Bienestar Físico y Emocional | Aprende a Escuchar tu Cuerpo 💁📢

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Hello everyone, welcome to this conference, well, I imagine you are here with me, because I am almost completely alone, Here with me are the technicians, along with my wife and my sister-in-law who always accompany me. Well, today we are gonna have a conference, like the 2nd part about the importance about getting to know out body, of how our body send us signals, and know how to deal with them Therefore we must take into account something very important in this conference, that, Our mind with its emotions and feelings are interrelated with our body And also to understand that there is neither good nor bad emotion That emotions are neccesary for survival, and it is as important to be happy as to be sad Or feeling angry, or anger, or afraid, because in the end... the emotions evolve and adapt If we weren't afraid, we weren't alive, therefore is important to understand the reason why I got certain emotion that is embracing me, that is revolving around myself I have to be aware of what is happening, what I am looking at, and what I am interpreting as such Thus, one of the most important things we must understand is that we must know how to deal properly with our emotions One of the things that you are going to see at this conference You will see how we live stress environments differently And that is due to the fact that we have certain information in our unconscious and therefore we act accordingly. Everybody can notice that we react differently to similar situations And this is something very important, who has not watch something happening to someone in particular and downplayed "That's not that hard", for us to react emotionally in front of any situation, we must understand that we react to certain information that is in our unconscious I would like also to highlight the fact that we have 12 years evolving, we come from biodecodification and we are now in bioneuroemotion, and the first one was a very important seed until we noticed that there was a very important handicap that it was really slowing down many things, and the handicap was as simple as: People were asking me "so, if I have this conflict... therefore I will have these symptoms?", they were doing a lineal correlation, in such a way that there were people very worry about having emotional struggles thinking "oh no, I would get sick because of it" This is not like that at all Bioneuroemotion has evolved to the poing where it teaches us that we are energy, we are information that we vibrate and that we always complement each other, and that we are always in front of ourselves Therefore, bioneuroemotion teaches people to comprehend that we are always facing situations that talk about us, and as we polarize, we enter into conflict, and we increase our stress Thus, this conference pretends to demonstrate through examples What are the fields of application in this method, and showing examples along the way so you can observe the importance that we don't need a person to bring us information nor to explain to us their story Because we always have the person in front of us, because we all carry the information Therefore, before moving forward, I want to make something clear the causes that motivate the appearance of a symptom are obviously multifactorial there are genetic, epigenetic, and obviously environmental factors. We in the Bioneuroemotion, focus in the emotional factor Our emotions make us feel alive, and how we communicate And in fact, If I didn't have an emotional state, I couldn't be communicating And in the end, if I feel trapped in an emotion that revolves in my entire body so, I automatically learn to manage, to stay back, to distance myself and ask myself what is subconscious telling me I set up a slide, that everyone is watching, where we watch a diagram that is very well known, this iceberg is representing our psyque The white part sticking out above the sea would be the conscious part and the rest, underneath the water level would be our unconscious therefore, our psyque, and here I am paraphrasing Carl Gustav Jung, our pysque has 5% of conscious and about a 95% of subconscious therefore I do not need to tell you what is ruling our lives In fact, a lot of people don't believe in fate, well, me neither, but we must first define what is fate We are constantly creating our own destiny but we are not aware of it We are not born, as Freud would say, as a blank tape instead, we come with information that we have inherited from our ancestors what they call a more substantive circumstances because if we didn't really inherit this information from our ancestors, we would really be like starting over What does this mean? That the experiences that our ancestors, our parents, our grandparents, etc. have lived through. These experiences go in that baggage and they are part of the subconscious You are going to see today how we inquire, especially you will see it in the videos. In the accompaniments of 3 or 4 minutes, which in this case are 4, you will see how the accompanying person really, which in this case is Victor and myself. We are constantle observing our client, our consultant. And one of the things that we do in bioneuroemotion is that we do not allow that our client, our consultant tell us about their story because that story is not the reason for their problems, that is their explained story we will accompany them to search for that story that lies precisely in the unconscious and also you will notice an inquiry process where we will observe for their non verbal language, body language, we are searching for those unconscious beliefs a lot of them are irrational beliefs we are looking for the fetal program, that information that we receive when we are in our mothers womb we search for those family dynamics, family loyalties, and family environments in where we are living and above all, something very important not everybody, obviously, the biological symptom that their body shows has a certain conflict or anything like that therefore, in the symbolic sense is always related with each person a physical symptom We must also clarify that for a physical symptom to produce the emotional impact must be very hard and that in fact resonate with that information that is present in our unconscious and manifest very fast, and very peculiar cases but at then end, a very specific subject that we teach is that we are always projecting towards the world, and to the extent that we are resisting from it to accept that what we are witnessing is on us to the extent that we resist reversing the thought to the extent that we continue looking for the cause of our situation outside, and I do not look for it inside to that extent I am paralyzing, to that extent I am in a state of paralysis I repeat. and that later, how we will see later, well, on the next slide This emotional repression, this behavior repression really ends up manifesting itself in the form of a physical symptom. Now we are going to focus on behavior, we will talk about personality and our character. that condition our behavior, and we will also see that our behavior is highly conditioned by our beliefs, our unconscious beliefs that have inoculated us especially at very early ages. we will see that information that we inherited from our mothers and fathers also from the family loyalties obviously and how each one, based on this emotional management on this personality and on this character that we have, each symptom can be express in a variety of ways And what should be clear is that our body becomes a means of communication and we must learn to listen to it. Obviously we must treat it, but then we must listen to it I always say the same thing, if I am ill, I take a medication for it, and if that goes on and on, I will ask myself what is happening, what am I projecting outwards, what is bothering me that I think it has nothing to do with me But don't forget a very important thing, as Nicola Tesla said, we are energy, we are information, we are