Descubre el Propósito de tu Vida y mejora tu Bienestar ⟩ Enric Corbera

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Hello everyone thank you very much for being here. I want to thank you all on behalf of the institute and in my own name for the trust, for the fidelity and for the affection that you are showing us. So what I was saying, one of the very important things and the fundamental objective, I think, of this conference, is to become aware that there really are many purposes in our life. I will talk about the different levels of purpose, but in the end there is a purpose that I have found in my life and I am going to put my example and of other people. I have found in my life the purpose that encompasses all my purposes. And when one really finds this purpose and I will clarify the concept of finding later. when one finds this purpose, the purpose already takes you And you only have to take care of the day to day and to resolve, to face or to learn the circumstances that such purpose is putting in your life. in the end one does not have to worry about what will happen or stop happening. But I don't want to get ahead because one of the things that we are going to do in this conference is to dissect all those stages of the purpose, what is a purpose, what is not a purpose, and ultimately, even some resources. And at the end we will put up an exercise so that people can really put that into practice. What is very clear is that everyone in our life has a purpose. Many times we do not know that what we are doing is a purpose, but this is something else, right? And to start, and that would come to summarize the essence, the essence of what I want to present today at this conference. Says the following: The two most important days of our life are the day we are born and the day we find out why. Not the for what To find out the for what we are born we would we have to explain other stories. that we are not going to deal with today. But the why we have to discover it in our lives. And then I'll explain what it is what we really must understand by why. Because everything has interpretations. What is really clear, at least that's how I live it, I feels it, is that I do not believe that life. Well, I don't think so. I know that life is not born with more or less pain, go through a series of difficulties, some bigger than the others, get older, and finally, die. In other words, life is not being born and dying. I have learned throughout my life that being born and dying are two stages that are not really different. They may seem to us to be two very different things. But when we come to this world, somehow we are dying to another. And when we leave this world, we are making or returning to another world. Therefore, there is only life, but I will leave that here. So, the two most important days and the fundamental objective of today's lecture is to discover why I am here. And I know that it is a somewhat strong proposal, but hey, challenges are always very important and perhaps you will discover somes why you are here and you are going to discover that you did not take it into account. Ok, let's go there. So, what do we mean by purpose? Ok. We do not come to this world with a purpose. That to be clear. We come We come from a potentiality, of a conscience and we come to this world with some qualities. With some qualities and with some capabilities. We don't have to find the purpose along the way. There is nowhere to look for that purpose. Purpose can only be sought and found in oneself. What is normal is that I project this purpose externally because we are in a dual world, in a world of projection. So I can see the purpose externally but in reality, for me to see a purpose externally That information has to be in me. Therefore. We all, I repeat, we all come with some qualities or with a gift. I for example. I, for example, came with a gift. A gift that has not become a purpose or a quality, if it is not a gift, is a quality, a quality that all my male brothers have, not the females that my father had. And it is the ability to draw. And only a brother of mine, has developed that capacity and lives thanks to drawing. The rest of us simply know how to draw. People can think. That having a quality or a gift is something very special. But it's not like that. I, for example, am not developing that quality. I know how to draw, it is very easy for me to draw. What's more, when I studied Technical Engineering I remember that out of 200 students enrolled in the line drawing, we only passed 5. I was one of them therefore, drawing is and continues to be very easy for me and seeing things at an abstract level, I have it very developed. I was born with that quality, but I'm going to tell you about a person who did develop a gift. It has to do with Carolo. Carolo are a restaurant chain. I know two who are in Mexico. One in Mexico City and the other in Monterrey. And Carolo, the one who really developed those restaurants, have Down syndrome. It seems that person was born with a deficiency, certainly. But he has a gift or a quality and his restaurants really have something that could be called special. And one of the things, that sensitivity that this boy has. It is also expressed in that people who works in those restaurants are also not there because they are very handsome or very gifted, but they do have a great sensitivity to service, great friendliness. And one when you enter this restaurant, above all, although the one that struck me the most was the one in Mexico City. You notice that you are in a place where there is a cerain type of vibration or a type of consciousness. I, for example, was not born with certain qualities. Later I will talk about the importance of nonqualities. I had a great difficulty for reading. It took me a lot to learn to read. And my grades, were... Let me see for a qualifying adjective that defines them well. very poor. I remember that I was taking to the psychologist, I took some tests And I know that from what my father told me, the psychologists told them that. That they should not expect me to go to higher education, far from it. And they also said that I had a quality. "The quality of that boy", he said surprised, the great confidence that he has in himself. Nonetheless What I do know. Is that I have read hundreds of books hundres of books and I can