Inventor Model Simplification | Autodesk Virtual Academy

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good morning everyone and welcome to today's qatif Autodesk Virtual Academy brought to you by Adam evangelist uh I guess from content technologies as well as myself I'm Nigel Mike your application engineer active technologies I'm here with as you there you go from two technologies sure yeah so um definitely excited for today as you can see on your screen today is presentation Beit simplifies simplifying simplification Autodesk Inventor and I'm just one of those guys here so we're gonna be going over some model simplification and inventor there's a couple of options to do so we'll go over you know a couple of those things I'm sure Adam will explain a little bit more um how he discovered okay there's like three things they do very similar things well what do I use what plenty of new ones for sure yeah and those are the kind of questions that we want to be able to answer for you all today and so with that I'll go ahead and let Adam run through his introduction um you guys can learn a little more out a little bit more about Adam before we get started there that's let's get to it all right yeah again they started having me back Nigel glad to be back we have a new table here if you haven't noticed but don't worry it's a new set for the same mission empowering today's manufactures and innovators for better tomorrow so let's get right to it right let's talk about simplification and what that means for us right so simplification we get a fair amount of questions about in the in the lifeline Q ourselves and it's it's something that not a lot of people understand very well and that's why they have a lot of questions right and if you guys saw my previous video about design review signed views essentially they're really good for supplementing your current workflows and so it's not necessarily essential in the same way that you want to you know you'll be able to do all your work without it but I guarantee and that's my promise to you guys all today you understand design views if you understand since the location you're gonna be able to speed up and streamline your workflow for the better okay so a simplification let's let's get into it right click outline for today like I said are gonna do a small introduction we're gonna go into the different methods of simplification that are available inside of an enter there's gonna be the shrink-wrap the derived part and the traditional simplified tools it's a bit of a legacy thing now I'm never just gonna wrap it up in a nice little summary followed by a q-and-a okay that's nuts and bolts of it let's keep going a bit more about myself Adam evangelist qatif technologies application engineer been here for about six months now about having a good time learning a lot of stuff gonna have a mechanical engineering background and I have some small fabrication experience from my last job at a makerspace which helps me help you guys with your questions about manufacturing design so again happy to be here talking about some new tools available TL I wanted to also share my my coffee preference here I like my coffee black essentially Nigel how do you like yours uh definitely not black you know you're drinking creamed coffee right now my point is I prefer coffee simple and clean which is at once a great theme song into the topic of today's presentation that's right we're talking about simplification simplification and brought in a broad stroke simplification is about reducing complexity which is kind of obvious right specifically in the context of inventor however complexity kind of manifests itself and complex assemblies right as one the number of parts that you have into the level of detail of your geometry and representation right and so when we say simplification autodesk is referring to a collection of methods available and inventor for reducing that kind of complexity right so on reducing the number of parts or to reducing and simplifying the simple geometry and simplification all right and I had this nice little graphic over here if you guys will notice on the right-hand side of the street again complex assembly it's kind of come in right there this collection amalgamation of a bunch of different parts and their relationships to kind of unwieldly kind of hard to work with really resource intensive but their simplification you could convert those complex assemblies and lots of moving parts into a very simple very clean singular part which is a lot easier to work with and less resource-intensive right speaking of resources we're talking about context now and why we're even interested in simplification in the first place right and so it lets you reduce complexity right and it's kind of ironic because cab is usually about adding more detail right a little more detail to better especially in the manufacturing and design environments right but there's plenty of situations where added complexity isn't beneficial right and so one of the main reasons we get calls on the Lifeline for example are for inventor performance issues and a large part of those cases could be attributed to poorly optimized poorly designed parts at so they're having bad performance bad assemblies they're really complex and really unwieldy like I was saying so complexity and simplification it's gonna help alleviate that process and let you have assemblies that represent themselves without being too complex and so you know you could imagine if you're working in like like a AEC contractor or something like that you don't need to send the fully developed part with the full model tree to just be a reference part inside of the final architects drawing or something like that and in the same breath you don't need all the same parts from a reference model to go into your vault or something like that for example so hopeful performance we're also interested in protecting proprietary information