Linstead Ministers Fraternal Evangelistic Service January 16, 2022

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men brothers and sisters that this is a wonderful evening of course when the linstead ministers fraternal will be we're having are involved tonight in this wonderful experience of this one night crusade and you would already know that we are present at the lincoln new testament church of god where some persons uh would affectionately call it commodore yes but if it's commodore it's lindsay that's where we are that's where the people of god are gathered tonight i want to take the opportunity to say greetings to the host pastor um that allow house to be present here tonight bishop reed and of course we are under the leadership of reverend denzel jock we want to offer him greetings tonight and of course we have tonight ladies and gentlemen our guest speaker reverend willie mclaren we want to greet him in the name of the lord and all the other ministers that are present tonight and my brothers and my sisters wherever you are whatever platform that you're on this evening i want to let you know that we are gathered in the presence of the lord you need to understand that god is omnipresent meaning that he is where you are at the same time and is where we are within the four walls hallelujah and then together we are going to be lifting up the name of jesus hallelujah and we are going to be praising his name tonight we are going to allow the enemy to understand that we are not defeated hallelujah but as a church we must prevail hallelujah because god is always leading his people kill the church praise god come on come the church praise god and those of you whatever platforms that you're on in your house and wherever you are you can raise your voice and give god praise can i tell you is hearing you when you raise those praises tonight hallelujah we're going to be inviting the praise steam to lead for us our opening song which speaks to us tonight it speaks about the goodness of god isn't god really good oh the psalmist said oh give thanks unto the lord for his good for his mercy endureth forever all right so we're going to ask the praise team to lead this song and all of us present wherever we are we're going to be raising our voices and we're going to sing to the honor and the glory of god and just after this song is a song we're going to be calling on pastor gideon and he'll be leading us in prior just after then praise steve it's your time oh your please never fails me all my days have been held in your hands [Music] [Applause] i will of god [Music] [Applause] that i am [Music] i love your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i will say [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] of [Music] [Applause] of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god i will sing are the goodness of god brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen if the truth that you are you have experienced god's goodness can i tell you it is something to sing about hallelujah if you have experience and is experiencing the goodness of god it is something to sing about it is something to praise him for come on raise your voice in the house and give god praise tonight hallelujah [Music] praise the name of the lord it's prayer time reverend gideon the praying of islam hallelujah my legs are not as strong as before and also i'm getting of an age next month i'll be 81 years of age right very good so praise the lord praise god i give god thanks amen hallelujah our kind righteous loving heavenly father and our god oh thank you jesus god of grace god of abraham god of isaac god of jacob yes you know we live and move in our being we humble hearts we approach your presence this evening we give you thanks lord we give you praise we give your honor we give you glory for great great love toward us for your compassion your mercies your goodness your kindness thank you lord for your many blessings upon our lives hallelujah father god we thank you for accepting us in the beloved and so this evening god as we come together as your children lord to offer sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving unto you and lord as we have come lord to listen to your words what you have prepared oh god for us i pray heavenly father tonight that your holy spirit will take full control of tonight's service god i pray that you'll continue to lead guide and direct in all our fears tonight father god i pray that everything that shall be done are said it will be to your honor unto your glory father we pray that as the development one should do the things that they should do tonight lord i pray that your anointing will rest upon them hallelujah let the anointing destroy every yoke god i pray tonight in the name of jesus in the name of jesus for your servant lord o god will be coming to minister your words to your people lord i pray that a fresh anointing hallelujah we'll [Music] and god grant divine revelation to your holy spirit father god grant us oh god receptive hearts attentive ears and we pray lord that when your words go forward lord they will not fall on dry ground but lord does fall on good ground in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah lord i pray in the name of jesus know that your power and your presence lord and charge the atmosphere and god you'll take full control have your way tonight lord lead by a spirit as we tell your sons in jesus name amen hallelujah come on ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters give god praise come on give me praise hallelujah thank you you may be seated please amen it is my pleasure up this time to invite to the podium or fraternal chairman reverend denzel jack you'll be coming at this point in time to give welcome and to have whatever necessary talk that is needed to us at this time reverend jacques we welcome you sir praise god praise team could you just stand and think the first verse of that wonderful song i love your love [Music] [Applause] [Music] from the moment [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] of god [Music] hallelujah during the beginning of the coved pandemic when there was so much fear all around now the church we were literally locked down this was one of the songs that you know was very dear to me all my life you have been faithful and even when i have doubted god god has been faithful isn't it wonderful and just the fact tonight that after almost two years as a fraternal we are able to come out in the physical space this evening for this one night evangelism service i really want to thank god for those of you have come tonight and i know that others are still coming in and we just know that god is going to be speaking to us in wonderful ways this evening like to tell people that whether we show hope or not god shows up every time you can never mark him absent he's a ever present help in the time of trouble so what a wonderful thing to be in god's house this evening what a wonderful thing to be at the linstead new testament church of god bishop reid and sister reid and the leadership of the commodore our links to the new testament church of god we just wanted thank god for you that you have opened your doors and when i spoke with bishop reed months ago and indicated to him that we wanted to have a one-night evangelical service bishop reed did not hesitate instantly he said yes pastor let's run with it and i thank