Full tour of my Line Truck !

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hey what's going on everyone you're watching bob's decline lyman blogger where we blog about anything and everything to do with power lines so for those of you that are new to the channel my name is aaron i've been a lineman on the east coast of canada for about 18 years now and today we're going to be covering one of the most requested videos from our viewers and that is a tour of my trouble truck [Music] so just a few things to keep in mind guys as we're going over the truck for one this truck is kitted up for service calls and trouble call response it's not going to be full of all kinds of material to be building lines or doing any line maintenance so we're going to go over some of the tools i commonly use as i respond to trouble calls and things i use to make scenes safe as i respond to things like house fires car accidents all that stuff and one other thing to keep in mind as i go over the truck i'm not going to be showing the exact location of what's inside some of the tills i'll show you how i got my tails rug up things like the copper wire and expensive power tools i'm not going to show their locations or even exactly what i have on the truck and that's for security purposes i don't want to have this video go online and uh somebody come by looking for some of the tools there that are going to be showing on film all right so let's start off here guys with a quick walk around of my service truck this truck is geared up a little bit different than the rest of the crew where i respond to all the trouble calls my area it's a smaller boom truck single axle a little bit more versatile to easily get into tight spots not the four-wheel drive model unfortunately as much as i'd love to have that for my area especially in the winter time we're going gonna start off with our cones or simply a pillar there to stock the cones on that's as high as i can reach that's about eight feet off the ground so they're quite difficult to access so i got this neat little rig built up where i can actually tip my cones down and access them much much easier when i'm done with those in place keeps things easy we have our ladder which is a pretty convenient spot tucked away that's a 16-foot ladder i got in there so you yank that out something i use quite often on service calls it's nice because it's tucked away underneath the chassis of the truck and allows for a lot more room when working on the back there and of course our wheel chocks i have four wheel shocks in this truck two on each side once inside there they sink down in quite tight so there's no way they can bounce out into traffic the fire extinguisher so i used to keep actually three fire extinguishers on my truck because uh where i work at a home and i'm away from the office it's not uncommon to get two or three fires in a weekend and there's nothing worse than using up your fire extinguisher so this is a newer truck i'm actually gonna have to get a mount built i'll probably get something built in this corner with a couple small little spare fire extinguishers let's take a look at things while we're up here in the back so this is the back of my truck i've got a ton of modifications done up here actually that uh that are designed particularly for my job my latest one being this box right here so my old truck all the tills built around the side were this size now this new guy when they sent it over i'm not sure why they made these ones so small but they wouldn't fit my spill kit so i just had this guy made and nothing too complicated we've got our spill kit and our oil bag if ever there's a leaky transformer we've got everything rug up in there i'm also going to be putting some bags of salt in there for the winter time lots of room left in there i'm not quite sure how i'm going to rig that up yet definitely give me some extra room now in behind all these stands we've got a few items i don't use overly often my step ladder usually i'm on hooks or my main ladder so it's it's kind of hard to get to that guy back there i might take them out two or three times a year though so that's a pretty good spot for them out of the way and of course we have our stop and go paddles another requirement for all of our tracks and we got some transformer leads along with a few other wires i don't use real often tucked away in there out of the way so you'll see here what i'm leaning over we look after a lot of lighting so i've got a little rack built here for some led lights i install maintain all the lights that we ran out to customers and right here you will also see some cover-up this wrap is good for 1 000 volts when guys are doing siding roofing jobs and the triplex going up the mass is in the way we promote safety big time in our province so if there's a roofer putting on a metal roof close to a service entrance give us a call we will wrap that up thousand volt wrap it'll make things much much safer and under here we have a little spool of street light wire i'm actually waiting to get a spool of tie wire right now i've got a little coil on the back here of tie wire as needed but uh i'm gonna get a coil of tie wire placed on this spool as well and we're gonna drill a hole and put a cotter key in there to keep anything from bouncing out we use these bags for two things i got one rug up right here for garbage and i try and keep this one empty for when i'm climbing up a pool if i got to bring up a lot of material dump all my gear in that put it on the hand line i got some carabiners i'll hook that up on the line while i'm working and of course spare wire we got all shapes and sizes here like i