which is one of the other main reasons why you may be interested in simplification right you don't want to be giving all those sensitive information over to people that might use it you know incorrectly or improperly right so if you want to send a part to a manufacturer or something like that you don't want to give them all the details because I'm the simplified part instead for reference and that's the other major use of simplification and there's some other motivations here too which I won't get to into there's like some regulatory compliances which may come up if you're in the AEC world and there's also some applications in simulation which you're interested in and actually borrow two slides to the smallest side but I did borrow the slide from our simulation expert over here and simplification shows up a lot in simulation because again you want to kind of reduce the resources that your simulation is taking while preserving the fidelity of the results right and so this is an example from fusion 360 in fact where they're talking about D featuring and simplification it E is still the same but you model had a bunch of surfaces over here and using the simplification in D featuring tools they're able to get a much lighter model with about 5500 surfaces instead and that again frees up a bunch more resources and lets the simulation go a lot quicker right again if you're interested on that I mean we have a BA we have you know we have plenty of people and stuff I can answer more questions about that but just wanted to shed some context on why and how simulate simplification is used okay next slide and so that said let's jump right into it I mentioned three different simplification methods I'm gonna start with shrink wrap I'm gonna go to derived parts and then finally I'm gonna end on the traditional simplify panel that used to be in there and some I'm gonna go ahead and tab out to my inventor there we go and so when I was developing this presentation I was trying to figure out like what kind of what kind of sample I wanted to show everyone and I figured you know yeah but what does everyone want to simplify you know what does everyone you know asking about all the time and so imagine what do you think we're gonna try to simplify today some large assembly of some sort so see that's a good guess but you know what I have something even more valuable than simplifying large assembly performance and streamlining we are gonna in fact simplify today life itself that's a joke of course everyone wants to simplify life but really we're gonna simplify the buffer prep skip from the inventor samples in 2019 exciting and just as relevant to everyone's life I'm sure if you guys are familiar with the inventor samples you could pull this up from here know from your inventor samples that you can download online audio samples models and it's going to be another tube in pipe section specifically if you're interested in following along but for crepes kid and it's I'm gonna be using this assembly right here okay cool and so yeah we chose the smallest specifically over the regular life model just because I think this is a interesting model that has kind of demonstrates the conflict between scale and fidelity right and so essentially what happens we have a large building scale room scale model over here right you could look in any direction on the small see literal you know tens of feet in any direction right and yet you could zoom into any of these parts and you could see a lot of great details right look at the chamfers on this bolt over here look at these grooves on this little knob thing right here there's buttons that are rendered over here this whole little gear section on this on this meter is a bunch of fanciful like bays and everything this whole tube and pipe assembly is over here hanging out with all of these individually modelled bolts or chamfers more edges there's embossing over here now it's great this is even like millimeter scale holes over here and again this is all done with good intentions of course right you do need those details at some point which is fine but let's say all I really wanted for this assembly was to be a representation in my factory layout do I need millimeter scale holes to be rendered in my drawing the answer is probably now again keep in mind the context of what we're doing this floor and so the main goal today I want to take this particular assembly I'm going to focus on this large vessel here here I want to simplify it down so it doesn't consume as much computer resources and doesn't render as many parts and your computers for you to do more things it's not loading as much and we're gonna go from there and so that said I'm gonna go ahead and open up this part over here I have a brand new assembly looking cute okay and what are you talking about shrink wrap talking about shrink wrap of course and so over here in the assembly tab right you're only gonna see the simplification options under the assembly tab inside of an assembly and if you don't see simplification could go ahead and open up this little quick select menu here and make sure that your panels are enabled here in this case simplifications good stuff and so I'm gonna go ahead and start by pressing shrink wrap right and again the main goal of shrink wrap and any of these simplification tools is one to reduce the number of parts and to simplify the gym I'm cheating our presentation okay so this first tab right here components is going to be concerned with the former all right the first section over here we have representations right so if you have different levels of detail or different views that you already had saved on your part you could access them here nothing too interesting here but in this case you know what I don't want my final representation to have content center parts that's great you see our part count dropping down here quite a bit which is great there's another option over here for removing