Lineman Tip #7 - How to remove Crimpits

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what's up everybody you're watching Bob's decline for today's quick tip we're gonna be taking a look at how to remove krimpets from the line check it out [Music] alright guys so be perfectly honest I wasn't going to make this video for one main reason that is the removal of these H tap krimpet connectors does involve some improper use of our tools and equipment I'm going to take a look at two different methods to remove these krimpets from the line keep in mind once these are installed they're not really supposed to come off so let's check out two methods on how to remove krimpets the first method I'm going to be showing you in how to remove an 8 2 top crimp it is using a hacksaw it's slow and it's painful what your objective is is to actually open up the top of the crimp it enough for it to pop right out of the wire so the spot that you're aiming to cut is 180 degrees from that opening you're gonna be looking at this location around there somewhere sometimes you get to take your screwdriver poke it in a little bit that lid should pop right off and you will successfully remove that crimp it from the line we've got our number two ACS air all set up here under tension before we get started I did want to point out on the krimpets themselves most manufacturers nowadays have markings on them now what those are for you'll see these little lines here is you actually make a compression and between each set of lines so in this case you want one real close to the end to seal things up on both ends in between three in the middle so that's a total of five compressions this is the one we're going to be using here you can see there is one two three lines so that's gonna be four compressions as we will press this guy four times when you do press these krimpets you want to try to get a press on either end to get the end sealed up to keep the water out and then two evenly spaced apart in the middle [Music] where these H type connectors are not meant to come off I do not recommend doing this under energized conditions and especially not while dropping load so this is our main line this is the jumper nine times out of 10 you can cut this guy off that'll make your life a whole lot easier all right so our door closed on this side we're going to want to go on the opposite side create a boat here alright so we're pretty well all the way through there now all you got to do is take your screwdriver put it in that groove that you just cut give it a little twist top jumps off should be able to remove that alright and there you go so that is the hacksaw method to removing a crimp it alright so now we get to the fun one but again it is improper use of tools and equipment so we're going to be using an older md6 hand press for removal method alright so we got a brand new crimp it [Music] all right so again your first step is gonna be to cut the bottom lead off now for argument's sake I'm going to leave the bottom lead on this time most cases you'll be able to cut that fellow off but just to show you it works either way we're gonna leave this guy on what you're gonna want to do is grab the krimpet with these jaws right in between your two different die sets do not use your extremely expensive battery press for doing that the extra pressure in the middle is going to be putting some stress on the head of the press you're gonna want to grab the krimpet right in the dead center and then slightly up towards the side that you actually want to remove so in this case we want to remove the krimpet from our mainline not from the jumper so we're gonna line up the press dead center you're going to want to start on the end of your krimpet dead center we're gonna go up about two millimeters you want to give that a slight squeeze I've got some pressure on it and I'm gonna rotate the lines towards me so I can get some leverage and you're just going to squeeze it does take a little bit of muscle we're gonna release that so you can see here that first action we did which is slightly above Center I actually already started to open up the top of that crimp it so we should be able to get that completely off with just one more press in the center let's give it a try we're gonna line that up pretty well the center slightly above the center line up the crimp it and you don't want to go too high above the center liner you'll damage the conductor itself a little bit of tension we're gonna bring it down to where I have some leverage and squeeze all right I think we've got it pretty good here now I might have to do it one more time but you can see here the krimpet is finally beginning to open up a lot of times you simply halt the press towards you I don't want to give that too much pressure and damage the conductor so we're going to do one more shot again very important that you line it up properly not to damage the conductor you're gonna put a slight bit of pressure here until you get into a comfortable position so that you don't lose the bite-mark we're going to give it a squeeze again takes a little bit of strength all right so we can see here it opened up a little bit more again we're gonna simply halt that press towards us and you can see now as I'm spending this towards me it's actually removing the krimpet the krimpet is now fully off so let's open that fellow up so in the end this is what your camp it looks like you simply pried it off the line as far as damage to the conductor some slight rippling in the conductor but there is no actual damage to any of the strands alright guys that's all I got for you today thanks again for watching one of my videos if you found anything in my videos useful at all please like and subscribe it's a huge help we'll see you next time
Channel: Bobsdecline - Lineman blogger
Views: 49,240
Rating: 4.9594512 out of 5
Keywords: how to remove crimpits, how to remove crimp its, how to remove crimpets, how to remove h-tap crimps, how to remove h-taps, how to remove htap crimps, how to remove h tap crimps, lineman how to, lineman lips, tips for linemen, tips for lineman, becoming a lineman, being a lineman, lineman bob, power lineman, substation lineman, journeyman lineman, lineman job, electrical lineman, lineman tools, md6 press, milwaukee press, lineman life
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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