mentioned i am not a construction crew so most situations if i gotta run more than a couple meters just to splice a damaged wire chances are gonna have a big truck there lots more guys probably end up needing a real wire anyways so we've got some spare wire there and next up we've got our bucket cover keep the rain out and all of our secondary attachments we've got our wedge clamps we've got our preforms for our guy wire we've got our service preforms for the triplex and of course we got our bucket cover on a leash so if it ever comes off it's not going far try to keep everything on my truck buckled down in the event that there's an accident everything is contained in the back so they're not going to have parts flying all over the place so let's take a look at what we get in some of the tills here so one of our main aluminum tills we've got some pretty basic parts we got some spare cutout doors we've got some more service wraps here um i got some of these sleeves kind of tucked away they're for 336 aluminum it's not something i'm going to run into splicing very often and if i do usually i'll have as i mentioned earlier a big truck with me so we pretty much got some sparing insulators lightning arrester dead end units we've got a load break cut out pole top insulator just a very basic setup of parts that i run into commonly on trouble where i can simply call for another guy to give me a hand we don't need to go to the office and rig up on parts these are all very common parts to fail during small outages and in there we get a tool bag with lots of gear for doing underground terminations and any kind of tools that i don't really use real often that's why i kind of get that bag tucked out of the way [Music] so on our boom we have some upper controls the spoon can be run from controls right here little squirt boom this whole extension shoves out probably about 10 feet or so and of course in our bucket we have our bucket controls a little flat to keep the snow out in the winter time we're getting some bad shadows going on here and i get some rubber padding on the floor when you're working in the rain the rain starts piling up your feet pretty quick so that keeps my feet dry when we get an inch or two of rain so now this is my most accessible tail that's where i want to put the tools i use the most often so what we got in here is all my service stuff like i said we work on lighting a lot i rig up a lot of connections i work i rig up a lot of stuff for the city hook up traffic lights lighting crosswalks anything at all so that's why we got our quick connectors right here ready to go some washers some lag bolts we've got our drill bits this here is actually a fiberglass drill bit for working on pull top extensions whole bucket of photo eyes we got some drills here on the sides all of our sockets and i rub up these two bars actually for my bucket tray it sits just perfectly right on top without crushing all my tools so when i go to go up in the air pop that open grab my bucket tray i've got a few tools at the back there everything's pretty accessible all the rest of the tools i need i keep right here in the bucket if i'm traveling any long distance at all i'll throw that bucket cover on just kind of keep things secure so the truck is also rug up with a whole bunch of these trouble lights they can be manipulated in all kinds of different directions that actually pulls out there i keep this guy folded up in place and angled towards my back end that way when i'm backing up at night i can light up the ditch as i'm backing into people's driveways it's pretty handy rig i've got uh four or five of those randomly around the truck so where this is a smaller truck it only has a couple little stabilizers here those legs come down get quite wobbly when you're extended over center and right here we have our outrigger pads that helps disperse the weight on the ground so we got a couple shovels i actually got this tube welded onto the back here used to have the shovels up in the back and they took up a ton of space so we got them here in place we got a bungee cord so they're not going nowhere there's another one of our trouble lights again there i got an led light on the side i can light that up it's pretty neat that'll actually light up house numbers as i'm going in the road i'll flick that fella on so let's take a look in some of our tills here our one of these tools we've got some cover up this stuff is actually designed to go right on the primary wire they are insulated for i believe if it's a new tested piece of cover up 45 000 volts keep a few of those on board at all times these things are great for when you're working close to the primary you got to change the transformer something you need to cover up cover things up up here we've got uh my spare repel kit for the boom keep that in the bucket with me when i'm working alone and of course back up inside we've got some more safety gear our triangles for breakdown in the highway and we've got my amp stick which we can rig up this amp meter on a stick and i've actually got a new product coming that's going to replace that hopefully so this is also my battery charging station for i've got a ton of different tools from many different companies and i'm not going to get into all the tools i got that's not something i want to show on camera mostly for security purposes so we've got those kind of hidden away right now we're moving down further we just get a bunch of we get our spare gloves and stuff we got our broom i like to sweep up the area when i'm done working with the customer's driveway or something we've got our torch for the winter time some spare tape batteries