parts by size this is kind of a finicky one too but keep in mind that this number that you're inputting here refers to the diagonal of the bounding box that's gonna be used to filter parts out and so if you can imagine a square box with you know like 50 millimeters diagonally across that's what its gonna remove from here and so you can see some things already coming out there and there so since I've done this before I'm gonna go ahead and crank it up 200 just to see how many parts we get off there and that's looking pretty good right so those kind of little details not been important to me especially in my final representation so it's looking pretty good moreover you can individually select which parts you want to include and exclude here in this case you would just go ahead and click this red arrow you can choose to get rid of this guy and this guy over here and maybe there's something on the bottom that I want to get rid of as well and we're looking nice and clean you know pretty good and so now that said those are the components I decided to include and exclude you could also choose to view some other stuff so you can see the parts that you just removed over here I could choose part priority or if you want to choose the number of instances that's what this checkbox is here for right if I uncheck that you could see it's only one of the likes now that's moving on to features right we're gonna be removing and simplifying features in this tab and so what we're talking about over here you can see there's space for moving holes removing pockets moving fill it's removing chamfers right and you're gonna get three options for each of these guys here either just leave them because you want you could select to remove them all as you desire right and you could go ahead and press preview and see how that turns out and this is a thing that comes up as well I'm missing a bitmap here so I'm gonna go ahead and skip that but um go ahead and run the pre being can see all the holes that we had earlier from the moving parts are now gonna be excluded as well if you want a bit more control and finesse on that you could choose this third option here which allows you to choose the max diameter hole that's going to be removed here okay like if I typed in fifty again for example only some of these holes are gonna disappear right I'm gonna go ahead and ID in the sake of making it as lightweight as possible gonna choose to remove all the holes I'm gonna choose to remove all of the bullets all of the chamfer present all of the pockets okay and so I'm gonna go ahead and hit preview see what's going on looking pretty cute gotta say and finally there's some other stuff down here as well too and if you're in if you're into like some more complex models if there's certain part you want to preserve you could detect the features themselves which parts are gonna be filtered or may or may not be filtered and you could choose which particular one you want to preserve okay nothing I'm not interested in today of course but let's go ahead and go on to the last tab creates again the main goal is simplify is to make a part a singular part from a complex assembly and so I'm gonna get the normal stuff here you could go ahead and choose the new part name let's go ahead and call this a VA test1 and now you could save it as an eye PT or sheet metal parts and you could also choose the file location I'm gonna save it someone where you can look at it a bit later so I'm gonna put it in the top level of the skin folder Coolio go ahead and save that and what's not nice about shrink wraps that you also have this bone structure input as well and so oftentimes if you just want to use this piece for reference right you could go down and use it for reference it's courtesy to your BOM managers over there you could make sure that it's not going to be cluttering up the rest of your bill of materials and everything from there well finally we have style down here and this is gonna dictate the kind of solid that the resulting IPT is gonna be right and so you get a few options right here right so this is a moment of people see you can do a single body without seams you could do a single body with seams you can do multi bodies or you could do a composite surface I'll tell you guys right now that the composite surface is probably the best option for you if you're looking to make us the smallest part possible although in the past simplify tool and we allowed you to use the first three and then if you can't use the composite surface the single body without seams is your next best option so let's do that so like composite and finally there's a few more options here at the bottom as well right we could break link these parts are associated with the parent assembly and so if you make changes to the parent assembly the first punch derive from it'll reflect back in here which is great I'm gonna keep the link there for this matter doesn't matter too much right now I'm gonna fill internal voids or move internal parts and use the color override from source components okay I'm gonna go ahead and click OK and do I want to calculate mass properties for little details not a big deal to me tbh beautiful okay and this is gonna be the resulting part here I want to draw you guys attention down to the two numbers on the bottom right of the screen right here right so get me talking about these numbers of my design review presentation as well but the first number there is the number of parts that are rendered on the current screen and then the second number is the total number of parts that I rendered the unique parts that are rendered across all three screens here so you can see if I get rid of life over here that 56 numbers it's gonna go down to 55 and this part still represents a single body that's gonna be rendered so that's shrink-wrap that's a good time that's gonna help you get a nice simpler model right but you know this is all fine and dandy if you want