Lil Yachty Steals NELK’s girl, Says Kanye is Fried and Drake is Superman!

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yo boys we are crushing it but let's spread the word and get everyone to keep rapping happy now we made happy Dad easy to drink low carbonation don't miss out and stop drinking that other [ __ ] you can go to find us to find a local store or bar that carries happy Dad near you and boys make sure you tag us on Instagram at happy Dad on your IG stories because we're reposting a ton of you guys and don't forget you got to be 21 plus to buy and drink happy death rewind [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're at the Faina hotel apparently this is the bougiest hotel in [ __ ] uh Miami I think Drake's staying here too it's been his birthday all week so we saw Drake and yadia the other night that's kind of how we got this pot down yachty Legends we just [ __ ] go for it right away yeah you wanted to start it off sunny fired up okay let's go all right she's gonna do that a couple times get used to that I'll put the mic around here in the camera he's got to get the screen time yeah all right live from the fine yeah yeah yeah yeah South Beach yachty in the house oh let's do it it's a fire one let's do it let's make it happen how'd this happen at Drake's party what about us buddy at Drake's party this is how this came together not really no no I hit you like a week or two ago would have maybe have would have done in Atlanta I know oh yeah Abu Dhabi last minute we're UFC fights and [ __ ] [ __ ] that was like what 12 hours it's [ __ ] go crazy I guess so how long you got here for I don't know did you come here for the party no we're working oh nice yeah we're working around you working on music yeah yeah as long as I've been spent those are some nice cakes are those georgetowns yeah yes sir [ __ ] yes sir he has money okay how much are those shoes they're not I mean they're not crazy just hard to find in the sizes oh [ __ ] yeah it was nice yeah you in the fashion you see I'm in everything like heavily something you're in the what everything works something yeah I get you yeah what are you most passionate about uh closing music for sure have you always been that way uh depends what's always like since you're into I guess I guess essentially making money or building business like the things you were kind of like encompassing what you enjoyed doing and what you enjoyed making yeah man I'm 25 right so I think I started doing music at 17 years old um and since high school I think my mom always very business savvy you know and then always varying the clothes and my father was he was a creative you know he's a photographer so um I don't know I just it's kind of just been My Thing music and clothes yeah who was the first Fashion Icon you looked up to my parents both of them really yeah my mom and dad were always super stylish but on different Accords right like my mom was very business fashion I'm like addicted to like fake Vapes Vicks you think he died he puts it in his ass you really want to start this right now that's crazy weird [ __ ] just so you know I don't know you really want to start this right now let me know let me know bro chill okay so so not starting it no okay so shut the [ __ ] up sorry about that normally you just hover it around the nose no no no that's why it's got the tube you stick it in so you can what okay yeah damn so we can't share that okay never mind oh I mean they have the kind that you can do the exact but this is yeah no I don't know I don't share those so what did you decide music was for you straight up let's start there I wonder what about the parents strip though oh yeah no also I wanna hear do you think your your Style's a little underrated I don't think you get the rest yeah that's what it is obviously you know I don't know bro it's live yeah I definitely do my thing though I see it yeah we're going through them we have some fits we want to talk to you about later yeah I do this [ __ ] for real that's gonna answer your question I'll definitely do this more than most how when did you decide music was for you like how are you like music versus fashion right because you're into both those things you yeah but I never wanted to be a designer okay I know I just loved clothes right so how music then well my dad's a photographer right so all my life since I was a child my dad just played music loud like loud as [ __ ] like all my life I just grew up around music my dad shot a lot of artists what kinds of music uh Jazz Rock um Soul music you know my dad played a lot of uh John Lennon a lot of Paul McCartney a lot of [ __ ] a lot of range oh [ __ ] yeah a lot of Earth went on fire a lot of [ __ ] Rolling Stones not Rolling Stones no not Rolling Stones a lot of Coldplay A lot of cane a lot of uh yeah my dad played all kinds of [ __ ] so as I grew up I was very ecleptic my [ __ ] boxes are too tight so my [ __ ] you're good Jimmy Jazz is tight but yeah but uh all kind of [ __ ] bro I just grew up in all kinds of music and he shot a lot of rappers you know he always took me so like I just grew up seeing outcasts and like Cayenne I was just seeing these people as like kid so it kind of just always made me like now at first I thought I wanted to be a photographer because my grandfather and father were photographers and I was like nah damn wait I actually think it's more money in front of the camera you know and then growing up with my mom I just would watch her in the morning or at night get dressed put her outfit together you know so I started getting older and I got in high school I started just like hustling for money to like Thrift Shop you know and then I started recording towards the end of high school and I was just like [ __ ] it I was always me you know like I was always like a leader like I never really followed anybody ever so I just always felt like at the time music was so like hip-hop specifically so like aggressive or so like dark and like you know like gangster Street and I was like well I'm going to change this [ __ ] you know I would come and [ __ ] with some red hair and [ __ ] it up and I did just that yeah you did when you came in you like made a lot of noise yeah 2016 was a big year do you think it's important to have like because you were exposed to something early on that probably a lot of people weren't like seeing like the possibility do you think it's important for a person to see like what's possible to know that like they can do it for themselves it's I think maybe it helps right yeah I want to say that's the only way because I know people who come from nothing who made it right I think it's just important to have an imagination and believe in yourself right like I mean it's hard living in negativity you know um but the most important thing genuinely if you believe you can do something you will do it that's important and it doesn't matter what you've seen no matter what you like it's just like if you believe in yourself so do you do you heavily believe in the idea of manifestation [ __ ] yeah I did it yeah I do it all the time did you know that you were doing it before you did it um no like were you aware of it because I think it's something that I think it's something that we all do whether we're conscious of it or unconscious of it yeah I mean I definitely wasn't like crossing my legs closing my eyes and like um like you know I got you like I wasn't but uh but but I think um my mom was just my mom shout out to my mom my mom was really happy on like you gotta have a plan in life you know you can't just win get just like you know figure it out like you know you got to have a plan and so I just started like planning it and then kind of Step by Step doing it so it wasn't like it just fell in my lap one day I was just like a [ __ ] millionaire at what age did that start you think planning it it was 2016 yeah 2015. to be specific but like planning it what stage did you start planning it oh right at the end of high school okay yeah what did you plan like in what just like my whole thing like um I'll say you know when I graduated I moved to New York and I moved to York New York because at the time like you know there was Tumblr and like all the kids that were really trendy and net in style lived in New York so I haven't moved to New York I'm gonna make this connections and build these friendships with these guys to have these big followings so that when I'm not going to tell them I do music but when by the time I do we already be friends because um the support of a friend is always a bigger push than someone you pay right yeah right so like I'm gonna follow this relationship with these guys instead of paying them to promote me and build friendship so that's more rare too yeah people don't realize how important that is like most people come at it right away like yo I need I want to be good at this like can you help me with this instead of like building a real relationship with someone well the the smartest people know that and the biggest people know that right yeah like uh like uh like like uh Drake right yeah he's not just doing features with anyone like you can't pay for a drake feature you know like no matter how much money you can't like he only does music with his friends or people he respect that he wants to do it with right yeah you know um that's just kind of off topic but it's just like connected to like you know like it's just so much more important to build relationships yeah what's your relationship with Drake oh man it's like smash my brother yeah dude how did it start I'm at Jack in 2016 or 2017 and and you in the UK and Birmingham yeah at a show at one of his shows and um did he search you out was he like yo I want to talk to this guy because I like it I don't know I don't even that was so long ago I don't remember I just so happened to be in UK the same time um as well I was in London he was in Birmingham was like an hour away and I went to the show and that's when we first met and um we were cool you know I don't really I honestly tell you the truth don't know how we got to where we are now you know but we're like [ __ ] a beepers is it like a same like mentality as far as like creativity or like you just like Vibe the same everything I think we just we're the same person he's just like 700 million that was Richard yeah what's that like when you guys chill is it expected that he's gonna pick up the bill or do you offer to get in there oh bro he's he's I call him Bruce Wayne he's like Batman right like like you don't even see him pay for the bill the bills