Limitaciones inconscientes 💭 Conferencia Enric Corbera

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Hello! Ok. Now I get it, I really am enlightened. So... you’ve seen how we improve, right? There's a surprise. Did you know there was a surprise? Yes? You're too clever! And I wanted to give you a surprise. Never mind, the surprise is that there’s a phrase, behind. I just want to say that when it comes to the signing if you want me to sign this later, I can do that. Ok? Right, where were we. So what we’re here for. For me, this talk is a turning point. It's very important for me. I can only see up to the fifth row. The rest of you are shadows. And I really like being able to see people's faces, at least I can see some of you. Well, as I was saying. These talks... When I started giving talks about... it seems so long ago, but it wasn't that long ago, obviously, I had no idea that I'd be having these experiences for a very simple reason: I didn't set myself any expectations. In fact, I remember when they said to me, “Can we put it on YouTube?” I said, “Do you think anybody will watch it?” And it turns out, according to the latest data I've been given a couple of months ago, that my talks have had more than 18 million views. When they told me that I was like, “Come again?” So all that's left for me is to live this experience. What I do know is that in all these years I’ve realised that everything has an overarching theme. An overarching theme. And I was asked to do this talk quite a while ago. But I didn't feel like it was the right moment. And it has a title that, I don't know if people can imagine what I’m going to talk about. Maybe it's a surprise. This talk – and this is more relevant now than ever before – obviously, I’m the representative of Enric Corbera Institute but I’m going to give it as an ambassador of peace. It’s a title that was conferred on me a few years back by Mil Milenios de Paz and the PEA Foundation in the Argentine Senate. And I’m going to read a little about the flag of peace and the peace symbol, which you'll no doubt have seen. I don’t know if there are people who know what it means but I've found that I’m asked about it and people don't know. It’s not a random symbol and don't let them tell you it’s for whatever... I remember when I was given the title, I was a bit innocent and I asked, “What do I have to do?” And they said to me, “No, it's for what you're doing.” There’ll be people who’ll pick something up from today and say, "I came away with this.” And others will say, "I came away with that.” You’ll see comments from three or four people and each will give their opinion on something. And some might even say, “Did Enric really say that?” And that’s how it is. That's how it goes. I am simply, as they say in America, a spokesman. I’m a messenger. And don’t mix me up with the message. So, the flag of peace, a universal symbol that symbolises unity in diversity. Sound familiar? Ok. It was accepted only by the countries in the Americas on 15 April 1935 at the White House in Washington, leading to the signing of the Roerich Peace Pact, with the aim of preserving the cultural heritage of mankind. The meeting was chaired by the then President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt who, referring to the pact, declared that it held a great profoundness that went beyond its wording. In 1937, the Roerich Pact was amended by countries that made up the League of Nations, precursor to the United Nations. The symbol, as you know, a circle with three spheres that form a triangle between them, appeared on the planet more than nine thousand years ago, in the Palaeolithic period, and in Neolithic pottery. Both Eastern and Western cultures have respected it as one of our emblematic symbols. In India it is known as "chintamani", and is said to have the power to give happiness through peace. It is known in Tibetan culture as "the dissolver of darkness". The current Dalai Lama is an honorary member of this committee and expresses deep respect for the peace symbol, together with other Nobel Peace Prize winners. The flag logo is also part of Western culture; the Crusaders bore it on their shields. And the symbol of the three spheres even appears in gold on the visa of the Holy Sepulchre “Missale Sacramentale” from 1130 with the energy emanating from the index and middle fingers of Christ. Many Popes through the ages have included it on their coats of arms as a sign of compliance and respect. Christian art often depicts it at the feet of several virgins, and with Saint Nicholas and Sergius, patron saint of Russia. And that's how it meets its vocation of achieving unity in diversity, a reality that we need to build on in all areas of our life if we want to achieve stable peace. There's much more. But it asks that we all become this symbol. And for all of us to become this symbol each sphere represents something that I’m sure you're all familiar with because I've said it many times, and I said it before I knew this, so, there it is. First, the sphere of thought. Pay close attention to your thoughts. If we are conscious that our thoughts are patterns of electrons we will put greater care into our mental creation. And if we come across any negative thoughts in this exercise, we must replace them with thoughts of love and harmony. First towards ourselves and then towards others. Secondly, the sphere of the word. The second sphere of the symbol is equivalent to the spoken word. Let's start paying attention to our words in a bid to achieve deep peace through the logo of the flag of peace. Note that we tend to lean towards negativity when we talk. We see ourselves as clumsy, unworthy of prosperity and illumination; we waste time on our critical conversations. Our teacher Jesus was very clear about how careful we must be when we speak: A man is not defiled by what enters his mouth, but by what comes out of it. To live out the second point of the triangle in harmony, we must eliminate from our vocabulary phrases such as: "I can't", "I don't deserve it", or "I am unable". Let’s be humble in our thoughts about the people with whom we argue with our words. And thirdly, action. Finally, let’s look at the third sphere which appears in the top corner of the peace flag. The third point of the triangle for achieving the sought-after deep peace. It represents our actions. Are these congruent with our thoughts and words? Or do we think one thing, say another, and do something else very different? If we act like this, we are in total disharmony with ourselves and thus we disintegrate. Thanks a lot. Ok. There's more. Much more
 Right. Unconscious limits. If you remember, not long ago, we gave a talk in Madrid entitled “Unconscious beliefs". One might think that our unconscious beliefs and unconscious inputs are the same thing, well no. Beliefs, more or less, we all know we have them and we are reaching consciousness of the beliefs we have. But behind these beliefs are some unconscious limitations that feed these unconscious beliefs. The purpose of today's talk is very simple: it's about reaching the consciousness that we live in hypnosis. That we are all hypnotised. And you cannot imagine just how much. I’ve been seeing this for some time. One of the first things we do is... Human beings, some might say, are talking statues; we talk a lot and say nothing. When we think we are communicating with people, we talk in symbols but the symbols have many interpretations and each person interprets them however they like. For example, you bump into a friend who looks very down in the dumps and you ask, "What’s wrong?" "Oh, my husband and I, we're drifting apart." Now, if you're a close friend you can say, "But what's really going on with your husband?" But if you don't know her that well, you don't want to ask whether one of them lives in Madrid and the other in Barcelona, You get me, don't you? So the two friends go off. And, of course, they've each heard the same thing. But they are going to interpret what they've just heard based on their own mental maps. You're with me, right? But the two friends will have their own particular issues with their husbands, which is logical and normal, human and biological. But each will consider the idea of distance in their own way. And this is how we talk to each other. I see this every day at my visits and I ask my clients, “How did this happen?” And people have real problems explaining what is happening to me. And the world communicates like this. We talk in symbols, we speak in metaphors, we talk and talk and say nothing at all, it's about leaving a good impression without anybody realising. Be conscious of this please. The problem is that people do not communicate with themselves. There's a barrier. There's a barrier preventing us from expressing ourselves freely to others. It’s a barrier of... we create a mental defence. What will they think? What will they stop thinking? Etc. Fortunately, those of us who can read non-verbal language know that people lie and don't stop lying. Someone’ll say: "How are things with the wife?" “Fine.” But his shoulders are telling that it's not going well. Or you bump into someone and... “Oh, I want to tell you something", And you say, “What?”