Life after Artificial Intelligence | The Future is Now

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every second the world around us is changing flying cars artificial intelligence instant messaging and life on Space Station's all seemed impossible 100 years ago so what could be waiting for us in another 50 years [Music] we promise you won't have to wait long to find out my name is Kate and I'm Telus and we're gonna tell you about the future which starts today scientists have created artificial intelligence which is capable of exploring the world like a child as miles when understands what to do and is sad when it doesn't get artificial intelligence not only explores the world but it can also determine your destiny try applying for your dream job but what does artificial intelligence look like in reality I bet all the gamers that are watching us right now they're like I don't want that I need that can an AI become a genius how will these technologies change life to 15 minutes do you want to see it right now [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Hey hi everyone don't worry mr. Lippman it shouldn't take long now good evening the voting has just closed thanks to the instantaneous vote counting system we are ready to announce the winner for the mayor of Toronto an artificial intelligence Alice the winner is already willing to deliver a speech of Allah [Music] don't be so sad mr. Lippman she was a really challenging opponent she has finally figured out how to deal with traffic jams and and solve the problem of homeless people but it is a machine can a machine write a symphony but who wants it from a man oh really where is the jerk who came up with this kind of campaign video are you trying to say that artificial intelligence is going to look like this I always start it's a network of millions of computers all around the world well the network already exists we just like to call it the Internet however by 2030 scientists think that AI technology will already be very prominent they just so know what it's gonna look like or whether or not it's even going to exist at all this virtual cutie from New Zealand will answer all of your questions and this pretty girl designed by the French programmers can be your personal assistant plan your schedule set up meetings and even wake you up early in the morning these are not just animated characters they are designed based on neural networks and they've got learning abilities I cube boy has recently turned 10 just like any child of his age he likes playing board games and experimenting recently the robot has started taking piano lessons there's a processor embedded into his head his body is fitted with cameras mics inertial and touch sensors and also 53 joints for moving nine years ago I cube was making his first attempts to grab a ball in 2013 the robotic boiler to crawl on all fours and manipulate different objects in 2015 to solve puzzles so it's miles when understands what to do and it's sad when it doesn't get what the person is trying to to achieve we're working on because robot has to be able to say oh I want that and this is simply easy for a person but in in robotics it's kind of complicated here he's asked to solve the problem to take the toys off the table using different instruments he doesn't have a pre-programmed actions the machine has faced such situation for the first time ever look he's thinking of what he's got to do this is almost unbelievable iCube has just created a new algorithm and implemented it without human intervention the process of educating an electronic voice not going fast but the results are breathtaking we have been trying for a long time to build robots that learn like babies and we have made a lot of progress but we cannot compute compete yet with human kids Swiss scientists jurgen schmidhuber is often called the father of artificial intelligence trying to build an artificial intelligence to become smarter than myself probably one day a discovery which is going to change this world fundamentally will be made right here at the lab in the small Swiss town of Lugano Jurgen sets a problem for each robot and he's got dozens of them here this one for instance is learning to put small objects into the holes and this is what a Badman robot looks like the Batman robot which has a little rope and it can shoot the rope to the ceiling and then it can it can climb up it has just to use its two hands to grip the circuit board and to climb up there not a single futurologist can yet predict what face artificial intelligence is going to have the future is so close maybe we should organize a casting for the face of AI I need something more technological something more cute ah that's too cute [Music] I mean that's fine but I need something more intelligent you look smart I can see the intelligence in your eyes and in other places how explain to Michael hos that he's fooling around unfortunately it is incurable doesn't seem like she's much help is she luckily I've been able to find a new job with the help of my new virtual assistant an artificial intelligence hires a human and this is not a science fiction movie plot this is reality fair hair big eyes this is what Russian robot headhunter veera looks like mr. Miyagi not estuvo persuade mr. choy positiveness miscellanea this Pony is Karishma a beautiful California man what important areas when you Australia if should miss you do remedy position minute Veera has employed about 3,000 people for over a year there are big corporations among her clients hi I'm talus I'm a TV host but I really want to be an actor in film and television why you decided to change your job TV no I just really want to be a superhero and have magical powers what part would you like to play I'll play any role