Life After "To Catch a Predator"

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22:25 is Joseph Roisman

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/brc7412 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/O12345678 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Actually haven't seen this. As annoyed as I am with these channels that make money doing text-to-voice askreddit threads, it's pretty interesting. We can definitely pick out who specific preds are in some of them (4:19 obviously Ernest Timmons for example).

Interesting seeing some perspectives. You can clearly see the bias from some who got the perspective from a caught friend. 10:26 I highly doubt someone would get 6+ years & RSO status if there wasn't more than he mentioned.

Also 13:09 dude, really interesting how he didn't mention how old the girl said she was and how much he got into it. Sounds like some Stephen GC shit lol

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/RuPaulver ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
do you know anyone that got caught on that show to catch a predator if so how did their lives turn out i also knew a man that was caught not on the show but in a county sheriff run online raid he was a teacher a coach ran extracurricular clubs well known in the community a scout leader busted with condoms lube and a digital camera the case ended up going to federal court after the discovery of child p on his computer he was sentenced to 10 years with 25 years supervised probation following his release but still in prison interestingly enough i was a member of both the scout troop and the school where he worked and never heard saw anything that indicated what was going on in fact the whole case came as a shock to pretty much everyone in the community i do he was in the military just got home and was lured to the home of a 13 year old girl he showed up took his shirt off and was confronted he was acquitted his parents have a fair amount of money and frankly anyone who can afford a descent lawyer will get off on this the kid has been arrested several times since is in and out of rehab and is pretty much a menace to society he was still a little scummy before being on the show but his life definitely took a turn for the worse barry is very good a teacher from a high school in my area got caught on that show he was fired had to register as a sex offender and then was forced to move out of the area yes he got a shorter sentence by allowing them to use the footage for the show and when he got out he only went after 18 year olds he was 42 and when he got out he only went after 18 year olds the system works there's a fb page for my county that sets up unofficial stings 20 year old got caught trying to cheat on his girl with the 14 year old tried go shaggy his way out of it and got dumped a friend i knew since junior high got busted on this show he showed up walked in the front door knew something suspicious was happening turns and leaves out the front door only to be arrested he was in ga 4rotc training when it happened he was sentenced to a few years in prison in ga then got out and moved back home he was a lt in the guard was working on his phd in chemistry all gone now don't know what he does now i had to distance myself after that the interesting part is all the signs you don't see till afterwards his first wife thought she caught him looking at child p and they had a big fight over it she divorced him he then started dating a girl who looked really young who he then knocked up turns out the girl was only 15 when that happened he was probably 25 also he was at a party less than a week after he got home from deployment to iraq a girl came out of the restroom and he was laying on the couch stating at her and jerking off she told me and i never mentioned it i wrote it off as the stress of rotating back to the real world after 12 16 months in a war zone i don't know what he's up to now still lives in the area i think but he had a good life started and threw it all away i don't know anyone personally i used to be big into yahoo chat hooked up with a few girls from there legal age of course however i believe that i was being baited once by perverted justice i was on yahoo chat one evening in my state chat room when an im pops up from a girl with a screen named kelly14 for fun she asks how old i was i was 21 at the time i decided to chat with her but i kind of knew it was a setup so i kept it clean since i have no desire to send sexually explicit chats with a 14 year old she kept asking me about sex and what i've done with girls and if i wanted to meet up i never answered her questions and just diverted from answering i told her i had to go and she ended the conversation with ok whatever er loss lol i logged off made a new screen name and went back online same girl im's me and i tell her i'm 15 she tells me she's not interested and leaves i smell a set up your hunch was right yup guy i worked with he was in jerry for two weeks of training and decided to hook up with a teenage girl on his weekend didn't work out though obviously he died in prison before the trial though he had some pre-existing condition and quit taking his medication so i guess it was suicide he left behind a wife and kids too so i can't imagine what that guy put them through he had some pre-existing condition and quit taking his medication so i guess it was suicide or they refuse to give him the medication he needs to stay alive and he died it happens a lot more than you think mostly because they cover it up so they don't get called out for literally killing someone through neglect it's most common with insulin though i went to preschool through eighth grade with a guy who got caught by an