to make a new assembly you could place this part in so when you assembly willy-nilly if you want but ultimately what my goal is is to have a good representation of the same boiler in my top-level assembly and so I'm gonna actually go back to my boiler assembly right here there's two shrink wraps here which is I always thought was kind of curious because we're gonna be talking about shrink wrap substitute shrink wrap substitute is really similar to regular shrink wrap could click on it you're gonna see the same exact options is the regular shrink wrap but the only real difference here is gonna be that we're gonna we're going to we're gonna be able to make a level of detail and substitute it in with this okay and so I'm gonna go ahead and go do this one more time create I'm gonna name this a test - I'm gonna choose the same file one more time having a good time here to play MBT mifare save father surface reference Coolio I'm gonna click ok ok and so notice this time I didn't open up another part right I didn't really make another part here what I really made is a substitute level of detail ok and you can see that over here in the model screen and what that means is essentially I could go back to my assembly over here let me go ahead and look at this price but you can see over in the representations this represent this manifests itself as a new level of detail you'll see right here at the bottom there's a brand new logo versus the previous stuff here and this is essentially going to be another level of detail that you could use for this assembly right what's unique about this right level of detail is cool because you could kind of control which parts are loaded and which are unloaded at different states safe States essentially and while these other regular levels of details kind of represents the whole top level assembly itself and different parts in that assembly which can be loaded and unloaded this whole substitute level of detail it's just something the entire entire assembly with that derived part that we made earlier so this is a single body right here again referencing this number at the bottom so that's great because I could end up happening we could go back to our top top level assembly and now we have a boiler assembly right here we could check it out we're gonna go down to representation and level of detail see where I'm going with this Nigel got a level of detail over here and we're gonna see we have a new substitute level of detail available for us and so let's go ahead and select one of those guys and go ahead and click OK to save all those parts and now this part is going to be the representative derived part that we made here instead of these fancy ones with all these extra parts here right again we're largely preserving the you know the representation of the boiler ball reducing the number of parts and so any go ahead and jump back over here and look at the master I can keep an eye on the number of total parts rendered down here we're at about 1290 for right now I can go back to master over here total number of parts jumps back up to 1486 so this substitute level of detail lets us unload about 200 different parts in this original boiler assembly right here and so it did it's pretty significant even just this one assembly right here I didn't but you could imagine if each of your assemblies that you're working with if you include a step to develop a substitute level of detail for each of these sub assemblies you could essentially have a brand-new kind of lightweight level of detail associated with a top level assembly alright and so we could go from 1400 not just down to 1200 hopefully down to even lower than 500 I could imagine this many parts here so that's the idea right it's all the little decisions that kind of add up and kind of help you save resources here and there and ultimately improve your workflow yeah a lot of these cases right all you all you really need is the actual geometrical or geometrical representation of what your assembly looks like right you don't need it in terms of what it looks like in form of function itself but you need to understand how much space it takes up on the floor for example say this thing is in the corner of like your giant facility so you have like 10 skids similar in size to this and functionality and you want to do like a factory layout like that would suck just to be blunt there is to load up what was that 1,400 files oh you're like 14 15 thousand files exactly in memory to you know do a factory layout it's gonna unless you've got some awesome computer it'll probably even then it'll probably super slow yeah so yeah you just need to know how much space this thing takes up right you don't want things to collide with each other maybe you're trying to figure out if you want to place it on you know this wall or the other wall you just need to see oh I do have a walkway do I have space or not for this and that's that's really really key and like a big workflow improvement for a lot of people when we show them tools like this yeah definitely and so definitely preciate the context because again it's these little things and ultimately you have a lot more control over the complexity and how much resources your parts are controlling right and that's always good to be a good thing for you guys whatever you guys are trying to do whether its factory layouts or sending out parts or even like you know you could imagine if you had all these parts on the network drive or something like that with a really slow connection saving a lot of time ultimately which is a good good thing for everyone and so let's jump back to the power points let's see what else we got there a shrink wrap again it's really good for again simplifying large assemblies bringing that them down into a single part and the substitute function is probably the better of the two in my opinion just because you get to attach that level of detail not simplified part to the