Lineman Training: Climbing Techniques for a Beginning Student

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SPEAKER: This is going to be a demonstration of proper technique for climbing for beginning students. We'll go through the motion of how to set your climber going up the pole. We'll go through the proper technique and motion of how to set your climber coming down the pole. We'll do a circle demonstration. And we'll also demo how the bucksqueeze prevents a fall. The first thing I'm going to do is we always think about personal safety here. So every time we do a task or do something, we've got to have our personal protective equipment on. We want to do a self check each time before you start any kind of task or work. So we want to go head to toe. Be consistent with that inspection head to toe-- hard hat, safety glasses, chinstrap, leather gloves, proper clothing, proper footwear. And with that said, what I'm going to do is put my climbers on and show you the first task that we'd like you to do as a beginning student. [JANGLING] So when you put your climbers on, the proper way to check they're on properly is, bottom strap, the buckle is forward. Top strap, the tongue on that pad is forward. Do not trap your pant leg. You see I pulled my pant leg up. The top strap needs to be secure-- not overly tight-- the bottom strap, pretty tight. So, again, put your foot in the sole plate there. Top climber pad, the tongue is forward. Bottom strap, the buckle is forward. When you put your bottom strap on, ensure that you get the strap around high on the heel. That's important. Do not trap your pant leg. So what I'm going to do is just show you the proper technique or motion going up the pole. And it's none of this. You don't want to go from here to there. That's the slap. None of this, that's a kick. It's just an upward motion. And step down on it. Put both hands behind the pole. Step up, lock your leg out. Reverse that procedure-- remember, no slapping, no kicking. It's just straight up, pretty much straight down. You're aiming for the center, of the heart of the pole. Both hands here, just step up. Step down. And then, once we get that perfected, we're going to have you put your climbing belt on. Do not leave the floor. Just stand on the rubber mat and practice all the adjustments. [JANGLING] When you put your tools on, get that gut strap nice and tight. Your climbing belt should be about three to four inches below your belt line. It should go right across the top of your buttocks, not down over your buttocks. OK, so we've got a secondary safety. And then we have the fall restriction device, which is a Buckingham supersqueeze. So I'm going to go ahead and discuss how you would start your tools. And you can see how I'm going to take them apart. When I come down, I'm going to restow them. And this is the way we'd like to see you do it. Keep your bucksqueeze on the tool belt, about a $400 to $600 item here. So come off here, go here. Carabiners-- gate out, make sure the gate is out. Roto snap. [JANGLING] So I've got everything unstowed from my D-ring. Go to the pole. Brown strap is fully extended, so you want to pass it around. Do not-- do not-- throw it. Pass it around to yourself. Bring it around in front of you where you can work with it. Connect it back together. Get your proper adjustment. And the adjustment is the three-rivet pattern at 3 o'clock or 9 o'clock. You can use it left handed or right handed. Then the other side of this adjustment would be with the roto snap. It has an indicator on it. If the indicator's not there, it's the hinge side of the roto snap. So that would either be at 3 or 9 o'clock. So, you know, that's the proper adjustment. And what we'd like to do is have you do all the adjustments on the ground before you start climbing. Once you start climbing, you're going to be using all these adjustments. So, if I need to get closer to the pole, I can get this inner green strap. Put my hand on the bucksqueeze. Stand up, relieve a little bit of tension. Pull the tail, and that moves me closer to the pole. If I want to get a work position back from the pole, lean forward. Grasp the web cam or the web grab. Press the web cam forward, and lean back. And that would be how you would relieve that tension. If you have to take your take your bucksqueeze or relieve your bucksqueeze on a transition, you just lean forward. Put a little slack in it. Grasp that web. Grab and pull it out. And here's how you would grasp it. You'd put two fingers behind it. Push that web cam forward. That's what relieves the tension. OK, going back, get my proper adjustment at 3 and 9 