Elon Musk Says Humans Should Be Very VERY Concerned About Artificial Intelligence!

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so with that please join me in welcoming Elon Musk [Applause] good afternoon and welcome Ilan I was going to take off my ties all right if I do that but I came in with a tie but then I was like to tell this is nice then we'll both be more comfortable that's good well tie go up hang on having me appreciate your being here today hey you know it's when I'm with you it's difficult to know where to start let's start just what drives you what is it that when you wake up in the morning do you see a problem and you want to solve it I think the thing that drives me is that I want to be able to think about the future and you feel good about that and so that you know we're doing what we can to have a future be as good as possible to be inspired by what is likely to happen and to look forward to the next day so that's that's what really what drives me is trying to figure out how do we how to make sure that things are great and I'm going to be so and that's the unlined principle find Tesla and SpaceX is that I think it's it's pretty important that we accelerate the transition to sustainable generation and consumption of energy it's inevitable but it's it matters if we have if it happens sooner or later and then SpaceX is about helping make life multiplanetary and doing what we can to continue the dream of Apollo and ultimately make contribution to life becoming a multiplanetary let's talk a little more about that I think everyone very interested that when you say making life multiplanetary that's exciting it is exciting that so what's your vision there you know I think particularly for Americans you know we're like thinking about America is a nation of explorers people came here from other parts of the world they you know chose to give up known in favor of the unknown so I think exploration like the United States is a distillation of the human spirit of exploration and so that's why it appeals to American so much you know you can see this when say there was a shuttle tragedy and seven people died it and that's that's terrible but a lot of people die all the time but why do we care so much because it was the dream of exploration that was dying along with those people that's well know and I'm one of those that I'm probably like many of you remember exactly where you were when that that tragedy happened so you have 30-plus governors here today and we're very excited about your willingness to be with us and you hopefully heard me talk a little bit about my initiative which is being ahead of the curve what do you tell us as governors what we what should we be thinking about in terms of innovation and and developing public policy for the future well it sure is important to get there at the rules right and you know it's sort of in terms of legislative and executive actions it's sort of like anything to say like professional sports or something if you don't have the rules right if there isn't a you know if the game isn't set up properly it's not going to be a good game so it's real important to get the rules and rules right now I think it's worth noting that I think still in the United States the rules are still better than anywhere else but the you know it's very easy to put something in place which is an inhibitor to to innovation without realizing it so in terms of the regulatory environment it's always important to bear in mind that regulations are immortal and they never die unless somebody actually goes and kills them and then they get a lot of momentum so a lot of times regulations can be put in place for all the right reasons but then nobody goes back and gets rid of them afterwards when they're no longer make sense and you know that they used to be a rule in the early days when people concern about automobiles because that was pretty scary things carriage is going around by itself in every never know what those things might do so there were like rules where you have to in a lot of states we had to carry a lantern in front of the automobile at like 100 paces ahead of the automobile there's to be someone with a lantern on a pole well okay but you really give her that regulation and they did you know because it really be awkward so so just regulations even if done correctly and for and being right at the time it's always before to go back in and scrub those you know periodically to make sure they still sensible and this will serving the greater good I think in terms of tax structure to what what is what is economically and scented and what it is what is not economically incentive just make sure that the incentive structure is is correct I think I'm saying just totally common-sense things here but economics 101 what are you what have you in sense will happen so the if you incent one thing that thing will tend to happen more than the other thing because another thing that that thing will happen and so the economics should favor innovation and and this is particularly important to protect small to medium-sized companies because because it sort of like trying to grow Trina forests like it's real hard for a new company to grow when it's just a seedling or sapling in these Lomo protection then if it's giant redwood or something like that so very important to give support to small and small to medium-sized companies and innovation front and so they're the ones that needed more than big companies and I think the point is is almost big company biggest company anyway so I favor you know supporting smaller