FINALLY! the perfect Linux Distro

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all right i'm super excited about this one i think today is the day that i can finally say with moderate confidence that i am done distro hopping this right here is nobrara linux and at least for me it is the perfect combination of tweaks modifications built-in extensions and applications on top of a fedora base to the point where at this point i have absolutely no desire to really even try anything else and i mean if you've been watching this channel for any length of time you know i've dabbled around here and there i have a huge amount of long-term reviews where i've spent countless months in various ecosystems lots of initial impression type videos i just spent three months in ubuntu which was an absolute nightmare of a time you should hit the i to watch that video if you'd like to and just switching over to this after ubuntu is an absolute breath of fresh air so in this video we are going to be talking about that this distribution specifically some of the tweaks and modifications that i personally made to it and just why overall i could almost recommend it to just about anybody just how i could recommend the sponsor of today's video exter these wallets are awesome they feature a quick release mechanism that fans out all your cards saving you time and effort the wallet i have here is called the parliament and it's my personal favorite feels great quality stitching and there are additional pockets for extra cards and inside there's a great place to clip your bills or place the optional bluetooth tracker with solar charging don't want to use this tracker well they have the same wallet and an aluminum card holder with the perfect spot to place an apple air tag they have a fair bit of items with different colors and styles so chances are they will have the perfect item for you including additional phone cases bags and more and right now you can take advantage of their summer sale to save an additional 25 off using the code tech hut until september 21st so go ahead and check them out at the link down below again big thank you to these guys for sponsoring the channel i never realized how much i'd actually appreciate something like this super cool wallets again link down below all right so this right here is nobrara linux if i open up our web browser i haven't changed the home page yet so it's going to take us to the nobrara project website in which it talks about all the different kernel tweaks and patches and various things that have been done to this system just to improve it overall when it comes to the overall installation of this it's no different than normal fedora uses the antaconda installer after the installation and you first boot into this that's when you notice it is incredibly different as a lot of the things that i personally recommend that you do after you install just normal fedora are already done for you you're not going to need to go to the rpm fusion website and install various media codecs and drivers through there including those non-free repositories that you're just going to end up needing that does not ship with fedora additionally if you have a nvidia gpu like i do in this laptop it's going to be your best friend when you first boot in it's going to immediately prompt you with the dialog to go ahead and install the proper drivers it's going to automatically detect what you need and install said drivers so you're not going to need to open some dialogue go into some additional application try to find what you need it's just going to throw it in your face and get it done for you and if we go ahead and scroll down here we can see some of the bug fixes and gaming oriented updates now this is geared to be a gaming distribution and most of what you're going to see here is going to kind of accompany that philosophy including all these various kernel patches various settings fixes and some things that i even recommend you do within the dnf configuration such as enabling fastest mirror and increasing parallel downloads i usually go with 10 but you obviously kind of do that based on your internet speed and the big deal is a lot of the tools and everything that is just pre-included out of the box especially the uh gaming oriented things for example if i go ahead go over here we have go overlay which is pre-installed and it just works out of the box which is really nice there's no weird things you have to do to get it set up you just go ahead configure it how you want save it and you're good to go additionally a very important note is the actual developer who put this together and that is this person right here glorious egg roll thomas here is a red hat developer and he does a ton of work with proton wine and a whole bunch of other projects including this project right here and just kind of scrolling through these repositories you can see a lot of what's going on loot risk overlay contributions to the fedora amd gpu pro drivers and just really a whole lot much it's very impressive looking at my desktop you will notice that this is not what the stock nobura install looks like that's because like i said i've been using it i've customized it and modified it to make it my own and actually match my workflow but where i can kind of give you an idea of what was going on well i'll put on screen what the actual kind of base install looks like personally i'm not a fan of a lot of what's going on this right here is the extensions i haven't removed any system extensions so some of the main ones that i disabled that were enabled by default was application menu not a fan arc menu not a fan dash to panel was kind of the main one this is what it looked like previously i prefer good old gnome so this is what i'm going with here and then of course there's a bunch of stuff that i would want like sound input device chooser which by the way that's going to be included in the next version of gnome it's going to look beautiful it's going to be up here it's it's going to be magnificent pop shell was enabled that's a system 76 tiling which it's a good extension but it's not something i actually use enough to have enabled and of course you just have some quality of life improvements like blur my shell clipboard history and then you can see what i added here dash to dock and open the weather basically are the only two editions that i needed that i'm using which by the way little pro tip if i open up the uh settings for blur my shell and then i go over to dash and i enable this you can see we have some ugly corners around the dash to dock so if you ever get that just jump in here disable that and that's usually what the problem is in addition you can just kind of see some of the applications i use down here on the dock is definitely the most popular and the ones i play around with the most discord obviously we have steam [ __ ] kaden live audacity and of course our terminal emulator obs studio and right here i think it's romina or mana something this is a remote desktop client yes uh gnome connections is included but i just like the settings and a lot of stuff that you could do with this a lot better for example if i just go ahead and open this up real quick you can see this is going to be a full windows install that's running over on proxmox back there and this has a whole dedicated gpu i have a whole separate video on this if you're interested this is a phenomenal setup right here you can see for example right here i got a davinci resolve up and running i usually do a little color correction in here