... "Go on, tell me. I have to go". We are a bunch of hypocrites. And it’s high time we started to acknowledge the fact; it's ok. Because precisely the basic aim of these talks is to wake us up, to reach consciousness. To get out of this hypnosis. I've come to realise that the purpose of these talks is to dehypnotise ourselves. Now, in the short time we have I'm going to dissect it all to give you an idea of how these unconscious limits, these collective hypnoses instilled in us from a tender age, force us to live in a world that is always at war. Note the working hypothesis. I am going to demonstrate this with the little time I have. But we are at least going to make sure that it is understandable. Let's see if this works. I’ll do it right. There we are. I don't know where to point. There it is. Limitations. Ok. It’s clear that, with limitations, I didn't put collective hypnoses or individual hypnosis, but you’ll reach consciousness, don't worry. I only make four points. First: have you reached the consciousness that you repeat many patterns of behaviour? I don't want answers, just think about it. Number 2: have you reached the consciousness that your words, your advice, or your orders put limits on your children? I will always remember, I’m speaking for myself here, that my parents would say to me, "Enric, do you think money grows on trees?". Now, it so happens that my grandfather was a farmer. And he had fruit trees. And of course, the man earned his living from trees. For the unconscious picking fruit is money, agreed? Just think, that’s what my mother, who was the farmer's daughter, said. But it really was true. In her house, the money came from the trees. But imagine, if I'd been a farmer. And I’m under this hypnosis that tells me that money does not grow on trees and my unconscious registers this. Well, my fruit trees, given that everything is connected, the quantum field would make it so my trees bore no fruit. That's how it goes. We are not separate from anything. Everything is information. You can probably already see where I’m taking this, right? Because you’re all very clever, I know. So, have you all reached consciousness of the fact that many of your beliefs are dogmatic? Have you reached consciousness of the fact that your acts and words reveal your limits? I’m no good with computers. I’m not a good speaker. I’m no good at... whatever it is. Are you reaching consciousness? Because I can guarantee that they put something in the seed and put the seed inside your mind. "Careful, don't make me look bad." “Behave yourself, what will they think of us?" "Don't touch your nose." “Don't scratch yourself.” "Don’t annoy people." Are you with me? No, no, no, no. And they say it over and over again: "Careful, dear daughter, men are all the same.” The little girl has no bloody idea what that means, but it doesn't matter. "Honey, men only think about one thing." There we are again, it’s what I was saying before. And now I think, because I've been educated, that I was hypnotised, deeply hypnotised, I think, "What do they mean by that?" I still remember with my friends... "Hey listen, I've been told this." And you can't imagine the nonsense we'd come out with. We had to confess, I always remember. One day, I was at confession, because it was compulsory, and I said to the priest: “I don't have any sins.” "Now that is a sin." And me being naive, I told my mother. "But don't you know that we were all born with sin?" Now imagine a child of four or six hearing this. Think about it. Think about how it's been drilled into us and how we've been hypnotised. These are hypnotic orders. Indeed, they are hypnotic orders and, to boot, the person saying it is someone with authority. Our father, our mother, a teacher at school. Nowadays, school teachers aren’t that big a deal, but they were. They’d give you a hiding you wouldn't forget in a hurry. Nowadays, they’re not allowed to touch the kids. Anyway... you're all following, right? Ok, let's carry on. We've got a lot to get through. Ok. Limits and violence. Yes, in today's talk we are... we are going to be talking the whole time about violence. And it will become very clear that slapping somebody around, that’s a type of violence. There are lots of violences that are far more serious than a simple kick up the backside or a slap across the face. There are lots of far more serious violences that we’re going to cover. And then you can think about them at home, search and think. Now then, our unconscious limits manifest themselves, obviously, in the circumstances of life. Because that's how it is. They manifest themselves in our words, in our beliefs, our behaviours, our relationships, our vocations and our stances. I could talk about each of these things but we’ll develop it as we go. Now, though, I’d like you to do a little exercise. Starting from now, I'm going to make you feel awkward. You're going to feel uncomfortable, I’m warning you. Look at yourselves. Be observers of yourselves. What is your reaction to my presence here and my words? Observe. And observe without judging. Observe without adopting a position because now than ever I want to do one thing: bother you, make you feel uncomfortable. Because if I can't make you feel uncomfortable, something’s wrong. If I make you feel uncomfortable I know that you're moving. I know that you can see it... we’re dusting off a lot of things. A lot of things that we've kept hidden away, that we can't touch. They are like commandments. Right? They are like commandments. Because when they tell you the commandments and they tell you them at a certain age, I can assure you that where I come from nuns in their time and priests in theirs wanted children and they’d say to you: "Bring me your son and I’ll give him back to you a man." I'm old, you see. “And I’ll give him back to you a man.” That's where the brainwashing starts. “Do this, don't do that." “If you do this, you’ll go to hell." "God is always watching." You can't imagine how I’ve suffered with that scumbag of a God watching me all day... you can't imagine. I’ll say it loud and clear, you cannot imagine. There I'd be with my friends and, damn it, of course... We lived in the countryside and there were some peaches on this hot afternoon. I remember... I was about five or six. I remember... my friend's name was Thomas. I haven't seen him in years, but he's called Thomas. Good times... And we'd say it with such certainty: "Oh man, we're being watched." Catholicism is one of the easiest religions to follow. Do you know why? Because you sin, you go and confess and it's all sorted. And he said to me, imagine how we thought when we were five or six, he said: "Right, Enric, but you know that you go and confess and it's all forgiven." And he’d walk by one and go ‘Bam!’