We had to call a Japanese Ambulance to our House E.36

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previously on Tokyo zebra you want some water yeah water are you trying to be like Mommy he also quickly this is Wolfie's third day at holikuen he's doing that nadashi hoiku which means that he's not going full days right now so the first two days he went two hours and today they bumped it up to two hours and 45 minutes I'm about to pick him up and today it's kind of one of those like Milestones because he's supposed to also kind of eat food there or like they're gonna try to feed him but maybe he won't eat maybe he will we just don't know he's been crying quite a bit in the last two days we'll see how he does and then like every time we drop him off he's been crying and then we pick him up he's been crying so yeah she didn't even picked him up he didn't even cry though it was just like exhausted just like old garage foreign we've noticed just like slight behavioral changes in his like sleeping patterns and then just like his attitude definitely he feel like you can tell he like misses us a little bit more he's a little bit more like clingy and then but he's also like more happy just to be with us but also it's like a good thing that he is starting to play with other kids and like more of a social environment because I mean at the end of the day like this whole Corona thing and covet and lockdowns has been really tough um we haven't seen a lot of families we haven't seen a lot of kids so just having him with other kids at the moment I think it's good but yeah anyways I gotta go pick him up now um so we will see hopefully he's okay be we are back he wasn't crying at all he was having a good time [Music] he waved at everyone yeah he was like wow yeah he ate um yeah he ate um you know you have the Japanese dish so he ate all of his rice and he ate all of his miso but I think he still needs to eat a little bit so he only ate the rice I took a picture of the food all of the rice in the soup just rice though oh my little boy where are you going where are you going [Music] so after taking a nap earlier we'll be started to have a fever he was at 39 degrees Celsius 102 Fahrenheit hurting us enough to go to the doctor to get checked we received some fever medicine which we mixes juice and hopes he'll take it down [Music] this is your sick day huh Wolfie [Music] how you feeling Wolfie [Music] this is actually one of the first times Wolfie has gotten really really sick in fact since we've been pretty protective of taking him out since he was born he's been pretty much kind of sheltered in her house I'm gonna be taking him out on like small trips and stuff but it's just usually us um he hasn't really gotten sick and in fact I think he's had a fever maybe like once or twice but it usually goes that way in like a few hours or just like overnight and he'll wake up and he's fine but this time uh he woke up with a fever and like we were up all last night manly Michael was just like me trying to make him comfortable he would wake up from time to time every you know several minutes or hours or whatever so he I think was at like a little over 40 last night and this morning he used to like 39 degrees so it's already four o'clock in the afternoon and he still has a fever he went to bed for a few hours and I think after taking a nap it went back up today though it's been kind of a let him do whatever he wants and he's usually kind of a little bit cranky and like doesn't really want to play or do anything because obviously it makes sense because he's sick right now so we've just been letting him watch TV but if he's not watching TV he's just kind of like cranky and so we're just trying to deal with it also I think I forgot to mention that this morning he did throw up a little bit maybe we were giving him too much water and I think they just like made him throw up so this is tough um this is the first time where I guess Michael and I have to deal with we've like pretty much lost a day of work we're kind of behind his schedule again but I think this is just something we need to get used to especially going to Nursery up here it's pretty common for babies or kids to to get sick from going to the nursery so we need to kind of put this into the schedule I think the main point here is to try to make him as comfortable as possible today and just hopefully that he recovers sooner than later so that's it for now um let's see how they're doing they're in the other room please you want books to raise the where do you think okay I got you I got you one second better my work is extremely behind don't know what to do that's one thing every time he's like feels uncomfortable he always wants mommy like last night I was trying to ice him and then let's try to stay up I don't know I'm just really tired right now I don't know how people manage when they're they're only by themselves I'm lucky that you're here I only have two parents that are walking that's him um I'm tired we love you Wolfie we love you we love you the blanks look [Music] so it looks like Wolfie's temperature is going about 40 now and I think we just need to give him some medicine he's crying a lot so some more Juice mix it up hopefully look what I got for you oranges [Music] oh really yeah you can kill it [Music] it's a headache wow looks like he passed out yeah it's kind of early for his bedtime but he might be tired hopefully the medicine will just get his temperature down either way he's like sleeping now which is good just best that he gets as much rest as possible he always has trouble sleeping anyways so [Music] he's finally eating what are you eating so this is the only thing he wanted to eat okay slow down we're gonna throw up again um how's this temperature 40. still 48 yeah the medicine didn't work but like I was reading and apparently when the temperature is going up sometimes this doesn't work wow you're in a good mood huh Wolfie maybe the medicine is working no you're done [Laughter] [Music] are you okay it's horrible days but when you're burning I've been suffering and this happens [Music] is strong okay I think you jumped that much I think you're scared I think I scared him because I just I think you scared him and he that sound was horrible it's like 40 degrees I know so obviously this is kind of bad timing I think his temperature has gone back up he's like like a little over 40 degrees again all three of us were in bed and we were just trying to get Whoopi to go to sleep and the alarm just started going off I was like I jumped up and then like