Linux is a MAJOR Rabbit Hole

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so let's start with the first here I think at the very tip of this iceberg is Ubuntu this is the most popular Linux distribution in the first distro for many people it's known for being beginner friendly and having a huge Community behind it and most of the big beginner Linux distros are based off of it but it's also hated by a lot of more experienced people in the Linux Community for many reasons with the major one being the snap package management system and just for me personally overall stability has seemed to gone down the drain and the next step we have Linux Mint this is another very popular beginner distro based on Ubuntu it has a Windows like layout through cinnamon and comes with a nice Suite of pre-installed tools developed by the mint Team such as time shift web app manager and warpinator and the linuxman team is the main group of people behind their very popular desktop environment cinnamon and speaking of desktop environments we have gnome and plasma gnome and plasma are two of the biggest desktop environments in the Linux World gnome Muse the gtk toolkit and has a very unique workflow behind it it has a lot more consistency than other desktops in the Linux World while plasma uses the QT toolkit and uses more of a traditional workflow that allows almost as much customization as you want of course at the expense of overall consistency given that they are the two biggest desktops and they are so different from each other many people debate over which one is better gnome comes pre-installed in many popular distros including Debian Pap OS Ubuntu Fedora Zorn OS and plasma comes pre-installed on distros such as kubuntu Manjaro plasma Ferron OS and kde's Flagship distrokidae neon and then that takes us to virtualbox this is a program for creating virtual machines which is basically virtual computers within your computer for testing different operating systems many Linux users first try Linux through virtualbox before switching to it or installing it on their computer and some people even run Linux full-time through virtualbox next how to install all insert Windows app on Linux this is a thing that every beginning Linux user has looked up at some point a lot of people miss one app when they switch to Linux and they spend a lot of time installing wine and trying to get that application running most of the time they have issues the application won't work and they give up to try to find an alternative or end up just switching back to Windows now when it comes to distributions a lot of new users don't know what district to try first so they check either distro watch or distro Chooser disto Chooser tries to help people find distro for them but the problem is it doesn't really narrow down the results for you and then distro watch is a site that a lot of people use to browse through and find various Linux distributions but the problem with this one is rankings are based on page views and not on the distros that people are actually using but with this it is actually a pretty great site for general information as many distros publish their updates to it and there's a lot of actual views and things like that overall it's a pretty decent resource and speaking of finding distros we're going to talk about newbie distros this is a term that often describes Linux distributions aimed at beginners but specifically Ubuntu and Ubuntu base distros achieve this such as Linux Mint zornos Elementary Os fahren Os and pop OS and there are some archbase distros such as Manjaro and Garuda Linux that are considered a newbie distro and now we're gonna have to finish off tier one by talking about the Raspberry Pi this is a very popular 30 single board computer that is if you can actually find one and it is absolutely loved by Linux users because of the low cost and the modularity of it you can easily extend the functionality of the Raspberry Pi with parts off of Amazon and it has many use cases including as a retro console media center with Cody a cheap server host and much more and it's also known for bringing a lot of people into the Linux World thanks to its specific custom Linux distro called raspberry pios now we're going to go down to tier two we're still slightly above sea level so a lot of this stuff is going to be pretty common and familiar and the first thing is going to be lutras this is a program for managing your games that works with just about every platform that you can think of this program can integrate with emulators different game launchers and it's known for its Community maintained wine scripts that can get many different Windows games running on Linux very easily it's definitely not the end-all be all but it is a fantastic tool and now in tier two we're gonna have to talk about Manjaro and this is a popular arch-based Linux distro that is kind of geared towards the intermediate Linux crowd it's a rolling release just like Arch but holds its own packages to make sure that they are fully tested before they push updates it also has graphical tools such as pamac which is one of the best software managers on an Arch Linux system as well as things like their setting manager for picking various kernels however some users don't really like it because of the held back packages are known to do things such as breaking other Aur packages and on the other side of Manjaro we have Debbie and Debian is a Linux distribution known for being a very Rock Solid and stable system some of the packages can be years old in fact The Gnome version in the latest release is still from 2020. its main repositories contain only free software with separate non-free repositories it is also the distro that Ubuntu is based on and therefore the grandparent of all Ubuntu based distributions this makes Debian a very Hit or Miss distro based on exactly what you're looking for because a lot of the enthusiasts do not