Las Claves de una mente abundante - Enric Corbera

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Hello. Hi. How are you? Hi. Well, coming to Argentina... Well, it's... It's like... Well, I won't say what it's like because I'm being recorded. YouTube will bleep it out. Let's not bleep. Thank you for being here. As always, a multitude of women. There are more and more men, that is important. Maybe women know they have to change the world. Not because they are better, but because they hold the power. They have been deceived for many years. Well, not years, centuries. Maybe millennia, right? The woman holds the great power to change society. OK. Today we are going to talk... The aim of the conference... If someone wonders why they hold the power, it's simple. Because they carry their children in the womb for nine months, the first years of life depend on women, the emotional state of the child is that of the mother and if the mother isn't well, neither is the child. If mom is sad, the child is sad. If the mother fights with the husband, the child fights with the husband, what can I say? The problem is that women do not know the power they have and men and women are educated differently. I always say that and I'll keep saying it because it is the key. When we educate... And I'm not talking about men and women anymore. If we educate boys and girls, male and female with the same rights and duties, we'll have a different society. But the one who sets things in motion and keeps them going, is the woman. because she is taught that children... Especially when women... That happens a lot in Argentina. In Argentina you have... We are already getting into the performance of the conference. Argentina is very unbalanced when it comes to male and female polarities. Let's see if you guess what energy dominates in Argentina. The mother. Argentina needs a father like it needs the air it breathes. So... That divides very easily. The imbalance in Argentina. I am talking to Argentina and I am also on Instagram. So: Hello, people of the world. There will be people from everywhere. Tell me, Tomy, where are you from? To go around meeting you. From Mexico, I'm sure. Don't worry, Tomy. Write it down later for me. Back to what we were saying. The aim of today's conference... I have talked about it for many years, but that doesn't mean it works like this. The goal is for you to become aware, for the world to become aware, that we have power, power that we cannot even imagine, and it is based on our mind. Many people ask: "Why is that power not in me?" We'll talk about that today. That power does not show in you because it is the mind. The mind has qualities. And one is: It isn't local. It means it is not dual. The mind is universal. Max Planck said it before, that behind the intelligence we all see there is a matrix that supports everything and it is intelligent. He calls it "the intelligent mind". Therefore, there is an intelligent mind that sustains the individual minds that each of us is. Is that clear? Therefore, we all live connected to this great mind. We can call that great consciousness universal consciousness that feeds these individual consciousnesses. This has its charm. It has its charm and it is very simple. It's about us experiencing a separation, but this experience is not true. This is very well explained in the Bible, for example, when we are banished from Heaven. It is a metaphor, an allegory. We cannot leave Heaven, obviously. But we can believe that we are out of Heaven. Think about that. We cannot be out of that universe but we can believe it. I mean, the Original Sin is not an original sin. It is an original thought. And the original thought is the following. If I think I am not, even if I am, I am not. You follow? So, we are so programmed in this separation and in that lack. And in that belief... I recommend you not to record me. I'm speaking to that lady. It's for a very simple reason. We're already recording. And we're making it top quality. It will be public. It is also being recorded here. About what we were talking about. We will lay the foundation for today's conference. Imagine that all of you, which is no imagination, but for now we are going to imagine. Imagine that all of you are connected to a field. In fact, we are all connected to a field. Our cell phone is connected to an information field. It's not hard to imagine these days. If I mentioned it in the Middle Ages, they would be burning me. But if we talk about it here, I am not saying anything that we don't see because right now, there is a load of information that if we want to access it, we create a code and we get it. That is just a rough copy of what is really real. Right? Our brains are receptive transmitters just like a cell phone. I mean, human beings cannot invent anything that is not possible. It cannot do anything that is not possible to do. Right? In fact, what we do is copying. When we are inspired. When someone says: "Eureka. I got it". It's something new. Right? Where does this come from? Where does information come from? If that information comes to me, why can there be no more? If you go online, you will die looking for information. Right? If this is a rough copy, imagine all the information that is yet to be discovered. But so we can download that information to our computer, to our personal mind, we have to be able to process the information. Following? Yes? Are you following me on that? It is important to feel that we can process that information. What prevents us from processing that information? Our limitations. Our boundaries. I mean, imagine. You have a 450-square-meter apartment. OK. 1000 square meters. No, 2000. Imagine an enormous apartment as big as the Pampa. Suddenly, you begin to put limits on it. You put limits. You narrow your mind. Are you following? And, in the end, you will forget everything you have. This is leaving Heaven. The ego, which governs the world of duality, the world of separation, and it really doesn't want us to lose our identities, or to lose our beliefs or to lose our limitations or boundaries. To make what I'm saying easier to understand, we copy that in the world we live in and we establish borders. There are no borders in the world. Except natural ones. We set borders. And we choose to set them. Not because we have to. But because our mind is divided. It is a separated mind and it is a mind that always lives in fear, in scarcity, etc. Am I being clear? And this is our reality. Therefore, within these limitations we could use Argentina as an example here. Here we could put Uruguay. It's smaller. They call it "the little country". The little country. Brazil would be there. But those limitations automatically need defenses. Defenses are our beliefs. We believe that we are better than others, we create differences, which is very important. We decide that they are like this and those are like that. Anyway, what can I tell you that you don't already know, right? But that's not enough for us. Within our picture, we create more differences. Then there are those on the right, those on the left. In the end everyone is the same. Those who promise this, those who promise that. In short, we create division. The more division we create in our mind, the poorer we are. It's that simple. It's that easy. I swear it's that simple. Do not make things difficult, they're not. The more divisions there are, the more we cling to an idea, "I support Boca", "I support River". OK, why not? But: with "I support Boca", "I support River", we fight. Terrible. Then, everybody is divided. I could focus on another place, but I am focusing on Argentina because I am in Argentina. I could use my country. It doesn't matter, wherever. In the end, we have to become aware of that. I thank you for what I do, and I thank you too. You are my manna. Yesterday I was in Corrientes with 2700 people in the room. Two thousand seven hundred people. I didn't cry because I said: "You'll cry later." But... I received affection and love. I thought: "If this is my resonance, I'm doing damned well." I have to thank you. One thing traveling has taught me is to make my mind more flexible. I mean, I don't stick to my guns, I try to find out about the country I am in, how they speak, how I have to communicate, how to immerse myself and I adapt. I'm at a stage that I don't see the differences that others see. I simply do not see them. Yes there are unique features everywhere in the whole world. That is normal. Argentinians speak one way, Uruguayans another, in Buenos Aires this way, in the north, that way. But, ultimately, variety is the spice of life. Can you imagine a garden with only daisies? What a shitty garden, right? But if there are lots of flowers in a garden... What the world does show is that unity is pluripotential. So, if I have a single drop of this unity, I am a pluripotential being. A drop of water has the same qualities as the ocean from which it is brought. Rumi, the great thinker from Turkey, of the Dervishes told us that only one person in a million can understand that the