god for the work that has been put in place because when you are in a lot long for a long time it takes a while for people to break out but just the fact that we are here this evening is a testimony of god's goodness amen brethren thank god we have some of our pastors with us this evening our leader the sibling is bishop myers from the roadside church of god of prophecy and his beautiful wife sister mars who is also helping with the praise team thank you bishop myers and sister myers we have the secretary of the limited ministers fraternal pastor colin woodham the treasurer and part of that he can see you sitting beside path of wooden is reverend dr noel han new live table like a church we have heard amen from past the gideon and pastor gibbon told you that he would be 81 years young in next month and he's going strong what a powerful wise man and every time i hear him talk he just inspired me more and more and more because when i want to slow down and i hear pastor getting talking i said how can i but but tremendous servant of god we thank god for him we have um pastor boyd that energetic young lady sitting right here faithful as you can be thank god praise god and i don't know if there's any other pastor who is sitting down there that i have not recognized and the spouse of pastors i hope that mr alternate the only um spouse that i've missed out is my own wife sister jack sit into my right your left right is the name of jesus i'm very happy to have her with us this evening and there are so many people that you have to say thanks to the um musician the race team the technical persons who are controlling everything the people outside at the gate that are making sure that you are packed properly the ushers working us seriously and making sure that everything is in place it's such a wonderful thing i love to come to lincoln new testament church of christ hard working set of people put your hands together for them [Applause] and so we thank god that we are here just one night reverend dr willie mclaren came in late last night i had him preach two times this morning and then i was apologizing to him and he said when i'm at home congregation is so large thousands of people he has to preach four times every sunday morning so we thank the first baptist church columbia tennessee for allowing him to be with us this evening and reverend dr willie mclaren is a wonderful friend of mine and my family and elizabeth paterno to whom we have had a tremendous relationship over these many years a tremendous man of god a man who you know today i i was talking to him and i said one of the things that i admire about you um really is that over these years i have seen tremendous humility in your life reverend dr willie mclaren is also the vice president one of the vice presidents of the southern baptists and that's a big organization over 50 000 churches over 15 million people that's the nature of the people that he serves and yet in his life there is tremendous humility praise the lord hallelujah he's the author of three books i think i have two problems i need the other one today but um is the art of two books um i think one is finishing the rate right the second one is vip very special and there is a second edition to vip and he is in the process of working on a third book that should be out very soon is mary beautiful wife antonio and two wonderful daughters i tell her that there is nobody that calls my name as nice as his last daughter tremendous tremendous it's so good to have him with us here this evening and he's no stranger at least the new testament church of god put your hand together for reverend dr william and friends we are going to have a great time this evening because the fact that you are here and more most importantly god is here and in the presence of the lord there is fullness of joy open your hearts get ready for god is about to do something special thank you have a great evening praise the name of the lord thank you very much reverend denzel jock hallelujah indeed you're going to have a great time we're going we're going to be having a we are having a good good evening amen and we are the persons or people that god is going to be used to bring glory to his name so ladies and gentlemen boys and sisters whatever space you're occupying this evening uh you should not be feeling that you're isolated you should not be feeling that you're not um depending on to lift the praise of god it is important that whatever space you are in you use that space to bring honor and the glory to god because god is still in control amen and the psalmist remind us that the earth is the lord and the fullness thereof the world hallelujah they the dwells wherein can somebody give god praise all right thank you very much we are moving on ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters at this point in time we're going to be having coming to us uh the bethel baptist church persons from the bethel baptist church will be coming to do for us the musical offering of this time can we help these persons amen you could you could stay wherever you are right how are they going to be echoed all right let's stay right there and we'll give you away as they prepare themselves ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters put your hands together as we make ready to receive them put your hands together come on put your hands together put your hands together [Music] praise the lord [Music] um [Music] my strength is surely failing as trials [Music] the universe would be flooded now so lord i ask you today [Music] [Applause] today [Music] please [Music] [Music] with painful memories [Music] so lord i ask you today please [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now see please [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all the way [Music] is [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all the way is [Music] please [Music] [Music] [Applause] praise the name of the lord wonderful wonderful presentation from the bethel baptist church brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen if there is never time that we need god to be holding our hands it is now hallelujah oh because the truth is we can't make it on our own it doesn't matter who we are amen but when we have an understanding that our dependency is on god that is what makes the difference and i hope tonight that it is not just about the singing but as they sing they will have that in-depth understanding yes but they need god hold their hands come on could you put your hands together one more time for members of the philip baptist church amen i always want to recognize one more person i i we missed but her it seems like i picked her up in my review mirror uh you know you have to be taking note of what is in front of you beside you and behind you and my mirror tells me that pastor mitchell is very much present because stand space mitchell and just wave your hands in the house praise the lord thank you thank you thank you amen hallelujah praise the lord all right we are going to have a scripture reading at this time a well-known passage about we are going to be having it read and it is psalm 27 and i'm gonna be reading same and i'm going to be doing it from the niv version praise the lord the lord is my light under my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is a stronghold of my life of whom shall i be afraid when heaven advance against me to devour my flesh