companies in Tesla relatively speaking what would your response be because there are critics out there with regard to incentives and that's what in the Tesla has been and I can speak from experience the beneficiary of incentives economic incentives when with regard to the gigafactory sure what would you tell those those people yeah I think well first of all as you know the business kind of were a little overstated the the case the gigafactory it's a it's a five billion dollar investment capital investment to get that factory going and I didn't actually know this thing by the weather I didn't know this until we did the press conference actually that over 20 years the Nevada incentives added up to 1.3 billion actually don't even know this but but but now he's telling they alerted at the press conference I'm like really no but I mean it the thing is that they act that took what added up over 20 years and made it sound like Nevada was writing us a 1.3 billion dollar check and I'm you know I'm still waiting for that check yeah I'm likely to get lost in the mail I don't know so I been you know this is the way the press works of course so if not if you divide 1.3 billion by 20 then it's it's like okay Tesla is on average we receive a sort of a tax it well it doesn't it's rate basically fails in use tax abatement is good what it amounts to so totally it's like on the order of we get on the order of 50 to 60 million of sales news tax abatement divided over 20 years and but this for something which has a five billion dollar capital cost just get going and then it would have to generate about 100 billion dollars over that period of time to to achieve a 1.3 billion dollar tax benefit so so essentially it's a little over 1% over that period of time and that's great okay but it's not a you know it's not like it's it's not the way it was characterized in the pranced it but it because it's put in the proper context that sounds like okay well that's neat you know it's about 5% helpful on setting up the factory and about 1% helpful over the next 20 years cool that actually sounds pretty reasonable and yeah so that's that was that was helpful but there are a lot of other factors as well and we actually had slightly bigger incentive packages from from some other states that were offered but we factored in how quickly could we get the gigafactory into operation what were the risks associated with that progress what would be over automated logistics costs over time of transferring battery packs and power trains to a vehicle factory in California and you know and all of those factors weighed together is what me is what led us to make the decision in favor de nada and working with your team was great and I was very forward-leaning and a nickel a big part was this is just like ratings you know sure if you feel really welcome you know within within the state so that's sort of what would less to make the decision for the gigafactory and then then we have another factory in New York doing solar panels also actually it will be the biggest solar panel producer in North America understand and then we expect us to establish probably at least two or three more Giga factories in the US in the next several years as well as a couple overseas but the overall objective of Tesla is really what what set of actions can we take to accelerate the advent of sustainable production and consumption of energy and I think the it is sort of the way the way I would assess the stark good of Tesla is in terms of how of what that how many years of acceleration was it you know and if we can accelerate the sustainable energy by ten years I would consider that to be a great success even if it was only five years that would still be pretty good that that's the that's the overarching optimization so you you talked about interplanetary travel and sustainable energy and the vehicles a little bit what what would you want things to look like in five to ten years associated with with energy and with autonomous vehicles electric vehicles hmm well I think things are going to be that they're going to grow exponentially so there's a big difference between five and ten years you know my guess is they're probably in ten years more than a half of new vehicle production is electric in the United States and China is probably gonna be ahead of that because China has been super Pro UV something a lot of people know this but like China's environmental policies are way ahead of the u.s. like their mandate for renewable energy far exceeds the US I think this sometimes people are under the impression that China is either dragging their feet over or somehow behind the u.s. in terms of sustainable energy promotion but they're they're by far the most aggressive on earth it's crazy I mean they in fact the coalition of Chinese car manufacturers just wrote the Chinese government to beg for them to slow down the mandate because it's like too much they need to make eight percent electric vehicles I think like next year or in two years or something there's like they can't physically do it so chosen by far the most aggressive on electric vehicles and solar so but that's a common misperception that they're not there's one Google search way to figure this out is really restrict pretty easy so and in 10 10 10 years now I think yeah yet so half of all production I think will be BV I think almost all cars produced will be autonomous in ten almost all it will be rare to find one that is not continuous that's going to be a huge transformation now thank you very mind though is that new vehicle production