The Secret To Making Perfect Crown Mold Miter Cuts

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welcome back to woodworking with Wes in today's segment we're going to show you how to make a cheap jig to do perfect crown mold miters every time and it's a cheap little jig that'll help you every time you do crown molding miters [Music] [Music] to start off with our crown mold jig we start off by mailing two pieces of wood at a right angle now I have a four inch wide piece and a three-and-a-half inch wide piece to make me a little right angle jig this would be the part that that we clamped to the radial arm saw to give us a square edge if you notice the crown mold fits in here like this and we're going to nail on this little strip to hold it in place and what that creates is it creates a solid tray for the crown mold assited while we cut so we're gonna nail that piece on right now and we're just going to use 3/4 inch small crown staples to nail in that bottom part and the one thing you want to make sure when you do this if you'll notice the crown mold has a flat edge there and there and you want to make sure that those flat edges sit tight against your jig and that your small piece of stop this will just call this black piece of stop but that's what it is you want your stop to make sure that that holds this flat and this flat because that will give you your perfect cuts so that's what we're gonna do next we're gonna nail in the stop [Music] with our stop nailed in we've now created a tray that is very solid we can slide this piece of molding in put it down there and holds it tight the one thing this will also do is if your molding is a little bit out of square you can slide it in here and push it down and it'll square it up again keeping your cuts just right for your 45s when you do your mouldings okay we're gonna go ahead and set this up on the chop saw now and begin to make our cut so we're gonna make a 45-degree corner and I'll show you how this goes together alright we've got our jig over to our chop saw and what we're gonna do is we're going to clamp it to our bench so that it holds it really solid while we well we make our cuts and I made these little blocks just so that my clamps work better so now we're all set in there we're good and tight we're tight against the fence we're tight against the via the bottom and our chop saw can rotate first thing we're going to do is make just a preliminary cut on our forty-five [Music] the reason that we do that is because this gives us now a line to measure to so if I was measuring that I had a distance I would know that this is where my blade cuts and I could make a mark on my crown mold and set it to the edge of my cut and that would be the measurement now we're gonna take a preliminary cut on the end of our piece of molding and just make sure everything cuts just the way we want it to so we slide it in here we're square here and here [Music] just like that we have a nice 45-degree cut on a MOLLE and you always cut your crown mold upside down so this is the top of your crown this is the bottom of your crown this is an outside corner that we're cutting for our for our sample here we're going to make an outside corner one of the reasons I like to do this is because outside corners are very hard to make and keep nice and clean in fact when I build a kitchen I do all my moldings in the shop if I can because I can put them together real good and tight nail them Sandom and run through the paint shop prior to the installation and I have a better corner now yeah the one thing about that is you have to make sure that you have your measurements on the jobsite just perfect and have the time to leave your job site go back to the shop and then go back to the job site with your completed molding but let's go ahead and cut our outside corners now so that we can make our joint [Music] those are two outside cuts now we'll cut this board in half and put the corners together but I'm going to show you a little trick before we do that when you get ready to nail your crown together one one of the things that's hard to do is to hold your crown in place while you put your nails in so one of the things we're going to do here is we're going to create a jig using this jig and and and what we're going to do is we're gonna make it so this jig now helps us to nail it together we use the jig to do the cut now we're gonna use the jig to nail it together now it destroys the jig but this is just scrap wood I could make one of these every time for a dollar it's no big deal and we use it we cut it up we throw it away not a big deal and you can do this jig for every different kind of molding this is a piece of traditional crown mold or colonial crown depending upon how you want to classify it but you can use it for a cove crown or a flat stock crown or anything like that all you have to do build your tray and then put your stop in based upon the size of your molding we're going to go ahead and cut this jig in half now [Music] and we're going to cut the ends of these this jig in a 45 to create our nailing jig [Music] we'll cut our crown in half so we can make the corner okay let's go back over to the bench and I'll show you how we put our now old jig together to make our milling jig back over here at the bench we're now going to nail over nail together our dig that we use to cut our angles into now a jig to nail our angle together and we cut off the ends at a forty-five cut it in half and you can see how it goes together and now makes an outside corner jig and we're just going to tack this together with some sixty with some 18 gauge nails to hold it in place [Music] okay very simple but now watch we slide this piece in here we want to put it there we slide this angle in here and we now have a jig that holds our mitre together perfectly while we glue and nail and so let's put some glue on it and some nails now we're going to nail our corner together and I always glue my miters together when especially when I'm in the shop so that I have a little tighter joint I'll slide that in there slide this piece in here make sure we're lined up perfect and our jig helps hold it in place it's awfully hard to hold a mitre a nail at the same time but this holds it for you it just eliminates all of the hard work of putting a corner mitre corner together we'll put a nail there and a nail there we're gonna put another one here will be puttying these this joint now that joint is already together solid we're gonna give it one more nail down here and there is our outside corner muling very sick slick very easy just by using some scrap plywood to make a jig you end up with perfect miters and we haven't even sanded this yet but we have a perfect miter every time with a jig like this I'm going to go ahead and putty these holes sand it and it'll be ready for the paint shop we'd like to thank you for watching our video on how to make perfect miter corners with a cheap little jig for your chop saw again don't forget to subscribe we'll be showing you tricks like this from time to time and thank you for watching woodworking with us [Music]
Channel: Woodworking With Wes
Views: 149,558
Rating: 4.9225249 out of 5
Keywords: crown molding, how to, how to cut crown, do it yourself, crown molding corners, cutting crown, miter saw, how to cut crown molding, crown molding inside corner, crown molding cutting, crown molding installation, crown molding outside corners, how to cut crown molding with a compound miter saw, how to woodworking, cut molding, crown cutting
Id: BVu6fWKo6Iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 26 2019
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