when my enemies and my foes attacked me they will stumble and fall though and harm and besiege me and my heart of course will not fear there war breakout against me even then will i be confident one thing i ask of the lord this is what i seek that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life to gaze upon the beauty of the lord and to seek him in his temple for in a day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling he will hide being in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high up on a rock then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me at his tabernacle i will sacrifice with shouts of joy i will sing and make music to the lord hear my voice when i call oh lord be merciful to me and answer me my heart says of you seek his face your face lord will i seek do not hide your face from me do not turn your servant away in hunger you have been my helper do not reject me or forsake me o god my savior though my father and a mother forsake me lord will receive me teach me your way oh lord lead me in a strength path because my oppressors do not turn me over to the desire of my foes for false witnesses rise up against me breathing out violence i am still confident of this i will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living verse 14 and the last wait for the lord be strong and take heart and wait for the lord i say having read this passage can we all say thanks be to god can we all say thanks be to god praise the name of the lord thank you very much we are moving on ladies and gentlemen hallelujah we are going to be have an offering lifted and i'm going to be inviting pastor han to just move to the microphone and you're going to be asking god's blessing sir on the offering to be received and when the prayer is offered we'll be asking the ushers of this local church to make yourselves available to collect same for us in the interim of the collection of the offering then we will be doing of course all of us will be singing together the blessing pastor anne let us give thanks hallelujah we worship you tonight and we thank you that you are our friend or brother thank you that you're our provider and the one who meets all our needs according to your riches in glory hallelujah lord thank you for this time of fellowship as we fellowship lord we must continue to invite your presence even as we give we pray almighty god that are giving we must come up to you as a sacrifice lord and that you bless this offering tonight as your people give and bless this congregation we pray in jesus name amen amen all right as you thank you sir as you get your offerings out i'm going to ask you to stand when i ask praise him to stand with me amen we are going to sing together um we are going to be singing this this course you should have been there when the lord saved me i i choose this song tonight because over 60 years ago it is very much in my eyes in my heart in my mind that saturday night when the lord saved me amen i i remember i was saying my prayers as usual kneeling at my little bed that little single bed in my little room this prayer time i will start to pray and i knelt to see my prayers and the interim of my prayers i felt the presence of god hallelujah and i started a single song i'm on my way to canaan's land we have a soul of man never dies brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen i don't know which night or which day you receive god but i can tell you when i when he entered into my heart that night it makes a difference and so i could join with the um the apostle paul in saying that any man in christ jesus hallelujah he's a new creature old things have passed away and the old old things becomes a brand new one [Applause] you should have been there where the lord [Music] put some joy [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] ready [Music] foreign [Music] you should have been there [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] i am not sorry [Applause] [Music] sorry [Music] is [Music] jesus hallelujah [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no no no no no no no [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] let's say this one [Music] together with his mighty hands [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] more time [Applause] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the name of the lord [Music] in the midst of heaven ladies and gentlemen it is jehovah god [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] [Music] praise the name of jesus his name is worthy to be praised hallelujah hallelujah he's a holy god [Music] oh yes my friends hallelujah [Music] praise god i don't know about you but i love him i don't know your experience with him but i have been experiencing some wonderful time with god i have experience that is my christ in my crisis i have experienced that is my present help in my time of trouble hallelujah oh the writer said everlasting god is my refuge and underneath his everlasting harms i can't see brothers and sisters and i may not be able to feel it but i know there's a hand underneath hallelujah oh it's my god what about you tonight i'm giving praise hallelujah thank you very much you may be seated all right we are moving forward we are going to be having a musical offering a presentation comes to us from the the home church lincoln new testament church of god just after they give their presentation ladies and gentlemen brothers and sisters we're going to be having the man of god coming to us the preach of the night reverend william mclaren and you would have already heard the introduction of this wonderful gentleman so i have nothing more to say but to let you know that just after the church's presentation the members of this church do their presentation the next voice that you'll be hearing coming to you from this podium is the guest speaker of the night come on put your hands together for the persons that you're going to sing at this time [Music] hallelujah hallelujah good night church hallelujah i stood on the back of a wide ranging river trust in [Music] have made my way through some valleys and deserts believing that i'll never get lost i've been at the foot of what felt like mon everest knowing how [Music] one thing is sure every [Music] time again [Music] over again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus is [Music] if you ask me why i have no hesitation god does what he said he will do [Music] why [Music] is with great celebration deep in my heart [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] and over again and again [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sure [Music] jesus is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the name of jesus [Music] well this is the day that the lord has made and we might as well go ahead and rejoice and be glad in if you're glad to be in the house of the lord go ahead and put those hands together and give the lord a great big hand clap for praise come on don't panic hey come on lift up the name of the king of kings and the lord of lords he is worthy of all of the praise somebody shout hallelujah somebody shout thank you jesus thank you come on praise him like you really mean it because our god is good he's not just good some of the time but he's good all the time amen and all the time our god is good you may be seated tonight in the very presence of the lord what a great joy and what a great honor it