assure you one thing. I have never made up my mind as a purpose To be here now. From becoming an international lecturer and writing books. I have never had that purpose. What's more, I never got to think that this could happen to me. Yesterday I was going through the books I have written because someone asked me And I think I've written like 12, 13 or 14 books that if you had told me that 20 or 30 years ago, Well... Well no, I wouldn't have believed it say that, for example, right now, As I was saying, there are 14000 registrations of people who are watching this conference. I would not have thought either. So like I was saying, I didn't trace the purpose of being a writer. Well, I don't consider myself a writer either nor to write books, not even becoming a media person what I have done in my life is to love deeply what... ...what i was doing y I'll talk later about when i found the purpose that really encompassed all my purposes and they have made me get to where I am without expectations without expecting anything in return and in short, I continue to live day by day giving the best of myself and above all trying to contribute something to the world for the world to find, if they want to a little of peace a little of emotional freedom selfsteem, in short, that is the little contribution that I bring to my life therefore All purpose requires determination and compromise I was once asked the following question: "Can someone live without a purpose?" And I answered with a plainly NO... Because the simple fact that I was asked that question delineate a purpose in it Hence, that person has a problem, Maybe in his determination Or maybe in his compromise Accordingly, we all have a purpose in our lives. We will see the previously named purposes Thus The purpose is always a personal declaration About what I am doing is going to give me wellness And I am going to talk to you about a movie that is called "Innocent Moves" Is a movie that I recommend you strongly to watch it if you haven't seen it Innocent Moves is about a Child that is born with a gift He knows very well how to play Chess Well, it's a gift, and he does it seem very easy And I also like that movie, because it teaches you to live in a paradox And about all, how this kid knows how to live between polarities And he without knowing it, developed a paradox mentality That by the way, very soon it will be release at Enric "Living in a paradoxical mindset", I recommend you all to watch it because I think this is the key, and this goes to the teachers in particular This is the key to know how to develop the bioneuroemotion properly If we don't know in the paradox mentality hardly we are going to teach someone anything in particular So, this child, that, I repeat, could have like 6,7,8 years, he played brilliantly, he had an orthodox teacher, and a playground teacher but he also liked other things, like playing baseball but he also really liked to win, but he also didn't like to see anybody lose but, without making any spoiler, he was going to be a chess champion but before winning, like his rival was very self-centered and arrogant He offered him 2 or 3 times in a row to draw, the arrogancy made him lose He wanted to share with the opponent the victory, which the other didn't want to, so he won... But he didn't like to watch someone lose, but he also wanted to win... In fact, the became two time US Champion at Chess as well as US Martial Art Champion. So, what we can observe in the movie is how the boy had a certain determination, a passion, and a gift, which he turned into his life's porpuse. And another important aspect that we must understand as purpose and we are going to talk today about it as well the purpose always arises and you can recognizes it when you manifest an inner strenght or an urge a certain person from a very young age has always had an urge, and this urge has always been about the occult and the mystical, and there already began a passion, which was very unconscious That it was that spirituality, what is understood by spirituality is not separated at all from what science is. In fact, Dr. David R. Hawkins in his book The Eye of the Self, speaks of duality, which is creation and evolution. and there are the creationists and the evolutionists, when in reality creation and evolution are exactly the same. creation is the pluripotentiality of manifestation and evolution is the manifestation of this pluripotentiality Therefore, our life is only one posibility of the infinite possibilities that this life really offers us. Now I'm not talking about the "why" of life but about the "for what" of life. therefore, we enter this world to know the capabilities, the potential that we all have, the power that we all have to manifest them in this life. but without knowing what I have to do in that life, because that consciousness, that energy, that universal intelligence does not give you a purpose and tells you: "Enric, you have to do this in this world" This is about ego, this is pure ego, is not like that, there is no one who has been chosen. for me the fundamental purpose of life is that you choose yourself, you find the purpose in yourself and we will see in today's conference that many times you make a purpose of your life things that are not qualities or that you don't see as qualities. therefore the purpose is always an impulse, an idea, a dream that ends up being realized. In fact, okay, I don't want to get ahead of myself, all in due time. Thus, what is not a purpose? There are many people who think that when you find your life purpose Well, since the problems are over, there are no more doubts, everything is easy going, anyways... As we no longer have responsibilities or almost none, quite the opposite. I assure you that when the purpose encompasses you and picks you up and takes you, Not only will you not find yourself with problems, if not with all the problems, but with the unimaginable and the ones you imagined, in short you will find with all the problems because precisely to put you to the test in that universal consciousness, test not, I do not like the word, To really put yourself in the position of what you are doing, one has to really show through the difficulties, through all the problems that you are going to encounter, if you are really willing to follow that impulse, that inner strength that leads