is only about 5% the size of the vehicle fleet do you think about Cal owns the car truck last and they last 15 to 20 years so before the finally scrapped so new vehicle production is only roughly at most 115 of the fleet size so even when new vehicle production say switches those which is over to electric or to autonomous that still means the vast majority of the fleet on the roads is not it'll take another you know five to ten years before that becomes majority majority of the fleet becomes evey or autonomous at a few years they go out twenty years a whelmingly things are electric autonomous a whelmingly fully autonomous fully autonomous so no one will have to touch the steering wheel if there is one there will not be a steering twenty years it will be like having a horse people have horses which is cool but so so having a regular car will be like having a horse is that what you say yeah yeah and there will people that that have you know non autonomous cars like people out horses I just would be unusual to use that as a mode of transport yes alright let's talk about the energy piece and rooftop cell or and storage yeah um so the well it's a important to appreciate that the earth is almost entirely solar-powered today in the sense that the Sun is the only thing that keeps us from being at roughly the temperature of cosmic background radiation which is three degrees above absolute zero so one person would be a frozen dark ice bolt and the the amount of air so the amount of energy that reaches us from the Sun is tremendous it's it's over it's the 99% plus of all energy that that Earth has then there's this energy we need to use to run civilization which to us is big but compared to the amount of energy that reaches us from the Sun is tiny so it's very easy like it actually doesn't take much if you wanted to power the entire United States with solar panels it would take put a fairly small corner of Nevada Texas Utah anywhere it's the only need about 100 miles 100 miles of solar panels it's Carly the entire United States and then the the batteries you need to store that energy to make sure you have 24/7 power is one mile by one mile there's one one square mile I did I showed the graph of the image of this where this is what a hundred miles 100 miles looks like it's like a little square in the US map and then what there's a little pixel inside there and that's the size of the battery pack that you need to support that real tiny so will you talked about 20 years from now none of us well some people still be using horses or what be zero yeah but it's so rare so what will be the energy piece look like I mean what will there be transmission lines will there be a need yeah I think the so there's if the use of energy can is roughly divided into three areas and they're more or less equal at a high level about a third of energy is used for transportation of various kinds about a third is used for electricity about a third is used for heating so if you want to have a tenth of the electricity production call it you know something in the order of 10% and upon how you count it is renewable maybe 15 percent today so that means that there's a master amount of solar that would need to be produced and connected in order to to be fully sustainable because fully sustainable means they're tackling transport non renewable electricity generation and heating so that that means that will need to be a combination of utility scale solar and rooftops kits solar combined with wind geothermal hydro probably some some nuclear for a while in order to transition to a sustainable situation which means really for the most part massive massive growth in solar and it's gonna be important to have rooftop solar in neighborhoods because otherwise you're going to they'll need to be massive you transmission lines built and people do not like having transmission lines go through the neighborhood you really don't like that I agree um so you want to have some localized energy production combined with utility it so what rooftop solar utility solar and that that's that's really going to be the solution from a physics standpoint that I can't see any other way to really do it people talk a lot about fusion and a lot but the Sun is a giant fusion reactor in the sky and it's really reliable comes up every day so if it doesn't we got bigger problems yeah somebody asked me to ask you this we talked about workforce today that they asked me our robots going to take our jobs everybody's jobs in the future and how much do you see artificial intelligence coming into the workplace well firstly I think on the artificial intelligence front you know I have exposure to the very most cutting-edge AI and I think people should be really concerned about it I keeps not sounding lis long Bell but you know until people see like robots going down the street killing people like they don't know how to react you know because it seems so ethereal and I think we should be really concerned about AI and I think we should this is a is a rare case where I think we need to be proactive in regulation instead of reactive because I think by the time we are reactive in AI regulations too late and normally the way regulations are set up is that a whole bunch of bad things happen there's public outcry the and then after many years a regulatory agency set up to regulate that industry there's a bunch of opposition from companies who don't like being told what to do by regulators and we take forever that they that in the past has been bad but not something which represented a you know a fundamental risk