. And if it fell to the ground we didn't consider that a sin. Because it was already on the ground. And as it was on the ground it could rot. Because the farmer wasn't going to come, being the weekend, he wouldn't get there till Monday and by then the ants would have come. If you grow up in the countryside you know how all this works. I remember a wasp stinging us and us wetting ourselves, and we mixed up some mud to a paste and stuck it on ourselves and it worked like a charm. You could tell we were country boys. We were very sure about everything. Otherwise, one of us would grab a stone and make like it had fallen. Bam! And it would hit the tree and one would fall down. And the other would say, "Throw another; only one fell." Ok. I remember it perfectly, like it was yesterday. Everything gets recorded. The information is never lost. We can't forget, but we can transform. When we laugh, we are forgiving. When we are resentful, we project this resentment on to others and we carry on doing the same. If not with fruit, with something else. This is called "violence". Ok? Just observe. Great. It is violence because it stifles our freedom. And that of others when we project it, which is what I was just explaining. When you can really laugh about something like that, obviously you laugh and that’s it. And it gets stored in your memory, but the chest has changed. Now we're in the chest of laughter, not the chest of sin. not the chest of ‘we are bad’, not the chest of whatever... Because when you're in that chest and there are lots of these limits, I repeat: we project them on to others. Not with the exact same words, though sometimes, yes. But often with the same meaning and the same intention. Ok, family? So, moving on... let's have a look at some of the features of violence. Some are very subtle. For example, a mother says to her daughter, "You’re not going out like that!" It seems silly, doesn't it? But you say that to a five- or six-year-old girl. Or you start telling her... You dress the girl like a "poupĂ©e". Yes, yes; this is violence. And do you know why it's violence? Because I am programming my daughter that she has to go out dressed a certain way. Still with me? It’s not an innocent thing. Obviously, I'm not saying that the mother is bad. Because, what’s the mother herself doing? Projecting beliefs that she received. They are very subtle. It's like the ads that we see on the TV, these size-zero-minus-three girls. What’s that all about? My wife – and I love my wife – that dress... she can't even get one leg in it. And then there's the other one, a guy’s looking for a car. And they put this "girl” in there, sitting there. And the guy says, "Shit." The unconscious is perfectly clear, I don't know about the car. If I can get that with this car, then I'm gonna buy the damn car. And we're laughing, which is what I want: I want you to laugh because when we laugh we reach consciousness. "Ándale", as they say in Mexico. “Get out of here!” But it's like this. All this is violence, making girls believe. And then you see it on the street, girls walking like this. And your unconscious says to you: "Not that one." Programmes... Dance for this... Eat this, Fight for that. What do they think they are? Alignments. Violences are very subtle. And men get used. And don't get me started on perfume. I could do a PhD in that. Perfume. What amazing marketing! It's important for your perfume to project your personality. And because some people have a shit personality, they put this perfume on that knocks you out when you walk down the street... Or you get in the lift, one day I got in with this woman who must have felt that she had a fantastic personality. So I got in and when I tried to get out again, I couldn't. That's violence too: having to smell a perfume that I don't like. Are you seeing all this violence? It's everywhere, everywhere. That's how it goes. What I’m saying... we consider it normal, it’s hypnosis. We have to smell. One time, I dropped one of those scented potpourri things, you know, the ones you could set fire to with a match, We've only done three slides and we’re already stuck in. Do you see? We’re really getting stuck in. I've been mulling over this talk for a while. Shall I say this or not, and then I say it anyway. Over with. Now, Sara, the girl who came out before told me, "You have to talk about violence", Sara, give me time, I need to feel it, and okay, there it is, I can feel it. Because I wanted to make it fun. Do you see? I want us to see our pain but I don't want us to start crying. Ok? All clear, darlings? Ok. It can be sugarcoated with love and affection. Oh, now that I've found you, I can't live without you. I've already messed this woman's life up because, naturally, this woman, who initially was maybe like, "Oh, listen to what Enric told me!" But when she starts to take stock, she says... There comes a day that she gets bored of this guy because he's really annoying, because his feet stink and she's sick of it, and he burps and farts... I thought I was really happy with this guy and I want to leave him, but she says without knowing why, "But I don't want to hurt him." Sound familiar? Because you were hypnotised, my love. Don’t let them say to you, "I can't live without you." Say, "Hang on a minute." You live with you and I’ll live with me and when we agree, we’ll have a little tumble together, but then everybody goes home." Let's take it step by step. Everybody with me? Yes? There are many types of violence. People think that you’re foul-mouthed because you say, "You're a git”. And they say "You're so lovely, when I see you I get all..." And you say, "Ooh, great." But let's see... It's true. This is the greatest form of violence. They give it to you with Vaseline. You don't realise but it's already in, and you say, "What the..?, What just happened?" And bent over, as you say. But then you say, "But I'm not telling him to get it out because I don't want him to get mad, especially after the compliment he just gave me." You're with me, right? I’m doing this to make us laugh. It’s like the "comedy club” in here, isn't it? But I haven’t rehearsed. I didn't know how I was going to give the talk. I just thought, “Lord, enlighten me, so it's not too dramatic." Let's carry on. And oh, by the way, always with the best intentions, of course. Because, naturally, darling son, this hurts me more than it does you, but I've just given him a really hard slap. Remember though, it hurts me more than it hurts you. Thanks. "Son, I don't think that girl’s right for you." "It's for your own good, you know." “Well thanks so much, Mum”, or "Thanks a lot, Dad". "Thanks for letting me live my own life." This is violence. Still with me? We’ll come to it, we've just started. People who project the beliefs of the parents. "Your Dad’s this...", "Your Mum doesn't do that", And you're four years old and "Tell your Dad...” "Tell your Mum...”. And I've met people who are 50 and they’re still the same. They say, “I just don't get it.” “Dear, you're hypnotised,don’t fret." We're great dehypnotisers here, which is what I’m doing now. Still with me? But all that "Tell Dad" or "Tell Mum", "your Mum's this" or "your Dad", where do I begin? It can be coated in suffering. "Son, don't come back so late, I worry so. I worry so, I can't sleep, I can't sleep." And when the child gets home, the Mum it’s usually the Mum, or the Dad, comes out: “How are you son?” And the son... "Did you have a good time, son?" And the son says, "Yes." "I’ve made you omelette and chips. Because I thought, ' Oh, my poor boy, all night without eating, my boy’ll have to eat something'." And the son, "No, don't worry, Mum. I’m going to bed." "Oh, how we worry and look at how they treat us." Sound familiar? “After all I’ve done for you. Look, after I gave you my youth. And now you're running round with that slag of a neighbour." Ok? Good, right? Sounds familiar, right? I could go on for hours. People who demand a lot of love and affection. “Oh, honey, come and see Granny. I'll give you a couple of Euros when you do.” And then... "Where are going, love?" "I'm going to get a couple of Euros, sorry, to see Granny." Now, this is really funny, but the kid is going to grow up. And he’s learned that to get or receive affection he has to pay something. Are you with me? This is violence. And the person who does it is not conscious, because these are unconscious limitations. Are you with me? The projection of guilt... Where do I begin? Ok. "Who do you think you are? "Don't you know I've done this?" “Yes, great.” Or as one woman said, "My kids, really, my kids... they just do what they want." And I