spare safety glasses just a bunch of random parts and most importantly our hornet noise spray we come across that stuff all the time so i've got a little bucket of sprays chemicals cleaners all that stuff down in here so next we've got a little pouch set up on the door with all of our fuses so you can see they're labeled 3 amps 6 amp 10 amp that's where i keep all the fuses i try to keep at least six of each fuse size that way i can completely refuse two three-phase lines before going back to the office and getting some more so moving back we've got again we've got our higher fuses here 140s 200 amps and a few other little things we got our tagging stuff here hold off tags work permit tags conditions abnormal tags some specialized screwdrivers used for our street lighting pad mount fuses which don't blow very often so i got a couple of each size in here and our tick kit which the tape moving on into our next till we have our meter till so these guys are calibrated and tested federally it's not something you want to have kind of bouncing around the track a whole lot so i've got a tail specifically designed to hold our meters i've got several different kinds you can see here this is seven jaw meter another seven jaw we've got uh some demand meters pretty much i got a three phase one in here somewhere pretty much everything i'm gonna need for any service calls i've got different types of meters for all different types of setups that i may run into with service calls and then of course we have our meter puller we've got some adapters for some a base meter some spare rings we've got our volt meter some testing equipment meter grease some seals anything i might need for service calls here okay so now we are in our stick till everything i need to work on live lines we got a real nice hydraulic saw on a tested hot stick there we've got our bolt cutters a b stick our tree pruner grab all all these sticks of which are tested annually you can see here expires june 21st and moving down we have our load buster potential indicator and our silicone wipes gotta keep those sticks wiped and clean we've got a little section here with spare parts for underground so sometimes when i respond to trouble calls i'll run into an elbow that's burned off or something we got some some spare elbows some secondary connectors anything i might need for a quick fix if i'm getting if i'm gonna need any more than what i've got here then chances are i'm gonna have to visit the office and go into our store room anyways so carrying on we have our ratchet cutters which chances are underground wires usually a little bit bigger so we use those ratchet cutters as opposed to the bolt cutters a whole bunch of spare attachments for my hot sticks our colored tape and sap tape for the underground our beaver tail let me know in the comments if you guys know what this is and what a beaver tail is used for uh caution tape show up according often area works great for when you're working in the city and our pole numbering kit every pole every piece of equipment's numbered lettered it's identified so we got all that stuff in that little kit there and my next toe back we've got some guards we got some bird and scroll guard for the top of transformers some new stir ups longer bolts kind of some random parts in this till that i didn't have room for i got a whole bunch of random sleeves these are all compression sleeves here try not to use those a whole lot when we've got our quick sleeves these are good for number two number one acsr and our one not two watt probably the most common wire run in the area so we've got a quick sleeves our quick connectors for working in tight spots and secondary and our quick sleeves we're working on guy steel and next we have a whole bucket full of grounds here i just did a job in the underground that's why i got this guy in here uh this ground specially made up for working on underground wire and all of our two watt primary grounds another really commonly used tool within our trade is our come alongs or our pullers we call them so i've got a whole assortment of pullers we've got some ropes and some straps mule grips pretty much anything i use for rigging i keep in this till right here i had to get these hooks extended you can see where there's a weld on there you hit a bump and all these come alongs were jumping off and landing on them landing on the floor so all right so the sun decided to come out now so this till is all the random parts and nuts and bolts i've got my dies up here machine bolts the more commonly used tap clamps and stirrups house is just all those random parts we've got some trays we've got some trays built here with everything i need j hooks staples lag bolts all that good stuff another tray over here we actually do a lot of work on the telephone lines as well so i got some parts in here for rigging up some telephone stuff the only thing i'm really not happy with they built this whole section way way too low keep all my crimpets down here and uh i can barely get my hand in there that gap's a little bit too small when the crimpets get low and i to reach in the back i can't quite reach things this is well for the tools now most of the time i'm in the bucket or using the tools off my belt so i just kind of have some spare tools right shoved in there not something i couldn't do real often so this till here we've got some of my spare gear an extra hard hat uh raincoat some chainsaw boots this is one of the heated kills so i keep my paint here for doing locates my locator itself some of the newer rigging ropes that haven't been damaged by oil and stuff yet once the winter time hits this till gets quite