Liquid Nitrogen vs Samsung!

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hey what's up guys we're gonna be doing life hacks we're gonna play rock-paper-scissors after each hack and at the end the person with the most points gets to tweet on the losers account ooh you got a nice Walmart flip-flop those are the kind you get when you forgot your flip-flops and you're like we need to go to Walmart and get some flip-flops let's go down to the light back to get oh so he broke no he broke the bottom of his thing and it's pulling through and now look oh we're doing it right now Rock Paper Scissors shoot hey I thought you were gonna go paper that time oh one point for the chain man have you ever wanted orange juice but you didn't have none and all you had was orange I'm sure I have yeah well boom it is that's good for weak boys if you can't really get in there and squeeze it out oh I'm not a pirate ship dudes gonna take the pulp Oh No ah give me your booty that's what Pirates say they say give me your booty to those thanks man I didn't I didn't give you a compliment Rock Paper Scissors shoot yeah ow sorry I'm sorry I get really excited oh is that Play Doh that's Play Doh Doh Doh that's good right oh he's putting the secret container inside of the tennis ball that's where he can keep his Play Doh Play Doh Oh I mean his random trinkets is what he's keeping in there it's Paper Scissors shoot good to with you through I want to do this hack backwards Chandler apparently is going to not look at the heck but still get it right somehow there's some wires and a piece of silver and something that spins a little bit of glue edge going on yeah yeah they're making something oh there's electronics and a motor other shoving some electronics to it electronics mm-hmm and they're soldering wires together and then heat sink in them and they're taping it all down it's almost done I'm gonna get my head they're putting a battery on the battery and they're plugging the battery in yeah it works oh they're plugging in more wires and now they have a controller when they press up things happen what is helicopter it's a plane that was so close man that was so close Rock Paper Scissors shoot book burning home easily why would they not name it matchstick house all right how to burn your home kids all right so what you're gonna wanna do is take a bunch of matches and make a scale replica of your house and then you light it on fire in the living room and the boom house down we tried to do something like this one time and it took us a long time and it didn't even do that well and it was all around not a good time but it's fun to watch people do it trick you gotta burn I'm down to burn burn Oh looks like she no numa doesn't it you know it's got the two stories and then it's got downstairs it's got a bunch of fences around do you not see scheana in the crystal house is burning mm-hmm are you a very low pitch slow easygoing siren what if that's how sirens were that would be some much more pleasant scissors Rock Paper Scissors shoot dojo is gonna be scissor so look at that okay yeah of course I did let's do the next say you ready to retreat don't what do you need to tone it so bad why do you just have somebody to hand you doughnuts this is what the youtuber life does see alright so that is a lot of squirted just on the ground in a box one more to be exact look at that why do they have like barcodes on the eggs do they accept like serial numbers no I got names they got names no she calling did you know what that makes me want I want some french toast Oh ramen noodles one time I went to the store when I was in college and they were having a sale and I got a hundred cases of ramen noodles for like $14 and we just filled it an ADA everyday and then I was 200 pounds by the end of that summer Paper Scissors shoot [Music] whoa you seen that wait hold on they'll do it again in slo-mo oh we gotta try this but we need a good slo-mo you know what kind of magma is that that is a super magnet a oh it's a it's a Spanish man magnet but look how much damage that small little ball does some work in Oh oh that's dangerous that is oh that's in Reverse like imagine change my mind all right I'm changing it alright glass is more beautiful than diamonds and it's way cheaper No do glass looks awesome when it's like shattered and stuff there is a hold on the diamond supply there's one company who owns most of the diamonds in the world and they keep them and release them yearly to make an artificial need for them the birds worked for the booj was a tres cuatro that was not synced together but it was my fault five centimeters familiar oh [Music] that's a birdhouse I called it not a birdhouse it's a birdhouse for the poor so they can walk for Hertz it's worked for the booj was a Orange be walking on the sidewalk all the time dude that's crows and crows are different crows oh wow what's a pigeon then a rat with wings a government a dude it's got a windmill on it come on what kind of house got a windmill ain't never seen a house bird house how the barns gonna get in there we're gonna fly to the door there's a kid open that door look it's got lights no part of it it's on fire the house is on fire someone the roof is on fire we don't need a water lily whoa galaxy s7 not the brain seven with the no copyrights at NCIS please don't pour liquid nitrogen is I carried oh it's getting cold in there oh yeah what's the work in blood what's that do to the sound it's cuz the speakers are covered up it's underwater it's like dude it's still work grounding is it so I can't tell naturally going to fish it out with a spatula did it work for a long time I think it's done why'd you pause it we're bringing it out all right let's check it out clean Oh hammer golden hammer baby it froze it actually froze it oh I like this music we gettin into it did you say music oh okay he's making to do what he's making oh he's making like a torch this is really wild it's crazy you know a blue Fanta yeah it's blue bear it's a new flavor what are you doing oh he's gonna be cooking bacon and stuff oh look at this it's fine you gotta watch this oh my god this is the best video ever why are we not showing this in schools [Music] beautiful Oh [Music] it's like a Yoshi's brain I want to show you something goodbye camera we no longer need you Rock Paper Scissors shoot Rhett oh look at those little magnets those are small magnets they're small but they're just as equally as good no no small correct small magnets Kings form together to make really cool big things nope but the magnets are better no I think the small magnets are just as important no no I don't know no big magnet all right well let's just test it then here's a big boy magnet versus a small magnet by small magnets still matter okay they don't there's no difference be gone it's about the pool of the magnet not the size the small magnet can still have a big pool this magnet has a very big pool well look it just dropped some see it just dropped them and put them all back together the small ones are better they just came off of it and went right back together oh look at that what's his name a pumpkin what's his name who's a pumpkin you could what is a pumpkin a he oh that's a good cut oh that looks like Minecraft a flower oh it's a pretty flower see if I was a kid I'd be eating that stuff yeah they say like especially play-doh they're like fun to play with not to eat but also here's play-doh donuts Play Doh ice cream like how am I not supposed to eat it it ain't that bad it's just really salty yeah I've made a lot of play-doh in my life and I'm not gonna lie it was not like when I was a child it was in art class in seventh grade I used to eat the corners of paper and then put them back what paper scissors rock paper scissors is blink all right Chandler we are on my Twitter and tweet whatever you want go unfollow your telling everybody to unfollow you this is what your true feelings are about me okay can I change it to everything no this is her okay he got a long head people are gonna know that's not me by this is you make sure you subscribe click like comment peace
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 1,414,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: u3t0GahceIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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