you to do something without knowing very well, it possesses you, I will put several examples in today's conference, Certainly the purpose needs passion and it also gives pleasure. But let's not confuse purpose with passion or pleasure, in short, the purpose is always... that purpose that encompasses us all, is something that goes beyond us. The proof of what I am saying is where I have taken the level of emotion that continues to expand, but it is not that I continue to expand it, but rather that this purpose makes it develop and expand. Therefore, what we are doing is something that we can no longer control because it has stolen your soul, that purpose has stolen your soul, it has stolen your heart, it is the meaning of your life, but I won't get ahead of myself, obviously there are moments of pleasure, but let's not forget that pleasure has a polarity, which is pleasure and frustration and that passion obviously also has its moments of disenchantment and it really makes you want to give up. but ultimately this is what a purpose really is Hence, from here I have been inspired by David R. Hawkins "success is for you", is a very interesting book. It says that the purpose has nothing to do with fame or fortune, but with a certain level of consciousness therefore the purpose of our lives is not to achieve fame or earn a lot of money or a fortune but, the purpose is the expansion of consciousness, to increase that level of consciousness and always, as David R. Hawkins says: "When you are in the purpose of your life, success is assured", understanding the following as success: success is having the ability to demonstrate, execute, manifest, produce, materialize and do something that takes place in the world This is that simple, I repeat, success is having the ability to demonstrate, execute, manifest, produce, materialize and do something that takes place in the world and I think that I am a successful man, but it has nothing to do with money, or fame, and much less When you really are in success, the last thing you worry about is what others think or may not think about it because you are perfectly aware that in the dual world when you move you will always create two polarities Those who applaud you and those who criticize you, those who bring you up and those who bring you down and you will always move all the passions of the people and this is success, so blessed are those who slander me and blessed are those who criticize me because from them I gather strength and this is the characteristic of purpose when you're really caught up in the purpose that leads to your life You can't stop, no matter how much they tell you to stop, no matter how much they try to discredit you no matter how much they try to slander you, you cannot avoid continuing to do what you are doing because it is something that has possessed your soul, it is something that has possessed your heart And therefore the only thing that matters to you is knowing that due to all that is happening, this is a success. you are producing something in the world, you are materializing something in the world I just explained that maximum level of purpose, but let's go part by part. I am going to paraphrase Matthieu Ricard, the Buddhist monk, in whom I was inspired by his conversations and there are basically three levels of purpose, that is, for those who say it is impossible to live without purpose, because there is one that is called survival survive, since the moment we are born, we have to live, we have to breathe and we have to eat It seems normal to us, but this is a purpose, therefore food, housing, work is the first level of purpose The second level of purpose is to prosper in life, studies, family, in short, a status. and the third and highest level of purpose is intended for future generations I mean, it's doing something to make the world a better placer One of the great difficulties, paraphrasing Matthieu Ricard, is overcoming the Groucho Marx syndrome, which says the following: "And so why would I have to worry about future generations if they haven't done anything for me or given me anything" It is selfishness per se, that is, "I'm here, I take advantage of everything I can today and tomorrow, those who are here, let them handle it." therefore you have to make an investment of thought, if nobody knows or does not find a purpose, then think what you can do to make the world a better place and it does not have to be great things, because it is a level of consciousness, like taking care of our seas take care of our forests, drive in a more or less orderly way, being a gentle person while driving. Ultimately it is an investment of thought and this is when it appeared in my life the purpose that brought together all my purposes and set up a course in miracles after many years looking for the "why" following that force that had me trapped, to really follow that which was in my heart Here is my wife and she could remember when we first met that I went to a bookstore and bought a lot of books. And that was not exactly cheap, but I couldn't help it I have read, I repeat, hundreds and hundreds of books I actually read practically everything that fell into my hands, that at first I remember that when I was seventeen, eighteen, I joined the book club and every month they brought some books or I don't remember how often. I read everything they brought me without really knowing why, but that is how I felt it, and so I did it therefore, notice that I converted a non-quality which is having a difficulty for reading to reading a lot therefore we think that a gift is being born knowing how to do something and I was born without knowing how to do it and I turned that no or that difficulty into a force and an impulse and that I did possess from birth therefore a course of miracles came to place, and then I felt that I wanted to take its principles to the world and then I did something very important, as I felt that those principles could be taken to the world for the world to see or for those who would like to hear that there are other ways of seeing the world that we stop looking for the cause of our problems outside that we realize that what we like and what we dislike is in us that in any question we can ask we have the answer and that this I had to take to the world so that the world could smell it touch it and chew it if