is to be here tonight with the winston ministers fraternal as we have and celebrate the evangelistic service tonight putting a laser sharp focus on winning people to the lord of jesus christ and certainly i honor the lord tonight who's the unseen presence in this room don't you feel this power don't you feel this presence in this place tonight and i believe tonight that god's going to do something special in this place and i'm incredibly grateful and thankful for his presence tonight and certainly we just praise the lord tonight for host pastor bishop reed and first lady reid come on put your hands together and praise the lord for them tonight oh come on praise the lord for them tonight we honor him and honor his precious wife and this great great uh church and certainly tonight want to praise the lord for all of the pastors who make up the fraternal many of these brothers have become friends many of the sisters have become friends over the years and i just praise the lord for them and then certainly tonight uh i would be remiss tonight to not uh honor uh my friend uh the chairman of the fraternal and the great pastor of the bethlehem network of churches my friend pastor denzel jack i praise the lord for him come on give god praise for him tonight and uh this precious wife um you know people are your friends when you've been in their home and they've been in your home and so i just counted a joy to count them as friends and to all of you tonight to the praise team and to all of those who have served so well tonight let me just say thank you for everything that you've done to make this night possible i am in the delighted and excited to have been invited to be a part of what the lord is doing right here uh in the saint catherine uh parish and uh i'm grateful to be here with you tonight listen there's a word from the lord tonight there's a word from the lord tonight and i want to encourage your heart from the word of god amen and so tonight if you have your bibles i want to ask you to turn to acts chapter 2 acts chapter 2. this is a new testament book acts of the apostles acts chapter 2 and as you're turning to acts chapter 2 i want to bring you a greeting on behalf of all of our brothers and sisters that make up the southern baptist convention uh there in united states of america it's great to be here tonight and i greet you tonight with the only name that matters and that's the name of our lord and savior jesus christ acts chapter 2 i'm going to be preaching the entire chapter tonight but i just want to read a verse number one when you have it shout amen acts chapter 2 verse number 1 when the day of pentecost had fully come they were all together in one place suddenly a sound like that of a violent rushing wind came from heaven it filled the whole house where they were staying they saw tongues like flames of fire separated and rested on each of them they were all filled with the holy spirit began to speak in different tongues as the spirit enabled them now there were jews staying in jerusalem devout people from every nation under heaven father may your name be glorified may your people be edified may sinners be evangelized and most of all they satan be absolutely horrified lord of the moments that we have now would you let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart let those be acceptable in your sight because lord you are my strength and you are my redeemer and lord would you save somebody tonight would you change somebody's life the lord most of all let us leave here tonight more in love with jesus at the end than at the beginning and all god's people said together amen hey i want to tag this text tonight with this thought i want to preach about tonight we're better together we're better together the church is designed to be a place where believers walk together in the love and unity it is god's plan that we will partner together for the propagation of the gospel we are created in the imagio day or the image of god in order that we can be a part of the missio day or the mission of god hiring black of being called king and experiencing god reminds us that we are called to discover what god is up to and join god in his work already in progress when we walk together in unity we can accomplish so much more for the glory of god all throughout the bible we see where groups of people were working together in exodus chapter 17 moses's arms were tired and the bible declares that aaron and heir come alongside moses and they lift his arms up and they found out that they were better when they work together in acts chapter 16 paul and silos were in that prison jail and the bible declares that while they were in the prison jail one began to sing and one began to pray and the bible declares that when they lifted up their voices and singing and praising and prayer the bible declares that the jail shook free abraham and sarah even though they have their problems the bible teaches us that at the end of the day they were better together nehemiah who was the king's cupbearer the lord uses nehemiah to rebuild the walls and to repair the gates of jerusalem and the bible says this about the people the bible says the people had a mind to work and the bible records that because they worked together in 52 days they were able to rebuild the wall i come to tell somebody that when god's people intentionally come together intentionally advancing the gospel god would do exceededly abundantly all that we can ask or the word of god has much to say about god's people working together amos chapter three verse number three how can two work together accept they agree the bible says in ecclesiastes chapter 4 two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor the bible says in matthew chapter 18 verse number 20 where two or three are gathered in my name there i am in the miss and then my favorite bible passage psalm 133 verse number one how good and how pleasant it is when god's people dwell together in unity i love what jesus said in john chapter 17 jesus said i pray that they will all be one just as you and i are one as you are in me father and i am in you may they be in a soul that the world will believe that you sent me we are better together the the early church made a difference because they were a church that were unified around the right priorities the early church had a laser sharp focus on developing leaders and disciple-making and missions engagement and equipping the saints for the work of the ministry the early church they walked together they worshiped together they witnessed together when you study the book of acts the key verse in the book of acts is acts chapter 1 verse number 8 where the bible says you shall receive power when the holy spirit shall come upon you and you shall be my witnesses in jerusalem and all judea and all samaria and yes to the other most parts of the earth all throughout the book of acts the theme of witnessing was a reoccurring thing in acts chapter 1 through acts chapter 7 the church was witnessing in jerusalem in acts chapter 8 through acts chapter 12 the church was witnessing in judea and samaria and that's chapter 13 through acts chapter 28 the church was witnessing across the world notice that from acts chapter 1 all the way to acts chapter 8 the church was witnessing the early church was efficient and effective because they kept the main thing the main thing and so what do we learn tonight from acts