said, “Why?” "I cook their meals with all the love in the world." "As you should," I say. "Yes, but they don't say anything." And I said, "But do they eat it?" And she said, "Every last bit." "So?" "What more do you want?" Besides eating it, should they say, ‘Great Mum! Well done Mum'?" The kids eat the potato omelette or whatever you've made because you do it out of love. That’s what you said. Do you want them to applaud you every time? Suffering. Suffering and they suffer, eh? Oh my kids... and there was one who said, “My husband's worse." “Why'?" "He doesn’t buy me flowers." What? "If my husband loved me he'd buy me flowers." And I said, "Well, you buy them." "No, no, he should know..." Oh... that ‘he should know’. That ‘he should know’, that's a lot to know. "He should know that I like flowers.” "But I'm sure he loves you very much." And she said, "If he loved me he'd buy me flowers." And I couldn’t snap her out of it. "Why don't you buy them, honey?”, "Why not buy them yourself?" Another one. They try to control. This is a good one...control. "Hi, daughter, how are you?" "Good, Mum. Same as yesterday, no news." And after a time the girl or the guy gets sick to death of the mother’s daily phone call at eight o’ clock in the evening. Conversation: "How are you, Mum?" "Good, good." "How are you, son. Everything ok?" "Yes, everything's fine." And the next day, the same thing. We have a rule in our house: no news is good news. When someone calls, you say, “Oh God! What's happened?” And that's it. "And do you want to talk to Mum?" And they say, "No, but it's my Mum. And I don't want her to feel bad." When you were little, Mum made this emotional dependence her business. This is called "violence". When my children go away, I say, "Just let me know when you arrive... when you get there. And when you come back, just say "I'm on my way back." And if there’s nothing else in between there's nothing wrong at all. Moving on... Those based on distrust. We could write a book about these. The violences based on distrust are: I tell you one thing, but I believe another, because I think whatever... right? And we start to create an act of violence: saying things to someone, things we don’t believe. And we don't want to do. That is, we say we’ll do them, we make a commitment but we have no intention of doing them. Right? Great, let's carry on. Some examples: people say "Enrique, give us examples." I can't give examples here because there’s no time. But I’m going to give examples of some of the ones I've got here in case I miss one out. So, coating things in suffering. These are all real-life examples. I don't tell them word for word for obvious reasons. So any resemblance to anyone is purely coincidental. But I talk about the most important things. Now, a client comes to see me and they've had a stroke. Ok? We know that stroke has to do with a lot of control, as if there’s a situation bothering me incessantly and I can't find the solution. So, the issue is this: take note because there’s lots of violences in this example, loads. I've already introduced you to the topic, you’ll start to see them. One: the parents; the father is an alcoholic and abuses the mother. Ok, clear enough: somebody's abusing someone else. The problem is that the mother throws him out and takes him back a few months later. All with me? And this goes on for years. And the child, who was a child, my client, is now an adult, but he was a child, and he's seen this since he was small. And the child takes his mother's side. Still with me? Because his mother complains: "Look, what your father does to me." Now, if I climb down here and kick this gentleman in the leg, the guy's going to think, "Enric didn't see me." But if I get down three times and kick him three times, he has a problem. He has the problem. Carl Gustav Jung said, but from a quantum and holistic perspective, the two have the same programme: to devalue, as we know. So, here there’s an excess on the man’s side, called excess positivism, and the woman usually has a deficit in positivism or affection. For the moment this is how it is. Now we're coming to a crucial point. This goes on for a long time and the child grows up, always suffering for his mother. He worries about her so much that he dare not leave her alone. Everybody with me? This is violence. Because his Mum allows this man to come in, but the man doesn't just come; she calls him because the poor guy's an alcoholic and all that, but when he comes back, he slaps her around. And he feels this great resentment towards his father. Still with me? And he wants to get on with his life, but he doesn’t dare to. You're with me, right? In the end, he meets a girl and he’s more attracted to her. The problem is that this girl has the same pattern as his mother. And she also exerts violence on him. Note how subtle it is: they are sitting on the couch watching TV and she says to him, "You haven't kissed me today.” It seems silly, doesn't it? For God's sake! You want a kiss from your husband? Go over and snog him! You haven't kissed me today. And whoever says you didn't kiss me today says you didn't do X today. So he reaches awareness of the fact that his wife is very demanding, like his mother. He has this project, I can’t remember if it was studying or going away to study somewhere, but he’s hypnotised again by this, "I don't want to leave my mother, etcetera.” For the unconscious, my wife and my mother are exactly the same. Still with me? Right? And there it is. Stay or go? Stay or go? Stay or go? until you end up staying. Get the picture? Ok. As I was saying, he searches and searches, and he feels trapped, because he wants to get on with life and he doesn't. He was hypnotised as a child. Do you get what I’m saying? Ok, here’s another. Coated with love and affection. This one's great. A lady comes to see me because she's got this kidney problem and they don't know if she needs an operation, And she says "And at one point I put on 30 kilos." "Really?" "It was like from one day to the next. "Bam! Bam! 30 kilos." And I asked her, "When did this start?" "My husband died; he was 30 years older than me." Right? Remember that. That’s an excess, right? “30 years older than me." "Her husband dies aged 84", when she's 54. And she goes to the notary to get "the thing" and it turns out that he left it all to his ex and their kids. After living with him for a tonne of years. Still with me? Ok. When she reads the will, she has a funny turn and faints. And then her bloods starts to boil. And from then on, it turns out that she only inherited a house that she and her dead husband bought God knows where, I say, "Listen love, you've been hypnotised... you're in a state because your life is an excess. Tell me about it.” "Well, when I met my first boyfriend, when I was 16, my Mum said to me, 'I don't like that boy. I don't like him, I don't want you to go out with that boy.'" Of course. The first guy, what you expect, I say this because I have daughters, for your dad to say ‘Great’. I remember my daughter was going out with this guy and I said to her, “Look, love, I’ll always be by your side. If you mess up, I’m there. If you get it right, I’m there. I’ll always be there. But I won't deprive you of the experience", and I said, "I don't think this boy's the one for you, but if you love him you have my blessing. Just do me a favour, a small favour. Wait till you've done Erasmus. Go on your Erasmus trip. And when you come back from Erasmus, which is the equivalent of Orgasmus, if when you come back from Erasmus, you want to marry this guy, I’ll be the first to give my blessing.” She hugged me and said, "Thanks, Dad". And there was a pact. Do you get me? I can't tell you how many times she's thanked me. But I didn't stop her, you see? Do this and if you want to marry him afterwards, well go on, get married, without thinking. Still with me? "I just don't like him. Have you taken a proper look?" But she can’t see; she’s in love, she looks at him funny. But she doesn't see it, it's all related. Of course, when someone falls in love they go all funny. So, anyway... this girl has her story. And she falls in love with a spiritual leader and goes off to Switzerland. And she said to me: “It’s