assembly itself and use it as a substitute and other assemblies I really like that that's good stuff big fan of design views if you need to send it to somebody probably the regular shrink wrap is gonna be better if it's you know you're generating the shrink wrap so you save your IP you don't necessarily want to show all of the details of your machinery to say someone purchasing your stuff right maybe you just want to send them a shrink wrap of that so they can't necessarily see the internal so on and so forth yeah yeah I mean if you guys I've ever grabbed any parts from online like from grab cat or any crab cat or anything like that you know that a lot of times I don't come with the direct source files exactly just step sir OBJ's and stuff like that I'm for sale the same reason right next thing we're to talk about the other method that it's available in contrast the shrink wrap is the derived part functionality and drive part is again tries to achieve the same goal essentially can achieve the same goal is the shrink wrap command but ultimately the drive part is a bit more granular and like options to include and exclude parts from your assembly and it is meant by outside power the biggest distinction is that the right part is meant to be a spring boarding for new parts essentially right and so there's going to be a lot more options for developing how the resulting IPT comes out and how you can be using that in the future okay and so yeah let's jump to it again right let's go back to inventor right here I'm going to go back to my vessel assembly right here gonna go an Abel the master level of detail good stuff and the first distinction right you're gonna be you're gonna be an assembler like me and you're gonna be looking for the derive part button it's not gonna be there because a derived part start in new parts specifically I've made this mistake many times and you're only gonna see direct part once you're in a new IPT like this go under manage and you're gonna see the derived part but an under insert okay I'm gonna click derive it's gonna ask me to choose an assembly to derive from okay so it's kind of backwards see or we were looking at the assembly last time we're gonna be starting from the part file and pulling down the assembly into us and so let me just go up here I'm gonna go over to vessels I'm gonna pull out the same assembly that I was working with which is this 2500 litre vessel right here no changes have been made let's go ahead and say that right away you're gonna get a brand new dialog box with four tabs this time instead of three and so that's a good time and you'll notice right away that there's not a lot going on here because I have all content center suppressed it's gonna pull in the last active level of detail that you had and so I'm gonna go over to representation again notice we could play with representations once again so if you want to adjust it according to design views positional views or level of detail you could do that here and I'm also gonna unlink this associative part right here as well for reasons that will be clear shortly I'm gonna go back to this first page and you're gonna see this whole page got kind of populated over here with a whole design tree so again this is going to be a whole list of all your different parts in your assembly and everything like that and this is gonna be a few more colors here okay we're gonna say derive style again and we're gonna see the different same buttons that we saw in shrink wrap all right we can make single bodies multi bodies composite bodies I'm gonna go ahead and show you this first one first and we also have this new bar here called status which shows a bunch of colored icons and stuff like that and so these colored icons right here kind of are gonna help us exclude and include stuff here those first tennis-ball looking one that's going to be parts that are included in the assembly okay this gray one right here this is going to represent parts that are gonna be excluded from the assembly I'm not maybe we'll do this one first gonna be excluded from the assembly if you wanted that's cool if I keep clicking over to the next one there's a red option as well which is gonna allow you to subtract the selected components also if you're familiar with like the boolean operations for example you could use this part to subtract from other parts inside of this assembly which is kind of cool right and then finally you could also use this green option here which is going to develop an envelope that's going to essentially surround the part with a very similarly sized extrusion in this case the square and it's gonna replace it all over the big square instead and so that's kind of nice again if you just if you're looking for representation or if you're just using if you're just using it as reference it's that's an option for you as well and this blue one is some another similar boolean operation where it allow you to intersect the selected components for the drived part and the end okay and so that's all fine and dandy so I'm gonna go ahead and go through I do want a composite surface like we used last time because I wanted to be as lightweight as possible again and I'm gonna go ahead and select out some stuff down here that I don't want to include you know maybe I don't want this guy or this guy this guy maybe I'm gonna work on this guy you could also open up these assemblies and look a bit closer at the individual parts right maybe I want to replace this whole thing with a the bounding box over here let's say maybe that'll be a good time but again you kind of have a bit more control over you know what kind of geometry gets added and what doesn't get added and with these additional options over here right you get these extra boolean operations to kind of tailor your derive part to be something that you want to be working off in the future okay that said let's go and leave that bounding box there have a good time I'm