whole ocean is in a single drop. All that potentiality is within that drop that is us. I'm pretty sure that we don't have the ability to process that pluripotentiality, to process it ourselves. Our hardware and software potential just isn't good enough. Right? There are limitations. But having those limitations does not mean that we cannot live that pluripotential life. So, the big step that needs to be taken, The big step that needs to be taken is the most difficult of all. I think it is the only step to be taken. That is to stop believing what we think we are. Starting to unidentify ourselves. Argentinians are Argentinian and Chileans are Chilean, but Argentinians are Argentinian and Chileans are Chilean. So what? Great. Wonderful. Understand? And that's it, nothing happens. I speak like this, others like that. The problem is that I am green, another is black, the other is white... Right? When we leave the boundaries, when we omit the limitations that we impose on ourselves, the battlefields disappear automatically. Are you following me? It's as simple as that. And one of the things that really impoverish us, it may be be other one. The first one is the limitations and the consequence of this is believing that the solution to all my problems is in other people's hands. As in the solution is something external. I think that what happens to me and my life is an effect of external causes, but it's the other way around. So what is out there are the effects of our consciousness. So if we do not like what we have out there, It is so easy. If you cannot go forward, you will have to go backwards. That's how it is. If I can't get there, I'll have to go here. And this is when things get complex, because automatically when we make that thought inversion all our justifications, our beliefs, our values ​​arise. Because I know, it's my dad, it's my mom... And in Argentina, each one of you has a psychoanalyst within. It is a country of psychoanalysts. To say what the weather is like, you say: "If we look at the northern hemisphere and the cold southern current, it seems the water is cold in the Mar de Plata, but who knows... " No! Excuse me? We all know that. And I make jokes about this. I feel like another Argentinian laughing at myself. No problem. It is a way of turning things around. But everyone turns things around and we justify ourselves. This is another impediment. We believe our stories, our perceptions. We create stories and then we have to defend them. And if we have to defend them, from whom? From those who think differently from us. And one thing we don't know, and the secret of the universe is easy, if there is light, there must be darkness. Period. If someone thinks white, someone else will have to think black. And if there is Boca, there must be River. Because if Boca fails, River ceases to exist. It has no motivation. It is the same in Spain with Barcelona and Real Madrid. If Barcelona did not exist, they would have to invent it. Because the world we live in is a world of polarities, it is a world of change and therefore, of attraction and repulsion. Starting with the animals, following with the plants. Or starting with plants and ending with homo "unsapiens" and women "unsapiens" that we are all. "Unsapiens." Not sapiens. Therefore, the first thing we have to be aware of in the dual world and, as always, I do the same, I make a Winzip of the slides you'll see. You know that, right? I tell you: "You have seen this, you have seen this..." So... Here's an analogy to make it clear. The analogy is as follows. Einstein said there is only the field. It is the only thing that exists. The rest is not true. What should we understand by field? The field is pluripotential. Do we agree? If you want to cultivate something, you have to plant something. Right? So, the universal field... I move and the sun moves with me. The universal field is waiting for some seeds. And what seeds is it waiting for? Ours. So, our thoughts are seeds. If you think your thoughts don't go anywhere, you're mistaken. The universe is information. Right? If you think your thoughts don't go anywhere, you're mistaken. Very mistaken. In fact, Buddha already said it. "Not even your worst enemies can hurt you as much as your own thoughts." What's more, you can do a test. Think of someone you see as... You'll see how your body does something like that. Right? It's automatic. It is all quantum. So, start thinking. In the same way as we take care of our body... By the way, in Argentina you have a... Very good. You take care of you bodies. Everywhere you go. It's the same in Corrientes. Everybody jogs. In Corrientes it is normal for them to run. That's a bad joke. But it was too easy. And here too. Great. You have wonderful places to go for a run. I did it today. In those marshes on the waterfront. That is wonderful. I lost track of what I was talking about, but no problem. The most important thing is that our mind is a field. It is a field in itself. Do we agree with that? If you think something, it reverts back to you. But that field is connected to a larger field. And there is a channel of communication. Jungian psychoanalysts say that the channel is the unconscious, the hidden part of our psyche. Therefore, to access this universal field of consciousness, where everything is pluripotential, where our great power is, one of the things we have to start doing is to descend into that unconscious. Descending into unconsciousness is a word. Going to our unconscious. Our unconscious holds all the things we don't want to see. In fact, it maintains universal basic information. The archetypes, the Golden Shadow, after all, what we see in the movies. The ego already ensures that we don't go there, because what are you going to find there? What will you find? It's all bad. What is there is... It is full of demons. The point is people don't search. But you don't have to make any trips, nor go to the Himalayas, nor start meditating. Meditate, it's great, but it's not even that. It's very easy. If you want to know what you have in your unconscious, just look at people around you. And that's it. What you like is in your unconscious, so it is what you dislike about them. That's all. Don't overthink it. Don't overthink. The beliefs instilled in us, the things we have been told... It is all in there. Carl Gustav Jung called it simply "the Golden Shadow" because when you make your unconscious conscious, you take control of your destiny. That's when this channel really opens. Am I explaining myself well? I am talking like I'd do for teenagers. The channel opens and starts, not to defend more information, but to insert more information... Our software is sort of more prepared to receive more information. If we don't activate it... With the simple fact of doing that, we are already making the universe, that field, to send us information. To download information. In fact, John Kabat Zinn, one of the masters of mindfulness, said that the moment you open your conscience, changes in your life come automatically. So we no longer have to be prepared to... get things but if we open our conscience, that field will give us what is best for us. This is a very important step. It is as simple as: In the dual world, the ego will tell you what you need. In the dual world, the ego will tell you about rights and not much about duties. Are you following me? The ego is always complaining, comparing, regretting and saying other people are obviously always to blame. Who else otherwise? The problem is that others think exactly the same. You, change. You, change and so on. No. Notice that I am giving you a generic picture so you can reflect on your own stories and let's see if we all start laughing a little. It would be interesting to have a bit of fun. Laughing at ourselves helps to expand awareness. Is that clear? Are you getting warmed up? We've done a bit of exercise too so we get started and see what we get with all that. So, fasten your seatbelts, put your chair in the upright position, fold away your tray, we're about to take off and let's see if we manage to get 1000 people who think alike. Because if 1000 people surrender to the field of consciousness from what they see in their country, it will change. That's enough. The first thing we have to do is: "We do not know what is best for our country." It is the first thing we have to do. First, because it is almost scientific. What you think is best for your country does not work. It's useless. It's useless. You are on Groundhog Day. You always do the same, apply the same solutions to the same problems and you do the same thing. Maybe we should start thinking differently. And you know how you have to think? Don't think. Do not think. Let's tell the quantum field: "Man, I have no fucking idea." Because... We have done many things, but we are always doing the same. And your currency does not know whether to go up or down. This is crazy. When we ask how Argentina is. It's up. And now it has dropped a little. It goes up again. There is no way to invest a fucking thing, man. Because