vibrating, therefore we are resonating which means that if you don't know what information do you carry, it is as simple as acknowledging the surroundings And this is very important, when we really start to integrate this, we are making a big change of perception the situation stays the same, and that is why the bioneuroemotion helps to relieves the stress Our symptoms tell us if we are coherent or not, as well as helping us to take a journey from polarity to unity and by discarding the symptom teaches us to change from a dual belief, where everything is separated, to a unity conscious The summary of everything I just explained, Otero and Rodado (2004) say the following Everything happens as if the body were the repository of the functional phenomena by functional phenomena we must understand how these emotional reactions therefore any repression of our emotional impulses, and this is important That does not mean that if I have anger I have to scream like a madman, far from it. We are learning to manage our emotional states We live in a society, where our psyche is form by our ego and our shadow Our ego is the part that we show to the world, and our shadow is the part that we hide from the world We are going to talk now about the biological level , the adaptation of the body to stress regarding our conduct We have inherited from evolution, as all living beings which are, the escaping, the fighting and the paralyzing mechanism. You will see in the videos that we are going to show you, that the people when they find in a very stressing environment don't know how they are reacting to it, and one of the solutions is the paralysis they keep a repeating situation for a long period of time without knowing why is that happening We try to teach people to look at things differently, to understand that stressing situations is also have to do with them And that helps to relieves the stress The animal unconscious behaviors, the instincts, are automatic responds but a human being don't act like that, we as human beings have a cognitive capacity And we create a connection between our physical reactions All these received by our limbic system, which is completely unconscious When we face a shocking event, the first respond comes from our body we feel sweating hands, increase hearth beat, short of breath These are physical reactions to an emotional impact, which many times we don't quite understand why this is happening to us. Then comes the cognitive part of the human being, that goes to the neocortex, and I give it the corresponding reaction And I create a story, and I think that what is happening to me has to do with a certain story Which is not true, because that reaction continues to occur, and one goes to the consultation, and asks why is this happening to me, why does this infection recur, or why when I am in front of certain people I get very nervous I can't stand a person who speaks loudly, or as a young lady told me one day, she would tell me: "It bothers me a lot that they tell me honey", like; honey how are you when a person is faced with that reaction, then we are facing an unconscious reaction that deserves investigation And this is where we focus with our method of bioneuroemotion. Therefore, we will accompany people to discover this hidden story One very important thing that Wilhelm Reich explains to us in his character analysis is that not all people adapt to the same circumstances in the same way and that has to do with personality and character Wilhelm Reich tells us verbatim: "the degree of characterological mobility of opening up to a situation or closing in on it it constituted the difference between the structure of a healthy character and the structure of a neurotic character " So, stick with that, which is very important, the importance of mental flexibility. The importance of adapting to the environment, as I am doing right now, obviously that generates stress for me Because I'm talking to the empty seats, and luckily you are here But you learn to manage that, but the neurotic personality is, things are how I want them to be, and thats it. And that would be a neurotic character according to Wilhelm Reich Wilhelm Reich himself tells us that the first function of our personality and our character is Protect our traumatic states, and prevent these traumas from showing up in our lives Stick with it, I can explain my own case When I was very young I had a very angry character, I fought with everyone, I argued with the teachers I was disobedient, but it has helped me a lot to understand that I lived in an emotional environment of terror. Now they will tell me, that is not so bad, but yes, if since childhood they tell you: "don't do this because God is watching you and he is going to punish you" When you are a little child and people tells you don't do that because God is going to punish you, any thought comes to our minds I still remember when I was a youngster, I told myself: "well, If God is watching and is going to punish me, then, go screw yourself". Rebel by nature Then I would die or become a rebel My personality took a long time to change I was uncompromising, inflexible, intolerant, and a bit neurotic. But the truth, after all I have come out quite healthy, therefore, if I have come out of this, anyone can come out When someone says to me, "Enric, that's very easy to say but very difficult to apply," I say don't tell me, Because I lived all those situations That's why I always say, that already at my age, I realize that in reality When someone asks me: "what would you have changed in your life?", I say, nothing, really nothing, because thanks to all the experiences I have lived Thanks to that, I am what I am Is also true that my siblings did not handle all the situations properly, and there were problems because of it Therefore, I am one of those who think that we do not come here with a blank tape, that this does not stop being a manifestation of information from a certain time, we are a conscience And therefore consciousness is always eternal, I do not say it, that was Max Planck That said: "I do not know if the laws of physics and mathematics are going to work for tomorrow, because the only thing that matters is the conscience" Therefore, our conscience, our essence, call it spirit if you want, call it what you want, that it is immortal, somehow it accumulates these experiences In addition, Wilhelm Reich tells us that our personality and our character reflects the totality of the individual's past. For this reason, I have evolved a lot, but in essence, I am still a fighter, indeed, and a rebel. But my struggle is not against anyone in particular, I am not fighting anything I'm really understanding, neither those who oppose me, nor those who criticize me, it doesn't matter Always in life there will be people who dislike certain things or others who like, and there are other people who neither one nor the other. Therefore, one feels free when one is really showing oneself to the world with coherence and assertiveness. In short, being honest with himself, therefore with others, and that we will call the B personality Personality B would be the healthy personality, which is flexible, tolerant, adaptable, assertive, does not go with second thoughts. In short, it is called healthy and they say in theory that it is what most people have I'm not going to question it, but sometimes I do But anyway, those are simply my perceptions Therefore there are basically 3 fundamental characteristics The 1st, an excessive social adaptation, are people who always appear to be good, they lack their own subjectivity They always go out of their way for others, what's more, they don't live their life, and there we have, an excessive social adaptation And there we have a psychosomatic personality, in the sense that it is a mental predisposition to have physical symptoms. Which physical symptoms, no idea, that vary according the person. Then there are people who have relationships devoid of affection, who are very rational, are very disconnected from their needs and create very empty