this whole place just started shaking the TV that we have hanging on the wall I wouldn't say it fell fell down but one of the sides kind of sagged down a little bit anyways yeah weren't expecting this tonight Wolfie is a little bit shocked I think he was kind of like in this like crying mode and then he just like stopped anyways we're gonna try to sort through this and hopefully Wolfie's temperature goes down tonight and we have no more earthquakes and yeah see how this goes 1 45 in the morning and I'm in the waiting room while Michael is in the emergency room with Wolfie and the doctors [Music] really scared at the moment I don't even know where to start but basically we ended up in their emergency room with Wolfie last night we had the ambulance come we had the paramedics come I just woke up and the family is still sleeping it is about 8 30 8 45 almost 9 right now usually Wolfie wakes up at six but I don't think he got to bed until maybe 3 30 last night it was a long night again it's probably one of the scariest times I've ever had I was in full panic mode last night I was so worried it's kind of a still in shock about the whole thing first of all I'm just glad that he's okay uh Michael and I are okay and on top of that there was a huge earthquake last night in Tokyo which made things worse but for right now it looks like Wolfie's temperature is down we had to go to the hospital last night because he his temperature was above 40 degrees Yeah I think he just went into kind of like a shock it went into kind of like a shaking mode where he wasn't there he wasn't responding to us and so we had to call the ambulance um I'm just I'm still I'm still kind of just shook about this whole thing I've never been so scared um yeah wait until they wake up [Music] see you oh yeah I did yeah um what do you want to do [Laughter] and the next morning his temperature went down to around 38 degrees Celsius 100 Fahrenheit and at this point he was a bit more like himself oh thank you [Music] let me clean everything up first before I hug daddy oh what are you kidding pretty good [Music] in the bathtub too thank you okay so let me do [Music] um and then the nursery called apparently they're quite experienced with kids having fever-related convulsions so they gave us some comforting advice they also recommended that Wolfie be able to eat fully before returning to the nursery so that his immune system would be strong enough to prevent catching something else all right so I'm back um it's been a couple days since you last saw me a few seconds ago um a lot has happened just the last couple days and I just kind of needed to reset and focus on the family and make sure wolf is all better and I think now we have some time just because I kind of like breathe and yeah explain everything that was going on because I was pretty much probably in still kind of a panic and in shock of everything that was going on Michael's here um we're both still pretty tired um even last night we still didn't get a lot of sleep but so today he's okay so yeah so today is okay so I feel a little bit more comfortable talking now um so just to back up a little bit there was just a huge earthquake and we were kind of sleeping and all of a sudden like this earthquake happens he's like he wakes up I'm startled Michael so we're all in bed together I think and then in Japan because we don't just have an earthquake we have this like alarm system that goes off so all of your phones your TVs anything that's digital and connected like alarm yeah it's like this scary like it feels like a nuclear missile is like about to hit Tokyo but it's just like completely surprised Wolfie all together and he was so scared he was completely scared that's when this thing started to pretty much go downhill for us so I was about to go to sleep because he seems okay or yeah like I was getting sleepy yeah right I was like okay right before I go to sleep maybe I'll check on Wolfie and check the temperature so I've got up and I saw him like his eyes was wide open yeah he was tearing at like one point with no face expression and like he was like froze I'm like okay this doesn't look like Wolfie so like I was trying to talk to him most people feel that's wrong do you want water and he would just cry I was crying he usually would cry like but he wasn't like doing anything so like okay something's wrong but I wasn't sure because I was I was sleepy then I started to remember reading that magnificent yeah which was the case for Wolfie this time he says that like I have to time her like I have to know like how long it happened and I have to like put his body on the sideway if it happens so I was kind of like getting ready but like I don't even know if it was that or like it didn't even happen and then it started to happen it was like this yeah I think in English it's either like convulsion or maybe C easier so he's like starting to seize up at that point he started he woke me up right yeah right after he started happen I woke you up I took the time 33. I still I studied the time but I didn't finish timing because I was panicking as well but he didn't go so long it was like two minutes or less than a two minutes I think yeah he didn't cry he didn't he wasn't like looking either way he was kind of like staring off into nowhere yeah yeah yeah that was a scary thing so I felt like he's his brain working or like is it like messed up or something and he was just like really tense he was to keep on playing my shirt like this pulling my hair and I wasn't doing I was like I was panicking um and then I called [Music] or something like what's what's the emergency number here in Japan she's like oh I have it on speed dial I have my mom Paolo and uh here but I only had this um which guided me to call 119 yeah so one one zero is for police and then 119 is for the ambulance um I don't even want to talk about this but when you had called the hospital I like was listening to you and you were like I have a one and a half year old son he is going into like a seizure mode and you're like you're very calm and explaining everything to them she's got it together let me see if I can do other stuff I'm like panicking so I'm trying to like Michael's holding him and I'm like trying to you did a good job I appreciate how you like you put together and put it in the bag and like look at the diapers and I got us some extra water for us as well but yeah I was kind of like panicking the entire and I told you like we're gonna be there for a while can you put water in my bag too he's like water in the water you grabbed it