you invest for a while, then you win, then you lose... It brings you out in hives. That's why your minds are the way they are. That's why your minds are the way they are. You know the rise and fall issue is emotional, don't you? That's why your minds are the way they are. We are in Alcoholics Anonymous and first... The first thing we should say is: "We are alcoholics." And that is it. And we laugh for a while, right? Then we are calm. And we will resign ourselves. It's hard, but you have to try it. We will give up looking for solutions. Because it is clear that we do not know how. It is obvious. Yourselves, some leave, others come and want to look for others. But what are you doing? You are in a Ferris wheel, going round. It seems like you are moving, but no. Just go round. To go from one point to another, you have to go in a straight line. I don't know if you know that. OK. You have come here to do something very important. To take the software to vent it out, it takes some fresh air, because that's enough, isn't it? So, let's look for ideas. We will renounce our truths and values ​​and add instead. Let's add up. The sum you have to do is very simple. You don't have to go anywhere. You don't have to do anything. Except one thing. Love what you are doing. Do your best wherever you are. Do nothing more, nothing less. Do not regret. Because when you lament, you send regrets. Be thankful for what you have. It is fine to wish to be better. Of course it is. Moreover, I do this so everyone can improve. I will tell you a secret now. Your abundance has to be based on the abundance of others. Therefore, what we are doing here, right here, we are sharing to the world, a way of thinking and seeing things. It bothers many people, as I'm sure you know. It is normal. That bastard, that's me, is teaching those ones here how to do things. How are we going to control them if they learn to control themselves? Right? But I am not afraid. Because it's very clear. Your abundance has to be based on that of others. It's not about giving so that people can remain the same. I hope I'm being clear. So, I give you a hand to help you up, not for you to take the other one. Right? We must create responsible, mature people. You fall down, I pick you up. You fall twice, I'll pick you up twice. But if you fall three times, you stay. Maybe you like falling down. Then expect you expect me to pick you up. I am fed up. Are you following me? It's very simple. Today I am very inspired. I've been here for a while and I'm still on the first slide. You have to write something at least. In short, all that is written are thoughts and I'm developing those thoughts. You can't write all that, far from it. I'm here so you... Someone asked me in Corrientes: "If I change, what about the others?" I said: "You have not understood anything." It's not about changing myself for others. No. You do what you have to do. Where are you? Here. Something terrible, and I mean terrible, happened in my last class today. We were talking about closing circles and symbolic deaths. "What do you want to achieve?" And he says: "I want to change jobs." First question: "Is there a problem at your work?" He could not answer. I tell him: "I'm going to help you. Do you think you earn as much money as you deserve in your work?" He says: "Yes". "Does your job allow you to live with dignity?" "Yes". "Can you afford this course?" And he says: "Yes." "Man, you've got a great job!" And then I say: "So what's wrong with that job?" He says: "I don't like the project." "And what is the project?" I'm making it up: "Selling shoes." "Well, because of this, you can eat." Right? And that project... He says they had no project and I say they may sell something, don't they? He says: "Shoes." "Well that's a project, isn't it?" We never knew what happened to him. He has told me one thing. That's my point. "Be thankful for what you have and don't regret what you don't have, because you are going to have regrets." I say: "You are looking for something you don't have." Something you don't have. You can have all the desires in the world but, for now, leave this quantum field that leads to this or something better. You follow? It is very clear. Having nedds and desires is a very human thing. Then there are attachments, expectations, and all attachments and expectations are still limitations. Look, I would never have imagined that I would be doing what I do. I receive a lot of strength from you. Google tells me that the videos we make here have 68 million views. Not including repetitions. There are 68 million people who pay attention to me. And where do you think all this is going to? You follow? This is abundance. Understand? This is abundance. It is not having much money. This is having a lot of money. I know millionaires who are poor. And I know people who have little who are millionaires. You follow? Being abundant is not having a lot of something. Being abundant is knowing that you are connected to the source and that you will never need anything. Because this source, listen carefully, this source is giving you life. There is a major gardener. A universal conscience. Why will the damned gardener stop giving us that? We can only prevent ourselves from receiving that abundance with our shortcomings. "A Course in Miracles" states that you have everything, but you might think you don't. And if you think you don't have it, you turn yourself off. That field, that intelligence, is not intrusive. It will not come into your house and tell you: "Eat!" No. If you don't want to eat, don't eat. Do you feel guilty? A serving of punishment. Do you feel lonely? Loneliness. You feel sad? Sadness. If you ask, you shall receive. Ask and you shall receive. And if you don't know what you are asking for, look at what you are receiving. It is as simple as that. When did I think I had to break a leg? Easy. When you forced yourself to go somewhere you didn't want to go. And the quantum field says: "Don't worry." Bang! It kicks your ass. Broken leg. Now you can't walk. Now you have an excuse not to go. The quantum field is a great facilitator. As it is not non-dual, there is one thing it cannot understand. The double meaning of things. Right? That is why the Lord said we must be like children. Saying yes as yes. Not yes as no. The quantum field says: "Well, look." You follow? It's as simple as that. Therefore, our mind is a garden. Our thoughts are the seeds. Our actions and our movements, water. And the sun and energy are our emotions. Therefore, it is no longer about thinking. It's about what emotion. The sauce I put on this thought. It is not words that really insult. It is about the emotions that I put in the words. It is the feeling I put on things. We have a bad habit. We are addicted. We think and think and think... Someone worked out we thought I don't know how many thoughts per minute or per day, who cares? It's not the frequency of our thoughts, it's that it's the same thought. And then we don't understand why things repeat themselves. What have I done? I have bad karma. I've been sent a cross to bear. What was I be thinking? Well, you weren't thinking. You know how it goes. One of the most beautiful exercises that can be done is to observe things, realize how we make judgments, but we won't pay attention to them. And you'll say: "You idiot. You are criticizing such and such". But you laugh. In other words, it's like you are watching a TV show, and the commercials are coming on and you go like... But if you pay attention to them, they come alive in your mind. Everything you pay attention to comes to life in your mind. Rulers know it very well. Therefore, when we give light, darkness grows automatically. It works like that. In a dual world, it works like this. But once you know, if you don't get angry in that darkness, if you don't fight that darkness... Let's see if you can understand that. I'm making an effort, you know? If you can avoid fighting that darkness... I'll explain it simply for you. Political party A. And political party B. If I don't attack that darkness, I am not feeding her. Therefore, strengths and polarities are fed with my mind, my attention. Are you three getting into it? I'm going to tell you something. Everything is an illusion and a lie. We play the game of A and B, but losing it just for that, come on. It is a moron's game. Do you understand me? It's very simple. It is the middle path. The two polarities are important. When we know how to manage, when you stop attacking this, when you stop judging this, it automatically loses its strength. Right? And then, in the end, the positions approach and solutions are found for everyone. Is that OK? It is not that complicated. It is not a secret. You don't have to go up and down the Himalayas. No. It's easy. Is it becoming clear? The UN states in its articles: "Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed" and from this, I extrapolate: "If poverty is in the minds of men, it is there where abundance must be installed." That's what we're doing now. Very good. Let's continue. Before