Lies of P is the hardest souls-like

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so with the success of Elden ring and honestly all the souls games a lot of developers have been trying to mimic his style and lies of P might actually be the hardest one like so far every single boss in this game has been extremely difficult and I literally spent 4 hours on this dude right here I don't ever want to see his face again but to be fair I'm also pretty new to these kind of games so I might be wrong on that one I know there's people that play these types of games religiously so let me know if I'm right or wrong on that I think the game is about to get a lot harder though cuz we just met jepetto's partner so I'm thinking we're getting towards the end of the game we're supposed to be going to some sort of Island right now I think oh are we getting on this train is that what we're oh what's up guys what was going on oh wait wait no no you guys left me what's up it seems you and I share a strong nah n we ain't Shar no connection no more after you left me like talking to a brick wall okay my young brother here is slowly but surely losing his very sight windows to the world that is why I seek the gold coin fruit it's set to work Miracles sorry buddy do I ever need one can you hear me nope leave me alone do not yeah I definitely wasn't going to give them anything after they abandoned me so I just dip hopped on this train and then I ended up in a puppet graveyard this place is okay there's no easy way to say I I can see that buddy it's a puppet graveyard I I see oh no not another one of these things oh you okay hold on hold on I I've improved at this game since the last time I fought this thing right yeah yeah yeah you saw that okay all right that wasn't no Parry but it's all good okay let me get up bro terrible to think oh my God we're really going to do this again huh okay I got the Agent Shield this oh let oh weave stupid hold on hold on let me heal up real quick hold on hold on try it small come here yeah have you attack him n I've improved that this game woo okay okay okay and then Parry nah yeah your boy's getting better oh I can do that I can do the heavy attack let me back up real quick I could do a heavy attack from distance B stupid nah a couple episod ago I was smashing my controller over fighting this thing now I'm perfectly fine Parry oh that wasn't a Parry it's fine right there no no no hold on hold on let me heal up let me heal up I can't die you know what I'm saying oh your boys improving oh we looking good today hold on I might be chilling today unless they want to do what they always do every single time I play this game and smack me with like 20 Elite ball is then we're going to have a tough time this is exactly what I was talking about with them smacking a billion things in front of everything bro I'm just trying to get to the nearest boss fight why do I got to fight this mad clown uh uh Hey it literally is the mad clown puppet I I'm not fighting you again no no no no I know you're move set but I ain't doing it again I'm going to keep it a buck with you bruh you stay the on over there I'mma head over here where's the guys with the guns army feels bad for running past all these Elite guys but like every time if I was to fight every single one every time I would never have enough FL to actually continue on with the game cuz they throw way too many of these guys around I was not kidding when they say or when I said that they throw like 20 of these things on the way to one boss it's kind of ridiculous dude that is like one of my biggest complaints of this game is just look here's another one right here I honestly don't know how much health these things have hold on let me look cuz I didn't even take a swing on one yet let me just okay okay watch out yeah it has yeah it has a billion health and here comes his body that wants to beat my ass for no reason now I got to run all the way back I'm not making the same mistake twice I'm up out of here this time call out hey hey leave me alone oh no there's a stargazed right here I might actually have to kill this guy yeah yeah I do damn it what the why is it whistling at me okay see that I'm getting better at parrying though stop playing with me e you know okay all right oh I can heavy attack there you go I feel I feel like this weapon does like the posture damage a lot more than every other weapon in this game that I've used so far at least I think I've only used like a handful of weapons though okay oh see why are you swinging that fast let me heal real quick see what what okay what kind of attack is that and then come on die no I should healed I should have healed I up let me heal let me heal let me heal and then I got this AIS Shield hit this thing stupid ass let's go Oh see now this guy is shooting missiles at me and with what in the are these things dude why would I fight any of these why would I do this why would I do that to myself I I'd rather have a peaceful life than fight these things I'm moving on pass you suck at aiming what the hell is that what is this thing oh my what the hey hey okay all all right you're just going to keep jumping at me okay all right that's respectable like what in the hell is that like what kind of children's