to the existence of civilization ai is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization in a way that car accidents airplane crashes faulty drugs all bad food were not they were not they were harmful ting to a set of individuals within society of course that they were not harmful to society as a whole ai is a fundamental existential risk for human civilization and I don't think you hopefully appreciate that you know it's not it's not fun being regulated it's not you know to be pretty exome but I you know in the car business you know we get regulated by Department of Transport by EPA and a bunch of others and there's writing for agencies in every every country you know in the in space the get regulated by FA and but you know if you ask the average person hey you want to you want to get rid of the FAA and just like take it take a chance on manufacturers not cutting corners on the aircraft because you know profits were down that quarter like L know that's sounds arable so you know I think even people are pretty extremely like the libertarian free market they were like yeah we probably keeping an eye on the aircraft companies making sure they've involved a good aircraft and good cars and that kind of thing so I think that there's a role for regulators that's very important and I'm against over-regulation for sure but and we I think we've got to get on that with AI apana and so they'll certainly be a lot of job disruption because what's going to happen is robots will be able to do everything better than us I'm quitting I mean all of us you know yeah what sure exactly what to do about this it's like the it's like it was really like the scariest problem to me I'll tell you and yeah so I really think we need to go a regulation here just kazoos you know ensuring the public go deserved because you're good companies that are racing that they kind of have to race to build AI or they're going to be made uncompetitive you know like essentially if your competitor is racing the world AI and you don't they will crush you so then you're like ah we don't request so you know I guess we need to bullet to that's we need the regulators to come in and say hey guys you'll need to really you know just pause and make sure this is safe and like when when it's cool and working of it and regulator to convince that it's safe to proceed then you can go but otherwise slow down and buttplug but you need the regulators to do that for all the teams in the game you know otherwise the chair holes will be saying like hey why are you developing AI faster because your competitor is like okay we've got to do that anyway so it's like there's like something like 12% of jobs or transport transport will be one of the first things to go fully autonomous but when I say everything like the robots will be it will do everything barn barn uh thing let's move back to you're rolling out the model three this year right yeah how many orders what did what does that come look like yeah it's gone well on that front um we got and what I think like somebody orders the model 3 today they'd only get it probably late next year we're just actually just auto production made the first production unit last week and within that it's not well appreciated about something about about cars and any kind of new technologies how hard it is to do the manufacturing is vastly harder to the manufacturer by a factor of a hundred like a hundred then to make the to make that hard to make one of something like with with maybe 50 or 60 people we could make a prototype for practically anything and in six months now to make actually a thing we need five thousand people to spend you know three years and that's considered really fast so manufacturable does this kind of escorts excruciating ly slow at first and then it it grows exponentially and then I but people tend to extrapolate on a straight line so if it's real slow at first that's a little slow look at that they're going to make five cars a week forever like nope it will be ten cars a week than 20 cars a week then you know 40 cars a week then 5,000 cars a week eventually just goes crazy fast so we're hoping to get to you know something you know like 5,000 cars a week by the end of the year well I wanted to give an opportunity for some of the governors to ask questions and perhaps some audience questions right I was told that you'd be willing to get to do that right so governors any questions for free law Governor Scott thank you very much we in Vermont have partnered with Tesla in in terms of a power-packed in our homes and they're $15 a day you can rent this for 15 years and it will carry power as a backup generation device for 12 hours and it's been really really interesting from my perspective but I'm curious about vehicles in and where we're going in the future or how far in the future do the cars themselves become the charging device like the roof and deck lids and hood orgas or do the batteries get so efficient that you don't need that and then you just power up for a week or something like that where are we going in the future with battery storage yeah I think the future is just the three legs to the stool there's a electric cars there's a stationary battery pack and solar power with those three things you can have a completely sustainable energy future that's all Bissell is needed on assault on the solar front like said it's going to be a combination of rooftop solar and utility scale solar you'll need both because of the you know enormous amount of electricity and then you know one of the things that's that's been missing