speaking, to start integrating polarities, people are afraid of crises. It is the best thing that can happen! Oh, the crisis! No, no, no! Albert Einstein wrote about crises. I have taken some phrases from him. People say he didn't actually say it, but Einstein said many things. People attribute a lot to him. "Who said it? No idea. Einstein then." He is a resource we have. Albert Einstein. It was someone else, but it is better to say Albert Einstein said it. I don't know if he said it or not. Some say yes, some maybe not. But it doesn't matter. Whoever said it was a good thinker, thought it well. What you see in the definition of crises is explaining the polarity. Everyone wants to earn a lot of money, not work much, have a good car, well-paved roads, well-lit, anyway... All that. I think it's very noble. But of course... If we do this, we will die. Because we live in a polar world, it has to change. How does nature work? Nature dies, is reborn, has stages, such and such. It recovers. You know? It is always on the move. We live in a polar world. If there's no movement, there's no life. Right? The great empires fell when they stopped conquering, fighting and growing because, in short, the human being... Being a nonconformist is nothing negative. Nonconformity is still a force that pushes you to other things. If we use nonconformity and we make the ego our boss, we have problems. Crises are important. I know some people are not sure about that. No need to tell me that, I know it. Those who feel like that, let them... But crises are wonderful opportunities to change. For example, a marriage crisis. They are very healthy, they are very good, because when you hit a crisis as a couple, there are very hard moments. But when peace comes, you say: "Let's see when another one comes." Let's see when it comes, because the moment of peace was worth it. This is important. The crisis unlocks you, it pull you out of that apparent comfort. We cannot live in comfort. We cannot live in comfort. I've realized that. People tell me: "You can't be still." And I tell them that energy is in movement. Yesterday I woke up at 3 a.m. to go to Corrientes, I arrived and they gave me a surprise in an institute which was impressive, in a school. I arrived at the conference, I arrived at the hotel at 12 midnight. At 6:44 I woke up feeling great, at 9:00 I was teaching and at 1 p.m. I went for a run along the waterfront. Then I focused on that and now I'm here. And tomorrow morning... At 9 in the morning, or 9:30, I start teaching again. You follow? "Don't you get tired?" And I say: "Excuse me?" Well, the body does but you recover. Because it is a state of mind. Do you follow? If you do: "Wow. Now I have to go to Corrientes. Why the heck I have to go to Corrientes?" I will get there exhausted. You follow? When I arrived in Corrientes and saw what I saw, I thought: "Damn, man, you're moving so much." They had to take me out from there. They kidnapped me. Two guys came, they grabbed me and they took me out roughly, because if the crowd had caught me, I would have missed the plane. There were some women who just wouldn't let me go. I arrived and my wife was tired. She said: "How are you?" I said: "Where do I start?" I was so tired that I couldn't sleep. But I did fall asleep and I woke up feeling great. That's what it tells me that this is the key. Doing what I do, so when I leave this talk, I can say I have explained this in the best way possible. Period. Let everyone else do whatever they want. Let's review those reflections on the crisis, they are important. "Without crises there are no challenges, without them, life is a routine, a slow agony." Without crises there are no merits, obviously. "It is in crises where the best of us all emerges, because without crisis, every wind is a caress." "Creativity is born from anguish as the day is born from the dark night." We, as an institution, have had very dark nights. And we have come out much stronger. Your nation, your country is a catalyst for us. It's a gift. We hope to be a gift for you too. Because that goes hand in hand, as always. But in the end, you don't do things to expect merit and recognition. You do things because you love what you are doing. Recognition and merit will come if it has to come. But when it comes, all you have to say is "thank you." If you are here, it is because you have to be. Let's see what we do. Is that clear? Therefore, bless the crises. But when we have a crisis, let's not apply the same solutions because there'll be another crisis in a while. Very good. Let's talk about abundance. Let's start. Abundance, as I have explained, is a state of consciousness. It is not having a million dollars in the bank. That's having a million dollars, period. Some people have that in the bank and fear losing it. They're terrified all day: "What if I lose it?" "Oh, the shares go up, now down..." You get me, right? In the end, that is having money. An abundant person is one who must create abundance. Right? The owner of Virgin said that doing good is a good business. He was very clear. He said that when you have to start a business, you must do it so people can make a living, live with dignity and do great things. Businesses are to make money, but not to speculate on money, not even with the workers. Everything fair, everything in its moment and that's it. We do that. There is a very important rule, which I didn't invent myself, which is older than the explosion, by which I mean the Big Bang. What is called the law of tithing. It is very pagan too. The Church was in charge of demonizing pagans who are those that were connected with the real spirit. Paganism knows that if you take, you have to give. You always have to give where you take. If you receive 100 from the world, you have to return 10 to the world. The law of tithing. That is what we are doing here and what you are doing. I don't know if it is 10% or 1%, that's your business. But the contribution you make here makes it possible to create all of this, a high-quality recording that can be spread to the world and reach people like those in Corrientes. Right? In Corrientes, people were very, very, very poor. They kept telling me: "Thanks for the videos because they saved my life." I could cry now. Because... You don't go around the world looking for applause. But, in the end, the universe and the quantum field cannot be indebted. They cannot be indebted to us. Nor can we be indebted to them. That is why the righteous will enter the kingdom of heaven. It's another metaphor. The righteous are those in the middle. Account settled. I neither owe you nor you owe me. Is it becoming clear? So, a law of tithing is a very... It's like a safeguard. I am receiving, I have to return. You can return where you think you have to return. Contributing to a project, whatever, helping with something... But it's like you give something back to the world. Is this clear? Look closely. It is 10%. The 10. Therefore, of all the wealth in a country, only 10% should go back to the most needy people. Not 80%. Because that impoverishes a country. Right? And it not only impoverishes a country, because when we create people who only depend on that tithe, we make people who are stifled, they don't move, they're immobilized. It's like the boy who is at home and his mother, who we saw today in class... The child does not study, does not work. Nothing at all. Of course, as he is 19 years old, he lives in an apartment and mom gives him the money because the boy is 19 years old. Mom thinks he wants it anyway. And this guy will become what he is already. Emotionally immature, a fool and a lazy bastard. Understand? Helping him to study? Yes. If he does not revise? Get to work, son. That's it. Period. And if you want to study, you'll pay for it when you're older. So you know how much a dollar is worth. Therefore, abundance is a state of consciousness. And as I told you before, it is being connected with that whole. If there's one thing to remember: We are energy, we are information, we vibrate. That's basically it. My energy, my information, my vibration. There you are. There you go. Moving on. When you really leave the awareness of "I want" and you become aware of "I already have", and if you don't know what you have, make yourself a list. And start: Do I have food to eat? Yes. Do I have a bed to sleep in? Yes. Do I have a house to live in? Yes. Do I have a "pololo" to "pololear" with? That's a Chilean word. Yes. I love the word "pololear". It is a wonderful word. "Pololear"... Can I study? Yes. You have more than thousands, millions of people. "But I want a better car." Everything will arrive in due time. Let me prepare it for you. We want everything right now, etc. Are you following me? The parents of this country... The parents of three or four generations ago, they came with one hand in front and one behind. Right? And they created this great country and someone has come and they are fucking it up. But if you spit on the ground, a tree comes out. You've watered it already. The seed was missing