Life after the Japanese Emergency Room E.37

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previously on Tokyo zebra thing and this happens and I'm in the waiting room while Michael is in the emergency room with Wolfie and the doctors hey y'all welcome back to the channel it has been another super super crazy week yeah it started off a little bit Rocky but I think things are starting to settle down Wolfie right now is at the nursery we're gonna pick him up in about an hour so I just had to kind of give you guys an update before we get on with our day just let you know what's happened in the last couple weeks we just uploaded a video this morning so feeling a little bit relieved just finished a couple voiceovers production level is starting to get back on schedule it was a bit rough there just for a little bit when Wolfie was getting sick just trying to film everything and edit everything with Miko also just last week Wolfie was having a tantrum one evening he decided or probably accidentally he didn't decide just can't decide anything he was throwing the remote control he was just right next to the TV he was facing away from the TV that's just sitting right here I think he was trying to throw the remote control forward but I think it slipped it hit the TV cracked the panel and the TV no longer works it's just like a super small little crack or like Dent at the bottom of the screen but it just like completely devastated the entire screen try to call Sony to see if they'd fix it it's only a year and a half old but since it's out of warranty they said it's gonna cost pretty much just as much to fix it as it is to buy a new TV so we had to order a new TV and another thing is that we have to throw this TV away which is like such a waste because only a year and a half old basically you have to buy these garbage stickers so that you can throw away trash what's kind of interesting is that you're not supposed to be able to throw away large televisions like this by the war up it's usually get like a third party disposal company or even the manufacturer to come and pick up the TV we called the ward office and they made an exception so basically we get to pay the city to throw away the TV for us yeah that's where we are the nursery in general has been a pretty good experience he's full time now we have no issues whatsoever the people are super nice it looks like he's adjusted to it he doesn't cry when he gets dropped off in the morning he is so super happy it's actually one of my favorite parts of the day when I go pick him up I'll come to the door and he'll come out and he's like Daddy like Wolfies he's like Daddy we like give each other a huge hug you can tell he like missed being with me and Michael it's just like a really really happy moment just because you know I missed him all day in fact I'm pretty excited to see him I think Michael you're picking up Wolfie today yeah yeah you've been picking him up also I got Wolfie a basketball goal I actually made a little basketball hoop the other day for him using one of our boxes and I just put it on the door and he really loved it you know we use it so much that I think he just like the Box got crushed heading over basketball hoop and just the other day he was like looking for the bath videos like he had the ball and he was like walking around trying to find a hoop he didn't have one felt bad so I wanted to get him this so that maybe he picks up some interest in using basketball but we never know but he does enjoy it so definitely want to encourage anything he does anything he finds an interest in I definitely want to just let him enjoy let him become the thing he wants to be aside from breaking TVs probably don't want to promote that but I want to get this basketball hoop set up before we pick him up slide together so when I do have time which is not a lot these days I like to play basketball and I would love it if one day I could take Wolfie you know kind of a selfish dad's dream he doesn't take to it fine but you know it can't hurt to have it around the house in your makeup bucket so there we go finally got the basketball hoop set up it was a little bit of a challenge I mean when I first started putting it up basically this thing comes with one of those hooks for the backs it hooks onto doors I decided to put it like Midway on the door it's just way too high for Wolfie to reach or even shoot the initial plan was just to like put some tape but it was actually kind of heavy so I ended up using a lot of tape in order to put it up it worked it stayed up but it just didn't look so good and then now what I've done instead is I've got these little like door straps that you can put on and then you can put hooks on it it looks like it's doing all right it all works out okay well he's about to take the first shot let's see how he does hey yay [Music] I was changing hot 18 it says 18. when you put the ball in it changes see good job so recently we've been having a tough time getting Wolfie in the bath so we decided to give him a little bit of educational entertainment ah the Boo this is it looks like wolves digging his new on hiragana characters this one uh rocket and Ninja this is this is old man something let's see where we can put it whoopee [Music] don't mess with my bath area yeah are you gonna take it dude I guess we'll be has other plans for it where do you want to put it got a bit frustrated so he finally let Mommy set it up as usual [Music] yeah this also happens often so a few days later we went to akachang humpo a Japanese baby supply store I've mentioned before in a previous video as we're planning to have a Thanksgiving party in Japan and for that party we wanted to rent a car to pick up some food and drinks at Costco so we needed to get a larger car seat for Wolfie as he's grown too big for the one he has now I can't believe how fast he's grown up I got it right here let me just open it right now foreign so there you go that is the car seat we decided to get it's the Ricardo J1 select model in fact I didn't even know that the brand existed until yesterday let me know what you guys thought it looked pretty Sleek maybe a tad bit heavier but it had all the features and it's just a little bit more snug that's why I decided to go with this it has some cup holders on the side the straps are like pretty snug like it feels like you're in a racing car kind of but one thing that actually happened was after we bought it and came home I'm like huh I wonder what the reviews are on the Ricardo and I quickly saw that like oh they like stopped making baby car seats in 2018 I'm like oh my god did I just buy like an old car seat and apparently they stopped making it internationally but I think it was in Osaka that either bought the brand or bought the license for the baby car seats and then they are producing them here in Japan seems pretty safe I think that's one thing that we can check off for going to Costco and then while I was messing around with the car seats Michael was going around with Wolfie just taking him around they were like shopping for like different stuff and Michael brought up like a really interesting perspective from it since he is like this tall the people that design those stores actually also Market to the kids apparently because they put all of like the on-pom on packaging and whatnot like on High level to the kids so the kids will like gravitate towards it and like pull it off the shelf and like put it into the cart so whoever is designing these doors I've been thinking like yeah you gotta make it like kid eye level so that they can grab the stuff and put it in mommy and daddy's cart um I actually didn't choose your famous movie yesterday yeah did he sees things that he likes or he knows and he just goes up there like I want it I want it and like I love how he told me that yeah he wasn't so like I have to have this he was under my control okay so there you go if you have any comments about the baby seat fine no opinion I wanted to say if in the movies comfy as long as I can carry it most likely I'll be carrying it for you you don't have a car license so yeah probably gonna be the one carrying the car seat ah I guess we forgot to end the video anyway if you guys want to see more videos like this or anything related to our family hit that subscribe button and the bell button and we'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Tokyo Zebra
Views: 191,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paolo, paolo fromtokyo, tokyo, japan, japan life, living in japan, tokyo life, living in tokyo, japan vlog, tokyo vlog, paolo from tokyo, maiko, paolo & maiko, japanese baby, japanese mom, japanese mom and baby, wolverine, japanese mother, tokyo mom, japan baby, japan family, tokyo family, life in japan, japanese boy, wolfy, japan family life, newborn baby
Id: Hahjb4jpP9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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