the two little so we got to the finally the ambulance came but because of the earthquake here in Tokyo everything had shut down the call of the trains had shut down so a lot of people were stranded it was right after them so at that time the elevator had shut down so when the ambulance came they're like hey we can't get up your elevator can you come down and I'm like if you have to come down you have to come down and then but they said oh we'll come up just please wait I can picture you like running back and forth in the whole way because I was like I didn't know whether I should stay with you or if I should try to go get them because I heard them like I heard the ambulance outside so I was like oh maybe I just come down at the time I didn't know the elevator wasn't working and then and then you are like they're already here but they're not up here so maybe I should go go down because so long story short they finally got in and they asked us an assortment of like questions how he was what did they take it's like they checked the temperature and there was chicken the amount of oxygen in his blood or something I don't know how they did it or in the and then they asked us like questions about what he was eating throughout the day and right no I was a bigot but they were just asking like when the fever started and how he had been behaving that was our first ambulance ride together right and we had to walk down nine floors you carried Wolfie I carried all the baggage and like I was so scared to like totally she was breathing that's like chick flicks so many times so after you know a few minutes we got to the hospital they wouldn't let me go in there so I don't really know and since we've been so busy you haven't really told me what happened oh yeah that's true so what happened really was we went in and I changed his diaper and then I explained verbally they didn't check him I explained what happened uh they checked his like eyes and and then put sensors on him to check yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so I think that was how they check then she started to explain that that is most likely Japanese babies tend to have this so it's pretty common one and two usually have the same scissor again so she started to explain what we need to know for having a baby who has seizure oh and after she explained that she's like oh do you have any other questions then I asked her so he's been having a fever for such a long time high fever 40 degree 41 degrees I read a lot of stuff online and a lot of them said that if his hands and feet are cold and his body is hot that means his body temperature is going up so you're supposed to warm the baby up and she didn't really use the uh once it hits the peak that's the time you like let the heat go and everything yeah but his feet was cold a whole entire time but the temperature was really high for a long time so what was I supposed to do and she's like I don't know why that internet says that kind of stuff but she recommended is to actually use the medicine to lower his temperature yeah to the guys the armpits and like this like area just do whatever to make him feel better that's what I did that's interesting how the other doctor told you is like you shouldn't try to give him medicine so that's what we were kind of like yeah yeah yeah that's the thing so and then I actually asked her that too yeah so she basically said that there are like two sides on this among the doctors and she's on the side that you should just use it if the baby is suffering when we were leaving the doctor Place really we took the ambulance there obviously but we needed to take a taxi home so we were waiting oh actually when we were like leaving we got out of the emergency room we were just walking through the hospital doors and we had to like wait in the lobby area he like I heard him like for the first time like kind of talk or like laugh or like makes like some noises did he yeah so I was like finally he's starting to become a little bit normal despite the fact that he was still burning up yeah um he was like being responsive because I was like I didn't see him the whole time inside of the uh yeah so I didn't get to see that so I was kind of a little bit relieved we had to wait in the like Lobby of the hospital and wait for a taxi apparently because of the earthquake a lot of people were stranded in random stations and so a lot of people were using taxis to try to go home so it was like super difficult that night to try to find a taxi home and it was already what like 30 in the morning or something it was 2 30 2 30 or 3 o'clock yeah the driver said we were lucky yeah I'm like why did you pick us up so anyways we get home like make the medicine and then he like he drank it up and it's just like peaceful I think for at least for the night but because we were so worried we decided to take shifts and Michael stayed up it was already like 30 30 by the time he went to sleep I woke up and then took him from the morning right now I'm like I was so sleepy a winter time for the past couple days ever since he had a fever yeah it was like two days ago so here we are um Wolfie is doing okay we're everything traumatized too but to be honest with you a lot of the creativity is kind of I'm usually good at like working like every in there and like just like shift back to like editing mode but like I couldn't do the design ah so here's our little boy his he just woke up from his nap how you feeling he's a little bit shy these last couple days he's super tired so yeah yeah we're all okay we're doing good um I mean we still have a lot to recover I think it was kind of a traumatic moment for all of us so there are brighter days to come and hopefully we can share all that with you and so if you guys want to see more brighter days more happy days with us our family hit that subscribe button and the button and we'll catch you guys in the next one thank you
Channel: Tokyo Zebra
Views: 817,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paolo, paolo fromtokyo, tokyo, japan, japan life, living in japan, tokyo life, living in tokyo, japan vlog, tokyo vlog, paolo from tokyo, maiko, paolo & maiko, japanese baby, japanese mom, japanese mom and baby, wolverine, japanese mother, tokyo mom, japan baby, japan family, tokyo family, life in japan, japanese boy, wolfy, japan family life, newborn baby, japan ambulance, japanese ambulance, japan emergency room, Japanese emergency room
Id: R41iGo74CKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 08 2022
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