something. You have the best country to have a railway system and it was cancelled. In Europe we make trains and tunnels where we have hills, slopes, bridges... Here, it's like this... All the way to Calafate. Making a fast train line here is the easiest thing in the world. You just have to put rails down. There is nothing to flatten. Everything is already like that. All straight. You say: "Let's go to Corrientes." "There are no curves." "Five kilometers away there is one. One that turns like this." I say: "A train would be great here." These are just some observations. Let everyone do what they want. So, to live in the wanting is to live in the lacking. Live in the having. I'm telling you what should to do. You do whatever you want. When I leave, I will say: "I have already said it." I am a spokesman, a messenger. I have already said it. So do not live in the wanting. Do not live in need. Let life manifest itself in your lives with abundance. I am hugely abundant. I am abundant in many things. Of love. You see? I have the opportunity to travel. I get paid for it. I get invited to places: "Mr. Corbera has to come." Well, I'm going then. You know I travel with my wife, to be clear. Everybody knows that. I go with my wife, period. They put me in the best hotel, on the best plane. I say: "Thank you." Thank you. And thanks. Right? It's that easy. It is as important as that. I would never have thought that I would experience all this. I loved what I was doing, it was obvious. I started with 20 and said the same thing. Now, I am with a thousand people and I say the same thing. I explain it with more wisdom, because I am now wiser. It comes with time and gray hair. Therefore, energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is transformed. Another law of the universe. OK? What is money? Energy. Energy. Right? Money is neither good nor bad. It is energy. Therefore, when we decide... Listen carefully to what I say, because this is key. And, especially important for Christian minds. Not for the Jewish ones though. They already know it. The pro Christians, the spiritual Christians, have set a limitation. If it is spiritual, it should not cost money. And if it is not spiritual, it has to cost money. Therefore, sleeping in a five-star room at the Hilton is not spiritual. Some morons want it to be, but it is not spiritual. Is being spiritual sleeping on the street or what? Then, something happens. It is a polarization. Do you see it? Where will the money go? To all the things that we consider not to be spiritual. Right? A guy told me: "Enric, in your courses... If this is spiritual, you should not charge." Alright. "But do not worry. I will tell the secretaries that I have at the institute and those who record the videos to talk to that man, who is very spiritual, and who has told me we cannot pay. Not at all because, in that case, it is not spiritual. When I catch a plane, I will say the same thing: "Hey, I do a spiritual job. You shouldn't charge me. You'll pay for my ticket, right? And the hotel. And my meals. And the salary of the guys who work here. And they eat, the bastards." Right? Companies exist to generate energy. And that energy must be transformed. That allows us to be here. Can you imagine that after this bullshit...? I'm coming from Chile now! I have to get at least a room that feels like home, don't I? I don't demand much either. Clean, soft, where I can sleep. And if there is a little fridge with a whiskey, I'll drink it too. Well, I don't actually drink that. I only drink water and wine. Because wine is the most sacred thing that exists. Never forget that. You can laugh, laugh... The wine has a power. But if it is... If we return to the quantum field and we make the wine sacred, what will it do? Let those assholes make wine. And everybody making wines... And which one better. There are some incredible wines out there. This is abundance. You follow? Is that clear? If you can have a good wine, even if it costs you ten dollars, drink it and give thanks to life for having a great wine from Mendoza or wherever. Why not? My wife and I do it every night. We sit down and make "a toast to life." Why toast for anything else? Because we are here for life. Period. Hey boss. Good. I have already explained that. Energy is transformed, there are life cycles, etc. So, changes are important. And one thing you mustn't forget: Everything that begins, ends. Thank God, right? So we must think that is how things are. We are here in passing, and since we are here, we can ask ourselves what seed we contribute to the world to make it a better world. This is what it is to be abundant. An abundant mind is seen through health, in relationships, at work... in short, it is seen in everything. David R. Hawkins defined success in a book called "Success is for you". He says success is to carry out a mission and make that mission manifest in the world. I am a successful man then. Because there is a change in the world. People change. People tell me about it. And there we are. At least, this is success. Taking something and making it work in the world. Like with Apple. Steve Jobs is a successful man. He brought something important to the world as well as many others. You could make a huge list. Scientists, when they have an idea... In fact, they discover an idea when they don't think. When I start writing a book, I write it quickly. "How did you think about it?" And I say: "If I thought..." I wouldn't have written it. It's like the information just comes to you. My wife says: "I'm going to the store, I'll be right back." It's 8 a.m. She comes back at 2 p.m. and says: "Haven't you moved?" "What time is it?". "It's 2 p.m." I feel like barely an hour had passed. You enter another state. You connect with that quantum field. I get there and say: "Holy Spirit, what do we have to write?" Then we start. First, they give me the title. Interesting. But we have to put something else underneath that. And we started writing. Ideas just come. At first, I can't see if they are in order or make sense. After a while, I see what I'm writing is catching on and I say: "Man, look how well this author writes." It's not me, right? That's how it works. And you have time for everything. Because it's simple. Wherever you are, only concentrate on the one thing you are doing. That is an abundance of time. And time goes... Are you stressed? Do you understand? Good. Perfect. The dollar. The dollar god. "A man is rich in proportion to the amount of things he can do without." There's the difference between being rich and poor. There are people who have a lot and feel they must have more. And there are people who say: "Well, if it's here, it's fine." What can you do without? If we have to live, the truth is we could live with little and with dignity. Here's a phrase to reflect on: What is scarcity? If we're working with a polarity, we have to go to the other side. We have to talk about the other. We go in parts. So, scarcity. A definition I really like is this: "Scarcity is defined as having less than what is perceived as necessary." Remember what we said about abundance. "A man is rich in proportion to the amount of things he can do without." And scarcity is quite the opposite. Less than what is perceived as necessary. So that creates need. I have things, but I want more. I want more and that need hurts our cognitive control and ability to plan. Not only that, but a mentality of scarcity puts our mind into tunnel vision. With tunnel vision, you lose your peripherals. It's like you stay focused on scarcity, on not having things and you only see the problem. It is stress. When we are stressed, we are in a mindset of scarcity. When you're stressed, "I won't make it, I can't". That's what the mind does. I don't know if you have noticed when you are stressed. "I have to hand that work in. Man, I have to hand it in! No ideas are coming to me, they aren't coming to me." You have one day left and you say: "You know what? To hell with this assignment." And suddenly... Right? That's how it is. Because that stress is fear. Oh, what will happen? Oh, I won't hand it in. Oh, no! That's how it is. When really... I taught my children that. I told them to be calm. Entering the quantum mind is very easy. You just get there and surrender. You surrender. OK. What are we going to do? Is nothing happening? I'll have a coffee. And I have a coffee. Calmly. Without getting nervous. I've got so used to that, it allows me to do many things in a short time. For instance, I have no clue what we will do next week. We have to go to many places, workshps... "Next week? And when will you prepare it?" A little while before. I look at it... I got the presentation, I opened it about 3:00. I said to myself: "I'm sleepy." So, I slept for a while. You have to rest. And then I said: "20 minutes is enough." After 20 minutes... Clear mind and everything. I got going with it, I had a look at it and... All this talk poured in. In half an hour I already had it all. "To hell with this, I'm done. I could have slept more." I had plenty of time. I've