not a sect." And I said, "There were lots of women in the group you shared, weren't there?" "Almost all." "And what did you do?" "Me, take care of the kids." "The leader’s kids?" “Of course.” "And what were you doing there?" "I wanted a baby with the leader." “So what happened?” One day he said to me, “Sorry, the tap's been turned off." And there was no baby. The thing is that she goes. She meets this guy. And you all know the outcome. Why am I saying all this? Because during the visit, she remembers her mother saying, "Daughter, you're stupid, you're never going to find a man who loves you, even as a mother you're no use." Still with me? What was that woman projecting? Her projection. Everybody with me? That is violence. And with that hypnosis stuck in there. In their family tree, the men died young and the women of the clan practically had to become men. So she had this real need for a father. Do you see? Do you see that what we’re told as children we end up living out as adults? Everyone lives in their own way, that’s clear. Not everyone lives life the same, thank God. Now, coated with protection. This is a good one too: a client comes with a lump in her throat. She lives with her mother, grandmother and sister, four women from the clan, And I say, “Where are the men?” "The men..." The men have never been around. She's 15 years old and she comes home. She’s started seeing this guy. And the three witches, sorry, the three women are waiting for her. Nine o'clock at night. In the kitchen. The kitchen clock: tick, tick, tick. Until four in the morning, going on and on and on. "I just don't know about this. And men are whatever." Now that’s brainwashing. So she gets this lump and has an operation and fifteen years later the lump comes back in the same place and that’s when she decides to end her relationship with her husband. Because she does not know why but she can't carry on with her husband. And I asked her, "Why don't you want to carry on?" “I don’t know.” Well I know. "Men are useless and all that..." Everybody with me? Do you see? Ok. Meanwhile, she works with a girl giving talks and so on. And she has a problem with a girl and wants to finish. She wants to end a relationship. And she says, "And at four day", which must mean four in the morning, "and at four day we sat down to work out how to wind up the company and at four in the morning we were still talking, and I stayed silent, because thanks to you, Enric, now I have reached consciousness that one of the things the three Marias told me is, ‘You can’t talk; be quiet, your opinion doesn’t count.’” I wasn't conscious. That's why, at four in the morning... And she couldn't because when she wanted to say something she was told, "Be quiet." When I wanted to say something, "Shut up." Six hours: "Shut up." Waiting for the time to pass. A lump, here. Because the thyroid is related to time. Do you see? Let's see another. Coated with control. This is a lady who comes to me and says, "I have episodes of dry skin." I'd never heard this. “Let's see,” she says, "I have dry skin." "Well, I can see it's dry, but do you take care of it." "Yes, but depending on what happens, in a matter of minutes, it turns dry, really dry, and gets all wrinkled." Let's take it step by step. Well, it all started like this, I’m talking about when I was a child, what's going on. Because I realised: what is the seed they put in you? The time of the seed is when they start training you. When we are still delicate, are you with me? and they start telling you things that are the law for you. Because the people saying these things are people you give power too: your parents, it doesn't matter if they're hooligans. And then she sees that her father had a problem with image. With image. And she starts to go out with a guy, at the age of 24, she meets a guy. "What are you doing aged 24 with a guy?" "Well before they said I couldn’t because of our image, what would people think, ‘men, women...?’" She goes out. "Oh, don't go getting pregnant, you know your father's image... and all that.” Everybody with me? Conclusion: she has no kids. And she works as a teacher. Why? Because for her unconscious she should have children. But the real stress, when all this starts, is that her nephew dies. A son of her sister. And he was like a son to her, And her programme, her information, is that she could not have sex so as not to get pregnant. And you might say, "But she's married." No, the order doesn't come. "Careful, don't get pregnant." "Don't go getting pregnant." And for the unconscious "don't get pregnant" means don't get pregnant ever. Is this clear, darlings? That’s violence in its clearest form. That’s called "screwing your life up". With a lot of love and affection and with every good intention, because the only thing I'm doing is projecting my fears, my shortcomings and my frustrations. We’re here today to reach consciousness. Are you with me? Not to do harakiri, don't worry. There are no guilty parties here but we're going to reach consciousness because if we reach consciousness we can laugh at it and we will change how we express ourselves. Yes? Good. Ok. The stress also appears when they try to promote her to Director of such and such. And then it's, "Will I be able to project an image?" "Will the teachers who are my friends now still be there?" Are you following? She felt the same stress. She didn't dare accept the position for her image. Do you see the extent to which we are hypnotised... Another one. With every good intention. All men are pigs. Have you noticed? Don't worry, more than one. So a girl comes to me with human papillomavirus. HPV, and she comes and I say, "Normally HPV is associated with dirty sexual relations or ‘I feel dirty’, or ’my husband went off wit someone else and then slept with me’. ‘I feel like a prostitute’.” In short, everyone has a story. But the thing starts like this. And I said, "When did this start?" “When we decided to have a baby." “What happened?” He said, "Well... Three or four years ago I had genital herpes.” He said this to her. And she said, “Why didn't you tell me before?” “Because we didn't know each other then." "I had genital herpes with a girl before I met you." "You should have told me this before you met me." Now, that's exaggerating a bit but, do you understand? And he said, "It's alright, my Dad’s a gynaecologist. And he told me it's ok." But it turns out that her Dad is a doctor. And he says the opposite, "No, you can catch that." So we have two doctors and they don't see eye to eye. But that’s not the half of it. The thing is that the father and the two grandfathers would go out on the prowl. They'd take their penguin out. And all the women in the clan put up with their husbands’ prowling. Still with me? Because they are long-suffering. Because the men are the pigs. But they put up with the situation And to whom do they pass on the situation? The daughter. When the daughter hears, “I had genital herpes”, it’s like someone pushed a button. Ok. There it is, human papillomavirus. I ask her, well, I say to her, “I'm sure your husband is super faithful." And she says, “You have no idea. He’s totally, totally faithful.” Of course, you’re making up for the fact that all the men in the clan were unfaithful and you went looking for a totally, faithful man. And she says, “I hadn't looked at it like that.” “Go on, get home.” “You've got a faithful man, honey, who loves you.” Still with me? But she was hypnotised. I don't know if I'm explaining myself, yes? She was in hypnosis. “Does your man mess around?" "No way! You loves me and he treats me like a princess." "So what do you want?" Here I've written, "The past always comes calling." Ok. Overprotection. I know a thousand people with alcohol problems, men and women, practically all over the world, they are over-protected. They’re emotionally immature. Normally, the characteristic is: the mother has a husband who is never at home and she projects her need for a man on to her son and overprotects the child, making him an emotionally immature individual; in other words, people with very weak reactions to any frustration. Like in today's society... if you press play... You know like when children press for