anything up till now is having rooftop solar that looks good and isn't an you know that's we got the solar glass roof that were developing and we're doing any different styles so that it matches the aesthetics of a particular house or original style is actually pretty important and the conventional flat panel so is will for four flat roofs and for commercial will be the way the way to go but yes and putting solar panels on look on the car itself not that not that helpful because the actual surface area of the car is not not very much and cars very often indoors and so it's the least efficient place to put solar is on the car just wondering about maybe a wrath of some sort is it is that make any sense in the future like a wrap of solar around either a building made of a solar panel or a wrap of a vehicle actually being the solar panel for being the components of the vehicle itself I don't think so I'll scrap that idea it's just way better to put her on a roof for sure and I've really thought about this I mean really and I pushed my team that like isn't in some way we could do it on the car I mean technically if you have like some sort of transformer like thing which will pop out of the trunk like like a you know hardtop convertible and just like just like ratchet solar panels over the whole surface area the car extending like this for the entire say square footage of a parking space provided you're in the Sun that would be enough to generate about twenty to thirty miles a day of electricity but that is for sure the expensive difficult way to do it governor burger so thought about maybe we should but you know Unthank thanks for being here with your background in Payment Systems you understand the important role of security and transactions yeah all that you've got I think it carries a huge concern like cyber security yes and you're in the vehicle as you're building our incredibly complex software systems I mean the car is really a rolling piece of software it's like a laptop on oil yes so share with us a little bit about your thoughts on cybersecurity and how you how we protect each I called protecting society when you have got a rolling fleet of I think one of the biggest risks for autonomous vehicles is somebody achieving a fleet-wide hack you know in principle if somebody was able to hack say all of the autonomous Tesla's they could say I mean just as a prank like it tastes it likes animals Rhode Island quest the United States and I'll be like well ok that will be the end of Tesla and liberal of a I agree people in Rhode Island that's for sure so we're going to make super sure that that a pleat white hack is basically impossible and that if people are in the car that they have override Authority on one of the cars doing so if the car is doing something wacky I you can press the button that no amount of software can override that will ensure that the you get in control of the vehicle can't cut cut the link to the servers so that's a that's pretty fundamental within the car we actually have even even if somebody gains access to the car there are multiple subsystems within the car that that that also have specialized encryption so the powertrain for example has specialized encryption is so universally would gain access to the car they cannot gain access to the powertrain or to the braking system and but it is my top top concern from a security standpoint at Tesla's making sure that free wide hack or any vehicle specific hack can occur that they have the same problem with cell phones you know it's kind of crazy today or that we live quite comfortably in in a world that George Orwell would have thought we're super crazy like we'll carry a phone with a microphone Acree turned on really at any time with our knowledge with a GPS that goes our position and a camera and all kind of all about the visible information we do this willingly and it's kind of well to think that that's the case and so far the phone like Apple and and Google kind of haven't seen challenge of making sure that cannot be a fleet-wide hack or a system-wide hack of phones or or a specific hack so but that's our top top concern yeah become it's gonna become a bigger a bigger concern I think Tesla's no intent bait here but tens of Tesla's pretty good at software compared to the other car companies and so I do I think it's going to be a bit like an even bigger challenge for the other car companies to ensure security yeah thank you governor do garden Thank You governor miss MA thank you for speaking to all the governor's today it's an honor to have you here one question I had we saw when gasoline prices went to three and a half dollars a gallon there was a big jump in interest in hybrid vehicles and you saw those vehicles become very much in demand and then as gasoline prices have fallen you've seen a reversal of that and I'm wondering to what extent you have a concern about the future of electric vehicles in the face of those very low prices you speak to that well the economics they kind of set set the slope of the curve so there's no question on mind whatsoever that old transport with the ironic exception of rockets will go fully electric everything Planes Trains automobiles well plug trains already electric pole shifts and but it's question of what that timeframe is and the economic incentive structure drives that timeframe that's really what it amounts to you know the big challenge is that there's a none priced externality in the cost of fossil fuels so the unpriced externality is the the probability weighted harm of changing the chemical constituency