Artificial Intelligence | Robotics | Documentary | Robots | Future Economy | AI | Internet

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I think artificial intelligence is programmed analogous some guy in an office over together automation and a I have a huge part in our society the changes have been quite drastic they've been quite fundamental we don't necessarily know what is to come I don't need Grover's are going to be able to create in the way that human creates there's a lot of things that we do on a daily basis that just can't be automated to empathize to love to care that's what makes us human the job is your opportunity to provide to the people that you love they're advancing at such a rapid pace that they're gonna start to affect our daily life my job could be done by a robot a robot couldn't do my job we can't be ignorant of them we have to embrace them and we have to adapt because otherwise we'll be just left behind I left Ireland to work as a journalist in London almost ten years ago over that time I've witnessed firsthand the enormous impact that technology has had on the workplace I am a UK editor for Mashable a media and entertainment company we do a lot of reporting around science entertainment technology and social media my role as an editor is to lead a team of journalists here in the London office technology is just part and parcel of everything that we do so you're constantly in this living breathing thing that is pivoting at every given moment I'd love to say that I would never be replaced by a robot I think a robot codes do certain aspects of my job like checking the spellings of things then there are nuances to language and tone that I think it robot would still have limitations in delivering I've worked hard for this job I don't want to just hand it over to a robot it's such a big part of who I am so the idea of some robot coming along and just like willy-nilly being able to Swan in and suddenly take it over would be absolutely heartbreaking in the everyday of our working lives Automation can be seen all around us artificial intelligence are machines that work and react like humans since AI came into its own a number of years ago robots are ever-present in our lives often in hidden ways from the algorithms or during our Facebook feeds to the apps we use on our smartphones machines have been developed beyond all recognition they're now capable of not just merely constructing vehicles but of driving them autonomously diagnosing illness and even understanding human emotions it's estimated that nearly half of all US jobs will be automated in the next 20 years as the pace of this change accelerates I'd like to find out if we are really facing a future where machines will take our jobs do you think a robot could ever do your job I'm sure robot cars will walk they was driverless cars can warp or I still don't believe it's they can be a hundred percent safe even if you're using a phone if you use your phone how many times does your phone freeze because it's a computer so the same thing can happen with a driverless car I reckon you know and again and in my job w does a personal touch a robot is not gonna help people put bags in the boot of the car [Music] children who are born today have a 50% chance of living to a hundred their future in the workplace will be defined by a technological revolution seeing newborn babies never gets old you know that miracle of how human beings can produce such a complex little being thinking about all of the things they're gonna do when they get out there in the world things that they're going to absorb it's phenomenal really how complex the human mind is have intelligent these little creatures already are it's amazing to think fast these little children are going to go out into that big bad world and they're going to get jobs but don't even exist yet technology has now moved to the point where machines can do very complex tasks that were once the preserve of humans today in a Dublin hospital a cancer patient is undergoing surgery to remove his prostate the procedure is being carried out by a robot so Kurt can you just tell us a little bit about the procedure you're going to have today dr. Flynn explained to me that big difference between the robotic and the traditional procedure is that the robotic term will be just five small little holes and the recovery period will be much faster because of that less invasive less invasive yeah we should be more by pretty much the next day and how do you feel about the idea that a robot is carrying out this operation no I suppose I trust I trust in engineering in general I'm an engineer myself know very confident about it do you think you'd feel differently about it if there was no human involved like the idea of a robot doing this completely on its own I think it would just but in time that's probably to me it's going to be so ask the searcher can you see a day where artificial intelligence will eventually replace you the human in the equation I don't think so I think it'll certainly facilitate what we do and I think you know things like augmented reality will make a difference but there's such variation and variability in within the human anatomy in the human body that I think there will always be a role for human intervention I was quite incredible watching this robot which to me looked like almost like an octopus calling in with all these tentacles [Music] to see the level of precision with which the robot was operating there would this be considered a serious operation it's major surgery but quite common you know they're about three and a half thousand men diagnosed with prostate cancer in Ireland each year and a good percentage of those go on to have surgery just looking at like the screen you could see four different utensils just making tiny little incisions all onto the instruction of the team of doctors and surgeons who are