just it just becomes paid for it that's a circle you got to get in yeah I don't even need Apple pay yeah could you imagine that I don't even like I don't even know if he pays the bill sometimes it's like it's just like it just gets paid yeah like yo I'll [ __ ] blink and he'll be gone damn it's like they just know or like you're just like I'll just like go to the bathroom and come back and he's like already home what's this like birthday Bender week been like uh it's weird because we've been actually working you know um um just just working thoroughly you know he's a super he's a really um I don't know man how he splits like in personal life and and um work life but he does you know like it makes time to to for everything that matters while I also enjoying himself which is important because sometimes you can lose yourself in his career have you ever lost yourself um I think so but not in not to like the like party in life I lost myself to just like heavy thinking you know like overthinking [ __ ] and like just like over overly over putting heavy expectations on myself and just wanted more for myself yeah like what kind of music you produce and be good enough that's why I am in my career where I want to go the people I look up to over there at their age in my career he blew up quick though yeah so how how how's that experience and how hard does that make it to get used to something like that it's weird right because for me it wasn't hard I've just adjusted and seen because it was something I always dreamed of but when you blow when you get the thing about getting so big so quick like it's like you have to maintain it create so much pressure on yourself oh yeah yeah so it's different when you start smiling you slowly become huge but when you starting at the top it's hard stay there right because you're learning how to do it well I'm learning how to get back there yeah no but even even like in general 2016 right I think that's you did Sprite with LeBron yeah yeah so it's like right out of the gate I have fake friends bro I have 50 endorsements about like 21 maybe like I got killed it like I feel like no one but maybe Travis and I still don't even think Travis had more endorsement oh [ __ ] like because my image was so clean it was the biggest one at that point right and I I Sprite Target uh uh creative directed at Nautica did Uggs uh I did um [ __ ] uh um but I did so [ __ ] mini bro um I had ax um can you say what the biggest bag was you don't have to say which company uh like one time payment like five minutes not like I'm not like I'm not like uh it's not bad for one point but I was young though I was like yeah but with those brands that you named like those are all like they all have cash or they have so much money but the thing is I feel like I was the first like black kid they were Taking Chances with yeah why do you think that is yeah Reese's Reese's puff I had I had a couple but why do you think that is because I said because my image was so clean and we want to be realistic I think I was just white people's favorite rapper yeah well your music like your lyrics weren't like to like you know not true people just didn't listen to the lyrics really yeah because people don't listen to lyrics I'm just thinking of the hits though yeah I mean but even if some of the hits I I literally sit in broccoli like something about something like Calamine oh I remember that yeah yeah people just don't really listen to licks if you be honest they just they just listen to the beat like maybe that was a time when rap like really change though that year like everyone in your class too right you were part of that 21 Uzi yeah oh yeah that was 2016. yeah that's like the best class probably too it was 2016 but it counts in 2017. yeah yeah and all those guys are like everyone's kind of crazy 21 me yeah that's insane that's weird how it's all like if you look at other years like a lot of people have fallen off like that's like crazy people fell off my ear too but yeah can we can we talk a little bit about that learning process though going back to like the idea of you not knowing how to like carry all the all those responsibilities and then being kind of hard on yourself as far as like the direction you were going in or doing it right what did you learn since then because now you're so so what's the most important thing you learned I mean I could go through a long list you know I think the thing was it was just I want it I just like it was never content you know yeah like I always wanted more for myself it's natural though well I it'd be natural but and a lot of people get into positions and get very comfortable you know and I think it all depends on who you surround yourself around you know if you're the biggest person in your circle then you'll never know that you could do more yeah you know like if everyone around you looks up to you and cause you like big bro and you're like the big homie around everyone you got the most money you're just think okay this is the [ __ ] I'm that guy this is what it is you know but if you surround yourself around people who do better than you who motivate you like that's why I love being around Drake you know like he constantly shows me like I can do more I can do better there is more there is finer living you know I'm saying like so like I never want to be like the big bro I mean I do I love being someone that my my Bros can look up to but I always want to have Bigger Brothers yeah that I can always listen to learn from what's something that he's really taught you that like really stuck with you Drake specifically I think it's just not to be so hard on myself I'm extremely hard on myself that's normal you know um I just I just think a lot of things that I do aren't aren't aren't that good you know you think that yeah but I think he he like within our friendship he's he's he's like probably been one of the most um I don't know like he's just he's really showed me like that I have like that I'm good you know um which I've always thought was good but he shows me like tells me that like I'm really good you know which kind of gives me a big confidence you know because like he's like the best rapper in the world you know the biggest and the best so like if he's saying that you know um and it's just like I think it's it's a lot of things right it's even like the just like the whole surrounding like even the company kept um it it all plays a hand you know just to be around everyone it uh it's just kind of like boosts me I've been in like a really good headspace and I've just been killing it is is that where you think the whole Poland thing came out of like no no I did Poland early this year when I was making my last album well in my next album that I went I was just [ __ ] around probably was a joke bro it's so funny does that bother you when you make like a song that's a joke and it goes viral are you like what the [ __ ] the only reason it bothers me because my next album is so [ __ ] good yeah I worked so hard on it it's this alternative like content-wise album oh just like yeah just like the album so yeah it's like it is a flash album that I worked really hard I feel like it's going to [ __ ] with your head when you're not [ __ ] around and then this song it's just funny it just lets me know I'm really better than almost everyone how did it even decide to get posted so what happened is I explained to you what happened was it's [ __ ] hacker it's always bothering me right I gotta put some of this water out because I can't I hate drinking water in my drinks this [ __ ] hacker is always bothering me right yeah and he hits my phone I don't know how you got my [ __ ] phone number but he hits my phone he's like uh I have your album I'm a post your album just [ __ ] bother me just [ __ ] with me I know he doesn't but I'm like he's like you have this song called Poland bro please bro send it to me and at the time I'm like bro no one gives a [ __ ] about my leaks right like well I don't like nothing's gonna happen so I send it to him I don't know what the [ __ ] the eye is but like I didn't think he was gonna post and even if he did post it I don't think anybody would give a [ __ ] right but so the thing was what the [ __ ] with that sound like that you know Wiggly [ __ ] I've been doing it for like the last year but I just didn't post any music so in my mind genuinely I just forgot that it was new to the world you know but I've been doing I got like 100 songs with us type of [ __ ] right but I forgot I haven't posted anything so when it went out and people heard it like what the [ __ ] is this what is Johnny doing he's like singing I've never heard this before this is insane but honestly it was just and he had any song that I had dropped that I've been making lately leaked it would have did that because they all have this like I've just created this new sound well hold on grab one second I'm just curious did you play that song for people no one's no I didn't play this off with nobody I didn't play it for myself I had so you're not ready to never listen back to it like I I had no intentions of ever dropping off how do you decide what new sounds are like what in your mind creatively are you like you make them right right I know you make them but like where do you start is it just studio all day you're just like this sounds cool I don't Club I don't drink I don't smoke like I'm in the studio like every day right so like I was like [ __ ] I want to do something different you know I made this album the next album that I dropped well so like I'm gonna start working first I uh I'm just in there and I'm just trying to honestly it's just like it's just experimenting there's nothing different than just like let's test this click this button how do you know when it's how do you know when like that's it I just know like you know how when you're hurting like what the [ __ ] is this it's like that okay you know it's like whoa what the [ __ ] did we just do yeah yeah that was how essential is it to have walk or drink to create a banger oh it's not essential at all it's just [ __ ] good just go to the studio which is good in your life he's addicted to Addies that's why he wanted to know sorry sorry so sorry I mean you tried me earlier that's not true it's okay he runs off no no bro we don't really love oh [ __ ] Laura we love you we probably [ __ ] around here nothing's wrong with that it's good for her nothing's wrong with that but there's when you drop the word Addiction there's a little issue you'd like to take them often I got you sorry you like that you