something and they don't get it? Yes? Ok. Overprotection is one of the biggest violences around because we incapacitate our children and prevent them, as adults, from being able to overcome the mental and psychic difficulties of life. And when they can't, because they just can't, they feel helpless and take refuge in drink. Ok? And women usually have the same problem, but it’s called "Mummy-itis" or "Child-itis". I once met a guy who's now a fantastic person and does wonderful things out there, but when he was a child, his mother would say to him, "If I could, I’d keep you in a closet full of cotton wool and never let you out." She never let him play out with his friends. "No, you might hurt yourself." "No, you’ll get dirty, I don’t want anything to happen to you.” This guy was a drug trafficker. Ok? Easy life. He was lucky he met me, he always said that he was lucky. And today he's a good man, he gave it all up. He said to me, "I met you and I went broke." Because he earned wads of cash every month and he ended up on a thousand or twelve hundred Euros. He used to say, "I met you and I don't know... You've not ruined my life, but you've ruined me.” He's a really nice guy, this was quite a few years ago. I'm talking about 25 years ago. I’ll always remember this person because he has the same name as my son, he's called David. And I’ll say here and now, “David, it was a pleasure meeting you, you were my great teacher. I learned so much from you. Thank you.” Ok. Differential education, which is one of the major causes of violence. And this is where Mums hold the power. You educate your sons and daughters differently. And they do the same with their children. And then they do the same with theirs. Fortunately, this is changing, but we need to speed it up. So, ladies, their early years are yours, boys and girls the same; don't differentiate between them because then we hear things like, "I killed her because she was mine." Ok. Parents who force their relationship, as if their children were clueless. As if their children were clueless. “No, I put up with my husband’s bad attitude because he's the father of my children". And I say, "And that’s the father you want for your children? That’s the model you want your child to learn? For him to shout at you? What's your child going to do when he get married?" Shout! Everything is imitation; everything is learned; this is known. They are called “mirror neurons”. And we put up with harassment, abuse, shouting, fighting, flying plates, for the sake of the children. For the sake of the children or for you? Are you with me, darlings? You have a face on you... I'm making you uncomfortable. Right? Of course, I'm very observant. Fraud and speculation, that’s violence. This is violence. Deceiving people, speculation, for the Government to do it, it’s violence that there are people who have stolen millions and they are put in prison as if they'd been put on a spaceship. Make them give the money back. Come on! Make them give the money back. And all us little people here, paying our taxes. And it turns out that, well, there you have it: speculation is a great violence. So somebody, say, in Ibiza today, because they used to say that people who work in Ibiza can't work, because if they want to work in Ibiza they must sleep in overcrowded flats on a mattress for 300 Euros a month or else... If you don’t, you don't work. Oh no, and the Government, which watches out for us all, allows this speculation. This is violence. Does everybody understand this? This is violence. Yes, you pay a thousand Euros less in income tax and only 20%. But the guy speculating doesn't even pay tax, and he goes on TV, and they show these flats and it all continues. This was on TV3 today, you can see it on TV3 a la carta. And the journalists go there and they show it all, they don't even have to look for it. They just ask one of the waiters where they sleep: “Me? With 200 others, one metre each in a 300-square-metre flat." For 300 Euros a month. Yes, darlings, this is real. This is violence. Allowing this is violence. Everybody with me? I explain lots of things about violence. Ok. Different treatment due to religion, skin colour, culture... This is violence. There are many types of violence. The irregular distribution of taxes in a country, that’s violence. Still with me? That on the regional railways of this country the trains are running today, tomorrow we’ll see, let's toss a coin to find out. It’s called violence. For there to be no money in the health care services in Catalonia, that’s called violence. Yes, darling. It is. For a Minister to use things that are prohibited by law and remain a Minister... this is called "violence". What are they teaching us? That stealing is natural? OK. Am I making you think? Yes, yes, that’s all I want. For you to think. This is our society. It’s a reflection of ourselves. Someone said that every country has the ruler it deserves. So let’s reach consciousness. Now, sport. What about sport? Nationalism, flags, graffiti, pitched battles. This is what we teach. Police in the street. Have you seen the spectacle of the European Cup? Today, because everything is small... And work, the abuse of power. Abuses of power in the workplace it’s shocking. Really shocking. Differential treatment where a woman has to earn less than a man. This is violence. Allowing this is violence. At least in my company, the majority are women. The ones in charge, female. I don't choose this, it happens in my life. If she does it better... Right? It's violence. You get the point, don't you? We complain about violence: "But she killed her husband." There are lots of ways to kill lots of people: by shooting, by nipping them. Moving on... And in the workplace it's horrific. I won’t talk about "bullying", I don't want to get ahead of myself. Let’s not get ahead, don’t get nervous. And then there’s the most hidden violence of all. Suicide. Did you see the lady's face? It’s as if I'd said, "It's raining in Madrid." Suicide. It’s a disgrace for any country. Psychologists and psychiatrists are in two minds about whether or not to report it because they are afraid of the issue: if we report it people will get ideas. And they're right. If you say it, why do you say it. And, if you don't, why not. But there they are, all the data, which are official, so naturally well below the real figures. 800,000 people in 2012, and I repeat: that is what they say, I’m talking about Spain, which is one of those countries, according to official figures, the lowest, but the number of suicides in Spain is double and almost triple the accident rate. Ok? And it says that there are more deaths than in traffic accidents. Spain is the third country in the list in Europe, starting from the bottom. We’re at the bottom end. I think Italy, Switzerland and a couple more are ahead of us. There are lots of factors, obviously. A society that has little toleration for frustration. In Spain, thousands of teenagers try to kill themselves each year. In Madrid, 1,900 attempts were recorded over 4 months in 4 hospitals in the Madrid region. 