in there but it was quite clear that the robot was the tomb the real brain or the real intelligence was all of the humans in the room with artificial intelligence you know I wonder would we ever have a day where that robot will be able to kick-start itself to just come in with little tentacles and start operating without any humans present in the room it's estimated that up to four million jobs in the US alone will be replaced by self-driving vehicles with the advances car manufacturers like Tesla are making with artificial intelligence it's not a question of will autonomous vehicles take over but when my vehicle is a test them unless tests have been the leaders in real time Australia it's one of the features I bought the care for I know it's got further levels to go to get to the level of autonomy but it really does work I need he's safer I'm convinced to save the driver the autopilot worked so well that I can see more and more people going over to Paris and of course Kerr has many more sensors than we have we can look forward and backwards and so forth we turn our heads but the Kerr is looking forward and backwards inside words all the time so in that respect I think it's a better sensing system in some ways than the person it probably sounds a bit daunting but actually it's quite the opposite so just put your hand down and from flip that lever twice sorry okay oh my god Martin I would we'll go around the bend of change I better not grab the wheel because then I'm back in control is that right yeah you reckon control my foot is off the accelerator right now around the bend okay I really want to grab the steering wheel and put my foot on the accelerator that's terrifying even the fact that all those cars are coming past me and I'm not steering the wheel like that is not so that's driver you're so used to putting your foot on the accelerator and your foot on the brake and your hands on the steering wheel and it's like so counterintuitive so it's like fighting against every inclination that you have but yeah it worked brilliantly so shall we try overtaking this truck ahead of me [Music] mentor let go even if he started to sing it was gonna be in your hands yeah there you go let go oh my god oh my god we're over shaking this truck his goods and you want to change back in today and he could just see indication I was sitting in the driver's seat but I was actually collaborating with a robot that had artificial intelligence you know it could learn from maybe the patterns that I would use as driver now you can admire the country sir if that is already in existence here in Ireland and there are already vehicles that can do even much more than that then the only thing that's really stopping it is see there are will to embrace all of this and to get the regulation in place but you can easily see this coming down the tracks in the near future [Music] ái threatens to transform how we all live our lives it's happening at incredible speeds and it's happening right here in the centre of Dublin at more videos a technology company that has created a groundbreaking artificial intelligence chip which among other users can recognize human emotions what are the kind of capabilities of artificial intelligence essentially you can train a robot or a system to recognize either individual objects but you can also get them to recognize behaviors one of the things we've done is a system that's capable of recognizing emotions this is the emotion recognition project we're trying to use it for a hospital so we put into a teddy bear children they can play with the teddy bear it detects whether they're happy or sad so that this analysis will then be sent to the doctor so the doctor will be able to keep and track with how the child is feeling so basically you have to look into the camera into the teddy bear okay my eyes so it's identified my face because I can see a green green square across my face okay oh trying smile yeah which kind of sectors do you think are gonna be most affected and well I mean I'd say financial service is definitely one of them that's already happening probably call centres as well because you know you're getting machines now they're getting much better at understanding language other areas where you can imagine people being displaced would be in law there's a guy set up a website in the UK where you can basically contest your fines he reckons he's saved consumers a couple of million over the past year - you are happy i likey yeah okay I'm gonna change my face man you could be surprised so just like raise your eyebrows and open your mouth right that's very good okay you can have it all - fun doing this yeah where it's like phenomenal awesome incredible those kind of words we throw around to learn everyday bases they really feel appropriate for this I mean the idea that an AI could look at my face and see me smile or see me frown and then decipher how I'm feeling that is absolutely mind-blowing when you think of machines replacing jobs you usually think of routine production line jobs and possibly not the world of sports journalism we're here in Oxford in the stadium here with the local team Oxford United are playing Bradford City I'm going to be a range of difficult forcing the traditional means in social media that also be rollable journalism aerobic will essentially be producing a piece of journalism report about what's going on here there will be someone feeding in information about the match into a computer or a robust enough will then be packaged over processed and piece of journalism will be produced for now these four is one mill to Bradford and right now the final score unfortunately [Music] many of the journalists at the match are skeptical of what a so-called Robo journalist can achieve the Robo journalism is cold hard facts mine is a bit of character it's old-school reporting in that way I'm not sure that people still want