Changing a cutout on hooks!

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[Music] one hey what's up guys i hope you all had a great christmas i was actually able to capture a few calls that we had over christmas we had a super busy uh christmas eve there was two vehicle accidents christmas day i was called in eight o'clock in the morning um i can't remember oh yeah breaker no no overclosure opened up christmas day evening that put about a thousand people out of power so that's all stuff i was able to capture we're gonna put that together in another episode of being a lineman which will be available pretty soon but as for today we've actually hauled another one out of the archives um we were putting together this was back probably a year and a half ago we were putting together an episode of being a lineman and i was using the gopro max and it's called the max because it was an extremely wide angle which is great for when you're working off pole on hooks and i had it set wrong and i didn't even notice until i got home and reviewed the footage and pretty much all you could see a lot of time was just the poll it's hard to get a real good grasp as to what i was doing so i didn't bother posting any of it at all we had probably a 20 minute long episode with responding to the call start finish but after going back through some of the archives the section where i was actually working off the poll it's not so bad so we're going to show that to you guys today we'll see what you think again i posted a video maybe two three weeks ago some of the art out of the archives and uh we got some good feedback from the guys were asking for some more stuff um obviously over the holidays things been quite busy so i haven't had a whole lot of time to do any editing so rather than go two or three weeks without posting anything we're gonna haul this one out of the archives i hope you guys like it coming up next we've got like i said some footage from over the christmas holidays and my camera keeps zooming in and out for some reason not sure what's going on there but we've also got an episode coming up that we're going to be revealing a little bit more about myself how i come up with the channel name and some common questions i see in the thread so we'll put that in the video we'll have that all put together soon really peace really appreciate you guys all watching and the great feedback i get from everybody so again hope you had a great holiday and enjoy the show took a few branches away from it no i just didn't watch the tv everything went dark i thought oh the way the wind was up i thought everybody's power was you said that was last night eh yeah around what time last night 9 30 from 9 30 see this poll was claimed a few times [Music] yeah she's it's not in too bad of shape compared to some but i i'll take that one's cracked pretty bad what's that no that's all right just getting them out of this without poking me in the face is all that what made it happen yeah oh hmm um hmm i'll take those secondary grounds i need an overflow for the overflow i imagine and of course that's where everything runs all the way like the telephone and the yeah of course hello uh heads up [Music] [Music] peace so i might need them hang on let's see if i can't get it oh no i got it bow uh [Music] so damn thing [Music] hmm what's that thank you very much all right man you too we'll have you back on in five minutes all right so that's it guys i hope you enjoyed it i do apologize again for the poor quality uh for the lack of the wide angle but it does give you a good idea of working off hooks changing to cut out what it involves working with 20kv rip gloves not always easy so let me know what you guys think in the comments if you want me to when things are busy i don't have time to do any edits if you'd like to continue seeing some kind of subpar content that didn't quite make the cut i can haul i got all kinds of stuff in the archives i can haul out i'm gonna go through it every once in a while and see if my opinion on it's changed any a lot of it i get ready to post and i just throw it in the recycle bin i got a folder i got a hard drive full of all kinds of content stuff that didn't make the cut but uh appreciate it guys uh if you like what you see consider subscribing i got lots of stuff coming up i hope you all had a great christmas holidays and happy new year we'll see you soon
Channel: Bobsdecline - Lineman blogger
Views: 38,339
Rating: 4.971849 out of 5
Keywords: being a lineman, lineman, bobsdecline, lineman universe, linemna school, lineman tv, lineman show, bob the lineman, lineman bob, bob lneman, lineworker, powerlines, lienman tips, lineman tricks, lineman tool, lineman work, cutout change, lineman climbing, lineman climbing tricks, bobsdecline lineman, bobs decline, ineman, bob declan, who is bobsdecline
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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