gonna go to the other tab now and this is going to be the biggest distinction from the shrink-wrap command here you're gonna see a really similar feature tree over here but instead of the individual parts you're gonna actually see sketches or geometry I made some parameters right this is gonna be essentially all like the sketching and work geometries and reference geometries that are associated with these individual parts right if I want to bring over a really useful sketch or really useful construction line that I made in this particular part then yeah I could bring it over if I want and notice there's only two options here for including exclude and so if I want to you know include surface bodies or not include this stuff over here I have that option too and so again this really speaks to the point of derived part and that you could kind of bring over old references that you're using in the original assembly you could do some more boolean operations to tailor the derived part a bit more it's gonna be a better springboard for you to make new parts from this as opposed to just making a simpler reference all of shrink-wrap right but kind of an interesting point to make I appreciate that a lot and so representation like one more time like we mentioned there's still more options yet over here as well and so you could also remove parts this is kind of similar to like they're removing features in this ranked rap section you can remove parts by geometry visibility and remove parts by size if you remember that part these are kind of finicky if I'm being completely honest you'll see that the metric here is actually a relative percentage which is kind of hard to gauge and understand and really use but I'm not gonna use it because I don't want to mess up my part because I don't have too much control over this naturally check those but feel free to play around with those if you so desire and there's also a whole patching function here so I'll go ahead and patch those holes and these two options are interesting as well scale factor you could make your size bigger or smaller accordingly but probably more interesting some people you could do a unit conversion here as well and so if your particular assembly was in like inches and it needed to be in millimeters you could apply that scale factor here hopefully and you could also make mirrored assemblies as well so you know left hand parts right hand parts is kind of available here as well and so again the idea is you're kind of springboarding to new assemblies essentially it's a new parts and assemblies right then again a few more options here like reduce memory mode color overrides and internal voids okay you go and click okay see how this turns out for us here a little bit and note like after this all loads you derive the assembly and you still end up with one part right you're not deriving and assembly and getting another assembly something like aa beautiful something like you'd get using the one of two things are at the design assistant or like the copy design functionality involved so they have different uses when you're looking at the copy design functionality and fault you want to carry over the entire assembly structure but maybe replace a few components in this case we took an entire assembly and we turned it into a we got you know considerably more options when we were doing the simplification and we generated a completely separate part from it as opposed to having that same assembly and replacing some of the components so just a couple of things there to denote the difference between something like this and something like copy design or the design assistant itself yeah so definitely a lot of nuance there and you can you part with our cool bounding box and all these great work geometries and stuff like that it's a good time new part they could use in your new assemblies everything like that let's do it neat go ahead and save this guy right here it's good a bug test three here there we go go and click Save yes thank you and so now let's see and so yeah that's that's essentially direct part right that allows to drive parts as needed there yep and you can see we still have all those like work planes and all that fun stuff there that came from the assembly itself so just keep that in mind good stuff and so yeah that said that's the right part again it's it's probably the more granular than shrink-wrap even in terms of choosing you know what you want to include and exclude and you could see there's a bit of overlap there but still a bit of nuance so just be aware of what you want I personally prefer shrink wrap as well but um don't float your boat the last command we're gonna talk about is the traditional simplify panel so if you've been around inventor for even a few years like I think the last time I saw the regular simplified panels and 2016 builds specifically but if you go to the simplify section of your Assembly's tab you're gonna get these three options down here it's used to be their own standalone panel this probably the least amount of options and probably results in the largest IPT compared to the other two methods but it's still quick and still relatively easy and so I just wanted to walk through that really quickly as well while we have the chance and so I'm back here I'm back here with my beautiful assembly we have our simplification section right here and the kind of distinction with the traditional simplify option here is going to be you're going to be creating parts off of different design views okay shrink-wrap we kind of use shrink wrap to make level of detail substitutes but force the traditional options here you're going to be creating parts based off of the design views okay and so I can go ahead and click simplify view here and it's gonna prompt me with this nice contextual menu right here and this is gonna be really similar again to the previous two or again the first thing you're gonna do is decide what you're gonna