like the blue ones yeah the blue ones are better because they're not as strong were they good or no I never did it again I don't know I know I couldn't because I wasn't I didn't feel like I was geeked I just felt up wired like I could have cleaned six houses how much how much music do you have made already this time thousands of songs thousands of songs no way I feel like every artist says that [ __ ] and it's like no it's true though I can't speak for every artist but of course I got a [ __ ] ton of music I mean I've made like maybe 30 songs in the last two weeks why have you been so quiet with your music because I wasn't trying to rap I was trying to Pivot my career oh you want to be done with it no oh no I don't just wanna leave it into fashion that was crazy yeah it was wow I wanted to Pivot my career as an artist you know like I made an alternative album a lot with a live band you know like I made like a serious amazing album the Psychedelic album that it's just wait a second he said the magic word yeah that's wonderful bro psychedelic album is insane it'll blow your mind bro you take mushrooms I take acid you've taken DMT all the time have you smoked it how do you take it you oh wow we got to talk about it how many times have you done have you or no no something I'm afraid to do like you can't even count how many times yeah way more than I could count wow yeah why is it so bad hold on it's not bad it's just deep hold on let's talk about your first put out right now balls really can we do it after the podcast so I don't like it yo what was your first experience like and how much how did you do it I first experienced with [ __ ] because I didn't know I didn't have any Ramen who did it before to teach me how to smoke it I thought it would just pull it like weed but it's like you hold it you know and I had no clue so my first experience was dog [ __ ] but the first working experience yes it was crazy yeah I did with the Pink Floyd you haven't seen Jimmy Neutron like a [ __ ] has the like they go in his brain and like you gotta be going with the chemicals that's the [ __ ] it was like [ __ ] like that like did you did you go back into your like where you closed the eyes and you had the visuals yeah first time I was closed eyes first time because I know it closed the items I was like damn what is like open eyes and I was like whoa [ __ ] it's [ __ ] bro it's [ __ ] with their eyes open because you're seeing things like you're saying what you know you're saying that is not what you're saying yeah what the [ __ ] I'm seeing this what what have you learned from those experiences do you learn anything yeah nothing just like that like there is definitely the Earth is not the only planet straight up it's no way bro it's bro like just the way your brain can do things that it can do it's no way you think it opens up like another sense almost bro it just shows you that like what the [ __ ] we could fly if we wanted to well what else do you think's out there the universe is so small the universe is so small there's so many other galaxies bigger than our galaxy that swallow this galaxy it's just no way so would you go out to space for the opportunity or not absolutely not I don't need to know it's scary because we're only as smart as our senses oh yeah and I'm just not as educated you know like like I would love to if I was an astronaut yeah but I don't know what's out there I wouldn't know the first thing to do bro all I eat is chicken nuggets and peace I die yeah what's good with that what's going on Pizza why don't you try something new yeah dude well not a spot but I have a frozen pizza in all Walmarts 13 000 go get one is that out yeah oh yeah when did that come out uh like two months ago every Walmart is doing really good yachty's Pizzeria yeah hold on what are the best toppings on Pizza let's talk about that real quick right so I just like pepperonis or pepperonis and bacon if it's good bacon but do you believe that pineapple should be on Pizza what I don't know your fruit okay fair yeah I think it shouldn't be on there I wouldn't know I think it's kind of fun but you don't eat fruit ever no no I don't eat fruit like apples oranges blueberries none of that why you just don't like it I just never had it wait wait you never had it your fire yeah never had one pineapple nah I like pineapple soda though it's good with the with the red [Music] what about the yellow Fanta isn't that yeah with like a three a walk no shut the [ __ ] the [ __ ] I don't what are you with what's your like typical breakfast I mean I wake up like four or five PM but uh yeah yeah bro I don't go to sleep it's like one two p.m you say in a studio like what's your normal day yeah all night bro I go to a studio probably like seven o'clock we in there it's about like six seven in the morning I go home play games I used what I was doing what I was I was leaving the studio like five not work out five to six a.m take a shower play games to about like noon sleep all day so you are in the gym though I was in the gym but I was talking with Drake the last like four day four months so it's hard to like I thought he would have been with him for four months damn near wait do it once just making music like working yeah music it was just working and just hanging out do you do him with project he helps you would project how does that relationship go everyone helps everyone yeah family here but I gotta be honest I don't think you guys are on the same daily regimens like is he standing no no bro he's Superman oh yeah he's healthy as [ __ ] it's crazy but I mean bro obviously bro when you're [ __ ] Clark can't like does he ever push you to try like your veggies and your fruit yeah he hates it bro he hates it why did you develop that not eating fruit and veggies it's not that I think it's just like my mom I didn't go my dad like didn't live with us but my mom like she worked like two jobs so she just come home super tired and like get like McDonald's or pizza and then like I don't think she realized that it just became like a 12-year thing but it's like I just never ate I've never tried anything by the time oh my taste buds is like [ __ ] up yeah are your parents divorced is that are you divorcing on six oh wow yeah yeah but there's my death is [ __ ] they're cool that's what's up yeah it's not like sad story what do they think about all the things that you're doing things that you're you're working on I mean my mom my business manager so yeah my mom she knows everything that happens she knows every dollar they spent so she's in it uh it's cool though I think I'm pretty sure they're pretty happy I mean I fulfilled all the desires yeah yeah I'm good to my parents they were good to me what do you what do you look for when you're like getting like an endorsement deal or doing like a brand partnership like do you are you a guy that always needs like control of the creative completely I didn't used to but I was so young but now yeah because it's important when you put out it's just as important as whatever they pay you it's your image right so like [ __ ] taking all those M's and then you look like a [ __ ] goofball on screen yeah you know so um um now yes at first it was just like man I need to see the M's you know uh but I care now now it's much more important than creative but that's just because I'm in a whole different Lane I was so young then have you ever felt taken advantage of in this industry no no no I'm not taking advantage of I I just felt like I was I'll take a lot of responsibility I don't really blame much of anyone because I do the [ __ ] I want to do right so I'm in the beginning of my crowd which is Young mentally I was just at a different state point that I'm in now as an artist you know like a lot of those songs I don't regret them because they got me to where I am but I'm not that same person anymore you know like I'm not in the I spy mindset anymore I'm not what do you mean by that though I just like I've changed so much you learned what do you mean like the style of it yeah well no no no it's just as a human being you know like I'm I'm 25 now I was 19 years old but what about that like what about like I spy for example like what do you mean you're not I just don't know if that's where my head is as far as music anymore you know I can't wait till you guys hear my um album it when the world hears it they'll look at me in a different light as an artist what do you think changed the most um like I spy is like a poppy type rap I'm like I don't mind pop music yeah it's fire just I don't know how to explain it I just I think sonically I've just grown you know like to just like a new height as an artist and I'm also a rapper right like a really [ __ ] good one uh contrary to the belief but uh I I I take rapping extremely serious does that bother you when people kind of say you're more pop or mainstream uh I mean I just think people don't do their research so we were listening to we have a song that just came out on 3.5 with little baby right what's it called I don't know you don't know yeah it's a banger maybe I don't know I don't know I don't know I put music out bro I'm on to the next yeah are you like that with everything not just music like you just like go go go [Music] no I think just music bro I mix up bro I make I'm telling bro I have thousands of songs bro it's really hard it's hard to remember the [ __ ] lyrics all right besides Drake who's your most favorite person that you worked with because you can't say Drake I mean you talk about him a lot well I cannot because because we are because we're just assuming I'm assuming that that's the guy because everything we've said but so if we're not saying Drake who else it used to be Jews man juice were going to studio and just like rap bro he was so talented yeah it was so quick other than that I mean I don't work with too many people probably like Sada baby from Detroit but somebody I could whoever's fast a lot of artists aren't fast like creating the music I just really quick turnaround yeah yeah like it's just it's either I have it or I don't like it I feel it I can do it instantly or I can't do it you know I don't know oh how picky are you with like what if you sent something oh yeah yeah super picky yeah super picky bro because I feel like a lot of music sounds the same and I hate to feel like I'm wasting my time on a song I feel like I can waste my time I just like stop like I'll come back to it you know and sometimes I have to just listen to it later be like oh that was actually pretty good I could finish that sometimes I get