like how old the packages are but a lot of people who just prefer Linux don't care about that and they love it because it works and it's just incredibly stable so now let's shift Focus to some of the tier 2 desktop environments first up we have mate this is a desktop environment that continues the development of gnome 2. basically the community was split wink gnome 3 came out and that's because it was known for being buggy removing features and a lot of people didn't like the initial Design This resulted in mate due to it being lightweight and still supporting a workflow that they're used to a lot of different distros have their own mate flavors such as Ubuntu Linux Mint Solus and Fedora and even triscules one of the few that ships it out stock now if you're looking for some old school Windows 98 Vibes look no further than xfce many people love it because it's very lightweight but it can be customized to give you the right looking system while being very Snappy and as sometimes the default environment on Linux distributions geared towards older Hardware such as Zorn OS light MX Linux and more so continuing the trend of desktop environments we have cinnamon we talked about this a little bit earlier this is the one developed by the Linux team and this one was actually forked over from gnome 3. the goal of cinnamon was to have the main features of gnome 3 with a more traditional Windows e style that gnome 3 started to take away it originally just Place The Gnome shell but was still built on top of other gnome components but this eventually turned into its own thing completely in addition to being installed on Linux Mint as the flagship distro there's many other distros that have their own official or Community maintained spins like Manjaro Debian Fedora Ubuntu and more next up is a website that you are sure going to run into when you are looking for those software Alternatives and that is alternative to this is a user curated website for finding alternatives for different programs the website's cool because you can find a lot of different software on it there's a rating system in various tags for all the different applications listed and every application has its own alternatives to tab in which you'll find a list of a bunch of different programs that will do something similar and by now in the Linux Journey you probably opened up the terminal and one of the things you're going to be curious about is something you've maybe seen in a video or you've seen a screenshot of and that is a fetch script these are cli's scripts or apps that show system information such as the operating system kernel uptime desktop environment and some of your Hardware configurations such as CPU GPU and RAM usage the most popular of these scripts is neofetch but many others do exist so now we're getting on to tier 3. at this point you've had some experience you've been on various Reddit threads and you've probably been dabbling around in the Linux Community for at least a couple weeks first up is the classic copy pasta of gnu Linux you've probably seen this quite a bit I'd like to interject for a moment what you're referring to as Linux is in fact gnu Linux this is important of something the free software Foundation likes to push that you aren't actually running Linux but in fact you're actually running a new slash Linux because Linux is the kernel and GNU is the actual combination of various packages and tools that make up the operating system this copy pasta was born off of a 2011 post on Richard stallman's blog and has often used used as a troll whether that Beyond 4chan Reddit YouTube or any other parts of the internet and it's even made its way onto a podcast well before we get into anything let me read a couple emails we had this one okay this is a good one here hey guys this has been bothering me for a while now I was listening to the show and I'd just like to interject for a moment what you're referring to is Linux is in fact gnu Linux or as I've recently taken to calling it gnu plus Linux the video graphics cards on Linux are known for being a rather painful experience for some Linux users the video for the longest time has made its drivers proprietary causing a difficulty when it comes to getting these gpus to work properly on some Linux distributions including the big ones like Debian and Fedora however Nvidia has made a recent effort to start open sourcing some of their driver but the damage has already been done when it comes to the overall reputation within the Linux Community Nvidia has been the single worst company we've ever dealt with so Nvidia youth and then moving on from there we have uh some dangerous commands that you may have been recommended to fix your system including sudo rm-rf and a few others because Linux gives people the freedom basically to do whatever they want in their system it also allows you to break your system this has resulted in many instances of trolls getting new users to delete their root partitions by running the sudo rm-rf no preserve Roo forward slash command and other dangerous commands such as the fork bomb which just uses all your resources until you reboot and there's other ones such as DD if equals Dev random of Dev SDA which overwrites your drive with random data and personally my favorite troll setting the default in its system to S bin forward slasher reboot all of these again are trolls and you shouldn't take anybody's advice when it comes to running these commands next up we're going to talk about Arch Linux here this is a Linux distro known for being bleeding edge and do it yourself overall earlier in this Iceberg we talked about Manjaro which is a arch-based distribution Arch itself is a little bit further down the rabbit hole as it will almost always give you the latest version of various packages and you can customize Arch almost however you want aside from things that require compiling the kernel and other things of that