of the atmosphere and oceans it since it is not captured in the price of gasoline it does not drive the right behavior it would be like if tossing out garbage was just free and you know there was no you just do as much as you want and like streets be full of garbage so and we regulated a lot of other things like sulfur emissions and nitrous oxide emissions like I think it's a lot of good on that point with co2 it's tough because there's so many vested interests on the sort of fossil fuel side and sometimes I think I feel like those guys feel like kind of hard done by because you know wasn't obvious like when they were creating their oil and gas companies that it would be bad for the environment and they worked really hard to create those companies and then they feel like well now they're being kind of attacked on moral grounds when didn't originally start those well companies oh we'll pull them up on on bad moral ground and and it is true that we cannot contain iya sleet ange to a sustainable situation but then those guys will also fight pretty hard to slow down the change and that's really what I think is Molly wrong Governor Bevin and then Governor hutchinson and we'll take a couple auto and then governor Hickenlooper and then we'll take some audience questions governor Bevin elect me on thank you for being here the short version of the question then slightly longer the short version is do you ever feel pressure by others expectations of you and your endeavors in light of the progress you've made thus far is the short version and more specifically when you look just at Tesla alone and you look at a company with a fifty four billion dollar valuation and seemingly by typical mark market metrics no justifiable reason for that what do you say I'm just a very I'm just in all seriousness do you feel a concern ever that your intellect in your intellectual curiosity and your ingenuity cannot be matched by those that are trying to commercialize it does that ever affect how you think or decisions that you make uh well it is actually I find it quite tough when there are very high expectations I try to actually tamp down those expectations is you know to be possible in fact I've on a record several times is saying that the stock price is higher than we have any right to deserve and that's for sure true based on you know where we are today and have been in the past so the stock price obviously reflects a lot of optimism about where it says it will be in the future and now the thing that makes that there are quite a difficult emotional hardship for me is that you know those expectations sometimes get out a out of control and I like I hate disappointing people and so I'm like trying to real hard to meet those expectations but that's a pretty tall order and a lot of times real not really not fun I have to say a lot less fun than we've seen so yeah I mean I don't ever sell any stock and there's a happy for your taxes so you know said publicly I'm not going to like take money out the table it you know I'll be last I'm going down I'm going down with ship so I'll be glad to do it but yeah I mean it's I really wouldn't recommend anyone start a card company I really wasn't wrecked on it up it's not a recipe for happiness and freedom thanks governor Bevin governor hutchinson mr. musk ASA Hutchinson from Arkansas thank you for your frank observations about exploration you know I look at the spirit of invention and the spirit of exploration which is really the hallmark of America what is your comment on NASA its mission I was in Congress I supported NASA but I always feel like it's floundering does not have the support of the American people that's needed what what's your comment on NASA its mission and what advice would you give us sure well I'll put I should say I'm a big fan of NASA in fact at one point my password was I love NASA literally that was my password and yeah I think but NASA NASA does a lot of good things for which people before it doesn't get enough credit and that the public I guess doesn't know that much about I like a lot yeah most members of public they're not really into hard science but you know it's like not it's not the thing they're tuning in for was the time I love marked science you know but it's not that popular so but there's great things in terms of that the telescopes like the Hubble and the James Webb and you know the Rovers on Mars and the Pro improves the outer solar system those are all like really great things but to get the public excited you've got to get people in the picture it just it's just a hundred times different if there are people in the picture and you know if there's some criticism of NASA it's like it's like important to remember people in the picture you know if you want to get the public support and but like if you talk to scientists about that so where's the science in that like you're not getting it it's like that's not why people giving you money not that's I mean a little bit of the reason but the serious scientists or like people just make things more expensive like why we have people like okay well why do we have people at all but anywhere sometimes the scientists the ones who just don't understand even like smart people but like yeah so you can have something that's going to fire up the you know fire fire people up and get them really excited and like I think if we had a serious goal of having a base on the moon and sending people to Mars and said okay this is we're going to be outcome oriented how we're going to do is okay we got to change the way contracting is done you can't