and then throw the file out and go mess with it somewhere else but overall this is really nice for example if i go like that i go toggle full screen mode just like that i am now in windows you can see how responsive it is too it doesn't even feel like i'm in an actual uh remote client type environment but let's go ahead and close this down before we get some some of the neck beards riled up so being that this is a gaming centric distro that is what we're going to kind of dive into here for a minute i got steam all set up ready to go and again this is all on wayland and thanks to just things being pre-included that should be if i go to proton up qt you can see i have a few custom versions i have the 724 which is making fall guys work perfectly fine and then i have 733 which is making elden ring work perfectly fine so for example if i go ahead and uh dive on into elgin ring here just a quick launch easy anti-cheat spinning up with ease there we go all right i just kind of want to show you the performance because all right turn down some of that volume and you can see over here if i go to display we're at 1440p high settings and i got a go overlay working it right out of the box let's go ahead and continue and just for the record this is a 30-70 mobile gpu and we're rocking about 40 frames per second about 50 frames per second at 1440p which is phenomenal i was getting nowhere near this good performance on uh pop os or even just stock fedora return to desktop you know what's even better than eldon ring ball guys now fall guys is super touchy to actually get working uh i have to load it up first with the proton version i think it's like 7.15 and then 7.24 after it installs anti-cheat and all that it's super picky turn down the volume and just for checking you can see right here this is set to 1080p i'm just going to keep all that proton games like this don't always run as good as just like linux native games but i mean still very playable all right this is definitely a much less intensive on our gpu here [ __ ] [ __ ] 20 and we're off about 50 frames per second absolutely beautiful and again i just do have to note that there's a uh obs is running the real question is will i get first place me and this guy right now uh i should have followed him that's a race [Music] race for the finish oh i'm gonna get it i'm gonna get it first first first first [Music] come on come on okay i'm in the back out i'll pretend like i'm like really good but that's the first time i've ever gotten first place now jumping into a split gate and i'll note on this one my pc is warming up quite a bit um but you can see in some intense action it dropped down to 40 there and average frame rates are sitting about 60 on this guy with the note that um it's probably 1440 resolution and as far as the settings everything is set to epic and even if i go a little more reasonable let's go far high my computer is cooking i could probably uh cook an egg on it right now but that's not nothing to do with the operating system that's due to the fact that it's a gaming machine i can't aim i can't aim [Music] let's get let's give the computer a break shall we you can see some of the other games i've been playing that i'm not really going to be diving into at the moment overall when it comes to gaming this is a phenomenal experience the only other like gaming centric distro i tried out was garuda linux and for arch it's pretty good but there's just so much crap on that this is just basically fedora vanilla with a couple extra things added that are it's definitely appreciated what i will do is just say what i've personally added thus far and the only thing i've installed is brave i have a e-draw max here if i go over lutrus was pre-installed i added vmware player which doesn't really work because you need a older kernel to get that to work i've added this a synology drive client which works good i've added only office i've added transmission i've added microsoft edge they didn't put that there and i've added these two now one thing that is worth checking out i honestly haven't really used it the gnome software center has been perfectly fine but this right here is the norbrara package manager as with what it actually is which is yum extender for dnf it's very similar to uh yast for example or the uh package manager with an open souza or front end package management application so if i go to installed i could get a better idea of everything that's on the system as a package by package basis i could see history so the very last thing i did was i installed h top today and then under packages i could go to available and we could go ahead and grab something through here so if we wanted the best cross platform rts game you just go ahead poop give that a check and down here we'd see some more information and i could go up here and click this guy right here to apply the pending actions which you can see what it's going to install 080 and various dependencies hit ok type in our password and just like that we're rocking and rolling one thing i don't like about it when it's doing things you can't really like minimize it but of course you could go and do other things if you'd like to now i i just now remembered it i didn't notice it i was gonna talk about the issue i was having while i was gaming but it seems to have resolved itself um i was getting a really bad like vertical tear mark when i was uh playing various games on steam and it was a known issue i actually found the uh i believe it's on gitlab whole list of all bunch of people having the same issue and them trying to work on it i don't know why it's fixed for me but it is and i'm not going to complain so again overall it's it's been very nice it's it's just fedor and i love fedor so much but it's the perfect amount of tweaks and customizations to make everything work granted most everything works in fedora but this requires almost no extra customization or really anything to get a lot of the stuff working that you would need to even with this like this synology application right here isn't even a official fedora supported thing as you can see by this not properly closing out and i have a dock here with display link drivers that are built for fedora specifically and just everything worked that's the main point of what i'm trying to get at this works and i love it and uh you should you should maybe try it out just like you sh try out the sponsor of today's video links below but seriously these are some phenomenal wallets i'm sending this one to my friend he's gonna he's gonna like it with all that anything i mentioned in this video will be linked down below including some of the other videos that i kind of referenced throughout this whole thing and with this i have like i said in the beginning i have no intention on actually uh removing this off my system so it might be a while before y'all get another long-term linux distro review unless if something really stands out that i really want to try out because at this point with just how the system functions i don't want to restart and i've been playing around in linux like like full time like this for two to three years it seems like i'm in just about the right time scale in which that decision makes sense with all that i do hope you all have an absolutely beautiful day and good bye
Channel: TechHut
Views: 1,005,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: linux, linux tutorial, desktop enviorment, fedora, linux gaming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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