chapter 2 that will help us know that we are better when we are together well the first thing we learned tonight in acts chapter two verse number one we learned that they were a unified congregation that they were people that operated in unity they were a unified congregation the bible says when the day of pentecost had arrived they were all together brothers and sisters that says to me that they were a unified congregation they were not competitors but rather they were colleagues working together for one common cause that they were not divided over worship styles they were not divided over preferences they they were not divided over generations but they were committed to living out the great commandment and committed to fulfilling the great commission the testimony of the early churches these were they that turned the world upside down and right side oh brothers and sisters they were focused on winning every person for jesus christ in every town and every city and every state and every nation they believe that people need jesus and people need jesus now there was an urgency for the gospel to be advanced at home and around the world and the book of acts gives us a front row seat into the life of the early church look at acts chapter 2 but there been a unified congregation notice what the early church did in verse number six every time they gathered together they always exalted the savior in acts chapter 2 verse number 36 peter says this same jesus whom you have crucified is now both lord and savior every time they came together they exalted the savior and brothers and sisters i come to tell you on this evangelistic crusade tonight that every time we open up the doors of the church if we don't do anything else we ought to be found exalting the savior jesus says if i and even i be lifted up from the earth i will draw all men unto me is there anybody in this place tonight that can lift your hands and exalt the savior tonight because if we don't praise him the rocks are going to cry out not made up in my mind tonight i don't want to rock to tell my story say yes the early church they exalted the savior but not only did they exalt the savior but in acts chapter 2 verses 36 through 38 they were able to explain the scriptures peter is preaching and those who are looking they say what must we do to be saved and right here peter begins to explain the scriptures notice what peter says peter says repent be baptized for the remission of your sins and receive the holy spirit this is for your children and for all of those who are far off he says save yourself from this wicked generation and brothers and sisters every time we gather together there ought to be a time where we are exalting the savior and every time we get together we ought to open up the bible and we ought to explain the word of god whether it's in the physical space whether it's in the virtual space whether it's large group a small group every time we gather together we need to explain the scriptures and i believe in my all my heart brother the sisters that when god's word is preached god's word needs to be palatable and it needs to be portable what do i mean that when god's word is preached god's word should be preached in such a way that those who hear the word they can understand the word and they can comprehend the word god's word needs to be palatable but then god's word needs to be portable what do i mean by that that once they come in the sanctuary and they get the word of god now they take the word of god with them into this dark dying world we enter to worship and we depart to serve they exalted the savior they they explained the scripture every time they gathered together they edified the saints and that's why it's so important that we gather together in the physical space because somebody tonight needs a word of encouragement somebody tonight needs a hug somebody tonight needs a smile somebody tonight needs a kiss a holy kiss somebody tonight needs their head lifted up and their heart mended and that only happens when we gather together and we edify one another the early church they exalted the savior they explained the scriptures they edified the saints but didn't notice they always embraced the spirit the early church they did not shield the spirit but rather they allow the spirit of god to lead them and then the early church they evangelize the sinners the bible says one message was preached and when one message was preached 3 000 souls were added to the church and i come to tell somebody on this evangelistic crusade that the god that we serve is the same yesterday the same today and the same forever and god wants to add to our churches the early church they were a unified congregation where i grew up at the best way i could share this is a i grew up with a game that we had you know now all the games are on the iphones and the and the ipads but when i grew up we had real games there was a game that we had called tug of war anybody ever played tug of war well what happened when i grew up you had the game called tugger war and now they've gotten a little weak with the game because when i played they had a mud pit when you play tug of war now they got a a red ribbon on the rope and whoever crosses the line that's who loses but when i played you were pulling on one side of the rope because you didn't want to lose you didn't want to get poured into the mud pit why come to tell your brother the sister that we are in a tug of war but the war is not church against church the war is not pastors against deacons the war is not this person against that person now the war is not against the have and the half-nazi but the war is against satan and i come to tell you tonight that we're already winners tonight because we're on the winning side [Applause] [Music] the first thing we learned tonight is that the early church they were a unified congregation but not only were they a unified congregation but the bible says to us in verses two through four that they were a spirit spirit-filled congregation notice this suddenly a sound like a violent rushing wind came from heaven it fueled the whole house where they were staying and tongues like flames of fire appeared over them and rested on them and then they were filled with the holy spirit and then they began to speak in different languages as the spirit gave them utterance notice what happens here notice that there wasn't a violent wren the bible says there was a sound but then after there was a sound then there was a sight the bible says then they began to see tongues like flames of fire appearing over each one of them after they saw this heard the sound after they saw the site then the bible says they were saturated here it is they were all filled with the holy spirit and it was only after they were filled with the holy spirit that they began to speak i just want to help you tonight you better make sure that you are filled with the spirit of god before you open us preach man i'm doing the best i can brothers and sisters i come to tell you we live in a culture now where people are manufacturing the holy spirit and they are frustrated they are irritated and they are agitated ian bounds the great theologians says the church is looking for better methods but god is looking for better men and women god is looking for spirit-filled men and women that he can use for his glory the problem is this nobody wants the feeling everybody wants a feeling