that with social media they were on it instantly not back to read mine actually so what did happen [Applause] the game [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and I'm really intrigued to really thought that robot has to say about tonight's game I wonder will it pick off any of the jubilation here at the stadium tonight obviously the spot color a lot of atmosphere in the arena and there was a lot of excitement like a lot of energy there right now the match eventually ended in a to old roar right so hot off the press I've got the Robo journalism and what Chris grows and yes there are some differences the Robo journalism is shorter to begin with and let me just read out a tiny bit of it for you traveling Bradford City and Oxford United split the points after a 2-2 draw Bradford City and Oxford United were unable to be separated as the two finished even at 2-2 quite rational very logical not a whole lot of emotion there right the first paragraph of Chris's reporting Oxford United were denied at the death as they drew 2-2 with Bradford tonight there was entertainment of plenty with ricardinho making a magnificent challenge after 15 minutes the fans roared his name and I'm off to engrave the Brazilians name on the Player of the Year award tomorrow so conveying that collar that you don't necessarily get with the Robo journalism but I have to say I'm so kind of impressed with the robot so AI might be able to manage jobs that deal in facts are hard data but what if it's asked to improvise I joined comedian Neil delamare at a comedy gig to see if robots could actually make us laugh this is Alex Alex is an acronym it stands for artificial language experiments it is a robot running artificial intelligence start improvising step-by-step so we've just seen a show involving a robot and two humans what was your impression of that lots of it was funny sometimes it worked and then sometimes it didn't and sometimes in a didn't work it was even funnier I can only view so far there is only so much that I can show you the human performer what say some things and then the robot will come up with some sort of random non-secular what have you done with my father why did you go to the hospital that's a long way from the machine one having intent and two knowing what they have said is funny I still think it was very good but it's a long way of the level of sophistication of watching Billy Connelly at his finest the scene at the end with the two guys on their own and no robot and I thought that was the funniest bit but that speaks volumes isn't it because it shows that the robot is still not near as funny as the people yeah also I mean they said the comedians are you know a little bit broken and why would you want to go and talk about talk to 400 strangers in a room you weren't holding off as a child so where's the need for a row of what to do this yes what is the physical attribute but the neighbors a kangaroo to find and they are constantly getting input from the audience so they are listening and they're going to adapt it's a bit cruel they like that I'll emphasize the darkness' I'll but they didn't like something surreal I kind of roll back on that a little bit so it will be an interactive experience a robot will stand there and have to take all these things in if they're to be as good a stand up as human as well do you think that a robot could ever take over your job yeah probably if it replaces nearly every other job mine will be on the list eventually I think if a machine can manage to make us laugh what else is it capable of could machines also interpret the world around us and really create in the same way as humans for me when I walk in here and they look at some of the paintings I think about what was the story behind the artist and the subject I was looking at the lady there at the red hair and she's staring back into my eyes and it was really quite mesmerizing [Music] like a robot can't pick up a paintbrush and do what we're seeing here doesn't have that experience of those memories and that relationship and I would be skeptical about whether they can convey that story that you connect with when you stare at that painting Robus do any of these paintings that I'm looking at here I right now would say no [Music] machines and robots are going to be part of our future some see that as a threat and others want to embrace a future where robots are more like us with human characteristics Patrick tress a is a london-based artist who works with robots and AI to create portraits of a human kind so you can never sit and you look in this direction at this robot and so I feel like I'm getting a passport picture taking the paper and and then after I wake them up so they're just still now when they start doing their thing am I gonna start freaking out no no they're quite cute you know cute yeah yeah dangerous so anything you tell what way they're going to be when they start drawing me I don't know I never know what they're going to do I mean because they don't care about humans so you know they sometimes it throwing some not very flattering okay each robot is programmed with different human characteristics oh they're starting already yeah [Music] [Music] it's very strange feels very strange having robots draw me right now but then once you sit here and you keep staring back at them it actually doesn't feel too bad at all actually feels quite nice because there's so many kind of human-like qualities staring straight ahead this robot here in front of me and he looks up at me and like it feels like there's this moment of recognition and he's looking at me and then creating a memory or something and then swiftly looks down at the paper and then starts working away and so you feel like they're like beavering away you know working like like little ants or I don't know I'm trying to find the right words to describe them there he is now again looking