o'clock. Secondary safety is what you use to transition. Jim's going to drive this screwdriver in. And we'll show you what we'd like for you to do. I'm not going to climb. JIM: Right there? SPEAKER: Well, you can do it right about there. That's fine. [HAMMERING] So this is a demo on how you would transition. And we're going to just do it very low. I don't want you to go up too high until you get this practice. So I'd be climbing the pole. I'll step up here. Take my bucksqueeze as close to the obstruction as I can. Take my secondary lanyard around behind the pole. Stand up. Put my secondary above the obstruction-- important to go above it whether you're going up or down, whether you're transitioning up or down. The purpose of the secondary safety above that obstruction is, if you cut out, you can't fall more than about two feet. So, to relieve my bucksqueeze, here's what we'd like for you to practice. Make sure you can do that. You have to stand up. Relieve that tension by pushing it forward. Push that cam grab forward. Take it loose. Pass it around to yourself. Bring it up through your secondary safety. If you have to step up, you can step up. Pass it back around. [JANGLING] Connect it back together. Readjust. [JANGLING] For total control, we ask that you put your hand behind the pole on the bucksqueeze for total control. So I'm above my obstruction. I've got my bucksqueeze back, which is my fall restriction. Stand up. Take your secondary loose. Stow your secondary, and climb up. I'll climb up about 10 feet, circle left, circle right, and demo how the bucksqueeze will catch you if you cut out. Proper technique going up, toes out and up. Note my positioning of my feet. They're on the outer quarters. It should be, if you split the pole dead center, you come out here. Your climbing position is dead center of those quarters, OK? If your toes are hitting a pole, you've got improper technique. We want to keep those toes out and up and knees straight. I'm not saying lock them out, but you want to keep your knees fairly straight. That helps keep your toes out and up, OK? So I'm going to demo, if you cut out, the bucksqueeze is going to restrict your fall. Here's how you're going to find yourself. You're going to be hanging like so. So how do I get back? Put your hands either inside the bucksqueeze or just outside of it. Just push up out and walk right back up. Now I'll demo up here how to change work position. So if I want to get closer to the pole, I just get here. If I have to pass a rope or anything, I can get really close. But this is a temporary position where I can pass the rope around. I get that task completed, I want to move back. So I put my hand on the bucksqueeze and move away. [JANGLING] Add more green on the pole. And here's what we're talking about. If we ask to readjust your supersqueeze and we say "put more green on the pole," here's what we're asking for. Grab the brown, which is the outer strap. Hand on the bucksqueeze, lean forward. And just push the strap around. You can see I'm back in adjustment, OK? So I'm going to get away a little bit. I'm going to demonstrate circling. I'll circle left. Right foot will come up about four inches toward the center of the pole. Step to the left. Rotate the bucksqueeze. Step to the left. Rotate the bucksqueeze. Step to the left. Note, when I'm setting the climbers, it's no kicking, no slapping. It's what? And that's the downward motion right there. That's how you climb down and properly set your climbers. So I'm going to go back to the right. Left foot's high. Right foot is just step around. Rotate the bucksqueeze. Step around. Note the right foot, how I set the climber-- no kicking, no slapping. It's that basic. And that is the proper way to set the climber on the way down. So I'm going to climb down. [JANGLING] Thank you, Jim. [JANGLING] And, as we discussed early, you know, grab it here. Press the cam. Grab forward. Relieve it all the way out. Bring the brown all the way out. Pass it back around the pole. Reconnect the brown web grab back in the roto snap. Store the roto snap on the D-ring as so. Take the carabiner off. Move it over. Stow it on your D-rings. When you walk back up to the pole, you've got two steps. You'd move the carabiner to your left, D-ring. Take your roto snap loose. Separate it, and you're ready to go. You're ready to climb.
Channel: Blue Ridge Community and Technical College
Views: 266,784
Rating: 4.8302751 out of 5
Keywords: Pole Climbing, Lineman, Electric, Training
Id: 3yFId43B0c8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 10 2017
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