in my head about it but I just if I feel like it doesn't sound worth because like you know especially if I have people in the room I hate feel like I'm wasting people's time you know it's like oh God I feel like that I saw earlier you did a you got an album and you started it over four times is that true yeah yeah I started level three or something how do you do that so it sounds like you're in your head at that point right well I mean that and like one time I played it for Young Thug and I just could tell he thought it was dark [ __ ] so I just started over wow he's like your BPM is too slow these records are just too slow I think that was a nice way of saying it just sucks yeah well do you do you like do you appreciate like the honesty or do you disagree or hell yeah everyone has a different opinion though right oh but it was true yeah yeah what's your relationship like with Thug right now good I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I haven't besides Drake who Do you have the best relationship with in the industry well besides Drake who Do you have the best relationship with in the industry currently I don't know I mean I I think Drake is the only I actually talk to I'm really close with Tyler I called Tyler for advisor all the time because he's super [ __ ] smart and he's just like this [ __ ] business genius you know when it comes to like owning your own business and [ __ ] like that so like Tyler is really good I can always count on him he always answers the phone yeah Rocky is sick too I don't call him Rocky much he's like doing his own thing but like I got a lot of love for him that's about it though I don't really it's not too many people the people I call on and hang with aren't Like Rappers you know like guys just like my friends yeah you're gonna hang out with Kai Kai's cool oh Kai is might be the coolest guy I know we played golf club he's actually pretty good right about his handicaps yeah even crazier guy next to Kai Simon he's a [ __ ] he's the [ __ ] so everyone in this room with me is the [ __ ] I don't know about y'all but do you live in Atlanta you live in Atlanta with the squad that's Boy Wonder one of the biggest no I know I know in hip-hop I know you know but you have something yeah that's one that's that's the smartest that's camo you know what I'm saying he's he's new but he's gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] up real soon seriously yeah that's camo it's Kai and that's the STEEZ Simon yeah because I saw that you moved into a house with nine people no no I live by myself now that was my old house I bought a house and then I bought the house next door and I had the homies living over there but I moved them out and I'm a mom lives next door how crazy was that when you did live with well that was nothing I was with 15 people before that it was the real world real world Atlanta what's that like yeah yeah until you pay for everything yeah and you got three thousand dollars a week and they breaking [ __ ] and she started going missing and then your car starts but how do you stay focused with all that Focus I was like I was like 20. what's funny we still live with like six people right now yeah bro you're in bed by eight [ __ ] 30 every night no it depends okay 9 30. it's early what's up earlier no one else is awake oh no I'm not trying to talk to people yeah trying to make [ __ ] records well it's probably not as bad if you're just like not drinking too sunny you know yeah I've never been drunk yeah sober up till like 12 then it's like no I'm scared of alcohol like DMT creative it's like it's a difference you know like I said I'm like I'm like what do I need to do to the next five years where to get where I need to go so you really value that like thought towards those kind of things bro it opens your mind with a key like I think about [ __ ] that I have never thought about although I wouldn't have thought about I've been trying to get him to do mushrooms it's deep Bro you see if you're scared bro don't do it no I know I feel like if you're scared you got to do it well I don't because like it really you start thinking bro you get deep in your head bro that's [ __ ] and then you realize it ends but it's like all the time before and she like please end yeah I've been there I've been there yeah but I but I also always appreciate it looking I love it yeah I just never I just tell people like if you're going through things in your life like [ __ ] you're hiding like you only you know what you're really going through yeah like don't do it bro because you're going to bring it to the front of your brain but isn't that a good thing don't you think it's a good thing this is how dark it is if it's like some deep dark you know you don't think it's better to hold it down it depends like if you know like you were butt raped and like it hurts you I'm just saying like if you're thinking about that secretly you're like that'd be a brutal trip yeah [ __ ] you think I'm just thinking like if that's some [ __ ] you're hiding and like you think about it at night you think about it why because it'll be like 10x if you're on shrooms yeah brings it to the Forefront [ __ ] that [ __ ] was crazy it was gripping my neck and yeah my head my mother dying cause she handles all of everything I do so my mother dies I'm [ __ ] I don't know how to pay a bill I don't know how to [ __ ] call the doctor nothing like my mom does some [ __ ] yeah that's a real one yeah wow so These Guys these guys are playing games like you're a big gamer huh hell yeah you decide from Call of Duty man what oh come on bro okay what are you talking about I can't wait well in Grand Theft Auto 6 and GTA oh my God bro I can't take a long time to that though yeah that's that's like time I know it's crazy so early what did I drop when does that drop that's like way way away bro but they leaked [ __ ] early no no we're talking about Modern Warfare what are you doing rockstar I was talking about GTA oh yeah I can't wait for that what was your favorite Cod of all time yeah name it two two Black Ops Black Ops one which one has terminal in it MW2 terminal yeah MW2 original and uh original MW2 yeah I really liked what was what was the last Duty just now the last one that just dropped yeah how do we not know this [ __ ] what is it it's [ __ ] rival to fortnite no not Black Ops Vanguard Vanguard oh it's Van Gogh you like Vanguard I love Vanguard really because it moved just like it moved just like like two what awards golly obviously I like that old [ __ ] okay all of them except for the futuristic okay so you didn't like the the modern stuff then like I like modern I just didn't like when he had to when he could fly he had to like yeah what was that infinite Warfare no that was Modern Warfare or something infinite Warfare yeah it was like they started getting crazy with a flying and [ __ ] no that ruined the Expo [ __ ] that [ __ ] wasn't it so do you like streaming I used to you stopped you're done with it completely yeah but I was one of the first rappers to stream I was doing in 2017. yeah I've been streaming on Twitch I was before the wave completely so why'd you stop because I feel like I became I became too accessible as an artist too accessible yeah do you think that impacts like the way people like consume your music yeah he's more into his streams and rapping that's what I'm saying he's kind of transitioned he's like a streamer I consider him a streamer now I don't want you to consider me that I don't I consider you a rapper yeah I don't want to be considered that respect that makes my love too crazy one of the best rappers but I don't want you to think I'm a streamer of a rapper let me ask you something though I'm an artist what if because I think I I was looking into the T Grizzy stuff I think he might be making so much money that's awesome I'm making [ __ ] ton of money too but is it more like a passion like I want to be a rapper more so if the bag's bigger with streaming hypothetically it's just about what you love to do as a person yeah right like like like bro I'm an artist my in Tech my artist Integrity is at 100. I need you to understand and respect that you know and I love playing games but also I'm gonna tell you when you do these things right like you know when you do these YouTube videos and you show the world your everyday life and you're twitching every day at 6 30 and you're on Instagram live and you're tired and you're that people treat you like the [ __ ] on the street you know what's crazy you don't you're not like [ __ ] my that Michael Jackson effect when they just know oh he has a girlfriend and he lives in Atlanta and I know I can see him at 6 30 and he just got a haircut and like it's like you're not wait you never are that guy this was in Fredonia but we were you had a vlog I can't remember who it was with but you and another rapper we're at the gas station I think in two McLarens or something you had a YouTube video oh my clan I don't draw my Clans out of fries I don't know yeah two raris but it was like the coolest Vlog I've ever seen I want to talk about the idea of like uh and I stopped doing that too I stopped doing Vlogs too the idea of like the we're talking about the irrelevancy and like falling off um because people talk a lot of [ __ ] based on like someone's like last project Etc like for example I was in a pot with Jillian the other day and they were talking about how like like I was saying how you guys did Elon Musk you did these like Andrew tape pods these crazy pods and the next person wasn't as crazy and they're like oh you fell off right people always kind of like run their mouth [ __ ] stupid yeah what's your opinion on that because it's like every single thing you do I feel like people think it's got to be the best better than everything else when it's just dumb yeah right like why not hey I love this [ __ ] show right yeah that's what it used to be back in days exactly right or wrong sick or thin this person had a bad album good I'm I [ __ ] [ __ ] with this guy yeah everyone's trying to like this the next artist like who the [ __ ] do you have to Trump [ __ ] Neil Armstrong like what do you do yeah like it's like [ __ ] it's like I [ __ ] it's like should be ride or die now oh you next person you did wasn't his biggest why do you think it's changed no I know people don't care they just want to be energy well you're missing the bigger picture bro just don't give a [ __ ] yeah the majority of them are children yeah why do you think why do you think that Dynamic has changed so much because that's just what