1,900. Ok? I’ve witnessed this first-hand. I've rushed a sister of mine who tried to commit suicide to the hospital and did mouth-to-mouth on her. I know what I'm talking about. Agreed? With problems of bulimia and anorexia. But I’m not surprised. With the hypnosis we were subjected to in my house where everything was a sin and my sisters, when my mother got home, "Did you go to mass?" Me, I had a pair of balls, and when I came in I'd say, “No way. I’m not going to mass." "Don't you know that God sees everything?" "Well, he’ll have seen that I haven't gone to mass then." And she'd say, "You know you’re going straight to hell?" And I'd say, "This house is hell." That's how I answered when I was about 14 or 15. And my mother would say, "You're the devil incarnate." Well I must be. So, ladies and gentlemen, the insults uttered in this world against my person, can do no harm because as a child I wrapped myself in Teflon. As a boy, I wrapped myself in Teflon. I’m telling it like it is. Thanks to these truly special situations, I have the strength that I have today, the confidence I have in myself, and I thank God for the parents He gave me. Let that be clear. Because I've decided to be the master, not the victim. It was my decision. Is that clear? Things never happen just because. Ok. Different types of suicide, there are lots here. Eating disorders. I lived this at home so I included it, my sister died from this. Risk behaviours. We see young people constantly putting their lives at risk in cars or doing sport where they seriously injure themselves for no purpose. What for? "It makes me feel alive." And I say, "Dead is what you’ll be." Oh, you’ll feel something alright... the pummelling you’re going to get. That's not biological, no animal says... A deer, "Watch, my beloved doe." And jumps five metres when it can only jump four. We confirm that it's very macho and it takes an almighty fall. Deer, possibly roasted. We do crazy stuff. And I’m not even talking about drug addictions like alcoholism. When people go out to celebrate, to have fun, which in Spanish comes from the Latin and means "to change direction", because they have to enjoy and they have the right to, but they couldn't give a damn about the neighbours. Until four in the morning. Drinking and drinking... If they were to pick it up and take it with them when they went home, but,no the next day they have to go round... I don't get it. Barcelona celebrates the Feast of Saint John. Tonnes and tonnes of waste. So why don't they put bins out? They do; they empty out the bins. This is violence. Because we all pay for the guy who comes and cleans up afterwards. Sweeties... There are people that go round thinking that the woods must have a mouth that swallows up all the shit. There are people who go there with a bed... a bed to the woods. I live in the country and I find toilet bowls, beds, mattresses... People must think that a monster comes out at night but, instead of the cookie monster, it eats beds and all this other stuff. This is called "violence". And don't get me started on the ones who take their dogs out and you go out after them and... I could go on but we’ll leave it here. But you’re all following, right? That's how it goes. Well, we’ll continue with this. Sexual violence against women or in women. This is abstract data from the UN, on women. It's official data. I don't know if it’s true, but at least what I say is official. 35% of women around the world have been subject to physical and sexual violence by their partner or a person other than their partner, like a cousin, uncle or whoever. Ok, different types of sexual violence within marriage. There are lots. I can testify to that. Sexual harassment in the workplace. Sex in exchange for favours. Child sexual abuse. Forced marriage. Still with me? Even with children, 250 million females under the age of 15 are forced to marry. The other day, I was reading a column in "La Vanguardia", I think it was, about a girl who said, "I was married as a young girl and the men would beat us, the husbands would beat us so that we were well-behaved." Note: the twenty-first century. 43% of women in the European Union have suffered violence at the hands of a sexual partner, in Europe. Femicide: “I killed her because she was mine". 1 in 3 women are the targets of violence by their sexual partners. And there is no difference in social class or education. There is no high social class here, none at all. Moving on... Working hypothesis. We're here to put things right. Ok. What I've been explaining. The problem is that we project ourselves constantly. It is a matter of projection. We blame others for our shortcomings. If someone insults me I say that they've insulted me. I don't think “Why is this happening to me?” and as is written in the most sacred books, "In the universe, as in life, nothing happens by chance"... Nothing; no encounter is casual. Everything is synchrony, everything is resonance. When you meet someone and say how good you feel with him, it's because you are resonating with that person. We say things like, “We have this 'feeling'”, “We are tuned in”. And your friend says... You're all with me, right? “I just can’t breathe.” "You've only gone and fallen in love with that muppet..." "You just don't see him the way I do." “I swear it's not true.” We all do the same. For example, you don’t meet someone just because, and you don't relate just because, it’s all resonance. So, let’s stop projecting ourselves. If I go through life feeling that I’m worthless, that I was taught that men are worthless – still with me? – I'm going to find men that devalue me. It's as simple as that. If we think in dual mode “what bad luck”, we fall into the trap of victimhood. At the Institute we teach that victimhood does not exist; it is a choice. Here, as other authors would say, “We have to learn to be adults of God." Emotional adults. We must be responsible for our thoughts, feelings and actions. And one way to change is to realise that we constantly project and that when we choose a friend or a relationship, we are actually projecting ourselves on them. And I am projecting myself thanks to these hypnoses that I received from my mother. For example, there was this lady, here she is, I have it here, this lady came to see me with an anal cancer that she no longer has. And she said, “Look, Enric, I have a really swollen reproductive system, so swollen that I can’t have sexual intercourse.” Perfect. And I ask her one thing, "Have you got a problem with a man?" And she says, "With my brother." It came straight out: my brother. "What's wrong with your brother?" "He’s an alcoholic." Alright. "How does your mother treat your brother?” "She's always been..." “How about you? "Ignoring me?" Ok? Alright. Solemn words from the mother. "Men are good-for-nothings." “Women don't need men." She's had seven partners. Seven partners. And I asked her, "Did you have sex?" And she said, "In the beginning, but not later." "And how did you punish them?" I'd be like this all day: "You're useless, you do everything wrong, and so on." She'd say, "Men are useless", life brings her men to tell them this... This is called "violence", got it? "And your current relationship?" "My current relationship is with my husband." And she said, "Don't even go there. I love my husband very much." “Calm down, calm down," I told her. "What's wrong with him?" "We don't have sex because of how I am, but I love him very much, I travelled here today from the city and I left him his lunch, clean underpants, shirt, pants, everything." And I say, "As if he were your son." And she says, "Yes." "You love him like a child because your mother taught you one thing: that men are only good when they are little; when they get older, they're no good any more. So, the only relationship that you have with a man is mother to child." And there's more, "For your unconscious you and your mother are the same, and your husband and your brother too." Everybody following? That's how it goes. That's how it goes. So, you can't have sex with your children. Simple as that. The solemn words of her mother. “Men are all the same, they’re worthless." "We women don't need men." She'd heard it since she was so big. Why?” Because this lady had a husband who was never at home and just put up with the situation. And instead of taking decisions and changing her life, she thought, "I’ll train and play the role of victim." And throw everything into a child who was left immature, who could well be 35 but it’s as if he were 12. A clearly emotionally immature individual and a woman whom she taught that men are good for nothing at all. Ok. Phrases with a backdrop of violence. I have selected these from my visits: "You make me do it.” "I do it for your own good." “I can’t live without you.” "I’ll kill myself if you leave me." "You got what you deserve." “You can't do anything right.” "You’ll never do anything." "Nobody'll love you." "Your brother is better than you." "I'd be kinder if you were more tolerant." "You never support me." "You only think of yourself." "You make me worry with your attitude and friends." And we could go on. Right? So, onward towards change. Towards change. Educate and appreciate boys and girls equally. This is the big seed. And if you ladies have a husband who is never at home, decide whether you want to