toy is this that you're uh oh I'm going to get fing smacked okay we're good see what is this oh my how am I going to Parry that that's so fast what in the hell was that nah bro all right let me use this see that does so much damage though that's so nice this is such a good weapon to have I'm spamming my age of sheld and it's not and that's a grab and I'm going to get okay we're we're chilling we're chilling Dodge that and then aent Shield stop playing oh and he's still going he's still going okay got it let me get up hold on let me let me heal up right there there you go can I Parry with this that's a grab again damn man how many grabs are you going to attempt like they're not really oh he's going to do another one okay all right just just oh just back to back to back huh okay understand there you go he's almost dead though oh okay all right all right let me back up real quick heal up and then now let me just hit this there you go that should be it I hope so I hope this is the last Elite enemy I end up fighting cuz damn smack me with the boss at this point is it this up here oh oh I did not mean to use that oh I don't want to use one of these things yeah I kind of just ended up letting the boss kill me cuz I wasn't really trying to fight with the Spectre so now we can actually fight this thing all right Mr Boss Man technically round one all right let's see what you can do okay I thought you were about to jump or something but if you just run into saw that Barry did you just see that Parry no I'm actually an elite I'm an elite lip player at this point okay hold on I his attacks are kind of weirdly delayed he doesn't have that much health while I'm going Dodge right there you know what I'm saying oh I got this boss fight down this boss fight might actually be easy go ahead try it okay I blocked way too early but it's all good what the what what the what the what the oh you're still going okay all right get over here okay then he pulls you in and what the okay all right maybe this is not going to be easy all right so after dying for a couple of times I ended up using my brain just for a second and I realized that me running past everything to get here probably caused costed me a lot of levels and materials so I went back and I ended up killing literally everything I skipped out on and yeah I was right I missed out on quarts and a couple of things to level up my weapons so we're back now and I changed my build a little bit my weapon is now leveled up how it should be and then I now have eight quarts so let's hope I you know I put my brain on overdrive for this one let's hope it works out honestly this boss isn't that crazy it's just some of the moves he has like this one I mean this one isn't that bad he's going to go on the ground and just dodge right there you know what I'm saying and then what what's he going to do I'm waiting for it come on do something oh I'm just going to hold out the shield right there cuz I I don't know how to Parry that but I think I got most of his moves down so he's going to and then left hit oh okay all right now he's going to do another hit there you go then I'm going heavy right here let me back up so I can heal okay we're good we're good okay he's just going to do that Parry Parry he's going to jump up boom and then one more I missed that one but I can still get damage off as long as I block the last one I can still get damage off you see what happens when you use your brain a little stupid let me run in hit him once boom and oh I a heavy I'm going to miss this never mind I'm oh my God I'm so good I'm going to get a heavy off right here and then now I yeah Oh I thought I was going to get my fable thing too but I didn't get that oh no we're actually going to be able to see the second phase if there is a second phase actually yeah there's a second phase what am I saying every boss in this game has a second phas wait does it is it leaving what are you doing what are you doing it it's taking over the puppet oh what the hell isn't this the first puppet or the first or the second the second boss fight in the game isn't this the same boss fight it it looks like it am I tripping oh okay hold on let me heal real quick it kind of looks like the same okay all right he just uh okay okay all right that's a weird move set how am I what what the hell kind of move set is that okay we do decent damage to it though we only have okay all right all right all right all right all right all right all right it's all good if I die right here we're just learning the first the move set this is such a weird move set though I don't like this what the hell is that oh my God he does a lot of damage right through my block what the oh my God okay I really don't like this guy's move set just going to hit him with that heal up Parry that okay okay we got to okay we didn't Parry that in time all right and then he does a swipe after oh then that's a grab I should have known he did that way too long I should have realized that was a grab all right it's fine it's fine it's fine Parry Parry hit him with this and now I could do a heavy attack oh oh oh oh oh I'm greedy I'm greedy I'm greedy okay he's jumping over me what the hell is this what what the hell kind of attack is that all right heavy attack we