do these like cost-plus contracts cost-plus sole source contracts because then the incentive structure is all messed up so since you don't have any competition well okay this list what the stanchion urgency goes away and as soon as you make something a cost-plus contract you're in Sandton the contractor to maximize the costs of the program because they get a percentage so they never want that gravy train to end and they want to make it a tenza cost maximizers and then you have good people engaged in cost maximization because you just gave them incentive to do that and told them they'll get punished if they don't essentially that's what happens so it's critically important that we change the contracting structure to be a competitive commercial bid make sure that they're or if they're always - at least two entities that are competing to serve NASA and that the contracts a milestone based with with concrete milestones PowerPoint presentations do not count like everything works in PowerPoint yeah examine teleportation device look there's my powerpoint presentation so milestone based competitive commercial contracts with with competitors and then and then you've got to be prepared to fire one of those competitors if they're not if they're not cutting it and and recompete the rest of the remainder of that contract and by the way nASA has actually already done this and they did it with the commercial with the commercial cargo transportation to the space station then that was the case where NASA you know NASA actually an another that thought it would work or not work but they didn't have the budget to do anything else so they're like okay we're going to try this competitive commercial milestone based contracting and it worked great and they watered it to two companies to SpaceX and company called Kistler and SpaceX managed to meet the milestones Kistler did not so then they NASA recompete it the remainder of the contract to openal Sciences have been total Sciences got across the finish line so now NASA has got two suppliers for taking cargo to the space station and it's a great situation same thing for commercial crew to the space station and as it competed that in the commercial career case it's SpaceX and Boeing and yeah it's also a good situation so now like I can tell you like the SpaceX team is like we're going to do this before Boeing that's for sure and then like available buying team like where you can do this before SpaceX that's good that's it's a good forcing function to get things done but that can't tell you how important that contracting structure is that is night and day there's way too much in government which is where it's the sole source cost-plus contract that that justin again in economics 101 whatever you inter sent what that will happen and then the rule shouldn't be surprised it's like oh you just you know said okay if that company manages to find some excuse to double the cost of the contract they're going to get double the profit because they're getting a percentage so they can be they can do exactly that and and it also they're not going to say no to requirements so the government along with some cetera planets 99% of them could make a lot of sense in 10 percentile cockamamy that double it's the price of the project for those ten percent of cockamamie requirements in a cost-plus contract the contract will always say yes there could be a future for you in government contracting at the state level yeah let's go to governor Hickenlooper and then governor Ducey so then I think like most governors I find so refreshing to have the unbridled truth by disrespect every time you say publicly that the stock price is higher than we have any right to believe I I guess you probably get some calls from investors suggesting that maybe you don't say that so frequently yeah that's true um I wanted to go back and just just briefly because I think I wrote this down that you said that artificial intelligence is the the fundamental existential risk facing civilizations I get that post I got it in my opinion it is the biggest risk that we face as a civilization is artificial intelligence it's so to a group of leaders what would you advise that we should how should we be addressed in something that's so such a large landscape and yet obviously so important I think that the in one of the roles of government is to ensure the public good and enter that dangerous to the public are addressed so that hence the regulatory thing I think the first order of business would be to try to learn as much as possible you know to understand the nature of the issues to look closely at the progress that is being made and the remarkable achievements of artificial intelligence last year I go which is a quite a difficult game to beat that people thought would never be beaten with my computer that the computer would either never beat the best human player or that it was twenty years away and last year alphago which was done by beef mind which is a kind of a Google subsidiary absolutely crushed the world's best player and now now that now I can crush I can play the top 50 simultaneously unquestionable so just like that pace of progress is remarkable and and there's again see more and more coming out like robotics you see robots that can learn to walk from from nothing you know within hours like way faster than any biological being but the thing that's most dangerous is and it's the hottest to kind of wrap kind of get your arms around because it's not a physical thing is kind of a deep intelligence in the network he said well what home could a