internet police sting from a different state basically he was a substitute teacher he met some fake 13 year old in a chat room and sent pictures of his dong and a video of himself masturbating for her turns out the girl was a state trooper a few states over so they talked to the stator from my home state and he was arrested without incident at his home he plead guilty into some lower charge and got probation everyone i grew up with found out though because it was in the news since he was a teacher he was an odd dude growing up he was the kid who went through puberty in first or second grade so he was taller than everyone had a deep voice and hair where there was no hair before and he liked to show that off he would tower over people and push them around in gym he would linger in the nude for a long time just so everyone could see that he was fully developed he was generally a really odd guy and terribly obnoxious sometimes he frequently smelled pretty bad however he never struck me as a bad person just someone i didn't want to be friends with i lost track of him after high school but i heard he got really religious at some point in university apparently he didn't want to hear any curse words and would stop conversations if someone said anything he deemed vulgar i last saw him at a mutual friend's wedding he had gotten married to this really nice girl whom he brought to the wedding she was awfully sweet and clearly saw something in him that i had missed i feel bad for her as i think she was at home when the surprise arrest occurred and she probably had no clue what was going on in his head i'm not sure if they are still married well that's all i got about seven years ago a teacher at my old high school got caught in a police sting attempting to meet up with a young boy i didn't know him well at all but he seemed like a friendly if quiet young man his wife however a brilliant phd who visibly lamented her standing as a high school teacher remained at the school the next year i had her for an economics class we didn't learn anything about economics but she did entertain us with ultra bitter cryptic complaints about her ex-husband she also brought their young child to class about one stroke three of the time and once she told us the story of the first and only time she tried acid reading that back it's not a very interesting story but there were so few responses that i couldn't help posting yep went to basic training with the guy really messed up story actually dude got married and had a kid he used to always have fights with his wife though and either complain about it or apologize on facebook all the time all i knew at the time was that she was looking at his myspace messages and got p so i imagined she caught him flirting online well after what looked like a rough facebook fight she commited suicide a couple of days later really sad what was even sadder was that he left his kid with the grandparents and went to florida two weeks later to relax and get away from things well lo and behold a few days later someone posted a video of him entering a house and getting tackled by cops turns out he had been talking to a 14 year old about how he wants to do some messed up stuff with her and that's why the wife committed suicide what's even more messed up is the dude only spent like a month or two in jail before he got released and even got to keep his job and kid i think he's the scum of the earth after figuring all this out and i guess pretty much everyone else did too cause they all posted about it on his facebook last i saw it looked like his life was getting back to normal but at that point he tried to contact me to see how i was lately and i removed him from my friend's list without replying that is disturbing a guy who was caught on that show worked for my mom i think he might have gotten deported afterwards or he fled the country he had pretty good i.t experience by that point so he would have done pretty well once he got back the truly crazy part is that he has a very distinctive first name my first name for some reason according to mom logic that meant i was probably a pedophile i guess her crazy logic was that since i liked underage teenage girls at that time since i was an underage teenage boy and i had the same first name as that guy she knew who was a pedophile equals i was a pedophile but she kept trying to punish me before i finally blew up at her and told her she was freaking insane my dad must have agreed since he didn't punish me for cussing her out tl dr i told my mom she was freaking insane because she used the transitive property incorrectly the son of one of my clients was caught almost eight years ago and the entire thing was featured on the show he got booked went through the system he has a privileged background and was able to get a very very good attorney throughout the process he had to give up his computer internet but after a year or so he was able to regain access he did time served spent less than a week in jail and then he was on probation his life continued on he still works in the same field definitely unable to be as successful as he could have potentially been but he didn't destroy his life i'm sure this would have been a drastically different story if his family didn't have money i do it was the brother of a guy i know it was before it was an actual show but it was the same company this was presumably a trial run for the show i guess this was an az he was 19-ish years old in college and met a 16-year-old girl in a chat room the fricked up part is that the communications went on for about a month with the girl continuously contacting him and begging him to come meet her he finally gives in and is then arrested there was a big class action lawsuit made by