relationships. And there are also people who have the inability to connect with their own emotions. And as Peter Levine would say, the symptoms are linked to this repressed energy And that precisely in our method from a symptom where we know that there is a repressed energy So, we are going to look for those different emotional environments, to see what unites them all, and what information our patient is showing and in what situation And one of the things we do is the following, is to see what the universe of the person is like And from here, what aspects attract or annoy the person But you will see that later And we have to make the question How or why do 2 people who live the same traumatic experience react differently And as I have said so far, this is where the bioneuroemotion looks for the answers and above all we look at the information inherited by our family system And now we are going to see the personalities, where psychology has established 4 types of personalities, of which 3 are pathological or conflictive We have already said that personality B is a healthy person, but personality A is an aggressive, intolerant, inflexible, impatient, authoritarian person. and is correlated with cardiovascular diseases I want to warn you, before you get nervous, that if you feel identified with that personality, you are not going to think that you are going to suffer a cardiac arrest No, that is not going to happen, that is only 1 factor from a multifactorial component Personality C is characterized by emotional repression, a need for affection, submission, inhibition We will see how many people we have seen that live dysfunctional relationships Who experience abuse for years, or live under great stress, And how really the person does not quite understand why he continues to stay in that situation Then here the correlations of diseases would be immune, cancerous and infectious We will see a case later that has to do precisely with this And then there is the type D personality that is characterized by a lack of social interaction, that they isolate themselves from the world, that they are aggressive, inhibition of emotions. And are correlated with depression and heart diseases And psychology explains that personality types A, C and D have in common an emotional repression and a blockage of bodily sensations. I want you to pay attention to bodily sensations because we live in a world that when we have bodily sensations such as pain in the back, I go to the masseur, the acupuncturist, or take a pain reliever Each one to do what they want, but if that is repeated, obviously one has to wonder what are we doing To what extent are you forcing your body, you are standing for a long time, you have a rigid posture, perhaps it is the lack of exercise But all those things that are very specific and very important, also have an emotional background. If I am unable to maintain a situation for a long period of time, a constant work, and it keeps repeating in my life Obviously there is a conflict here I remember the case of a girl, that she was in the red polarity, which indicates that she was always studying And I think that when he came he was young, and he already had 4 or 5 bachelor's degrees, and he always interacted with partners who had an opposite polarity. The green one in this case, she was always with partners which always were partying with their friends, etc. and she was staying at home studying, and she felt trapped. Obviously that generated a lot of stress for her, and in the end she decided that she did not want any more partners and that in the end she preferred to study. but that's polarizing, she stays polarize here, when one is automatically polarized sooner or later Like the fact that we are resisting that instinct that equates us, why does she relate to boys Well, it's very simple, the unconscious, the field of consciousness was telling her: do you want to put down your books and come dance with me? But no, we enter our neurosis, we get caught in our neurosis, in the "I am right" Either I get stuck consciously, or I get stuck unconsciously as was the case with this young lady Then we saw that their inherited emotional environments, there were people who really wanted to study, they were very intelligent and someone prevented them from studying. And therefore, this information she carries and has to externalize it, and what does she have to do about it, study less? It is very clear that she has an excess She will find the solution, but when she understands, that if she is staying in a position, in a polarity, in an extreme Sooner or later, situations will appear in her life that will tell her that she has to enter another polarity Therefore we always find ourselves, and we always find people who complement us. And that we say that they are opposite to us, and of opposite they have absolutely nothing, we are always in complementarity, in any case, we are in opposition That's why there is always the middle path Well, as I was saying, if any person identifies with any of these personalities, don't be nervous, because we all have a bit of everything. And that that personality B is the healthiest, and that we are all flexible, tolerant, empathetic and friendly, this is not true. Well, I am now going to give examples of symptoms and how they correlate with certain behaviors The behavior pattern of a person who suffers from migraines, although there are different types of migraines, are people with little sociability With a capacity to be not very assertive and speak little, here we would agree that a person with migraines is a person who revolves a lot about a single thought And many times they do not take action On that I quite agree. Regarding independence of judgment, these types of people make many judgments, and above all, against themselves. Although they project a lot towards others, but in the end they do it themselves Then there is the least willingness to sympathize and help others Well, this I do not know, this if I can say, I had a very sour character, in fact, my job was quality director was quality control in fact, they called me Dirty Harry Me because of my age, but maybe youngsters won't know who Dirty Harry is. But ultimately for the company I was the watchdog, you have to be a very good observer You have to pay attention to a series of things, but I really was enemy number one, because whatever I saw was not right, people did not understand that I was doing it for the good of the company Because there each one to his own, because in the end we had to understand that the company is a family unit and that all the elements are important And that someone had to watch that everything was done well, but the truth is that, is that I was inflexible, intolerant, authoritarian, and on the weekend I did not lie in bed until I vomited bile But that was many years ago Then there is bruxism, the symptom of bruxism resonates with me by all those who have consulted me with the symptom Bruxism is the movement of the mouth, withdrawal, submission and little sociability But they are also shown as very sociable, but by obligation Obviously what I am saying is not 100% true, far from it, I have already questioned the 1st physical symptom. In short, in bioneuroemotion, what emotional environments, what stress the person is experiencing, and many times it has nothing to do with it I remember in a seminar two girls who had a contracture in the same shoulder And I didn't even know who they were, and now I'm going to show you how having the same symptoms, I'm sure they have a different stress. And they were physically alike. "This is not fixed, right?, I ask the girls, "No, if it is the 1st time we come", they say. So there is a pattern of submission, they keep things to themselves, they are not assertive, they do not express themselves well Or when they express themselves they say things that they do not want to say, and above all they are people who avoid confrontation I have had people to whom I have said: "look, when you get angry with someone, bite an apple, symbolically it is as if