necessary and that automatically brought together all the purposes of my life, it was a rapture even more, it is the source that feeds whatever thing I do in my life this is the purpose of my life that appeared 25 years ago... it was 1993/94 and I got up that day, I mentioned it to my wife, and I went to enroll in the UNED, the National University of Distance Education, in psychology and this really got me those were five years of intense studies where my wife would bring me coffee at 6am in the morning and I would study until 9/9:30 and for five years and we had if anything Saturdays and Sundays, and hardly any vacations, working and living in a rush but I couldn't really stop and stop, it was something that had caught me, it was something that came up therefore something that I found in my life, four keys to recognize your purpose the first, these are not the commandments, far from it I see the faces of those who are interested, is everything okay? Very well So, let's focus on our natural potentialities, first question What am I good at? What do I love or like the most? What drive is there inside of me? Attention to that question that I have already explained before. because many times we do not pay attention to it, we have an impulse but we think "this is not going to work" "because I do not know how to do it", etc in fact, I boycotted myself by saying "and who is going to listen to me?" when someone actually asked me to record my lectures, my classes, I answered that I replied "and who is going to listen to me?" and it turns out that my videos have reached a hundred million views, removing the replays. When I say those numbers, I kind of get a little dizzy and think "who wants to listen to me?" well, there you have it. So pay attention to that impulse that we usually deny, I say it and warn you. Hence another very important question Would you still do the same if you inherited a lot of money? And I speak of a lot of money, outrageously a lot of money Would you keep doing the same? And I answered that question a long time ago and the answer is yes, it is also a question that I had told my wife many times I said to her "if I really got two million dollars or whatever, I would continue doing the same" I can't stop doing the same, therefore this is a very important quality this that I feel, this impulse that I feel, I would continue to do the same, even if I had all the millions in the world. The purpose always has a very important characteristic, it would be the second which is to have a transpersonal meaning, that is, I am not doing things for myself, but for beyond ourselves but I'm not saying it because my family, or because of the world, no, it's something that I know is going to make life easier for other people. I have many times been tempted to leave the path because when one chooses the path or is chosen by the path there are very dark moments, there are moments when you really feel completely abandoned and I always asked myself a question that would have a lot to do with that of whether you have a lot of money or if you inherit a lot of money Is this what I do beneficial for anyone? Is this what I do beneficial for a person? And the answer was always yes and since the answer has always been yes, I have decided to continue, and here I am. and the most important thing is that that transpersonal meaning that has the purpose It is not something that has to be very spectacular nor much less What's more, I give you some advice, follow your impulses I'm getting ahead of myself, but I have to say it, follow your impulses, don't set any expectations, that is left to that universal consciousness, in fact, there is a phrase from a course in miracles, which says the following God's will is that you do your will but many times your will is not aligned with the will of God and I decided a long time ago, that I gave my life to that energy for that purpose, to that will and that's it, and that I wasn't going to worry about anything else; therefore I am totally detached from what I am doing in my life That is, as long as this purpose continues to show me a path, I will continue to walk it But if that door closes tomorrow, I know that life will open another thus I am not worried about what will happen tomorrow because there is no tomorrow, there is only today Therefore ask yourself "what I can contribute to the world to make it better" I was walking in Puerto Madero in Buenos Aires, Argentina, I was going with my wife walking through those beautiful parks, a little dirty by the way and I picked up like several plastics that were on the ground and put them in their place and my wife looks at me and says "and why are you doing that?", It is an intention, I already know that I am not going to clean the whole park I am aware that the great changes that must take place in the world begin with small changes and above all without wanting to change anyone I wasn't picking up what was on the ground and saying "wow, how dirty Argentines are", far from it. because that is everywhere, it was simply an act of conscience Therefore, for the world to be better, well, it can be as simple as smiling more As simple as that; be more polite in the end; be aware that you have a conscience and that you are contributing something to the world, something for others. The purpose, this is the third quality it can be related to what hurts us the most when a person uses the wounds of his past to transform them and bring light this connects the person with the force, with that universal energy when this person uses the wounds of his past to take revenge on others then a process of self-destruction begins I was born into a very fundamentalist religious family where my mother was convinced that I was possessed by the devil My mother is no longer in this world and I hope and wish with all my heart that she has another conscience because she was afraid of God's justice She was always praying to him, as if God had an ego and if you don't pray he will punish you all that gave me strength when I connected with a course of miracles I realized that all that denial of this God that they taught me, I found a God who is pure love. Take a good look at how much I came to peace with that that a priest asked Rome to send me a papal certificate according to... I don't know, I have it saved and when I go to another neighborhood I