become distracted by other stuff. I have time for everything. I did not start writing because I was feeling lazy. You also have to be lazy sometimes. Is it becoming clear? The great virus that stops you from doing that is belief in control. It is bullshit. Nothing can be controlled. And if you want to control it, it will cause you stress. Do you know why? As much as you try to control, what you want will never happen. Do not control, leave control to the field. Do you remember how I started? Leave control to the field. Hey, do I have to do that? Now, tell me how... And go to sleep. Or to have a glass of wine. Calmly. Well, I was going to say in the cool of the night, but you better not go out here, because you will freeze. From the hemisphere I come from, we have the coolness of the night. Because there it's 28 or 30 degrees and, at night, at 18. It's great. But not here. Here we have to go inside to get warm. It that clear? Let's continue. A mind of scarcity settles in the imbalance of rights and duties, between complaints and obligations. Sound familiar? You like to complain. Oh, it's just that this. Oh, it's just that that. Don't! It is unbalanced. A mind of scarcity expects life to be solved. And what do you expect? "Someone else to fix the problem." I am poor. I only need a house. You go to Yankee land, which is your polarity, the other. And you are well counterbalanced. Over there you say: "Hey, I'm poor." So, work. And the guy answers: "But I've worked so much". I have to get the United States visa to work there. As we provide ideas, they tell us: "Go ahead". I got lost in the forest... "Go back". Do you follow? You should import a Trump here, just for a while. To create a real crisis. Yes. I don't know if what I'm going to say is true. The source that said it to me is reliable. Trump has bought all their water from Argentina. He buys everything. He buys everything. He told a country that if they didn't buy something... A mess. That is excess energy. The world will have to start balancing those stories. It is true that in the United States, if you fulfill your duties, you have your rights. Period. There, people have to work non-stop. Immigrants who are there have two jobs. One to live and another in case they get sick... In America, there are many miracles because people heal quickly before getting too sick. If you have to fill a tooth, it costs like 800 dollars. Hey, it's a filling. "100 dollars for speaking." It's funny that. I do not criticize them. If I had to be somewhere, I would stay there. I have a lot of American energy. It particularly suits me. I'm not saying it is better or worse. It just works for me. In the United States, everything happens in advance. Do you want a coffee? It's that much. The coffee? It's that much. It is like that. We were in a hotel. It was Saturday and I was carrying my American Express and I say: "Take mine. See if it works." They looked if it worked and they charged it. I thought everything was done, so they could relax. That's how it is. It is neither good nor bad. You have to experience the polarities. I want to explain that. When there are extreme polarities, there must be extreme opposite polarities. Do you understand that? Stay with that. This is how the world works. Things are neither better nor worse. They are perfect. So, we must find that point of balance. The mind of scarcity is waiting, always looking for help, It is a mind that does not move, it is in a permanent state of complaint. What I tell you all here? You have a country of contrasts. Perhaps it is the richest country in the world. Not just land, but landscapes and other things. But I don't know what the hell you do. There should be a high-speed train from the middle of nowhere to everywhere else. Do you follow? There would be much more tourism. It is like that. Should we go to Calafate or Valdés? Let's go to the Valdés Peninsula. Do you want to go to Calafate later? You have to go back to Buenos Aires. Then you have to go to Calafate. Now I want to go to Ushuaia. Man, back to Buenos Aires and then Ushuaia. Do you realize how much gas you're using? Of course, Buenos Aires airport is chaos. It is a crazy house. Are you in Corrientes? It looks like an American West airport. You get there... What are we waiting for? The plane. There is no plane. We are waiting for the plane. And you say: "This is an hour and a half flight from Buenos Aires." There is something wrong here. It is an observation. Do whatever you want. It’s like that, right? You have a country of contrasts. But there are very contrasted contrasts. It seems wonderful to me that there are contrasts. Because you have a spectacular country. Everyone says it in Europe. Go to Argentina before you die. Maybe because it is full of Europeans. And that may be an attraction point... I know many people who say: "I have to go to Argentina even if it's the last thing I ever do." So let's all come to Argentina. As you can imagine, I love Argentina. I don't need to say it. So... If not, I wouldn't be here saying that. "Scarcity is based on the belief in separation." It is the dual mind. You have something, I don't. If you have something, I don't and I fear it. If you have, I don't want to give. If I give you, you have and I don't... In short, living in lack is to live in... In fact, abundance is not about getting rid of money and showing off about having a lot of money. I hope I'm explaining myself. Everything needs its balance. You have to think and do the right thing. In short, provide wealth and make things better and create a fairer, more balanced society. At least, a society where everyone has opportunities. That is the minimum. Okay? This is by Sendhil Mullainathan or whatever his name is. I will read literally. It is a reflection. He says: "Scarcity captures the mind." Why? Because there is stress. "The mind orients itself automatically and powerfully toward unfulfilled needs." Let's go slowly. "For the hungry, the need is food. For busy people, it's a project to finish." For those with little cash, it's the next payment. For the loner, the lack of company. Scarcity changes the way of thinking and prevails in the mind." It really blocks our mind. Therefore, to feel abundant, it is not necessary to have money. It is a consciousness. Consciousness... I said it at the start and I repeat it. It is a phrase from "A Course in Miracles". In the universe there is only abundance, both for vain things as for holy things, there is always abundance. And we will receive that abundance based on our conscience. Right? So, if we are here, there is a reason for being, there is an energy. We are soul, we are information. And we are connected to this gardener who feeds us. The Lord said: "Why do you worry about tomorrow?" Me having to say this 2,000 years later, I'll do it anyway. I won't say it like him, but the meaning is the same. Why do you worry about the future? Does God in Heaven not take care of the birds that fly and the lilies of the field? How can he not take care of you? You are his greatest creation. I believed it. And I believed it unquestioningly. Many years ago I told myself... I woke up one day... That must be the day I became enlightened. In the figurative sense. To think like this is to become a bit enlightened. And I said: "Let's see, Enric. Do you know what you want to do with your damned life? " Answer: "No." "Well, we have to do something." "You are right". -And what do we do? -Well, we don't do anything. -Are you sure? -Yes. -But we have to do something. -Nothing. And then, the energy we have and all that. That is given to us. That is given to us. It is a right we have. Life cannot be given for not being used. Think about that phrase. Think about that phrase. Life is not given to us for us not to use it. Next question. How do we use life? No damned idea. So then, what? The one who has given it to me... ...sod him. And if it's possible, I would like to earn certain salary, but you take care of work, I want a vacation and I'd also like to travel a little. I didn't tell him how much and I'm traveling all day. That's how it was. That's how it was. You follow? And I say it laughing, as a joke, but I say it very seriously. I say it very seriously. Where do we start? -Where are you? -I am sweeping. Well, keep sweeping then. -I'm cooking. -Keep cooking. -I am a secretary. -Do secretary work. -I am a doctor. -Be a doctor. What shall I do? God sends patients to me. What do you do? Do you wash the dishes? Or clean the dishes? It is consciousness. This is the abundant mind. I give you my word of honor. If you think like this, you won't need to worry in the future. Never. Absolutely never. You will always have what you need. Forever. The importance of thought and beliefs. I'm having a great time. We are not doing badly. We are not aware of the power of our thoughts. Together, with our beliefs, not only do they create our life, but we can move mountains. I would never have thought I would get to talk to the people I've talked to. Well, rather, they want to hear me. So, I speak. If they don't