's uh that's uh not gonna live it's a pretty ugly battle screen I mean mostly games have a really abstract earthbound style background but this is just the sprites up scaled and looking really blurry and not good anyway the battle system is a carbon copy of Lisa's menus are the same you've got the WASD combos it's identical so after beating the [ __ ] out of those guys final words are [ __ ] you you have no family what is this music that plays when you level up it's not it's not fitting at all but it's kind of dude this is a freaking Jam all right after beating up the blind kid we meet with some greasy old man like five meters to the right and he tells us that it's a messed up world and he wants to give us a mean of defending ourselves we then have a choice to either refuse or get a knife or get a gun this this random [ __ ] guy just gives a gun to a child he sees his baby ass eleven-year-old fighting in the street design hmm kids fightin pretty good I've got an idea I know I know how can help them oh here's a [ __ ] gun this get a little far though the context is absolutely freakin bonkers the idea game mechanic wives isn't half bad honestly not having a weapon gives you the classic punch combos that's the hard mode the knife is similar but you'll do a lot more damage that's the medium mode and the gun it's a gun dude that's easy mode we wake up years later in our 30s probably we've got a son now when we see some kinda slip what are you doing to my son okay so we get this guy to bugger off and um dad Jimmy is his name's Jimmy okay this rock has just saved your life the hot they're even stealing that joke too but like it doesn't work here that's a random clip that no one needs to go near you don't have to actually climb down there you supposed to go back to your house it's also not an object of interest it's just a rock this joke was in Lisa to communicate how dangerous cliffs were and it did it in a comedic way using a balloon I mean obviously you're going to interact with the balloon but man you can tell this guy just really misses the point with this kind of thing so once we're home we get drunk and tell Jimmy to be a good boy and then we pass toad and then have a flashback to like how our wife died I don't know this guy tries to write a sappy heartfelt moment but like come on dude there's more to that than just slapping the words I love you in the textboxes every three seconds so Jimmy runs away from home in the news tells us that Ella wanted criminal why fricking I don't know but that's the excuse to why everyone once is dead now because there's a bounty on us and this plot is already the same as Lisa's I mean just replace your adoptive daughter with your son and nothing you got the same black key scenes or even copied exactly like this one here you get a choice between your first party member or all of your items that's not even trying to be original and look at the villain it's just Randall but like bad everything about this game feels so bland I mean remember how Lisa had all these crazy party members in this game they're just kind of dudes they're not memorable in any sort of way I mean we've got Alex he's a guy the terrors are shirt off every time uses a special move what the hell is he getting all these shirts from and then there's James this dweeb ass and a black hoodie what what [Music] I'm starting to think this guy's trying to make the worst game ever made like the great derrick acosta mega64 fame once said the dab is like a magic spell you do it and everyone in the rooms pissed off no one quite knows why they're pissed off but despite that everyone finds themself filled with this uncontrollable rage that's what this guy's doing he's using this magic spell to piss off his audience another one of this special moves is trash talk let's see what that does do you even [Music] everything feels so effortlessly slapped together and the sprites aren't very good the game is full of typos and grammar errors not to mention so many glitches I mean yeah yeah it's early access to games bound to have glitches and I'm not going to pretend that other games didn't have the same problem I mean I found a couple of glitches at least the pointless and that games kick ass but it's a lot more abundant here one of them was game breaking I couldn't progress because of it during the Russian Roulette scene and yes they even stole a Russian roulette minigame but every time someone dies the game crashes unable to find file graphics flash animations / blended Oh God if this guy couldn't fix his own game we'll do it for him okay yeah okay the other kind of looks like blood he'll say this as a blood dot PNG okay I made the folders put that in there let's try this it works [Laughter] on one hand that's amazing but on the other hand now I have to keep playing this [ __ ] and what is up with this battle music is this supposed to be Lisa ours is Mel your [ __ ] rising and I don't know what this dude's obsession with weed is either I mean you want a party member you give them some weed you need a healing item you smoke a joint recovery moves you past the spliff and like I guess I get he's trying to emulate how the characters do drugs like they didn't Lisa you know with joy and whatnot but I feel like he's completely missing the point here I feel a softer drug like weed doesn't translate that idea not at all maybe if these guys were hopped up on heroin and morphine sure maybe I guess but like it doesn't even make any sort of attempt to be like a thing they're dealing with like in Lisa instead it's like yeah we'd the healing item died it's just so juvenile oh we've got the motorcycle part that's exactly the same as the motorcycle part and Lisa except when you're holding the button to go off ramps you don't do a wheelie so it's harder to get a feel for and I also find the game really hard to navigate to a lot of areas have walls that look like they lead to another area but it's just a wall there isn't enough here to convey what screens lead to other screens and what screams don't this whole game is just a shittier clunkier grosser less polished less appealing less interesting less fun less everything version of Lisa it's riddled with that spelling that writing tasteless humor poor game design and just in overall code a [ __ ] you know I said at the beginning of this video that I didn't want to just rip into the game because it was a big project made by a single dude for free out of has a that I mean I'm uh I'm sorry dude it's just so bad but you know what they say if you can't say anything nice don't say anything at all I mean what's the point of criticism if none of its constructive I think it's important to find something you love in every game you hate I mean otherwise no one's going to know what they're doing right the game doesn't mentally have some decent ideas the difficulty settings with a knife and gun those are pretty cool there's this whole system we're talking to certain NPCs and responding in certain ways can increase or decrease your stats that's neat some of the music's not bad the victory screen music while I'm fitting as hell is pretty jamming there's also this night today cycle we try to program in sometimes after staying at a bonfire it'll be darker out when you wake up I mean it just looks like a filter over the screen that makes everything hard to see and it bugs up the game when entering buildings sometimes but it's novel idea and even though it didn't work out super well it's still a minor detail he put in the effort to try and implement it's the only game he's got up on his game joke page right now so it's presumably the first game he's made and published for others to play I'd say take it as a learning experience I mean you know how some people make YouTube poops so they can learn how to edit I guess sometimes you got to make a Liesl ripoff so you can learn how to make a game even if your first one's not a very good one you know practice makes perfect there's no telling this guy might someday put out something decent and when that day comes we're all going to feel pretty dang bad for making fun of them for making this one [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Nitro Rad
Views: 356,540
Rating: 4.9282751 out of 5
Keywords: Lisa, lisa the painful RPG, lisa the pointless, lisa the joyful, escape, from, detroit, escape from detroit, nitro rad, review, lisa ripoff, lisa the ripoff
Id: LN3M1ITlfnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 13 2017
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