take it as a pass where that said what I was doing for the good of humanity or for the good of the people, as I helped sick people, people in need but that I obviously did not want or do that for something in return but when this came, I realized that I was at peace, what's more, I understood that thanks to the fact that I had lived this "negativity" had given me strength to find what I am doing in my life therefore, one of the things that really carries that quality of finding a purpose, is turning your wounds, turning your frustrations, turning those difficulties As in my case of not knowing how to read, perhaps you should turn that you had a father who was not at home, who was an alcoholic and beat you Instead of living with the resentment that all men are the same, show that there are other men who are different turn those frustrating and painful experiences Maybe you had to take care of the family as a youngster and that has helped you today, for example, to form teams I have an example here of a friend of mine who is a very good and dear friend we always talked about how he was very worried that his son didn't want to do what he was doing that he did not want to do the work he was doing, he was dedicated to constructions, blue collar works, etc. And many times he helped him. And he tells me "my son all he wants is to leave" go around the world, I then told him "you know that you cannot hold your son against his will" your son wants to go around the world, let him go and he says: "but what is he going to do in the world? If he doesn't know how to do anything", let him go, let him go around the world. and this boy left, he started to go around the world and when I say "around the world" it is around the WORLD I think the last country where he was was Thailand, where COVID caught him there in Thailand Well, he was in the middle of God knows where and he taught the children there to climb and he played with them etc... Today he is a free person, he is a person who speaks several languages a person who has crossed the Amazon rainforest, who has been in Asia, in America, he is going to look for money in norway, he is going to look for it means that he is going to work, he did not know how to cook, he learned to cook What's more, on a cruise he met the one who today is his partner a really free girl and I say to my friend, "So? Have you seen?" You feel proud, right? Well, you know that you were going to screw up his life with your truth Therefore, one of the things that I tell you, that every purpose that steals your heart and that traps your soul will create disorder around you and the family, which is a very important thing, you have to know how to cut with them and be free and families have to know that, that is why I have set this example. That is why the question in section three is, in what way can I transform my wounds into a gift to offer to the world? Therefore I invite everyone to the so-called negative circumstances, circumstances that we believe have been very unlucky. If we know how to turn it around, if we know how to reverse our thinking, we will find that precisely there, there is the most important gift There you can find how many people were born with a gift and have not known how to use it. and how many people due to negative life circumstances have been outstanding I can put several examples, as Michael Jordan Michael Jordan was not chosen for the school team, they said he was not good Thomas Edison, his teachers said he was useless to study anything Einstein that he was doing poorly in mathematics and that he had a hard time speaking, as me reading. Nick Vujicic, that boy who has no arms or legs Frida Kahlo that when she had that accident, she was half bedridden, developing her abilities Therefore, when you encounter difficulties in your life, remember these people and what they have accomplished. I have chosen three phrases that would summarize what I am explaining about wounds It could be like the hero's journey that we explain so much in our seminars it is precisely about accompanying people to find this gold that is found within us and that can usually be found behind the wounds, behind some frustrations, behind the pain, the pity, etc, etc. Joseph Campbell tells us "those who lack resources are those who have the courage to risk their lives" Steve Gilligan tells us "in the depths of each one of us there is a gift that we must offer to the world, but let us not forget that in its depth there is also a wound" and a course in miracles tells us "the holiest of places is the one where an old hatred has turned into a present love" I continue, and the fourth is "the purpose is related to something that we are willing to suffer to achieve it" It has to be something, as I explained, that we live like I can't live without something in particular And that obviously we are not willing to reject it for anything in the world. Despite criticism, slander, family, no matter what. In fact, I remember that there are lots of dream stealers in the world and we must be aware of them So when I really decided to study psychology, when I was 44 years old and I discussed it with a friend of mine, he replied: "Now are you going to study psychology? But when you graduate you will already be retired" and this, I don't know what to call it this advice, I'm being patronizing, that advice was the strength It was the force that made me say, I swear that I finish psychology so that that dumbass finds out I felt like I had to do it, I shared it and I didn't share it with anyone else anymore but it is true that that step that I took inspired many people and I know that there were people who later graduated in psychology because they said "if he can do it, I can too" Therefore, when we speak of suffering, such word Are you willing to reject the "advices"? As I just explained, those who speak to you for your sake but ultimately it is for theirs. And one question, the key question to ask yourself at this time is, are you willing to give your life to what you are passionate about? And when we talk about giving up your life, I don't mean that you are martyred. and I have given the example of Allan kardec, he lived in the 19st century I don't know if he was born in 1806 or so, Allan Kardec wrote... a very important book that is still important today and i think over two hundred million