nature however Arch has been known for being quite difficult to install which has sparked the meme by the way I use Arch based on teasing Arch users who just feel superiority over other users for installing the difficult system it's also a common meme to compare Arch users to vegans based on the people always telling you that they're vegan or an arch user now if you're down this rabbit whole chances are you've stumbled across Unix porn this is a subreddit where people share their Linux BST and Mac OS setups because of Linux custom ability you can literally make it look almost however you want it to look so basically this is a subreddit where people share their customized or quote unquote riced setups usually with a fetch script running as well to flex their various Arch installations and a little deeper we have Vim this is a text editor pre-installed on many Linux distros built on top another text editor called VI in fact Vim actually stands for Vi improved this again is a common meme among Linux users because Vim is known for having a difficult learning curve and part of the meme is people not knowing how to actually exit the program because the standard control C or control Q shortcuts do not work Vim however is very extensive and if you actually get used to using it it is a fantastic tool but for me personally I will stick with Nano the Lions text tips Linux content is something that most people just generally skim over but when it comes to the Linux Community it is deeply ingrained LTT is a Canadian Tech YouTuber known for crazy PC he built and of course he's already a meme in the general Tech Community thanks to his uh Twitter selfies is but like I said he's also a meme in the Linux Community due to his Linux series specifically the first episode where he installed pop OS and broke it when he tried to install Steam Watch many people in the Linux Community reacted to including myself unfortunately if you want a great compilation of Linux YouTubers just being simply out of touch with reality go ahead and check out the link down below and hear some of it real quick apt git install OBS why isn't this working I'm not sure if Linus is actually trying to troll in spite of its spectacularly stupid name pop exclamation mark underscore OS so he types yes do as I say and then his surprise that his entire computer collapses are you kidding me half of the criticisms he had on this video are completely unfair they had absolutely nothing to do with Linux or Manjaro at the beginning of every year people declare that it is in fact the year of the Linux desktop and this has been going on for literally decades now here's an article from ZDNet calling 2004 the year of the Linux desktop and just check out the shirt from 1999 the year of the penguin there's even a website called which stands for the year of the Linux desktop and it's literally just a countdown to the new year and it just seems like at this point every year will be the year of the desktop until the end of time okay now diving even deeper into tier four we have some meme distros one of the cool things about Linux in general is anybody can really just create their own distribution which has a result putting quite a few distros created specifically as a joke one of the most popular of these distros is Hannah Montana Linux but there's many more including Justin Bieber Linux Rebecca Black OS which was actually one of the very first distributions to ship Wayland we have Among Us OS which shout out to us some ordinary gamer for mentioning my quote on the among Usos it and of course Tech Hut going Chad omegas versus bloated mainstream distro agreed Tech Hut agreed in addition there's also Ubuntu satanic Edition which actually comes with free metal music then we have Mo Ubuntu and suicide Linux which will simply wipe your system if you make a mistake on the command line next up Linux users installing a web browser is a common joke within both the Linux and just Tech Community in general and just start typing a bunch of commands all to do a simple task such as installing a web browser and that takes us to another distro called void Linux this is a distribution that is described as a mix between Linux and BSD it uses run it as the init system and has a version a void that uses muzil instead of G LBC and its own custom package manager called xbps this distro was commonly joked about due to it being slightly more advanced than Arch just from it being so different in general and if you've spent any time within the Linux community chances are you've been called a noob or pleb or something for using something like gnome or KDE and that's because a lot of Linux users run out of desktop environments to try and then move on to just pure window managers instead you have floating window managers like flexbox ice Window Manager are examples of ones that are really lightweight alternatives to a traditional desktop environment however if you want a different type of desktop you can try a tiling Window Manager such as dwm awesome bsp Window Manager X Nomad rat poison or even Q tile and of course everybody's favorite I3 and sway instead of Windows just popping open everywhere these window managers automatically tile them onto the screen and some of them don't even have window borders on top of that many window managers come with almost no defaults and many missing features which means you have to assemble your desktop yourself when it comes to using one of these this makes window managers a common Flex in the Linux World especially on places like Unix 4 that we mentioned earlier now at this point you've probably been looking for some good Linux native games and you might have stumbled across super tux and super tux cart both are open source games that are enjoyed by many Linux users super tux is a Mario clone following the Linux tux Penguins adventure to save his quote-unquote friend Penny and its music is far too good for what it is [Music] super tux cart is a racing game featuring all the mascots of different open source projects including Linux KDE and openbsd and honestly it's a very fun racing game if you haven't tried it out and it's even got some wonderful multiplayer support and if you're this steep by far you've gotten into trying to figure out who the hell Richard stallman is he's also known as RMS and the founder and former head of the free software foundation and the founder and head of the gnu project on top of all this he's also known for his huge the taste of proprietary software which he himself has sparked mini memes about free alternatives to Common software and don't worry by free I do mean Freedom not free beer and of course we're going to be mentioning him a couple times in this video and just to bring up another Linux distribution we have Cali Linux this is a distro specifically for hackers it is based on Debian and ships a bunch of pre-installed tools for pin testing and doing some security research it also has several versions including a standard system for Bare Metal Arm versions and for things such as the Raspberry Pi 4 and pine Book Pro and it even has its own custom ROM for Android devices for people who simply just want to hack their phone now this distribution is pretty decent has a lot of good tools for people in the security sector but it kinda also has become a meme due to all the nine-year-old kids who download it so they can try to become a hacker man to end off this tier we're going to talk about Discord on Linux this if you don't know is a very popular messaging and voice chat application by the way check out the link down below for our server however one thing that is known for by Linux users is how bad the Discord client is if you're running on xsort it is generally fine although it is missing some features such as crisp and noise suppression and screen sharing audio however Discord is running a really outdated version of electron what which causes a lot of issues for Weyland users for example Discord on Weyland has many issues with screen sharing and if you're running Weyland on Nvidia you uh good luck and this has caused someone to create an open letter to Discord to update their electron version so now we have tier 5. at this point we're really getting deep into the weeds and something you've probably heard before whether it's been said to you or you've read it is that your crap is bloated the word bloated in the Linux Community is used sarcastically most the time just to describe something that somebody doesn't like it's basically thrown around so much whether that be on YouTube comments or on certain Linux subreddits that it itself has kind of become a meme and in most cases doesn't really mean anything anymore especially considering any distro that isn't arched with a tiling Window Manager Gen 2 or lfs is considered to be bloat by the r Linux standards now moving on from there we're going to talk about red star OS this is a Linux distribution developed by the North Korean government designed to replace Windows XP and used on computers in the region and it runs a modified version of KDE 3.0 that looks somewhat similar to Mac OS it comes with its very own version of Firefox that's kinda Spooky For example as custom IP tables that prevent it from accessing non-north green websites but it is possible to harden it to essentially make it not malware if you're interested mental Outlaw has a pretty good video on it and speaking of mental Outlaw he is a YouTuber and probably my personal favorite in this uh Niche category of content who makes a wide range of stuff including covering various Linux distributions open source software as well as privacy and security related news and of course the occasional based cooking video he also uses Gen 2 which makes him far more based and Superior to almost any other Linux YouTuber and if you want to be truly based in in this community you have to hate system D this is a init system on your computer in other words it's simply a program that the Linux kernel loads up to kind of load the rest of your computer however a lot of people hate system D4 one reason or another and the most common one being people not liking it because it technically violates the Unix Philosophy by doing a ton of different things instead of doing one thing and one thing very well this has resulted in the creation of several distributions that are really just a base distro with a different in its system this includes uh duvian devant something just Debian without systemd and arctics which is basically Arch without system D and now of course in this specific tier we need to cover a few different distributions and the first one is going to be Tails this is a security focused operating system based on Debian that runs off of a USB drive that you can just plug into your computer and use instead of your current operating system and it does things like use Tor browse Reserve by default instead of Firefox it encrypts persistent storage blocks applications that try to use the internet without Tor and completely wipes everything that isn't part of the persistent storage when you shut down your computer this makes it very popular for people who need to do something very securely for example activists and journalists and then of course we have to bring up Gentoo we mentioned this earlier this is a Linux distribution that you have to compile literally everything from Source this gives you customization even past the levels that Arch Linux is going to give you because you can customize your system down to the compiler Flags it also makes Gentoo even harder to install on the system than Arch because you have to spend hours compiling things with basic stuff like chromium taking up to six hours to complete this makes Gen 2 the perfect operating system if you want to flex on those Arch users by the way however Linux from scratch is the ultimate Flex this isn't