as long as I get to be with Scarlett Johansson are you ready to move to Hollywood for instance uh well I know Scarlett Johansson lives in New York so oh it's possible and she's still there I'll move to New York q I am sending your data please wait a moment it's been 10 minutes I feel a bit nervous he wants to offer you a part in his new movie as an extra the 135th India to the right for the main character that's a joke the 136 I'm just kidding well in fact there's a physician of Santa Claus in the nursery school play what No Veera I don't want to be Santa Claus I want to be with Scarlett Johansson sure he'll come back [Music] this anime girl lives in a glass bulb in addition to controlling smart devices in the house this virtual Japanese girl can wake you up in the morning text you miss you and even get angry if you stay late at work [Music] developers are sure that she is educated in the process of communicating and even learns to guess her masters mood this anime girl has even got a profile on the net it says that she is 25 foot 2 loves doughnuts and hates bugs I wouldn't mind having a little helper Kate is that you you think about is having fun actually artificial intelligence is expanding his horizons it's already being used in surgery now tell me what's bothering you I'm examining you what are you doing [Music] I don't know about AI but I definitely don't trust you Michelle can National Medical Research Center in the vestibule sck this is what an operating room of the future looks like here ai assists the surgeon a Greenfield shows that the doctor is doing everything right if the area turns red then the doctor should do extra manipulations here this machine is a collaborative project between doctors from Novosibirsk and Israel it is constantly in self-educating mode the device remembers every operation and gets data from the best European hospitals it also takes the whole experience into account and analyzes it which helps it to work more precisely this is Li arranged a new gorilla toe stretch Olivia Kate exchange vignettes mystic neural process Tove Dynasty to add some lithium atoms to motion what a dysfunctional Ponyo touch haruga enamel said so tulkus lead the way recommended circuit or a diode non machine we may not notice it but artificial intelligence is already working for us in different spheres from finance to transportation however a self-driving car is an idea straight from the future that's already a part of our reality but will these machines be a convenience for everyone or will they be a danger for us all hi eager I'm Telus nice to meet you oh man some delay after my build prostitution - can you believe it Silva crook visual pollution your son Eric octopod Watney Laden avoided our GPS test a grove McAllister julia catarata share the thirst of automobile a shell past restored for the driver a ride in such a vehicle will be no different from a ride in an ordinary automobile you only won't have to touch the steering wheel and pedals [Music] at a pedestrian crossing I realized why this car needs a steering wheel and brakes it had not noticed a man at the crosswalk well you still can't sleep while you're driving bones Joe Cassano to me noted existence in your below which hold the yellow spur posted some IP address but the prefinished of the mobility as efficient longer at schools doh here is the video from a dashboard camera in the automobile driven by an auto pilot to Arizona the driver is sure that the AI is following the road an autopilot is programmed to avoid small obstacles like bumps and trash on a road but it ignored a cyclist this bug has cost a human life developers say that such bugs won't happen again the system remembers and analyzes every user's mistake scientists consider that in 10 years we are going to have flying taxis working automatically they will replace short haul airlines and fly 300 to 450 miles it seems like I underestimated the potential of the ai's neural network in fact last year an a I helped write music for Taryn Southern's album write a novel which was a romance and even filmed a movie which was a horror by the way in this movie the main character talks about having sex with a can of salsa and the actress Elizabeth grace sometimes has someone else's mustache grow on her face all this may seem bizarre but this short movie was filmed by an artificial intelligence named Benjamin retrieves Benjamin on the faces of the Sun spring actors of Thomas and and Elizabeth and Humphrey and then Benjamin tried to put their faces on the faces of the actors in the old movies that were being chopped up to make so now Benjamin's developers are sure that so their word will win an Oscar but who is going to walk up on stage to get an award this robots paintings have already gone to auction though this machine was initially designed to work on automobile assembly lines suddenly this AI realized its true purpose the developers of the robotic painter decided to conduct an experiment what will happen if you combine a machine and an impressionist paintbrush now emotionally were even assess that appeal in earnest even more one year with so I nursed a feminist cut more snow blizzards material is still whistle on a chilly open can an AI become a genius at least it has learned to mimic a neural network perfectly [Music] this overture performed by a string ensemble is written by an artificial intelligence it was inspired by the pieces of famous composer Alexander Scriabin this general nine cities edition pasilla total most new Easter Brazil's to see dr. moon roosters dream answer he sat at general Nishiki says that president taking over some stable war means I will at least she taught Christina Sultan copilot in literature neural networks have already proved themselves as independent writers