people have made it out to be started out with rap music with first week sales and then it just kind of leaked over to all your subscribers or like how much video your video accounts is just [ __ ] that doesn't matter [ __ ] the content is all about the that [ __ ] up my speech I was wrong run that back yeah I know that just [ __ ] you know I was going crazy I think people just care about numbers and it sucks because people don't even care about the content facts but I also think what's [ __ ] up is the attention span so let's say the Elon Musk episode comes out and then there's viral videos of you the next day people are already over there bro that's just how it goes to talk change the world completely specifically specifically with music do you like what would you say like because you know some people like blow up their songs I don't know if this is relevant or not to say wait did you just picture the the head in the pillow or whatever you're saying when he did that wait no no yeah crazy I ain't never been raped ever no I just he came in hot with the mic check yeah I don't know yeah it was great just kind of stood over me just you know put this in my face so so for example you know this like these these artists who kind of pop with with trending sounds on like Tick Tock Etc that's [ __ ] for them like like I spice as an example something I've seen just blow up on Tick Tock I don't know anything about it that's not a bad idea because people know who she is there's more artists that songs blow up and you have no clue mates okay so there's other people right so maybe that's a bad example but how do you think they're able to transition into actual artist Hood it's hard you think it's a way to do it maybe but if they usually don't yeah I think your music just has to be fire at the end of the day no but no but it's not that you have to have a personality but yeah 100 rapping is it's 50 50. 50 off is the music and then 50 of it is like personality and for some people it's more personality than music but then I think sometimes the personality he comes but they stay they like come for that but then they don't stay for the music like I think a lot of people have fallen off because their music at the end of the day I feel like the music has to be fired yeah but they still have some kind of a career because of the Personality yeah but unless you don't have personality then you all the way [ __ ] do you think it's 50 50. the importance sometimes it's more yeah more personal more on Personality yeah like some people can live and survive off having a personality 100 I mean that's what someone can name so many yeah a lot of like not often what they do not that music just off of their personalities even when that's more personality based but I know he's not like on the side of the street begging for change no he's definitely not because he can still pull in millions of views on an Instagram video because he can still he has a personality you know what I'm saying yeah I feel like it was the first four people tee Grizzly yeah t Grizzly like you you can hop on Twitch if you have a personality you can create Revenue yeah 100 and it's all about like if you have a foot but then you have artists I'm not gonna name someone I want to but I'm not gonna do it but there's people who have who have had hit records name them who have had hit records and don't necessarily have the personality and then you fall short pump yeah the hell yo stop stop were you thinking okay I don't give a [ __ ] I was thinking goofy stuff I don't think he had a real personality you know like I don't think he had like like a funny or like charismatic or like entertainment really big though okay what do you think about guys that have had like Timeless albums but they just can't like I think of Chief Keef like Finally Rich but he can't make music since then but it's one of the greatest albums ever so yeah I don't know I was just having this conversation on the day it's so weird she keeps in a spot where you can't disrespect right Stephen King no of course not I'm just saying that's it but what do you think about like because he's came out with a lot of music he's undisrespectful I don't know yeah I respect him I won't even speak on anything he did but I don't know it's your Q This Is Legend some people you can't Young Thug well I'm not throwing [ __ ] by the way no but I'm just can't think of speaking on Gucci Mane's bad [ __ ] can't speak of course she keeps bashing these people you just like I don't know what they doing with respect so who who I'm saying is real quick what I'm saying is like I don't consider like Sosa or like those guys falling off at all they're Legends but they could they just couldn't create an album quite like that yeah I'll get it too I just don't speak on it yeah we get it fair enough sweep it on the road who do you think are the most influential people in the industry thus far every time I rap rap yes uh Chief Keef Young Thug Kanye West Drake how long is this list what do you want top 50. see no top five come on Jesus Christ Thug Jake obviously he influenced the entire world to sing and rap yeah uh uh Kanye uh and I fifth I said like Eminem probably yeah and then Nicki Minaj yeah what do you think about the Kanye West stuff right now [ __ ] it's crazy yeah they really like they like cut everything bro he's streaming everything I don't feel like he doesn't care oh no yeah he said what shout out to the Jews why close the hell is that supposed to mean I just can feel it I can smell it all right you feel like good energy this guy's probably funny yeah I'm pretty smart super good at math I'm like good Investments and all that [ __ ] oh yeah for sure I'll take that as a compliment appreciate that what about the Fashions I [ __ ] with Jewish people oh yeah Drake's Jewish yeah he is but I got a bunch of Jewish friends it's a good Circle to be in I agree they look up um so funny what what about the uh the Fashion World what about it who else do you think besides yourself because some of the top dogs uh Rocky Tyler X7 ass what about future no no oh damn no whoa absolutely not shout out the future he's Futures that I [ __ ] with future but like we talking fashion he's got some fire fits though we're talking about different things though but I'm telling you you talk about drip yeah I'm talking about something else bro I think yours is more creative boy I don't know what it is who knows what do I know I don't know [ __ ] but you asked me my personal is I was just telling you my problems I don't know anything though I'm nobody you said that you said that when they asked you or you're asked about if you would perform with a little baby when there's an interview oh no my academics asked me about going on tour with him yeah you said you wouldn't do it absolutely not but is that serious or were you just saying that up can you elaborate on why because we're two to completely different artists we have different fan bases and I don't need I don't need nor do I want that fan base respect to him it's a hard heavy um fan base but it's just not for my music it's not for them that I just made it's not for that I'm gonna make after that it's just it's just not it you know you have to know yourself and that's what's wrong with a lot of artists they don't know themselves I know myself I know the music I make I know who listens to I know who doesn't want to listen to it and that's perfectly fine for me it's millions and millions of people in the world I'm not trying to please everyone yeah I'm a [ __ ] God how long did it take you to know yourself like in this business music I just always did bro I've always been super in tune I'm not some guy that just lives in the world yeah I'm very very in tune with myself I'll pay attention I watch my fans I watch my like that's and I'm just in tune like I don't just push like you have a lot of hours to just drop [ __ ] and just go on about stuff I'm in it yeah weird brain freeze I think you know ice cream is weird I think you're slept on for that a little bit though because I think that rappers do adapt a lot of the Atlanta rappers too like just people in general want to display a certain scene you know what I'm saying yeah I hear you but yeah what do you mean you go to brain freeze right now yes you gotta do the tongue at the top of the mouth let's just try to do but I didn't I didn't eat nothing that's weird do you eat ice cream or not I love ice cream chicken nuggets ice cream and waffles yeah yeah and pizza type beat I'm I'm I'm um lactose too oh what the [ __ ] yeah it's crazy it gets wild in the bathroom they just walk out and go pee yeah we could go for a while just leave I mean it's just fire I look at that personally I'd look at that as disrespect but you whatever you think I'm glad everyone's being exposed to your true persona it's fine dude it's a podcast it doesn't flush in a guest room as well that's crazy my dick ain't dirty so I I ain't worried about it do you that's bad okay thank you okay you never flush your life suck my dick [ __ ] amen come on don't play with us okay don't play with me yeah he probably would Gabe you're right okay take it easy you've never wash your hands [ __ ] shut the [ __ ] I do I did earlier yeah why are you getting so aggravated yeah shut the [ __ ] up yeah you're right okay I'm right what the [ __ ] you don't play me I can pay you back yeah you're right what did I miss when I was gone uh just the three of us want to beat your ass okay pull up then let's do it no we're not gonna I'm sorry shut the [ __ ] let's continue go ahead get deep real quick okay no okay I was in a bathroom seriously I was thinking about it get deep about the bathroom this is what he does I was thinking about this okay because I was thinking about DMT and Ayahuasca and acid in Ayahuasca yeah I wanted to oh you haven't I'm scared uh yeah I'm afraid of it I have friends that did it and like bro but you smoked DMT yeah that's like the highest no ayahuascus but I I do TMT recreational though well you smoke DMT out of a pipe I I have I have but I like to do it in the Vape vape pen okay that's a little different you're right okay so but I like to do recreational though I think you it's all about what mindset you're going into it with you know like I'm not going to a spiritual religious reasons like I'm not trying to find the right or purpose or nothing what are you trying to find it's just recreational it's just fun oh so but that's the rips off the little vaping I'm talking about actually going to the trip like in Peru and like right right but that's