actually a distro per se but a book on how to to install a complete Linux system from scratch this is obviously very hard to do and not really something most people would want to run but honestly it's a very good learning experience because it teaches you literally everything you need to know about Linux inside and out now kind of Switching gears here one thing that is kind of funny and worth mentioning is extra PC this is a product that claims to restore your old computer to be as good as new problem is it uses deceptive marketing tactics to kind of pull in non-tech Savvy people and some of the advertisements are just really cringe that uh has no hard drive at all see what happens extra PC at any just came up on the screen I've never seen this boom that was fast goodbye Glacier right what extra PC actually is is a USB drive with Linux on it and that's literally it they also don't provide isos of the OS that runs which some people have speculated to be a GPL license violation and now we are getting into tier six you've probably heard of gnu Linux but have you heard of gnu heard good news herd is a custom kernel made by the gnu project and yes this replaces Linux this is built off of the match micro kernel and consists of several servers for different functions of the kernel this basically moves most of the Kernel's functions to the user space which means that if one certain component crashes randomly it won't take down the entire kernel so this kind of makes it slightly slower but a lot more stable and secure than your standard monolithic kernel right right now it is in the extremely experimental stages and only a few gnu herd distributions actually exist such as the Debian and Arch variants and another thing that isn't technically Linux is Temple OS this is an operating system designed to be the third Temple prophesized by the Bible the story behind this operating system could be its very own Hollywood movie as it was written by Terry Davis a genius programmer with severe schizophrenia now this is actually really impressive because he made the full operating system with a language called holy see a compiler for it a bootloader a kernel window manager and a 3D Graphics engine and several games all within 1.4 megabytes and he did all of this by himself completely from scratch unfortunately Terry Davis had struggled with homelessness incarceration which led him to walking on a rail and dying by train on August 11th in 2018 ending the temple OS Saga moving on from there we have the Halloween documents these were a series of documents that showed Microsoft's strategy against Linux some of them were linked internally out of Microsoft others were official Microsoft responses to these leaked documents and a few were written as responses the most important documents were one through three with documents one and two describing how Microsoft purposely spreads but to make Windows look good and sort of revealed the steps for Microsoft's internally nicknamed Embrace extend extinguish strategy and document 3 is the official response from Microsoft acknowledging that the documents were real and if you do want to learn more about this check out Forest Knight's video on them speaking of Windows Windows refund day was a day that several Linux users went outside Microsoft's office to protest the protests were because the windows Eula said that those who do not agree with the EULA could get a refund from the manufacturing of their copy of Windows however most manufacturers didn't know about this and therefore wouldn't give out the refunds some Linux users from a local Linux user group met up at a Denny's to prepare and then they stormed the Microsoft offices Microsoft even played along with some Executives and reporters meeting them there and giving them drinks and yes this was on the news kanome canome was a jointed April Fool's prank from The Gnome and KDE teams saying that they were merging into one this desktop environment had features such as the new qtk toolkit zero bugs and kenome mobile it will also be your new desktop now or something next week although hitting download would result in a Rick Roll in this next one I'm gonna lead with a question are you a true Linux Advocate or even a programmer if you do not have some programming socks these come in pastel colors and common colors in the lgbtq community 4chan started the programming socks meme with it later being spread to Twitter it even got to the point where if you search up programming socks on Amazon thigh highs will come up moving on to some distros within this tier we have hyperboa and Parabola we covered these in slightly more detail in our your distro isn't free video definitely worth checking out click the I if you're interested but these are basically Forks of arch links that are fully free software compliant Parabola is really close to Arch but it doesn't ship any proprietary software including kernel blobs and hyperbola is a bit different being that it's more like Debian when it comes to the update structure with a lot of older packages and they do some things such as removing system D so if you're looking into have just a slightly more sip superiority compared to a regular Arch Linux user these might be something you want to look into and we all know of open Sousa but did you know that they have a good amount of songs this company has several parodies of popular songs including what does the fox say a priority called uptime funk [Music] and a Rage Against the Machine parody called coding in the name of in the name of [Music] additionally they also have a few non-parody songs including the soos pronunciation song it starts like Sue that girl you knew who took your hearts are in until and then she left you feeling blue you're all alone no one loves you now almost ending the iceberg we have tier seven if something's a computer I won't accept it if it has non-free software in its system this video is from