you bite them", the unconscious does not differentiate who you are biting. I remember when I left work I ended up with a very contracted jaw, because it made me want to bite more than one, but bruxism I do not remember having it. Another symptom is cystitis, as everyone knows, it is an infection in the urine Right from the start, what is a consequence of cystitis?, to urinate, and you urinate with a lot of pain. Therefore you are not eliminating liquids, rather, the waste of liquids, you are not eliminating the garbage Therefore you are retaining, you are retaining emotions, feelings, you allow yourself to invade your emotional space, which does not have to be physical. What it really prevents you, it prevents you from being with yourself, and starting to really question your relationships Now an example came to mind of a lady who she decided to make a kitchen and went to live with her parents And men who are always thinking the same, and when we are not thinking the same, we are thinking the same I mean, he wanted to have sex with his wife But the lady is not that she did not want to have sex, but that she felt a withdrawal that at her parents' house she was not going to have sex. Therefore one of the things that prevented her from having was sexuality But here is something more important, here are some unconscious beliefs, that if your son and his wife are in your house, they will not have sex. But of course they would be doing it, it is expected That is normal, but here are some beliefs, obviously, that we investigate, that this person is living, And ultimately, what we want is for you to become aware that your reaction is totally unconscious and therefore can be managed Then another physical symptom is arthritis, and in this I totally agree It is a study by the Complutense University of Madrid, specifically, Bajat Pacios, "Psychosocial factors involved in rheumatoid arthritis" And it speaks of mental rigidity, little flexibility, repression of rage and anger. We have to think that arthritis affects the osteoarticular system, which is the structure of our body And obviously here there may be conflicts of self devaluation, a tendency to self-sacrifice Therefore we would be talking about the type C personality So, also depressive states, in short they are people who do not live their lives And arthritis obviously manifests itself in different parts of the body, and each part of the body has a symbolism Well, we enter a part where I want to show, the scope of work of the bioneuroemocion Where we have really brought together eclectic information I am going to show only the most important information We have created a corpus of work, we have created a method that is very simple but not easy. Because bioneuroemotion is a method that makes you aware without blaming someone else, without playing the victimization game, and simple to empower the individual that at the end I can always choose how do I want to live certain situation in my life One of the things, and a big mistakes that we all commit, is that we always try to change the counterpart And that, as we are going to see later, we are going to talk about the identification of those beliefs And we rely a lot on Albert Ellis's rational emotional behavioral therapy, which tells us the following: A+B=C Don't get nervous, I will explain each letter A = environment (ambient), stressful environment B = my beliefs C = my conduct Therefore Albert Ellis explains to us, and we have it very clear too, that my behaviors Obviously they are not generated by the environment, but by my beliefs And what do people want to do? People want to change the environment This is like marrying someone because they are nice, and then I want to divorce because they are nice But if I married because of it... Therefore, we try to teach people, that the only thing that we can change are those beliefs And Albert Ellis teaches us that there are 11 irrational beliefs, and they are irrational because nobody understands them that are constantly conditioning people who respond to certain stressful environmental situations in a certain way And I think that ultimately, since I want to continue the same, and to have another behavior, the environment has to change, so We teach, and Albert Ellis did the same, is to realize that we have mental schemes that generate certain emotional states, and that if we change our beliefs. I want to make a pause Beliefs are always based on experiences, and those experiences can be mine or inherited from my parents. In other words, learning to react in a certain way, in front of certain environments, in front of certain events Therefore, those beliefs that are conditioned, and that condition my behaviors When I am able to have another experience, I will automatically change my beliefs, and that other experience And this is what bioneuroemotion teaches, is to realize that I carry information that is complemented by that information that I find stressful Therefore I do not marry or live with a certain person because he is very tall or very short, but there is something else that is totally unconscious So, we are always in front of ourselves, we are always in front of a mirror, and in the end the one who has to change is me. So when I'm questioning my values, questioning my beliefs, which is one of the healthiest things there is When really the one who has the power is me, and I don't come up with excuses that we are very addicted to them, that they keep us anchored to the situation, this is our hypnosis And this is one of the most profound work we do in the bioneuroemotion Really when the person changes his perception in relation to what he is seeing automatically, it is because he has understood He has changed his beliefs, and therefore has generated new emotional states generating a more ecological behavior, looking towards there And not looking for culprits or victims, simply understanding that he has always been facing a situation that is making him grow personally and emotionally. All irrational beliefs, or practically all irrational beliefs, are based on the phrases, "I must of", "I have to" When they find themselves saying "I must to" or "I have to", this implies that they do not want to do it In an accompaniment with Víctor, a young lady says: "I can't say no" and Víctor says to her: "off course you can do it, a conditioning that prevents you from saying no" and this is where we have to look for what belief is in your unconscious that is conditioning you And it is obviously conditioning you days, week, months, years, And in this case that young lady came to a consultation due to a physical symptom Another part that we work very thoroughly is the integration of our identity Here we draw on many aspects of psychoanalysis, and we have done a lot of work on the psychoanalysis of Carl Gustav Jung That he has really been a great teacher for me, I have been reading and studying him for many years, and he has brought peace and tranquility to my life. We work deeply on aspects such as personality and shadow, which we have already explained a little before We work on the familiar unconscious, like the unconscious, that information, those stressful situations These situations that are not said, and that are kept, are secret, but I repeat, in the bioneuroemotion, nothing needs to be said, because ultimately, the stories are being repeated I am going to give an example, which is the best way to explain it, and it is the following She is a girl who came to my office, and she came because she hated men, but she did not know why, but she hated them I asked her, have you had a bad experience with a man, have they raped you or something like that, and she said no, but she still hates them And she tells me, I can't stand men, I'm not a lesbian, and I live with a girl Therefore, she is polarized Ok, you see, I can't stand any man, at all That is a polarity, so, I asked her for another polarity, "hey, do you have a sister", and she said, yes, that whore A whore, why?, because she uses every man, so, both are showing their rejection towards men, one