deep intelligence the network do so well it could start a war by great by doing fake news and spoofing email accounts and fake press releases and just by you know manipulating information the pen is mightier than the sword so I mean as an example I want to be emphasized I do not think this actually occurred this was purely a hypothetical that I am digging my grave here but you know that like that though there was that second Malaysian airliner that was shut down on the Ukrainian Russian water and that really amplified tensions between Russia and the EU in a massive way well like let's say if you had an AI that was where the AI skull was to maximize value of a portfolio of stocks one of the ways to maximize value would be to go a long on defense short on consumer start a war and then how could it do that well you know hacking the Malaysian Airlines rat aircraft routing server a routed over a war zone then send an anonymous tip that an enemy aircraft is flying overhead right now let's go to Governor Ducey and then we'll have after governor Ducey will finish our gubernatorial questions and then to questions and we quick questions or one audience question and we'll be done we're running short on time governor Ducey thanks Elon I really enjoyed your comments today and as someone who has spent a lot of time in his administration trying to reduce and eliminate regulations I was surprised by your suggestion to bring regulations before we know exactly what we're dealing with with AI you know not I've heard the example used if I were to come up with a colorless odorless tasteless gas that was explosive people would say well you have to ban that and then we'd have no natural gas so you've given some of these examples of how a a I can be an existential threat but I still don't understand as policymakers what type of regulations beyond slowdown which typically policymakers don't get in front of entrepreneurs or innovators well I think the first order of business would be to gain insight right now the government does not even have insight and I am the right order business would be to stand up regulatory agency initial goal gain insight into status of AI activity make sure the situation is understood once it is then put regulations in place to ensure Public Safety is it and for sure the company is doing AI will most of them not mine will squawk and say hey this is really going to stifle innovation blah blah blah it's going to move to China it won't and it won't because like it's like it has like it has Boeing moved to China so they're pulling aircraft here same one on cars and so it's not it's the notion that if you set stablish regulatory regime that companies will just simply move two countries with with lower regulatory comment is false on the face of it because none of them do they'll endless it's really overbearing but that's about what I'm talking about here talking about you know make sure that there is awareness at the governmental I think once there is awareness if you will be extremely afraid as they should be all right one audience question we'll take the first hand that came up right here thanks Elon enough read with Axios early on in this administration you had argued pretty vociferous Lee that it was best to engage in better to be in the room that not be in the room then when the president decided to pull out of Paris you said that was kind of last Ron you were going to drop off what drove you to that and if you were still speaking to him today what would you say to the president well I thought it was worth doing they're trying hard to you know just to do what's worth it was worth trying I got a lot of flak from multiple fronts for even trying when some guy rented billboards and like attacking me and like full-page ads in the New York Times and whatnot just a bit just for being on the panel and and here in every in every meeting I was like just trying to make the arguments in favor of sustainability and as sometimes other issues like we need to make sure that our immigration laws are not unkind or unreasonable and you know did my best night I think in a few cases I did actually make some progress which gave me some encouragement to continue but but then I just really think that the Paris Accord man I if I stayed on the council's then I'd be essentially saying that that wasn't important but it was super important because I think the country needs to keep his word and you know that that is not even a binding agreement so we could always like slow it down the argument that there would be job loss is well we could see if there are job losses before we exit this agreement maybe there won't be job losses in every job game but yeah this is no way I could stay on after that so you know did my best alright well everybody if you would please join me in thanking Ilan for being great again [Applause] well that was a treat wasn't it well ladies and gentlemen this brings us to the conclusion of our meeting again I wanted to thank our former chair Governor McAuliffe governor Raimondo for hosting us all of you who've supported this organization we will see you in Washington DC in February god bless all of you thank you for being here this hour meeting is adjourned thank you [Applause]
Channel: wwwMOXNEWScom
Views: 141,654
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Keywords: Elon Musk, Artificial Intelligence, governors, news, 2017, Tesla, spaceX
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 53sec (3593 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2017
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