like what I tell them, I tell them: "You called me". I don't convince them of anything. You call me, I speak. You don't like it? No problem. Goodbye. Do you like it? I'll keep talking then. Right? I don't understand why people get angry. Did I call you? Did I promise you anything? We are all adults. If you have come it's because you want to. Or don't you? An, I was thinking... We are masters of own our destiny because we have the power to control our thoughts and beliefs. If you recall, at the start, I said we can get rid of the burden that are our beliefs, our values ​​and our truths. They are not truths. They are beliefs. But beliefs are useless. In the end, we have to change them. When someone tells me "I believe in God," that person does not know God. Those who need to believe, do not know. Those who believe something, do not know. When you know, you don't believe. You know. It's as simple as that. -I think this is the best. -You have no idea. Unless you experienced it. But then you wouldn't say "I think". You'd say: "I know from experience that by doing this, you can achieve it. I'm not saying it's the only way to get it. But I assure you that if we do this, we will achieve that. Surely there is a better way. And faster. But I don't believe it, I know it." -How do you get to Puerto Madero? -I think... I think to get to Puerto Madero... You know what? I will ask someone else. As I believe, I need a belief in my image and likeness. You follow? And when I make an idea in my image and likeness, I have to defend it, so, I am in scarcity. We have started here and we end up in the same place. Is it becoming clear? Let's continue. Language describes, communicates and it also creates and generates. Our thoughts and words create our behaviors and our behaviors ultimately create our destiny. We have to take care of our thoughts and words because we think it means nothing but it is written and the word becomes flesh. It is written. When you write something, if you want to describe it, you have to do the same but describing it. Everything that is done has to be undone. I use all that at a more practical level, as you can see. Watch how you communicate. What words do you use? Whom to? What do you say? Observe how we think. Which people do you project your change in? People endure situations and do not move, they immobilize, because they always expect others to change. Are your dialogues serving you? What you think? "Oh, he is the father of my children." The father of your children who beats you up, who kicks you. "Oh, Lord, what a cross you have given me." It's not a cross, idiot! Oh, what a sacrifice, Lord! I promise to put up with this man because you sent him to me." I sent it to you because you asked for it, fucking hell. That's how it is. If you don't like him, get rid of him, I'll send you another one. "No, Lord. Don't send me more men, they are very bad." Look for bad men for her. Come on, bad men for her. Ask and you will receive, but watch what you ask for. And we ask with those things. We think. We sow. And we feed. And that bears fruit. It was explained once by... Today I am in a very... A very ecclesiastical mood. I'm talking about the sower. Do you remember the parable of the sower? He dropped some seeds on the stones, other's on the path and others on the ground. This is what it means. Watch where you put your thoughts because if not, you will... you will harvest shit instead of tomatoes, so be careful. Watch how you communicate. One of the keys... I give you so many key points, see? One of the keys to find out what you sow in the quantum field it is the inner dialogue you have. How you communicate. We work on that in our workshops. And people are very surprised. Of course, I am... -Why don't you finish your studies? -I don't know. It turns out that the dialogue is "I'm too old" or whatever, "I've wasted my time" or "I'm too old." And you get older and then you are old. Today a woman told me: "I have not finished my studies. I think I am too old". I asked her: "How old are you?" He said: "39". And I told her: "I don't believe you." -Why? -Because I started studying at 44. I was older than you are now and I finished them all. Don't tell me you can't do something because you are too old. As you grow as old as me, you can finish a degree. You are ahead of me. From 39 to 44 there are five years. You can easily do a degree. And when you are my age, you can do another one. OK? Look for your limitations. Because I promise you that this is what feeds... The monkey who makes badges, I say. -What are you making? -Badges. -Why do you make badges? -Because my superior says so. So he makes badges. And then you complain: "Why do I have to do so many badges? What have I done to deserve to be a badge maker?" You are the badge maker. Very good. We invent stories, we hold them and forget that we've invented them. Why did I get divorced? We ask that question at the practice. As everyone is getting divorced lately. Well, not everyone. Many people get divorced. It is the most fun question to ask an Argentinian. They have the most answers. They are world champions. They will not win the World Cup, but they win at this. They tell you some stories. "It's because..." When they go like this, you've already screwed up. Because with the "it's that", they can waste two and a half minutes. What the hell are they going to tell me now? "I've just asked the reason why you got divorced. That's all." "No, it's because his mother,... Then it turns out my father or I don't know what. At that time my mother died. We didn't communicate with each other." -And what did you not say? -I just didn't love him anymore. And what happened? Listen, this is not a psychoanalysis session. I'm not going to see you again. Finally, she said: "It's because mom was home, the mother-in-law." That is clear now, right? "When my mother-in-law came home, my husband became an idiot. Well, no. An asshole. Then I thought, what am I doing with him? So I got divorced." We have understood that. And what have you learned? If he is a moron, so are you. Birds of a feather flock together. Different polarities but it is always the same thing. They're all of the same caliber. When you know the drill, you know what you have to do and what not. Let's not justify ourselves, nor repeat our past situations, but let's open ourselves up to other experiences. Life is experimenting. It is clear? Our life stories are supported by interpretations and when we identify them, when we realize that we are interpreting, we acquire emotional freedom and our mind becomes clear to take in whatever is required. What are your beliefs? I have chosen three or four about money, as an example. "It is impossible to earn money honestly." This is very Catholic. There is the belief if you have money, you can't get into damn Heaven. There is a very easy trick, which is as follows. I'm rich, I'm going to die and before I die, I give my money to the Church and die poor. And that's it. It was like that. For Jewish people it's not like that. For them, earning money is honoring God. After all, these are beliefs. I pick the Jewish one. Each of you... I am non-denominational... This interests me, this does not interest me. That's all. Money makes people dirty." That depends on everyone's conscience. "Money does not grow on trees." One day I discovered it does. It's true. They bear fruit, you sell it and get money. And "it is very difficult to change". It's the best excuse in the world. "Changing is very difficult." No, changing is not very difficult. You don't want to change because you support yourself on your beliefs and your truths and you won't let go. If you give it all up... "Who am I going to become then? When you get rid of what you think you are, you will know who you are. Believing in something makes you small. Right? Some people believe many things. I am here, I am there... Look, I am a child of God. You know? It is the specialism of... The ego... Scarcity will always make deals. You have to do this or the other, don't do this, don't do the other. The ego will always complicate your life and God or universal intelligence will tell you "live and let live". Period. "Don't worry. Do what you have to do. Every day, follow your desire and don't worry about it." The ability to persevere. One of the best qualities of life is perseverance. So, perseverance. Whoever pursues it gets it. This is very clear. Some examples. Perseverance... These are ideas from several places. "It consists of accepting defeat only as something temporary. If you want faster results, raise your certainty and your conviction. Cursing, condemning, judging the present only makes it last. Whatever you resist, persists." Let's move on. "Every adversity and every failure..." "Every adversity and every failure carry the beginnings of a benefit." We should really bless the difficulties because they are the catalyst to showing our abilities. Right? When there is a difficulty, we have to sharpen our ingenuity to solve the difficulty and prove what we are capable of. Is that clear? "The