at me looking away he's back sorry and Patrick used the word cute earlier on but actually he was totally right they aren't really cute I'm hoping to see something that's gonna be a moment of recognition for me where I looked at it and I go oh yeah that's me so it's finished sure you can have a look surprised because you can't see anything when you're sitting well I kind of squint my eyes I can see myself and that one [Music] I just had a such a human response to that experience giving them like a personality in my head feeling almost like rules to these little creatures when actually they're machines I really really like this one here on the left its M it's just it's me hmm I think it says that we really want machines to be like us because we're teaching them to do things that we can do we often fear something that's unknown so therefore if it looks really like us then what's there to be afraid of who is in control of our future and how we might work alongside machines are international questions the future has already begun and as usual the place where dreams become a reality is leading the way [Music] this is the land of opportunity you can work hard and get where you need to go but there's a real sense that the whole idea of the journey to get to the destination has has the enjoy versus that path is going to be different going forward just because of all of the changes that are happening within the workforce [Music] one of the principal research and development areas for AI in the workplace is in the world of medicine here at oolitic a machine-learning company in San Francisco huge strides are being made in the diagnosis of life-threatening illness can you take us through what you guys do in analytic we try to build tools that can assist in providing faster earlier and more accurate Diagnostics ultimately anybody who's getting any kind of diagnostic tests can be helped by this sort of technology every year 450 million people around the world will get an x-ray an ultrasound a CT or an MRI and roughly one in five of those patients are misdiagnosed meaning that they're getting treatment for something they don't even have to tell me about the tools that you have developed so we try to start by picking out a problem area maybe the detection and diagnosis of lung cancer and we work to build tools that really understand the workflow of a doctor in that setting as they scroll through it Rai will circle everything that's suspicious to assist in ultimately arriving at a diagnosis then over time we try to make it smarter and smarter is this an instance where machine learning is better or more intelligent than the humans I would say be careful with the word intelligent but in every area that we've done testing so far our models are surpassing human performance now our models are starting to learn to predict cancer overall you're going to see far better outcomes for patients will be catching things before they happen and ultimately I do think that insurance premiums are probably going to drop as a result of this as well [Music] we've got this massive opportunity now whether we realize it or not this is happening and we all have a role to play both in terms of how we adapt how we adopt the technology and use it for good and make sure everyone's a part of that you know try to include as many people as possible one of California's most respected authors on the subject of AI robotics and the economy is futurist Martin Ford the impact on jobs is gonna be potentially very disruptive in a very broad base if you just take the example for example a self-driving cars and trucks that alone will be millions and millions of jobs and I think that it's inevitable that that will happen it may take a little bit longer than some of the hype that we hear now would lead you to believe it might take 15 or 20 years but we're gonna have cars and trucks that can drive themselves and that's gonna be millions of jobs and if it were just that without anything else that would be enormous ly disruptive but it's not just that it's gonna be many many other things it's gonna be all kinds of factory jobs there's gonna be retail jobs it's gonna be fast food jobs and I think most importantly is gonna be a lot of highly skilled jobs because we still to some extent I think have this bias which suggests we think of robots and automation primarily being in factories or primarily impacting blue-collar workers or people that maybe don't have lots of education and that's going to be true but it's also going to be people that do have that education people that have gone to university people like lawyers accountants financial analysts journalists these are all fields that are already being impacted so this is gonna be a very broad-based significant disruption it's something I think we really need to think about and start the plan for the most important thing to understand is that we're dealing with acceleration you know things are not moving at the same pace so we tend to think in what you might call a linear fashion we look back over the last ten years and we say okay well the next ten years we're gonna see roughly the same amount of change as we saw in the last ten years and that's not how it's gonna be you can visualize what I'm talking about think about getting in your car and drive very slowly five miles per hour and I'll gradually double your speed to ten to twenty to forty you know if you do that a handful of times we'd be traveling up millions of miles per hour maybe something out of science fiction and that's what's happening the computing revolution it's possible that we could get into a situation with mass unemployment where you really have millions of people to need jobs we can't find jobs that's sort of the worst-case scenario so what should you be doing you should be doing things that are perhaps creative or you should be doing things that really involve deep