a bit more stuff piled into it extra boots socks anything that i want to keep warm gets piled into this till and of course our rigging till where i keep my hooks and my belt and my harness we've got a quick access extendo stick right here so i keep this guy on this side along with my harness and that when i get into emergencies i can jump out of the truck my hard hat's in the cab grab the extender stick grab my rubber gloves grab my harness everything is right here then i need to quickly dump a line i walked by it 10 times now and i never pointed out this is a level for the track so when you're setting up the boom truck in fact most boom trucks have to be within five degrees in order to go up in the lift so front and back we can turn that side to side you have to make sure your truck is fairly level before it's safe to go in the bucket all right so we're in the cab now out of that wind and one of the toughest thing when you're when you're running these boom trucks there's huge blind spots over there you're pulling up to a stop sign you gotta really take that extra four or five seconds to make sure nothing's coming so my vehicle is 11 feet 2 inches it's a little bit taller than my last track i believe my last truck was 10 foot six so it's actually quite a bit taller and of course we get all of our fancy buttons and stuff or beacon lights everything which is led now which is really bright at night the new led stuff i've actually got this little list i made up here on my visor to keep track of my hydraulic inspections services all the dielectric tests all that stuff so just to make sure i don't miss any of my appointments i do that at the start of the year covers me for the whole year we've got our inspection sheets up top little speaker i use to listen to podcasts i try not to listen to mind-numbing radio all day and listen to something half educational on those long drives and we've got a spare fr shirt and spare safety glasses tucked up in there i don't know how many times my career you get a call through 4 am and you take off down the road and you realize as you were woken up at four in the morning that you never grabbed an empire shirt or something so i always keep spare fr gear in the truck that way if i take off in a hurry i'm always sure that i have the proper gear as needed now you can see right behind me my reflective vest i don't keep my fr shirt on all day especially in the summer it's like 30 degrees out right now so i got a super thin t-shirt on if i go up in the bucket put the fire on if i'm just doing custom interaction stuff i'll use my my hi-vis it's got the company logo right on and everything so that way it's still part of a uniform and of course my hard hat which i keep directly beside me again for quick access when i arrive to calls grab my hard hat grab my high vis and my safety glasses which always kind of seem to find their way onto the dash there so next of course we have our panasonic toughbook where we get all of our work orders it's got maps all of our line diagrams everything that we need is available the technology has really made troubleshooting much much easier having access to computers and kind of got a mess going on here right now keys and stuff and business cards for half the city uh in here we've got folders for all the different types of paperwork underground locates tail board conference sheets metering sheets there's a ton of stuff i got some more in behind the seat there it's kind of crazy the amount of paperwork we gotta look after as lyman in this day and age and some tp and some wipes so we got our radio we own our own towers so we can communicate our two-way radio with all the other vehicles i mentioned the control so this this is actually the remote control for that light we got on the hood there so i do keep a flashlight right here beside my driver's seat that's another piece of equipment i grab as soon as i respond to quite a few trouble calls we grab our hard hat and flashlight i just got this little guy to keep the track clean a little dirty right now though so last and certainly not least we've got our burn kit and first aid kit right here in behind the seat that's why i've got the sticker identifying its location outside the cab so if there's an incident someone's panicking they look on the side of the cab they know exactly where the burn kit's located and i've got similar on the other side we've got our first aid kit on this side which is again right in behind the driver's seat so that's pretty much it guys i'd love to show you all the fancy power tools and chainsaws i've gotten stuff on board here but like i did say unfortunately there's not a whole lot of honest people in this world so i try to keep their location somewhat hidden so i hope you guys enjoyed the tour of my truck don't forget to drop me a fist bump in the comments along with where you're watching from oh and that tool the beaver tail you know what that's used for mention that in the comments as well and we'll see you next time
Channel: Bobsdecline - Lineman blogger
Views: 55,184
Rating: 4.9477262 out of 5
Keywords: linetruck, powerline truck, power line truck, bobsdecline, lineman, lineman show, lineman tv show, becoming a lineman, my line truck, bobsdecline line truck, whats in a line truck, line truck tools, line truck equipment, bobsdecline truck, linemans truck, powerline truck layout, whats on a linetruck, lineman tools, tools on a linetruck, bobs decline, aaron lineman, bobsdecline videos
Id: mFp8zL-mclI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 0sec (1500 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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