include what you're gonna exclude it can go through here click on the stuff that you want which that you don't want you guys will select part priority to microphone just like the whole component in this example and you can go through and click that there again it's kind of a bit more tedious than the you know other options here I'm gonna be able to select all the components and click that box right there and so that's one option right so kind of tedious kind of picky but you know strict pretty straightforward go ahead and click OK there and again this is gonna manifest itself as a different design view over here in your product tree and in your model tree over here and so this is a simplified view and if you want you could also define envelopes as always a good time and so you're gonna select that option you're gonna select the part that you want to replace with a bounding envelope like this particular meter looking thing and you're gonna see the actual out bounds of the box that's gonna produce itself right and you can adjust that accordingly make it bigger small or whatever you want doesn't have to be score it could be a be a bounding cylinder if you really want but I do want to today so let's go with that and you go ahead and click OK there and so now again it's a bit simpler than the last one but the final step after you have a design view that you like that's simple enough you can also define envelopes to make it even simpler to simplify geometry representation and finally you could go ahead and create the part itself that's what I was talking about here where you only get those three combined styles right the newer stuff has that extra composite feature section over there which is again pretty useful this part still produces a pretty large IPT but this first option here is going to be the lightest of these three here which is single body which seems March ok and let's do a VA two for now and let me make sure this is in the right place as well ok ok again so here's a brand new IPT that was derived from a new rep right and so that's that's again what the traditional one does and I mean it seems like I got a person prefer shrink wrap in the derived part just because it's a bit more utility there right but I mean simplification if you have a designer be ready if you just need a quick and easy that's that that's there for you guys for sure and so and that said let's see that's the traditional simplify panel for you there and I did want to go through a quick quick summary I would go ahead and check out the size of these parts actually well working here let's see and so here I'm gonna go back to my I see we go back to that same folder with my other drawings there already see there we go models let's go to pipe a second go ahead and save this it's kind of a weird quirk when I was testing this earlier but if they don't say if you don't save these they didn't actually show the size here yet but I'm gonna go ahead and save this on time is to update the properties and I'm gonna go back over here and now I have two three four right first one again was the first one that we worked on which is again about four hundred and seven kilobytes right there and you can see the drive part which was test three is gonna be twenty two point five megabytes and a VA test is going to be two point three megabytes and so you can see probably had the most control over the first IP et which was made with shrink wrap that's a good time so keep that in mind that's the kind of resulting parts that you're making there so you have a bit more control over that size and everything like that yeah keep it know to like the file size could be one thing but if it's associative to the other models are still gonna be heavier right because essentially it's gonna be looking at that other model like sure no changes were made or if changes are made to that model right it has to drive all the changes downstream so if you break those links it'll be faster that's a good point yeah definitely and so yeah I'm so keep that in mind again you do have a lot of control over the size of these parts and the complexity of these parts the number that are going to be loaded in these parts and that's with simplified simplifications all about here now that said those are the three commands that we were gonna talk about today the quick summary again this is what I've taken away from this whole process all three methods get you a simpler lighter IPT file right shrink-wrap is probably good for general use optimization streamlining and obfuscating proprietary information for sending and sharing parts everywhere Drive part is good for springboarding parts as well but will do just as good a job a shrink wrap and simplifying assemblies down so the fly is okay but it's quick and easy and it's just as accessible as all the other tools here today Oh as always I mean just you know be safe and um keep it be aware of the context that you're using all these tools in and you have a lot more options and control than you do so if you want to call it and feel free of course no problem happy to help definitely thank you all for being here today Adam definitely thank you for being here today you're here everyday I don't wonder maybe not in davie room so thank you all for being here have a great rest of your day and then those of you who have Friday off have a great weekend we'll talk to y'all soon buh-bye
Channel: KETIV Technologies
Views: 3,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: autodesk, akn_include, autodesk inventor, autodesk inventor 2019, inventor 2019, autodesk inventor 2018, inventor 2018, simplifying models, inventor models, model simplification, ketiv ava, ketiv academy, ketiv autodesk academy, autodesk academy, ava academy, autocad, Autodesk Software, Manufacturing, CAD, CAM, Engineering, bim, lod 350
Id: xpx0If7mYRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 29 2018
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