Elon Musk on Artificial Intelligence Implications and Consequences

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hello, this was excellent video! I admire how you put it all together. Especially the background music gives it nice urgent vibe. But at the same time, I don't take it lightly. The topic is serious enough, especially that comparison with ants at the beginning struck me. You don't have to hate them, but they are just in the way..and also "there will be very few jobs that robots cannot do better" - depressing.

keep putting up this great content! It was my pleasure to watch this.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Imagine-Freedom 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2020 🗫︎ replies
We have five years...I think digital super  intelligence will happen in my lifetime. If AI has a goal and humanity  just happens to be in the way,   it will destroy humanity as a matter of course,  without even thinking about it, no hard feelings.   It's just like if we're building a road  and an ant hill happens to be in the way,   we don't hate ants, we're just building  a road, and so: "Goodbye anthill"! For me the bottom line is that  people who talk about risks with AI   should not be dismissed as all luddites scare  mongers, they're doing safety engineering.   When you think through everything that can go  wrong, so that you can guarantee that it goes right. And that's how we're successfully going to  send our species into an inspiring future with AI.  We created it, so I think as we move forward  this intelligence will contain parts of us, and I think the question is "Will  it contain the good parts or the bad parts?" With each search we train it to be better.  Sometimes we type in the search and it tells us   the answer before you finished asking the question.  You know, "who is the president of Kazakhstan" and   it'll just tell you, you don't have to go to  the Kazakhstan national website to find out.   I think you just have to consider, like even  in the benign scenario, where AI... if AI is   much smarter than a person, what do we do?  - Yeah - What what is that... what job do we have? Believe in a benevolent AI force and cross  our fingers? Yeah, just like even... but that's the benign scenario. The benign scenario, the AI can do any job that a human can but better. - Yeah   - That's the benign scenario! Baxter is a really good example  of the kind of competition we face for machines. Baxter can do almost anything  we can do with our hands. Baxter costs about what, a minimum wage worker  makes in a year, but Baxter won't be taking the   place of one minimum wage worker, he'll be taking  the place of three, because they never get tired,  they never take breaks. That's probably the first  thing we're going to see: displacement of jobs They're going to be done quicker, faster, cheaper by  machines.    - We always do things we are good at. - Sure, okay, what would be an example of something  that humans are better than a computer at   and then let's see if that happens. We face a giant divide between rich and poor because that's what automation and AI will provoke: a greater  divide between the haves and the have-nots.   Right now it's working into the  middle class into white-collar jobs.  IBM's Watson does business analytics that we  used to pay a business analyst 300 an hour to do.   - There will be fewer and fewer jobs that a robot  cannot do better. - Okay. I think things... things are definitely going to go into kind of autonomous or locally autonomous drone warfare. This is where it's at, where the future will be.  I'm just saying, that's not I want the future to be this,   it's just, this is what the future will be. - Okay - Is autonomous drone warfare.  And at a local local level, the you know,   I can't believe i'm saying this    'cause this is like dangerous, but is simply what will occur. Is sort of a drones locally being autonomous. The thing that worries me right now, that keeps me  awake, is the development of autonomous weapons. Up to now people have expressed unease about  drones, which are remotely piloted aircraft. If you take a drone's camera, feed it into the  AI system, it's a very easy step from here to   fully autonomous weapons that choose their  own targets and release their own missiles. The expected lifespan of a human being in that   kind of battle environment  will be measured in seconds. - Okay - But it's.... the fighter  jet era has passed that is it's just...   - Yeah, fighter jet era has passed. - Okay.   The air force just designed a 400 billion  jet program to put pilots in the sky   and a 500 dollar AI, designed by a couple of graduate  students as being the best human pilots,   with a relatively simple algorithm. Do you think the current approaches will take  us to general intelligence or do totally new   ideas need to be invented? - I think we're missing a few key ideas for general intelligence, general, artificial general intelligence (AGI)... But it's going to be upon us very quickly,  and then we'll need to figure out what  shall we do, if we even have that choice.   What's another big part of artificial intelligence  is to make them conscious and make them feel.   We build artificial intelligence and the very  first thing we want to do is replicate us. I think the key point will come when all  the major senses are replicated: sight,   touch, smell. When we replicate our senses is  that when it becomes alive?  ...Or create an AI system that we can love and loves us back in a deep meaningful way like in the movie "Her".   I think AI will be capable of convincing  you to fall in love with it very well.    ....and that's different than us humans. - You know we start getting into a metaphysical question of like "Do   emotions and thoughts exist in a different  realm than the physical?" and maybe they do,   maybe they don't, I don't know, and from a physics  standpoint essentially if it loves you in a way   that is that you can't tell whether it's real or  not. It is real. - It's a physics view of love. - Yeah.   - Are you attracted to me? - What? - Are you attracted to me? You give me indications that you are. - I do? - Yes - How? - Micro expressions - Micro expression  - The way your eyes fix on my eyes and lips.   ...and it's similar to seeing our world  a simulation, there may not be a test to   tell the difference between what the real world  and the simulation and therefore from a physics   perspective it might as well be the same thing.  - Yes and there may be ways to test whether it's   a simulation. There might be, I'm not saying  there aren't, but you could certainly imagine   that a simulation could correct that  once an entity in the simulation found a way   to detect the simulation, it could either  restart the you know, pause the simulation,   or start a new simulation or do one of any  other things that then corrects for that error.   - "Eyebrow raised" - This generation technology is just surrounding them all the time. It's almost like they expect to have robots in their homes and they expect these robots to be socially intelligent.   - What makes robots smart? - I think you would have to train it. - All right. - But if you look angry it's going to run away.  - Oh, that's good! We're training computers to read and recognize emotions. - Ready, set, go! The response so far has been really amazing. people are integrating this into health apps, meditation apps, robots, cars. We're gonna see how this unfolds.   We have to really be at the forefront of enforcing  and designing these best practices and guidelines   around how we build and deploy ethical AI. I like to say that artificial intelligence should   not be about the artificial, it should be about  the humans. The data itself is not good or evil,   it's how it's used. We're relying really on the  good will of these people and on the policies   of these companies. There is no legal requirement  for how they can and should use that kind of data. Really, it's just getting machines to learn by  themselves. It's called deep learning and deep   learning and neural networks mean roughly the  same thing. Deep learning is a totally different   approach where the computer learns more like  a toddler by just getting a lot of data and   eventually figuring stuff out. The computer just gets smarter and smarter as it has more experiences.  DeepMind turned to another challenge  and the challenge was the game of Go, which people   have generally argued has been beyond the power of  computers to play with the best human go players.   AlphaGo which went from in the span of maybe   six to nine months it went from being unable  to beat even a reasonably good go player   to then beating the european world champion who  was ranked 600, then beating Lee Se-Dol four five world champion for many years, then beating  the current world champion, then beating   everyone while playing simultaneously. First they challenged the european Go champion, then they challenged a Korean Go champion, and they were able to win both times in kind of striking fashion.  We were reading articles in New York Times years  ago talking about how Go would take a hundred years   for us to solve. Then there was AlphaZero which crushed AlphaGo 100 to zero and AlphaZero just learnt by playing itself, and it can play basically any game that you put the rules in for.   If you, whatever rules you give it, literally  read the rules, play the game and be superhuman, for any game.   People say, well you know, but that's  still just a board. Poker is an art, poker involves   reading people, poker involves lying and bluffing,  it's not an exact thing, that will never be    you know, a computer you can't do that. They took the best poker players in the world and took   seven days for the computer to start demolishing  the humans. So the best poker player in the world,   the best Go player in the world, and the pattern  here is that AI might take a little while to wrap   its tentacles around a new skill but when  it does, when it gets it, it is unstoppable. I do not think that a robot  could ever be conscious,   unless they programmed it that way...  - Conscious? No! - No! - No! I mean I think a robot could be programmed to be conscious how they programmed it to do everything else. AI at the superhuman level, if we succeed  with that will be by far the most   powerful invention we've ever made and  the last invention we ever have to make.   And if we create AI that's smarter than us  we have to be open to the possibility that   we might actually lose control to them. - How many years? Before you don't have to talk. - If the development  continues to accelerate then maybe like five years, five to ten years. - That's quick, that's really quick! - That's the best case scenario - No talking anymore in five years!  - Best case scenario but 10 years is more like it. Really in the first few versions all we're going to be trying to do is solve for brain injuries, so it's like don't worry, that it's not going to sneak up on you.   - This will take a while. - 25 years from now, what are we going to be   in 25 years? - Probably something I think, like there could be a whole brain interface,   like almost all the neurons are connected to... your the sort of AI extension of yourself. If you have some you know if you have ultra  intelligent AI we would be you know   so so far below them in intelligence that it  would be would be like, you know, a pet, basicaly. - Yeah that's what I was thinking, like a pet, a cat. - Like a cat, like a house cat - Yeah, we'd be like the house cat. - Right! I think it's incredibly important  that AI not be other, it must be us. I'm certainly open to ideas if anybody can  suggest a path that's better,   but i think we're really going to have to either merge with AI or be left behind. So when maybe you or somebody else creates an AGI system and you get to ask her one question, what would that question be? What's outside the simulation? It's hard to kind of think of unplugging a system that's  distributed everywhere on the planet,   that's distributed now across the solar  system. You can't just, you know, shut that off. We've opened Pandora's box we've unleashed  forces that we can't control, we can't stop.   We're in the midst of essentially  creating a new life form on earth.
Channel: ritm 1
Views: 67,163
Rating: 4.8645382 out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence documentary, elon musk, elon musk interview, elon musk interview 2020, singularity, elon musk ai, elon musk on artificial intelligence, elon musk ai brain interface, elon musk neuralink, artificial intelligence movie, artificial intelligence robot, artificial inteligence in jobs, artificial intelligence in games, artificial intelligence in air force, artificial inteligence in new generation, artificial intelligence documentary 2020
Id: U7nmfPf7wtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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