copies have been sold it is called "the book of spirits" Allan Kardec was a scientist man and he had a spiritualistic experience in which he realized that science explained things, but that there were things that science could not or did not know how to explain and then he applied the scientific method to that experience, that there were some energies, some intelligences, a life that it had another manifestation that was not exactly the one we were experiencing Well, Allan Kardec was discredited, vilified, expelled, criticized, in short, "excommunicated" but he couldn't stop doing this, that experience was his great purpose in life his books were burned by the church I don't know if they actually excommunicated him, I recommend that you watch the movie, it's called Kardec. Because if you don't know how to understand what I'm explaining about what a purpose that encompasses your life is, that catches you and you can't let go of it because it owns you, so Kardec is a wonderful example of it. Allan kardec, the book of spirits, really his life is, and his story is, well, he had a really bad time but he did his thing, he wrote several books, well, he really suffered to achieve it but this suffering despite being a suffering, it gave him strength therefore always, when you are trapped by that purpose that encompasses your life and that you will not find anywhere else that you can only find it in yourself, when you are really passionate, overwhelmed and trapped by it I do not know whether to say that you are lost or you are found, but you will live ups and downs as you will never have lived them in your life and in the end something very important happens, you leave all control you stop worrying about tomorrow, there is only the here and now there is only passion, love for what you are doing as right now I am doing here I'm giving the most of what I know and I know that many people will be watching me and many people who will be listening to me and I thank you for being here because ultimately they too, you are also the catalyst, you are the strength for me to keep moving forward. I have used the example of the dancer as an example of what I am explaining about how the purpose really has to be lived. Is a young woman who had taken ballet classes throughout her childhood and she thought or felt that the time had come to show herself to the world and well, turn that hobby into a profession and aspired to be one of the first dancers of any company One day a great ballet company came to her city and obviously she went there and after the show she went to the dressing rooms and spoke with the director and told him "I would like to be a great dancer, but I don't know if I have the talent to be it" "Then do a demonstration" said the director. and after scarcely five minutes, he interrupted her, shaking his head in disapproval, and said: "You do not have the conditions to be a dancer as you want or think you can be" The young woman came home heartbroken, torn and threw down her dance slippers and never danced again. Within two years she got married, had children and was working at a supermarket. Anyway, years later, the same company appeared again in the same city, with the same director And she went to see the dance because she still liked it very much, and when the show was over, she met the director, who was already in his 80s and reminded him of the talk they had had years ago, showed him his children, etc, and asked: "Hey, I've never quite understood how you knew with five minutes that I didn't have the conditions to be a dancer" and the director replied "well, I only told you what I tell everyone" "but this is unforgivable" replied the lady "you ruined my life, I could have become a great dancer", "I don't think so" says the director "if you had had the necessary gifts and a true vocation, you would not have listened to me" Therefore, if one day your son or daughter appears to you and says I want to be an aactor or actress, don't even think about telling them, but if the actresses don't make a living be a lawyer, be an engineer, be a doctor; Don't be a dream stealer Necessary characteristics to be able to achieve our purpose, your purpose, the first, honesty with oneself it is very important that we are aware of what our limits are, I am currently an international lecturer as people say, Well, we are doing classes at the speaking training institute to improve the recordings, because there is always something to learn, above all do not pretend to be something that you are not Do not try to show the world what you are not, because this is a sign of devaluation Also accept our shadow, we always have our face and our shadow and as well as recognize our wounds that are also what will make us strong In the same way, recognize the errors and above all know how to accept the feedback that we give and that we receive, Therefore, ask yourself, are you sincere, with those around you? Second quality, gratitude Despite the fact that life closes the doors for you, that it seems you have no opportunities, and that you never could get out. Always be grateful We must be aware that the difficulties in our path are really testing our desire to develop this purpose that has stolen our hearts. Easy roads do not lead far, storms favor the sailor. Therefore, always be grateful, even to those who put sticks in your wheels, who put stones in the way, who criticize you. because ultimately these people are the ones who really are the catalyst So that you get better, so that you improve, and so that you can really achieve that longing that you want so much. The great masters in any field, be they musicians, athletes, in short, in anything. These are the ones who work the most... Having a gift, having a quality, does not imply that that's it, We and I in particular continue to study, we continue to improve, we continue to seek that excellence because we know that no matter how hard we try, we have never reached the maximum And this is precisely a respect towards others, towards you and obviously is to be grateful. in fact, my institute continues to contribute to the world, continues to give the world, things such as seminars, conferences, etc, as a sign of gratitude. That would be the important tithe that we have to give back to the world, the world gives us and you have to give back to the world. And if what we