f-e-e-l-i-n-g but what we need is a feeling n f-i-l-l-i-n-g of the holy spirit [Applause] and i'm convinced tonight brothers and sisters that whenever we are filled with the holy spirit there are some things that should be happening when we're filled with the holy spirit there is a living breathing gospel urgency we must get back to focusing on evangelism we must have a laser sharp focus of getting people off the road to hell and getting them on the road to heaven what is evangelism evangelism is one beggar telling another beggar where to find some bread we must declare that the gospel is above all and that the word of god is our authority in every matter jesus reminds us in mark chapter 16 go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature i come to tell you there's not a problem tonight that the church has that soul women cannot solve we must have a living breathing gospel urgency we were filled with the holy spirit every generation matters every language matters every nationality matters every person matters what pastor where did you get that from well i got it from jesus jesus said in john chapter 3 verse number 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him would not perish but rather have everlasting life if you can't get along with people down here ain't no way in the world you're gonna be with them in heaven because revelation says every nation every kindred every tongue and every tribe is going to be around the throne every person matters but then when we're filled with the holy spirit we are telling and celebrating what god is doing when you're filled with the holy spirit you spend more time celebrating than you do complaining the bible says in psalm 63 verse number 7 i will tell about the kind deeds the lord has done the lord has shown mercy to his people the lord has been good and the lord has been kind and i love what the psalmist says in psalm 107 let the redeemed of the lord say so and i come to tell you this morning if god hadn't done anything for you don't say nothing but if you woke up yet woke you up this morning you ought to say so what if you put breath in your body you ought to say so what if you put activity in your limbs you are to say so if god has been good you ought to say so [Music] but then whenever we are filled with the holy spirit hear this we love other people the way jesus loves other people john chapter 13 verse number 35 jesus says by this all men will know that you are my disciples when you have loved one for another when you love other people the way that jesus loves them you will treat everybody with dignity and respect when you love other people the way that jesus loves them you'll be quick to forgive and you will always take the high road that's why peter says to us in first peter chapter 4 verse number 8 above all love each other deeply because love covers a multitude of sin love other people the way that jesus loves other people but then finally if you're filled with the spirit you will prioritize generosity you were declared that god is the owner of everything we own absolutely nothing and we're going to be faithful to bring the tithe to the storehouse because we will always focus on the purpose and the plan of god the early church rather than sisters they were a unified congregation they were a spirit-filled congregation let me just say this tonight one of the things that's missing in our culture now is we're missing people who are filled with the spirit they're filled with a lot of other spirits but they need to be filled with the holy spirit preach brother willie i'm doing the best i can and then finally tonight brothers and sisters notice what the bible says in verse number five the bible says there were jews staying in jerusalem devout people from every nation under heaven they were a devoted congregation in fact you see this better in acts chapter 2 verse number 42 the bible says they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching to fellowship the breaking of bread and to prayer the early church they were known for four activities that should be foundational in every great commission church they were known first of all for the apostles preaching and teaching they gather to hear god's servant they gather to hear holy scriptures and every time god's word is proclaimed preaching should bring about conviction and then preaching should bring about celebration see we live in a culture now we're quick to celebrate but i want to tell you tonight that real celebration will come when you have true conviction by the holy spirit one of the things that's missing in our churches now is the tears are missing in our altars used to be a time people would come to church and as soon as they entered into the sanctuary they would feel that they were unholy man in the presence of holy god and they were weak before the lord because they were sinful they were naughty by nature preaching should bring about conviction you know what the lord is doing in this season the lord is using this season to bring us to a point of conviction and once we have conviction there is true celebration preaching ought to have information i'll have inspiration in order to have transformation i believe tonight that when the believer gets in the word of god and the word of god gets in the believer you have a winning combination they were devoted to the apostles preaching and teaching that's why i want to say to those of you who serve alongside these great pastors who faithfully serve your local churches make sure you show up in the physical space make sure you show up to get a steady dose of the word of god they prepare and they pray and they preach god's word show up and hear what god has to say from your pastor they were devoted to the apostles preaching and teaching they were devoted to fellowship now this word fellowship in the original language is the word corninea which meant that they had something in common the early church they realized how important it was to gather together and they realized that a disconnected christian is a disobedient christian and will eventually become an unfruitful christian the early church they enjoy being together but then notice that they were also devoted to the breaking of bread the breaking of bread suggests that every time they gather together they observe the lord's supper but the bible says as often as you do this you do this in remembrance of me that every time they gathered together that no matter what they did they also remembered the body of the lord jesus christ which was broken and bruised on calvary's cross and his body was crucified on the old rugged cross in order that your sins and my sins might be forgiven the blood came streaming from his side to fulfill the scripture that says without the shedding of blood that there would be no remission or forgiveness of sins and every time the early church came together they remembered the body they remembered the blood and they had a laser sharp focus on breaking bread together but then notice finally brothers and sisters notice that they also focused on prayer that they focused on prayer i come to tell us tonight that we need prayer our our pastors need prayer our churches need prayer prayer is our desperate dependence upon god because i believe this tonight that god can do more in a moment than you and i can do in a lifetime and brothers and sisters as i prepare to take my seat tonight what we need to do