live with him or without him, but don’t be victims or lay blame and do not unconsciously project your need or lack of a man at home on to your child. Still with me? You will establish a differential treatment. And you will subconsciously teach this boy that he is special, because he is treated by women and must be treated by women. Please listen carefully to what I'm saying. Because we learn subconsciously. My mother treats me differently to my sister. So, when I am small and this is the law, then I demand it. Ok? I demand this. And they do it subconsciously. Because the mother projected all her frustration. And, she does it with the best intentions. Of course she does. But two wrongs don't make a right. And the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but it still leads to hell. We are here to reach consciousness Not to do harakiri, "What did I do wrong?” No. We are here to reach consciousness. Those of us who have been parents, to forgive ourselves. And those of you who are going to be, to be fully conscious. Education no longer has to be against, it needs to be more of a collaboration, not competition. Still with me? We are always in competition. Our biology, all of nature collaborates, it doesn't compete. Evolution is not Darwinian, it is Lamarckian. It is collaboration. All of our cells work together. Imagine if the cells in the liver told the heart cells to get lost? That bloody gut gives me a lot of work! Don't work so hard, intestine. You, Mouth! Eat less! I have to work. Can you imagine? The 50 million cells we have, if each one did its own thing. Alright. Education in emotional management, what are we here for? Emotion is really – we’re getting straight to the point now – it's not only about physical symptoms, there's something else, in educating people, in managing emotions. Everybody following? In teaching our children how to overcome daily events, to turn them into emotional geniuses. Emotional intelligence. You don't get on in life by being very smart. The ones who triumph are the emotional geniuses. I'm a bit of a dummy, but I’m a genius when it comes to emotional topics. Do you get me? And that makes me look wise. I’m a genius emotionally, but in everything else I just manage. The truth is that the older I become the more intelligent I get, maybe because the neurons... we take advantage of them and learn. It’s true, our brain should never age, it doesn't have that capacity; it ages because it gets bored, it thinks the same things every day, it repeats the same, says the same, feels the same, same, same... and the neurons say, "Come on, change the record." And nothing changes. But if you get up every day with hope... You see, I'd get rid of retirement. Come on, everybody to work until you die; no, no I wouldn't go that far. Retirement in the sense of retirement here. “What do you do?” “I’m retired.” As if it were something this being retired malarkey. The retired guy, and four of them join up... to spend the afternoon together. I’m going to die with my boots on. I'll be here one day and say... well, I'm off. And I’ll drop dead, that’s it; I've finished, the talk's over. "When are you going to retire?” "The day I go." "Are you going to work all your life?" One minute, I’ve never worked, because I like what I’m doing so much that when I finish I say, "Lord, is it already over?" No way! And something else: "Whatever you do, don't call it 'work'. "Call it 'service'." And you’ll see how you start to live another way. It’s an opportunity for your development. And if you're there, it’s not by mistake. Don't have expectations in life, don't have expectations but never lose the passion. What has got me here is not that I’m better or worse, it’s the passion that I put into things. I deeply love what I do. Right? Great. The development of a holistic quantum consciousness. Understanding that everything is connected, joined. This is what Buddha said, so whatever we think, any thought we create never dies. Nothing goes to waste in the universe, nothing falls to the wayside. Alright. Where to start? As children of our parents. Freeing them of the responsibility of the education we received. Freeing them of any resentment towards them. Freeing them from having to love us how we want. Freeing them from the need that we must take care of them. Ok? In fact, there are real active relationships where the child expects his mother to love him as she wants him to love his mother. Do you get me? Your Mum loved you as she could, she didn’t know better. Don’t get het up about it. Obviously, as parents of our children, be aware that they receive all our information, teaching them that any relationship is a unique opportunity for experience, teach them not to manipulate to control others and to live in freedom. In other words, In a relationship I express myself with it and become myself with it. I don't intend to get anything out of it. Right? Because if I intend to get something from it I will start to manipulate. And this is called "violence". Ok. The laboratory of life. The crucible where everything starts. The womb. But here we need to say something very important. Very, very important. Until now, the mother and the child... The mother and the child. What about the father? To the father, we say, "You're the Coca-Cola, the spark of life." No, no, no. No, no, no, no. So, you're the spark and that's it? No. The importance of the father is being demonstrated more and more because we are entering an area of epigenetics, the importance of the emotionally involved father. When a couple says "We’re pregnant", I say "Good, you're doing well". Not “She's pregnant”, but "We’re pregnant". The child receives this. And you cannot imagine just how far it reaches. It is not a duality; it is the trinity: mother, child, father. If the trinity goes well, the child goes well. If the trinity has emotional coherence, the child is ok. This is the first act of love, the first seed to avoid future violence. Everybody with me? Here. Because although the information we get from our ancestors is toxic, toxic, toxic, in the crucible of life everything is purified, everything is transformed, if the parents have their children in full awareness. Is that clear? Is that clear? Thoughts, feelings and emotions are also the child's nourishment. The consciousness of the parents determines that of their children. The importance of knowing that we transmit information. The importance of transcending it on the understanding that they too were conditioned by their experiences and worlds. The importance of the father during pregnancy. And thank you. Ok. I don't know who it is, but thank you. Men like flowers very much. And me, I’m a flower geek. And I have a wonderful garden. I spend hours in it. I talk to my flowers, I motivate them. And they answer me. One day, I remember talking to the guy that looks after my garden. "We have to pull that plant up”, they wanted to build this wall. And I said, “No, that plant's a survivor, put it here." "But, Enric, you know it can't be transplanted now; it'll die." “Just do it,” I said. And he transplanted it. “Put it here, on the other side." And after a few days it had dried up. “I told you so.” “Just a minute, just a minute." And I said to the plant, "But you’re the biggest fighter I know. You can't just up and die. How are you dying? Don't leave me as a stupid. Live!” And the next day, as sure as I'm standing here now, there was a flower and a leaf. Ok? Thanks.
Channel: Enric Corbera
Views: 1,423,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Limitaciones inconscientes, Conferencia Enric Corbera, Aumenta tu libertad emocional con el Diplomado en BioneuroemociĂłn, Aumenta tu libertad emocional, libertad emocional, Diplomado en BioneuroemociĂłn, enric corbera, vĂ­deo enric corbera, bienestar emocional, relaciones personales, bienestar personal, inteligencia emocional, madurez emocional, relaciones interpersonales, ambiente emocional, GestiĂłn emocional, la palabra y acciĂłn, Tipos de violencia, dependencia y desconfianza
Id: Id4iUX8DoLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 47sec (5387 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2016
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