like different yeah it's like spiritual like when you go see a a a shaman would you do it yeah when do you think you'd do it I mean I don't know if I really wanted to I don't really if I go see Shaman I want to do Ayahuasca yeah like in Peru or something yeah that's like wherever you know but that's like the life change show like at homies did that and moved to Indonesia yeah all kind of crazy [ __ ] seriously started like lost hundreds of pounds and just like just it's weird like change they completely like stop cheating on your girlfriends and just like yeah yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] steep side down seriously so what what like what do you enjoy the most about psychedelics then like acid all that kind of just so just to level up like where my thoughts go so every time you do it you do it with intention like of what you're doing no intentions but it just happens like you start to start thinking like where I want to be in life and what I want to do and like the next album I made I wouldn't have made if I never did ask it you know you would have made it never happened really yeah but like I started doing ads and start thinking about damn what would I like to hear what would I like to listen to right now if I was [ __ ] [ __ ] so you did so you did have intention you didn't just do it just to do it no but it wasn't intention though I just it's it's years of doing it just like starting I started like collect thoughts I'm like damn I like this or I'm like this I like how this will sound this will sound cool and then just start like you know maybe I'm just make this [ __ ] yeah and also my favorite album of all time is Dark Souls Moon oh it's what things yo that's crazy me because you've never had a bad experience where you're like yo one [ __ ] this I don't ever want to do this no I wasn't [ __ ] this because I know it's all in your head but I did one time I have a bad ship I was like whoa It's just something mushrooms which was it um acid yeah and that's just because I was trying to right like it was just there's these things on YouTube you go watch like these these uh I didn't say it no I know but yet yo yo you're funny please leave that in here it's just being on acid and going on YouTube I don't know why they're just 100 years like I couldn't imagine that sorry okay go to YouTube newsy's like there's these dark web stories oh no yeah like people who like I don't know if they're real or fake but like they're intense like these guys tell these stories of [ __ ] they've experienced on a dark web and it's just [ __ ] you know why you think I was telling because I was trying to see how I didn't believe bad ships were real so I wanted to see it was trying to get there yeah yeah cause I want to see if it was real yeah this guy was telling the story about how he was on a dark web and then this person started showing up outside his house and started leaving messages on his computer like I'm outside and one of these days I'm Gonna Catch You and it was crazy bro and then I just started tripping to start seeing demons and I was [ __ ] you never you never had that just normal you just had to you had it I was like because I my life is peaceful bro I have no problems bro I'm such a I'm a good person I'm good to people I live a good life I'm blessed like I have a good life bro you know like just to be completely honest with y'all so no I don't get negative thoughts I don't get nasty thoughts I don't have rude thoughts I don't treat people bad so I don't I don't like think about Karma like something to get me like I know I like I know I'll slip and I know I'm like I'm good to people and people are good to me oh yeah have you have you always grown have you always grown just knowing that's how the way to be or something a good person man I know I just didn't I'm not really I'm not negative I'm not into that yeah I'm not into that it's just it's just what I keep moving this he always comes in moving down I move I'm sorry my mom's a good person they're good people yeah I think it's just I was just raised to be a good person I could tell too yeah Vibe is great the vibe is great the only person that died right yeah that's fine do you have a nail polish thing I had one but the deal was [ __ ] they kind of [ __ ] me I'm not there it was [ __ ] do you have like a dream or passion project that you want to work on it was pizza it was always pizza and I did it and it's like now I think just open a pizza restaurant yeah but it was always Pizza bro it's my favorite what's the process like with that like how many pizzas did you have to go through to find the perfect one a lot a [ __ ] ton how much time do you think that'll be honest it's [ __ ] DiGiorno just be honest I've seen it a picture of it looks pretty far it's Predators man what was the stuff like you're saying this is [ __ ] uh you got it we got it he wanted that Jesus Christ okay all right all right all right sorry I apologize so how excited were you or loco huh foreign we saw a guy buying one at 7am this morning yeah it was a tough life bro it's a tough life I bought him [ __ ] he asked for food so I bought him [ __ ] chicken tenders and then of course then he copped his own foreign [Music] he's going to just for the top oh no for all I got every tooth in my mouth oh okay yeah I got like Sixers oh no yeah what's what's good with the there's a huge differentiator here between 90 and 15. so yeah yeah how the [ __ ] that happened what did your treatment look like buddy you've asked me how much my teeth cost like 15 times nothing bro like is he gonna help me pull more for sure I swear to God yesterday in the gym dude yeah and the Jimmy comes up to me he's like yo bro like I think I think I'm gonna get them bro I think I'm gonna get them yo straight up yeah no he said that it's okay how much did the grill cost this girl's a gift it was a birthday gift from who from My Jeweler oh nice yeah shout out to my Julie man but I'm gonna do it what's your most expensive piece of jewelry yeah most expensive most expensive I think the most expensive I got a chain once it was 200 Grand and then I bought Walmart chain now I got them together my channel is 200 her channel was 100 100 something and then I got this necklace Drake has it right now but it's like 145 000. all the same time in 2009 yeah 300 together but I had one little dominicus myself I paid 145 for you so most expensive was that 200 000 chain damn it's [ __ ] jury yeah what do you think about the jewelry in general because you see the the a lot of these a lot of rappers are getting kind of you know not being in good situations and taking out pnb got got kind of [ __ ] with the jewelry thing yeah I don't go outside you think it's just do you think people should not do it or I can't speak for people I personally don't go outside sir is that like a fear thing or you're just like [ __ ] all that I think people are just weird yeah maybe some fear I'm not [ __ ] Suge Knight I don't care yeah I'm not kidding got yeah I got you for sure have you ever had any experience what you felt like I'd say no I don't go outside like ever not for real I do not put myself in situations bro that's smart it's and it's not about being smart just generally I'm a homebody you just enjoy being at home or with my just with my friends yeah yeah I generally would much rather do that any day than go somewhere and be somewhere I'm not supposed to be I know I'm not supposed to be bro yeah don't you know y'all don't know yeah you can feel that sometimes oh yeah 100 only time you go somewhere you're not supposed to be it's for [ __ ] yo for real yeah so I would say that's very true it is cheesy excuse me it just happens man you catch yourself in some wild situations what do you know about [ __ ] bro a lot or you're that friend no but I could just I can sense you're the friend that's like yeah bro you don't give it just I just that's how they're treating you sorry bro we love you dude I'd like to we all play a role on this podcast for sure you have [ __ ] you're on this podcast many times if you're on this podcast you're definitely getting [ __ ] I wouldn't say it's the only reason I'd say it bro it's a good sense of humor I'm good at math but I know this helps I know like I'm gonna tell you right now it's Eagles have you seen the full sent podcast it's gone it's gone from like that's his slide here to like here I'm sure like this bro I went like [ __ ] stop playing like like kind of like there I got a complete vertical or [ __ ] [ __ ] shot like a [ __ ] rocket like an Elon Musk whatever dude missile dude whatever bro okay we love you man no yeah I'm picky the hell go to the bathroom I think it's your turn to go to the bathroom oh yeah because I want to look at this clip and we got to go through this what's the color you got Clips over there yeah you're both and they've seen everybody seen it but we get oh [ __ ] oh here it is you didn't put it up on there I I did it didn't send through it everybody yeah you guys have seen this place and we're gonna pop it up when we post the podcast yeah you gotta start from the top it's the [ __ ] that clip people come at this but that clip gives everybody chills when they watch it yes that's some lyrical lemonade two years ago so I want to know when you walked out like that could you feel that in the moment no bro I've had so many shows like that that one was just on camera my shows are sick you know how many times I see that clip probably every three days just when I'm schooling that's cool I don't know that's something normal if that's normal to me probably the craziest crowd I've ever seen no yeah I've never seen when DMX did that show at um oh at um damn that Festival was uh what's the whole festival I think part of it oh yeah and did Mexico Woodstock he had the overalls on and she liked his performance of the world that's a cool clip though well part of it was your walkout too yeah that jig I do that a lot have you ever got overwhelmed in situations like that prior to like knowing what it was when you started a few times performing is my thing you just right away you're like I love this oh I love it I'm amped up I love it it's like a new it's like a light switch on my characterisms that like you get into that mode it's time to go you need like you drink any caffeine you get hyped they're just natural ah bro and you feel the screaming like it's like you feel it it's like excitement yeah and you what I mean it's with all these nights are built up for all the work that you've done yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I