can't stand them, the other one uses them So I said, here is information from the familiar unconscious, here is an important traumatic issue In the end, the important traumatic issue was that the grandmother, her mother's mother They forced her to marry a much older man very young, and she lived hell with that man So much so, that the mother of those two girls always said that sex was disgusting and that men always thought the same thing. We work very thoroughly on this, and especially the phenomenon of projection The phenomenon of projection can be positive or negative, positive can be something that I like or feel attract to, and the negative would be what I dislike. But ultimately so that I can like one thing, and I can dislike another, that information has to be there And we really use projection as an extraordinary resource to know oneself. In the end we always say the same, if you do not know the information you carry, you just have to realize what surrounds you. And when we really get into this position, when we really do the work of questioning ourselves and of that mental flexibility Change my perception, I realize that I was always interpreting, that we live in a world of interpretation And that really my emotional reactions, as Anthony De Mello would say, are in my unconscious. And here I put a phrase of the psychoanalyst Robert Frost, which is in the book "Meeting the Shadow" We have to take care of our voice Let's look at this symptom, if my throat gets dry, what does it do to me? I can't speak, what does that allow me? Refresh me, hey, drink water, because if you don't, you're going to pay for it If you are lifting something and your arms hurt, what does it do to you? You cannot lift anymore, what does it cause you? to take some rest. Because ultimately all symptoms have a biological sense and a symbolic sense But in a symbolic sense, as Carl Gustav Jung said, in his book "Man and his Symbols" Each one lives the experience based on the information we have in the unconscious Well, as Robert Frost said, he tells us "Everything we repress weakens us until a moment comes when we discover that it also constituted a part of us" It seems to me a wonderful phrase, and it seems to me that it summarizes everything that I have been explaining this afternoon, everything that we repress weakens us Now someone will tell me "now I have to repress myself", wait a minute, repressing is having a reaction, blocking it and covering it up. David Hawkins tells us that when we have an energy, that we observe it, that we dissociate, and simply by dissociating and observing it, that energy loses strength, that is called emotional management. Is that simple I have a friend who the other day that where he was doing a job, and there was a small accident, nothing important And he is such a perfectionist that that night he did not sleep, thinking about what I can do to avoid the accident And then I made him understand that this outward demand was really information that he has in the unconscious where everything has to be perfect, show always a pretty face, etc. And he was listening to me, and he was relaxing, and I tell him, I am not saying that you do not have these reactions, it is natural, they are embedded in you, from a very early age What's more, you've seen it all your life, but watch it, and when you watch it, manage it. When you learn to manage those emotional states, and you really know how to move between those two polarities, this gives you a incredible strength. Therefore, if we stay in polarized or restricted positions, we weaken When we are able to understand the other, we find ourselves at the midpoint, the midpoint is the balance between that polarity and the other. We do not deny anything, we know how to use this energy, and it gives us a lot of strength We continue, we identify our family patterns, which has to do with epigenetics Today it has been demonstrated the importance of really changing our perception, our emotions Because they really affect our biology, and as we will see what many authors say, they also affect our genetics I don't know to what extent, but many studies say so Dr. Nessa Carey tells us about the following, "The emotional state of the mother in the first 3 months largely determines our behavior in adulthood" Attention parents, since they live in a family environment, then, attention mothers and fathers Let's see another, by Bruce Lipton that tells us "What our parents say and do, are recorded in the minds of children, and shape their deepest beliefs" And Nathalie Zammatteo tells us "if we change our emotional environment, if we change the way we see and understand the world with respect to what stresses us, we can rewrite our own history" And this is what we do in the bioneuroemotion, here we always say that we cannot change what we cannot change, obviously But if we change the way we see it, obviously it will change our perceptions, and therefore our mind will open Our conscience will open, and therefore our stress level as well, and we will know how to manage our stressful situations, and we will know how to make coherent decisions no bad attitude, no resentment, no victimhood and no guilt Investigating the relationship between biology and the mind, and Bruce Lipton also tells us that perceptions They not only control behavior, they also control genetic activity And Kiecolt-Glaser tells us "Scientific evidence today shows that by modifying our thoughts, we are modifying our biology" And I also wanted to talk about the process of identifying to what extent relationships affect our health. And they chose 2 groups, people from Harvard and people from the Brooklyn if I remember correctly Where no one really studied at Harvard there, and it started to be studies and things like that There have been several Directors, and after 75 years, the Doctor Waldinger, you can look it up on YouTube The study "Harvard Study of Adult Development" of Dr. Walinger, in a synthesis of his lecture tells us that: Social connections do us good, and loneliness deplete our body But you also have to understand that the concept of loneliness is not being alone, since you can be accompanied and feel alone, therefore here we are talking about the feeling of loneliness And that it is not about having many relationships, but having few, and of a high quality, what matters is the quality of the closest relationships Living in the middle of a conflict is always very bad, that's why they say that a bad divorce is better than continuing to put up with your partner all your life So this study really shows very clearly How our psycho-emotional relationships, our interpersonal relationships, if we are consistent, if we are honest, if we are assertive If we know how to say yes, and no when we want to say no, and we are not going to put up with a situation that feels paralyzed Because we keep waiting for others to change, when we really make decisions in coherence, and we look ahead without looking back, to see what happens So that study shows that the physical symptoms of old age, because they are already working with grandchildren and great-grandchildren, really shows that it really works. Well, and now we are going to enter the application of the method, you will see that we are looking for different scenarios to understand what emotional pattern our consultant is really showing in the face of certain stimuli, in the face of certain circumstances, we also accompany people to recognize the unconscious beliefs that obviously condition our body And we also help them find those dynamics and family environments that have inoculated us with beliefs that condition our lives and relationships. And it conditions even with the people we marry and fall in love with, etc. Well, let's start with the first one So I want to know from that time what a stress you may be living, a complicated environment, something that is happening We are going to investigate, we are not going to take anything for granted, and we are not going to take the 1st story as true, but the important thing is to find a pattern