tonight is we ought to pray expectantly tonight that's why jesus says ask and it shall be given unto you seek and you shall find knock and the door shall be opened unto you for everyone who asks receives and the one who seeks fines and the one that knocks the door shall be open unto you we ought to pray expectantly we ought to pray earnestly and we ought to pray eagerly the bible said in acts chapter 4 verse number 31 and when they had prayed the place was shaken where they assembled together and they were all filled with the holy spirit and began to speak the word of god with boldness and brothers and sisters when the early church encountered troubles trials and tribulations notice that they did not change their mission they did not change their message and they did not change their master i come to tell you if you depend on the organization you get what the organization can do if you depend on money you get what money can do if you depend on education you get what education can do but if you depend on prayer you get what god can do and that's what we need we need what god can do do i have a witness i close with this god pastor friend of mine pastor friend he passed us up in new york and he's a single man and he goes to the hospital to visit one of his church members in the cardiac unit and he notices this beautiful woman she did not have a wedding band on and so here's this single man he just assumed that she's a single woman she has on a long white coat and so they get inside the elevator and this single man does what single men do when they see a single woman he asks the lady he says ma'am tell me uh what do you do and who do you work for she says well sir i'm a medical doctor but i'm not just any old regular medical doctor i'm a cardiologist but i'm not just a regular cardiologist i'm the one that they call when the other doctors don't know what to do and when the other doctors can't figure it out till she says to him she said sir tell me what do you do and who do you work for he says well ma'am i'm a pastor and i work for the one that they call on when you don't know what to do and when you can't figure it out and i come to tell you there's a name that we can call on tonight that when the world does not know what to do and but the world cannot figure it out do you know what his name is his name is jesus his name is jesus there is no door that jesus cannot open there is no enemy that jesus cannot defeat there is no need that jesus cannot meet there is no pain that jesus cannot comfort there is no problem that jesus cannot solve there is no sickness that jesus cannot heal and there is no sin that jesus cannot forgive over 2 000 years ago lord jesus said my jesus he died on an old rigged cross they put him in a bar too now he stayed there all night friday he stayed there all night saturday but earlier on sunday morning he got up with all power in his hands say yes say yes and say yes [Music] we are better together we're called to be a unified people can we just all come together can we put our agendas down and say it's about one thing it's about lifting high the name and the fame of the lord jesus christ would you commit tonight to being a spirit-filled person that's what the world needs now they need people like you and i who are led by the spirit of god do we not live by social media we're not led by the latest fads but we're live by god's holy spirit and god needs people who are devoted in this in this pandemic season i believe god is allowing us to measure ourselves up against his word it's interesting how the malls are full and how all of the other places are full all of the sporting events are full and god is saying my people have forsaken me are we devoted to the right things let's be devoted to the apostles teaching let's be devoted to the breaking of red let's be devoted to fellowship and let's be devoted to prayer because we serve a god that when the world does not know what to do and when the world cannot figure it out he knows it all and he can fix it cast all your cares upon him because he cares would you stand with me all across this place father in jesus name thank you for the precious moments you've given us tonight to be revived lord thank you for the season the revival thank you for this season of renewal lord some were ready to throw in the towel some were ready to give up and called it quits but lord you stepped in just in the nick of time lord i thank you for your faithfulness in our lives lord all our life you have been faithful for i thank you that faith honors god and that lord you honor faith lord tonight it's about us renewing our faith lord because some of us are ready to just throw it and to give up lord i thank you that you'll never leave us and you'll never forsake us even in the midst of the pandemic you promised that you would not put more on us than we can bear or sometimes the lord seems heavy lord sometimes it seems like we're never going to get there but lord i thank you that you already see the end from the beginning lord you never fell us we believe that tonight we stand on that promise tonight so lord now as we have these moments to respond to you we declare that we are yours tonight our lives belong to you we're no longer our own we are yours lord lord we are your pastors we are your preachers we are your deacons and we are your praise team members we're your musicians we're your ushers we're we're your parking lot attendance we're your technicians we we belong to god the lord you teach us in your word that if we're in your hands no one can pluck us out of your hands as lord lord tonight we're safe in the hands of god and so tonight as we have these moments praise god perhaps tonight you just feel like the lord is leading you just to find you a space at the altar or maybe right there in your seat maybe you just want to turn around and drop to your knees tonight and say lord i need you tonight lord we're better together yes lord i want to be a part of the purpose and the plan of almighty god lord we love you tonight we give you thanksgiving we give you praise lord we can go on a little while longer now hallelujah because everything is going to be all right because eyes have not seen that ears have not heard and neither have you entered into the heart of men the things that god wants to do so lord we love you tonight we give you thanksgiving we give you glory we give you honor and we give you praise and all god's people say together [Music] i am o lord i have heard thy voice and it holds thy love to me [Music] but [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] precious is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] blessed oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] to play crosswind [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] brothers and sisters ladies and gentlemen whatever space you're in tonight the invitation is there might be some personal persons that have heard the word of god tonight there might be persons that are not saved persons that are who confess christ but somehow you are lingering not really connected as you should where unity is concerned there might be that personal person that there's a voice that is speaking to you to say i need to be closer drawn to god hallelujah can i ask within this four walls tonight [Music] if there's a person that needs jesus i want to make sure to say to you the invitation is given you could just say a