an iconic Richard stallman speech where he rants about iPad and cell phones in this he says that he will not use a phone because they all have non-free software and let's go ahead and show some of the best moments of this speech live blog that's using my EXO Linux laptop but the battery wasn't charged so I had to resort to myself so I I had to reserve I wouldn't accept a a jailbroken eye bed so what do you do about a cell phone well I don't have a cell phone because they all have malicious features they're tracking in surveillance devices even the cell phones that are not computers that don't offer the possibility of installing any software they're still tracking devices well yes how often do you take the battery out of your tracking device see what it isn't it ah well I don't have one either see that's the real solution you know what somebody can back there is listening to me and talk to you well I don't mind if they hear me here this is what this is being recorded for publication this is a public speech Big Brothers men would be welcome to sit in the audience uh this is not what all this is about a model for all of life install Gentoo install Gentoo is a joke hopefully where trolls tell New Linux users just to install Gentoo which as was mentioned earlier is one of the hardest Linux distributions to install at all this statement kind of gives me these same Vibes or the Linux equivalent of telling a Windows user to delete system 32. you can also refer to this bizarre video from 2011 called install Gentoo with a guy dancing in a bathrobe foreign [Music] G for Chan is known for being a site with barely any rules unfortunately which is known to cause chaos on the internet the gboard is a joke in the Linux Community due to them only recommending distributions like Arch arctic's Gen 2 and idolizing Richard stallman due to the point that Richard stallman himself even stated I tried to look at that site but I only saw insane comments twitch installs Arch now this one just makes me happy this it was a social experiment where they had twitch attempt to install Arch one key at a time this worked by many people in the chat spamming a specific key for a certain amount of time and then that key would be inputted into the system somehow they did it in the span of 69 hours nice they did struggle with some things like entering passwords correctly but they did get I3 installed almost made a Twitter account somehow booted into what looks like Windows XP as well as Windows Server 2012 and ran the sudo rm-rf command that breaks the system in which caused them to restart before reinstalling it to continue the shenanigans including playing Pokemon probably one of the greatest live streams of all time now almost as great as that we have Luke Smith Luke Smith is a Linux YouTuber known for several things he does live streams about once a month where he just talks about random stuff as well as his opinions on technology related topics tutorials and even some political or religious stuff people see him as a meme because he has had some controversial opinions and some people see him as a living version of the 4chan forward slash g on YouTube personally I like a lot of the stuff he produces some things more than others for sure every once in a while scrolling through his YouTube you might stumble across a little gem that may be helpful oh yeah and he uses Arch by the way free software song The Very software song is a beautiful piece of music written by Richard Stone woman he wrote this at a flick singing session at a Sci-Fi convention and sang it when it was his turn in which case he said you should show it to Richard stallman in which he replied I am Richard stallman and this is just how the free software song Masterpiece was born you'll be free hackers you'll be free there have even been other versions of this song made including a metal version by jono bacon [Music] and the moo gnu version from 4chan Libre boots this is an open source firmware that can replace the BIOS on your motherboard for certain motherboards the firmware is installable on several laptops including several types of think pads and even the MacBook there's also a core boot which is actually just what Libre boot is based off of however core boot doesn't really support any existing hardware and is more something for an oem to ship for example prism system 76 STAR labs and even some Chromebooks ship with core boot Plan 9 is a Unix based operating system developed by Bell Labs that started development in the 80s based on the original Unix Concepts from the Bell Labs experiments in the 1960s the system has invented many things such as the 9p protocol special file system locations including forward slash proc where processes can be manipulated through a file and forward slash net which is similar but used for network connections instead on August 15 2000 Richard Solomon posted about how he was a saint in the Church of emacs and how he blessed your computer with emacs this has become a cop now I know when it comes to this Iceberg of Linux content there was a definitely a few things left out here and there and I would like to know is there something I should have included in this video If you think so please leave it in the comments down below and then maybe eventually we will do a follow-up video somehow with all of that do make sure you subscribe and ring that Bell I promise this isn't how I usually do my videos but if you have any interest in technology open source software or anything like that make sure you subscribe and you ring that Bell with all of that I do hope you have an absolutely beautiful day and good bye
Channel: TechHut
Views: 617,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, linux tutorial, desktop enviorment
Id: uGS6BdmUU1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 39sec (2199 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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