that repeats itself It is at work, well, about my boss It is a person that I don't like at all, as she behave and act I am the commercial manager, but in the end I end up being a pawn of her that is to say she calls me on a Sunday crying because she's sad, or we have to go on a business trip To have a series of meetings, and at the end of the meetings, she goes shopping, and I have to hold her clothes So, give me an example so that I understand to what extent a situation trapped you or caused you a lot of stress, What I am going to tell is something that happened every 15 days or every month, something very common I am working in the office, I have been working for a few hours, from 4 to 8, and at 6, in theory I have 2 hours to go. And she comes in around 6/6:30 and starts making some calls Where are you at that point? I am at my desk, sitting right next to another coworker, that comes and go, I am at my workplace And she calls me and says, come to my office, to tell me anything, any story of her life I want to know exactly what she tells you It'sok, let yourself go, because the unconscious saves the information, I also want you to relax, we are going to navigate the emotional state Well, I sit in her office, I see her face, she's sad, she's always sad, and she's complaining What is she complaining for? She is complaining about being tired, that she got to much work to do, She is talking to me about some people in particular, that they always have the same problems and she is telling me that some agency contacted her, some clients and we were going to a dinner, including me that night, so I can't say no, and then Wait, stay right there, pay attention at what you are saying "I can't say no", that is a belief, do you realize that? Because I would tell you, yes, you can say no, maybe you shouldn't, it's your right, but of course you could say you don't want to go But there is an emotional obligation, and besides, she doesn't even ask you, and tell you that you should do something, she doesn't even ask you if you want to or not Then, what do you do at that point?, how do you respond to that? I don't respond anything This is the interesting part, do you realize? At that moment there is a pattern in you that works automatically, it is like a submission that says "this is what I have to do" But what happens inside of you ?, "a lot of anger", that's it Well, look, everything repressed has to manifest itself in some way But your learning is that you can't or don't have the right to complain, and you leave it under the table, and you swallow it little by little What relevant aspects have we seen in this accompaniment? The reason for the consultation is unimportant, note that it was a physical problem, and here is a response of paralysis and submission Another thing we see is that this person does not express their needs But she doesn't know why is that happening to her I also want to remember that the symptom is increasing, that she goes to the doctor, that they check it, and they don't find a solution Well, then we contribute our part We detected a belief, "I can't stand up to authority" Then we see that she is unable to say no, and we see that there is a negative projection She does not allow herself to express what she needs, unlike her boss, we are in a polarity The boss tells her that she feels bad and all her problems, but she can't tell her boss that she is tired, that she feels bad, etc. Therefore, we are in front of two polarities That is why when we study the projection, it is important to emphasize that what bothers us in the person is not in the person, it is in me. And precisely who would have to change would be me, and there are many ways to achieve it Therefore she does not respect herself, and neither does the boss ask her how she is If we are energy, we are information and we vibrate, therefore I am always in front of my polarity that I do not recognize, because violet does not recognize yellow, and red does not recognize green Then, that anger leads us to take a victimizing behavior, and I see the other as a victimizer And at the end she doesn't like her boss But ultimately if that person does not respect her, that person But is not like her boss doesn't respect her, is not like she has the intention to it At the end, hes boss has its polarity, obviously But here we are focused on our consultant, she lacks of assertiveness, she looks for respect, she is paralyzed and submissive Let's see the next one, which is an accompaniment with me in it I'm going to make it a little easier for you, what is the reason for the divorce? When I tell you that it will be easier, the truth will not be easier, what is the reason for the divorce? I am very unpleasant, as what we are doing is very didactic, and when I ask you what is the reason for the divorce What I want is for people to see, to what extent we get to say People told me, is that love is over, I was bored What is the reason?, but first, did you ask for the divorce?, yes, I did What was the reason why you decided to end the relationship? Well, he was an absent man, he was never home, well he could be home and still be absent, but this is not the story, he was absent since when? Since the beginning It is well described, he was a man who was never home, but he went home to sleep I imagine. Yes, he did come to sleep, why have you doubted? Because he came very late, what time did he come? Well, at 2 or 3 in the morning Have you seen, how I got you in the non verbal language Because if you had said yes firmly, but you have doubted, notice how we deceive ourselves Note that I am acting as a detective, I am being objective, that's why I ask that because I saw you doubt And what you were hiding is that he did come home, but at 2 in the morning, and he always came home late? usually. And did you know why he came home at 2am?, becuase he was working You don't believe that, nor do I, "but that's what he said", but I don't care what he said, I care what you think "Well, that he was partying around", he was having fun?, "I imagine", so, what are the reasons why do you imagine that? "Because the work he had didn't end at 2am", exactly, but who believed him? "At the start I didn't fall for it, I was acting like it, but..." You were acting as such, so you believed it Yes, I did Did you complain? "Yes, did". What did you say to him?, "that why he got home so late" And what did he answer to you? "that he had to socialize, because of work." Well if he had to socialize, you already know where he was going, "well, yes, to bars." Now here a very important question, Who do you think is the one that is failing here? "Well, I think I am." No don't think, be sure, you are the one deciding And this is what we do in the bioneuroemotion, let's stop playing the victim and the perpetrator. People look for the cause outside, because that way they expect the other to "change" Exactly, and If I expect for you to change, what do I do?, nothing And that's very important, that's how the world works. 