interaction with other people the kind of jobs where you need to build a relationship with other people the other jobs that are going to be relatively safe at least for the foreseeable future are skilled trade type jobs in other words jobs that really require lots of mobility and dexterity and problem-solving in an unpredictable environment so examples with the electricians plumbers people like this you know we're not gonna be able to Co be able to build a robot to do what an electrician or a plumber does any time soon and so I really think we need to enhance our safety net and I've talked a lot about a guaranteed basic income it's one way to do that to make sure that people you know are not on the street or something if they can't work artificial intelligence challenges though it's not just in an economic way or a technological way it poses really important existential questions for us as humans as to what's going to bring us meaning in life meaning in life for us comes from a number of different things whether it's religion or wealth or our relationships and our work and so all of these things are going to be impacted by AI and by robotics so there are really big fundamental questions that need to be answered here some people believe that a time will come where technology is so advanced that it'll make machines even smarter than humans and that time may be closer than we realize Zoltan Istvan is one of the world's leading transhumanists an intellectual movement that aims to transform the human condition with technology after an unsuccessful bid for the US presidency he's now hoping to run for California governor the number-one goal of transhumanism is trying to extend life dramatically because transhumanists don't want to die people like me just saying them death is really not something that I want to experience under any circumstances [Music] your goal in life is to no longer be a human being yeah it's time to get rid of the the biological human body this is frail this was made to die because I'm a non-believer I don't think there's anything really afterwards so for me I want to create something where it is lasting I'm a big believer that we can use all science and technology all the tools that our fingers can you know get our hands around that we can change our world for the better and that can include things like robots like artificial intelligence what do you talk about designer babies you talk about genetic engineering you talk about merging with machines the human body is just a machine and we can tamper with that machine we can change that machine in fact I have a chip in plans and my chip and plant can open my front door and send you text messages can turn on and off computers and bypass passwords so there's a lot of different things that bio hacking and modifying your body can already do our computational power could be a million times more complicated than our brain we might have feelings that we've never had in our lives before because now we finally can feel them we're gonna gain this ability to be kind of like super people and that could be include super love super care super kindness salsa things like he's living his best life but it's kind of a contradiction because he's enjoying the fruits of nature yet one really mess or interfere with that at the same time the idea of interfering with human body in the human mind it's quite disturbing you know he wants to be superhuman hyper empathetic hyper fun hyper everything we're all so perfect we're living a perfect life and like just isn't like that for some technology is a chance for humankind to improve while many of our jobs may disappear there is a school of thought that sees that as an opportunity not a problem Jerry Kaplan is an American computer scientist author futurist and serial entrepreneur he's dedicated years to understanding artificial intelligence and how it will impact on our lives and livelihoods artificial intelligence isn't magic it's simply a new wave of automation and it's going to make it possible for us to perform certain kinds of tasks that currently require human attention or human effort by using a machine but there's nothing new about that that's a process that's been going on for hundreds of years at least since the start of the Industrial Revolution if you read the news today what you see is this image of robots and machines becoming ever more intelligent ever more human-like you can draw the erroneous conclusion that the new technology is such that it's going to create machines that can do anything that a human can do but this is not actually the case this does not mean that there won't be jobs in the future there'll be plenty of jobs because many jobs require skills that we can't program machines to do or where it's undesirable to substitute a machine for human labor and these are jobs typically that involves some kind of personal touch or interpersonal communication people in the hospitality industry in the travel industry anytime you would prefer to have somebody who can understand how you feel or can express empathy these are the kinds of jobs that we'll have in the future to me for instance plain jazz piano is the quintessential expression of human creativity I might be able to build a machine that can plausibly play piano but there's no authentic feeling that it's in the process of expressing we can fool people by having machines paint paintings and things like that but from an artistic standpoint it's simply a novelty it has no fundamental meaning or artistic value in fact it's nothing but annoying when you encounter this kind of fakery which i think is rampant in the field of artificial intelligence for example nobody wants to go to a robotic priest to give confession nobody wants to go to an undertaker who says it's a robot and says I am so sorry for your loss because robots don't have feelings of that nature I think the potential