love it I love it's fun I like being an artist what's your favorite part about all this the love and I I also love that as a person I've learned to separate differentiate a lot of rappers and artists they don't know how to like be them like they live in that 24 7. you know like I've been over certain rapper's house to be like one more and they have like 10 chains on and like sunglasses and it's just us in the living room it's like bro no one's here you mean living like the popularity of it just like two watches yeah it's like bro it's just us yeah so you're saying like they can't just be them so it's like personality like people needs a lot of people need it yeah need it I don't need it you know I'm the same person I think that's because of the internet or the competition I don't know I'm glad gladly don't have that problem I think it's just ego booster yeah feel like you can't be shut down until no when you have six chains on have you ever had any moments where like your ego took over I don't have it you go bro acid has killed my oh many times ago yeah he never had it though you had to have had it what about in 2016 when you blew up he's been a pretty good person bro I've always been pretty like you wouldn't be a good person but no yeah yeah you couldn't be I mean I couldn't but it's possible and I've just always been very respectful and understandable of my blessing right like because I haven't always had money you know even from the beginning oh yeah [ __ ] for sure I've always been like uh always always yeah oh lit it's gonna be something you should answer right now yeah we got to take her name out what's up what are you up to put on speaker uh just at the uh here you go yeah dude please wait you said what the stuff can I buy your Ferrari yeah yeah hold on sorry Lil yachty's trying to borrow my foreign hi who's what's your name oh my name is Johnny how are you okay well let's not go too far I had a rough day today it's [ __ ] right like I don't know [Music] yeah I was working out earlier like 300 reps I'm sure she has to [ __ ] my back's aching at the Gold's Gym all right yo they're they're pulling up the Rory bro just classic yo yo we're doing the show right now I gotta call you back he's taken by Rory I gotta stop I don't know oh [ __ ] damn here that went pretty good no yeah I don't think it did she seemed happy yeah no enough oh good I need that but whatever [ __ ] solid dude she has fake taste doesn't she yeah yeah nice okay I could hear it Brad you got anything else to get deep about oh he talked about fake tits I was curious you like girls that are natural I like all women all women shape tall thick big small damn natural respect fake I love it you don't have a practice I love freckles freckles oh [ __ ] so you like that [ __ ] that [ __ ] filter huh in real life the real ones I love freckles but my favorite what's your biggest red flag with the chick um just one who posts everything like I hate when I go on someone's twitter and they're like oh other store oh this guy was so crazy oh I'm leaving the club oh I'm hungry oh just has steak oh like damn [ __ ] live that is actually no you know how a [ __ ] is cycle if she posts everything but they do it they're a problem who do that that's like the epitome of Miami like thoughts oh la too though nothing just it's everywhere I think it is they're everywhere oh well it's bad here I think it's everywhere yeah I think La women are more on their Instagram why do you think they do that because that's the thing they need you to know what's good to piss off other dudes or to show up others it's all about attention right yeah but I mean what do you think about social media do you think it's affected like dating like drastically like it's changed the game or oh yeah it's [ __ ] but [ __ ] you also get to see [ __ ] from across the world fingertips but so like I feel like by the way when I say [ __ ] that's just how I say [ __ ] that's fair yeah all right cool yeah so you're good but so so do you think it's changed the game though because like that's your perspective right yeah because bro our [ __ ] know each other now it's [ __ ] yeah yeah it's a small world every city is showing how small the world really is social yeah yeah yeah I mean bro it doesn't stop anything bro we all die one day yeah yeah get it crazy and Mr Drew yeah you got your nails are [ __ ] terrible I chew my nails it's a bad habit that's right I need your purses gets cheers dude I would say that we're also boys it's just a joke could we could we clarify that please we're definitely boys this is definitely a joke [ __ ] you Brad [ __ ] ass wash your hands dog wash your hands when you piss I'm gonna wash my hair wash your hands in the guest house yeah I got socks though ankle socks the Caucasian one about time you went to your bathroom break he's gonna wash his hands three times now I'm so serious about that four times I like him y'all big on him he's funny right yeah I feel like he picks on himself sometimes probably yeah he probably does it to himself he goes hard and he's like wait why are you making fun of me this is what it is though he definitely uses full sin for [ __ ] it's funny because we actually talk about that yeah do you like just off camera everything like how much does it actually help them and it's a lot it's like like I said I wasn't joking [ __ ] I'm sure it does anything else you want to talk about uh uh I mean bro I don't know bro I don't really do [ __ ] he's chilling recording music and buy clothes are these oh these crazy lyrics yeah those are all lyrics I was a kid my business leaving another butter on that little [ __ ] face okay and I love when she eat it yeah I love when she tastes ew all in her face Pew I'm like all in your face there's no way explain that explain that there's no way no it was valid though at the time it's good that's wicked yeah priorities because she get wet and she's sucked me like an insect to see my step sister well I guess that that's maybe you started the stepsister thing maybe that was you is that no that's a real thing yeah it's weird why is that a thing why are people so into that no I really that that happened oh this really happened no yeah you hooked up with your stepsister I mean god sister whoa what yeah oh God sisters yeah that's that's a little more distant that's not yeah you're chilling I think I said step sister on accident but it's a that's a popular thing on the internet I don't know why but that's all it says yeah I don't know the whole like step step family thing it's like a porn yeah exactly yeah yeah yeah shout out to porn I'd rather say it like a star I'd rather do it than say and I didn't did it all before I didn't have sex with six different [ __ ] at the same time on their grandmother's back porch is that one true what is wrong with me I mean not six on the back porch maybe definitely [ __ ] six Bridges not at the same time I think the most I mean I have had what in one day yeah six in one day yeah for sure I mean I try to order you once really be out on tour what's the most I don't even remember how many [ __ ] it was probably like 10 [ __ ] and everything oh yeah same time it was hard going on Amazing yeah yeah it was a week I was a kid I was like 19 20. 10 in one day I mean I'm boring as [ __ ] now now his music working that's it yeah yeah yeah bro I mean bro I'm 25 now bro I really just want one girl friends you think 25 was the age where you realize that I mean bro [ __ ] bro the six years I've done music I say being an Entertainer is Dog Years bro so straight years but it feels like [ __ ] 30. yeah especially with women I feel like yeah [ __ ] I feel like bro I'm coming close to an end bro I gotta pick one of them be alone forever damn but that's true to me that's why yeah yeah yeah that's a real [ __ ] I just want one person bro I want to start it may make it just sucks when like you're like you have all these memories in there with different [ __ ] yeah and like I'm like yo you remember when I wasn't sure no but we went to Italy oh that wasn't true either you know you got all these memories with different [ __ ] I just want to start collecting with one person what do you think stopped you from like not finding one I just did I have bad trust issues bro no that's real I feel like we all have that though it's a very common I mean we're successful man I mean us three I'm sorry bro I'm sorry I'm sorry no I'm sorry I got some heartache sometimes man yeah straight up it's hard bro I mean I'm like I don't know y'all I wear a [ __ ] ton of jewelry and have [ __ ] laying around like I just got a bad trust issue but you never know and I'm from Atlanta bro women have yeah have you gotten a chain swoop before or watch or something I've enjoyed taking from [ __ ] all the time is it is at that point is it just like a that shit's gone or do you try and get it back I don't value that terroristic thing what what about that no but it's like you probably want your chain back no [ __ ] it I mean I have like like I've definitely had watches taken and I had a [ __ ] steal this diamond bracelet from once and I knew she stole it for sure understood because it was there when she did that before she came it was going on she left what about the perspective of like the like girls trying to like level up like where they you know they [ __ ] with you and then trying to just trying to get to the next one do you ever worry about that no well I never had that I'm so private bro like I don't do public relationships right so like but I don't mind you got if I like you I'm gonna turn you up you know make sure you get money and put them on your bank account you know we're gonna take care of your bills I'm gonna buy you nice stuff that's that's what it is I like nice stuff I would never be with someone who didn't have nice things I want you to have nice things I got nice things of course yeah but I definitely want someone that I can like grow with and tell secrets to and like help me with my business and like that I just trust you know like I I envy that like I care about you because I feel like you'll build so much farther if you have that yeah I mean it's just like a partner bro yeah envy that bro it's like I envy people with that just relationship is sick but every time it's ended it's always just been because you can't trust them well I just I I have really short attention span or you get bored a bit too your husband are super boring yeah there has been one that you're like maybe this one maybe yeah but at the time I'm probably so immature that like I just like [ __ ] off yeah