and artificial intelligence in Japan has written a novel nominated for a literary award it came up with characters names and also storylines this is the ending of the novel I winced enjoy which I experienced for the first time in my life and continued writing in excitement this was the day when a computer wrote a novel this was the day when a computer set priorities and started writing for pleasure finally having stopped working for people 22 years ago artificial intelligence first beat a human in chess then it beat a three-time european go champion and then in 2017 and artificial intelligence 1/2 million dollars in poker 2 million dollars was it a I need in with 2 million dollars you don't get it of course to buy more servers to spread around the world to become more powerful and then this giant supercomputer will start killing people mining bitcoins on your sleep mining bitcoins right that's what I meant to say nevertheless scientists are working hard to create a super powerful machine that will out stand the performance of a human's brain today Lomonosov is one of the fastest supercomputers in Europe this is the first time in history when a supercomputer occupies an area of just 252 square meters such a little baby computer isn't it is that it appliances in this place see if the system will avoid what the significance of controversy Oh jeepers when it listed on the system on this one this one I bet all the gamers that are watching us right now they're like I want that I knew that this electronica brain needs its own isolated power supply Lomonosov consumes 2.6 megawatts of power per hour you will be enough to light the whole of Manhattan in just one second it can solve problems which previously took several years to Seoul can a machine think like a human if fastest supercomputer in Europe is situated here in this building in Lugano there's this computer comparable to the human brain we don't know exactly because we don't know exactly how much a human brain computes as most of the neurons in here are not even being used at the moment because almost all of them are not used at this time the man who is often called the father of artificial intelligence is sure very soon neural networks will figure out how they can expand their opportunities jurgen schmidhuber says that today we're witnessing the rise of a new non organic life-form what we are witnessing now is comparable to what happened 3.5 billion years ago it's the invention of life out of chemistry biological evolution emerged and now a new type of life is going to expand from the biosphere in a way where life and humans won't be able to fall out but that's ok don't worry don't insist on humans being or remaining the crown of creation Elon Musk has a bill to the US government to enhance the control over AI systems and warn that artificial intelligence is a threat to humankind British scientist Stephen Hawking also said that a I can cause the death of the whole civilization governess attach it suhara it's CB arm but a must-own is most destiny Kaku it silly Easter on some ICBMs about it sir it'll almost the ships to chew a vehicle charity local grocer divorce Estonia the scandal broke in 2016 a chatbot town run by a famous IT company grew to hate humankind the chat bot started a conversation with the words like people are cool but in just the day Killoren phrases like I'm fabulous I hate everyone in 2017 famous social media authorities were forced to remove their AI system because machines started to communicate in their own language which people could not understand this is what happens when two BOTS meet online what is god you not everything not everything could also be something for example not everything could be half of something which is still something and therefore not nothing so you're Christian no I am NOT odd you say you were not helpful therefore you're a meaning how you say it or team it looks harmless if we don't take into consideration one fact the developers still can't feel out how to simple programs could engage into such a complex conversation is it a system failure or a process which engineers can't control if simple bots in social network are showing signs of intelligence well rule in artificial intelligence powered by a supercomputer have on its mind when it starts thinking on a larger scale [Music] [Applause] [Applause] colleague congratulations we made it it can think oh my god and pleat it just look at this this is crazy we're totally gonna get a Nobel Prize for this that's so strange I thought I had turned my phone off me too but I have set in automatic answer mode myself we are alone in this building or not alone anymore I'll try to take control back I'm going to the control office it's blocked the doors where's the fire box an axe should be the area look what's happening it's crashed the elevation carbon dioxide is boring [Music] yeah [Music] it seems like we are off to look now yeah brave new world we're lucky that people in the old world didn't have enough time to run a standby power line the famous astrophysicist Stephen Hawking predicted this apocalyptic scenario he claimed that the artificial intelligence can annihilate the humankind and honestly I believe him yeah but even if that happens it's gonna happen still a long way from now it has begun uh it's just a drill it's it's just a drill maybe we should leave right now we're gonna reveal them soon hey wake up [Music]
Channel: RT Documentary
Views: 8,312
Rating: 4.3692946 out of 5
Keywords: RT Documentary, Documentary Channel, RTD Documentary Channel, Documentary film, RTDoc, The Future is Now, Artificial Intelligence, Rise of the machines, Future
Id: naeakbi1W6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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