16 years married to a man who has had this "habit" almost from the beginning. Ok, and you've put up with it for these years, and that's a kind of violence At the end, the one provoking the violence is you, as Carl Gustav Jung said, "if the victim does nothing to change the situation the victim becomes the perpetrator". So, at the end you everybody adapts, you were the one accepting the narrative of your husband for 16 years without complaining Therefore, it is important that it be clear to you, that you are in information, that behavior of enduring a situation where you know that you are being lied to. It is not that you are stupid, nor is he very smart, it is information, You carry information that resonates and you capture or attract an iperson, he carries information that complements you, therefore you are repeating a story that is not yours Then I ask, since when?, since always And look closely, that man told her that he had to socialize because of work And she stayed at home, this person's consultation was because her libido had lowered for a while And I asked her if she went to a physician, and she said yes. And what did the doctor tell you?, well, it was due to menopause, or vaginal dryness And at the end, well, I am going to spoil you, I am going to wait until the end But here we see a person, that since the start of her marriage, she live a situation And she is holding up, building up the situation And here we look there is a evasive respond in front of stress And she felt obligated to have sex, because the man was arriving around 2-3 am in the mood to have sex Therefore, you can imagine all that she lived, you will all see in the next video that she felt fine until she heard the door, and up to what point that was taking part of this situation And it was also an unconscious information that really made her maintain the situation, because also that woman, already at that time, had a job And she kep this situation, although she didn't know why she was doing it We see her the belief "If I live with a man, I lose my independence" This belief was pretty clear And we see the negative projection, if there is a man who cheats on her, she is cheating herself when she is not honest with him, because she is planning another life and she is not telling him. Therefore, this is a relation "if you cheat one me, I cheat one you", and they go on that way until is over If he is absent, does that mean that she is very present, and what does he mean that she is very present? She is very self-centered, and therefore carries an information that she does not want men around. And this is what it is difficult for people to understand in bioneuroemotion, which has to do with polarity If I have chosen an absent husband, who is not around enough I have chosen this husband who does not want to be with me, therefore I want to be with me, I do not want to be with men Are you following, do you understand this? What about my feedback down here? Thank goodness we have feedback This is very important, the most important work of projection and immersion of thought, which I can assure you is a simple thing But for many people it is very complicated, because we fall into the trap of victimhood But I have a man like "such", but if you married him because he was like that Therefore if he is absent, you are very present, your presence is that you do not want absent men, you are not aware of it, of course. That is why you came to this consult Therefore, her husband behaviour is bothering her, because, obviously, she was allowing it Let's go to the 2nd part of Víctor's consult So, I want you to tell me, in what situations have you been able to continue repeating that pattern Of forcing yourself to, of being paralyzed and not responding, of having to deal with emotional states of people who do not take into account your emotions and needs And we can refer to other couples that you have had, we can go back in time, we are going to investigate, where you have integrated this pattern, and why you force yourself to, which is important. Okay, a partner I had comes to mind, but it's from far back, I don't think it has anything to do with it. Yes, but we are going to investigate in the same way, I want you to see everything from the outside I want you to see your pattern, so that you have the opportunity to react differently, when something similar happens to you, which is what it is about. The fact of seeing your story from the outside will make you think, "Do I want to continue doing this? Or do I really want to give myself the opportunity to function differently?" So, we will do two things, look at the pattern, and see where it originates, but for now, let's talk about that partner. Okay, well, she had a restaurant, and in the summer she had to be there, it was hers. It's hers, and I have my office hours from Monday to Friday, and on Saturday I have to go to the restaurant To be with her in the afternoob, because if not, she gets mad Okay, give me an example It is Sunday, I am with my friends in a bar socializing, and I know that she is working Note you are clearing your throat, note that the mere fact of being with some friends enjoying generates stress. "It's true." So I am having a great time, and I am overwhelmed, because I know that she is there waiting for me to go. And I go, and I find her very serious, and she says "Did you have a good time?", with a serious tone Well, yes, they are my friends, and I came to see you, and she doesn't answer and the turns her back on me and leave And what do you do at that moment? I stay frozen on the terrace Do you realize?, there is a pattern of paralysis in front of stress Notice, we have 2 scenes, in which there is a sacrifice theme You have to go to eat, in one it is a dinner with my friends, in the other it is my partner's restaurant The unconscious is represented on a metaphorical level, with scenes that can be repeated In both cases it is a woman, who has some power in the relationship you are in. That he has a responsibility, more than yours, a little more responsibility than you In both cases you need a leisure time And in both cases you judge yourself for having it We go further back in time, have you seen how easy? We are moving fast What we are going to try to understand is how you relate to what appears, and why you react like this So, let's go to childhood, we don't have to think much, a woman or a man, surely it will be a woman Sacrificing for the system, cooking, or fighting for the family, and you understanding that you have no right to enjoy, but you must help, collaborate, or emotionally support that person. You don't need much secrecy, you don't have to investigate too much here, does someone come to your head? "Well, of course" As you have seen, Victor is looking for different emotional environments to find that pattern of behavior The lady in question always lives in very stressful situations, in fact She acts as an intermediary between mom and dad, mom is very submissive, dad is very loud I won't say violent, but he's loud, so dad has a particular way of saying things, and she's always trying to calm the mood So she really lives putting out fires I repeat, she has a role to calm the environment, to calm situations, and this woman also complains about her boss But really she is also cheating on her boss, because she is doing a job that she does not like, and she wants to do another job. I want you to understand that when it is in emotional incoherence, obviously this emotional incoherence will be in front of us. The problem is that people are always feeling victims, I sound repetitive, but it is like that, it is as simple as that instead of asking, you point to yourself, and say: are you coherent? You are not really assertive, because you do not know what to answer, all with education of course And see what happens, also recognize that you don't like the job, and then you will complain that they don't pay you well, and that they force you to do things you don't want to do. When you force yourself to do things, when I say "I must of", "I have to", I am repressing those pulsations Therefore, she acts as an intermediary between mother and father, and obviously the belief that is created here is that she must fulfill obligations and cannot enjoy life. And notice that in their relationship, she comes to complement her father, looking for a partner who complements her mother. Ultimately, it is the reverse role, she has a masculine polarity, and her partner a feminine polarity, and they are always complementing each other. So here the feminine polarity is the one that has force, and she with the masculine polarity is repressing This is the story we are seeing, and the person finally realized that she was deceiving herself. That I really wanted to do other things, and there was nothing wrong with saying, for example, "hey dad, don't talk to mom like that" It's that simple, when you become aware, there is no more acrimony, no longer a bad attitude, there is no anger against mom or dad, there is no victim or perpetrator, in short This can hurt a lot of people, but it is that the day to day is living in paralysis, and