land one more and then let me hit this thing right here no no no no no no do the thing do the thing there you go I think I might have it this run honestly it is not the this boss is not that bad all right focus on the damn boss fight bro every every time I try to say oh I'm getting pissed every time I try to say a boss is easy they shut me up real quick see what is it what is what is that Parry that okay that's not a Parry it's fine it's fine just Parry okay I can't even Parry that bro it's literally just this phase I've mastered the first phase at this point is just the second phase and then I should be oh no I'm going to get hit here okay all right just heal up real quick come on try it Parry that get one hit off Parry that get two hits off right here and and then Parry that there you go I'm so I'm getting better I'm getting better I'm getting better it's all good just stay calm everything's going to be just fine look at that okay all right it's all good see I when I get hit I lose my damn composure every time oh no let grab oh oh could get a free hit right here I think this might be a run I think I might have it this run okay let me get a heavy right here there you go oh okay okay okay I got to heal up I got to heal up we're going to get one of those Fable attacks soon right here if I could just get that up I think I got fine it's fine and then I'm going to Parry this I then I got it of course I it up why would I not okay it's all it's all good it's all good just just chill out bro just relax we're all good oh I think I actually got it you up and then I can run in get two hits I'm just going to spam it thank you oh man the first phase wasn't that bad but this second phase was stupid oh my go oh we had the golden Ergo that's a I knew you'd do it how did you get here finally The Last Hero weapon is in my hands don't tell me I got to fight you you're my boy bro what's going on man why are you here you couldn't help me this entire time I knew you'd do it I had a feeling you'd be the perfect bait to you the last hero weapon is finally in my hands all right give it to me I knew where it was but I didn't dare lay my hands on it swamp is too dangerous someday soon you'll see bro are you going to give it to me and you've earned a nickname alidoro best all right now you're being disrespectful Ain no way you what you telling me you telling me I can't hit you you you just yo my character gets disrespected on The Daily and he don't do nothing about it ain't nobody got no respect for my character just pedo sends us on missions constantly the the other characters are just why does this thing kind of have a lot of Health do am I do I need to level up more I think I learned my lesson in terms of skipping things I'm no longer skipping nothing we're just going to fight literally every single Mission or enemy on the path and uh if I die it is what it is cuz I if I skip I'm going to die a billion times to the boss fight okay what was that hello what is making the ground shake did you feel that oh an AO amplification effect coming from crot Central Station you're telling me to stay away from Cross Central Station okay pling something again please investigate that are no I'm okay man like why are you asking me this damn do you not be seeing what's around this area look at this thing it doesn't even know I'm here it's too busy Scavenging on a corpse and you want me going around exploring this place like I'm good do you not care for me at all damn look at it's even more oh then there's things falling from the ceiling too all right come here buddy let me talk to you I got my fable Arts ability this is going to take two seconds to kill what just dropped behind me all these things okay we'll just take these out real quick give me okay never mind apparently the chill out chill out chill out chill out hold on oh I know what to do I know what to do I know what to do watch this watch this watch this you ready he's too far away never mind I then I use my fable Arts ability that I was going to use again I'm so bad I'm actually atrocious at this game it's unreal and now my weapon's about to break my weapon about to break I'm losing Health at an exponential rate it's it just went all bad it went all bad in a matter of a second see the really annoying thing with this area so far is these dudes just throwing all this like Decay spit at you and then it ruins your weapon and it takes your health away it's just annoying to deal with so far but I think these things don't really have okay all right hold on let me stop talking let me just let me just kill them come on they don't really have the most health compared to everything else but it's just kind of annoying how much Decay it throws see we just killed an elite enemy what in the is that hey man uh how's it going um oh okay it's running at me here just just hit this there you go it has so much health nah you see this is the problem I have with this game it's just for what we just fought an enemy that took away all our goddamn heels and then they want to smack this thing at us what in the hell am I supposed to nah bro am I supposed to fight this thing I I hit it in it I hate this game oh can I get a back stab on it maybe nope no can't do that how am I supposed to how how am I