the men of people that were caught this way for the method which was used to arrest them which was entrapment az apparently gave the tca or people a slap on the wrist but kept everyone in prison i think he ended up serving six plus years and his registered sex offender he got out of prison a few years ago i've boycotted the show i feel like it creates more predators than it actually catches a 19 year old banging a 16 year old is not a pedophile that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard what you wonder is how do middle age men delude themselves into actually believing a 14-year-old chick wants to have sex with them furthermore why do they think that sending close-up photos of their dong and saggy balls will turn her on i have seen interviews with predators who have met five six different girls on the internet and hooked up before they are caught it does happen so i kind of know too first guy there was a delivery guy that i knew that got caught in a sting on the show he didn't show up for work one day and said it was because he got taken to jail for parking tickets no one thought anything of it one two months later the episode airs and he doesn't show up for work the next day they had previously done a background check on him and was clean his fiancee's dad bailed him out of jail knowing what the charge is for last i heard they were still getting married and he was working for his fiancee's dad second guy good friend's older brother was chatting online the person online asked to meet up and he kept refusing he just liked chatting eventually they go after him anyway and publish his identity online and all the chat logs he loses his job loses fiance has to get registered as a sex offender and move back with his parents he couldn't get work for a while so he lived off of online poker actually quite decently ended up getting a better lawyer and is getting his record cleaned he still has to go to see a therapist as part of his probation comma the person online asked to meet up and he kept refusing he just liked chatting eventually they go after him anyway and publish his identity online and all the chat logs that crap should be illegal i remember when this show was getting started and perverted justice was making headlines a few times i had been on chat sites chatting with girls mostly just chatting just to chat but i'd be lying if i said that it didn't bother me if the chat turned sexual i wasn't into sexual role-playing wouldn't get hardcore filthy and certainly wouldn't exchange pictures or other personal details like so many people who get busted seem to do and i would never push a sexual discussion if they weren't interested in it as well but at the same time i wouldn't not talk about it if it came up but one time i remember how quickly she started to hint about sex and the conversation quickly went into talking about it we talked about what we liked in boys girls what some things felt like erections periods what we've done with others stuff like that then she started dropping hints about if i could come over to her house when her parents were away when that happened it seemed really pretty obvious pretty quickly that the person on the other end was almost certainly bullshitting i've never had any desire to pursue anything more than a chat and fantasy and wouldn't ever follow up on something like that in real life so i just kind of talked to them a few more minutes and then politely exited the conversation she said she lived in a state next to mine but it wasn't in a state where one of the catcher predator shows were filmed but nonetheless in hindsight and the way she talked i am pretty sure it was a sting operation that was about 10 ago and it kind of freaked me out text chat rooms are pretty much dead now so i like to stay on the much more legal side of adult entertainment i used to work in a gift shop at a museum one day this man comes and pays with a credit card my co-worker recognized his name from one of these shows and looked him up perfect match he was totally normal no weird vibes from him maybe because i wasn't a 13 year old girl but kind of unfortunate that a random cashier could recognize him months if not years after the incident my friend of mine didn't end up on to catch a predator but he has a similar story when he was in his low 20s he was talking to a girl online that was actually law enforcement claiming to be an underage girl i'm not sure exactly what age they had sexually explicit chats but as far as i know he never showed up at her house with beer and condoms or anything he ended up getting probation and couldn't go near a school for like two years or something he's a great guy now though he was kind of a jerk in high school but he seems to have really matured as a result of this incident but just as a result of growing up i don't know you think people would stop responding to propositions from miners online after the popularity of shows like tcap a friend of mine was caught going to visit a 16 year old girl aka police officer when he was 19 he actually did get a slap on the wrist because he never said anything to her which was sexual the police made all of the innuendos the worst part was that they used a real girl's identity for all of this so when it all came down her family sued the frick out of the police department for defamation but to me that was the most freaked out part the key is confess to hansen that you like to role play with the other person pretending to be an underage girl in fact you're not even into girls you're into guys who role play being 14 years old girls online i didn't want to get weird in front of her when i saw this 14 years old come out i was shocked didn't know how to react so i played it cool i thought we had