the crisis that we are currently experiencing obviously implies reinventing ourselves Do everything possible, adjust, change projects, change locations, as we have done And ultimately, the changes, as I explain many times in my seminars Any crisis always contains a treasure. If I fall into the game of victimhood, complaining, etc. then we are all going to lose. There was a company that manufactured air filters And now with the crisis, if they sold 100 or 200, now they sell 1000 Crises must be taken advantage of, therefore we must reinvent ourselves, that does not mean that we do not have to claim our rights, and obviously fulfill our duties. In the end, there is what there is, I am adapting, before I traveled a lot, now I do not travel at all Before I had many people, there are not even 6 right now, here are 4 with me, therefore we stay within the law Very well, let's continue watching my video Now we are going to do something very important You move away from a person who attracts you, And now you are wondering, what attracted you from that person. And you are looking for independence, we already have 2 things, a person who is not at home or is always getting late, and a economic issue, those are the 2 main points, we are going to stick with the economic one The economy that gives independence, and a man who has a second life Okay, is that clear?, "Yes", and at a sexual level? "He demanded a lot of sex", he, he asked a lot of sex And a lot of sex, how many times a day?, "several times a day", And he was not at home most of the time At any time of the day is he was at home I mean, he asked you for sex several times a day, I'm going to ask you He would arrive at 2 am, and he wanted sex with you "Yes", and you were sleeping", Yes On the other hand, you did not sleep, you were stressed, thinking about what he was doing So notice, that to the unconscious, you have been at home for 16 years in a state of stress, apparently safe, until you heard the key in the door Therefore when we are going to have sex outside the home at your 53 years of age, on the other hand when you try to do it at home, see what happens Do you understand? That is very important, you are sentimental right now because you have just become aware, It's okay You must become aware of it And that cannot be explained. People sometimes ask me "What is awareness?", And I tell them, it's like you know what's going on and all of a sudden you click. It is as I was saying, if for you John and Peter are different for you, but because they are men for your unconscious they are the same and if there has been stress in an environment When the environment is repeated, or is similar, and your environment is home, and you put the "predator" at home, you close yourself Yes, it is like that Perfect, you have become aware, but now we are going to finish the story, is that okay? That you said is not yours, that has to come from the relationship of your parents, or your mother's parents Okay?, then... When you are little, 5, 6, 7, 8 years old, choose an age, but before you grow up If you want 9 years, ok, and you are looking for a scene for me, and you tell me what a stressful environment there is in your house That you know, not that you suppose, then I will ask you what you are based on Between dad and mom in those characteristics, sex, sometimes women talk and say things. If your dad was at home, and things like that... And what happened?, It's okay, I will tell you in a minute Look carefully, that the consultation was due to a libido issue She went to the doctor, and the doctor told her that there was vaginal dryness. And I asked her at one point determining How long ago did she know that man, and she tells me "5 years" And that when she began to have low libido, without wanting to have sex, that was when he decided to tell her that he wanted to live together And I was reluctant, until one day I agreed, and when we started living together at home, and we were going to have sex, there was vaginal dryness What is the biological meaning of vaginal dryness? Well, very simple, that the penis does not penetrate. Then she tells me that when they were having sex outside there was no problem, there was no vaginal dryness, Therefore stress is not the man, that is why I compare John and Peter to her, and the unconscious is timeless, it is innocent, And not John or Peter. There is a man at home, a man at home implies losing her independence, and I speak to her there is an economic issue and a subject of a man who is not at home The economic issue, she endured 16 years with that man, it does not mean that she did not work, and was creating a company, and when she believed that she had the company created and believed that she could live independently, he rejected her. Obviously, who was deceiving whom? Well, they were both deceiving each other, that is the great problem of the human being. That we are not aware of it And in the end her unconscious, She has an engram, she has a stress, that she is at home sleeping, and the husband arrives, and he wants to have sex, and she forces herself Therefore, there is a stress here, and she decides for a while that there is no man at home, she has economic independence, she has independence from men. Now you will see where that emotional environment is, do not worry, you are not going to leave with a "coitus interruptus", since we are talking about sex And as you have seen, that person becomes aware, has been moved In other words, it is not understanding, people ask me "What is awareness?" Well, it is very simple, you know things, and suddenly, you have seen it from another point of view Which means, most likely, that now this man will be at home, and there will be no problem, since she will have become aware, has changed her perceptions, and therefore can rewrite her story And the unconscious information that this lady carries is easy to understand She says her father used a wheelchair since he was born And the scene that I was asking her according to an age, she told me 8 years old She, her mother, and her sister are in the dining room, and the mother is complaining about having a man in the conditions her father was in, who cannot fend for himself, and has her tied up at home. And then on the part of the aunt, her grandfather was imprisoned during the civil war And when the grandfather came home, he was very ill, and the grandmother lived trapped with that man Not being able to live her life, and she just felt independent Therefore, the relevant aspects of this consultation, we see the relevant aspects of the unconscious The unconscious relates or associates a memory with the current situation, I have just explained it The time to spare at home, she feels trapped, and of beliefs, the man poses a danger, a stress She loses her independence if she wants to leave with a partner In fact, if I don't want to have a man at home, the solution to not having a man at home is not to have sex. This is why she suffers from vaginal dryness And above all, you have to earn money, to be free, to be independent Well, I am going to end with a phrase by Carl Gustav Jung, which would summarize everything that we have explained so far, and which is ultimately the essence of our work and which says the following: "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate" Thank you all very much
Channel: Enric Corbera
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Keywords: bienestar fisico y emocional, aprende a escuchar tu cuerpo enric corbera, enric corbera escucha tu cuerpo, aprende a escuchar tu cuerpo, Escucha tu cuerpo, escuchar a tu cuerpo, enric corbera bienestar, Escuchar mi cuerpo, escuchar al cuerpo, como aprender a escuchar tu cuerpo, tu cuerpo habla enric corbera, el cuerpo habla enric corbera, bienestar físico, enric corbera 2021, bienestar emocional, Bienestar físico mental y social, Enrique corbera, enric corbera
Id: LWeWviJJHoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 22sec (5482 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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