ideal mental state must be conviction and not hope or longing." Conviction is so simple. Like I told you before, it's certainty. "A Course in Miracles" calls it certainty. Be assured that if I am here and an energy sustains me, I'm not here because... I've been pooped. No! I am here for a reason. Right? "If we show excellence in the world," we have already said this, "we won't have to worry about money at all." I assure you that. Do your job well. I've been to places where I'd rather die than eat. They say: "Come here." And you say: "Here?". "Come here". You sit down and go "delicious, man". It goes like that. If you manifest excellence in everything you do, you will never lack work or money. That's how it is. You have to pay more attention to duties. There are people who complain and say, "in my work there are many problems". I tell them: "Blessed are the problems at work because they give you work. You dummy. If the boss has problems, he'll look for someone to solve them. If not, you wouldn't be working." It's that easy. That's how it is. Exactly like that. If we manifest excellence in the world, we won't have to worry about money, the world will look for us." In fact, it happens to me. I cannot attend all the requests I have. I have weeks left. Think that I am here now. On the 20th I am leaving. I leave and in three weeks I go to Mexico to a world congress on human values. I'll be there for a week, I'll go back and then again to Mexico. From Mexico we will go to New York and then home and continue there. I am already tired. Better not think about it. Here and now. Right? And tomorrow we talk about what we have to do. It is clear? If you think what you have to do, you get tired. Live the present and here and now. "When you do something, do it with your whole being. Do your best." Let's move on. "The only thing you have absolute control over is your thoughts." That's true. "Mind control is the result of self-discipline and habit." "Don't stay in the past, don't dream about the future. Always focus on the present." Buddha. Winston Churchill: "Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm." It's very good. It's very good. You keep going from failure to failure, and you realize that each failure makes you a better master. Masters aren't born, they are made. If it does not go well, bad, bad, bad, bad, boom, good. Then, good, good, really good and so on. It comes a time when you do it great and people stand in line. It's as simple as that. In the end, people queue. They say: "How did you manage to do this?" Someone told me: "Enric, I want to be like you." I replied: "You can start now." -Where? -Where you are. Wherever you are -What do I do? -What you are doing. -Don't I have to do something else? -I swear, you don't. -Don't I have to do anything special? -No, you don't. Wherever you are push your excellence, love and give thanks and let the quantum field send you the next step. But it does it well. You stumble. -Why do I have to stumble? -To learn to get up. Let's move on. "The ability to detach." It is the secret of abundance. The ability to detach. You don't detach like: "I'm going to detach myself." No. It is by knowing that nothing belongs to us. The great problem of humanity is that it believes the Earth is ours. But we make it filthy. Right? I was running along the waterfront and I saw a piece of plastic. I stopped, took the plastic and threw it away. I kept running. -Why pick this one if there are many? -It was on my way. I found it on the way. I won't pick the all up but that one was handy. I wondered why people throw plastic, but it's not my business. But that's how it is. You're getting it, right? In the end, detachment is... One day I was waiting for my wife, who went shopping and... It's not my thing, you know? Lately, I'm very patient and even she says: "You have improved." "I'm here to serve you, don't worry." We arranged to meet, she was taking some time so I walked and started to collect some stuff. And people stared at me. I didn't look like a garbage man, but I thought "since I'm here". I left the street absolutely beautiful. Further down were a series of big bins. Also, we recycle cardboard here, this there, that there... I was like: "Plastic, here. Cardboard, there..." I kept walking. I was checking that where I had been, it was fine. You follow? And what is the use of this? Big problems are solved with small actions. Never forget that. A small action is a change. It is not that you do it to try to teach anyone. Nobody examined me nor did I know what I was doing. It was an action of conscious unity. You follow me? It is an action of... So, the room, the room will be clean, but if there is one paper, it is not. You pick it up and it's not a problem. Can you imagine that everyone picked up the papers? You could eat on the floor. Very good. Remember. "Our ability to detach communicates to the univers our willingness to receive." Our ability to not lack tells the universe to deprive you of it. It's as simple as that. I'm saying everything in many different ways. Have you realized? I hope at least it's clear. I try hard, don't worry. "When we learn to give and receive, properly, the result is miraculous." How are we doing? Perfect, we are about to finish. Final thoughts. "Do you think giving has more value than receiving?" Let's not forget that we all give and receive. You follow? We cannot receive and receive and not give, because it is a disease. I hope I'm being clear. The one who saves and saves is sick. And someone who gives and gives and doesn't want to receive... There are people who say: "No. I don't need anything." I say: "Excuse me?" And that's how it is. I taught my children: "Dad, I'm going to party. Can you give me some money?" I gave them 50 euros. "I don't need so much." 50 euros. "I don't need so much." 50 more -What are you doing Dad? -Learn to receive, dude. Take it and I am not telling you to spend it. I trust you. Do you follow me? But if I give you, receive. We have that embedded Christian conscience. "All fair and necessary." The fair and the necessary. And now what do I do with all this? And the Angel Gabriel... You have to return it to the gift store. Take it. -What's wrong? Don't they want it? -They want the fair and the necessary. Well, go ahead. Send him the fair and necessary. You have to cut here and there. Like the one who said: "No, I am happy like that. If I make it till the end of the month, what I earn, is I spend." There was one month when he was left with 300 euros extra. "Jesus! 300 bucks." And boom, he punctured a tire. The wheel cost him 300 bucks. The Lord had to work hard to send him an archangel to ruin the wheel. Because of course, it is fair and necessary. I told the universe long time ago: "I'm willing to take everything you want. But give me the understanding to manage it." You follow? You are all deserving of the best. What is the best? I do not know. But you surely deserve it. You follow? When you give, do you feel used? When you give, do you feel superior? Do you feel you do not deserve what you receive? All of these reflections. The healthy way of giving respects both the giver and the recipient. One day, I was with my wife discussing something. And I told her: "We need a blessing from God." My wife looked at me and said: "Sometimes it's hard to understand you, honey." "If we get a blessing from God, something must be given in return." We had stopped at a traffic light and someone was juggling... You follow? I say: "This one is going to bless us." I asked him for a blessing from God. I opened the window: "Hey, champ." I gave him fiver. He then said: "God bless you." Done. Let's go. The guy's face said: "Man, today I'm going to have a hot meal." You follow? It is OK for a blessing. And I did it with a lot of respect. If you want to receive, give. But do not give to receive. Very good. So let's finish. "Our ability to receive is psychologically associated to our willingness to give what is required of us. Loving as completely as we can even though by doing so, we expose ourselves to pain. Living our vocational purpose even if we risk failure, poverty or receiving little or no appreciation. And, ultimately, dying. That is the price we pay for having lived. Our lives are our contribution to the universe." Thank you very.
Channel: Enric Corbera
Views: 806,173
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Keywords: Enric Corbera, Enric Corbera Institute, Enric Corbera video, Bioneuroemoción, Biodescodificación, BNE, conferencia enric corbera, las claves de una mente abundante, las claves de una mente abundante enric corbera, las claves de una mente abundante conferencia, mente abundante, las claves para una mente abundante, bienestar emocional, eci, inteligencia emocional, conferencia, enric corbera 2019, madurez emocional, bienestar personal, gestión emocional, emociones, ambiente emocional
Id: qKZUv3-kR1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 18sec (6618 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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