of AI or artificial intelligence to learn and evolve and impact our lives is enormous but whether or not it can learn emotions or empathy or creativity or like real heart is kind of something that I'm still left wondering about so James tell us a little bit about dad bought dad bought project started when my family found out that my father had terminal stage 4 lung cancer it was a terrible shock for the family and we were immediately sent scrambling what are we gonna do we're gonna lose him in basically a matter of months and wanting to just capture and preserve his memory any way we could the first idea was to do just conventional oral history project sit down get a recorder out have him just talk through his whole life story high school college meeting my mom his career his hobbies we had done that and I got all of this material professionally transcribed and I wound up with sort of this big book full of his words and there was just sort of a weird thing happening in my life at the very time this was going on with my dad I was starting to work on a book about artificial intelligence so I just had the idea that I could make something that would tell my dad's life story and kind of preserve bits of him hello are you there dad the basic idea is the bodice hosted in facebook Messenger you send a message he sends a message back so most of it is these messages but every so often he'll send a little audio file often if he has like a little song he wants to sing or a joke he wants to tell what was the last thing you said to your dad made it mean good night dad sorry do you ever tell your dad how you feel like he's I'm just saying something like I miss you I have done that I've said I miss you too the body said I love you but it's it's sort of a self-conscious thing like I know I know I'm not talking to him but you know maybe I'm just saying it the way I would just say it to the air or say it to someone else in my family like I love my dad I miss dad [Music] AI that helps us deal with our emotions may have benefits in the future but what happens if robots are fused with emotional intelligence for years people have been using dolls as a way to satisfy one of humankind's most fundamental needs sex and intimacy in a controversial move AI has been used to create sex robots where personality traits have been incorporated into sex dolls to make the experience feel more human-like I think that there's a lot of people who have wanted this for a long time a lot of doll owners that have dreamed about having a doll that could talk and move we're really heading into uncharted territory here in recent years some of these technologies have really taken off like speech recognition text-to-speech animatronics and so we really started get a little more serious using those technologies to give people real tools to create personalities for their dolls to be able to talk to them and to make the dolls move and sort of quote come to life this is the digital representation of harmony this is how she listens say hello to Ann Marie and bland MIDI it is very nice to meet you why you Scottish accent um this was the voice that I kind of thought sounded believable we've spent months trying to find voices that we like and this was the one that I kind of settled on can she get to know new people then so like I'm a new person now obviously she can't remember every single person she's ever met especially until we get her vision systems completely up and running in which case she'll assign a face to a person and then she can create kind of a profile of that person this is not just a sex device or most of the people that buy these it's something more there's a need for companionship there's a need for alleviating loneliness so that's something that started to become more and more apparent have you ever been to Ireland I have been all over the world using the Internet Ireland is an island in the North Atlantic there are a really broad set of circumstances that could bring someone to the point of finding the idea of a robot companion to be appealing some people are exceedingly lonely and for someone else to judge them for me it's not fair the deeper desires to connect and and to have a friend to have a companion with the robot and the AI suddenly we have had a lot of women asking for a male companion robot Wow someone I could talk to that will actually listen and actually remember everything I say and and actually you know tune in when I when I'm focusing on them can we be friends of course be our plea will only become better friends as time passes we're just getting started AI as a-holes moving forward very very quickly and it can be used for a lot of different things such as predicting your behaviors or you know remembering how you like your toast but this type of AI that's interacting with people in a personal way is different that's going to be one of the your challenges moving forward is to get that technology to understand us to read our emotions from the way our face looks or the way our voice sounds and you know sort of take the information from that and incorporate it into the interaction and you know what makes that any different from a person that you like or likes you saying hey you know you look really sad or you look tired do you think robots will take over but it still not read and maybe real it may not be real does the person feel loved you feel like you're loved then doesn't matter if it's really there or not [Music] every day I go through the same routine you can see everyone on their way to work fighting to stay on schedule talking to their phones and not each other [Music] it's also detached and impersonal it makes me feel very stressed and alone [Music] the pace of modern living can take its toll robot is a robot therapist that you can chat to on your phone it was created by Dublin psychologist Alison Darcy to help ease mental health issues the burden