Yea…It’s That Good - MAX REVEWS: Lies of P

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let's [Music] go here's my personal review I absolutely adore this game I loved it and I was constantly surprised that it kept getting better and better and better every single time I finished a stream session for this game I was kind of Blown Away and I missed a ton of stuff right I missed so much throughout my playthrough and I was trying to go out of my way to look for things too and there's just a ton of Secrets for replayability it's got a ton of replayability with choices right let's talk about the basic stuff which is like story it's a bit easier to follow than traditional from soft but there's still a lot of like mystery all over the place it's all it's all over the place there's still a healthy amount of just like what is going on how is this happening the way it exposes it to you there's just so so much to it and a lot of really great character development and stuff for people that like are a little turned off by like the Elden ring and from soft style storytelling I feel like it's a pretty good in between and also it's like it's a Pinocchio you know it it's it's something that you all know about and all all it really does is just give me like crazy hope of what where they can go and what they could do and I don't want to like obviously spoil anything right here but there's just so much so many different directions that they could go with this so gameplay stuff dude weapons like the the game is nuts there's a billion things you can do with replayability on the weapons like it's wild so you get like obviously the boss weapons have their own practical unique move sets maybe not entirely but the majority of them are pretty crazy unique and then you have the handles for the weapons that are actually different move sets and then the modifiers for the handles which are like the heads of the weapons that change kind of like the abilities they have so there's just a ton of things like the variety is crazy I tried to get a bunch I'm missing a lot I really am there's no ranged weapons but there is a ton of throwable items and I later found out that yeah the throwable items are kind of nuts believe it or not they this game gives you a lot of resources to kill the enemy almost too much to a certain degree well that's cool there's just so many things you can do between the Fable Arts I probably didn't even see all of them you know and it's not even including the the puppet arms which I stuck with puppet string because the the final attack for it is crazy but you can do an entire playthrough with like the shield one or any of these other things and just drastically changes stuff like dramatically changes what you do you don't realize it but they give you so many of these things right they give you so much of this stuff throughout the playthrough where if you don't want to reload these things that you just get a ton of it like it's so much fun and then you start realizing oh this is how much freedom I have it's so sick too like there there's so many options to beat ass in this game and I had a couple of moments where it was like oh I'm utilizing the mechanics and I am whooping butt now dude this is crazy cool and I started utilizing that all the way to the final fights speaking of the fights so this game is like you know the majority of the majority of it is bosses how epic and how crazy are the bosses and I can only think of one boss that I that I thought was mostly gimmicky and not that great and it's the door Guardian the door Guardian is kind of like a mini boss too even that is like kind of a minor boss door Guardian just kind of sucks but everything else every other fight I'm like okay this is kind of frustrating and lame but then you learn something and you're like oh it's not that bad oh I can do this oh I can every single fight was like that I was kind of blown away and some of them were sort of like simple hourong later like some hour and 15minute boss it just felt perfect where you just nail this and just destroy it I was like oh my God I think I just adored every single boss fight to the point where I don't think any of the other from soft like games the souls likes that I've played get boss fights as right as this I think even I I think this game has better boss fights than Dark Souls 1 if not Souls I think it does a better job than even some of the early fromsoft games does a definitely a better job than Dark Souls 2 that's the crazy part is that I I think lies of p is directly comparable to from soft games and I think that's probably the biggest review I can the most glowing review I can give it which is what I said several times over this is not a soulslike it's a Souls game it just is so much of it is just so directly like one to one with their design philosophy that all these other developers have tried for the past 10 years to get this right and a lot of games have come very close and taking these elements this just feels like from soft made a Pinocchio game they get it they just didn't take the things that they did like we're going to try right we're just going to make it our game really obtuse and really you know not direct storytelling we're going to make our combat really weighty and heavy like all the things that you think make from soft games from soft games right no no no like they they kind of get it and even the the level design to a degree is super good I think the only thing that was sort of lacking in some places was maybe like the voice acting but just talking about like combat and what you can do it yeah it has that fromsoft feeling where it's like I could I could see myself going through this game several different ways and just having it be the way it is and playing it a completely different way I love this game dude I love it and it's spooky and it's creepy and it's all atmo and the art is amazing and here's the thing so people are like I like this more than bloodborne I think this game is better than bloodborne you know what I think that's fair I think some some people having that interpretation of this it might be better to some people I get it although I I don't say that's true for me because there's probably of all the souls games that isn't just bloodborne litter throughout this game it is not it's got a lot of seiro in it and it's got a lot of like dark souls 3ish to be honest the combat really is isn't bloodborne like the way it feels doesn't feel like bloodborne it just feels more like Souls it feels like it feels like Dark Souls 3 in the same way that I would say a lot of people ask me do you like ff7 remake more than the original and I go well no because the original is the original the original inspired like ff7 remake to be what it is without without the original this game wouldn't be a thing I wouldn't like this as much it's the exact same way about bloodborne this game wouldn't exist without bloodborne none of the other Souls games like integrate all of this storytelling into mechanics into you know items like all this stuff as much as bloodborne does bloodborne does it just beautifully where it's just wild oh my God this is so thought through this is so cool this game is kind of like that right where it it does that same thing in that way even better than the majority of other fromsoft games so the fact that these developers understood that is just what gets me the most about this the whole lying thing and developing your character it's like I said it's missing a character creat which is the the the one thing that makes from soft games or Souls games kind of like Souls games it's missing a character creator and I feel like that's something that these games probably are going to be missing but the development of the character throughout the playthrough I thought was incredibly cool you start off as like a boy and then you're like you're a teenager and you end as a man I wasn't expecting that to happen there's a lot of bloodborne in here but I think that's in design and storytelling beats not as much in like direct gameplay because there were some areas that like I'm like dude we're just in the nightmare of mensis right now oh we're we're kind of doing the forest area and they sort of happen at similar spots but my God man yeah there's very few areas I really disliked about this game they just all feel really good to go through you know what I got to give them credit for there's a couple moments in bloodborne that are sick where like enemies bust through walls and there's a couple of moments in bloodborne that are like that but it doesn't happen all the time in this game they try to they try to inject these cool moments of the enemies like manipulating the environment or busting down walls or doing some crazy thing in every single zone and area and I think that's awesome the enemies that you fight interact with the areas like quite a bit and present to you this like okay here's this crazy challenge here's what they do now like get ready I honestly think this game is incredibly cool I give it like an 11 out of 10 I I I emphatically implore you to play this even if you don't like traditional fromsoft games I really really really implore you to check this game out there's a lot to it it's incredibly fun it's got great levels it's got great storytelling I am being pursued currently it's so good I I give it I give it my my critical rating is a 10 out of 10 critical my personal rating is like an 11 I love this [Music] game
Channel: Maximilian Dood
Views: 119,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: maximilian, dood, fighting, games, capcom, street, fighter, hype, rage, max, reaction, twitch, videos, yo, videogames, maximilian_dood, max dood, dude, stream, streaming, lies of p, bloodborne, playthrough, souls-like, dark souls, pinnochio, geppetto, victor, review, lies of p review
Id: Bi-s1HDE8cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 15 2023
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