preacher here i am i need jesus and i don't know all of you but if you are here sir ma'am you need to surrender your heart to god and even if you are in the virtual space and i will not be able to see you but god is seeing you you can make that confession tonight either if you're a personal person you could just raise your hand as an indication to say i am determined to make a decision for the lord tonight we want to be sure before we walk out of this room that somebody cannot say we have never [Music] mentioned christ to you [Music] hallelujah evangelism is all about a saving of souls persons surrendering their hearts to jesus christ evangelism is all about us as ministers coming together uniting our efforts together because we are better together is the builder of the kingdom of god [Music] hallelujah it has spread this gospel of jesus christ so that persons everywhere will hear the gospel and to be redeemed by the blood of jesus they can confess indeed that i have been redeemed so before i invite our president to come to give you closing remarks i want to take you through this song and praise steve help me whoa hi [Music] jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] what's your testimony tonight [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] thank you jesus what's your testimony tonight yes [Music] [Applause] that secret song my friends hallelujah thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus [Applause] [Music] one more time with me one more time [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] him [Applause] [Music] somebody give a shout our praise to the lord [Music] blessed be the name of the lord jesus christ hallelujah my brothers and sisters to god be the glory great things he has done [Music] what a privilege we had tonight to be seated at the banqueting table of almighty god [Music] and what assumptions five-course meal that has been served what an opportunity just to have a spiritual appetite for a good meal tonight has been that experience and so my brothers and sisters mine is a responsibility to just help us all to express our thanks first of all to almighty god for all that he has done come on can we just put our hands above our head hallelujah god the son and god the holy spirit hallelujah we can say tonight we have received from the mighty hand of god i certainly also want to thank our chairman raven jack for choosing to come to our house tonight we have been blessed to just welcome all of our brothers and sisters from whatever other house you're coming from and we say to you this is your father's house and you have all right to be here so thank god for all of you my brothers and sisters it has been our pleasure to extend our warmest welcome and our most sincere gratitude that we could share this moment together and above all we would like to say thanks to our guest speaker tonight coming all the way from tennessee the united states of america in 35 minutes to reveal to us the mind of god i have traveled to tennessee before and there was no one that takes me into tennessee i don't know if that has changed we have had to change flights and certainly it took us quite some time from jamaica to tennessee and so let me just say to you that for pastor willie to give up everything else and to decide that he's leaving his family leaving his church leaving his home and to come to jamaica to preach for 35 minutes to reveal to us the mind of god i want to let you know that he is a messenger sent from god for a time right now come on praise the name of jesus hallelujah we thank you lord hallelujah sir we have received that message amen you have come to remind us that we are better together and i'm very sure that the minister's fraternal for lindstein will be embracing this very pivotal point as we go forward already under the leadership of our chairman we have been practicing this what you are coming tonight has reinforced the fact that we are going to go to higher heights and greater levels in god once we remain together and i am sure that each of us here will be educating our various congregations along this line we are saying to you tonight sir we have received the message and the greatest unifying force that is available to us is the infilling of the holy ghost in the lives of the believers and so all of us as pastors we will be taking this back to our congregations to allow us to know we are not competing against each other but together we are going to complete the call from god to go and win the loss at any cost put your hands together so on behalf of the ministers fraternal we want to just say to all of you thanks for coming tonight you could have been doing one of a hundred other things but you laid all of that aside and you have come to be a part of this great gathering i know that this is a spiritual investment in the lives of all of god's people and i want you to know that god pays rich dividends so go forth expecting much as together we will be better and so i know it's 20 minutes to 9 and we'll be living here shortly but our chairman is coming to allow something else to be done tonight is presented to you for your many years of dedication to mission and your outstanding service to the lincoln ministers fraternal and the people of jamaica on the 16th of january 2022 god the lord hallelujah amen amen amen just before bishop reid pronounce the benediction let me on behalf of the minister's return and also say a big big thank you to the lin still new testament church of god thank you very much putin together for the lincoln new testament church of god you are a very special church you have always opened your doors and the warmth of yours with the welcome and the way that you just allow us to feel as if as bishop reset this is our church and indeed we are all god's people working together we truly thank you for going overboard this evening the first of this kind since kobed and with all the challenges we did it under god we are better together bishop free [Applause] may i just ask you now to stand with me and let's just raise our hands towards heaven and receive the blessings the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you his peace and the people of god say amen go with god have a great night rest well have a wonderful productive week and may the peace of god continue to reign in your hearts god bless you thank you good that you came have a good night pastors in the congregation there are some of you that we did not recognize all pastors and their wives we're gonna have that don't leave the lynn state church has provided some snack you just grab it and go so just go upstairs all past on your wife and just grab that snack and fellowship if you leave then i'm sure that the linseed family will not feel good they have worked out just go upstairs all pastors and their wives our ushers are available just to help you to get to the location thank you did you think there are many dangers that we all must face if we die till it is no disgrace keep on the fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] if [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] if [Applause] oh [Applause]
Channel: Linstead New Testament Church of God
Views: 703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jSscJR4GpL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 32sec (6872 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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