an understanding i just don't like the other person breaking character i want them to be convincing wtf is a real 14 years old doing online in my sex chat forum what kind of parent lets that happen this is an offense against emmy is there a little girl here all by herself to buy us funky from arrested development walking into his daughter's former house where a child molester entrapment tv show is being filmed man i have seen that show and they sure as frick need to get a new room if i were to go to a little kid's house and they had she says she is baking cookies and will be right out i am getting the frick out diversify your set damn it yeah baker lasagna or something lasagna is something i can get on board with an acquaintance of mine was married to someone she later found out was freaking crazy after a year of them being together she found out he was cheating on her with a 15 year old girl and they were plotting to kill her for insurance money and run away together almost needless to say he's in jail now and i'm glad she's safe it seems weird when you see it on the news but when you've actually met the person on tv who's being arrested for whatever it's called when you premeditate the murder but don't actually succeed in killing the person and at the time thought they were totally normal it's pretty messed up my time to shine ahem so i was 15 and asked a guy from my church who i had a crush onto my homecoming he was 19. my parents said no way me being 15 and fairly rebellious obviously didn't listen and met up with him at my dance it was awkward because we didn't really know each other that well so fast forward a couple years i'm in college and i get an email from my best friend saying that josh had been arrested for soliciting sex from a minor he chatted up this 13 year old online drove four hours to her house showed up to this little girl's house with condoms and booze only to be greeted by police perverted justice got him for the record we did not hook up with my homecoming i was a nerdy catholic girl who really loved weezer say it ain't so a couple years back i was watching through a ton of tca or videos on youtube great for a laugh i recommend it and there's an episode in fortson georgia with a guy named cody green on it i happen to notice this guy looks dresses talks and walks exactly like my older brother me being the great brother that i am showed the video to my mom who only knows how to speak spanish and said watch this video tell me what you see her exact words translated to english were why do you have a video of rule whose house is he in who's that man why is he getting arrested and then she calls him to yell at him does that count my old boss was on tcap he tried to have sex with a 13 year old girl and was caught when they were in petaluma he was a bit of a jerk though so i wasn't too broken up about it i went out on a couple dates with a guy who got caught in a police sting by an undercover cop thing is he was a young state patrol officer he maintained the girl never stated her age but they slammed him with everything they had and he's a felon now and can only find crappy jobs honest question how the heck does to catch a predator show the faces of those arrested being on that show would ruin your life so you obviously would never sign a consent form i thought without your consent they had to blur you i've seen some episodes of cops with faces blurred which i assume means all the others actually allow it i mean they are innocent until proven guilty so you can't just say fear criminals and have no rights to consent anybody know i've never known anyone on to catch a predator but i used to know philip garrido before he was uncovered to be a crazy kidnapper guy he ran a printing press with alyssa the girl he kidnapped and held for almost 20 years as his daughter and assistant i had actually personally met her a few times i can go more in depth if you guys would like he wasn't on any show but i know a guy that is 26 and dates a 14 year old thing is that in my country nobody seems to give a crap about this sort of stuff this kind of gap seems almost common here amongst many relationships it's really really messed up and nobody does anything about it i'm from romania not on the show but pretty creepy we have a cottage on a lake and one of our neighbors was very nice took us tubing invited us over for dinner to watch fireworks etc he was very nice to me and my friend especially one day i was reading the paper and it turns out that this guy was just arrested for raping his grandson i was very freaked out i still don't know what happened to him oh my god this is the one as credit i can answer it wasn't on to catch a predictor but her fbi trap website for child pornography he got off because he was in high school he was 18 but some bull's law exploit jit him off everybody knew about it but he still got away with it he was a fat pansexual annoyance who creeped on every single thing that looked his way everyone at the school hated him oh yay he was also the only man on our cheerleading squad he now goes to rutgers somewhere but honestly i couldn't care less about him i was that guy having gone through the whole regameral i can make a couple of points about how i feel i was treated one the way they portray it on tv is very one-sided the agents who set up the stings are actually rather aggressive in how they pursue older men granted i fell for it but the person who talked to me only made allusions to the fact that she was under 18 and i never really asked all i saw was cute girl wants to hook up with me awesome two it's pure entrapment for the sake of entertainment there is no real crime being committed since arguably it would be very unethical to have an actual underage girl