How is Artificial Intelligence changing China?

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this link to be closer to China China is now embarking on an unprecedented initiative to master artificial intelligence AI in 2017 in China State Council issued the next generation artificial intelligence development plan setting a goal for trying to become a global AI Innovation Center by 2030 why has China made AI a national priority after we gather industry a very very established than I believe link the economy will have a new field to move on and to boost water cheese for future AI development if we went to making machine more intelligent with definitely we need to working on lunch natural language processing must AI be a win-lose competition or can different countries work together to provide a better future for humankind composer you gotta K trees again three children but I am positive we are capable of the Sanderson in Lincoln County so three other to the chief oh okay to the cavity this week be closer to China artificial intelligence AI is heralded as transformational for humankind some even say AI will disrupt industries and societies even alter powers among nations conceived in literature and philosophy AI was founded as a field in the late 1950s in the u.s. one of ai's founders the late Marvin Minsky of MIT a friend told me how the founders saw the right vision though they were overly optimistic in their forecasts reycarts while whom I also know famously celebrates the singularity when non-biological intelligence has vastly exceeds human intelligence conversely some scientists fear that AI could literally take over the world with uncertain even dire consequences for Humanity while the United States continues to dominate a i china's ambition is to become a leader in AI some say the leader in july 2017 China's State Council issued its muscular guideline the next generation artificial intelligence developing plan envisioning China as a global innovation center by 2030 large tech companies such as $0.10 a knife low tech are boosting the nation's rise why has China made AI a national priority which AI areas and industries are targeted what are China's competitive advantages disadvantages because AI means much to China AI means much to closer to China good morning sir the film iRobot which was released in 2004 depicts the world of 2035 where robots have become a regular feature of people's daily lives in the movie detective del Spooner had a little conversation with the robots sunny us the Machine an imitation of life can a robot write a symphony can a robot turn a canvas into a beautiful masterpiece can you even now in 2018 artificial intelligence AI is already able to defeat world champions in chess and go diagnose diseases and even compose songs and create art this is a Shanghai factory producing aircraft components through the dim blue light one can see robotic arms working on the assembly line now from automated assembly lines to facial recognition and virtual reality artificial intelligence is being used everywhere becoming deeply intertwined with our lives AI promises to bring about profound industrial and consumer revolutions to discern the state of China's AI development i interviewed dr. JA Jaya distinguished scientists of $0.10 yoku lab in Shanghai give us a brief introduction to $0.10 water is primary technology is an application yo truly is the translation of Chinese yo - yo - means perfect image so from this name we you can realise that actually we are trying to make initially we try to make our images and pictures better and and with this kunafa goals or objective then we begin to establish and grow our team and this team now is becomes the core AI team in Tencent and we have different focuses we are focusing on the human technology say everything about a human about a human face face recognition face beautification feels enhancement huge manipulation and also we do a lot on the post estimation we know how from a single image we're able to estimate what we can understand what these people is person is doing also we have the content AI content I a means because social network we we try to out-tan more about the news so whether this news should have a better picture and whether this picture will catch the eyes offer from of the users and this is a content AI also we have medical AI we invest a lot on the medical things what's the application of computer vision and healthcare and medicine what's u2's labs current strategy in technology breakthroughs in healthcare and medicine how do you project future technological breakthroughs which areas in terms of the healthcare and the matter things for example the cancer detection when we take a CT we do a CT scan or MRI scan we get this information but generally the in hospital there will be some doctor radiology doctor to check whether there will be some problems about land cancer and this is cos t and requires very experienced doctor to check whether this is the real bad case or this is just false alarm and now we are developing the AI technology to automatically detect in the early in the early but is in the very early stage to detect the weather this is the line audio or this is just a normal thing just normally this so other than that so our team you to team is collaborating with the meaning means the national open platform for medical AI so we are getting more and more medicine treatments online to and we have already gathered in to get in touch and to get a contact with more than 100 different top hospitals in China we put our technology on more than 50 different hospitals to verify whether it works or not and in the next stage we will focus more even on the blood vessel problems and bring problems and this one also common things common diseases in China and we hope that our technology will do better to help the doctor to get a early detection of all the disease and then conquer at least save more lives and this is our health care and the medical AI not only the health care and the medicine actually we have a number of areas and these are really positive for the society for example we have a system so working together with the government and in this system is to find those last persons and a missing persons so then for example because they are old sometimes when when an old person get lost in the city it's very hard to find her him or her so we have such a system get online so whenever people find homeless and he can you can just take a picture and the picture will upload to resistant for matching for our very high accuracy matching and once we get matching so we will get a result say whether this is one missing person we want to retrieve then we will give the result to the policeman and principal will get this the old man back to his or her home this is something we already put online so this is something really useful to give the positive energies to society and make our society better and also in the technology level we have the first verification we have phase matching we also have the cross H the phase matching say for example giving example say some kids are no they become homeless when they are young but up to five or ten years easier any chance for us to still find out that this is the kids we want to find in missing 10 years ago and this is called across age phase verification now we have pretty good technology working bad thing and we based on our model so we trained our system so were