yeah let's give up a majority of women I'm not I'm sorry they're pretty boring 100 you know they don't do much [ __ ] I don't know it's just true it's true like a lot of the prettiest women aren't like I'm not born just like kind of do you think they need some sort of like purpose some sort of passion so it's like yeah because I don't mind helping someone find that because it's not easy to just know what you want of course but at least attempt right like I mean a lot of women just like take pictures would you ever do like a what if they did like uh Lil yachty forever as a bachelor yeah no no no I tried to do one for my mom but I really want my mom to have love so I went like I would love to do one for her yeah working for me but I definitely wanted to have someone you know I've never seen my mom with a man ever I'm on with her entire my entire life like interest she has dated but she hid it from me she just cared that much she didn't want that image in our heads yeah like I never saw I've never seen her kiss a man I've never seen him kiss my father I just never seen her touching man holding me like she just she was really adamant on like I'm her mother she's my mother and she just wanted that image to always be a certain way and it always was you know like I never I could never think of my mother doing some inappropriate [ __ ] or just being a good mother that's all I have that's my image of her she really cares about you all right my mom is damn [ __ ] Bro seriously that's amazing yeah yeah she's a great great woman I think that's another reason why my standards are so high my mother's a good woman it makes sense 100 yeah yeah you know a great woman you know so my standards are high like a lot of [ __ ] I don't like man nah my mom wouldn't approve of this and my mom wouldn't do this yeah yeah have you ever brought a girl to your mom to meet her I unfortunately bring way too many girls did she ever give you the like yeah that's my mother does not even pay and he says [ __ ] I think I ruined it like she does not pay any of them any attention because she probably doesn't take it seriously because my mom was just so awesome I always bring women to my mom like Mom look and it's just like hey yeah because I can't hold a relationship not because of me though I mean because of me but not because like of something I did just because like I'm like oh this actually isn't as fun as it was it's like he said they see attention span yeah what would it take what do you think it would take for you to be like I don't know this one like would last because it's a girl who has a passion I don't really do what do you think oh if I knew it bro you someone gave all the answers over there we're interviewing [ __ ] Lil yachty right here shut the [ __ ] up [ __ ] I'm asking him his perspective but I'll give you mine if you're asking you're doing I'm 33 so listen okay I think it has to do with like having a woman that has her own that she's something that she really cares about right because if you meet her and then she's adding value to you because when two people come together and they actually generally care about the things like like independently you care about music and fashion and she you're pushing yourself there she cares about whatever and whatever or one thing but you guys can come together and be like you could share kind of like ideas about the two things and drive each other forward yeah then you find someone like that and you'll be like if you obviously sexually and all the other you know you cross all the other boxes then it can make sense but I think it's it's a matter like you said you find these girls probably beautiful girls who there's not much going on here because they don't really know what they really want to do and maybe think about you just taking care of them the rest of their way just because it's so we're so popular now social media yeah it's like every girl wants to take pictures and make money and do undo whatever only fans whatever it is right so it's just like what real purpose and passion does a woman have that is also like motivated and inspiring to you today she doesn't need to make you money but like to make you kind of push yourself forward that's real I never you know that was I've never heard that before but that's a hundred I agree with you 100 yeah so I think you found someone like that you'd be like damn that's it but you just that's very hard to find because it's much easier to be the girl who just looks sexy on camera yeah it's much harder to be a girl that has passion that cares about some [ __ ] that she's really she wants to do and they're probably not working towards that [ __ ] no more because it is just so easy for them to make exactly yeah easy so that's why the whole Dynamics have shifted I think girls like they just think it's just easy I can just just it's almost like feels like someone of a cop-out not that it's a terrible thing I mean do what you want to do to make money but at the same time like if you're not developing other things that you really care about that are just outside of like the fact that I look beautiful then you find yourself in a position where where's the real like energy and value behind that so that's real go [ __ ] yourselves tiny I had nothing to say there yeah no you just crushed that it's okay go interviewing him remember that don't forget it I'm very aware of his opinion you're looking for a main chick too right stunning oh focused on my career right now though chase a check you know the rest I want the one man I wanna have a kid dude straight up yeah family's everything bro yeah well I agree with that yeah yeah that's all I have no I don't have kids but I have my brother my sister my parents are close yeah Barry I wish I was um close with my brother we're not close I you know it's funny I think that's you have to do that young it's hard to develop a relationship later I've learned that unfortunately yeah why do you think you're not close with them because he's a dick oh that's fair yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] just based on like he's a loser he's a bummer nothing going from himself he never will oh dude that's so yeah that fell down oh there's nothing it have you ever experienced like someone coming to you back in your life when like before you have this stuff then they come back and they're like oh they want to get to know you that's what this is okay so that makes sense why you feel that way there's a bum is a playful of crumbs he's nothing well on the flip side how many people did you have that really believed in you and supported you that are you no not many but how many people for sure it just was not in my life at all yeah until I got famous oh that's [ __ ] whack yeah yeah that's why is he older than you yeah six years six years old that's why yeah he's a bozo doing nothing probably homeless right now I don't know what he's doing damn yeah but that's um yeah I mean it's not your job to take care of someone who's like especially if they come into it yeah [ __ ] weird position like that [ __ ] that guy is I still tried to help him he's a dick I'm doing better so I mean who cares it is what it is a good relationship with your mom so you're good yeah and my little sister my sister is great too um she's just in that she's a part of that group she's six he's six years older she's six years younger so she's a part of that grouped like that like bro the teenagers now on the internet are like so it's like I'm just trying to she's in there like she's in it you know so I'm just like trying to and she's not like me right like she's not into what I'm into she doesn't care about like trash and like me or honestly I don't really know what she's into but like I know she didn't give a [ __ ] about music and [ __ ] so like but I'm still like I asked my sister I care so much I'm still trying to figure out how to connect with her yes it's just conversation yeah that's all you know she's trying to figure it out have more about it more communication I think so and I can't say I dropped the ball around so I do definitely want to start spending more time with her yeah I mean she loves next door to me but yeah what what took the craziest thing that goes on at your crib nothing now no anymore I used to just be like just it was like a kickback every day and it was pretty sick until I could just like come you started it'd be nice to come home tired and it's just people you do not know in your house she's like who are you you didn't kick him out no because they have probably there for somebody else now I mean now it's just me so now it's chill nothing happens now I'm rarely ever home yeah you know uh my mom's next door I got the kick with my mom she's sick my mom's great I don't really do much now what are you mainly focused on right now um just getting my career to where I wanted to be yeah where is that just like on fire got you so when I have the music I just got to put it out what's next like a you drop a single or album no man I'm working right now and um I'm just working I'm working so something's coming out sooner I'm working on some [ __ ] on maybe maybe something soon [ __ ] how do you know when the right time to drop something is for you um I just know I got a momentum right now you know the problem's going crazy so like why not why not take advantage of it for sure yeah yeah but I got a whole new sound a whole new wave I'm excited to just drop on their [ __ ] heads let's go [ __ ] them with it [ __ ] appreciate you man for reals in the meantime until that comes out the pizza at all the Walmarts every Walmart in America yes please Johnny's Pizzeria yeah you guys got to it yeah please Poland is everywhere stream it's um um swipe for me on Tinder yeah you're funny bro I love everybody who loves me so that's all all right thank you appreciate it thank you so much [ __ ] dope Crush that [ __ ] yeah you a natural bro so hell yeah that was awesome that was great [Music]
Views: 2,716,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the full send podcast, full send, fullsend, podcast, kyle, kyle forgeard, nelk, nelkboys, nelk boys, nelk boys podcast, stevewilldoit, new podcast, lil yachty, lil yachty podcast, lil yachty interview, lil yachty new music, lil yachty poland, wock to poland, lil boat, UCNTu7P3IyRRKJtibrrXG0Yg, Lil Yachty Steals NELK’s girl, Says Kanye is Fried and Drake is Superman!
Id: 0crCQTZrPLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 4sec (5224 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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