talking to a guy i got an acquittal because my lawyer was successfully able to argue entrapment and due to the fact that the girl setting me up never explicitly disclosed her age and the fact that no crime was actually committed actually most of these cases are thrown out or argue down for exactly that reason but by then it doesn't matter everyone has already made their money off of your downfall and at the end of the day you're just left with nothing and no way to move forward in life three the whole process of publicly shaming someone is enough to ruin their lives no conviction necessary this is not how i was brought up to believe the justice system worked innocent until proven guilty my but four i feel that at the heart of the issue we are making spectacles out of people with legitimate mental illnesses and crucifying them i don't believe that people choose who they are attracted to and with doesn't humanly as we treat some people it makes me wonder who the real monsters are here the ones who are acting on impulses they cannot control all the ones who are inflicting cruel punishment in a cold calculated manner for the sake of entertainment upon their fellow humans prob going to get buried but i knew a guy in high school he was a year older than i was but i knew back then that he might be gay after high school and 10 years later he is really involved with the catholic church and says he wants to be a priest or something like that runs a couple of their youth programs and finally gets busted with a 12 13 year old boy he was 31 years old i do he was a [ย __ย ] not exactly relevant but he lived up the block from me he was friends with my parents and he used to have barbecues frequently which i would also attend i was a very young girl at this time we saw him on the show my dad laughed and we haven't heard from him or of him since one of the guys was my jv baseball coach in high school his son was a year older than me too he was really weird and never really got along with many people but they moved to florida my junior year i'm from texas and my senior year he got caught on to catch a predator he refused to actually go inside the house or do anything and i think he was acquitted of all the charges so the only thing on his record is the arrest but yeah it was crazy all the guys at school were talking about it the craziest thing was that he was around children all day at his job i guess those kind of people tend to flock to that sort of thing shudder the founder of perverted justice philip john eid the name he uses on the show is an assumed name he used always creeped me out on the show he seemed like those pastors that rail about homosexuals but are secretly doing lines of sea off their boyfriend's buttocks sometimes you catch a predator sometimes you catch a young guy who is depressed socially awkward and never had a girl's attention in his life what's this an instant message no way it's a girl's name she must have made a mistake this can't be right suddenly someone is interested in him thinks he's funny and sexy he's nervous that she is 15 but that's only four years right she wants to meet him he is so nervous but this is the only chance he's ever even had a glimpse at to be close with another person it's only four years different right he tells himself he shouldn't but she is so persuasive she really wants to meet him he is a virgin and simply having a girl talk to him in a flirtatious manner is intense it's the most interaction he's ever had with a girl he feels for the first time in his life a tiny glint of self-confidence appear in the void of loneliness it shines like a beacon she wants him to bring condoms and alcohol he doesn't drink except for that beer he had at christmas but then he has never had sex so it might help make him less awkward there is a problem he can't legally buy it he's too young she demands alcohol and condoms she is so persuasive his dad has a bottle of jack daniels in the cabinet he'll use that flash forward two days he is driving two hours away to meet her buying the condoms was awkward he could feel the cashier's judgment the look of as if you need these his heart is racing from nerfs he's gonna screw this up but she texts him she can't wait to see him she can't wait to see him he reads it over and over the self-confidence is a warm little glow on the inside it's not much but it's all he's ever had and it feels so very good he's at her house it's only four years right this could be his future wife when she's 30 he'll only be 34 that's a tiny gap this is the break he's been waiting for he knocks on the door his palms are sweaty a bubbly voice calls out it's beautiful and happy and angelic she tells him to let himself in and make himself at home she's just doing her hair he puts the alcohol on the counter and stands nervously what should he say oh god he's so bad at this already he is so nervous brian a man's voice calls his name why don't you have a seat over there chris walks into the room brian's heart sinks not because his life is over he didn't really have one to begin with really but for a brief moment a blind man have been given sight only to have it taken away in for the entertainment of the masses the warm little glow went out forever tl dr there are few more cruel forms of entertainment than that show if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun Studios
Views: 512,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: catch a predator, catch a predator best moments, life after, predator, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to
Id: WKFNUfa42uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 12sec (1752 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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