are giving to the world inspires people to follow their paths to heal themselves mentally and emotionally to change their lives, to free themselves from resentments, to achieve a state of well-being and inner peace we will be complying and we will be grateful and if not, be grateful, always grateful. Discipline, never forget that not everyone is going to agree with what you do. Spending many hours doing something does not mean that you will have results immediately. You have to train, you have to prepare again and again. Ask yourself: are you willing to face the disagreement of others? And the fourth, resilience, which is that capacity that indicates that emotional maturity, that emotional intelligence... that comes out stronger from the adverse circumstances of life How many people do you know who constantly live in lamentation and complaint waiting for someone else to solve their life, blaming everything but themself Michael Jordan's phrase "I have failed over and over again in my life and that is why I have succeeded" Ask yourself: are you capable of being grateful for the difficulties that appear in your life? We are going to do another section that are the practical resources to maintain our purpose These are resources that I have developed in my life I have lived each of those resources that I am going to expose and I am going to explain to you now So that you can really apply them if you want to in your life, obviously. First, the purpose must be yours, That is, do not do anything to please anyone In other words, if your father is a doctor and you have the purpose of being a doctor to please your father, it is not a purpose Do not do anything to please anyone Another point, do not enter into comparisons Your role is not to judge your purpose or that of others. As long as you live with that mindset, without any judgment, without comparisons You will open your mind and connect with that energy field that will inspire you in the being that we all have And you will let yourself be guided and it will take you towards what you can really contribute to this world Get out of your comfort zone, how many people I know in my consultations who say one and another excuse. "I am putting up with a marriage or relationship" for comfort You know how many people I know who, "I don't know what to do with my life" well, be coherent Get out of your comfort zone, dare at least to expand that comfort zone It comes to mind Steve Jobs, that really his love for calligraphy has made us have a lot of fonts Another very important thing, never be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry to reach any goal, don't set goals in your life. If you set goals in your life, you set limitations I repeat, I never got to think in my life, that I would be doing what I am doing and being in the institute with all the people involved In an estimate, soon we will be like 600-something people directly and indirectly we will be working at the institute, plus the collaborators we have, etc. I have never come to think about that, in fact, I remember my wife and I when we had to close a business that she had. we said "we will never have workers again" I think we didn't take it seriously But when you are trapped by a purpose, by something higher, then you no longer worry at all, you take care of things and you deliver that boost to that energy to that intelligence. I repeat, let's not be in a hurry, let's not set goals, let's not set expectations. We have to put all our effort into what we do day by day Many times with our teachers we say to them, now you have to give it more push, and we do it. But ultimately we have to understand that many times in life it is better to take a step back to take two steps forward. this is very very important, let's not rush I have had to take steps back many times it's like giving me a reset and then automatically I knew what to do and remember above all one very important thing, there are no successes without failures, what's more, failure is one of the most important things that exist, because without failure there can be no success, there can be no mastery, there can be no teaching. Focus on something no matter how small, and that is for the well-being of others it is very important to develop altruism, benevolence, kindness and cooperation, which are values, according to Matthieu Ricard, science has shown that they activate our cortical areas, in our brain, where those fields that give us that emotional well-being, that emotional balance really move. in short, there is nothing better to be mentally and emotionally healthy to contribute something to the world, something that does good for people so that they can regain their emotional freedom, their inner peace, in short, so that they are in a state of mind without regrets, without complaints. And that these people also make that investment of thought and ask themselves what they can contribute to the world, so that the world is a better place. and I repeat, you do not have to go to any special place, where you are is the place where you have to be If you are a cook then cook, if you are a housewife give the best of yourself, if you are a doctor, calm down, if you are an engineer the same. where you are is where you should be... Many people ask me, "I would like to do what you are doing", and I tell them, go ahead, and they say: "but what do I have to do?" I tell them you don't have to do anything, wherever you are, start putting the best of yourself, put all your effort. I have a phrase that is hanging in the institute that says "love what you are doing and what you are doing will love you a hundred times more". and let life open doors for you, give you opportunities, and forget about control, leave control aside. surrender to life, and let life flow through you and bring out the best in you and never do anything to receive recognition or approval, you will be lost if you do. because you will always find those who don't like you, those who like you, that's life. and knowing how to live in those two polarities, knowing how to be on the middle path, will give you enormous strength to follow what you really feel you have to do. I have put a practical exercise for all the people who have been listening, it is not that it is the philosopher's stone, But we always like when we finish a talk, a conference, that people can