able to do this I also speak with Waze vice-president device vertex Research Institute I flow jack is a Chinese AI company that applies deep learning in a range of fields such as speech recognition natural language processing machine translation and like it's voice recognition technology is now everywhere in China quiet cotton face or LAN solution via food the union's to be a family NGO welcome to iFly tech I come from I fly Tech Research Institute responsible for the research of voice recognition speech recognition is an important test bed for artificial intelligence and it's been developing rapidly in China and abroad how can I fly tech standout we are working on the special attention for more than 20 years so from nineteen and ninety nine and we begin to speech recognition in the past 20 years and during the 2006 deep learning out for outperform all of the algorithms in the speech tracking system so we are the first very few first teams to working on deep learning and in 2011 we deployed the first deep learning based system and get very good without and in 2014 we had very very few first teams to working on the recurrent neural networks and using rectangular cost networks to replace yeah and you're the original MLP networks anning and nine and in 2016 we're working on the convolutional neural network to replace draconian hard work we are old fear very few first teams to working on all these algorithms so are nowadays we are working on VM encoder decoder based speech recognition system and that will make via system mo accuracy than the conventional hybrid hrmmm system and nowadays we're working on the supervised learning method to help the system to to learn from our unlabeled data and this is very important especially for the yellow resourced speech recognition system so you can see that we are working on all these problems from for more than 20 years and we got a very huge team - for that problem so that makes our team very powerful what I fly Tex strategy it's key categories results so we are working on very aspect of artificial intelligence including the tds asa which means automatic speech recognition and natural language processing and handwritten handwriting recognition and image recognition and computer vision so you can see that we working on almost every aspect of artificial intelligence and for example we are working on via beam for them for the hospital we developed a system that can read the city images to tell whether there is a tumor of the lung or not and we are also working on the education system who for example we can evaluate the spoken English and we can tell a student whether his pronunciation is good or not and we can teach them to learn how to speak English and we can we can analyze analysis being excise of peer student until which knowledge is is not very good at and can give them personal exercise to improve the efficiency of their learning tell me something about I fight X super brain project what are its strategies its core technologies the total approach in 2014 we build a team named the super brain and we want to solve the soft new prop soft problems with my new ideas and from then on we have working on the speech recognition and we are the first team to try to use the convolution on your attitude as the crystal models and that that's a brand I need brand new idea and nowadays our team are working on the unsupervised learning and this is very important very hard and we have got a lot of ideas and these problem and we and I believe we can solve this program in about one or two years and if we can solve that program and we can make patent cuts classification much more powerful for a lot of problems and I can say and soon Angela's learning will change the framework of the pattern recognition just like deep learning the US still leads the world in artificial intelligence research but over the last few years China has made great progress does China have the potential to surpass the u.s. and become the world leader in AI describe the state of AI in China compare AI in China with AI in the US what a Chinese advantages disadvantages and technologies talent and applications I believe that my my understanding about the stage or the current status of the Chinese AI industry is the wort top top - so in in the in the Year error of AI especially in these few years we notice the Chinese development in this aspect is so amazingly quick and not only we have the many startups working on AI technologies and the products and the transfer information but also we have the big companies like the Tencent they quickly catch up so the I will say the in in the future I think we also have so in terms of AI then the information and we are able to do not only comparable to the to the West in the u.s. Society but I believe we will do better we can do better there are three factors first of all we have a talents so we have many talents we have now if we go to the major companies and we found that the Chinese employees are more than those from Europe and the US now for those categorical companies and we also have the applications we have so many application as I just I told you we have applications or financing we have education so everything could be leveraged to a new level to use a techniques to do better we are very happy to be a chance to be a Chinese because we can do a lot of research even a very very very narrow rich research direction you can find a huge market so at the same time we have very brilliant students that can do research what does AI mean for China a I say a great chance to upgrade our industry I believe the after we gather industry are very very established then I believe the economy will have a new field to move on and to boost then not only the big companies small companies are are more and more getting to this area and old and traditional areas such as the manufacturing such as the Machine generation or even you can imagine so next stage where we will have more intelligent home devices and probably intelligent the medical treatment and everything and we have a chance so I just hope we can grasp the chance in in this really good stage and try to do better what are some keys for the future of AI development natural language processing so I can I can say machine need to know how to manipulate the abstract signal just like language language very abstract and they can represent a lot of information so it's very important and very difficult for the machine to that but if you want to make the machine more intelligent with definitely we need to working on natural angle processing innovation is the core of China's 13 five-year plan 2016 to 2020 and it's the first to President Xi Jinping's five major development concepts China's intent is to become an innovation nation by 2020 an international leader in innovation by 2030 and a world powerhouse in scientific and technological innovation by 2050 in July 2017 China state council issued the next generation artificial intelligence development plan setting a goal of becoming a global AI Innovation Center by 2030 by that time core AI industries should generate output value expected to surpass one trillion UN for about 150 billion u.s. dollars per year the State Council urged the training of more AI professionals stating that the government will invest in qualified AI projects as well as encouraged private capital investment they are going to get a better understanding of China's planning of AI development I