supposed to kill this thing if every time I hit it it just like it has armor okay so I just got to hit in the face that's all I got to do okay okay all right that's understandable it is getting an here take this dud oh stupid come here nah oh weave weave stop playing with me stop stop playing you know what yeah I take everything I said back of this game being hard okay let let me just stop while I'm ahead bro I need to stop saying this stupid okay all right it's heads in the ground okay and it also hits you when it pulls its head out of the ground okay understandable don't worry about it it's perfectly fine okay then hit oh let me heavy it hey hey bro oh okay went through it there you go okay as long as you got your Fable abilities these things aren't that difficult wait a minute I just realized isn't this the train car this is the train carard I spawned in at what can I sit back down okay can I just chill out the rest of the game I don't want to play no more what is this I perfected the greatest putton now that child again jepetto I really feel like jepetto's up to something for real I I don't trust them we are yes behind the train car where you woke up yeah wait what what is this n are we figuring out that jepetto's a rat a workshop like this here of all places jepetto good great we know exactly wait telling me this has been sitting behind me this this entire time what is it I don't know what the hell that oh that's one of those defense things okay why is the game making me retrace my steps oh what's up bro you friend lost little lamb over all you got okay all right chill out man CH o what the hell you throwing at me me oh you got no Health you really want to do this man you literally got a little can you stop throwing things at me I got some of those too I'm just being modest and not using them you know what I'm saying now you get staggered too nah this is going to be easy you're a boss fight okay stop throwing things at me dude here look look at you look okay you're stagging me you're staggering me too okay you don't don't get staggered on every hit okay all right got it got it okay that was fast as hell there you go stagger him I just need to get my that is too fast to react to I don't believe that's reactable there you go then now let me back up stop swinging bro what did I just say man here take that and then now he backs up super far I hate I hate this game I hate it so much and I can't DOD telling you bro that that first round was a fluke I'm telling you it was okay see see okay why are you why are you swinging so okay you're not even even getting staggered anymore okay no it was a fluke I still believe that see look at you miss that hit him once back up I'm going back up far then I'm going hit him with too heavy right here B stupid and oh let me do another heavy and then now I'm going to do the thing yeah you know you got to exploit him a little bit let me heal up now oh my God you dashed back fast as hell okay all right let me just okay see these attacks are so so hard to Parry it's so fast oh we're chilling let me back up he just Shield it come on Hit It Go ahead stupid ass come here okay all right okay see if I die right here if I die right now never mind I'm chilling I wasn't even worried the entire time you know what I just realized hold on I got to go back to the hotel I have not picked up any of my weapons from the boss fights hey buddy I know you disrespected me earlier but I'm going to need whatever weapon you're selling the last treasure thanks to you yeah no problem give me something good a precious artifact from overseas are you actually going to give it to me though you always remind me of the Rascal who stole it then fell into the nest I I tried to save him but I failed right let the punishment fit the crime I say and in a twist of fate you must become the weapon true owner wait what for Real where is it a great weapon calls for a great warrior hey give me give it to me a a katana nah stop playing hold on let me test this thing out right right quick hold on what's the why you know let me try against this thing right here what the what was the first move on that what what was that what is this supposed to do is that like a like a gap closer or something what is that supposed to do okay let's try the lby I guess what the the Moon Veil combos on this thing feel you see this movement while I'm what what the what is that wait a second that kind of looked like it was going to be a Parry kind of think hold on let me that didn't work okay let's try that again stop playing stop playing stop it stop it if you guys enjoy this video make sure to check out one of my other videos here I hope you all have an amazing day and I'll catch you guys in the next one see you
Channel: Floverse
Views: 69,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Floverse, Flo, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, lies of p, lies of p gameplay, lies of p all bosses, lies of p playthrough, souls like, lies of p bosses, lies of p walkthrough, lies of p ps5, lies of p pc, lies of p boss fight, lies of p hardest boss, Lies of P is the hardest souls-like, souls-like
Id: Eifb5Y_lLDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 11 2023
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