find aspects to be able to apply them in their lives. visualize how you want to see yourself or how you want your life to be in five years but as a possibility, visualize. I know that many times you think of the path you are taking, but forget about expectations. then think, what or who prevents you from reaching that state What difficulties are you seeing, or are setting up, never forgetting that those difficulties are really very important. also think, what decisions do you have to make and never forgetting that all order creates disorder and that all disorder creates order, therefore when disorder enters your life, you have to create a new order This is the paradox of order disorder Write down three actions with which you will begin to direct towards the achievement of this objective For example, which was a goal that I did a couple of years ago, and it has to be a goal that has four very important characteristics, the first is that it is possible, I am not going to set the objective "I will run the hundred meters in ten seconds", no therefore, I am going to set a goal of running 5 kilometers every day or 5 days a week. and that it is possible, to an average of six minutes per km or something less. So that the objective is possible, you write it down and put this emphasis on it. and in the end you reach the goal in six months time, something that is possible and write a phrase that gives you a push, when you find yourself unmotivated to help you commit to that purpose and so that you do not forget what you have to do in fact the phrase that I had is that I have a purpose in my life It is very important that I take care of my body, that I take care of my vehicle so that I can be, for example, here today, two hours on my feet talking and repeating things calmly, and that is already a purpose. when I really get lazy, that the body does not want to move, I remember that phrase to continue therefore do not start with things, start with small purposes and there will come a point in your life that you will find yourself trapped in a force, and you will understand, as it happened to me how it appeared in my life to study psychology how a course of miracles appeared in my life How it appeared in my life to stop working as a quality director in a company and I felt that I could not continue there that I was earning a lot of money and that people thought that I had gone crazy, because I was listening to myself how a marriage that had given of itself really ended, and how another person appeared that radically changed my life how I have really had to travel, everything I have had to study, all the vicissitudes and difficulties that I have had to get out of my way all the people who have entered and left my life, all of them, I bless them all because of all, the people who have approached, the best trees grow on the steepest hills. or interested people, people who are really altruistic, I have come across everything in my life. and all those people have been my great teachers, these people are the ones who have allowed me to be here And I am infinitely grateful, both to one and to the other, and I say that with all my heart. Therefore, if I am here doing what I am doing, it is above all to the great difficulties that I have encountered on my way. Overall, all purpose involves pleasure and pain. effort, passion, frustrations, very dark moments you really feel abandoned And when you get up and move on, like Allan Kardec said I'm going to repeat that phrase that I really made mine "you have to be very brave to want to change the world and even more knowing that you can't do it" but feel like you have to go down that way good, and to finish I want to honor the work we have done throughout all these years And how all this that I am explaining here has become a purpose, which continues to have a contribution, which continues to evolve and which is called bioneuromotion. what bioneuroemotion was before and what it is now, years have passed and really the bioneuroemotion nowadays is extremely simple and at the same time immensely complicated, but the complicity is not in the method but in the ego the great difficulty we have of reversing thought, of continuing to project the causes outside, when we are the cause, in continuing to want to be in control, in continuing to believe that we know what is best, in continuing to look for things that's why when someone comes to our consultation we accompany them to put order in their psyche that the person finds his balance and emotional well-being knowingly of all emotional change, which is preceded by a disorder in the psyche that will lead to a new order of perception and therein lies the key, the essence of bioneuroemotion, creating a new order that allows me to have a new perception we keep track of the disorder that the client calls conflict to bring the person to a new order that is already present, because if it were not present in their mind, obviously they would not be in our consultation and to finish tell you that to find this purpose that nests in our soul, in our heart, in our interior there is to take that hero's journey that we all have to do at some point in our life and I'm going to end with a phrase from Carol S. Pearson that says: "Heroes go on journeys, face dragons and discover the treasure of their true identity Although they may feel very lonely during the journey, at the end of it, the reward is a sense of community with themselves, with other people and with the earth" we produce a new life for ourselves and our culture Thank you very much, thank you for being here, thank you with all my heart.
Channel: Enric Corbera
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Keywords: descubre el proposito de tu vida, enric corbera proposito de vida, encuentra el proposito de tu vida enric corbera, proposito de vida, propósito de vida, el propósito de tu vida, encuentra tu proposito de vida, cual es el propósito de tu vida, enric corbera 2021, cuál es el propósito de la vida, enric corbera, Enrique corbera, cual es el proposito de la vida, enric corbera bioneuroemocion, como encontrar mi propósito en la vida, como descubrir mi propósito en la vida
Id: lD4WfyCQfHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 31sec (4651 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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