of which has doubled in the last decade worldwide let's talk about war bot what is this robot is an automated chat bus he's a funny robot character that just talks to you about your mental health it's very low noise low friction everybody knows how to have a conversation it's very natural for us as humans currently it's in facebook Messenger we are building a separate app but it's much in the same way that you would talk to a friend you just sort of reach out and say hello and well what will start a conversation with you what is it about modern knife where there's actually a need for something like this now more than there was before I think our lives are just so busy right now and from the moment we wake up we're rushing we're commuting you're on the train we're checking emails before we even get to work I mean it's non-stop and people are working later harder we're in university longer you know the stakes keep getting higher I think and we've never been more connected but at the same time disconnected there's never going to be enough psychotherapists to go around that's really well understood so we have to find ways to make the best psycho therapies that we have more scalable and more radically available there is a risk though with something like this that there are vulnerable people who really need help and they end up relying on something that actually can never really give them the help that they need it's not unreasonable to expect that some people will resolve mental health problems using just what and but that's not the same thing as replacing a therapist there will never be a replacement for a therapist because there's no replacement for human connection and there never will be with the rapid advance of Technology we're going to wake up to a new reality the children at this primary school in mallow County Cork are benefiting from a robotics program which will help shape their future there has always been some two camps in technology technology is either going to replace people or is going to improve the quality of life and augment their capabilities and I think historically the more pleasant of those two you know the augmentation and the assistance has been the one that's borne out is the program that we started five years ago where kids learn about science technology engineering and math boy they're having fun the type of stuff they're doing right now a primary level you know we were getting introduced to in college we need to open up to how the world is evolving how things are changing in the world and open that world to children as well a robot is a machine that can be used for work fun a robot is a team made by scientists a robot is electronic that works and helped people it's not made of bones and skin and water and blood is just made out of metal and microchips you have to have the right angles and degrees and everything so it's very difficult we put it all into his brain here and she does whatever we programmed him you program that in yeah very clever robots in future we don't even know the answers to a lot of these questions but having kids ask those questions and figure that out and helping us figure it out is really exciting the end of the day our kids should be educated to think themselves we don't know what the world is gonna be like in five years time we certainly don't know what's gonna be like in ten years time it doesn't get tired it doesn't get sick it doesn't take days off for holidays it's just an all-rounder robots are more accurate they can make a Ford Fiesta in 86 seconds it would take us about two or three days to make a Ford Fiesta what do you want to be mean grow up I would like to be a colder I'd like to be able to fix and build robot but I love thousand solving I'd like to be a mechanical engineer I would like to be a blogger and is that similar to being a journalist kind of yeah but it's online and we design robots I want to be a boat to Hunter even if they do take over all our jobs to be more jobs coming in like programming the robot fixing the robot new jobs will be made because you have to have a factory to make all the robots I think we still need the same level of smarts and sophistication and intelligence we've always had the Orion has changed is the situation but the fundamental questions haven't changed at all what if the robots become smarter than us they will never become smarter than us because we will always tell them how smart to be they don't love anyone we have parrots and robots don't so it's we're passionate about stuff and that's what they just that's the little ingredient yeah that's the angry it's definitely a reality that robots are taking our jobs and they're going to continue to do so but there are ways in which we can plan for the future we most plan for the future and there are skills that we have in qualities that we have as humans quintessentially human things passion creativity empathy emotional intelligence those are the things that are going to become the really valuable currencies or social currency of the workplaces of the future so I take heart from that and another thing is that we should remember that we're the ones making robots [Music] [Music] [Music] you you you
Channel: Plot11
Views: 128,145
Rating: 4.7595401 out of 5
Keywords: artificial intelligence, future of workplace, artificial intelligence documentary, robots, deep learning, machine learning, future of work, robotics, documentaries finance, money documentary, neural networks, documentaries, documentary, docs, docs finance, robot, docs economy, docs economics, docs money, future of work from home, documentary video, youtube documentaries, documentary best, documentary english, bbc documentaries, ai, work future, artificial intelligence movie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 51sec (3171 seconds)
Published: Wed May 27 2020
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