interview Shuba the president of the Institute of automation Chinese Academy of Sciences this optimization of the university academics research institutes enterprise market driven enterprises government is a system that really many countries use in different forms or another but why is there increasing concern in the world for China's system as though China system is is outside the boundaries of fairness because of the very high level of government support what's the basis for that argument rajala type is our title womans ago I think in high tech areas such as AI it is the same for every country at the beginning of development where the government invests a lot as far as I know in China's AI field investment from the market and the investment community is much higher than investment from the government I think this is a very critical milestone as it indicates a stage where technology can already be well applied therefore the fact is the most important part of AI for instance the technologies of AI chips receive the majority of their funding from the investment community with very limited investment from the government we can also see from many national plans that government investment only plays the so-called role of guidance which only seeks to signify or highlight the importance of this area of development the country places hope on its future market and we need society to pay attention in the case of AI I guess you are also aware of the development planning for a new generation of artificial intelligence issued last year by the State Council which according to my information has only received very limited investment from the government we haven't seen excessive government funding yet however it's signal is quite strong that is as the ear of the AI draws near how should we ensure it attracts more attention from the various levels of government enterprises and research institutions including universities and how should we integrate different businesses together I often say that the most important role of a plan is to make people from the originally disconnected traditional industries aware of the economic benefits of advanced technology this symbolizes hope like the first sunshine of the day such a signal released by the country for guidance it is beneficial for more indebted integration of Industry and technology in the way to the young leaning or medica cheerful can hide as a symbol uncle in in China there is a a great effort to use video surveillance equipment throughout the country which which will bring about a safer country what is the responsibility of the state to balance privacy of an individual with the security of the country or house ago I think there are many problems with AI but it's very existence is to bring to society technologies that benefit therefore the surveillance system widely used in China is a typical example we have figures that show a significant decrease in the crime rate with the application of video surveillance this is very positive news people may feel safer going out at night so with such technology we can indeed turn our society into a safer place there are many issues involving privacy but huge amounts of data are recorded some of which are irrelevant to criminality and therefore should be protected for people's privacy I think this is indeed an issue that needs to be balanced we say AI is still going through its initial stage of development and we should evaluate its impact on the society in the long run therefore in the beginning we should pay more attention to the negative impact of the AI technology in application just as we should closely observe the value it brings to society we should also continuously make discoveries and conclusions to balance the technology's negative impact on harming data privacy but I think we need a mechanism that features costs and trials discoveries and improvements alligatored sensor is it the case that because AI is a natural technological development when a country's economy and technology reaches a certain level that all countries will be developing AI each in their own specific environment so that ultimately each will contribute to the benefit of the world is that an optimistic argument or is AI truly a win lose competition among different countries or Ithaca is important as AI is a natural result as we move from automation information based development to intelligent development with a higher level of socio economic growth and IT application thanks to a lot of information based development and data accumulation we have a lot of connections between industries sun-god's tasks for AI is how to upgrade these data to a higher level so as to replace and expand human intelligence there fall from my point of view the direction that China's AI is heading for and the strategy it has proposed is a natural result of IT development I think as each country develops its own AI based on its own economic conditions they should each tailor their plan according to actual economic conditions and focus on their unique characteristics under the right conditions we would find AI everywhere in society permeating each corner and every industry across the world where everybody uses AI in our history we have never witnessed changes on such a grand scale before no country can ever monopolize this area and no country can cover all the technologies needed for different sets of scenarios to conclude I think it will develop towards common prosperity with technology sharing it is not hard for us to imagine how a I can be unveiled across the world with lower costs and greater convenience to benefit the society and the public that said this goal calls for concerted global efforts attention Cortana mooney artificial intelligence AI has hit its tipping point it cannot be stopped some say AI has become a kind of battleground between China and the US six factors drive China's AI strategy a robust data ecosystem adoption and traditional industries creation of new industries specialized talent education and training systems and ethical and legal consensus in AI china has advantages of government leadership recruiting national resources huge user base mega project velocity and ultimately the world's largest economy the US has advantages of first mover top universities diversity of researchers venture capital ecosystem openness and transparency and greater freedoms all seek breakthroughs in big data intelligence deep learning brain-like computing multimedia computing human machine hybrid intelligence swarm intelligence expert systems even quantum intelligent computing AI will be a major driver of industrial upgrading consumer marketing healthcare education smart cities agriculture and of course defense at the same time AI raises complex ethical legal social and security questions from threatening human jobs to autonomous war machines so why should AI be a win lose competition perhaps it's not so much China versus the US but humans versus machines shouldn't China and the u.s. be partners not adversaries to assure that AI serves humanity and not the reverse that's closer to China [Music]
Channel: CGTN
Views: 36,133
Rating: 4.8376069 out of 5
Keywords: CCTV, CGTN, CCTVNews, News, ChinaNews, WorldNews, Politics, AI, China, US, Artificialintelligence
Id: cu731-8Bj60
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 39sec (1779 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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